THE STAR FORMATION NEWSLETTER An electronic publication dedicated to early stellar/planetary evolution and molecular clouds No. 254 — 13 February 2014 Editor: Bo Reipurth (
[email protected]) List of Contents The Star Formation Newsletter Interview ...................................... 3 My Favorite Object ............................ 5 Editor: Bo Reipurth
[email protected] Perspective ................................... 10 Technical Editor: Eli Bressert Abstracts of Newly Accepted Papers .......... 13
[email protected] Abstracts of Newly Accepted Major Reviews . 54 Technical Assistant: Hsi-Wei Yen Dissertation Abstracts ........................ 60
[email protected] New Jobs ..................................... 61 Editorial Board Meetings ..................................... 63 Summary of Upcoming Meetings ............. 66 Joao Alves Alan Boss Short Announcements ........................ 67 Jerome Bouvier New Books ................................... 68 Lee Hartmann Thomas Henning Paul Ho Jes Jorgensen Charles J. Lada Cover Picture Thijs Kouwenhoven Michael R. Meyer This image shows the blueshifted outflow cav- Ralph Pudritz ity from the embedded quadruple Class I source Luis Felipe Rodr´ıguez L1551 IRS5 based on Hα and [SII] images obtained Ewine van Dishoeck with the Subaru telescope images. Two short jets, Hans Zinnecker HH 154, are seen to emerge from the source region to the upper left. The outflow cavity has burst The Star Formation Newsletter is a vehicle for through the front of the cloud, exposing the rich fast distribution of information of interest for as- and complex Herbig-Haro shock structures within. tronomers working on star and planet formation A few faint knots from the HH 30 jet (outside the and molecular clouds. You can submit material field) are visible at the top of the image. The for the following sections: Abstracts of recently field is about 7×8 arcmin, corresponding to about accepted papers (only for papers sent to refereed 0.30×0.35 pc at the assumed distance of 150 pc.