Workshop on the Issue of Martian Meteorites 7027.pdf RECOVERING MORE ANTARCTIC MARTIAN METEORITES: ANSWERS TO COMMON QUESTIONS. R. P. Harvey1 and W. A. Cassidy2, 1Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH 44106-7216, USA (
[email protected]), 2Department of Geology and Planetary Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA 15260, USA (
[email protected]). Introduction: Of the 13 Martian meteorites reported, they could, tell them from Earth rocks), they can help us almost half were collected in Antarctica. With the increased find exposed blue ice, and help us discern the shape and interest in Martian meteorite studies accompanying the re- topography of an icefield. These images speed up our re- port of possible biogenic activity in ALH84001, many have connaissance and greatly facilitate systematic searching wondered whether recoveries of Antarctic Martian meteor- efforts. They also serve as the only available basemap for ites could be enhanced or accelerated. Given that the recov- precisely locating our finds, given that many Antarctic ice- ery of Antarctic meteorites is a planned activity, (unlike the fields lie off existing topographical maps. recovery of non-Antarctic Martian meteorites via random finds and falls), such questions are worth considering. 3. If we sent an army of professional meteorite Listed below are several topical questions, followed by an- hunters, could we gather Martian meteorites more swers based on experience gathered during the 21 com- quickly? pleted field seasons of ANSMET (the Antarctic Search for The answer to this one is “maybe”. Success in Meteorites program). finding Antarctic meteorites depends on a lot of factors, of which manpower is only one.