Riding Yorkshire
I GAN . ~WEST.: RIDING YORKSHIRE. GAMEKEEPERS-continued. Batley J~tmes (ta F. W. T. Vernonl · Milner Mark, Bul'kden, Hubberholme, Wr.ntworth esq.), Wentworth castle, GAS COMPANIES & WORKS. 8kipton Stamboroug-h, B:J.rnsley Aberford Gas Consumers' Co. Li111ited Morphett Erlwnrd, Hurton-in-Ribbles- Beauchamp Geo. Albert (to the Arch- (Thos. Dewey, sec.), Aberford, Leeds dale, Sdt le b·i~·hflp of York), Bi;;hopthorpe, York 1Ackworth, Featherstone, Purston & Myert~ Michnd (to R. J. Streat.field Brown Samuel (to Flounder Institute),) ~harlstone Gas Co. Limited (Jo~eph e.,q.), Rossin!!ton, Doncaster M our top, 1 'ontefract Watson, sec. ; William Old field, Pcarson J amf>S,Roeclilte, Borough bridge Cl ark Gt>orge (to W. T. W. S. Stan- manager), Pur~ton J a!!lin, PontPfract Rohbins- (to Lord Loudesbonugh), hope nq ..1. T'. ), Cawthorne, Barnsley Airedale Gas Co. ( Edwin Thorn ton, sec.; Thorpe wood, 8elby Cl ark John( to the Marquis of Rip on), Robert Senior, manag-er; J oseph Robinson Willium (toJ. Howorth esq. Studley Ro)·al, Ripon Stephenson, collector), Idle, Leeds Closes),Boltou-by-Bolland, Clitheroe Clayton Henry J. (to John Fielding Askern Ga8 Co. (Mark Atkinson, man- R udd T. KendihuR, Diile head, Cli t heroe l'!.~q. ), Grimston, 'I' ad caster ager ), As kern, Doncaster Scarr George (to Cha.~. Wheler Wheler CliftPn George (to W. B. Beaumont Barnsley Gas Co. (John Hutchinson, .LP.), Ledston, Nol'lnanton e.~q.), Brettnn We~t, 'Vakefielri sec. & manager), 8 Pontefract road, 8carrThornas (to J. C. Wharton esq.), Dunnin~ton John (to W. Wickham Harnsley Common, Wistow, ~elby W-it-khrnn esq.), Newton Kyme, Tdcstr Batley Corporation Gas Works (Charles Scott George (to Ay.~rough Pawke& Fennell Henry (to R.
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