44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2013) 1129.pdf TO THERMAL HISTORY OF METALLIC ASTEROIDS. E.N. Slyuta, Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, 119991, Kosygin St. 19, Moscow, Russia.
[email protected]. Introduction: Physical-mechanical properties of interval of temperatures T-transition from plastic to a iron meteorites depend on structure, chemical and min- fragile condition in iron meteorites is not observed that eralogical composition, from short-term shock loading usually is not characteristic for technical alloys and and from temperature [1]. The yield strength increases, steels at which at decreasing of temperature the plas- if size of kamacite and rhabdites crystals decreases, ticity can decrease down to 0. For example, for iron- and nickel and carbon contents increases. The more Ni nickel alloy at Ni content about 5% the curve T-bend is content, the more taenite, microhardness of which is observed already about 200 K [5]. The mechanism of more than one of kamacite, and accordingly more yield plastic deformation in iron meteorites at low tempera- strength. Short-term shock loading up to 25 GPа also tures varies only. Deformation at 300 K occurs by slid- increases the yield strength. The temperature of small ing, and at 4.2 K and 77 K is accompanied by forma- bodies which unlike planetary bodies have no en- tion and development of static twins, i.e. mechanical dogenic activity and an internal thermal flux, is de- twinning as the basic mechanism of deformation in fined by insolation level and depends on a body posi- iron meteorites at low temperatures dominates [6].