Dr. Heidi Craig
[email protected] Department of English, Texas A&M University, 349 LAAH, 4227 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843 Tel: 1 (213) 249-3722 http://heidi-craig.weebly.com/ EMPLOYMENT Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University, 2019-present Editor, World Shakespeare Bibliography (www.worldshakesbib.org), 2019-present EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy, English, Book History & Print Culture Certificate in Digital Humanities, Centre for Medieval Studies (2015) 2017 University of Toronto Dissertation Title: “A Play without a Stage: English Renaissance Drama, 1642-1660” Committee: Professors Jeremy Lopez (Chair), Holger Schott Syme, Marjorie Rubright Master of Letters, Shakespeare Studies University of St. Andrews 2011 MLitt thesis: “The Professionalization of Shakespeare Studies” Advisor: Professor Andrew Murphy Degree Conferred with Distinction Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Western Society and Culture Concordia University, Liberal Arts College (Montreal, Canada) 2008 Honours thesis: “Nabokov’s Critical Dodging” Advisor: Professor Ariela Freedman Degree Conferred with Great Distinction PUBLICATIONS “The King’s Servants in Printed Paratexts, 1594-1695,” in HLQ special issue “Perfor- mance and the Paper Stage, 1640-1695,” edited by Emma Depledge and Rachel Willie, Huntington Library Quarterly 85, no. 1 (Spring 2022)(Forthcoming). “‘Villanies of that damnd K´eeper’: Caregiving, Criminality, and Contagion in Early Modern England,” Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Volume 16.1 (Fall 2021) (accepted). “Browse as Interface in Shakespeare’s Texts and The World Shakespeare Bibliography Online.” Co-authored with Laura Estill. In The Routledge Handbook of Shakespeare and Interface. Edited by Paul Budra and Cli↵ord Werier (submitted). “A Century of English Drama: Restoration Reprints of Tudor Drama” Reprints and Revivals of Early Modern Drama.