An Empirical Study of OSS-Fuzz Bugs
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An Empirical Study of OSS-Fuzz Bugs Zhen Yu Ding∗ and Claire Le Gouesy ∗Motional (work done at Carnegie Mellon University), Pittsburgh, USA [email protected] ySchool of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA [email protected] Abstract—Continuous fuzzing is an increasingly popular tech- Algorithm 1 Coverage-guided fuzzing. nique for automated quality and security assurance. Google 1: procedure FUZZ(program p, set of seed inputs I0) maintains OSS-Fuzz: a continuous fuzzing service for open 2: Inputs I0 source software. We conduct the first empirical study of OSS- 3: TotalCoverage coverage of p on Inputs Fuzz, analyzing 23,907 bugs found in 316 projects. We examine 4: while within time budget do the characteristics of fuzzer-found faults, the lifecycles of such 5: i pick from Inputs faults, and the evolution of fuzzing campaigns over time. We 6: i0 mutate i find that OSS-Fuzz is often effective at quickly finding bugs, 7: coverage, error execute p on i0 and developers are often quick to patch them. However, flaky 8: if 9 error then bugs, timeouts, and out of memory errors are problematic, 9: report error and faulty input i0 people rarely file CVEs for security vulnerabilities, and fuzzing 10: optionally, exit campaigns often exhibit punctuated equilibria, where developers 11: else if coverage ̸⊆ TotalCoverage then might be surprised by large spikes in bugs found. Our findings 12: add i0 to Inputs have implications on future fuzzing research and practice. 13: TotalCoverage TotalCoverage [ coverage Index Terms—fuzzing, continuous fuzzing, OSS-Fuzz I. INTRODUCTION • We study the longitudinal evolution of fuzzing cam- Fuzz testing is effective at finding bugs and security vul- paigns. We find that bug discovery often show punctuated nerabilities such as crashes, memory violations, and undefined equilibria, with occasional spikes in the number of bugs behavior. Continuous fuzzing — using fuzz tests as part of a found interspersed among relatively slow bug hunting. continuous testing strategy — is increasingly popular in both Section II provides background to contextualize our work. industry [1]–[5] and open-source software engineering [1], [3], Section III overviews the bug reports under study. We analyze [6], [7]. To improve the quality and security of open-source, fault characteristics, fault lifecycles, and longitudinal evolution Google maintains OSS-Fuzz [6], a continuous fuzzing service in Sections IV, V, and VI respectively. Section VII discusses supporting over 300 open-source projects. our findings’ implications for research and practice, Sec- We present the first empirical study of OSS-Fuzz, examining tion VIII overviews related work, and Section IX concludes. over 4 years of data and 23,907 fuzzer-discovered bugs found in 316 software projects. To our best knowledge, this is the II. BACKGROUND largest study of continuous fuzzing at the time of writing. To explain how OSS-Fuzz found the bugs under analysis, we We expand the body of empirical research on fuzzing, which provide background on coverage-guided fuzzing (Section II-A) the fuzzing community expressed a need for [8]. Our main and OSS-Fuzz (Section II-B). We also discuss the CIA triad of contributions are: information security (Section II-C), which we use to analyze • We present the first empirical study of OSS-Fuzz and the the security impact of bugs in our analysis. arXiv:2103.11518v1 [cs.SE] 21 Mar 2021 largest study of continuous fuzzing at the time of writing, analyzing 23,907 bugs in 316 projects. A. Coverage-guided fuzzing • We analyze the characteristics of fuzzer-found bugs. We Coverage-guided fuzzing (CGF), implemented by tools such consider fault types, flakiness, fuzz blockers, unfixed as AFL [9], libFuzzer [10], and honggfuzz [11], is a popular bugs, CVE entries, and relationships among these fea- bug detection method. CGF uses genetic search to find inputs tures. We find that many fuzzer-found bugs harm avail- that maximize code coverage. Algorithm 1 describes CGF at ability without posing direct threats to confidentiality or a high level. The algorithm maintains a pool of Inputs and the integrity, timeouts and out of memory errors are unusually TotalCoverage of program p on Inputs. The user provides seed flaky, flaky bugs are mostly unfixed, and few bugs, mostly inputs I0 to instantiate Inputs. The fuzzer repeatedly picks memory corruption bugs, receive CVE entries. an input i from the pool of Inputs and applies a mutation • We probe OSS-Fuzz bugs’ lifecycles. We find that most (e.g., increment, bit flip, or user-defined mutations) to produce fuzzer-found bugs are detected and fixed quickly, albeit i0. The fuzzer then executes program p on mutated input lifecycles vary across fault types, flaky bugs are slower i0 to gather the coverage of program p on i0 and detect to detect and fix, and fuzz blockers are slower tofix. any error, such as crashes, assertion violations, timeouts, Participating OSS project Build software Builds Fuzzing ClusterFuzz Retrieve Upload Retrieve Detect & deduplicate bugs, minimize test input, bisect regression Write fuzz targets, Verify whether Provide build bugs are fixed fix bugs instructions Bug OSS-Fuzz repository Update bug report (with build instructions) Notify File bug report Monorail Developer issue tracker Fig. 1: OSS-Fuzz’s workflow memory leaks or access violations (with ASan [12]), undefined policy [18], [19] for all found bugs. If a bug is patched, then behavior (with UBSan [13]), uninitialized memory use (with the disclosure date moves up to either 30 days post-patch or MSan [14]), or data races (with TSan [15]). If i0 does not stays at 90 days post-discovery, whichever is earlier. Bug dis- trigger an error and discovers new coverage that is not closure deadlines are a standard practice in industry; deadlines previously seen in TotalCoverage, then add i0 to Inputs and encourage prompt repair, while the delay in public disclosure update TotalCoverage. By finding inputs that cover new code, gives developers time to write and discreetly distribute patches. CGF aims to test as much of the program as possible. C. CIA Triad Fuzzers need an entrypoint into the program to provide test inputs; such an entrypoint is often called a fuzz target. Since fuzzing is often used as part of a security testing libFuzzer-style fuzz targets — which AFL and honggfuzz strategy, we analyze the potential security impacts of bugs also support and OSS-Fuzz uses — are functions that take using the CIA triad [20]. CIA stands for confidentiality, in fuzzer-generated arbitrary bytestream input, transform the integrity, and availability; each is a desired security property. input to program-usable input data if needed, and execute the Confidentiality entails that only authorized users can access program under test with the input. a resource. Data breaches are instances of violated confi- dentiality. Dangerous memory reads, such as buffer overflow B. Continuous Fuzzing and OSS-Fuzz reads or use of uninitialized values, can leak confidential data Continuous fuzzing uses fuzzing as part of a continuous residing in memory. For example, Heartbleed was a buffer testing strategy to find regressions as software evolves. Several overflow read vulnerability in OpenSSL that jeopardized the organizations incorporate fuzzing as part of their quality confidentiality of server data, such as private keys [21]. assurance strategy [1], [3], [16], [17] or offer tools that provide Integrity entails that only authorized users can modify continuous fuzzing as a service [2], [4]–[6]. resources in an allowable manner. Unauthorized deletion or OSS-Fuzz [6] is Google’s continuous fuzzing service for tampering of resources are instances of violated integrity. open source software (OSS) projects that are widely used or Tampering of memory — which may result from improper critical to global IT infrastructure. OSS-Fuzz uses Cluster- memory management or dangerous functions that allow for Fuzz [1], Google’s continuous fuzzing framework. Figure 1 buffer overflow writes or unsafe heap operations — can corrupt illustrates OSS-Fuzz’s workflow. Developers in a participat- data or facilitate arbitrary code execution. ing OSS project write fuzz targets and provide instructions Availability entails that resources remain available to users. for building the software. OSS-Fuzz continuously builds the Denial of service attacks harm availability. Attackers can lever- software and uploads it to ClusterFuzz. ClusterFuzz finds age resource exhaustion bugs such as timeouts, out of memory fuzz targets and uses the coverage-guided fuzzers AFL [9], errors, or memory leaks to reduce system performance. Bugs libFuzzer [10], and honggfuzz [11] to fuzz the software. Upon that result in abnormal process termination such as null detecting a bug, ClusterFuzz checks whether the bug is a dereferences, stack overflows, or operating system signals can duplicate of any previously found bugs, minimizes the bug- deny service to anyone else using the same terminated process. inducing input, and bisects the range of commits in which the regression occurred. If the bug is not a duplicate, then III. OSS-FUZZ BUG REPORTS ClusterFuzz files a bug report on Monorail, an issue tracker. We extract data from OSS-Fuzz bug reports on Monorail. ClusterFuzz periodically verifies whether any previously found Figure 2 shows OSS-Fuzz Issue #20000 as an example. bugs are fixed; if so, OSS-Fuzz updates fixed bugs’ report. ClusterFuzz generates these reports in a standardized format. Bug reports are initially available only to project members. The report indicates which software “Project” is affected, the OSS-Fuzz uses Google’s standard 90-day public disclosure “Fuzzing Engine” and “Fuzz Target” that found the bug, the Issue 20000 Project: binutils Reported by ClusterFuzz Fuzzing Engine: libFuzzer on Fri, Jan 10, 2020 Fuzz Target: fuzz disassemble 7:15 AM EST Platform Id: linux Status: Verified (Closed) Crash Type: Unsigned-integer-overflow Modified: Feb 10, 2020 Sanitizer: undefined (UBSAN) Regressed: Labels: &range=201912170318:201912190318 Reproducible Reproducer Testcase: 7 others.