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Proceedings-Print.Pdf ISSN: 2175-6759 ISBN: 978-85-76694-75-5 Edited by: Flávio Luiz Schiavoni Rodrigo Schramm José Eduardo Fornari Novo Junior Leandro Lesqueves Costalonga ISSN 2175-6759 Ficha catalográfica elaborada pelo Setor de Processamento Técnico da Divisão de Biblioteca da UFSJ Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Musical (15. : 2015 : Campinas, SP) Anais [recurso eletrônico] do 15º Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Musical = 15th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music (SBCM), 23 a 25 de novembro de 2015, Campinas, SP / editado por Flávio Luiz Schiavoni ... [et al.]. – Campinas: UNICAMP, 2015. Disponível em: ISSN: 2175-6759 ISBN: 978-85-76694-75-5 1. Música por computador. 2. Arte e tecnologia. 3. Multimídia (Arte). I. Schiavoni, Flávio Luiz (Ed.). II. Título. CDU: 78:004 SBCM 2015 is organized by University of Campinas (UNICAMP) President: Jos´eTadeu Jorge Vice President for University Coordination: Alvaro´ Penteado Cr´osta Vice President for Research (PRP): Gl´aucia Maria Pastore Coordination of Interdisciplinary Centers (COCEN) Coordinator: Jurandir Zullo Junior Interdisciplinary Center for Studies on Sound Communication (NICS) Coordinator: Adriana do Nascimento Ara´ujo Mendes Art Institute, Department of Music Director: Fernando Augusto de Almeida Hashimoto Chief of the Department: Leandro Barsalini Coordinator of Graduate Studies in Music: Alexandre Zamith Almeida Coordinator of Undergraduate Studies in Music: Paulo J. Siqueira Tin´e Production Center Staff (Ceprod) Visual programming: Ivan Avelar Promotion Brazilian Computer Society – SBC Proceedings of the 15th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music Cover design by Ivan Avelar and Jos´eFornari Edited by: Fl´avio Luiz Schiavoni (UFSJ / BR) Rodrigo Schramm (UFRGS / BR) Jos´eEduardo Fornari Novo Junior (UNICAMP / BR) Leandro Lesqueves Costalonga (UFES / BR) ISSN 2175-6759 Permission to make digital or hard copies of all part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. © Brazilian Computer Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Computa¸c˜ao – SBC) CNPJ nº 29.532.264/0001-78 Av. Bento Gon¸calves, 9500 – Setor 4 – Sala 116 – Pr´edio 43424 – Agronomia CEP 91501-970 – Porto Alegre – RS, Brasil All papers published in this proceedings were edited based on the original files sent by the authors, without any modification. Apresenta¸c˜ao O SBCM - Simp´osio Brasileiro de Computa¸c˜ao Musical ´eum evento bianual com reconhecimento internacional no campo da computa¸c˜ao musical, organizado pelo NUCOM, a Comiss˜ao Especial em Computa¸c˜ao Musical da Sociedade Brasileira de Computa¸c˜ao (SBC). Esta 15ª edi¸c˜ao ser´arealizada de 23 a 25 de Novembro, em Campinas, e suas atividades planejadas para o SBCM 2015 est˜ao organizadas de acordo com o tema Computa¸c˜ao Musical: ultrapassando fronteiras de processamento de sinais e modelos computacionais. Desde os prim´ordios deste campo de pesquisa, transitando entre experimentos eletroac´usticos, sistemas complexos de gera¸c˜ao sonora e interfaces homem- m´aquina, processamento de sinais e modelos computacionais sempre tiveram um papel preponderante. Contudo, o tema proposto para este SBCM abre espa¸co para a discuss˜ao associada a outros aspectos tamb´em inerentes ao campo da computa¸c˜ao musical, como matem´atica, criatividade, significado est´etico, realidade virtual e redes sociais. Carta da Organiza¸c˜ao E´ sempre uma satisfa¸c˜ao organizar um evento do renome do SBCM; o Simp´osio Brasileiro de Computa¸c˜ao Musical. Este ´e, sem d´uvida, um dos eventos nacionais mais importantes na ´area de m´usica e tecnologia, apresentando uma indubit´avel tradi¸c˜ao acadˆemica que remonta d´ecadas de atua¸c˜ao e presen¸ca ativa de importantes nomes desta ´area de estudo acadˆemico, que intersecciona a ciˆencia, a tecnologia e a arte. A organiza¸c˜ao local iniciou suas atividades no primeiro semestre de 2015, quando foi formalmente definido que o SBCM 2015 de fato seria realizado na UNICAMP. Eu, como pesquisador do NICS (N´ucleo Interdisciplinar de Comunica¸c˜ao Sonora) e participante de diversos SBCMs anteriores, me senti confort´avel e alinhado com os prop´ositos e interesses deste evento e devo dizer que a organiza¸c˜ao ocorreu de forma tranquila, produtiva e motivadora. Para que assim tenha ocorrido, contei com o indel´evel apoio de diversos setores da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, a UNICAMP, em especial, com as equipes do: Centro de Conven¸c˜oes (CDC), a Diretoria de Apoio `aProdu¸c˜ao do Departamento de M´usica do Instituto de Artes, bem como o NICS. Em termos de pessoal, agrade¸co ao inestim´avel aux´ılio da Elizabeth Fernandes (a Beth, do NICS), que participou ativamente de cada detalhe da organiza¸c˜ao do SBCM; `aProf. Dra. Adriana Mendes, coordenadora do NICS e tamb´em participante da equipe de organiza¸c˜ao do SBCM, bem como todos os demais membros desta equipe, a saber: Ana Lia, Gerson Abdala, Gisele Gomes, Francieli Moreira, Angelica Pe˜na, Miguel Clementi, Djalma de Campos, Sandra Cielavin, Rafael de Almeida, Tiago Tavares, Charles Santana, Gabriel Rimodi, Alexandre Hen- rique e Matteo Ricciard. Como ´ede costume, este SBCM tamb´em contou com a promo¸c˜ao da Sociedade Brasileira de Computa¸c˜ao, a SBC, a qual eu agrade¸co a presteza e disponibilidade. Tamb´em tivemos o privil´egio de contar com o apoio financeiro da Coordena¸c˜ao de Aperfei¸coamento de Pessoal de N´ıvel Superior, a CAPES, que novamente subsidiou a realiza¸c˜ao deste evento, bem como ao Fundo de Apoio ao Ensino, `aPesquisa e Extens˜ao, a FAEPEX, da pr´o-reitoria de pesquisa (PRP) da UNICAMP. Por fim, agrade¸co `aComiss˜ao Especial de Computa¸c˜ao Musical, o CECM, na pessoa do Prof. Dr. Leandro Costalonga, e aos respectivos coordenadores de se¸c˜ao t´ecnica, Prof. Dr. Fl´avio Schiavoni; e musical, Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Schramm. Espero que o SBCM 2015 seja um evento que traga grandes contribui¸c˜oes `apesquisa, `adivulga¸c˜ao e ao desenvolvimento da computa¸c˜ao musical, que ainda permanece como a grande frente agregadora da an´alise, do processamento, da composi¸c˜ao e da performance musical contemporˆanea. Cordialmente Jos´eEduardo Fornari Novo Jr. Coordenador geral do SBCM 2015 Introduction The SBCM Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music is a biannual event with international recognition in the field of computer music organized by NUCOM, the computer music interest group of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). This 15th edition will be held from November 23th to 25th, 2015, at Campinas, S˜ao Paulo, and is specially dedicated to the theme ”Computer Music: beyond the frontiers of signal processing and computational models”. From electroacoustic experiments to the most complex sound generation and human machine interfaces, signal processing and computational models always had an important role. The proposed theme for this SBCM brings up discussions about aspects that are also inherent to the computer music field, as math, creativity, aesthetic meaning, virtual reality and social networks. Welcome It is always a pleasure to organize an event with the status of SBCM; the Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music. This is undoubtedly one of the most important national events in the field of music and technology, with decades of academic tradition and the active presence of important names of this field of study, that intersects Science, Techno- logy and Art. The local organization started its activities in the first half of 2015, when it was formally decided that the SBCM 2015 would indeed be held at the University of Campinas, UNICAMP. I, the local organizer, researcher at NICS (the Interdisciplinary Center for Sound Communication), and former participant of previous SBCM events, felt comfortable and aligned with the purposes and interests of this event. I must say that the organization process happened in a rather peaceful, productive and motivating way. In order to have that happened, the local organization had the privilege of counting with the support of various departments at UNICAMP, especially with the staffs of: Convention Center (CDC), the Department of Music, at the Institute of Arts, and NICS. In terms of people, I thank the invaluable cooperation of Elizabeth Fernandes (Beth, from NICS), who actively participated in each and every detail of SBCM 2015 organization; Prof. Dra. Adriana Mendes (NICS coordinator and also member of the local organizing team), as well as all other members of this staff, namely: Ana Lia, Gerson Abdala, Gisele Gomes, Francieli Moreira, Angelica Pe˜na, Miguel Clementi, Djalma de Campos, Sandra Cielavin, Rafael de Almeida, Tiago Tavares, Charles Santana, Gabriel Rimodi. Alexandre Henrique and Matteo Ricciard. As usual, this SBCM also had the promotion of the Brazilian Computer Society, SBC, which I here acknowledge. We also had the privilege of having the financial support of CAPES, the Brazilian Coordination for Higher Education and Personnel Improvement, which once again supported an SBCM event, as well as FAEPEX, the Fund for Support Education, at PRP / UNICAMP. Finally, I also thank CECM, the Special Committee on Computer Music, in the person of Prof. Dr. Leandro Costa- longa, as well as SBCM 2015 technical section coordinator, Prof. Dr. Flavio Schiavoni; and musical coordinator, Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Schramm. I hope that this SBCM 2015 turns to be an event that succeeds to bring about invaluable contributions for the research, dissemination and development of computer music field that still stands as one of the large aggregating fronts for the analysis, processing, composition and performance in contemporary music. Best regards, Jos´eEduardo Fornari New Jr. General Chair of the SBCM 2015 Carta da CECM/SBC Na sua 15° edi¸c˜ao, o Simp´osio Brasileiro de Computa¸c˜ao (SBCM), se volta para al´em das fronteiras dos processamento de sinais e modelos computacionais.
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