Excellence in E-Content and Creativity Cairo Egypt
Excellence in e-Content and Creativity Cairo Egypt Turning the UN WSIS targets on local content into global action towards 2015 EXCELLENCE IN E-CONTENT AND CREATIVITY 2011 www.wsis-award.org WSA Strategic Under the patronage of UNESCO Partners and Sponsors United Nations Cultural Organization WSA Winners Events Hosts and Partners WSA Grand Jury Hosts and Sponsors Turning the UN WSIS targets on local content into global action towards 2015 World Summit Award Board of Directors Peter A. Bruck, Chairman, World Summit Award Alexander Felsenberg, CEOFelsenberg Consulting, Jak Boumans, Managing Director, Electronic Media CEO and Chief Researcher, Research Studios Austria Düsseldorf / Berlin, GERMANY Reporting, NETHERLANDS Forschungsgesellschaft, AUSTRIA Dorothy K. Gordon, Director-General, Ghana-India Anya Sverdlov, Managing Director, Actis Christian Rupp, Federal Executive Secretary, Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT, GHANA Wunderman, RUSSIAN FEDERATION eGovernment, Chancellery Office, AUSTRIA Osama Manzar, Founder & Director, Digital Lumko Mtimde, Chief Executive Officer, Media Catherine Warren, President, FanTrust Empowerment Foundation, INDIA Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA), Entertainment Strategies, CANADA Alfredo Ronchi, General Secretary, MEDICI SOUTH AFRICA Framework, ITALY Elizabeth Quat, Founder & Immediate Past, Reshan Dewapura , Chief Executive Officer, ICT President, Internet Professional Association (iProA), Manar Alhashash, Secretary General, Kuwait Agency of Sri Lanka (ICTA), SRI LANKA CHINA e-Award; e-Leader, UN GAID, KUWAIT Ralph Simon, CEO & Founder, Mobilium Effat El Shooky, Director of Online Distance Latif Ladid, President, IPv6 Forum, LUXEMBOURG International, Chairman Emeritus & Founder, Learning Program, Cairo Regional Center for Mobile Entertainment Forum-Americas, UNITED Rudy Laddaga Lopez Training on Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in KINGDOM CEO and Co-Founder, U-TOUR, MEXICO Africa -CCCPA- Cairo, EGYPT WSA e-Content & Creativity _2011 3 CAIRO, H.E.
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