2018 Spring Quarter The Potter Rocketeer Volume 1, Issue 1 Upstate Research Rocketry Group Newsletter

Special Interest Articles: 1B Launch The 2017 launch season all of which were eager are built of paper tubing, • Saturn 1B closed for URRG with a to see this bird fly, to with fiberglass and 3D special treat for those assist him. printer parts, surround- • URRF5! that stuck around on ing a Blue Tube core David built this Black Friday weekend. structure. The upper • III from scratch over a peri- body is fiberglass. David Carter drove down od of a year and a half. • New Way from Newfoundland with Squareros The his 1/23 scale Saturn design 1B. is his This is not the first time own, the Saturn has made an and appearance in Potter; the David brought it down build for the September was launch, but was unable chroni- to get it ready to fly at cled in that time. This time, a build thread Contents: however, he had the near undivided attention on The Rocketry Forum. (Continued page 6) of several club members, The lower body & fin can About URRF 8 BOD Info 3 (Photos on page 7) Event Calendar 8 Black Friday Launch Report Launch Report 1 URRG closed out its 2017 al, Jackson Pembroke landing unrecov- launch season with the peppered the field with erable. Membership 8 traditional Black Friday booster stages through- meeting The pinnacle moment of launch, held on 11/24 & out the day, flying multi- the weekend was, how- Marketplace 7 25. Compared to last ple 2-stage low power ever, when David Carter year - where we were rockets (and getting eve- Member Spot 5 of flew his giant, forced to cancel due to rything back as well). In 1/23rd scale Saturn 1B. Outreach 3 weather, the conditions fact, Jackson flew the It took a bit of time to this time were about as very last flight of the Rockets 4 get flight ready, but ideal as one could ask season. once it was, the flight Saturn 1B 1 for, given the time of Rick Barnes stepped in to was extremely impres- year. Treasure Chest 2 handle Launch Director sive. Five motors sent With cloudless skies and duties, while still manag- the Saturn aloft, with a URRF5 2 relatively low winds, 18 ing to fly several of his single deployment at ap- Welcome! 3 fliers registered to toss own rockets. With the ogee, and set down in the rockets into the blue. corn down and the field the field off to the right Even Larry Weibert got in soft but walkable, recov- of the flight line. The on the flying, launching ery was pretty easy all only drawback was that twice on Friday and once around. At this writing, I there only a few people more Saturday. As usu- am not aware of any on hand to see it. The Potter Rocketeer 2018 1st Quarter

URRF to Return for 2018

The Torrey farms of Rocketry Festival bers typically ap- ed, so we encourage Potter is one of the (URRF) in late June of proaching 150. It is all active fliers to take best launch sites in the this year. Announced fair to say that the Up- a shift and help out. northeast for high originally at URRF4, state Research Rocket- URRF5 is a 3-day power rock- this year will mark the ry Festival is one of th event and will take etry. It is 5 edition of the festi- largest high-power place from June 22nd only fitting, val. launches in the North- through the 24th. Reg- then, that the east. site host one Drawn by a waiver in istration will be open of the prem- excess of 3 miles and A lot goes into prepar- by the time you read ier high- wide-open fields, flyers ing for a launch like this. power from all over mid- this; URRG launches in Atlantic, mid-west, works hard this part of New England regions, to create the country. as well as eastern an experi- Canada (occasionally a ence like Accordingly, URRG will lot farther away still) no other. once again put on the converge for URRF. Dozens of Upstate Research Registered flier num- volunteers are need-

Larry’s Treasure Chest By Larry Weibert

I guess this is an appropriate and a few others from the treasurer. So, here 2017—200 members & time to give a little history the original group. He we go, let’s cover a URRF–4 and bring everyone up to wanted a new name to few things that have 2018—203 (and grow- speed. In 2009, I stumbled identify the group. come out of that. ing) Members, 50 pre- into LDRS 28 on the Potter Mike liked the Upstate Fall 2011 URRG formed paid prior to Jan 1. Field. I was born again and Research Rocketry This Year we enjoy from there started attending Group, which at the 2011—14 members URRF–5 club functions. time was a small fo- 2012—16 members & rum started by John So, here we are. The In the Fall of 2011, the club co-hosted LDRS-31 Derimiggio (a well- known as PYRO (Potter Youth club is growing every known name within the Rocketry Organization) was 2013-57 members & year. This last year we experiencing some issues rocket community). My held URRF-1, which made a major pur- within its leadership, inhibit- understanding is it was replaced what was chase of a wireless ing its ability to serve its used for sharing rock- once Muckfest, but Wilson FX launch con- membership to Mike Dutch’s etry topics. Mike that’s another story trol system, which will expectations. He started reached out to John to best told by the found- handle any size heading up a new leadership see if it was ok to uti- er Mike Dutch. launch. The club is lize his forum name for financially very team to get the club back on 2014—107 members & track. It was determined that the new club. John healthy, and I am real- URRF-2 a new Club would have to be gave his blessing and ly looking forward to started to productively move the rest is history. 2015—144 members & the upcoming year. forward by those looking to co-hosted LDRS-34 In the fall of 2011 I A couple important save the Potter Field. was the secretary and, 2016—174 members & notes: make sure you Mike Dutch recruited myself at some point, became URRF–3 join early so I don’t get (cont’d on pg 3) Page 2 2018 1st Quarter The Potter Rocketeer

BOD Corner Club Outreach Efforts

The URRG Board of One area of particular Scouts, and typically, willing to lend a hand Directors held a winter importance to URRG families of all types. or advice when need- meeting on January and its membership ed. 20th in the town of Vic- are activities that bring Many times, children tor, NY. Five of the new members to the involved have never If you are involved in a seven board members club and bring the pos- been exposed to rock- youth group that is in- were in attendance, as sibilities of rocketry to etry before. They may terested in exploring well as some of the those that have not be curious, shy, or ex- what rocketry has to board advisors. had the opportunity to cited, but the club is offer, or perhaps are get involved. always eager to help willing to volunteer Topics of discussion them get a rocket on time to help with included defining indi- Rocketry is a hobby the pad. Simple rock- demonstration events vidual roles of board that not only offers fun ets and motors are al- or to help a child prep members. Mike Dutch & comradery, but also ways available for chil- a rocket, please con- was voted on to the serves as a platform dren that are new to tact Greg Elling, the board, then into the for teaching math and the hobby; typically, club secretary. unfilled role of Vice sciences to its partici- everyone around is President. Rick Barnes pants. Young people was voted into the role getting involved may of newsletter editor. It see the former and was also agreed that begin to learn the lat- duties of Secretary er, or better still, real- could be delegated as ize that areas like sci- required. ences can be fun and URRF5 planning was practical. discussed at length; For this reason, URRG including job functions has an active outreach of members in prepa- program, involving ration for the event. scouting organizations, The next BOD meeting local and regional uni- is slated for 3/17/18. versities, and is a cen- ter for Tripoli’s youth mentoring program. (Larry, cont’d) Many launches are at- overworked, as URRF tended by college Reg ties up a lot of my teams, Cub & Boy Greg Elling explains rocket science time and I bruise easy. Image source: David McCann Also, make sure your TRA or NAR member- ship is paid up prior to Welcome to the Potter Rocketeer! the April launch, as URRG is proud to pre- Each quarter, we will Kit reviews will give you you need it to have sent you with our new bring you launch re- the scoop on recent flyers insurance. This newsletter—The Potter ports, event news and rockets on the market. year we will be check- Rocketeer! As the edi- updates from the BOD. Also, reader contribu- ing at the reg. desk, tor for TPR, I look for- tions are welcome. So, The Featured Rocket so please bring the ID ward to the challenge come along for the ad- column will highlight card with you. making it worth read- venture, it will be fun! rockets that just beg- ing. 18k-gotta love it. ging to be modeled. Rick Barnes

Page 3 The Potter Rocketeer 2018 1st Quarter

Featured Rocket: Black Brant III

Anyone that’s been color scheme, for a Black Brant III rockets Also, 3D printed fin around hobby rocketry red, white & bare alu- were flown by both cans are available on for a while is familiar minum round flown Canadian and US re- Shapeways.com to with the Black Brant with Canadian National searchers from 1962 build models in BT55 family of rockets. The Aerospace Research through 1985. or BT60 sized tubing Black Brant II remains Council markings. for the scratch builder. Kits of the Black Brant a favorite scale sub- The drawings he in- III are relatively un- Enough detail is shown ject, and kits are of- cludes sufficient di- common; Estes pro- in Rockets of the fered in multiple sizes mensional data to pro- duced one in the early World to allow a mod- from various vendors. duce a scale model. ‘80s, and Rocketarium eler to produce rea- Lesser known is the built sells one currently. sonably accurate scale Black Brant III, the the Black Brant III to The Estes kit used the features, such as an- little brother of the II, send an 18 kg payload same nose and tail tenna and launch lugs. which was both small- up to a 178 km alti- cone as the later Suitable decals are er, leaner and higher- tude, using a motor Crossfire ISX, making available from Sticker- flying (with smaller generating 49 kN of it easy to clone. Shock23.com to com- payloads). thrust. The III was plete the build. Documentation of the also used the BBIII is limited; a second stage google search returns of the Black very few original imag- Brant IV, es. However, Peter which made it Alway does cover the capable of in 1000 km alti- Rockets of the World. tudes. His entry details one

Black Brant III being prepped for launch Image source: NASA

Kit Review: New Way Squareros

The Estes Teros is a kit the for this news- Squareros is mostly that dates back to the Squareros. letter’s first straight-up standard early 1970’s, originally This kit is kit review, in low power at skill level a cold power design. essentially part because one; the square tubing It was modeled loosely a clone of I was looking really doesn’t add on the shipboard Talos the origi- for something much complication. surface to air missile - nal, now simple but New Way provides a or at least its upper rendered unique in my nice kit overall, the third, with a ram jet in their build pile, machined (square) intake & trapezoidal trademark and in part nose cone fits the tube fins. square because I’m well with just a little tubing a fan of the sanding of the corners. New Way Space Mod- section. I original. The fins are laser-cut els now offers a new elected to 3/32 balsa, of a decent take on this classic – Building of build this the (Continued on pg. 5) Page 4 2018 1st Quarter The Potter Rocketeer

(Squareros Con’t) detail in the kit was engine hook, so that quite nice. The inclu- helps. Also, the paper density (though not as sion of sand paper, an inlet cone is a little heavy as a typical Es- Emory board, and a tricky. A little pa- tes kit). Though I’d cotton swab for glue tience is required, but still suggest papering application is a nice (as noted) a spare is them for durability, I touch. included. did not. The kit comes The build was straight Though I haven’t flown with a Kevlar lead for forward, but there are it yet, I would have no the recovery harness couple of things worth hesitation in building (with a heat shrink noting. It is important future New Way kits. protector) that attach- that the centering More information es to the motor mount. rings align, as they go about New Way can be The actual inlet cone into a square hole. found on their site. on the top of the nose They are both notched cone is formed by fold- for alignment on the ed paper Squareros Parts Layout pyramid, also laser cut. New Way in- cluded two sets; I’m guessing New Way Squareros with the that allows rocket that inspired it a practice Visit: or repair www.newwayspacemodels.com piece just in case. Image Source: Mike Dutch Overall at- tention to

Member Spotlight: Ferenc “Frank” By Mike Dutch Roka ways strived field, school yard, or to fly 100 rocket park and fly one of his Frank has been in- flights each year, rockets for his log volved in rocketry which he accomplished book. longer than quite a few every year until recent Frank was around of us have been alive. years. Though, this when Tripoli was first He was one of the past year (2017) he started. He even certi- founding members of hit his goal again in fied for high power be- the “MARS” Club, the fall. fore there were three (Monroe Astronomical One can always find levels. To this date he Rocketry Society), Frank with the trunk of holds a L1 certifica- from before when it his vehicle and back tion; TRA L1 #1811. was a plastic modeling and G motors. And, very seat loaded up with club first. He does mostly fly ½ rarely, an H or I motor. But rockets, motors, and A, A, B, and C motors what matters the is For as long as I have an Estes Pad, so he with the occasional F that he is known him he has al- can stop at any launch (Continued on pg. 8) Page 5 The Potter Rocketeer 2018 1st Quarter

(Saturn 1B Con’t) starting once clear of gine lit and, with a the pad. With some roar, the Saturn 1B As before, it minor issues overcome lifted dramatically into used 3D print- in getting it onto the the overcast sky. pad, the Saturn 1B fi- ed details. Though we couldn’t tell nally stood tall and Despite being from the ground, only proud on the pad. Da- not fully paint- 3 of the 4 air starts lit. vid connected up his ed and miss- But the flight was awe- ignitors, and back on ing the escape some all the same. the flight line, we all tower, David The rocket landed in was anxious stood holding our to get the 1B in the air – he was moving to Australia in a few weeks, so this was his last chance to launch. It took three rocketeers and a boy to get the as- sembled and onto the pad, or at least the assistance of several other members and a gentleman that just hap- Above: Larry assists Dave at the pened to stop out to pad watch. It turned out Right: Saturn 1B at liftoff that aligning the inner structure was more difficult than anticipat- ed. David had to fore- go the dual-deploy flight profile in favor of “It took three rocketeers simpler single deploy- breath. Except, that field off to the right of and a boy to get the ment, as the rivets is, for Larry, who the flight line with little Saturn assembled and holding the AV bay to- counted down while extra drama, though on the pad…but the gether prevented final- cameras were trained there was apparently ly assembly. on the rocket. At the flight was awesome...” some damage to the count of “1”, he The model was de- core structure at de- pressed the button, signed to fly on 5 mo- ployment. Hopefully, and we all gasped col- tors to be true to it can be repaired lectively as the ignitor scale. It would lift off someday, and we’ll get appeared to flair and on a core J1500, with to see it fly again… 4 outboard I55’s air- poof, but then the en-

Page 6 2018 1st Quarter The Potter Rocketeer

For Sale: Build pile re- Rocketry Marketplace duction sale. Estes D-Region Toma- hawk $25. Mean Ma- www.performancehobbies.com chine $20. Super No- va XL $20. PS2 Saha- ra $20. Maxi Alpha 3 launch set $30. Astron Sky Dart $15. Cosmic Interceptor $20. QCC Explorer $15. Photon Probe $12. Satellite www.macperformance.com Interceptor $12. Ter- cel boost glider $10. Laser Lance $8. Quest Column ads are free to URRG Penetrator $8. All are members, and advertisement banners are free to regular field in Victor, NY. Can vendors. All others contact the pick up, or will deliver editor for more info to club launches. Contact Rick at [email protected]

Black Friday Photos

Clockwise from above: John Pembroke prepares a turkey rocket; the editor’s upscale Astron Cobra & Orbital Intercep- tor; a Black Brant III on the pad; Larry lights a test grain; and ignition sequence of the Saturn 1B

Page 7 Club Calendar About URRG UPSTATE RESEARCH Feb. 22 – General Member The Upstate Research Rocketry ship meeting Group, Inc (URRG) is located in ROCKETRY GROUP March 17 - BOD meeting Western New York. We are a Launch Site: March 22 - General Member NYS incorporated non-profit 501- Torrey Farms of Potter ship meeting C3 focusing on educational and research aspects of amateur 4272 State Rt. 364 April 26— General Member Penn Yan, NY rocketry. 14527 ship meeting April 28 & 29 – Launch #1 We are dedicated to promoting E-MAIL: May 19 & 20 – Launch #2 model and high power rocketry, [email protected] June 22 – 24 – URRF5! and are registered as prefecture

President: July 28 & 29 – Launch #4 #139 with the Tripoli Rocketry Don Tennies Aug 25 & 26 – Launch #5 & Association and NAR Section Vice President: URRG club picnic #765. Mike Dutch Sept 29 & 30 – Launch #6 Treasurer: Oct 20 & 21 – Launch #7 URRG has the privilege of flying Larry Weibert at Torrey Farms of Potter, NY, Secretary: Nov 17 & 18 – Launch #8 one of the finest fields in the Greg Elling Northeast. The former swamp Webmaster: (Roka Con’t) nestled in the heart of the pictur- Riley Keller Newsletter Editor: having fun flying rockets and adding esque Finger Lakes wine region, is now a productive farm and Rick Barnes flights to his log book. BOD Members at Large: has been the home to the July Bob “Swamp Thing” Krech Frank is a man of many passions, not 4th “Muck Fest,” LDRS-28, LDRS- Mike Crupe just Rocketry. At one time he used to 31, URRF, and LDRS-34.

work for Rowe Photo and he has a love URRG at Torrey Farms has been for photos, though not digital, but film. described by Rockets Magazine as Frankly, he believes that digital has noth- the Northeast's summer time ing on quality compared to film and es- rocketry destination. We’re on the Web! pecially old cameras. He is also a mem- See us at: ber of the Rochester Raptor Society, and So whether you’re a BAR, an old he still gets involved with the local plastic timer, or just interested in seeing www.urrg.us modeling clubs and a few different model some amazing launches, take www.facebook.com/groups/ some time and visit us during a urrgny train clubs. launch. We’re looking forward to One thing is for sure - he can hold his seeing you at our next event. Photos (except as credited): Rick Barnes own on most subjects you might care to

discuss with him. So, say 'Hi' to Frank when you see him of the launch field and enjoy your conversation with him.

720 Creek Lane Youngstown NY 14174 Member Name Street Address City, ST 12345