No. 24, April 1989 $3

Al Ackerman Eel Leonard John Adams Lyn Lifshin MIchael Andre Malok Ivan Arguelles MIchael McInnis Guy R. Beining Effie Mihopoulos Ben Bennett MIke MISkowskl C. Mehrl Bennett Randy Moore John M. Bennett SheIla E. Murphy Jeanlce Berg Edward Mycue Jake Berry Gale Nelson Daniel f. Bradley B. Z. Niditch Ernest Noyes BrookIngs MIchael Nort~rop John Buckner Francis Poole John Byrum Steve Richmond Doru Chirodea Andrew Savage Cornpuff Gerald Simonsen RobIn Crozier Jeffery L. Skeate Michael Dec Byron Smith John Eberly Willie SmIth Greg fvason Michael Sobsey Blair EWIng Stacey Sollfrey ChrIS Franke MartIn sosa Louise Gagne Ken Sparling David Gianatasio Spryszak Steve E. Gloom Ken Stone Kelly Green Jim Tyack Bob Grumman NICO Vassilakis S. Gustav H~gglund Paul Weinman G. Huth M. G. West F. C. Jerkoffsky N. Sean WIlliam M. Kettner Chris Wlnkler kryshten T. Winter-Damon Lisa Kucharski Rupert Wondowlowski Front cover by Greg Evason; back cover by Ben Bennett John M. Bennett, Editor

Phrases throughout Issue by RobIn CrozIer:

Subscription: $10 for 5 numbers. Back issues: nos. 1-10, complete, $15. nos. 11-15, complete, $15. nos. 16-20, complete, $15. no. 21/22, $5; no. 23, $3.

LUNA BISONTE PRODS, 137 Leland Ave. Columbus, OhlO 43214 o 1989 John M. Bennett. All rIghts revert to authors and artIsts upon publication.

"Insults...the past 3,000 years of literature" - THE AT ION G. Huth AtITOBIO- spat into the furnace, swamped with teargas and onion breath, barely able to hear the chair creak and give her away. Days were mere numbers that rose and fell in a fragmentary So many things beginning. Lines. A part of speech a glamor, silhouette of themselves. lorn strikes a glasses rolling past this room atop a cart. Percussion based and similar posture and is quite easy to maintain, strange. To unfamiliar hearing. therefore, its oppression. Moving through absolute zero by pouring beer in his chips and She met a man who asked to see her walk. He measured and he gulping iodine from an old sock removes any touched and diagrammed. An instance of downfall where we are possibility of repetition in this heat. It is taking this. Slowly away. What you are in the mood to do. like the grace of a wind tunnel to impotency, its speechless means of propelling time, if Perceived safety an alley of good cats all belonging. Somewhere only in slow and almost solid increments. your camera poised. Relentless thirst, the artist. Homecoming Theories abound regarding an ultimate and everywhere. Montage. Good vintage wine. Androgeny. inevitable return, but as with lightspeed the test remains only mathematical abstraction, My sisters win when they compete she said. No reference to other like a hanger on language; where can it be members of a tribe. My sisters learn to love she said lived? Such was the record of his flights into majestically and then they lean on depth it swathes their chilly volatile orange ( a microsecond before the arms. My sisters are my hope she said my daughters won't exist. shift into eternal exile); that is to say, these were the cracks he'd been studying when And then this world, the verdict. This world montage of blood he noticed the noise somewhere further back. and anger rapidly depleting the supply of goods and services. It was the chair that clued him, but that was Gentle goods and services. only the mask of it - the x that implied the unforseen y. Something about the smell of fresh grass looking back at him from the. oven, the eat's legs grown longer and its slow Sheila E. Murphy insistent lost frequency intonations looping around her eyes and forcing her belief in deep space gerbils, that betrayed the fire as he watched the atmosphere absorb his vapor. COMMUNITY

Jake Berry Why have a man or woman in your kennel Ordering the strays around until they leave He is her pet I think and young

I wish he would say one thing That I could disagree with The ego rapidly disappearing Her powerful face

He might consent to sketching ENl> PANTS What he refuses in her If she'll hear him I love her formally because She looks me in the eye

Our light goes no further Taking a shot I want to know precisely What he doesn't like may be sluggish Before impinging on his Circle of land and horns As I've been taught • UNTITLED REALITY' 1 To think her occaSIon try to launch Velvetine rubbers crusty with semen lay openly in the otherwise clean gutters of Sheila E. Murphy the street that runs from the lowlands to the mountain fortress homes in beautiful Love, sparked here, places everywhere. into gridlock you two! Michael McInnis Chris Franke one branching bark d 0 u b P 0 e 1\ t t

h e p 1 a t 0 r i d D I 5 u s b 1 e

s u r f a c e t h r 0 u

9 h leaves many rooted n a d e q u a t t h e s ., e u p p 1 e P A t 0 v a p p e a r e n t i 1 a t e a n c e

0 f

veined as if c 0 n t b e i n i n u e 9 e A T E

John Byrum

pronominal in fields

John Byrum

ROOM THE SOME LIGHT STRETCHED TO WATER WHITEFISH PAPER, DOLPHIN AGGRESSION RAIN LONG IN LONG MOUTH AS THERE WEIGH strawberry dog and puppies Birds bounce. always take the Trip, with myself in mind. It room. the (some) light push the screw smells funny, melt your hair. It's still a penny, nothing changes! The stretched to water rain up to the god Objective-Self Perceptual-Obviation rules instantly, absolute negation an long in long kissed pie. impossibility. Creates an IN-FACTI A condition favoring a white, cartoon mouth gobble the radio nothingness. Components of area-spaces. Of gestating HORTA! It smells funny. thrown the hail. Melt your hair. Solo-gu and Macro-Eeah l They group in fears, red alone. as there Phouda-Gaudha~ weigh Daniel f. Bradley Malak N. Sean William PIGEON

~yhwd~yhwd~yhwd~yhwd~yhwd~yheed91yheed shyheedshyheedshyheed91yheed91yheed91yheed91yheed shyheedshyheedS'lyheedroyheedS'lyheedmyhwdmyheed shyhead shyhead shyheed shyheed S'lyheed shyheed myheed ~yheed ~yheed ~yheed ~y dle had this Id.rw:t of pigeoo \elk myheed shyteld shyheed my am ....henever file'd will< shyheed 9lyheed shyheed S'ly ene' d press alittle air 9lyheed myhwd myhwd 9ly ~ to the side of her myheed shyheed myhwd my am \ohen 9le spcke royheed myheed mytuw:1 d1y it IoOJ1.d be like shyheed myheed royheed my she 'to8S piddn at your head !t\yheedshyheedmyheedshyheedshytvs:!!t\ytvs:!roytuw:1 royheedshyheedshyheedshyheedshytvs:!!t\yheedshytvs:! shyhead shyheed !t\yheed shy and ene \01ld rove frantic shyheed shyheed shyheed shy her beak \01ld get stuck in yoor ear roytvs:! shyheed shyheed shy and ene had this ~, yoo I

flashOOck f1afiU:&::k fJ..a.shOOck flashback flashback flamOOck ~booth ~booth j:bnebooth Jh:nebooth j:bnebooth flashhr.k flashback flashback fla91back flashback flashOOck ~booth ~booth j:bnebooth ~booth j:bnebooth flashback flashback flashOOck fla91back flashback flashback }1nlebooth ~booth j:bnebooth Jh:nebooth Jb:neOOoth flashback flashback flashback flashback flashback flashback ~booth ~booth )iolebooth ~th ~booth ~booth flashback flashback flash there 'to8S blood, dry blood }1nlebooth by this roe coostantly flashOOck flashback flash all dcJr,.n the sides J*xJnebooth ~booth and for the ooes that 1OJ1dn' t 1:isten flashback flashback flash it hadn't rained for m.hile J*xJnebooth ~booth they'd just get br'uSled f1aS1back flashback flash so it hadn't all WlStled off yet ~booth ~booth aside as file \o6l.Jth ptxnebooth flashback flashback flashback flashback flashback flashback ;ilcnebooth ;ilcnebooth Ihnebooth ptxnebooth ~ Jh;nebooth ;ilcnebooth ;ilcnebooth Jh;nebooth ;ilcnebooth The 9, ••• clt clt clt - cn b l t'n as ....I1J ~ pentultimate, the screen as example, the grid. III .-1 Hean direction arbitrarily - shu - to study ''''1en n-tr -- xxx, one must first assume 2 arms en III instead of twoarms -, more precisely twoarming, :> o with singular commonality. But this: no. The C.J fixed point originates, this on-ly personal; si. '0"1 l Z Hre t out I• w)hole X motivates, like reaching - the giant sloth - vision through chainlink fence - To appropriate the thing again, uyi---+­ n-tr IIII-see--(lllli III ---- not at, or at out from, nor closed -- the mustbethere, whnt wht was saw - in which the gates coincide zeros _ spc apc spc n-t. t + 9, taken at this affirma­ tion fist. feathers? chronometer? Such as. IIIIIIIIIIIIIl as easy as copper gets caught in the screen. Obrate jasENtia speaking from its cup -. Wanting to break it apart. Gline, limb (hmkh!) just, just - studder, bladder squeezed - Tractor wheel sailing away _ according to these specifications where can it land?

eees 80 moad em near o LU! tkn tkn tkn. tkn tkn tkn. tkn. tkn tkn, tkn. tkn tkn tkn. tkn tkn tkn tkn. tkn tkn. tkn tkn. tkn. tkn. tkn. tkn. tkn tkn tkn. tkn. tkn tkn. Repeat.

Jake Berry

STOMA 1758 ) what frayed not e s now to dream of the republic of her ogden sitting in hot shower steam as the only towel Iifted for him. he walked thru morning's picture held up perfectly the frame sturdy enough for escape within it mirrored porno booth with curtains closing. uneven toes & dirty-purple fingernails protruding; as a kid he remembered crabs in a boiling pot and the constant swirling of pinkness.

Guy R. Seining PUR I SIMA (SEX ADDICT) Purlsima! the dogs of mars are poisoned at dawn Purlsima! venus drops her chemise in a quicklime pit Purlsima! I exchange your hair for angel dust step over murdered shadows goodbye Purlsima! in all the alcoves the light is violent Purlsima! the season of caustic envelopes is at hand let them take you down Purlsima! fashion headlights from chinese skulls for me Purlsima! there is no original word no other word memoirs of robespierre stained Purlsima! I name the satellite of time for you .. Purlsima! arsenic flowers are great in the revolving restaurant circling in the mist echo Purlsima! my hand is the name for the dreaded mnemonic Purlsima! it is simply glossary of burning hands uninformed trade skin for lust haunted Purlsima! again the despairs in its tango Purlsima! a sky is in bloom with brilliant hydrangeas they will remove you slowly Purlsima! I am pouring black verse into the orchestral purse Purlsima! cold lunar adaptation erases 81 colors they drown in avarice cupped Purlsima! beneath there is Kor~'s profound shadow Purlsima! radio versions of your face affect my speech dumped her body in canal Purlsima! I am a derelict of mind toying with your past Purlsima! here are the students suffering literature by alcohol neglect the corpse's Id atrophied Purlsima! there in the grass see the secret cigarette Purlsima! you are all perwinkle clover and white cowslip it is blindly low night Purlsima! to bed then with the impossible narcotics Purlsima! going to the ancient city with cups of hands so what a woman is neglect Purlsima! legend has it the deaf inhabit your opium's ear Purlsima! so much power is plugged into the spine burnt down from the torso Purlsima! and look the moon it's lunching on vienna Purlsima! by stealth sky gains on demon time which music ravages suffering Purlsima! fierce are the grasses which the gods smoke Purlsima! daily the wheel returns its cadaver to rhyme turn the screw deeper Purlsima! nightly the sun bleeds its moths into the urinal Purlsima! friction outlines the cloud's hundredth personality the deviant daughter asphyxiated Purlsima! justice'is for the blank of mind for the handless Purlsima! to proceed into the fourth movement's suicide to edge her out soul Purlsima! that you are offpred books that remove your sight Purlsima! forsaken the horses of the sun rush the sea fiction the mouth's tomb kissing Purlsima! what's going on? who has disguised the thunder? threatened to the lip alone Purlsima! the stress accent has fallen on the wrong syllable for sarah Purlsima! I am brooding on the wild mare of recognition ivan argiielles chamber music unrequited gutted Purlsima! watc~ the swan pursue the blackest song Purlsima! denied in the constabulary of the law I dial pornography to hide the crimes clocks Purlsima!'the scorpion is holding all the money Purlsima! to understand you I have given all thought away hypnotize her to submit anaerobic TO THE SHIP OF STATE Purlsima! in spanish they say your name is destruction Purlsima! in spanish I fold the temple's door in rage green the spoons love Purlsima! each gramophone is a prediction of the past that little ship sailing off the sea into the havoc of gold Purlsima! simulacra of mercurJ-tinted clouds flood your eye is mine no more her hair dressed like that of the pasha's wife white objects float cistern broken unending syllables bereft of their noon time solitude Purlsima! the length of a night among camelias and ivy wagers of accents tied to the bridal train of my first and only swoon Purlsima! I flex the nerve of the undistributed bride dying intricately within the daily hive of renunciation wet and bitter concern for the oval spiked coming up on the other side unrecognizable petty illiterate wounded Purlsima! passionate the forever cancels its paragraph how can I say the other is at fault when it is the same as the self? Purlsima! I function the lever of your waist a prize junk decision making process in the stolen hour of the moment sacked the spinal church involved off to the sea in skiffs unarmed afraid the god of all waters will strike Purlsima! lock up the place in history of such composers not to mention the pOUnitU5 fixed in the window display of occidental culture Purlsima! who have earned the illicit phantom of your youth things dismembered falling from the assembly of ideas drowned entities eyelids stricken from memory I see them all not knowing whether to laugh or cry because these are stumps Purlsima! gnashing their teeth in suspension russia not a tongue but the hacked tip of mind in despair &yes they are polite Purlsima! and bury their profiles in the cement of sleep recommending the correct medical supplies and yard-masts and verbiage inhabit your dream breaking I cannot collect the situation precisely in the bottle of my memory Purlsima! the full edge and its solar capacit~es toll their hour liquids spilling out of the barrels on to the definitive german floor Purlsima! the tenth drum of all dangers for you I embrace a bible is offered as atonement I speak to my son through a hiatus they curse your purity rabid generations of wrong thinking the hands go crippled into their hemisphere the outer lights of the port are extinguished the sails torn to ribbons pirates of circumflex accents have removed the treasure from the hold it is only the diurnal alienation the inability to turn away from the abyss

ivan arguelles auG snu~w JO Jl~4 JO OMl snld

JO aJ~Ml aJ~ aJa4l AU~W M04

JO le4l uO~lsanb P~~oqll~q

s~d~qs ~lq~z~u20~a~ Ald.~s a4l JaAO 4S~JMOll~MS ~ JO dooMs image as I see I'M AGE olding asleep to the ear of the grass ~o SPUB[S~ sad~4s p~ls~nq U1 l01~ J~~ JO 4S~J~J~lq l46~llaaJlS to the sound water it rains glass I wake up to flatting 01 A8M8 sd~~p 11 MOq 1n~ ~ql oluT nJ4l 6U~MS sl~q l~~M U~4l~M pours runs puddles like to a plane U~~s ~41 Sll~J 1~ leaAs A. 1 aools JO ~)~l ~alJe drains to my hand a sounds of a cracking ~~11 ~~l~A e ~~e. aUOlS JO ~)~l qJn) uodn d~l droplet crystalling ball along awake to field under uns ~41 01 ~aa~~ 1no8uT~p laaJlS JO ape4s a4l u~ l~S to see of my foot an overing tree of leaves a41 U~ 8U~AP ~n8uo1 ~ JO ~~l ~ u~ auo6 aJe rolling sneaker it beside the color a~Tl poolQ ~lsel 01 ,(a4l II n sJa6u H feel squeak in water bluebeyondblue the 1aaMs a~ue~lll~Q e ,(w 0l ~uHq JO veins of lightning violence of violets a8UB~0-08u~. a~aM qsalJ JT a)U~lsqnsu~ ~~lS JO SanlJ~A a4l killing off radio talk dead in in dewshade shimmer around in ~as 01 PU~4 A. olUT ln~ lunO) I l46~lwns u~ papnol)~ J~ the flash come to a street lights heartshaped leaves to a walk I go along lightholding rainwatery along the rivergo of frogjump of

street a sign flashing snakeslither suddenness of or still just these numbers overtheshoulder a 5 or a 2

G. Huth

Jeanice Berg

MADISON AVE. There's a drunk saying grace with two rats in heat. There's a man made out of spaghetti. There's a can of spraypaint yet to be born. Two gorillas are moving a mirror. Moe. RATTLE There's sixteen priests copulating in drag. There's a frog selling plastic lapels. There's a bandage wrapped 'round a telephone box. There's an actor in search of a pencil. There's 10,000 virgins begging for bread LIZARD DRAINO from two albino soldiers. There's 6,000 phosphorescent whores Their nose whistle dinner rolls out of stage lights setting their hair on fire. Aluminium buckets bubblehead Dr. Pizza on a tumortrain Juggernaut spikes of pig from dinner glass and There's a millionaire vomiting postage stamps. Public elections are Radon gas from the toilettank There's a cab that's turned into a toaster. There's 4,000 lemmings on a pleasure cruise. There's a mirror in a garbage can. Byron Smith David Gianatasio def Should we talk about it. I ask. it I 5 the pace enlivening the dieing You'~e ai.lent. heart quickening to catch a breath ~here are no the last before the quiet laughter arourrl the shadowed corner it's the other thighs. pace the car the we:man' s urging legs My sapping wrawed around his hips and going has dried suction harrrrers in the waves of the you say. spinning roan with 00 one krrMing it is she calling like a htlllTling notor an:l wants to twist around it corkscrew lady where others dare oot in Jm:rt:s beside your autlJDl'l rooaning like the end oot the solitary stonn m::xJIl rot those wOO see you instead the walls oold up the dead kings an:l she echoes the snap of a purse in a oollow hall an:l CI.m:J like studded whi~ against the chest of him that tied the chaimail locks


urgent KickingKickingKickinging throbs r rush billow ~ bits ~ despite "'­ my off & watching them watching lack them squiggle()(I~ggle6qi u. &kicking off more bits see they squiggle even more sqiggle Paul Weinman & John H. Bennett eo kick off more bits bits more ..... _"·~orebits>H)() '& you see can't POSSIBLE ROCK LYRIC coz they squiggle, so fa How does one examine the horizons st. like building a radio out of your arm, You don't know what you're kick pieces falling off of it & tasting good? iDg now kick kick kick kick """ It's not so great becoming metallic. o so you I saw ~ trying to become more popular. ~~PLODGE them all together I also saw a forest fire, the ocean into one biglumpBIGLUHP see & some tennis shoes. Which building & it blobbles &you start kicking they were in I couldn't tell you. bits '" Fish would look nice in the library. So would bags of whey •. I thought about it Tuesday & you were right, so curl up like the past & fall from your pen like a stupid lizard.

•••oo And now that we've completely lost all direction when would you prefer to buy your socks? When the prices are high or the prices are low? Andrew Savage If anyone sees 'em, it's certain to be us.

Jeffery L. Skeate DOG-ASS RAG (for Richard Brautigan) Those dwarfish, dull days of inconsequence lost PREfACE The oily jade moods of Dr. flathead He's being a grey-green lizard now. a man sort of hanging from some wires - or is it a duck fighting through a maze Just a Judas at the end again.•. she shaved her head of underground conduit - a microchip in Plugged-in and sweating, only dimly conscious mouth or beak it'll never make Des Moines ­ Of the damage. stuck in the Louvre a cauterized version ­ Yesterday's flotations reversed. my grandfather canoe racing foreign matter making things complex ­ South of Spokane. steep sunshine and clouds... she shaved her head that's why I always stand in the yard &: The numbness slips back. peeling away everything to please her lover who flap - rising above the trees like a piece Except the insect noise of the fan. applied skin creams of fruit - His food rustled in claw hands menacingly and kissed the scabs her office Inflating the shadows into succulents until they Jeffery L. Skeate Adhere, little bumper crops of stickers manager waived the rule Advocating greeness and nothing else tomorrow. against wearing hats and scarves bald men face blocked out by the flowering fronds approached her on the street The light echoing upon the earth, we hare krishnas refused payment Can not see beer nut sugar or for brochures she wore Possibly feel what the atoms of Epicurus belted dresses BEE pet-J Randomly contrive. syllabic boxes. building a frame­ no eye shadow beginning Work around madness, a work that can to recall tales Be sold: but you understand, it's just hair growing back A mechanical problem, not enough green, got it? different a Psalmist predicted trouble she left the lover at a quarter inch Blair Ewing the next asked her to give up contacts to go back to glasses she shaved his woo RoOP legs then

Gale Nelson

.atif ra. in so what all the attempts to hold 1n ra your eyes' look void and still r n 81TTER FEE. a have failed i r n we still own a horrendous stock .0 r 1 a. of prometheus liver lookalikes a 1 so what we couldn't tune r n the cybernetic halberd to the moving walls we didn't even get a chance to hear they ...ere caught the nippleseekers passing by BLOW right in frmt of us P~DBteres it seems we ended up 00 the 00cks of \oQl1I5 with constipated buddha ears you want to talk wire but just one mouth wind ? high wind eager enough to seep some joy pick up my hat &: electrocution: a day for small sunrises from dipping anyone else's past go inside Nico Vassilakis in acid to relax in the east. it seems all this reads to gentle pattings on the back Spryszak as if it were kryshten a daily matter of awakening to sleep a simple need to need the doctrine to attack the beehive instinct of weaned fingers BENT BAR Doru Chirodea RidIculed at school MARKED WOMAN ----if------GEE WIll STARES I am a walking pancake pounding myself technicolored Her Spys are here into the comic headlines Now they are gone of monday news Glue for the Ghetto drawing my intestines My poor House with the same fingers woman in flame that just put down my lunchtime sandwich sticking my fingers into my belly button displacing all my yeast 5 TON POLICE into an accordianed spring that would have no way of knowing Waiting Breeze How petty when I'd be in that train "These MORTALS walk the line unfuding me home Blow in his hat I.! .ATTEJ'frIOH SPAIf ------STEPPING OVER CRACKS WHILE GO 'ER RIDING ATOP MY MOTHERS BACK ___+ ·_R_._r.;.el;.:.y lln~~s tu~'.but prcltKts:-Ad;;r litt~ . _._ -: .. ==.r:7~:~: - BABY Baby will if you're standing there ____1 lIlOloit i1pt to I ~n~thttng.or ..: inIPpropr1ately~ 5u&testift _ Howl "all our suffering and someone asks you In My Neck," It's climax to keep your place b~hlYlor:- ---t------.-----.------Continual, shame pretty you can't exactly ---t------_._---.------By the Lord identified tell the differences My wife with all men separating all you ever wanted enters she light and from what one is __--t '"tl';.. ~RIO~TY. ~--.------spry we loved to smoke Look Buying fish It hurts of course all EMPLOY~NT MILLION that old key story I've got Nothing the plain drawing of girls hair too what are you going dragging the turtles that hide their feet to shit to the spirit in armpits that can never grow taller then sit on it Her by stepping off a curb Guards tell me Stacey 5011 frey 3', iE-infections ---f------....::.".. . ------I saw a Dying Sparrow ---t------You .are· requi red ·to _~ough Or ~athe . _ .'- .,--=-.', In the Face physical Statue Rule

i, Byyou Big Bone thru tobacc~_;;Ybe.k~Pt-_ ---11------The use of ont'he- floor _ The Shatter BLOOMS --t------.------...;;...~"'='""------The poor Boy found or touching food with dirty hands. ---1------Poetry.

LItter King _. - --1------.-- Cornpuff I ate a Horse's Head after having plastic we find written It. In the street. Then Dream of that Into a cup. "BABY." Waterfalls narrow heads Merge Think squueze thinking John Buckner pussed in through Did minds of classless beauty hot worm

Stacey 5011 frey John Buckner WHO? MASHED POTATOES Into the center Head to climb; but who Now that I've grown up I can't seem to shut-up about mashed potatoes. be a jerk? Chain on Ripple Clauda I still can't eat the lumpy white bastards. Whenever I'm somewhere visiting the chair; but who Home Town walks and mashed potatoes are served I say, "No thanks." And then I say, "It's full of slime? Butt in these tight because I was forced to eat them as a kid." on a desk, but whose off to a side I've told the story of the mashed potatoes so many times... blood gurgles? Feet Big Rigs Northbound In the story it's eight-thirty in the morning and my mom is dropping out my ass, but who? overturned I Be me off at school. I'm crying. "I don't want to eat those mashed potatoes Who suck my words? today," I'm saying. Who spit out my mouth? I don't know what my mom said to me those mornings. I can't remember. I think she felt sorry for me. But there was nothing she could do. John Buckner F. C. Jerkoffsky (Reconstructed frOM Bennett parts) Ken Sparling

WEATHER REPORT Her eyes were like something you can only see through a telescope. She saw her life laid out before her like a hopscotch board. I felt like my life was passing by me without me having a chance to live it. I felt like a toddler in a minefield. The negative of a coffin passes before my eyes. I could go on forever, but I'm not one to complain. In the wierd hours; under an orange sky; I cross the river to the Dream City. I enter the Village Cabaret. A woman is singing. Her voice sounds like a bird in pain. Back in my room; I walk over to the window, open it up; and stick my head out. Everything is still in place -- the Projects; the paint factory, the high school. I'm restless, I close the window.

Michael Sobsey

Al Ackertnan


The man swung an axe at his girlfriend. He had her pinned against the breakfast nook. She was holding out on him again and he meant to teach her a lesson. The money order for $500 lay next to her hand on the formica top bar. He reared back to swing at her neck and she thrust the check in his face. She said Here or It's Yours or Okay, Take It. Immediately the man was filled THE PLANE CRASH with compassion for his girl. She had, after all, a big heart. Her Uncle Clete sent her that M.O. and by god the man said she knew he needed a new cooler for his beer; and lots and lots of beer to fill the new cooler, by god. The man swept her off her feet and; check in hand, carried her off to the bedroom. In the morning the man had time to think things over; and I have a photograph of a man holding sausages draped over his shoulders. he decided to let his girlfriend use the money order for paying her rent; Behind him on a blacktop runway a plane smolders at dusk. He is "with like she wanted to in the first place. As she was driving out of the driveway, smile" as a woman is "with child." A mixture of smoke and meat on glossy the man realized it was nine A.M. and he didn't have any "morning beer" let paper. alone a new cooler to hold a spanking new twelve-pack. He jumped on the The camera seems to have been held at an odd angle, and the dangling back of her car, but she didn't see him and turned the corner as he flew sausage appears to be defying gravity. In one corner a thumbprint from off the trunk and into the neighbor's lawn sprinkler. the negative, a mysterious shadow, grainy cloud, and high in the other corner a windsock's windless droop parallels the hanging meat, the smiling man. John Eberly


And now the book is open. The windows are open. The door is open. The house is open. The bars are open. The gas station is open. The streets are open. The store is open. The car is open. The rain is open. Red is open. And yellow is open. And green is open. The bedroom is open. The desk is open. The chair is open. The geraniums are open. The triangle is open. The orange is open. The shine is open. The sheen is open. The light is open. The cigar is open. The dime is open. The Pepsi is open. The airport is open. The mailbox is open. The fingernail is open. The ankle is open. The skeleton is open. The melon is open. The angel is open. The football is open. The coffee is open. The grass is open. The tree is open. The sky is bright. The bright is open. The bridge is open. The movie is open. The girl is open. The gods are open. The blue is open. The white is open. The sun is open. The ship is open. The army is open. The war is open. The poolcue is open. Six is open. Eight is open. Four is open. Seven is open. The lab is open. The bank is open. The time is open. The leaf is open. ) The bear is open. lunch is open. Toronto is open. Quebec is open. Vancouver is open. Oakwood is open. Cornwall is open. Bellville is open. Thunder Bay is open. The 401 is open. The Clarke is open. Africa is open. Yonge Street is open. Bloor Street is open. Bay Street is open. Broadview is open. 66 is open. Painting is open. Liebling is open. Center Island is open. Stones are open. The afternoon is open. The friends are open. And Daddy is open. And brother is open. And sister is open. Your mother is open. And I am open - and I am open. And tears are open. And the hole is open. And the car has come. And the day is open.

Greg Evason (after Memorial Day A Collaboration by Anne Waldman & Ted Berrigan)

A little boy had a nose that squeaked it was another day and his nose came off then there came halloween time and his costume was a nose that had a C 'II ~ ~. :ao ... scary face on it and the face had a nose that squeaks too and there was c =- .. .. CI ~ a E .. .. S S E S .. 0 ~ .a.. • 'a• • ...a ~ ~ .a• marker that had a nose on the lid and the lid broke 'a t! ~ c · ~ · E into a billion pieces A · ~ • ... 0 ~ .. ..

Chris Franke hypnotic flopping of th~ ~ODrq,.tic, idiot toy was stirring my ~mory, calling up·tho r~coll~ction of somothing out of tho past--somothing long ago that had also thrashod and floppod around. I frown,.d. What ~s I trying to romo~r? Of coursol Tho Kafkatoria. That was it•••• A col u m n 0 f 9 U pre m p m y s tic fad d 1 • Tho panty hosp. l",appd up and down rapidly but not SO rapidly as my rnomory, ~ich had just gono scuttling back OVnr tho yoars to thp Kafkatoria, a flodglinq hippy joint with black-paintod walls and no covor chargP. thrpo bloCks south of tho main campus in Austin, TX. It was lat~ Saturday night in tho summ-r of "REvELATION Of n11: IEAPlf(i PAm"Y J-mC" '65 and I was standing n"xt to tho jukp box sipping warm li~ punch from a pap<>r cup and wondl'ring 'lily tho Dylan posu-r OVp.r thp bar had startpd to flash and Coruscat~. Than it broko out all OVor in rainbows. Tiny p.loctric rainbows, he first t1~ I "'v"r laid .. yps on th,. fablpd novplty it",m known as "~aping doz~ns of thorn, but how could that ~? As I starpd tho rainbows bogan to opon Panty Hos",," I f",lt my third, or innpr, PyP pop op."n on a glowing sphoro up like littlo flowars and tiny greon hoads pooppd out--and oach tiny hoad Tof rov."lation that soomPd as miraculous as it W8S coincidontal. Yot this (what horror) was unmistakably tho tiny gropn hpad of Jack Wpbbl Thn hoads W'>ro was only natural. ~'" sagps hav", long taught that all miraclos arp in fact writhing and squirming in unison, and thoy mpwlpd incossantly. It soompd to mo coincid",nces--th",y Cannot como into being oxcopt wh",n npPd",d, and gon"rally thpn, and still dOps, th,. groat"st torture a mind Can know to bA confront,.d by dAv."lop as incid",ntal hap~ninqs. Pair amount of low clowning, too. a dozp.n Or mOrP tiny gr,.,.n hoads of Jack Wobb, all mpwllng. Thon and th"rp I . At any rate, in Nov"'~r of tho y",ar 1974 I was in Houston trying to mak,. faIt my mind unhing~ itsplf and b.cam. on tho instant (,.v,.n as I wondorod it as an unlicpnsp.d stor",-front ministor, a calling at which I was haVing procious dimly 'Iilat I had dono to d",s~rve such a visitation) totally bonk",rs. little sucCpss. And nO wondpr. Anyono who, like m-, poss~sses a combination of Thn truth of cOursP. was that I had just bpon slippod a doso of l..«;D in my congonital stage frlqht and ~ak porsonal Charisma (bpsid~s harboring a noarly punch cup. Soveral of my collpgo fripnds 'Iilo'wPrP along that night (and all misanthropiC distastp for rubbing ."lbo~ with th", g",noral public) will know what gr,.at cards) had d,.cidpd among thomselves that it was high tirno I took my it ml'ans to b", a big flop in thp pulpit. "Broth",r Larv - Conspcratpd and Invin­ first "trip". But of Courso I hadn't bP,.n let in on thoir plans, SO 'Iil,.n th,. cibl"." was how I bill",d mys."lf. I thought tho Brothor Larv narne look",d good-­ tiny monstpr heads app.arpd I r-actod out of shep.r acid-fuddlo and t~rror, CatChy yot not too dignifi",d--scrawl"'d in white on thp window of my mad,.-ovor by scroaming and throwing my,,,,lf down in front of tho juko box and having a Itor~, which was half-fruntagp. far out on '~in, near tho ship channol. I also fit. Tho rosult was that I wound up pntprtaining thp 'fi1olp Kafkateria crov,d thought my gimmiCk of Wbaring a pripst's collar and dying my h",ad blue and my making liko an alligator or maybP a crocodil., anyway thrashing around flat hands groan had considorablp potontial for audionco-appoal, as did my choie.. of on my back on tho floor for nearly an hour, rolling this way and that and sermon topics ("Using ?'raypr-PoW'>r To Hox £nemips", "Is God R.. l1gious?", "Was flailing and kiCking at a furious mad rat~ (slamming mysplf hard ~nough and John Th", Baptist ACannibal?"). Probl",m was, my poor stagp proSanco and tonta­ oftpn enough in_tho pro~ss to chip a bon", in my ",lbow), till finally thp tivo, fumbling d"livory failod to attract bpans in thp way of a Crowd: tho fow disgusted club managp~nt had my friends haul ~ away, and I was carripd out, ~o did drift in to sit in thp audionce at my nightly sorvicos lOst no ti~ in bodily, howling likp a dog all thp way to thP parking lot. "Man, you Wl>rfl! drifting back out again, dopply unimprpsspd. By noar th." end of my first month Ifl!nsational, you had US,mPs~r1zed as hall watehlnq you flop around out th~r-,. as Brothor Larv and with thp $200 rpnt on my storp-front looming duo in thro'" said @V"'ryboc!y thp I'lPxt day, in frank admiratipn. days I found that I had nptt~d a grand total of $7.22 in lovo-offorings. HaVing d.~rmined this, I spont part of tho morning trying to think up so~thing novol Well, that had all bP.p.n a long timP. ago. Having now rocallod tho .. pisod~ to in the way of a now gimmick to rpvitalize my lacklustpr ministry, but all that mind I didn't know what th,.re was to be said for it. Mostly what I fplt wal a CamP. to mind was. W. C. Fields's rp.mark: "How do I fopl? I fool as sad as 72~ a strpptwalkpr's fathor." kind .of sad bemusoment as I stood there (rank alleY wind in ray face, to fTf'J I-spent the rest of the morning (and $6.50 of my $7.22) sppking mystic ;0­ namo ) and look~d back across ~arly a docade of preca~ious obscurity and fairly spiration and guidanCe in a caso of Bulldog brand malt liquor, from 0 Loony s shifty disordor to tho youngpr figure of mysolf as I had hoen on that night-­ POodliner around th", Cornpr. One of thp advantagps of malt liquor, to a man sO gr~pn, SO gullibl.. , SO unscath"'d--sipping spik",d punch innocontly from seoking mystic inspiration and guidanCe, is that it puts him in a hypertonic a papor cup, novpr droaming what lay in store. It sppmod to mo, as I harkpd r~mombPr I~te of r,.ceptivity; this is a statp of fri",dn"'ss SO profOUnd that it ofton back to all this, that I could pxactly how thp punch had tastod: bordprs on tho frankly supernatural, whore anything can happon. It was in this warm, almost nasty, like melted limo jello cropping around my tongue. ~en state, thpn, that I Ipft my store-front latpr that aftprnoon and driftod south more vivid was the mpmory of how thp jolt of acid had transfo%'T!lPd me SO . ~come along ~ain in th.. genpral dirpction of I-kne~not-what, thp twonty Or SO cans that my thrashings had as sppllbinding as ,",ose of any charIsmatiOI. ~y"'s, 72~ how I had pffortlpssly hpld ovory f'!yo in tho room rivotod ("rneslllPrizod ll. of malt liquor fizzing Clairvoyantly behind my th", rp.maining in chang.. transfigu~d l~o th~ nois~s hpll"), a bonafipd show-stopppr flopping in thp of making small glum in my pockpt. It was a day of much wind and lownring ~ cor~r ~~in sh~po juke box eVpn if it was only for a night: and now, wh .. I OP.ed",d to most, skips. At tho of and 82nd, a larg" tin sign in -e;;0 of a mUk­ cro\~, th~ of-magnosia bottle flapPpd abov~ tho sidpwalk in the wind--{ Jako s Cut-RatP. I couldn't attract bPans in tho way of a couldn t evpn m"ot rent for God's sake. "Ah, \Wollt" I mused, half aloud, 8urrendpring to the Drugs")--and it was at this junctura that I ",nCountorpd my miraelp, in th." form tt~r, of Corn~ll Patey, thp fal1"ll!d nov",lty salosman. bi no-win humor of thp thing, "v.ny worry? J='verybody knows that bo ing thrown out on thp str°f'!t in Am6rica is no warsp than frpozinq to doath "Watch them jump," Mr. Pou.y was calling. or starvino." ObPdiontly I pauspd bafor'" this quoor and antic display, as a child bAforo 1~. a sidoshow exhibit. Attir..d in ~is customary gray shark-skin jack"'t, natty Meanwhilo th.. panty hosp On FbtPY'S suitcasp continup.d to spring into half-iOCh-wIde maroon tio, and qrppn pork-pie hat, Mr. Pbtoy, 57, a familiar thp air, in nitwit stops and starts, and flop around, as though thoy, too, figuro on tho local stroot sc..n~, was busy "pitching" to a circlo of four or had b,...n fad acid. "WatCh thpm jump, folks••••" Th. aft,.rnoon was gray, misor­ fiVe gawkprs ~o had gathorpd around his stand-up suitcaso in tho mouth of tho abl•• It wes q.ttinq tat", I the wind cuttinQ aCross tho low rooftops from tho ~xt diroction of the ship chanl'lPl had grown sharppr. My hoppl"'l.n...s was so groat, 8l1..y to th." pharmacy. As luck (or fatp) would have it, th.. itom to YthiCh foolis~ly r~ason hp r .. f~rred was his latost novolty sonsation--"L..aping Panty Hoso!"--an ~nqDnious I found.mvself smilIng, for much the same that a mastor d..viCe mado of soft, flpxible, flosh-colorpd plastic in tho shapo of a tlny pair arCh.r will, ~,.n h.. has accidontally .hot hirns.lf through tho stomach-­ of panty hasp (mouse-sizp.) that lunqod and flop~d wildly at tho ond of a minatur", thpro's nothing .. Is- to do. Dull behind my oYPs pvpn th~ fizzing of thp t~nty air hose oach timo thP rubber bulb concpalPd in Mr. Potpy's hand was squ",oz-d. or so malt liquors had dipd awaYI in that bl.ak intorval my gaz"" my spirit, and ~~ctations and prospocts, ov"'rything, rpstpd at absolute Mr. Ppt~y sQUeoz",d tho bulb with gusto. Thp panty hosp. jumpp.d around spasmod­ hap~ODd.) ically on tho lid of tho suitcase, pxactly as advortis@d. Th~ crowd star-d in Zfl!ro. (That, of coursp, was v.non it "WatCh thorn jump•••• " As I rapt fascination, as thouQh ~sm-rizpd. So did I. In som.. curious fashion th.. watchpd, the sun broke unoxp,.ct"'dly through tho oV"rcast, bright.nod up tho dun hu., of tho lpapinq has. to pink, and IhoOP full on tho flapping THE MAN WHO ASKED WOMEN TO DINNER

pharmacy ,ign ov~rhpadl' tin, in th~ shape of a milk-of-magn••ia bottl~, There was a happily married man flash~d l1k~ a mirror in my ~y••• That was it. That did it. Th. ~ang~ of dim whose obsession was to ask women to blazing pink and th. sudd-n flap and dazzl~ of tho sign mado me blink and, to dinner. His wife never knew as I roaliz.d lator, eombin~d to strik- dppp into so~ spcr.t er~viee of my about these dinners. He wasn't brain. loos~ning tho bo~l, of my subconscious mind, so that pv~n as I unfaithful, he only ate with these gaped slack-ja~, a subli~ly brilliant rov.latton ros_ maj.stically through women. And these women he ate with he ate with only once, then never my subl1ll\Dly dl1at.d S~P8, and it was hand~d Il\D to know (0 blinding insight! o bl.ss.d _piphany), thp solution and anSW6r to ~v_rything. Latpr, Wh.n I saw them again. Sometimes he wouldn't was abl. and could stagg~r away from th. all.y and th.. indpfatigabl. l.aping be hungry but would just watch them of ,~. P.t.y'S latpst nov~lty .~nsation, tho substanc. of my miraculous in­ eat. At other times he would eat in spiration was as follows (put simply in words)' silence then get up from the table and leave the restaurant. He would 1£ 1 ~ mesmerize A ~ 2f. ~ ~ ~ flopping ~.Q.D t.b.e. seldom speak and then only if the f.lJa.lfW ct;tn!

Al Ackerman lyn lifshin lesser .tlee1.

CRITICAL IN'J"t:R::REiATIO~I-A-"Lass"r \IIIl .. ~l" 1n c..rtain parts-of India ~fors to a small auxIllary whonl that is found on th~ main wh .. ~ls of bullock carts, growing thor; in­ clust.. rs llko toadstools so as to mako tho rido-r0ughor, which is said to impart spiritual grac.. -& build charactnr. Thus thn allusion in-tho o~ning phraso_of th- ponm-r:f~rs to th.. fact that riding in onn of th-so carts for any-lnngth of ti~ promot.. ; pilo;, ;nich in midgots ar" rofnrrnn to as "l"ssAr pilos". B-nnntt ~ aro_wor£s sU~h a~ "sl~ki~q," "!pittinq," and SO forth, nOno of which appnar in this poom. S"nt>timos th" po-t (s"nnott) q-ts to slaking-and spitting sO much that som,,{hing 1ik.. tho midrllo portion of-this p~m r=sults.- ~nn, f9r milos ar9und, tho ~ll Ef_th~ pnopl.. floats ~p 1n a cloud, o! sodethinq. It's not _ VO!y_char, b~ 'Ii on it hapP"n~, oy-ryOOdy in town usos_it as a go~ oXCUso to shoot morphino. Thoro is nO tolling how many poorl.. in India .~JVII)QJmiitltlhamx(no that' 5 not right. )

"EItE,IOYSI SO FAR UPSTREAM HAVE ASIA-IE What was hammered when I entered the Steam Zone was the air thin or what? Ground like glass beneath my legs, transparent dirt and the slamming door father farther behind. THE SECOND GENERATION Not I blaming her you mind, my aberrant eggs never touched her ass. Fighting ..... Drill was the heavy breather, around the Mud Kin, where was shorn my especially under beds. He dream. I thought me sheltered in my filled with dust like a leather Bleeder, camera, but it was just a roiling sheen and aspirated the dead LUZ Y POOfR AGUJA Where was Lucid when the A fish gasping at my windowglass like ropes came down and climbing out of Al Ackerman «\ Gerald "The Asp" Simonsen when I want to something or here? They looked like hooks without tell you it, like my hand's raised's him and we dared not touch. So much smoke from my thought drift off. fear we thinned; without his clout in Are you want I reach when I books we shook like whey and cleared out touch nothing at night? My dawn's a whining. Was he just Shining Clown and dream like your evening's dreaming it all our hopes bare stupid?

John M. Bennett FLOPPING B£lA AN> HlhNI£ Me, feeling slouchy in the shoulders, knowing I was a hanger and wanted you to sense Bela's feet hurt. He sat on the chair near the stove and took off his a special shirt or bar but all I got was a fistful dusty boots. Minnie brought out a cup of steaming cocoa and set it of my rust and clanging down the steps. I consider on the floor by his chair. Bela thanked her and took off his socks. a youthful try to stand but the sink's afloat, refrigerator Minnie took off her blouse and began massaging her breasts, looking trembling, submerging where I lean. The full lips for lumps. Bela noticed the gangrene had eaten all the toes on his sucking at walls whirl like seeds in a threatened left foot but the big toe. When he touched it the whole thing fell night-time thunderstorm and I teeter, see you reach out off 'plop' into his cocoa. Minnie supressed a giggle. When he turned empty air, lurching grabbing chairs, wallets emaciated, to glare at her he noticed her eyes were closed, and both her nipples listlessly falling from your face. Credit card compartments were hard. Crunching his glasses between his teeth he reached for his shrunken shut. You're unhooked like me I guess, breeze in bones, kneecaps, beanies sewn to his pants, and twiddled the buttons on top, a rattle, heaving and hiding from the door long ago shut, the long hours collecting combs from the streets forgotten now. Minnie key turned to hole at social babies, bank accounts. opened her eyes and knew the time had come. Again. She fetched the steaming pitcher of cocoa and filled Bela's cup, wiping the spilled cocoa off the hardwood floor. She reached in and replaced the toe with John M. Bennett & Paul Weinman a marshmallow. A smile crossed Bela's lips as he gulped and swallowed his glasses, quickly washing them down with the hot chocolate milk. Minnie sat down at his feet, well, his foot, and Bela produced a greasy AMBIENTE CONTAMINADO pink comb and began to comb her hair. Why did he think of cloudheads and a twitching lake, he thought, Why was the sofa smouldering across A shaking on the edge of the bed where my the room? Licking smegma from the comb and crossing his eyes, he forgot foot used to be and a box where my head your all thirst and thrusting. Minnie peeled off her sweaty panties, spilling face smokes on a pillow. Black the rest of the day's comb hoard across the floor. That's where she air pulses against the ceiling. No kept them, cleaning each one in her own way. She rolled and bulged thought but of you like the swirl of my to the window, scattering combs in her stroll, then leaning on the sill, words inside out, dead like the watched. the rain on the lake slurp her Silly. This was a mutant organ hedge by the poisoned lake of tongue ALTERNATOR on her belly, which flabbered like a drunken head. It's name was mislead­ on tongue when we tried to walk ing, because it harbored all her anger and hate, anger at Bela who should've on water only to have young toes Cranking cranking like an been licking instead of the Lake, and hatred for barbers, who, she believed, turtle-snipped. You said we should underwear torso, skull full of conspired to eliminate the world's need for combs. Bela, meanwhile, etch initials on their backs motor oil leaking. Hands lie on a was growing erect at the thought of Foot. He stood upright, bolting but our faces got buried in flesh stone before me waiting to walk. and lurching toward Minnie at the window, oblivious to the storm, his before we remembered our names. But I'm plaiting my lore in tomes remaining toes and some fingers flying through her hair like flesh combs and I bland, speaking soil and imbedded in wind. As she wheeled about pink, wet and willing, the dumb pulling dull hair. Or so I appendage at her middle grasped his throat holding firm. Bela's member John M. Bennett & Paul Weinman think, twitching naked in a chair twittered, then faltering, diminished altogether, like a single shoe floating down a river.

John M. Bennett John Eberly & John M. Bennett

So labile you were my pants got loose ripped out like a hankering noose in a porthole smoked I did and my armpits sank where a goosefoot gargled old shorts you soaked my wallet like sweaty speech knockkneed what face I had to drink up your goat and lost like your laces when you stepped in the flush smiling against your teeth swallowed by the gutter Whore not Rubber why were the rakes clattering on the roof? nuts piled in the gutter and the boil on my belly singing to them Sour tooth worm, pulling several thousand singing to them Ben Bennett meats quivering on a bridge where I sunk the toaster mainline, shivering. John M. Bennett & Jake Berry Chris Winkler & John M. Bennett THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN I cannot and will not lamp pants. Your illness bag roof hoof peak. Have you seen spit hag flopping yellow? You were leg bag lathered nattering. The hologram involves bag rot nattering. You need not eye flop bag speech Until like flop from I knew Tight sly flies wipe twitching. You hide seven.

Whew, this one got a little out of hand. First, I picked one of Evelyn Waugh's letters at random and jotted down phrases from it: I cannot and will not ACK HACKS BENNETT'S POEMS Your illness ----- Have you seen _ -=---=---=--? I did a very fine hack off one of the recent poems you sent. This one You were in meant to be chanted aloud. Done in completely mechanical fashion, that --Leaving blanks to make the words in each line come out 8-7-7-6 and in is, I assigned values-- the second stanza 9-7-7-8. let "the" = "a rag harmone" and Then I went through your poems at random, and in the first line of let "a" "hambone" the hack, since "I cannot and will not" equals five words, I took the = sixth and seventh words from one of your poems and reversed them. Did and plugged them into one of your poems before I had even read it, thus this kind of counting until I had all the blanks filled in. Then I insuring total mystery. I called the result "Handy Urn" (probably put the hack aside overnight. Came back to it next day and made a list after the handy urn in "Frank Estrus" that Janna Peruda was looking of all the words I'd taken from your poems, putting them down in jumbled blearily around for?). It goes order: "lapping," "not," "think," "you," etc. Then went back through your poems and assigned an "equivalent" word--so that "lapping" became HANDY URN "spit," "~ot" became "yellow," and so forth. No rhyme or reason to this, although 1n the case where "mine" became "flopping," later on when I I turned my headache to you and came to "my" I let that equal "flop." Then I took all my "equivalent" gurgled like mud from hambone spigot my words, went back and plugged them into the poem. As usual, I was hands slime from a rag harmone bottom of hambone surprised. This would be a good one to declaim aloud real fast-­ pond. Under a rag harmone bed you said, especially "I knew/tight sly flies wipe twitching," eh? sleeping like hambone steak in a 'rag harmone sun, snorting dusty speech. You I coughed but never thought. Hambone chair Al Ackerman yawns over a rag harmone door where all my hats in a hambone heap; I jostled you, but you drag your face on a rag harmone floor. You talked so long my pants were soaked and all the while that we conversed. it was only raining inside the taxi, like a carpet burning under the bed You're right about your new poems showing out-of-the-ordinary qualities. Like ten thousand matches in a hurricane's i Very strong imagery linked up in each one. I took all six and did a hack while the stadium echoes harmonica riffs of by simple method of going through and marking off one phrase out of each "Hard Rain's Gonna fall" and "Blowin' in the Wind" that I particularly liked, then shuffled them and drew at random, using Just a cheap transistor radio squaking in the the length of lines in PLUMBING to establish structure; thus--: mud or perhaps some plaster cherub endlessly pissing in a wishing well

DITHERING PROFOUNDLY AT COMBE FLOREY HOUSE John M. Bennett & T. Winter-Damon Swimming through heat like back and forth and smack at the wall under get my pen's just a glass hammer and my nails slugs flopping like a tongue in a white skreeks across the mirror and an empty a soldier stumbles in the window my face was hair His head was wood, his eyes burning to me and you the light burned on we were His table damp and churning Her feet were cold, her hands waiting Her buttons spin and gating The new Hack first, then hellishly complicated explanation: C. Mehrl Bennett & John M. Bennett Nostril lurking by the window, big as a leg hairline cracks in the smeared glass pane a new technology from blown too hard, the shattered lip BALLPEEN hairline cracks in the sheared glass vein Hat fall from wall the lake life in th' Leg slucked up, chattering a butt feeds from garbage can to rake convent; fr years heirline cracks in the sheered glass vane and the boys filled the boxes behind harelip gapes, wriggling a word with the fluffy heads of faxes the stained hare line cracks in the dream's glass pain Would I have icepicked him glass, languishing in the peening of the rim until John M. Bennett & T. Winter-Damon if he had only worn his pants? you put yr hand In this swarming hole of ants? through th' pane & light Saddled with a lurch, he stands John M. Bennett & Michael Dec files through proctering the ocean like a sponge like a new skin inside out his shirt he hands technology back to a pop quiz hoping the answers and shaping the thought of his foot & plays on in a platonic membrane somewhere beneath all whispers th' blood as it the shape of his tongue, rolling like a slug falls. cornering the first drink in its divinity harboring the first think in its thinness Michael Northrop

. John M. Bennett & Sheila E. Murphy

What are they sandwiches why should I confiscate them when recycling vetoes or jiggle my hand under a shirt rehearsing to de-numbify a silent breast

John M. Bennett & Sheila E. Murphy

s. Gustav Hagglund B~LL aP\Lf\NC€. IGNORE THIS STATEMENT BALLOO ....

There are concrete blocks crumbling POCH' 2 where the mortar has cracked from negrlect and the effect of weather's like a grand army of climbers, monks, and nuns ever carving drill. I inspect the dust like a blend of cords, glass, and blood to check its fineness and ignore we went inland, but the wheat had moved on this statement, Replace these bricks corrupted by age and erosion, at my peril. Here is a mystery Daniel f. Bradley & John M. Bennett construction, locked in time but leaking air into holes between the tangled wire of the forms. Lank loosing more than one just hank Will I fail to make the right less than toads have tender fetters choice, level and plumb walls, I remembered it, dancing on the fence tight against the elements until its left foot held, snapped off and of one piece? Walls with cold poured from the stars, and a sandal whole-structured plaster visible, searched for a mother, desert sands smooth faced room in tiny house, erode my hand quivering under a shoe all sides square and neat. bones show, scars from odd graspings Sould I ignore this statement or repair this damage with Daniel f. Bradley &John H. Bennett the sweat off my hands? John M. Bennett & Paul Weinman


KB Heart meant marrying Bo Head PROCRASTINATOR effectively. "Take me home," sang Jon, son of thunder. Answers. I wanted to But in this mountain of spices write it down before it what is the Roman answer? was light enough to see Take me home, take the hassle then roll with clouds out of choices. CS Lewis had like big cigars a wife. He also had a brother. out over the roof of Superior But who knows about how festive but ground the coffee was his contrary heart. Calm down, bled on the calender I said to the international scrambled egg head over easy child in myself at the well lept from my throat under the sands; take me home. worshipped the cats Child. Victory. Strong-willed child. and gave into my feet instead Listen, there are reasons to be wives. How I wish I had wife-energy. consequently My daily partner bugs me and he it's light now pleases me. Sometimes he is wrapped too late to see in silence and prisons me answerless. anything but clearly Sometimes I think heart married so dishes head, but who's heart, who's a- drip down my arm head. -rf's NOT A RACE. Keep going. before they reach the cupboard Randy Moore cup of coffee leaks the central nervous system Edward Mycue and I finally sit down in the chair aimed at an hour ago. gagaku

s. Gustav Hagglund enough ------'-- --.--. _._---_._-----~- Kelly Green opinions in the world for you? hey mister IN THE LAB AFTER MIDNIGHT I wait for demons day after night I want to write of them i put my gums upon your arm after day a my demons please don't go yet my eyes emplored dim bulb dangles not yours mute with the gift of imbecility from frayed cord, instilled so many months ago when i you will have to exorcise you BIRTHDAY PARTY the mind and body's was but a test-tube gleam before slow decay, own the first sausage-shaped hominoid now they come in a sepentine to hit the market in time for christmas she watches Hey Mister! i became through the compass Eye doodah fun a curved of a runaway key cheekun but you oh heartlessness incarnate S you went out anyway your bucket flopping rain falls Wit my sister click! you've snapped the light out overhead like parasols, Psyche Lulu- they come each holding a lit candle you're gone and I'm left here in the dark. her birthday begins and they stick their pointy with a murdered pie She jest coocoo alone to brood on the bitter truth of how It goes Four cocoa puffs... tongues out and flick when a lab-hatched thing like i dares love and vanishes flame an unattainable cleaning-crone like you with excelsior. waking alone pull back the shade they don't look like exorcised things

Al Ackerman B. Z. Niditch Steve E. Gloom Steve Richmond

spring rain/old bathtub on the roof torn dress clouds ripple the moon

M. Kettner M. Kettner bloodnose ni~t AN I NV IT ATION PLENIPOTENTIARY SUNDAE night following the exploding A portrait of a neighbor say it lightbulb night lightbulb in magically ... silent flaming pieces on my this room is where you learn thigh inner pelvis lightbulb He stooped to pick up his keys the ways of the night smoldering red on momentum hyenahs oh how enticing are the secret springs of my mattress picking the stuck flashing knives pare the wax lips la vie en rose black burnt pieces of lightbulb On the front porch geraniums forget the flash and razzle dazzle off my mattress my flesh now In the oven a rubber nipple of that golden man that promises marked so cleanly in rectangles Never mind too much and delivers nothing by fiery glass Bifocals walked up her stick to the sure thing ladder leaning over the back fence the man you love may not be the ultimate Did you hear teacher, performer, artist, brother a rusty wagon rattle down sunrise the most romantic in intimate whispers because now but if he says it right dreamt you were this is the third machine and turns the night into a miracle being led by in over a year say it slow and say yes, yes, yes elbow weak Athletes foot from the fami ly turning in the ignition in Bologna you see sights that you do not see everywhere else bathroom - sitting at a shoeshine stand from various other distances, once the veils or layers are taken away your head shaved Exotic fruit the mystery man is your same lover and tender grinning at an ice cream scoop he is disguised in words instead of veils like an egg - reflection in a shiny floor which are harder to penetrate because they are more transparent dad held you, hooks bananas belt loops in a blender the thrill and luxury he offers you it was the closest is a rare combination of a certain arc and angle he'd ever been to you can never find anywhere else either of us M. G. West a special miracle we all talked of a caress that keeps your heart from wandering a New Year, a band wearing sweaters, a room of smooth tiles - Effie Mihopoulos a drunken, large breasted teenage woman crying without friends, knees mashed by rocks

Rupert Wondowlowski IJ .. -I:.~ '~J'~ :~ • !'..L~- TENT MA\E. !'" - L ..... - -J •• ••.-~3JY."~ ... _ ..... oJ - ,. oJ." _.' "I. .• .~~. •• o. -r ,. ~J~'" ".'~"".l... ".~. (~If \, : '. ~ III ' ... '0; • ~-'" .. 1_·., •."=tl· AI'''''''';' ~. _.'...... ;.. ~.-. •• ,,;---.... "'i ~ • ...... i. "- I .=-.;: .... ~ ,.; ., .. I. ?11 "j.~t: .. 01'" ~ Irl. ~ ...- :\,~ ,'4:..:;~ • ,I •• •• • rn~ • :'W;-~.J'. -I , ..~ or-. -:t':.'_.... r • ~_•~ .- EXPERIMENT IN BANAL LIVING I._ r_ •• ..-i~.:.....- -T '~~;'.~' •.• Jim gets electrons from her touch, not many J,;",-';I ii~.L·: but enough to think about, and thus compose ~T"'~ !\.-J... r,.~;- .~ ~ .r .. ..-.. ~- his insomniac mind. They die so fast they died. r... ~:.. ~i ~::. She did anyway, sleeping woman, and Jim also imagines -~. e I' .... 'J., .1'-.-,1.....·.a.. love--at this elbow behind his ear: he finally catches L , "i1'. some calm; who'd athought, he thinks, eighteen hours ago l ·...... "...... '1. ~---. '-.-,.. . when he cackled WIth Jones and Adolf ...... - • • I' - that he'd need this? this trying to think ·(::-.I~~--... 'j ..... \ .. ~':-. . ;'-"'A:f(~:i I .~. ":~~~~., ~ ~l ~':I'J1'\r 0 ..... ~••• :.' • 1-" ...JItw ••: ..'L' .. ; ....,. i- ~_ •.">-c - of what could be meant by love. We die so fast ...- .~ 0" _ '-J'~ '!.J.:~-- ~:,., - .J ••• --- . ..-. »r, . •- ::_~ !..ll;,:-t;'" J .':( ."1 ...... '" '-....! we never surrender power, or ~ one big word -fl' f~. like tedium of the very bored, or love.

Michael Andre Mike Miskowski IS SALVATION POSSIBLE?

Arguing where the hand left off and the wrist begins brought tears to be used in exchange for elevators. It's up three flights and to your right if you'd like to take part in protestations. But for all those kneeling in the park, only SIgnatures of the last 2 Popes suffIce. Even then, sighed the Commandant. Even with all that, they haven't any used cars. How is It possible for them to enter happily? On Saturdays, people pace the older alcoves.

Paul Weinman

POEM RESPONDS TO AN EMERGENCY "" '" ...... It took Poem less than J minutes ...... to break open the toilet but he was too late: only the porch-steps, a few crevices of sparrowing and the orange popsicle were left of her day l1ghts.

Bob Grumman

...... " '"'' . WARM SPIRIT ...... " . ... ."'" " .. In the cold house ...... "" .. a warm spirit, thundercloud n£ HYfERMAN in the bedroom. Note I To be done in a hotel room with paper­ thin walls til.ere people on either side alPe The fourth Ken Stone trying to sleep. Everytime you strike a key once but that in go "nuokl" a glottal tone. The picture of panes.A dim the Hypennan is complete ¥lien you start to closed door hear sOllltbody laughing uncontrollably and realize it's not any of the neighbors. 11ren -~~ S. Gustav Hagglund get down on that fllthl carf1et and roll! 'for Jack Wayne McCain)

Al Ackerman FRANCE

France one of many European countries The capital Paris and the river Seine The Eiffel Tower and the Follies Bergerie The latter, because of burlesque, is a frequent pain Its homes have many rooms in which to reside Some of them have fireplace and andiron In the upkeep of which they take pride Frequently can be found a scion The barns have haylofts, silos and stalls The structure is timber heavy and strong The floors are either thick wood or cement for heavy hauls Built by them while chanting a lively song In many chair and table cafes Food is served as ordered This is not a flashy parade Plants in pots have their container as borders In its many glamorous restaurants After ordering food is served by waiters Many of the workers are frequently hesitant All this food has a delicious flavor All its farms have hill, dale and valUes And gardens in which many flowers and vegetables are grown Around which the group frequently rallies For the next crop, seeds are sown.

Ernest Noyes Brookings

Mike Miskowski


FADED BLACK HAIR One day, all alone, without no pants on (it was summer), I decided to bug the phone. Seated myself on the end table. there it is again, a small hand Flopped the apparatus into my lap. Picked up the receive~. shaping the m-moon into an ear Unscrewed - despite the complaint of the dail tone - the so I can talk to it- I want it to mouthpiece. listen to me llke my cat did Dipped my proboscis into the plastic-metallic guts. never talking back. I know that Sucked myself up like a mosquito about to pop - when a she is out there floating around solicitor invaded my ringing ear, wanting to sell me a intercepting my words rearranging plot. them on a plate for the big Told him, in a nasal whine, I was busy having a good mouth of cheese to eatl she is time - would he please get off the line? He insisted out there/ 1 can feel her eyes could purchase a vault for next to nothing. watch me, as if I were a petal I bounced the body of the phone off the wall, on a flower folding up at night continuing to snarf and snort the unscrewed receiver. for prayer, opening during day Odor of Silicon Valley flooded my worldview, as I gaping at the change/ to be here Maybe something is changing inside choked I preferred dying at the expense of the state. burning my feet on the stone The solicitor cackled that was un-American. So I crying I'm so terribly lazy these days stung his ear with electrically untranslatable snot. like a fool putting color on my face Living on self motivation for months He hung up, promising first to harrass my mail. and tongue. you think I'm stupid I'm tired of doing so Anonymous as a worm, I got it all on tape. Does don't you- 1 keep you amused. The laundry swirls in the dryer anybody sweat it? I shape my face into a fist and she People are waiting for me Yeah, I do - because bugged my own line! turns the moon into a closed eye. I'll be there in a moment And the larva, the egg, the protein of my hate has escaped into space, like every word we breathe. Lisa Kucharski Louise Gagne Willie Smith I dreaMd unrequited:q or rinding one 'ON day .nd aaldng ber ., bride, and thi. uat bole ot disappointment 1D 110' lit. led to wq beeOll1ng an elcaholic. I beat aleaboli.. bT becOlling a dope fiend. I beat dope b.f wrapping a bil 1'urn11;ure pad around 111 loirla and hips, and cravling arotmd and around OD the neor vitb a hand puppet n&IIed Bini. at thil poillt wq r.ail]' bee... e1anMld lUld eent .. to ••• Dr. Saunder., • ahr1.Dll; 'Who had hi. otfiee dovntow, on the third ncar of the old Trandt 81dl.

Dr. S. eat there behiLd bi. deale 11.teDing to wrr ltor,. and doodling vitb hill beautiful pen 011 the back of hie hand. hI! alao pulled at bi. coll.r, ran bie hands through hie hair, edjueted bil gluI", tapped hill t.et, lucked hilS teeth, shrugged biB shoulders around and around 1n&1d. hi. too-tigbt jacket as though he had voras, and ..de contiDual unattractiw facial e:rpre8e1ona. the un ..... liaS••r nenola ties lUld tv!tchea. thi. put .. orr to such aD en.nt that I 10llt the thr.ad ot what I vas saying ­ .0000thing .bout bil bueh1 tan. - and .topped ta1ld.rJg. arter that, I eat th.r., unhappll]', bolting dow in silence at ay turDlture pad and iillg.

Dr. 8. cleared hi. throat.

Wwhat ]'ou need,w he .ald rtnal.;r, "are 101M lcod inapproprlat. eoarpanione.· I blinked,llot undautandillg. winappropriate cOlipanion.'· "that'a right. t11ld a088 real eeuubag. to pal around vith. baTe .cae tun. 10 out and roll a rev lnms in the park. 1t '11 do ]'OU a lIorld ot good. voe-wo,· he added audd.nl1, .tanding up and aoTing to the door lik. a tra.1.n. "",.11, it'. been • pleasure t.a1ld.D, to ]'ou," he .aid, hi. band vith the vrit1n1 CD 1t on the mob. -thanks tar all ]'our help.w and out he ...nt, goina ·VOo-\IOO, WO-\IOO, - down the ball to the etain, l.aT1ng ae there in hi. ortice alone, aore unc.rtah thu ....r about lIhat I should do. atter the .'qning eaae OIl, the oftice ent.red deep eh,dow. ahead .... the coeaetolol1 ecbool \lhere II,Y f'aJI117 taJied at .ending _, an .d in the back .r a journal. the naae of a lake, and DO bedwttins, • sparta.» ~ reg1ae1l that I m.v in II,Y heart I vould hate t'roa day .ne. a red brick bldg. UDder pines. puah-u.pa in the dusk, vhi.tIee blevinS and nuhl1lht. bobbing around, no ..oking, no laughing, DO p'abal8, DO .,..brova, no re.ture. to call wq 0lID race, and n....r a chaw, whil. II,Y java ached f'or the .veet tast. of Piper Heideleek. but -V aind \1&8 not on the chaw, nor on the school, nor 011 any1.h1n& wrr raail1 could do to ae.

Eel Leonard John Adams LU NA BISONTE PRODS