» t i T t t D â l V i FEDERALÜ&REGISTE 1 9 3 4 ^ VOLUME 19 \ NUMBER «4 Washington, Friday, April 30, 1954 Sec. CONTENTS TITLE 5— -ADMINISTRATIVE 729.552 Report and misuse of marketing PERSONNEL card. Agricultural Marketing Service Pa6® MARKETING OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF PEANUTS Chapter l~—Civil Service Commission Proposed rule making: AND PENALTIES Milk handling in New York met­ P art 6— E x c e p t io n s P r o m t h e 729.553 Extent to which marketings from ropolitan marketing area____ 2521 C o m p e t it iv e S ervice a farm are subject to penalty. Rules and regulations: 729.554 Identification of marketings. Milk handling in marketing DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE 729.555 Rate of penalty. areas: In Federal Register Document 54-3158, 729.556 Persons to pay penalty. New York metropolitan______ 2512 subparagraph (3) of § 6.307 (a) was er­ 729.557 Marketing subject to penalty. 729.558 Payment of penalty. Tri-State____________________ 2513 roneously revoked. Effective upon pub­ 729.559 Use of agreement to permit mar­ Agricultural Research Service lication in the F ederal R eg ister , sub- ketings from overplanted farms. Rules ancLregulations: paragraph (3) of § 6.307 (a) is amended 729.560 Request for refund of -penalty. Meat inspection; miscellaneous to read as follows: RECORDS AND REPORTS amendments_________________ 2515 § 6.307 Department of the Air Force— 729.561 Producer’s records and reports. Vesicular exanthema; changes (a) Office of the Secretary. * * * 729.562 Records and reports of buyers and in areas quarantined---------- 2516 (3) The General Counsel. others. Agriculture Department (R. S. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403; 5 XT. S. C. 631, 729.563 Record and report of peanuts shelled See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ 633; E. O. 10440, 18 F. R. 1823, 3 CFR 1953 for producers. 729.564 Separate records and reports from ice; Agricultural Research Serv- 6upp.) persons engaged in more than one ice; Commodity Stabilization U n it e d S tates C i v i l S erv­ business. Service. ic e C o m m is s io n , 729.565 Failure to keep records or make re­ Civil Aeronautics Administra­ [ seal] W m . C. H u l l , ports. Executive Assistant. 729.566 Examination of records and reports. tion 729.567 Length of time records and reports Repair station certificates; pene­ [F. R. Doc. 54-3226; Filed, Apr. 29, 1954; to be kept. 8:49 a. m.] trant type inspection procedure MISCELLANEOUS ( see Civil Aeronautics Board). 729.568 Information confidential. Civil Aeronautics Board TITLE 7— AGRICULTURE 729.569 Redelegation of authority. Rules and regulations: Repair station certificates; pen­ Chapter VII— Commodity Stabiliza­ A u th o r ity: 5§ 729.540 to 729.569 issued under sec. 375, 52 Stat. 66, as amended; etrant type inspection proce­ tion Service (Farm Marketing 7 U. S. C. 1375. Interpret or apply secs. 301, dure_________________________ 2519 Quotas), Department of Agriculture 858, 359, 361-368, 372, 373, 374, 376, 388, 52 Civil Service Commission Stat. 38, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, as amended; [1026 (Peanuts 54)-1] Rules and regulations: 55 Stat. 88, as amended, 66 Stat. 27; 7 U. S. C. Competitive service, exceptions P a r t 729—P e a n u t s 1301, 1358, 1359, 1361-1368; 1372, 1373, 1374, 1376, 1388. from; Air Force Department- 2505 MARKETING QUOTA REGULATIONS FOR 1954 GENERAL Commerce Department CROP § 729.540 Basis and purpose. The See Civil Aeronautics Board; Fed­ GENERAL regulations contained in §§ 729.540 to eral Maritime Board. Sec. Commodity Stabilization Service 729.540 Basis and purpose. 729.569 are issued pursuant to the Agri­ 729.541 Definitions. cultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as Rules and regulations: 729.542 Instructions and- forms. amended, and govern the determination Peanuts; marketing quota reg­ 729.543 Extent of calculations and rule of of farm peanut acreages, the issuance of ulations for 1954 crop_____ .— 2505 fractions. marketing cards, the identification of Defense Department identification a n d measurement o f f a r m s peanuts, the collection and refund of Notices: penalties, and the records and reports 729.544 Identification of farms. Assistant Secretary of Defense 729.545 Measurement of farms. incident thereto, on the marketing of for Property and Installa­ peanuts of the 1954 crop, regardless of tions; delegation of authority FARM MARKETING QUOTAS AND MARKETING whether such peanuts are marketed with respect to application of CARDS before, during, or after the 1954-55 mar­ • certain statutory limitations 729.546 Amount of farm marketing quota. keting year. Prior to preparing the reg­ on unit costs for certain con­ 729.547 Marketing quotas not transferable. ulations in §§ 729.540 to 729.569, public struction____________________ 2522 729.548 Issuance of marketing cards. notice of their formulation was pub­ 729.549 Person authorized to issue cards. Secretaries of Army, Navy, and lished in the F ederal R egister (19 F. R. 729.550 Successors in interest. Air Force; expiration of cer­ 729.551 Invalid marketing card. (Continued on p. 2507) tain delegations of authority. 2522 2505 t 2506 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Federal Communications Com­ Page Interstate Commerce Commis- Pas® FEDERALÄREGISTER mission-— Continued sion— Continued 1934 cflT Notices— Continued Notices—Continued Hearings, etc.—Continued Applications for relief—Con. Straits Broadcasting Co. and Merchandise in mixed car­ loads from St. Louis, Mo., Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Midwestern Broadcasting and days following official Federal holidays, Co__________ ______________ 2523 and East St. Louis, 111., to by the Federal Register Division, National White Radio Co. et al_______,» 2523 Gulfport and Hattiesburg, Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ Proposed rule making: Miss_______ —_____________ 2527 ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ Coast and ship stations operat­ Petroleum products: thority contained in the Federal Register ing on frequencies not open to From Jacksonville to Mel­ Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as public correspondence; eligi­ bourne, Fla_________ 2528 amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ bility for licenses____________ 2522 Low grade, between points tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ in Texas_________ ,____— 2525 mittee of the Federal Register, approved by Federal Maritime Board the President. Distribution is made only by Notices: Soda ash from Detroit and the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Pacific Far East Line, Inc.; Wyandotte, Mich., and ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. application_________ ________ 2522 Painesville and Perry, Ohio, The regulatory material appearing herein to Lexington, K y__________ 2526 is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Federal Power Commission Tire and tube material from which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Notices: southern to official territo­ to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Utah Power & Light Co. ; appli­ ries______________ 2528 amended August 5, 1953. cation for amendment of The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Tires, rubber, from Memphis, mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 license_________ ;_____________ 2523 Term., to Center Line, per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Federal Trade Commission Mich______________________ 2528 advance. The charge for individual copies Rules and regulations: Woodpulp from Doctortown (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the Cleaning and dyeing industry and Jessup, Ga., to western size of the issue. Remit check or money trunk-line territory__ 2526 order, made payable to the Superintendent (Pennsylvania and adjoining of Documents, directly to the Government territory) ; rescission of trade Justice Department Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. practice rules—___________ _ 2519 See Immigration and Naturaliza­ There are no restrictions on the republica­ Housing and Home Finance tion Service. tion of material appearing in the F ederal R eg iste r. Agency Land M anagement Bureau Rules and regulations: Notices: Time for disposition of Lanham Arkansas; proposed withdrawal Act housing; exceptions______ 2519 and reservation of lands_____ 2525 CFR SUPPLEMENTS Immigration and Naturaliza­ Maritime Administration See Federal Maritime Board. (For use during 1954) tion Service Rules and regulations: Securities and Exchange Com­ The following Supplement is now immigration and nationality mission available: regulations; miscellaneous Notices: amendments--------------------- 2514 Title 17 ($0.50) Delaware Power & Light Co.; Indian Affairs Bureau issuance and sale of principal Previously announced: Title 3, 1953 Supp. Rules and regulations: amount of first mortgage and _($1.50); Title 8 ($0.35); Titles 10-13 Osage Tribe, election of officers collateral trust bonds at com- _ ($0.50); Title 16 ($1.00); Title 18 ($0.45); of; miscellaneous amend­ petitive bidding_______ ______ 2523 2519 Titles 2 2-23 ($1.00); Title 24 ($0.75); ments_______:________________ Treasury Department Title 25 ($0.45); Titles 30-31 ($1.00); Interior Department Rules and regulations: Title 33 ($1.25); Titles 4 0-42 ($0.50); See also Land Management Bu­ Deposit of public moneys and Titles 4 4-45 ($0.75); Title 49: Parts 1 reau. paym ent of Government to 70 ($0.60); Parts 71 to 90 ($0.65); Rules and regulations: checks; miscellaneous amend­ Parts 91 to 164 ($0.45); Parts 165 to Records and testimony; charges: ments______________________ _ 2520 end ($0.60) General rules.____________ __ 2521 Specific rates___________ _____ 2521 CODIFICATION GUIDE Order from Interstate Commerce Commis­
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