Agnese Mengarelli

BORNHOLM TEMPLAR CHURCHES Geo-biological case study


I heard about churches in 2016 during the presentation of Fabrizio Bartoli book “La simbologia templare. Significato esoterico, mistico e sapienziale (The Templar symbology. Esoteric, mystical and sapiential meaning)”. The author explained that Bornholm, a remote Baltic island, has a huge number of churches placed on sacred geometry with Templar symbols.

Later I read L'isola segreta dei Templari (The Templars' Secret Island) written by Erling Haagensen and Henry Lincoln stating that in the 12th century the Templars built churches on the Baltic Sea Island of Bornholm using sacred figures.

I have studied geo-biology for years and I am a radiesthesist, so I wondered if these churches could have a geo-biological standard like many medieval churches in Europe. (See Annex 1) Furthermore, I wanted to discover a connection between Mr. Haagensen geometrical research and my geo-biological studies.

In 2017 I decided to spend my holiday in Bornholm. I had only few days for studying 12 churches, so my investigation is not complete and I hope someone else will analyze and carry on our research.

1 Methods

Pendulum, Bovis biometer, kompass and L rods are the main tools I used to analyse energetic fields, underground water veins and Hartman and Curry grids.

Results and discussion

During the investigation I observed two geo-biological standards: one for round churches and another for the traditional ones. The runic stones measured in and Bodilsker have a very low bio-frequency (2000 and 3000 Bovis units), probably because they are funeral stones related to human death.

Round churches

All round churches, Østerlars, , and have the following standard:

A north/south underwater vein is under the central column;

A star knot is in front of the altar in the middle of the choir;

A star knot is at the entry;

The bio-energy frequency is very high in the ground floor but it decreases on the upper floors;

2 Nylars The central pillar measures 18.000 Bovis units at the ground floor, 16.000 at the first floor. The ground floor measures 9.000 Bovis units. The first floor measures 7.000 Bovis units. The second floor measures 5.000 Bovis units.

Østerlars The ground floor measures 24.000 Bovis units. The second floor measures 18.000 Bovis units.

Olsker The altar measures 15.000 Bovis units. The ground floor measures 15.000 Bovis units. The first floor measures 7.000 Bovis units. The second floor measures 3.000 Bovis units. An underground floor is under the central pillar and the entry is at the stairs for upper floors.

Ny Kirke The ground floor measures 16.000 Bovis units. On the baptistery there is a Curry knot. Probably there is not an underground floor under the central pillar and the entry is at the stairs for upper floors.

3 Rectangular churches

Most traditional rectangular churches have the following standard:

The typical geo-biological standard is composed by two underground water veins. At their intersection there is a star knot. In addition, there is a second north/south underground water vein that crosses the west wall of the church. I assume that it represents an identifying standard for Bornholm rectangular churches.

There are Curry and Hartman knots along the Jordan. There is a star knot at every entry of the church and at the intersection of the water veins in front of the altar.

This standard is assured only for the original churches. Replaced churches do not always follow this standard.

Rø There are the Jordan and two north/south underground water veins. The church was closed so I could not study grids and bio-energetic frequency.

4 Klemensker The church measures 16.000 Bovis units and follows the identifying geo-biological standard for Bornholm rectangular churches. Nevertheless, the church could have been replaced some meters north, because I detected the same geo-biological standard (veins and star knot) some meters at south. (Photo n. 1)

Knudsker The church follows the identifying geo-biological standard for Bornholm rectangular churches. Nevertheless, the church could have been replaced some meters west, because I detected the same geo-biological standard (veins and star knots) some meters on east, where now there are the street and the parking. (Photo n. 2) A Curry knot is on the baptistery.

Bodilsker The church follows the identifying geo-biological standard for Bornholm rectangular churches. A Curry knot is on the Jordan and a Hartman knot is at the entry. The altar has a very high bio-frequency (25.000 Bovis units) as well as the baptistery (15.000 Bovis units).

5 The church follows the identifying geo-biological standard for Bornholm rectangular churches. Nevertheless, the church could have been replaced some meters north, because I found an underground water vein some meters on south, where now there is the graveyard. (Photo n. 3) Star knots are on the Jordan, at the entry and at the cross of the water veins in front of the altar, that measures 17.000 Bovis units.

Povls The church follows the identifying geo-biological standard for Bornholm rectangular churches. The altar has a very high bio-frequency at 23.000 Bovis units.

Ibsker The church does not follow the identifying geo-biological standard for Bornholm rectangular churches, because of the lack of the north/south underground water vein along the west wall of the church. Probably the church was replaced. Nevertheless, the general bio-frequency of the church is 16.000 Bovis units and there are star knots on the Jordan, at the entry and at the cross of the water veins in front of the altar, that measures 22.000 Bovis units.

6 The church does not follow any geo- biological standard for churches. The general bio-frequency of the church is not so high, just 10.000 Bovis units. Probably the church was replaced some meters north-west, because I found two underground water veins crossing on a star knot some meters on south-east, where now there is the graveyard.


As Mr. Erling Haagensen explained in his book L'isola segreta dei Templari (The Templars' Secret Island), Bornholm Templar churches were built following the parameter based on the sacred geometry. Moreover, with reference to my radiesthesic researches, the churches follow also geo-biological parameters: the typical standard for ancient churches and the identifying standard for Bornholm, except for replaced churches, as Vestermarie.

Even if Rutsker, Knudsker and Klemensker show the identifying geo-biological standard for Bornholm, such churches could have been translated along its parallel vector. However, geo-biological standard has been complied. In Vestermarie, which was not parallel translated, geo-biological standards are not complied.

Erling Haagensen estimated some meters distance between the hypothetical positioning in the geometrical figures and the real location where the central pillar or the altars are placed.

Excluding those cases in which the churches where replaced, as Vestermarie or Ibsker, the second parameter (geo-biological standards) could explain such little distance, because I assume that central pillars and altars of original churches were built in the nearest location of the hypothetical location of the geometrical figures, in order to comply with geo-biological standards.

7 Photo gallery

Photo n. 1 – Hypothetical location of original Klemensker church altar

Photo n. 2 – Hypothetical location of original Knudsker church altar

Photo n. 3 – Hypothetical location of original Vestermarie church

8 Annex 1


Geo-biology is the knowledge about the influence of the earth (geos) on living beings (bios). Already for thousands of years, earth energies are well known to mankind. The main geo-biological elements analysed in my research are underground water veins and Hartman and Curry grids. These elements emit frequencies above the earth surface that influence living organisms.

Underground water veins Water veins are underground rivulets, brooks, or rivers. They pass microwave radiation on wards, whose origin is assumed to be a stimulation through the neutron-radiation coming from the earth's core.

Hartman grid In 1951 Dr. Ernst Hartman discovered a radiation grid surrounding the earth, studying the relation between chronic diseases of his patients and the location of their beds. The Hartman grid lines are oriented north-south and east-west and are 20 cm wide. The distance between the north-south lines is more or less 2 meters and the east-west lines 2.50 meters. The Hartman grid is associated with the Earth’s magnetic field. The intersection of Hartman lines is called Hartman knot and is considered to be unhealthy if one is to remain over them for long periods of time, as in a bed or at a work station.

Curry grid Another global grid was discovered by Manfred Curry, an American doctor born in 1899. The Curry grid is associated with the Earth’s electric field and flows diagonally, northwest-southeast and southwest-northeast. The distance between two main lines is between 4 and 4.5 meters and their width is 50 cm. The intersection of Curry lines is called Curry knot and is considered to be unhealthy, as well as Hartman knots.

The star knot emerges where a Curry knot and a Hartman knot overlap.

9 These main geo-biological elements were well known and used by ancient builders, because they enhance the level of energy of people and space. Most of the power places on earth have at least one vein of water crossing one or two knots. It is not suggested to build a home in such places, because its energy is too strong, but they are ideal spots for meditation and rituals.

All the great cathedrals and churches were built on these geo-biological elements. The entry area is deeply negative, because there are very low frequency knots. Going forward, we meet the first water vein, called the Jordan. Such vein divides the church into two. So, if we consciously overcome it and win the entry negative energies, the Jordan will drive us to higher energy levels. Walking the way from the entry to the altar, we are passing through an area where we lose our remaining energies and then go on to an energetic and, therefore, spiritual recharge. This process is in accordance with the concept of death and rebirth. Measurements in Bovis scale range from below 3.000 at the entry up to 30.000 near the altar, where high energy is obtained by the second underground water vein flowing in the opposite direction to the Jordan.

Moreover, with reference to the studies of Jacques Benveniste and Masaru Emoto, water has “memory” and is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness. The understanding of this knowledge dates back to much more ancient times, as menhirs and dolmens are almost always set up according to these geo-biological standards.


Radiesthesia is the ability to detect "radiation" within physical bodies or objects, in order to observe geo- biological elements and measure bio-frequency. The main tools used by radiesthesists are pendulum, bio-tensor and L rods, which amplify our natural electro-magnetic sensitivity.

Moreover, the Bovis Biometer is used to measure the life energy level or the bio-frequency of bodies, objects or places. The basic scientific measure unit is in Angstrom.

The commonly accepted measure that indicates a normal level of energy is 8.000 Bovis units. Results under this level indicate that bio-energy is low and results above this level indicate a high energy place.

10 Acknowledgments

I would like to express my most heartfelt thanks to:

- Erling Haagensen and Henry Lincoln for having inspired me a new geo-biological research;

- Fabrizio Bartoli for his teaching on Templar symbology and his lessons on sacred geometry;

- Marco Graciotti, my boyfriend and my tireless assistant during my investigations;

- Halle, our lovely guesthouse keeper in Hasle for welcoming us in her home;

- Knights Templar for the their great wisdom in the construction of ancient sacred places, where all human being may benefit from their high vibration, peace and healing power;

- All animals, plants and nature spirits in Bornholm for accepting us in their magic island.

Agnese Mengarelli

[email protected] +39 349 6426322 Via Maratta 12 - 60020 Sirolo AN - Italy