100 Years of Change in the Flora of the Carolinas
EUPHORBIACEAE 353 Tragia urticifolia Michaux, Nettleleaf Noseburn. Pd (GA, NC, SC, VA), Cp (GA, SC), Mt (SC): dry woodlands and rock outcrops, particularly over mafic or calcareous rocks; common (VA Rare). May-October. Sc. VA west to MO, KS, and CO, south to FL and AZ. [= RAB, F, G, K, W; = T. urticaefolia – S, orthographic variant] Triadica Loureiro 1790 (Chinese Tallow-tree) A genus of 2-3 species, native to tropical and subtropical Asia. The most recent monographers of Sapium and related genera (Kruijt 1996; Esser 2002) place our single naturalized species in the genus Triadica, native to Asia; Sapium (excluding Triadica) is a genus of 21 species restricted to the neotropics. This conclusion is corroborated by molecular phylogenetic analysis (Wurdack, Hoffmann, & Chase (2005). References: Kruijt (1996)=Z; Esser (2002)=Y; Govaerts, Frodin, & Radcliffe-Smith (2000)=X. * Triadica sebifera (Linnaeus) Small, Chinese Tallow-tree, Popcorn Tree. Cp (GA, NC, SC): marsh edges, shell deposits, disturbed areas; uncommon. May-June; August-November, native of e. Asia. With Euphorbia, Chamaesyce, and Cnidoscolus, one of our few Euphorbiaceous genera with milky sap. Triadica has become locally common from Colleton County, SC southward through the tidewater area of GA, and promises to become a serious weed tree (as it is in parts of LA, TX, and FL). [= K, S, X, Y, Z; = Sapium sebiferum (Linnaeus) Roxburgh – RAB, GW] Vernicia Loureiro 1790 (Tung-oil Tree) A genus of 3 species, trees, native of se. Asia. References: Govaerts, Frodin, & Radcliffe-Smith (2000)=Z. * Vernicia fordii (Hemsley) Airy-Shaw, Tung-oil Tree, Tung Tree. Cp (GA, NC): planted for the oil and for ornament, rarely naturalizing; rare, introduced from central and western China.
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