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Volume 23, Number 16} Tuesday, October 3,1978^ Sundial California State University, Northridge

Recreation students practice children's parachute games on campus (photo by Cheri Walker) CSUN gets $3.8 million pact / by Alfred J. Preeton Nakamoto aaid. "They wiU cut commuter time fw weit and,aee game (on how many stodente' William Huntington, housing ad- stodente. provide reasonabk cost ac- can be aooraimodated). Many students CSUN hae been awarded m<»« than $3.8 minktrator, sdd no offidd word about commodations on campua and encourage wiU not — come up for student housing millimi to bufld 108 new houaing unite by the HUD award haa yet been recdved by stodente to apfdy to Northridge who considaratioa uatfl iana," HantJagteai the Department of Houeing and Urban hk office, and that more apedfic detaik otherwise could not because tran- sdd Devdopment for 348 oocupanta. aocording about the award wodd be avaikbk once qportatkn ia not avaikbk or Uving ez- Huntkgton said no rent figure hee yet to a preea releaae from Rep. Jamee Cor- offidd word frmn HUD k k. penaea are too high." Corman said. been eetablished for the new units. man. D-Van Nuya. OrighiaUy. Huntkgton add. CSUN Currently. Himtingtmi said, there k a "I don't even Imow (how much the new Mkhad Nakamoto. fadUtka planning submitted a requeet for about >4.8 million kmg wdting Ikt of stodente wishing on- units would cost to students)." he seid. officer, tdd the Sundid the propoeed new to bufld the unite. campua houaing. but only about 20 of "It depends on how inuch the actad housing k tentativdy schedded for "We're delighted (about the an­ them maybe abk to get such housing tor award k trma HUD," he add. compktkn m November 1960. nouncement), and we're wdting for the ^ring s«nester. ' "The new umte begk to solve the '"Tentative plans caU for the con­ further word from HUD," he aekl. I'Rifl^t now, (tha Umverdty Towers difficdt housing probkms kiied by the struction of two Y-shaped structuree to be "Hieee additknd unite are badly are) fuU." Huntington aaid. stodente. and wiU enaUe more of them to keated juat north of the University needed to meet the critied houaing "We might be abk to take cere of 20 devote more time to their studiee and the Towers apartmenta where a Devonahire Idda at the most for January." he sdd. univerdty oommudty." the Cormea ] ahorage at Northridge." Corman add m Downa atablea area now atanda." the "We've got a kng wdting liat and it's a rdeeae said. Poll tries to measure tuition effects by Barbara Penkd implemented k edditkn to the,^ coet of tuitkm. "If the reeuha are accurate, currant tlOO fee. As a reedt of the additiond and if atadente would take kee Tuitkn survey reedta reveekd Further reedte of the survey work houra, 50 percent of'the udte. a budget cut for CSUN that 50.48 percmt of CSUN show that 56 percent of the students alao anticipate a oould become a reaUty," Dr. etudente would not attend thk students anticipate working reduction k the amount of unite David W. Benaon, vke preakknt if a $800 tuitkm waa additknd 11.6 houra to cover the that they woukl take. ' for academk affairs, aaid. However. Benaon aaid ha had reeervatkna about the eocuracy of the tuition survey and about Trustees OK use of fees the reeUty of studente actually ktending to quit schod because of tuition. for family planning aids Depending-on how tuitkn wee ia fanplemented, wliether e per imit by John Corrigan Tha new rulee for ehoodng CSUC preaidente ooet or overdl charge, studente require the formation of a Preaklentid Selection may react differently, Benaon LONG BEACH-Stodent body funda ean now Advisory Committee for an katitatkn with an aaid. The studente may want to be uaed for family planning aarvieee. induding fanpending preekientkl vecency. hurry and finiah their educatioa fumiahing oontreoeptivee. at campua hedth Membereh^ of the PSAC wiU indude the before a higher fee or tuitioa oantera. chelrman of the Board of Thieteea ee en ex-offido oould be impJamaated, he eeid.. The CSUC Boerd of Truateee epproved auch uae member, the chanceOor of the CSUC ayatem, three "There are eo many qaeatkae of the hinde et ite meetkg k«i week. truateee, one preakknt of e CSUC ketitutka. aad. that I donbt diet aayone oould In adcUtkn. Ae boerd revked preoedoree for the fron the campua with tha veeeaey. three facidty mdm eqy oooehidoae baeed oo eakctkm of campua preektai^ and eet up membera. one administrative officer, one atadant that aarvey," evduatkm guide&Me at the medhig. aad one ahimnue. _^ Fhiaaddald Aa approved, the atudant body can augment PineUBte for the poidtiaa of preakknt wiD be where aurvey reeulte ahowed thet hedth aarvioee with free or reduoed-ooet Urth raqukad to vidt the campua. 68 paroeat at the etudaate not contrd aarvieee. Surgkd prooeduree. auch aa currently redevin^ fineadd eid abortiona or vaeectomiee. are not kduded k the "Rie botfd aleo reedved that aU campuaee would epply for it funding. eetebUah annud evehiation of feculty membere. "If eubetantkl fee kcreeeee Ttw <»UN Heelth Cantar efaaady ^ovklee Bach cempua faculty aenate or oouncfl k wfBt way up and mora atadente contreoqitivee to etudente et a reduced ooet. udng reepondUe for drawing iqi gukldinee for the i^pUed for akl, a atrictar tide money out of the Hedth Center'e opereting ex- evehiatkn program. wodd be enforced hi determinkg Studant tknda qukt shady ipot However, the reedutka ia ot no vahie to who wea to reodve the eid," batwaan Scianca bulMlngB to AS money haa only been ueed for the aakriee for etudente who would like to find out how former Marge Chi^airon, aeeieteat catch up on i Ittia raadbig. Iraa famUy planning oounaelora, but could now be uaed etudente have evduatad a facdty member; the director of fiaandd eid. eaki. provklad naadad rataf from ttw k aU areea of family fdanning. a Hedth Centar evehiatkna wfll only go to the inatructor. the racant haatwava. (photo by sptjkeemaii aaid. depertment chah. and to faculty pereonnd fllee. Plaaea turn to page 3 ChMlia Kkippanbuiv) October 3,1978 The DaHy Sundial

V /' THE GRAY WHALE Number of women office holders rising, study says^ CLOGSI CLOGSI CLOGSI WASHINGTON (UPI) - The executive officea; 3 percent of Housing and Urban Devdop­ number of women m pubUc office county commisskners and 8 ment. Befwe 1977 ody three k growing by the thouaanda percent of mayora and membera women had aarved m the federd every year, but moat of the k- of kcd coundk. cabinet. creeaea are k kw peykg w Of 676 U.S. drcdt and dktriet There ere two women unaakried joba at tha kcd kvd. court judgee, ody five were governors and three Ueutenent according to a recent report. women, e decreeee of three afaice govemcHa. compered with one The Center for the American 1975. each m 1976. and- Pditice at tha ^Theeenere 18 woman Houee • -^ At the kcd kvd the number of Ea^eton Institute at Rutgera members, down from 19 k 1976. women mayora increeeed from Udverdty reported big jumpe k The two women senators, ap- 666 to 736 dnce 1976 and the the number of women hdding pdnted to mterim terma when number of council members kcd otSce and a decUne k the theh- huabands died, were not jumped frcMn 5.366 to 9.195. Moet CLOG MASTER counted. of theae joba were kw peid or number m Congreea and m hag ttw largMt aelgctlon of Seandanavian ctogs In Loa fedcrd judgeehipe. Jhnmy Carter k the first cerried no salary at aU. Anoalaa. Our mMartkm of hioh ouaMv dooa an daaionod Wcnnen hdd 9 percent of the preeklent with two women m hk "If auch trenda continue, . gHcluaivaiy for oontamponwy Southaiii CaMomia. Maka a seate m stete kgkkturee. 11 cabmet — Juadte Ktepa at wmnen wiU begk to assume a percent of etete cabmet and Commerce and Patrick Harrk at substantid share of poUtkd DoM to coma in aoon. Wa ara k)calad at: deddon making m their com- 324 N IJI Cienega Blvd|11966 Ventura Blvd mtmitiee." said Dr. Marilyn Johnsm. the center's directw of LA- CA 90048 I Studio City reeeerch. "Moreover, thk in- 657-8083 T 780-3708 Pre^ counselors — creeaed partidpetkn may be : Open Eveiy Day Except Sunday 11HX) am. to 6.-00 p.m. placing women on patha to hig^ to meet on campus levd dective end appoktive offkee." by Merribeth Fracaad . lite lepoFt stS'^fiiyei HotnK officeholders and drew theae Approximatdy 160 high school counsdors wiU be here Friday to condudons about women k Hove the best meet with repreeentotivee from 19 of the 20 CSUC campuaee. '' poUtics: "The efftnt ia to update high schod counsdors aa they move kto — Discrimination was a for­ Falafel and Shishkebob heevy advisemoit of seniw studente," sdd Dr. Robert WiUiama, midabk obstade. Moat of the director of the Office of Rdatkns with Schools. women poUed at dl kvds agreed in Northridge for The conference meete once a year and is aimed at better informing* that men m party organizatkns the counsdors of the new changee and requiremente m the system, try to keep them out of leadership Williams said. roles. 20%OFF* Programs like admiaakn requiremente and finandd dd change — When women and men had every year, and it k important for the counsekrs to be aware of the held the same office far the same Close to campus changee. WUliama aaid. "We h<^w they come away with new m- period of time and with the same formation." he aaid. qualifieatkns, women were lees "The emphaak k high sdwd counseling is giving information on likdy to hdd leedcrship podtions ANNE'S DELI procedures.. Studente are not reeUy prepared for the diaidpline, and were kea satisfied with their (Reeeda ft Phimmer) freedom and reepcmdbiUtiee." WflUema aakl. ccmimittee essignmente. The oounadors rok goee kr beyond inetructiona an how to apply. — Woman office • WiBwrne seidr conaidered themaelvee more Homemade health salads and pastries The iMogrem k held moe a year, thk yeer being the firat time it k Ubard than their mak coun- bdng hoeted by CSUN. terperte. : ANNE'S DELI "We have about 60-70 hi^ achoda repreeented with qdto e lew — llie profik of women k being out of our normd swice aree," he aaid. Repreeentetivee frmn office: 93 percmt were white; 9545 Reseda Blvd. far away aa Sen Diego, Senta Baibara, Paaadena, and Arcadk wiU older than their mak coun­ attend. terparts; generally well In Mathews Tudor Towne Topka for diaeuseion indude finendd aid polidee end proeeduree; educated; hdd hi^-inaetige jobe *Od|y on fojod itama — achod ID . student affirmative action (wograma induding EOP and other forms before their public careers; • .^ " Req. ' ' •• ' of aid availabk; campua career pknnkg and placement services; and married with children but not a systamwide review of impected progrems. young ehildran; above everege An update on CSUC admisaiona wiU alao be preeented. family ineomee, and stronc^y There wiU alao be an opportumty for the counadora to talk with the supported by their husbands in repreeentetivee individuaUy. their poUticd careers.

UKDBSMRTRZNUR You could be SAAARTER than you are U KD B RIDN ON A STR You coukl be riding on a ster

FSR can make you SMARTER than you are.

Siiva, Lond of the Love Flame within you, will b^ize ycxi with the Ikhbfenergy Fastest System of crrsciousness of the Holy ^rit. Rapki writkg ARetneatatCandotontheTcachiivB the work condstent witt of llv Ascended Masten vvftti liv Meso^er Fiddity Elizabeth Qare EVophet SfanpUdty and FREE PUBUC LECTURE ReaponsibiUty Friday Oct.6t 7O0pm You can doubk your writing speed in a few weeka. If 1 can't prove that in the first claaa, dn^ out and aak ^iisrivQUbtr for a refund. Cameiot N4dhfluid H^vwy a UsViiuenn _^ •"•«"•••. MBMMiRB f^mt. Yaw an n Por ckaaee on campua — CaU CalibM* CMaliiu arrant aiifcmia Jane PulU et 886-2644 •»». Mia CiMiiimtmm UWMMIK Cerd Buridn et 885-2179 FSR Box 3444 Gkndak 91201 The Dally Sundial October 3,1978 Foundation Poll tries to measure tuition effect hikes CSUN Xontinued from page-1: pSUN'a 26,000 popuktion wodd the Chicenos would be unabk to thk date. have been adequate to obtam a attend with a $400 tmtkn "The fanportant thfaig k that "We just don't know if the proper sample size by the compared with 68.8 percmt of the stodente have been made prlces^l govonment would hdp us out if Nationd Education Association. blacks; 61.42 percent of aware of the possibility," en uicreasing number of stodente However, 3,520 surveys were Caucaskns and 60.31 percent of Chabarek sdd. "If they ^km't by Bruce A. Campbell applied for dd," Ctulstron saki. recdved and tebukted. Asian studento. take a stand, it means that they Infktkn struck the CSUN Alternatives of finandd dd Furtho- breakdowns by race "Our next step u that we now can acc^t wiiat is going to Foundation's food servkes over not directly avaikbk through the reveakd that Chicano studente have proof that tdtkn fan- haiqwn." the summer resdting m highn- office of finandd dd mdude the' fared better in avoiding probable plonentetion wodd hurt the A meeting to dect persons to food (Hices m the snack bar atop Basic Educatknd Opportunity attoidanoe drop than any other students," Chabarek said, help m the fight against tuitkn Sierra* South, the udverdty Grant that is administered such group. "although not too many wiU be hdd at 1 p.m. Friday hi dining room next to the through the U.S. government. An estfanated 63.84 percent of •MiimptimiM fti hu m«Ha homa. bookttore and thiT vending Ctuk&ohliaidr "^ machines around campus. The survey idea was originated Scmie prices remamed the same by AS Vice President Eldne whUe other items were increaaed Chabarek and Lower Division 1 GROSS & YOUNG as much as 50 percent. Sen. Todd Davk to "stop tuitkn ' Lew Herbst, the foundatkn's inplementation dead in its food service , said, "The tracks." AUTO INSURANCE foundation is a self-supporting The survey was conducted over t-tBtm assodation. We tried to eaUmato a three-day period during faU Call For the uicreaaed moome we wodd regktration. A sampk of 379 of have to generate thk year. SPECIAL STUDENT RATES "During t|ie aummer we Media jobs auryeyed kcd reeteurante and 995-0424 872-0667 found that we were kwer on session set many items." Herbst added, 'The board of Panelists will relete their Aqents for Mercui^ Cosuolity Co. directora of the foundetkn tdl us personnd work experience to Ooen Eveninos & Soturdovs to run it Uke a buafaiess — stodente at noon Wedneeday.^ Located next to Valley Hilton Hotel provkle necesssry servkee withk aocording to a apokaeman for the a responsible financial Office of Career Plandng and 15445 Ventura Blvd. Suit 25 Sherman Ooksl framework. - ^-- Pkcement, "We have to provkk for Angeline Rojo. plecement salaries, repkcemoit of fixturee mtervkwer for the Office of and other expenses out of the Career Pknmng, saki two CSUN profits of the food service graduates are among thoae who operation." wiU be speeking to studente aa 1 According to a foundetkn part of the Minority Develop­ IHE FAUm PALME handout, it k structured aa a non­ ment Program Workshops'. profit corporation organized to Rojo said they are John mTRODUCES THE operate support services for thk Rogers, news editor of the Sfani umverdty. Valley Enterpriae and Pat Whatever caah fkw k left after Meaaigian. public relatione expenses, Herbst expkined, k repreaentative fpr the Los aUocated to the Student Projecte Angeles Metropolitan water Committee, the inatructional dktriet. FRLRFEL improvement Projecta Com-" Another apeakat ^whe wUl mittee and the Stedium Fimd. attoid the pand k Beveriy fid who wH buy sn opiglnAl Falafsl mmi The board of directors, the Edwards, managing editor of handout said, k made up of six Automotive Age magazke. a you q«i youp^piqinal Falafel i stodente, two adminktratora, six trade pubUcatkn, Rojo added. ! facdty and three kdivkiuak The paneUate wUl taUi about from the ccnnimmity. what the outkok k thdr fidda Hobat sdd that food servke looks like, Rojo aaid. operatkns netted more than "The workdi(^ k pert one of 137,000 last yeer, down from Careers m Communkatkna. Thk I, about S73,000 the yeer bdore. one k m the pubUcations aree," 1 Wock tram CSUN I |L "The vending operatkn makea Rojo noted. opon ta miilniqht 8| money." Herbat sdd, "whfle the Though the workahc^ k part of caah food (^leration ksee." the Mfaiority Career Develop­ mmk hopo/tako oui i H Exampke of the cost increase ment Program, Rojo aaid aU of sdected itons indudee: studente are welcome to attend. •Salad bar...iio kcreeae -Large

-Sandwkhea by faich...wa8 22 cente, now 30 cente -GriUed cheeee 8and...waa 60 cwte, now 80 cente RaMA©®B mi^wi %mmm •Burrito Eapeckl...waa tl.36. now $1.75 ... ON THE MALL ' .^ ^ . ^-,_.—~ ------UNIVERSITY STUDENT CENTER :^^^—:^ , • ^-'Tuna Sandwkh...wila ti.06. now 11.26 :• , (213)885-2925 •Hedth food eandwkh...was ^ ^^e YOUR C>N CAMPUS PBOFESSIONAL TRAVEL SERVICE • •1.40. now $1.96 AIRLINE RESERVATIONS & TICKETS-CHARTERS-TOURS-CRUISES-VACATIONS PREPAIE FOR M MCAT • BAT • LSAT • filE SIIAT-OCAT«VAT*SAT SKI PACKAGE.^ to C ^"ADO I UTAH I NEW MEXICO I SKI PACKAGES NMB 1,1.1. ECFMfi*FLa«VK ' •\'-':'^-H I'M T'lH'lT lo EUROPE : HAWAII I THE ORIENT I book now! ! NATX OgNTAL •OanOt MUWimOl BOAHOg ** ••CIAi .-T/\K.^'!T:ft i-REAK (IROUP TOURS TO HAWAII and MEXICO!!! aNeera


RETI-MATADOR TRAVEL SERVICE •18111 NORDHOFF ST.. NORTHRIDGE. CAUFORNIA F«r inimii ki oatr caw. c* nu MHiiw-in-im "NO CHARGE FOR OUR SERVICE" fSSimu iSuim* UHWHW • « I • III • tit 11 • V I III III III I III 11 11 I t t t t t t I I f October 3,1978 The Daily Sundial

FIGHT CANCER - DONT SMOKE Registration Pulitzer winner talks u in full swing to journalism classes for elections Wtee Free Pulitzer Prize winner Gaylord Valley Voter regiatration begem Shaw, Denver bureeu chief far mvw Towing EJ* Oaie Monday in front of the Student; the Loa Angdee Timee, will N(V. !nsrt' P^.igs & Points PeimA.I iM Union. speek on cempua todey aa part of ^..ii.isi Vtilves Catb Tiii.ny BMH' the Department of Joumaliamla Ii.h I>ioc> B.itlerv b *'Or-t A„ . $29 Mike Carpenter, senator of Tune Up Social and Behavioral Sdencea PulitzOT S«ninar8. "••:>Uicf All S''iM& & Lininas, P;>rk '-•oni and chairman of the External Shaw, who won the Pulitzer *\>.'t!l Birffinys Turn Otunis as -i iiM $39" Affairs committee, ia in charge of thia yeer for hia awiea on the tnmrRELIN E 't;vp.-i^l wnjwi Cyls:. MaiHO I -tr-f- -the drive—to"^et"TtndentF "OinsfS^ieonditions oMJ.S. damaT •~

AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Dancaun will offer free dance .;>* instruction from 7 to 10 p.m. in (Women and minorities the foyer of the gym. are encouraged to apply) AlOW IS THE TIME TO CONSIDER JUNE EMPLOTMENT OPPORTUNITIES Handling Streea Withoat CAREER.5MPL0YMENT OPPORtUNITIES Strain, a free lecture aariee of­ fered by the Experimentel THE US Central Ctdkgee, will etart at 7:30 p.m. today in the Recreetion Houae Ifitellegence Agency IPsjSUPJArsiCE SERVIC here. The Central IntaNegence Agency has profaaeional opportunitjaa for peraona trained in the tnaa Halad below, if yoii are a eenior or graduate / .. I • student now cornpiatsing your studies, wa wiN ba plaaaad to fw^aw your cradantiala . AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING Something Real ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING I^LEQTRONIC ENGINEERING NUCLEAR ENQiNEERIhLG is Happening! AEROSPACE ENGINEERING OPTICAL ENGlNEERiNG INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS INJFORMAtlON SCIENCE Come Taste and See ^tj^ COMPUTER SCIENCE MATHEMAtieS ECONOMICS PHYSICS Join Us!

AW initial aaaignmanta ara in tha Christian Students ^t CSUN Waahingthon WaaMngton, D.C. area. Soma require foreign trnvai. U.S. dtizanaNp required. Gat an application form from^ha Caraar Planning and Placement 'Cantar , 202 Ad­ Singing, Fellowship & Bible Study ministration BuBcHng MAIL IT NOW Today 12:30 ; QualMod applcants wiN be contacted to arrange an off campus interview University Student Union MAIL YOUR RESUME OR APPLICATION FORM TO: Son Andreas 112 LLCURRAN PO BOX 669 LAWMPALE CA 90260 M


Tuesday October 3,1978

Califomia State University, Northridge Minorities misrepresented in news by Richard Holguin Bostock for his political activities on pan-African studies, the alsove quotes This misrepresentation of a bladt campus. from Sondheimer's article man's life is indnative of a problem that When a well-known person dies, On the same day a reaction article was misrepresented Bostock's activities on transcends CSUN media. It pervade* rnany words are written. Bold headlines published. Sondheimer interviewed campus. news media throughout the country. flash the news across the faces of CSUN baseball Bob Hiegert, Burwell saki he felt the activities Although Bostock was primarily newspapers throughout the nation. former CSUN sports information which resulted in the jailing of Bostock krH)wn as a ballplayer, his involvement in ObKuaries adorn front pages praising director Joe Buttitta and Dr. Sam should be recognized as political ac­ the Black Student Union is an integral the past deeds of the famous and ex­ Winningham, chairman of the Depart­ tivities necessary for social change, part of the history of parvAfrican posing acts of notoriety. ment of Physical Education and rather than "criminal trouble." struggle on campus. Lynnan Bostock, 27-year-old Angel Athletics. According to BurweH, the Sundial The problem of accurate news outfiekJer and former CSUN student, The article related Hiegert's con­ quote of Buttitta, "Hiegert was the t>ig gathering lies directly witMn ttie new* died in the early morning hours of Sept. dolences over the death of Bostock. It difference in his (Bostock's) life in gathering system and indirectly within 24. also credited Hiegert as being "the key putting him back in the right directkm," society. He died at the barrel of a shotgun. He person in helping Bostock overcome implied Bostock's activities with the Reporters, like everyone else, ar* o died the victim of a blast intended for ifreshman problems (1968) when he got Black Student Unmn were misdirected. subject to a limited environment and another passenger in the car, the wife of into criminal trout)le while participating According to Burwell, the Sundial limited experience. The news, wtien not the murder suspect. in the black student movement at ignored Bostock's commitment to the purposely biaeed, nevertheless reflect* Bostock is remembered by most as an CSUN." black community by focusing in on, arKl ttie views and biases of each reporter. outstanding outfiekier. He is remem­ Buttitta and Winningham praised interviewing the athletic departnwnt, The news media have been bered by others as a student activist Hiegert as being "the big difference in which Burwell saki discriminated against traditionally dominated by white males. who fought for black rights and the his (Bostock's) life in putting him back in black athletes. It is in no position to give accurate creatKHi of pan-African studies on the right direction," and for doing "a Burwell saki this misrepresentation portrayals of each and every segment of campus. tremendous job to devek>p him." was the result of the white nnedia society. On Sept. 26 the Daily Sundial ran an The article precipitated an uproar portraying blacks. Minorities and women do not tiave article which related the events from the Department of Pan-African In the days foltowing the publk:ation adequate representation in ttie news surrounding Bostock-'s death. The Studies. The SutKlial interviewed two of these articles, commentariea and media. There are not enough mirKMitie* headline read "Former Mat player pan-African studies profiassors and letters were submitted and printed in the and women in reportorial and editoriai Bostock murdered." printed an article on Sept. 27. Sundial on ^ept. 29. One writer was positions to provide an accurate pwture Written by Eric Sondheimer, editor of Dr. Bart>ara Rhodes, chair of pan- outraged at the initial article's portrayal of society. the Sundial sports journal, the article African studies, sakJ the artk:le fata^ied of Bostock as a "reformed criminal." • focused on Bostock's history as a the history of Bostock by not focusing Ottier writers called the pan-African Although the Sept. 26 Sondtiaimer ;^)ortsman .at CSUN. on his roie in the Mtabltehment of the reaction "squabbling over a dead man's article was not purposety biased, it dk6 IfHikided in the arttele were a few department and by rxit obtaining the Hfe," and "a narrow view of the iaaue of present a slanted view of Boetock's Kf*.' paragrapha dealir>g with Bostock's pan-African perspective on Boetock's race in today's society." WhHe ttie article in queetkm i* involvement in the black student death. Were ttie Boetock articlee a racist inexcusable, its errors are un­ „nrK>vement and the arrest ar>d jailing of To Bill Burwell, associate profeeeor of portrayal of Bostock's life? derstandable. Did the articles misrepresent if ttiere is to tie complete and com- Boetock's purpose and direction in life? pretienshfe coverage of ttie events The parvAfrican reaction to ttie whk:h moid society, equal repreeen- Locker room admittance Bostock story was more significant ttian tation and participation by minoritiaa misdirected squawks over a dead man'a and women in ttie news gathering for womerHorrj^verdue IHe. proceee is a must by Agnee Seyer in the tocker room. If the reporter ia^^ha type to be The rtotm court niWng itaiMtfig shocked by profaiiHiV'; she is un­ women sports reporters into the doubtedly in the wrong business to dubhoueae of baseball and the kxsker begin with. rooms of profasstonal sports Is long There is certainly reaaon to believe overdue. that the real prejudk» beNnd allowing To penalize a woman for her sex is women into the dressing room is the oM ridwukMiS and even more so to penalize belief heM by many of the stiff-necked the quality of her woric by refusing her coaches and managers, that a women admittance into the dressing room. has no place in the "man's" worid of In a sports story, the quote is an sports. essential element. If there are no quotes Surprise, surprise. Women are rrat Included in a story, the reporter might as only getting involved in sports, they can well have stayed at home or written the be just as knowledgeable as the male story off a stat sheet. reporters. As the stodgy patriarch of baseball, Such prominent papers as The New Bowie Kuhn ad>^8es major league teams York Timee, the Washington Post arKl to bar alt women from the locker room the Los Angeles Timee have women on SUNDIAL STAFF BOX while the ruling is being appealed. The their sports desks. Editor futility of his actions are obvknis. Not aH theee women are that anxtous Alfred J. Preeton Becauae so many of the sports to see the athlete in the nude, but if the Managing Editor complexes in the United States are on club will not send the athlete to them for Lori Baker city property, they ara highly subject to a quota, then the reporter has no choice Associata Editors anti-discrimination laws. but to seek out the athkite in the locker Laurie Gafcreatii, Jack Wolf, Tom Jagoe, Eric Sondheimer, In addition tb that, pr*viOus room. Tatiana Butko, Chariie Kk)pf>enburg, Rkshard Holouin discriminatk)n cases have emphaeized If the privacy of the athlete is im­ PdbHeher the unconstitutkHWlity of discrimination portant, and it is, the team shoukJ be Dr. Larry Snipe* against women in any fiaW. willing to provkle sonw arrartgement Buainea* Manager The reason so many of the managers suitable to both parties. Willie StaN are upset about the ruling seems to be It is unfortunate that the reeult of the Production Manager that the privacy of the players is being ruling has been, in many casM. to ban Rtehard Smith threatened and violated by the preeence both men and women from the locker Production Staff of women reporters. rooms. Thomas Bauer, Toni Drake, Karen Epport, Staphan They claim the woman coukJ be Surely there is a t>etter way, but to HoWridge, Alk» Josephs, Deborah Rangal, Judhh Skorton, shocked by the profanity she couM hear ban women entirety is ru)t one of them. Ellen Weinstein. Rosalie Petti

-4»^^ Octobers, 1978 The DaHy Sundial

Help prevent child abuse. Extension offers book SPECIAL publishing information by RKhard SlechU paperfoadis are tlie hotteet tiling STl DEINT INSIJRA.ME RATES on the market. You've finished your book — "Potentially anybody can be a now wliat do you do? How to get papwback writer," he added, — tliat book published is wliat The class will Cover sevenl students will learn in an ez- aspects of writing and teiision coffiie HHKR ianed~ •publishing, ZuCker said, but it- Thursday. will primarily be geared toward "Everything you want to know the young writ«-, teaching how to MonlhU l*avnienlh Immediate Covirafie about paperback publishing" will Spproach literary agents, book Student l)i^^ount^ Preferred or HisK Ri^*** be taught by book publicist Irwin publishers aad publicists. Zucker. The key to a best seller, Zucker Zucker is the owner of said, is publicity. "Promotion in Motion" and Ims The first class dealt with "The publicized such writers as Ground Floor — Writsrs arad ^ MINE ^^^ Norman Vincent Peale, Literary Agents." Tlie remaining Jacqudine Susann, Hdan Gurley tliree classes wiU cover publishers 1^ 17802 CHATSWORTHXi BiYmn, Miss "J" ("The Sensuous and editors, public relations V> GRANADA HILLS CA , -. Woman") and Robert Ringw persons and advertising % ("Winning Through In- executives, and finally mer­ 363-9925 ^-Vf> timidatkm"). chandising the book and the Zudier is also the founder and movie tie-in. DRAFT BEER: $1.50 president of Book Publicists of Time will also be speakers on Southern Califomia, which has special topks, Z/acker said. DARTS. SHUFFLEBOARD, POOL, PINBALL 200 monbera. The noDcredit class will be hdd — LADIES FIRST DRINK FREE Everybody thinks about btm 7 to 10 p.m. Thursdays. The writing. Zucker said, and Irwin Zucker fee is 946. ATTRACTIVE MEN AND WOMEN, SINGLE OR COUPLES, HILLEL EMERGENCY WANTED TO JOIN IN THE FUN OF... Open Board Medibal ti^ciiriician-l THE LOVE EXPERTS' Meeting PARALEGAL TUES. 7:30 PM WEEKNIGHTS - CH. 9 . classes start week of Oct 2 OCT. 3rd Cal College of Legal and Medical Studies BOOKING IMMEDIATLY- '•—^^ 6832 Van Vuys Blvd. —^ — SO CALL TODAY 7:30 P.M. ^^-8833 or 873-1925 for fre6 b^tMg>i^ye 17729 Plummer St. ..,._..,^ 467-4162 SundiaLCIassifieds AUTOMOBILES HELP WANTED HELP WANTED FOR RENT

'76 MG MIDGET. New Engine. HELP WANTED:Part time, MAKE SOME FAST MONEY TIP TOP TYPING. Fast, SOUTH LAKE TAHOE near ski New Brakae, New Chitch. Xlent McDonalds comM- Parthenia & Take advantage of this op­ inexpensive, accurate. 12 yrs. lifts and casmoe sleeps 6, kitchen, Cooditioo. t2800. Tbrea Tonneau Etalboa. Need workers avail portunity to make $16 to $60 on Exp. 342-2106 CaUI (104) fireplaces, cable TV $180 per Cover*. Maroon with Bkck Int. morning or lunch or evenings or Thursday, October 51 Help week, caU 706-0987, 967-2769 (10- Can Rkk 396-2022 evee. (10-16) any ocNnbo. PH 894-9993 or apply contact students about a 31) TYPING TERM PAPERS, Mon 11 am Wed 4 pm (10-6). faacinating reading demon­ theaee, reporta ind. tech.- engr. stration at the Student Activitiee VW FASTBACK 68 rblt engine tape tranacription neat, IBM Id. Center. Work several hours at a MISCELLANEOUS on tkea m brakes AM-FM HELP WANTED- Inventory Thompson's Sec. 349—9274 stretch, or between classes. CaU caeeette $1600- obo 241-4288 taking. Join our parttime (12-16). aftsr 6:90 (10-6) organization and earn $3 and up I.R. (213) 659-6700. Noon to 4 PUT DOWN your own booka hal (with frequmt raieee) working P.M. and grab a toga because bhie night houn in stores. No seUing. EXPERIENCED TYPIST falcon is having a dyno party. Reasonable ratea Walking 78 PINTO WAGON 2000 engine, Good meth, etamina. and DO YOU speek Speniah? We (10-6)^ ak, new tiree, stick shift, tight busineesMke attitude muet CeU diatanoe from campus 886-6946 train you Earn $160 to $260 w/ (104) - body;runs on Uttle ges. Best attar Bob at 784-1660 (10-13) salee part time 4:00 to 9:30 caU can BiU Roe at 986-6800 (day) or FREE PREGNANCY tests, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. 968-2046 eve 994- problem pregnancy and birth 962-0816 ni^U (104i). 6020 COUNSELORS! WOODLAND FOR SALE control counseling. Complete HILLS residential treatment medical and counseling serv for COLT 77 AM/FM stereo fsseette OVERSEAS JOBS - Sum­ center treating emotionally m women. Conejo Medical Grp. for new tiree 4 speed gas aave 1600cc mer/full time. Europe. disturbed and delinquent Women 2965 N. Moorpark, motor zbit cond many extra S.Amerka, Auatralia. Asia.etc. MATTRESSES-Myyi^ipSTlNG adoleecent boys. Job Opeidqgs:- grad can save you up bit 60" on Thouaand Oaks 889-4100, 492- 8S300 or beet offer 883-9888 (10- All fields.8500-1200 monthly, 2479 (114). CottsgeCouneeUor - 6day 43 hr expenses paid, aighaeeing. Free aU branda, any size. Don't pay adi (hrs aftar 1 p.m.) 3 60 hr info. — Write: International Job retaU. See Rkhard Pratt 18769 mtt.- meals weekend couns group home '8B CAMERO SS rebuflt 396. Center Box 449(M:J Berkdey, Napa Warahouse neer CSUN PROFESSIONAL WORD tntbe 400. 12 bolt poeL interior w/6boys Fri 1 p.m.-Mon. 8 son. 3 CA 94704 (10^1) 3494118 (6-18). __^^ - proceaaing choice of type styles; esoaOant 61600 o/b/o 782-9996. 60 hr (duty hrs) must sleep in. bk)cked margins; camera-reedy Night Couns. 3-4 day wk 10 p.m.- HELP WITH 2 chUdren. 7 A 10 FOR SALE: professionally copy; free pkk up and deUv; fast 8 a.m. 2 66 inc. when sleeping. yr. School days 2:304:00 ca/ installed euto akims. If you have A accurate. The System 7644222 FOR SALE 1968 Ford 1/2 T Caal Jim Murphy Mon-Fri a.m. neceeaaiy Uve-in optionaL CaU a stereo, tapss, books. Protect (12-16). 'Zf tnick RAH motor repeired. new 847-1677(10-6) Jim Moody 888-4821 days (10-8) them with a GM Auto Alarm. bettery, good tirae 61860. 892- Aak about our student discount. 8686 DRIVERS-PART time 3 to 6 hrs. CsU: 800-4642 aqytime (104) WKmUa Pmry-Shart Stonas- per day; 68.00 p. hr. M car TYPING E^ij^a-No/els Object: 1»72 CHEVY VEGA Al eon- aUowanoe; 788-4272.n FOR SALE: ExcsUmt conditkn puUieetit^ to suit indiv. needs. dition 4 speed 28 vaph dty 61800 TYPING IN my home. IBM grsen 7 foot couch and lampa. Author/Teacher 349-6068 (10-24). or meke effir caU a.m. 218-264- CaU 3494218. (Oct. f) ^ 8228 (lO^) NEED CQMPUTCRIST Have Seleetrie fast and accurate. nioro-coniputar system, but Uttle Reeaonable ratee. Setisfaetkm HELP WANTED tims to pragram it. Am DP guaianftaed. 884-1667 (1041). Al^ INSURANCE Is your Professional and part—time FOR RENT cwtsnt prsmium too high? CaU etudsnt 86 par hr pine frae lor a free quote. ARROW IN­ IBM TYPEWRITEBS fer lent SURANCE SERVICE 7817 HELP WANTED AppVeatkina rwiWtsi- time end ehars of from 87 JO e^. (8 mo.) Prse daL. IT'S JUST Uke Uving in a neort neer being eeespted for pert tine systems deveieped. 8 to 10 henrs 2 bedroom 2 bath 8870 8 bdrm 2 Reeeda BL. Reeede 846-4606 or eve. new ribben. Sales Sdbvlee 4764461 (12-16) A Ml tiM peaMone. Coeke M.86 wUr. DD8 PO Ben lOtI Reeeda. - Ca 706-8760 (100) bath 8446 air oonditioned ewim hr east ai^ 84.26 IMT eueUent CA 91886 (9-89) pool Senna Rec Reom chiUran CM«or umieHMity. Apply et PROPFESIONAL TYPINO - OK (218) 841-4419 Z chennel REGISTERED HVKBE Plasa Hot. Chatewerth 80616 WANTED- Sutietieien for Term pepsra. master* thseie, etc. Tan HOI Apartmente 8801 matura sitter nighte 10 pm4 am. Devonehfareor Pissa Hut Mieeion eorrslatkm study. CaU Jeri 788- IBM Seleetrie II 7864641 or 900- Intamatknal Avc. CP Neer Agse 8 A 9 810 Canogs PaA arse Hflle. 10719 Sepnhrede. 4688 (10-2). 1946 (10-90) Cenoga and Parthenie (104) 840-7807 aftsr 4 pm (9-89). _gp.

; Tuesday October 3,1978 Califomia State University, Northridge Matadors axe Lumberjacks -4i Gridders establish total offense record by Eric Sondheimer wasn't a consistent running back." <' ior a touchdown and an ahnoet identical 60-yard punt Foster's 72-yard run was an incredible individual effort return that aet up a Lumberjadr four-yard scoring run. ARCATA - CSUN footbaU coach Jack Elway as the 5-foot-7, 195-pound senior brdce four taddes in StiU, Foster said he wasn't wmried with HumboUt's has aeen several offensive outbursts during his long time route to his TD. quick scores. coeching career, but none may have been more explosive Quarterback Paul Feuerborn enjoyed a succeesful "When we were down 134," Foster said, "I waan't and effective than the Matadms' performance Saturday night, completing 11 of 16 pasaea far 212 yards and two worried offenaivdy. I fdt if we couldn't acore 13 pointa in ' night here. touchdowna. Feuerbtxn was near pcnfect in the three quarten, we didn't deeerve to win." Rolling up a school record total of 663 yards on offense Matadm' 22-point third quarter, hitting five of seven CSUN aUced the Humbokit lead to 20-12 at halftime, (dd mark 572 vs. Cal Poly Pomona in 1972), CSUN passes for 118 yarda and two touchdowns. thanka to Feuerbom'a two-yard touchdown dive and two pounded Humboldt State, 48-28, to earn its third win in CSUN'a ruahing attack generated 428 yards, keyed by 30-yard fieki goala by Frank Friedmann. four games. Foeter (190 yarda) Nick Howard (106) and Mike "The Matador ddense dominated after ita firat quarter Playing in this smaU Nortliem Califomia dty MagUone (93). MagUone ia juat 50 yarda ahort (1,515) of diffkulties, Umiting Humbddt to 208 toUl yarda. (population 11,000), overlooking aeveral hundred taU and breaking Mike Vogd'a career ruahing record (1,566) aet "They (defaise)reaUy did a pretty good job," Elway t intimidating redwood trees, CSUN ovoxame a 204 fint in 1968. aaid. 'They ahut that offense down for a long period of quarter defkdt by UteraUy running and passing Hum­ "It was just a matter of making aeveral adjuatmenta time." bddt out of its own stadium. at halftime," Elway said, deecribing the key to hia The CSUN Unebacker foursome of Brian Wood. Lee Running back BiU Foster, one of CSUN's most ef­ team's 36-point second half scoring bUtz. Proctor, Mike Benson and Paul Rodriquez was once fective playera so far this year, gained 190 yards rushing "We made some blocking adjuatmenta. And the again soUd and active, Ehray said. in 25 carriee, including two touchdowns on runs of two recdvws fdt at halftime that the secondary (Humboldt) Defensive coordinator L

Spikers defeated by Pepperdine m by Jack WoU regained thdr oompoeura and •41 quickly preceded to rout the The women's volleyball Wavee in the second game, team came up with one of ita impressivdy rolling to a 16-4 most inspired performencee of victory. the season Friday night, but However, the Wavee proved StiU lost to the Pepperdine why they're oiw of the con­ Waves by a 6-15.16-4,6-15 and tenders for the national 15-13 score. champknship as they came / The Matadors, who faced right back in the third game to the natkn's second-ranked win going away 164. teem in Penierdine, played Down two gamee to one and wdl in the matdi aa it won one needhig a vktory to keep them game and almoet stretched the from kwing the match, the match into a fuU five gamee. Matadora played a tight, fifth Although the Matadors game, but eventuaUy feU in a kwt, coach Dinah Hottnan 15-13 squeeker. said she was very satisfied "I think that our offenae with her team's showing. was adequate," Hoffinan said: dUng both the teem' offendve "But the defenae atiU needa and defendve play. aome work. But overaU I think "I was pleesed with the we played a aoUd match." team's performanoe," Hoff­ Although the Matadors man said. "OveraU it waa a have won few matches in the soUd team effort and the only pre-season, they have played problem we had was in our weU against powerhouses like passing game." Pepperdine and USC, which Hoffman said she waa moet Hoffman aaid she was pleesed pleeaed with the Matadora' about. front line play, where she dted Now, with their tougheet the soUd performanoee of opponenta bdiind them, the Cindy Keegan and Diane Matadora wiU begin their Manley. conference season tonight at "Offensively, we played 7:30 when they travd to play wdl," Hottnan saki. "We got Cd Poly Pomona. a lot of team hustk and the The Bronooa aren't picked blocking was super. We as B contender in the SCAA bkicked almost 60 percent of title race, and Hoffinan has Pepperdine's shots." expreesed extreme confidenoe The firat ganw of the matd> that the Mata wUl take the saw tlw Matadcn* jump out to match. a quick 64 leed and koking as "We shouU win the matdi," if thay would win tha geme Hoffhian aakl. "Thera'a no CSUN spikar Diana Manley apikea the baN during SCAA title tonight whon they traval to play rhffA sadly, but the Wavea fought reaaon why we ahouldn't come the Matadors' kjae agakwt Pepperdine Friday Cal Poly Pomona at 7:30. back to win 164. out on top against Poinona. I night. The team will now begin its drive for the But the MatMlon qukkly know that we'n be ready." October 3,1978 The Daily Sundial Center on deaf develops telephone training center SELF HYPNOSIS BETTER GRADES—LESS STUDYING: by Pat Farrdl companiea and commercial phone," he said. "Many deaf Photographk Mensory — Speed ReMiiag marketa. Ingham said, but it ia people never use the phone or Total Reedl and More ._ • ". ';'" ' . \ The Center on Deafness has expenaive. Pricea range from know how vahiabk it can hf tO. Also Loae Weight and Quit SmoUag devdcqwd a Telephone Com­ $250 to $1,000, depending on the them." " /^ IMPROVED ATHLETIC ABILITY: « munications Training Center equipment. Peraona who cannot The second group, those with which opened thia fall for afford the instruments and are in nonfunctional hearing, but in­ BowMag. Tennie, BaaebaU, - hearing-impaired and deaf- need can receive financial telligible speech and good Soccer and Mora. bUndjperaona. the coordinator of assistance fnnn the Departmei^t language skills are introduced to P^^cAwMsnass: Weti^l^raate Mental Teiepatiqr and Astral^ tlw nrogram said. '" ^RehabiUtation, he said. telephone communkation whkh Projectioa. Sflidant Dteoonnt - Private or Groop • Your Choke: Edward Ingham said ap­ The training fadUty ia where utilizes auditory and visual CaB Teni Hopwood 989-2923 proximately 22 peraona are in­ deaf and deaf-btind peraona and codes, such as "yes-no" code vdved in the training program professionals who work with which depends on phrasing which has been planned aince them can learn about the dif­ appropriate questions, he aaid. February. It is funded through ferent equipment and how to group include peraona whose READING COURSES EXPOSED the state Department of operate it, Ingham said. hearing loss is leaa serious, but RehabiUtation, he said. Ingham teachea classes two makes it difficult to communicate The training fadUty is in room houra a week for six weeks. The with strangers oyer the DO THEY WORK? J of buUding O of the campus classes train students to use the telephone. deafness center, Ingham said. It products, to recognize visual "Many of the students in this DOBS IT WORK ON TEXTBOOKS? indudea two parts, the Telephone signals and noises, use pay group have only made calls to WHY IS HOMEWORK A GIMMICK? Communicationa Equipment tel^hones to make long distance their famiUes. 'They don't have Diaplay and Den^natration calls without needing to lui- confidence to caU strangera," he CAN RESULTS BE GUARANTEED? (Center and Telephone Training deratand the (^rator. said. "So we provide them with FadUty. Another area d atudy in the strategies to get information. We DO RESULTS LAST? The display center contains training program ia tlw uae of try to teach them not to say: WHICH COURSE IS BEST? various types and brands of effective and efficient in- What?' or 'Pardon me?', instead, special inatrumenta where terpretera, thdr capabiUtiea and they should say: 'Is that five f- studenta may go to try it out, he reaponaibUtiea, he said. i-v-e?'" aakl. Students are alao taught the FREE DEMONSTRATIONf "By giving them fint hand advantagea and disadvantages of experience they can learn how to aU the equipment and what Dymally talk use the equipment There are 1.6 products are most useful to thun, THURSDAY OCT. 5th milUon hearing-impaired peraona Ingham said. in the United Statea," he said. Since different degrees of slated here STUD ACT CENTER BALBOA RM "Of theae, about 700,000 are hearing lossea create diffdvnt Lt Gov. Mervyn DymaUy wiU sevovly deaf and only 250,000 probkms in the use of the speak on campua aa part of hia at 10:30 am 12 noon 1:30 pm have telephone equipment. tdephone, the training center haa campaign to win re-election, 3.iX> pm 4:30 pm and 6 pm "Many pec^le believe the three different groupa depending Sodal and Behavioral Sckncea reaaon is the expense," he aaid. on the peraon'a hearing and Sen. Mike Carpenter aaid "My beUef ia they don't know speaking abiUUes, he said. Sunday. how much time aixl money they The fint group indudee thoee The viait was arranged by IF YOU CAN'T MAKE TT CALL can aave uaing the telephone." with nonfunctional hearing and DymaUy'a campaign coordinator, z^z^EH^213 559-5700^— The equipment ia currently unintdligible speech, he said. Peter Young, who ia atudent available through the telephone These studenta are traineea body preddent at Cd State^ trained to uae tektypewritera, Sacrammto, Carpenter said. apeciaUzed keyboard telephotw "Dymally would Uke to speak devicea for the deaf. to a maximum of 50 students," These systems have a Carpenter saul. He added that typewriter keyboard for sending DymaUy wiU probably apeak to T^^M and recdving messagea. It is AS senatora, other atudent connected to a regular telq)hone representatives and the campus and questions are transmitted via media. telephoiw b'nes. The message Further information about appeara either on a screen above DymaUy'a viait wUl be released the keyboard or on tape whkh by Friday, Carpenter said. comes from the machine. Ingham said the center loana portable equipment to trainees. Only ygu "People can take them to use can prevent and kam how much time and money they save using the forest fires! fvpnk mpcflfprranpan food INTRODUaS THE KENDON , VALLEY ' 'S4:30 ROSCOE BlVD VAN NUYS CA qi-UKi iiiilo F,.ist ot San Dicqo Freew.iy 8. Buscfi G.i'di Tplephonp 8949371 BACK TO SCHOOL TUNE-UP FALAFB. SPECIAL $4Q50 SPECIAL Rapteo* Pltigg^ ' Parts* Rcplao* Points labor BGGNING OCTOBER 1st. 1978 Ctwok ComprMsion 18Plu a tax S«rvtc« Air Cteanw Scop* Check ALL V.W. MODELS Adj. Dw^l, Timing, (0«er good until 10-31 781 VISIT US IN NOfrrHRIDG€ CwD. idl*. CO. 9351 Reseda Blvd. /nc/uctes FREE SAFETY OPEN TIL MIDNIGHT INSPECTION 9= ^IWgfcHftK 10% off on parts/labor on all other r\\ ^ ftk repair with faculty, staff of t^KJent ID.