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» t i T t t D â l V i FEDERALÜ®ISTE 1 9 3 4 ^ VOLUME 19 \ NUMBER «4 Washington, Friday, April 30, 1954 Sec. CONTENTS TITLE 5— -ADMINISTRATIVE 729.552 Report and misuse of marketing PERSONNEL card. Agricultural Marketing Service Pa6® MARKETING OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF PEANUTS Chapter l~—Civil Service Commission Proposed rule making: AND PENALTIES Milk handling in New York met P art 6— E x c e p t io n s P r o m t h e 729.553 Extent to which marketings from ropolitan marketing area____ 2521 C o m p e t it iv e S ervice a farm are subject to penalty. Rules and regulations: 729.554 Identification of marketings. Milk handling in marketing DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE 729.555 Rate of penalty. areas: In Federal Register Document 54-3158, 729.556 Persons to pay penalty. New York metropolitan______ 2512 subparagraph (3) of § 6.307 (a) was er 729.557 Marketing subject to penalty. 729.558 Payment of penalty. Tri-State____________________ 2513 roneously revoked. Effective upon pub 729.559 Use of agreement to permit mar Agricultural Research Service lication in the F ederal R eg ister , sub- ketings from overplanted farms. Rules ancLregulations: paragraph (3) of § 6.307 (a) is amended 729.560 Request for refund of -penalty. Meat inspection; miscellaneous to read as follows: RECORDS AND REPORTS amendments_________________ 2515 § 6.307 Department of the Air Force— 729.561 Producer’s records and reports. Vesicular exanthema; changes (a) Office of the Secretary. * * * 729.562 Records and reports of buyers and in areas quarantined---------- 2516 (3) The General Counsel. others. Agriculture Department (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403; 5 XT. S. C. 631, 729.563 Record and report of peanuts shelled See Agricultural Marketing Serv 633; E. O. 10440, 18 F. R. 1823, 3 CFR 1953 for producers. 729.564 Separate records and reports from ice; Agricultural Research Serv- 6upp.) persons engaged in more than one ice; Commodity Stabilization U n it e d S tates C i v i l S erv business. Service. ic e C o m m is s io n , 729.565 Failure to keep records or make re Civil Aeronautics Administra [ seal] W m . C. H u l l , ports. Executive Assistant. 729.566 Examination of records and reports. tion 729.567 Length of time records and reports Repair station certificates; pene [F. R. Doc. 54-3226; Filed, Apr. 29, 1954; to be kept. 8:49 a. m.] trant type inspection procedure MISCELLANEOUS ( see Civil Aeronautics Board). 729.568 Information confidential. Civil Aeronautics Board TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE 729.569 Redelegation of authority. Rules and regulations: Repair station certificates; pen Chapter VII— Commodity Stabiliza A u th o r ity: 5§ 729.540 to 729.569 issued under sec. 375, 52 Stat. 66, as amended; etrant type inspection proce tion Service (Farm Marketing 7 U. S. C. 1375. Interpret or apply secs. 301, dure_________________________ 2519 Quotas), Department of Agriculture 858, 359, 361-368, 372, 373, 374, 376, 388, 52 Civil Service Commission Stat. 38, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, as amended; [1026 (Peanuts 54)-1] Rules and regulations: 55 Stat. 88, as amended, 66 Stat. 27; 7 U. S. C. Competitive service, exceptions P a r t 729—P e a n u t s 1301, 1358, 1359, 1361-1368; 1372, 1373, 1374, 1376, 1388. from; Air Force Department- 2505 MARKETING QUOTA REGULATIONS FOR 1954 GENERAL Commerce Department CROP § 729.540 Basis and purpose. The See Civil Aeronautics Board; Fed GENERAL regulations contained in §§ 729.540 to eral Maritime Board. Sec. Commodity Stabilization Service 729.540 Basis and purpose. 729.569 are issued pursuant to the Agri 729.541 Definitions. cultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as Rules and regulations: 729.542 Instructions and- forms. amended, and govern the determination Peanuts; marketing quota reg 729.543 Extent of calculations and rule of of farm peanut acreages, the issuance of ulations for 1954 crop_____ .— 2505 fractions. marketing cards, the identification of Defense Department identification a n d measurement o f f a r m s peanuts, the collection and refund of Notices: penalties, and the records and reports 729.544 Identification of farms. Assistant Secretary of Defense 729.545 Measurement of farms. incident thereto, on the marketing of for Property and Installa peanuts of the 1954 crop, regardless of tions; delegation of authority FARM MARKETING QUOTAS AND MARKETING whether such peanuts are marketed with respect to application of CARDS before, during, or after the 1954-55 mar • certain statutory limitations 729.546 Amount of farm marketing quota. keting year. Prior to preparing the reg on unit costs for certain con 729.547 Marketing quotas not transferable. ulations in §§ 729.540 to 729.569, public struction____________________ 2522 729.548 Issuance of marketing cards. notice of their formulation was pub 729.549 Person authorized to issue cards. Secretaries of Army, Navy, and lished in the F ederal R egister (19 F. R. 729.550 Successors in interest. Air Force; expiration of cer 729.551 Invalid marketing card. (Continued on p. 2507) tain delegations of authority. 2522 2505 t 2506 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Communications Com Page Interstate Commerce Commis- Pas® FEDERALÄREGISTER mission-— Continued sion— Continued 1934 cflT Notices— Continued Notices—Continued Hearings, etc.—Continued Applications for relief—Con. Straits Broadcasting Co. and Merchandise in mixed car loads from St. Louis, Mo., Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Midwestern Broadcasting and days following official Federal holidays, Co__________ ______________ 2523 and East St. Louis, 111., to by the Federal Register Division, National White Radio Co. et al_______,» 2523 Gulfport and Hattiesburg, Archives and Records Service, General Serv Proposed rule making: Miss_______ —_____________ 2527 ices Administration, pursuant to the au Coast and ship stations operat Petroleum products: thority contained in the Federal Register ing on frequencies not open to From Jacksonville to Mel Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as public correspondence; eligi bourne, Fla_________ 2528 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula bility for licenses____________ 2522 Low grade, between points tions prescribed by the Administrative Com in Texas_________ ,____— 2525 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Federal Maritime Board the President. Distribution is made only by Notices: Soda ash from Detroit and the Superintendent of Documents, Govern Pacific Far East Line, Inc.; Wyandotte, Mich., and ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. application_________ ________ 2522 Painesville and Perry, Ohio, The regulatory material appearing herein to Lexington, K y__________ 2526 is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Power Commission Tire and tube material from which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Notices: southern to official territo to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Utah Power & Light Co. ; appli ries______________ 2528 amended August 5, 1953. cation for amendment of The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Tires, rubber, from Memphis, mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 license_________ ;_____________ 2523 Term., to Center Line, per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Federal Trade Commission Mich______________________ 2528 advance. The charge for individual copies Rules and regulations: Woodpulp from Doctortown (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the Cleaning and dyeing industry and Jessup, Ga., to western size of the issue. Remit check or money trunk-line territory__ 2526 order, made payable to the Superintendent (Pennsylvania and adjoining of Documents, directly to the Government territory) ; rescission of trade Justice Department Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. practice rules—___________ _ 2519 See Immigration and Naturaliza There are no restrictions on the republica Housing and Home Finance tion Service. tion of material appearing in the F ederal R eg iste r. Agency Land M anagement Bureau Rules and regulations: Notices: Time for disposition of Lanham Arkansas; proposed withdrawal Act housing; exceptions______ 2519 and reservation of lands_____ 2525 CFR SUPPLEMENTS Immigration and Naturaliza Maritime Administration See Federal Maritime Board. (For use during 1954) tion Service Rules and regulations: Securities and Exchange Com The following Supplement is now immigration and nationality mission available: regulations; miscellaneous Notices: amendments--------------------- 2514 Title 17 ($0.50) Delaware Power & Light Co.; Indian Affairs Bureau issuance and sale of principal Previously announced: Title 3, 1953 Supp. Rules and regulations: amount of first mortgage and _($1.50); Title 8 ($0.35); Titles 10-13 Osage Tribe, election of officers collateral trust bonds at com- _ ($0.50); Title 16 ($1.00); Title 18 ($0.45); of; miscellaneous amend petitive bidding_______ ______ 2523 2519 Titles 2 2-23 ($1.00); Title 24 ($0.75); ments_______:________________ Treasury Department Title 25 ($0.45); Titles 30-31 ($1.00); Interior Department Rules and regulations: Title 33 ($1.25); Titles 4 0-42 ($0.50); See also Land Management Bu Deposit of public moneys and Titles 4 4-45 ($0.75); Title 49: Parts 1 reau. paym ent of Government to 70 ($0.60); Parts 71 to 90 ($0.65); Rules and regulations: checks; miscellaneous amend Parts 91 to 164 ($0.45); Parts 165 to Records and testimony; charges: ments______________________ _ 2520 end ($0.60) General rules.____________ __ 2521 Specific rates___________ _____ 2521 CODIFICATION GUIDE Order from Interstate Commerce Commis