ARTICLE A “Not Particularly Felicitous” Phrase: A History of the “Behavioral Sciences” Label Jefferson D. Pooley
[email protected] Abstract The article reconstructs the history of the "behavioral sciences" label, from scattered interwar use through to the decisive embrace of the newly prominent Ford Foundation in the early Cold War. The rapid uptake of the label, the article concludes, was the result of the Ford Foundation’s 1951 decision to name its social science unit the “Behavioral Sciences Program” (BSP). With Ford’s en- couragement, the term was widely adopted by quantitative social scientists eager to tap the founda- tion’s social science funds. The label’s newness and its link to the gigantic foundation’s initiative generated much suspicion and resistance as well. Keywords Behavioral sciences, Ford Foundation, Cold War There are few behavioral scientists today. But as recently as the 1950s and 1960s, self-identified “behavioral scientists” occupied the elite ranks of American social science. The rapid uptake of the label was the result of the Ford Foundation’s 1951 decision to name its social science unit the “Be- havioral Sciences Program” (BSP). With Ford’s encouragement, the term was widely adopted by quantitative social scientists eager to tap the foundation’s social science funds. The label’s newness and its link to the gigantic foundation’s initiative generated much suspicion and resistance as well. This paper reconstructs the label’s career from scattered interwar use through to Ford’s embrace. Existing histories trace the term back to psychologist James Grier Miller’s Committee on the Be- havioral Sciences at the University of Chicago.