+ guUME I66 2{r, uQtY ! WHDNIISDAY SEPTEMBHII @theDePauw IS PG. 16 | September 20,2017 ô @ The DePauw :he week R TDP E @theDePauw Å llll l)l l),\l'\\' thedepauw.com Sports'weekend celebrate high holy f.ã#9Jiew @ ESPN founder Bilt Rasmlls- White National- ïJbben Lecture ist Stickers found sen to be next near campus BY TADIEO]I DUDLEY Editor-in-Chief sity owned grounds. news@thedepauw,com
[email protected] Nally would not re- lease the name of the or- ESPN founder and 1954 Stickers and business ganization, in an action DePauw University graduate, cards for white nation- iimilar to other univer- Bill Rasmussen, will co'me alist groups \ilere found have found back to campus to speak as sities who around public streets that nationalists adver- the 109th Ubben Lecture. run through campus. white take place on tisements around their Iteam cetebntes afrarscoríng, BYRON MASAN'MTHE DEPAUW The lecture will Public Safety sent a Nov.8 at7:30 p.m. in Kresge a campuses, as a way to Auditorium. Admission is freq campus-l'vide email lit- prevent publicizing the to all. tle after 6:30 p.m. on stick- group's agenda. The logo Rasmussen will spend the Monday, after the founil on the items posted up to ers were removed for not week on campus leading on DePauw's campus was the Monon Bell football game with the Uni- complying a set of triangles. on Nov. 11. "I always imagined versity's posting policy. him at Monon week," said The stickers lvere dis- On the same day, the Ken Owen, special adviser Journal Courier reported covered by a community alt- to the University President reported that white-nationalist and coordinator of the Ubben member who right group, Identity Ev- Lecture series.