Cian's First Pony Edwin's Sister, Wife of Æthelfrith
Acærn Cian's first pony Acha Edwin's sister, wife of Æthelfrith Æbbe sister of Oswald, an Iding Ædilgith gemæcce to Folcwyn, a Northumbrian lady Ælfwyn Hild's niece, daughter of Hereswith and Æthelric Æthelberht previous king of Kent Æthelburh queen of Northumbria, Edwin's wife, princess of Kent Æthelfrith Iding first king of Northumbria, father of Oswald and Oswiu Æthelric Short Leg a/k/a Egric, a Wuffing, prince of East Anglia, husband of Hereswith Æthelric Spear an Yffing, Hild's grandfather, king of Deira Æthelwald an Oiscinga, ætheling of Kent, Hild's cousin Æthelwyn Hild's niece, daughter of Hereswith Anna a Wuffing, prince of East Anglia Arddun bodywoman to Wllnoð Balthild natural daughter of Æthelric Shortleg Bán Irish willow man of Mulstanton Bassus chief swordman to Queen Æthelburh Bebba Æthelfrith's wife Begu Hild's gemæcce, daughter of Mulstan Beli king of Alt Clut Beli Mawr grandson of Belenos, the sun god Berenic a shepherd near Goodmanham Berhtnoth gesith, one of Hild's hounds Berhtred gesith, one of Hild's hounds Blæcca thegn of Edwin Bote milkmaid, sister to Cædmon Branwen character from Y Gododdin Breguswith an Oiscinga, Hild's mother, princess of Kent Burgmod son of Burgræd Burgræd chief swordman to Breguswith Cadfan ap Iago king of Gwynedd Cadwallon ap Cadfan prince, then king, of Gwynedd, son of Cadfan Cædmon cowherd at Mulstanton Ceadfryth daughter of Saxfryth and Ceadwulf of Elmet Ceadwin son of Saxfryth and Ceadwulf of Elmet Ceadwulf husband of Saxfryth, landholder of Elmet Cealred Northumbrian thegn Celfled widow
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