First of the Old Trusts Dealt with by the Commissioners Under Mr
CHAPTER IX. THE GIRLS' GRAMMAR SCHOOL. first of the old trusts dealt with by the commissioners under Mr. Forster's Endowed Schools Act of r87o, was the Free Grammar School of Charles II. at Bradford. In the scheme drawn up by the commissioners for the management of the boys' school, two of the clauses run as follows :-"This foundation shall consist of two branches, one for the education of boys, and the other for the education of girls." "From and after the date of this scheme, or within three years from such elate, the governors shall appropriate the annual sum of £zoo, and on the determination or failure of the pension hereafter contem plated for the present schoolmaster or that assigned to the late usher, the further sum of £so, for the establishment and maintenance of a girls' school, and such school shall be organised, supported, and managed in accordance with directions to be hereafter set forth in a supplementary scheme." The supplementary scheme here alluded to was drafted, after careful consideration, by the committee of the Ladies' Educational Association ; and it is mainly to this committee that Bradford is indebted for the Girls' Grammar School. It was felt, how ever, that the endowment allotted to the girls by the Commission was insufficient for the establishment of a first-grade school, and therefore the ladies and gentlemen most interested in the movement raised subscriptions to the amount of £sooo, through the generosity of the leading men of Bradford, notably Sir Titus Salt, Bart., Henry Brown, Esq. , and Isaac Holden, Esq.
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