Volume Xxxi. Newtown. Conn., Friday, June 23 Idod
The Newtown Bee, VOLUME XXXI. NEWTOWN. CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 23 IDOD. NUMBER 28 Stepney, GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVER- - NETIIEION'S CREDITORS GET HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION HUNTINGTOWN JOTTINGS. SATURDAY'S TOWN MEETING SARY CHECKS. EXERCISES. METHODIST CHURCH NEWS. Un'PM som storekeeper! nnd ho.el Votci to Accept W. N. Northrou'i On Purrtny last on of tilt largest " their refuse Of Mr and Mrs C. Mitchell. A Dividend of 40 Cent. Procrara lor Friday Nieht. keeper stop dumping Ofcr. congregation!! which hud been present leroy Per on niuln ob- for a number of In and ashci the road, the yHur gathered the server will a collection and Mallinillut church to greet Miss Funnlo The numerous get up Saturday'! special meeting was at- - CELEBRATED ON WEDNESDAY creditors of the Rev Steele. ash-can- s, refuse-ca- m Crosby, tin celebrated composer of Invocation, Alexander pui chase a few CO noma of the of our AT estate of E. E. deceased, of tended by about voters. Daniel O. (Input religious EVENING THEIR HOME IN Nettloton, Song, "Soldiers' Chorus." and barrels and them to the Boers onus. Mr and Mra Abbott of ,Hlnpey whom there were a In present was chairman. After much POOTATUCK. reat many w't e of the brought the distinguished guest to tho this and re- Salutatory, Helen Francis Houlihan. parties, compliments discussion, the following resolution church in their One touring car at an locality adjoining towns, donatore. was 300 nt ceived checks on from the "The Founder of the Ameri- adopted: early hour. Over people were pres-e- Tuesday Essay, are renovat-'n- p to to do honor to the A Large Company of Relatives, can The Gilbert Brothers Resolveu, That the town of New- occasion administrator, Judge Beecher, for Navy," Florence GloverDeet her the house Many came from Kastoti, Monroe and Neighbors and Friends Present.
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