Transcript of Oral History Interview with Abdi Warsame
Abdi Warsame Narrator Ahmed Ismail Yusuf Interviewer June 12, 2014 Minneapolis, Minnesota Abdi Warsame -AW Ahmed Ismail Yusuf -AY AY: This is Ahmed Ismail Yusuf recording for the Minnesota Historical Society Somali Oral History Project. I am here with Abdi Warsame, who is the highest Somali official elected in Minneapolis—Minnesota, actually, in that matter. Abdi, welcome to the interview, and thanks for agreeing to it. AW: Oh, thank you, Yusuf. I appreciate the opportunity. AY: So I normally actually start it from the basis of where one was born and when, sort of those things. But in your case, let us just exactly talk about when you came to Minneapolis first of all. AW: Well, I came to Minneapolis in the year 2006, which is about eight years ago now. AY: And the reason why I am just exactly asking that question is just that it seems that, to me actually, with the speed of light you traveled through the ranks and became the first Somali official elected in this state. Nationwide, you are the second Somali elected. So did you have that ambition when you actually came here, or how did it start? AW: Well, to go back a little bit, I didn’t come directly from Somalia. I came from London, England. I was born in Somalia, and I was raised in the UK, across the pond. I grew up in a place called Leytonstone in East London. I was educated in the UK. I went to King’s College, University of London. I graduated from Middlesex University, and I also got a master’s degree from Greenwich University with an international business degree.
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