Legislative Appropriations Request the University Of

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Legislative Appropriations Request the University Of L EGISLATIVE A PPROPRIATIONS R EQUEST F I S C A L Y EAR S 202 2 A N D 202 3 Submitted to the Governor’s Office and the Legislative Budget Board T H E U NIVERSITY OF T E X A S A T A RLINGTON S e p t e m b e r 2020 Table of Contents Administrator’s Statement ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Organizational Chart ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Budget Overview .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 2A - Summary of Base Request by Strategy .................................................................................................................................................. 10 2B - Summary of Base Request by Method of Finance ................................................................................................................................. 14 2C - Summary of Base Request by Object of Expense .................................................................................................................................. 21 2D - Summary of Base Request Objective Outcomes .................................................................................................................................... 22 2E - Summary of Exceptional Item Request .................................................................................................................................................. 25 2F - Summary of Total Request by Strategy.................................................................................................................................................. 26 2G - Summary of Total Request Objective Outcomes ................................................................................................................................... 30 3A - Strategy Requests ................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 GOAL 1: INSTRUCTIONAL AND OPERATIONS SUPPORT Operations Support ............................................................................................................................................................................ 34 Staff Group Insurance ....................................................................................................................................................................... 38 Workers’ Compensation Insurance ................................................................................................................................................... 40 Unemployment Compensation Insurance ......................................................................................................................................... 42 Texas Public Education Grants ......................................................................................................................................................... 44 GOAL 2: INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT E&G Space Support ........................................................................................................................................................................... 46 Tuition Revenue Bond Retirement .................................................................................................................................................... 49 GOAL 3: NON-FORMULA SUPPORT Table of Contents, continued Science Education Center .................................................................................................................................................................. 51 UT Arlington Research Institute ....................................................................................................................................................... 53 Rural Hospital Outreach Program .................................................................................................................................................... 56 Institute of Urban Studies .................................................................................................................................................................. 58 Mexican American Studies ................................................................................................................................................................ 61 Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Innovation .................................................................................................................. 64 Institutional Enhancement ................................................................................................................................................................. 66 GOAL 6: RESEARCH FUNDS Core Research Support ...................................................................................................................................................................... 69 3.A.1 - Program-Level Request Schedule....................................................................................................................................................... 72 4A - Exceptional Item Requests ..................................................................................................................................................................... 73 4B - Exceptional Item Allocation Schedule .................................................................................................................................................... 77 4C - Exceptional Item Strategy Requests ....................................................................................................................................................... 79 SUPPORTING SCHEDULES: 6G - Homeland Security Funding Schedule ................................................................................................................................................... 81 6H - Estimated Funds Outside the Bill Pattern ............................................................................................................................................. 93 HIGHER EDUCATION SUPPORTING SCHEDULES: Schedule 1A – Other Educational and General Income ................................................................................................................................ 94 Schedule 2 – Selected Educational, General, and Other Funds .................................................................................................................... 97 Schedule 3B – Staff Group Insurance Data Elements (UT/A&M) ................................................................................................................ 99 Schedule 4 – Computation of O.A.S.I. ..........................................................................................................................................................102 Schedule 5 – Calculation of Retirement Proportionality and ORP Differential ..........................................................................................103 Table of Contents, continued Schedule 6 – Constitutional Capital Funding ...............................................................................................................................................104 Schedule 7 Personnel .....................................................................................................................................................................................105 Schedule 8B – Tuition Revenue Bond Issuance History ...............................................................................................................................106 Schedule 8C – Tuition Revenue Bond Request by Project ...........................................................................................................................107 Schedule 9 – Non-Formula Support Information .........................................................................................................................................108 Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Innovation .................................................................................................................108 Center for Mexican American Studies .............................................................................................................................................111 Institute of Urban Studies .................................................................................................................................................................114 Institutional Enhancement ................................................................................................................................................................117 Rural Hospital Outreach Program ...................................................................................................................................................119 Science Education Center .................................................................................................................................................................122 UT Arlington Research Institute ......................................................................................................................................................125
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