USOO8768313B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,768,313 B2 Rodriguez (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 1, 2014 (54) METHODS AND SYSTEMS FOR IMAGE OR (56) References Cited AUDIO RECOGNITION PROCESSING U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (75) Inventor: Tony F. Rodriguez, Portland, OR (US) 7,272.407 B2 * 9/2007 Strittmatter et al. .......... 455,500 7.925,265 B2 * 4/2011 Souissi ......................... 455,445 (73) Assignee: Digimarc Corporation, Beaverton, OR 8,229, 160 B2 7/2012 Rosenblatt (US) 8,358,811 B2 * 1/2013 Adams et al. ................. 382,118 2002/0102966 A1 8, 2002 Lev et al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2004/0212630 A1 10/2004 Hobgood et al. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2006/00316842005/0091604 A1 4/20052/2006 SharmaDavis et al. U.S.C. 154(b) by 819 days. (Continued) (21) Appl. No.: 12/855,996 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (22) Filed: Aug. 13, 2010 Ahmed, et al. 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CESSENG LIBRARY FOW GATE CONFIGURATION, SOFTWARE PROGRAMMING EXERNAL PXEL KEYVECTOR DATA SENSOR milier HARDWARE (PROCD PIXELS & ROUTING OTHER) F.G. 6 NERNA U.S. Patent US 8,768,313 B2 U.S. Patent US 8,768,313 B2 U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2014 Sheet 9 Of 55 US 8,768,313 B2 SOAC U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2014 Sheet 10 Of 55 US 8,768,313 B2 >JOSSEOORHd ?JOSSEOORHd ENOHdTTHO 9NISSEOO}}d U.S. Patent US 8,768,313 B2 U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2014 Sheet 12 Of 55 US 8,768,313 B2 MY PROFILE, INCLUDING WHOI AM, AND WHAT DO GENERALLY LIKE/WANT MY CONTEXT, INCLUDING WHERE AM, AND WHAT ARE MY CURRENT DESRES MY WISUAL OUERYPXELS THEMSELVES PACKETS RESULTS VISUAL QUERY PACKET PACKETS RESULTS PACKETS RESULTS CONFIGURABLE ARRAY OF OFFEREDATAUCTION TO AN SERVICE PROVIDERS ARRAY OF SERVICE PROVIDERS FIG. 11 U.S. Patent US 8,768,313 B2 EOLAECI>JESÍTI U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2014 Sheet 14 of 55 US 8,768,313 B2 12 SENSOR 14 PROCESSING FOR OBJECT DENTIFICATION PROCESSING FOR HUMAN WISUAL ADDRESSING SYSTEM (e.g., JPEG compression) 15 FIG. 13 16 56 CAMERA STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE Y INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS ' ' ' INSTRUCTIONS 55 58a 58b. STAGE Z NSTRUCTIONS DATA 56 59 FIG. 17 U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2014 Sheet 15 Of 55 US 8,768,313 B2 CEL PHONE FIG. 14 APPLICATION NCELL PROCESSING C) PHONE EXTERNAL FROM CELL PHONE APPLICATION l PHONENCELL APPLICATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a EXTERNAL FROM 10 CELL PHONE APPLICATION EXTERNAL FROM CELL PHONE U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2014 Sheet 16 of 55 US 8,768,313 B2 0 U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2014 Sheet 17 Of 55 US 8,768,313 B2 L CD a. O -NO(HONAS NO||W/Z1 U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2014 Sheet 18 Of 55 US 8,768,313 B2 8/ 01 --------------------------;;;;;;;. U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2014 Sheet 20 Of 55 US 8,768,313 B2 NOISIATWO ?JEHLO SEKOLARJES CIEX1 ?JEAN-JES -----Z___---------Z___---- TOOOLO>jc) U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2014 Sheet 21 Of 55 US 8,768,313 B2 RESPONSE TIME ROUTING NEEDED CONSTRANTS OPERATION DETALS USER HARDWARE • High level PREFERENCES o What special purpose operations hardware is local? O LOW level o What is Current operations hardware utilization? o Common operations o CPU pipeline length o Operations that are preconditions to o Pipeline stall risks others CONNECTWTY o Power consumption STATUS GEOGRAPHICAL CONSIDERATIONS RULES, HEURISTICS NFORE REMOTE PROVIDER(S), E.G., Readiness Speed Cost Attributes of importance to user OPERATIONS FOR OPERATIONS FOR LOCAL PROCESSING REMOTE PROCESSENG FIG. 19B U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2014 Sheet 22 Of 55 US 8,768,313 B2 MICRO MIRROR PROJECTOR U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2014 US 8,768,313 B2 U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2014 Sheet 24 Of 55 US 8,768,313 B2 U.S. Patent Jul. 1, 2014 Sheet 25 Of 55 US 8,768,313 B2 CAPTURE OR RECEIVE IMAGE MAGE AND/OR METADATA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PRE-PROCESS IMAGE, SUBMIT TO GOOGLE, RECEIVE e.g., IMAGE ENHANCEMENT, AUXLIARY INFORMATION : OBJECT SEGMENTATION/ : EXTRACTION, etc.
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