' • • . "s . , ^^•^•^B zT' * • "•'•laO t Volume 23, Number 16} Tuesday, October 3,1978^ Sundial California State University, Northridge Recreation students practice children's parachute games on campus (photo by Cheri Walker) CSUN gets $3.8 million pact / by Alfred J. Preeton Nakamoto aaid. "They wiU cut commuter time fw weit and,aee game (on how many stodente' William Huntington, housing ad- stodente. provide reasonabk cost ac- can be aooraimodated). Many students CSUN hae been awarded m<»« than $3.8 minktrator, sdd no offidd word about commodations on campua and encourage wiU not — come up for student housing millimi to bufld 108 new houaing unite by the HUD award haa yet been recdved by stodente to apfdy to Northridge who considaratioa uatfl iana," HantJagteai the Department of Houeing and Urban hk office, and that more apedfic detaik otherwise could not because tran- sdd Devdopment for 348 oocupanta. aocording about the award wodd be avaikbk once qportatkn ia not avaikbk or Uving ez- Huntkgton said no rent figure hee yet to a preea releaae from Rep. Jamee Cor- offidd word frmn HUD k k. penaea are too high." Corman said. been eetablished for the new units. man. D-Van Nuya. OrighiaUy. Huntkgton add. CSUN Currently. Himtingtmi said, there k a "I don't even Imow (how much the new Mkhad Nakamoto. fadUtka planning submitted a requeet for about >4.8 million kmg wdting Ikt of stodente wishing on- units would cost to students)." he seid. officer, tdd the Sundid the propoeed new to bufld the unite. campua houaing. but only about 20 of "It depends on how inuch the actad housing k tentativdy schedded for "We're delighted (about the an­ them maybe abk to get such housing tor award k trma HUD," he add. compktkn m November 1960. nouncement), and we're wdting for the ^ring s«nester. ' "The new umte begk to solve the '"Tentative plans caU for the con­ further word from HUD," he aekl. I'Rifl^t now, (tha Umverdty Towers difficdt housing probkms kiied by the struction of two Y-shaped structuree to be "Hieee additknd unite are badly are) fuU." Huntington aaid. stodente. and wiU enaUe more of them to keated juat north of the University needed to meet the critied houaing "We might be abk to take cere of 20 devote more time to their studiee and the Towers apartmenta where a Devonahire Idda at the most for January." he sdd. univerdty oommudty." the Cormea ] ahorage at Northridge." Corman add m Downa atablea area now atanda." the "We've got a kng wdting liat and it's a rdeeae said. Poll tries to measure tuition effects by Barbara Penkd implemented k edditkn to the,^ coet of tuitkm. "If the reeuha are accurate, currant tlOO fee. As a reedt of the additiond and if atadente would take kee Tuitkn survey reedta reveekd Further reedte of the survey work houra, 50 percent of'the udte. a budget cut for CSUN that 50.48 percmt of CSUN show that 56 percent of the students alao anticipate a oould become a reaUty," Dr. etudente would not attend thk students anticipate working reduction k the amount of unite David W. Benaon, vke preakknt if a $800 tuitkm waa additknd 11.6 houra to cover the that they woukl take. ' for academk affairs, aaid. However. Benaon aaid ha had reeervatkna about the eocuracy of the tuition survey and about Trustees OK use of fees the reeUty of studente actually ktending to quit schod because of tuition. for family planning aids Depending-on how tuitkn wee ia fanplemented, wliether e per imit by John Corrigan Tha new rulee for ehoodng CSUC preaidente ooet or overdl charge, studente require the formation of a Preaklentid Selection may react differently, Benaon LONG BEACH-Stodent body funda ean now Advisory Committee for an katitatkn with an aaid. The studente may want to be uaed for family planning aarvieee. induding fanpending preekientkl vecency. hurry and finiah their educatioa fumiahing oontreoeptivee. at campua hedth Membereh^ of the PSAC wiU indude the before a higher fee or tuitioa oantera. chelrman of the Board of Thieteea ee en ex-offido oould be impJamaated, he eeid.. The CSUC Boerd of Truateee epproved auch uae member, the chanceOor of the CSUC ayatem, three "There are eo many qaeatkae of the hinde et ite meetkg k«i week. truateee, one preakknt of e CSUC ketitutka. aad. that I donbt diet aayone oould In adcUtkn. Ae boerd revked preoedoree for the fron the campua with tha veeeaey. three facidty mdm eqy oooehidoae baeed oo eakctkm of campua preektai^ and eet up membera. one administrative officer, one atadant that aarvey," evduatkm guide&Me at the medhig. aad one ahimnue. _^ Fhiaaddald Aa approved, the atudant body can augment PineUBte for the poidtiaa of preakknt wiD be where aurvey reeulte ahowed thet hedth aarvioee with free or reduoed-ooet Urth raqukad to vidt the campua. 68 paroeat at the etudaate not contrd aarvieee. Surgkd prooeduree. auch aa currently redevin^ fineadd eid abortiona or vaeectomiee. are not kduded k the "Rie botfd aleo reedved that aU campuaee would epply for it funding. eetebUah annud evehiation of feculty membere. "If eubetantkl fee kcreeeee Ttw <»UN Heelth Cantar efaaady ^ovklee Bach cempua faculty aenate or oouncfl k wfBt way up and mora atadente contreoqitivee to etudente et a reduced ooet. udng reepondUe for drawing iqi gukldinee for the i^pUed for akl, a atrictar tide money out of the Hedth Center'e opereting ex- evehiatkn program. wodd be enforced hi determinkg Studant tknda qukt shady ipot However, the reedutka ia ot no vahie to who wea to reodve the eid," batwaan Scianca bulMlngB to AS money haa only been ueed for the aakriee for etudente who would like to find out how former Marge Chi^airon, aeeieteat catch up on i Ittia raadbig. Iraa famUy planning oounaelora, but could now be uaed etudente have evduatad a facdty member; the director of fiaandd eid. eaki. provklad naadad rataf from ttw k aU areea of family fdanning. a Hedth Centar evehiatkna wfll only go to the inatructor. the racant haatwava. (photo by sptjkeemaii aaid. depertment chah. and to faculty pereonnd fllee. Plaaea turn to page 3 ChMlia Kkippanbuiv) October 3,1978 The DaHy Sundial V /' SAVE THE GRAY WHALE Number of women office holders rising, study says^ CLOGSI CLOGSI CLOGSI WASHINGTON (UPI) - The executive officea; 3 percent of Housing and Urban Devdop­ number of women m pubUc office county commisskners and 8 ment. Befwe 1977 ody three k growing by the thouaanda percent of mayora and membera women had aarved m the federd every year, but moat of the k- of kcd coundk. cabinet. creeaea are k kw peykg w Of 676 U.S. drcdt and dktriet There ere two women unaakried joba at tha kcd kvd. court judgee, ody five were governors and three Ueutenent according to a recent report. women, e decreeee of three afaice govemcHa. compered with one The Center for the American 1975. each m 1976. and- Pditice at tha ^Theeenere 18 woman Houee • -^ At the kcd kvd the number of Ea^eton Institute at Rutgera members, down from 19 k 1976. women mayora increeeed from Udverdty reported big jumpe k The two women senators, ap- 666 to 736 dnce 1976 and the the number of women hdding pdnted to mterim terma when number of council members kcd otSce and a decUne k the theh- huabands died, were not jumped frcMn 5.366 to 9.195. Moet CLOG MASTER counted. of theae joba were kw peid or number m Congreea and m hag ttw largMt aelgctlon of Seandanavian ctogs In Loa fedcrd judgeehipe. Jhnmy Carter k the first cerried no salary at aU. Anoalaa. Our mMartkm of hioh ouaMv dooa an daaionod Wcnnen hdd 9 percent of the preeklent with two women m hk "If auch trenda continue, . gHcluaivaiy for oontamponwy Southaiii CaMomia. Maka a seate m stete kgkkturee. 11 cabmet — Juadte Ktepa at wmnen wiU begk to assume a percent of etete cabmet and Commerce and Patrick Harrk at substantid share of poUtkd DoM to coma in aoon. Wa ara k)calad at: deddon making m their com- 324 N IJI Cienega Blvd|11966 Ventura Blvd mtmitiee." said Dr. Marilyn Johnsm. the center's directw of LA- CA 90048 I Studio City reeeerch. "Moreover, thk in- 657-8083 T 780-3708 Pre^ counselors — creeaed partidpetkn may be : Open Eveiy Day Except Sunday 11HX) am. to 6.-00 p.m. placing women on patha to hig^ to meet on campus levd dective end appoktive offkee." by Merribeth Fracaad . lite lepoFt stS'^fiiyei HotnK officeholders and drew theae Approximatdy 160 high school counsdors wiU be here Friday to condudons about women k Hove the best meet with repreeentotivee from 19 of the 20 CSUC campuaee. '' poUtics: "The efftnt ia to update high schod counsdors aa they move kto — Discrimination was a for­ Falafel and Shishkebob heevy advisemoit of seniw studente," sdd Dr. Robert WiUiama, midabk obstade. Moat of the director of the Office of Rdatkns with Schools. women poUed at dl kvds agreed in Northridge for The conference meete once a year and is aimed at better informing* that men m party organizatkns the counsdors of the new changee and requiremente m the system, try to keep them out of leadership Williams said. roles. 20%OFF* Programs like admiaakn requiremente and finandd dd change — When women and men had every year, and it k important for the counsekrs to be aware of the held the same office far the same Close to campus changee. WUliama aaid. "We h<^w they come away with new m- period of time and with the same formation." he aaid.
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