
(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,772.464 B2 Smolke et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 8, 2014

(54) APTAMER REGULATED NUCLEICACIDS (56) References Cited AND USES THEREOF U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventors: Christina D. Smolke, Pasadena, CA 4,235,871 A 11/1980 Papahadjopoulos et al. (US); Travis S. Bayer, San Francisco, 4,426,330 A 1/1984 Sears CA (US) 4,501,728 A 2f1985 Geho et al. 4,534,899 A 8, 1985 Sears (73) Assignee: California Institute of Technology, 4,737,323 A 4, 1988 Martin et al. 4,837,028 A 6, 1989 Allen Pasadena, CA (US) 4,897,355. A 1/1990 Eppstein et al. 5,013,556 A 5/1991 Woodle et al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,013,830 A 5/1991 Ohtsuka et al. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 39s A 3. 3: ch st al U.S.C. 154(b) by 1535 days. 5,176,996J. Ww A 1/1993 HoganOW ca. et al. 5,213,804 A 5/1993 Martin et al. 21) Appl. No.: 11A884.110 (21) App 9 (Continued) (22) PCT Filed: Feb. 9, 2006 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (86). PCT No.: PCT/US2OO6/OO48O1 AU 2004206255 A1 8, 2004 S371 (c)(1), WO WO-88.04300 6, 1988 (2), (4) Date: Jul. 29, 2008 (Continued) (87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2006/086669 OTHER PUBLICATIONS PCT Pub. Date: Aug. 17, 2006 Silverman, Rube Goldberg goes (ribo)nuclear? Molecular Switches and sensors made from RNA, RNA 2003 9:377-383.* (65) Prior Publication Data (Continued) US 2012/0035065A1 Feb. 9, 2012 Primary Examiner — Jim Ketter (51) Int. Cl. Assistant Examiner — Reza Ghafoorian CI2N 15/I 15 (2010.01) (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — McCarter & English, LLP: CI2N IS/II (2006.01) Elizabeth A. Hanley: Yu Lu CI2O 1/25 (2006.01) CI2O I/68 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT CI2N IS/00 (2006.01) The invention relates to aptamer-regulated, ligand-responsive (52) U.S. Cl. nucleic acids, or “ampliSwitches, and uses thereof. Particu USPC ...... 536/23.1:536/24.1:435/6.1; 435/91.1; lar embodiments include a ligand-responsive nucleic acid that 435/320.1 comprises a primer sequence domain and an aptamer domain (58) Field of Classification Search that is responsive tO a ligand. None See application file for complete search history. 18 Claims, 21 Drawing Sheets



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AMPLISWITCH O LGAND song 5' 5' TEMPLATE 3' cCecceecCece Fig. 1B U.S. Patent Jul. 8, 2014 Sheet 2 of 21 US 8,772.464 B2






U.S. Patent Jul. 8, 2014 Sheet 3 of 21 US 8,772.464 B2

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Fig. 3B U.S. Patent Jul. 8, 2014 Sheet 4 of 21 US 8,772.464 B2


U.S. Patent Jul. 8, 2014 Sheet 5 of 21 US 8,772.464 B2

APTAMER DOMAIN 5 PRIMING STEM Fig.5 U.S. Patent Jul. 8, 2014 Sheet 6 of 21 US 8,772.464 B2





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Fig.8A U.S. Patent Jul. 8, 2014 Sheet 9 of 21 US 8,772.464 B2

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SEHIDLÅNAS U.S. Patent Jul. 8, 2014 Sheet 11 of 21 US 8,772.464 B2


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U.S. Patent Jul. 8, 2014 Sheet 12 of 21 US 8,772.464 B2

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Fig. 12C U.S. Patent Jul. 8, 2014 Sheet 15 of 21 US 8,772.464 B2

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U.S. Patent US 8,772.464 B2



U.S. Patent Jul. 8, 2014 Sheet 21 of 21 US 8,772.464 B2

000;000;;$ 009/009/ 000/000/00990099 00090009 00990099 0009000S 00GHz00Siz 00980098####000€000€ •00SZOOSTZ 000Z000Z !009l 00S00010001 009005 US 8,772,464 B2 1. 2 APTAMER REGULATED NUCLECACDS molecules (Hermann et al., Science 287,820-5 (2000)). High AND USES THEREOF throughput methods and laboratory automation have been developed to 10" generate aptamers in a rapid and parallel CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED manner (Cox et al., Nucleic Acids Res 30, e108 (2002)). APPLICATIONS Researchers have demonstrated that aptamers can impart allosteric control properties onto other functional RNA mol This application is a U.S. national stage filing under 35 ecules. Such allosteric control strategies have been employed U.S.C. S371 of International Application No. PCT/US2006/ to construct and select in vitro signaling aptamers, in vitro 004801, filed on Feb. 9, 2006, which claims the benefit of the sensors, and in vitro allosterically controlled ribozymes filing date under 35 U.S.C. S 119(e) to U.S. Provisional Appli 10 (Jhaveri et al., Nat Biotechnol 18, 1293-7 (2000); Roth et al., cation No. 60/651,424, filed on Feb. 9, 2005; International Methods Mol Biol 252, 145-64 (2004); and Stojanovic et al., Application No. PCT/US2006/004801 is also a continuation JAm ChemSoc. 126,9266-70 (2004)). in-part application of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 1 1/243, Aptamers present powerful tools for detecting analytes. 889, filed on Oct. 5, 2005, and a continuation-in-part appli However, there is a need to couple the capacity of aptamers to cation of International Application No. PCT/US2005/ 15 bind diverse target ligands with practical signal output meth 036161, which designates the U.S. and was filed on Oct. 5, ods that are typically associated with PCR, gel electrophore 2005. Both U.S. Ser. No. 1 1/243,889 and International Appli sis, or microarray assays. cation No. PCT/US2005/036.161 claim the benefit of the fil ing date under 35 U.S.C. S 119(e) to U.S. Provisional Appli SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION cation No. 60/641,658, filed on Jan. 6, 2005, and U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/615,977, filed on Oct. 5, The present invention provides aptamer-regulated nucleic 2004. International Application No. PCT/US2005/036161 acid sensors, or “ampliSwitches' herein. The subject and International Application No. PCT/US2006/004801 ampliSwitches area versatile class of nucleic acids that can be were both was published under PCT Article 21(2) in English. readily engineered to be responsive to a variety of ligands or The contents of the above-referenced applications are incor 25 analytes of interest, and are useful in many applications such porated herein by reference in their entirety. as diagnostic applications. For example, ampliSwitches can be designed for use in hybridization-dependent detection BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION assays in aligandoranalyte-dependent manner, and are there fore useful as sensors for detecting the presence, absence, or The detection of various target analytes or molecules is an 30 amount of a ligand or analyte of interest. important tool for a variety of applications including diag The aptamer-regulated nucleic acid sensor, or nostic medicine, molecular biology research and detection of ampliSwitch, of the invention generally comprises a priming contaminants or pathogens, to name a few. The detection sequence domain that hybridizes to a nucleic acid target tem methods differ according to the physical characteristics of plate in a sequence dependent manner, and an aptamer each target molecule. For example, protein detection methods 35 domain that binds to a ligand molecule (e.g., an analyte of typically involve antibody-based immunoassays or mass interest) and induces an allosteric or conformational change spectrometry, whereas PCR-based assays may be more in the ampliSwitch molecule so as to affect an activity or appropriate for nucleic acid detection. function of the primer sequence domain. For instance, bind The development of immunoassays and advances in meth ing of the ligand to the aptamer domain can cause a confor ods of nucleic acid amplification have significantly advanced 40 mational change in the nucleic acid that alters the ability of the art of the detection of biological analytes. In spite of these the priming sequence to hybridize to a target template. The advances, nonspecific binding of the analyte to be detected priming sequence domain can have at least two conforma and general assay noise has remained a problem that has tional states or configurations, an “off” state and an “on” state, limited the application and sensitivity of such assays. defined by the priming sequence domains ability or avail Furthermore, while several methods for detecting different 45 ability to interact with a target template. For example, the analytes have evolved, the ability to detect numerous target priming sequence domain can adopt a hairpin loop confor analytes simultaneously has proven difficult. Detection of mation in which the priming sequence is rendered unavailable multiple proteins, for example, has been limited to conven to interact with its target template, and therefore, the hairpin tional electrophoresis assays or immunoassays. There has not loop conformation can be considered as at an “off” state and been a significant multiplexed protein detection assay or 50 the corresponding ampliSwitch is “off” In this embodiment, method. Accordingly, there is a great need for analyte detec an ampliSwitch that is “on” may have the priming sequence tion methods that are sensitive, specific, and readily amenable domain in an “on” configuration that allows it to interact with to multiplex detection. a target template, i.e., by being free to hybridize through Synthetic nucleic acid ligands, or aptamers, are versatile intermolecular basepairing with a sequence in the target tem molecules useful in disease therapy and molecular medicine. 55 plate; the ampliSwitch may switch from “off” to “on” in Researchers have taken advantage of the relative ease with response to the presence of a ligand or analyte of interest that which RNA libraries can be generated and searched to create interacts with an aptamer domain of the ampliSwitch mol synthetic RNA-based molecules with novel functional prop ecule, thereby causing a conformational change of one or erties. Aptamers are nucleic acid binding species that interact more components of the ampliSwitch molecule that leads to with high affinity and specificity to selected ligands. These 60 the “on” configuration of the priming sequence domain. molecules are generated through iterative cycles of selection A priming sequence domain of the invention can be and amplification known as in vitro selection or SELEX switched between its “on” and “off” conformational states in (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrich response to interaction between a ligand or analyte and an ment) (Ellington et al., Nature 346, 818-22 (1990); and Tuerk aptamer domain. Aptamer-regulated nucleic acids, therefore, et al., Science 249, 505-10 (1990)). Aptamers have been 65 act as a switch whose activity is turned “on” and “off” in selected to bind diverse targets Such as dyes, proteins, pep response to ligand or analyte binding. In certain embodi tides, aromatic Small molecules, antibiotics, and other bio ments, the priming sequence domains activity is dependent US 8,772,464 B2 3 4 on the presence or absence of the ligand or analyte of interest, expression constructs useful for producing a subject and/or the amount or concentration of the ligand or analyte ampliSwitch that include (i) a coding sequence which, when available to interact with the aptamer domain. In certain transcribed, produces an ampliSwitch in an expression sys embodiments, an ampliSwitch operates in a binary fashion, tem, Such as for example a host cell, and (ii) one or more alternating between “on” and “off” states depending on the transcriptional regulatory sequences that regulate transcrip presence or absence of a ligand or analyte of interest. In tion of the coding sequence for the ampliSwitch in an expres certain embodiments, an ampliSwitch operates in a tunable sion system containing the expression construct. An expres fashion, ranging between “on” and “off” states depending on sion construct may include an expression vector. Examples of the amount or concentration of a ligand or analyte of interest expression vectors include, for example, episomal expression available to interact with an aptamer domain of the 10 ampliSwitch molecule. vectors, integrative expression vectors, and viral expression In certain embodiments, a Subject ampliSwitch nucleic VectOrS. acid includes: (i) a priming sequence that hybridizes to a The subject ampliSwitch constructs can be derived from target template to form a primer:template pair, and (ii) an various nucleotides and nucleotide analogs, as well as utiliz aptamer that binds to a ligand. Binding of the ligand to the 15 ing various linkage chemistries. For example, the aptamer causes a conformational change in the nucleic acid ampliSwitch can include one or more non-naturally occurring that alters the ability of the priming sequence to hybridize to nucleoside analogs and/or one or more non-naturally occur the target template. In certain embodiments, the primer:tem ring backbone linkers between nucleoside residues. Such plate pair forms only in the presence of the ligand, and the analogs and linkers can be used to alter the stability, nuclease priming sequence is a “ligand activated primer sequence. In susceptibility (or resistance) and/or bioavailability (such as other embodiments, the primer:template pair forms only in cell permeability) relative to a corresponding nucleic acid of the absence of the ligand, and the priming sequence is a naturally occurring nucleosides and phosphate backbone “ligand inactivated primer sequence. In certain embodi linkers. ments, the primer:template pair forms only in the presence of In certain embodiments, a Subject ampliSwitch nucleic the ligandat an amount or concentration greater thana thresh 25 acid comprises 30-500 nucleotides, more preferably 40-400 old level, and the priming sequence is a “ligand activated nucleotides, more preferably 50-300 nucleotides, and more primer sequence. In certain embodiments, the primer:tem preferably 100-200 nucleotides. plate pair forms when the amount or concentration of the The ampliSwitch molecules of the present invention can be ligand is below a threshold level, and the priming sequence is applied to detecting a vast number of ligands or analytes of a “ligand inactivated primer sequence.” 30 interest with which one or more aptamers can be designed To further exemplify, the ampliSwitch can be designed so and/or selected to interact. that ligand binding to the aptamer causes a conformational A ligand or analyte of interest of the present invention can change that renders the priming sequence available for be a nucleic acid, a nucleic acid analog, a peptide, a peptide hybridization to the target template, or can be designed so that analog (e.g., a peptidomimetic), a small molecule, a natural ligand binding causes a conformational change that renders 35 . the primer sequence unavailable for hybridization to the tar In certain embodiments, the ligand is a nucleic acid, Such as get template. In certain embodiments, binding of the ligand to for example a gene transcript. To illustrate, an ampliSwitch the aptamer causes a conformational change in the nucleic molecule of the invention that includes an aptamer domain acid that alters the stability of the duplex formed by the primer capable of interacting with and/or responding to a ligand that sequence stem, which renders the primer sequence available 40 is a gene transcript is useful in determining the gene activity, or unavailable for hybridization to the target template. e.g., expressed or not in a cell. To further illustrate, a conformational change can be one In certain embodiments, the ligand is a natural product. A that produces or removes an intramolecular double-stranded natural product may include any one of the following: feature (which includes the primer sequence), where the polypeptides (used interchangeably herein with "peptides' or double-stranded feature alters the availability of the priming 45 “proteins'), nucleic acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids and lip sequence to hybridize to its target template. In another illus ids, non-peptide hormones (such as Steroids), metabolic pre tration, a conformational change can be one that alters the cursors or products thereof, signal transduction agents. Such ability of the priming sequence to form an intermolecular as second messenger molecules or post-translationally modi double-stranded feature with its target template. fied proteins. A protein natural product can be a growth factor, In certain embodiments, hybridization of the priming 50 a receptor (e.g., a epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, or sequence to its target template forms a primer:template pair a Her2 receptor), a cytokine, an antigen (e.g., a tumor antigen, that can be a for an extrinsic enzymatic activity. For or an antigen of an infectious agent Such as for example a example, the primer:template pair may be a Substrate for a virus, a bacterium, a fungus, or a prion), or an antibody (e.g., DNA polymerase (e.g., taq polymerase orphi29) in a primer an antibody against an antigen of an infectious agent) to extension reaction. The primer extension reaction generates 55 merely illustrate. To further illustrate, an ampliSwitch mol an extension product that is complementary to the target ecule of the invention that includes an aptamer domain template. In certain embodiments, the primer: template pair is capable of interacting with and/or responding to a ligand that a Substrate in a primer extension reaction Such as in poly is an antigen of an infectious agent (e.g., a Surface antigen of merase chain reaction (PCR), strand displacement amplifica a virus) is useful for detecting the presence and/or determin tion (SDA), rolling circle amplification (RCA), ligase chain 60 ing the amount of the infectious agent in a sample (e.g., a reaction, nucleic acid sequence-based amplification serum sample, a blood sample, or a urine sample). Accord (NASBA), or transcription-mediated amplification. In certain ingly, the ampliSwitch molecules can be useful diagnostic other embodiments, the primer:template pair acts as a Sub tools. strate for a DNA ligase. In certain embodiments, the ligand can be an enzyme co A nucleic acid ampliSwitch molecule of the invention may 65 factor, an enzyme substrate or a product of an enzyme-medi comprise deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), or a ribonucleic acid ated reaction. To illustrate, an ampliSwitch molecule of the (RNA), or both. Likewise, the invention also provides for invention that includes an aptamer domain capable of inter US 8,772,464 B2 5 6 acting with and/or responding to a ligand that is a product of vector comprising a coding sequence corresponding to one or an enzyme-mediated reaction is useful in determining the more ampliSwitch nucleic acids, for producing ampliSwitch enzyme’s activity. molecules in the cell. In certain instances, the ligand is a small molecule having The subject ampliSwitch nucleic acids have many useful a molecular weight less than 3500 amu. These can be natu applications, Some of which are illustrated above. Generally, rally or non-naturally occurring molecules, including pep the present invention contemplates a method for detecting the tides, Small organic molecules (including drugs and certain presence and/or amount of a ligand or analyte of interest in a metabolites and intermediates, cofactors, etc), and metalions. sample. The method involves forming a mixture that includes To illustrate, an ampliSwitch molecule of the invention that the sample, a target template, and an ampliSwitch nucleic 10 acid comprising, for example, (i) a priming sequence that includes an aptamer domain capable of interacting with and/ hybridizes to the target template in the sample to form a or responding to a small molecule ligand that is a metabolite primer:template pair, and (ii) anaptamer that binds to a ligand or intermediate of a drug is useful for pharmacokinetics, molecule of interest, if the ligand is present or if the ligand is bioavailability, and bioeduivalence studies of the drug. present at a level or concentration greater than a threshold Certain embodiments provide methods of designing and 15 level. Binding of the ligand to the aptamer causes a confor selecting aptamers or aptamer domains that are responsive to mational change in the ampliSwitch nucleic acid that allows one or more pre-selected or pre-determined ligands or ana the priming sequence to hybridize to the target template. The lytes of interest. AmpliSwitches may also be “tuned so that method may further involve incubating the mixture under their Switching behavior is more or less responsive to ligand conditions that allow the priming sequence to hybridize to the binding. Similarly, ampliSwitches may be “tuned so that the target template, extending the primer sequence to synthesize binding affinity of the aptamer domain is more or less sensi an extension product that is complementary to the target tive to its ligand. For instance, the thermodynamic properties template, and detecting the extension product. The presence of intramolecular duplex formation and other secondary and of one or more extension products is indicative of the detec tertiary structures in the ampliSwitch may be altered so that tion of the ligand of interest. In certain embodiments, the the aptamer domain is more or less amenable to ligand bind 25 amount of an extension product may correlate with and there ing, i.e., such as may be manifest in the dissociation constant fore be used to determine the amount of the ligand in the (K.) or other kinetic parameters (such as k, and k, rates). sample. Alternatively, allosteric changes in the priming sequence Extension of the primer sequence may be performed by any domain may be more or less responsive to ligand binding polymerase-mediated primer extension reaction known in the upon alterations in hybridization and other intramolecular 30 art. For instance, primer extension may be performed by interactions that may effect secondary and tertiary structures PCR, SDA, RCA, ligase chain reaction, NASBA, transcrip of the ampliSwitch. Forward engineering strategies for alter tion-mediated amplification or other amplification methods ing the thermodynamic properties of nucleic acid structures known in the art. Natural, non-natural or modified nucleotides are well known in the art. For instance, increased comple may be incorporated into the extension products. Non-natural mentary nucleic acid pairing may increase the Stability of a 35 or modified nucleotides include, without limitation, radioac priming sequence oraptamer domain. It is anticipated that the tively, fluorescently, or chemically-labeled nucleotides. Fur absolute and relative stabilities of the primer sequence thermore, extension products may comprise one or more fluo domain stem and the aptamer stem will be important design rophores and/or quencher moieties which alter the parameters in tuning the Switch behavior of an ampliSwitch. fluorescence of the sample. A quencher moiety causes there to In certain other embodiments, the aptamer domain of an 40 be little or no signal from a fluorescent label (e.g., a fluoro ampliSwitch is responsive to other environmental changes. phore) when placed in proximity to the label. Such methods Environmental changes include, but are not limited, to are useful, for example, in rapid or high-throughput methods. changes in pH, temperature, osmolarity, or salt concentration. Detection of a labeled extension product may be performed In certain embodiments, an ampliSwitch molecule com by direct or indirect means (e.g., via a biotin/avidin or a prises multiple modular components, e.g., one or more 45 biotin/streptavidin linkage). It is not intended that the present aptamer domains and/or one or more priming sequence invention be limited to any particular detection system or domains. In other embodiments, an ampliSwitch of the inven label. tion interacts with and responds to multiple ligands. For In certain embodiments, an extension product is detectable instance, an ampliSwitch molecule may comprise anaptamer using one or more of a variety of detection methods, includ domain that responds to multiple ligands, or may comprise 50 ing, but not limited to, enzyme (e.g., ELISA, as well as two or more aptamer domains that each aptamer domain enzyme-based histochemical assays), colorimetric, fluores responds to a ligand. Optionally, one or more priming cent, radioactive, chemical, electrical, optical, and lumines sequence domains are modulated by the one or more aptamer cent methods. Other examples of detection methods include, domains that respond to multiple ligands. In a specific aspect, without limitation, gel electrophoresis or microarrays includ a cooperative ligand controlled nucleic acid is provided, 55 ing conventional gene or oligonucleotide chips, bead-based wherein multiple ligands sequentially bind to multiple array systems (see, e.g., U.S. Pat. No. 6,355.431), and arrays aptamer domains to allosterically regulate one or more prim using nucleic acids containing electron transfer moieties (see, ing sequence domains. AmpliSwitches comprising multiple e.g., U.S. Pat. No. 6,753,143). modular components are useful for detecting multiple ana Still other aspects of the invention provide a library of lytes in a sample, either sequentially or simultaneously. 60 aptamer-regulated nucleic acids, such as libraries having a In certain embodiments, an ampliSwitch molecule further variegated population of nucleic acids having different comprises a functional group or a functional agent, e.g., an aptamers and/or different priming sequence domains. A intercalator or an alkylating agent. library of ampliSwitch nucleic acids may have diversity Still another aspect of the present invention relates to cells amongst the aptamers with respect to the types of ligands that which include one or more ampliSwitches of the present 65 can be bound (specificity) and/or variation amongst the invention, or which have been engineered with one or more aptamers with respect to the affinity for the same ligand. expression constructs, such as for example an expression Likewise, a library of ampliSwitch nucleic acids may have US 8,772,464 B2 7 8 diversity amongst the priming sequence domains with respect environmental sample may include, but are not limited to, a to the thermodynamic stability of the priming sequence water sample from a natural body of water or another source domain in the presence or absence of ligand binding and/or of interest (e.g., tap water, water storage container), an air may hybridize to unique target template nucleic acids. sample, or a geological sample. A sample may be processed In certain embodiments, the invention provides a library of 5 and prepared to be analyzed using a method of the present two or more ampliSwitch nucleic acids, wherein each invention. aptamer in the library binds to a different ligand. Each of the In one embodiment, the method involves forming a mix two or more ampliSwitch nucleic acids comprises (i) a prim ture that comprises the sample, two or more unique target ing sequence that hybridizes to a target template to form a templates, and a library of two or more ampliSwitch nucleic primer:template pair, and (ii) an aptamer that binds to a 10 acids as described herein. Each aptamer in the library has a ligand. Binding of the ligand to the aptamer causes a confor different binding affinity for the same ligand. Each of the mational change in the nucleic acid that alters the ability of unique target templates is associated with a nucleic acid that the priming sequence to hybridize to its target template. In binds to the ligand when the ligand is present in a specific certain embodiments, each of the two or more ampliSwitch concentration (or greater than the specific concentration). The nucleic acids comprises the same priming sequence(s) that 15 method further involves incubating the mixture under condi is(are) capable of hybridizing to the same target template(s). tions that allow a priming sequence to hybridize to its target In certain embodiments, each of the two or more ampliSwitch template, extending the primer sequence to synthesize an nucleic acids comprising a unique priming sequence (which extension product that is complementary to the target tem may comprise one or more priming sequence domains), and plate, and detecting the extension product. The identity of the therefore, each ampliSwitch molecule's priming sequence extension product can be associated with the concentration of hybridizes to one or more unique target templates. the ligand. In another embodiment, the invention provides a library of In another embodiment, the present invention contem two or more ampliSwitch nucleic acids, wherein each plates a method for detecting the concentration of a ligand in aptamer in the library has a different binding affinity for the a sample using a library of two or more ampliSwitch nucleic same ligand. Each of the two or more ampliSwitch nucleic 25 acids, wherein the priming sequence domain in each nucleic acids comprises (i) a priming sequence that hybridizes to a acid has a different thermodynamic stability. The method target template to form a primer:template pair, and (ii) an involves forming a mixture that comprises the sample, two or aptamer that binds to a ligand. Binding of the ligand to the more unique target templates, and said library. Each of the aptamer causes a conformational change in the nucleic acid unique target templates is associated with a nucleic acid that that alters the ability of the priming sequence to hybridize to 30 comprises a priming sequence domain that undergoes a con its target template. In certain embodiments, each of the two or formational change dependent on the concentration of the more ampliSwitch nucleic acids comprises the same priming ligand that is present. The method further involves incubating sequence(s) that is(are) capable of hybridizing to the same the mixture under conditions that allow the priming sequence target template(s). In certain embodiments, each of the two or to hybridize to its target template, extending the primer more ampliSwitch nucleic acids comprising a unique priming 35 sequence to synthesize an extension product that is comple sequence (which may comprise one or more priming mentary to the target template, and detecting the extension sequence domains), (and therefore, each ampliSwitch mol product. In certain embodiments, an extension product may ecule's priming sequence hybridizes to one or more unique be amplified by nucleic acid amplification prior to detection. target templates. Any method for nucleic acid amplification, Such as PCR, may In certain other embodiments, the invention provides a 40 be used in the invention. The identity of the extension product library of two or more ampliSwitch nucleic acids, wherein the can be associated with the concentration of the ligand. priming sequence domain in each nucleic acid has a different The present invention also contemplates a method for thermodynamic stability. The different thermodynamic sta detecting two or more different ligands in a sample. The bilities in the priming sequence domains cause each method involves forming a mixture that comprises the ampliSwitch nucleic acid to undergo a conformational 45 sample, two or more unique target templates, and a library of change in response to different concentrations of ligand. Each two or more ampliSwitch nucleic acids as described herein. of the two or more ampliSwitch nucleic acids comprises (i) a Eachaptamer in the library binds to a different ligand. Each of priming sequence that hybridizes to a unique target template the unique target templates is associated with a nucleic acid to form a primer:template pair, and (ii) anaptamer that binds that binds to a unique ligand. The method further involves to a ligand. Binding of the ligand to the aptamer causes a 50 incubating the mixture under conditions that allow a priming conformational change in the nucleic acid that alters the abil sequence to hybridize to its target template, extending the ity of the priming sequence to hybridize to its target template. primer sequence to synthesize an extension product that is In another aspect, the invention provides an expression complementary to the target template, and detecting the library comprising one or more expression constructs. Each extension product. The identity of the extension product can of the expression constructs includes a nucleic acid sequence 55 be associated with the ligand of interest to determine if the that encodes an ampliSwitch molecule of the invention. ligand is present in the sample. In a further aspect, the invention provides methods In certain embodiments, the present invention provides a employing one or more of the libraries of ampliSwitch package or kit for detecting a ligand of interest in a sample. A nucleic acids herein. To illustrate, the present invention con package or kit may comprise, for example, (i) at least one templates a method for detecting the concentration of a ligand 60 container means having disposed therein one or more in a sample, Such as for example, a medical sample, a food ampliSwitch nucleic acid molecules as described herein; and sample, a cosmetic sample, or an environmental sample. A (ii) a label and/or instructions for performing a method for medical sample may include, but are not limited to, blood, detecting the ligand of interest. Any method described herein serum, urine, saliva, or biopsy sample from an animal includ for detecting a ligand of interest may be used. ing a human patient. A food sample may include, but are not 65 The embodiments and practices of the present invention, limited to, a piece of food, or a Swipe of a food processing other embodiments, and their features and characteristics, object (e.g., blender, knife, processor, kitchen counter). An will be apparent from the description, figures and claims that US 8,772,464 B2 9 10 follow, with all of the claims hereby being incorporated by plate pair. The output from the triggered PCR reaction will be this reference into this Summary. detected, for example, as different sized templates on a gel or different channel amplification signals through qRT-PCR. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS to FIG. 7 is a diagram that shows the use of sets of ampliSwitches to detect the concentration of multiple ligands FIGS. 1A and 1B outline the components of an in a sample. Each analyte will be quantified with a set of ampliSwitch nucleic acid. FIG. 1A is a schematic of an ampliSwitch sensors that each bind to a different ligand (e.g., ampliSwitch nanosensor. The conformation of this sensor is PDGF, bFGF, IgG, and thrombin) and are tuned to switch at illustrated in the nonligand-bound state. The locations of the different concentration set points. The output from the trig priming stem, aptamer domain, and Switching aptamer stem 10 gered PCR reaction will be detected, for example, as different are indicated. FIG. 1B is a schematic of the mechanism by sized templates on a gel or different fluorescent channel which an ampliSwitch sensor switches between two different amplification signals through qRT-PCR. conformations induced by ligand binding to the ampliSwitch. FIGS. 8A-8C show oligonucleotide microarray-based In the unbound state the ampliSwitch is not bound to the detection using ampliSwitch sensors and triggered PCR out template or the ligand. In the bound state the ampliSwitch is 15 put. The template output from each ampliSwitch-triggered bound to ligand which induces a conformational shift in the PCR detection event will hybridize to a unique location on an ampliSwitch structure such that the priming stem binds to the oligonucleotide microarray as illustrated for a single analyte template and the Switching aptamer stem binds to a comple in FIG. 8A. This format will allow multiplex detection of both mentary region within the ampliSwitch. Primer sequence is analyte sets and concentration sets. The microarray-based shown in red. Switching aptamer stem sequence is shown in output from a multiplex detection and quantification scheme blue. Target template sequence is shown in green. is illustrated in FIG. 8B, next to the corresponding gel output FIG. 2 is a schematic that illustrates the mechanism of in FIG. 8C. ampliSwitch detection of analyte ligands. Analyte binding to FIG. 9 is a diagram that illustrates the quantification of an ampliSwitch induces a conformational change that enables ligand analyte levels using a library of ampliSwitch mol ampliSwitch binding of the primer strand to its template. The 25 ecules. A set of ampliSwitches are tuned so that they triggered PCR detection assay converts the conformational undergo a conformational change in response to specific ana change from an ampliSwitch binding event to an easy to lyte concentrations. AmpliSwitches are tuned by modifying detect output signal. The output from the triggered PCR assay the dissociation constant of the aptamer and ligand or the is illustrated for both a positive and negative detection event. thermodynamic stability of the primer sequence stem or the In the case of a positive detection event an amplified double 30 aptamer stem. The set of ampliSwitches is used simulta stranded DNA template is generated that can be detected, for neously to detect the concentration of a ligand in a sample. example, through qRT-PCR or gel imaging. As illustrated, Illustrated are two methods of detecting the amplified prod this signal is not generated from a negative detection event. uct, spotted oligonucleotides (e.g., on a microarray or nitro The output is read as a binary, yes/no signal. cellulose filter) and agarose-gel detection. FIGS. 3A and 3B are schematic drawings that illustrate in 35 FIG. 10 is a diagram that illustrates the use of ampliSwitch vitro ligand analyte detection by ampliSwitch nucleic acids. technology for quantification of analyte ligand levels. Ana FIG. 3A shows the conformational change that is induced in lyte concentrations can be detected by designed sets of ampliSwitch molecules in response to ligand binding. FIG. tuned ampliSwitches to each analyte using forward engi 3B shows the hybridization of an ampliSwitch primer neering techniques. These ampliSwitches can then be used sequence to a target template in the presence of ligand. The 40 simultaneously (e.g., in a library of two or more primer:template pair trigger primer extension and a PCR ampliSwitches) with their primer:template pairs to detect amplification reaction to generate a plurality of amplified concentrations of different analytes in a complex mixture as primer extension products that are detected by standard meth illustrated. Examples of output detection using two different ods of detecting nucleic acid products, such as direct mea methods, microarray-based and agarose gel-based, are illus Surement of fluorescence by qRT-PCR, on an agarose gel, or 45 trated. by hybridization to an oligonucleotide microarray. FIGS. 11A and 11B show ampliSwitches as nanosensors FIG. 4 is a drawing that illustrates the digital output signals for digital, amplification-based analyte quantification. FIG. generated from a PDGF ampliSwitch that switches its con 11A is a graph showing qRT-PCR data from a PDGF formation around 5 nM PDGF. As illustrated, in solutions ampliSwitch (sPDGF1). Positive signals are detected in trig with concentrations lower that 5 nM PDGF the output from 50 gered PCR reactions run at 400 and 200 nM PDGF. No the triggered PCR assay will indicate a negative sensing event amplification signals are detected at concentrations of 100 with background levels of amplification. In concentrations nM and lower. FIG. 11B is a photograph of agarose gel output higher than 5 nM PDGF the output will indicate a positive from triggered PCR reactions. Lanes 1 and 10, 100-bp ladder; sensing event with identical levels of amplification. lanes 2-9, varying concentrations of PDGF; lane 2-0 nM; lane FIG. 5 is a diagram that shows the ampliSwitch sensor 55 3-1.25 nM; lane 4-12.5 nM; lane 5-25 nM; lane 6-50 nM; lane regions that will be targeted fortuning ligand response prop 7-100 nM; lane 8-200 nM; lane 9-400 nM. Positive amplifi erties. The stability of the priming stem will be altered to cation signals are detected in lanes 8 and 9, corresponding to affect the concentration Switching point of an ampliSwitch 200 and 400 nM PDGF, respectively. using thermodynamic design strategies. In addition, the bind FIGS. 12A-12C show a tuned ampliSwitch concentration ing affinity of the aptamer domain for ligand can be changed 60 response. FIG. 12A is a graph showing qRT-PCR output from to affect this Switching point by using modular design strat sPDGF2. Positive signals are detected at PDGF concentra egies. Primer sequence is shown in red. Switching aptamer tions between 100-400 nM PDGF. FIG.12B is a graph show stem sequence is shown in blue ing qRT-PCR output from spDGF3. Positive signals are FIG. 6 is a schematic showing the use of a set of detected at PDGF concentrations between 50-400 nM PDGF. ampliSwitches for the simultaneous detection of different 65 FIG. 12C is a series of photographs of agarose gel outputs analytes using ampliSwitch sensors. Each analyte will be from tuned ampliSwitch sensors. Lanes 1 and 10, 100-bp detected with a distinct ampliSwitch sensor and primer: tem ladder; lanes 2-9, varying concentrations of PDGF; lane 2-0 US 8,772,464 B2 11 12 nM; lane 3-1.25 nM; lane 4-12.5 nM; lane 5-25 nM; lane 6-50 or analyte of interest. One aspect relates to aptamer-regulated nM; lane 7-100 nM; lane 8-200 nM; lane 9-400 nM. Data nucleic acids and methods that employ ampliSwitches as in indicates that spDGF1 switches conformation at ligand con vitro sensors to detect the presence, absence, or amount of a centrations between 100 and 200 nM, SPDGF2 between 50 molecule in a sample. Another aspect of the invention pro and 100 nM, and SPDGF3 between 25 and 50 nM. vides a library of two or more aptamer-regulated nucleic FIG. 13 is a photograph showing a gel shift assay that acids, and methods and kits employing Such a library for the monitors the formation of an ampliSwitch-template-Small simultaneous detection of multiple molecules in a sample, or molecule ligand complex across different concentrations of for detecting the concentration of a molecule in a sample. theophylline. Thus, one aspect of the present invention provides engi FIG. 14 shows the sequence and predicted structure of an 10 neered, aptamer-regulated nucleic acids that are allosteric ampliSwitch that binds to the hormone trans-androsterone. sensors of analyte ligands. A general design of an aptamer Structural switching of the ampliSwitch in the presence or absence of trans-androsterone is shown. In the “on” state, the regulated nucleic acid is based on conformational dynamics trans-androsterone responsive Switch hybridizes to a target of nucleic acid folding to create a dual stem molecule com template. Primer sequence is shown in blue. Switching 15 prised of a primer sequence domain stem and an aptamer aptamer stem sequence is shown in red. Target template stem. These components are preferably designed Such that in sequence is shown in green. The sequence of the trans-an the absence of ligand, the free energy of the priming sequence drosterone-binding ampliSwitch is represented by SEQ ID stem is lower than that of the aptamer stem. Ligand and target NO: 1. The sequence portion that complements the 3'-portion act cooperatively to alter the conformational dynamics of of the ampliSwitch is represented by SEQID NO: 2. these molecules and stabilize the formation of the aptamer FIG. 15 shows the sequence and predicted structure of an stem and the binding of the priming sequence domain to its ampliSwitch that binds to the platelet-derived growth factor target transcript. Theaptamer-regulated nucleic acid platform (PDGF) protein. Structural switching of the ampliSwitch in is flexible, enabling both positive and negative regulation. the presence or absence of PDGF is shown. In the “on” state, The “on” Switch is designed using the same energetics on an the PDGF-responsive switch hybridizes to a target template. 25 altered platform such that in the absence or low levels of Primer sequence is shown in blue. Switching aptamer stem ligand the priming sequence domain is free to bind to the sequence is shown in red. Target template sequence is shown target; however ligand binding changes the conformational in green. The sequence of the PDGF-binding ampliSwitch is dynamics of these molecules so that the priming sequence represented by SEQ ID NO: 3. The sequence portion that domain is bound in the aptamer Stern. complements the 3'-portion of the ampliSwitch is represented 30 Many detection strategies, such as ELISA, immuno-PCR, by SEQID NO: 4. and proximity ligation, benefit from amplifying output sig FIGS. 16A and 16B show a tuned ampliSwitch concentra nals. Accordingly, in certain embodiments of the invention, tion response. FIG. 16A is a photograph of an agarose gel ampliSwitch sensing events are amplified using triggered output from an ampliSwitch sensor that is tuned to respond to PCR. In this method, the ampliSwitch, primer:template pair, PDGF at concentrations from 100-200 nM (or greater) PDGF. 35 and analyte are incubated initially in a buffered solution. In The gel indicates that primer extension products were gener mixtures with levels of analyte sufficient to bind to the ated when PDGF was present at 200 nM and 400 nM. FIG. ampliSwitch, the ampliSwitch will undergo a conformational 16B is a photograph of an agarose gel output from an change such that the priming strand will bind to its template. ampliSwitch sensor that is tuned to respond to trans-andros Thermostable DNA polymerase and dNTPs are then added to terone at concentrations from 4-40 uM (or greater) trans 40 the mixture and cycled through appropriate PCR conditions. androsterone. The gel indicates that primer extension prod In the absence of ampliSwitch binding to the template, no ucts were generated when trans-androsterone was present at amplifiable template is created. This amplified output can be 40 uM and 400 uM. detected by standard methods for nucleic acid detection. For FIGS. 17A-17C show a tuned ampliSwitch concentration example, this amplified output can be detected through quan response for PDGF-responsive switches spDGF1, spDGF2, 45 titative real-time PCR, agarose gel detection, or by hybrid and SPDGF3. SPDGF1 Switches conformation between 0 and ization to oligonucleotide microarrays or nitrocellulose fil 25 nM PDGF; sPDGF2 switches conformation between 25 ters. Due to the unique switching behavior of ampliSwitch and 50 nM PDGF; and SPDGF3 switches conformation nucleic acids, the presence or absence of an analyte ligand is between 100 and 150 nM PDGF. FIG. 17A is a qRT-PCR given in a binary yes/no format. Specifically, a given graph and agarose-gel showing output from the tuned 50 ampliSwitch will prime the same number of templates at all ampliSwitches. The agarose-gel output indicates that exten analyte ligand concentrations above a given threshold, and sion products are detectable at PDGF concentrations of 25 will not prime the template below the same threshold. nM and higher with the spDGF3 switch. FIG. 17B is a qRT The present invention also contemplates other methods for PCR graph and agarose-gel showing output from tuned amplifying output signals resulting from hybridization of a ampliSwitches. The agarose-gel output indicates that exten 55 primer sequence to a target template. For example, output sion products are detectable at PDGF concentrations of 50 signals, or extension products, may be generated by poly nM and higher with the spDGF2 switch. FIG. 17C is a qRT merase chain reaction, Strand displacement amplification, PCR graph and agarose-gel showing output from tuned rolling circle amplification, nucleic acid sequence based ampliSwitches. The agarose-gel output indicates that exten amplification, ligase chain reaction, transcription-mediated sion products are detectable at PDGF concentrations of 150 60 amplification, Q-beta replicase, InvaderTM technology, or nM and higher with the spDGF1 switch. other amplification methods known in the art. Accordingly, in addition to a target template, a solution comprising an DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION ampliSwitch of the invention may further comprise any nec essary enzymes, polymerases, nucleases, ligases, nucleic 1. Overview 65 acids, or other components required for any of the methods The present invention provides aptamer-regulated nucleic described herein. For instance, depending on the method of acids, or “ampliSwitches that respond to binding to a ligand primer extension that is utilized, a sample may further com US 8,772,464 B2 13 14 prise an additional nucleic acid primer. The design and use of fect; there may be any number of base pair mismatches which such additional components are well known to the skilled will interfere with hybridization between the target sequence artisan. and the primers of the present invention. However, if the The Switching dynamics of aptamer-regulated nucleic number of mutations is so great that no hybridization can acids are amenable to tuning by forward engineering design occur under even the least stringent of hybridization condi strategies based on thermodynamic properties of nucleic tions, the sequence is not a complementary target sequence or acids. Altering the free energy of the primer domain alters the template. conformational dynamics of these molecules in a predictable By “ligand’ or “analyte' or grammatical equivalents fashion. Specifically, decreasing the stability of the primer herein is meant any molecule or compound to be detected and sequence domain stem decreases the ligand concentration 10 that can interact with an aptamer to be designed and/or necessary to induce a conformational change in an aptamer selected as described here. Suitable ligands or analytes regulated nucleic acid and increasing the stability of the include, but are not limited to, Small chemical molecules Such primer sequence domain stem increases the ligand concen as environmental or clinical chemicals, pollutants or biomol tration necessary to induce the conformational change. ecules, including, but not limited to, pesticides, insecticides, In addition, the aptamer-regulated nucleic acid platform is 15 toxins, therapeutic and abused drugs, hormones, antibiotics, fully modular, enabling ligand response and target template antibodies, organic materials, etc. Suitable biomolecules specificity to be engineered by Swapping domains within the include, but are not limited to, proteins (including enzymes, aptamer-regulated nucleic acid. This provides a platform for immunoglobulins and glycoproteins), nucleic acids, lipids, the construction of tailor-made aptamer-regulated nucleic lectins, carbohydrates, hormones, whole cells (including pro acids for a variety of different ligands. Ligand binding of the caryotic (such as pathogenic bacteria) and eukaryotic cells, aptamer domain in aptamer-regulated nucleic acids is including mammalian tumor cells), viruses, spores, etc. Illus designed separately from the target template specificity of the trative analytes that are proteins include, but are not limited primer sequence domain by Swapping only the aptamer to, enzymes; drugs; cells; antibodies; antigens; cellular mem domain. Likewise, the target template specificity of the brane antigens and receptors (neural, hormonal, nutrient, and primer sequence domain can be designed separately from the 25 cell Surface receptors) or their natural ligands. ligand binding of the aptamer domain by Swapping the primer Accordingly, the present invention provides compositions sequence domain so that a different target template nucleic and methods for detecting the presence or absence of a ligand acid is targeted without affecting the aptamer domain. or analyte of interest in a sample. As will be appreciated by Aptamer-regulated nucleic acids present a powerful, flexible those in the art, the sample may comprise any number of method of detecting one or more molecules in a sample. 30 things, including, but not limited to, bodily fluids (including, In certain embodiments, aptamer-regulated nucleic acids but not limited to, blood, urine, serum, lymph, saliva, analand comprise multiple modular components, e.g., one or more vaginal secretions, perspiration and semen, of virtually any aptamer domains and/or one or more primer sequence organism, with mammalian samples being preferred and domains. In other embodiments, an aptamer-regulated human samples being particularly preferred); environmental nucleic acid of the invention interacts with and responds to 35 samples (including, but not limited to, air, agricultural, water multiple ligands. For instance, aptamer-regulated nucleic and Soil samples); biological warfare agent samples; research acids may comprise an aptamer domain that responds to samples; purified samples, such as purified genomic DNA, multiple ligands, or may comprise more than one aptamer RNA, proteins, etc.; raw samples (bacteria, virus, genomic domain that each respond to a ligand. Optionally, one or more DNA, etc.). As will be appreciated by those in the art, virtu primer sequence domains are modulated by the one or more 40 ally any experimental manipulation may have been done on aptamer domains that respond to multiple ligands. In a spe the sample, including, but not limited to lysing or rupturing cific aspect, a cooperative ligand controlled nucleic acid is cells in the sample or purifying the sample to remove one or provided, wherein multiple ligands sequentially bind to mul more components. tiple aptamer domains to allosterically regulate one or more 2. Aptamer-regulated Nucleic Acids primer sequence domains. Aptamer-regulated nucleic acids 45 In one embodiment, an aptamer-regulated nucleic acid of comprising multiple modular components are useful for pro the invention comprises an aptamer domain and a primer or cessing multiple ligands and the generation of cooperative priming sequence domain. Anaptamer-regulated nucleic acid aptamer-regulated nucleic acids. For instance, an aptamer of the invention may comprise DNA or RNA or chimeric regulated nucleic acid may bind to two or more different mixtures, derivatives or modified versions thereof, and may ligands. An aptamer-regulated nucleic acid may be config 50 be single-stranded or double-stranded. An aptamer-regulated ured so that it only hybridizes to a target template in response nucleic acid may comprise multiple modular components, to the binding of both ligands, or to neither of the two ligands. e.g., one or more aptamer domains and/or one or more primer In aptamer-regulated nucleic acids that bind to two or more domains. Aptamer-regulated nucleic acids may further com ligands, the binding of a first ligand may increase the capacity prise a functional group or a functional agent, e.g., an inter for the aptamer to bind the second ligand. In certain other 55 calator or an alkylating agent. Aptamer-regulated nucleic embodiments, two or more aptamer-regulated nucleic acid acids may comprise synthetic or non-natural nucleotides and ampliSwitches respond to two or more ligands, but have a analogs (e.g., 6-mercaptopurine, 5-fluorouracil, 5-iodo-2'- single output. For instance, a target template can be hybrid deoxyuridine and 6-thioguanine) or may include modified ized by the primer sequences of ampliSwitches that respond nucleic acids. Exemplary modifications include cytosine exo to different ligands. 60 cyclic amines, Substitution of 5-bromo-uracil, backbone By "primer' or “priming sequence herein is meant a modifications, methylations, and unusual base-pairing com nucleic acid that will hybridize to Some portion, i.e. a domain, binations. Aptamer-regulated nucleic acids may include of a target sequence or template. Priming sequences of the labels, such as fluorescent, radioactive, chemical, or enzy present invention are designed to be complementary to a matic labels. target sequence, such that hybridization of the target 65 AmpliSwitches can be modified at the base moiety, Sugar sequence and the probes of the present invention occurs moiety, or phosphate backbone, for example, to improve sta through base-pairing. This complementarity need not be per bility of the molecule, hybridization, etc. AmpliSwitches may US 8,772,464 B2 15 16 include other appended groups such as peptides. To this end, polar solvents, but otherwise the salts are equivalent to their an ampliSwitch may be conjugated to another molecule, e.g., respective free acid for purposes of the present invention. As a peptide. used herein, an addition salt suitable for in vitro use includes Aptamer-regulated nucleic acids may be modified so that a salt of an acid form of one of the components of the com they are resistant to nucleases, e.g. exonucleases and/or endo positions of the invention. These include organic or inorganic nucleases, and are therefore stable in Solution. Exemplary acid salts of the amines. Preferred acid salts are the hydro nucleic acid molecules for use in aptamer-regulated nucleic chlorides, acetates, Salicylates, nitrates and phosphates. Other acids are phosphoramidate, phosphothioate and methylphos salts that are suitable for in vitro use are well known to those phonate analogs of DNA (see also U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,176,996; skilled in the art and include basic salts of a variety of inor 5,264,564; and 5,256,775). 10 An ampliSwitch may comprise at least one modified base ganic and organic acids. Preferred examples of acceptable moiety which is selected from the group including but not salts include but are not limited to (a) salts formed with limited to 5-fluorouracil, 5-bromouracil, 5-chlorouracil, 5-io cations such as Sodium, potassium, ammonium, magnesium, douracil, hypoxanthine, Xanthine, 4-acetylcytosine, 5(car calcium, polyamines such as spermine and spermidine, etc.; boxyhydroxytriethyl) uracil, 5-carboxymethylaminomethyl 15 (b) acid addition salts formed with inorganic acids, for 2-thiouridine, 5-carboxymethylaminomethyluracil, example hydrochloric acid, hydrobromic acid, Sulfuric acid, dihydrouracil, beta-D-galactosylqueosine, inosine, N6-iso phosphoric acid, nitric acid and the like; (c) salts formed with pentenyladenine, 1-methylguanine, 1-methylinosine, 2.2- organic acids such as, for example, acetic acid, oxalic acid, dimethylguanine, 2-methyladenine, 2-methylguanine, 3-me tartaric acid, Succinic acid, maleic acid, fumaric acid, glu thylcytosine, 5-methylcytosine, N6-adenine, conic acid, citric acid, malic acid, ascorbic acid, benzoic acid, 7-methylguanine, 5-methylaminomethyluracil, 5-meth tannic acid, pahnitic acid, alginic acid, polyglutamic acid, oxyaminomethyl-2-thiouracil; beta-D-mannosylqueosine, naphthalenesulfonic acid, methanesulfonic acid, p-toluene 5-methoxycarboxymethyluracil, 5-methoxyuracil, 2-meth Sulfonic acid, naphthalene disulfonic acid, polygalacturonic ylthio-N6-isopentenyladenine, uracil-5-oxyacetic acid (v), acid, and the like; and (d) salts formed from elemental anions Wybutoxosine, pseudouracil, queosine, 2-thiocytosine, 5-me 25 Such as chlorine, bromine, and iodine. thyl-2-thiouracil, 2-thiouracil, 4thiouracil, 5-methyluracil, In a further embodiment, an ampliSwitch is an -anomeric uracil-5-oxyacetic acid methyl ester, uracil-5-oxyacetic acid oligonucleotide. An -anomeric oligonucleotide forms spe (v), 5-methyl-2-thiouracil, 3-(3-amino-3-N2-carboxypropyl) cific double-stranded hybrids with complementary RNA in uracil, (acp3)w, and 2,6-diaminopurine. which, contrary to the usual-units, the Strands run parallel to An ampliSwitch may also comprise at least one modified 30 each other (Gautier et al., 1987, Nucl. Acids Res. 15:6625 Sugar moiety selected from the group including but not lim 6641). The oligonucleotide is a 2'-O-methylribonucleotide ited to arabinose, 2-fluoroarabinose, xylulose, and hexose. (Inoue et al., 1987, Nucl. Acids Res. 15:6131-6148), or a An ampliSwitch can also contain a neutral peptide-like chimeric RNA-DNA analogue (Inoue et al., 1987, FEBS Lett. backbone. Such molecules are termed peptide nucleic acid 215:327-330). (PNA)-oligomers and are described, e.g., in Perry-O'Keefeet 35 An aptamer domain responds to ligand or analyte binding al. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93:14670 and in Eglom to induce an allosteric change in the priming sequence et al. (1993) Nature 365:566. One advantage of PNA oligo domain, and alters the ability of the priming sequence domain mers is their capability to bind to complementary DNA essen to interact with its target template. Ligand binding, therefore, tially independently from the ionic strength of the medium switches the primer domain from “off to “on” or vice versa. due to the neutral backbone of the DNA. In yet another 40 Aptamer-regulated nucleic acids, therefore, act as a Switch embodiment, an ampliSwitch comprises at least one modified whose activity is turned “off” and “on” in response to ligand phosphate backbone selected from the group consisting of a binding. The response of the aptamer domain to the ligand phosphorothioate, a phosphorodithioate, a phosphoramidot may also depend on the ligand identity and/or the amount or hioate, a phosphoramidate, a phosphordiamidate, a meth concentration of ligand exposed to the aptamer domain. For ylphosphonate, an alkyl phosphotriester, and a formacetal or 45 example, an aptamer may bind Small molecules, such as analog thereof. drugs, metabolites, intermediates, cofactors, transition state Aptamer-regulated nucleic acids of the invention also analogs, ions, metals, nucleic acids, and toxins. Alternatively, encompass salts, esters, salts of such esters, or any other salts. anaptamer may bind natural and synthetic polymers, includ In certain embodiments, the salts oresters may be suitable for ing proteins, peptides, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, glyco in Vivo use. Such as pharmaceutically acceptable salts or 50 proteins, hormones, receptors and cell Surfaces Such as cell esters. In certain embodiments, any salts or esters suitable for walls and cell membranes. In certain other embodiments, the in vitro use can be employed. Suitable base addition salts are aptamer domain of a ligand controlled nucleic acid is respon formed with metals or amines, such as alkali and alkaline sive to environmental changes. Environmental changes earth metals or organic amines. Examples of metals used as include, but are not limited to changes in pH, temperature, cations are sodium potassium, magnesium, calcium, and the 55 osmolarity, or salt concentration. like. Examples of suitable amines are N.NI-dibenzylethyl In preferred embodiments, ligand binding at the aptamer enediamine, chloroprocaine, choline, diethanolamine, dicy domain mediates a change in the conformational dynamics of clohexylamine, ethylenediamine, N-methylglucamine, and these molecules that allows the primer sequence to hybridize procaine (see, for example, Berge et al., “Pharmaceutical to a target nucleic acid template. In certain embodiments, the Salts.” J. of Pharma Sci., 1977, 66, 1-19). The base addition 60 primer sequence domain of anaptamer-regulated nucleic acid salts of said acidic compounds are prepared by contacting the interacts with a target template nucleic acid by nucleic acid free acid form with a sufficient amount of the desired base to hybridization. For instance, an aptamer-regulated nucleic produce the salt in the conventional manner. The free acid acid may comprise a primer sequence domain that comprises form may be regenerated by contacting the salt form with an a hybridization sequence that hybridizes to a target template acid and isolating the free acid in the conventional manner. 65 and anaptamer domain that binds to a ligand. The binding of The free acid forms differ from their respective salt forms the ligand to the aptamer domain causes a conformational Somewhat in certain physical properties such as Solubility in change in the aptamer-regulated nucleic acid that alters the US 8,772,464 B2 17 18 ability (such as availability and/or Tm) of the hybridization primer:template pair. The primer: template pair may then act sequence of the primer domain to hybridize to a target tem as a Substrate for an extrinsic enzymatic activity. For example, plate. the primer:template pair may act as a substrate for a DNA An aptamer-regulated nucleic acid ampliSwitch of the polymerase (e.g., taq polymerase or phi29 polymerase) invention, may be synthesized by Standard methods known in which extends the primer sequence to form a complementary the art, e.g., by use of an automated DNA synthesizer (such as nucleic acid extension product. The presence and amount of are commercially available from Biosearch, Applied Biosys the extension product, therefore, correlates with the amount tems, etc.). As examples, phosphorothioate oligonucleotides or concentration of the ligand of interest. Any method known may be synthesized by the method of Stein et al. Nucl. Acids. in the art can be used to detect the extension product. For Res. 16:3209 (1988)), methylphosphonate oligonucleotides 10 example, an extension product can be detected by colorimet can be prepared by use of controlled pore glass polymer ric detection, fluorescent detection, chemiluminescence, gel supports (Sarin et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85:7448 electrophoresis, or oligonucleotide microarray. In certain 7451 (1988)), etc. embodiments, the extension product is comprised of one or Another approach for generating ampliSwitch nucleic more non-natural or modified nucleotides. Non-natural or acids utilizes standard recombinant DNA techniques using a 15 modified nucleotides include, without limitation, radioac construct in which the ampliSwitch or other aptamer-regu tively, fluorescently, or chemically labeled nucleotides. In lated nucleic acidisplaced under the control of a strongpol III other embodiments, the extension product is labeled with one or pol II promoter in an expression vector. This construct can or more fluorophores and/or quenchers which alter the fluo be transformed or transfected into a prokaryotic or eukaryotic rescence of said sample. cell that transcribes the ampliSwitch. Such a vector can Aptamers remain episomal or become chromosomally integrated, as An “aptamer may be a nucleic acid molecule, such as long as it can be transcribed to produce the desired RNA or DNA that is capable of binding to a specific molecule ampliSwitch. Expression vectors appropriate for producing with high affinity and specificity (Ellington et al., Nature 346, an aptamer-regulated nucleic acid are well-known in the art. 818-22 (1990); and Tuerket al., Science 249,505-10 (1990)). For example, the expression vector is selected from an episo 25 Illustrative ligands that bind to an aptamer include, without mal expression vector, an integrative expression vector, and a limitation, Small molecules, such as drugs, metabolites, inter viral expression vector. A promoter may be operably linked to mediates, cofactors, transition state analogs, ions, metals, the sequence encoding the ampliSwitch. Expression of the nucleic acids, and toxins. Aptamers may also bind natural and sequence encoding the ampliSwitch can be by any promoter synthetic polymers, including proteins, peptides, nucleic known in the art to actin eukaryotic or prokaryotic cells. Such 30 acids, polysaccharides, glycoproteins, hormones, receptors promoters can be inducible or constitutive. Examples of and cell surfaces such as cell walls and cell membranes. The mammalian promoters include, but are not limited to, the binding of a ligand to an aptamer, which may be DNA or SV40 early promoter region (Bernoist and Chambon, Nature RNA, causes a conformational change in the primer domain 290:304-310 (1981)), the promoter contained in the 3' long and alters its ability to interact with its target template. There terminal repeat of Rous sarcoma virus (Yamamoto et al., Cell 35 fore, ligand binding affects the primer domains ability to 22:787-797 (1980)), the herpes thymidine kinase promoter hybridize to a target template to form a primer:template pair, (Wagner et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 78:1441-1445 for example. An aptamer will most typically have been (1981)), the regulatory sequences of the metallothionine gene obtained by in vitro selection for binding of a target molecule. (Brinster et al, Nature 296:3942 (1982)), etc. However, in vivo selection of an aptamer is also possible. In certain embodiments, an aptamer-regulated nucleic acid 40 Aptamers have specific binding regions which are capable of is in the form of a hairpin or stem-loop structure. Such struc forming complexes with an intended target molecule in an tures can be synthesized exogenously or can be formed by environment wherein other Substances in the same environ transcribing from RNA polymerase III promoters in cells ment are not complexed to the nucleic acid. The specificity of suitable for expressing recombinant DNAs. Examples of the binding is defined in terms of the comparative dissociation making and using hairpin structures are described, for 45 constants (Kd) of the aptamer for its ligand as compared to the example, in Paddison et al., Genes Dev, 2002, 16:948-58: dissociation constant of the aptamer for other materials in the McCaffrey et al., Nature, 2002, 418:38-9; McManus et al., environment or unrelated molecules in general. A ligand is RNA 2002, 8:842-50; Yu et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, one which binds to the aptamer with greater affinity than to 2002, 99:6047-52). unrelated material. Typically, the Kd for the aptamer with AmpliSwitch nucleic acids can be purified using a number 50 respect to its ligand will be at least about 10-fold less than the of techniques known to those of skill in the art. For example, Kd for the aptamer with unrelated material or accompanying gel electrophoresis can be used to purify Such molecules. material in the environment. Even more preferably, the Kd Alternatively, non-denaturing methods, such as non-denatur will be at least about 50-fold less, more preferably at least ing column chromatography, can be used to purify the about 100-fold less, and most preferably at least about 200 ampliSwitch molecules. In addition, chromatography (e.g., 55 fold less. An aptamer will typically be between about 10 and size exclusion chromatography), glycerol gradient centrifu about 300 nucleotides in length. More commonly, an aptamer gation, and affinity purification with antibodies can be used to will be between about 30 and about 100 nucleotides in length. purify ampliSwitches. The terms “nucleic acid molecule' and “polynucleotide' The invention thus provides a class of in vitro nucleic acid refer to deoxyribonucleotides or ribonucleotides and poly sensors, for example, aptamer-regulated nucleic acids that 60 mers thereof in either single- or double-stranded form. Unless sense the presence or amount a molecule in a sample through specifically limited, the term encompasses nucleic acids con changes in nucleic acid conformation upon ligand binding to taining known analogues of natural nucleotides which have the aptamer domain of anaptamer-regulated nucleic acid. For similar binding properties as the reference nucleic acid and example, a ligand that interacts with the aptamer domain of an are metabolized in a manner similar to naturally occurring aptamer-regulated nucleic acid Switches “on” the primer 65 nucleotides. Unless otherwise indicated, a particular nucleic domain of the aptamer-regulated nucleic acid. The activated acid sequence also implicitly encompasses conservatively primer domain then hybridizes to a target template to form a modified variants thereof (e.g., degenerate codon Substitu US 8,772,464 B2 19 20 tions) and complementary sequences and as well as the chemistry, 34:656-665 (1995), PCT Publication Nos. WO sequence explicitly indicated. Specifically, degenerate codon 99/54506, WO 99/27133, WO 97/42317 and U.S. Pat. No. Substitutions may be achieved by generating sequences in 5,756,291. which the third position of one or more selected (or all) Generally, in their most basic form, in vitro selection tech codons is Substituted with mixed-base and/or deoxyinosine niques for identifying RNA or DNA aptamers involve first residues (Batzer et al., Nucleic Acid Res. 19:5081 (1991); preparing a large pool of DNA molecules of the desired length Ohtsuka et al., J. Biol. Chem. 260:2605-2608 (1985); and that contain at least Some region that is randomized or Rossolini et al., Mol. Cell. Probes 8:91-98 (1994)). Also mutagenized. For instance, a common oligonucleotide pool included are molecules having naturally occurring phos for aptamer selection might contain a region of 20-100 ran phodiester linkages as well as those having non-naturally 10 domized nucleotides flanked on both ends by an about 15-25 occurring linkages, e.g., for stabilization purposes. The nucleotide long region of defined sequence useful for the nucleic acid may be in any physical form, e.g., linear, circular, binding of PCR primers. The oligonucleotide pool is ampli or Supercoiled. The term nucleic acid is used interchangeably fied using standard PCR techniques, although any means that with oligonucleotide, gene, cDNA, and mRNA encoded by a will allow faithful, efficient amplification of selected nucleic gene. 15 acid sequences can be employed. The DNA pool may be in Aptamers are readily made that bind to a wide variety of vitro transcribed to produce a pool of RNA transcripts if an molecules. Each of these molecules can be detected using the RNA aptamer is desired. The pool of RNA or DNA oligo methods of the invention. For example, organic molecules, nucleotides may then be subjected to affinity chromatogra nucleotides, amino acids, polypeptides, target features on cell phy, although any protocol which will allow selection of Surfaces, ions, metals, salts, saccharides, have all been shown nucleic acids based on their ability to bind specifically to to be suitable for isolatingaptamers that can specifically bind another molecule (e.g., a protein or any target molecule) may to the respective ligand. For instance, organic dyes Such as be used. In the case of affinity chromatography, the oligo Hoechst 33258 have been successfully used as target ligands nucleotides are most typically passed through a column or in vitro aptamer selections (Werstuck and Green, Science contacted with magnetic beads or the like on which the target 282:296-298 (1998)). Other small organic molecules like 25 ligand has been immobilized. Oligonucleotides in the pool dopamine, theophylline, sulforhodamine B, and cellobiose that bind to the ligand are retained on the column or bead, have also been used as ligands in the isolation of aptamers. while nonbinding sequences are washed away. The oligo Aptamers have also been isolated for antibiotics Such as kana nucleotides that bind the ligand are then amplified (after mycin A, lividomycin, tobramycin, neomycin B, Viomycin, reverse transcription if RNA transcripts were generated) chloramphenicol and streptomycin. For a review of aptamers 30 again by PCR (usually after elution). The selected pool that recognize Small molecules, see Famulok, Science sequences are then put through another round of the same 9:324-9 (1999). type of selection. Typically, the pool sequences are put The aptamer-regulated nucleic acid of the invention can through a total of about three to ten iterative rounds of the detect any ligand, insofar as the aptamer can bind to the ligand selection procedure. The cDNA is then amplified, cloned, and at a level that is greater than aptamer binding to unrelated 35 sequenced using standard procedures to identify the sequence material. The binding affinity of the aptamer for the ligand of the molecules that are capable of acting as aptamers for the should also be sufficiently strong and the structure formed by target ligand. Once an aptamer sequence has been Success the aptamer when bound to its ligand should be significant fully identified, the aptamer may be further optimized by enough so as to Switch an aptamer-regulated nucleic acid of performing additional rounds of selection starting from a pool the invention between “on” and “off” states. In some embodi 40 of oligonucleotides comprising a mutagenized aptamer ments, the ligand is a polypeptide whose presence in a sample sequence. For use in the present invention, the aptamer is is indicative of a disease or pathological condition. In other preferably selected for ligand binding in the presence of salt embodiments, the ligand for an aptamer is an antibiotic. Such concentrations and temperatures which mimic normal physi as chloramphenicol. In an alternative embodiment, the ligand ological conditions. of the aptamer is an organic dye such as Hoeschst dye 33258. 45 One can generally choose a Suitable ligand without refer In still another embodiment, the ligand may be a metalion. In ence to whether anaptamer is yet available. In most cases, an a specific embodiment, the aptamer domain of an aptamer aptamer can be obtained which binds the ligand of choice by regulated nucleic acid responds to binding to caffeine. In someone of ordinary skill in the art. The unique nature of the certain embodiments, the ligand of the aptamer is a cell in vitro selection process allows for the isolation of a suitable permeable, Small organic molecule. The ligand may option 50 aptamer that binds a desired ligand despite a complete dearth ally be a drug, including, for example, a steroid. The ligand of prior knowledge as to what type of structure might bind the may also be a metabolite or an intermediate of a drug. desired ligand. The aptamer-regulated nucleic acid of the invention can be For an aptamer to be suitable for use in the present inven comprised entirely of RNA. In other embodiments of the tion, the binding affinity of the aptamer for the ligand must be invention, however, the aptamer-regulated nucleic acid can 55 sufficiently strong and the structure formed by the aptamer instead be comprised entirely of DNA, or partially of DNA, or when bound to its ligand must be significant enough so as to partially of other nucleotide analogs. Switch an aptamer-regulated nucleic acid of the invention Aptamers are typically developed to bind particular ligands between “on” and “off states or tune the activity level of an by employing known in vivo or in vitro (most typically, in aptamer-regulated nucleic acid. vitro) selection techniques known as SELEX (Ellington et al., 60 Primer Sequences and Target Templates Nature 346, 818-22 (1990); and Tuerk et al., Science 249, A primer sequence may be a nucleic acid molecule, such as 505-10 (1990)). Methods of making aptamers are also DNA or RNA, that is capable of hybridizing to a specific described in, for example, U.S. Pat. No. 5,582,981, PCT target nucleic acid template with high affinity and specificity. Publication No. WOOO/20040, U.S. Pat. No. 5,270,163, Lor The primer sequence has a specific binding region that is sch and Szostak, Biochemistry, 33:973 (1994), Mannironi et 65 capable of forming complexes with an intended target tem al., Biochemistry 36:9726 (1997), Blind, Proc. Natl. Acad. plate molecule in an environment wherein other Substances in Sci. USA96:3606-3610 (1999), Huizenga and Szostak, Bio the same environment are not complexed to the nucleic acid. US 8,772,464 B2 21 22 The specificity of the binding may be defined in terms of the Stringent conditions will be those in which the salt concen comparative melting point of the primer sequence for its tration is less than about 1.0 M sodium ion, typically about target template as compared to the melting point of the prim 0.01 to 1.0 M sodium ion concentration (or other salts) at pH ing sequence for other unrelated nucleic acids in the environ 7.0 to 8.3 and the temperature is at least about 30°C. to about ment. A target template will bind to the primer sequence with 60° C. Stringent conditions may also be achieved with the greater affinity than to unrelated material. addition of helix destabilizing agents such as formamide. The Hybridization of the primer sequence, or a portion of the hybridization conditions may also vary when a non-ionic primer sequence, to a target nucleic acid template forms a backbone, i.e. PNA is used, as is known in the art. In addition, primer:template pair that is capable of acting as a Substrate for cross-linking agents may be added to covalently attach a an extrinsic enzyme. For example, a primer:template pair can 10 primer:template pair. These parameters may also be used to serve as a substrate for a DNA polymerase that extends the primer to form an extension product that is complementary to control non-specific binding, as is generally outlined in U.S. the target template. Formation of the primer: template pair is Pat. No. 5,681,697. Thus it may be desirable to perform certain steps at higher stringency conditions to reduce non dependent on ligand binding. For instance, the binding of a specific binding. ligand to an aptamer causes a conformational change in the 15 primer domain and alters its ability to hybridize to interact Sequence identity between the primer sequence and target with its target template. Therefore, ligand binding affects the template may be optimized by sequence comparison and primer domains ability to hybridize to a target template to alignment algorithms known in the art (see Gribskov and form a primer:template pair, for example. Devereux, Sequence Analysis Primer, Stockton Press, 1991, Hybridization of the primer sequence to the target template and references cited therein) and calculating the percent dif may be by conventional base pair complementarity. The abil ference between the nucleotide sequences by, for example, ity to hybridize will depend on the degree of complementarity the Smith-Waterman algorithm as implemented in the BEST between the primer sequence and the target template. Gener FIT Software program using default parameters (e.g., Univer ally, the longer the hybridizing portion of the primer sity of Wisconsin Genetic Computing Group). Greater than sequence, the more base mismatches with a target nucleic 25 90% sequence identity, or even 100% sequence identity, acid it may contain and still form a stable duplex (or triplex, between the primer sequence and the target template is pre as the case may be). One skilled in the art can ascertain a ferred. tolerable degree of mismatch by use of standard procedures to A target template may be engineered or it may be a portion determine the melting point of the hybridized complex. The of agene, a regulatory sequence, genomic DNA, cDNA, RNA melting point of the hybridized complex is determined 30 including mRNA and rRNA, or others. As is outlined herein, according to the hybridization conditions in the assay that the target template may be a target sequence from a sample, or will be used. In certain embodiments, the length of the primer a secondary target such as a product of a reaction. The selec sequence of an aptamer-regulated nucleic acid is between tion of a target template sequence is dependent on factors about 8 and about 500 nucleotides. In other embodiments, the Such as desired length, complementarity to the primer length of the primer sequence is between about 10 and about 35 sequence, and desired length and sequence of the extension 250, about 20 and about 150 nucleotides, or about 20 and product produced upon primer extension of the primer about 100 nucleotides. The length of the primer sequence that sequence. The target template sequence may also depend on is complementary to the target template may be all or a the method used to detect the extension product in a primer portion of the primer sequence domain. For example, the extension reaction that uses the primer:template pair as a length of a primer sequence that is complementary to a target 40 substrate. The skilled artisan will evaluate these consider template may be between about 4 and about 500 nucleotides. ations to select the appropriate target template. For instance, In other embodiments, the length of a primer sequence that is the desired length of the extension product may be from about complementary to a target template is between about 10 and 5 nucleotides to about 5000 nucleotides, from about 10 nucle about 250, about 12 and about 150 nucleotides, or about 12 otides to about 3000 nucleotides, from about 20 nucleotides and about 100 nucleotides. 45 to about 1500 nucleotides, from about 25 nucleotides to about Under Stringent conditions, a primer sequence in an 750 nucleotides or from about 100 to about 500 nucleotides. ampliSwitch will hybridize to its target template, but not to an Accordingly, the desired length of the target template will unrelated nucleic acid. Nucleic acid hybridization is affected correspond to the desired length of the extension product, and by Such conditions as salt concentration, temperature, organic therefore, be in a similar range, or about 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, Solvents, base composition, length of the complementary 50 250, 500, 1000, 1500, 2500, or 5000 nucleotides long. The Strands, and the number of nucleotide base mismatches sequence of the target template can be tailored according to between the hybridizing nucleic acids. A variety of hybrid the method used to detect the extension product. For example, ization conditions may be used in the present invention, if methods such as size, fluorescence, radioactivity, or lumi including high, moderate and low stringency conditions; see nescence are used to detect the extension product, the for example Maniatis et al., Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory 55 sequence of the target template may not be critical. However, Manual, 2d Edition, 1989, and Short Protocols in Molecular the sequence of the extension product, and therefore the target Biology, ed. Ausubel, etal, hereby incorporated by reference. template, may be important when sequence specific hybrid Stringent conditions are sequence-dependent and will be dif ization of the extension product is used. For example, the ferent in different circumstances. Longer complementary extension product may be applied to a nucleic acid microarray sequences hybridize specifically at higher temperatures. An 60 or to nucleic acids spotted on a nitrocellulose filter. These extensive guide to the hybridization of nucleic acids is found detection methods depend on sequence specific hybridization in Tijssen, Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biol to identify the extension product of interest. In instances ogy Hybridization with Nucleic Acid Probes, “Overview of where the extension product is detected by agarose-gel based principles of hybridization and the strategy of nucleic acid electrophoresis, the exact sequence of the extension product, assays” (1993). Generally, stringent conditions are selected to 65 and therefore the target template, may not be critical, but the be about 5-10°C. lower than the thermal inciting point (Tm) length of the product may be important to detecting the exten for the specific sequence at a defined ionic strength and pH. sion product. US 8,772,464 B2 23 24 A nucleic acid target template used in the invention may be be little or no signal from a fluorescent label (e.g., a fluoro synthesized by Standard methods known in the art, e.g., by use phore) when placed in proximity to the label. Such methods of an automated DNA synthesizer. A target template may also are useful, for example, in rapid or high-throughput methods. be generated using standard recombinant DNA methods as Detection of a labeled extension product may be performed described herein. Primer sequences and target templates refer by direct or indirect means (e.g., via a biotin/avidin or a to deoxyribonucleotides or ribonucleotides and polymers biotin/stretpavidin linkage, agarose gel-based methods, fluo thereof in either single- or double-stranded form. Unless spe rescent detection, or sequence specific hybridization on an cifically limited, they encompass nucleic acids containing oligonucleotide microarray or nitrocellulose filter). It is not known analogues of natural nucleotides which have similar intended that the present invention be limited to any particular binding properties as the reference nucleic acid and are 10 detection system or label. metabolized in a manner similar to naturally occurring nucle The present invention is directed to the detection (and otides. Unless otherwise indicated, a particular nucleic acid optionally quantification) of a ligand analyte in a sample by sequence also implicitly encompasses conservatively modi detecting products of nucleic acid primer extension reactions. fied variants thereof (e.g., degenerate codon Substitutions) Primer extension methods include, but are not limited to, and complementary sequences, as well as the sequence 15 polymerase chain reaction (PCR), rolling circle amplification explicitly indicated. Specifically, degenerate codon Substitu (RCA), cycling probe technology (CPT), strand displacement tions may be achieved by generating sequences in which the assay (SDA), transcription mediated amplification (TMA), third position of one or more selected (or all) codons is sub nucleic acid sequence basedamplification (NASBA), ligation stituted with mixed-base and/or deoxyinosine residues chain reaction (LCR), and invasive cleavage (e.g., InvaderTM) (Batzer et al., Nucleic Acid Res. 19:5081 (1991); Ohtsuka et technology. All of these methods require a primer sequence al., J. Biol. Chem. 260:2605-2608 (1985); and Rossoliniet al., nucleic acid (including nucleic acid analogs) that is hybrid Mol. Cell. Probes 8:91-98 (1994)). Also included are mol ized to a target template to form a primer: template pair, and an ecules having naturally occurring phosphodiester linkages as enzyme is added to perform primer extension. well as those having non-naturally occurring linkages, e.g., The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is widely used and for stabilization purposes. The nucleic acid may be in any 25 described, and involves the use of primer extension combined physical form, e.g., linear, circular, or Supercoiled. The term with thermal cycling to amplify a target sequence; see U.S. nucleic acid is used interchangeably with oligonucleotide, Pat. Nos. 4,683,195 and 4,683,202, and PCR Essential Data, gene, cDNA, and mRNA encoded by a gene. J. W. Wiley & sons, Ed. C. R. Newton, 1995, all of which are If required, the sample and target template are prepared incorporated by reference. In addition, there are a number of using known techniques. For example, the sample may be 30 variations of PCR which also find use in the invention, includ treated to lyse cells in a sample, using known lysis buffers, ing, for example, "quantitative competitive PCR or “QC sonication, electroporation, etc., with purification occurring PCR”, “arbitrarily primed PCR” or “AP-PCR”, “immuno as needed, as will be appreciated by those in the art. In PCR”, “Alu-PCR”, “PCR single strand conformational addition, the reactions outlined herein may be accomplished polymorphism” or "PCR-SSCP, allelic PCR (see Newton et in a variety of ways, as will be appreciated by those in the art. 35 al. Nucl. Acid Res. 17:250391989); “reverse transcriptase Components of the reaction may be added simultaneously, or PCR or “RT-PCR”, “quantitative real-time PCR or “RT sequentially, in any order. In addition, the reaction may PCR”, “biotin capture PCR”, “vectorette PCR”, “panhandle include a variety of other reagents which may be included in PCR', and “PCR select cDNA subtraction’, among others. the assays. These include reagents such as salts, buffers, Strand displacement amplification (SDA) is generally neutral proteins, e.g. albumin, detergents, etc., which may be 40 described in Walker et al., in Molecular Methods for Virus used to facilitate optimal hybridization and detection, and/or Detection, Academic Press, Inc., 1995, and U.S. Pat. Nos. reduce non-specific or background interactions. Also 5,455,166 and 5,130.238, all of which are hereby incorpo reagents that otherwise improve the efficiency of the assay, rated by reference. Such as protease inhibitors, nuclease inhibitors, anti-micro Cycling probe technology (CPT) is a nucleic acid detection bial agents, etc., may be used, depending on the sample prepa 45 system based on signal or probe amplification rather than ration methods and purity of the target. target amplification, such as is done in polymerase chain Once the primer:template pair has formed, an enzyme, reactions (PCR). Cycling probe technology relies on a molar Such as a primer extension enzyme (e.g., DNA polymerase, excess of labeled probe which contains a Scissile linkage of ligase, etc.), is used to synthesize an extension product. As for RNA. Upon hybridization of the probe to the target, the result all the methods outlined herein, the enzymes may be added at 50 ing hybrid contains a portion of RNA:DNA. This area of any point during the assay. The identity of the enzyme will RNA:DNA duplex is recognized by RNAseHand the RNA is depend on the primer extension technique used, as is more excised, resulting in cleavage of the probe. The probe now fully outlined below. consists of two smaller sequences which may be released, 3. Primer Extension thus leaving the target intact for repeated rounds of the reac Extension of the primer sequence in a primer:template pair 55 tion. The unreacted probe is removed and the label is then may be performed by any polymerase-mediated primer detected. CPT is generally described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,011, extension reaction and/or any nucleic acid amplification tech 769, 5,403,711, 5,660.988, and 4,876,187, and PCT pub niques. For instance, primer extension may be performed by lished applications WO95/05480, WO95/1416, and WO PCR, SDA, RCA, NASBA, transcription-mediated amplifi 95/00667, all of which are specifically incorporated herein by cation, ligase chain reaction, or other amplification methods 60 reference. known in the art. Natural, non-natural or modified nucleotides “Rolling circle amplification' is based on extension of a may be incorporated into the extension products. Non-natural circular probe that has hybridized to a target sequence. A or modified nucleotides include, without limitation, radioac polymerase is added that extends the probe sequence. As the tively, fluorescently, or chemically-labeled nucleotides. Fur circular probe has no terminus, the polymerase repeatedly thermore, extension products may comprise one or more fluo 65 extends the circular probe resulting in concatamers of the rophores and/or quencher moieties which alter the circular probe. As such, the probe is amplified. Rolling-circle fluorescence of the sample. A quencher moiety causes there to amplification is generally described in Baner et al. (1998) US 8,772,464 B2 25 26 Nuc. Acids Res. 26:5073-5078; Barany, F. (1991) Proc. Natl. Accordingly, the SDA reaction requires, in no particular Acad. Sci. USA 88:189-193; and Lizardi et al. (1998) Nat. order, an SDA primer, an SDA polymerase, a nicking endo Genet. 19:225-232, all of which are incorporated by reference nuclease, and dNTPs, at least one species of which is modi in their entirety. fied. In an illustrative embodiment, primer extension is achieved In general, SDA does not require thermocycling. The tem by SDA. Strand displacement amplification (SDA) is gener perature of the reaction is generally set to be high enough to ally described in Walker et al., in Molecular Methods for prevent non-specific hybridization but low enough to allow Virus Detection, Academic Press, Inc., 1995, and U.S. Pat. specific hybridization; this is generally from about 37° C. to Nos. 5,455,166 and 5,130,238, all of which are hereby about 42°C., depending on the enzymes. expressly incorporated by reference in their entirety. 10 Nucleic acid sequence based amplification (NASBA) is In general, SDA may be described as follows. A single generally described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,409,818 and “Profiting Stranded target template is contacted with an SDA primer, or from Gene-based Diagnostics’. CTB International Publish the primer sequence as used herein. An "SDA primer gen ing Inc., N.J., 1996, both of which are incorporated by refer erally has a length of 25-100 nucleotides, with SDA primers CCC. of approximately 35 nucleotides being preferred. An SDA 15 In another embodiment, primer extension is achieved by primer is Substantially complementary to a region at the 3' end nucleic acid sequence based amplification (NASBA). of the target template, and the primer has a sequence at its 5' NASBA is generally described in U.S. Pat. No. 5,409,818; end (outside of the region that is complementary to the target) Sooknanan et al., Nucleic Acid Sequence-Based Amplifica that is a recognition sequence for a restriction endonuclease, tion, Ch. 12 (pp. 261-285) of Molecular Methods for Virus Sometimes referred to herein as a "nicking enzyme” or a Detection, Academic Press, 1995; and “Profiting from Gene “nicking endonuclease', as outlined below. The SDA primer based Diagnostics', CTB International Publishing Inc., N.J., then hybridizes to the target template. The SDA reaction 1996, all of which are incorporated by reference. NASBA is mixture also contains a polymerase (an "SDA polymerase'. very similar to TMA. Transcription mediated amplification as outlined below) and a mixture of all four deoxynucleoside (TMA) is generally described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,399,491, triphosphates (also called deoxynucleotides or dNTPs, i.e. 25 5,888,779, 5,705,365, 5,710,029, all of which are incorpo dATP, dTTP, dCTP and dGTP), at least one species of which rated by reference. The main difference between NASBA and is a substituted or modified dNTP; thus, the SDA primer is TMA is that NASBA utilizes the addition of RNASe H to extended to form an extension product, Sometimes referred to effect RNA degradation, and TMA relies on inherent RNAse hereinas a “newly synthesized strand. The substituted dNTP H activity of reverse transcriptase. is modified such that it will inhibit cleavage in the strand 30 In general, these techniques may be described as follows. A containing the substituted dNTP but will not inhibit cleavage single-stranded target nucleic acid template, which may be a on the other strand. Examples of suitable substituted dNTPs RNA target sequence (sometimes referred to herein as “the include, but are not limited, 2 deoxyadenosine 5'-O-(1-thiot first target sequence' or “the first target template'), is con riphosphate), 5-methyldeoxycytidine 5'-triphosphate, tacted with a first primer, generally referred to herein as a 2'-deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate, and 7-deaza-2'-deoxygua 35 “NASBA primer' (although “TMA primer' is also suitable). nosine 5'-triphosphate. In addition, the substitution of the As used herein, an ampliSwitch primer sequence may serve dNTP may occur after incorporation into a newly synthesized as a NASBA primer or a TMA primer. These primers gener Strand; for example, a methylase may be used to add methyl ally have a length of 25-100 nucleotides, with NASBA prim groups to the synthesized Strand. In addition, if all the nucle ers of approximately 50-75 nucleotides being preferred. The otides are substituted, the polymerase may have 5' to 3' exo 40 first primer is preferably a DNA primer that has at its 3' end a nuclease activity. However, if less than all the nucleotides are sequence that is substantially complementary to the 3' end of substituted, the polymerase preferably lacks 5' to 3' exonu the first target template. The first primer also has an RNA clease activity. polymerase promoter at its 5' end (or its complement (anti As will be appreciated by those in the art, the recognition sense), depending on the configuration of the system). The site/endonuclease pair can be any of a wide variety of known 45 first primer is then hybridized to the first target template to combinations. The endonuclease is chosen to cleave a strand form a first primer:template pair. The reaction mixture also either at the recognition site, or either 3' or 5' to it, without includes a reverse transcriptase enzyme (a “NASBA reverse cleaving the complementary sequence, either because the transcriptase') and a mixture of the four dNTPs, such that the enzyme only cleaves one strand or because of the incorpora first NASBA primer is extended to forman extension product, tion of the substituted nucleotides. Suitable recognition site/ 50 comprising a hybridization complex of RNA (the first target endonuclease pairs are well known in the art; suitable endo template) and DNA (the newly synthesized strand). nucleases include, but are not limited to, HincII, HindIII, Suitable reverse transcriptase polymerases include, but are Aval, Fnu4HI, TthIIII, NcII, BstXI, BamHI, etc. A chart not limited to, avian myloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase depicting Suitable enzymes, and their corresponding recog (“AMV RT) and the Moloney murine leukemia virus RT. nition sites and the modified dNTP to use is found in U.S. Pat. 55 When the amplification reaction is TMA, the reverse tran No. 5,455,166, hereby expressly incorporated by reference. Scriptase enzyme further comprises a RNA degrading activity Once nicked, a polymerase (an "SDA polymerase') is used as outlined below. to extend the newly nicked strand, 5' to 3", thereby creating In addition to the components listed above, the NASBA another newly synthesized strand. The polymerase chosen reaction also includes an RNA degrading enzyme, also some should be able to initiate 5' to 3' polymerization at a nick site, 60 times referred to herein as a ribonuclease, that will hydrolyze should also displace the polymerized strand downstream the RNA of an RNA:DNA hybrid without hydrolyzing single from the nick, and should lack 5' to 3' exonuclease activity or double-stranded RNA or DNA. Suitable ribonucleases (this may be additionally accomplished by the addition of a include, but are not limited to, RNase H from E. coli and calf blocking agent). Suitable polymerases in SDA include, but thymus. are not limited to, the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase 65 The ribonuclease activity degrades the first RNA target I, SEQUENASE 1.0 and SEQUENASE 2.0 (U.S. Biochemi template in the hybridization complex, resulting in a disasso cal), T5 DNA polymerase and Phi29 DNA polymerase. ciation of the hybridization complex leaving a first single US 8,772,464 B2 27 28 stranded newly synthesized DNA strand (extension product), The ligation chain reaction (LCR) involves the ligation of sometimes referred to herein as “the second template'. two smaller probes into a single long probe, using the target In addition, the NASBA reaction also includes a second sequence as the template for the ligase. See generally U.S. NASBA primer, generally comprising DNA (although as for Pat. Nos. 5,185,243 and 5,573,907; EP 0320308 B1; EP 0 all the probes herein, including primers, nucleic acid analogs 336 731 B1; EP 0439 182 B1; WO 90/01069, WO 89/12696; may also be used). This second NASBA primer has a and WO 89/O9835. sequence at its 3' end that is Substantially complementary to A variation of LCR utilizes a type of “chemicalligation, as the 3' end of the second template, and also contains an anti is generally outlined in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,616,464 and 5,767, sense sequence for a functional promoter and the antisense 259. In this embodiment, similar to LCR, a pair of primers are sequence of a transcription initiation site. Thus, this primer 10 utilized, wherein the first primer is substantially complemen sequence, when used as a template for synthesis of the third tary to a first domain of the target and the second primer is DNA template, contains sufficient information to allow spe Substantially complementary to an adjacent second domain of cific and efficient binding of an RNA polymerase and initia the target (although, as for LCR, if a 'gap' exists, a poly tion of transcription at the desired site. Preferred embodi merase and dNTPs may be added to “fill in the gap). Each ments utilize the antisense promoter and transcription 15 primer has a portion that acts as a 'side chain' that does not initiation site of the T7 RNA polymerase, although other bind the target sequence and acts as one half of a stem struc RNA polymerase promoters and initiation sites can be used as ture that interacts non-covalently through hydrogen bonding, well, as outlined below. saltbridges, van der Waals forces, etc. Certain embodiments The second primer hybridizes to the second template, and utilize substantially complementary nucleic acids as the side a DNA polymerase, also termed a “DNA-directed DNA poly chains. Thus, upon hybridization of the primers to the target merase', also present in the reaction, synthesizes a third tem sequence, the side chains of the primers are brought into plate (a second newly synthesized DNA strand), resulting in spatial proximity, and, if the side chains comprise nucleic second hybridization complex comprising two newly synthe acids as well, can also form side chain hybridization com sized DNA strands. plexes. Finally, the inclusion of an RNA polymerase and the 25 At least one of the side chains of the primers comprises an required four ribonucleoside triphosphates (ribonucleotides activatable cross-linking agent, generally covalently attached or NTPs) results in the synthesis of an RNA strand (a third to the side chain, that upon activation, results in a chemical newly synthesized strand that is essentially the same as the cross-link or chemical ligation. The activatible group may first template). The RNA polymerase, sometimes referred to comprise any moiety that will allow cross-linking of the side hereinas a “DNA-directed RNA polymerase', recognizes the 30 chains, and include groups activated chemically, photonically promoter and specifically initiates RNA synthesis at the ini and thermally, with photoactivatable groups being preferred. tiation site. In addition, the RNA polymerase preferably syn In some embodiments a single activatable group on one of the thesizes several copies of RNA per DNA duplex. Preferred side chains is enough to result in cross-linking via interaction RNA polymerases include, but are not limited to, T7 RNA to a functional group on the other side chain; in alternate polymerase, and other bacteriophage RNA polymerases 35 embodiments, activatable groups are required on each side including those of phage T3, phage phill, Salmonella phage chain. sp6, or Pseudomonase phage gh-1. Once the hybridization complex is formed, and the cross In some embodiments, TMA and NASBA are used with linking agent has been activated Such that the primers have starting DNA target sequences. In this embodiment, it is been covalently attached, the reaction is Subjected to condi necessary to utilize the first primer comprising the RNA poly 40 tions to allow for the dissociation of the hybridization com merase promoter and a DNA polymerase enzyme to generate plex, thus freeing up the target to serve as a template for the a double-stranded DNA hybrid with the newly synthesized next ligation or cross-linking. Strand comprising the promoter sequence. The hybrid is then Q-beta replicase (QBR) is a mRNA amplification tech denatured and the second primer added. nique, similar to NASBA and TMA, that relies on an RNA Accordingly, the NASBA reaction requires, in no particu 45 dependent RNA polymerase derived from the bacteriophage lar order, a first NASBA primer (e.g., an ampliSwitch primer Q-beta that can synthesize up to a billion stands of product sequence), a second NASBA primer comprising an antisense from a template. sequence of an RNA polymerase promoter, an RNA poly InvaderTM technology is based on structure-specific poly merase that recognizes the promoter, a reverse transcriptase, merases that cleave nucleic acids in a site-specific manner. a DNA polymerase, an RNA degrading enzyme, and NTPs 50 Two probes are used: an “invader' probe and a “signaling and dNTPs. probe, that adjacently hybridize to a target sequence with a These components result in a single starting RNA template non-complementary overlap. The enzyme cleaves at the over generating a single DNA duplex; however, since this DNA lap due to its recognition of the “tail and releases the “tail duplex results in the creation of multiple RNA strands, which with a label. This can then be detected. The InvaderTM tech can then be used to initiate the reaction again, amplification 55 nology is described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,846,717: 5,614.402; proceeds rapidly. 5,719,028: 5,541,311; and 5,843,669. Accordingly, the TMA reaction requires, in no particular An extension product will generally contain phosphodi order, a first TMA primer, a second TMA primer comprising ester bonds, although in Some cases may have alternate back an antisense sequence of an RNA polymerase promoter, an bones, nucleic acid analogs, peptide nucleic acids (PNAS), or RNA polymerase that recognizes the promoter, a reverse tran 60 any other structures or modifications outlined for other scriptase with RNA degrading activity, a DNA polymerase, nucleic acid molecules described herein. NTPS and dNTPS. Standard instrumentation known to those skilled in the art These components result in a single starting RNA template are used for the amplification and detection of amplified generating a single DNA duplex; however, since this DNA DNA. For example, a wide variety of instrumentation has duplex results in the creation of multiple RNA strands, which 65 been developed for carrying out nucleic acid amplifications, can then be used to initiate the reaction again, amplification particularly PCR, e.g. Johnson et al., U.S. Pat. No. 5,038,852 proceeds rapidly. (computer-controlled thermal cycler); Wittwer et al. Nucleic US 8,772,464 B2 29 30 Acids Research, 17:4353-4357 (1989)(capillary tube PCR): In a specific embodiment, the amplified DNA is analyzed Hallsby, U.S. Pat. No. 5,187,084 (air-based temperature con by determining the length of the amplified DNA by electro trol); Gamer et al. Biotechniques, 14: 112-115 (1993) (high phoresis or chromatography. For example, the amplified throughput PCR in 864-well plates); Wilding et al. Interna DNA is analyzed by gel electrophoresis. Methods of gel tional application No. PCT/US93/04039 (PCR in micro electrophoresis are well known in the art. See for example, machined structures); Schnipelsky et al., European patent Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, eds. Ausubel et al., application No. 903.01.061.9 (publ. No. 0381501 A2) (dispos John Wiley & Sons: 1992. The amplified DNA can be visu able, single use PCR device), and the like. alized, for example, by fluorescent or radioactive means, or Detection Methods with other dyes or markers that intercalate DNA. The DNA The extension products generated in the primer extension 10 may also be transferred to a solid Support Such as a nitrocel methods described herein can be detected by any means lulose membrane and subjected to Southern Blotting follow known in the art for polynucleotide detection. Extension ing gel electrophoresis. In one embodiment, the DNA is products may comprise labels Sufficient for radioactive, fluo exposed to ethidium bromide and visualized under ultraviolet rescent, or chemical detection. Furthermore, extension prod light. ucts may comprise one or more fluorophores and/or quencher 15 In another embodiment, the amplified DNA is labeled, moieties which alter the fluorescence of the sample. A directly or indirectly, with a fluorescent, radioactive, chemi quencher moiety causes there to be little or no signal from a cal, or luminescent label. Labeled nucleotides may be incor fluorescent label (e.g., a fluorophore) when placed in proX porated directly into the extension product during DNA syn imity to the label. For example, a fluorescently labeled nucle thesis, or primers used in the amplification reaction may be otide will produce little or no signal when incorporated in an labeled. The labeled nucleotides or primers are added to the extension product in proximity to a quenching moiety, which Solution prior or during the assay. When the assay is com may be a nucleotide linked to a quencher. Fluorescently plete, unincorporated primers or nucleotides are removed labeled nucleotides that remain unincorporated, however, (e.g., by chromatography). The amplified products and exten may produce a detectable signal. sion products are then measured for fluorescent, radioactive, Detection of a labeled extension product may be performed 25 chemical or luminescent activity with the appropriate equip by direct or indirect means (e.g., via a biotin/avidin or a ment. For instance, a fluorimeter is used to measure the level biotin/streptavidin linkage). It is not intended that the present of fluorescence in a sample. invention be limited to any particular detection system or In other embodiments, sequence specific hybridization is label. In one embodiment, an extension product is detected used to detect amplified products and extension products. through one of three different methods: agarose gel detection, 30 Oligonucleotides immobilized on a solid Support, such as on fluorescent detection, or sequence specific hybridization on a a microarray or nitrocellulose filter, are designed so that they oligonucleotide microarray or nitrocellulose filter. These are complementary to the amplified DNA or extension prod detection methods are standard in the art. ucts from a primer:template pair. The amplified DNA or Conventional methods for detecting and/or identifying extension products are labeled (e.g., radioactively or fluores nucleic acids include agarose gel electrophoresis following 35 cently) and applied to the microarray or filter. The hybridiza staining (e.g., using ethidium bromide) of the gel and Suitable tion signal from each of the array elements is individually visualization methods. Conventional methods also include distinguishable. The array elements are addressed and their northern blots, southern blots, or universal blots, generally identities known, thus identifying the presence or absence of involving the use of labeled (e.g., with a radiolabel or a an amplified product in the reaction. In a preferred embodi fluorescent label) probe nucleic acids. For example, sensitive 40 ment, the array elements comprise polynucleotides, although fluorescent gel stains are available for nucleic acid detection. the present invention could also be used with cDNA or other High throughput detection of nucleic acids is also avail types of nucleic acid array elements able. For example, the use of multiple fluorescent tags enables 4. Other applications discrimination between different classes of molecules in Aptamer-regulated nucleic acids can also be employed in a complex mixtures. Fluorescent multiplexing relies on opti 45 multiplex fashion. The modular, tailor-made characteristic of mal excitation and collection of fluorescent emission from ampliSwitches allows for the assay of complex mixtures of each label. Multi-label analyses require a sensitive detection ligand analytes. Large libraries of ampliSwitches can be system capable of resolving multiple fluorescent signals. quickly generated to simultaneously assay and quantify large Typhoon 8600 is a versatile variable mode imager capable of numbers of analytes by using orthogonal primer:template fluorescence storage phosphor and chemiluminescence 50 pairs with ampliSwitches designed to different analytes. In detection of gels, blots, microplates, or samples in other for addition, it is possible through the forward engineering meth matS. ods described herein to create libraries of switches that relate Chehab et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1989 December; ranges of concentrations of analytes. AmpliSwitches 86(23): 9178-9182, also reported a multiplex color comple designed to bind specific analytes and/or different concentra mentation assay that obviates the need for gel electrophoresis 55 tion ranges of analytes would prime specific target templates. and has been applied to the detection of certain genetic events. These multiplex assays can be run in a single reaction tube or Various microarray technologies can also be employed. sets of single reaction tubes depending on the number of For example, bead or microsphere-based microarrays are analytes detected. Multiplex assays can be analyzed using described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,942,968; 6,890,741; 6,770,441, agarose gels, where different templates are differentiated by and 6,355.431. Nucleic acid detection using microarrays and 60 different sizes, qRT-PCR, where different templates are dif employing electron transfer moieties is also described in U.S. ferentiated with different fluorescently labeled primer pairs, Pat. Nos. 6,875,619; 6,264.825; and 6,686,150. Oligonucle and hybridization-based platforms, where different templates otide microarray is also provided in U.S. Pat. No. 6,040,138. are designed to be complementary to nucleic acids such as Various nucleic acid amplification techniques are also oligonucleotides on microarrays or nitrocellulose filters. described in these references, for example, PCR, LCR, CPT, 65 AmpliSwitch technology can also be easily integrated into RCA, and SDA are described in detail in U.S. Pat. No. 6,686, existing detection interfaces due to the flexibility in the design 150. of primer:template pairs. In Scaling this technology up to US 8,772,464 B2 31 32 simultaneously detect concentrations of multiple analytes pended in water to a concentration of 10 micromolar. For from a given sample, the readout of large sets of ampliSwitch ampliSwitch reactions, 200 nM ampliSwitch and 1 nM target primer:template pairs can be configured to take advantage of template are incubated with various amounts of analyte existing oligonucleotide arrays. Specifically, the amplified (PDGF) in reaction buffer (10 mM Tris pH 8.0, 50 mMNaCl, template for each ampliSwitch can be designed to hybridize 5 5 mM MgCl). Reactions are incubated at 37° C. for 15 existing oligonucleotide microarrays and detected using stan minutes. dard protocols such as SYBR green for detecting double Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) is performed on stranded binding and Cy3/Cy5 for comparative specific prod the samples (see FIGS. 11 and 12). Sybr Green qPCR master uct labeling. The identity and concentration of each analyte is mix (BioRad, Hercules, Calif.) is added and reactions are then detected according to the user-specified address on the 10 cycled in an iCycler qPCR machine (BioRad, Hercules, microarray. Calif.). Amplification is quantified based on the difference in Accordingly, methods and compositions including the cycle numbers from the quantitative PCR. PCR extension ampliSwitch molecules herein are useful in any application products are not detected in samples that do not contain that involves detection of an analyte of interest. For example, PDGF, or in samples where PDGF is not present in a concen an ampliSwitch molecule may comprise an aptamer domain 15 tration that causes a conformational switch in the PDGF that is a responsive to a ligand or analyte of clinical, diagnos SSO. tic interest, and Such ligand or analyte of interest may be an AmpliSwitch regulation is then determined by activating antigen, an antibody, a cytokine, a metabolite, a drug inter the ampliSwitch by the addition of PDGF to samples contain mediate, or any other molecule of clinical interest that may be ing ampliSwitches in the off state. Extension products are indicative of a disease, a pathological condition, or a physi observed after several PCR cycles in samples with concen ological condition. An ampliSwitch molecule may comprise trations of PDGF that are high enough to cause a conforma anaptamer domain that is responsive to a ligand or analyte of tional switch in the PDGF sensor. This data supports that environmental interest, and Such ligand or analyte of interest ampliSwitch molecules hybridize to their target templates to may be a toxic Substance (e.g., organic or inorganic toxic induce primer extension in the qRT-PCR reaction in the pres Substances, proteintoxins), an infectious agent (e.g., bacteria, 25 ence of activating levels of PDGF. viruses, fungi, prion), or a pollutant. Such an ampliSwitch AmpliSwitch ligand affinity is also examined. Gel shift molecule is useful in environmental testing or monitoring, experiments are conducted in the presence of equimolar which may be testing of a sample of any origin for the ligand amounts of a short target template (250 nucleotides), labeled or analyte of environmental interest, or monitoring of a labo ampliSwitch and varying concentrations of PDGF to examine ratory, any manufacturing plant, any public or private facility, 30 ampliSwitch ligand affinity. A sharp shift in ampliSwitch or air space. mobility is detected between 2 and 10 uMPDGF, presumably due to binding of both PDGF and target template. Nuclease EXAMPLES mapping in the presence of ligandalone is also conducted to investigate ampliSwitch conformational changes. The invention now being generally described, it will be 35 Forward Engineering for Tuning Switching Dynamics more readily understood by reference to the following The switching behavior of the ampliSwitch platform is examples, which are included merely for purposes of illus dependent on conformational dynamics of the structures; tration of certain aspects and embodiments of the present therefore it is possible to tune switching behavior in a invention, and are not intended to limit the invention. straightforward manner by altering thermodynamic proper AmpliSwitch Design 40 ties of the ampliSwitch. It is anticipated that the absolute and An initial ampliSwitch is constructed using a previously relative stabilities of the primer sequence stem and the selected aptamer that binds to Platelet Derived Growth Factor aptamer stem will be important design parameters in tuning (PDGF) with high affinity and specificity. The primer the switch behavior of an ampliSwitch. To explore the sequence domain is designed to base pair with a 100 nucle dynamic range of switch behavior, several ampliSwitches can otide target template. The stein of the PDGF aptamer is 45 be created with varying primer sequence and aptamer stem designed so that the primer sequence portion base pairs in a stabilities. It is anticipated that these altered ampliSwitches stable stem in the absence of ligand, but so that another could expand the concentration range over which PDGF overlapping stem forms upon ligand binding, the “aptamer detection can be observed. stem, or the “aptamer domain forcing the primer sequence In general, it will be observed that increasing primer portion into a more single-stranded state (FIG. 3A). The 50 sequence stem stability by the addition of base pairs will aptamer stem and primer sequence stem are designed Such create switches that required higher concentrations of PDGF that the primer sequence stem is slightly more stable than the to affect a switch, whereas decreasing stem stabilities will aptamer stem. It is anticipated that these molecules will func create Switches that generate extension products at lower tion through alterations in conformational dynamics, such PDGF concentrations. For example, altering a single nucle that in the absence of ligand and presence of target template, 55 otide in an ampliSwitch primer sequence will introduce a the stem sequestering the primer sequence is more likely to mismatched pair in the primer sequence stem so that in the form; whereas in the presence of both ligand and target tem absence of ligand, the construct is less thermodynamically plate, the free energy associated with binding of PDGF, and stable. The less stable ampliSwitch will exhibit altered switch stabilization in the aptamer structure enables the aptamer dynamics, and lower PDGF concentrations will be required to stem to form, freeing the primer sequence to bind its target 60 generate an extension product. Alternatively, increasing the template. Due to the dual-stem design of the ampliSwitch, it stability of the primer sequence stem (e.g., by increasing the is anticipated that the free energies of the aptamer binding to number of complementary nucleotides within the stem) cre its ligand and the primer sequence binding to its target tem ates a switch that requires higher concentrations of PDGF to plate will contribute in a cooperative manner to the structural generate an extension product. switching of the ampliSwitch molecule. 65 Incorporation by Reference AmpliSwitches and other oligos are synthesized using All references cited herein are hereby incorporated by ref standard phosphoramidite chemistry (IDT). DNA is resus erence in their entirety. US 8,772,464 B2 33 34 Equivalents wherein: While the above description contains many specific details (1) in a first conformation, the 3'-end priming sequence of methods in accordance with this invention, these specific forms a hairpin structure, and the 5'-end Switching details should not be construed as limitations on the scope of aptamer stem sequence is single-stranded; and, the invention, but merely as exemplifications of preferred 5 (2) in a second conformation, the 5'-end Switchingaptamer embodiments thereof. Those skilled in the art will envision stem sequence hybridizes to a complementary region of many other possible variations that fall within the scope and the nucleic acid, and the 3'-end priming sequence is spirit of the invention as defined by the claims appended available for hybridization to a target template to form a hereto. primer:template pair;



<210s, SEQ ID NO 1 &211s LENGTH: 94 &212s. TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence 22 Os. FEATURE: <223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial Sequence: Synthetic oligonucleotide

<4 OOs, SEQUENCE: 1 gaatcggact catgggtcaa tigaattaat gat caattga Cagacgcaa.g. t ct coatgag 6 O tccgatt.cgt attcc catac gaatcggact catg 94

<210s, SEQ ID NO 2 &211s LENGTH: 18 &212s. TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence 22 Os. FEATURE: <223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial Sequence: Synthetic oligonucleotide

<4 OOs, SEQUENCE: 2 attcgitat 18

<210s, SEQ ID NO 3 &211s LENGTH: 87 &212s. TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence 22 Os. FEATURE: <223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial Sequence: Synthetic oligonucleotide


Ctttittatcg ccc.gggcact gcaa.gcaatt gcagt cc caa tiggcgggcg ataaaaagat 6 O cgatt.cccat cqatctttitt 87

<210s, SEQ ID NO 4 &211s LENGTH: 19 &212s. TYPE: DNA <213> ORGANISM: Artificial Sequence 22 Os. FEATURE: <223> OTHER INFORMATION: Description of Artificial Sequence: Synthetic oligonucleotide

<4 OOs, SEQUENCE: 4 gggcgataaa aagat.cgat 19

The invention claimed is: wherein binding to a ligand by the aptamer induces a con 1. A nucleic acid comprising: formational change of the nucleic acid to shift between (i) anaptamer comprising a 5'-end Switchingaptamer stem as the first conformation and the second conformation, or sequence; and between the second conformation and the first confor (ii) a 3'-end priming sequence; mation. US 8,772,464 B2 35 36 2. The nucleic acid of claim 1, wherein said primer: tem sequences that regulate transcription of said nucleic acid in an plate pair acts as a substrate for an extrinsic enzymatic activ expression system containing said expression construct. ity. 10. The expression construct of claim 9, wherein the 3. The nucleic acid of claim 2, wherein said extrinsic enzy expression system is a cell. 11. A recombinant cell engineered with one or more matic activity is a DNA polymerase. expression constructs of claim 9. 4. The nucleic acid of claim 2, wherein said extrinsic enzy 12. A library comprising two nucleic acids, wherein each matic activity is a ligase. nucleic acid comprises the nucleic acid of claim 1, and 5. The nucleic acid of claim3, wherein said polymerase is wherein eachaptamer of said two nucleic acids has a different phi29 or taq polymerase. binding affinity for said ligand. 6. The nucleic acid of claim 1, wherein said nucleic acid 10 13. A library comprising two nucleic acids, wherein each comprises ribonucleic acid (RNA), deoxyribonucleic acid nucleic acid comprises the nucleic acid of claim 1, and (DNA), or both. wherein each nucleic acid has a different thermodynamic 7. The nucleic acid of claim 1, wherein said conformational stability that affects the likelihood that said conformational change produces or removes an intramolecular double change will occur in response to binding to said ligand. Stranded feature, including said priming sequence, which 15 14. A library comprising two nucleic acids, wherein each double-stranded feature alters the availability of said priming nucleic acid comprises the nucleic acid of claim 1, and sequence to hybridize to said target template. wherein each aptamer of said two nucleic acids binds to a 8. The nucleic acid of claim 1, wherein said ligand is different ligand. selected from the group consisting of small molecules, metal 15. The nucleic acid of claim 1, which is about 30-500 ions, natural products, polypeptides, peptide analogS. nucleic nucleotides in length. acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids and lipids, a non-peptide 16. The library of claim 12, wherein each said nucleic acid hormone (such as steroids) and metabolic precursors or prod is about 30-500 nucleotides in length. ucts thereof, and enzyme co-factors, enzyme Substrates and 17. The library of claim 13, wherein each said nucleic acid products of enzyme-mediated reactions. 25 is about 30-500 nucleotides in length. 9. An expression construct comprising (i) a coding 18. The library of claim 14, wherein each said nucleic acid sequence which, when transcribed, produces the nucleic acid is about 30-500 nucleotides in length. of claim 1, and (ii) one or more transcriptional regulatory k k k k k