Eastern Washington University EWU Digital Commons Eastern Washington University Digital History Student Newspapers Collections 11-9-1960 Easterner, Volume 11, No. 7 November 9, 1960 Eastern Washington State College. Associated Students Follow this and additional works at: https://dc.ewu.edu/student_newspapers Recommended Citation Eastern Washington State College. Associated Students, "Easterner, Volume 11, No. 7 November 9, 1960" (1960). Student Newspapers. 1372. https://dc.ewu.edu/student_newspapers/1372 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Washington University Digital History Collections at EWU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of EWU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. The EASTERNER EASTERN WASHINGTON COLLEGE VOLUME 11 CHENEY, WASHINGTON NOVEMBER 9, 1960 NUMBER 7 Retreat Veterans Club Ha·sM _any Plan$ '''/•::~~~- , ~, Seen As By Ken McDonald Active and objective is the bes1l way to describe the Veterans' Student Advance EWC's H)60 student leader Club. Putting their combined energy into worthwhile projects < this elub is :rapidly becdming one oj) the most popu1ar ~nd use: ship retreat, held ©ctooer 28- 30 at Diamond! l~ke~ gave Eas ful oiiganizatiohs OR our campus, Last year the Vet's worked _____ _._ ______ tern's studen~,s9uncit and 0th er student lel1'~S opportuni with the ASB on student body honora,bJ~ discharge is ·eli~ible ties to foth1nlite concrete elections and w~re, r1spon$ible Jio~ memberslup in the Veter plans fqr ~e. ·splution or many for. the "Sac:;1jawea• B~nefit ans Club.