The Canadian Space Agency 30Thanniversary of Alonette I IEEE
Fall No 14 automne 1992 The Canadian Space Agency 30thAnniversary of Alonette I IEEE, Region 7 and CSECE Cabot Strait Fibre Optic Cable Digits and Canadian Broadcasting The Spectrum Engineering Show E&C Engineering - a Report Canada Posies POSI Canada .+ Postage paid PO" palY Bulk En nombre Ih,rd Iroisieme class classe F1468 IEEE MONTAtAL. P.O. The Institute of Electrical.and Electronics Engineers Inc. I IEEE Canadian Review IEEE Canada General Information The IEEE Canadian Review is published three times per year -Spring, Fall Officers and Winter. The IEEE CanadianReview's principal objectiveis to project an image of the Canadian electrical, electronics, communications and v. J. Bhargava, Chainnan and Director * A. R. Eastham, Past Director * computer engineering professions and their associated academic and busi- ness communities to : R. T. H. Alden, Vice Chainnan * T. Wildi, Secretary * (i) Canadian members of IEEE; Micha Avni, Treasurer * (ii) Canadian members of the profession and community who are non- Council Chairmen members of IEEE; W. Kennedy, Western Canada * (Hi) the associated academic (Le. universities, colleges, secondary schools), J. Cortes, Central Canada * govemment and business communities in Canada. R. McDowell, Eastern Canada * In this context, the IEEE Canadian Review serves as a forum to express views Operating Committee Chairmen on issues of broad interest to its targeted audience. These issues, while not necessarily technologically-oriented, are chosen on the basis of their antici- c. Spike, Student Activities * pated impact on engineers, their profession, the academic, business and G. J. Grylls, Conference Activities industrial community, or society in general. G. Stone, Awards and Recognition D.
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