I GAN . ~WEST.: RIDING YORKSHIRE. GAMEKEEPERS-continued. Batley J~tmes (ta F. W. T. Vernonl · Milner Mark, Bul'kden, Hubberholme, Wr.ntworth esq.), Wentworth castle, GAS COMPANIES & WORKS. 8kipton Stamboroug-h, B:J.rnsley Aberford Gas Consumers' Co. Li111ited Morphett Erlwnrd, Hurton-in-Ribbles- Beauchamp Geo. Albert (to the Arch- (Thos. Dewey, sec.), Aberford, Leeds dale, Sdt le b·i~·hflp of York), Bi;;hopthorpe, York 1Ackworth, Featherstone, Purston & Myert~ Michnd (to R. J. Streat.field Brown Samuel (to Flounder Institute),) ~harlstone Gas Co. Limited (Jo~eph e.,q.), Rossin!!ton, Doncaster M our top, 1 'ontefract Watson, sec. ; William Old field, Pcarson J amf>S,Roeclilte, Borough bridge Cl ark Gt>orge (to W. T. W. S. Stan- manager), Pur~ton J a!!lin, PontPfract Rohbins- (to Lord Loudesbonugh), hope nq ..1. T'. ), Cawthorne, Barnsley Airedale Gas Co. ( Edwin Thorn ton, sec.; Thorpe wood, 8elby Cl ark John( to the Marquis of Rip on), Robert Senior, manag-er; J oseph Robinson Willium (toJ. Howorth esq. Studley Ro)·al, Ripon Stephenson, collector), Idle, Leeds Closes),Boltou-by-Bolland, Clitheroe Clayton Henry J. (to John Fielding Askern Ga8 Co. (Mark Atkinson, man- R udd T. KendihuR, Diile head, Cli t heroe l'!.~q. ), Grimston, 'I' ad caster ager ), As kern, Doncaster Scarr George (to Cha.~. Wheler Wheler CliftPn George (to W. B. Beaumont Barnsley Gas Co. (John Hutchinson, .LP.), Ledston, Nol'lnanton e.~q.), Brettnn We~t, 'Vakefielri sec. & manager), 8 Pontefract road, 8carrThornas (to J. C. Wharton esq.), Dunnin~ton John (to W. Wickham Harnsley Common, Wistow, ~elby W-it-khrnn esq.), Newton Kyme, Tdcstr Batley Corporation Gas Works (Charles Scott George (to Ay.~rough Pawke& Fennell Henry (to R. IVinn esq.), Eastwood, manager), Knottingley e.~q. J.P.), Farnley, Otley Wragby, W11kdield Wells, Batley Shaw .John .<to the Earl ~f Dart- Foster Henr.r, (to Wil_liam FerrandjBawtry ~as Works (Frederick Henry mouth), \'1 ooJI!ome Lees, K1rkburtun, l'!sq . .J.P. ), :St. Ives, Bmg-ley Cartwr1ght, sec.), Bawtry Huddersfield Freshwater Thomas (to Sir Charle,, Bingley Gas Works (George Dunbar Smith Thomas, Lumley lodge, Red- Hugh Lowther bart.),Swillngtn.Lds Malam, manager), Bingley mire~, Upper Hallam, Sheffield Gray Charles (toR. Moxon esq. J.P.), Boroughbrirlge Gas Light Co. (Waiter Taylor William, Upper Hesleden, Hal- Tanahelf, Pontefl'!lct Thomas Weighell, sec.), Borough- ton Gill, ~kipton Groom Henry (to G. Rob8on esq.), bridge, York Thomas Benjamin(toLord Beaumont), Headlands, Pontefract Bo~ton Spa Gas Co. Limited (Julin~ Carlton, Se! by Har-tley J ames (to Charle.t W alter Waite, sec.), Boston Spa, Tadcaster Thompson William (to the Dulr.e of Durdop esq.), Rysworth hall,Bingley Bowling Gas Works (tiir H. W. Ripl~.v Devon.~hin!), Storith11, 8kipton Laurie .lames (to thr1 Hon. Mr&. J.lfey- hart. propl'ietor; Paul Whitaker, Voce John, Goldsborough, Knare>~horo' nell Ingram), Colton, Leeds man.), Ludlum st. Mill lane, Bradford Wtird Anthony (to Col. Crompton), Lewis Edward (to Jo.~eph Nell!'trop Bradford Corporation Gas Co. (David Azerley, Ripon esq.), High Ackworth. Pontefract Swallow, engineer & I'DRnRgt"r; Wm. Whitley 'Villiam, Dacre Banks, Leeds Lindsay Richord (to Rt'v, Canon Fal- • Frank land, chief clerk); offir•es, Town Wilson Williarn (to Sir Hy. Day In- loon), High Arkworth, Pontefract hall; worka, Valley road; Thornton gilby), Haverah park, Harrogate Liversedge George (to Lady Hawke), road & Mill street, Bradfvrd W omersley, Pontefract i Bra m ham Consumer~' Gas Co. Limited GANNISTER GRINDERS & McAndrews Alexauder (to H. B. Fir-· (Henry Wilks, sec. & manager), MERCHANTS. man esq.), Gateforth, Selby Bramham, Tat.lcaster Bramall Josepb & Son<~, Hazelhead & llan!den Josevh (to Miues Stanhope), Brighouse Gas Works (James Parkin- Oughtibridge, Sheffield Cawthorne, Barnsley j aon, manager), Bril-{hou~e Bramall Lrme Ganni.•ter t IJfortar mtchell William (to Mr.,. Hope Bar- Burley Corporation Gas Works, Kirk- Mills ( Benjn. Nicholson, proprietor), ton), Stap!eton, Pontefract 8tall road, Hurley, Leed~ 132 Bramalllane, Sht-ffield. See ad\t Ml1rley William (fo S. liir.~t e.'fq.), Calverley & Horsforth District Ga~t Co. BramHI! & Sons, Hradshaw, Lang!lett, Kellington, Normnnton Limited (John Kellett, manager), Sheffield; & at Langho.Oughtibridg-e Newton George (to 1'. G. Fullerton Calverley bridge, Rodley, Leeds Chan. hers Brothers, Effingham mill!!, esq. ), Thribergh park, Rotherh!tm Castleford & Whit wood Gas Light & Blast lane, Attercl•ffe, SlH·ffield Newton Thomas (to F. B. Prank esq.), Coke Co. (Thomas H olroyd, mar1.), Copley & Gihson, Crow edgl'1 Hazle- Campsall, Doncaster Wheldon road, Castleford,Norrnanton head, Sheffield ' Peck William (to G. W. Carter M.A.), · Cawood Gas Light & Coal Co. Limited EarmhawWm.220fllfirmaty rd.Sheffield Hill top, Knottingley S.O (Thus. Harper, man.), Cawood, Selby Hinchliffe John & Co. Bull house col- Rohin~on J oseph (to M1·s. Hall), Churwell Gas Co. (John Thomas Li~tter, liery & gannister work!', Peni~tone , Purston J aglin, Pontefract manag-er), Churwell, Leeds Hollis William, Tinsley Park road, Pot- ::Show Alfred (to Isaac Holden csq. Clayton, Allerton & Thornton Gas Co. house lane, Sheffield J .P.), Oak worth house, Keighley (J n.N i ven,sec. & man.) ,Cla:vtn.Brdfrd Longden George &; Son, Neepsend gan- Simpson John (to the Earl of Wharn- Cleckheaton Gas Co. (- Nevin, man.), JJister mills, Sheffield clijfe), Wo1tley, Shr:ffield I Cleckheaton, Normanton Lowoud John G.&; Co. 78 Tinsley road Umpleby Williarn (to Miss Rawson), Colne Vale Gas, Drysaltery &c. Co. & Deepc11r, S!Jeffield N idd, Leeds Limited (Orlando H epworth, 8ec. ; 8tewart William John, Guernsey road, Waites William (to Mrw. Cator), High Benjamin Midgley, manager), Milns Lowfield, Sheffield Ackworth, Pontefract Bridge, Huddersfleld GARDEN POT MANUFRS. West Thomas (to .f· H. Greaves esq.), Conisbr_ough Gas C?. Limited (Samuel Carleton, Pontefract j Harr1s, sec.), Comsbrough, Rotherhm See Potter.'!'. Young John (to Earl Fitz1cilliam), Den by Dale Gas Light Co. Limit.-d GARDEN SHEARS ~ANUFRS Wentworth, Rotherham (Ths. Ellis,sf'c.),DenhyDale,Hddrs~d · , Dewsbury Gas Works (Charles Arnn- See Cutlery-Shears 1lfanujactuurs GARDENERS KNIFE MNFRS. tage, man.), Savile town, Dewslmry GARDEN SYRINGE MANFRS. See Cutlery. Don~aster Cor~oration Gas Works ( H.t. GAS APPARATUS MANUFRS Bridge, supermtendent; John Brooks, Bonser Manuel, 17 Orang:e st. Sheffield _ . collector), The Holmes, Doncaster Cbadburn Brothers, ~lbton works, 30 Beverley & Wylde, 4a & 47 Cookr1dge Drighlin~ton & Gildenmrne Gas Co. N urS€ry street, Sheffield. st_reet, Leeds Wrn.Stansfield ,sec.), Drighlgtn. Letds La wsonJ .Back,2l5Rockingham st.Shftd W_lntham J oseph_ & Son, ~erseverance East Ardsley Gas Light Co. ( William Iron work~, 17a & 177 K1rk~t~ll road. Banks, ser..), East Ardsley, Wakefield GARDEN TOOL MANUFRS. Burley Leeds. See advertisement E 1 hill G (J M 11 . J • PC es as c o. • e or, SPC, , a~. Kelly Willia.m, Challenge works, 9:.2 GAS :BURNER MAKERS. Lee, man.),Stoney la.Eccleshili,Leeds Arundel street, Sheffield Bray Georae & Co. BJa,·kman lanP., Elland-cum-Greetland Gas Co.(William T~zackJo;;eph&Son,Bowdon st.Sheffid '"' Arth Walker sec) Elland Nor ntn WoodcockJ.&8ons.7UTrafalgar st.Sbefid Leeds· patent" enamel" gas burner ur ' • • • m ' works'; every de~crlption of gas Els~ar, Wentworth & Hoyland Gas GARDENERS. burner for all qualities of gas made in Light & Coke Co. (Henry Charles "tnamel ,, ' Oates, manager), Elsecar, Barnsley See also Land.~cape Gardeners ; also Garlorth Gas Consumers' Co. Limited ltfarket Gardeners; also Nursery- Sug-g William, Vincent worb, Vincent (C. J. Lupton, sec.; J~mes Bennett, mtn. street, Westminster s.1V. Patentee & manager), Moor Garforth, Leeds Amnii Jcf;eph (to J, Mitchell esq.), IT!aker of the Christiania Flat fl•1me oc Gomersal Gas Co, (J 01wph Walker Pitts, Bolton-upr~n·Dearne, Hotherham the London standard argand bumers, manager), Gomersal, Leeds Asquith \\' illiarn (to Mark Stainsby ~hich give more li~oeht for same quan- Goole Gas Work11 ( Georgt~ Bickerton, esq.), 8paide bone, Kt10ttingley S.O t1ty of gM £•o_nsum_ed than any other fo_reman), Doy~e street, Goole Atkinson Thomas (to G Bradley 63q.) burners. PrJcP. hsbl free by pnst. Halifax Corporatum Water & Gas Works A keton, Pontt:fract ' , ' Gold medal Parht Exhibition, 1871:1, ( WilliaiQ Carr, engineer); office, Town .
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