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DECLARED RARE and PRIORITY FLORA LIST for Western Australia r THE DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT \, DECLARED RARE AND PRIORITY FLORA LIST for Western Australia (KJA 28/10/92) CONSERVATION CODES R: Declared Rare Flora - Extant Taxa Taxa which have been adequately searched for and are deemed to be in the wild either rare, in danger of extinction, or otherwise in need of special protection, and have been gazetted as such. .,, X: Declared Rare Flora - Presumed Extinct Flora . Taxa which have not been collected, or otherwise verified, over the past 50 years despite thorough searching, or of which all known wild populations have been destroyed more recently, and have been gazetted as such. 1: Priority One - Poorly Known Taxa Taxa which are known from one or a few (generally <5) populations which are under threat, either due to small population size, or being on lands under immediate threat, e.g. road verges, urban areas, farmland, active mineral leases, etc., or the plants are under threat, e.g. from disease, grazing by feral animals, etc. May include taxa with threatened populations on protected lands. Such taxa are under consideration for declaration as 'rare flora', but are in urgent need of further survey. 2: Priority Two - Poorly Known Taxa Taxa which are known from one or a few (generally <5) populations, at least some of which are not believed to be under immediate threat (i.e. not currently endangered). Such taxa are under consideration for declaration as 'rare flora', but are in urgent need of further survey. 3: Priority Three - Poorly Known Taxa Taxa which are known from several populations, at least some of which are not believed to be under immediate t'1reat (i.e. not currently endangered). Such taxa are under consideration for declaration as 'rare flora' but are in need of further survey. 4: Priority Four - Rare Taxa Taxa which are considered to have been adequately surveyed and which. whilst being rare (in Australia), are not currently threatened by any identifiable factors. These taxa require monitoring every 5-10 years. ' Priority Eight - Proposed DRF .J Taxa for which adequate surveys have been completed. These taxa are being considered for inclusion on the list of Declared Rare Flora, but are currently outside of the policy for taxa to be declared, e.g. hybrids. * = species which also occur outside Western Australia + = species presumed to be the result of hybridization ms = manuscript names. These names have not been published and must be indicated as being manuscript names whenever used, either by the standard format of the addition of ms after the name, or the inclusion in inverted commas. CALM REGIONS CF Central Forest GAS Gascoyne GLD Goldfields ORE Greenough K Kimberley P Pilbara SC South Coast SF Southern Forest SW Swan WB Wheatbelt Recommendations for additions, deletions or changes to the Declared Rare or Priority Flora List should be Jorwarded to the Admin Officer Flora or Senior Botanist, Wildlife Branch. ICIA2:PIII 28.10.92 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT Page 1 DECLARED RARE AND· PRIORITY FLORA LIST ' I SPECIES/'i' AXON CONS CALM DI STRI BUT ION FLOWER CODE REGION PERIOD ------------------------------' '------- . Abutilon .. longilobum_ms 1 . GAS ..Pierre Spring, East of Carnarvon Range Abutilon sp. Cape Range 2 p Cape Range, Yardie Creek, Learmonth Abutilon sp. Hamelin 2 GAS Shark Bay, Hamelin Pool, Jul-Sep Yaringa Stn Abutilon sp. onslow 1 p onslow Sep Abutilon sp. Pilbara 1 p Marillana, Warralong, May-Aug Woodstock Abutilon sp. Quobba 2 GAS,P Quobba, Cape Range, Minilya Jul-Oct Abutilon sp. Warburton (AS 1 GLD Warburton George 8164) Acacia? excentrica (BR 3 SC Ravensthorpe Range Aug-Oct Maslin 5463) Acacia adinophylla ms 1 GLD Helena and Aurora Range Sep-Dec Acacia alexandr i 3 GAS Cape Range, Exrnouth Jun-Sep Acacia alocophylla subsp 2 WB Ballidu, Bruce Rock, compressa ms Holleton, Muntagin Acacia ampliata ms 1 GRE Mullewa, Coolcalalaya Acacia amyctica ms 2 SC Peak Charles NP, Salmon Gums Acacia anarthros 2 SW East of Wannamal, Hay Flat NR May-Jun Acacia ancistrophylla var. 3 WB Bruce Rock, carrabin, perarcuata ms Mukinbudin, Korbel Acacia anomala R SW Dar ling Sea rp Aug,Sep Acacia aphanoclada 1 p Nullagine Aug-Sep Acacia aphylla R SW Perth - Northam Aug-Sep Acacia aprica ms 3 GRE Carnamah·- Coorow Jun-Aug Acacia arcuatilis ms 2 WB Camel Peaks, Kulin, Jitarning Jul-Sep Acacia argutifolia R SC s of Ravensthorpe Jul-Jan Acacia aristulata ms 2 GRE Moora, Jingemia Hill Sep-Dec Acacia ascendens 2 WB Chiddarcooping Hill Jul-Oct Acacia asepala ms 2 SC,WB Frank Hann NP, Marvel Loch Sep Acacia auratiflora ms 1 WB,SC Newdegate, Corackerup (Ongerup) Acacia auricoma 3 GLD,* Anne Range, Mannanana Range Aug-Apr Acacia auripila ms 2 p Rudall River · Acacia awestoniana 2 SC Stirling Range N.P. Oct-Nov · Acacia benthamii 2 Sil Wanneroo, Kings Park Acacia botrydion 1 WB Wongan Hills Jul-Dec Acacia brachyphylla var. 3 WB,SC Jerramungup, Nyabing, recurvata ms Kukerin, Pingrup, Highbury Acacia brachypoda l SW Munda_r ing, Dale, Dark in swamp May Acacia browniana ·var. 2 GRE,Sll Bindoon, Julimar, Mogumber glaucescens Acacia caesariata l WB Wyalkatchem, Kununoppin, Jul-Sep Tammin, Korrelocking, south Kumminin, Yorkrakine Acacia calcicola 4 GLD Blackstone Rg, Morgan Rg Acacia campylophylla 2 WB,SW York, Northam, Tammin, Jun-Sep Wyalka tchem ·Acacia carens ms 1 GRE Eneabba, Cockleshell Gully, Ga irdner Range Acacia camosula ms 2 SC Cocklebiddy Jul-Oct Acacia castanostegia ms 2 WB Ironcaps, Lake Cronin, Mt Jul-Oct Holland, Lake Seabrook, Frank Hann 28.10.92 DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT Page 2 DECLARED RARE AND· PRIORITY FLORA LIST SPECIES/TAXON CONS CALM DISTRIBUTION FLOWER CODE IUX;ION -------- -----------.------------------- PERIOD------- Acacia cerastes ms l GRE · Mt Gibson Acacia chapmanii· subsp. -1 --GRE,&W. · Bolgart,-Wyening ... australis ms Acacia chapmanii subsp. l GRE Three Springs, Marchagee chapmanii ms Acacia clydonophora ms 3 GRE,&W Gairdner Range, Cataby, May-Oct Gingin, Wannamal, Mt Lesueur Acacia cochlocarpa ssp. l GRE Watheroo· Jun-Jul cochlocarpa Acacia cochlocarpa ssp. 1 WB Manmanning Jun-Aug velutinosa Acacia congesta ssp. l GRE Arrino, Yandanooka Aug-Sep cliftoniana ms Acacia congesta ssp. 2 WB Wongan Hills, Elphin Aug-Sep wonganensis ms Acacia cowaniana 2 WB Mt Caroline, Mooranoppin Apr-Sep Rock, Jilakin Rock Acacia cummingiana ms 3 GRE,SW Moora, Barberton, Badgingarra, Wannamal, Dandaragan, Watheroo N.P. Acacia cuneifolia ms 2 WB,&W Pony Hil 1, Boyag in Rock Sep-Oct Acacia cylindrica ms 3 WB Southern Cross, Mt Correll, Kulja, Hunt Range Acacia cyperophylla var. 1 p Nullagine May omearana Acacia daweana 2 p Hamersley Range N.P. Jul Acacia declinata 3 SC Borden, Boxwood Hill, Kalgan Aug-Oct Acacia deflexa 2 WB Toolibin, Bendering Aug Acacia delibrata 1 K Phillips Range Acacia deltoidea ssp. ampla 2 K Bouga inv ille Peninsula, Jun Lawley River Acacia denticulosa R WB Beacon-Mt Churchman Aug-Nov Acacia depr es sa R WB W of Lake Gr ace Dec-Jan Acacia desertorum var. l WB Ghooli, Southern Cross, nudipes ms Yellowdine Acacia·diaphana ms 1 SC Niblick Hill, Clyde Hill, Mt Buraminya Acacia dictyoneura 2 SC Cape Riche, Pallinup River, Jul-Nov Fitzgerald River Acacia didyma ms 3 GAS,GRE Dirk Hartog-Island, Tamala May-Oct Station, East Wallabi Island Acacia diminuta ms 1 SC Scadden·,· Truslove, Fitzgerald Oct-Nov Acacia disticha ms 2 SC Thumb Peak, Middle Mt Barren, Sep-Feb Corackerup-Creek Acacia dorsenna ms l SC Norseman Aug Acacia drepanophylla 3 GAS Overlander, Billabong R/H, Coburn Stn, Hamelin, Yar-inga Acacia drewiana subsp. minor 2 WB Wongan Hills, Newdegate-Lake King Acacia drummondii subsp. 3 GRE,SW Bindoon, Muchea, Julimar, affinis Wannamal, Mullewa- • Acacia dura 2 WB Piawaning, Wongan Hills, Aug-Oct Elphin, Yerecoin Acacia durabilis ms 3 SC Ravensthorpe Range, Oct-Apr Jerdacuttup 28.10.92 DEPARTMENT OF CDNSERVATION AND LAND MANAGEMENI' Page 3 DECLARED RARE AND PRIORI'lY FLORA LIST SPECIES/TAXON . CONS CALM DISTRIBUTION FLOWER CODE REGION PERIOD ------------------------------. - . Acacia effusa· 2 p Mt Bruce, Hamersley Ra. Nat. Park, Juna Dowr1s Acacia epacantha 3 GRE Dandaragan, Badgingara, Eneabba, Lesueur Acacia epedunculata ms 1 GLD Caenyie Rock Acacia eremophila var. 3 WB,GLD,S Ardath, Comet Vale, Zanthus, variabilis C Balladonia Acacia euthyphylla ms 3 SC Clyde Hill, Truslove, Mt Ney, Jul-Sep Mt Ridley Acacia filifolia 3 WB Wongan Hills, Burracoppin, May-Nov Southern Cross · Acacia flabellifolia 1 GRE Arr ino, watheroo Aug. Acacia flagelliformis 4 CF Harvey·, Eaton, Bunbury, Jul-Sep Capel, Busselton, Donnybrook Acacia formidabilis ms 3 GRE,WB,G Wanarra, Perenjori, Paynes LD Find, Southern Cross, Warralackin, Bungalbin Hill Acacia forrestiana R GRE Dandaragan,Jurien Bay Oct-Dec Acacia gelasina ms 2 GRE Kalbarri NP, Eurardy Acacia glaucocaesia 3 p Karratha,··Port Hedland, Mardie Jul-Sep Acacia gloeotricha ms 1 K Diamond Gorge, Fitzroy· River Jun · Acacia gr isea 4 WB Nyabing, ·Peringillup, Jun-Aug Kuker in·,· Kojonup Acacia guinettii 4 GRE Geraldton-Northampton Jun-Aug Acacia heterochroa subsp. 3 SC Kundip, Ravensthorpe Range, Jul-Dec heterochroa ms Coujinup Hill, Mt Short, Frank Hann Acacia heterochroa subsp. 2 WB Bottle Rock, Varley, Digger robertii ms Rock Acacia heteroclita subsp. 2 SC Porongurup Range valida ms Acacia horridula 3 SW,SF Helena Valley - Serpentine, May-Aug ?Lake Jasper Acacia imitans _..Jlls 1 GRE Mt Singleton Aug. Acacia incanicarpa ms 2 SC Mt Le Grand Apr-,Nov -Dec· Acacia inceana ssp. conformis 1 WB Lake O'Grady, Hines Hill, Aug-Sep ms Kalannie, Cowcowing Acacia inophloia 3 WB,GRE Pederah, Bendering, Muntagin, Moora Acacia inops 3 CF Margaret River, Yelverton Oct-Nov Acacia insolita subsp. 3 WB Brockton, --Pingelly, Aug efoliata ms Tutanning, Darkin swamp Acacia insolita subsp. 2 WB East Yornaning NR · Sep <l recurva ms Acacia isoneura subsp.
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