LaverstockLaverstock && FordFord IncorporatingIncorporating LaverstockLaverstock && MilfordMilford Ward,Ward, BishopdownBishopdown FarmFarm Ward,Ward, Ford,Ford, OldOld SarumSarum && LonghedgeLonghedge WardWard ParishParish NewsletterNewsletter IssueIssue 173173 January/FebruaryJanuary/February 20192019 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter

Welcome to issue 173

Wiltshire Council have a proposed Traffic Regulation Order which will affect park- ing in St Clements Way and Manning Close, Hampton Park. You can make your views known on this proposal up to 11th January 2019. Details on page 18. Remaining on the subject of traffic, as this newsletter is being delivered, Milford Mill Road, from Shady Bower to the Mediaeval Bridge, is closed for six weeks to enable the replacement of gas mains. See page 14 for details. Do you have an older person’s bus pass, but haven’t used it for a while? Council are planning to not automatically renew cards which haven’t been used, see page 17 for details. There’s lots of news about the Castle Hill Country Park. Play areas opened, fences removed, volunteers planting trees and a sample of Kerry lemon’s artwork, all on pages 20-21. Cyber Aware, a government organisation which works to reduce computer crime, has some useful advice on how to deal with fraudulent telephones calls about your computer. See page 31. Each of the three secondary schools in the parish has a Parish Council Civic Re- sponsibility Cup which the schools award each year to the student who has made the best contribution to the community. The cup is inscribed with the winner’s name and a smaller version is also awarded for the winner to keep. See page 33 for the 2018 winners. Details of River Bourne Community Farm’s events for 2019 are on page 34 with plenty of dates for your diary. As we went to print we were saddened to hear of the death of Bill Moss who for many years represented the Bishopdown part of the parish on . His obituary is on page 25.

We wish all of our readers a happy and peaceful new year. The Parish Newsletter is published six times a year for the benefit of parish residents. However, articles included do not necessarily reflect the views of the Parish Council. Advertisements for any firm or service does not imply a recommendation by the Parish Council.

Cover picture— Volunteers planting trees in the memorial woodland at Castle Hill Country Park Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 3

Inside your Parish Newsletter . . . 5 View from the Chair 6 Report on Parish Council Meetings 8 Planning Applications 10 Parish Neighbourhood Plan – Progress Report

12 Electoral Boundary Review update

14 Road and Traffic News

15 Public Enquiry for proposed development at Old Sarum Airfield

16 Laverstock District Evening Women’s Institute

17 Information about the renewal of bus passes

18 Traffic Regulation Order- St Clements Way and Manning Close

20 Castle Hill Country Park

22 Parish Heritage Boardwalk Project wins National Lottery support

25 Obituary — Bill Moss

27 News from Laverstock Gardening Club

29 News from Old Sarum—Longhedge

30 Community Defibrillators

31 Computer Software Service Fraud

32 Parish Pump

33 The Civic Responsibility Cup 2018

34 River Bourne Community Farm Dates for your diary 2019

36 Laverstock & Ford Parish Council Contacts

39 Contacts around The Parish 42 Parish Diary Dates

View from the Chair—Andy Birkett

Happy New Year to all in our Parish and I hope you man- aged to have a restful and enjoyable Christmas and New Year with friends and family. That is not always the case but communities are important in providing and supporting groups who help those who may be lonely at this time of year. This bimonthly newsletter and the Parish Council’s website carry details of the many groups providing opportunities to meet and enjoy social activities. Please remember those who are vulnerable at this time of year and look out for unexpected absences.

Despite the time of year, the developments in our communities go on at pace. The Castle Hill Country Park and its associated play parks are developing well; there is an update on that project in this newsletter including the memorial woodland that was started on the 100th anniversary of the Armistice on 11 November. The Longhedge development continues to grow and we try and ensure all new arrivals receive a welcome pack including the latest copy of our Newsletter, but please let us know if any new arrival has been missed. The playparks are being built and we hope to take ownership of and develop the Community Open Space on the Northern boundary in the next few months.

There is an active Residents’ Association for Old Sarum and Longhedge. It is an excellent way to meet some of your fellow residents and get the latest in- formation. However, for it to remain active, it does need support and to keep this key group running they need volunteers to help with the chairing and admin- istration. More details on page 29.

Finally, two planning matters to highlight. Please read the report on our sub- mission to the Boundary Commission on their consultation about Wiltshire Council Wards; and the Public Enquiry on the Old Sarum Planning Airfield Ap- plication Appeal will have concluded with its extra days on 18th and 19th De- cember, after this newsletter went to print. Please visit the Parish Council’s website for the latest news from that.

I wish you all a fruitful New Year.

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 5

Report on Parish Council Meetings

This report covers the meetings held on 15th October and 19th November 2018. The full minutes of these meetings can be viewed on the Parish Council page of our website at

At the October meeting the Chairman recorded the resignation of Councillor Hila- ry Davidson and thanked her for her service to the Council. The Council now has only eleven Councillors out of a total of sixteen seats. The Parish is divided (but also united) into three wards. The Laverstock and Milford Ward has a full comple- ment of Councillors. There are two vacancies in the Bishopdown Farm Ward and three vacancies in the Ford, Old Sarum and Longhedge Ward. Being a Parish Coun- cillor is a great way to serve your community. Contact the Chairman or Parish Clerk if you might be interested.

A long time was spent discussing an unusual planning application in our parish. There is a process whereby certain agricultural buildings can be converted to dwellings without making a full planning application. This is called a Class Q Per- mitted Development. The owner of a barn on the Laverstock water meadows ap- plied for prior approval of this development but the Council objected for several reasons. The barn is very close to our Community Farm and is still used by them. Apart from its loss to the Farm the Council felt that the new dwelling would be detrimental to the appearance of Laverstock and the surrounding downs. The Per- mitted Development has since been refused.

The first draft of a response on the Electoral Review of Wiltshire Council Wards and Councillors was discussed at length. Wiltshire Council has submitted its own response, but every Parish Council has also been invited to share their thoughts with the Local Government Boundary Commission for . A precis of the de- tailed submission can be read elsewhere in this newsletter.

The Clerk introduced a resolution to enable the Council to seal the last legal docu- ment associated with the development of Old Sarum. This will enable the Council to receive over £20,000 allocated for off-site youth and/or adult recreation facili- ties arising from the Local Centre. The Council has now received £126,500 of these funds. £50,000 has been allocated for a new skatepark and £17,600 has been spent on other play and recreation. That leaves £58,900 for other projects at Old Sarum. If you have ideas for new recreation facilities please contact your local Councillor.

The External Audit of the Council was concluded in October with no adverse com- ments. It is gratifying that even with an enormous increase in funding and assets the Council continues to manage its affairs effectively and on a frugal budget.

An unusual concern was raised to the Council and discussed at the October meeting. A small half-acre plot of land behind Norton Drive in Ford recently dis- played ‘For Sale by Auction’ signs. This half-acre has been treated as public open space and maintained as such by the Council for as long as anyone can remem- ber. It now transpired that the land was never transferred to the Council and is still owned by the original developer. The successors in title to that developer are the Carillion Group in liquidation and the liquidators wantedOld to Sarumsell it. AirfieldThe sale has now been stopped and the Council is looking at ways of bringing it into public ownership.

The November meeting started with a grant application by the Laverstock Village Hall. This excellent facility is very well managed and is used by many community groups, but it needs an upgrade to its heating system. This was explained by the Hon Sec of the Village Hall who also spoke in admiration of the new Old Sarum Community Centre where the November meeting was held. The Village Hall was awarded a grant of £600.

At the November meeting the Council considered a planning application in the neighbouring Parish of Clarendon Park. The application is for a Change of Use to a Gypsy pitch at the Old Chalk Pit in Petersfinger. The site is close to Gypsy Lane in the far south-east corner of our Parish. The Council objected to the application for several reasons including the fact that access is along a narrow, unmade track and is unsuitable. The Council also objected to an application in Bishopdown Farm for a first-floor extension because of its overbearing effect on a neighbour- ing property.

The new Longhedge village development was discussed at length. The first issue was the refusal of the developer to pay the correct commuted sum for the maintenance of an area of future public open space. The developer had threat- ened to transfer the land to a management company. This led to a discussion on the long-term liability of residents when management fees are imposed on their dwellings. This is a particular issue at Riverdown Park where most of the estate roads and footpaths are the responsibility of a management company.

The second issue debated was the absence of a link path between Longhedge and Old Sarum. Wiltshire Council have had their own separate discussions with the developer and are suggesting that the path will not be in place until mid- summer 2019. The Council were disappointed that they were not included in these discussions. cont ….

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 7

A resolution was passed to permit the Council to seal a Transfer Deed on the land for the new Castle Hill Country Park. Negotiations with the developer have taken five years to get to this point. It is hoped that work to build the Country Park will start early in the new year. The Clerk reported that he had agreed, on behalf of the Council, to take on the management, maintenance and public liability of the new play areas at Riverdown in advance of legal transfer. There are six new play areas and a large tarmacked games area. They were built and paid for by the de- veloper. There was an early discussion on the Budget and Precept for the next financial year. A more detailed proposal will be tabled at the December Council meeting and in early January there will be an extraordinary meeting to finally decide the Precept for 2019/2020. The Precept is that small part of Council Tax that pays for the work of the Parish Council. For the current year the average precept for resi- dents of Laverstock and Ford is £35.09 per household per year.

Planning Applications The following Planning Applications have been submitted in the Parish since Octo- ber 15. Italics after the application show the Parish Council response. Bold print shows a decision by Wiltshire Council. DECISIONS 18/06854/CLE Certificate of lawfulness for use as a gypsy and traveller site consisting of 18 existing pitches and 18 amenity buildings. Dairy House Bridge Gypsy & Traveller Site. APPROVED 18/07799/FUL Enlargement of existing single storey porch for new WC. 21 Vanessa Avenue, Laverstock. APPROVED 18/07991/FUL Construction of detached dwelling with access from Westfield Close. Land adjacent to 8 St Andrews Road, Laverstock. REFUSED 18/08368/TCA Work to tree in a Conservation Area. Fell T1 Walnut Tree be- cause of excessive shading.12 The Close, Old Sarum. NO OBJECTION 18/08698/ADV Advertisement consent. Free standing roundabout sponsor- ship signage. London Road (Parkwood), . APPROVED 18/08817/PNCOU Notification for Prior Approval under Class Q– Change of Use of Existing Agricultural Building to Form a Dwelling (Use Class C3) & Associated Operational Development. The Barn, Cow Lane, Laverstock. PRIOR APPROVAL REFUSED 18/09041/FUL Proposed rear flat roof dormer. Westbourne, Laverstock Park, Laverstock APPROVED 18/09042/FUL Proposed single storey front extension. 13 Paddock Way, La- verstock. APPROVED cont …..

NEW APPLICATIONS 18/08498/FUL Renovation of garage and upgrade to include one dormer win- dow, replace flat roof with pitched roof. 49 Elm Close, Laverstock NO COMMENT 18/09423/FUL First floor extension above garage.22 St Christophers Close, Bishopdown. OBJECT WITH REASONS 18/09729/FUL Change of use to Gypsy pitch and associated works inc. mobile home, touring caravan and dayroom. The Old Chalk Pit, Gypsy Lane, Petersfinger. OBJECT WITH REASONS 18/09881/DOC Discharge of conditions 4 & 6 of 17/03015/FUL for demolition of existing dwellings and erection of two replacement dwellings with garages and outbuildings. Coach House & Cottage, Burroughs Hill, Duck Lane, Laverstock. NIL RESPONSE 18/10497/FUL Proposed Annex and alterations.50 Saunders Ave, Bishopdown 18/10550/FUL Extension of existing dining hall and reception area. Installation of new stepped and ramped access to main entrance. St Edmund’s Girls School, Laverstock. NO COMMENT 18/10661/TPO Work to TPO Trees. Cut back trunk to fence. Reduce height by up to 25%. 5 St Albans Close, Bishopdown. 18/10642/FUL Single storey rear extension and front porch.6 Silverwood Drive, Laverstock. NO COMMENT 18/10819/PO Work to TPO trees. Trimming and pruning low level branches that overhang footpath underneath. Holmes Rd, Riverdown, Bishopdown. 18/09705/FUL Retrospective permission for removal of conservatory and re- placement with single storey rear extension, and single storey front infill extension. 49 Silverwood Drive, Laverstock. Cancer Research UK are holding a Quiz Evening on Saturday 16th February 7 for 7.30pm at The Godolphin School Tickets £10 to include light refreshments . There will be a cash bar and raffle. For tickets and information contact Ali Theobald 01722 415880

Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464) Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 9

Parish Neighbourhood Plan – Progress Report The parish is made up of four local centres or communities, Laverstock and Mil- ford; Ford; Hampton Park/Bishopdown Farm/Riverdown Park; and Old Sarum/ Longhedge. For this progress report we have chosen to provide a brief spotlight upon one of those local centres, Old Sarum and Longhedge, through the rapidly changing number of households. Spotlight on Old Sarum and Longhedge in numbers. Now We estimate that there are currently about 1,200 homes in Old Sarum and Long- hedge just a little more than 30% of the total estimated 3,900 homes in Laverstock and Ford parish. Recent Past It may come as a surprise to many how dramatic has been the recent growth in housing in Old Sarum and Longhedge. Ten years ago, there were less than 200 houses; but then came two major developments. The first (starting in 2008) was on land around the football stadium and included a new primary school (2011), Community Centre (2015) and convenience store. This was followed (in 2016) by Longhedge. To date a total of 1,000 new homes have been built - a six-fold growth in only a decade! Short Term Future Will growth continue? Well, just based upon the build and sale of existing author- ized planning will see the projected number of households in Old Sarum and Long- hedge grow to 1,650 homes in 2021. As I write this article, I hear that it is the in- tention of the developers to make a planning application, very early in the new year, for the comprehensive development of the neighbourhood centre site to comprise a convenience food store; a day nursery; a care home and three further retail units. Old Sarum and Longhedge in 2021 will represent almost 40% of the number of households in the parish (projected at 4,300). What does all this mean? Laverstock and Ford Parish has seen major increases in housing over the last 20 years, firstly from the developments at Hampton Park/ Bishopdown Farm and, more recently, those at Riverdown Park and Old Sarum/Longhedge. Both the Hampton Park/ Bishopdown Farm/Riverdown Park community AND Old Sarum/ Longhedge community are now larger than Laverstock/Milford. There are significant differences in age profile between Laverstock/Milford and Ford and the newer, growing communities which are likely to be reflected in differences in needs and aspirations (schools, transport, medical and care services, for instance).

There are also major changes in journey to work patterns – work locations are more dispersed; Salisbury is no longer the main employment location; so, neces- sarily, the newer communities have higher levels of car ownership and this leads to changing shopping patterns, less dependency on local shops, public transport and local employment. But these changes, amongst others, lead to problems for the disadvantaged, par- ticularly those who are less mobile, more dependent on public transport and local services and/or those who would benefit from affordable housing, traditionally in short supply within the Parish: and what about the impact on the environment? Next Steps We will be producing similar data for the other local areas and for the parish in total and sharing this through the newsletter and the website (which we plan to launch in February). BUT we’d also like to add to this local area spotlight with con- tent about living in Old Sarum and Longhedge, likes and dislikes, what would make the local area a better place to live etc. Anything that helps us to understand the people who live here and drive the creation of the best possible living environ- ment. We’d like Old Sarum and Longhedge residents to come forward and become area “champions” to add content to this spotlight, to start and continue a conver- sation with residents, to help us to produce the best possible Neighbourhood Plan. This has begun with the recent Old Sarum and Longhedge Residents association meeting, held on the 28th November, where a number of residents volunteered their services to the neighbourhood planning process. Thank you to those resi- dents. We’d equally welcome “champions” from the other areas to come forward. All are most welcome! Old Sarum and Longhedge Champions REQUIRED NOW Explanatory Note: In order to produce the numbers used in this article Kevin Mar- tin, our information expert, has used Government census data and our current knowledge of housing development to shed light on the current situation and trends in key aspects of the Parish particularly , Housing stock (numbers, composi- tion and tenure), Population structure (numbers, age and ethnicity), Socio- economic characteristics, Employment, travel to work patterns, car availability. This is helping us to highlight key longer-term issues to be addressed by Neigh- bourhood Plan. If you’d like to ask questions of Kevin, or the Neighbourhood Plan- ning team in general, please email the team members below. If you’d like to talk to the Neighbourhood Plan team or if you have expertise or lo- cal knowledge which you would like to input to the plan, please contact Vic Busse- reau or Dick Buttigieg (email address below). Vic Bussereau ( [email protected] ) Dick Buttigieg ( [email protected] ) Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 11

Electoral Boundary Review update

The November / December edition of the Newsletter reported that following the Local Government Boundary Commission for England’s requirement that Wiltshire Council rebalance its electoral divisions (also known as wards), the Parish Council formally informed Wiltshire Council of its desire for 2 Wiltshire Councillors, both within the Southern Wiltshire Community Area and therefore represented at the Southern Area Board, with whom it shares more affinity, rather than one in the Southern Community Area and the other split between Southern and Salisbury Community Areas. On the 16th October 2018, Wiltshire Council accepted its Electoral Review Com- mittee’s recommendation for 2 electoral divisions, with one Wiltshire Councillor each, both to be placed in the Southern Wiltshire Community Area and therefore both sitting in the Southern Wiltshire Area Board. It made these recommendations to the Boundary Commission. On the 5th November, the Parish Council submitted a detailed representation to the Boundary Commission, which can be read in its entirety on the PC’s web site at The submission evidenced the following criteria set out by the Commission:  electoral equality  community identities and interests and  effective and convenient local government We were also advised and were able to provide evidence of the following matters:  What defines the Parish & marks it out as a distinct community or communi- ties  The Parish’s identifiable boundaries  Shared community events  Shared amenities and facilities  Public facilities  How the facilities provide focus for community interaction  Community groups  Local interests  Transport links The submission also drew attention to the Boundary Commission’s own statement that; “in areas where parishes exist, the parish boundaries often represent the extent of a community. In fact the Commission often uses parishes as the building blocks of wards and electoral divisions” cont …. and to the fact that in the 2016 Parish Boundary Review / Community Governance Review, Wiltshire Council ratified the views expressed by Laverstock and Ford Parish Council and 99.3% of the 1010 Parish resident’s survey responses (48% came from Laverstock, 28% from Ford and Old Sarum, and 24% from Bishopdown Farm / Hampton Park). They believed strongly that the Parish is an entity with a semi-rural identity, sepa- rate and distinct from that of Salisbury City Parish (who wished to take over the en- tire Parish) which the residents value and wish to preserve. Furthermore, in line with the concept that those who live together are governed together, residents are content that the Parish Council exercises good governance at their local level. The Parish Council noted that in their recent deliberations, Wiltshire Council’s Elec- toral Review Committee adhered to the principal that where Wiltshire Council had carried out previous Community Governance Reviews it would be appropriate to adjust division boundaries and Area Board boundaries to reflect those changes. Division names

Wiltshire Council has recommended to the Commission the names “Old Sarum” and “Laverstock”.

Given that Laverstock and Ford is a long established with a strong identi- ty, the Parish Council has argued strongly that the 2 Divisions should be named simply Laverstock and Ford East and Laverstock and Ford West. Deviating from these would go against the concept of Laverstock and Ford’s Neighbourhood Plan which looks to retain the cohesiveness of the Parish and encourage the residents from the various communities to continue to feel united within our boundary. It therefore recommended to the Commission the following:

 Division 23 - Laverstock and Ford West comprising Bishopdown Farm, Hampton Park, Riverdown Park, Old Sarum (part) and Longhedge and,  Division 24 - Laverstock and Ford East comprising Laverstock, Ford, Milford (part) and Old Sarum (part) together with the parishes of Clarendon Park, Firsdown, Britford and Odstock. Next steps

The Parish Council’s views have been recorded and published on the Local Govern- ment Boundary Commission for England’s web site. They will be considered as they decide their draft recommendations which they expect to make on 5 February 2019. This will mark a new phase of consultation for the review in which the Commission will seek views on the draft recommendations and further evidence about where division boundaries should be to aid it when it makes its final recommendations, expected on 9 July 2019. Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 13

Even the Police use the Roads in our Parish! It has been an unusual day today (3 December) - 3 members of our Wiltshire Con- stabulary on the roads in our parish. Both early and late morning a Police car was seen driving through Ford. However, in mid-morning something special was spotted – a Police horse and rider going slowly along Ford Road! Is this a first this Century? Moving on to matters which affect our residents, there are a few words below on traffic on Pearce Way as well as issues with Footpath 11 which crosses this road. In addition, some information is provided on the closure after Christmas of part of Milford Mill Road. Finally, returning to Ford, there is some information on the final stages of the ground works on Green Lane as well as the traffic calming scheme in the village. Pearce Way The longstanding requirement for a Metrocount on Pearce Way to record both the volume and speed of vehicles has yet to take place. Wiltshire Council has now ad- vised that this is one of a batch in Wiltshire which should be completed in January or February 2019. Hopefully there will be some data available to include in the next edition of the Newsletter. A further overdue requirement is the construction of split barriers at the Pearce Way end of Footpath 11. It is disappointing to recall that these were something that should have been installed before the 2018 school summer holidays We un- derstand that a set were delivered on site in Oct but disappeared under mysteri- ous circumstances! A further set has been ordered but at the time of writing they have still to appear. The developer, Barratt Homes, and Wiltshire Council are both on the case. The question is will we see them installed before the start of 2019? Also missing on Pearce Way is appropriate white lining at the London Road end. Wiltshire Council is aware and Barratt have confirmed that white lines will be rein- stated/completed in the very near future. Milford Mill Road As many of you are aware there have been extended road works to renew the gas mains along Shady Bower which has kept the road closed for many weeks. SGS are now looking to implement the next phase of the replacement programme which will involve closing Mil- ford Mill Road from the junction with Shady Bower to the junction with Queen Manor Road. Work is scheduled to start on 2 January and run through to 15 February. The Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) issued by Wiltshire Council states that access will be maintained for residents and businesses where possible but delays are likely at times. The full TTRO is available on the Parish Council website.

Ford The Traffic Calming Scheme at the time of writing still requires a few tweaks. Some bushes near Spire View need to be removed as currently they screen the new terminal signs on the entry to the village. In addition, there is the possibility of one of the signs on Ford Road (Roman Road) being moved for a second time due to masking from another sign while it, in turn, masks one of the signs on a new build-out. Furthermore, some of the lighting on both build-outs on Ford Road is intermittent and one of the street lights has not worked since the con- struction of the build-outs. Wiltshire Council is aware of all these issues. The over running road works on Green Lane to update elements of the sewage system are now nearing completion and should be finished by the time this edi- tion of the Newsletter is published. Wiltshire Council is currently considering whether there should be some form of entrance gate or barrier at the entrance to Footpath 11 of Green Lane. This too should be resolved by the time of publication. VB

Public Enquiry for Planning Application for proposed development at Old Sarum Airfield The Enquiry got underway as scheduled on Tuesday 9 October in front of the pre- siding Inspector, Frances Mahoney, and continued through the rest of the week. It resumed on the following Tuesday but was adjourned on Thursday after 7 days of activity. The Inspector has arranged to reconvene on 18 December for 2 days to complete all the necessary activities. During the first day third-parties were given the opportunity to provide evidence. Those who spoke included representatives of gun clubs that used the historic gun butts on the airfield. Concerns were raised about the continued use of the butts if development were to go ahead. In addition, a resident from Ford (Ron Champion) and WCllr Ian McLennan stated their reasons for objecting to the Planning Appli- cation, and a Parish Councillor (Vic Bussereau) explained the Council’s reasons for objecting. Most of the remaining days were taken up by evidence from expert witnesses provided by both Wiltshire Council and the prospective developers, Old Sarum Airfield Ltd. One session took the form of a ‘round table’ discussion chaired by the Inspector in which third-parties could participate and did! Evidence at the hearing was also given by Mr Grenville Hodge, Director of Old Sarum Airfield Ltd, on behalf of the company and the Owners. The Enquiry should have been completed by the time this edition of the News- letter is published. View the Parish Council website for an update on the pro- ceedings held in December. VB Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 15


At the October meeting, Ann Gothard, together with her husband Matthew, of the charity Uganda Project, gave a talk with slides about the work of the charity set up about 18 years ago. This is a small local charity from Winterslow and aims to improve the lives of the people of Uganda. Many aspects of life there have been improved through various projects. A Vocational Training Centre has been established and gives locals training in skills to improve many parts of their lives. One local man is now a trained carpenter and able to help others and also earn a small living for himself and his family. It is a very worthwhile project and the work is ongoing.

On October 26th, we held an Apple Pie Morning, where members, local people and many from other local W.I’s were able to enjoy apple pie, cream and coffee, and able to browse the various stalls, and the morning finished with a raffle.

16 members knitted poppies for the Salisbury Remembers exhibits at the Guildhall. We were able to contribute about 80 and these were included in the figures of servicemen, which were placed on top of the portico of the Guildhall. Four members attended the official opening, where the Mayor thanked all for their contributions. Refreshments were held in the Guildhall after and it was nice to meet the organisers and other contributors.

In November, we were visited by Sara Bottomley, who told us about “My Quilting Journey”. She brought examples of her beautiful work. Her interest in quilting started when nursing and then after marriage and Army postings gained further experience and skills on her “journey” via West Point, Cyprus, Kuwait, Kenya and Falklands – finally back to Wiltshire.

Meetings are held at 7.45 p.m. on the 3rd Monday of the month, in Laverstock Village Hall. For more information contact Kay Griffiths on 07927 041648.


Older person’s standard Wiltshire concessionary bus pass Information about the renewal of bus passes From 01 January 2019, not all bus passes will be renewed automatically. This is because there are approximately 20,000 passes in circulation that have not been scanned on a bus prior to renewal, indicating that the pass has not been used. In these cases, the passes will not be automatically re- newed. If your pass is not automatically renewed but you would still like to receive one to use in the future, please contact Wiltshire Council on 0300 456 0100 and we can arrange for your new pass to be issued. Wiltshire Council regrets that any charges which may occur on bus journeys are non-refundable.

Laverstock & Ford History Group At the November meeting, Dave Waspe, who researched the histories for the successful Armistice Centenary event at the church, gave a talk on: Some of our war dead, and those who went to war and came back alive. Dave highlighted two names from the First World War memorial, Private Thomas Bundy, and Sergeant Stanley Glover. He went on to talk about the way he tackled research into the names of those who served in the forces and survived. Future meeting, Curtis Room (vestry), St Andrew’s, Laverstock, 2 pm. 24 January 2019, Nottingham Alabasters and the light shed on medieval religion.

Need help putting your bin out? If you find it difficult to put out your rubbish and recycling bins or bags, you can apply for an assisted collection by calling us on 0300 456 0102

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 17

Wiltshire Council Proposed Traffic Regulation Order - Roads in Hampton Park St Clements Way and Manning Close The proposed order will prohibit waiting or parking along the roads shown in the map below. A consultation is taking place and residents may comment on this proposal, quoting reference HKB/TRO/LAFO by January 11th 2019 by Email to [email protected] or in writing to: TRO Team, Sustainable Transport Group, Highways & Transport, County Hall, Bythesea Road Trowbridge Wiltshire BA14 8JN

SCHEDULE - No Waiting At Any Time  St Clements Way North From a point 5 metres east of its junction with Syca- more Drive to a point 9 metres west of its junction with The Crusades  St Clements Way South From a point 9 metres east of its junction with Syca- more Drive to a point 9 metres west of its junction with The Crusades  Manning Close Both sides From its junction with St Clements Way for a dis- tance of 5 metres in a north easterly direction

Virginia McLennan – Parish Improvement Fund

In memory of Virginia and her hard work for the parish, Ian McLennan contributes £500 annually to individuals and groups who need some small funds to get on and make their community better. Don’t be shy! If you can individually or collectively, with friends/family carry out a small project to make things better, contact Ian and put your idea to him by phone or email. His contact details are on page 37..

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 19

Castle Hill Country Park Since our successful Information Event in September progress with the Country Park has been moving almost to the predicted timeline. At the time of writing the Developers are completing the few minor snags to play parks and infiltration basins before the land is transferred to the Parish Council and our partnership with the Land Trust swings into action. A lot has been going on both on the Site and behind the scenes, our Country Park Management Plan volunteers have powered ahead with plans and on-site delivery, making the challenge an awful lot easier for the Ranger and Land Trust support team when they take up the reins early in the New Year. Here are just a few of the high points and also the next major community event to mark in your diaries. First World War Memorial Woodland Takes Shape! Following gaining permission from the Developers to start our Memorial Woodland before transfer of the Country Park, we had a very moving Ceremony on Sunday 11th to plant the first tree in the Wood. In particular a big thank you to Nick Perrott for organising the Vicar and Local Representatives from our three Armed Services. Penny Theobald got a team together to make three wreaths from natural materials found in and around the Country Park. My eldest daughter Amy played the Last Post very well in difficult conditions for a musician. Ben Par- ker from River Bourne Community Farm held Amy’s music and helped establish our Tree Nursery with three handy plough lines and carefully placed tree protection materials. Parish Cllr Lesley Waller planted the first tree in the wood. Poignantly the tree was dug in next to a lone Poppy that had sprung up for the occasion. Sub- sequently hundreds of trees have been planted from the nursery into the Wood. Thanks to all the many volunteers of all ages who have helped this first Country Park project take shape.

Families joining in tree planting

Play Parks Arrive!! We all had to pinch ourselves as the Play Parks finally opened for business. What a journey that was!! The Neighbourhood Equipped Area for Play and the Multi Use Games Area are already proving particularly popular with our young residents. We will have much more in the way of Natural Play opportunities on the Country Park as it takes shape but what a relief that children are no longer tempted to play in the streets and the construction areas now there are some excellent play facilities to enjoy. Fencing on Fiander Lane comes down!!! Residents on Fiander Lane compared the removal of the closeboard fence as akin to the fall of the Berlin Wall when it was finally taken down and removed from the site. There is a lot of work to be done in this section of the Country Park. First of all the seedbed will need to have weeds removed in the spring and then sown with wildflowers. Traditional orchards are to be planted, an enclosed wildflower meadow to be created and hedge shelter belts to be established. The infiltration basins will also be sown with wetland mix of wildflowers which will help trap and filter surface water into the aquifer. Our Community Artwork nears completion!!!! In February Kerry Lemon’s completed stone pillars and pavers are scheduled for installation across the Country Park and at the Pavilion Green. I held one of the samples of the rock tiles back in October and was impressed with both the design and the tactile qualities of the cut rock surfaces. They should be a magnet for all to look, touch and imagine the histor- ic and natural heritage that inspired the designs, Sample tile & crayon rubbing along with the artistic input from children in the Parish. Look out for details of the installation work on our web-site and in the local press. For further information about Castle Hill Country Park please contact: [email protected] Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 21

Laverstock and Ford Heritage Boardwalk Project wins National Lottery support. Laverstock and Ford Parish Council has received a National Lottery grant of £41,800 for an exciting heritage scheme, the Laverstock and Ford Heritage Board- walk Project, in Whitebridge Spinney alongside the River Bourne. This is made possible by money raised by National Lottery players. It focuses on installing a new boardwalk alongside the River Bourne with associated information boards and includes the thirteenth sign in the Salisbury Bee Trail. Supported through the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), the scheme will enable local young people not only to research and design the interpretative boards which will be placed alongside the boardwalk and River Bourne but also design and research the interactive Bee sign that will form part of the City Bee Trail. Laverstock and Ford Parish Council has three secondary schools in the Parish and intends to work with these pupils and groups at the local Community Farm over the next two years to make them more aware of their local environmental and historical heritage and in particular the River Bourne which forms part of the Hampshire Avon Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Special Area of Con- servation (SAC). Commenting on the award, Councillor Andy Birkett (Chair of Laverstock and Ford Parish Council) said: “We are thrilled to have received this support thanks to Na- tional Lottery players and are confident the project will not only link physically two areas of our Parish but also support young people learning about their envi- ronmental and historical heritage.” Editors note: The Whitebridge Spinney was acquired by the parish council as a planning gain as a result of Wimpy obtaining planning permission elsewhere. The boardwalk links the Spinney and River Bourne Road, with Whitebridge, via the riverbank, opening up the wonderful riverbank walk to all, throughout the year. The existing woodwork, having been in place for over 20 years is in urgent need of replacement.

Paul Tidmarsh Painter & Decorators Hall, Stairs, Landing Wallpapering, Tiling, Coving, Refurbishment, Renovation General property maintenance UPVC guttering & facias, insurance Tel 0800 002 9722 Email: [email protected]

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 23

Bill Moss

We are sad to report the death of our former Wiltshire Councillor for Bishopdown, Bill Moss. Bill died peacefully, in Salisbury Hos- pice, on 4th December, after a long and debilitating illness, which led to his stepping down at the May 2017 election. Bill was elected to serve St Marks & Bishopdown at the inception of the new Wiltshire Council and served from 2009-2017. Prior to this, he was both a Wiltshire County Councillor and Salisbury District Councillor, representing his home ward of Winterslow. His council service was over many years and totalled 25 years at retirement. During his distinguished service, Bill was elected as Chairman Salisbury District Council and in 2005-6 was elected to the same office with Wiltshire County Coun- cil. Bill was a fervent defender of our parish, consistently attending our parish council meetings. He fully supported the parish in its fight to remain independent of Salis- bury City. The Parish Council is thankful for his support, friendship and long service to the community. Our thoughts are with his widow Natalie, who continues to do much for Old Sarum Nursery.

From Rev Andy Bousfield, the new vicar of St Andrew’s Laverstock, and St Mark’s Salisbury. Hello! As I have been popping in here and there to introduce myself I was struck by the motto at St Andrew’s School of “Do eve- rything in love.” Now there is an ambitious standard to live by. One that would create the kind of community I’d love to be part of. A love that reaches out to neighbour and seeks the best for each other, even at a cost to our- selves. The heart of the message of Christianity is the good news about a God who has demonstrated the ultimate example of this kind of love. At Christmas we reflect- ed on the wonder that God didn’t call us to make our way back to him or solve our problems on our own, but that he came to us, in love! He bridged the gap, by sending his Son, Jesus, to be born as our saving king and give us the help and hope that we all need. My prayer for the year ahead is that our churches would not just have this kind of love as an aspiration but live a life of love that makes a difference each day. I look forward very much to being part of such a community. A very happy new year to you all. Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 25

News from Laverstock Gardening Club

We celebrate the start of another busy year at the Club with our usual New Year Party on January 28th. There will be food and wine and a chance to catch up with old friends. February 25th sees the launch of our programme for the coming year. The annu- al subscription falls due – now £6 and still very good value. The speaker at the February meeting will be garden historian Christine Stones. She will be talking about “Gardens of World War One”. As in the Second World War, there were food shortages and home grown fruit and vegetables became increasingly important to keep the population fed. With the men away fighting, it was the women who grew those urgently needed crops. The monthly competition will be “three stems of hellebores”. Laverstock Gardening Club meets at 7.30 on the fourth Monday of the month in Laverstock and Ford Village Hall. Visitors are welcome.

PARISH COUNCIL MEETINGS 2019 All meetings are on a Monday and start at 7pm unless otherwise stated. DATE VENUE 14th January River Bourne Community Farm Extraordinary Meeting BUDGET and PRECEPT 21st January Greentrees Junior School 18th February River Bourne Community Farm 18th March Old Sarum Community Centre ANNUAL PARISH MEETING 15th April River Bourne Community Farm 20th May Greentrees Junior School ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL 17th June River Bourne Community Farm 15th July Old Sarum Community Centre 19th August River Bourne Community Farm 16th September Greentrees Junior School 21st October River Bourne Community Farm 8th November Old Sarum Community Centre 16th December River Bourne Community Farm

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 27

News from New Sarum W.I.

We are now settled in our venue at the Old Sarum Community Centre, and have been busy. As I am writing this, preparations are complete for our Christmas Tree that is to be dressed and will be on show at St. Thomas Church , along with many others, the first week in December. Our Christmas social is next and the committee are busy with preparations for this. In the New Year we start with Line Dancing, a sure way to get rid of those ex- cess pounds! The new programme is nearly complete and we are all looking forward to some exciting speakers. If you are interested in joining us, please look at our website and join us at one of our meetings at 7.15-9.15pm on the first Wednesday of each month. Sheila Hart Treasurer. Email [email protected]

The Cafe on the Green now serves breakfast from 9 to 11am on Thursdays.

Why not come and join us for a different start to the day- options include porridge, yoghurt and fruit or granola, croissants and beans on toast, and all at only 50p per item! Hot drinks and cake are available as usual and we even do take away!

Newspapers and board games are provided too. If you have any que- ries contact Christine Fordham on 07740 512437 or at [email protected].

Find us on Facebook at Cafe on the Green, Hampton Park.

News from Old Sarum—Longhedge Old Sarum and Longhedge Residents Association Wednesday 13th March at 7pm Old Sarum Community Centre HELP NEEDED: In order to keep this key group running we need volunteers to help with the chairing and administration. The association only meets four times a year but makes a significant impact on both estates. We need volunteers to help in any way they can otherwise the association will inevitably fold. Please come along to our next meeting to find out more or contact [email protected] Meetings are attended by our local Parish Councillor and start with an update on what our local Parish Council is doing for the residents of Old Sarum and Long- hedge. We have discussed projects such as the plans for the local skateboard park and what amenities, shops etc, will be provided on Longhedge. There is then an opportunity for everyone to ask questions and raise any concerns they have about our local community. The meeting is open, friendly and all questions are taken seri- ously. We look forward to seeing a full house at our next meeting please do come along. Messy Church! – Come and join us for an afternoon of creativity, games, food and lots of fun! We meet every 2nd Sunday of the month at Old Sarum Community centre from 4pm till 5.45pm. Welcome to all ages to come. We ask that children are accompanied by an adult. Our next meetings are Jan 13th and Feb 10th.

Old Sarum Community Centre is the local com- munity hall in Old Sarum. It is a fantastic facility for residents all across the parish. It hosts numer- ous activities and groups throughout the week that cater for a wide range of ages and back- grounds. Not only that, but the centre also organ- ises and runs community activities throughout the year such as Meet Your Neighbour events, The Summer Fun Day and much more.

The centre is a great venue for a birthday, anniversary, party or just about any occa- sion. We offer a discounted rate of £10 per hour for the main hall to anyone who lives in the Laverstock and Ford parish. If you are interested please contact: 01722 335349 or [email protected]

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 29

Community Defibrillators You will recall that in the last parish newsletter I reported on the British Heart Foundation’s campaign to increase the use of Com- munity Defibrillators posing the question of how many defibrilla- tors do we have in the Parish. This month I report back to you my findings.

 Old Sarum Primary School, Pheasant Drive, Old Sarum, SP4 6GH. There is a defibrillator in the main reception area which is available in an emergency during school hours.

 Wessex Archaeology, Portray House, Old Sarum Park, SP4 6EB. There is a defibrillator in the west porch (left hand side of the building) which can be accessed at any time. The code to unlock the cabinet can be obtained from the emergency services. It was bought by the business es- tate management group for community use.

 Wyvern College, Church Road, Laverstock, SP1 1QU. The school has a defibrillator which is available in an emergency during school hours.

 Enovation Controls, Church Road, Laverstock, SP1 1QZ There is a company defibrillator in the reception area which can be used by the community during their working hours. Mon – Thurs 9am-5pm, Fri 9am- 4.30pm. Finally, the Area Board on 8th November approved funding towards a Commu- nity Defibrillator at Greentrees Junior School, Bishopdown Farm Ward. More information about Community Defibrillators can be obtained from the South Western Ambulance Trust. Lesley Waller

Computer Software Service Fraud

There is concern that victims of previous Computer Software Service Fraud (CSSF) are being re-targeted for “owed money”. The National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) reports that CSSF scammers are returning to contact previous victims, requesting that they pay money owed for a fake malware protection service they had provided. Alternatively, the fraudster will ask for a new sub- scription fee in return for protection from a new threat. The victims that have made payments to the fraudsters have done so via credit/debit card payments. In some instances threatening and aggressive language has been used against victims, as part of the attempt to coerce them into sending money.

Computer Software Service Fraud involves the victim being contacted, told that there is a problem with their computer, and that for a fee this issue can be re- solved. The aim of the fraudster at this point is usually to gain remote access to the victim’s computer and, subsequently, access to their online banking ac- count. No fix actually occurs. The victims will often be cold-called or will receive a pop-up on their computer, prompting them to phone the suspect.

Protect Yourself

• If you receive such an unsolicited call or pop-up, do not make a payment. Always ensure you know who you are talking to. If in doubt, hang up immediately. • Do not allow remote access to your computer. • Don’t be rushed or pressured into making a decision. Under no circumstanc- es would a genuine bank, or another trusted organisation, force you to make a financial transaction on the spot; they would never ask you to transfer money into another account for fraud reasons. Remember to stop and take time to carefully consider your actions. • Listen to your instincts. If something feels wrong then it is usually right to question it. Criminals may lull you into a false sense of security when you are out and about or rely on your defences being down when you’re in the comfort of your own home. They may appear trustworthy, but they may not be who they claim to be. For more information about how to protect yourself online, visit and Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 31

Parish Pump The Parish Pump was the one place in the community where resi- dents could gather to collect water and listen to serious gossip. The Parish Pump was the parish newsletter of its time. Parish Pump will never speak on behalf of Councillors or Officers. Com- ments made in this column are entirely the observations, some- times whimsical sometimes cutting reflections of Parish Pump, who after all, still is the life-blood of the community. Fly-Tipping by any other name The Parish Council recently received a complaint about residents who dump their garden rubbish over the fence on to the verge of a popular lane in Laver- stock. Some, with a back gate even carry their rubbish across the footpath on to the verge of a fence opposite. It is particularly distressing for nearby house- holders who take the trouble to keep a public verge tidy, to see others treating the public land as if it was their own personal tip. It is truly ‘Fly Tipping’ by an- other name. At best it is anti-social. We have all seen it and it’s not just in La- verstock. There are examples of this type of Fly-Tipping elsewhere in the Par- ish. I wonder if they are the same people who take dogs for a walk and bag up the waste to hang it on a tree. I wonder if the person who has painted a swastika on a tree, on Cockey Down recently, will grow up and turn in to a fly tipper. Thank heavens there are very many more Parish residents who take a pride in their community. PP knows of some people who go out of their way to pick up litter and take it home with them, brush up leaves blocking a drain; keep their overhanging garden bushes safe for pedestrians on the pavement. Electoral Review of Wiltshire Parish Councillors with our longstanding Wiltshire Councillor have been work- ing very hard gathering evidence for the Electoral Review exercise presently being undertaken by the Boundary Commission for England. It’s only a couple of years since we fought off plans by Wiltshire Council to break up our Parish and give most of it to Salisbury City. It was a hard won battle and we succeed- ed because of support from Parish residents and others who recognised a Da- vid and Goliath battle was in play.

Well conspiracy theorists might feel we are at risk once again from councillors in Salisbury and Wiltshire who seek by covert means to divide the Parish. The Parish has now made its submission to the Electoral Boundary Commission that L&FP should be retained as it is. Residents voted strongly to preserve the Parish in its entirety and that is the message councillors sent. The whole seven page submission can be viewed on the Parish Webpage. Just go to Take a look at it and be reminded about what has been achieved over the past ten years without a smidgen of Party Politics. It really is a testament to your ability to work together towards an enriched community. Perhaps fortunately for us it is the Boundary Commission who will have the last word, not Wiltshire Council or Salisbury City Council. PP

The Civic Responsibility Cup 2018

The Civic Responsibility Cup is awarded by the Parish Council on an annual basis to each of the three secondary schools on the Laverstock site. The winner from Wyvern College was Nadimur Rahman, who was awarded the cup ‘For his absolute dedication to his studies and for always striving to improve himself. Also, for his support for the school through his deputy head boy role and for his fund-raising activities.’ The winner from St Edmund’s was Lily Roberts. ‘Lily has been very proactive in organising numerous charity events in the school, liais- ing with staff as needed and always smiling and helpful. A worthy recipient.’ The winner from St Joseph’s school was Rachel Walker. She was involved with Fair Trade initiatives in school as well as pupil parlia- ment and organising school House days. She was also involved with the church St Vincent de Paul which helps vulnerable members of the community and Cherish Church Youth groups. All recipients were awarded an engraved large cup at their respective prize-giving evenings with each name added on a yearly basis, and a small engraved cup for them to keep. Well done to all three students, who are a credit to their schools, parents and the local Parish.

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 33

River Bourne Community Farm Dates for your diary 2019 CREAM TEA SUNDAY Sunday 5 May from 3 – 5pm Summer begins at the farm with the first Cream Tea Sunday of the season. Enjoy tractor trailer rides (small cost applies), supervised river dipping with nets, nature walks, and some relaxing live music.

OPEN FARM SUNDAY Sunday 9 June from 2 – 5pm The farm celebrates Open Farm Sunday with an addition- al Cream Tea Sunday. All of the usual Cream Tea Sunday activities plus a few extras for families to enjoy!

LIVE @ THE FARM (outdoor event) Sunday 26 May from 3 – 10pm Featuring: One Step Behind – The UK’s Favourite Madness Tribute Band + Abba’s Angels + The Zucchi- nis and other great acts to be confirmed. Get yourselves along to the farm’s annual outdoor mu- sic event as part of ‘Salisbury Live’. Great sounds, bars, children’s entertainment, ice cream and candyfloss and this year a fantastic selection of hot food stalls. ADULT ENTRY BY TICKET ONLY – Advance Tickets £5. On the Gate £10 (under 18s go free). No unaccompanied under 16s. Advance tickets availa- ble in January 2019 at SEETICKETS.COM. Keep checking the farm’s website and Facebook page for further details.

RIVER BOURNE COMMUNTY FARM – BIG DAY OUT! Sunday 30 June from 11am – 5pm A great family event with something for everyone: Farm Animals, Tractor Displays, Rural Crafts, Tractor Trailer Rides, Fun Dog Show, Archery, Giant Climbing Wall, Mini Ride-On Steam Engine, Mega slide & Fairground Activities, Face Painting, Cream Teas, Farm BBQ, Ice Cream, Candy- floss & Popcorn, Bar, Live Music and lots more activities for all the family. Limited on-site parking at £2 per car

BARN DANCE & SUPPER Saturday 20 July at 7pm Ceilidh band Scrape the Barrel are back to guide you through your steps for an evening of dancing, drinking and eating. Discounts for groups of 8 or more. Why not make it a work’s outing? No ‘do-si -do’ experience necessary. Suitable for older chil- dren. Tickets £12 (£10 for groups & friends of the farm). Price includes a ploughman’s supper. Available from the farm office from January 2019. Telephone 01722 330667 or email [email protected]

THE WURZELS PLUS SUPPORT Saturday 10 August at 7pm The farm is very excited to announce the return of the legendary Scrumpy and Western Band THE WURZELS in August 2019. Attendees at their 2014 farm performance will remem- ber singing along to the rousing chorus of ‘Ruby, Ruby, Ruby...ooh arr, ooh arr, ooh arr’. A performance definite- ly not to be missed. Tickets go on sale in January. Watch the farm’s website and Facebook page for further details and ticket prices.

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 35

Laverstock & Ford Parish Council Contacts Chair Andy Birkett - Vice-Chair Vic Bussereau

Laverstock & Ford Ward Bishopdown Farm Ward David Burton Karen Beard 8 Riverside Close, Laverstock, 25 Hartley Way Bishopdown Farm SP1 1QW Tel: 332130 SP1 3WS Tel: 504728 [email protected] [email protected] James Dean Richard Buttigieg Milford Farm, Milford SP1 1RJ 29 Bundy Lane Bishopdown Farm Tel: 335040 SP1 3PE Tel: 410993 [email protected] [email protected] Derek Hayes Lesley Waller Meadow View, The Green, 30 The Oakbournes Laverstock SP1 QS Bishopdown Farm SP1 3FZ Tel: 332109 [email protected] [email protected] Jennifer Brown 47 Potter’s Way, Laverstock SP1 1PX Tel: 330622 [email protected] Marti Hilliard 13 Greenwood Avenue, Laverstock, SP1 1PD Tel: 335752 [email protected] Ford, Old Sarum & Longhedge Ward Andy Birkett Carl Davis 34 Norman Drive Old Sarum 41 Sherbourne Drive, Old Sarum, SP4 6FP Tel: 01722 326642 SP4 6FS [email protected] Tel: 07970 038546 Vic Bussereau [email protected] 5 Merrifield Road, Ford SP4 6DF Tel: 339571 [email protected] Parish Clerk Andrew Prince 3 Pilgrims Way, Laverstock, Salisbury, SP1 1RZ Tel: 01722 411847 Email: [email protected] Barry Stay Email: [email protected]

Details of councillors’ interests & membership of parish council sub-groups, can be found on our website

Wiltshire Councillors Ian McLennan For Laverstock, Ford & Old Sarum 01722 332233 47 Church Road, Laverstock, Salisbury SP1 1QY Email: [email protected] @CllrIanMcLennan Derek Brown OBE For Bishopdown Farm: 3 The Meadows, Salisbury, SP1 2SS 01722 679290 Email: [email protected]

Member of Parliament John Glen Constituency Office 12 Brown Street, Salisbury SP1 1HE Phone: 01722 323050 Website: House of Commons [email protected]

Parish Council meetings for January and February Monday 14th January - Extraordinary Meeting Budget & Precept River Bourne Community Farm 7pm Monday 21st January Greentrees Junior School 7pm Monday 19th February River Bourne Community Farm 7pm Parish Council meetings are held in each of the parish wards to enable residents to have easy access to local meetings. Residents are welcome to attend and may address the council for up to three minutes before the start of the meeting.

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter: Copy deadline for next issue (174) Mar/Apr 2019 - 4th February The editor reserves the right to edit articles for content and length. If you are a member of a local club or organisation, or have an unusual hobby which you think would interest your fellow residents, write a short article about it for possible inclusion in a future Parish Newsletter. You can include pictures which support the article. A full page is a round 400 words. Email these to: [email protected] Laverstock & Ford Parish Website:

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 37

LOCAL CHURCHES INFORMATION Several churches are listed as the civil boundary overlaps the church boundaries St Mark's Church - Main Services 1st Sunday 9.00am Communion and 10.00am Together@Ten 2nd-5th Sundays 10.30am Communion or Morning Worship St Andrew's Church - Sunday Services 9.00am Breakfast@9 - an hour with God with breakfast 10.30am Communion Parish Office (St Mark’s/St Andrew’s) 07933 952171 [email protected] Bourne Valley Methodist Church, Main Road, Winterbourne Dauntsey, SP4 6EW Sunday service at 10.00am. Minister Rev Margaret Jones. Tel 01722 421224 St. Michael and All Angels, : Sunday service at 11.00am Team Service (5th Sunday in month), Wednesday Holy Communion 9.30am Team Vicar: Rev. Peter Ostli-East (01980 611350) [email protected] Associate Priest Rev David Coates (01722 325944) Bourne Valley Team Rev Wendy Pugh (part-time) (01722 501443) Churchwarden: Mrs Becky Baker (01980 611343 Website: Salisbury Vineyard Church : meets every Sunday, 10.30am at Godolphin School— Real coffee, friendly people, real God and uplifting atmosphere. Details:: 01722 340166 or vis-it The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham at Holy Redeemer, Bishopdown Mass 11am every Sunday, Wednesday 6.30pm. Evensong 6pm (2nd Sunday of month) Fr Keith Robinson (01722 504807) [email protected] Most Holy Redeemer Fotherby Crescent, Bishopdown SP1 3EG. Saturdays 6pm with chil- dren's liturgy, Wednesday 10am . Canon Michael Fitzpatrick. For more information ring 01722 333581 or email [email protected]. Website: Salisbury United Reformed Church welcomes you. Ministers Revs. Ana & Tod Gobledale ( tel. 01722 330980 ) : Services at Fisherton Street, Sundays 10.30am. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Old Sarum Sunday 10am worship Wednes- day 7:30pm Youth Club Salisbury Baptist Church Brown Street SP1 2AS welcomes you, Sundays 10.30 am, Tues- days Coffee & Lunch, Parent & Toddler Group Thursday morning. Contact: 01722 237250 [email protected] Salisbury Methodist Church St Edmunds, Church St, Salisbury, SP11EF. Minister, Rev Da- vid Hookins. Services every Sunday morning at 10.30 am and in the evening at 6pm. St Francis Church Beatrice Rd/ Castle Road Salisbury lots going on for all ages. please check out our website for more info:

Contacts around The Parish Air Cadets (Old Sarum) 320634 Army Cadets (Old Sarum) Adam Reavill 07940 984886 Bishopdown Farm Pre-School Marie Ryan 07388 378584 Bishopdown Farm Friendship Gp Mary Ellis 324259 Cafe on the Green Toddler Group [email protected] Cafe Craft Club Angela cafeon [email protected] Cricket Club Paul Hemming 07970 960218 Deliveries: PARISH NEWSLETTER Barry Stay 01722 321040 Evergreen Club Sandy Small 711129 Flora Mundi Mrs D Stevens 335770 Greentrees Primary - Head Ray Picton 340596 Hampton Park Pavilion Bookings 502966 Hamptonparkpavillion Laverstock & Ford Sports Club 327401 Laverstock Art Club Fiona Forbes 01980 862368 Laverstock Beaver Scouts Jane Waspe 421287 Laverstock Brownies Pauline Giles 01725 519216 Laverstock Cubs Kate Knight 01980 622495 Laverstock Explorer Scouts David Waspe 01722 421287 Laverstock Gardening Club Jill Kay 01722 323407 Laverstock History/Archaeology Bryan Evans 320129 Laverstock Ladies Open Group Iverene Hopkins 500643 Laverstock Scouts Martin Smith 01722 339546 Laverstock WI Thelma Green 320179 Line Dancing (Mulepackers) Mike Sainsbury 717800/340054 Milford Preservation Group Alan Hotchkiss 326027 Mothers’ Union Afternoon Group Heather Ludlow 01980 862758 Old Sarum Aviation Museum @BDACATOldSarum 323636 Old Sarum Beaver, Cub & Scouts oldsarumscouts Old Sarum Community Centre Diana Earle 01722 335349 Old Sarum Community Enablers Will and Sophie Burditt01722 237318 Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 39

Old Sarum Primary School—Head Mr John Jones 410677 River Bourne Community Farm Jane Wilkinson 330667 Probus Club of Sarum Peter Matthews 340508 River Bourne Farm Shop & Cafe 332749 Salisbury Medical Practice Tanya McKay 333034 Sarum Bridge Club sarumbridge St. Andrews - FRIENDS - Chair Emily Wells 07841 907987 St. Andrews - Head Karen Walker 503590 St. Andrews Toddlers - Chair Cheryl Daniels 07765 863959 St. Edmunds - Head Mrs Nicola Bull 328565 St .Josephs - Head Mrs R Ridley 335380 St. Josephs - FRIENDS C/O School 335380 TA Centre—Old Sarum Capt. Dave Oliver 438300 TAI CHI Jo Domin 01722 322446 The Duck Inn Becki and Tim 327678 Wyvern - FRIENDS Mrs Joanna Charlton 331245 Wyvern College Head Jonathan Curtis 500700

V E N U E S A R O U N D T H E P A R I S H Laverstock and Ford Village Hall Casual hire available. Contact Ian Haldane Tel. No. 01722 320 879 Old Sarum Community Centre Large spacious hall seating 80 + people. Small hall which can be divided into two by a partition, catering for thirty people each side or 60 when opened fully. Com- mercial kitchen and facilities suitable for parties, wedding receptions and training. Wi Fi throughout the building. Email [email protected] or download a booking form from the website The Community Office will be open on Mondays 10-12. Tel 01722 335349 The Pavilion, Hampton Park The Pavilion is located on Ash Crescent at Hampton Park. It offers excellent facili- ties for both indoor and outdoor sport, as well as a meeting place for a variety of groups and organisations. For the latest info on availability and to hire the Pavil- ion for a party or meeting, please check the website : or email [email protected]

WILTSHIRE COUNCIL HELPLINES To report road, lighting defects and road hazards 0300 456 0105 Emergency (Out of hours) 0300 456 0100 Rubbish and recycling 0300 456 0102 Council tax 0300 456 0109 Housing 01722 434773 Planning 01722 434541 Building Control 01722 434519 Pest control, noise and pollution 0300 4560107 General enquiries and switchboard 0300 456 0100

FLOOD LINE 0345 988 1188 ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Emergency Helpline 0800 807 060

Salisbury Community Area Manager Karen Linaker [email protected] 01722 434697 Southern Wiltshire Community Area Manager Tom Bray [email protected] 01722 434252

Local Police Contacts for Community Policing issues or enquiries (non-urgent)

Laverstock, Ford and Old Sarum PCSO Jenny Moss [email protected]

Bishopdown Farm, Hampton Park and Riverdown Park PCSO Jenny Moss [email protected]

Milford PCSO Laura King – [email protected]

Community Policing Co-ordinator – Pc Matt Holland Our email for general enquiries is - [email protected]

You can phone by dialling '101', in an emergency dial ‘999’.

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 41

PARISH D i a r y D a t e s for events in January/February 2019

January Wed 2nd Laverstock Evergreen Club 2.30pm Laverstock & Ford Village Hall Wed 2nd New Sarum W.I. Old Sarum Community Centre 7:15pm — 9:15pm Mon 14th Laverstock Ladies’ Group Talk on Julia’s House Hospice 7.45pm LVH Mon 14th Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting Budget & Precept RBCF 7pm Mon 21st Laverstock WI Zumba Gold Laverstock Village Hall 7.45pm Mon 21st Parish Council Meeting Greentrees Junior School 7pm Thu 24th Laverstock History Group Nottingham Alabasters St Andrew’s 2pm Thu 24th Salisbury Area Board Alamein Suite City Hall 7pm Mon 28th Laverstock Gardening Club New Year Party LVH 7:30pm Wed 23rd Mothers’ Union Afternoon Group, St Andrew’s Church, 2.15pm Thu 31st Southern Wiltshire Area Board Whiteparish Memorial Centre 7pm February Wed 6th Laverstock Evergreen Club 2:30pm Laverstock & Ford Village Hall Wed 6th New Sarum W.I. Old Sarum Community Centre 7:15pm — 9:15pm Mon 11th Laverstock Ladies’ Group Lost houses of Laverstock 7.45pm LVH Mon 18th Parish Council Meeting River Bourne Community Farm 7pm Mon 18th Laverstock WI Good Life Eco Bee Keeping LVH 7.45pm Mon 25th Laverstock Gardening Club Gardens of World War One LVH 7.45pm Wed 27th Mothers’ Union Afternoon Group, St Andrew’s Church, 2.15pm

LVH Laverstock & Ford Village Hall RBCF River Bourne Community Farm OSCC Old Sarum Community Centre Make sure your Mar/Apr 2019 events appear in the Parish Newsletter E-mail full details to: [email protected]

Laverstock & Ford Parish Newsletter 43