ASB Election Lures 1000 to Polls in First Day Campus Political Vote
=111. Weather '23 Paces' Tonight santa Clara 1111,1. %rather '4 alt JI/11111.0/11 Mid Vera Mlles report: Fair today and tonna- star in "IS Paces to Baker northwesterly sow with winds Street," tonight's "Friday Diet." at 10-30 m.p.h. decreasing to- presentation. Admission is 25 Littie change in tem- cents to the senior class-spon- ',endure with Mr highs today sored film, whieh will he 0111%11 hms 041 and tonight 43-48. In Morris Dailey auditorium at patiattet 7:30 p.m. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE VOL. 47 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1960 NO. 127 Profs Look Into JC Fewer Than Last Year Pupil Traits, Changes ASB Election Lures 1000 to Polls ',indents' values, ideologies and jirsoticilits traits change as re-ult of attending tissi-ear. pithily junior eolleges. -t lea,' two SjS profe,aors Weill to think so. and they're In First Day Campus Political Vote ,eitingout lii prose II %kith a itie research program top deter- mine that tlii tsiis ear puillie college lias a iii chological impact Approximately IOW persoils ASH candidates countered Hill's1 Reed, 21. junior radio-television an certain non-intellectital functions. voted in the first day of ASB elec- statements, saying their platforms major, and Pat McClenahan, 21, Recently granted $311,296 to conduct the studs. %err Dr. tions yesterday. This was 670 were "concrete," were "possible" senior social science major. - ---,What.les Telford, professor of psy- fewer than last year's first day and "had specific points." McCienahan is backed by SPUR.
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