Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project (EPBC 2014/7205) – Preliminary Documentation



00645801.DOCX Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project Flora and Vegetation Assessment

October 2013

Prepared for Cristal Mining Australia Limited

© Copyright 2014 Astron Environmental Services Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. This document and information contained in it has been prepared by Astron Environmental Services under the terms and conditions of its contract with its client. The report is for the clients use only and may not be used, exploited, copied, duplicated or reproduced in any form or medium whatsoever without the prior written permission of Astron Environmental Services or its client. Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project Flora and Vegetation Assessment

Prepared for Cristal Mining Australia Limited

Job Number: 21097-13

Reference: 21097-13_BSR_1Rev0_140407

Revision Status

Rev Date Description Author(s) Reviewer

A 07/11/2013 Draft Issued for Client Review V. Clarke R. Orifici

B 11/12/2013 Draft Issued for Client Review V. Clarke S. Pearse

C 04/04/2014 Draft Issued for Client Review V. Clarke S. Pearse

0 07/04/2014 Final V. Clarke S. Pearse


Rev Date Issued to Authorised by

Name Signature

A 07/11/2013 Resource Strategies Pty Ltd S. Pearse

B 11/12/2013 Resource Strategies Pty Ltd S. Pearse

C 04/04/2014 Resource Strategies Pty Ltd S. Pearse

0 07/04/2014 Resource Strategies Pty Ltd S. Pearse

© Copyright 2014 Astron Environmental Services Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. This document and information contained in it has been prepared by Astron Environmental Services under the terms and conditions of its contract with its client. The report is for the clients use only and may not be used, exploited, copied, duplicated or reproduced in any form or medium whatsoever without the prior written permission of Astron Environmental Services or its client. Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 Abbreviations

Abbreviation Definition Astron Astron Environmental Services BAM Act Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (State) BOM Bureau of Meteorology Cristal Mining Cristal Mining Australia Limited DEC Department of Environment and Conservation (now DPaW) DPaW Department of Parks and Wildlife DSEWPaC Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities EPA Environmental Protection Authority (State) EPBC Act Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth) ESA Environmentally Sensitive Area GDE Groundwater Dependent Ecosystem GPS Geographical positioning system IBRA Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia km Kilometres m Metres Matters of national environmental significance (as listed under the Commonwealth MNES Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) NVIS National Vegetation Information System The project Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project RFA Regional Forest Agreement SCP Swan Coastal Plain The area defined within the boundary provided by Cristal Mining and illustrated in The survey area Figure 1.

Page | ii Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 Executive Summary

Cristal Mining Australia Limited (Cristal Mining) proposes to develop a mineral sands mining operation approximately 44 km south of Bunbury, ; herein referred to as the Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project (the Project). Astron Environmental Services was commissioned by Cristal Mining to undertake a two-season flora and vegetation assessment for the Project.

An initial desktop assessment revealed that 25 taxa declared as rare flora under the State Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 (and all listed under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act)) are located within a 10 km radius of the survey area. In addition, two priority one taxa, five priority two, 10 priority three and 11 priority four taxa are also found within the same radius. It should be noted however, that many of these conservation listed taxa are restricted to particular habitats not found within the survey area (i.e. Whicher Scarp and Busselton ironstone) and not likely to occur within the survey area.

The initial field survey was undertaken over two days in June; being the first phase of a level two survey with a follow-up field survey undertaken from 3 to 6 October 2013. A combined total of 201 plant taxa from 49 plant families and 130 genera were recorded during the survey, from the remnant vegetation within farm paddocks, degraded farm remnants and from roadside remnant vegetation, which varied in condition.

One specimen collected from Wonnerup South Road from a small population directly adjacent to Abba River is the declared rare flora species: Chamelaucium sp. C Coastal Plain (R.D. Royce 4872). The species occurs on both sides on Wonnerup South Road and the WA Department of Parks and Wildlife has been advised of its location. This taxon is listed as vulnerable under the Commonwealth EPBC Act. Another species of threatened flora, Verticordia densiflora var. pedunculata was thought to have potential to occur on the north side of Ruabon Road adjacent to quadrat 17. However, three further visits to this vicinity over its peak flowering period (December-January), found only the priority three taxon, Verticordia attenuata.

Four species of priority flora were recorded during the spring survey, all within the north of the survey area. The desktop assessment found previously recorded locations of priority flora on the private properties in the survey area. However, the location descriptions of the previous records do not match the coordinate locations and these taxa have not been located during either of the 2013 surveys; their collection information do not suggest they were ever found within the survey area.

Of the 38 weed species recorded; four are listed as declared pests under the WA Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 and are bridal creeper (*Asparagus asparagoides), narrowleaf cotton bush (*Gomphocarpus fruticosus), apple of Sodom (*Solanum linnaeanum), and arum lily (*Zantedeschia aethiopica).

Five vegetation complexes have been previously mapped across the survey area (Mattiske and Havel 1998) and each of these units is described with the more recent assessment of reservation and pre- European status (Havel and Mattiske 2002):

• Abba complexes AB, AF, Ad, Aw all with 0% in reservation and with 2%; 0% (8 hectares only of 1901 hectares); 14%; and 2% pre-European area remaining respectively. • The Ludlow complex Lw also has 0% in reservation and 0% of its pre-European area remaining.

Page | iii Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 To be consistent with the vegetation complex mapping (Mattiske and Havel 1998) that covers the survey area; the vegetation within the survey area was ascribed to one of the pre-defined complexes already mapped. However, the previous vegetation complex mapping was undertaken at a broader scale (1: 50,000) than the Astron survey (1: 5,000) so the boundaries of the broader mapping were refined following ground-truthing.

Most of the remnant vegetation found within the farmland of the survey area was found to be in a completely degraded condition, with the majority parkland cleared or consisting of individual paddock trees. Some very small areas of remnant vegetation which retained some understorey occurred on the farmland adjacent to Ruabon Road in the north of the study area.

The only intact remnant vegetation within the survey area was found in the road reserves along both sides of Wonnerup South and Ruabon Roads. Wonnerup South Road east side is a fine mosaic of condition ranging from good to degraded condition; to completely degraded condition. The west side of the road ranged from degraded condition to completely degraded (with some areas completely cleared of remnant vegetation).

The road reserve along Ruabon Road retained reasonable stands of intact vegetation that was in ‘excellent’ condition. In addition, two wetland areas exist near the Bussell Highway intersection, which remain in relatively ‘good’ to ‘very good’ condition despite historical disturbance. The remnant vegetation along Ruabon Road is significant in that it contains intact Abba vegetation complexes that have critically low representation remaining (i.e. less than 30% extent of original extent; or 10% within constrained areas); it contains a suite of priority flora ( formosus subsp. dasylepis P3, Jacksonia gracillima P3, Verticordia attenuata P3, and a Lepyrodia species of unknown conservation significance (Lepyrodia aff. riparia). In addition, it provides a corridor or linkage from the Wonnerup Ramsar wetlands and tuart conservation areas towards the Whicher Scarp and therefore provides a catena of vegetation types representative of the Busselton Plain; an example of which is not found elsewhere.

Section 5 and 6 of this report contains information relevant to the minimisation, mitigation and management of potential impacts of the vegetation clearing associated with the project. Essentially, approximately 90% of the project area is cleared farmland containing some small isolated stands of highly degraded remnant vegetation. The only areas of intact vegetation are along Wonnerup South Road (not impacted by the project) and Ruabon Road where a small amount of clearing is proposed. Remnant vegetation along Ruabon Road will only be marginally impacted through road widening. The road widening will be limited to approximately 1.6 m either side of the road to provide the main access to the project area and to accommodate increased traffic generated by the haulage vehicles. Up to two individuals of Jacksonia gracillima P3 may potentially be taken as a result of the clearing associated with the road widening. The roadside clearing will largely impact on vegetation that is in a degraded condition with small areas that remain in good or better condition. It is noted that Ruabon Road is a designated Flora Road within the Shire of Busselton.

Other impacts of the project include the clearing of some degraded areas of riparian vegetation associated with the Abba River and potential impacts to ground water dependant vegetation.

Page | iv Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 Table of Contents

1 Introduction ...... 1 1.1 Project Background ...... 1

1.2 Scope and Objectives ...... 1

1.3 Existing Environment ...... 6

1.3.1 Physical Environment ...... 6 Geology, Landforms and Soils ...... 6 Hydrology ...... 6 Climate ...... 6 Land Tenure and Surrounding Land Use ...... 7

1.3.2 Biological Environment ...... 7

1.3.3 Groundwater Dependent Vegetation ...... 8

1.3.4 Flora ...... 9

1.3.5 Weeds ...... 9

2 Methodology ...... 11 2.1 Desktop Assessment ...... 11

2.2 Literature Review ...... 11

2.3 Field Survey ...... 12

2.3.1 Targeted Survey ...... 13

2.3.2 Vegetation Description and Mapping ...... 13

2.3.3 Floristic Analysis ...... 13

2.3.4 Specimen Identification ...... 14

3 Limitations ...... 15 4 Results ...... 17 4.1 Desktop Assessment ...... 17

4.1.1 Flora ...... 17

4.1.2 Vegetation ...... 17 Threatened and Priority Ecological Communities ...... 19

4.2 Field Survey ...... 21

4.2.1 Flora ...... 21 Conservation significant flora ...... 21

Page | v Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 4.2.2 Vegetation ...... 21 Conservation significant vegetation...... 22 Groundwater Dependent Vegetation in the Survey Area ...... 29

4.2.3 Vegetation Condition ...... 29

4.2.4 Weeds ...... 29

5 Evaluation of Potential Impacts ...... 31 5.1 Vegetation Clearing ...... 31

5.2 Potential Impacts Associated with Groundwater Drawdown...... 34

5.3 Alteration of Hydrology and Potential Impacts on Vegetation ...... 35

5.4 Weeds ...... 35

5.5 Bushfire Risk ...... 35

5.6 Dust ...... 36

5.7 Conservation Significant Flora ...... 36

6 Mitigation and Offset Measures ...... 38 6.1 Impact Avoidance and Mitigation Measures ...... 38

6.1.1 Impact Avoidance...... 38

6.1.2 Vegetation Clearing Protocols ...... 38

6.1.3 Management of Groundwater Dependent Vegetation ...... 38

6.1.4 Habitat Enhancement Works ...... 38

6.1.5 Rehabilitation ...... 39

6.1.6 Fire Prevention and Control ...... 39

6.1.7 Weed Management ...... 39

6.1.8 Education/Training ...... 39

6.1.9 Dust Management ...... 39

6.2 Offsets ...... 40

7 Conclusions ...... 41 8 References ...... 42

List of Figures

Figure 1: Regional locality plan...... 3 Figure 2: Locality plan...... 4 Figure 3 Site plan - project details...... 5

Page | vi Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 Figure 4 Vegetation complexes, ESA, TECs/PECs and conservation significant flora recorded for the survey area (DEC 2013 a & b)...... 20 Figure 5: Vegetation mapping, quadrat locations and 2013 conservation significant flora locations for the survey area...... 28 Figure 6 Vegetation condition mapping for the survey area...... 30

List of Charts

Chart 1: Long-term rainfall data compared to 2013 data (BOM 2013)...... 7

List of Tables

Table 1: Database searches conducted...... 11 Table 2: Limitations of this assessment...... 15 Table 3 Conservation significant taxa incorrectly noted for the survey area...... 17 Table 4 Priority flora recorded within the survey area...... 21 Table 5: Vegetation complex comparison for the survey area...... 23 Table 6 Approximate vegetation areas to be cleared by the project...... 33 Table 7 Potential impacts on conservation significant flora...... 36

List of Appendices

Appendix A: Bushland vegetation condition scale Appendix B: Southwest species rated according to ecohydrological tolerances Appendix C: Summary of conservation listed flora within survey area vicinity Appendix D: Database search results (flora, TEC/PECs, MNES) for desktop assessment Appendix E: Species list for the survey area Appendix F:Survey site data Appendix G: Survey species matrix by site Appendix H: Threatened Flora Report Forms (copies) for conservation significant flora recorded during the 2013 survey Appendix I: Floristic analyses of quadrat data Appendix J: EPA checklist for documents submitted for EIA on marine and terrestrial biodiversity

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Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

1 Introduction

1.1 Project Background

Cristal Mining Australia Limited (Cristal Mining) propose to develop a mineral sands mining operation approximately 44 kilometres (km) south of Bunbury, Western Australia; herein referred to as the Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project (the project) (Figures 1 and 2). The project details and site plan is shown in Figure 3.

Astron Environmental Services (Astron) was engaged by Cristal Mining to undertake a two-season flora and vegetation assessment within the project boundary.

1.2 Scope and Objectives

Astron was provided with the following scope of works for the flora and vegetation assessment:

• characterise the flora and vegetation associations within relevant areas to the proposed project and its impacts • demonstrate how a level 2 flora and vegetation survey effort or greater has been conducted for the proposed project • describe the survey area and methodologies, including reference to timing, duration, survey effort, any survey limitations and the nomenclature used • map and describe significant flora species, vegetation and vegetation condition • define the extent and abundance of conservation significant flora already known to occur in the leases (i.e. elongata, oldfieldii, Schoenus pennisetis and squarrosa subsp. argillacea) (Note these species do not occur within the Cristal Mining lease area but are historic records from the vicinity of the project area (DEC 2013c) • demonstrate that conservation significant flora known to occur nearby do not occur in the leases or if they do define their extent and abundance, i.e. Acacia flagelliformis, Eucalyptus rudis subsp. cratyantha, Verticordia densiflora var. pedunculata and Verticordia attenuata • provide a comprehensive list of flora species identified • provide an assessment of threatened, priority or other significant flora/ecological communities (threatened and priority ecological communities) known or reasonably expected to occur in the area (as defined in Guidance Statement No. 51, including matters of national environmental significance (MNES) relevant to flora listed under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act)) • document the occurrence of environmental and declared weeds (now declared pests) • evaluate the impact of the proposal on flora species and vegetation communities, including reference to the extent of regional clearing of the vegetation complex/type and ecological linkage • identify and assess the potential impacts of the proposed project on the health of groundwater dependent ecosystems (trees and understorey species) • consider cumulative flora impacts of the proposed project with other approved developments.

Page | 1 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 The assessment is required to consider the following State Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) policies and guidance relating to the assessment of terrestrial flora and vegetation:

• EPA Position Statement No. 2, Environmental Protection of Native Vegetation in Western Australia (EPA 2000) • EPA Position Statement No. 3, Terrestrial Biological Surveys as an Element of Biodiversity Protection (EPA 2002) • EPA Guidance Statement No. 51, Terrestrial Flora and Vegetation Surveys for Environmental Impact Assessment in Western Australia (EPA 2004) • EPA Environmental Protection Bulletin No. 8 - South West Regional Ecological Linkages (EPA 2009) • EPA Checklist for ‘Documents Submitted for EIA on Marine and Terrestrial Biodiversity’ (Appendix 2 of the EPA’s Draft Environmental Assessment Guideline No.6 on Timelines for Environmental Impact Assessment of Proposals) (EPA 2010). This report contains the results of the initial winter survey (June 2013) and the spring survey (October 2013). In addition, Project specific information including the evaluation of potential impacts; and where impacts may exist the mitigation and management proposed by Cristal Mining is described (Sections 5 and 6).

Page | 2 360000 Koombana 380000 Bay Mineral Separation Plant ! Eaton Koo ! mb SS ana BYPA BUNBURY Dr LIND S TRA












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L L E Geographe Bay S S U B Waneragup ! Stratham Lake Boy Tuart Forest anup Roa National Park d W P est


Peppermint Grove !

Tuart Forest National Park ! Capel

G Capel oo dw Nature Reserve oo d C Ro A Ludlow ad P EL Boyanup State Forest State Forest P R Coolilup A RI C State Forest VE S RIV R 6280000 WONNERUP MINERAL Tuart Forest ER 6280000 National Park LOW SANDS MINE LUD AY W GH HI Ludlow R E State Forest H L Rua I C EL bon Ruabon Townsite H SS Road BU Nature Reserve W Busselton M70/569 LEGEND !

Sabina State Forest Mining Tenement W

o Jarrahwood S B n A Proposed Mineral Concentrate Transport Route AS n M70/360 B WONNERUP NORTH State Forest YP V e B r B BUSSELLTON A u A S M70/785 p Vasse-Wonnerup Ramsar Wetland S MINERAL SANDS PROJECT E National Park/Conservation Area/Reserve


S A State Forest u B e

s I



A o 08



a R Millbrook


R State Forest Source: Commonwealth of Australia, Department of



E a Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population

d R V P and Communities, 2013; WA Department of Environment R A SSE A R I C and Conservation, 2013; Department of Mines and Fish Road V HIGH S E WAY Nature Reserve R Petroleum, 2013 WONNERUP NORTH PROJECT

Millbrook E R FIGURE 1 C H State Forest H I Whicher Regional Locality Plan W National Park 360000 380000

CMA-13-01_FR 201A Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

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6280000 6270000 Millbrook State Forest State




R Millbrook State Forest State Millbrook State Forest State Kilometres Millbrook State Forest State GDA 1994MGA ZONE 50 Millbrook State Forest State LEGEND Tenement Mining Mine Sands Mineral Wonnerup Approved Area Mining Project of Extent Approximate Vasse-Wonnerup RamsarWetland National Park/Conservation Area/Reserve Forest State Line Transmission Electricity Voltage High Line Transmission Electricity 02 Millbrook State Forest State Source: Source: Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, 2013; WA Department of Environment and Conservation, 2013; Department of Mines and Petroleum, 2013 and Google Earth Image, 2013 Millbrook


Locality Plan View Aeiral





U L Coolilup SF Coolilup Nature Reserve Nature Ruabon Townsite ER RIV

d a o R

360000 360000 BA AB

Ludlow SFLudlow








b MINERAL PROJECT SANDS Ludlow SFLudlow a u R Tuart Forest NP

Tuart Forest NP





G M70/360






Ludlow SFLudlow S







P SFLudlow R





Tuart Forest NP Sues Road



Nature Reserve












350000 Bay Geographe














E S S A V 6280000 6270000 CMA-13-01_FR 202A CMA-13-01_FR Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

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356000 Tuart Forest 358000 360000 National Park Ludlow State Forest

ve Tuart Forest National Park ri D

rt a Tu Main

Access Road ! Ruabon AY R HW oad IG H Ludlow L EL State Forest SS BU Tuart Forest National Park


Thickener Ro 6276000 ! 6276000 Process Water Dam !< WNPB1 ! !< WNPB2 A ! B

B Wet Separation Plant A LEGEND



a Mining Tenement e

T Approved Wonnerup Mineral Sands Mine R IV Project Maximum Disturbance Boundary E R Approximate Extent of Project Mining Area WONNERUP NORTH Secondary Perimeter Topsoil Stockpile/Auxillary Infrastructure MINERAL SANDS PROJECT Access Road Proposed Project Infrastructure




n Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population


r u and Communities, 2013; WA Department of Environment p

S and Conservation, 2013; Department of Mines and



t Petroleum, 2013 and Google Earth Image, 2013




a d Lyle Road FIGURE 3 Site Plan - Project Details 356000 358000 360000

CMA-13-01_FR 203A Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

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Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 1.3 Existing Environment

1.3.1 Physical Environment Geology, Landforms and Soils

The survey area is located on the Busselton Plain, which is a portion of the Swan Coastal Plain, between Dunsborough and the Capel River, and is part of the larger Perth Basin. The Perth Basin sits between ancient Precambrian rock expressed as the Darling Plateau to the east and the Leeuwin and Northampton Blocks to the west (Tille and Lantzke 1990). The Busselton Plains are one of the six major landforms of the Swan Coastal Plain which are Quaternary sediments of alluvial and Aeolian origin deposited in a series of zones roughly parallel to the coast (Government of Western Australia 2000).

The Busselton Plain (from west to east) is comprised of:

• Quindalup Dunes and mark the current coastline • Spearwood Dunes, which are the second series of dunes deposited by retreating coastlines with Tamala limestone at depth • Bassendean Dunes, which are the oldest of the Aeolian landforms and consist of low dunes interwoven with wetlands • Pinjarra Plain, which is composed of alluvial and colluvial deposits eroded from the Blackwood and Darling Plateaus • The Ridge Hill Shelf, found at the base of the Whicher Scarp and laid down early in the development of the Swan Coastal Plan, is heavily dissected by stream action (Webb et al 2009). The survey area is within the Bassendean Dunes. Hydrology

The survey area is within the Busselton Coast Water Management Area; and in the Wonnerup sub management area of the Vasse Wonnerup Estuary Catchment (Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) 2013d). The survey area is intersected from west to east by the Abba River with the Lower Sabina River to the south of the survey area.

The Vasse-Wonnerup System Ramsar wetland is approximately 3 km north-east of the survey area. Climate

Wonnerup experiences a Mediterranean climate, characterised by hot, dry summers and cold, wet winters. Peak rainfall is received during the winter months from June to August. Data collected by the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) for 2013 (BOM 2013) (Figure 4) shows higher rainfall than the long-term average was received in each month preceding the winter 2013 survey and in the two months preceding the spring survey exceptional high rainfall was recorded (collected from the Busselton weather station (site 9515)).

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Chart 1: Long-term rainfall data compared to 2013 data (BOM 2013). Land Tenure and Surrounding Land Use

The survey area is mainly comprised of privately-held land historically used for farming cattle. The survey area included two areas of road reserve, along Wonnerup South and Rueben Roads, which has areas which were cleared and areas with remnant vegetation. Ruabon Road is a nominated ‘flora road’ in the Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) Flora Road Program; a program which has been developed by DPaW to encourage road managers to protect and conserve roadside vegetation of high conservation value (DPaW 2013a).

The local area is predominantly cleared with land utilised for a range of agricultural practices and sand mining, undertaken by a number of operators within the vicinity. Within the local area, remnant vegetation is conserved in conservation estate areas including the Sabina, Ruabon, Fish Road, and Whicher Nature Reserves; and Ludlow and Coolilup State Forests.

1.3.2 Biological Environment

The survey area has been previously mapped at three broad levels:

1. Australia wide

The national and regional planning framework for the systematic development of a comprehensive, adequate and representative national reserve system is provided by the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA version 7). IBRA is endorsed by all levels of government as a key tool for identifying land for conservation under Australia's Strategy for the National Reserve System 2009-2030 (Commonwealth of Australia 2010). The survey area is mapped as IBRA Swan Coastal Plain region; Perth subregion (SWA02).

2. Western Australia

The pre-European vegetation extent for Western Australia was mapped and described (Beard 1990) according to broad botanical provinces with regions and districts defined within these broad provinces. The survey area is within the Southwest Botanical Province, in the Drummond Botanical Subdistrict of the Darling Botanical District (Beard 1990). The survey area occurs within the

Page | 7 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 Bassendean Dunes (Beard 1981) and is mapped as vegetation units 1136 (medium woodland; marri with some jarrah, wandoo, river gum, and casuarina) and 949 (low woodland; banksia) at a scale of 1: 1,000,000.

3. Southwest Western Australia

Smith (1973 and 1974) mapped and described the Busselton and Collie remnant vegetation based on late 1960 aerial photography and ground-truthing in 1971 and 1972. The mapping documented the broad dominant structural plant communities of these areas. Later, vegetation complex mapping of the Swan Coastal Plain was undertaken at a scale of 1: 250,000 (Heddle et al 1980). The mapping identified 29 vegetation complexes based on dominant species and vegetation structure in relation to landforms, soils and climatic conditions. Using these associations the extent of the vegetation complexes were projected over cleared land within their study area. However, this vegetation complex mapping did not extend over the entire Busselton Plain area, which was later mapped at a scale of 1: 50,000 (Mattiske and Havel 1998) and utilised quadrat and field-based work to validate the mapping. On the Busselton Plain, 11 vegetation complexes are now recognised. Five vegetation complexes have been mapped across the Survey area (Mattiske and Havel 1998) and each of these units are described within the more recent assessment of reservation and pre-European status (Havel and Mattiske 2002) in Section 4.1.2.

1.3.3 Groundwater Dependent Vegetation

Groundwater dependent vegetation (GDEs) are ecosystems that are dependent on groundwater for their survival at some stage or stages of their lifecycle (Eamus 2009). They include wetland and riparian vegetation that includes phreatophytic flora and can be divided (Clifton and Evans 2001; Hatton and Evans 1998) into six general types:

• wetlands • terrestrial vegetation • river baseflow systems • cave and aquifer systems • terrestrial fauna • estuarine/near-shore marine systems. Of the ecosystems that are dependent on groundwater, their degree of dependence may vary from total dependence (such as some wetlands or cave systems), to opportunistic dependence in times of drought (such as some areas of terrestrial vegetation).

Eamus et al. (2006) identified three primary classes based on type of groundwater reliance:

1. Aquifer and cave ecosystems 2. All ecosystems dependent on the surface expression of groundwater i. river base flows ii. wetlands, swamplands iii. seagrass beds in estuaries iv. floodplains v. mound springs

Page | 8 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 vi. riparian vegetation vii. saline discharge to lakes viii. low lying forests 3. All ecosystems dependent on the subsurface presence of groundwater, often accessed via the capillary fringe (non-saturated zone above the water table) when roots penetrate this zone: i. river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) forests ii. banksia woodlands iii. riparian vegetation in the wet/dry tropics. Riparian vegetation dependent on the subsurface presence of groundwater is considered to be a GDE. Riparian vegetation is generally determined, in the southwest of WA, to be vegetation associated with major or mid-order drainage lines, and dominated most commonly by Eucalyptus rudis, Melaleuca rhaphiophylla and M. preissiana.

Phreatophytes include plant species that rely on groundwater sources for water intake; essentially the water requirements of phreatophytes are greater than can be provided from the surface soil profile (eg riparian vegetation) or they are dependent on free water availability (eg wetland species). They frequently show low tolerance to extended water stress due to a lack of physiological and/or morphological adaptation to drought, and respond to significant water deficit by a decline in health and eventual death.

Facultative phreatophytes can switch their water source from groundwater in times of drought to water in the soil surface profile in times of rain (Grierson 2010).

Vadophytes are that rely on moisture in the soil surface profile, and are independent of groundwater. They include species that are commonly associated with drainage lines and seasonal damplands.

GDE and presence of phreatophytic species cannot be directly correlated as some phreatophytic species are dependent on free water availability (i.e. wetland species), and do not access groundwater. Therefore only some phreatophytic species are indicative of groundwater dependence.

1.3.4 Flora

A total of 1,387 taxa are recorded for the Busselton Plain (Webb et al 2009). Of these, 1,132 (82%) are native taxa. The most diverse plant families are the Orchidaceae, Cyperaceae, , Myrtaceae, Asteraceae, Restionaceae, and Stylidiaceae. The Busselton Plain, with more than a third of the taxa of the Swan Coastal Plain bioregion, is clearly an area of species richness (Webb et al 2009). The high plant species richness for this portion of the Swan Coastal Plain is attributed to an increased rainfall and associated soil moisture.

1.3.5 Weeds

Of the 1,387 vascular plant taxa recorded for the Busselton Plain, 255 (18%) are weeds (Webb et al 2009). The incidence of weeds is an artifact of a long history of clearing with grass and fodder species introduced to support the main historic land use of cattle grazing.

Page | 9 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 There are 65 plants listed as declared pests under the BAM Act with over half of these recorded from the Swan Coastal Plain (Department for Agriculture and Food Western Australia 2013).

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2.1 Desktop Assessment

Database searches were conducted to identify listed ecological communities and flora species within, or in close proximity to, the survey area. These species and communities may be listed under the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 and/or the EPBC Act; Table 1.

Table 1: Database searches conducted.

Database Search focus Search area Protected Matters Search Tool (Department of MNES including both listed -33.65056 ;115.46167 Sustainability, Environment, Water, ecological communities and flora (with 10 km radius) Population and Communities (DSEWPaC) species. 2013a). Flora Data (Threatened and Priority Flora Database (TPFL), the WA Coordinate point location Herbarium database (WAHerb) and the Threatened and priority flora. 115°27' 42'' E,33°39' 02'' S Threatened and Priority Flora Species Search radius: 10km List for Western Australia (DEC 2013a). Coordinate point location Threatened Ecological Communities Threatened and priority ecological 115°27' 42'' E,33°39' 02'' S Database (DEC 2013b). communities. Search radius: 10km FloraBase (DEC 2013c). Advanced Flora collections including Wonnerup, Western Access. conservation listed flora species. Australia. Threatened and priority ecological 115°27' 42'' E,33°39' 02'' S; NatureMap (DEC 2013d). communities and conservation Radius 10 km. listed flora; all flora records.

2.2 Literature Review

Reports relevant to the survey area were reviewed for both a regional perspective and a local (site specific) perspective. The main contextual report for the survey area is:

• Webb, A, Keighery, BJ, Keighery, GJ, Longman, V 2009, The flora and vegetation of the Busselton Plain (Swan Coastal Plain): a report for the Department of Environment and Conservation as part of the Swan Bioplan Project. Dept. of Environment and Conservation, Perth, Western Australia. Cristal Mining provided flora and vegetation survey reports, which have been undertaken within the vicinity of the survey area. These reports were reviewed prior to the field survey and include:

• Onshore Environmental (2013) Flora and Vegetation Survey, Wonnerup South Road – Road Verge. Unpublished report to Cristal Mining Limited. • Ekologica (2012).Vegetation, Flora and Wetland Survey at the Wonnerup South Mineral Sands Deposit. Unpublished report to Cristal Mining Limited. • Onshore Environmental (2009) Flora and Vegetation Survey, Location 7 (Wonnerup). Unpublished report to Bemax resources Incorporating Cable Sands.

Page | 11 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 2.3 Field Survey

The field survey was undertaken in accordance with the requirements for a desktop and level 2 assessment outlined in the EPA Position Statement 3: Terrestrial Biological Surveys as an Element of Biodiversity Protection (2002), and EPA Guidance Statement No. 51: Terrestrial Flora and Vegetation Surveys for Environmental Impact Assessment in Western Australia (2004).

Information acquired during the desktop study assisted in the design of the field survey. Pre-survey planning involved the examination of 1: 5,000 scale colour aerial photography of the survey area. The number and location of sample sites were determined based on the following criteria:

• the inclusion of at least one, and where possible, a duplicate sample site in each of the mapped vegetation complexes • the inclusion of target areas that are prospective for listed ecological communities and flora species identified during the desktop study • the availability of reasonably intact remnant vegetation for the placement of quadrats. The first phase of the field survey was conducted over two days from 7-8 June 2013. The second, spring survey was undertaken over four days from 3-6 October 2013. Both surveys were undertaken by Astron Principal Botanist, Vanessa Clarke. Ms Clarke has over ten years’ experience in botany, primarily on the Swan Coastal Plain and Southwest; conducting flora and vegetation survey and identification both as a consultant, and as a former employee of State conservation departments. Ms Clarke holds the following licences for collection flora for scientific purposes, and rare flora:

• SL9822 Expiry 4 December 2013 • 17-1314 Expiry 31 July 2014. A total of sixteen 10 by 10 metre (m) quadrats and three relevés (also equating to 100 m2) were surveyed in areas of remnant vegetation within the survey area along with numerous mapping notes of habitat, vegetation condition and opportunistic recording and collections. The corners of each quadrat were aligned with the aid of an optical square and measuring tapes and each corner was marked with a galvanised steel fence dropper. An electronic Geographical Positioning System (GPS) was used to record coordinates to relocate the quadrats for the spring survey. The potential to use permanent quadrats was limited due to the degraded condition or linear nature of some roadside remnants or the parkland cleared remnant vegetation on the private properties.

Relevé quadrats were utilised during the survey in areas where the vegetation was too small or linear; and usually too degraded to support a 10 by 10 m quadrat. In addition, as areas were traversed, mapping notes were made on vegetation complex and condition as well as inventorying species that were not captured in the quadrat and relevé sites.

The following information was collected at each quadrat:

• Location – coordinates measured using a handheld GPS (MGA50, GDA94). • Recorder and date – a list of the personnel involved in sampling the quadrat and the survey date. • Species – all vascular plant species present including introduced and priority flora species. To ensure a thorough search, each quadrat was traversed systematically. Species that could not be identified in the field were collected for later identification at the Western Australian Herbarium.

Page | 12 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 • Per cent foliar cover – the percentage cover was estimated for each dominant stratum. • Vegetation description – vegetation was described according to Keighery (1994) based on the Muir (1977) and Aplin (1979) vegetation classification systems and National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) level 5: association level. At this level, up to three dominant genera for each of the upper, mid and ground strata are categorised based on dominant growth form, cover and height (Executive Steering Committee for Australian Vegetation Information 2003). • Vegetation condition – assessed according to the Vegetation Condition Classification of Government of Western Australia (2000) (Appendix A) including any disturbance such as fire, tracks or grazing impacts. • Habitat – a broad description of the surrounding landscape based on landform, topography and soil according to the descriptions outlined in Keighery (1994). • Photographs – a representative photograph was taken from the corner of each quadrat.

2.3.1 Targeted Survey

A list of conservation significant flora previously recorded within or adjacent to the survey area and within a 10 km radius of the survey area was compiled using the results of the literature review and database searches. The botanist familiarised herself with the identifying features of these species and their preferred habitat prior to the field visit.

A targeted survey for listed threatened and priority flora was conducted by walking systematic traverses throughout the survey area. Where a conservation significant flora species was potentially observed, a GPS coordinate and an estimate of the number of plants were recorded. Specimens of each conservation significant flora species were collected for verification at the Western Australian Herbarium.

2.3.2 Vegetation Description and Mapping

The vegetation of the survey area has previously been mapped at a broad scale into vegetation complexes (Mattiske and Havel 1998). Four A3 colour maps with aerial photography at 1: 5,000 scale with the vegetation complexes marked, were used in the field to ground truth and verify the mapping boundaries. The vegetation descriptions recorded at each quadrat or relevé were compared against the vegetation complex descriptions that had been applied to each polygon to verify mapping in the field. Mapping boundaries were changed on aerial photographs in the field where required.

An assessment of vegetation condition, using the scale provided in Bush Forever (Government of Western Australia 2000), was made at each quadrat, relevé and during field traverses. The vegetation condition scale is provided in Appendix A.

2.3.3 Floristic Analysis

A dataset of 509 quadrats across the southern Swan Coastal Plain (Gibson et al. 1994) is the standard for comparison for 10 by 10 m quadrats for the survey area location. The Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) was contacted to ascertain if any additional quadrat data was available but nothing additional was able to be provided.

Quadrats were grouped on the basis of species composition using the similarity of profile analysis (SIMPROF) in Primer v6 (Clarke and Gorley 2006). First, similarity between all pairs of quadrats was

Page | 13 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 calculated using Bray-Curtis similarity. Then, quadrats were grouped using a statistical classification methodology, and the permutation test was used to test statistical significance of groups. Similarity of the quadrats to the community types defined by Gibson et al. (1994) was examined by analysing the data from this project with subsets of data in the dataset. The first subset included data from 33°S to the southern-most quadrat at 33.8°S in all community types (104 quadrats). The second subset included data from 33°S to the southern-most quadrat in community types that are present in the vicinity of the project area (1b, 7, 10a, 10b, and 21b: 36 quadrats).

2.3.4 Specimen Identification

Plant specimens not able to be positively identified in the field were collected, given a unique collection number and pressed. Specimens were air-dried and identified by Astron botanist Vanessa Clarke at the Western Australian Herbarium. Assistance was provided by specialist taxonomists where potential conservation significant taxa were collected. For example, Andrew Brown (Senior Botanist and orchid expert, DPaW) was provided photographs and pressed specimens of orchids to confirm their tentative identifications. Consultant Botanist, Mr Frank Obbens assisted with some cryptic species and a suite of sedges. Nomenclature is consistent with the WA Herbarium.

Specimens were identified to the lowest possible classification (i.e. species, subspecies or variant) dependent on the availability of descriptive vegetative parts able to be collected. Given the timing of the survey, most plants were in flower but one Verticordia was sterile and unable to be identified (i.e. no flowering or fruiting material present). Subsequent collections were made from a range of Verticordia individuals growing within the north side of Ruabon Road during the months of December and January. All were the P3 Verticordia attenuata. One collection which has been submitted to the WA Herbarium due to its atypical features was tentatively named Lepyrodia aff. riparia.

Page | 14 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 3 Limitations

No limiting factors caused a significant impact on the delivery of the scope of works. During the first season (June 2013) the survey area boundary was reduced to exclude a property that could not be accessed at the time of survey, along with Ruabon Road reserve. Given that a spring survey of these areas was able to be undertaken, the bulk of the vascular plants of these areas were able to be identified and inventoried.

The EPA (2004) lists a number of possible limitations and constraints that may affect the adequacy of a vegetation and flora survey. These potential limitations have been addressed in relation to the current survey in Table 2.

Table 2: Limitations of this assessment.

Potential limitation Statement regarding potential limitations

(i) Sources of information and Contextual information is available from the Regional Forest availability of contextual information. Agreement (Department of Conservation and Land Management Is the region well documented? 1999) vegetation complex mapping for the Busselton area (Mattiske & Havel 1998). Two consultants’ reports to Cristal Mining were provided for review prior to field survey. In addition, ‘The Flora and Vegetation of the Busselton Plain’ report (Webb et al. 2009) provided a great deal of information relevant to the survey area. Contextual information is therefore not a limiting factor for this survey. (ii) Scope. There was adequate time to complete the first and second phases The level of survey and detail required of the level 2 survey; to install quadrats; relevés; make traverses to undertake the survey. Was there across the entire site and collect opportunistic records of flora adequate time to complete the survey throughout the survey area. Time was not considered a limiting to the desired standard? factor. (iii) Proportion of flora collected and Due to the timing of the survey, this first phase of survey (winter) identified. may have recorded only 50-60% of the total flora for the survey Was the survey sampling, timing and area. The second phase survey (spring) allowed for 80-90% of the intensity considered adequate? Was the total flora to be recorded. survey conducted at what was Taxonomic groups recorded within the survey area were typical considered an appropriate time of the of the Wonnerup area but lack the diversity of more intact year for plant collection? Were any remnant areas, such as the adjacent Ruabon Reserve. taxonomic groups considered to be The spring survey was undertaken following excellent seasonal under-represented? condition and a good suite of geophytes and ephemerals were recorded suggesting appropriate spring survey timing. (iv) Completeness. The flora and vegetation assessment undertaken during June is Is there further work which may be considered the first phase of a level 2 survey. The second phase required i.e. was the relevant area fully undertaken in spring (October) 2013 completes a dual season surveyed? survey.

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Potential limitation Statement regarding potential limitations

(v) Mapping reliability. Colour aerial photography at a scale of 1: 5,000 was used to assist Were the aerial photographs, satellite in navigation and delineation of vegetation boundaries. The aerial images and site maps available photographs were of good resolution and assisted with the considered adequate to fully understand rectification of the vegetation complex mapping. the area surveyed? Was the mapping The mapping was captured at a fine scale with all remnants generated considered to have a high traversed on foot. Some fine scale variation within vegetation degree of reliability? condition rating was not able to be captured accurately due to the fine mosaic of degrading processes within roadside remnant vegetation. (vi) Timing. The survey was undertaken during winter and spring 2013 and When was the survey conducted in therefore the number of plant species inventoried for the survey terms of season, rainfall, severe weather area is comprehensive. events etc? Was the survey conducted Two wetland areas adjacent to Ruabon Road and Bussell Highway at an appropriate time for access? intersection were inaccessible due to the amount of water in both winter and spring and therefore quadrats were placed adjacent to the wetland (capturing more of a transitional zone) than within the wetland itself. (vii) Disturbance. The flora and vegetation within the survey area has been Had the survey area been impacted by degraded across the entire area. However, some areas of any disturbance which may have limited roadside remnant remain relatively intact with some parts of the survey, i.e. fire, flood, accidental Ruabon Road (adjacent to Ruabon Reserve) maintaining excellent human intervention etc? condition. The degraded nature of the remnant vegetation present has limited the total number of expected species for remnant vegetation in this area. The private properties have been cleared and grazed over a long history and the vegetation remaining is largely ‘parkland cleared’ or completely degraded. (viii) Intensity. The intensity of the survey was considered adequate to compile a In retrospect, was the intensity representative species list, verify the previous vegetation considered to be adequate? mapping and complete both phases of the Level 2 survey. Intensity was not considered a limiting factor of the survey. (ix) Resources. Resources were adequate to complete the survey and all Were the appropriate tools and appropriate tools and materials required to complete the tasks materials available to complete the task were available. effectively? (x) Access. The entire survey area was able to be traversed on foot. Access Were there any factors limiting access to was not a limiting factor for the survey. the survey area? (xi) Experience. The botanist responsible for undertaking the first and second Were personnel undertaking the field surveys for the flora and vegetation assessment has over 10 survey and plant identification trained years’ experience in conducting level 2 and conservation and/or experienced in undertaking the significant species targeted surveys. The botanist has extensive required tasks? Swan Coastal Plain and Southwest experience; and is familiar with the flora of the region and with plant specimen identification. Where new or difficult taxa were found, assistance from the WA Herbarium, DPaW staff and a consultant Botanist was sought and provided. Experience was not a limiting factor.

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4.1 Desktop Assessment

4.1.1 Flora

Twenty-five plant taxa declared as rare flora under the state Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 are located within a 10 km radius of the survey area. All of these species are also listed as threatened under the Commonwealth EPBC Act. In addition, two priority one taxa, five priority two, 10 priority three and 11 priority four taxa are also found within the same radius. These taxa are listed according to state level of threat in Appendix C.

It should be noted however, that many of these conservation listed taxa are restricted to particular habitats or soils and landforms not found within the survey area (i.e. Whicher Scarp and Busselton ironstone habitats) and are therefore not likely to occur within the survey area.

Within the actual survey area boundary there are past records of two threatened and three priority flora taxa (Figure 3). However these are reasonably old records and the coordinate information does not match the described location (Table 3). These taxa were searched for but were not located within the survey area: Grevillea elongata, Hakea oldfieldii, Schoenus pennisetis and subsp. argillacea.

Table 3 Conservation significant taxa incorrectly noted for the survey area.

Conservation Taxon Coordinate Location description code 33° 39′ S 115° 33′ E Westralian Sands land, corner Tompsett Road Banksia squarrosa (GDA94); 33° 39′ T and Wonnerup-Tutunup Roads, Whicher Range. subsp. argillacea 50.0″ S 115° 31′ Collection from 1988; Wonnerup-Tutunup Road 0.0″ E (GDA94) 33° 39′ S 115° 28′ E Abba River, Busselton District. Collection from Grevillea elongata T (GDA94) 1950. Schoenus 33° 38′ 42.0″ S 115° 5 km from Ruabon, on Wonnerup road. P1 pennisetis 27′ 40.0″ E (GDA94) Collected in 1987. 33° 39′ S 115° 30′ E Ruabon, Busselton District. Collection from Hakea oldfieldii P3 (GDA94) 1953. Eucalyptus rudis 33° 39′ S 115° 27′ E 6.4 km along Wonnerup road from Wonnerup S P4 subsp. cratyantha (GDA94) road, E of Busselton. Collected in 1987. Three botanical reports (Ekologica 2012; and Onshore Environmental Consultants 2013 and 2009) supplied by Cristal Mining, were reviewed during the desktop assessment. Only one conservation significant taxon was recorded in these reports, namely Chamelaucium sp. C Coastal Plain (R.D. Royce 4872) recorded by Onshore Environmental Consultants (2013).

4.1.2 Vegetation

Vegetation complex mapping of the Swan Coastal Plain was originally undertaken at a scale of 1: 250,000 (Heddle et al 1980). Of the identified 29 vegetation complexes; five vegetation complexes have been mapped across the survey area (Mattiske and Havel 1998) and each of these units is described with the more recent assessment of reservation and pre-European status (Havel and Mattiske 2002):

Page | 17 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 AB (Abba) – located on the flats and low rises of the Abba Plains (hence its name), south of Bunbury, which have been largely cleared for agriculture. This vegetation complex is dominated by woodland and open forest of marri (Corymbia calophylla). There are very limited options for improving conservation through repurchase or covenants on private property and some options for catchment management strategies.

Reservation: 0%

Pre-European area remaining: 2%

AF (Abba) – located on the terraces and valley floors of the low undulating Abba Plains, south of Bunbury, which have been largely cleared for agriculture. This vegetation complex is dominated by woodland of marri (Corymbia calophylla) – peppermint (Agonis flexuosa) and a tall shrubland of Myrtaceae – Proteaceae species. There are virtually no options for improving conservation, as few areas (8 hectares) remain uncleared.

Reservation: 0%

Pre-European area remaining: 0% (8 hectares of 1,901 hectares remain)

Ad (Abba) – located on the mild slopes of the low undulating Abba Plains, south of Bunbury, which have been largely cleared for agriculture. This vegetation complex is dominated by woodland of marri (Corymbia calophylla) – peppermint (Agonis flexuosa) – sheoak (Allocasuarina fraseriana) – Christmas tree (Nuytsia floribunda). There are limited options for improving conservation through repurchase or covenants on private property and some options for catchment management strategies.

Reservation: 0%

Pre-European area remaining: 14%

Aw (Abba) – located on the broad depressions of the low undulating Abba Plains, south of Bunbury, which have been largely cleared for agriculture. This vegetation complex is dominated by tall shrubland of Melaleuca viminea and woodland of flooded gum and paperbark (Eucalyptus rudis – Melaleuca rhaphiophylla) with the occasional marri (Corymbia calophylla). There are limited options for improving conservation, as few areas (140 hectares) remain uncleared.

Reservation: 0%

Pre-European area remaining: 2% (140 hectares of 9,111 hectares remain)

Lw (Ludlow) – located on the fringes of the Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) area, near Ludlow. The vegetation complex is dominated by an open woodland of paperbark (Melaleuca rhaphiophylla) and sedgelands of Cyperaceae and Restionaceae species on broad depressions. The Ludlow complex has been cleared and modified by agricultural activities. Consequently, only limited opportunities exist to protect some of the values on private land and through catchment management strategies.

Reservation: Lw - 0%

Pre-European area remaining: Lw - 0%

Page | 18 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 Threatened and Priority Ecological Communities

Records of threatened and/or priority ecological communities (TEC/PECs) within a 10 km radius of the survey area (Appendix D), include (DPaW 2013 b and c):

• Busselton Yate Community - described as Eucalyptus cornuta, Agonis flexuosa and Eucalyptus decipiens forest on deep yellow-brown siliceous sands over limestone. Not present in survey area vicinity. State-listed as Priority (P) 1 PEC; not EPBC Act listed. • Swan Coastal Plain (SCP) 1b – Southern Eucalyptus (Corymbia) calophylla woodlands on heavy soils of the southern Swan Coastal Plain; State-listed as TEC Vulnerable (B); not listed under EPBC Act. SCP10a – Shrublands on dry clay flats; State-listed as TEC Endangered (B ii) at state level; EPBC Act-listed as Critically Endangered. • SCP10b – Shrublands on southern Swan Coastal Plain Ironstones (Busselton area); State- listed as TEC Critically endangered (B) ii); EPBC Act-listed as Endangered. • SCP21b – Southern woodlands - this community is restricted to sand sheets at the base of the Whicher Scarp, the sand sheets on elevated ridges or the sand plain south of Bunbury. Structurally, this community type is normally Banksia attenuata or Eucalyptus marginata – B. attenuata woodlands. Common taxa include Acacia extensa, Jacksonia sp. Busselton, Laxmannia sessiliflora, Lysinema ciliatum and Johnsonia acaulis; listed as P3 (i) PEC at state level; not EPBC Act listed. Only TEC 1b and 10a, and PEC 21b are within the vicinity of the survey area and their locations are presented in Figure 3.

Page | 19 356000 358000 360000 AB Tuart Forest National Park Ad


Lw Aw AB Ludlow State Forest Ad Ruabon Townsite Nature Reserve

Ad AB SCP21b Schoenus pennisetis Ad SCP1b Ad SCP10a Lw 6276000 Aw Aw

Eucalyptus rudis subsp. cratyantha Hakea oldfieldii

Grevillea elongata AB Banksia squarrosa subsp. argillacea

Legend Aw Project Boundary AB AF Environmentally Sensitive Areas Ad DPaW Managed Lands Conservation Significant Communities Conservation Significant Flora AB Priority 1 AB Priority 2 AB AB Aw Priority 3 Priority 4

6274000 Aw Threatened

Chamelaucium sp. Yoongarillup (G.J. Keighery 3635) Vegetation Complex (Mattiske Havel 1998) AB Ad Aw AF Aw Ad Aw AB LW Lw AB AB AB

Cristal Mining Pty Ltd Datum: GDA 1994 Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project Flora and Vegetation Assessment Projection: MGA Zone 50 Metres Figure 4: Vegetation complexes, ESA, TECs/PECs and conservation significant flora recorded for the survey area (DEC 2013 a & b) 0 250 500 750 1,000 Author: V. Clarke Drawn: H. Thornton Date: 07-11-2013 21097-13-GDR-1RevA_131107_Fig4 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

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Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 4.2 Field Survey

4.2.1 Flora

Two hundred and one vascular flora species representing 130 genera and 49 plant families were recorded during the spring survey (compared to 70 taxa recorded during winter). The majority of the flora was able to be fully determined, excluding a few collections which were in early flower (particularly Thelymitra species; or summer flowering species such as Verticordia). The Vertcordias were later re-sampled during December 2013 and January 2014 so that full identifications could be made.

A comprehensive species list is presented in Appendix E. The Myrtaceae plant family (paperbarks, eucalypts, etc) was the most species rich with 25 taxa represented, closely followed by the pea family (Fabaceae) at 24, Orchidaceae (orchids) at 16 taxa and Cyperaceae (cypers/sedges) at 14 taxa. A list of all vascular flora species recorded at each quadrat (site data) is presented in Appendix F. A site by species matrix is presented in Appendix G. Conservation significant flora

One threatened flora, Chamelaucium sp. C Coastal Plain (R.D. Royce 4872), was collected from Wonnerup South Road adjacent to the Abba River crossing in the location where it was previously recorded by Onshore Environmental Consultants (2013). A specimen was taken, along with a population census and has been submitted to DPaW and to the WA Herbarium; the relevant information and Threatened Flora Report Form is provided in Appendix H. This taxon is also listed as vulnerable under the Commonwealth EPBC Act.

Four priority flora were recorded. These were recorded within the Ruabon Road verges and the remnant on the Ruabon Road farmland; the locations are provided in Figure 4 and in Table 4. Copies of the report forms to DPaW are provided in Appendix H. The specimens will be submitted to the WA Herbarium as a condition of the flora collecting licence issued by DPaW.

Table 4 Priority flora recorded within the survey area.

Conservation Taxon Count Location code subsp. Ruabon Road north side; within Quadrat P3 3 plants dasylepis 17 and within vicinity. Jacksonia gracillima P3 1 plant Ruabon Road south side; Quadrat 15. Ruabon Road north side; within vicinity of Verticordia attenuata P3 2 plants Quadrat 17. Private property on Ruabon Road within Tripterococcus paniculatus P4 ~4 plants quadrats 12 and 13. In addition, the WA Herbarium has asked for one collection which was not able to be fully determined, to be lodged; Lepyrodia aff. riparia. This collection had affinity with the species L. riparia but its seeds did not match the collection. This genus is often poorly collected and the material will be useful to the Herbarium when a revision of the genus is undertaken.

4.2.2 Vegetation

The vegetation recorded in the survey area was generally consistent with the vegetation complexes mapped previously by Mattiske and Havel (1998). However, the boundaries and complexes were rectified to reflect what was present at each of the remnants assessed during the field survey. The

Page | 21 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 original vegetation complex mapping, overlaid with the current survey boundaries and identified units are presented in Figure 4. Full site vegetation descriptions with photographs are provided in Appendix F.

The vegetation complexes previously mapped (at a scale of 1: 50,000) are compared against the results of this survey (at a scale of 1: 5,000) in Table 5. Conservation significant vegetation

The areas of native vegetation remaining within the farmland areas of the survey area, although mapped as Abba complex in previous mapping, are generally parkland cleared/completely degraded. They have little or no conservation value as representatives of Abba vegetation complexes.

The areas of relatively intact vegetation along Ruabon and Wonnerup South Roads are representative of Abba vegetation complexes which are poorly reserved and with little extent remaining. All areas of native vegetation remaining on the Busselton Plain represent regionally significant natural areas meeting the ‘representation of ecological communities’ criteria (EPA 2006).

The eighteen quadrats installed in the survey area were analysed against the Swan Coastal Plain dataset (Gibson et al 1994), provided by DPaW’s Species and Communities Branch. All the quadrats were analysed against the full Swan Coastal Plain dataset initially. This resulted in quadrat WN17 (wetland) being distinct from all other quadrats sampled by Astron. The quadrats along Ruabon Road (WN12,13,14,15,16) clustered as similar and the remaining quadrats (all of which were in degraded condition and very species poor)(WN1,2, 3,4,5,6,7, 8, 9,10,11,18) clustered together.

A subset of Floristic Community Types (FCTs) found in the vicinity of the survey area (Gibson et al 1994) were then analysed as a subset (FCT 1b, 7, 10 a, 10b, 21b) to compare comparison of similarity against the quadrats sampled by Astron. The wetland quadrat (WN17) on the north side of Ruabon Road was similar to FCTs 10a and 10b due to the presence of a suite of small annual sedges and ephemeral species. The woodland quadrats from Ruabon Road (WN12, 13, 14, 15, and 16) were most similar to FCT 21b and 1b, due to the presence of jarrah, marri and banksia overstorey and a diversity of woodland understorey species. The remainder of the quadrats sampled by Astron, which clustered together as being similar (which all consisted of degraded vegetation) did not align very well with FCTs of the local area, which is not surprising given the lack of native species in the quadrats sampled by Astron.

Appendix I1 and I2 contain the results of the floristic analyses.

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Table 5: Vegetation complex comparison for the survey area.

Astron (2013) Mattiske and rectified Area in Area in Area in Area in Area in Havel (1998)* extent completely Vegetation complex Mattiske and Havel (1998) excellent very good good degraded vegetation (hectare) degraded condition* condition* condition condition* complexes over survey condition* area AB (Abba) – located on the flats and low rises of the Abba Plains, dominated by woodland and open forest of marri (Corymbia calophylla).


363.32 17.73 0 0 0.820 9.52 7.39


Page | 23 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Astron (2013) Mattiske and rectified Area in Area in Area in Area in Area in Havel (1998)* extent completely Vegetation complex Mattiske and Havel (1998) excellent very good good degraded vegetation (hectare) degraded condition* condition* condition condition* complexes over survey condition* area AF (Abba) – located on the terraces and valley floors of the low undulating Abba Plains, dominated by woodland of marri (Corymbia calophylla) – peppermint (Agonis flexuosa) and a tall shrubland of Myrtaceae – Proteaceae species.

63.45 2.37 0 0 0 0 2.37 Degraded; no intact example

Page | 24 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Astron (2013) Mattiske and rectified Area in Area in Area in Area in Area in Havel (1998)* extent completely Vegetation complex Mattiske and Havel (1998) excellent very good good degraded vegetation (hectare) degraded condition* condition* condition condition* complexes over survey condition* area Ad (Abba) – located on the mild slopes of the low undulating Abba Plains, dominated by woodland of marri (Corymbia calophylla) – peppermint (Agonis flexuosa) – sheoak (Allocasuarina fraseriana) – Christmas tree (Nuytsia floribunda).


74.69 26.21 4.32 1.89 2.90 1.61 15.49


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Astron (2013) Mattiske and rectified Area in Area in Area in Area in Area in Havel (1998)* extent completely Vegetation complex Mattiske and Havel (1998) excellent very good good degraded vegetation (hectare) degraded condition* condition* condition condition* complexes over survey condition* area Aw (Abba) – located on the broad depressions of the low undulating Abba Plains, dominated by tall shrubland of Melaleuca viminea and woodland of flooded gum and paperbark (Eucalyptus rudis – Melaleuca rhaphiophylla) with the occasional marri (Corymbia calophylla).


88.29 34.05 1.95 0.08 0.22 30.72 1.08


Page | 26 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Astron (2013) Mattiske and rectified Area in Area in Area in Area in Area in Havel (1998)* extent completely Vegetation complex Mattiske and Havel (1998) excellent very good good degraded vegetation (hectare) degraded condition* condition* condition condition* complexes over survey condition* area Lw (Ludlow) – located on the fringes of the RFA area, near Ludlow. The complex is dominated by an open woodland of paperbark (Melaleuca rhaphiophylla) and sedgelands of Cyperaceae and Restionaceae species on broad depressions.


1.13 1.91 0 0.71 0.04 0 1.16


*Area in ha; areas within a range of condition (eg. Good to Very Good) were assigned to the higher mapped value.

Page | 27 356000 358000 360000 Ad Legend Isopogon formosus subsp. Dasylepis Ad Verticordia attenuata Project Boundary LwLwAw WN17 Jacksonia gracillima WN18 Trip 1 Quadrat Locations WN16 WN15 WN14 Trip 2 Quadrat LocationsLW Tripterococcus WN13 paniculatus Aw Conservation Significant Flora Tripterococcus Ad paniculatus Priority 3 Lw Aw Ad Priority 4 Pt DRF Pt Pt Pt


AB Ad Ad Aw Lw WN09 6276000 Pt Pt Aw Pt Ad AF WN11 Pt AF Pt AB Pt Pt Planted Pt AB

WN06 Aw Chamelaucium sp. WN05 AF Pt C Coastal Plain Pt Pt Aw Aw AB Aw WN03 WN04 AB WN02 WN01 Pt Pt AB WN08 WN07 Pt LwLw Ad

Pt Pt AB Pt Pt AB AB Aw AB Vegetation Mapping Astron (2013) Mattiske HavelAw (1998) AB - Woodland dominated by marri (Corymbia calophylla) on flats and low rises. 6274000 AB AF - Woodland dominated by marri (Corymbia calophylla) and peppermint (Agonis flexuosa) on the terraces and valley floors of the low undulating Abba Plains.

AF Ad - Woodland dominated by marri (Corymbia calophylla), peppermint (Agonis flexuosa), sheoak (Allocasuarina fraseriana) and Christmas tree (Nuytsia floribunda) on the mild slopes of the low undulating Abba Plains. Ad Ad Aw - Dominated by tall shrubland of Melaleuca viminea and woodland of flooded gum and paperbark (Eucalyptus rudis,Melaleuca rhaphiophylla) with the occasional marri (Corymbia calophylla) located on the broad depressions of the Aw Lw - Dominated by an open woodland of Paperbark (Melaleuca rhaphiophylla) and sedgelands of Cyperaceae and Restionaceae species on broad depressions. Aw LW Planted - Planted (non-native) vegetation Lw AB Pt - Paddock Trees AB

Cristal Mining Pty Ltd Datum: GDA 1994 Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project Flora and Vegetation Assessment Projection: MGA Zone 50 Metres Figure 5: Vegetation mapping, quadrat locations and 2013 conservation significant flora locations for the survey area 0 200 400 600 800 Author: V. Clarke Drawn: H. Thornton Date: 02-12-2013 21097-13-GDR-1RevA_131202_Fig5 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 Groundwater Dependent Vegetation in the Survey Area

Within the survey area there are no high value-GDEs identified such as caves, Reedia swamps, nor habitat for significant fauna, such as the orange-bellied and whitebellied frogs (Geocrinia vitellina and G. alba), which are listed as ‘vulnerable’ under the EPBC Act. However, according to the compiled list of southwest flora rated for their ecohydrological tolerance/dependence (Boggs and Froend 2010) a number of species recorded are rated as being in one of the four classes:

1. tree and shrub species tolerant of excessive wetness 2. tree and shrub species optimum on moist sites but intolerant of extremes 3. wide tolerances with maximum development on dry sites 4. without clear-cut site preferences. The comprehensive list denotes those taxa recorded during the survey (Appendix B).

4.2.3 Vegetation Condition

Vegetation condition was assessed using the vegetation condition scale provided in Bush Forever (Government of Western Australia 2000). In small and linear remnants, vegetation condition is often a fine mosaic of condition, and Ruabon Road was a good example where vegetation condition could quickly transition from ‘excellent’ to ‘degraded’ or ‘completely degraded’ and back again over a 20 m walk. Small patches of historic disturbance exist within a matrix of reasonably intact remnant vegetation.

The vegetation within the private properties, including the Abba River has been primarily parkland cleared and used for cattle grazing over a long period of time. The condition is predominantly ‘completely degraded’ according to the Bush Forever scale (Government of Western Australia 2000). In addition, the private properties include a number of individual trees remaining in the paddocks, which are described as ‘paddock trees’ and not given a condition rating as they are not considered to constitute ‘remnant vegetation’. Some paddock trees are planted eucalypt species from eastern Australia.

Some very limited areas of remnant within the private property on Wonnerup South Road has been fenced off from stock and have been less degraded; these small areas (<1 ha) were assessed as being in ‘good to degraded’ condition.

The remnant vegetation along Wonnerup South Road is a fine mosaic of relatively intact remnant in good to degraded condition; to completely degraded (cleared). The intact areas are still degraded to some extent with high weed invasion but there remains a suite of representative taxa typical of the mapped vegetation complex. Vegetation condition mapping is presented in Figure 5.

4.2.4 Weeds

Thirty-eight weeds were recorded during the field survey. Four of these are declared pest plant species under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007: bridal creeper (*Asparagus asparagoides), narrowleaf cotton bush (*Gomphocarpus fruticosus), apple of Sodom (*Solanum linnaeanum), and arum lily (*Zantedeschia aethiopica). Generally, areas that remained intact had low weed densities and occurrence but areas that were on the grazed private properties or were historically cleared or degraded, had a variety of weeds that had the potential to further degrade those areas (where native vegetation remained).

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355000 355500 356000 356500 357000 357500 358000 358500 359000 359500

Legend 6277500 D Project Boundary VG Vegetation Condition CD E G G CD G - VG E - Excellent D VG VG - Very Good VG VG - G E CD G VG - G - Very Good to Good D D - G CD G G - VG - Good to Very Good CD D - CD G - Good 6277000 CD D - G - Degraded to Good G CD D - Degraded D - CD - Degraded to Completely Degraded D Pt CD - Completely Degraded

Pt Pt Pt Pt - Paddock Trees Pv - Planted 6276500


D - G CD

6276000 D Pt Pt D - G Pt CD

D Pt Pt Pt CD D - G Pv Pv Pt G

6275500 D D

D - G CD Pt

D Pt Pt D 6275000 D - CD Pt Pt D Pt


Pt Pt 6274500


Cristal Mining Pty Ltd Datum: GDA 1994 Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project Flora and Vegetation Assessment Projection: MGA Zone 50 Metres Figure 6: Vegetation Condition Mapping 0 150 300 450 600 Author: V. Clarke Drawn: H. Thornton Date: 02-12-2013 21097-13-GDR-1RevA_131202_Fig6 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

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Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 5 Evaluation of Potential Impacts

5.1 Vegetation Clearing

The area of proposed surface disturbance is predominately within cleared exotic pasture (87.5% or 454.5 ha). The remaining 12.5% of the proposed surface disturbance area is comprised of remnant vegetation (9.2 % or 45 ha), scattered/clumped paddock trees (3% or 16 ha) and non-native planted vegetation (0.3 % or 2 ha) (Figure 5). Table 6 presents the approximate amount and percentage of each of vegetation mapped unit that would be cleared as part of the project. The clearing would be progressive and staged over the mine life (in the order of 8 years).

The majority of the woodland/forest vegetation that would be cleared is fragmented and degraded due to agricultural land use. The main areas of woodland vegetation that would be cleared for the project are as follows (Figure 5):

• the woodland patch (Ad [Abba]) in the northern extent of the project mining area (approximately 18.5 ha) • the woodland patch (AB [Abba]) in the south-western extent of the project mining area (approximately 5.8 ha would be impacted of the 8 ha patch) • the tall shrubland and woodland (Aw [Abba]) fringing the Abba River (approximately 9.5 ha) • the woodland and open woodland along Ruabon Road (approximately 0.5 ha). As described in Section, all areas of native vegetation remaining on the Busselton Plain are deemed to be ‘regionally significant natural areas’ according to the criteria outlined in the Level of Assessment for Proposals Affecting Natural Areas within the System 6 Region and Swan Coastal Plan Portion of the System 1 Region (EPA 2006). As outlined in Table 6, the area remaining of the pre- European extent of the vegetation complexes is critically low (i.e. less than 14% for Ad [Abba] and less than 2% for other vegetation complexes). None of the vegetation complexes are known to be represented in existing conservation reserves (Havel and Mattiske 2002; Table 6).

The understorey condition and floristic composition of the vegetation communities within the agricultural land is degraded to the degree that the vegetation patches mapped as ‘degraded’, ‘degraded to completely degraded’ or ‘completely degraded’ (Figure 6) are considered to have little or no conservation value as representatives of Abba vegetation complexes. The proposed clearing of the vegetation in ‘degraded’, ‘degraded to completely degraded’ or ‘completely degraded’ condition is considered to have a low impact on the regional conservation of the vegetation complexes. A portion of the remnant in the north of the project mining area is recognised as ‘degraded to good’ condition and a priority plant, Tripterococcus paniculatus P4, was recorded in this remnant.

The tall shrubland and woodland fringing the Abba River (although degraded) provides an ecosystem function by stabilising the banks of the Abba River. However, the clearing impacts on the riparian vegetation have been mitigated by reducing vegetation clearing (Aw [Abba] 9.5 ha – Table 6) and restoration of the riparian vegetation is proposed (Sections 6.1.1 and 6.1.4). In addition, the river crossings would be constructed as a box culvert or spiral pipe design to maintain flows in the Abba River.

Patches of vegetation which are in ‘degraded to good’ condition or better (Figure 6) are of greater conservation value. Relatively intact vegetation occurs in the project area within the road reserve along Ruabon Road and three priority plants were recorded in the road reserve (Section 5.7). Up to two individuals of Jacksonia gracillima P3 may potentially be impacted through vegetation clearing proposed within the road reserve. An additional, potentially undescribed species (Lepyrodia aff.

Page | 31 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 riparia) was collected from close proximity to the south side of Ruabon Road and has been submitted to the WA Herbarium due to its atypical features. Of the three individuals noted within the project area; two are likely to be cleared through the clearing associated with the proposed widening of Ruabon Road.

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Table 6 Approximate vegetation areas to be cleared by the project.

Information on extent (Havel and Percentage Mattiske, 2002) Assessment of Approximate of total Condition Proportion of potential impacts Vegetation 1 Pre-European area (ha) project (Figure 6) the complex on vegetation area area within existing complexes remaining (%) reserves (%) AB (Abba) – located on the flats and low rises of the Abba Plains, 14 3.0 Degraded to 2 0 Low; potential for dominated by woodland and open forest of Marri (Corymbia completely impacts from calophylla). degraded direct clearing AF (Abba) – located on the terraces and valley floors of the low 2.5 0.5 Completely >1% 0 Low; potential for undulating Abba Plains, dominated by woodland of Marri degraded (8 ha of 1,901 impacts from (Corymbia calophylla) – Peppermint (Agonis flexuosa) and a tall ha remain) direct clearing shrubland of Myrtaceae – Proteaceae species. Ad (Abba) – located on the mild slopes of the low undulating Abba 18 3.5 Excellent to 14 0 Low; potential for Plains, dominated by woodland of Marri (Corymbia calophylla) – completely impacts from Peppermint (Agonis flexuosa) – sheoak (Allocasuarina fraseriana) degraded direct clearing – WA Christmas tree (Nuytsia floribunda). Aw (Abba) – located on the broad depressions of the low 9.5 2 Degraded to 2% 0 Low; potential for undulating Abba Plains, dominated by tall shrubland of Melaleuca completely (140 ha of impacts from viminea and woodland of flooded gum and paperbark (Eucalyptus degraded 9,111 ha direct clearing rudis – Melaleuca rhaphiophylla) with the occasional Marri remain) (Corymbia calophylla). Lw (Ludlow) – located on the fringes of the RFA area, near Ludlow. 1 0.2 Very good 0 0 Low; potential for The vegetation complex is dominated by an open woodland of impacts from paperbark (Melaleuca rhaphiophylla) and sedgelands of direct clearing Cyperaceae and Restionaceae species on broad depressions. SUBTOTAL 45 9.2 Paddock Trees 16 3.0 Non-native planted vegetation 2.0 0.3 Cleared Pasture 454.5 87.5

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Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 Ruabon Road is proposed to be widened by up to a maximum of 3.2 m (or approximately 1.6 m either side on average) to provide the main access to the Project and to accommodate increased traffic generated by the high mineral concentrate haulage. Some tree trimming may be required for line of sight along Ruabon Road (between Bussell Highway and the entrance to M70/360).

The intersection between Ruabon Road and the Bussell Highway and the entrance to M70/360 would also be upgraded in accordance with the City of Busselton and Main Roads Western Australia requirements. The intersection upgrade would require some minor disturbance to dampland areas that exist near the Bussell Highway intersection (mapped as Lw [Ludlow] – Figure 5), some of which is ‘completely degraded’ with parts remaining in relatively ‘good’ to ‘very good’ condition away from the existing road and not likely to be impacted by the proposed clearing.

In total, the planned road works would require disturbance to approximately 0.5 ha of vegetation immediately adjacent to the existing Ruabon Road. The impacts of the road widening are considered to be minimal as a linkage of continuous vegetation would be retained in the road reserve along Ruabon Road. Also, where possible, this clearing would occur on the southern side of Ruabon Road, which has generally been mapped as being more degraded than the northern side of the road (immediately adjacent to the existing road).

No TECs or PECs have been mapped within the project area and none would be adversely impacted by the proposed clearing. The nearest TECs/PECs are associated with the Ruabon Townsite Nature Reserve which is located over 2 km north-east of the mining tenement boundary.

Cristal Mining commits to avoid or mitigate impacts from vegetation clearing as described in Section 6. It would be possible to compensate for the residual impacts by providing an offset strategy which specifically benefits the vegetation complexes that would be impacted by the project.

5.2 Potential Impacts Associated with Groundwater Drawdown

The Atlas of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (BoM 2014) indicates the potential occurrence of groundwater dependent ecosystems in the locality. RPS (2014a) has undertaken a groundwater impact assessment for the project. RPS (2014a) describes how a perched superficial aquifer occurs across the site and is typically up to 3.5 m below ground level.

The botanical assessments recorded a number of species across the project area which are known to occur on moist sites (Section It is considered that some of the existing vegetation in the surrounding the project area is likely to be at least partially groundwater dependent, in particular the:

• the tall shrubland and woodland (Aw [Abba]) fringing the Abba River • vegetation growing in association with wetlands or seasonal damplands (mapped as Lw (Abba) (Figure 5)) • the woodland patch (AB (Abba)) in the south-western extent of the project mining area (approximately 5.8 ha would be impacted of the 8 ha patch) • the wetland vegetation on the north and south along Ruabon Road near the Bussell Highway intersection (approximately 0.5 ha). Abstraction of groundwater would occur to enable mining resulting in a localised groundwater drawdown effect. RPS (2014a) describe that groundwater drawdown on the superficial aquifer would be localised (e.g. a drawdown of 1 m not predicted to extend more than 100 m past the mining tenement boundaries) and temporary in duration (the drawdown would occur when mining is taking place in a particular area, but would rapidly diminish once mining progresses to the next area).

Page | 34 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 Placement of saturated sand residues behind the active mining area would result in localised groundwater mounding. RPS (2014a) describe that a maximum water level increase of 3.5 m is predicted in the immediate pit area, with an increase in water level of 1 m not predicted to extend more than 50 m past the mining tenement boundaries. The predicted mounding effects would also be temporary, with groundwater levels generally expected to recede back to the pre-mining range within six to twelve months of any particular area being mined.

Potential local and temporary impacts on groundwater dependant vegetation (i.e. a decline in tree health) may occur as a result of drawdown or raising of the superficial aquifer. Trees within the mining tenement and within 100 m of their boundaries could potentially be affected, particularly when groundwater drawdown occurs during the dry times of the year (summer). In order to minimise these effects, Cristal Mining has committed to the mitigation measures described in Section 6. In the event that the monitoring indicates that the condition of the adjoining remnant vegetation is adversely affected, or is likely to be if no action is taken, Cristal would implement appropriate mitigation strategies or contingency measures. These may include use of water-filled trenches or spears to locally raise groundwater levels near the vegetation.

RPS (2014a) state that there would be nil to negligible groundwater drawdown extending to the Ludlow State Forest (greater than 625 m past the mining tenement boundary), Tuart Forest National Park (greater than 875 m past the mining tenement boundary) and Vasse-Wonnerup System Ramsar Site (greater than 1,750 m past the mining tenement boundary). Given there would be nil to negligible groundwater drawdown extending to these reserves, no groundwater dependent ecosystems in these areas would potentially be impacted.

5.3 Alteration of Hydrology and Potential Impacts on Vegetation

Potential impacts to the Abba River catchment area during operations may occur. However once the site is rehabilitated the final land surface would be the same or very similar to the pre-mining topography (RPS, 2014b) and the pre-mining catchment area would be re-instated. The potential hydrological impacts on vegetation from the reduction in the catchment area during mining would be minimal given the seasonal nature of flows within the Abba River.

As described, the mining area has been designed to largely stand-off the Abba River (and associated riparian Aw (Abba) vegetation). However, three internal haul/access road crossings of the Abba River would be constructed during the mine life. These would be designed to minimise disturbance and maintain flows in the Abba River. The river crossings would be constructed as a box culvert or spiral pipe design, and would be constructed during periods of no flow in the Abba River.

RPS (2014b) indicates that there may be times when there is excess water which will need to be managed. In these events, Cristal Mining would dispose of water through controlled release into the Abba River (i.e. as is the case at the existing Wonnerup Mineral Sands Mine). Cristal Mining commits to only releasing water that is consistent with, or better than, the upstream water quality to ensure minimisation of adverse impacts on vegetation are likely to occur from the controlled release.

5.4 Weeds

The project area is already highly impacted by weed species; including the degraded areas of remnant vegetation. Weed invasion is considered unlikely to be a significant factor for the Project. Cristal Mining commits to managing weeds as described in Section 6.

5.5 Bushfire Risk

Accidental bushfires can potentially start in a variety of ways if not appropriately managed (e.g. from machinery or vehicles). However, the land surrounding the project area is predominantly cleared

Page | 35 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 (excluding Ruabon Road) reducing the likelihood of bushfires. Cristal Mining commits to managing bushfire risk as described in Section 6.

5.6 Dust

Vegetation clearing and vehicle movements for the project would result in an increase in airborne particulate matter. Dust that settles on plants could potentially inhibit photosynthesis of the leaves, leading to a decrease in vigour. Cristal commits to managing dust as described in Section 6.

5.7 Conservation Significant Flora

Potential impacts on conservation significant flora are assessed in Table 7.

Three of the four priority species recorded, Isopogon formosus subsp. dasylepis (P3), Jacksonia gracillima (P3) and Verticordia attenuata (P3), were found along Ruabon Road. As described in Section 5.1, Ruabon Road would be widened by up to a maximum of 3.2 m (or approximately 1.6 m either side on average) and approximately 0.5 ha of native vegetation would be cleared.

The project would not significantly adversely affect the conservation status of any conservation significant flora as described in Table 7.

Table 7 Potential impacts on conservation significant flora.

Information on extent Species Potential impacts (DEC 2013c) Threatened Flora This species was recorded along Wonnerup South Road by Chamelaucium sp. C Restricted to the Onshore Environmental Consultants (2013) and during this Coastal Plain Busselton area; known study (Figure 4). This species is unlikely to be impacted by (Vulnerable under from approximately 10 the project as the project does not involve any disturbance the EPBC Act) locations. to the vegetation within the Wonnerup South Road reserve. Priority Flora There are approximately This species was recorded in the road reserve along 20 populations of this Ruabon Road, outside of the area proposed to be cleared species from Capel to for the widening of the road. The location where this Isopogon formosus Busselton, to Margaret species was recorded is not likely to be adversely impacted subsp. dasylepis River; including on by the Project and even if individuals of the species were (P3) conservation estate to occur in the area to be cleared, the conservation status (National Park and nature of this taxon would not be significantly affected by the reserves). proposed activities. Populations of this This species was recorded in the road reserve along species occur from Perth Ruabon Road. The widening of Ruabon Road may require to Dunsborough; Jacksonia gracillima taking of two individuals. However, the conservation including locations at a (P3) status of this taxon would not be significantly affected by number of conservation the loss of two individuals within the survey area, given reserves; often locally the significant distribution of this taxon. common. There are numerous This species was recorded in the road reserve on the north populations of this side of Ruabon Road but not adjacent to the road verge; species, from east of Verticordia and is therefore not likely to be cleared or impacted Bunbury to Capel and attenuata (P3) through the proposed road widening. Therefore the Busselton; including conservation status of this taxon would not be affected by populations on the proposed mine planning. conservation estate.

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Information on extent Species Potential impacts (DEC 2013c) Tripterococcus paniculatus plants were recorded within a Populations of this ‘degraded to good’ woodland patch (Ad [Abba]) in the species extent from north remnant at the northern extent of the project mining area. of Perth (Moore River Tripterococcus Clearing of this remnant will result in the loss of these and Badgingarra National paniculatus (P4) individuals. However, given the known extent of this Parks) to Dunsborough, taxon, the conservation status of this taxon would not be and east to Pinjarra and significantly affected by the loss of the individuals within Harvey. the survey area. Other Lepyrodia aff. riparia Three individual plants were located along Ruabon Road. It (unknown is likely that the two individuals on the south side of Extent unknown. conservation Ruabon Road will be removed during clearing to facilitate significance) Ruabon Road widening.

As described in Section 4.1.1, within the project area there are past records of two threatened and three priority flora taxa (Figure 3). The project is not likely to impact these species. This is based on comprehensive searches for these taxa within the survey area; the WA Herbarium records are reasonably old and the coordinate information is inaccurate for the described locations (Table 3).

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6.1 Impact Avoidance and Mitigation Measures

This section describes measures that would be taken to avoid and/or mitigate the potential impacts of the project on flora and vegetation.

6.1.1 Impact Avoidance

The following refinements to the mine design have resulted in avoiding additional impacts on flora and vegetation:

• The project has been designed to stand-off the Abba River (except for crossings) which minimises the amount of the Abba (Aw) vegetation that would be cleared (Figure 3). • The planned mining area in the south-west corner of M70/360 has been adjusted so that approximately half of the remnant of Abba (AB) vegetation that occurs in this area would be retained (Figure 3). • The main access road has been designed to avoid clearance of vegetation on the northern side of the road which is in good to excellent condition (where possible). • The main access road has been designed to retain a corridor of vegetation along the Ruabon Road. • The Abba River crossings are designed in locations where fewer trees need be cleared.

6.1.2 Vegetation Clearing Protocols

Cristal Mining commit to implementing a clearing protocol that includes surveying and clearly demarcating clearing boundaries prior to clearing activities.

The area cleared at any particular time would generally be no greater than that required to accommodate the mine’s needs for the following twelve months. The outcomes of the vegetation clearing protocol would be reported in the annual environmental report.

6.1.3 Management of Groundwater Dependent Vegetation

In order to minimise the potential impacts of the project areas with potentially groundwater dependent vegetation (generally associated with the Abba River), Cristal Mining commits to the implementation of the following management measures:

• Where possible, the parts of the deposit located immediately adjacent to the Abba River and remnants with GDE vegetation would be mined during the wetter months (June-August) in order to minimise the effect of project-related drawdown on the vegetation. • A project groundwater monitoring program will be established. The purpose would be to assess the predicted verses actual changes to water levels in the superficial aquifer within the project area and surrounds. Cristal Mining would also monitor the overall health of the vegetation in riparian vegetation along the Abba River, as well any other remaining GDE vegetation within the project area.

6.1.4 Habitat Enhancement Works

Cristal Mining commits to undertaking habitat enhancement works in and adjacent to the riparian vegetation along the Abba River in the areas that would not be cleared during the life of the project. These works will include planting of tubestock, direct seeding, fencing and weed management. The

Page | 38 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 native plant species used in the regeneration activities would be species which are endemic to the Abba River and are sourced from locally collected seed.

6.1.5 Rehabilitation

The post-mining project disturbance areas will be rehabilitated and revegetated, so the created landforms are safe and stable. The final land use will be determined in consultation with the relevant State Government agencies. The rehabilitation of the post-mine landforms will include:

• reinstating predominately agricultural land, with some areas of native vegetation in patches • use of endemic flora species that may in the future provide habitat for black cockatoos and/or Western ringtail possums (e.g. marri, jarrah and peppermint).

6.1.6 Fire Prevention and Control

Cristal Mining will implement the following control measures to minimise the potential for fire within the project area:

• fire hazard awareness and management training to be provided to Cristal Mining personnel and contractors • fire-fighting equipment provided in work areas according to fire hazard • fire-fighting equipment to be regularly inspected and maintained.

6.1.7 Weed Management

Cristal Mining commits to the following management measures to minimise the potential for the spread of weed species including but not limited to, the following:

• mobile machinery and equipment would be brought to site clean • suitably experienced staff to conduct regular inspections for the presence of weeds within areas of disturbance and record inspection results • seasonal weed control programs to be implemented as necessary to control and/or eradicate weeds (in particular declared pest plants under the BAM Act or serious environmental weeds). If new weed species are recorded during the life of the project the environmental risks would be considered and weed management procedures reviewed.

6.1.8 Education/Training

Cristal Mining commits to an environmental awareness program for employees and contractors prior to site entry. The program would include education about the area of restricted entry, fire prevention measure and disposal of rubbish.

6.1.9 Dust Management

Cristal Mining commits to implementing dust control measures including minimising clearing of vegetation ahead of construction, progressive rehabilitation, and where necessary, use of water carts for dust suppression.

Page | 39 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 6.2 Offsets

The Western Australian EPA released an environmental offsets policy in 2011 (EPA 2011). It stated that environmental offsets will only be considered after avoidance and mitigation options have been pursued. Cristal Mining should seek to demonstrate that where possible, their mine planning has considered the environmental values of the Wonnerup North project area have been considered and where significant values exist, the avoid, minimise, mitigate sequence has been followed.

Due to the critically low extents of Busselton Plain vegetation complexes remaining, impacts to vegetation rated in a ‘good’ or better condition, should be avoided for clearing. Vegetation which is habitat for conservation significant flora should also be avoided for clearing.

Where indirect impacts from dewatering (i.e. changes in hydrology which may impact on neighbouring high value vegetation on Ruabon Road), appropriate conserving should be given to how these impacts can be mitigated or managed.

Should an offset be a required outcome of the mining proposal, Cristal Mining could seek to implement an offset within their current landholdings, or seek to purchase an off-site area. There may be additional options available, such as contribution to local or State government reserve management or purchase and these options will need to be more fully explored with either the Shire of Busselton or DPaW.

Page | 40 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 7 Conclusions

The private properties (farmland) within the survey area are degraded to the extent that they have little or no conservation value as representatives of Abba vegetation complexes. However, the remnant within the farmland property on Ruabon Road contains the priority flora Tripterococcus paniculatus P4 and therefore can be considered as having value as habitat for a species conservation significant flora.

The roadside vegetation of Wonnerup South Road is a fine mosaic of reasonably intact vegetation, which ranges from good condition to degraded condition; to completely degraded or completely cleared vegetation. There has been some historic clearing and earth movement along the road and in many areas the ground level has been artificially raised but has been colonised by both native and introduced flora over many years. Adjacent to the Abba River there is a population of threatened flora (Chamelaucium sp. C Coastal Plain (R.D. Royce 4872)) under the power-line easement on both sides of the road.

Ruabon Road is a significant road reserve on the Busselton Plain as it is one of the last remaining catena of vegetation types moving from the Busselton coastal area towards the Whicher Scarp. It contains a suite of vegetation complexes and within these wetlands, shrublands and woodlands. Much of Ruabon Road around the Ruabon Reserve is mapped as an environmentally sensitive area (ESA), although not the portion within the survey area. Three priority flora were recorded within Ruabon Road verges and one potentially conservation significant species, which is to be lodged at the WA Herbarium as it does not match any known species in its genus (Lepyrodia aff. riparia). Within the small surveyed area of Ruabon Road (1.3 km length) there are two seasonal wetlands, a transitional zone of shrubland, moving to eucalypt dominated woodlands.

The proposed road widening to facilitate access the project area (1.6 m either side of Ruabon Road) may result in the taking of one or two individuals of Jacksonia gracillima P3 and two individuals of Lepyrodia aff. riparia. The vegetation clearing along the edges of the road will predominantly impact on already degraded vegetation but will also impact on some edges that remain in good or better condition.

Section 5 and 6 of this report provides an evaluation of the potential impacts of the clearing associated with the project and the proposed mechanisms by which Cristal Mining will manage or mitigate these potential impacts. Essentially, approximately 90% of the project area is cleared farmland containing some small isolated stands of highly degraded remnant vegetation. The only areas of intact vegetation are along Wonnerup South Road (not impacted by the project) and Ruabon Road where a small amount of clearing is proposed. Remnant vegetation along Ruabon Road will only be marginally impacted through road widening. The road widening will be limited to approximately 1.6 m either side of the road to provide the main access to the project area and to accommodate increased traffic generated by the haulage vehicles. Up to two individuals of Jacksonia gracillima P3 may potentially be taken as a result of the clearing associated with the road widening. The roadside clearing will largely impact on vegetation that is in a degraded condition with small areas that remain in good or better condition. It is noted that Ruabon Road is a designated Flora Road within the Shire of Busselton.

Other impacts of the project include the clearing of some degraded areas of riparian vegetation associated with the Abba River and potential impacts to ground water dependant vegetation.

Page | 41 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 8 References

Aplin, TEH, 1979, The vegetation of Western Australia. In: Environment and Science. The University of Western Australia.

Beard, JS, 1981, Vegetation survey of Western Australia – Swan, 1: 1,000,000 vegetation series. UWA Press, Nedlands, WA.

Beard, JS, 1990, Plant life of Western Australia. Kangaroo Press Pty Ltd, Kenhurst, NSW.

Boggs, D and Froend, R, 2010, Ecohydrology of groundwater dependent plant communities in the South West groundwater areas of Western Australia. Centre for Ecosystem Management; School of Natural Sciences, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup.

Clarke, KR and Gorley, RN, 2006, PRIMER v6. User Manual, PRIMER-E: Plymouth, UK.

Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), 2013, http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/averages/tables/cw_009515.shtml. Accessed June 2013.

BOM 2014, Atlas of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems. http://www.bom.gov.au/water/groundwater/gde/ Accessed February 2014.

Ekologica, 2012, Vegetation, Flora and Wetland Survey at the Wonnerup South Mineral Sands Deposit. Unpublished report to Cristal Mining Limited.

Commonwealth of Australia, 2010, Australia’s Strategy for the National Reserve System 2009–2030. Australian Government, Canberra, ACT.

Department of Agriculture and Food, 2013, http://www.biosecurity.wa.gov.au/. Accessed 13 June 2013.

Department of Conservation and Land Management, 1999, Regional forest agreement for the south- west forest region of Western Australia between the Commonwealth of Australia and the state of Western Australia. Government of Australia, Canberra, ACT.

Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC), 2012a, Declared Rare Flora and Priority Flora Database, information requested from Department of Environment and Conservation, Perth.

DEC, 2013b, Threatened and Priority Ecological Community Database, information requested from Department of Environment and Conservation, Perth.

DEC, 2013c, FloraBase; records of the WA Herbarium; advanced access. http://florabase.dec.wa.gov.au/. Accessed May-June 2013.

DEC, 2013d, NatureMap. http://naturemap.dec.wa.gov.au. Accessed May-October 2013.

Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW) 2013a, Flora roads program, http://www.dpaw.wa.gov.au/management/off-reserve-conservation/roadside- conservation/136-flora-roads-program?showall=1&limitstart. DPaW, Perth.

DPaW, 2013b, List of Threatened Ecological Communities endorsed by the Western Australian Minister for the Environment (Correct to May 2013). Species and Communities Branch, DPaW, Perth.

Page | 42 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 DPaW, 2013c, Priority Ecological Communities for Western Australia, Version 19. Species and Communities Branch, DPaW, Perth.

Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (DSEWPaC), 2013a,

Protected Matters Search Tool, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water,

Population and Communities, Canberra, viewed May 2013, http://www.environment.gov.au/erin/index.html.

DSEWPaC, 2013b, http://www.environment.gov.au/epbc/pmst/index.html. Accessed May 2013.

Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (DSEWPaC) and State/Territory land management agencies, 2012, IBRA Version 6. Australian Government, Canberra, ACT.

Department of Water (DoW), 2006, A summary of investigations into ecological water requirements of groundwater-dependent ecosystems in the South West groundwater areas. Environmental Water Report 3, December 2006.

DoW, 2009, Southwest Areas Groundwater Allocation Plan. Water resource allocation and planning series Report no. 21. May 2009.

Eamus, D 2009, Identifying groundwater dependent ecosystems: a guide for land and water managers, Land & Water Australia.

Eamus, D, Froend, R, Loomes, R, Hose, G & Murray, B 2006, A functional methodology for determining the groundwater regime needed to maintain the health of groundwater- dependent vegetation, Australian Journal of Botany, vol. 54, pp. 97-114.

Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), 2000, Position Statement No. 2, Environmental Protection of Native Vegetation in WA. EPA, Perth.

EPA, 2002, Position Statement No. 3, Terrestrial Biological Surveys as an Element of Biodiversity Protection. EPA, Perth.

EPA, 2004, Guidance Statement No. 51, Terrestrial Flora and Vegetation Surveys for Environmental Impact Assessment in WA. EPA, Perth.

EPA, 2006, Guidance for the assessment of environmental factors – guidance No. 10. Level of assessment for proposals affecting natural areas within the System 6 Region and Swan Coastal Plain portion of the System 1 Region. EPA, Perth.

EPA, 2009, Environmental Protection Bulletin No. 8 - South West Regional Ecological Linkages. EPA, Perth.

EPA, 2010, Checklist for Documents Submitted for EIA on Marine and Terrestrial Biodiversity (Appendix 2 of the EPA’s Draft Environmental Assessment Guideline No.6 on Timelines for Environmental Impact Assessment of Proposals). EPA, Perth.

EPA, 2011, WA Environmental Offsets Policy, EPA, Perth.

Executive Steering Committee for Australian Vegetation Information, 2003, National Vegetation Information System, Version 6.0. Department of the Environment and Heritage, Canberra, ACT.

Page | 43 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 Gibson, N, Keighery, BJ, Keighery, GJ, Burbidge AH, Lyons M, 1994, A floristic survey of the southern Swan Coastal Plain. Department of Conservation and Land Management and Conservation Council of Western Australia.

Government of Western Australia, 2000, Bush forever: keeping the bush in the city: final report. Volume 1, policies, principles and processes. Western Australian Planning Commission, Perth WA.

Grierson, P 2010, Ecological water requirements of riparian vegetation, Kwongan Workshop 2010: On the ecology of WA's arid zone, University of Western Australia, Perth.

Havel JJ and Mattiske EM, 2002, Review of Management Options for Poorly Represented Vegetation Complexes. Unpublished report prepared for the Conservation Commission of Western Australia, Perth.

Heddle, LM, Loneragan, OW, and Havel, JJ, 1980, Vegetation of the Darling System. In: Atlas of natural resources, Darling Systems, Western Australia. Department of Conservation and Environment, Western Australia.

Keighery, B, 1994, Bushland plant survey : a guide to plant community survey for the community. Wildflower Society of Western Australia, Floreat.

Mattiske EM and Havel JJ, 1998, Vegetation Complexes of the South-west Forest Region of Western Australia. Maps and report prepared as part of the Regional Forest Agreement, Western Australia for the Department of Conservation and Land Management and Environment Australia.

Muir, B, 1977, Vegetation and habitat of Bendering Reserve. Supplement to Biological survey of the Western Australian Wheatbelt. Western Australian Museum, Perth.

National Committee on Soil and Terrain, 2009, Australian Soil and Land Survey Field Handbook, Third Edition. Australian Soil and Land Survey Handbooks Series 1. CSIRO Publishing, VIC.

Onshore Environmental Consultants, 2009, Flora and vegetation survey, Location 7 (Wonnerup). Unpublished report to Bemax Resources Incorporating Cable Sands.

Onshore Environmental Consultants, 2013, Flora and vegetation survey, Wonnerup South Road – road verge. Unpublished report to Cristal Mining.

RPS (2014a) Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Groundwater Impact Assessment. Unpublished report to Cristal Mining.

RPS (2014b) Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Surface Water Impact Assessment. Unpublished report to Cristal Mining.

Smith FG, 1973, Vegetation survey of Western Australia, 1:250,000 series. Busselton and Augusta. Western Australian Department of Agriculture, Perth WA.

Smith FG, 1974, Vegetation survey of Western Australia, 1:250,000 series. Collie. Western Australian Department of Agriculture, Perth WA.

Tille, PJ and Lantzke, NJ,1990, Busselton-Margaret River-Augusta land capability study. Western Australian Department of Agriculture, Land Resources Series No. 5.

Page | 44 Cristal Mining Australia Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 Webb, A, Keighery, BJ, Keighery, GJ, Longman, V 2009, The flora and vegetation of the Busselton Plain (Swan Coastal Plain): a report for the Department of Environment and Conservation as part of the Swan Bioplan Project. Dept. of Environment and Conservation, Perth, Western Australia.

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Appendix A: Bushland Vegetation Condition Scale

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Table A.1: Summary of Vegetation Condition Scale as developed by Keighery (1994) and as summarised in Bush Forever (Government of Western Australia 2000).

Condition scale Description Pristine (1) Pristine or nearly so, no obvious signs of disturbance. Excellent (2) Vegetation structure intact, disturbance affecting individual species and weeds are non‐aggressive species. Very Good (3) Vegetation structure altered, obvious signs of disturbance. For example, disturbance to vegetation structure caused by repeated fires, the presence of some more aggressive weeds, dieback , logging and grazing. Good (4) Vegetation structure significantly altered by very obvious signs of multiple disturbances. Retains basic vegetation structure or ability to regenerate it. For example, disturbance to vegetation structure caused by very frequent fires, the presence of some very aggressive weeds at high density, partial clearing, dieback and grazing. Degraded (5) Basic vegetation structure severely impacted by disturbance. Scope for regeneration but not to a state approaching good condition without intensive management. For example, disturbance to vegetation structure caused by frequent fires, the presence of very aggressive weeds, partial clearing, dieback and grazing. Completely Degraded (6) The structure of the vegetation is no longer intact and the area is completely or almost completely without native species. These areas are often described as “parkland cleared’ with the flora comprising weed

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Appendix B: Southwest Species Rated According to Ecohydrological Tolerances

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Table B.1: Southwest Species Rated According to Ecohydrological Tolerances.

Species WD cat. Recorded in survey area Acacia hastulata A Acacia mooreana A Acacia pulchella var goadbyi A Acacia sp. A Acacia uliginosa A Actinotus omnifertilis A detmoldii A Amphipogon sp. A Anarthria laevis A Anthoxanthum odoratum A Aotus cordifolia A Aotus gracillima A Astartea fascicularis A Astartea juniperina A A Baumea arthrophylla A Baumea articulata A x Baumea juncea A Baumea rubiginosa A Baumea sp A Baumea sp. Blackwood A Baxteria australis A Beaufortia sparsa A Boronia anceps A Boronia crenulata A Boronia dichotoma A Boronia fastigiata A Boronia stricta A Callistemon glaucus A Chaetanthus leptocarpoides A Chamelaucium roycei A x Chordifex amblycoleus A Chordifex sp. A Chorizandra cymbaria A Comesperma sp. A Cyathochaeta clandestine A Cyathochaeta stipiodes A Diaspasis filifolia A Dryandra lindeyana A x

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Species WD cat. Recorded in survey area Dryandra squarrosa subsp. Argillacea A Empodisma gracillimum A Eutaxia epacridoides A Eutaxia virgata A Evandra aristata A Gonocarpus diffusus A Goodenia eatoniana A Hakea certophylla A A Hibbertia cunninghamii A Hibbertia perfoliata A Homalospermum firmum A Hovea trisperma A x Hydrocotyle alata A Hypocalymma (yellow) A Hypocalymma angustifolium A Hypocalymma ericifolium A Hypolaena caespitosa A Hypolaena pubescens A x Hypolaena sp. (large) A Isolepis cernua A Juncus kraussii A Juncus pallidus A x Kunzea micrantha A x Kunzea spathulata A x Lepidosperma sp. A x Leptocarpus elegans A Leucopogon assimilis A Leucopogon hirsutus A Levenhookia sp. A Lobelia alata A Lomandra nigricans A x Lomandra pauciflora A Lomandra sp. A x Loxocarya exsulca A Loxocarya magna A Loxocarya sp. A Loxocarya striata A Lysinema ciliatum A Meeboldina decipiens A

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Species WD cat. Recorded in survey area Meeboldinia scariosa A x Melaleuca basicephala A Melaleuca incana A Melaleuca laterita A x Melaleuca preissiana A x Melaleuca rhaphiophylla A x Melanostachya ustulata A Mesomelaena graciliceps A Microtis sp. A Patersonia umbrosa A Pentapeltis sp. A Pericalymma ellipticum A elliptica A Pimelea hispida A Pimelea lanata A Pimelea longiflora A Platysace tenuissima A Pultenaea reticulata A Reedia spathacea A Scaevola lanceolata A Schoenus cruentus A Schoenus efoliatus A Schoenus grandiflorus A Schoenus laevigatus A Schoenus sublateralis A Sphaerolobium fornicatum A Sphaerolobium sp. A Sphenotoma gracilis A Sporadanthus rivularis A Sporodanthus strictus A Stenotalis ramosissima A Stylidium divaricatum A Stylidium shoenoides A x petiolaris A Taxandria parviceps A x Taxandria inundata A Taxandria juniperiana A Thelymitra sp A x Thysanotus sp. A x Thysanotus tenullus A

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Species WD cat. Recorded in survey area Trachyandra sp. A Tremulina tremula A Tribonanthes violacea A Tricostularia neesii A Villarsia parnassifolia A Xyris gracillima A Xyris roycei A Xyris sp. A Calothamnus quadrifidus (ironstone variant) As As x As Sollya heterophylla As Acacia divergens B Acacia extensa B x Acacia longifolia B Acacia myrtifolia B Acacia pulchella B x Acacia semitrullata B B x Agonis flexuosa B x Anarthria prolifera B Andersonia involucrata B Anigozanthos flavidus B Anigozanthos viridus B B x Boronia alata B Boronia spathulata B Bossiaea sp. B Callistachys lanceolata B Calothamnus hirsutus B Calothamnus lateralis B Comesperma confertum B capitatum B Conostylis laxiflora B Corymbia calophylla B x Cyathochaeta avenaceae B Dampiera trigona B Dasypogon bromeliifolius B x Dasypogon hookeri B Daviesia decurrens B x

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Species WD cat. Recorded in survey area Daviesia inflata B x Desmocladus castanues B Dryandra lindleyana subsp. lindleyana B x Eucalyptus marginata B x Eucalyptus rudis B x Eutaxia sp. B Gahnia trifida B x Gompholobium marginatum B x Gompholobium tomentosum B x Goodenia sp. B Grevillea papillosa B Hakea falcata B Hakea lasanthoides B B Hibbertia notibractea B Hibbertia stellaris B Jacksonia furcellata B x Jacksonia horrida B Jansonia formosa B Johnsonia lupulina B Kingia australis B Kunzea ericifolia B Kunzea recurva B x Kunzea sp. B Lagenophora huegelii B x Lepdiosperma caespitosa B x Lepidosperma longitudinale B Lepidosperma tetraquetrum B Leptocarpus tenax B Lepyrodia muirii B Leucopogon australis B Leucopogon revolutus B Leucopogon sp. B Lomandra caespitosa B x Lomandra purpurea B x Lyperanthus serratus B x Meeboldina denmarkica B Meeboldinia roycei B x Melaleuca teretifolia B Melaleuca viminea B x

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Species WD cat. Recorded in survey area Oxylobium lineare B Philotheca nodiflora B Pimelea sp. B Pimelea sylvestris B Platychorda applanata B Platysace filiformis B Podocarpus drouynianus B Pteridium esculentum B x Schoenus indutus B Schoenus sp. B Stylidium amoenum B x Stylidium diversifolia B Stylidium perpusillum B Stylidium repens B Taxandria linearifolia B Thelymitra aff. macrophylla B Utricularia multifida B Velleia trinervis B Verticordia sp. B x Xanthorrhoea brunonis B Xanthorrhoea preissii B x Acacia applanta C Acacia rostellifera C C x Allocasuarina fraseriana C x Allocasuarina humilis C x Andersonia caerula C Anigozanthos manglesii C x Banksia attenuata C x Beaufortia elegans C x Bossiaea linearis C Bossiaea linophylla C Bossiaea ornata C x Burchardia multiflora C Cassytha racemosa C Cassytha sp. C x Conostylis setigera C x Conostylis setigera subsp. setigera C Dampiera carinata C Dampiera linearis C x

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Species WD cat. Recorded in survey area Desmocladus fasciculatus C x Desmocladus flexuosa C x Dryandra nivea C x Gompholobium knightianum C x Gompholobium shuttleworthii C C Hibbertia commutata C Hibbertia racemosa C x Hypocalymma robustum C Isolepsis sp. C C Kennedia prostrata C x Lechenaultia biloba C Lepidosperma tenue C Leucopogon propiquus C x Levenhookia pusilla C Lindsaea linearis C Melaleuca huegelii C Mesomelaena tetragona C x Mirbelia dilatata C Muehlenbeckia adpressa C Pentapeltis peltigera C linearis C x Petrophile serruiae C Pimelea spectabilis C Pultenaea brachytropis (drummondii) C Scaevola calliptera C x Senecio ramossissmus C Sowerbaea laxiflora C x Sphaerolobium medium C Sphaerolobium nudiflorum C latifolia C x Stylidium sp. C x Thysanotus dichotomus C Thysanotus manglesianus C x Thysantos multiflorus C Xanthorrhoea gracilis C x Xanthosia candida C occidentale C x Acacia browniana D

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Species WD cat. Recorded in survey area Acacia saligna D x Acacia stenoptera D x Amphipogon turbinatus D x Anarthria scabra D Astoloma pallidum D x Billardiera laxiflora D x Burchardia umbellata D Caesia micrantha D x Chorizandra sp. D Comesperma flavum D Conostylis aculeata D x Conostylis sp. D Dampiera alata D Dampiera hederacea D Darwinia sp. D Daviesia physodes D Eucalyptus megacarpa D Eutaxia myrtifolia D Eutaxia obovata D Exocarpos sparteus D Gompholobium capitatum D Gompholobium ovatum D Haemodorum laxum D Haemodorum spicatum D D D D Hardenbergia comptoniana D x Hemiandra pungens D Hibbertia hypercoides D x Hibbertia rhadinopda D Hovea ellitpica D Hypolaena exculsa D x Lepidosperma squamatum D Lepidosperma gladiatum D Leptomeria squarrulosa D Lobelia sp. D Loxocarya cinerea D x Lyginia barbata D Lyginia imberbis D x

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Species WD cat. Recorded in survey area Macrozamia riedlei D x Melaleuca thymoides D x Neurachne alopecuroidea D x Nutysia floribunda D x Opercularia hispidula D x Patersonia occidentalis D x Romulea rosea var. communis D x Schoenus curvifolius D Stylidium junceum subsp junceum D x Stylidium scandens D Tetrarrhena laevis D Thomasia foliosa D Tremandra diffusa D Tricoryne elatior D x Tripterococcus brunonis D x Viminaria juncea D Xanthosia huegelii D Philotheca spicata D x

Table B.2: Havel classes used to rate southwest species according to ecohydrological tolerances.

Havel classes used: A tree and shrub species tolerant of excessive wetness B tree and shrub species optimum on moist sites but intolerant of extremes C wide tolerances with maximum development on dry sites D without clear‐cut site preferences

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Appendix C: Summary of Conservation Listed Flora within the Project Area Vicinity

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Table C.1: Summary of conservation listed flora within the project area vicinity.

Conservation status Potential Optimal survey Scientific name Common name Habitat Flowering period to occur? EPBC timing DEC List WC Act (Yes/No) Act Occurs in winter‐wet areas Flowers between No Spring/Summer T (DRF – and near swamps, in September to Andersonia gracilis Slender Andersonia E Extant) white‐grey sand, sandy November. clay and gravelly loam. Flowers between No Spring subsp. T (DRF – Occurs in sandy clay and Swamp Honeypot E August to uliginosa Extant) gravel. September. Occurs in winter‐wet flats Flowers between Yes Spring/Summer Banksia squarrosa Whicher Range T (DRF – and clay flats in white‐grey June to V subsp. argillacea Dryandra Extant) sand, gravelly clay and November. loam. Brachyscias T (DRF – Occurs on a granite No available No Spring Ironstone Brachyscias CE verecundus Extant) outcrop in a moss sward. information. Occurs in rocky outcrops Flowers between No Spring Hoffman’s Spider T (DRF – and hillsides, ridges, August to October. Caladenia hoffmanii E Orchid Extant) swamps and gullies in clay, loam, laterite and granite. Flowers between Yes Spring T (DRF – Occurs in grey or brown Caladenia huegelii Grand Spider Orchid E September to Extant) sand and clay loam. October. Occurs in alluvial loamy Flowers between Yes Spring Carbunup King Spider T (DRF – flats, jarrah, marri and September to Caladenia procera CE Orchid Extant) peppermint woodland, October. dense heath and sedges. Chamelaucium sp. C Winter‐wet flats, wetlands. No available Yes Spring T (DRF – Coast Plain (R.D. Royce’s Waxflower V Red sandy clays and loams, information. Extant) Royce 4872) grey sands.

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Conservation status Potential Optimal survey Scientific name Common name Habitat Flowering period to occur? EPBC timing DEC List WC Act (Yes/No) Act T (DRF – Occurs on flats. Dark grey No available No Spring Darwinia foetida Muchea Bell CE Extant) sands. information. Occurs on wet flats with No available No Spring Darwinia T (DRF – Abba Bell E dark brown and black information. whicherensis Extant) clayey sands. Occurs in winter‐wet Flowers between No Spring T (DRF – Diuris micrantha Dwarf Bee‐orchid V swamps and in shallow September to Extant) water in brown loamy clay. October. Occurs in low‐lying Flowers between No Spring Glossy‐leafed T (DRF – Drakaea elastica E situations adjoining October to Hammer‐orchid Extant) winter‐wet swamps. November. Flowers between Yes Spring Dwarf Hammer‐ T (DRF – Drakaea micrantha V Occurs in white‐grey sand. September to orchid Extant) October. Occurs in flat plains in Flowers between No Spring/Summer Butterfly‐leaved T (DRF – papilio E sandy clay over ironstone October to Gastrolobium Extant) and laterite. December. Occurs in swamps, creek Flowers in Yes Spring/Summer T (DRF – banks and road verges in October. Grevillea elongata Ironstone Grevillea V Extant) gravelly clay, sandy clay and sand. Occurs in seasonally Flowers March, Yes Spring Grevillea McCutcheon’s T (DRF – E inundated sites in clay and May or December. maccutcheonii Grevillea Extant) shallow soils over laterite. Occurs in swampy Flowers between No Spring T (DRF – depressions and hillslopes October to Hook‐leaf Isopogon E Extant) in peaty sand, loam or November. sand on granite.

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Conservation status Potential Optimal survey Scientific name Common name Habitat Flowering period to occur? EPBC timing DEC List WC Act (Yes/No) Act Occurs on flats to foothills Flowers February, Yes Summer/Autumn and winter‐wet areas in April or December. echinata Western Prickly T (DRF – white sandy soils over E subsp. occidentalis Honeysuckle Extant) laterite and orange, brown‐red clay over limestone. Petrophile sp. Flowers in No Spring Whicher Range (G.J. November. T (DRF – Keighery 11790) Laterite Petrophile E Occurs in winter‐wet flats. Extant) (Current Name: Petrophila latericola) Occurs on steep rocky Flowers between No Spring/Summer slopes and crevices of September to Sphenotoma Mountain Paper‐ T (DRF – E rocks in stony or shallow December. drummondii heath Extant) soils over granite or quartzite. Occurs in winter‐wet flats Flowers between Yes Spring T (DRF – and granite in gravelly August to October. Dwellingup Synaphea E Extant) sand, sandy or sandy clay soils. Occurs on flats and low Flowers between Yes Summer T (DRF – sand dunes. White and November to Tetraria australiensis Southern Tetraria V Extant) grey sand, sandy loams December. and clays. Occurs in winter‐wet low‐ Flowers in Yes Summer/Autumn Verticordia densiflora Long‐stalked T (DRF – E lying areas in grey‐yellow December or var. pedunculata Featherflower Extant) sand and sandy loam. January.

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Conservation status Potential Optimal survey Scientific name Common name Habitat Flowering period to occur? EPBC timing DEC List WC Act (Yes/No) Act Occurs in seasonally Flowers between Yes Summer Verticordia plumosa Tufted Plumed T (DRF – E inundated plains in sandy November to var. ananeotes Featherflower Extant) loam. December. Flowers between Yes Summer/Autumn September to Verticordia plumosa T (DRF – Occurs in winter‐wet flats Vasse Featherflower E December or var. vassensis Extant) in white‐grey sand. January to February. Occurs in swamps and Flowers between Yes Spring winter‐wet depressions in August to Schoenus pennisetis P1 grey or peaty sand and September. sandy clay. Occurs on seasonal wet, No available No Spring poorly‐drained slopes. information. Stylidium ferricola P1 Shallow red‐brown clay loams over ironstone. Flowers between Yes Spring/Summer Amperea micrantha P2 Occurs in sandy soils. October to November. Occurs in moist to dry Flowers between No Spring habitat, winter‐wet September to Cardamine paucijuga P2 swamps, mainly in black October. peaty sands. Occurs on upland ridges No available No Spring with well‐drained grey‐ information. Stylidium korijekup P2 brown sandy loam with laterite.

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Conservation status Potential Optimal survey Scientific name Common name Habitat Flowering period to occur? EPBC timing DEC List WC Act (Yes/No) Act Occurs on flats and Flowers between Yes Spring P2 wetland areas with moist September to subsp. simplex grey soils. October. Occurs on seasonally wet No available Yes Spring Trichocline sp. flats on sand over information. P2 Treeton limestone and sandy clay over ironstone. Occurs in seasonally wet Flowers between No Spring/Summer Blennospora P3 flats in red or grey clays October to doliiformis soils over ironstone. November. Occurs in winter‐wet flats Flowers in No Spring and shallow water‐filled September. Chamaescilla gibsonii P3 claypans in sandy clay to clay. Occurs in seasonally wet Flowers in No Spring Eryngium sp. Ferox P3 flats. Moist brown and October,

grey clay. November. Occurs in swampy Flowers between Yes Spring situations in black sand August to subsp. brachystylis P3 and sandy clay. November.

Occurs in seasonally wet Flowers between Yes Spring Hakea oldfieldii P3 flats in red clay or sand August to October. over laterite. Occurs often is swampy Flowers between Yes Winter/Spring Isopogon formosus areas in sand, sandy clay June to December. P3 subsp. dasylepis and gravelly sandy soils over laterite.

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Conservation status Potential Optimal survey Scientific name Common name Habitat Flowering period to occur? EPBC timing DEC List WC Act (Yes/No) Act Occurs in sand over Flowers between Yes Spring Lasiopetalum P3 limestone. September to membranaceum December. Occurs in seasonally Flowers in Yes Spring inundated or damp September or Loxocarya magna P3 habitats in sand, loam, clay November. and ironstone. Occurs in seasonal Flowers October No Spring/Summer Stylidium longitubum Jumping Jacks P3 wetlands, with sandy clay to December. or clay. Occurs in winter‐wet Flowers in Yes Summer/Autumn Verticordia attenuata P3 depressions on white or December or grey sands. January to May Flowers between Yes Spring Occurs in winter‐wet areas Acacia flagelliformis P4 May to in sandy soils. September. Occurs in sandplains and Flowers between Yes Spring swampy areas, in white‐ May to October. Acacia semitrullata P4 grey sand, sometimes over laterite and clay. Aponogeton Stalked Water Occurs in freshwater Flowers between Yes Spring P4 hexatepalus Ribbons ponds, rivers and claypans. July to October. Flowers between No Spring Banksia meisneri Occurs in swampy flats in Scott River Banksia P4 April to subsp. ascendens white or grey sand. September. Calothamnus Wetlands and open plains No available Yes Spring/Summer quadrifidus subsp. P4 and flats. Grey sands and information. teretifolius red‐brown clays.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Conservation status Potential Optimal survey Scientific name Common name Habitat Flowering period to occur? EPBC timing DEC List WC Act (Yes/No) Act Occurs in salts flats and Flowers between No Spring/Summer Centrolepis caespitosa P4 E wet areas in white sand October to and clay. December. Occurs on slopes. White No available No Spring Chamelaucium sp. P4 sands and clayey sands, information. Yoongarillup sandy loams Eucalyptus rudis Occurs on flats and Flowers between Yes Spring subsp. cratyantha P4 hillsides in loam. July to September.

Occurs in wetlands and September and No Spring seasonally wet areas. Wet October. Ornduffia submersa P4 black sands, brown sandy loams Occurs winter‐wet Flowers October. No Spring Schoenus natans Floating Bog‐rush P4 depressions. Brown sandy‐ clays, peaty clays. Jarrah/Marri forest and Flowers October No Spring/Summer Fan‐leaved Wandoo woodlands, to November. Stylidium striatum P4 Triggerplant hillslopes. Brown clay‐loam over laterite.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

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Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project –Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Appendix D: Database Search Results (Flora, TEC/PEC’s, MNES) for Desktop Assessment

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

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Your Ref: 21097-13 Our Ref: 18-0613FL Enquiries: Myrto Robert Phone: (08) 9219 8760

Fax: (08) Email: flora.data @dec.wa.gov.au

Astron Environmental Services 129 Royal Street East Perth WA 6004

Attention: Vanessa Clarke

Dear Vanessa Clarke,


I refer to your request of 17 June 2013 for Threatened (Declared Rare) and Priority Flora information in the Busselton area. The search was conducted within 10km radial area of the central coordinates you submitted.

A search was undertaken for this area of (1) the Department's Threatened (Declared Rare) and Priority Flora database (for results, if any, see “TPFL” – coordinates are GDA94), (2) the Western Australian Herbarium Specimen database for priority species opportunistically collected in the area of interest (for results, if any, see “WAHERB”- coordinates are GDA94 – see condition number 9 in the attached ‘Conditions in Respect of Supply’ and (3), the Department’s Threatened and Priority Flora List [this list is searched using ‘place names’. This list, which may also be used as a species target list, contains species that are declared rare (Conservation Code R or X for those presumed to be extinct), poorly known (Conservation Codes 1, 2 or 3), or require monitoring (Conservation Code 4) – for results, if any, see “TP List”]. The results are attached electronically to this email.

Attached also are the conditions under which this information has been supplied. Your attention is specifically drawn to the seventh point, which refers to the requirement to undertake field investigations for the accurate determination of Threatened and Priority flora occurrence at a site. The information supplied should be regarded as an indication only of the Threatened and Priority flora that may be present and may be used as a target list in any surveys undertaken.

The information provided does not preclude you from obtaining and complying with, where necessary, land clearing approvals from other agencies.

An invoice for $300 (plus GST) to supply this information will be forwarded.

It would be appreciated if any populations of Threatened and Priority flora you encounter in the area could be reported to this Department to ensure their ongoing management.

If you require any further details, or wish to discuss Threatened and Priority flora management, please contact Dr Ken Atkins, Manager, Species and Communities Branch, on (08) 9334 0455.

Yours faithfully

Miss Myrto Robert ...... A/THREATENED FLORA DATABASE OFFICER for the Director General

24 June 2013

Species and Communities Branch 17 Dick Perry Ave, Technology Park, Kensington Phone: (08) 9334 0455 Fax: (08) 9334 0278 Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, Bentley, Western Australia 6983





1. All requests for data to be made in writing to the Director General, Department of Environment and Conservation, Attention: Threatened Flora Database Officer, Species and Communities Branch.

2. The data supplied may not be supplied to other organisations, nor be used for any purpose other than for the project for which they have been provided, without the prior written consent of the Director General, Department of Environment and Conservation.

3. Specific locality information for Threatened and Priority Flora is regarded as confidential, and should be treated as such by receiving organisations. Specific locality information may not be used in public reports without the written permission of the Director General, Department of Environment and Conservation. Publicly available reports may only show generalised locations or, where necessary, show specific locations without identifying species. Species and Communities Branch is to be contacted for guidance on the presentation of Threatened and Priority Flora information.

4. Note that the Department of Environment and Conservation respects the privacy of private landowners who may have Threatened and Priority Flora on their property. Threatened and Priority Flora locations identified in the data as being on private property should be treated in confidence, and contact with property owners made through the Department of Environment and Conservation.

5. Receiving organisations should note that while every effort has been made to prevent errors and omissions in the data provided, they may be present. The Department of Environment and Conservation accepts no responsibility for this.

6. Receiving organisations must also recognise that the database is subject to continual updating and amendment, and such considerations should be taken into account by the user.

7. It should be noted that the supplied data do not necessarily represent a comprehensive listing of the Threatened and Priority Flora of the area in question. Its comprehensiveness is dependant on the amount of survey carried out within the specified area. The receiving organisation should employ a botanist, if required, to undertake a survey of the area under consideration.

8. Acknowledgment of the Department of Environment and Conservation as source of the data is to be made in any published material. The unique reference number that is given upon the request for information should be quoted when referencing the data. Copies of all such publications are to be forwarded to the Department of Environment and Conservation, Attention: The Manager, Species and Communities Branch.

9. The development of the PERTH Herbarium database was not originally intended for electronic mapping (eg. GIS ArcView). The latitude and longitude coordinates for each entry are not verified prior to being databased. It is only in recent times that collections have been submitted with GPS coordinates. Therefore, be aware when using this data in ArcView that some records may not plot to the locality description given with each collection.

Species and Communities Branch 17 Dick Perry Ave, Technology Park, Kensington Phone: (08) 9334 0455 Fax: (08) 9334 0278 Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, Bentley, Western Australia 6983



CONSERVATION CODES for Western Australian taxa

T: Threatened Flora (Declared Rare Flora - Extant ) Schedule 1 under the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 Rare Flora Notice

Taxa which have been adequately searched for and are deemed to be in the wild either rare, in danger of extinction, or otherwise in need of special protection, and have been gazetted as such.

X: Presumed Extinct Flora (Declared Rare Flora – Extinct) Schedule 2 under the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 Rare Flora Notice

Taxa which have been adequately searched for and there is no reasonable doubt that the last individual has died, and have been gazetted as such.

Threatened Flora (Schedule 1)are further ranked by the Department according to their level of threat using IUCN Red List criteria:

CR: Critically Endangered - considered to be facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.

EN: Endangered –considered to be facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.

VU: Vulnerable - considered to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.

A list of the current rankings can be downloaded from DEC’s Listing of species and ecological communities webpage at http://www.dec.wa.gov.au/content/view/852/2010/

Species and Communities Branch 17 Dick Perry Ave, Technology Park, Kensington Phone: (08) 9334 0455 Fax: (08) 9334 0278 Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, Bentley, Western Australia 6983


Possibly threatened species that have not been adequately surveyed to be listed as Threatened are added to the Priority Flora List under Priorities 1, 2 or 3. These three categories are ranked in order of priority for survey and evaluation of conservation status so that consideration can be given to their declaration as threatened flora. Species that are adequately known, are rare but not threatened, or meet criteria for Near Threatened, or that have been recently removed from the threatened list for other than taxonomic reasons, are placed in Priority 4. These species require regular monitoring. Conservation Dependent species are placed in Priority 5.

1: Priority One: Poorly-known species

Species that are known from one or a few collections or sight records (generally less than five), all on lands not managed for conservation, e.g. agricultural or pastoral lands, urban areas, Shire, Westrail and Main Roads WA road, gravel and soil reserves, and active mineral leases and under threat of habitat destruction or degradation. Species may be included if they are comparatively well known from one or more localities but do not meet adequacy of survey requirements and appear to be under immediate threat from known threatening processes.

2: Priority Two: Poorly-known species

Species that are known from one or a few collections or sight records, some of which are on lands not under imminent threat of habitat destruction or degradation, e.g. national parks, conservation parks, nature reserves, State forest, vacant Crown land, water reserves, etc. Species may be included if they are comparatively well known from one or more localities but do not meet adequacy of survey requirements and appear to be under threat from known threatening processes.

3: Priority Three: Poorly-known species

Species that are known from collections or sight records from several localities not under imminent threat, or from few but widespread localities with either large population size or significant remaining areas of apparently suitable habitat, much of it not under imminent threat. Species may be included if they are comparatively well known from several localities but do not meet adequacy of survey requirements and known threatening processes exist that could affect them.

4: Priority Four: Rare, Near Threatened and other species in need of monitoring

(a) Rare. Species that are considered to have been adequately surveyed, or for which sufficient knowledge is available, and that are considered not currently threatened or in need of special protection, but could be if present circumstances change. These species are usually represented on conservation lands. (b) Near Threatened. Species that are considered to have been adequately surveyed and that do not qualify for Conservation Dependent, but that are close to qualifying for Vulnerable. (c) Species that have been removed from the list of threatened species during the past five years for reasons other than .

5: Priority Five: Conservation Dependent species

Species that are not threatened but are subject to a specific conservation program, the cessation of which would result in the species becoming threatened within five years.

Recommendations for additions, deletions or changes to the Declared Rare and Priority Flora List should be forwarded to the Flora Administration Officer or Senior Botanist Species and Communities Branch, DEC.

Species and Communities Branch 17 Dick Perry Ave, Technology Park, Kensington Phone: (08) 9334 0455 Fax: (08) 9334 0278 Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, Bentley, Western Australia 6983



VESTING EDE Educational Endowment AAP Aboriginal Planning Authority EDU Educational purposes UWA AGR Chief Executive, Dep. of Agriculture ENE Enjoyment of Natural Environ. ALT Aboriginal Land Trust EPL Ex-pastoral Lease (Sect 33(2) CALM Act) APB Agricultural Protection Board of WA EPS Explosives BGP Botanical Gardens & Parks Authority EXC Excepted from sale BSA Boy Scouts Association EXL Exploration Lease CC Conservation Commission – NPNCA - LFC EXP Experimental Farm CGT Crown Grant in Trust FIR Firing Range COM Commonwealth of Australia FOR State Forest CRO Crown Freehold-Govt Ownership FP Foreshore Purposes CRW Crown GE General Lease DAG Dep. of Agriculture GHA Grain Handling DOW Dep. of Water GOL Golf DPI Dep. of Planning GRA Gravel Pit EXD Exec Direc CALM GVT Government Requirements FES Fire and Emergency Services Aust. HAR Harbour Purposes HOW Dep. of Housing/State Housing Commission HEP Heritage Purposes ILD Industrial Lands Develop. Auth HER Heritage trail LAC LandCorp HOS Hospital LGA Shire/LGA KEN Kennels MAG Minister for Agriculture LGA LGA/Shire Requirements MCB Metropolitan Cemeteries Board LPR Landscape Protection MED Ministry of Education MIN Mining lease MHE Minister for Health MUN Municipal Purposes MIN Minister for Mines NPK National Park MPL Ministry for Planning NRE Nature Reserve MPR Minister for Prisons OTH Other MRD Main Roads WA PAR Parkland (& Recreation) MTR Minister for Transport PAS Pastoral lease MWA Minister for Water Resources PCR Proposed for Conservation MWO Minister for Works PFF Protection of Flora & Fauna NAT Natural Trust of Australia WA PFL Protection of Flora NON Not Vested PIC Picnic ground PLB Pastoral Lands Board PLA Plantation PRI Private/Freehold PMC Protection of Meteorite Crater RAI Public Transport Authority POS Public Open Space REL Religious Organisation PPA Public parkland SPC State Planning Commission PRS Prison site SYN Synergy (ex Western Power) PUR Purchase Lease SWA State of Western Australia PUT Public Utility TEL Telstra QUA Quarry UNK Unknown RAC Racecourse WAT Water Corporation RAD Radio Station WEL Minister Community Welfare REC Recreation WRC Water & Rivers Commission REH Rehabilitation/Re-establish Native Plants XPL Ex-Pastoral Lease RRE Railway Reserve RUB Rubbish PURPOSES SAL Saleyards ABR Aboriginal Reserve SAN Sand ACC Access Track SCH School-site AER Aerodrome SET Settlers requirements AIR Airport SHO Showgrounds ARS Agricultural Research Station SNN Sanitary BAP Baptist Union of WA SOI Soil Conservation CAM Camping STO Stopping place CAR Caravan park STK Stock Route CEM Cemetery TIM Timber CFA Conservation of Fauna TOU Tourism CFF Conservation Of Flora & Fauna TOW Town-site CFL Conservation of Flora TRA Training Ground CHU Church TRI Trig station CMN Communications UCL Unallocated Crown Land COM Common UNK Unknown CON Conservation Park VER Road Verge CPK Car Park VPF Vermin Proof Fence CRM Conservation & Resource Management WAT Water DEF Defence WLS Wildlife Sanctuary DRA Drain WOO Firewood 24/06/13


Geocode Method - The method that was used to record the latitude and longitude.

Auto - Indicates that the coordinate data in the record was created automatically (i.e. by software), usually by creating a coordinate from information provided in the Nearest Named Place or Locality textual description fields.

GAP - Acronym for "Generalised Arbitrary Point" as used in HISPID. GAP indicates that the coordinate data was obtained manually from the Nearest Named Place or Locality textual description fields.

GPS - Acronym for "Global Positioning System". GPS indicates that the coordinate data in the record was obtained from a GPS unit by the collector of the specimen.

MAN - Shorthand for manual. MAN indicates that the coordinate data was created by hand using some method not allowed for by one of the other manual Geocode Method values, in particular, TOPO, GAP, or GPS.

TOPO - Shorthand for topographic map. TOPO indicates that the coordinate data was obtained by plotting textual locality details against a topographic map.

None - Indicates that no coordinate data has been supplied by the collector.

Unknown - Indicates that there is no known method for determining the coordinate data. Should be used if the collector provided no indication of how they sampled the specimen’s coordinate data.

PREC (Precision) - precision ratings for coordinates.

Precision 1: Absolutely precise (to nearest 100m or nearest second) and must be GPS determined. For example 35°26’42”S 123°40’26”E

Precision 2: Falling within a diameter of 3km (ca 2 minutes) or if no GPS mentioned in collecting notes. (The location must be able to be pinpointed on a 1:250 000 map, a spot locality. For example 35°26’42”S 123°40’26”E

Precision 3: Falling within a diameter of 10km (ca 7 minutes) or for degrees and minutes, where seconds have not been given. For example 35°26’_”S 123°40’_”E

Precision 4: Falling within a diameter of ca 50km (30 minutes). For example 35°26’_”S 123°40’_”E

Precision 5: Where a location is a prescribed large geographical area within a state or only the state is given. Diameter is greater than 50km. For example 35°_’_”S 123°_’_”E

Precision 6: used when localities are New Holland, Eastern Australia or Not given. Fields will be left blank.

24/06/13 Taxon Status Rank IUCNCriteria EPBC DECRegion DECDistrict Distribution FloweringPeriodRecoveryPlan Amperea micrantha 2 SWAN,SWST PERTH HILLS,BLACKWOODMokine, Yoongarillup, Busselton, Capel, Whicher Range, Ruabon NR Sep-Oct Angianthus drummondii 3 SWAN,SWST SWAN COASTAL,BLACKWOOD,WELLINGTONLudlow, Yoongarrillup, Busselton, Waroona Oct,Nov Astroloma sp. Nannup (R.D. Royce 3978) 4 SWAN,SWST,WARRPERTH HILLS,BLACKWOOD,DONNELLYBindoon, Forest Grove, Nannup, Scott River, Careys Flat, Manjimup (Barlee Brook), Witchcliffe, Abba River, Margaret River Apr-Jun Banksia meisneri subsp. ascendens 4 SWST BLACKWOOD Ruabon, Scott River, Gingilup Swamp Apr-Aug Banksia squarrosa subsp. argillacea T VU B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii);VU C1 SWST BLACKWOOD Ruabon, Tutunup, Whicher Range, Upper Capel Jul-Aug IRP Blennospora doliiformis 3 SWAN,SWST PERTH HILLS,SWANRuabon, COASTAL,BLACKWOOD Yalgorup, Lake Muckenburra, Kooljerrenup NR, Busselton, Austin Bay NR Caladenia speciosa 4 SWAN,SWST PERTH HILLS,SWANMyalup, COASTAL,BLACKWOOD,WELLINGTON Eaton, Yarloop, Ludlow, Gingin, Capel Sep-Oct Cardamine paucijuga 2 SWST,WARR BLACKWOOD,DONNELLYLudlow, Lake Muir Aug-Nov Eryngium sp. Subdecumbens (G.J. Keighery 5390) PN 3 SWAN,SWST PERTH HILLS,SWANKenwick, COASTAL,BLACKWOOD Wambyn NR, Ruabon, Busselton, Kooljerrenup, (Midland) - Eucalyptus relicta 2 SWST BLACKWOOD Whicher Range, Sabina River, Busselton, Nannup ?Dec Grevillea brachystylis subsp. brachystylis 3 SWST BLACKWOOD Busselton, Ruabon, Yoongarillup, Jarrahwood, Margaret River Aug-Nov Grevillea elongata T EN C2a VU SWST BLACKWOOD Ruabon, Abba SF, Whicher Range, Butler SF Oct IRP Isopogon formosus subsp. dasylepis 3 SWST BLACKWOOD Capel. Ludlow, Busselton, Ruabon, Scott River, Yoongarillup Jun,Sep-Dec Leucopogon sp. Busselton (D. Cooper 243) PN 2 SWST BLACKWOOD Capel, Ruabon N.R., Dardanup Aug-Sep Loxocarya magna 3 SWST BLACKWOOD Scott River, Ruabon, Whicher, Fish Road, Treeton, Carbunup, Tutunup - Meionectes tenuifolia 3 MWST,SWAN,SWSTPERTH HILLS,SWANRuabon, COASTAL,WELLINGTON,MOORA Maddington, Harvey, Pinjarra, Upper Swan, Gingin, Cooljarloo, (Woorooloo, Midland, Byfields Mill), Mt Helena Nov-Dec Montia australasica 2 SWST,WARR,WHTBBLACKWOOD,DONNELLY,FRANKLAND,GREATLake Muir NR, Ludlow, Darkan, Bangalup, SOUTHERN E States Oct-Nov Myriophyllum echinatum 3 SWAN,SWST SWAN COASTAL,BLACKWOODTutunup, Austin Bay NR, Ruabon, Harvey, Waroona, Busselton Oct-Nov T CR A2c; C1 EN SWST BLACKWOOD Ruabon, Williamson Oct,Nov IRP Platytheca sp. Sabina (G.J. & B.J. Keighery 295) 2 SWST BLACKWOOD Sabina River Oct Stylidium squamellosum 2 SWAN,SWST PERTH HILLS,BLACKWOODBowelling, Muchea, Wonnerup Rd, Bullsbrook 3 SWST,WARR,WHTBBLACKWOOD,WELLINGTON,DONNELLY,GREATBusselton, Collie, Ludlow, Capel, Crooked SOUTHERN Brook,Unicup, Elgin, Beaufort River Sep-Oct Synaphea petiolaris subsp. simplex 2 SWST BLACKWOOD Elgin, Busselton, Ruabon, McCorkhill Forest Block Sep-Oct Verticordia attenuata 3 SWST BLACKWOOD Ruabon - Tutunup (Busselton), Bunbury, Capel Jan Verticordia densiflora var. pedunculata T EN C2a EN SWST,WARR BLACKWOOD,DONNELLYBusselton, Perup, Ruabon, Manjimup Dec Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis T EN B1+2ce EN SWST BLACKWOOD Ambergate, Ruabon, Tutanup Oct POPID NAMEID TAXON CONSSTATUS WARANK POPNUMBERSUBPOPCODE GDA94LAT GDA94LONG POPSTATUS VESTING PURPOSE1 PURPOSE2 COUNTDATE 86280 3237 Acacia benthamii 2 6 -33.645000000 115.508000000 CC NRE 28/08/2001 86363 3339 Acacia flagelliformis 4 3 -33.636304510 115.439012100 CC FOR 3/09/1972 86361 3339 Acacia flagelliformis 4 13 -33.640748090 115.512623100 CC CFF 3/06/1993 86477 3537 Acacia semitrullata 4 15 -33.644637060 115.509845400 CC CFF 12/08/1986 84402 141 Aponogeton hexatepalus 4 25 -33.628526400 115.458734200 CC FOR 15/12/1994 93814 17107 Banksia meisneri subsp. ascendens 4 1 -33.646025950 115.510401000 CC CFF 5/06/1993 96210 32204 Banksia nivea subsp. uliginosa T EN 2 -33.641972220 115.504194400 CC CFF 21/06/2000 104840 32204 Banksia nivea subsp. uliginosa T EN 3 C -33.647777780 115.513333300 RAI RRE 9/11/2000 96203 32204 Banksia nivea subsp. uliginosa T EN 10 -33.682971160 115.484012900 LGA VER 13/08/2003 96093 32046 Banksia squarrosa subsp. argillacea T VU 15 -33.689637980 115.478179700 LGA VER 20/11/2003 94967 20026 Blennospora doliiformis 3 1 -33.645748180 115.509845500 CC CFF NRE 8/11/1992 93261 16313 Boronia anceps 3 4 -33.647583330 115.512916700 LGA VER 9/11/2000 97284 1596 Caladenia huegelii T CR 38 A -33.643777780 115.506861100 CC CFF 27/09/2007 97285 1596 Caladenia huegelii T CR 38 B -33.641694440 115.505277800 CC CFF 27/09/2007 97286 1596 Caladenia huegelii T CR 38 C -33.644333330 115.505944400 LGA VER 27/09/2007 91490 13862 Caladenia speciosa 4 21 -33.642222220 115.506388900 NON UCL 19/10/1994 96720 35796 Calothamnus quadrifidus subsp. teretifolius 4 4 -33.681026590 115.492068400 LGA VER 29/08/1997 98296 3006 Cardamine paucijuga 2 1 A -33.634444440 115.423333300 CC NPK 18/10/1994 98297 3006 Cardamine paucijuga 2 1 B -33.633888890 115.420555600 CC NPK 30/11/1995 86155 3006 Cardamine paucijuga 2 2 -33.625000000 115.461666700 CC NPK 19/10/1994 105336 35617 Chamelaucium sp. C Coastal Plain (R.D. Royce 4872) T VU 1 A -33.645192640 115.507901000 CC CFF 12/06/1992 105337 35617 Chamelaucium sp. C Coastal Plain (R.D. Royce 4872) T VU 1 B -33.645192640 115.507901000 WAT DRA 12/06/1992 105338 35617 Chamelaucium sp. C Coastal Plain (R.D. Royce 4872) T VU 1 C -33.645138890 115.505611100 LGA VER 15/12/1995 96671 35617 Chamelaucium sp. C Coastal Plain (R.D. Royce 4872) T VU 11 -33.680748820 115.491235000 UNKNOWN 29/08/1997 97415 1639 Drakaea elastica T CR 4 A -33.644722220 115.506388900 CC CFF 25/07/2007 97416 1639 Drakaea elastica T CR 4 B -33.642861110 115.505500000 CC CFF 22/08/2009 94825 41803 Eryngium sp. Ferox (G.J. Keighery 16034) PN 3 4 -33.616666670 115.466666700 CC CFF 30/11/1999 92706 41810 Eryngium sp. Subdecumbens (G.J. Keighery 5390) PN 3 4 -33.645748180 115.509567700 CC CFF 8/11/1992 91022 13512 Eucalyptus rudis subsp. cratyantha 4 4 -33.648803860 115.502901100 UNKNOWN 6/11/1987 91023 13512 Eucalyptus rudis subsp. cratyantha 4 5 -33.624915190 115.463178500 CC NPK 27/06/1995 102377 14011 Grevillea brachystylis subsp. brachystylis 3 3 A -33.645748240 115.505123200 RAI RRE 27/06/1997 102378 14011 Grevillea brachystylis subsp. brachystylis 3 3 B -33.646025980 115.508456600 LGA VER 1/09/1987 102379 14011 Grevillea brachystylis subsp. brachystylis 3 3 C -33.646025990 115.507623200 WAT DRA 1/09/1987 102380 14011 Grevillea brachystylis subsp. brachystylis 3 3 D -33.644914900 115.504845500 CC CFF NRE 1/09/1987 92397 14526 Grevillea elongata T EN 4 -33.667137310 115.510679200 LGA VER 29/08/1997 85904 2190 Hakea oldfieldii 3 7 -33.680748820 115.491235000 LGA VER 29/08/1997 87330 5038 Lasiopetalum membranaceum 3 12 -33.615470570 115.468178300 CC NPK 5/12/1992 96546 33638 Meionectes tenuifolia 3 3 -33.640470340 115.509845400 CC CFF NRE 9/11/2000 105190 33638 Meionectes tenuifolia 3 8 A -33.647692600 115.513456600 LGA VER 9/11/2000 105191 33638 Meionectes tenuifolia 3 8 B -33.647692600 115.513456600 RAI RRE 9/11/2000 88368 6193 Myriophyllum echinatum 3 4 -33.646025960 115.509845500 CC CFF NRE 15/06/1994 96782 36200 Ornduffia submersa 4 25 -33.628526390 115.459011900 CC NPK 15/09/1994 84525 1003 Schoenus natans 4 10 -33.628526400 115.458734200 CC FOR 15/12/1994 96966 1008 Schoenus pennisetis 1 5 A -33.647692600 115.513456600 LGA VER 9/11/2000 96967 1008 Schoenus pennisetis 1 5 B -33.647692600 115.513456600 RAI RRE 9/11/2000 89297 7756 Stylidium longitubum 3 15 -33.625000000 115.461111100 CC NPK 18/10/1994 103408 16862 Synaphea petiolaris subsp. simplex 2 2 A -33.647970460 115.507345500 RAI RRE 18/08/1997 103409 16862 Synaphea petiolaris subsp. simplex 2 2 B -33.645748180 115.509567700 CC CFF 23/08/1993 84542 1033 Tetraria australiensis T VU 2 -33.643526010 115.503456500 CC CFF 3/11/1993 93938 17406 Trichocline sp. Treeton (B.J. Keighery & N. Gibson 564) 2 8 -33.628526390 115.459011900 CC NPK 13/12/1994 93728 16998 Tripterococcus paniculatus 4 9 -33.641025920 115.508178700 CC CFF 12/12/2001 89961 12392 Verticordia attenuata 3 2 -33.639637290 115.486789800 RAI RRE 2/01/1996 89962 12392 Verticordia attenuata 3 3 -33.647137100 115.508734400 RAI RRE 2/01/1996 101113 12412 Verticordia densiflora var. pedunculata T EN 2 A -33.644611110 115.500638900 LGA VER 20/12/2006 101114 12412 Verticordia densiflora var. pedunculata T EN 2 B -33.644611110 115.500638900 RAI RRE 20/12/2006 101116 12412 Verticordia densiflora var. pedunculata T EN 3 A -33.645194440 115.503305600 LGA VER 20/12/2006 101117 12412 Verticordia densiflora var. pedunculata T EN 3 B -33.645194440 115.503305600 RAI RRE 20/12/2006 101118 12412 Verticordia densiflora var. pedunculata T EN 3 C -33.646303810 115.504206600 LGA VER 3/02/2000 101119 12412 Verticordia densiflora var. pedunculata T EN 3 D -33.646303810 115.504206600 RAI RRE 3/02/2000 101120 12412 Verticordia densiflora var. pedunculata T EN 3 E -33.641472220 115.502777800 CC CFF 20/12/2006 101155 12448 Verticordia plumosa var. ananeotes T CR 3 A -33.644611110 115.500638900 LGA VER 20/12/2006 101156 12448 Verticordia plumosa var. ananeotes T CR 3 B -33.644611110 115.500638900 RAI RRE 20/12/2006 90091 12453 Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis T EN 5 -33.684000000 115.484277800 LGA VER 28/12/2006 90092 12453 Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis T EN 6 -33.659277780 115.503833300 LGA VER 28/12/2006 101176 12453 Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis T EN 7 B -33.647414850 115.511234400 RAI RRE 28/12/2006 101179 12453 Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis T EN 7 E -33.646026010 115.505956600 LGA VER 28/12/2006 101180 12453 Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis T EN 7 F -33.646581570 115.505956600 RAI RRE 28/12/2006 101181 12453 Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis T EN 7 G -33.644081560 115.504845400 LGA VER 30/03/1993 101182 12453 Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis T EN 7 H -33.644359340 115.504845400 RAI RRE 30/03/1993 101183 12453 Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis T EN 7 I -33.643803720 115.509567600 CC CFF NRE 30/04/1993 101184 12453 Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis T EN 7 J -33.645192710 115.502345500 RAI RRE 30/03/1993 101185 12453 Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis T EN 7 K -33.644611110 115.500638900 LGA VER 20/12/2006 101186 12453 Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis T EN 7 L -33.644611110 115.500638900 RAI RRE 20/12/2006 101187 12453 Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis T EN 7 M -33.642638890 115.502694400 CC CFF NRE 17/02/2006 90093 12453 Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis T EN 9 -33.617972220 115.486444400 LGA VER 28/12/2006 Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Table D.1: Database search results, WA Herbarium flora data.


1.6 km E of Nannup ‐ Busselton road towards Tutunup 03 09 PERTH Acacia Along roadside at this locality. In 33.716660000 115.500000000 MAN 3 4 ‐ 188972 flagelliformis grey clayey/loam. [Ca 7 km due E of Yoongarillup]. 1972

0.6 km S of Bussell Highway on Ruabon Road (between 03 09 PERTH Acacia 33.600000000 115.500000000 MAN 3 4 White sandy loam in swampy area. ‐ 752142 flagelliformis Bunbury and Busselton). 1972

03 04 PERTH Acacia Capel Nature Reserve, DE DEFL 14A, Prowse Road, Capel 33.577860000 115.546750000 GPS 1 4 Flat sand. ‐ 07910371 flagelliformis 2007

1.65 km N than E along Williamson Road from junction 23 05 PERTH Acacia 33.701830000 115.537888000 GPS 1 4 Lower slope. Dry grey sand. ‐ 08017476 flagelliformis with Claymore Road 2005

12 08 PERTH Acacia Ruabon 33.650000000 115.500000000 MAN 3 4 Low ‐ grey loam over sandy clay. ‐ 713317 semitrullata 1986

Plain; bare to littered white to grey 23 05 PERTH Acacia 500 m S of Williamson Road on Quilergup Road 33.714630000 115.535124000 GPS 1 4 and to clayey sand over laterite ‐ 06079563 semitrullata 2001 with 5% outcropping.

17 03 PERTH Actinotus Sabina Road, Whicher Range, 33.716660000 115.516666000 MAN 2 White sand. ‐ 05119472 whicheranus 1991

30 09 PERTH Amperea Yoongarillup, Busselton District 33.723330000 115.431666000 AUTO 3 2 Sandy soil. ‐ 02105330 micrantha 1953

19 12 PERTH Amperea Capel Nature Reserve, Capel 33.577220000 115.545277000 MAN 2 Dune slope, grey sand. ‐ 04591429 micrantha 1991

03 11 PERTH Amperea Ruabon Nature Reserve, E of Capel 33.642220000 115.506666000 MAN 2 Black sand over clay. ‐ 4460871 micrantha 1993

03 12 PERTH Amperea Ruabon Nature Reserve, Darling Botanical District 33.643580000 115.503097000 MAN 3 2 Laterite sand mix. ‐ 06426328 micrantha 1998

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


12 12 PERTH Andersonia Williamson Road West, Abba Block 33.700000000 115.534166000 MAN 1 Ironstone. ‐ 4210492 ferricola 1995

Seasonally wet flat. Red‐brown 16 10 PERTH Andersonia Wonnerup road, 15 km E of Busselton (Wonn 06), 33.652410000 115.528178000 GPS 1 1 loam sand over ironstone ‐ 04305698 ferricola 1992 (exposed).

05 03 PERTH Angianthus E margin of Tuart Forest, 5 km E of Ludlow 33.583050000 115.510277000 MAN 2 3 Winter wet flat; grey clay. ‐ 06062008 drummondii 2001

Soil: Brown clay over ironstone at depth. Topography/drainage: Ruabon Nature Reserve, Wonnerup Rd, 15 km E of 08 11 PERTH Angianthus 33.645740000 115.509567000 GPS 1 3 Seasonally wet poorly drained flat. ‐ 4457641 drummondii Busselton (plot Ruab‐4). 1992 Geomorphology: Skeletal soils over ironstone hardpan.

11 12 PERTH Angianthus Eastern margin Tuart Forest, Ludlow to Capel 33.581850000 115.511788000 GPS 1 3 Winter wet flats. Grey clay. ‐ 06098061 drummondii 2000

13 12 PERTH Angianthus Tuart Forest, W Wonnerup Road, NW Ludlow, 33.616660000 115.550000000 MAN 3 Winter wet flats. Brown clay loam. ‐ 04880927 drummondii 1994

2.4 km southern extension Plantation Road on Capel to 18 09 PERTH Aponogeton 33.622500000 115.556944000 MAN 4 Brown clay. ‐ 04897145 hexatepalus Tutunup Road 1996

15 09 PERTH Aponogeton Tuart Forest; NW of Ludlow 33.616660000 115.533333000 MAN 4 Shallow water. Black clay. ‐ 04120914 hexatepalus 1994

Banksia 26 04 PERTH Tutunup, E of Busselton 33.666660000 115.550000000 MAN 3 meisneri subsp. 4 ‐ 1157302 1969 ascendens

Banksia 19 09 PERTH Yoongarillup, Busselton district 33.716660000 115.433333000 MAN 3 meisneri subsp. 4 ‐ 1157310 1951 ascendens

Banksia 05 06 PERTH Edges winter wet flats. Sand over Ruabon Nature Reserve 33.645550000 115.505833000 MAN meisneri subsp. 4 ‐ 04123484 clay. 1993 ascendens

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Banksia 26 06 PERTH On damp sandy‐clay flat, on road Ca 4 miles S of Tutunup (E of Busselton), 33.722770000 115.553333000 AUTO 3 meisneri subsp. 4 ‐ 01591142 verge. 1973 ascendens

Banksia 26 06 PERTH c. 4 miles S of Tutunup ( E of Busselton), 33.722770000 115.553333000 AUTO 3 meisneri subsp. 4 Damp sandy‐clay flat. Roadverge. ‐ 1591150 1973 ascendens

Banksia 01 12 PERTH Flat to gentle slope. White sand Williamson Road E, base of Whicher scarp 33.700020000 115.539722000 GPS 1 meisneri subsp. 4 ‐ 08285624 over laterite. 2009 ascendens

17 01 PERTH Banksia nivea Tutunup railway line ‐33.664720000 115.553055000 AUTO 3 T 1977 04099028 subsp. uliginosa

12 09 PERTH Banksia nivea Tutunup, between Busselton and Jarrahwood ‐33.664720000 115.553055000 AUTO 3 T 1957 04099036 subsp. uliginosa

Flat plain. Light brown gravelly clay Williamson Road West ‐ NW corner of Abba Block, 12 12 PERTH Banksia nivea 33.698800000 115.535679000 GPS 1 T with emergent rock, pH: 6.5. Parent ‐ 04135687 subsp. uliginosa Busselton Shire 1995 material: laterite.

Flat to gently sloping edge of range. NW corner of Abba Block, Williamson Road, between 15 12 PERTH Banksia nivea 33.698800000 115.535679000 GPS 1 T Red sandy soil with emergent rock. ‐ 04168135 subsp. uliginosa road and firebreak, Whicher Range 1994 pH: 6.0 Parent material: laterite.

N verge Tutunup road, 2.4 km E of Hithergreen‐Ludlow 13 02 PERTH Banksia nivea Flat plain, light brown gravelly clay 33.651300000 115.531512000 GPS 1 T ‐ 04219465 subsp. uliginosa with emergent rock, laterite. pH:6.5 road, Busselton Shire 1995

21 07 PERTH Banksia nivea Ruabon Nature Reserve, W [?E] Busselton 33.633330000 115.500000000 MAN T Brown sandy clay. ‐ 04240839 subsp. uliginosa 1994

Princefield Road, 4 km N of Ludlow ‐ Hithegreen road, E 03 01 PERTH Banksia nivea Plain, brown‐grey loamy sand over 33.682500000 115.483888000 MAN T ‐ 04308875 subsp. uliginosa laterite. of Busselton, 1996

NW corner of ABBA State Forest Block, between 19 11 PERTH Banksia nivea Flat, dry brown, becoming orangey 33.700190000 115.534013000 GPS 1 T ‐ 04874943 subsp. uliginosa brown clayey sand over ironstone. Williamson Road and N boundary fence of block, 1996

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Westralian Sands land on corner Tompsett and 03 02 PERTH Banksia nivea Flat winter wet. Orange clay loam Wonnerup Road and into rail reserve of Wonnerup ‐33.662690000 115.554290000 GPS 1 T 1998 04963660 subsp. uliginosa over laterite. Road

0.65 km W of Capel ‐ Tutunup Road on Tutunup Road, 24 07 PERTH Banksia nivea Inundated soil condition. Road 33.659190000 115.549638000 GPS 2 T ‐ 06638368 subsp. uliginosa verge. South Road Reserve. Busselton 2003

01 11 PERTH Banksia nivea In swamp heath formation on silty Hithergreen, Cartis/Abba land form junction, 33.726380000 115.509722000 MAN T ‐ 05467136 subsp. uliginosa soil over bog ironstone. 1983

Wonnerup Road, 1 km E of Ball Road, 1 km W of Ball 04 04 PERTH Banksia nivea ‐33.616660000 115.416666000 MAN 3 T Road [Lat/Long is for Wonnerup], Darling District 1987 05953855 subsp. uliginosa

Banksia 13 09 PERTH squarrosa Tutunup, 12 miles E of Busselton, 33.665000000 115.553333000 MAN 2 T In sandy soil. ‐ 1020722 subsp. 1956 argillacea

Banksia 01 10 PERTH squarrosa Ruabon, Busselton District 33.645000000 115.513333000 MAN 3 T In sandy semi‐swamp. ‐ 1020749 subsp. 1954 argillacea

Banksia 01 10 PERTH squarrosa Ruabon, Busselton District 33.645000000 115.513333000 MAN 3 T In sandy semi‐swamp. ‐ 1020757 subsp. 1954 argillacea

Banksia 27 10 PERTH squarrosa Ruabon Road, 7 kms along the old railway track 33.650000000 115.500000000 TOPO 3 T White/grey sand. Flat topography. ‐ 1020765 subsp. 1985 argillacea

Banksia 02 09 PERTH squarrosa Winter wet flats. Red brown loam 5 km from Ruabon on Wonnerup Road. 33.650000000 115.450000000 MAN 3 T ‐ 1030353 subsp. over laterite. 1987 argillacea

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Banksia Southside road verge burnt. Flat Wonnerup Road (Tutunup Road) 5.8 km W of Armstrong 20 07 PERTH squarrosa road verge. Parent material: 33.651300000 115.531512000 GPS 1 T ‐ 03124053 subsp. ironstone. Red gravelly clay, pH: Road (or 2.4 km E of Ludlow‐Hithergreen Road), Ruabon 1993 argillacea 6.0. Banksia Ca 1.9 km E of Ludlow‐Hithergreen Road on Princefield 14 12 PERTH squarrosa 33.680830000 115.519722000 MAN T Road verge. ‐ 04168178 subsp. Road (Oates Road) base of Whicher Range 1994 argillacea

Flat road verge. Red gravelly clay. Banksia pH: 6.0. Parent material: ironstone. Wonnerup Road (Tutunup Road) 5.8 km W of Armstrong 14 12 PERTH squarrosa 33.651300000 115.531512000 GPS 1 T ‐ 04168208 subsp. Roadside verges. Southside road Road (or 2.4 km E of Ludlow‐Hithergreen Road), Ruabon 1994 argillacea verge burnt.

Banksia Flat, disturbed claypan, pastures Wonnerup road, 2.8 km on Tutunup road from Capel ‐ 03 08 PERTH squarrosa 33.666660000 115.550000000 MAN 3 T ‐ 04182316 subsp. each side. Tutunup corner 1993 argillacea

Banksia Grey brown loamy sand over Edge of state forest at the base of the Whicher Range 16 10 PERTH squarrosa 33.699630000 115.539568000 GPS 1 T ‐ 04360656 subsp. ironstone (exposed). on Williamson road, 18 km E of Busselton (Will 01‐ADJ), 1992 argillacea

Banksia Flat plain. Red gravelly clay over Westralian Sands land, corner Tompsett Road and 23 01 PERTH squarrosa 33.650000000 115.550000000 MAN 3 T ‐ 04933931 subsp. ironstone. Wonnerup‐Tutunup Roads, Whicher Range 1998 argillacea

Banksia 02 12 PERTH squarrosa Wonnerup Tutunup Road 33.663880000 115.516666000 MAN T ‐ ‐ 04961528 subsp. 1997 argillacea

Banksia 20 10 PERTH squarrosa In clay over laterite on flat. Oates Road, near Tutunup 33.683330000 115.533333000 MAN T ‐ 05129397 subsp. 1993 argillacea

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Banksia Flat, dry brown sandy clay over Butcher Road Reserve, ca 1 km along from junction with 02 01 PERTH squarrosa 33.694630000 115.480124000 GPS 1 T ‐ 05131952 subsp. ironstone. Yalyalgup Road 1998 argillacea

Banksia 26 06 PERTH squarrosa Clay flat. Near Tutunup, 33.664720000 115.553055000 AUTO 3 T ‐ 04110609 subsp. 1973 argillacea

Winter wet flats. Red sandy clay 09 11 PERTH Blennospora 2 km SE of Ruabon, on Wonnerup Road, Busselton area 33.657500000 115.528611000 AUTO 3 3 ‐ 04211383 doliiformis over laterite. 1987

14 10 PERTH Blennospora Seasonally wet flat, soil grey clay. Yoongarrillup [Yoongarillup] town reserve (plot yoon03) 33.722220000 115.433888000 MAN 2 3 ‐ 03262030 doliiformis 1992

05 03 PERTH Blennospora Winter wet flats, grey clay. Eastern margin Tuart Forest, ca 5 km E of Ludlow 33.583050000 115.510278000 MAN 3 ‐ 06080952 doliiformis 2001

Seasonally wet flats. Brown clay 08 11 PERTH Blennospora Ruabon Nature Reserve, 15 km E Busselton (Ruabon 04) 33.645740000 115.509567000 GPS 1 3 ‐ 04305620 doliiformis over ironstone (50 cm). 1992

Winter wet flats, grey sand over 03 11 PERTH Blennospora Ruabon Nature reserve, S Ludlow 33.633330000 115.500000000 MAN 3 ‐ 03633969 doliiformis clay. 1993

PERTH Boronia Tutunup. 33.664720000 115.553055000 AUTO 3 09 1945 1 ‐ 00960071 humifusa

20 10 PERTH Boronia Swamp. Black sand over clay. Capel Nature Reserve; 1 km W Capel 33.578880000 115.545277000 MAN 3 ‐ 04566483 tetragona 1994

09 11 PERTH Boronia Grey sand, flat, mining lease. Capel 33.582710000 115.548622000 GPS 1 3 ‐ 07832516 tetragona 2006

Winter wet flats. Red‐brown clay 23 10 PERTH Brachyscias 200 m E of Tutunup Siding, Wonnerup Ruabon railroad 33.666660000 115.550000000 MAN 3 T ‐ ‐ 06098029 verecundus over ironstone. 2000

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


12 09 PERTH Caladenia Grey sand. Ruabon Nature Reserve 33.642220000 115.506666000 MAN T ‐ 04898192 huegelii 1994

Soil: Pale grey sand. Topography/drainage: Well drained Ruabon Nature Reserve, Wonnerup Rd, 15 km E of 16 10 PERTH Caladenia gentle S facing slope. ‐33.644080000 115.507623000 GPS 1 T Busselton (plot Ruab‐1). 1992 04497007 huegelii Geomorphology: Bassendean sands.

19 10 PERTH Caladenia Dune over swamp. Grey sand. Ruabon Nature Reserve, SE Busselton 33.642220000 115.506388000 MAN 4 ‐ 04517814 speciosa 1994

11 09 PERTH Caladenia Grey sand. Capel Nature Reserve, 3 km SW of Capel 33.578880000 115.545555000 MAN 4 ‐ 04875729 speciosa 1994

Calothamnus NE aspect. Hill. White gravelly sand Site CAP5, Intersection of Williamson Road and Banksia 11 12 PERTH quadrifidus over laterite. Erosion absent. Open ‐33.711300000 115.535402000 GPS 1 4 Road 2001 06030831 subsp. site. teretifolius

Calothamnus Flat, dry brown sandy clay over Butcher Road Reserve ca 1 km N along to junction with 02 01 PERTH quadrifidus 33.694630000 115.480124000 GPS 1 4 ‐ 05131979 subsp. ironstone. Yalyalgup Road 1998 teretifolius

Calothamnus Plain. E‐W aspect. White sand. Site CAP4, 0.2 km N of McGibbon (Butcher) Road from 11 12 PERTH quadrifidus 33.696860000 115.469568000 GPS 1 4 ‐ 06030823 subsp. Erosion present. Wonnerup East Road, 2001 teretifolius

Calothamnus Seasonally wet flat. Red‐brown Wonnerup Road, 8 km from Bussell Highway, 16 km E of 08 11 PERTH quadrifidus 33.652410000 115.526512000 GPS 1 4 ‐ 04518764 subsp. loam sand over ironstone. Busselton (Plot Wonn06‐ADJ) 1992 teretifolius

Low hill. E‐W aspect. Erosion Calothamnus present, powerlines. Bare, littered, Site SWR1. Intersection of Quilergup and Williamson 10 10 PERTH quadrifidus 33.712970000 115.535402000 GPS 1 4 ‐ 06054056 subsp. gravelly. Dry white‐grey sand over Roads, 2 km E of Vasse Highway 2001 teretifolius laterite. 30% rock outcropping.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Calothamnus Dry Flat; brown silty sand and well SE area of State Forest 12, W of Coolyoolup Road 20 10 PERTH quadrifidus 33.613200000 115.523701000 GPS 1 4 ‐ 06513409 subsp. drained. (adjacent to System 6 Update quadrat sf 1201) 1995 teretifolius

Calothamnus 1.1 km W of Ludlow Hithergreen Road on Princefield 20 02 PERTH quadrifidus 33.679630000 115.495679000 GPS 1 4 ‐ 04668987 subsp. Road at drain on road and road verge 1997 teretifolius

Calothamnus 27 10 PERTH quadrifidus White/grey sand. Flat topography. Ruabon Road, 7 km along the old railway track 33.658050000 115.500000000 MAN 4 ‐ 1750127 subsp. 1985 teretifolius

Calothamnus Wet ironstone flat, red clay over Princefield / Dates road, 1.5 km E of Ludlow ‐ 19 10 PERTH quadrifidus 33.680740000 115.523457000 GPS 1 4 ‐ 04518721 subsp. massive laterite. Hithergreen road, 1995 teretifolius

Calothamnus Flat winter‐wet plain. Red‐brown Oates/Princefield Road, 1.5 km E of Ludlow‐Hithergreen 11 12 PERTH quadrifidus gravelly clay, pH: 6.0. Parent ‐33.679630000 115.521234000 GPS 1 4 Road, N and S road verges 1995 4135695 subsp. material: ironstone. teretifolius

Calothamnus 12 12 PERTH quadrifidus Ironstone. Williamson Road West, Abba Block 33.700000000 115.534166000 MAN 4 ‐ 4210484 subsp. 1995 teretifolius

Calothamnus Wet ironstone flat, red clay over On Wonnerup ‐ Tutunup road near turn off to property, 19 10 PERTH quadrifidus 33.653520000 115.532345000 GPS 1 4 ‐ 04518756 subsp. massive laterite. RSM 118, 1995 teretifolius

Calytrix sp. Wildes Location 4102, near Williamson Road State 05 10 PERTH Tutunup (G.J. Flat; sandy clay, ironstone. 33.700000000 115.516666000 MAN 3 2 ‐ 06062059 Keighery & N. Forest Block 2001 Gibson 2953)

Calytrix sp. Flat. Yellow‐grey clayey sand over 25 01 PERTH Tutunup (G.J. laterite. Soil depth generally, Tutunup, Sussex Loc. 4102, Grid ref. FN3484 ‐33.695880000 115.540103000 MAN 3 2 2001 05995493 Keighery & N. variable 0 to ca 40 cm. Gibson 2953)

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Calytrix sp. Flat. Yellow‐grey clayey sand over 25 01 PERTH Tutunup (G.J. laterite. Soil depth generally, Tutunup, Sussex Loc. 4102, Grid ref. FN3484 ‐33.695880000 115.540103000 MAN 3 2 2001 05995507 Keighery & N. variable 0 to ca 40 cm. Gibson 2953)

Calytrix sp. Williamson Road; Willcox Block, SE Busselton, 1 km W 16 10 PERTH Tutunup (G.J. Grey sand slope; clay ironstone. 33.701110000 115.549722000 MAN 2 2 ‐ 06062067 Keighery & N. Haley Road 2001 Gibson 2953)

Calytrix sp. Sandy loam over ironstone. Area 03 10 PERTH Tutunup (G.J. subject to inundation during Sussex Location 4102, near Tutunup, ‐33.695630000 115.539638000 GPS 1 2 2001 05830532 Keighery & N. winter. Gibson 2953)

Calytrix sp. On reddish sand running down to 30 10 PERTH Tutunup (G.J. Abba, FO 3489 33.702770000 115.536111000 MAN 3 2 ‐ 06404936 Keighery & N. plain. 1974 Gibson 2953)

18 10 PERTH Cardamine Sandy soil by creek. Layman Block, Tuart Forest, E of Busselton, 33.634440000 115.423333000 MAN 2 ‐ 05017653 paucijuga 1994

30 11 PERTH Cardamine Swamp. Black sand over clay. Layman Block; Tuart Forest 33.633880000 115.420555000 MAN 2 ‐ 04475410 paucijuga 1995

19 10 PERTH Cardamine Winter wet flats. Sand over clay. Simmonds Block, Tuart Forest, 33.625000000 115.461666000 MAN 2 ‐ 04533208 paucijuga 1994

18 10 PERTH Cardamine Black sand over clay. Simmonds Block; Tuart Forest, NW of Ludlow 33.625000000 115.461111000 MAN 2 ‐ 05040175 paucijuga 1994

Winter wet flats. Brown clay over 15 09 PERTH Chamaescilla Symmonds Block, Tuart Forest, W of Ludlow, 33.625000000 115.461666000 MAN 3 ‐ 05053730 gibsonii clay. 1994

Chamelaucium 01 10 PERTH sp. C Coastal In swampy soil . Ruabon, Busselton district 33.650000000 115.500000000 MAN T ‐ 1224573 Plain (R.D. 1954 Royce 4872)

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Chamelaucium Flat, dry grey sand over ironstone 2.7 km N along Lindberg Road from junction with 23 09 PERTH sp. C Coastal 33.706020000 115.369846000 GPS 1 T ‐ 04906128 Plain (R.D. at some depth. Jalbarragup Road, on W road verge 1997 Royce 4872)

Chamelaucium Flat, dry grey sand over ironstone 3.4 km N along Lindley Road from junction with 23 09 PERTH sp. C Coastal 33.700470000 115.372624000 GPS 1 T ‐ 04906195 Plain (R.D. at some depth. Jalbarragup Road, E side of road 1997 Royce 4872)

Chamelaucium 03 11 PERTH sp. C Coastal Brown lateritic sand, swamp. 0.3 km N along Tututunup road 33.647500000 115.506944000 MAN T ‐ 03260445 Plain (R.D. 1993 Royce 4872)

Chamelaucium 29 09 PERTH sp. C Coastal In red pebbly loam. Ruabon 33.650000000 115.500000000 MAN T ‐ 1225049 Plain (R.D. 1953 Royce 4872)

Chamelaucium In area of remnant vegetation in private property Flat, moist due to rain, reddish 10 09 PERTH sp. C Coastal location 4102 to the N of ABBA block (Williamson Rd ‐33.702770000 115.542777000 MAN T brown sandy clay over ironstone. 1997 05525535 Plain (R.D. corner), Royce 4872)

Soil: Grey/brown loamy sand over ironstone. Topography/drainage: Chamelaucium N of Williamson Rd, 2 km NNE of the intersection of Seasonally wet poorly drained 16 10 PERTH sp. C Coastal Williamson Rd and Claymore Rd, 18 km E of Busselton ‐33.699630000 115.539568000 GPS 1 T gentle N facing slope. 1992 04497937 Plain (R.D. (adj. to plot Will‐1). Royce 4872) Geomorphology: Skeletal soils over massive ironstone.

Chamelaucium Winter wet flat, red sandy clay over 09 09 PERTH sp. C Coastal Williamson road, Willcox Block, Whicher Range 33.716660000 115.516666000 MAN T ‐ 03552055 Plain (R.D. ironstone. 1992 Royce 4872)

Chamelaucium 09 12 PERTH sp. C Coastal Tutunup 33.666660000 115.550000000 MAN T ‐ 1224522 Plain (R.D. 1976 Royce 4872)

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Chamelaucium 10 12 PERTH sp. C Coastal Disturbed soil on banks of drain. Ruabon townsite, southern boundary 33.650000000 115.516666000 AUTO 3 T ‐ 01044117 Plain (R.D. 1985 Royce 4872)

Chamelaucium Banks of ironstone stream bed. S side of Princefield Road in stream reserve beside road, 17 07 PERTH sp. C Coastal Wet, but dry in summer. Dark Abba River crossing, 1.1 km W of Ludlow ‐ Hithergreen ‐33.680190000 115.491512000 GPS 1 T 1996 04875060 Plain (R.D. brown clayey sand over ironstone. Road, Royce 4872)

Chamelaucium 26 10 PERTH sp. C Coastal Swampy area. Tutunup Road, S of Ludlow 33.633330000 115.500000000 MAN 3 T ‐ 06139868 Plain (R.D. 1995 Royce 4872)

Chamelaucium 01 10 PERTH sp. C Coastal In swampy soil. Ruabon, Busselton district 33.650000000 115.500000000 MAN T ‐ 1224565 Plain (R.D. 1954 Royce 4872)

Chamelaucium 19 11 PERTH sp. Yoongarillup Open sandy clay area. Yoongarillup townsite, 33.723330000 115.431666000 AUTO 3 4 ‐ 04997158 (G.J. Keighery 1980 3635)

Chamelaucium 12 11 PERTH sp. Yoongarillup Ludlow 33.600000000 115.483333000 MAN 3 4 ‐ 06213529 (G.J. Keighery 1957 3635)

Chamelaucium 19 11 PERTH sp. Yoongarillup Open sandy clay area. Yoongarillup townsite 33.666660000 115.466666000 MAN 4 ‐ 1257560 (G.J. Keighery 1980 3635)

Chamelaucium 8 miles out of Busselton on Nannup Road, Yoongarbilup PERTH sp. Yoongarillup 33.716660000 115.433333000 MAN 04 1975 4 ‐ 1257587 (G.J. Keighery [Yoongarillup] 3635)

Chamelaucium 28 12 PERTH sp. Yoongarillup Yoongarillup 33.716660000 115.433333000 MAN 4 ‐ 1257064 (G.J. Keighery 1976 3635)

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10 10 PERTH Chordifex On sandy soil with some peat. 2 km SE of Yoongarillup on road to Nannup. 33.716660000 115.433333000 MAN 3 3 ‐ 1051865 gracilior 1976

13 10 PERTH Chordifex In sandy soil. Yoongarillup, Busselton District. 33.723330000 115.431666000 MAN 3 3 ‐ 1051466 gracilior 1949

13 10 PERTH Chordifex In sandy soil. Yoongarillup, Busselton District. 33.723330000 115.431666000 MAN 3 3 ‐ 1051873 gracilior 1949

13 10 PERTH Chordifex In sandy soil. Yoongarillup, Busselton District. 33.723330000 115.431666000 MAN 3 3 ‐ 1051458 gracilior 1949

10 10 PERTH Chordifex On sandy soil with some peat. 2 km SE of Yoongarillup on road to Nannup. 33.716660000 115.433333000 MAN 3 3 ‐ 1051903 gracilior 1976

13 10 PERTH Chordifex In sandy soil. Yoongarillup, Busselton District. 33.723330000 115.431666000 MAN 3 3 ‐ 1051881 gracilior 1949

27 11 PERTH Darwinia Red sandy clay over ironstone. Williamson Road, Willcox Block, Whicher Range 33.700000000 115.533333000 MAN T ‐ 02239590 whicherensis 1991

Wet ironstone flat. Red‐brown clay 16 10 PERTH Darwinia S of Williamson road, Abba Forest Block 33.699080000 115.533457000 GPS 1 T ‐ 04183614 whicherensis skeletal over massive ironstone. 1995

Wet ironstone flat. Red brown 16 10 PERTH Darwinia Abba Block 33.699080000 115.533457000 GPS 1 T ‐ 04183606 whicherensis skeletal clay over laterite. 1995

Grey sandy soil. Sandy margins to a 11 11 PERTH Drakaea Ludlow Hithergreen road, ca 14.6 km S of Capel 33.683330000 115.500000000 MAN T ‐ ‐ 1669672 elastica winter wet swamp. 1986

07 10 PERTH Drakaea Seasonal swamp, moist grey sand. Lindberg Road, 33.690190000 115.380402000 GPS 1 T ‐ 04875087 elastica 1996

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Dryandra Whicher slopes. Grey sand over 04 02 PERTH squarrosa Williamson Road, W of Tompsett Road, ca 1 km W 33.699440000 115.549444000 GPS 1 T ‐ 07621221 subsp. laterite. 2005 argillacea

Eryngium sp. 30 11 PERTH Flat, winter wet. Brown loamy clay. Tuart Forest, E N boundary, Ludlow to Capel Road, 33.616660000 115.466666000 MAN Ferox (G.J. 3 ‐ ‐ 05478022 1999 Keighery 16034)

Eryngium sp. 11 12 PERTH Winter wet flats, grey clay. Eastern edge Tuart Forest, Ludlow to Capel, 33.583050000 115.510277000 MAN Ferox (G.J. 3 ‐ 05809096 2000 Keighery 16034)

Eryngium sp. 05 03 PERTH Winter wet flat; grey clay. NE margin Tuart Forest; Ludlow to Capel 33.583050000 115.510277000 MAN 2 Ferox (G.J. 3 ‐ 06062016 2001 Keighery 16034)

Eryngium sp. 04 02 PERTH Winter wet clay flats. Grey clay. Eastern margin; Tuart National Park, Ludlow to Capel 33.583050000 115.510277000 UNK 2 Ferox (G.J. 3 ‐ 07087659 2005 Keighery 16034)

Eucalyptus rudis 6.4 km along Wonnerup road from Wonnerup S road, E 06 11 PERTH Very rough lateritic flat. 33.650000000 115.450000000 MAN subsp. 4 ‐ 1505521 of Busselton 1987 cratyantha

Eucalyptus rudis Winter wet flats. Loamy sand over 27 06 PERTH Tuart Forest; near Ludlow 33.626110000 115.461666000 MAN subsp. 4 ‐ 04315375 calcarenite. 1995 cratyantha

14 09 PERTH White sand. S of Tutunup 33.666660000 115.550000000 MAN 4 4 ‐ 1154176 triaristata 1968

05 10 PERTH Franklandia S of Tutunup, (E of Ludlow) 33.666660000 115.550000000 MAN 4 4 ‐ 1153706 triaristata 1968

09 09 PERTH Franklandia Grey sand. Williamson road, Willcox Block, Whicher Range 33.716660000 115.516666000 MAN 4 ‐ 03554198 triaristata 1992

19 09 PERTH Franklandia Flat. Grey sand over sand. Ruabon 33.645000000 115.513333000 AUTO 3 4 ‐ 03056481 triaristata 1993

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Hithergreen, For. Ref. FN 3461, Cartis/Abba land form 01 11 PERTH Gastrolobium On silty soil over bog ironstone. 33.700000000 115.534722000 MAN T ‐ 05468736 papilio junction 1983

22 09 PERTH Gastrolobium Flat. Peat layer over ironstone. 18 km ESE of Busselton, Darling district 33.700000000 115.533333000 MAN T ‐ 03975576 papilio 1993

22 09 PERTH Gastrolobium Flat. Peat layer over ironstone. 18 km ESE of Busselton, Darling district 33.700000000 115.533333000 MAN T ‐ 03975568 papilio 1993

22 09 PERTH Gastrolobium Flat. Peat layer over ironstone. 18 km ESE of Busselton, Darling district 33.700000000 115.533333000 MAN T ‐ 03975584 papilio 1993

Winter wet flats, red clay over 18 12 PERTH Gastrolobium Williamson Road, Willcox Block, 16 km SE Busselton 33.701330000 115.549833000 MAN T ‐ 03348814 papilio ironstone. 1991

Base of Whicher Range, near Williamson road in State Flat, grey‐brown skeletal sandy clay 16 10 PERTH Gastrolobium Forest along fire break with Sussex location 4102 (near ‐33.700470000 115.520124000 GPS 1 T over massive ironstone. 1992 04095286 papilio plot Will‐3)

Flat to gently sloping edge of range. Red sandy clay soil with emergent NW corner of Abba Block, Williamson Road, between 28 12 PERTH Gastrolobium 33.698800000 115.535679000 GPS 1 T ‐ 04168100 papilio rock. pH: 6.0. Parent material: road and firebreak, Whicher Range 1994 laterite.

Flat to gently sloping edge of range. Red sandy clay soil with emergent NW corner of Abba Block, Williamson Road, between 28 12 PERTH Gastrolobium 33.698800000 115.535679000 GPS 1 T ‐ 04168089 papilio rock. pH: 6.0. Parent material: road and firebreak, Whicher Range 1994 laterite.

On grey brown sandy clay over 15 10 PERTH Gastrolobium Williamson road, Abba Block, State Forest 33.701380000 115.532500000 MAN T ‐ 03217833 papilio ironstone. 1992

Flat, dry brown clayey sand over 19 11 PERTH Gastrolobium NW corner of ABBA State Forest block, 33.699630000 115.533457000 GPS 1 T ‐ 04874854 papilio ironstone. 1996

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Base of Whicher Range, near Williamson road in State Flat, grey‐brown skeletal sandy clay 16 10 PERTH Gastrolobium Forest along fire break with Sussex location 4102 (near ‐33.700470000 115.520124000 GPS 1 T over massive ironstone. 1992 04095278 papilio plot Will‐3)

Gastrolobium PERTH sp. Yoongarillup Yoongarillup via Busselton 33.723330000 115.431666000 AUTO 3 10 1970 1 ‐ 2853116 (S.Dilkes s.n. 1/9/1969)

10 11 PERTH Gratiola Iluca Resources, Tutunup 33.723550000 115.498186000 GPS 1 2 ‐ 07400373 pedunculata 2005

Grevillea 06 09 PERTH brachystylis 2 miles E of Busselton 33.658330000 115.383333000 MAN 3 3 ‐ 1071351 subsp. 1971 brachystylis

Grevillea Low lying. Grey sandy clay over 01 09 PERTH brachystylis Ruabon 33.645000000 115.513333000 AUTO 3 3 ‐ 03358208 subsp. clay. 1987 brachystylis

Grevillea 19 09 PERTH brachystylis Yoongarillup, Busselton district. 33.723330000 115.431666000 MAN 3 3 ‐ 1071386 subsp. 1951 brachystylis

Grevillea 17 09 PERTH brachystylis Swampy black sand. Ruabon Railway Siding. 33.650000000 115.500000000 MAN 3 3 ‐ 1071440 subsp. 1977 brachystylis

Grevillea 19 09 PERTH brachystylis Yoongarillup, Busselton District 33.723330000 115.431666000 AUTO 3 3 ‐ 02357844 subsp. 1951 brachystylis

Grevillea 30 05 PERTH brachystylis Grey brown sand over clay. Fish Road Nature Reserve, c. 10 km SE of Busselton 33.716660000 115.383333000 MAN 3 ‐ ‐ 04227212 subsp. 1995 brachystylis

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Grevillea 20 10 PERTH brachystylis On sandy loam flat. Ruabon 33.650000000 115.500000000 MAN 3 ‐ 05125952 subsp. 1993 brachystylis

Grevillea Corner of Doyle Road and Queen Elizabeth Avenue 10 10 PERTH brachystylis 33.616660000 115.500000000 MAN 3 3 ‐ 06785700 subsp. (Ruabon?) 1991 brachystylis

Grevillea Flat. Moist dark brown sand over On the N road verge of Wonnerup East road, at 550 m E 14 08 PERTH brachystylis 33.703800000 115.404568000 GPS 1 3 ‐ 05291283 subsp. ironstone at some depth. along it from junction with Vasse Highway, 1998 brachystylis

Hillslope. Lateritic loam over 09 11 PERTH Grevillea [?] km S of Busselton to Nannup. 33.700000000 115.400000000 MAN 4 3 ‐ 1071467 bronwenae laterite. 1987

18 10 PERTH Grevillea Moist soil on creek bank. Abba River, Busselton District 33.650000000 115.466666000 MAN 4 T ‐ 02002604 elongata 1950

01 10 PERTH Grevillea Sandy swamp. Ruabon, Busselton District 33.645000000 115.513333000 AUTO 3 T ‐ 01850849 elongata 1954

Flat, moist but dry in summer In area of remnant ironstone vegetation in private 10 09 PERTH Grevillea months, brown/reddish sandy clay property Location 4102 to the N of ABBA block ‐33.702770000 115.542777000 MAN T 1997 05525543 elongata over ironstone. (Williamson Road corner),

12 10 PERTH Grevillea On deep yBVFls. Tutunup, FK 3433 33.655550000 115.529166000 MAN T ‐ 05443245 elongata 1978

Seasonally wet flat, red‐brown Wonnerup road, 8 km from Bussell Highway, 16 km E of 08 11 PERTH Grevillea 33.653610000 115.526666000 MAN T ‐ 04360664 elongata loam sand over ironstone. Busselton 1992

27 10 PERTH Grevillea White/grey sand, flat topography. Ruabon road, 7 km along the old railway track 33.658050000 115.500000000 MAN T ‐ 1643541 elongata 1985

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Undulating plain. Moist grey sand. 01 11 PERTH Grevillea Oates Road, 1.7 km from Hithergreen Ludlow Road 33.633330000 115.516666000 MAN 3 T ‐ ‐ 06487351 elongata Boggy roadside verge. 1986

10 10 PERTH Grevillea Grey sandy soil. Tutunup road, Ruabon 33.645000000 115.513333000 AUTO 3 T ‐ 02690802 elongata 1991

Flat road verge. Red‐brown gravelly Princefield/Oates Road, 1.5 km E of Ludlow‐Hithergreen 16 12 PERTH Grevillea clay. pH: 6.0 Parent material: ‐33.679630000 115.521234000 GPS 1 T Road 1994 04168143 elongata ironstone.

Flat road verge. Light brown sandy Wonnerup Road, north road verge 3.05 km E from 28 12 PERTH Grevillea 33.653520000 115.537623000 GPS 1 T ‐ 04168119 elongata clay. Parent material: ironstone. Ludlow Hithergreen Road, Busselton‐Capel 1994

10 10 PERTH Grevillea In grey sandy soil. Tutunup Road, Ruabon 33.616660000 115.500000000 MAN T ‐ 05583748 elongata 1991

Flat road verge. Light brown sandy Wonnerup Road, north road verge 3.05 km E from 28 12 PERTH Grevillea 33.653520000 115.537623000 GPS 1 T ‐ 04168097 elongata clay. Parent material: ironstone. Ludlow Hithergreen Road, Busselton‐Capel 1994

Cleared pasture previously mined Sussex Location 4102, Mining Lease M70 / 1070, N of for mineral sands. Plain on pasture. 29 06 PERTH Grevillea Williamson Road, Tutunup. Single plant is ca 320 m NW ‐33.696800000 115.535583000 GPS 1 T Old soil disturbance. Wet grey / 2011 08445451 elongata of Wilde's access track (just E of sheds) brown sand over ironstone.

Shallow soil over laterite. Moist in On the S verge of Princefield Road, at 2.4 km E of 30 03 PERTH Grevillea winter. Yellow/white/brown/dry ‐33.680270000 115.529444000 MAN T Ludlow‐Hither Road, Busselton District, 1993 04973518 maccutcheonii loam/clay.

Shallow soil over laterite. Moist in On the S verge of Princefield Road, at 2.4 km E of 30 03 PERTH Grevillea winter. Yellow/white/brown/dry ‐33.680270000 115.529444000 MAN T Ludlow‐Hither Road, Busselton District, 1993 04973488 maccutcheonii loam/clay.

Shallow soil over laterite. Moist in On the S verge of Princefield Road, at 2.4 km E of 30 03 PERTH Grevillea winter. Yellow/white/brown/dry ‐33.680270000 115.529444000 MAN T Ludlow‐Hither Road, Busselton District, 1993 04973496 maccutcheonii loam/clay.

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16 03 PERTH Grevillea Tutunup 33.664720000 115.553055000 AUTO 3 T ‐ 03188051 maccutcheonii 1993

On 3‐4 m wide verge, shallow soil 15 02 PERTH Grevillea Oates Road, Tutunup, For.Ref. 3444, 33.681940000 115.530555000 MAN T ‐ 05443016 maccutcheonii over ironstone. 1993

Flat plain. Brown clay soil Princefield Road (Oates Road) ca 2.4 km E of Ludlow‐ 14 12 PERTH Grevillea seasonally inundated. pH: 6.0. ‐33.679350000 115.530957000 GPS 1 T Highergreen Road, on S road verge only 1994 04168186 maccutcheonii Parent material: laterite.

2.5 km along Oates road from Princefied Road, 06 11 PERTH Grevillea Red clay over ironstone. 33.683330000 115.550000000 MAN T ‐ 04110390 maccutcheonii Busselton, 1993

Shallow soil over laterite. Moist in On the S verge of Princefield Road at 2.4 km E of 06 04 PERTH Grevillea 33.680270000 115.529444000 MAN T ‐ 03008207 maccutcheonii winter. Ludlow‐Hithergreen Road 1993

Shallow soil over laterite. Moist in On the S verge of Princefield Road, at 2.4 km E of 30 03 PERTH Grevillea winter. Yellow/white/brown/dry ‐33.680270000 115.529444000 MAN T Ludlow‐Hither Road, Busselton District, 1993 04973526 maccutcheonii loam/clay.

27 08 PERTH Loam over laterite. Location (Sussex) 4102, Tutunup, 33.695220000 115.535194000 MAN 2 Hakea oldfieldii 3 ‐ 05886635 2001

27 08 PERTH Loam over laterite. Location (Sussex) 4102, Tutunup, 33.695220000 115.535194000 MAN 2 Hakea oldfieldii 3 ‐ 05886643 2001

18 10 PERTH On creek bank. Abba River, Busselton District 33.650000000 115.466666000 MAN 3 Hakea oldfieldii 3 ‐ 06302475 1950

29 09 PERTH In pebbly loam. Ruabon, Busselton District 33.650000000 115.500000000 MAN 3 Hakea oldfieldii 3 ‐ 06302483 1953

Flat. Dry brown sandy clay over Butcher Road Reserve, at ca 1 km from the junction with 02 01 PERTH 33.694630000 115.480124000 GPS 1 Hakea oldfieldii 3 ‐ 05093244 ironstone. Yalyalgup Road 1998

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On edge of State Forest at base of Whicher Range, Seasonally wet flat. Grey‐brown 16 10 PERTH Williamson road, 6 km S of Wonnerup road, 18 km E of ‐33.699630000 115.539568000 GPS 1 Hakea oldfieldii 3 loamy sand. 1992 04305663 Busselton

Low hill. E‐W aspect. Erosion present, powerlines. Bare, littered, Site SWR1. Intersection of Quilergup and Williamson 10 10 PERTH 33.712970000 115.535402000 GPS 1 Hakea oldfieldii 3 ‐ 06054064 gravelly. Dry white‐grey sand over Roads, 2 km E of Vasse Highway 2001 laterite. 30% rock outcropping.

Flat plain. Brown clay soil, Princefield Road (Oates Road) ca 2 km E of Ludlow‐ 14 12 PERTH seasonally inundated. pH: 6.0 ‐33.679350000 115.530957000 GPS 1 Hakea oldfieldii 3 Hithergreen Road 1994 04168151 Parent material: laterite.

Flat to gently sloping edge of range. NE corner of Abba Block, Williamson Road, between 15 12 PERTH Red sandy soil with emergent rock. ‐33.698800000 115.541790000 GPS 1 Hakea oldfieldii 3 road and firebreak, Whicher Range 1994 04168259 pH: 6.0 Parent material: laterite.

Flat to gently sloping edge of range. 12 12 PERTH Red sandy soil with emergent rock NW corner of Abba Block, Williamson Road ‐33.698800000 115.535679000 GPS 1 Hakea oldfieldii 3 1995 04262050 over laterite, pH: 6.0.

Isopogon 12 09 PERTH Sandy soil. Ludlow, Busselton District 33.606660000 115.484722000 AUTO 3 formosus subsp. 3 ‐ 04230124 1955 dasylepis

Isopogon Grey sandy gravel over laterite on 27 10 PERTH 5 km E along Ruabon Road, Busselton 33.656380000 115.543333000 MAN formosus subsp. 3 ‐ 1903578 flat. Swamplands. 1985 dasylepis

Isopogon On damp, sandy‐clay flat. On road 26 06 PERTH Ca 4 miles (ca 6 km) S of Tutunup 33.700000000 115.500000000 MAN 3 formosus subsp. 3 ‐ 03430081 verge. 1973 dasylepis

Isopogon 08 10 PERTH Sandy soil. Yalyalup, Busselton District 33.700000000 115.466666000 AUTO 3 formosus subsp. 3 ‐ 04229444 1957 dasylepis

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Isopogon 30 10 PERTH Yoongarillup, Busselton 33.723330000 115.431666000 AUTO 3 formosus subsp. 3 ‐ 04229754 1961 dasylepis

Soil: Grey/brown loamy sand over ironstone. Topography/drainage: N of Williamson Rd, 2 km NNE of the intersection of Isopogon Seasonally wet poorly drained 16 10 PERTH Williamson Rd and Claymore Rd, 18 km E of Busselton ‐33.699630000 115.539568000 GPS 1 formosus subsp. 3 gentle N facing slope. 1992 04524047 (adj. to plot Will‐1). dasylepis Geomorphology: Skeletal soils over massive ironstone.

Isopogon Winter damp, red brown ironstone 02 12 PERTH Ludlow River, Colyoolup Pool, 4 5 km SW Capel 33.600000000 115.516666000 MAN formosus subsp. 3 ‐ ‐ 05011272 clay. 1996 dasylepis

Isopogon yBLS little slope, moist, laterite at 30 10 PERTH Abba, FN 3451, 33.700000000 115.531944000 MAN formosus subsp. 3 ‐ 05428688 shallow depth. 1974 dasylepis

Isopogon Plain. E‐W aspect. White sand. Site CAP4, 0.2 km N of McGibbon (Butcher) Road from 11 12 PERTH 33.696860000 115.469568000 GPS 1 formosus subsp. 3 ‐ 06030793 Erosion present. Wonnerup East Road, 2001 dasylepis

Isopogon NW corner Ruabon Nature Reserve in swamp system, 22 02 PERTH Plain. Reserve. White dry sand. 33.642630000 115.502694000 GPS 1 formosus subsp. 3 ‐ 07332637 area on W side of Ludlow Hithergreen Road 2006 dasylepis

Lambertia Flat to gently sloping edge of range. Abba Block, Williamson Road East between road and 21 02 PERTH 33.698800000 115.541790000 GPS 1 echinata subsp. T ‐ 04669010 White sandy soil over laterite. firebreak, Whicher Range 1997 occidentalis

Lambertia 15 12 PERTH White sandy soil. Williamson Road, Abba Block, base of Whicher Range 33.700000000 115.540277000 MAN echinata subsp. T ‐ 04168127 1994 occidentalis

Lambertia 02 09 PERTH Williamson Road, Abba Block, Whicher Range 33.700000000 115.540277000 MAN echinata subsp. T ‐ 04267559 1994 occidentalis

Lambertia Flat to gently sloping edge of range. 19 04 PERTH Abba Block, Williamson Road West, Whicher Range 33.683610000 115.533333000 GPS 1 echinata subsp. T ‐ 06141579 White sand over laterite. 2002 occidentalis

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Gentle N facing slope. Orange Lambertia 19 10 PERTH brown sand over ironstone at S of Williamson road, Abba Forest Block 33.701380000 115.538055000 MAN echinata subsp. T ‐ 04183622 1995 occidentalis depth.

Lambertia Flat to slight slope. White sand, 14 04 PERTH Williamson road, Abba Block 33.699690000 115.536722000 GPS 1 echinata subsp. T ‐ 07706162 parent material; laterite. 2007 occidentalis

Lambertia Flat to gently sloping edge of range. 01 12 PERTH Abba Block, Williamson Road W, Whicher Range 33.683610000 115.533333000 GPS 1 echinata subsp. T ‐ 08285640 White sand over laterite. 2009 occidentalis

Gentle N facing slope. Orange Lambertia S of Williamson road, Abba Forest Block (adjacent to 16 10 PERTH brown sand over ironstone at 33.699630000 115.539568000 GPS 1 echinata subsp. T ‐ 04183592 Plot Will 01) 1992 occidentalis depth.

Lasiopetalum S of Ludlow, in a track marking the boundary between 23 10 PERTH Yellow sand over limestone. 33.606660000 115.484722000 AUTO 3 membranaceu 3 ‐ 03980820 State Forest and Ludlow National Park 1994 m

Lasiopetalum 05 12 PERTH Black sand over limestone. Wonnerup area, Ludlow National Park 33.633330000 115.433333000 MAN 3 membranaceu 3 ‐ 04104986 1992 m

Lasiopetalum 23 11 PERTH Grey sand. Ludlow Agonis and Neville Roads 33.600000000 115.450000000 MAN 3 membranaceu 3 ‐ ‐ 06426301 1998 m

Leucopogon sp. 23 08 PERTH Grey sand over clay. Ruabon Nature Reserve, 33.645000000 115.513333000 MAN Busselton (D. 2 ‐ 04558936 1993 Cooper 243)

Leucopogon sp. 13 09 PERTH Red sandy soil. Hithergreen, Busselton District 33.716660000 115.500000000 MAN Busselton (D. 2 ‐ 05700477 1957 Cooper 243)

Leucopogon sp. 13 09 PERTH Winter wet black sand. Ruabon Nature Reserve, E of Busselton 33.647080000 115.508250000 MAN 2 Busselton (D. 2 ‐ 05904889 1994 Cooper 243)

Leucopogon sp. Low flat. Dry ‐ winter wet. Grey 13 09 PERTH Corner Plantation and Tutunup Road, S of Capel 33.602500000 115.557222000 GPS 1 Busselton (D. 2 ‐ 08318018 sand. 2010 Cooper 243)

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Leucopogon sp. Seasonal dampland. Seasonally Ruabon Nature Reserve, W block, SW of Capel, firebreak 26 09 PERTH 33.644440000 115.505555000 GPS 1 Busselton (D. 2 ‐ 08413878 wet, white sand. adjacent Ludlow ‐ Hithergreen road 2011 Cooper 243)

05 12 PERTH Loxocarya Brown loam over laterite. Tutunup, Sheet. Busselton, Grid ref. FQ30, 33.664720000 115.553055000 AUTO 3 3 ‐ 03702766 magna 1992

Orange red sandy clay loam. Winter Oates Road around translocation site (Grevillea 02 02 PERTH Loxocarya 33.679330000 115.531012000 GPS 1 3 ‐ 05814537 magna wet ironstone. maccutcheonii), 2001

Oates Road, ca 2.4 km E of Ludlow ‐ Hithergreen Road, Flat, winter wet. Orangey sandy 07 11 PERTH Loxocarya on degraded road verge and into property on S side of ‐33.680550000 115.529444000 GPS 1 3 clay loam over ironstone. 2001 05895537 magna road (translocation site for )

Site CAP3, 2.5 km ESE of Tuttenup Road on Wonnerup 11 12 PERTH Loxocarya Wetland. Brown clay. 33.665470000 115.547901000 GPS 1 3 ‐ 06030785 magna Road, Tuttenup 2001

Winter wet flats, in red clay over 29 09 PERTH Loxocarya 2.5 km W of Ruabon on railway reserve towards Capel 33.700000000 115.533333000 MAN 3 ‐ 1653229 magna ironstone. 1990

Winter wet flats, in red clay over 29 09 PERTH Loxocarya 2.5 km W of Ruabon, on railway reserve 33.700000000 115.533333000 MAN 3 ‐ 1653318 magna ironstone. 1990

29 09 PERTH Loxocarya In red pebbly loam. Ruabon, Busselton District 33.645000000 115.513333000 AUTO 3 3 ‐ 02139863 magna 1953

29 09 PERTH Loxocarya In red pebbly loam. Ruabon, Busselton District 33.645000000 115.513333000 AUTO 3 3 ‐ 02139766 magna 1953

12 10 PERTH Loxocarya In ironstone gravel. Abba River, Busselton District 33.680000000 115.490000000 GPS 3 3 ‐ 08237069 magna 1949

12 10 PERTH Loxocarya In ironstone gravel. Abba River, Busselton District 33.680000000 115.490000000 GPS 3 3 ‐ 08237077 magna 1949

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Loxocarya Winter wet flats, red clay over 16 03 PERTH Williamson road, Willcox Block, Whicher Range 33.700000000 115.550000000 MAN striata subsp. 1 ‐ 08213739 ironstone. 1991 implexa

Loxocarya Winter wet flats, red clay over 16 03 PERTH Williamson road, Willcox Block, Whicher Range 33.700000000 115.550000000 MAN striata subsp. 1 ‐ 1947257 ironstone. 1991 implexa

06 09 PERTH Meeboldina 12 miles NE of Busselton 33.575000000 115.528611000 AUTO 3 3 ‐ 02137623 thysanantha 1965

Wetland; bare white to grey sand; 09 11 PERTH Meionectes 700 m E Ruabon along Ruaborn Wonnerup Road, 33.647690000 115.513456000 GPS 1 3 ‐ ‐ 05352940 tenuifolia burnt 1999‐2000. 2000

17 09 PERTH Meionectes Wet black sandy soil. Ruabon 33.645000000 115.513333000 MAN 3 3 ‐ 1162594 tenuifolia 1977

04 01 PERTH Mitreola Swamp. Wet grey sand. Capel to Tutunup Road 33.609160000 115.555833000 AUTO 3 2 ‐ 04072758 minima 1975

20 10 PERTH Montia Sand over clay. Simmonds Block, Tuart Forest, E of Ludlow, 33.582500000 115.514444000 MAN 2 ‐ 04873661 australasica 1994

Soil: Brown clay over ironstone at depth. Topography/drainage: Ruabon Nature Reserve, Wonnerup Rd, 15 km E of 16 10 PERTH Myriophyllum Seasonally wet poorly drained flat. ‐33.645740000 115.509567000 GPS 1 3 Busselton (plot Ruab‐4). 1992 04456858 echinatum Geomorphology: Skeletal soils over ironstone hardpan.

In shallow water to 10 cm deep. 15 09 PERTH Ornduffia Tuart Forest, NW Ludlow 33.616660000 115.533333000 MAN 4 ‐ 4187903 submersa Grey black clay. 1994

14 09 PERTH Ornduffia 3 ft of water. Yoongarillup, S of Busselton 33.723330000 115.431666000 MAN 3 4 ‐ 1062271 submersa 1955

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Shallow claypans, brown mud over 27 08 PERTH Ornduffia Fish Road Nature Reserve, 13 km SSE of Busselton 33.716660000 115.458333000 MAN 3 4 ‐ 1062255 submersa stony clay. 1985

Flat to gently sloping edge of range. Abba Block, Williamson Road, between road and 15 03 PERTH Petrophile Red sandy soil with emergent rock, ‐33.700000000 115.540277000 MAN T firebreak, Whicher Range, 1994 03592049 latericola pH: 6.0. Parent material: laterite.

Silty soil over bog ironstone, 01 11 PERTH Petrophile Cartis/Abba landform junction in Hithergreen, For. Ref. FN 3461, ‐33.701380000 115.533333000 MAN T 1983 05428866 latericola swamp.

Tutunup Road, Rail Reserve, 2.2 km from junction with 28 02 PERTH Petrophile Flat. Brown sand over ironstone. 33.656110000 115.528888000 MAN T ‐ 05553113 latericola Ludlow‐ Hithergreen Road, 2000

Winter wet flats, red brown clay 20 11 PERTH Petrophile 2 km E of Ruabon 33.644720000 115.533888000 AUTO 3 T ‐ 01604651 latericola over ironstone. 1989

Flat, dry, brown becoming orangey NW corner of ABBA State Forest block, between 19 11 PERTH Petrophile 33.700190000 115.534013000 GPS 1 T ‐ 04874900 latericola brown clayey sand over ironstone. Williamson Road and N boundary fence of block, 1996

On edge of State Forest, at base of Whicher Range, Seasonally wet flat. Grey‐brown 16 10 PERTH Petrophile Williamson road, 18 km E of Busselton (Williamson 01‐ ‐33.699630000 115.539568000 GPS 1 T sandy clay over ironstone. 1992 04360648 latericola ADJ)

Winter wet flats. Red lateritic clay 30 11 PERTH Petrophile Williamson Road, Abba Block, Whicher Range 33.700000000 115.533333000 MAN T ‐ 03202372 latericola over laterite. 1990

Abba Block Williamson Road E. Northern boundary of 02 12 PERTH Petrophile Flat. Dry brown sand over laterite. 33.699410000 115.538222000 GPS 1 T ‐ 08285551 latericola ironstone block. Base of Whicher Range 2009

Flat winter wet. White sand over Abba Block Williamson Road W. Adjacent farmland. 02 12 PERTH Petrophile 33.700660000 115.533694000 GPS 1 T ‐ 08285578 latericola laterite. Base of Whicher Range 2009

Seasonally wet flat. Grey‐brown On edge of State Forest, at base of Whicher Range, 09 11 PERTH Petrophile 33.700190000 115.534013000 GPS 1 T ‐ 04360621 latericola sandy clay over ironstone. Williamson road, 18 km E of Busselton (Williamson 03), 1992

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Winter wet flats, red clay over 09 09 PERTH Pultenaea Williamson road, Willcox Block, Whicher Range 33.716660000 115.516666000 MAN 4 ‐ 03552810 skinneri ironstone. 1992

15 09 PERTH Schoenus Black peaty clay. Tuart Forest, NW of Ludlow 33.616660000 115.533333000 MAN 4 ‐ 04358163 natans 1994

Winter wet flats, coarse brown 01 09 PERTH Schoenus 5 km from Ruabon, on Wonnerup road 33.645000000 115.461111000 AUTO 3 1 ‐ 02261626 pennisetis sandy clay over clay. 1987

Soil: Brown sandy clay over ironstone. Topography/drainage: N of Williamson Rd, 2 km N of the intersection of Seasonally wet poorly drained 12 11 PERTH Schoenus Williamson Rd and Claymore Rd, 17 km E of Busselton ‐33.700190000 115.534013000 GPS 1 1 gentle N facing slope. 1993 04525043 pennisetis (adj. to plot Will03). Geomorphology: Skeletal soils over massive ironstone.

Wetland; bare white to grey sand; 09 11 PERTH Schoenus 700 m E Ruabon along Ruaborn Wonnerup Road, 33.647690000 115.513456000 GPS 1 1 ‐ ‐ 05352932 pennisetis burnt 1999‐2000. 2000

Winter wet slopes. Red clay loam 04 11 PERTH Stylidium Willcox Block, Williamson Road, Whicher Range 33.715000000 115.532500000 MAN 1 ‐ 05472148 ferricola over ironstone. 1993

26 10 PERTH Stylidium In sandy semi swamp. Yoongarillup on Busselton Nannup Road 33.723330000 115.431666000 AUTO 3 3 ‐ ‐ ‐ 02694336 longitubum 1947

18 10 PERTH Stylidium In shallow claypan, brown clay. Simmonds Block, Tuart Forest, E of Busselton, 33.625000000 115.461111000 MAN 3 ‐ 04861604 longitubum 1994

Winter wet flat; red ‐ brown clay Wonnerup Road; 2.4 km E of Ludlow ‐ Hithergreen 16 10 PERTH Stylidium 33.652500000 115.530000000 MAN 2 2 ‐ 06062105 squamellosum loam ironstone. Road; on N side 2001

03 09 PERTH Ludlow 33.606660000 115.484722000 AUTO 3 Synaphea hians 3 ‐ 01689045 1953

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


12 09 PERTH Grey sand over loamy clay. Capel Nature Reserve, 3 km SW Capel, 33.578610000 115.545277000 MAN Synaphea hians 3 ‐ 04832639 1994

06 09 PERTH 2 miles E of Busselton 33.658330000 115.383333000 MAN 3 Synaphea hians 3 ‐ 01689118 1971

13 10 PERTH Sandy soil. 6 km E of Busselton on Vasse Highway to Nannup 33.666660000 115.366666000 MAN Synaphea hians 3 ‐ 1689088 1985

On southern road verge of Lindberg Road, ca 1.35 km W Flat. Dry, heavy, organic cover. 22 08 PERTH along Lindberg Road from the junction with Vasse ‐33.694080000 115.378457000 GPS 1 Synaphea hians 3 Grey sand. 1997 04981715 Highway

3 km E of South Western Highway on Nannup road (E of 20 10 PERTH In yellow brown sand on rise. Busselton), (This locality should read: 3 km E of Bussell ‐33.683330000 115.383333000 MAN Synaphea hians 3 1993 04253213 Highway on Vasse Highway. A.S. George, 28/08/1997)

Sloping road verge. Red‐brown 200 m NW of Lindberg Road on Vasse Highway, SSE of 12 10 PERTH 33.683610000 115.386944000 GPS 1 Synaphea hians 3 ‐ 08114145 clayey sand over laterite. Busselton 1997

Synaphea 20 10 PERTH On low lying sandy loam flat. Ruabon 33.650000000 115.500000000 MAN petiolaris subsp. 2 ‐ ‐ 04615905 1993 simplex

Synaphea 20 10 PERTH On low lying sandy loam flat. Ruabon 33.650000000 115.500000000 MAN petiolaris subsp. 2 ‐ ‐ 04615921 1993 simplex

Synaphea 20 10 PERTH On low lying sandy loam flat. Ruabon 33.650000000 115.500000000 MAN petiolaris subsp. 2 ‐ ‐ 04615913 1993 simplex

Brown clay over ironstone at depth. Topography/drainage: Seasonally Synaphea Ruabon Nature Reserve, Wonnerup Rd, 15 km E of 23 08 PERTH wet poorly drained flat. 33.645740000 115.509567000 GPS 1 petiolaris subsp. 2 ‐ 04922751 Busselton (adj. to plot Ruab‐4). 1993 simplex Geomorphology: Skeletal soils over ironstone hardpan.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Flat. Moist dark brown/orange 500 m E along 'no through road' that runs off Ludlow‐ Synaphea 01 10 PERTH sand. On old disturbed track beside Hithergreen road, between the new end old Bussell 33.610190000 115.493178000 GPS 1 petiolaris subsp. 2 ‐ 04981723 1997 simplex rail line. Highway

Synaphea Wetland; bare white to grey sand; 09 11 PERTH 700 m E Ruabon along Ruaborn Wonnerup Road, 33.647690000 115.513456000 GPS 1 petiolaris subsp. 2 ‐ ‐ 05352924 burnt 1999‐2000. 2000 simplex

Synaphea 20 10 PERTH On low lying sandy loam flat. Ruabon, 33.650000000 115.500000000 MAN petiolaris subsp. 2 ‐ ‐ 04616103 1993 simplex

Ruabon Nature Reserve, 50 m N of the intersection of Synaphea Wet depression. Grey‐light brown 22 10 PERTH Ruabon & Ludlow Hithergreen Roads, to E of 33.645970000 115.505750000 GPS 1 petiolaris subsp. 2 ‐ ‐ 08035962 wet clayey sand. 2008 simplex cleared/degraded area

Low dune slope, grey sand over 08 06 PERTH Tetraria Ruabon Nature Reserve, Capel to Busselton 33.633330000 115.500000000 MAN T ‐ 04057031 australiensis clay. 1993

Trichocline sp. Winter wet flats. Grey sand over 13 12 PERTH Treeton (B.J. Capel Nature Reserve 33.578660000 115.545350000 UNK 3 2 ‐ 04122844 Keighery & N. clay. 1994 Gibson 564)

Trichocline sp. 13 12 PERTH Treeton (B.J. Brown clay. Tuart Forest, SW Ludlow 33.616660000 115.550000000 MAN 2 ‐ 04122852 Keighery & N. 1994 Gibson 564)

19 10 PERTH Tripterococcus Black sand over clay. Ruabon Nature Reserve, SE Busselton, 33.642220000 115.506666000 MAN 4 ‐ 04591542 paniculatus 1994

Ludlow Hithergreen Road just N of Wonnerup Road, ca 10 12 PERTH Tripterococcus Flat terrain grey sand. 33.633330000 115.516666000 MAN 4 ‐ 3113000 paniculatus 16 E of Busselton 1985

White sand in paperbark swamp 05 04 PERTH Verticordia Ruabon, 20 km E of Busselton 33.645000000 115.513333000 AUTO 3 3 ‐ 01256432 attenuata subject to flooding. 1981

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


03 03 PERTH Verticordia clyBLS. Coolilup Plantation, 33.600000000 115.516666000 MAN 3 ‐ 05508525 attenuata 1976

W side of Bussell Highway, 150 m south of parking bay 23 02 PERTH Verticordia 33.594440000 115.490277000 MAN 3 ‐ 05508266 attenuata "P" sign, 1993

PERTH Verticordia Ludlow 33.606660000 115.484722000 AUTO 3 02 1943 3 ‐ 01256467 attenuata

30 12 PERTH Verticordia Grey sand. Growing on road verge. Ludlow, 16 km E of Busselton 33.606660000 115.484722000 AUTO 3 3 ‐ 01256424 attenuata 1981

23 02 PERTH Verticordia Ruabon, For.Ref. FJ 3142, 33.640270000 115.480555000 MAN 3 ‐ 05508274 attenuata 1993

16 12 PERTH Verticordia In sand. 5 miles W of Capel on Busselton road 33.600000000 115.500000000 MAN 3 3 ‐ 01256440 attenuata 1957

18 02 PERTH Verticordia White sand. In paperbark swamp. Between Ruabon and Tutunup 33.655000000 115.533055000 AUTO 3 3 ‐ 01256017 attenuata 1988

Plantation Road, 300 m E of Hutton Road, NE of 02 01 PERTH Verticordia Plain. Leaf litter. Grey sand. 33.602770000 115.527500000 MAN 3 ‐ 04350960 attenuata Busselton 1996

Winter wet depression. Black peaty Simmonds Block, Tuart Forest National Park, E of 15 12 PERTH Verticordia 33.613050000 115.478888000 MAN 3 3 ‐ 06223664 attenuata sand over clay. Busselton 2001

Flat becoming swampy. Dry white 02 01 PERTH Verticordia sand. Degraded roadside/swamp 5.4 km S of southernmost Capel turnoff ‐33.591020000 115.520677000 GPS 1 3 1996 04350952 attenuata boundary.

02 01 PERTH Verticordia Flat plain. Open dry white sand. 17.2 km N of Busselton on Tuart Drive 33.590460000 115.495400000 GPS 1 3 ‐ 04350944 attenuata 1996

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Capel Nature Reserve, SW corner boundary fence, ca 4 04 01 PERTH Verticordia Plain. Dry grey sand. 33.580740000 115.537899000 GPS 1 3 ‐ 04350758 attenuata km from Capel 1996

Plain. Reserve. Capel Nature 06 01 PERTH Verticordia Within Capel Nature Reserve on edge of track 33.577500000 115.540666000 GPS 1 3 ‐ 07332602 attenuata Reserve. White sand. 2006

Flat plain. Fine pale grey sand, pH: Westrail reserve along Ruabon Rd (Wonnerup Rd), 2 km 16 03 PERTH Verticordia 6.0. Parent material: alluvial sands ‐33.639630000 115.486789000 GPS 1 3 W of Hithergreen‐ Ludlow Rd, N side of road on rail lines 1994 03592030 attenuata ?

Road verge. Flat to gently sloping 7.2 km S of southern most Capel turnoff on Bussell 16 03 PERTH Verticordia plain. Grey sandy loam. Parent ‐33.590740000 115.496233000 GPS 1 3 Highway, E side of road verge for approximately 100 m 1994 03592014 attenuata material: alluvial sands ?

08 01 PERTH Verticordia In sand along railway. Ludlow 33.606660000 115.484722000 AUTO 3 3 ‐ 02141779 attenuata 1971

Westrail Reserve along Ruabon Road (Wonnerup Road), Flat plain. Fine white sand over 17 01 PERTH Verticordia 2 km W of Hithergreen ‐ Ludlow Road, N side of road on ‐33.642690000 115.494166000 GPS 1 3 alluvial sands. 2007 07464053 attenuata rail lines

06 01 PERTH Verticordia Plain. Road verge. White sand. Hutton Road; Capel 33.600220000 115.523888000 GPS 1 3 ‐ 07332599 attenuata 2006

Verticordia Lightsand or grey to yellow sand in 27 12 PERTH Between Ruabon and Tutunup, 33.655000000 115.533055000 AUTO 3 densiflora var. T ‐ 02029456 winter wet low‐lying areas. 1981 pedunculata

Verticordia Plain. Dry (?moist in winter) grey Capel Nature Reserve, 2.2 km S along Range Road (ca 04 01 PERTH 33.579910000 115.547621000 GPS 1 densiflora var. T ‐ 04350839 sand. 300 m from Capel) 1996 pedunculata

Verticordia Dry, organic littered cover. Grey‐ 150 m W along Ruabon Road from Ludlow‐Hithergreen 03 01 PERTH 33.645830000 115.504166000 MAN densiflora var. T ‐ 04350847 white sand. Road, on S side, E of Busselton 1996 pedunculata

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Plain. Dry, wet in winter. Brown Verticordia Ruabon Road, 650 m W of Ludlow‐Hithergreen Road, E 03 01 PERTH sandy clay. Beside rail line in 33.643800000 115.501789000 GPS 1 densiflora var. T ‐ 04350855 of Busselton 1996 pedunculata reserve.

Verticordia 23 03 PERTH Ruabon, For. Ref. FJ 3132 33.638880000 115.477777000 MAN 3 densiflora var. T ‐ 06405118 1993 pedunculata

Verticordia NW corner of Ruabon Nature Reserve, in the area W of 17 02 PERTH Plain. Reserve. White dry sand. 33.641520000 115.502750000 GPS 1 densiflora var. T ‐ 07332742 Ludlow‐Hithergreen Road 2006 pedunculata

Verticordia 27 12 PERTH In light sand in winter wet area. Between Ruabon and Tutunup, 25 km E of Busselton 33.655000000 115.533055000 AUTO 3 densiflora var. T ‐ 01832115 1981 pedunculata

Verticordia E 600 m along Tutunup Road from Ludlow ‐ Hithergreen 15 01 PERTH 33.650000000 115.516805000 UNK 3 densiflora var. T ‐ 08017484 Road 2005 pedunculata

On damp, sandy clay flat on road 26 06 PERTH Verticordia Ca 4 miles S of Tutunup (E of Busselton) 33.722770000 115.553333000 AUTO 3 4 ‐ 01994131 lehmannii verge. 1973

Verticordia Dry Flat; brown silty sand and well SE area of State Forest 12, W of Coolyoolup Road 20 10 PERTH 33.613200000 115.523701000 GPS 1 lindleyi subsp. 4 ‐ 06513417 drained. (adjacent to System 6 Update quadrat sf 1201) 1995 lindleyi

Verticordia Flat and low lying inundated in Ambergate Reserve, c. 8 km SE from Busselton, along 22 12 PERTH 33.702500000 115.395277000 AUTO 3 plumosa var. T ‐ 02522144 winter. Grey alluvial sandy loam. Queen Elizabeth Avenue 1991 ananeotes

Verticordia Flat and low lying inundated in Ambergate Reserve, c. 8 km SE from Busselton, along 22 12 PERTH 33.702500000 115.395277000 AUTO 3 plumosa var. T ‐ 02522152 winter. Grey alluvial sandy loam. Queen Elizabeth Avenue 1991 ananeotes

Verticordia Flat and low lying, inundated in Ambergate Reserve, c. 8 km SE from Busselton along 22 12 PERTH 33.702500000 115.395277000 AUTO 3 plumosa var. T ‐ 02522209 winter, grey alluvial loam. Queen Elizabeth Avenue 1991 ananeotes

Verticordia Flat and low lying, inundated in Ambergate Reserve, c. 8 km SE from Busselton along 30 11 PERTH 33.702500000 115.395277000 AUTO 3 plumosa var. T ‐ 02522217 winter, grey alluvial sandy loam. Queen Elizabeth Avenue 1991 ananeotes

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Verticordia Flat and low lying, inundated in Ambergate Reserve, c. 8 km SE from Busselton along 30 11 PERTH 33.702500000 115.395277000 AUTO 3 plumosa var. T ‐ 02522225 winter, grey alluvial sandy loam. Queen Elizabeth Avenue 1991 ananeotes

Verticordia Flat and low lying, inundated in Ambergate Reserve, c. 8 km SE from Busselton along 30 11 PERTH 33.702500000 115.395277000 AUTO 3 plumosa var. T ‐ 02522233 winter, grey alluvial sandy loam. Queen Elizabeth Avenue 1991 ananeotes

Verticordia Flat and low lying, inundated in Ambergate Reserve, c 8 km SE from Busselton along 19 01 PERTH 33.702500000 115.395277000 AUTO 3 plumosa var. T ‐ 02522330 winter, grey sandy loam. Queen Elizabeth Avenue 1992 ananeotes

Burnt in May 2003. Wetland. Verticordia NE block of the Ambergate Reserve, plants just off 21 01 PERTH Reserve. Winter damp to wet. Grey 33.702500000 115.395277000 MAN 2 plumosa var. T ‐ 07332610 Queen Elizabeth Road 2006 ananeotes sandy clay.

Verticordia 20 10 PERTH On clay flat. Busselton Nannup road at Acton Park Road turnoff, 33.700000000 115.400000000 MAN plumosa var. T ‐ ‐ 05537886 1993 vassensis

Verticordia PERTH Sandy gravel roadside. Ruabon turnoff on Bussell Highway 33.600000000 115.466666000 TOPO 3 01 1974 plumosa var. T ‐ 07239742 vassensis

Relatively flat, low lying and very Verticordia Ruabon road, c. 300 m from Ludlow‐Hithergreen road, E 19 01 PERTH wet in winter. Yellowish grey sandy 33.645000000 115.513333000 AUTO 3 plumosa var. T ‐ 02522187 of Busselton 1992 vassensis clay loam.

Relatively flat, low lying and very Verticordia Ruabon road, c. 300 m from Ludlow‐Hithergreen road, E 19 01 PERTH wet in winter. Yellowish grey sandy 33.645000000 115.513333000 AUTO 3 plumosa var. T ‐ 02522195 of Busselton 1992 vassensis clay loam.

Verticordia Low area on very gently undulating Ruabon, Map. 1:50,000 Sheet: Busselton. Grid ref. 30 03 PERTH 33.645000000 115.501388000 MAN plumosa var. T ‐ 03507319 plain, yellow clayey sand. FK3258 1993 vassensis

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Soil: Brown clay over ironstone at depth. Topography/drainage: Verticordia Ruabon Nature Reserve, Wonnerup Rd, 15 km E of 16 10 PERTH Seasonally wet poorly drained flat. 33.645740000 115.509567000 GPS 1 plumosa var. T ‐ 04499395 Busselton (plot Ruab‐4). 1992 vassensis Geomorphology: Skeletal soils over ironstone hardpan.

Verticordia 26 10 PERTH Swampy area. Tutunup Road, S of Ludlow, 33.633330000 115.500000000 MAN plumosa var. T ‐ 04532538 1995 vassensis

Verticordia Light sand in a low lying winter‐wet 04 10 PERTH Between Ruabon and Tutunup 33.655000000 115.533055000 AUTO 3 plumosa var. T ‐ 01398733 area. 1981 vassensis

Verticordia 17 02 PERTH White sand. Between Ruabon and Tutunup 33.655000000 115.533055000 AUTO 3 plumosa var. T ‐ 01398776 1988 vassensis

Verticordia Light sand, in winter‐wet low lying 04 10 PERTH Between Ruabon and Tutunup 33.655000000 115.533055000 AUTO 3 plumosa var. T ‐ 01398784 area. 1981 vassensis

Verticordia Light sand in winter‐wet, low lying 13 12 PERTH Between Ruabon and Tutunup, E of Busselton 33.655000000 115.533055000 AUTO 3 plumosa var. T ‐ 01398806 area. 1981 vassensis

Verticordia Lower slope of very gentle 30 03 PERTH Tutunup, Map. 1:50,000, Sheet. Kinup, Grid ref. FK3482 33.655550000 115.539166000 MAN plumosa var. T ‐ 03507343 elevation on plain. 1993 vassensis

Disturbed roadside near drainage line (plain). Winter wet. Verticordia 500 m S along Ludlow/Hithergreen Road, from Bussell 02 01 PERTH Brown/grey sand. Very degraded 33.618240000 115.488456000 GPS 1 plumosa var. T ‐ 04350979 Highway turnoff, NE of Busselton 1996 vassensis road verge, near culvert, beside fence.

Verticordia Ludlow ‐ Hithergreen road, W side of road, 1.4 km S of 03 01 PERTH Grey sand. 33.656850000 115.505401000 GPS 1 plumosa var. T ‐ 04362071 intersection with Ruabon road, E of Busselton 1996 vassensis

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Verticordia Princefield Road, 4.3 km W of Ludlow‐Hithergreen Road, 03 01 PERTH Plain. Drey grey sand. Winter wet. 33.682690000 115.484290000 GPS 1 plumosa var. T ‐ 04371429 NE of Busselton 1996 vassensis

Verticordia Plain. Dry ‐ probably moist in 13 12 PERTH Corner Acton Park Road, Vasse Highway 33.696860000 115.394291000 GPS 1 plumosa var. T ‐ 04371445 winter. Grey sand. 1995 vassensis

Verticordia Winter wet flat. Yellow‐brown Corner of Acton Park Road and Vasse Highway, ca 10 km 22 01 PERTH 33.697690000 115.394846000 GPS 1 plumosa var. T ‐ 04933923 sandy loam. SE of Busselton at base of Whicher Range 1998 vassensis

Verticordia Winter wet flat. Grey winter wet Fish Road Nature Reserve on the corner of Fish Road 03 02 PERTH 33.700000000 115.383333000 MAN 3 plumosa var. T ‐ 04963644 clay soils over laterite. and Acton Park Road 1998 vassensis

Verticordia 20 10 PERTH Busselton, For. Ref. FO 2649, 33.701380000 115.390277000 MAN plumosa var. T ‐ 05508495 1993 vassensis

Verticordia 20 10 PERTH Busselton, For.Ref. FO2649, 33.700550000 115.391388000 MAN plumosa var. T ‐ 05609720 1993 vassensis

Verticordia 20 10 PERTH Busselton, For.Ref. FO2649, 33.700550000 115.391388000 MAN plumosa var. T ‐ 05609739 1993 vassensis

Verticordia 02 04 PERTH Ruabon, For. Ref. FK 3326 33.648610000 115.509722000 MAN 3 plumosa var. T ‐ 06405053 1993 vassensis

Verticordia Watercourse. Reserve. White dry Western edge of area of Ruabon Nature Reserve on W 17 02 PERTH 33.642630000 115.502694000 GPS 1 plumosa var. T ‐ 07332572 sand. side of Ludlow‐ Hithergreen Road in swamp system 2006 vassensis

Verticordia Ludlow‐Hithergreen Road. 2.2km. W from LH Road 15 01 PERTH 33.683330000 115.483333000 TOPO 3 plumosa var. T ‐ 07958897 along Prince field, Ludlow 2005 vassensis

Verticordia 15 01 PERTH Corner Acton Park and Vasse S side 33.700000000 115.400000000 TOPO 3 plumosa var. T ‐ 08128103 2005 vassensis

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013


Laterite plain, dry when collected Verticordia On southern S‐bend of Princefield Road c. 4 km E of 14 01 PERTH but seasonally wet. Grey sand over 33.684440000 115.484228000 GPS 1 plumosa var. T ‐ 08193312 junction with Wonnerup South Road, SE of Busselton 2010 vassensis clay.

NatureMap Species Report Created By vanessa clarke on 04/06/2013

Kingdom Plantae Conservation Status Conservation Taxon (T, X, IA, S, P1-P5) Current Names Only Yes Core Datasets Only Yes Method 'By Circle' Centre 115°27' 42'' E,33°39' 02'' S Buffer 10km Group By Conservation Status

Conservation Status Species Records Rare or likely to become extinct 16 217 Priority 1 3 12 Priority 2 12 39 Priority 3 20 122 Priority 4 17 78 TOTAL 68 468

Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area Rare or likely to become extinct 1. 32204 Banksia nivea subsp. uliginosa T 2. 32046 Banksia squarrosa subsp. argillacea T 3. 18492 Brachyscias verecundus T 4. 1596 Caladenia huegelii (Grand Spider Orchid) T 5. 35617 Chamelaucium sp. C Coastal Plain (R.D. Royce 4872) T 6. 34765 Darwinia whicherensis T 7. 1639 Drakaea elastica (Glossy-leaved Hammer Orchid) T 8. 20509 Gastrolobium papilio T 9. 14526 Grevillea elongata T 10. 17112 Grevillea maccutcheonii T 11. 17734 subsp. occidentalis T 12. 14085 Petrophile latericola T 13. 1033 Tetraria australiensis T 14. 12412 Verticordia densiflora var. pedunculata T 15. 12448 Verticordia plumosa var. ananeotes T 16. 12453 Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis T Priority 1 17. 18102 Andersonia ferricola P1 18. 30453 Gastrolobium sp. Yoongarillup (S.Dilkes s.n. 1/9/1969) P1 19. 1008 Schoenus pennisetis P1 Priority 2 20. 3237 Acacia benthamii P2 21. 19258 Actinotus whicheranus P2 22. 4586 Amperea micrantha P2 23. 19974 Calytrix sp. Tutunup (G.J. Keighery & N. Gibson 2953) P2 24. 3006 Cardamine paucijuga P2 25. 7063 Gratiola pedunculata (Stalked Brooklime) P2 26. 29492 Leucopogon sp. Busselton (D. Cooper 243) P2 27. 2874 Montia australasica P2 28. 999 Schoenus loliaceus P2 29. 7801 Stylidium squamellosum (Maize Trigger Plant) P2 30. 16862 Synaphea petiolaris subsp. simplex P2 31. 17406 Trichocline sp. Treeton (B.J. Keighery & N. Gibson 564) P2 Priority 3 32. 7829 Angianthus drummondii P3 33. 20026 Blennospora doliiformis P3 34. 16313 Boronia anceps P3 35. 19338 Chamaescilla gibsonii P3

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

Page 1 Name ID Species Name Naturalised Conservation Code 1Endemic To Query Area 36. 17686 Chordifex gracilior P3 37. 16847 Conospermum paniculatum P3 38. 41803 Eryngium sp. Ferox (G.J. Keighery 16034) P3 39. 41810 Eryngium sp. Subdecumbens (G.J. Keighery 5390) P3 40. 14011 Grevillea brachystylis subsp. brachystylis P3 41. 12219 P3 42. 2190 Hakea oldfieldii P3 43. 16522 Isopogon formosus subsp. dasylepis P3 44. 5038 Lasiopetalum membranaceum P3 45. 13779 Loxocarya magna P3 46. 33638 Meionectes tenuifolia P3 47. 6193 Myriophyllum echinatum P3 48. 974 Schoenus benthamii P3 49. 7756 Stylidium longitubum (Jumping Jacks) P3 50. 16769 Synaphea hians P3 51. 12392 Verticordia attenuata P3 Priority 4 52. 3339 Acacia flagelliformis P4 53. 3537 Acacia semitrullata P4 54. 141 Aponogeton hexatepalus (Stalked Water Ribbons) P4 55. 17107 Banksia meisneri subsp. ascendens (Scott River Banksia) P4 56. 13862 Caladenia speciosa P4 57. 35796 Calothamnus quadrifidus subsp. teretifolius P4 58. 1123 Centrolepis caespitosa P4 59. 35657 Chamelaucium sp. Yoongarillup (G.J. Keighery 3635) P4 60. 13512 Eucalyptus rudis subsp. cratyantha P4 61. 1945 (Lanoline Bush) P4 62. 36200 Ornduffia submersa P4 63. 4183 Pultenaea skinneri (Skinner's Pea) P4 64. 1003 Schoenus natans (Floating Bog-rush) P4 65. 7803 Stylidium striatum (Fan-leaved Triggerplant) P4 66. 16973 Tripterococcus brachylobus P4 67. 16998 Tripterococcus paniculatus P4 68. 14714 Verticordia lindleyi subsp. lindleyi P4

Conservation Codes T - Rare or likely to become extinct X - Presumed extinct IA - Protected under international agreement S - Other specially protected fauna 1 - Priority 1 2 - Priority 2 3 - Priority 3 4 - Priority 4 5 - Priority 5

1 For NatureMap's purposes, species flagged as endemic are those whose records are wholely contained within the search area. Note that only those records complying with the search criterion are included in the calculation. For example, if you limit records to those from a specific datasource, only records from that datasource are used to determine if a species is restricted to the query area.

NatureMap is a collaborative project of the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

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Wonnerup Cons Sig Flora Records Printed by vanessa clarke on 4/6/2013 Query details : Kingdom=Plantae; Current Names Only=Yes; Core Datasets Only=Yes; Method='By Circle'; Centre=115°27' 42'' E,33°39' 02'' S; Buffer=10km;

NatureMap is a collaborativ e project of the Department of Env ironment and Conserv ation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum. naturemap.dec.wa.gov.au/Forms/Map/MapPrintPreview.aspx 1/1 6/4/13 NatureMap

Wonnerup Cons Sig Flora Records Printed by vanessa clarke on 4/6/2013 Query details : Kingdom=Plantae; Conservation Status=Conservation Taxon (T, X, IA, S, P1-P5); Current Names Only=Yes; Core Datasets Only=Yes; Method='By Circle'; Centre=115°27' 42'' E,33°39' 02'' S; Buffer=10km;

NatureMap is a collaborativ e project of the Department of Env ironment and Conserv ation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum. naturemap.dec.wa.gov.au/Forms/Map/MapPrintPreview.aspx 1/1 6/11/13 NatureMap

NatureMap-Pre-European Printed by Guest user on 11/6/2013 Query details :

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NatureMap is a collaborativ e project of the Department of Env ironment and Conserv ation, Western Australia, and the Western Australian Museum.

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NatureMap-RemVegMap Printed by Guest user on 11/6/2013 Query details :

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EPBC Act Protected Matters Report

This report provides general guidance on matters of national environmental significance and other matters protected by the EPBC Act in the area you have selected.

Information on the coverage of this report and qualifications on data supporting this report are contained in the caveat at the end of the report.

Information is available about Environment Assessments and the EPBC Act including significance guidelines, forms and application process details.

Report created: 04/06/13 13:36:43

Summary Details Matters of NES Other Matters Protected by the EPBC Act Extra Information Caveat Acknowledgements

This map may contain data which are ©Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia), ©PSMA 2010

Coordinates Buffer: 10.0Km


Matters of National Environmental Significance

This part of the report summarises the matters of national environmental significance that may occur in, or may relate to, the area you nominated. Further information is available in the detail part of the report, which can be accessed by scrolling or following the links below. If you are proposing to undertake an activity that may have a significant impact on one or more matters of national environmental significance then you should consider the Administrative Guidelines on Significance.

World Heritage Properties: None National Heritage Places: None Wetlands of International Importance: 1 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park: None Commonwealth Marine Areas: None Listed Threatened Ecological Communities: 2 Listed Threatened Species: 57 Listed Migratory Species: 37

Other Matters Protected by the EPBC Act

This part of the report summarises other matters protected under the Act that may relate to the area you nominated. Approval may be required for a proposed activity that significantly affects the environment on Commonwealth land, when the action is outside the Commonwealth land, or the environment anywhere when the action is taken on Commonwealth land. Approval may also be required for the Commonwealth or Commonwealth agencies proposing to take an action that is likely to have a significant impact on the environment anywhere.

The EPBC Act protects the environment on Commonwealth land, the environment from the actions taken on Commonwealth land, and the environment from actions taken by Commonwealth agencies. As heritage values of a place are part of the 'environment', these aspects of the EPBC Act protect the Commonwealth Heritage values of a Commonwealth Heritage place and the heritage values of a place on the Register of the National Estate.

This part of the report summarises other matters protected under the Act that may relate to the area you nominated. Approval may be required for a proposed activity that significantly affects the environment on Commonwealth land, when the action is outside the Commonwealth land, or the environment anywhere when the action is taken on Commonwealth land. Approval may also be required for the Commonwealth or Commonwealth agencies proposing to take an action that is likely to have a significant impact on the environment anywhere.

A permit may be required for activities in or on a Commonwealth area that may affect a member of a listed threatened species or ecological community, a member of a listed migratory species, whales and other cetaceans, or a member of a listed marine species.

Commonwealth Land: 1 Commonwealth Heritage Places: None Listed Marine Species: 61 Whales and Other Cetaceans: 13 Critical Habitats: None Commonwealth Reserves: None

Extra Information

This part of the report provides information that may also be relevant to the area you have nominated.

Place on the RNE: 9 State and Territory Reserves: 7 Regional Forest Agreements: 1 Invasive Species: 25 Nationally Important Wetlands: 2 Key Ecological Features (Marine) None


Matters of National Environmental Significance Wetlands of International Importance (RAMSAR) [ Resource Information ] Name Proximity Vasse-wonnerup system Within Ramsar site

Listed Threatened Ecological Communities [ Resource Information ] For threatened ecological communities where the distribution is well known, maps are derived from recovery plans, State vegetation maps, remote sensing imagery and other sources. Where threatened ecological community distributions are less well known, existing vegetation maps and point location data are used to produce indicative distribution maps. Name Status Type of Presence Claypans of the Swan Coastal Plain Critically Endangered Community likely to occur within area Shrublands on southern Swan Coastal Plain Endangered Community likely to ironstones occur within area Listed Threatened Species [ Resource Information ] Name Status Type of Presence Birds Anous tenuirostris melanops Australian Lesser Noddy [26000] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Botaurus poiciloptilus Australasian Bittern [1001] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area Calyptorhynchus banksii naso Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo [67034] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Calyptorhynchus baudinii Baudin's Black-Cockatoo, Long-billed Black- Vulnerable Breeding known to occur Cockatoo [769] within area Calyptorhynchus latirostris Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo, Short-billed Black- Endangered Breeding likely to occur Cockatoo [59523] within area Diomedea exulans amsterdamensis Amsterdam Albatross [82330] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area Diomedea exulans exulans Tristan Albatross [82337] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Name Status Type of Presence Diomedea exulans (sensu lato) Wandering Albatross [1073] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or related behaviour likely to occur within area Halobaena caerulea Blue Petrel [1059] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Leipoa ocellata Malleefowl [934] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Macronectes giganteus Southern Giant-Petrel [1060] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area Macronectes halli Northern Giant-Petrel [1061] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Pterodroma mollis Soft-plumaged Petrel [1036] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Sternula nereis nereis Australian Fairy Tern [82950] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Thalassarche carteri Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross [64464] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or related behaviour may occur within area Thalassarche cauta cauta Shy Albatross, Tasmanian Shy Albatross [82345] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Thalassarche melanophris Black-browed Albatross [66472] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Mammals Balaenoptera musculus Blue Whale [36] Endangered Congregation or aggregation known to occur within area Dasyurus geoffroii Chuditch, Western Quoll [330] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Eubalaena australis Southern Right Whale [40] Endangered Breeding known to occur within area Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback Whale [38] Vulnerable Congregation or aggregation known to occur within area Neophoca cinerea Australian Sea-lion [22] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Pseudocheirus occidentalis Western Ringtail Possum [25911] Vulnerable Breeding known to occur within area Setonix brachyurus Quokka [229] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Plants Andersonia gracilis Slender Andersonia [14470] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area

Name Status Type of Presence Banksia nivea subsp. uliginosa Swamp Honeypot [82766] Endangered Species or species habitat known to occur within area Banksia squarrosa subsp. argillacea Whicher Range Dryandra [82769] Vulnerable Species or species habitat known to occur within area Brachyscias verecundus Ironstone Brachyscias [81321] Critically Endangered Species or species habitat known to occur within area Caladenia hoffmanii Hoffman's Spider-orchid [56719] Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Caladenia huegelii King Spider-orchid, Grand Spider-orchid, Rusty Endangered Species or species Spider-orchid [7309] habitat known to occur within area Caladenia procera Carbunup King Spider Orchid [68679] Critically Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area Centrolepis caespitosa [6393] Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Chamelaucium sp. C Coast Plain (R.D.Royce 4872) Royce's Waxflower [82023] Vulnerable Species or species habitat known to occur within area Darwinia foetida Muchea Bell [83190] Critically Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Darwinia whicherensis Abba Bell [83193] Endangered Species or species habitat known to occur within area Diuris micrantha Dwarf Bee-orchid [55082] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Drakaea elastica Glossy-leafed Hammer-orchid, Praying Virgin Endangered Species or species [16753] habitat known to occur within area Drakaea micrantha Dwarf Hammer-orchid [56755] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Gastrolobium papilio Butterfly-leaved Gastrolobium [78415] Endangered Species or species habitat known to occur within area Grevillea elongata Ironstone Grevillea [64578] Vulnerable Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Grevillea maccutcheonii McCutcheon's Grevillea [64522] Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Isopogon uncinatus Hook-leaf Isopogon [20871] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area Lambertia echinata subsp. occidentalis Western Prickly Honeysuckle [64528] Endangered Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Name Status Type of Presence Petrophile sp. Whicher Range (G.J.Keighery 11790) WA Herbarium Laterite Petrophile [82051] Endangered Species or species habitat known to occur within area Sphenotoma drummondii [21160] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area Synaphea stenoloba Dwellingup Synaphea [66311] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area Tetraria australiensis Southern Tetraria [10137] Vulnerable Species or species habitat known to occur within area Verticordia densiflora var. pedunculata Long-stalked Featherflower [55689] Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Verticordia plumosa var. ananeotes Tufted Plumed Featherflower [23871] Endangered Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Verticordia plumosa var. vassensis Vasse Featherflower [55804] Endangered Species or species habitat known to occur within area Reptiles Caretta caretta Loggerhead Turtle [1763] Endangered Foraging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area Chelonia mydas Green Turtle [1765] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area Dermochelys coriacea Leatherback Turtle, Leathery Turtle, Luth [1768] Endangered Breeding likely to occur within area Natator depressus Flatback Turtle [59257] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area Sharks Carcharias taurus (west coast population) Grey Nurse Shark (west coast population) [68752] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Carcharodon carcharias Great White Shark [64470] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Rhincodon typus Whale Shark [66680] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Listed Migratory Species [ Resource Information ] * Species is listed under a different scientific name on the EPBC Act - Threatened Species list. Name Threatened Type of Presence Migratory Marine Birds Apus pacificus Fork-tailed Swift [678] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Diomedea amsterdamensis Amsterdam Albatross [64405] Endangered* Species or species habitat may occur within area Diomedea dabbenena Tristan Albatross [66471] Endangered* Species or species

Name Threatened Type of Presence habitat may occur within area Diomedea exulans (sensu lato) Wandering Albatross [1073] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or related behaviour likely to occur within area Macronectes giganteus Southern Giant-Petrel [1060] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area Macronectes halli Northern Giant-Petrel [1061] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Puffinus carneipes Flesh-footed Shearwater, Fleshy-footed Species or species Shearwater [1043] habitat likely to occur within area Sterna anaethetus Bridled Tern [814] Foraging, feeding or related behaviour likely to occur within area Sterna caspia Caspian Tern [59467] Foraging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area Thalassarche carteri Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross [64464] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or related behaviour may occur within area Thalassarche cauta (sensu stricto) Shy Albatross, Tasmanian Shy Albatross [64697] Vulnerable* Species or species habitat may occur within area Thalassarche melanophris Black-browed Albatross [66472] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Migratory Marine Species Balaenoptera edeni Bryde's Whale [35] Species or species habitat may occur within area Balaenoptera musculus Blue Whale [36] Endangered Congregation or aggregation known to occur within area Caperea marginata Pygmy Right Whale [39] Species or species habitat may occur within area Carcharodon carcharias Great White Shark [64470] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Caretta caretta Loggerhead Turtle [1763] Endangered Foraging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area Chelonia mydas Green Turtle [1765] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area Dermochelys coriacea Leatherback Turtle, Leathery Turtle, Luth [1768] Endangered Breeding likely to occur within area Eubalaena australis Southern Right Whale [40] Endangered Breeding known to occur within area Lagenorhynchus obscurus Dusky Dolphin [43] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Name Threatened Type of Presence Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback Whale [38] Vulnerable Congregation or aggregation known to occur within area Natator depressus Flatback Turtle [59257] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area Orcinus orca Killer Whale, Orca [46] Species or species habitat may occur within area Rhincodon typus Whale Shark [66680] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Migratory Terrestrial Species Haliaeetus leucogaster White-bellied Sea-Eagle [943] Species or species habitat known to occur within area Leipoa ocellata Malleefowl [934] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Merops ornatus Rainbow Bee-eater [670] Species or species habitat may occur within area Migratory Wetlands Species Ardea alba Great Egret, White Egret [59541] Breeding known to occur within area Ardea ibis Cattle Egret [59542] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Calidris acuminata Sharp-tailed Sandpiper [874] Species or species habitat known to occur within area Calidris ferruginea Curlew Sandpiper [856] Species or species habitat known to occur within area Calidris ruficollis Red-necked Stint [860] Species or species habitat known to occur within area Charadrius bicinctus Double-banded Plover [895] Species or species habitat known to occur within area Limosa lapponica Bar-tailed Godwit [844] Species or species habitat known to occur within area Tringa glareola Wood Sandpiper [829] Species or species habitat known to occur within area Tringa stagnatilis Marsh Sandpiper, Little Greenshank [833] Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Other Matters Protected by the EPBC Act Commonwealth Land [ Resource Information ] The Commonwealth area listed below may indicate the presence of Commonwealth land in this vicinity. Due to the unreliability of the data source, all proposals should be checked as to whether it impacts on a Commonwealth area, before making a definitive decision. Contact the State or Territory government land department for further information. Name Commonwealth Land -

Listed Marine Species [ Resource Information ] * Species is listed under a different scientific name on the EPBC Act - Threatened Species list. Name Threatened Type of Presence Birds Anous tenuirostris melanops Australian Lesser Noddy [26000] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Apus pacificus Fork-tailed Swift [678] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Ardea alba Great Egret, White Egret [59541] Breeding known to occur within area Ardea ibis Cattle Egret [59542] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Calidris acuminata Sharp-tailed Sandpiper [874] Species or species habitat known to occur within area Calidris ferruginea Curlew Sandpiper [856] Species or species habitat known to occur within area Calidris ruficollis Red-necked Stint [860] Species or species habitat known to occur within area Catharacta skua Great Skua [59472] Species or species habitat may occur within area Charadrius bicinctus Double-banded Plover [895] Species or species habitat known to occur within area Charadrius ruficapillus Red-capped Plover [881] Species or species habitat known to occur within area Diomedea amsterdamensis Amsterdam Albatross [64405] Endangered* Species or species habitat may occur within area Diomedea dabbenena Tristan Albatross [66471] Endangered* Species or species habitat may occur within area Diomedea exulans (sensu lato) Wandering Albatross [1073] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or related behaviour likely to occur within area Haliaeetus leucogaster White-bellied Sea-Eagle [943] Species or species habitat known to occur within area

Name Threatened Type of Presence Halobaena caerulea Blue Petrel [1059] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Himantopus himantopus Black-winged Stilt [870] Species or species habitat known to occur within area Limosa lapponica Bar-tailed Godwit [844] Species or species habitat known to occur within area Macronectes giganteus Southern Giant-Petrel [1060] Endangered Species or species habitat may occur within area Macronectes halli Northern Giant-Petrel [1061] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Merops ornatus Rainbow Bee-eater [670] Species or species habitat may occur within area Pandion haliaetus Osprey [952] Breeding known to occur within area Pterodroma mollis Soft-plumaged Petrel [1036] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Puffinus assimilis Little Shearwater [59363] Foraging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area Puffinus carneipes Flesh-footed Shearwater, Fleshy-footed Species or species Shearwater [1043] habitat likely to occur within area Recurvirostra novaehollandiae Red-necked Avocet [871] Species or species habitat known to occur within area Sterna anaethetus Bridled Tern [814] Foraging, feeding or related behaviour likely to occur within area Sterna caspia Caspian Tern [59467] Foraging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area Thalassarche carteri Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross [64464] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or related behaviour may occur within area Thalassarche cauta (sensu stricto) Shy Albatross, Tasmanian Shy Albatross [64697] Vulnerable* Species or species habitat may occur within area Thalassarche melanophris Black-browed Albatross [66472] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Tringa glareola Wood Sandpiper [829] Species or species habitat known to occur within area Tringa stagnatilis Marsh Sandpiper, Little Greenshank [833] Species or species habitat known to occur within area Fish

Name Threatened Type of Presence Acentronura australe Southern Pygmy Pipehorse [66185] Species or species habitat may occur within area Campichthys galei Gale's Pipefish [66191] Species or species habitat may occur within area Heraldia nocturna Upside-down Pipefish, Eastern Upside-down Species or species Pipefish, Eastern Upside-down Pipefish [66227] habitat may occur within area Hippocampus angustus Western Spiny Seahorse, Narrow-bellied Seahorse Species or species [66234] habitat may occur within area Hippocampus breviceps Short-head Seahorse, Short-snouted Seahorse Species or species [66235] habitat may occur within area Hippocampus subelongatus West Australian Seahorse [66722] Species or species habitat may occur within area Histiogamphelus cristatus Rhino Pipefish, Macleay's Crested Pipefish, Ring- Species or species back Pipefish [66243] habitat may occur within area Lissocampus caudalis Australian Smooth Pipefish, Smooth Pipefish Species or species [66249] habitat may occur within area Lissocampus fatiloquus Prophet's Pipefish [66250] Species or species habitat may occur within area Lissocampus runa Javelin Pipefish [66251] Species or species habitat may occur within area Maroubra perserrata Sawtooth Pipefish [66252] Species or species habitat may occur within area Mitotichthys meraculus Western Crested Pipefish [66259] Species or species habitat may occur within area Nannocampus subosseus Bonyhead Pipefish, Bony-headed Pipefish [66264] Species or species habitat may occur within area Phycodurus eques Leafy Seadragon [66267] Species or species habitat may occur within area Phyllopteryx taeniolatus Common Seadragon, Weedy Seadragon [66268] Species or species habitat may occur within area Pugnaso curtirostris Pugnose Pipefish, Pug-nosed Pipefish [66269] Species or species habitat may occur within area Solegnathus lettiensis Gunther's Pipehorse, Indonesian Pipefish [66273] Species or species habitat may occur within area Stigmatopora argus Spotted Pipefish, Gulf Pipefish [66276] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Name Threatened Type of Presence Stigmatopora nigra Widebody Pipefish, Wide-bodied Pipefish, Black Species or species Pipefish [66277] habitat may occur within area Urocampus carinirostris Hairy Pipefish [66282] Species or species habitat may occur within area Vanacampus margaritifer Mother-of-pearl Pipefish [66283] Species or species habitat may occur within area Vanacampus phillipi Port Phillip Pipefish [66284] Species or species habitat may occur within area Vanacampus poecilolaemus Longsnout Pipefish, Australian Long-snout Species or species Pipefish, Long-snouted Pipefish [66285] habitat may occur within area Mammals Arctocephalus forsteri New Zealand Fur-seal [20] Species or species habitat may occur within area Neophoca cinerea Australian Sea-lion [22] Vulnerable Species or species habitat may occur within area Reptiles Caretta caretta Loggerhead Turtle [1763] Endangered Foraging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area Chelonia mydas Green Turtle [1765] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area Dermochelys coriacea Leatherback Turtle, Leathery Turtle, Luth [1768] Endangered Breeding likely to occur within area Natator depressus Flatback Turtle [59257] Vulnerable Foraging, feeding or related behaviour known to occur within area Whales and other Cetaceans [ Resource Information ] Name Status Type of Presence Mammals Balaenoptera acutorostrata Minke Whale [33] Species or species habitat may occur within area Balaenoptera edeni Bryde's Whale [35] Species or species habitat may occur within area Balaenoptera musculus Blue Whale [36] Endangered Congregation or aggregation known to occur within area Caperea marginata Pygmy Right Whale [39] Species or species habitat may occur within area Delphinus delphis Common Dophin, Short-beaked Common Species or species Dolphin [60] habitat may occur within area Eubalaena australis Southern Right Whale [40] Endangered Breeding known to occur within area

Name Status Type of Presence Grampus griseus Risso's Dolphin, Grampus [64] Species or species habitat may occur within area Lagenorhynchus obscurus Dusky Dolphin [43] Species or species habitat may occur within area Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback Whale [38] Vulnerable Congregation or aggregation known to occur within area Orcinus orca Killer Whale, Orca [46] Species or species habitat may occur within area Stenella attenuata Spotted Dolphin, Pantropical Spotted Dolphin [51] Species or species habitat may occur within area Tursiops aduncus Indian Ocean Bottlenose Dolphin, Spotted Species or species Bottlenose Dolphin [68418] habitat likely to occur within area Tursiops truncatus s. str. Bottlenose Dolphin [68417] Species or species habitat may occur within area

Extra Information Places on the RNE [ Resource Information ] Note that not all Indigenous sites may be listed. Name State Status Natural Vasse - Wonnerup System WA Indicative Place Ludlow - Wonnerup Area WA Registered Historic Chapmans Mill (former) WA Registered Inlet Park WA Registered Lockeville Homestead WA Registered Membenup House WA Registered Old Wonnerup School and Teachers House WA Registered The Island Homestead WA Registered Wonnerup House WA Registered

State and Territory Reserves [ Resource Information ] Name State Ruabon Townsite WA Sabina WA Tuart Forest WA Unnamed WA14567 WA Unnamed WA41568 WA Unnamed WA44838 WA Unnamed WA46070 WA

Regional Forest Agreements [ Resource Information ] Note that all areas with completed RFAs have been included. Name State South West WA RFA Western Australia

Invasive Species [ Resource Information ] Weeds reported here are the 20 species of national significance (WoNS), along with other introduced plants that are considered by the States and Territories to pose a particularly significant threat to biodiversity. The following feral animals are reported: Goat, Red Fox, Cat, Rabbit, Pig, Water Buffalo and Cane Toad. Maps from Landscape Health Project, National Land and Water Resouces Audit, 2001. Name Status Type of Presence Birds Anas platyrhynchos Mallard [974] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Columba livia Rock Pigeon, Rock Dove, Domestic Pigeon [803] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Streptopelia senegalensis Laughing Turtle-dove, Laughing Dove [781] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Sturnus vulgaris Common Starling [389] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Mammals Bos taurus Domestic Cattle [16] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Canis lupus familiaris Domestic Dog [82654] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Felis catus Cat, House Cat, Domestic Cat [19] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Feral deer Feral deer species in Australia [85733] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Mus musculus House Mouse [120] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Oryctolagus cuniculus Rabbit, European Rabbit [128] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Rattus rattus Black Rat, Ship Rat [84] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Sus scrofa Pig [6] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Vulpes vulpes Red Fox, Fox [18] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Plants Asparagus asparagoides Bridal Creeper, Bridal Veil Creeper, Smilax, Species or species Florist's Smilax, Smilax Asparagus [22473] habitat likely to occur within area Brachiaria mutica Para Grass [5879] Species or species habitat may occur within area Cenchrus ciliaris Buffel-grass, Black Buffel-grass [20213] Species or species habitat may occur within

Name Status Type of Presence area Chrysanthemoides monilifera Bitou Bush, Boneseed [18983] Species or species habitat may occur within area Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera Boneseed [16905] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Genista sp. X Genista monspessulana Broom [67538] Species or species habitat may occur within area Lycium ferocissimum African Boxthorn, Boxthorn [19235] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Olea europaea Olive, Common Olive [9160] Species or species habitat may occur within area Pinus radiata Radiata Pine Monterey Pine, Insignis Pine, Wilding Species or species Pine [20780] habitat may occur within area Rubus fruticosus aggregate Blackberry, European Blackberry [68406] Species or species habitat likely to occur within area Salix spp. except S.babylonica, S.x calodendron & S.x reichardtii Willows except Weeping Willow, Pussy Willow and Species or species Sterile Pussy Willow [68497] habitat likely to occur within area Tamarix aphylla Athel Pine, Athel Tree, Tamarisk, Athel Tamarisk, Species or species Athel Tamarix, Desert Tamarisk, Flowering habitat likely to occur Cypress, Salt Cedar [16018] within area Nationally Important Wetlands [ Resource Information ] Name State McCarleys Swamp (Ludlow Swamp) WA Vasse-Wonnerup Wetland System WA

Coordinates -33.65056 115.46167

Caveat The information presented in this report has been provided by a range of data sources as acknowledged at the end of the report. This report is designed to assist in identifying the locations of places which may be relevant in determining obligations under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. It holds mapped locations of World Heritage and Register of National Estate properties, Wetlands of International Importance, Commonwealth and State/Territory reserves, listed threatened, migratory and marine species and listed threatened ecological communities. Mapping of Commonwealth land is not complete at this stage. Maps have been collated from a range of sources at various resolutions.

Not all species listed under the EPBC Act have been mapped (see below) and therefore a report is a general guide only. Where available data supports mapping, the type of presence that can be determined from the data is indicated in general terms. People using this information in making a referral may need to consider the qualifications below and may need to seek and consider other information sources.

For threatened ecological communities where the distribution is well known, maps are derived from recovery plans, State vegetation maps, remote sensing imagery and other sources. Where threatened ecological community distributions are less well known, existing vegetation maps and point location data are used to produce indicative distribution maps.

For species where the distributions are well known, maps are digitised from sources such as recovery plans and detailed habitat studies. Where appropriate, core breeding, foraging and roosting areas are indicated under 'type of presence'. For species whose distributions are less well known, point locations are collated from government wildlife authorities, museums, and non-government organisations; bioclimatic distribution models are generated and these validated by experts. In some cases, the distribution maps are based solely on expert knowledge.

Only selected species covered by the following provisions of the EPBC Act have been mapped: - migratory and - marine The following species and ecological communities have not been mapped and do not appear in reports produced from this database: - threatened species listed as extinct or considered as vagrants - some species and ecological communities that have only recently been listed - some terrestrial species that overfly the Commonwealth marine area - migratory species that are very widespread, vagrant, or only occur in small numbers The following groups have been mapped, but may not cover the complete distribution of the species: - non-threatened seabirds which have only been mapped for recorded breeding sites - seals which have only been mapped for breeding sites near the Australian continent Such breeding sites may be important for the protection of the Commonwealth Marine environment.

Acknowledgements This database has been compiled from a range of data sources. The department acknowledges the following custodians who have contributed valuable data and advice: -Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, New South Wales -Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria -Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Tasmania -Department of Environment and Natural Resources, South Australia -Parks and Wildlife Service NT, NT Dept of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts -Environmental and Resource Management, Queensland -Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia -Department of the Environment, Climate Change, Energy and Water -Birds Australia -Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme -Australian National Wildlife Collection -Natural history museums of Australia -Museum Victoria -Australian Museum -SA Museum -Queensland Museum -Online Zoological Collections of Australian Museums -Queensland Herbarium -National Herbarium of NSW -Royal Botanic Gardens and National Herbarium of Victoria -Tasmanian Herbarium -State Herbarium of South Australia -Northern Territory Herbarium -Western Australian Herbarium -Australian National Herbarium, Atherton and Canberra -University of New England -Ocean Biogeographic Information System -Australian Government, Department of Defence -State Forests of NSW -Geoscience Australia -CSIRO -Other groups and individuals

The Department is extremely grateful to the many organisations and individuals who provided expert advice and information on numerous draft distributions.

Please feel free to provide feedback via the Contact Us page.

© Commonwealth of Australia Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 Australia +61 2 6274 1111 Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

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Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Appendix E: Species List for the Survey Area

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Table E.1: Species list for the study area, Trip 2.

Family Species Anarthriaceae Lyginia imberbis Apiaceae *Fumaria capreolata Apiaceae Trachymene pilosa Apocynaceae *Gomphocarpus fruticosus Araceae *Zantedeschia aethiopica Asparagaceae *Asparagus asparagoides Asparagaceae Chamaescilla corymbosa Asparagaceae Lomandra micrantha subsp. micrantha Asparagaceae Lomandra nigricans Asparagaceae Lomandra preissii Asparagaceae Lomandra sericea Asparagaceae Sowerbaea laxiflora Asteraceae *Arctotheca calendula Asteraceae *Cotula turbinata Asteraceae *Dittrichia graveolens Asteraceae *Hypochaeris glabra Asteraceae *Ursinia anthemioides Brassicaceae *Brassica tournefortii Campanulaceae Lobelia tenuior Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina fraseriana Casuarinaceae Allocasuarina humilis Celastraceae Tripterococcus paniculatus Centrolepidaceae Aphelia cyperioides Colchicaceae Burchardia congesta Cucurbitaceae *Citrullus lanatus Cyperaceae Baumea articulata Cyperaceae *Cyperus congestus Cyperaceae *Cyperus tenellus Cyperaceae Gahnia trifida Cyperaceae Isolepis cernua var. setiformis Cyperaceae *Isolepis marginata Cyperaceae Lepidosperma ?pubisquameum Cyperaceae Lepidosperma sp. Cyperaceae Mesomelaena tetragona Cyperaceae Schoenus odontocarpus Cyperaceae Schoenus plumosus Cyperaceae Schoenus sculptus Cyperaceae Tetraria capillaris

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Family Species Cyperaceae Tetraria octandra Dasypogonaceae Dasypogon bromeliifolius Dasypogonaceae Kingia australis Dennstaedtiaceae Pteridium esculentum Dillenaceae Hibbertia cuneiformis Dillenaceae Hibbertia hypericoides Dillenaceae Hibbertia racemosa Dillenaceae Hibbertia sp. Droseraceae Drosera ?macrantha (sterile) Droseraceae Drosera ?pallida (sterile) Ericaceae Astoloma ciliata Ericaceae Astoloma drummondii Ericaceae Astroloma pallida Ericaceae Conostephium pendulum Ericaceae Leucopogon propinquus Euphorbiaceae Monotaxis occidentalis Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus calycinus Fabaceae Acacia dentifera Fabaceae Acacia extensa Fabaceae Acacia saligna Fabaceae Acacia ?stenoptera (sterile) Fabaceae Acacia sp. (sterile) Fabaceae Acacia willdenowiana Fabaceae *Chamaecytisus palmensis Fabaceae Daviesia inflata Fabaceae Daviesia preissii Fabaceae Daviesia rhombifolia Fabaceae Gastrolobium praemorsum Fabaceae Gastrolobium capitatum Fabaceae Gompholobium knightianum Fabaceae Gompholobium tomentosum Fabaceae Hardenbergia comptoniana Fabaceae Hovea chorizemifolia Fabaceae Hovea trisperma Fabaceae Jacksonia floribunda Fabaceae Jacksonia furcellata Fabaceae Jacksonia gracillima Fabaceae Kennedia coccinea Fabaceae Kennedia prostrata Fabaceae Labichea punctata

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Family Species Fabaceae *Oxalis pes‐caprae Fabaceae *Oxalis purpurea Gentianaceae *Cicendia filiformis Geraniaceae *Geranium molle Geraniaceae *Pelargonium capitatum Goodeniaceae Scaevola calliptera Haemodoraceae Anigozanthos manglesii Haemodoraceae Conostylis aculeata subsp. aculeata Haemodoraceae Conostylis setigera Haemodoraceae Haemoroum sp. (sterile) Haemodoraceae Phlebocarya ciliata Hemerocallidaceae Caesia micrantha Hemerocallidaceae Stypandra glauca Hemerocallidaceae Tricoryne elatior Iridaceae *Freesia sp. (sterile) Iridaceae Orthrosanthus laxus var. laxus Iridaceae Patersonia babianoides Iridaceae Patersonia occidentalis Iridaceae *Romulea rosea Iridaceae *Sparaxis bulbifera Iridaceae Thysanotus sp. (climbing)(sterile) Iridaceae Watsonia meriana Juncaginaceae Juncus pallidus Lauraceae Cassytha sp. Liliaceae Agrostocrinum scabrum subsp. scabrum Loganiaceae Logania serpyllifolia subsp. angustifolia Loranthaceae Nuytsia floribunda Myrtaceae Agonis flexuosa var. flexuosa Myrtaceae Astartea scoparia Myrtaceae Babingtonia camphorosmae Myrtaceae Chamelaucium sp. C Coastal Plain (T) Myrtaceae Corymbia calophylla Myrtaceae Eremaea pauciflora var. pauciflora Myrtaceae Eucalyptus ?gomphocephala Myrtaceae Eucalyptus marginata subsp.marginata Myrtaceae Eucalyptus rudis subsp. ? Myrtaceae Kunzea glabrescens Myrtaceae ?Kunzea glabrescens (sterile) Myrtaceae Kunzea micrantha subsp. micrantha Myrtaceae Kunzea spathulata

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Family Species Myrtaceae Melaleuca cuticularis Myrtaceae Melaleuca incana subsp. incana Myrtaceae Melaleuca lateritia Myrtaceae Melaleuca preissiana Myrtaceae Melaleuca rhaphiophylla Myrtaceae Melaleuca sp. (sterile) Myrtaceae Melaleuca thymoides Myrtaceae Melaleuca viminea subsp. viminea Myrtaceae Regelia ciliata Myrtaceae Taxandria parviceps Myrtaceae Verticordia attenuata P3 Myrtaceae Verticordia ?densiflora (sterile) Orchidaceae Caladenia attingens subsp. attigens Orchidaceae Caladenia flava subsp. flava Orchidaceae Caladenia latfolia Orchidaceae Caladenia speciosa Orchidaceae Cryptostylis ovata Orchidaceae Eriochilus scaber Orchidaceae Lyperanthus serratus Orchidaceae Microtis ?media subsp. media Orchidaceae Microtis media subsp. media Orchidaceae Pterostylis recurva Orchidaceae Thelymitra crinita Orchidaceae Thelymitra ?graminea (immature) Orchidaceae Thelymitra ?macrophylla Orchidaceae Thelymitra ?macrophylla Orchidaceae Thelymitra sp. (sterile) Orchidaceae Thelymitra ?vulgaris Pittosporaceae ?Billardiera laxiflora (sterile) Plantaginaceae *Plantago lanceolata Poaceae *Aira caryophyllea Poaceae Amphipogon turbinatus

Poaceae Austrostipa campylachne Poaceae *Avena fatua Poaceae *Briza maxima Poaceae *Briza minor Poaceae *Ehrharta calycina Poaceae *Ehrharta longiflora Poaceae *Cenchrus clandestinus Poaceae *Cynodon dactylon

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Family Species Poaceae *Eragrostis curvula Poaceae *Lolium perenne Poaceae Neurachne alopecuroidea Poaceae *Poaceae sp. (sterile) Primulaceae *Lysimachia arvensis Proteaceae Adenanthos meisneri Proteaceae Adenanthos obovatus Proteaceae Banksia attenuata Proteaceae var. dallanneyi Proteaceae Banksia grandis Proteaceae Proteaceae Calothamnus sanguineus Grevillea manglesioides subsp. Proteaceae manglesioides Proteaceae Proteaceae Proteaceae Isopogon formosus subsp. dasylepis Proteaceae Proteaceae (narrow leaf variant) Proteaceae Petrophile sp. (sterile) Proteaceae Proteaceae Synaphea floribunda Proteaceae Synaphea petiolaris subsp. petiolaris Proteaceae Xylomelum occidentalis Restionaceae Desmocladus flexuosus Restionaceae Hypolaena exsulca Restionaceae Hypolaena pubescens Restionaceae Lepyrodia aff. riparia Restionaceae Loxocarya cinerea Restionaceae Meeboldina ?roycei Rubiaceae Opercularia echinocephala Rubiaceae Opercularia ?hispidula Rutaceae Philotheca spicata Santalaceae Exocarpos odoratus Solanaceae *Solanum linnaeanum Solanaceae *Solanum nigricans Stylidiaceae Stylidium ?schoenoides/?affine Stylidiaceae Stylidium ?brunonianum (immature) Stylidiaceae Stylidium ?hesperium ms Stylidiaceae Stylidium thesioides

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Family Species Thymelaeaceae Pimelea angustifolia Xanthorrhoeaceae Xanthorrhoea gracilis Xanthorrhoeaceae Xanthorrhoea preissii Zamiaceae Macrozamia riedlei

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Appendix G: Survey Species Matrix by Site

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Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Table G.1: Survey species matrix by site, Trip 2.

Species WN1 WN2 WN3 WN4 WN5 WN6 WN7 WN8 WN9 WN10 WN11 WN12 WN13 WN14 WN15 WN16 WN17 WN18 Acacia extensa x x x Acacia pulchella var. pulchella x x x x x Acacia saligna x Acacia stenoptera x x Acacia sp. (sterile) x Acacia willdenowiana x x Agonis flexuosa var. flexuosa x x x x Agrostocrinum scabrum subsp. scabrum x *Aira caryophyllea x Adenanthos meisneri x x Allocasuarina fraseriana x Amphipogon turbinatus x Anigozanthos manglesii x x Aphelia cyperioides x *Arctotheca calendula x x x *Asparagus asparagoides x x x Astartea scoparia x Astoloma drummondii x Astoloma ciliata x Astoloma pallida x Austrostipa campylachne x *Avena fatua x x Banksia attenuata x x x x x x Banksia dallanneyi var. dallanneyi x

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Species WN1 WN2 WN3 WN4 WN5 WN6 WN7 WN8 WN9 WN10 WN11 WN12 WN13 WN14 WN15 WN16 WN17 WN18 Banksia grandis x x x x Banksia ilicifolia x Baumea articulata x ?Billardiera laxiflora (sterile) x Bossiaea eriocarpa x *Briza maxima x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x *Briza minor x x *Bromus diandrus x x Burchardia congesta x x Caesia micrantha x Caladenia flava subsp. flava x x x x x x Caladenia latifolia x Cassytha sp. x *Cenchrus clandestinus x Chamaescilla corymbosa var. corymbosa x x *Chamaecytisus palmensis x *Cicendia filiformis x *Citrullus lanatus x Conostephium pendullum x Conostylis setigera x x x x Corymbia calophylla x x x x x x x x x x x x *Cotula turniata x *Cynodon dactylon x x x *Cyperus congestus x *Cyperus tenellus x

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Species WN1 WN2 WN3 WN4 WN5 WN6 WN7 WN8 WN9 WN10 WN11 WN12 WN13 WN14 WN15 WN16 WN17 WN18 Dampiera linearis x x Dasypogon bromeliifolius x Daviesia divaricata x x Desmocladus fasicularis x x Desmocladus flexuosus x x x *Dittrichia graveolens x Drosera ?erythrorhiza (sterile) x x x Drosera ?pallida (sterile) x Drosera macrantha/menziesii (sterile) x x x x *Ehrharta calycina x x x x x x x *Ehrharta longiflora x x x x x x x x x x x x Elythranthera brunonis x x *Eragrostis curvula x x x x Eucalyptus ?gomphocephala x Eucalyptus marginata subsp.marginata x x x x x x Eucalyptus rudis subsp. ? x x *Ferraria crispa x x *Fumaria capreolata x *Freesia alba x leichtlinii x x x x Gastrolobium capitatum x Gastrolobium praemorsum x x *Geranium molle x *Gomphocarpus fruticosus x Gompholobium knightianum x Grevillea manglesioides subsp. manglesioides x

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Species WN1 WN2 WN3 WN4 WN5 WN6 WN7 WN8 WN9 WN10 WN11 WN12 WN13 WN14 WN15 WN16 WN17 WN18 Hardenbergia comptoniana x x x x x Hibbertia hypericoides x x x x x Hibbertia cuneformis x x x Hibbertia racemosa x Hovea chorizemifolia x x Hovea trisperma x x x x *Hypochaeris glabra x x x x x x x x x Hypolaena exsulca x x x Isolepis cernua var. setiformis x *Isolepis marginata x Isopogon formosus subsp. dasylepis P3 x Jacksonia furcellata x Jacksonia gracillima P3 x Juncus pallidus x x x Kennedia prostrata x Kunzea glabrescens x x x x x ?Kunzea glabrescens (sterile) x Kunzea micrantha subsp. micrantha x Kunzea spathulata x Lagenophora huegelii x Lepidosperma sp. x x Lepidosperma ?pubisquameum x x Leucopogon capitellatus x Leucopogon propinquus x Levenhookia pusilla x *Lolium perenne x x

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Species WN1 WN2 WN3 WN4 WN5 WN6 WN7 WN8 WN9 WN10 WN11 WN12 WN13 WN14 WN15 WN16 WN17 WN18 Lomandra caespitosa x x x Lomandra hermaphrodita x x x Lomandra micrantha subsp. micrantha x x x x x Lomandra nigricans x Lomandra preissii x x x Lomandra sericea x Lomandra sonderi x x Lomandra sp. x x Lyginia imberbis x Lyperanthus serratus x Macrozamia riedlei x x Meeboldina ?roycei x Melaleuca incana subsp. incana x Melaleuca lateritia x Melaleuca preissiana x Melaleuca rhaphiophylla x x x x x Melaleuca sp. (sterile) x Melaleuca viminea subsp. viminea x x Mesomelaena tetragonaphylla x Microtis ?media subsp. media x x Monotaxis occidentalis x Nuytsia floribunda x x Opercularia echinocephala x Operucularia ?hispidula x Orchidaceae sp. (sterile) x *Ornithopus compressus x

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Species WN1 WN2 WN3 WN4 WN5 WN6 WN7 WN8 WN9 WN10 WN11 WN12 WN13 WN14 WN15 WN16 WN17 WN18 *Oxalis pes‐caprae x *Oxalis purpurea x Patersonia occidentalis x x x x x *Pelargonium capitatum x Persoonia longifolia x *Petrohagia velutina x Petrophile sp. (sterile) x Philotheca spicata x x x Phlebocarya ciliata x Phyllanthus calycinus x *Plantago lanceolata x *Poaceae sp. (sterile) x x x x Pteridium esculentum x Pyrorchis nigricans x Regelia ciliata x x *Romulea rosea x x x x x Scaevola calliptera x x x Schoenus odontocarpus x Schoenus plumosus x Schoenus sculptus x *Solanum linnaeanum x x *Solanum nigricans x *Sonchus oleraceous x x Sowerbaea laxifolia x x x x Stirlingia latifolia x x x Stylidium ?hesperium ms x

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Species WN1 WN2 WN3 WN4 WN5 WN6 WN7 WN8 WN9 WN10 WN11 WN12 WN13 WN14 WN15 WN16 WN17 WN18 Stylidium ?schoenoides (?affine) x Stypandra glauca x Synaphea floribunda x x Tetraria capillaris x x x x x x x Tetraria octandra x x x x x Thelymitra vulgaris x Thelymitra sp. (immature) x x Thysanotus sp. (climbing)(sterile) x x x x Tricoryne elatior x x x x *Trifolium campestre x *Trifolium subterraneum x Tripterococcus paniculatus P4 x x *Ursinia anthemioides x Watsonia sp. (sterile) x x Xanthorrhoea gracilis x Xanthorrhoea preissii x x Xylomelum occidentalis x x x x x *Zantedeschia aethiopica x x x x x x x x x x x x x *denotes weed species

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Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Appendix F: Survey Site Data

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Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Site WN01 Location: Wonnerup South Rd Farm Type: Quadrat Date: 07/06/2013; 04/10/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Very good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 355666 mE Northing: 6274851 mN Habitat: Plain; negligible slope and aspect. Soil: Grey sand with light grey sand at depth. Vegetation: Parkland cleared Corymbia calophylla, Agonis flexuosa open forest over Banksia attenuata low open woodland over mixed Poaceae weeds and *Zantedeschia aethiopica, *Hypochaeris glabra on grey sands. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba Ad but similar to Abba AB or AF; too degraded to define. Veg Condition: Completely degraded. Fire Age: +10 years.

WN01 Quadrat WN01‐ Soil. WN01 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Agonis flexuosa var. flexuosa 2 >10 Corymbia calophylla 10‐30 10‐30 Banksia attenuata 2‐10 >10 *Ehrharta longiflora 30‐70 0.2 *Briza maxima 30‐70 0.2 *Zantedeschia aethiopica 10‐30 0.3 *Hypochaeris glabra 10‐30 0.1 Fumaria capreolata 80 0.4 *Avena fatua + 0.2 *Romulea rosea + 0.15 *Freesia sp. (sterile) + 0.1 Drosera sp. (sterile) + 0.1

Comments: Parkland cleared with no native understorey remaining. Heavy weed infestation with deteriorating overstorey with no regeneration occurring. Used as shelter and grazing area for cattle; evidence of fire wood collecting from fallen and standing trees.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 Site WN02 Location: Wonnerup South Rd Farm Type: Quadrat Date: 07/06/2013 & 4/10/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Very good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 355559 mE Northing: 6274858 mN Habitat: Plain; negligible slope and aspect. Soil: Grey sand with mid‐grey sand at depth. Vegetation: Parkland cleared Corymbia calophylla open forest over Xylomelum occidentalis low open woodland over mixed Poaceae weeds and *Zantedeschia aethiopica on grey sands. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba AB but similar to Abba AF; too degraded to define. Veg Condition: Completely degraded. Fire Age: +10 years.

WN02‐ Quadrat WN02‐ Soil. WN02 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Corymbia calophylla 2‐10 10‐30 Xylomelum occidentalis 2‐10 <10 Banksia attenuata + <10 Eucalyptus marginata + 10 *Ehrharta longiflora 30‐70 0.2 *Briza maxima 30‐70 0.2 *Zantedeschia aethiopica 2‐10 0.3 Nuytsia floribunda + 7 *Hypochaeris glabra 2 0.2 *Trifolium campestre + *Cotula turbinata + Comments: Parkland cleared with no native understorey remaining. Heavy weed infestation; no signs of regeneration occurring. Used as shelter and grazing area for cattle; evidence of fire wood collecting from fallen and standing trees. Quadrat placed to capture maximum diversity.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 Site WN03 Location: Wonnerup South Rd Farm Type: Quadrat Date: 07/06/2013 & 4/10/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Very good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 355497 mE Northing: 6274943 mN Habitat: Plain; negligible slope and aspect. Soil: Grey sand with mid‐grey sand at depth. Vegetation: Parkland cleared Corymbia calophylla, Eucalyptus marginata subsp. ? open forest over Xylomelum occidentalis low open woodland over mixed Poaceae weeds and *Zantedeschia aethiopica on grey sands. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba AB which the remnants aligns with (though very degraded). Veg Condition: Completely degraded. Fire Age: +10 years.

WN03‐ Quadrat WN03‐ Soil WN03 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Eucalyptus marginata 2‐10 <10 Corymbia calophylla 10‐30 10‐30 Xylomelum occidentalis 2‐10 <10 *Briza maxima >70 0.01 *Ehrharta longiflora >70 0.01 *Eragrostis curvula + 0.04 *Zantedeschia aethiopica 10‐30 0.4 *Hypochaeris glabra + 0.01 *Oxalis pes‐caprae + 0.01 Lomandra micrantha subsp. micrantha >70 0.5 Lomandra preissii + 0.6 Tetraria capillaris + 0.4 *Ehrharta calycina + 0.6 *Bromus diandrus + 0.5 *Avena fatua + 0.7 *Freesia sp. + 0.2 Sowerbaea laxiflora + 0.5 *Ferraria crispa + 0.4

Comments: Parkland cleared with some sedges as the only native understorey remaining. Heavy weed infestation; no signs of regeneration occurring. Only two old large trees remain, as mature trees are old regrowth; evidence of fire wood collecting from fallen and standing trees. Quadrat placed to capture maximum diversity.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 Site WN04 Location: Wonnerup South Rd Farm Type: Relevé Date: 07/06/2013& 05/10/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Very good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 355693 mE Northing: 6274972 mN Habitat: Plain; negligible slope and aspect. Soil: Grey sand with mid‐grey sand at depth. Vegetation: Parkland cleared Corymbia calophylla, Banksia grandis open forest over mixed Poaceae weeds including *Ehrharta spp. And *Eragrostis curvula over *Zantedeschia aethiopica on grey sands. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba AB; vegetation aligns. Veg Condition: Completely degraded. Fire Age: +10 years.

WN03‐ Quadrat WN04 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Banksia grandis 10‐30 <10 Corymbia calophylla 10‐30 <10 *Ehrharta calycina >70 0.6 *Ehrharta longiflora >70 0.6 *Zantedeschia aethiopica 2‐10 0.8 Acacia sp. + 0.4 *Cynodon dactylon + 0.15 *Asparagus asparagoides + cl *Freesia sp. + 0.2 *Briza maxima + 0.4 Caladenia latifolia + 0.2 *Sonchus oleraceus + 0.3

Opportunistic collections from vicinity: Kennedia prostrata *Pelargonium capitatum

Comments: Parkland cleared with a few scattered native understorey remaining. Heavy weed infestation; no signs of regeneration occurring. Used as shelter and grazing area for cattle; evidence of fire wood collecting from fallen and standing trees. No quadrat utilised.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 Site WN05 Location: Wonnerup South Rd Farm Type: Mapping Note Date: 07/06/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 355726 mE Northing: 6275171 mN Habitat: Plain; negligible slope and aspect. Soil: Grey sand with mid‐grey sand at depth. Vegetation: Planted eastern states eucalypts with occasional parkland cleared Corymbia calophylla. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba AB; not a remnant of native vegetation Veg Condition: Completely degraded – paddock trees. Fire Age: +10 years.

No photograph taken.

WN05 Species List Name Eucalyptus ?gomphocephala Corymbia calophylla

Comments: Planted eastern states eucalypts with occasional Parkland cleared Corymbia calophylla. No native understorey. Heavy weed infestation; no signs of regeneration occurring. Used for harvesting fire wood.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 Site WN06 Location: Wonnerup South Rd Farm Type: Relevé Date: 07/06/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 355710 mE Northing: 6275253 mN Habitat: River and flood plain; drainage towards river and to the west. Soil: Pale grey sand with mid‐grey sand at depth. Vegetation: Parkland cleared Melaleuca rhaphiophylla woodland over mixed Poaceae weeds and *Zantedeschia aethiopica on grey sands. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba AF but more closely aligns with Aw. Veg Condition: Completely degraded. Fire Age: +10 years.

WN06‐ Relevé WN06 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Melaleuca rhaphiophylla 30‐70 <10 *Ehrharta sp. 0‐30 0.01 *Zantedeschia aethiopica 0‐10 0.4 *Cynodon dactylon 30‐70 0.01 *Oxalis purpurea 0‐10 0.01 *Watsonia sp. 0‐2 0.4

Opportunistic collections along Abba River: *Citrullus lanatus Eucalyptus rudis subsp. ? *Geranium molle *Arctotheca calendula *Dittrichia graveolens Juncus pallidus Cassytha sp. *Solanum nigricans Corymbia calophylla *Solanum linnaeanum *Cenchrus clandestinus Melaleuca lateritia *Plantago lanceolata

Comments: Parkland cleared with no native understorey remaining. Heavy weed infestation; no signs of regeneration occurring. Used as shelter and grazing area for cattle.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 Site WN07 Location: Wonnerup South Rd Farm Type: Relevé Date: 07/06/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 355891 mE Northing: 6274750 mN Habitat: Small dampland; negligible slope and aspect. Soil: Grey sand with mid‐grey sand at depth. Vegetation: Parkland cleared Melaleuca rhaphiophylla open woodland over mixed Poaceae weeds and *Zantedeschia aethiopica on grey sands. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba Ad but more closely aligns with Abba Aw or Ludlow Lw (although Completely Degraded). Veg Condition: Completely degraded. Fire Age: +10 years.

WN07‐ Relevé WN07 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Melaleuca rhaphiophylla 30‐70 <10 *Ehrharta longiflora 30‐70 0.2 *Zantedeschia aethiopica 30‐70 0.4 *Briza maxima 0‐2 0.01 *Ehrharta calycina + 0.3

Comments: Small area of seasonal depression (dampland). Parkland cleared with no native understorey remaining. Heavy weed infestation; no signs of regeneration occurring. Used as shelter and grazing area for cattle.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013 Site WN08 Location: Wonnerup South Rd – road verge Type: Mapping note. Date: 07/06/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 355891 mE Northing: 6274750 mN Habitat: Road verge; plain; negligible slope and aspect. Soil: Grey sand with mid‐grey sand at depth. Vegetation: Corymbia calophylla woodland over Persoonia longifolia, Xylomelum occidentalis tall open shrubland over Acacia extensa, Phyllanthus calycinus over Poaceae species weeds. A small occurrence of Melaleuca rhaphiophylla woodland over *Eragrostis curvula in close proximity to where the Abba River crossed under Wonnerup South Road. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba AB and AF along Abba River intersection with Ad towards Bussell H’way intersection. Veg Condition: A fine mosaic of completely degraded; to degraded; or approaching good condition. Some area completely cleared with no remnant vegetation remaining. The east side of Wonnerup South Road is less degraded and retains more remnant than the east side. Fire Age: +10 years.

WN08‐ Facing south along Wonnerup South Road WN03‐ Facing north towards Abba River. Marri dominates.

WN08‐ Paperbark in vicinity of Abba River (west side of road).

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

WN08 Opportunistic Species List Name *Asparagus asparagoides Banksia grandis Casuarina huegelii Chamelaucium sp. C Coastal Plain (T) Corymbia calophylla *Cyperus sp. Desmocladus flexuosus Drosera ?macrantha *Freesia sp. Gastrolobium praemorsum Gastrolobium capitatum Grevillea manglesioides subsp. manglesioides Hardenbergia comptoniana Hibbertia cuneiformis Jacksonia furcellata Macrozamia riedlei Nuytsia floribunda Persoonia longifolia Phyllanthus calycinus Pteridium esculentum *Sparaxis bulbifera Thysanotus sp. (climbing) Watsonia sp. Xanthorrhoea preissii Xanthorrhoea gracilis Xylomelum occidentalis

Comments: South side of road is more cleared and/or degraded than the north side; however, both sides of the road contain a population of the threatened flora species Chamelaucium sp. C Coastal Plain adjacent to the Abba River.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Site WN09 Location: Wonnerup South Rd road verge Type: Quadrat Date: 08/06/2013 & 6/10/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 355401 mE Northing: 6275925 mN Habitat: Plain; negligible slope and aspect. Soil: Grey sand (with imported pea laterite gravel) with light grey sand at depth. Vegetation: Parkland cleared Corymbia calophylla, Banksia grandis open woodland over mixed Poaceae weeds on grey sands and imported gravel. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Ludlow Lw but more closely aligns with Abba AB or AF (though degraded) Veg Condition: Completely degraded. Fire Age: +10 years.

WN09 Quadrat WN09‐ Adjacent to quadrat – former road alignment. WN09 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Corymbia calophylla 10‐30 8‐10 Banksia grandis 10‐30 <10 *Asparagus asparagoides + cl Acacia sp. + 1.5 *Briza maxima + 0.2 *Cynodon dactylon + 0.05 *Ehrharta calycina + 0.2 *Ehrharta longiflora + 0.2 Hibbertia cuneiformis + 0.4 *Hypochaeris glabra + 0.1 *Poaceae sp. (sterile) + 0.2 *Zantedeschia aethiopica + 0.3

Comments: This area was the former Wonnerup South Road alignment to Bussell Highway, which has since been realigned further to the west. The area is parkland cleared with no native understorey remaining. Heavy weed infestation with deteriorating overstorey with no regeneration occurring.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Site WN10 Location: Ruabon Road Farm Type: Quadrat Date: 08/06/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 357497 mE Northing: 6276185 mN Habitat: Plain; negligible slope and aspect. Soil: Grey sand with light grey sand at depth. Vegetation: Parkland cleared Corymbia calophylla, Eucalyptus marginata subsp. marginata open forest over mixed Poaceae weeds and *Zantedeschia aethiopica on grey sands. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba AB but could also be AF. Veg Condition: Completely degraded. Fire Age: +10 years.

WN10 Quadrat Winter & Summer WN10 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Corymbia calophylla 10‐30 10‐30 Eucalyptus marginata subsp. marginata 2‐10 10‐30 *Briza maxima 10‐30 0.2 *Zantedeschia aethiopica 10‐30 0.3 *Poaceae sp. (sterile) + 0.2

Comments: Parkland cleared with no native understorey remaining. Heavy weed infestation with deteriorating overstorey with no regeneration occurring. Used as shelter and grazing area for cattle.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Site WN11 Location: Ruabon Rd Farm Type: Quadrat Date: 08/06/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 356892 mE Northing: 6275719 mN Habitat: Plain; negligible slope and aspect. Soil: Grey sand with light grey sand at depth. Vegetation: Parkland cleared Agonis flexuosa, Banksia attenuata, B. ilicifolia low open woodland over occasional Kunzea glabrescens over mixed Poaceae weeds and *Zantedeschia aethiopica on grey sands. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba (Ad) but more aligns with Abba AB or AF Veg Condition: Completely degraded. Fire Age: +10 years.

WN11 Quadrat (winter) No Drakaea bases located. WN11‐ Spring Caladenia but no Drakaea species present. WN11 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Agonis flexuosa var. flexuosa 10‐30 >10 Banksia attenuata 10‐30 >10 Banksia ilicifolia 10‐30 >10 Kunzea glabrescens 2‐10 8‐10 *Ehrharta longiflora 2‐10 0.2 *Briza maxima 2‐10 0.2 *Zantedeschia aethiopica 2‐10 0.6 *Briza minor 2‐10 0.2

Comments: Parkland cleared with no native understorey remaining. Heavy weed infestation with deteriorating overstorey with no regeneration occurring. Historically used as shelter and grazing area for cattle but has been more recently fenced off from cattle.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Site WN12 Location: Ruabon Rd Farm Type: Quadrat Date: 03/10/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Very Good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 357858 mE Northing: 6277042 mN Habitat: Plain; negligible slope and aspect. Soil: Grey sand with pale yellow sand at depth. Vegetation: Corymbia calophylla and Eucalyptus marginata low open woodland over Acacia pulchella var. pulchella over Xanthorrhoea preissii, Xylomelum occidentalis and Xanthorrhoea gracilis over *Briza maxima over *Hypochaeris glabra on grey sands. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Ad; aligns relatively well with this complex. Veg Condition: Quadrat is in Good – Degraded condition. Remnant as a whole is Degraded to Completely Degraded condition; quadrat is sited in the small area that remains somewhat intact. Fire Age: +10 years.

WN12 Quadrat WN12 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Corymbia calophylla 10‐30 10‐30 Eucalyptus marginata 10‐30 >10 Acacia pulchella var. pulchella 2‐10 1‐2 Xanthorrhoea preissii 10‐30 >1 Xylomelum occidentalis 2‐10 >1 Xanthorrhoea gracilis 2‐10 >1 *Briza maxima 30‐70 0.3 *Hypochaeris glabra 2‐10 0.12 Hibbertia hypericoides + 0.2 Acacia ?stenoptera (sterile) + Tripterococcus paniculatus P4 + Astroloma drummondii + Hibbertia racemosa + Astroloma pallida + Astroloma ciliata + Leucopogon propinquus + *Ehrharta longiflora + *Romulea rosea + Burchardia congesta + Conostylis setigera + Lagenophora huegelii + Hardenbergia comptoniana +

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Patersonia occidentalis + Caladenia flava subsp. flava + Scaevola calliptera + Drosera ?macrantha (sterile) + Orchidaceae sp. (sterile) + *Arctotheca calendula + Drosera erythrorhiza (sterile) + Chamaescilla corymbosa + *Trifolium subterraneum + *Ornithopus compressus + Hypolaena exsulca + Desmocladus fascicularis + Tetraria capillaris + Tetraria octandra + Lomandra micrantha subsp. micrantha + Lomandra sericea + Lomandra caespitosa + Lomandra hermaphrodita + *Isolepis marginata + Desmocladus flexuosus +

Comments: Quadrat placed in the area of remnant that remains in the best condition; historically used for cattle shelter and grazing. In addition, large mobs of kangaroos present eating native species. Lack of understorey diversity with increasing weed infestation and low regeneration occurring. Recently evidence of timber harvesting from standing live and fallen jarrah.

Opportunistic collections from vicinity:

Agonis flexuosa Banksia attenuata Banksia ilicifolia Jacksonia sternbergiana Melaleuca thymoides Daviesia rhombifolia Babingtonia camphorosmae Neurachne alopecuroidea *Briza minor Trachymene pilosa Stylidium sp. Kennedia coccinea *Ursinia anthemoides Elythranthera brunonis *Zantedeschia aethiopica *Orobanche minor *Cotula turbinata *Petrorhagia velutina *Ferraria crispa

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Site WN13 Location: Ruabon Rd Farm Type: Quadrat Date: 03/10/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Very Good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 357954mE Northing: 6277020 mN Habitat: Plain; negligible slope and aspect. Soil: Grey sand with pale yellow sand at depth. Vegetation: Parkland cleared Banksia attenuata and Agonis flexuosa, low open woodland over mixed grass‐herbland of weed species dominated by *Briza maxima and *Hypochaeris glabra on grey sands. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba Ad; too degraded to distinguish but broadly aligns with mapped complex. Veg Condition: Completely degraded (parkland cleared). Fire Age: +10 years.

WN13 Quadrat Understorey WN13 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Banksia attenuata 10‐30 10‐30 Agonis flexuosa var. flexuosa 2‐10 >10 *Briza maxima 30‐70 0.3 *Hypochaeris glabra 2‐10 0.12 Acacia pulchella var. pulchella + Hibbertia hypericoides + Tripterococcus paniculatus P3 + ?Kunzea glabrescens (sterile) + *Ehrharta longiflora + *Ehrharta calycina + *Lolium perenne + *Briza minor + *Bromus diandrus + Chamaescilla corymbosa + *Romulea rosea + Caladenia flava subsp. flava + Elythranthera brunonis + Hardenbergia comptoniana + *Petrorhagia velutina + Patersonia occidentalis + Tricoryne elatior + Conostylis setigera + *Ursinia anthemoides + Drosera erythrorhiza +

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Lomandra caespitosa + Dasypogon bromeliifolius + Tetraria capillaris + Lomandra micrantha subsp. micrantha + Hypolaena exsulca + Lyginia imberbis +

Opportunistic collections in vicinity: Melaleuca thymoides Scaevola calliptera *Zantedeschia aethiopica Microtis media subsp. media Stylidium ?brunonianum (immature)

Comments: Parkland cleared with little native understorey remaining. Heavy weed infestation with deteriorating overstorey with no regeneration occurring. Historically used as shelter and grazing area for cattle; recent timber harvesting of standing and fallen trees.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Site WN14 Location: Ruabon Road roadside; north side Type: Quadrat Date: 06/10/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Very Good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 357880 mE Northing: 6277103 mN Habitat: Plain; negligible slope and aspect. Soil: Pale brown sand with light brown sandy loam at depth. Vegetation: Eucalyptus marginata over Banksia attenuata and Agonis flexuosa low open woodland over Hibbertia hypericoides over Tetraria octandra and T. capillaris on pale brown sands. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba Ad; and broadly aligns with the complex. Veg Condition: Excellent. Fire Age: +10 years.

WN14 Quadrat WN14 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Eucalyptus marginata 2‐10 10‐30 Agonis flexuosa var. flexuosa 10‐30 >10 Banksia attenuata 10‐30 >10 Hibbertia hypericoides 10‐30 >1 Tetraria octandra 10‐30 0.4 Tetraria capillaris 10‐30 0.35 Banksia grandis (seedling) + Daviesia divaricata + Philotheca spicata + Acacia extensa + Hibbertia hypericoides + Stirlingia latifolia + Bossiaea eriocarpa + Hovea ilicifolia + Synaphea floribunda + Acacia willdenowiana + Acacia pulchella var. pulchella + Hovea trisperma + Patersonia occidentalis + Conostephium pendulum + Macrozamia riedlei + Banksia dallanneyi var. dallanneyi + Amphipogon turbinatus + Austrostipa campylachne

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

*Briza maxima *Ehrharta calycina Dampiera linearis Burchardia congesta Agrostocrinum scabrum subsp. scabrum Lyperanthus serratus Thelymitra vulgaris Drosera sp. (climbing/sterile) Elythranthera brunonis Conostylis setigera Monotaxis occidentalis Opercularia echinocephala Caladenia flava subsp. flava Microtis ?media subsp. media Opercularia ?hispidula Pyrorchis nigricans Thelymitra crinita Hardenbergia comptoniana Tricoryne elatior Stylidium ?schoenoides /affine Scaevola calliptera Stylidium ?hesperium ms Thelymitra sp. (sterile) ?Billardiera laxiflora (sterile) Caesia micrantha Tetraria octandra Tetraria capillaris Desmocladus flexuosus Lomandra preissii Lomandra caespitosa Lomandra sonderi Lomandra hermaphrodita

Comments: Roadside remnant remaining intact with low weed encroachment and diversity; localised impacts from rabbits.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Site WN15 Location: Ruabon Road, road verge; south side Type: Quadrat Date: 04/10/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Very good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 357514 mE Northing: 6277229 mN Habitat: Plain; negligible slope and aspect. Soil: Pale yellow‐brown sand with dark yellow‐brown sand at depth. Vegetation: Corymbia calophylla low open woodland over Kunzea glabrescens over mixed sedges Patersonia occidentalis, Lomandra spp. Tetraria octandra on yellow‐brown sands. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba Ad; vegetation aligns with this complex. Veg Condition: Very good. Fire Age: +10 years.

WN15 Quadrat WN15 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Corymbia calophylla 10‐30 10‐30 Kunzea glabrescens 2‐10 >2 Lomandra micrantha subsp. micrantha 30‐70 0.4 Patersonia occidentalis 30‐70 0.6 Tetraria octandra 30‐70 0.4 Jacksonia gracillima + Stirlingia latifolia + Hovea trisperma + Acacia extensa + Hibbertia hypericoides + Synaphea floribunda + Eriostemon spicatus + Adenanthos meisneri + Acaciaa pulchell var. pulchella + *Ehrharta calycina + *Briza maxima + Scaevola calliptera + Patersonia occidentalis + Tricoryne elatior + Conostylis setigera + Anigozanthos manglesii + Sowerbaea latifolia + Drosera erythrorhiza Caladenia flava subsp. flava

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Stypandra glauca Thysanotus sp. (climbing/sterile) Thelymitra sp. (sterile) Lomandra micrantha subsp. micrantha Lomandra preissii Lomandra sp. Tetraria capillaris Lepidosperma ?pubisquameum Tetraria octandra Mesomelaena tetragonophylla Hypolaena exsulca

Opportunistic collections within vicinity: Banksia grandis Xylomelum occidentalis Xanthorrhoea preissii Gastrolobium praemorsum Austrostipa campylachne Hardenbergia comptoniana Opercularia echinocephala

Comments: Localised areas of disturbance and a fine mosaic of intact and degraded vegetation; few weeds but intact areas are quite small.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Site WN16 Location: Ruabon Rd road verge – south side Type: Quadrat Date: 06/10/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Very good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 357455 mE Northing: 6277230 mN Habitat: Plain; negligible slope and aspect. Soil: Pale brown sand with brown sandy‐loam at depth. Vegetation: Corymbia calophylla and Eucalyptus marginata subsp. marginata low open woodland over Xylomelum occidentalis over Kunzea glabrescens over Xanthorrhoea preissii and Gastrolobium praemorsum over Lomandra species on pale brown sands. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba Ad Veg Condition: Very good (very small patch of remnant). Fire Age: +10 years.

WN16 Quadrat WN16 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Corymbia calophylla 10‐30 10‐30 Eucalyptus marginata 10‐30 10‐30 Xylomelum occidentalis 2‐10 >10 Kunzea glabrescens 10‐30 >2 Xanthorrhoea preissii 2‐10 >1 Gastrolobium praemorsum 2‐10 >1 Lomandra micrantha subsp. micrantha 2‐10 0.5 Lomandra sp. 2‐10 0.4 Hibbertia hypericoides Acacia pulchella var. pulchella Acacia willdenowiana Hovea chorizemifolia Gompholobium knightianum Hovea trisperma Stirlingia latifolia Daviesia divaricata Daviesia rhombifolia Leucopogon capitellatus Philotheca spicatus Acacia stenoptera *Briza maxima *Ehrharta calycina *Ehrharta longiflora

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Dampiera linearis Microtis ?media subsp. media *Romulea rosea Anigozanthos manglesii Caladenia flava subsp. Flava Thysanotus sp. (climbing)(sterile) Tricoryne elatior Sowerbaea laxiflora *Ferraria crispa Thelymitra sp. (immature) Hardenbergia comptoniana Patersonia occidentalis Drosera sp. (climbing) *Hypochaeris glabra *Zantedeschia aethiopica Levenhookia pusilla Phlebocarya ciliata Tetraria octandra Lepidosperma ?pubisquameum Tetraria capillaris Lomandra sonderi Desmocladus fascicularis Lomandra hermaphrodita Lomandra preissii

Comments: Quadrat shape was restricted to 5 x 20 m (linear along road verge); few weeds in this small patch of intact vegetation; intact on both sides of the road but may be a transitional community moving from dry flats towards west where two depressions occur.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Site WN17 Location: Ruabon Road road reserve; north side near Bussell Highway intersection Type: Quadrat Date: 06/10/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Very good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 357276 mE Northing: 6277318 mN Habitat: Edge of wetland. Soil: Brown‐yellow sand with laterite with brown sandy loam at depth. Vegetation: Melaleuca rhaphiophylla over Kunzea micrantha subsp. micrantha, Kunzea glabrescens, K. spathulata, thicket over Astartea scoparia over Meeboldina ?roycei over herb/sedgeland of *Cyperus tenellus, Schoenus sculptus, *Cicendia filiformis, Schoenus odontocarpus, S. plumosus, Aphelia cyperoides and Isolepis cernua var. setiformis on brown‐yellow sands. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba Ad but is a seasonal wetland that is more closely aligned with Ludlow (Lw) or Abba Aw. Veg Condition: Very good to Excellent. Fire Age: +10 years.

WN17 Quadrat WN11‐ Suite of small native and introduced ephemerals. WN17 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Melaleuca rhaphiophylla 2‐10 >2 Kunzea micrantha subsp. micrantha 30‐70 >2 Kunzea spathulata 30‐70 >2 Kunzea glabrescens 30‐70 >2 Astartea scoparia 2‐10 1‐2 *Aira caryophyllea + Isopogon formosus + Melaleuca incana subsp. incana + Adenanthos meisneri + *Eragrostis curvula + Meeboldina? roycei + Aphelia cyperoides + *Cyperus tenellus + Isolepis cernua var. setiformis + Schoenus sculptus + *Cicendia filiformis + Schoenus odontocarpus + Schoenus plumosus +

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Comments: Quadrat placed at edge of wetland due to wetland being inaccessible due to inundation; area is practically weed free with *Eragrostis curvula at the road edges only. This area may have been historically disturbed but the area is now well vegetated and practically weed free.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Site WN18 Location: Ruabon Road reserve; south side Type: Relevé Date: 06/10/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Very good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 357187 mE Northing: 6277292 mN Habitat: Wetland with intersecting drain. Soil: Pale brown sand with ironstone pebbles. Vegetation: Corymbia calophylla and Eucalyptus rudis low open woodland over Melaleuca rhaphiophylla over Regelia ciliata over *Zantedeschia aethiopica over Juncus pallidus and Baumea articulata on brown sands. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba (Ad) but is a seasonal wetland that is more closely aligned with Ludlow (Lw) or Abba (Aw). Veg Condition: Good. Fire Age: +10 years.

WN18 Quadrat WN18 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Corymbia calophylla 2‐10 10‐30 Eucalyptus rudis 2‐10 10‐30 Melaleuca rhaphiophylla 30‐70 >10 Regelia ciliata 30‐70 <2 Juncus pallidus 2‐10 0.6 Baumea articulata 2‐10 0.4 *Zantedeschia aethiopica 2‐10 0.6 Melaleuca viminea subsp. viminea + Acacia saligna + *Eragrostis curvula + *Ehrharta longiflora + *Sonchus oleraceus + *Plantago lanceolata +

Comments: Unmarked quadrat as area too inundated; historic signs of disturbance associated with drainage channel and weeds encroaching from adjacent property; arum infestation.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

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Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Appendix H: Threatened Flora Report Forms (copies) for Conservation Significant Flora Recorded during the 2013 Survey

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

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Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Site WN13 Location: Ruabon Rd Farm Type: Quadrat Date: 03/10/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Very Good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 357954mE Northing: 6277020 mN Habitat: Plain; negligible slope and aspect. Soil: Grey sand with pale yellow sand at depth. Vegetation: Parkland cleared Banksia attenuata and Agonis flexuosa, low open woodland over mixed grass‐herbland of weed species dominated by *Briza maxima and *Hypochaeris glabra on grey sands. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba Ad; too degraded to distinguish but broadly aligns with mapped complex. Veg Condition: Completely degraded (parkland cleared). Fire Age: +10 years.

WN13 Quadrat Understorey WN13 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Banksia attenuata 10‐30 10‐30 Agonis flexuosa var. flexuosa 2‐10 >10 *Briza maxima 30‐70 0.3 *Hypochaeris glabra 2‐10 0.12 Acacia pulchella var. pulchella + Hibbertia hypericoides + Tripterococcus paniculatus P3 + ?Kunzea glabrescens (sterile) + *Ehrharta longiflora + *Ehrharta calycina + *Lolium perenne + *Briza minor + *Bromus diandrus + Chamaescilla corymbosa + *Romulea rosea + Caladenia flava subsp. flava + Elythranthera brunonis + Hardenbergia comptoniana + *Petrorhagia velutina + Patersonia occidentalis + Tricoryne elatior + Conostylis setigera + *Ursinia anthemoides + Drosera erythrorhiza +

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Lomandra caespitosa + Dasypogon bromeliifolius + Tetraria capillaris + Lomandra micrantha subsp. micrantha + Hypolaena exsulca + Lyginia imberbis +

Opportunistic collections in vicinity: Melaleuca thymoides Scaevola calliptera *Zantedeschia aethiopica Microtis media subsp. media Stylidium ?brunonianum (immature)

Comments: Parkland cleared with little native understorey remaining. Heavy weed infestation with deteriorating overstorey with no regeneration occurring. Historically used as shelter and grazing area for cattle; recent timber harvesting of standing and fallen trees.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Site WN16 Location: Ruabon Rd road verge – south side Type: Quadrat Date: 06/10/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Very good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 357455 mE Northing: 6277230 mN Habitat: Plain; negligible slope and aspect. Soil: Pale brown sand with brown sandy‐loam at depth. Vegetation: Corymbia calophylla and Eucalyptus marginata subsp. marginata low open woodland over Xylomelum occidentalis over Kunzea glabrescens over Xanthorrhoea preissii and Gastrolobium praemorsum over Lomandra species on pale brown sands. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba Ad Veg Condition: Very good (very small patch of remnant). Fire Age: +10 years.

WN16 Quadrat WN16 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Corymbia calophylla 10‐30 10‐30 Eucalyptus marginata 10‐30 10‐30 Xylomelum occidentalis 2‐10 >10 Kunzea glabrescens 10‐30 >2 Xanthorrhoea preissii 2‐10 >1 Gastrolobium praemorsum 2‐10 >1 Lomandra micrantha subsp. micrantha 2‐10 0.5 Lomandra sp. 2‐10 0.4 Hibbertia hypericoides Acacia pulchella var. pulchella Acacia willdenowiana Hovea chorizemifolia Gompholobium knightianum Hovea trisperma Stirlingia latifolia Daviesia divaricata Daviesia rhombifolia Leucopogon capitellatus Philotheca spicatus Acacia stenoptera *Briza maxima *Ehrharta calycina *Ehrharta longiflora

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Dampiera linearis Microtis ?media subsp. media *Romulea rosea Anigozanthos manglesii Caladenia flava subsp. Flava Thysanotus sp. (climbing)(sterile) Tricoryne elatior Sowerbaea laxiflora *Ferraria crispa Thelymitra sp. (immature) Hardenbergia comptoniana Patersonia occidentalis Drosera sp. (climbing) *Hypochaeris glabra *Zantedeschia aethiopica Levenhookia pusilla Phlebocarya ciliata Tetraria octandra Lepidosperma ?pubisquameum Tetraria capillaris Lomandra sonderi Desmocladus fascicularis Lomandra hermaphrodita Lomandra preissii

Comments: Quadrat shape was restricted to 5 x 20 m (linear along road verge); few weeds in this small patch of intact vegetation; intact on both sides of the road but may be a transitional community moving from dry flats towards west where two depressions occur.

Threatened and Priority

Flora Report Form Version 1.0 January 2010 Please complete as much of the form as possible, with emphasis on those sections bordered in black.

TAXON: Chamelaucium sp. C Coastal Plain (R.D. Royce 4872) TPFL Pop. No: OBSERVATION DATE: 3/10/2013 CONSERVATION STATUS: T New population OBSERVER/S: V Clarke PHONE: 0415245954 ROLE: Principal Botanist/Environemntal Advisor ORGANISATION: Astron Environmental Services

DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION (Provide at least nearest town/named locality, and the distance and direction to that place): Adjacent to the Abba River crossing on Wonnerup South Road; the north-east and north-west side of the road/river; approximately 10 km south-east of Busselton Town Centre.

Reserve No: DEC DISTRICT: Blackwood LGA: Geograph Land manager present: DATUM: COORDINATES: (If UTM coords provided, Zone is also required) METHOD USED: DecDegrees DegMinSec UTMs GPS Differential GPS Map GDA94 / MGA94 Lat / Northing: see over No. satellites: Map used: AGD84 / AMG84 Boundary polygon WGS84 Long / Easting: Map scale: captured: Unknown ZONE: LAND TENURE: Nature reserve Timber reserve Private property Rail reserve Shire road reserve National park State forest Pastoral lease MRWA road reserve Other Crown reserve Conservation park Water reserve UCL SLK/Pole to Specify other:

AREA ASSESSMENT: Edge survey Partial survey Full survey Area observed (m²): 100 EFFORT: Time spent surveying (minutes): 10 No. of minutes spent / 100 m2: 10 POP’N COUNT ACCURACY: Actual Extrapolation Estimate Count method:

(Refer to field manual for list) WHAT COUNTED: Plants Clumps Clonal stems TOTAL POP’N STRUCTURE: Mature: Juveniles: Seedlings: Totals:

Alive Area of pop (m²):

Note: Pls record count as numbers Dead (not percentages) for database. QUADRATS PRESENT: No. 0 Size Data attached Total area of quadrats (m²):

Summary Quad. Totals: Alive

REPRODUCTIVE STATE: Clonal Vegetative Flowerbud Flower Immature fruit Fruit Dehisced fruit Percentage in flower: 100%

CONDITION OF PLANTS: Healthy Moderate Poor Senescent COMMENT: One plant has been significanty damaged by either a vehicle running it over or by trampling.

THREATS - type, agent and supporting information: Current Potential Potential impact Impact Threat Eg clearing, too frequent fire, weed, disease. Refer to field manual for list of threats & agents. Specify agent where relevant. Onset Rate current and potential threat impact: N=Nil, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High, E=Extreme (N-E) (L-E) (S-L) Estimate time to potential impact: S=Short (<12mths), M=Medium (<5yrs), L=Long (5yrs+) • close to road edge - damage by vehicles & pedestrians L M S

• weeds M M M

• Powerline maintenance N E S-L

Please return completed form to DEC, Locked Bag 104, BENTLEY DELIVERY CENTRE WA 6983 RECORDS: Please forward to Administrative Officer, Flora, Species and Communities Branch. Record entered by:______Sheet No.:______Record Entered in Database  Threatened and Priority

Flora Report Form Version 1.0 January 2010

HABITAT INFORMATION: LANDFORM: ROCK TYPE: LOOSE ROCK: SOIL TYPE: SOIL COLOUR: DRAINAGE: Crest Granite (on soil surface; eg Sand Red Well drained gravel, quartz fields) Hill Dolerite Sandy loam Brown Seasonally inundated Ridge Laterite Loam Yellow 0-10% Permanently Outcrop Ironstone Clay loam White 10-30% inundated Slope Limestone Light clay Grey 30-50% Tidal Flat Quartz Peat Black 50-100% Open depression Specify other: Specify other: Specify other:

Drainage line Abba River Closed depression Specific Landform Element:

Wetland (Refer to field manual for additional values) CONDITION OF SOIL: Dry Moist Waterlogged Inundated

VEGETATION 1. Completely degraded Banksia woodland CLASSIFICATION*: Eg: 1. Banksia woodland (B. 2. attenuata, B. ilicifolia); 2. Open shrubland 3. (Hibbertia sp., Acacia spp.) ; 3. Isolated clumps of sedges (Mesomelaena tetragona) 4. ASSOCIATED Nil - area previously cleared SPECIES: Other (non-dominant) spp * Please record up to four of the most representative vegetation layers (with up to three dominant species in each layer). Structural Formations should follow 2009 Australian Soil and Land Survey Field Handbook guidelines – refer to field manual for further information and structural formation table.

CONDITION OF HABITAT: Pristine Excellent Very good Good Degraded Completely degraded COMMENT: Area previsouly cleared for powerline FIRE HISTORY: Last Fire: Season/Month: Year: Fire Intensity: High Medium Low No signs of fire

FENCING: Not required Present Replace / repair Required Length req’d:

ROADSIDE MARKERS: Not required Present Replace / reposition Required Quantity req’d: 4

OTHER COMMENTS: (Please include recommended management actions and/or implemented actions - include

date. Also include details of additional data available, and how to locate it.) Please see attached information for waypoints and maps of planst and their locations; photographs of habitat and plants/flowers attached. Please note that waypoints and photographs can be provided electronically, if required.

SPECIMEN: Collectors No: VTC-AST01 WA Herb. Regional Herb. District Herb. Other:

ATTACHED: Map Mudmap Photo GIS data Field notes Other: COPY SENT TO: Regional Office District Office Other: WA Herbarium

Submitter of Record: V Clarke Role: Principal Botanist, Astron Environmental Services Signed: Date: 22/10/2013

Please return completed form to DEC, Locked Bag 104, BENTLEY DELIVERY CENTRE WA 6983 RECORDS: Please forward to Administrative Officer, Flora, Species and Communities Branch. Record entered by:______Sheet No.:______Record Entered in Database 

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Site WN17 Location: Ruabon Road road reserve; north side near Bussell Highway intersection Type: Quadrat Date: 06/10/2013 Described by: VC Seasonal Conditions: Very good MGA Zone: 50 Easting: 357276 mE Northing: 6277318 mN Habitat: Edge of wetland. Soil: Brown‐yellow sand with laterite with brown sandy loam at depth. Vegetation: Melaleuca rhaphiophylla over Kunzea micrantha subsp. micrantha, Kunzea glabrescens, K. spathulata, thicket over Astartea scoparia over Meeboldina ?roycei over herb/sedgeland of *Cyperus tenellus, Schoenus sculptus, *Cicendia filiformis, Schoenus odontocarpus, S. plumosus, Aphelia cyperoides and Isolepis cernua var. setiformis on brown‐yellow sands. Vegetation Complex: Mapped as Abba Ad but is a seasonal wetland that is more closely aligned with Ludlow (Lw) or Abba Aw. Veg Condition: Very good to Excellent. Fire Age: +10 years.

WN17 Quadrat WN11‐ Suite of small native and introduced ephemerals. WN17 Species List Name % Cover Height (m) Melaleuca rhaphiophylla 2‐10 >2 Kunzea micrantha subsp. micrantha 30‐70 >2 Kunzea spathulata 30‐70 >2 Kunzea glabrescens 30‐70 >2 Astartea scoparia 2‐10 1‐2 *Aira caryophyllea + Isopogon formosus + Melaleuca incana subsp. incana + Adenanthos meisneri + *Eragrostis curvula + Meeboldina? roycei + Aphelia cyperoides + *Cyperus tenellus + Isolepis cernua var. setiformis + Schoenus sculptus + *Cicendia filiformis + Schoenus odontocarpus + Schoenus plumosus +

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Comments: Quadrat placed at edge of wetland due to wetland being inaccessible due to inundation; area is practically weed free with *Eragrostis curvula at the road edges only. This area may have been historically disturbed but the area is now well vegetated and practically weed free.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Appendix I: Floristic Analyses of Quadrat Data

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

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Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Figure I.1: Floristic analyses of quadrat data and community types in the vicinity of the project area.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Figure I.2: Floristic analyses of quadrat data, all community types.

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

Appendix J: EPA Checklist for Documents Submitted for EIA on Marine and Terrestrial Biodiversity

Cristal Mining Limited Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project – Flora and Vegetation Assessment, October 2013

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Checklist for documents submitted for EIA on marine and terrestrial biodiversity

This checklist is from Appendix 2 of the EPA’s Draft Environmental Assessment Guideline No. 6 on Timelines for Environmental Impact Assessment of Proposals.

PURPOSE It is hoped that this checklist will be useful to environmental consultants and proponents both during the proponent’s initial project planning and environmental scoping process, and specifically in the final checking of documents they intend to submit to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) for environmental impact assessment (EIA). This checklist may be refined and reviewed periodically to refer to additional EPA guidance documents.

The purpose of this checklist is to provide the basis for consultants and proponents to conduct initial in-house screening of the quality of their EIA documents. The intent is to more clearly define a minimum standard for the fundamental elements of EIA documentation that is expected to be met before documents are submitted to the EPA. Meeting this minimum standard should, in turn, facilitate timely consideration of documents by the EPA.

The checklist has been set out in four parts. Part 1 addresses general elements of document quality. Parts 2 and 3 deal with key EIA requirements specific to marine and terrestrial biodiversity/marine water quality impacts respectively. Part 4 sets out the requirements for proponent certification of the checklist.

To confirm that each element has been addressed, proponents are asked to place a tick in the boxes provided. Where an element of the checklist is not relevant to the proposal, checking the box with “N/A” will be adequate.

A copy of this checklist certified by an appropriate proponent representative as complete and accurate must be lodged with EIA documentation submitted to the EPA. Completed checklists will be reviewed by the EPA when documents are lodged. Incomplete or inaccurate checklists will be returned for proponents to address outstanding matters before the EPA will commence its review of EIA documents. It should be noted that the EPA’s acceptance of a complete and accurate checklist simply indicates that basic requirements in terms of document quality and general comprehensiveness have been met. The EPA’s acceptance of the checklist does not imply adequacy of technical work or appropriateness of ‘policy’ application / interpretation. These matters are reviewed in more detail later in the EIA process.

1 THE CHECKLIST PART 1 – GENERAL QUALITY OF DOCUMENTS Ensure that the following standard elements are present in all documentation (including appendices):

A clear and concise title that outlines basic information about the proposal and purpose of the  document. Date and document revision number.  Information identifying the document’s author and publishing entity.  All issues identified in a scoping guideline or scoping document have been addressed and  covered in the report. Complete and correct tables of contents, maps, tables and figures.  Suitably-sized scale maps placing the proposal into both a regional and local context.  Figures, plates, maps, technical drawings or similar including scale bar, legend, informative  caption, labels identifying important or relevant locations/features referred to in the document text. All survey site locations and derived data products (e.g. benthic habitat maps, vegetation  maps) have been provided in map and appropriate GIS-based electronic database forms. All survey data from terrestrial biological surveys have been provided in electronic database  form (Access/Excel). Proposed infrastructure is shown on scale maps and associated spatial data and are  provided in an appropriate GIS-based electronic database form. A list of references that have been cross-checked to ensure that all references in the  Reference list are cited in the text (and vice versa). All information based on ‘expert’ opinion/judgement are explicitly attributed, by name and  qualification, to a person/s or organisation. Where relevant, appendices are attached to the main EIA document that describe the details  of technical work undertaken to underpin the content of the main document, and explicitly attributed by name to the author/s and (if applicable) their organisation. Description(s) of the proposal are internally consistent throughout all documentation and are  couched to allow potential environmental impacts to be placed in local and regional contexts, including cumulative impacts of existing and approved developments. Please identify relevant sections of the report in the box below.

Descriptions of the local and regional environmental features most likely to be directly or  indirectly affected by the proposal. Please identify relevant sections of the report in the box below.

2 PART 2 – MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES For proposals likely to impact on arid zone tropical mangroves in the Pilbara, the EIA document  describes how potential impacts have been addressed in the context of Guidance Statement No.1 (April 2001). If applicable, please identify relevant sections of the report in the box below.

For proposals likely to impact on benthic primary producer habitat, the EIA document describes how  potential impacts have been addressed in the context of Environmental Assessment Guideline No.3 (December 2009), including: • details of the measures taken to address the Overarching Environmental Protection Principles;  • scale benthic habitat maps showing the current extent and distribution of benthic habitats and the  areas of habitat predicted to be lost if the proposal proceeds; • descriptions of technical work (e.g. benthic habitat surveys) carried out to underpin the benthic  habitat map (e.g. a technical appendix); and • clearly set out calculations of cumulative loss.  If applicable, please identify relevant sections of the report in the box below.

 For proposals that involve marine dredging activities, potential impacts have been addressed in the context of the Environmental Assessment Guideline No. 7 for Marine Dredging Proposals (September 2011) to ensure that the predicted extent, severity and duration of impacts to benthic habitats are presented in a clear and consistent manner.

If applicable, please identify relevant sections of the report in the box below.

For proposals that involve any type of waste discharge or disposal in State coastal waters between Mandurah and Yanchep, or off the Pilbara coast, potential impacts are couched in the context of the State Environmental (Cockburn Sound) Policy 2005, Perth’s Coastal Waters: Environmental Values and Objectives (EPA, 2000), or Pilbara Coastal Water Quality Project Consultation Outcomes document (DoE, 2006) and relevant guidance provided in the Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality (ANZECC/ARMCANZ, 2000). If applicable, please identify relevant sections of the report in the box below.

For proposals that involve any type of waste discharge or disposal in State coastal waters outside of  the areas described above, potential impacts are couched in the context of the guidance provided in the State Water Quality Management Strategy Document No.6 (Government of WA, 2004) and the Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality (ANZECC/ARMCANZ, 2000). If applicable, please identify relevant sections of the report in the box below.

For proposals with potential to impact on an existing or proposed marine conservation reserve,  potential impacts are couched in the context of the guidance provided in the relevant indicative or final Management Plan for the reserve on the advice of DEC or another designated management agency.

3 If applicable, please identify relevant sections of the report in the box below.

If numerical modelling has been carried out to inform the prediction of environmental impacts, the  report(s) associated with this modelling, including the key assumptions, is (are) provided as a technical appendix. If applicable, please identify the relevant appendix in the box below.

PART 3 – TERRESTRIAL BIODIVERSITY ISSUES For proposals with the potential to impact on areas of native vegetation, or other natural environments.

For proposals likely to impact on native flora and vegetation/plant communities, the EIA

document describes how potential impacts have been addressed in the context of EPA Guidance Statement No. 51, Terrestrial Flora and Vegetation Surveys for Environmental Impact Assessment (June 2004), including: • determining the level of flora and vegetation survey consistent with that expected in Table  3 (Appendix 2); • describing the survey area and methodologies, including reference to timing, duration,  survey effort, any survey limitations, and the nomenclature used (WA Herbarium); • maps and text describing the survey area/plot sites, location of significant species,  vegetation mapping, vegetation condition assessment and predicted extent of impact on the vegetation; • a comprehensive list of flora species identified and assessment of threatened, priority or  other significant flora / Ecological Communities (TECs, PECs) known or reasonably expected to occur in the area (as defined in Guidance Statement 51); • evaluating the impact of the proposal on the species/communities, including reference to  the extent of regional clearing of the vegetation complex/type and ecological linkage; and • All quadrat data used in reporting provided as electronic database in raw form, in addition to hardcopy reports. If applicable, please identify relevant sections of the report in the box below.

4 For proposals likely to impact on vertebrate fauna or fauna habitat, the EIA document describes how potential impacts have been addressed in the context of EPA Guidance Statement No. 56, Terrestrial Fauna Surveys for Environmental Impact Assessment (June 2004), including: • determining the level of fauna survey consistent with that expected in Table 3 (Appendix 2) 

of Guidance Statement No. 56; • describing the survey methodologies in the context of EPA and DEC (2010) Technical  Guide – Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna Surveys for Environmental Impact Assessment,

including reference to timing, duration and survey effort used to sample each of the fauna groups sampled, any survey limitations and the nomenclature used (WA Museum/Birds  Australia);

• maps and text describing the survey area, fauna habitats and predicted extent of impact  on the habitat; and • a comprehensive list and assessment of vertebrate fauna known or reasonably expected to occur in the area, including Specially Protected and other significant fauna (as defined in Guidance Statement No. 56), and an evaluation of the impact of the proposal on the species and key habitat/s. If applicable, please identify relevant sections of the report in the box below.

For proposals with the potential to impact on short range endemic (SRE) invertebrate fauna or SRE habitat, the EIA document describes how potential impacts have been addressed in the context of EPA Guidance Statement No. 20, Sampling of Short Range Invertebrate Fauna for Environmental Impact Assessment in Western Australia (May 2009), including: • early initial assessment for restricted habitat types that have potential to support SRE 

fauna, including advice from the WA Museum and the DEC/OEPA. • maps and text describing the survey area, potential SRE habitats and regional context and  extent of predicted impact on the habitat. • describing the survey methodologies, including reference to timing, duration and survey  effort used to sample each of the fauna groups sampled, and any survey limitations.

• a survey report with assessment of SRE fauna found or reasonably expected to occur in  the area, including any Specially Protected and other significant fauna, their known occurrence/habitats locally and their wider status if known, and an evaluation of the risk of the proposal to long-term survival of the species and community. If applicable, please identify relevant sections of the report in the box below.

For proposals with the potential to impact on subterranean (stygofauna and troglofauna) fauna, the EIA document describes how potential impacts have been addressed in the context of EPA Guidance Statement No. 54 and 54a, Sampling Methods and Survey Considerations for Subterranean Fauna in Western Australia (Draft 2007), including: • early initial desktop review to determine if the site has potentially suitable geology  /substrate habitat that could support subterranean fauna, including advice from the WA Museum and the DEC/OEPA and a pilot study, if appropriate; • a subterranean fauna survey report, if the site has a very high or high likelihood of  supporting subterranean fauna, or a pilot study indicated that the site supports a significant subterranean fauna; • maps and text identifying and describing the survey sites/area, and the geology/ habitat  supporting subterranean fauna, and extent of predicted impacts on the habitat (Note the survey area should extend beyond the predicted impact zone); • describing the survey methodologies (see Guidance Statement No. 54a), including

5 reference to timing, duration and survey effort used to sample each of the fauna groups sampled, species identification, and any survey limitations; and  • a comprehensive list and assessment of subterranean fauna recorded or reasonably

expected to occur in the area, including any Specially Protected and other significant fauna and their known occurrence/habitats locally and their wider status if known, and an evaluation of the risk of the proposal to long-term survival of the species and community.  If applicable, please identify relevant sections of the report in the box below.








