Processing Data Where It Makes Sense in Modern Computing Systems: Enabling In-Memory Computation Onur Mutlu
[email protected] 10 January 2019 USC Current Research Focus Areas Research Focus: Computer architecture, HW/SW, bioinformatics, security • Memory and storage (DRAM, flash, emerging), interconnects • Heterogeneous & parallel systems, GPUs, systems for data analytics • System/architecture interaction, new execution models, new interfaces • Hardware security, energy efficiency, fault tolerance, performance • Genome sequence analysis & assembly algorithms and architectures • Biologically inspired systems & system design for bio/medicine Hybrid Main Memory Heterogeneous Persistent Memory/Storage Processors and Accelerators Broad research spanning apps, systems, logic with architecture at the center Graphics and Vision Processing Four Key Directions ◼ Fundamentally Secure/Reliable/Safe Architectures ◼ Fundamentally Energy-Efficient Architectures ❑ Memory-centric (Data-centric) Architectures ◼ Fundamentally Low-Latency Architectures ◼ Architectures for Genomics, Medicine, Health 3 A Motivating Detour: Genome Sequence Analysis 4 Our Dream ◼ An embedded device that can perform comprehensive genome analysis in real time (within a minute) ❑ Which of these DNAs does this DNA segment match with? ❑ What is the likely genetic disposition of this patient to this drug? ❑ . 5 What Is a Genome Made Of? Cell Nucleus The discovery of DNA’s double-helical structure (Watson+, 1953) 6 DNA Under Electron Microscope human