APPENDIX 1 Housing Site Assessments
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APPENDIX 1 Housing Site Assessments 1 2 Site Name: Land Adjacent to Darby Su Cottage, Black Horse Lane, Hurdcott Is an area QUESTIONNAIRE RESULT suitable for No opinion housing 13% 10% Could be considered for Not suitable for housing development 40% 37% Background information Site location and use Site Location A small field / paddock towards the southern end of the General description village of Hurdcott Parish Name Winterbourne Gross Area (ha) 0.45 Wiltshire Council SHLAA reference S118 3 Context Existing / previous land uses Agricultural / Paddock Surrounding land uses Public House, residential, field Is the site Greenfield Brownfield Mixture/Other Site planning history 16/10998/FUL - Proposed construction of two 4-bed detached houses, one with a single garage, one with a double garage; two 3-bed semi-detached houses; and creation of new accesses to the highway (as yet no decision made) Key themes from questionnaire One of the less popular development sites (ranked 9th / 11) Very close to flood plain and could flood Poor access, on narrow lane used for pub car parking with less than ideal junction onto main road Could be appropriate infill for modest level of development Sustainability The site is situated outside of the main three Winterbourne villages where the majority of local services are situated. Hurdcott has limited facilities, which only include a pub and bus stop, and the Wiltshire Core Strategy specifically removed the Housing Policy Boundary from Hurdcott for this reason. There are footpath links into The Winterbournes, although these comprise unmade footpaths which may not be suitable for all users, and involve greater distances than other sites to most facilities, although the Primary School is fairly close by. Visual / Landscape Impact The site is situated on Black Horse Lane which has a pleasant semi-rural character, although the site’s contribution to the area’s character as a larger open field has been somewhat eroded in recent years through its subdivision and planting of hedging. Nevertheless, it still contributes to the rural and green character to this part of the village. If development were considered appropriate in this location, a low density of housing with dwellings set in large plots with individual designs and a more informal layout could possibly preserve an element of the spacious and green character to this part of Black Horse Lane and be in keeping with surrounding development. This might comprise two or three two storey dwellings. Access / highways safety The site has a frontage with Black Horse Lane onto which direct access could be provided. The current application to develop the site with 5 dwellings has been objected to by Highways Officers on the grounds of poor visibility, lack of turning facilities and lack of paved footways. However, it might be possible that these objections could be resolvable subject to amended design. 4 Site specific issues / local environmental factors The site is situated adjacent to The Black Horse public house. One of the key reasons for allowing any development within Hurdcott would be to help support local facilities and therefore it would be illogical to allow any development which could prejudice the operation of the pub. The decline of rural pubs is well documented and anything which could have a negative impact on the long-term viability of The Black Horse should be avoided. Extremely careful consideration would therefore be required to ensure that the future occupiers would not be affected by the pub, through noise generated by the use of the pub garden in summer months, noise or odours from kitchen extraction equipment, and the parking of vehicles along Black Horse Lane which often occurs during busy periods and would be directly in front of the development site. At present the kitchen extractor is clearly audible from the nearest part of the site. This has led the Council’s Environmental Health Officer to object to the current application for 5 dwellings. This part of Black Horse Lane, although outside of the designated flood plain, is known to have historically suffered from surface water flooding and ground water inundation of the sewerage system. Recommendation There are questions marks over whether Hurdcott is a sustainable location when considered in relation to other sites in The Winterbournes which are generally more accessible to the majority of its local services/facilities. Development in this location could erode the rural character of this part of the village. Furthermore careful consideration is required into whether it is desirable to site new dwellings close to The Black Horse public house, where there is a risk that future occupiers could be affected by noise/smells which could prejudice the long term viability of this key village facility. Drainage is also a concern. Given these factors, together with the general consensus from the village Questionnaire placing the site towards the lower end of preferences, it is recommended that this site is not brought forward for allocation. 5 Site Name: Land adjacent to East Farm, Winterbourne Gunner QUESTIONNAIRE RESULT Is an area No opinion suitable for 8% housing 18% Not suitable for development 34% Could be considered for housing 40% Background information Site location and use Site Location Agricultural (currently arable) towards the centre of the General description village Parish Name Winterbourne Gross Area (ha) 3.3ha Wiltshire Council SHLAA reference S1055 Context Existing / previous land uses Agricultural, also includes a farm reservoir and farm burn/waste site 6 Surrounding land uses Residential, farm yard and track, agricultural fields, public footpath Is the site Greenfield Brownfield Mixture/Other Site planning history None aware of Key themes from Questionnaire Less preferable site (ranked 8th / 11) Difficult access onto A338 In the heart of the village so good access to local amenities On elevated land, so too visible for village Wide scale development of the site would be too much but continuing the already established building line could be acceptable. Sustainability Geographically the site is well situated in relation to accessing the village services and facilities, and is a centrally located site. However there is currently no direct access to pavements and footpaths, and the site is situated up a steep bank which would make providing a level access difficult. Visual / Landscape Impact North-west half / A338 frontage The north-west corner of the site, with the A338 frontage, is reasonably well related to existing residential development, bounded by a line of 8 bungalows accessed off The Bank to the south-west, and with dwellings and Winterbourne Motor Company opposite. However, it is also significantly elevated above the A338 and therefore has the potential to have a significant visual impact. The south side of the A338 in this part of the village, to which the site belongs, has a strong rural character, being either undeveloped or with trees screening existing development, for instance the bungalows on The Bank are barely visible from the road despite their elevated positions. Consequently it would be desirable for this character to be retained, so it would be important that the trees to the site frontage are retained or reinforced and that any dwellings are suitably set back from the site frontage and are of limited height, similar to those dwellings on The Bank. Unfortunately the least well screened part of the A338 frontage is that part adjacent to The Bank where there is a gap in the line of trees, so any development here would be readily visible, at least until any new planting has taken hold (5-10 years). South-east half / rear of the site The rear half of the site, to the south-east, is fairly poorly related to existing development and is not that well contained by natural features. This part of the site projects outwards into open space and would be readily visible from footpaths to the south-east including the footpath which bounds the length of the south-east boundary. 7 Access / highways safety Existing Access There is currently no access to the site, other than utilising the farm track which serves the farm yard at East Farm, although this does not comprise part of the site. Potential Access The farm access is a potential option although the existing use of the farm yard could be a problem. Furthermore visibility at the junction of the farm access with the A338 is poor in the north-east (Gomeldon) direction. The visibility could be improved in this direction by removing a telegraph pole and section of low brick wall and hedging to Beddington House, although this is likely to be in separate ownership. The other option would be to provide access onto the unmade private road to the rear of the bungalows on The Bank. However, this private road is narrow and unsuitable to serve more than a few dwellings. Widening the road would involve land in multiple ownership, highly likely to make the site unviable. Site specific issues / local environmental factors The site is outside of but bounds the Winterbourne Gunner Conservation Area to the north-west. This further reinforces the view that any development of the site should be well screened from the A338, since the rural setting is an important feature of Conservation Area’s character. The site is not within close proximity to any other important national or local designations. The part of the site closest to the existing farm yard may not be suitable for development given noisy activities that may occur which could affect future occupants, for instance the operation of farm machinery, maintenance of machinery, noise from grain driers/ventilation. Recommendation Access is a significant constraint to the development of this site, largely due to the site’s significant elevation above the A338.