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[email protected] Website www.parliament.uk/pcrc Written evidence submitted to the Political and Constitutional Reform Committee on the Fixed-term Parliaments Bill On 14 July 2010, the Committee launched an inquiry into the Government’s proposals for voting and parliamentary reform. This document contains those submissions which deal with the Fixed-Term Parliaments Bill only. FTPB 01 Dr Malcolm Jack, Clerk of the House of Commons Page 2 FTPB 02 Professor Dawn Oliver, University College London 8 FTPB 03 Professor Robert Hazell, The Constitution Unit, University College 11 London FTPB 04 Professor Robert Blackburn, Professor of Constitutional Law, King’s 46 College London FTPB 05 Professor Anthony Bradley 52 FTPB01 FIXED-TERM PARLIAMENTS BILL: PRIVILEGE ASPECTS Written evidence submitted by the Clerk of the House Introduction 1. In this memorandum I address aspects of the Fixed-Term Parliaments Bill which seek to make statutory provision for matters which fall within Parliament’s exclusive cognizance and which may affect the established privileges of the House of Commons as well as upsetting the essential comity which has been established over a long period between Parliament and the Courts. 2. I make no comment on the policy purposes of the Bill; indeed it would be improper for me to do so. My concern is with the way in which provisions of the Bill impinge upon Parliamentary privilege and which may bring the Courts and Parliament into conflict.