

Effects of Transpiacental Exposure to Coca'ine and on the Neonate Discussant SUZANNE D. DIXON, MD From the Department of Pediatrics, University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, and University of Califonia Medical Center, San Diego.

SUZANNE D. DIXoN, MD*: Experience at the University of demic in our nurseries. Reports of the effects of on California, San Diego (UCSD), Medical Center with adults began to emerge after 1982 and exploded onto the the consequences of the abuse of cocaine and methamphet- pages of the popular press. The effects on the fetus were amine in pregnancy is substantial and increasing. The impli- largely unknown. Reports of the consequences of amphet- cations for infants with in utero exposure to these are amine exposure on the unborn were few. The only available becoming clearer from our own recent clinical experience model in pediatrics was our experience with neonates having and that of others. In this conference I will review what is exposure to opiates. The course of withdrawal and outcome known about antenatal exposure to these drugs and present for - and methadone-exposed children has been well some recent observations and experience. described, for instance, by Volpe. (P616) The signs ofneonatal withdrawal are quantified in scoring formats such as Patterns of Exposure that developed by Finnegan.2(P262) Although these schemes The clinical urgency of these considerations is high- allow us to monitor and treat neonates who have exposure to lighted by the incidence of infants born at UCSD over the opiates and other central nervous system (CNS) , past four years in whom illicit drugs have been found by this familiar approach could not readily be applied to these toxicologic assessment ofthe urine at birth. There was a 35 % new drugs and their new multiorgan effects. increase from 1984 to 1986 (Figure 1). Since then there has been an almost fivefold increase in History of Cocaine Use the incidence. These numbers do not include infants in whom Cocaine (Figure 2) is derived fromthe Erythroxylon coca there was exposure early in gestation or those from whom the grown in the mountains ofLatin America. The of drugs cleared before birth. Therefore, these numbers vastly this plant have been chewed by members of Indian tribes for underestimate the full extent of the problem. Similar in- perhaps 5,000 years to abate hunger and improve work en- creases have been reported from virtually every major urban durance. Cocaine was isolated and introduced to northern center. For example, Los Angeles County reported a dou- industrial countries in 1859. Fans of Sherlock Holmes know bling every year since 1983 of the number of infants born the role the played in his creator's life. Freudpraised the with illicit drugs in their urine. Other centers cite the inci- stimulant properties ofthe drug despite the fact that he lost a dence of this problem at 10% to 25% of neonates. These friend and patient to a toxic overdose. Coca contained increases in rates are accounted for largely by an increase in the drug until 1903. By 1906 awareness ofthe toxic potential the use of stimulant drugs, cocaine, methamphetamine, and, of cocaine led to restricted access, with its being used pri- to a lesser extent, such as hydro- marily as an for ear, nose, and throat and ophthal- chloride. mologic operations. Recreational users were few in number It is estimated that 50 million Americans have tried co- and usually wealthy, as the drug was expensive. A resurgence caine and that 8 million use it regularly. Between 10% and in the popularity of cocaine began in the 1970s, but the 20% ofthe adult population uses some nonprescription, psy- astronomic rise in its use in this country occurred in 1982, choactive drug regularly. By one estimate, 12 % of young along with a dramatic increase in illegal imports. The news- adults have severe addictive disease. Although the increasing paper and television reports of the deaths of prominent ath- use of and other drugs among adolescents is a major letes and entertainers brought to almost every household an concern and the target of educational programs, most drug awareness ofthis drug and its toxic consequences. users are 20 to 35 years of age, the childbearing years. The A primer on cocaine is given in Table 1. greatest increases in drug use starting in the 1970s and accel- of Cocaine erating in the 1980s are among young adults. The perinatal The powerful euphoric effects of cocaine depend largely impact ofthis issue is a direct result of the broad increase in on the CNS release ofdopamine, which is followed by deple- drug use in this segment ofthe population. tion of that compound, leading to the "crash" or abstinence The pediatric community was unprepared for this epi- syndrome characteristic ofthis drug. Cocaine also facilitates *Associate Professor, Department ofPediatrics, UCSD. the release of serotonin and other neurotransmitters.3 It has

(Dixon SD: Effects of transplacental exposure to cocaine and methamphetamine on the neonate [Specialty Conference]. West J Med 1989 Apr; 150:436-442) Reprint requests to Suzanne D. Dixon, MD, UCSD Medical Center, H-664, 225 Dickinson St, San Diego, CA 92103. * 9 THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE -* APRIL 1989 * 150 * 44437437

caine. Cardiac morbidity appears to be unrelated to the dose, ABBREVIATIONS USED IN TEXT duration ofusage, underlying disease, or route ofadministra- CNS = central nervous system tion. This unpredictability makes cocaine a dangerous drug; UCSD = University of California, San Diego it dissolves some popular myths regarding cocaine, such as "snorting the drug is OK; smoking and inhaling it is not"; "I been described as a uniquely American drug that imparts a use it only at parties, so I'm safe"; "cocaine is not addictive; sense of power, increased self-esteem and vigor, decreased it's easier to kick than heroin." Of importance for pediatri- fatigue, and an increased sense of sexual prowess. Hyper- cians is that the activities of cholinesterases are at relatively somnolence, hyperphagia, irritability, and depression are the low levels in pregnant women, fetuses, and newborns. As a down side of the cocaine cycle. Investigators now accept group, perinatal patients might be predicted to be more vul- cocaine as a physically addictive drug, particularly when nerable to the toxic effects ofthis drug. taken in high concentrations, such as with "crack" or "rock" Cocaine is metabolized to and ec- cocaine.4 gonine, distinct substances that can be identified by several In addition, cocaine blocks the presynaptic reuptake of commonly used toxicologic assessments. Immunoassay of and increases the amount ofthat substance at the urine may give positive results as long as five days after postsynaptic receptor sites throughout the body. Over time, use in nonpregnant adults. there is a net depletion of norepinephrine. There is an in- crease in the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, a TABLE l.-Cocaine Primer decrease in peripheral nerve conduction, and direct action on some smooth muscle groups. Derived from leaves of Erythroxylon coca The toxic effects follow from this pharmacologic action Imported as a white powder, often mixed with talc, lactose, or (Table 2). The most important effect of this drug is powerful sulate Simple molecule, easily absorbed across any membrane for use vasoconstriction. Essentially every organ system is vulner- intranasally, intravenously, intramuscularly, subcutaneously, orally, able to this vasoconstrictive action. The cardiac effects have sublingually, intravaginally, intrarectally; present in breast milk received the most press, but multiple organ systems show the Easily made into hydrolyzed crystal-"crack," "rock"-that is easily vaporized-"smoked"-with rapid absorption and high concentra- toxic effects ofthis drug.4 tion; this form is rapidly and strongly addictive The plasma half-life is about 30 to 40 minutes. The drug Although cheaper by the dose, the duration of the high with "crack" is detoxified by cholinesterases in plasma and liver. The is brief and the addictive potential high plasma enzyme has wide individual variation, which may Street names: "coke," "snow"; when combined with heroin, account for the variable and unpredictable toxicity of co- "speedball" Often used with depressants, alcohol, or heroin 40 Produces , increases activity and gregariousness; reduces appetite and sleep Metabolized to benzDylecgonine and and detectable in urine for as long as 5 days in the average nonpregnant adult *2c 30 co c I TABLE 2.-Clinical Consequences of Cocaine Use in Adults 0 20 na) Cardiovascular E I Hypertension, tachycardia z 1011( Cerebral infarction Nonthrombotic myocardial infarction Ventricular arrhythmias 1 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 2/84-7/84 2/85-7/85 2/86-7/86 Ruptured aneurysms, peripheral and central nervous system Birth Month of Infant Aortic rupture Renal infarction Figure 1.-Patterns of drug exposure are shown for infants born at Medical Center from 1984 to Bowel infarction the University of California, San Diego, Chronic colitis 1986. = total documented drug-exposed infants, 0 = infants with to small vessel disease exposure, * = infants with exposure Dermatits, presumably related Central Nervous System Euphora, increase in activity, and increased sense of creativity and sexual prowess Psychosis, hallucinations Depression Seizures Respiratory arrest Labile affect, panic disorder, aggressive ideation and behavior Decreased total sleep and selective reduction of rapid-eye-movement sleep Other Fever or malignant hyperthermia Anorexia Midriasis Perforated nasal septum Infectious disease rsk associated with life-style issues and, in a minority, intravenous use Figure 2.-The structure of cocaine is shown. -i 438 438~~~~~~~~~TRANSPLACENTALEXPOSURE--COCAINE EXPOSURE Complications of Cocaine Use in Pregnancy Studies in animals carried out at UCSD and elsewhere have revealed decreases in uterine and placental perfusion and a direct increase in uterine contractility following the administration of cocaine.5 Observations in women are con- CH2-CH-NHCH3 sistent with these findings. There are sharp increases in fetal O;H3 wastage, increases in the incidence of placental abruption, and precipitous onsets oflabor following cocaine use. In one study of otherwise healthy "recreational" users ofcocaine in Figure 3.-The structure of methamphetamine is shown. Chicago, Chasnoff and co-workers noted a 23 % spontaneous abortion rate.6 A comparison of the histories of pregnant urinary tract. They also reported a 13% incidence of ob- women using drugs indicated an incidence of spontaneous structive uropathy in this group with mild hydronephrosis, abortions among users of cocaine more than twice that of a and, of 81 infants studied prospectively with renal ultraso- group of users of heroin (38% versus 16%). The mean nography, 6 had hypertension. No child has yet been noted number of previous spontaneous abortions was also in- with any long-term alteration in renal anatomy or function. creased in the cocaine-using group (0.98 to 1.1 versus 0.47 We have not seen this in more than 100 infants studied, to 0.9). The highest fetal wastage was among cocaine and although transient hypertension frequently occurs. heroin users: 46% reported a previous spontaneous abor- There is a growing consensus that cocaine produces intra- tion, and the mean number was 1.3 to 1.2 per woman. Data uterine growth retardation and, in particular, a reduction in from our Teratogen Registry at UCSD indicate a 28% spon- brain growth. In a recent report,12 altered lymphocyte func- taneous abortion rate among women calling early in preg- tion was noted among infants born of human immunodefi- nancy because of concern about their self-described "recre- ciency virus-negative intravenous drug abusers, 44% of ational" cocaine use (K. L. Jones, MD, oral communication, whom used cocaine and . 1987). Acute cerebral hemorrhagic infarction,"3 white matter Increased systolic blood pressure, decreased uterine and cavitary lesions, and other abnormalities were identified by placental perfusion, and increased uterine contractility may cranial ultrasonography in 12 (37%) of 32 cocaine-exposed all contribute to the consistent observation by several investi- neonates. 14 Two instances ofmyocardial infarction have been gators of about a tenfold increase in the incidence of pla- identified in cases of immediate antenatal usage. We have cental abruption, hemorrhage, or both associated with co- seen two term infants with an acute infarction ofthe bowel at caine use. 4-6- There are several clinical reports of the birth, possibly related to maternal usage ofcocaine. immediate onset of contractions after cocaine administra- Cocaine readily crosses into breast milk, with adverse tion, and our own clinical interviews support this. Street lore consequences for the newborn child. 15.16 supports the notion that cocaine use "starts the baby"-that In summary, these reports do not appear to support a is, starts labor. concept of distinct embryopathy related to cocaine use. Mul- A study in sheep suggests that cocaine administered to tisystem abnormalities of a variety of types might be antici- ewes results in more fetal distress than the direct intraamni- pated, in view ofthe vasoconstrictive properties ofthis drug, otic administration of the drug to the fetal lamb.7 The de- the variability depending on the dosage, the time ofexposure creased placental perfusion and resultant anoxia in the fetus in relation to fetal development, and individual variation. may be more detrimental than direct effects ofthe drug. An interesting study from Northwestern University Med- Methamphetamine Use ical School (Chicago) showed alterations in placental neuro- The first cousin of , methamphetamine transmitter receptors in tissue obtained from drug-using (Figure 3), enhances the presynaptic release of norepineph- women. The supposition is that these alterations reflect sim- rine, alters CNS neurotransmitters, and in these respects has ilar chronic changes in the fetal brain. Although preliminary pharmacologic effects nearly identical to those ofcocaine.3 It and based on a study of polydrug users, the findings suggest is excreted unchanged and as amphetamine for as long as two important opportunities for research aimed at assessing neu- days after its use in adults. Immunoassays for this drug are rotransmitter systems in the developing brain. In that study, confounded by its cross-reactivity with a variety of drugs, the most deviant values were seen in the placenta from a including cold remedies and tocolytic agents. Amphetamine stimulant drug-using woman, presumably due to the direct use in adults results in central nervous system excitation, alteration in the neurotransmitter system associated with followed by a withdrawal period characterized by prolonged these drugs. sleep, lassitude, fatigue, hyperphagia, and vivid dreams. Neonatal Consequences of Cocaine Use Long-term use is associated with an aggressive paranoid Cocaine crosses the placental barrier by rapid simple dif- psychosis and a pattern of deep-brain strokes. Vasospastic fusion. A variety of skeletal defects, exencephaly, hydrone- strokes, ruptured cerebral aneurysms and infarctions around phrosis, and cryptorchidism, were described by Manhalik the basal ganglia, and a cerebral angiitis are seen in cases of and colleagues in a mouse model ofantenatal cocaine use.9 In adult amphetamine use. Lead poisoning related to manufac- a clinical report from New York, skull defects were identified turing techniques has also been reported as a complication of in a number of infants, and there was an increase in the methamphetamine use in adults. A primer of methamphet- incidence ofcongenital heart disease among a group ofurban amine is provided in Table 3. minority-group neonates."0 Chasnoff and Chisum reported Methamphetamine is the most commonly abused drug in three instances of the prune-belly syndrome," one they re- San Diego County. It accounts for 33 % to 40% ofreferrals to lated to a single large maternal dose of cocaine taken at five treatment centers and represents more than 60% of seizures weeks' gestation,6 a critical time in the development of the of illicit drugs by law enforcement. Other rural or semirural - o - THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE * APRIL 1989 * 150 * 4 439 areas are also experiencing an increase in the use of this intravenous use of amphetamines during their pregnancies, "homegrown drug." while the other continued using the drug throughout. There was an increased incidence of morbidity in both groups, but Amphetamine Use in Pregnancy and the Neonatal Period problems were more severe in the group that continued to use The methyl radical has been added only recently, and the drug. Alcohol use was high in both groups. There was an previous medical reports of illicit amphetamine use are pri- increase in the incidence of preterm labor, placental abrup- marily of intravenous use. In the 1950s obstetricians pre- tion, fetal distress, and postpartum hemorrhage. Normal so- scribed low oral doses ofamphetamine to reduce weight gain matic growth was noted by one year despite an increased in pregnancy; no structural abnormalities were found in illness and accident rate in these groups. The infants with those children. In 1974 Ramer described an infant with expo- continued exposure were smaller and had feeding difficulty sure to illicit amphetamine who had hypoglycemia, sweating, to the point of requiring gavage feedings. Drowsiness and poor feeding, and poor visual tracking with deviations ofthe lassitude lasted several months in these infants. Develop- eyes. I7 The infant had periods of having a dusky color and ment was described as "very slow" for six months for those had a "glassy-eyed" appearance. A clinical seizure in the infants who went to foster homes and presumably received absence of electroencephalographic changes was noted on better care and observation. The foster mothers often sus- day 6 oflife. The child was described as normal at 2 years of pected hearing loss, but none was found. Perhaps they were age, but no detailed neuropsychological tests were reported. responding to a decreased quality of alertness in those chil- The largest series of observations has come from the dren. Karolinska Institute in Sweden. II Infants reportedly were born to two groups of mothers, one of which stopped the The San Diego Experience In a retrospective analysis of our own experience in San TABLE 3.-Methamphetamine Primer Diego from 1984 to 1986,19 we compared the perinatal courses of infants in whom cocaine or methamphetamine Produced locally in stills using simple chemicals, primarily was present in the urine at birth. This presumably represents White powder that is taken intranasaiy (rarely by injection), with the rapid onset of a "high" a population in whom there was relatively high or prolonged Regularly used with large amounts of alcohol or other depressants drug exposure, although precise drug use data are inaccurate Street names: "crystal," "crystalmeth," "speed" in almost all clinical settings. Regarding maternal medical Chronic user: "speed freak"-usually indicates chronic psychiatric factors, we found that the two groups showed no significant impairment differences (Table 4). Both groups consisted of women in Metabolized to amphetamine and identified in urine for 1 to 3 days in their mid-20s, usually with other children; less than 5 % were an average adult Cross-reacts in immunoassay with anifhistamines and other cold younger than 21 years. There was an increase in the inci- remedies and tocolytic agents dence of placental abruption in both groups. Most of the Has been associated with cardiovasclar morbidity, acute psychosis, women received no or limited prenatal care. malignant hyperthermia, and hypertension The neonatal outcomes were also comparable in the co- Ruptured cerebral aneurysms, basilar brain infarctions, cerebral angiitis, and other intracerebrai hemorrhages also occur caine- and methamphetamine-using groups: intrauterine growth retardation, decreased head circumference, preterm

TABLE 4.-Maternal and Neonatal Morbidies Associated With Cocaine and Methnamphetamine Use in Contrast to a Medially and DemographiaIly Similar Control* Dn,g Use Demographics Cocaine, n=13 Methamphetamine, n=28 Control, n=45 P Matenal Matemal age, years ...... 26.1±4.8 24.1±4.6 25.8±5.9 NS Gravidity ...... 3.7±2.6 3.2±1.5 3.3±2.1 NS Parity ...... 1.7±1.1 1.6±1.0 2.1±1.4 NS Abortion ...... 2.0±1.8 1.6±2.5 1.2±1.4 NS Prenatal care NS Complete, % ...... 0 0 7 Limited, % ...... 69 57 64 None, % ...... 31 43 29 Nicotineuse, % ...... 38 31 ... NS Ethanol use, % ...... 46 20 .. NS Neonatal Gestational age, weeks ...... 37.5±3.1t 38.1±3.1t 39.4±1.4 .01 Birth weight, grams ...... 2,719±739t 2,955±710 3,246±522 .02 Length, cm ...... 47.6±4.9t 48.1 ±5.7: 50.7±2.8 .02 OFC, cm ...... 32.6±2.8t 33.2±2.1t 34.3±1.5 .006 Apgar score 1 min ...... 7.8±0.6 7.4±2.1 8.0±2.0 NS 5 min ...... 8.8±0.4 8.4±1.5 9.0±1.0 NS NS=no significance, OFC=occipitofrontal circumference *Except for percentages, values are the mean ± standard deviation. tP<.05 Cocaine versus control groups. tP<.05 Methamphetamine versus control groups. 440 TRANSPLACENTAL COCAINE EXPOSURE delivery with fetal distress, and anemia were common in both groups. TABLE 5.-Perinatal Morbidities of Drug-Exposed Infants, % The withdrawal course, as monitored by the Finnegan Stimulants, Narcotic, Control, scoring system,2 was abnormal in similar ways; CNS symp- Perinatal Morbidity n=46 n=49 n=45 toms predominated. Most infants had symptoms that in- Prematurity ...... 28t 22t 9 cluded abnormal sleep patterns (81 %), tremors (71 %), hy- Small for gestational age ...... 9 9 2 pertonia (52%), high-pitched cry (42%), poor feeding Small head circumference for age ... 17 17 4 (58%), vomiting (51 %), sneezing (45 %), frantic sucking Fetal distress ...... 39 38§ 24 (42%), and tachypnea (18 %) (Figure 4). Three methamphet- Bradycardia ...... 22 24 17 Meconium ...... 17 11 7 amine-exposed infants required gavage feeding because of Placental hemorrhage ...... 13thl 2 2 lethargy and poor feeding. Anemia ...... 13thl 2 0 In comparison to a narcotic-exposed group, the combined Seizure ...... 2 8 0 stimulant group, including infants with exposure to both co- Cerebral infarction ...... 2 0 0 caine and , had similar reductions in in- *Cocaine and amphetamines. trauterine growth and less severe abstinence scores. tP< .05 Stimulant versus control groups. 4P<.05 Narcotic versus control groups. In comparison to an economically, racially, and sociolog- §Three infants had variable deceleration. ically comparable drug-free group, all the neonates with IP< .05 Stimulant versus narcotic groups. drug exposure had more adverse perinatal outcomes and a higher incidence ofpreterm delivery, lower birth weights and ball" group, the morbidities were of the same variety, only head circumferences for gestational ages, and a higher rate of more severe: prematurity rate, 45 %; small for gestational anemia (Table 5). Indeed, when all the perinatal features, age, 46 %; and reduced occipitofrontal circumference for including adverse demographic and economic factors, were gestational age, 29%. Withdrawal is more prolonged and analyzed using a multiple regression format, only drug expo- severe in this group, and the mothers are farther away from sure contributed statistically significantly and adversely to recovery. intrauterine growth and gestational age in both the cocaine- Demographically, the cocaine and methamphetamine and methamphetamine-exposed groups. This effect seems to users are distinct groups. The cocaine users tend to be of be over and above the deleterious effects of poverty, poor inner-city minority groups, initially all black but now 25 % nutrition, and a lack ofprenatal care that always confound the Hispanic. They are Medi-Cal recipients but rarely have clinical situation. sought access to care. In contrast, users ofmethamphetamine Between January 1987 and July 1988, we have seen 103 in San Diego are predominantly white and come from all new term infants with exposure to the following drugs: co- areas of the county, including semirural areas. They have no caine, 41%; methamphetamine, 30%; opiates, 8%; and health coverage, have high unemployment rates, and are combined cocaine and heroin, 22 %. During this time, essen- largely outside of systems of care. These are angry, aggres- tially all of the heroin users also used cocaine, which is a new sive, difficult parents who have strong denial mechanisms trend. This is consistent with the data from New York, where and chaotic life-styles. The cocaine-using parents are either 36% of "compliant" methadone users and 80% of heroin so locked in by drug abuse that they are unable to care for users also used cocaine. This means that even that old fa- their infants or they present with management problems miliar group, narcotic-exposed neonates, will be more chal- common to poor, inner-city minority families. The newly lenging because of this combined exposure. In this "speed- emerging group of Hispanic women appears to be recently recruited to the drug scene through cocaine. Heroin is used as Infants Showing Symptoms, % a secondary drug to dampen the "crash" of cocaine. Al- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 though phencyclidine use is growing among Hispanic com- I munities, we have seen little of that in our neonates. In con- Abnormal Sleep trast, infants with exposure to phencyclidine are common in Tremors Los Angeles County. Poor Feeding Our clinical observation indicates that the abstinence Hypertonia scoring derived from the narcotic model does not capture the i full range of behavioral alterations seen in infants with expo- Vomiting sure to stimulant drugs. A series of Brazelton Neonatal As- Sneezing sessment Scale examinations were initially done on 15 in- High-pitched Cry fants with exposure to cocaine and now on a larger sample of Fist Sucking 60. These studies have indicated a pronounced alteration in Tachypnea visual processing, quality of alertness, tremulousness, and Loose Stools startle reflex. Abnormalities of a similar but less dramatic

Fever - nature had been reported by Chasnoff and associates.6 Chil- Hyperreflexia dren with exposure to methamphetamine showed similar but less severe alterations in newborn behavior in this examina- Yawning - tion. Excoriation The visual system appeared particularly impaired after exposure to either stimulant drug. Flash-evoked visual po- Figure 4.-The graph shows the neurobehavioral symptoms seen in neonates with exposure to stimulant drugs. Most infants showed tentials were assessed in 17 cocaine-exposed infants20 and some abnormal neurologic and physiologic behaviors suggestive were abnormal in the vast majority. In subsequent studies, 62 of drug effect or withdrawal. (78%) of 80 had abnormal visual potentials, and more than * 9 * THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE * APRIL 1989 * 150 .44 441 halfremained abnormal through the first year. The long-term by a computed tomographic scan that also showed diffuse outcome is unknown. white matter attenuation suggestive of previous ischemic Several mechanisms could account for this. First, visual damage. A third of the 74 term infants studied, who were processing as a sophisticated system in neonates may be more otherwise entirely well, have had evidence of brain hemor- sensitive to a more generalized neurophysiologic distur- rhage, cavitation, or infarction commonly involving the basal bance. Second, changes in retinal and conjunctival vascula- ganglia around the internal capsule or deep in the frontal ture have been described in adult users and passively exposed lobes, atrophy, or major hemorrhage in the posterior fossa. infants. We have not seen retinal changes in the infants as- The evolution of these perinatal infarcts is shown in ultra- sessed so far, but a prospective study is clearly needed. sonographic images in Figure 5. Third, certain areas of the brain coordinating visual pro- Computed tomographic and magnetic resonance imaging cessing may be particularly affected, either through vasocon- scans show diffuse cerebral atrophy or what appears to be strictive necrosis in, for example, the frontal lobes or through delayed myelination. The small size of these lesions may alterations in neurotransmitters. These mechanisms are require further refinements of imaging techniques. Areas of speculative at this time. infarction and cystic change on cranial ultrasonograms are Electroencephalographic changes were noted in this pop- distinct from the hemorrhagic periventricular leukomalacia ulation19 that consisted of an increase in positive sharp wave seen in preterm infants that may be the antecedent ofclassic activity, particularly in the frontal and central vertex regions, spastic diplegia. These areas appear to be functionally "Si- and an increase in the wave activity. These are suggestive but lent" in the newborn period as the location ofthese lesions is not diagnostic of white matter disease. Four children were distinct. found to have seizure discharges, evident clinically only by a substantial decrease in alertness. A pronounced alteration in Follow-up Studies sleep-wake cycles was seen in the majority ofchildren. This population of children is extremely difficult to Following the report of neonatal stroke, we began to look follow up, and there are no large long-term studies of physi- at ultrasonographic examination of the brain.14 One co- cal and behavioral development ofneonates with exposure to caine-exposed infant appeared to have had a similar cortical stimulant drugs. In our own experience, 59% have gone to wedge lesion that occurred before birth. This was confirmed foster homes initially. At the end ofone year, about 30% have

Figure 5.-Upper left, A parasagittal cranial ultrasonogram on day 1 shows an area of hemorrhage (round white lesion) at the base of the brain. Upper right, A coronal section taken of the same infant on day 1 of life validates the area of acute hemorrhage inferior and lateral to the lateral ventricles. Lower left, A parasagittal study on day 14 of life shows that the hemorrhagic area seen in the initial study has now become cystic (dark) and other echolucent areas are seen around it. Lower right, The coronal view also shows the cystic infarctions on day 14 where hemorrhage was seen earlier. 442 TRANSPLACENTAL COCAINE EXPOSUREE P 4 42 remained in foster care, but two to three shifts of homes is tremor, severe active hypotonia, and a hemiparesis devel- common. For infants who go home with their mothers, cha- oped in children in this group after a relatively benign neo- otic life-styles continue, even if drug use by the parents is natal course. Many of the abnormalities suggest frontal lobe eliminated. Recidivism for treated chemically dependent dysfunction that may only be manifested at school age. Se- parents remainshigh. vere visual motor difficulties were noted in two otherwise Developmental assessments of our population have normal preschoolers who were known to have had antenatal shown that about three fourths have developmental quotients exposure to methamphetamine. ofless than100 during the first year, with areas of fine motor and visual motor coordination showing the greatest delays. Conclusion In these areas there is a decrement of performance related to Neonates who have had exposure to cocaine or metham- age in a cross-sectional group of these children. Fine motor phetamines are with us in ever-increasing numbers. They development appears more compromised as the children ma- challenge every child care provider in health, education, and ture, compounded by the fact that more fine motor items are in the social and legal systems. The hold of chemical depen- assessed at older ages. This observation is consistent with dency on parents makes it difficult for them to meet the needs our clinical impression that visual-motor coordination is se- of these children without an expansion of existing treatment lectively impaired in both cocaine- and methamphetamine- facilities. The foster care system is vastly overburdened. We exposed neonates. More formal analysis is in progress. As a have reason for very major concerns about the outcome of group, however, these children certainly warrant close devel- this population. In contrast to heroin and methadone-which opmental assessment, particularly as the structural brain le- are detrimental to children also-these drugs have the poten- sions are concentrated in areas that may not show impaired tial for serious structural damage to the central nervous function until school age. system that has implications for long- and short-term devel- Infants with exposure to cocaine apparently go through a opment. Although many infants present challenges in the secondary withdrawal phase of neurobehavioral disturbance first year of life, others may emerge only at school age with at 2 to 8 weeks of age. They are extremely irritable, hyper- handicaps that impinge on their development. By compar- tonic, sweaty, mildly febrile (38°C [100.2°F]), hyperphagic, ison, this epidemic will make the one of neonatal narcotic and have notable decreases in sleep.Typically the weight not exposure seem a simpler and less disabling disorder. only catches up but becomes excessive. The usual supportive New techniques of neuroimaging, increasing sophistica- measures, including pacifiers and rocking, that are used for tion in neurobehavioral assessment, and advances in neuro- narcotic-exposed infants appear ineffective. About 25 % of chemistry can be integrated into new understandings of the these children have been treated with phenobarbital, regard- structural and functional relationships in the developing less of the source of the primary care prescriber, and it was brain in this clinical population, as we attempt to cope with reported that sleeping and eating patterns improved. and eradicate this horrible human experiment. Foster parents have described these infants in vivid terms: "He shakes all the time, even when he sleeps." "He just REFERENCES he goes hard at things." "She hates the world; she's 1. Volpe J: Neurology ofthe Newborn. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1981 sweats; 2. Finnegan LP: Neonatal abstinence, In Nelson M (Ed):Current Therapy in so angry." 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