1996 Synonymy Synonym Accepted Scientific Name Source Abama Americana (Ker-Gawl.) Morong Narthecium Americanum Ker-Gawl

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1996 Synonymy Synonym Accepted Scientific Name Source Abama Americana (Ker-Gawl.) Morong Narthecium Americanum Ker-Gawl National List of Vascular Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: 1996 Synonymy Synonym Accepted Scientific Name Source Abama americana (Ker-Gawl.) Morong Narthecium americanum Ker-Gawl. KAR94 Abama montana Small Narthecium americanum Ker-Gawl. KAR94 Abildgaardia monostachya (L.) Vahl Abildgaardia ovata (Burm. f.) Kral KAR94 Abutilon abutilon (L.) Rusby Abutilon theophrasti Medik. KAR94 Abutilon avicennae Gaertn. Abutilon theophrasti Medik. KAR94 * Acacia smallii Isely Acacia minuta ssp. minuta (M.E. Jones) Beauchamp KAR94 Acaena exigua var. glaberrima Bitter Acaena exigua Gray KAR94 Acaena exigua var. glabriuscula Bitter Acaena exigua Gray KAR94 Acaena exigua var. subtusstrigulosa Bitter Acaena exigua Gray KAR94 * Acalypha rhomboidea Raf. Acalypha virginica var. rhomboidea (Raf.) Cooperrider KAR94 Acanthocereus floridanus Small Acanthocereus tetragonus (L.) Humm. KAR94 Acanthocereus pentagonus (L.) Britt. & Rose Acanthocereus tetragonus (L.) Humm. KAR94 Acanthochiton wrightii Torr. Amaranthus acanthochiton Sauer KAR94 Acanthoxanthium spinosum (L.) Fourr. Xanthium spinosum L. KAR94 Acer carolinianum Walt. Acer rubrum var. trilobum Torr. & Gray ex K. Koch KAR94 Acer dasycarpum Ehrh. Acer saccharinum L. KAR94 Acer drummondii Hook. & Arn. ex Nutt. Acer rubrum var. drummondii (Hook. & Arn. ex Nutt.) Sarg. KAR94 Acer nigrum var. palmeri Sarg. Acer nigrum Michx. f. KAR94 Acer platanoides var. schwedleri Nichols. Acer platanoides L. KAR94 * Acer rubrum ssp. drummondii (Hook. & Arn. ex Nutt.) E. Murr. Acer rubrum var. drummondii (Hook. & Arn. ex Nutt.) Sarg. KAR94 Acer rubrum var. tridens Wood Acer rubrum var. trilobum Torr. & Gray ex K. Koch KAR94 Acer saccharinum var. laciniatum Pax Acer saccharinum L. KAR94 Acer saccharinum var. wieri Rehd. Acer saccharinum L. KAR94 * Acer saccharum ssp. nigrum (Michx. f.) Desmarais Acer nigrum Michx. f. KAR94 Acer saccharum var. nigrum (Michx. f.) Britt. Acer nigrum Michx. f. KAR94 Acer saccharum var. viride (Schmidt) E. Murr. Acer nigrum Michx. f. KAR94 Acerates delticola Small Asclepias longifolia Michx. KAR94 Acerates floridana (Lam.) A.S. Hitchc. Asclepias longifolia Michx. KAR94 Acerates hirtella Pennell Asclepias hirtella (Pennell) Woods. KAR94 Acerates longifolia (Michx.) Ell. Asclepias longifolia Michx. KAR94 Acetosa oblongifolia (L.) A.& D. Löve Rumex obtusifolius L. KAR94 Acetosella acetosella (L.) Small Rumex acetosella L. KAR94 Acetosella corniculata (L.) Kuntze Oxalis corniculata L. KAR94 Acetosella tenuifolia (Wallr.) A. Löve Rumex acetosella L. KAR94 Acetosella vulgaris (Koch) Fourr. Rumex acetosella L. KAR94 Achras bidentata A.DC. Manilkara bidentata (A. DC.) Chev. NLSPN Achras emarginata (L.) Little Manilkara jaimiqui ssp. emarginata (L.) Cronq. KAR94 * Accepted in List88/Supplements March 3, 1997- Ecology Section - National Wetlands Inventory - US Fish and Wildlife Service Page 1 of 253 Synonym Accepted Scientific Name Source Achyranthes altissima Jacq. Chamissoa altissima (Jacq.) Kunth KAR94 Achyranthes philoxeroides (Mart.) Standl. Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. KAR94 Achyranthes polygonoides (L.)LAM. Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R. Br. ex DC. NLSPN Achyranthes prostrata L. Cyathula prostrata (L.) Blume KAR94 Achyranthes ramosissima auct. non (Mart.) Standl. Alternanthera flavescens Kunth KAR94 Achyranthes sessilis (L.) Desf. ex Steud. Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R. Br. ex DC. KAR94 Acisanthera acisanthera (L.) Britt. Acisanthera quadrata Pers. KAR94 Acmella repens (Walt.) L.C. Rich. Acmella oppositifolia var. repens (Walt.) R.K. Jansen KAR94 Acmispon americanum (Nutt.) Rydb. Lotus unifoliolatus var. unifoliolatus (Hook.) Benth. KAR94 Acnida alabamensis Standl. Amaranthus australis (Gray) Sauer KAR94 Acnida altissima (Riddell) Moq. ex Standl. Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer KAR94 Acnida altissima var. prostrata (Uline & Bray) Fern. Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer KAR94 Acnida altissima var. subnuda (S. Wats.) Fern. Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer KAR94 Acnida australis Gray Amaranthus australis (Gray) Sauer KAR94 Acnida cannabina L. Amaranthus cannabinus (L.) Sauer KAR94 Acnida concatenata (Moq.) Small Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer KAR94 Acnida cuspidata Bertero ex Spreng. Amaranthus australis (Gray) Sauer KAR94 Acnida floridana S. Wats. Amaranthus floridanus (S. Wats.) Sauer KAR94 Acnida subnuda (S. Wats.) Standl. Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer KAR94 Acnida tamariscina auct. non (Nutt.) Wood Amaranthus rudis Sauer KAR94 Acnida tamariscina var. prostrata Uline & Bray Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer KAR94 Acnida tuberculata Moq. Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) Sauer KAR94 Acoelorraphe arborescens (Sarg.) Becc. Acoelorraphe wrightii (Griseb. & H. Wendl.) H. Wendl. ex Becc. KAR94 Acomastylis calthifolia (Menzies ex Sm.) Bolle Geum calthifolium Menzies ex Sm. KAR94 Acomastylis peckii (Pursh) Bolle Geum peckii Pursh KAR94 Aconogonum alaskanum (W. Wight ex Hultén) Soják Polygonum alpinum All. KAR94 Aconogonum alpinum (All.) Schur Polygonum alpinum All. KAR94 Aconogonum davisiae (Brewer ex Gray) Soják Polygonum davisiae Brewer ex Gray KAR94 Aconogonum davisiae var. glabrum (G.N. Jones) S.-P. Hong Polygonum davisiae Brewer ex Gray KAR94 Aconogonum hultenianum (Yurtsev) Tzvelev Polygonum alpinum All. KAR94 Aconogonum hultenianum var. lapathifolium (Cham. & Schlecht.) S.-P. Hong Polygonum alpinum All. KAR94 Aconogonum newberryi (Small) Soják Polygonum davisiae Brewer ex Gray KAR94 Aconogonum phytolaccifolium (Meisn. ex Small) Small ex Rydb. Polygonum phytolaccifolium Meisn. ex Small KAR94 Aconogonum phytolaccifolium var. glabrum S.-P. Hong Polygonum phytolaccifolium Meisn. ex Small KAR94 Aconogonum polystachyum (Wallich ex Meisn.) Haraldson Polygonum polystachyum Wallich ex Meisn. KAR94 * Acorus calamus auct. non L. Acorus americanus (Raf.) Raf. KAR94 Acorus calamus var. americanus (Raf.) H.D. Wulff. Acorus americanus (Raf.) Raf. KAR94 Acrostichum excelsum Maxon Acrostichum danaeifolium Langsd. & Fisch. KAR94 Actaea alba auct. non (L.) P. Mill. Actaea pachypoda Ell. KAR94 * Accepted in List88/Supplements March 3, 1997- Ecology Section - National Wetlands Inventory - US Fish and Wildlife Service Page 2 of 253 Synonym Accepted Scientific Name Source Actinomeris alternifolia (L.) DC. Verbesina alternifolia (L.) Britt. ex Kearney KAR94 Actinomeris heterophylla Chapman Verbesina heterophylla (Chapman) Gray KAR94 Actinomeris pauciflora Nutt. Verbesina heterophylla (Chapman) Gray KAR94 * Actinostachys germanii Fée Actinostachys pennula (Sw.) Hook. KAR94 Acuan illinoense (Michx.) Kuntze Desmanthus illinoensis (Michx.) MacM. ex B.L. Robins. & Fern. KAR94 * Adenostemma viscosum J.R. & G. Forst. Adenostemma lavenia (L.) Kuntze KAR94 Adiantum capillus-veneris var. modestum (Underwood) Fern. Adiantum capillus-veneris L. KAR94 Adiantum capillus-veneris var. protrusum Fern. Adiantum capillus-veneris L. KAR94 Adiantum modestum Underwood Adiantum capillus-veneris L. KAR94 Adiantum pedatum ssp. aleuticum (Rupr.) Calder & Taylor Adiantum aleuticum (Rupr.) Paris KAR94 Adiantum pedatum ssp. calderi Cody Adiantum aleuticum (Rupr.) Paris KAR94 Adiantum pedatum ssp. subpumilum (W.H. Wagner) Lellinger Adiantum aleuticum (Rupr.) Paris KAR94 Adiantum pedatum var. aleuticum Rupr. Adiantum aleuticum (Rupr.) Paris KAR94 Adiantum pedatum var. subpumilum W.H. Wagner Adiantum aleuticum (Rupr.) Paris KAR94 Adicea fontana Lunell Pilea fontana (Lunell) Rydb. KAR94 Adike pumila (L.)RAF. Pilea pumila (L.) Gray NLSPN Adipera bicapsularis (L.) Britt. & Rose ex Britt. & Wilson Senna bicapsularis (L.) Roxb. KAR94 Adipera stahlii (Urban) Britt. & Rose ex Britt. & Wilson Senna pendula var. stahlii (Urban) Irwin & Barneby KAR94 Aegilops exaltata L. Rottboellia cochinchinensis (Lour.) Clayton KAR94 Aegilops incurva L. Parapholis incurva (L.) C.E. Hubbard KAR94 Aegopodium podagraria var. variegatum Bailey Aegopodium podagraria L. KAR94 Aeschynomene americana var. glandulosa (Poir.) Rudd Aeschynomene americana L. KAR94 Aeschynomene emerus Aubl. Sesbania emerus (Aubl.) Urban KAR94 Aeschynomene portoricensis Urban Aeschynomene gracilis Vogel KAR94 Aesculus arguta Buckl. Aesculus glabra var. arguta (Buckl.) B.L. Robins. KAR94 Aesculus georgiana Sarg. Aesculus sylvatica Bartr. KAR94 Aesculus glabra var. buckleyi Sarg. Aesculus glabra var. arguta (Buckl.) B.L. Robins. KAR94 Aesculus octandra Marsh. Aesculus flava Ait. KAR94 Aesculus octandra var. vestita Sarg. Aesculus flava Ait. KAR94 Aesculus octandra var. virginica Sarg. Aesculus flava Ait. KAR94 Aesculus sylvatica var. lanceolata (Sarg.) Bartr. Aesculus sylvatica Bartr. KAR94 Afzelia cassioides J.F. Gmel. Seymeria cassioides (J.F. Gmel.) Blake KAR94 Afzelia macrophylla (Nutt.) Kuntze Dasistoma macrophylla (Nutt.) Raf. KAR94 Agalinis decemloba (Greene) Pennell Agalinis obtusifolia Raf. KAR94 Agalinis delicatula Pennell Agalinis pinetorum Pennell KAR94 Agalinis fasciculata var. peninsularis Pennell Agalinis fasciculata (Ell.) Raf. KAR94 Agalinis georgiana (C.L. Boynt.) Pennell Agalinis fasciculata (Ell.) Raf. KAR94 * Agalinis harperi Pennell Agalinis pinetorum Pennell KAR94 Agalinis keyensis Pennell Agalinis oligophylla Pennell KAR94 * Accepted in List88/Supplements March 3, 1997- Ecology Section - National Wetlands Inventory - US Fish and Wildlife Service Page 3 of 253 Synonym Accepted Scientific Name Source Agalinis oligophylla var. pseudophylla Pennell Agalinis oligophylla Pennell KAR94 Agalinis parvifolia (Benth.) Small ex Britt. Agalinis obtusifolia Raf. KAR94 Agalinis pinetorum var. delicatula (Pennell) Pennell Agalinis pinetorum Pennell
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