Electrification of Transportation Strategic Roadmap
March 29, 2018 The Honorable Chair and Members of the Hawai 'i Public Utilities Commission ZOIB MAR 2CJ P 2: Li t; Kekuanaoa Building, 1st Floor PLJr' 1 iT'L 1··1·T--:c- 465 South King Street PU• ;.) ··' \,) j I ' .LJ ( ,. ('; ~ ....·' ~ l r:' :""· '·"' r- I I1 r'~~ I Honolulu, Hawai 'i 96813 . .. , I . , -..~· ..__) I ...... 1 Dear Commissioners: Subject: Docket No. 2016-0168 EV-F and EV-U Pilot Extension Electrification of Transportation Strategic Roadmap In accordance with Decision and Order Nci. 34592, 1 filed June 2, 2017 in the subject proceeding, the Hawaiian Electric Companies'2 respectfully submit their Electrification of Transportation ("EoT") Strategic Roadmap ("Roadmap"). The Roadmap represents a straightforward guide, based on input from stakeholders, transportation and technical experts, policymakers, non-government organizations and perhaps most importantly, customers, for turning the Companies' transportation transformation plans into actions. The Roadmap describes a number of steps to accelerate the EoT, including: (1) increasing electric vehicle ("EV") adoption by helping to lower costs and educating customers; (2) accelerating the buildout of EV charging infrastructure; (3) supporting the electrification of buses and other heavy equipment; (4) incentivizing EV charging to align with grid needs and save drivers and utility customers money; and (5) coordinating with ongoing grid modernization and planning efforts to help maximize the use of renewable resources. With these and other actions described in the Roadmap, the State can enhance its energy security and accelerate its transition from fossil fuels to renewable resources, both for the production of electricity and for ground transportation, while at the same time helping to facilitate more renewable resources online and helping to lower energy costs for customers.
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