Yol. 2, No. 9 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA NOVEMBER, 1958 Record Cash Ranch ttift II et stem CLEARWATER —Ed C. Wright, well-known Pinellas County landowner, presented his personal check for S2,500 to Sherifl' Don Genung as a con- Sher- aw ttac e tribution to the Florida iffs Boys Ranch. PANAMA CITY—The Florida Sheriffs Budget System This is the largest cash con- tribution received to date for law which has won nation-wi de acclaim as a major advance the Ranch. Single donations of property and equipment valued in law enforcement has been attacked in circuit court here. at higher sums have been re- The Calhoun County Comm ission has filed a suit claiming ceived, however. Wright, who rarely allows his the law is unconstitutional an d asked the court to issue a name to be used when making a charitable contribution, de- temporary injunction which would prevent Sheriff W. C. clared he didn't mind publicity Reeder from receiving fund s to operate his department in this case because he was "so interested in what is being done under the budget system. Ranch. " at the Boys Sheriff Reeder, backed by the I He called upon all Florida Florida Sheriffs Association, as a general law, is actually a ( citizens to "come forth" and "this won the first round when Judge special act. They told the court support positive step" Clay Lewis denied the injunc- the law is unconstitutional be- against juvenile delinquency. tion. cause it was not enacted in SherifF Cenung expressed his accordance with constitutional deep appreciation and declared The sheriiF's primary argu- ment was that the injunction requirements governing such s that the money will "help us acts. tremendously in a great hu- would put him back on the an- tiquated fee system and in do- In a hearing here Nov. 5, manitarian venture which will Sheriff Reeder moved to dis- mean much to the future of our ing that he would be violating " the budget system law. miss the suit on grounds it pro- State and Nation. vided no cause for court action. The budget law, passed by Lewis took motion the 1957 legislature, took all Judge the coun- under advisement and asked but a handful of Florida both sides to file briefs withip Daffm Starts ties oiF the outmoded fee sys- about 30 tem and placed them on a busi- days. nesslike budget-salary system. The Judge also granted a pe- tition for Attorney John A, Training Plan It has since been hailed by Madigan Jr. and the Tallahas-' oiflcials and publications —in- see law firm of Caldwell, Park-' PANAMA CITY—Bay County cluding Reader's Digest —as a er, Poster, Madigan, Oven and'- Sherifl' M. J. (Doc) Daffin has progressive move that removed Moriarty to intervene on be- ' established a vigorous in-serv- the "profi motive" from law half of the Florida Sheriifs As- t ice training program for all enforcement. sociation. Madigan is the Asso-, deputies. ! Over the State it has been ciation's attorney. The deputies will spend two SCHOOL Deputy Sheriffs and police enthusiastically praised, and al- Assistant Attorney Generai week studying var- ORLANDO —INTOXICATION — hours each officers receive instruction in chemical tests for intoxication while attend- though it provides that a Sher- Ralph McLane, who attends ious phases of law enforcement. iff and his county commis- the hearing, was requested b .. ob- ing a special school sponsored by Orange County Sheriff Dave Storr. When a firin range can be (in white short-sleeve shirt) was Sgt. D. P. Caldwell, from sioners can appeal budget Judge Lewis to file a brief ois will be The instructor tained, the deputies the Pensacola Police Department. controversies to a state board behalf of the Attorney Ge* required to put in some target composed of the Governor, At- eral's office. practice with their revolvers at torney Ceneral and Comptrol- Sherifl' Reeder is representect least once a week. " ler, this board has not yet been by the Panama City law fir of "It is my contention, Sher- "One Beer" Defenllant is In required to rule on any appeals. Cornett and Leath. -iff Daffln says, "that good la+ Short The Calhoun County commis- Virgil Mayo, of Blountstowns enforcement can be attained sioners did not appeal their and Isler and Welch, of Pang only through constant study by in Court budget hassle to the three-man ama City are attorneys for th(s offlcers. Law enforcement is for a Rough Time board. county commissioners. only as good as the men who ORLANDO —It's going to be "All of this enables an offlcer Instead, they chose to try to administer it." more difficult fqr accused to do a better job of enforce- have the law thrown out on drunken drivers in the central ment with a maximum of uni- grounds that it is unconstitu- Sheriffs "Convoy" Florida area to convince the formity" and a minimum of in- tional. They claim that the judge that they "just had a equity. budget law, now on the books Big Boat-4-Cade Crime iniling short beer. " The reason: Orange County KISSlii(FMEP A small na Sheriff Dave Starr recently of SheriiF's Department patr just like TY sponsored a school to show law boats from Polk, Sarasota, Lak enforcement officers how to Manatee and Osceola Counties, PUNTA GORDA —When Billy make chemical tests for intoxi- helped to' "convoy" the famou Waltman decided to break into cation. annual Boat-A-Cade w h i c the hardware store he did it It was held in the Fern Creek traveled from here to e just like he'd seen it done on Armory, Oct. 6 through 17, and Okeechobee last month. TV. was attended by three officers W. B. Makinson, president qf He made his approach to the from the Apopka Police Depart- the Boat-A-Cade said the pre bolted back door boldly —like ment, two from the Sanford ence of Sheriff's Bob Buckel, he saw it done once on Dragnet. Police Department, seven from Roy Baden, Hagan Parrish As he walked through the dark- the Winter Park Police Depart- Ross Boyer "certainly" kept tl|e ened store to select his loot he ment and 14 Orange County group in order. wore gloves —because he re- Deputy Sheriffs. "We are grateful for the plat membered that Perry Mason All of the officers received they played in making this once caught a criminal by his certificate qualifying them as Boat-A-Cade the" best one' we fingerprints. Then, the loot Drunkometer operators. The in- have had so far, he said. stashed away in his car, he got structor was Sgt. D. P. Cald- A total of 1,750 persons from out of town before he could be well, from the Pensacola Po- many parts of the nation ade noticed —as he'd seen it done lice Department. the week-long cruise in 650 on The Line Up. In commenting on the school, boats. One boat from De ark But when he got to Tampa Sheriff Starr said: Chemical participated. ! to peddle the loot he was tests for intoxication bring sci- f caught —also in TV style. entifi aid to the law enforce- A suspicious merchant to ment officer in identifying Heap Trouble' ' whom he tried to sell some of 'drinking drivers, WEST HOLLYWOOD —SAFETY IS HIS BUSINESS —Broward County HOLLYWOOD —Three youtlts, the stolen merchandise called "They eliminate the innocent Deputy Sheriff Paul F. Radcliff puts School Safety Patrol members through jiges 8 to 10, were arrested fear the police and Billy was soon and pathologically a(Dieted; their paces. This is only one of his many duties as rois the county vilhdalism at the local coiji- picked up. As he was escorted cause the guilty to plead 'guil- daily looking out for the safety of thousands of rode school chiidrah. munlty ca(ater. When-chscovdr- to jail he said: "You sure can' t ty'; alford the officer a means He teaches safety with posters and animated c n-moxie~ He also ed, the bqys ~ere sitting, get away with anything. It's of presenting facts to the judge distributes diagrams showing chilj|reIo the sofest routes to follow ln going Indian-style, in the middle of just ~ the TV and deteotive and jury; and enable the courts to ond from school, and he works closelggrjtLjiiincipals to do everything the floor around a brightly stceies say ~~ZojHQralways to deal justly with suspected ossible to. , maintain sa@,, crossings. (Photo by Gene Hyde Associates, burning fire they had made gets caught. " offenders. . nc ) from old clothing and shoes. PAGE 2 THE SHERIFF'S STAR NOVEMBER, I958

THE -SHERXfFS STAR . rq r@'g ' 4 "'e'g Published For and Dedicated To the Advancement of IgwÃ+s Good Law Enforcement In Florida By THE FLORIDA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION At Tallahassee, Fla. "'4'"'-' «Iut EDITORIAL BOARD Hardee County Sheriff E. Odell Carlton ...Wauchula Clay County Sheriff John P. Hall Green Cove Springs Florida Sheriffs Bureau Director Dan McLeod Tallahassee Pasco County Sheriff Lesiie Bessenger Dade City EDITOR Carl Stouffer Field Secretary Florida Sheriffs Association

Snierod as Second Class Mall Matter al Tallahassee, Florida. Pablished monthly by the Florida Shcrlfis dssoelauon, P. O. Box $44, Tallahassee, Florida. Snbserlp- ilen rate $1.$0 per year.

WAUCHULA —SHERIFF'S AUXILIARY —Hordee County Sheriff E. Odell Carlton (kneeling) is pictured here with his newly-organixed auxiliary. Members are (from left): Back row —Doyle Bryan, Holton Donsby, Earl Sellers, Jimmy Sellers, Robert Ratnff; center row —Maurice Carlton, Lewis Pace, Marie Albritton, Robert R. Smith, Jerry H. (Jack) Melendy, Willord Durrance, Kenneth Bennett, Albert Carlton, Collis Tomlinson and Red Mills; front row —Pat Sims, Jack Bryon, Reid Stewart, Walter Garrett, Roy Hodges, Fines Davis.

ORLANDO —RANCH BOOSTER —Orange County Sheriff Dave Starr (left) presents Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch Founders Club certificate to Auxiliary Unit Trained to Help William E. (Bill) Davis, who made a substantial contribution to the Ranch project. Davis is chairman of Ben White's Raceway, President- elect of the Greater Orlando Chomber of Commerce and a member of Sheriff Carlton in Emergencies the board of directors of the Orlando Kiwanis Club. WAUCHULA —Har dec County man or a lost child and has even Sheriff E. Odell Carlton has been loaned to neighboring organized a 35-man "Auxiliary counties in times of disaster, Unit" of prominent local citi- such as last spring's tornado in zens, trained to assist the Sher- Polk County. iff's Department in emergencies Members are carefully chosen 4snd-%Rasters . and there is always a waiting Its members (business and list, in spite of the type of work professional men, farmers and involved. ranchers, a city commissioner, uni- commissioner The. Auxiliarymen wear a county and a forms like those worn by full- school board member) are a time deputies, except t'hat their hard-working team being given shoulder patches are inscribed the same training as regular with the words "Auxiliary Unit. " deputies in law enforcement They are bonded like regular work. and wear Members have taken part in deputies, carry guns three peace officers' training badges. schools this year, becoming handl- skilled in fingerprinting, Complete Course ST. AUGUSTINE —Attractive Dis- ing of small arms, and law en- patcher Haxel Mur and the Civil forcement techniques. PALM BEACH AIR FORCE Defense short-wave rodio equip- The group was organized to BASE—Two Palm Beach Coun- Sheriff Carlton's completed special ment pictured here are both recent supplement ty deputies a additions to the St. Johns County County Sheriff full-time staff in event of emer- fiv-day advanced course in , ST. AUGUSTINE —FROM THE OLD JAIL —St. John Sheriff's Department. ( Photo by Florida Ranch Founders gencies. Members are getting fingerprin identification, con- L O. Davis (right) presents a Sheriffs Boys Rupert Chastain. ) lub certificate to Henry (Slim) McDaniel, who made a contribution of actual experience in handling ducted by an FBI instructor. 100 to the Ranch on behalf of "The Old Jail", St. Augustine tourist crowds by helping out at foot- The deputies are Bobby New- attraction. (Photo by Rupert Chastain) ball games and other large com- man and Eugene Ellis. The J munity events which draw large course was sponsored jointly by crowds. Sheriff John Kirk and the Pro- Curbing Crime The unit is called in if the vost Marshal's Office of the sheriff is looking for a wanted Palm Beach Air Force Base. Needs Help too Of Old John Q MIAMI BEACH —The Na- tion's growing crime rate is a challenge to all citizens and not just a problem to be pushed off on law enforcement officers. That's the way police chiefs of two of the Nation's large cities summarized the crime problem in America. The chiefs, Stephen Kennedy, of New York City, and William H. Parker, of Los Angeles, expressed their views while attending a meet- ing of the International Asso- ciation of Chiefs of Police here. Chief Kennedy said it's time for society's agencies —the church, the home and the school —to stop pushing their responsibilities off on their pro- fessional lawman. "A criminal is an end prod- uct of many social and econom- ic factors, " Kennedy said, and BRONSON —UNDERGROUND MOONSHINE STILL—Rare in the an- not just the responsibility of nals. of Florida law enforcement is this moonshine still uncovered by police officers. And it's not a Sheriff J. W. Turner in a cave near Roleigh. (Caves are also rare in police function to teach morals Florida. ) Deputy Sheriff Pete Smith is shown checking the equipment. to the public, " he added. Sheriff Turner said evidence indicated that moonshine operations had Chief Parker also laid the ' SANFORD —lbI, V+@LE SAM'S BACK YA~eminole Capnty Sheriff been going on in the cave over a period of about 15 years and that blame for the growing crime Luther Hobby (right) and Deputy Sheriff Yern Brewster inspect aytiU the still had been modernixed from a wood burner to a gas burner. He rate at the door of society. He which bold moonshiners operated on U. S. Government property- af the arrested one of th(Loperators and thereby maintained his perfect "bat- laneled "the worship rff ma- inactive Osceola" Air'Force Base. Sheriff Hobby quickly put the intruders tinII average" of an orrest--with every stin raid. (Sheriff's Department terialiEfll" as-one t)f the prime out of business. photo) causes of crime. NOVEMBER, 19SS F~Q.K. S H E R I F F'5 S T A R PAGE 8 Hews abo+t the Florida S~ils Says Ranch, cf ho'II' for needy and neglected boys the Florida Sheriffs Association is o s anc oun- building on the Suwannee River, near Live Oak.

Beuefit Home Nets Tbousuulls

/ ( For The Ranch t ST.PETERSBURG—The auc- OAFISH tioneer's chant paid olf to the tune of thousands of dollars for the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch on Oct. 26. Ringing out loud and clear 0 4 alps% across Butterfly Lake Housing FNldls Subdivision it brought in $14,- 500 for a new house, $355 for a miniature gasoline - powered auto and $157.50 for a televi- sion set—with a11 profits going to the Ranch. This chant-and-hammer ses- sion marked the successful cli- max of a unique fund-raising PLANT CITY —THANKS FOR THE TANK —Hillsborough County project that combined the ef- ( Sheriff Ed Blackburn Jr. (left) thanks Cliff Hardee, president of Plant forts of Sheriff Don Genung, TAMPA —TILE FOR BOY'S RANCH —Hillsborough County Sheriff City Steel Corp. , for the water tank which the steel firm donated and Gov. LeRoy Collins, two gen- Ed Blackburn Jr. (left) and his Chief Deputy, Roger Dixon (right), ex- delivered ta the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch. Smiling his approval at erous Pinellas County builders and hundreds of citizens anx- I press to Sam Radrlguex, president of Tiffany Tile Corp. , Tampa, thai ~ right is Jack Dempsey, chief of the traffic division of the Hillsborough appreciation for the load of tile he donated ta the Florida Sharlffs Boys County Sheriff's Department. (Photo by Bill Friend, Plant City) ious to see the Ranch devel- Roach. Ha provided enough tile for the first building at the Ranch, a oped as a friendly home for residence for 20 boys. needy and neglected boys. Builders Malcolm Dunnan and John O'Brien constructed the house with the assistance of Gave or More donated labor and materials. $100 They said they would give every cent of profit —estimated at around $8,000—to the Ranch. The house was purchased by Boys Ranch Fouuilers Club Reed Thursby, of St. Peters- burg. Governor Collins helped the ~ promotion of the project along Roster Continues to 6row by donating a miniature gaso- line-powereed auto to be auc- The following persons and organizations who contributed tioned off at the same time. It $100 or more to the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch were added went to B. M. Puckett, of St. Petersburg. to the rolls of the Boys Ranch Founders Club during The television set, donated by' ropriate certificates: ., wf Bg. James Y. Arnold, Jr., Palm Petersburg, was purchased by Beach. W. C. Johnson, of St. Peters-, Audlane Lumber dh Builders burg. Clermont - Groveland Lodge Supply, Inc., Largo. B.P.O. Elks No. 1848. Bauldree Masonry Construc- CLERMONT —TRUSSES IN TRANSIT —Roof trusses fabricated by Eustis Lodge BW.O. Elks No. tion, Inc., St. Petersburg. Clermont Builders Inc. 1578. Supply leave here enroute to the Florida Sheriffs L. J. Bullock, Jr., St. Peters- Boys Ranch where they were used in the first residence building. Fred First Federal Savings db Loan burg. L Wolfe (right), an official of the fabricating firm, is pictured giving large Bequest Association, St. Petersburg. final instructions Cement Roofing Industries, ta Roy Glass, truck driver. ' Teenage Club 551, Key West. Tampa. Under Oscar Kopf, Clermont. Cement Specialties Corp. , St. Probate, Leesburg Lodge B.P.O. Elks Petersburg. No. 1703. CLEARWATER —A Pinell Ralph Chappelear, Inc., St. Iu Memoriam County man's will admitted t Fondren Mitchell, Vero Beach. Petersburg. probate here recently contains Benevolent dh Protective Or- City Fuel Oil Company, St. substantial bequest for thg der of Elks, Lodge No. 1588, Petersburg. The following persons have made contributions to the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch. & Panama City. Davis Construction Corp. , St. Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch Memorial Fund: The Boys Ranch was made a( Rupert W. Gwaltney, Pana- Petersburg. Mr. and Mrs. C. in of "residual legatee' of an estat4) Florida. J. Fortenberry, Quincy; memory valued at "six flgures or more. & ma City, DeBacco Tile Company, St. Mrs. John S. Cuttino. Lloyd S. Bostwick, St. Peters- Petersburg. Terms of the will require thg the bequest be set up as a trus$, burg. Economy Cabinet Corp. , St. Mrs. Fred Nigels, Dunedin; in memory of J. J. Elliott. Sheriffs, fund. Bay County Deputy Petersburg. Mrs. Hettie Hundertmark and friends, St. Petersburg; Leon County Sheriff W. P' Panama City. Florida Art Stucco, Tampa. in memory of Mrs. Alma B. Eversman. Joyce, endowment chairman fo Mrs. Sylvia H. Frederick, St. Korp dh Korp, St. Petersburg. Mrs. Edna M. Alderman, Tampa; in memory of the Ranch, said bequests fro Petersburg. Sgt. a number of individuals now to Clarence Larson, St. Peters- Frederick Alderman. ' Highlands County Sheriff's burg. J. tal over $200,000 but the one Rescue Unit, Sebring. Mr. Harry McCreary of Pinellas County is the firs Martin Plumbing dh Heating Tarpon Springs; Mrs. Hilda St. Petersburg Dog Fanciers Orcutt, Clearwater; and Mrs. Katherine Elvin, Dune- be admitted to probate. Company, St. Petersburg. He said bequests, trust fun Association. Mitchell Electric, St. Peters- din; in memory of William T. Delamo. ' Ep- and similar sources of funds ar Beta Zeta Chapter 1827, burg. part of an endowment progra silon .Sigma Alpha, Clearwater. The Memorial Fund will perpetuate the memory of de- Neill Building Supply, Inc., which will provide long-ra Harry C. Cole, St. Petersburg. Largo. ceased relatives and friends by providing the financing for financing for the Ranch. Captain C. D. Blount, Ta- Pinellas County Painters and a facility of permanent significance such as a Ranch chapel. vares. Decorators, St. Petersburg. Send contributions to Memorial Fund, Florida Sheriffs H. S. Massey, Dade City. Tony E. Persinger, St. Peters- Boys Ranch, P. O. Box 344, Tallahassee, Florida. Ranch Rates High I G e o r g e Williamson, Lake burg. They should be accompanied Wales. by: In Beach Rayfeld's, St. Petersburg. The name and address of the Yero f Frank Wilfong, Gulfport. (1) contributor. W. B. Redman, St. Peters- (2) The full name of the person in whose memory VERO BEACH—Enthusiaka Buckeye Cellulose Corpora- burg. for the Florida Sheriffs Bgys d's the contribution is given. tion, Perry. Reick Fleece Builders Sup- Ranch runs high in this .dast C. S. Fryer, Jr., Quincy, Flor- plies, Inc., St. Petersburg. (3) The name and address of the deceased person' s coast city. ida. Saf-T-Rail Industries, St. next of kin to whom notification of the gift is After Hillsborough County Anderson Manufacturing Co., Petersburg. to be sent. Sheriff Ed Blackburn Jr. told Inc., Bradenton. Ed Smith, St. Petersburg. a joint Rotary-Kiwanis t- Lewis Lumber Company, Bra- Southeastern Sales Corp. , St. ALL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE BOYS RANCH ARE ing about the Ranch, the di- denton. Petersburg. INCOME TAX-DEDUCTIBLE. tor of the Kiwanis bull tin Kirk Building Supply, Bra- Southern Iron Works, St. Pe- nominated both him and he denton. tersburg. Ranch project for the "Fl da Builders Company, W. W. Strickland, St. Peters- Supply Teen-Agers Iu Hall of Fame". Brad eaton. burg. Trouble Blackburn, who ls execu e Hohnes Supplies, Bradenton. St. Petersburg Times, St. KISSIMMEE —Four teen- They said they obtained director of the Ranch, receiv Manatee Lumber Company, Petersburg. age boys were arrested on shovels and rted opening assistance in making Bradenton. The Upham Company, St. charges of unlawfully open- graves, fl y emoving a "pi Scorn.Sherif Igatu Joy ABC Windows, Pinellas Park. Petersburg Beach. ing a grave. skull front one of.4h and State 1gezflll Is. Bih,r- ACD Templin Truss Com- United Venetian Blind dt The boys told a%cere they The boy7 later c the ber, who lsQ.aber of the pany, 354. Petersburg. Awning Co., St. Pe~burg were riding around on a flsh~ d in their car, ex- Ranch Board of Trustees. AHfed Etss)(ljlats 9r Juarida, .Peach. ing trip vrjsen somfgiuu me/- hib it to other youths Cash donations of $400 were St. Petersburg. Parker &roe.r Inc., Area~ %oned tligglng Si tt cemetery. around town, just for "kicks." collected "on the spot. " PAGE 4 T H. E S H E R I F F'S S T AW- NOVEMBER, 1958 Digest Plans Article on eri s ureau Ray Wilson CRESTVIEW —Okaloosa ree ears County Sheriff Ray Wilson will be the subject of an article prepared for a future issue of Unique Law Enforcement Agency Reader's Digest. The article will center around Fights Crime with Modern Tools Sheriff Wilson's relentless 18- year search for the men who killed his father. TALLAHASSEE —Oct. 1, 1958 marked the third anni- A shotgun blast cut down Lester Wilson, police chief of versary of Florida's most unique law enforcement agency Crestview, on March 15, 1940, —the Florida Sher'iffs Bureau. when Sheriff Wilson was only 12 years old. The Chief had Founded by an act of the on Oct. 1, been planning to run for Sher- 1955, the Sheriffs Bureau, headed by Director Don McLeod, iff and a political motive was has grown from a compact unit of 5 persons at its inception, suspected. But the murderers to as compact and closely-knit a unit of 36 persons offer- were not found and the case just went into the files as unsolved. ing expanded serv'ices as it begins its fourth year of exist- But Ray Wilson wouldn' t ence. give up. Patiently, for years, Unique in that it has no original jurisdiction and directly he assembled bits of evidence and asked questions. His big enforces no laws, the Sheriffs Bureau functions as a coor- break came in 1956 when he dinating and assistance agency for other Florida law enforce- was appointed Okaloosa County ment groups with special emphasis on inter-county criminal Sheriff to fill out the unexpired matters. term of the late Sheriff Isle Enzor. The Sheriffs Bureau has pro- Now, holding the job to vided investigative help to Flor- which his father once aspired ida sheriffs on a full scale basis and which resulted in his in 167 cases during its firs father's murder, Sheriff Wilson DOCUMEHT EXAMIHATIOH —John Fay, Sheriffs Bureau Document three years of operation. And went to work in earnest. And Section, makes comparisons of handwriting on worthless checks. aid has been provided in com- last July 11 his search ended plicated murder investigations with the arrest of three local as well as less complicated men for the murder of his breaking and enterings. father. Sheriff Wilson's search to Bureau agents cooperated avenge the death of his father with the Hillsborough County received nationwide publicity Sheriffs Office in a case which through the wire services and resulted in the clearing up of came to the attention of Read- 52 safe burglaries, three armed er's Digest editors. Joseph robberies and four auto thefts, Blank, free-lance writer from McLeod stated. New Y'ork, was assigned to the Agents of the Sheriffs Bu- story and recently spent about reau also aided Pasco County a week here getting material authorities in a case which Dan McLeod for the article. reached into far-off Canada. A Director, Florida ) gang of thieves was stealing frozen juice concentrate and Sheriffs Bureau disposing of it in Canada. Coop- 'Coal Job "Dec" eration between the Pasco crimes of ttnst"type terre-sorted County Sheriffs Office, the Roy- out to aid in the investigation. This is just one of the mod- al Canadian Mounted Police aid- Budget-Wise and the Sheriffs Bureau re- ern methods employed in ing law enforcement agencies. PANAMA CITY —The Bay sulted in the apprehension of the thieves and in breaking up The Bureau's State Crime Lab- , County Sheriff's Department oratory got into full swing with not underspent its budget what had been a lucrative only racket. the employment of James E. ' by over 632,000 last year, but Halligan Jr., as supervisor. Sheriff M. J. (Doc) Daffin re- In addition to the Investiga- (See story on Halligan else- .turned $18,400—for a total sav- SHERIFFS CRIME BULLETIH —Mrs. Bertha Catts prepares latest issue tive Section which is extremely where in this ussue. ) iings to the county of over S51,- of Bureau's crime news sheet. helpful to sheriffs throughout Two vital functions of the j000. the state, the Sheriffs Bureau laboratory, the document exam- The sheriff's office turned in provides vital services to law ination section and the poly- $135,500 to the fine and fore- enforcement agencies through graph section (lie detector), Feiture fund and S9,700 for its other sections. have been in operation since iservice on civil cases, to pro- Until a comparatively short August. ~duce a substantial saving in time ago, Florida was without a Another popular and ex- county tax funds. "We' state identification unit. That tremely efFective investigative Said Sheriff Daffin: re has been taken care of with the aid furnished by the Bureau is ' to have been able to ) appy establishment of the Bureau's the Sheriffs Crime Bulletin. operate the sheriff's depart- Identification Section headed Through this medium, informa- dnent economically during the up by Albert B. Cround, a vet- tion concerning crime, wanted r past year and at the same time eran of over 30 years in identi- persons, missing persons and a provide good law enforcement. ficatio work and recognized as great deal of other information I "This office will continue to an authority on the subject. pertinent to law enforcement is jprovide adequate law enforce- disseminated throughout the ) ment at the lowest possible cost After months of preliminary " study staiF members of the state and the Southeast. |o Bay County taxpayers. by Training, always an. import- I Division of Corrections and the Bureau, an agreement was ani', phase of law .exrforeetnent, reached whereby fingerprint is another important function Sector Pose records of the Florida Prison of the Bureau. An intensifie System were incorporated with area school was held recently those at the already functioning in Tallahassee, and other area 'Vrips Thief schools are being planned TRAIHIHG SECTIOH —Bureau's training coordinator, E. Berwin Wil- Identificatio Section of the throughout the state. REDINGTON BEACH—Sher- liams, demonstrates use of fingerprint camera. Bureau. This consolidation of "We 3 identification records elimin- have come a long way iff's Deputy Joe McLeod pos- with the Sheriffs Bureau since 'ng "doctor from out of ated duplication of efFort and " as a provides service to all state those early days, states Direc- own" with a loaded wallet, a tor McLeod, "and' we should go ended wave of motel room agencies by one tax-supported a identification unit. much further with the help and thef ts with the arrest of a backing of the sheriffs, legisla- motel maid. Modern, scientific methods tors and the general public. " ' McLeod, registered as "Dr. are a necessity to crime detec- Joseph Rankin of Tampa, " tion in today's -electronic age. spent the night at the motel. And the Bureau has one of the Junior Deputy In the morning, he got up early most modern systems in the and left the room, leaving his country in its Modus Operandi Project Lauded wallet with $205 in marked bills Section. ORLANDO —The formation on e dresser. When his room of the Orange County Junior In this unit, punched IBM Deputy Sheriffs League has w cleaned by the maid, he cards show the method of oper- re ed. Part of the cash was earned the editorial commen- ation, physical description and dation of the Orlando Sentinel go other vital data concerning per- then planted an additional newspaper. The Sentinel said: sons convicted of specifi crimes "those boys who join—and we unt of marked money in an in Florida. agoining room. When the mo- think everyone who is eligible tel maid finished cleaning that This coding of information should —will learn much, and r'oom, he checked his mqntry'. & simplifie the matter of coming may be able to perform services" Again, ~rt of cash was up with suspects in a ptsrticu- that many of their dads can' t. gone. ~ lar case. Information is fed into The Junior Deputy Sheriffs The deputy Chen identifie an IBM machine relative to League in Orange County is himself and found the marked suspects in a particular crime, sponsored jointly by . SherifF money in the maid's pocket- IDEHTIFICATIOH SECTIO —Buredtr finger~rint erqrert Albert B and ~cards listing known crim- Dave Wttsrr agcl ~e Orlando book. Ground points out marks of comparison on bfown-up print. inals who have committecf Kiwanis Cifib. NOVEMBER, 1%58-' ~QH-E 5 Q E R I F F'S S.T,A R PAGE 5 Sheriffs Crime lah director Well Qualified

SEBRING—RESCUE UNIT HELPS BOYS RANCH —Highlands County Sheriff Broward Coker (left) receives a $680 contribution for the Florida Sheriffs Boys Ranch from Kenneth Wilson, commander of his rescue unit. The money was raised at a benefit fish fry sponsored by the rescue unit.

TALLAHASSEE —James E. Halligan Jr., 3V, Wisconsin State Crime Laboratory scien- tist, took charge of the Florida BUREAU PHOTOGRAPHER —Ken Richords works on important assign- Sheriffs Bureau Crime Labora- ment in Bureau darkroom. tory on November 15. Halligan, whose appointment was announced by SherifFs Bu- reau Director Don McLeod, has served with the Wisconsin State Crime Laboratory at Madison, Wisconsin since 1950, and for the past four years was a labo- ratory division supervisor. Director McLeod said he felt that Halligan, because of his training and experience, would be well qualifie to head the laboratory staff here. During his service with the Wisconsin laboratory, he par- ticipated in the investigation of many of the major crimes in that state. His work included crime scene searches, labora- tory examinations and expert testimony in the courts. =Among Haliigan'~her du- ties was the preparation and presentation of lectures at training sessions for sherifl's, coroners, county highway pa- trol training groups, and the Wisconsin POLYGRAPH SECTION —Lester W. Thompson gives polygraph exam- State Traiflc Patrol ination to subject at Bureau. Academy. He also presented lectures at the University of Wisconsin before medical, law and sociology students. He was graduated from Mich- igan State University with de- grees in chemistry and police administration. In addition to classroom and laboratory in- WEST PALM BEACH Sheriff John Kirk struction he participated in —RANCH FOUNDERS — recent field service training added two more members to the growing ranks of the Florida Sherif programs Boys Ranch Founders Club. In the top photo he is presenting a Founde in which he had the opportun- Certificate ity to observe the operation of to Doug Hunter, secretary of Hunter Music Co.; and in thb various law enforcement agen- bottom photo George Yiadalis receives a certificate on behalf of t e cies in Northwood Lions Club. Persons and organixations who contribute $1 the state of Michigan. or more to He is a veteran of the U. S. the Ranch are eligible for membership in the Founders Cl Air Force, having served as a combat fighter pilot in the Eu- ropean Theatre of Operations during World War II. He is Who's l'hat married and the father of flve lhere? Sheriff; Did It) children. . JACKSQNVILLE —Twcr Duvai. Duval County. Sherdf County Deputy SherifFs snd, Carson and Sheriff Bureau three Florida SheriiFs Bureau rector Don McLeod said t agents walked down the cor- climaxed six weeks of unde Seems ridor of a large downtown cover work and netted seve New apartment building. arrests. One of the deputies knocked They said the apartment s on an apartment Section Jail Needed door. the hub for Cuba (lottery) p y- M. O. —Coders in Bureau's Modus Operandi section prepare "Who's there?" came from in- oifs in cards from offense reports. Duval County and PALATKA side. possibly the largest operati —If the care of "The Sheriff" replied one of of its kind in the prisoners in the county iail State. isn't the deputies. The raiders confiscated - up to snuif, don't blame Thinking the 4, it on SherifF Walt Pellicer. answer was a 381 and slips of paper on wh~ih joke the man inside opened the thousands of bets were reco That, in effect, is what a door —then his eyeballs bugged ed. Putnam County Crand Jury out in surprise. They said they timed tIJeir told Circuit Judge P. B. Revels Thus, on October 25, began swoop shortly after two peydons after findin that the jail has one of the biggest and most were observed delivering Pottery a leaky roof; termites and rot successful lottery raids ever slips to the apartment)house are making the building unsafe; staged in North Florida. parking lot. the walls are cracked and damaged by water seepage; plumbing and sanitation are "bad;" condemnation of the Paper Applauds Walt's Wisdom building is imminent; and un- less something is done there is PALATKA —"An oflicial who as an oflicial a possibility that the Sheriif who mak few makes few mistakes" is the way mistakes, as was evidenc by will have to quarter his prison- the Palatka Daily News describ- his appointment of Cerald r- ers in the jails of neighboring ed Sheriff Walt counties. Pellicer. n, highly esteemed yo g Commenting~ Sheriff P P kan, as deputy. The jury added that "Sheriff licer's appgntmdpt of G d " e . . is esyeqiQly Pellicer and his deputies are Merwin ~ deputjp~ Mc- qualifie to ~th the prob- performing an efficient service~ Kgnzie~rrote in his column lem of juvenile delinquency, " at the jail and in the Sherifl's "Hbsaifling The Times:" McKenzie wrote, and "we have ID&i&I S —+rks in Identification Beetle+sort, offiee. wittt %e .feefllties they "Sheriff Walt Pellicer contin- heard only hearty approval of index and file fingerprint records. Wave to work " " / with. live up to his reputation this excellent appointment. PAGE 6 T H E S H E R I F F'P,S 7 Apt HOYEMBER 1958

BAYPORT —SHERIFF AS CHEF—Hernando County Sheriff Sim Lawman prepared his specialty of grits and cheese when law enforcement officers held a fish fry ond clam chowder dinner here. State Conservation Agent Ted Gibson, of Inverness, assisted him with the chowder and mullet. Guests included Florida Highway Patrol officers and State Conservation OCALA —FUTURE CRIME FIGHTERS —Sheriff F. L. McGehee's Junior Deputies receive instruction in Department officials. (State Board of Conservation Photo) fingerprint identification from Sheriff's Department Sgt. Don Moreland. This is only one phase of a program designed to teach youngsters good citizenship and respect for law enforcement. florida sherif fs bureau These Arrests Weren't Easy Signal l4 The following news stories ( Information ) illustrate some of the typical trials and tribulations encoun- ... to all stations tered by law enforcement offi- DON McLEOD cers in the performance of rou- Director tine duties: FORT MYERS—Lee Coun- ty Deputy Sheriff Bill Shef- The Sheriffs Bureau kicked Bureau, existing identifica- fleld was injured and his pa- off its Pall and Winter training tion records of the Florida trol csr demolished when a Prison System are being in- , program at Tallahassee on Oct. prLroner bemg taken to the 30 with an intensified one-day corporated into the func- county jail grabbed the school to which sheriffs from 10 tioning Identification Sec- steering wheel snd gave it counties were invited. . . theme tion of the SherifFs Bu- a sharp turn to the right, of the affair was "Crime Scene reau. . .. sending the csr off the road Searches and Related Prob- into a ditch. Sheflleld suf- ) lems". . . according to Sheriffs The new plan eliminates du- fered a cut on his nose and ureau Director Don McLeod, plication of effort and means cuts on his side and neck. school was the firs in a that one tax-supported unit will His prisoner wss cut on the throughout the service all state agencies. .. arms and glass cersss ies to be held contrast cheek by sCate. .. . the new setup will also aid in- KISSIMMEE —Modern lines of new Osceola County jail sharply from the shattered wind- »» quiring agencies by making with architecture of old county court house in background. (Photo by shield. all identification information Ed Cooper) McLeod states the cur- available at one location, doing & TITUSVILLE —A wild and riculum of future training away with the necessity of sessions depends on the reckless 100 - mile - an - hour making multiple inquiries. ... chase of a drunken driver end- needs of law enforcement The new system also benefit agencies in a particular New 60-Prisoner Jail Now Open ed in a smashing climax, with the Sheriffs Bureau Document cars completely destroyed area. . .. also in the plan- in that two ' Examination Section and two cars seriously dam- , ning stage is a week-long handwriting specimens of ' training session to be pre- For Business in Osceola County aged. known criminals will be imme- The drunken driver was first ,) seated by the Sheriffs Bu- Bu- diately available to the spotted by a Cocoa police lieu- . reau at Tallahassee simi- KISSIMMEE—Osceola Coun- ered practically escape proof. reau's document examination ty's The first floor contairis of- tenant who gave chase, reach- lar to the school held in man. ... new $185,661 jail —one of 1956. ... the 1956 school the most modern in central fice, living quarters, kitchen ing speeds of over 100 miles- wss attended by 125 oft- Florida —is now open for busi- and a small cell block. The sec- an-hour. While attempting to and wss highly suc- Attend School ness under the supervision of ond floor is reserved entirely for overtake the speeding car, the cessful. . .. Sheriff Robert M. (Bob) Buck- prisoners and a special room lieutenant's car was side- 0 C A LA —Marion County els. has been provided for elderly or swiped and crashed into a Sheriff F. L. McGehee, Capt. mentally deranged persons. guard rail, seriously damaging 'Director states that George Smith, and Deputies Over 1,000 "visitors" toured McLeod The new jail was designed by the police car, although he es- eriffs Bureau schools will not Keith Owen and Dave Melton the building recently following caped personal injury. attended a special 5-day school dedication rites. It is located in James Gamble Rogers, Winter y stress techniques which of- Park architect, and constructed A road block, consisting of use in the field, but on uses of various types of gas the county court house square ficers can house total by United Builders of Orlando. two Titusville police cars +ill also emphasize how sheriffs and gas weapons in law enforce- and is designed to a parked front-to-front across of technical ment work. It was held at of 60 prisoners in steel and The old sherfff's quarters on an make use cells are consid- the highway, stopped the uipment and personnel avail- Pittsburgh, Pa. aluminum that the ground floor of the court- drunken driver —but only after able at the Sheriffs Bureau. .. . house will be renovated to pro- he had driven full speed, head- vide offices for several county on into the two cars, com- agencies including the welfare, John Fsy of the Bu- pletely wrecking his own car veterans' service and voter reg- and one of the police ears, and reau's Document Exsmina- istration departments. car. ; tion Section reports a damaging the other police sharp increase in the num- Sheriff Buckels has also added He came out of the wreckage ) a new deputy sheriff to his uninjured but fighting. ber of fraudulent check who received during Oc- staff. He is Fred Littlefield, Finally subdued, he was check for 30 years was connected with turned over to Sheriff's Deputy her. . . . each new a local dry-cleaning concern. C. J. Ford —and proceeded to jesse received enlarges the "It was out for a Ford's car by Sheriffs Bureau Fraudulent time I got" try to wreck '). breath of fresh air, said Little- shift into re- Check File, which will ul- kicking the gear j Florida law field. verse with his feet while the timately sid ail car was taking him to jail. ':, working worthless agencies Deputy Ford finally stopped the pheck cases. ... car, and he and his prisoner, Crime Wave still violent though handcuf- The Bureau's Modus Operandi ST. PETERSBURG —Two fed, covered the quarter of a Secti reports it received 1,839 teen-age boys, ages 15 and 16, mile to the jail on foot. offetu4 reports from sheriffs of- attempting to break into a fices s(hd police departments in neighborhood store, were cap- the state. .. this is a marked tured at gun point and admit- Blackburn's Boys incrqhse over the month of Sep- ted at least 13 burglaries. A tember when the section re- third youth, 16, escaped. Were Pacemakers 'l4 ceiv only offense reports A search of the boys' homes TAMPA —The Hillsborough . .. by making an electronic turned up two homemade .22 County Sheriff's Department sea with its modern IBM calibre zip guns. The zip guns led the way in contributions to eq ment, the MO Section were made from sawed off .22 the county's United Fund Drive. c e up with 10 suspects in a »» calibre rifles attached to wood- With the drive only one-day submitted to the e Burp RADEHTOH ~ WHOPPER —Manatee County Sheriff Roy Baden en handles. Burglaries admit- old, Sheriff Ed Blackburn an- la t mogth. . . . hyde e» f ~ fth lageIt hi ted by the youths included nounced that all of the 114 em- » »I) isgt eq» stills ezsfbssided in tais orea. Assisting him is State Beverage Depart- restaurants, bars, markets, fruit ployees of the Sheriff's Depart- After months of prelimi- ment Agent Grafton Gra~ Fermentars which provided mash for the still stands, and small stores. The ment had pledged donations nary study by stair mem- had a capacity of 8,240 BWjpJiR WoiFiseated along with the still equip- loot usually consisted of to- to~ling 81152, a 20 per cent bers of the Division of Cor- ment were 4,700 pounds of sugar and I lg five~lou metaL, moousjiine bacco(, ice- &earn, candy and inc~~ ov~~t year' s rections snd the Sheriffs containers. The still was fired with liquif led petroleum gas. othr(r small ithns. amount.


Here's Answer To Prohlein of Tipsy Driver

FT. LAUDERDALE —Brow- ard County Sheriff J. A. (Quill) Lloyd's appeal to bar tenders and barmaids to assist him in keeping drunken drivers off the highways brought this favor- able comment from the Miami Daily News: "There's been a lot of talk in South Florida since the recent appearances, Ring family tragedy concern- PENSACOLA —POSSE DRILLS —Escambia County Sheriff Emmett The newly-organized unit has already made several public ing the need for an effective Shelby (center, on white horse) puts his mounted posse through a prac- including one at the Banifay Rodeo last month. (Photo by Stephens program to remove drunk driv- tice drill in preparation for future appearances in porades ond rodeos. Studios, Worrington) ers from the public highways. "Browsrd County Sheriff J. A. Lloyd has done more than Modern Sheriff; talk —he's proposed such a Speaking of plan which could be beneficial if given the cooperation he solicits. Sarasota News Has (andidate "The sheriff has appealed to all Broward County bartenders SARASOTA —What's a mod- ward in the sheriff's office in and barmaids to take an active ern Sheriff made of? the past six years has been the part in keeping intoxicated According to the Sarasota adoption of the budget system persons from driving automo- News, popular Sarasota County in lieu of the outmoded fee biles by promptly reporting such SherifF Ross E. Boyer has what system. Last year was the firs "potential killers" to the Sher- it takes, and, in fact, he "epit- under the budget setup and iff's Department. omizes the modern Sheriff. " Boyer was one of the prime "The sheriff told the bar- movers in getting the bill tenders that any individual The daily newspaper went on through the State Legislature. " to back up its boost for Boyer who enters a bar in such a as follows: condition that he is refused the conser- service and who intends to "Visitors passing thoroughfare vatively dressed high sheriff in Plane Snatcher drive on a public the Courthouse would never no longer is a private individ- he was the county law ual, but a public menace. guess "In making his appeal, the enforcement boss, unless that Flipped When 'Would hesi- is they stopped him and looked sheriff asked: you his gold star tie clasp. tate one minute in calling the closely at proper authorities if a mad dog "Since the 44-year-old Boyer's He Saw Deputy ran loose upon our streets' ?' The election in 1952, he has in sim- analogy is appropriate, except ple terms brought the sheriff's MIAMI —Twenty-year old that intoxicated drivers are Hew Posse department out of the boon- Paul Lynch was confident and new much more dangerous than PANAMA CITV —A docks. sure of himself when he strutted mad dogs. mounted posse, organized with Uniforms Adopted into an office at Tamiami Air- "Bartenders and barmaids the assistance of the Bay Ssd- "He sheriff to port, announced that he was was the first com- could be any community's first ~e Club, will help Bsy County put the deputies in uniforms the new CAP commander, line of defense against the +erlff M. J. Dsffin in searches and have clearly painted radio mandeered an airplane, and drunk driver. If police knew in ned rescue missions, and will patrol cars. All of the deputies took off for Cuba. advance that one of these po- also participate in parades snd uniforms But he cracked up, literally wear green and gray took tential killers was about to s)odeos. and the cars are painted green and figuratively, when he barge out on a public thorough- "Top hands" of the outfit are one look at Deputy Sheriff Nor- , and white and are embsosed fare, they could take steps to shown in the photo above. They with a giant gold star, symbol man Parker. apprehend him before he caused are (from left): Fred O' Neil, of the sheriff's office. The story starts at Tamiami a traffic accident. Sheriff Lloyd Chief Airport where Lynch simply an- Saddle Club treasurer; "Boyer after his election cut takes the position that a per- Sheriff's Department Investi- nounced that he was the new son in an intoxicated state no the number of working hours commander for the area gator Floyd Nixon, posse leader; between 55 CAP longer is entitled to immunity Saddle Club for deputies from and requested an airplane. At- and Carl Corley, and 60 a week to 46 and his from investigation at the hands president. tendants promptly rolled out a of those authorized by law to original staff of three deputies single-engined Stinson L-5 and The photo at right shows the grown to protect the citizens of the com- Corley, 16- and a bookkeeper has Lynch, wanted in Boston for tsst draw of Mel 21 with three clerks. munity. year-old daughter of the Saddle larceny and discharged from "While it is doubtful that president. "Citizens of Sarasota County the Air Force with a psychiatric will take the Club on h e many bartenders and visitors living t discharge, was on his way. time to do as the sheriff re- beaches outside the city limits He landed a little later at we are 24 hours quests —and we hope are afforded protection Plantation Key to refuel be- wrong in this assumption —we a day by radio patrol cars with fore making the cross-water hop conscien- south applaud him for his three operating in the to Cuba. He took on 20 gallons tious effort to reduce the ap- county area and four covering of gas, charged it to the Miami palling toll of traffic fatalities. the balance of this vast county. CAP, and revved up the engine Even a single response to his Crime Rate Low to take off. Then he saw Dep- plea might save a life, and that Crime rate in Sarasota Coun- uty Parker and the confiden in itself would be a gratifying ty due to the smooth working Lynch was confiden no longer. accomplishment. " sheriff's office and the city police Parker was merely curious as department is at a minimum to why the plane had landed for the 50,000 population of the in a field near a housing project. Thompson Forms area. He called on Lynch to stop, "Sheriff Boyer, who was re- and Lynch panicked. Sleuth Division elected in 1956, also instituted The nervous Lynch gunned FORT MYERS —Lee County the photographing and finger- the engine. But before he could Sheriff Flanders Thompson an- printing of all persons arrested get into the air, the plane nounced the establishment of on felony charges. He also in- plowed into a telephone pole, a criminal investigation divi- stituted a new setup for records cracking a wing and ending the sion to be headed by J. Richard with a cross-indexed master trip to Cuba. ,J'acob, a retired captain of flling system. Deputy Parker made the ar- detectives from the Indiana- "The local law enforcement rest and the impersonation was polis, Ind. , police department. oflice is hooked up with the over —just because Lynch was Sheriff Thompson said the statewide teletype system and "all shook up" at the sight of new division is necessary be- on the sheriff's network has a sheriff's deputy. cause of the problems arising close radio contact with the f r o m the county's growth. State Highway Patrol, City Po- Jacob's appointment will give lice Department, Venice Police Now Suspects Can the county the services of an Department and other sheriffs' accredited criminal investigator WE PALM BEACH —SO THIS IS "KID STUFF?"—It takes a big oflices in the state. Lie In Comfort and release other deputies for desk hold the "arsenal" stolen from a local store by three boys rang- "Another addition to the sher- BRADENTON —Criminal sus- other work. ing i ga from 12 to 14. Sheriff John Kirk (seated) and Identification iff's equipment for safety is a spects in Bradenton can now Officar Gene Ellis are shown taking an inventory of the loot after the 16-foot outboard motor boat, lie —and get caught at it- boys ere caught. (Photo by Sam R. CIuincy) donated by a nationally famous in comfort! Better Service outboard motor manufacturer, A newly purchased polygraph WEST PALM BEACH which contains emergency firs (lie-detector) has been install- Round-the-clock operation of aid and life saving equipment. ed in a special room in the the Sheriff's Department for Teen-Agers In Trouble The radio in the boat has been Court House. The modernisti- western areas of Palm Beach ALM BEACH—Two boys, leased snd were on probs- tested and signals can be sent cally-designed room is air-con- County is assured with the lo- es 12 snd 16, showed their tion when local law enforce- and received from sll points ditioned and is equipped with cation of a sub-station of the "'spprecistion" of 1uvenII~ ment officers took them into along the coast. a comfortable chair for the per- Department at the new Palm $ourt leniency on charnixr ~of ~custody faring $14 from "Recently Sheriff Boyer ar- son taking the test. Beach County Building, located ngotsid~ and fuiteitSg by the cseh bog of s'.+ding club ranged for a Federal Bureau of Polygraph tests will be made four miles north of Belle Glade oommittin(r 4m. more bur- snd ~Chan $2" from the Investigation school to be con- by Investigator Bill Donaldson and six miles from Pahokee. gisries. poor box of s chssratr. TJxe ducted for his deputies. The and Deputy Sheriff Clyde Gill, Deputies Bobby Newman of The boys, who had admit- boys now face senteiLae" Qi school covered various phases who .recent graduated from Boite Glade and Benny~ of ted 14 counts of breaking the Florida School for Boys of 'polipe-investigative work. thecKeeler Polygraph Institute, PahoÃee %QLJtssMEIe new. wf- into homes, had been re- st Msrisnaa. One of the biggest steps for-', in Chicago. flce.