Use of Diverse Fishing Techniques In
International Journal of Science, Technology & Management Volume No 04, Special Issue No. 01, May 2015 ISSN (online): 2394-1537 USE OF DIVERSE FISHING TECHNIQUES IN MID- HIMALAYAN LANDSCAPE OF CENTRAL HIMALAYA, UTTARAKHAND Rakesh Verma Department of Zoology, Government Post Graduate College Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand, (India) ABSTRACT Fishes are protein providing main exploitable resources of the aquatic ecosystems. Fishing nets and gears are refers to those devices having different shape and sizes and used in the water body to capture different sizes of fishs. Present study deals with fishing techniques in Uttarakhand where fishing has its good scope. Fishing methods was observed and collected through intensive field survey, structured questionnaire, direct observation, interview methods and direct conversation to the fishermen. Various fishing nets, fish poison and use of explosives were main part of this state fishing methods. Fishing techniques adopted in Uttarakhand were simple, mostly old-fashioned, indigenous and locally manufactured. Paper also focuses on various techniques as well as their independent contribution in state fishing. Gill net, Cast net, Dragged net, Dip net, Hand net, Hanging rope, Trap, Hook, Line and Explosives were mainly used other than that six chemical poisons and thirteen Icthyo-toxic plants were observe which was used by the local fishermen. Explosives and Icthyo-poisons were polluting and damaging aquatic ecosystem by various ways and was one of the main causes of aquatic biodiversity loss. Keywords: Central Himalaya, Fishing Techniques, Fishing Gears, Fishing Nets, Fish Poison, Hill Stream Fishing I. INTRODUCTION The fishes are one of the main exploitable resources of the aquatic ecosystems that provide a major source of protein.
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