March 2001 to February 2011
Beyond Bree Back Issues: The Third Decade March 2001 - February 2011 Nancy Martsch, PO Box 55372, Sherman Oaks, CA 91413; March 2001: 20th Anniversary. Cover, 1st "Tolkien SIG News". "History of "'Beyond Bree'''. "Tolkien Conference and Bree Moot 5 at the University of St Thomas", "2001: A Tolkien Odyssey, Unquendor's 4th Lustrum". "Tolkien on CS Lewis' Space Trilogy" by Robert Acker, "Tolkien Scrapbook", "Tolkien Music on the Web" by Chris Seeman & Morgueldar Dragonseye, musical "Sagan om Ringen". Review of Mallorn 38. Poem "Shadows on the Shire" by Matthew Anish. "Mithril Miniatures". "Postal Rate Increase". Publications, Letters, News. 12 pp. April 2001: "T olkien . and Swithin . Beneath the North Atlantic Ocean" by Antony Swithin [Dr William Sarjeantl (maps). Reviews: Visualizing Middle·earth (Chris Seeman), "Two January 2001 Lord of the Rings Stage Premieres in Finland" (Mikael Ahlstrom), The Starlit Jewel: Songs from JRR Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit (David Bratman). "Tolkien Conference and Bree Moot 5", "The 'Beyond Bree' Award", "Decipher Takes Another Key license for Lord of the Rings Property", "Postal Rate Increase", "The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter". Publications, News. 12 pp. May 2001: "Tolkien Conf. and Bree Moot 5" (photos), ''The 'Beyond Bree' Award". "Postal Rate Increase", "Rockall", ''lOTR Film News", "Tolkienalia Old & New". Publications, Letters, News. "CS Lewis Home to Host 1st Summer Seminar: Branches to Heaven". "Tolkien Scrapbook","Tolkien Events Past".12pp. June 2001: II10s "Tuna", "Turin Turambar" by Ryszard Derdzinski. "A Talk by Tom Shippey" by Todd Jensen. Poems ''The White Tower" by j culver mead, "At the Borders of Faerie" by Matthew Anish, "'Davo Sin' {'let It Be')", Sindarin trans by David Salo.
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