Weather Distrib'utien Mostly fair today, tonight and BEDBANK Today tomorrow. High both days, JO. Low tonight, 5540. See weather 1 Independent Daily f 16,150 and tides page 2. (^ MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY-EST. Wl J REGISTER 35c PER WEEK Issued Daily, Monday through Friday, entered as Second Class Matter /C By CARRiER PAGE ONE VOL. 83, NO. 57 at the Post Olllce at Red Bank, N. J,, under the Act ol March 3, 1879. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1960 Find Hole In Roof Anti-Red Violenc> e Of Bank Maiiasquan S&L Rages in New York Entry Attempt Apparent Failure MANASQUAN — Roof-cutting Tempers Soar As as a modus operand! for robbing Police money institutions is on the rise. Nine days ago two young men used the idea as a means of entry in the $32,336 holdup of the Battle UN Debate Starts Holmdel branch of the Merchants Trust Company. , Yesterday two holes were dis- UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (AP)—The UniteS Na- covered in the roof of the one- Rioters tions moved toward debate today on the cold war's story Manasquan Savings and NEW YORK (AP)—Club- Loan Association, 185 Main St. deadliest issues while violence raged in New York but whether the "cutters" ever swinging police and riotous streets. entered the building isn't known. demonstrators battled into Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev was the At least nothing is missing, and POLICE GRAPPLE with Michael Kostrylca, second from left, outside the United Na- the night after yesterday's target of two fierce demonstrations. "• nothing disturbed. Police said an employee ob tions as the Queens, L. I., man got into battle with police when they attempted to opening session of the Uni- Mounted police charged one crowd. Night sticks served a puddle of water in the prevent him from burning a Soviet flag. ' (AP Wirephoto) ted Nations General As- were used on another. vault and, thinking it the result sembly. of driving rains of the last two Howling men and women weeks, called a maintenance man. In Collicliio vs. Davis The brawls swirled around Concerted retaliated, hurling eggs an'd He inspected the roof of the midtown streets as task firecrackers. ELECTED — Frederick A. Bo- 24-year-old recently modernized forces of police and mount- Persons who said they Colonial brick front structure and ed patrolmen moved swiftly to land of Ireland was .elected Protests were Poles, Hungarians, found two 15-square-inch open Council Lacks Jurisdiction president of the United Na- ings. curb the disorders. Yugoslavs, Greeks, Alba- They apparently had been cut KEANSBURG — Councilman!William E. Russell advised coun-l "This specifically comes under Eggs and lighted firecrackers tions General Assembly at its nians and anti-Castro Cubans by drilling small holes close- Loui-. • s_ Collichi/i-11!.L!«o. w"a«•?«« smm strippe n^HtHAAfd oif nhif sUIK ci' lAi thal tIt* r»unde #- I i n rfl Astatute *• pf^tntfics i?t ihaf ldi o Hn otithn eiK ojurisdictio iM**io/"lin#!^n Mo ff\f th etn OBoard, T3ft£l "t*f\ were hurlea at police — who opening yesterday. Likely swarmed through the streets. together through wood sheathing major weapon last night in his I power to hold, a formal hearing said Mr. Russell. pushed and shoved and fought They clustered around Khrush- At a meeting Sept. 9, council back with clubs. (AP Wirephoto) and then pushing in the weakened efforts to oust Plumbing Inspec-jon charges brought against an chev's Park Ave. residence, Fi- pieces. tor Edward J. Davis. | official appointed by the Board set a hearing for Sept. 29 into At least three demonstrators Red Bloc Given del Castro's hotel in Harlem, and The holes were directly over Associate Borough Attorney of Health. the nine "dereliction of duty" were injured and four arrested. the vault and near a trap door charges lodged against Mr. Da- 'Strays' Walk the Yugoslav headquarters where vis by Mr. Collichio. The heavy police security was Opportunity To President Tito is staying. which could have been easily praised by most New Yorkers — opened to give entry to the main The borough health code pro- Other groups paraded carry- vides that "either the council or but damned by some Communist 30 Miles Embarrass Us ing pacifist' signs, and still business room of the savings firm. Judges Sign Order bloc chieftains. Police said there was little the Board of Health" has' the EATONTOWN-A runaway 12- others carried placards bear- Indication, as to when the authority to hear charges As the curtain rose on the year-old boy and the stray dog UNITED NATIONS. N. Y. (AP) ing the slogan, "Ike Be Cour- holes were cut, since it could against the plumbing inspector. second day of the UN "summit" he found on Staten Island were — United States hospitality to- teous." have taken either a few hours On Juvenile Cases Superseded gathering, most of the starring picked up by police late last day appeared to be in for a con- Khrushchev complained after a or a few days for rainwater fal According to Mr. Russell, this cast of world leaders was on night. certed attack as protests against police captain grappled with Gen. ling into the holes to trickle FREEHOLD — A court order the order is that any member of is superseded by the state code hand—or on the way. i Police Sgt. Henry Riddle and treatment received by visiting Nicolai Zaharov, Russian secur- down into the vault. signed yesterday by County the Juvenile Conference Commit- which places sole authority in The large assembly of Com-Patrolman John Bennett spotted government chiefs spilled onto ity chief. Judges John C. Giordano, Elvin tee may be elected chairman. such matters in the hands of the munist bloc leaders—and the Cas- the boy here at about 11:45 the Assembly floor. A formal protest — brought to R. Simmill and Edward J. Asch- Judge Giordano explained that board. tro entourage—gave police their p. m. The issue was brought before the floor of tho General Asse: l- er calls for correction of coni-n the past it has usually been This point was one of two ob largest security headache in his- After they questioned the the Assembly last night by Koca bly itself — came from Koca See State ditions in apprehending and de- the probation officer, but that jections raised by Mr. Davis' at- tory. About 8,000 police 'have youngster, they found he had Popovic, Yugoslav foreign mini- Popovic, Yugoslavia's foreign taining juveniles. any. member is eligible for the torney, Edward F. Juska, Long been assigned to protect them. walked from the Goethals ster. He called on U. S. Secretary minister! He broke in on his Judge' Giordano explained that chairmanship. Branch, in a letter to council. Helping make matters more Bridge in Elizabeth, a distance of State Christian A. Herter to welcoming speech for 14 nations, School Okay the order calls for Juvenile Con- New Rules Explained He also stated that Mr. Davis trying for hard working police of about 30 miles. take urgent steps in guaranteeing newly admitted to the United ference committees to allow The order calls for no hear- had not been served with a copy was the large melange of foreign The boy, identified by police the freedom of President Tito's Nations. At Matawan juveniles to-be released* in bail ing of a juvenile unless a "prio-f the charges and therefore any born residents in this city of eight as Richard Ladley, 47 West- movements in New York. He demanded that the United or in "adequate custody." vate citizen" member of the hearing on the subject would be million. Many came from East brook Ave., Staten Island, was Popovic's complaint aroused Stales disperse the lines of TRENTON — The Matawan One of the points clarified in committee is present. illegal. European countries and lands now on his way to visit a friend speculation that Soviet Premier pickets in front of Tito's head- Board of Education appeared The judge said this means a Mr. Collichio said that he under Communist rule. somewhere in the Point Pleas- Nikitn Khrushchev, who has been quarters. In icy tones, Popovic yesterday before the state De- member other than the police or thought the township attorney's ant area, police said. feuding with New York police, said: partment of Education seeking They were a ready source of probation officer members "of the office was to prepare and issue supply for anti-Communist dem- The seventh grade pupil start- and Cuban Prime Minister Fidel "I request that tho secretary approval of plans to build a 1,500- 'Intent to Kill' committees. "We want civilian a copy of the charges to Mr. ed his trip yesterday morning, pupil junior-senior high school. onstrations. Castro, who has been having of state forward my protest to participation," Judge . Giordano Davis under an agreement made The worst of the street brawls deciding on the visit rather than trouble with the city's hotels, al- President Eisenhower." The department reserved de- noted. at the Sept. 9 session. a day in school. Tempers were fraying and cision. Trial Starts erupted near the UN headquarters so would air their grievances be- It is stipulated in the.order that More Specific and the Soviet headquarters for On the way, he picked up the fore the UN. the atmosphere was ominous In Harold J. Dolan, board presi- any member of,a Juvenile Con Mr. Russell, who was absent its UN mission. stray dog. New York. dent, told The Register, however, FREEHOLD—Trial started yes- Khrushchev, who had been ference Committee who misses from the Sept. 9 meeting, said In one three-hour melee near They got a ride as far as the It was against this background that he considered the depart- terday before County Judge John bridge, the boy told police. paying little attention to the pro- C. Giordano of an Atlantic City five regular meetings of the com- that after reading the charges the UN, mounted policemen that the General Assembly be- ment's reaction to the proposa mittee shall be removed. And then he started walking. ceedings, leaned forward and "very favorable." man charged with assault with (See PLUMBING page 2) charged about 50 Ukrainian and listened intently to Popovic's gan the second day of its de- intent to kill in the wounding of Copies of the order are to be Hungarian pickets. Many were The boy's parents thought he liberations — a day in which Is- He said the state agency will was visiting friends after school speech. a state trooper in July. forwarded to all magistrates in thrown to the ground. Popovic broke Into a speech sues dividing the East and West probably hand down its decision the county. Has and did not become alarmed un- within a week. James Sabb, 26, is also charged Fists and nightsticks flew later til early evening. welcoming admission of 14 newwere to come up for considera- The board then will appear be with unlawful use of a danger- when police and mounted patrol- members to the UN to protest tion. Wine Hangover men tangled with demonstrators The youngster's feet were fore the state Division of Local ous weapon. sore and he was carrying his against pickets who have been The agenda for this I5th ses- According to Assistant Prose- Rotary Speaker ASBURY PARK - Hurricane near the Soviet building. sion is the heaviest in the As- Government seeking permission Donna continued to throw socks and a box of comic books demonstrating in front of the to float a $2,375,000 bond issue cutor John W. Applegate, Sabb Jeering, booing rioters threw Fifth Ave. consulate where Tito sembly's history, with 87 pro- trophies on Jersey beaches firecrackers and eggs at the cops, when the police picked him up. for the school. and two other men were stopped He was turned over to the is staying. posed subjects for discussion. for questioning by Troopers Louis yesterday. who used their nightsticks to A local referendum on the pro- juvenile shelter. He demanded that Herter take Some are listed simply as posal has been scheduled for Oct Taranto and Ralph Niles early on But her latest contributions break up the demonstration. "Question of Hungary," and the morning of July 13 on Rt. had no lasting value, not after The pooch went to Commun- immediate steps to stop the pick- 18. (See RIOTS, page 2) ity Dog Control, Neptune. ets and also relay his protest to 'Question of Tibet." Both were The school would be built on 9 in Howell Township. having been first discovered, the scenes of bloody uprisings, In an exchange of shots be- that .is. President Eisenhower. the 40-acre Atlantic Ave. trac Earlier, Khrushchev complain- one against the Russians, the tween the trio and the troopers, These gems of the sea were Mattress Fire East Orange Mayor second against the Communist north of Church St. in Matawan ed over a scuffle between New Township. It would contain 52 Mr. Applegate said, Sabb fired 100-gallon barrels of port wine Chinese. York police and Genm Nicolai rooms. a shot which wounded Trooper and a S0-gallon drum of rum, Damages Home Lands Sgt. Fcdorko The United States has placed probably washed overboard Zaharov of his staff while the Taranto in the arm. SHREWSBURY — The mayor the item on Hungary on the Sabb himself was wounded but from deck cargoes of a freighter MIDDLETOWN - A mattress Soviet premier was visiting Cas- provisional list of topics. The caught at sea In the Sept. 12 fire, reportedly started by chil- of East Orange had some kind tro at his Harlem hotel. Car Hits Tree, managed to escape and was words last night for Police Sgt. Federation of Malaya proposed picked up the next day, the prose- storm. dren playing with matches, caus- New York Police Commission- tho discussion of the events in Driver Injured cutor said. Beachfront employees here ed an estimated $500 damage to James A. Fcdorko, er Stephen P. Kennedy filed a In a letter to the Borough Tibet. Ernest Fasano, Red Bank, at- reported discovery of the bar- a home at 73 Swartzel Dr. yes- formal complaint with tho State Russia, in turn, has proposed MIDDLETOWN — A 22-year-old torney for Sabb, stated in his rels and another was reported terday. Council, Mayor James W. Kel- Department accusing Zaharov of Leonardo man is In good condition ly, Jr., said he wns stopped by that the Assembly deliberate the opening remarks that Sabb had at Point Pleasant. These were The home is owned by Ralph rough tactics. (See UN, Pg. 2) today in Rlverview Hospital after no intention to kill, and that the quickly divided on a first come Van Heusen. Sgt. Fcdorko Sept. 5 for follow- an accident yesterday on Leonard- gun had been fired accidentally. first served basis, with con- Fire Chief Elwood Seeley said ing too close to a car. ville Rd. The other two men involved tents being poured into bottles, the blaze was confined to the Mayor Kelly wrote that Sgt. William R. Barber of 69 Leon in the incident, Joseph W. Har- palls, and cups. utility room and keep from Fedarko was "very polite, a ard Ave., suffered a fractured ris, 21, and Ernest Pace, 21. both Thorn Lord City police Issued a warning spreading by Patrolman Herman perfect gentleman and most Nursing Home Out skull when the car he was driv- of Atlantic City, pleaded no de- that any future barrels that Grillon. considerate. If he had been ing went out of control and struck fense yesterday to two counts RED BANK - Thorn Lord, float Into shore be reported — Patrolman Grillon fought the otherwise 1 am certain I would a tree on Leonardvillc Rd, each of breaking and entering In Democratic candidate for U.S. unopened — and turned over fire with an extinguisher until also write you, giving you the Adjustment Board Rules Against . Police said the car skidded Howell Township. Senator, will speak tomorrow at to the stale Alcoholic Beverage firemen from the Belford En- other side of the story." Into the tree then bounced into a Harris is represented by Max1 p. m. At a meeting of theControl Division which takes gine and Belford Independent The mayor escaped without Ealon town A ppl iea lion clump of hedges. Finegold, Freehold. Richard J. Rotary Club in the Mplly charge In such situations. Companies arrived at the scene. a ticket. The driver was taken to the Fay, Belmar, is representing Hotel. Mr. Lord, a Trenton law EATONTCWN - The Zoning Board, which said In a rcsolu. Pace. yer nnd former United States hospital by the Leonardo Firs 1 Hoard of Adjustment last night lion read to tho zoning body last Aid Squad. Patrolman Howard Tho two will be sentenced by attorney, I. ! opposing Republican refused permission to Raphael night that construction of the in- Collins Investigated. Judge Giordano Oct. 7. Sen. Clifford P. Case. Cesnrano to build a nursing home stitutlon would not conserve prop- on Broad St. ierly values In the immediato llolmilol Prospect Not Id<>utifi<»«I Daniel Kaufmann nnd James area. Fran«elln voted against the nurs- Cite Objections ing home project. Chairman „ ' , , Th•'!,iili)i; lli" miliii- Rlvoi. Wlion Umont Dubo, 261 Wo»f Front St,, Rod Bank, wni rondy to junk tho Sylvlil I'orler II l'lo|e protection from tilt/ tun, nlchl that thu hifm iii.ilhui, HI "tixi slow" lit li n rid 11 n j; i 'fll "f Hili "in ("in|i my,"I Stock PiliiiUi-l ...... 1 niplnl liy wluit ln< liillpil well us "lha vntluim turiipiinylinciiu. Mr, Colotimo utod a tucond umbrella to cover A IIOIO in tho Inryor ono, an (Sc-o 1IOLMDI.L pat!-) I) W. S. While II (!;,,„ ZONING |M«IJ 2) BANK BECISTER f Petition Stirs Zounty Mulls : /i—Wed- Sept 21, I960 OBITUARIES Argument Highlands BSBBlRSxuisGm Jim Bishop Riverview KEANSBURG- Borough Clerk MRS. ELIZABETH M. Mrs. Mariam J. Spielman report Drain Woes Mr. and Mrs. William Schwenck, 3 Courtlandt Dr., Haz- HENDRICKSON Lauded In ed last night that a petition fav- HIGHLATJDS — Freeholder Di- MIDDLETOWN — Mrs. Eliza- oring sewers in the Palmer Ave. ector Joseph C. Irwin and a let, son, yesterday. beth M. Hendrickson, 110 Kings Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, 15 section fell 45 names short of a ipresentative of the county en- Hwy., died yesterday in Ivy Knollwood Rd., Hazlet, daughter, New 'Home* majority. neer's office got a first-hand House Nursing Home. SEA' BRIGHT — In the land Loud cries of protest were im yesterday. She was a lifelong resident ew of several drainage prob- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Halliday, east of tfiB Shrewsbury River mediately heard from Frederick ems plaguing the borough yes- here, daughter of the late John known as Sea Bright, residents Kalkhof, chairman of the special 438 Woodbine St., Belford, daugh- and Mary L. (West. Mrs. Hen- :erday. ter, yesterday. of 35 years standing are still sewer committee that had sur- According to Mayor Cornelius drickson was a member of the called newcomers. veyed the area. Mr. and Mrs. George Neville, Middletown Baptist Church and Guiney, Jr., Mr. Irwin has 8 Willow St., Port Monmouth, Hence, when author-reporter Mr. Kalkohf claimed that Mrs. romised to discuss the prob- Needlework Guild. Her husband Jim Bishop unpacked his type- Spielman's report was "entirely daughter, yesterday. was the late Dr. Daniel D. Herv- svns with the freeholders to see Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Peru, writer here several years ago wrong." 'hat aid the county might be drickson. and wrote a column about a "Mrs. Spielman gave me 183 31 Frost Cir., New Monmouth, Surviving are a brother, John ble to give to relieve the situa- daughter, yesterday. village character, oldtimers were, names which I understood to rep- ion. M. West, arid two sisters, Misses to put it mildly, upset. resent all the property owners Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fuller, Martha and Katherine B. West, The mayor said that Mr. Ir- 22 Hazlet Ave.,' Hazlet, daughter, Mayor' Thomas Farrell even in the area. Of these, 101 signed lin also will try to make avail- all of this place. went so far as to suggest that the petition. yesterday. The funeral will be Friday at ble several countv road depart- Mr. and Mrs. Alden Small, 15 the noted author apologize to "I told the borough manage ment trucks to help the borough 2 p.m. in the Adams Memorial those who still refer to crossing that I could get more names, but Layton Ave., Red Bank, son, yes-Home, Red Bank. Rev. John E. In the task of cleaning up after terday. Bates, pastor of the Middletown the bridge into Rumson as "go that I was sure those already on last week's storm. InR ashore."- the petition would represent a Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pierce, Baptist Church, will officiate. Bu- clear-cut majority. Borough officials had asked 115 Hamiltonian Dr., Middletown, rial will be in Fair View Ceme- Several, angry letters' made Mr. Irwin to look at a drainage their way to and from both sides The council agreed to go ovei son, this morning. tery. of the controversy. the list carefully with the com- situation along Jones Creek, ••••-•,>>--,.• n. . i . J J •• r i ^ i J J- J. c Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, Then, a few weeks ago, Jim mittee to see whose figures \vere which runs along Snug Harbor JONES CREEK — Pictured is an eroded section of Jones Creek and adjacent Snug 7 Orchard Ave., East, Hazlet, JOSEPH EICHNER right. Harbor Ave., in Highlands. The creek serves as an outlet for water rushing down son, this morning. FARMINGDALE — Joseph Bishop: Reporter, wrote another The creek, which "ins to the Hb A Hhld Th k tl f t hi d column describing the many ff +h M|| d . f The water-which comel off the Monmouth Hills sec Mr. and Mrs. James- McNama- Eichneri 79, of Asbury Park Rd., bay, serves as an outlet for wa- °...... a . ., ... , , , . . , . , ,. ra, 115 Seven Bridge Rd., Little died Monday in Hilltop Nursing curious and fascinating aspects er rushing down from the Mon- of his new home. Holmdel ter rushing down from t tion of Middletown is a pproblem the borough has been trying to correct for five Silver, son, this morniqg. Home, Middletown. 1 Last night, the mayor and (Continued) mouth Hills section of Middle- years. Yesterday county officials toured thh e boroughb to inspect this andd several Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pruskie- Born in Austria, he was a resi- [own. dent here many years. council voted to send another but "for all industry which migh wicz, 22 Main St., Port Mon- The borough is seeking co-op- other drainage problems. The borough is seeking county aid to correct the situa- mouth, son, this morning. There are no known survivors. letter, a letter of appreciation to come into the area." Jim Bishop: Resident. ratlon fronvboth the county and tion before another storm endangers the homes abutting the creek. Monmouth Medical Center The Day Funeral Home, Key- As the ordinance was read, th Middletown in correcting the port, is in charge of arrange- company's attorney interrruptc problem. comes to New York tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. William Adkis- ments. several times to suggest minoi The hurricane eroded the drain- to address the UN? son, 8 Market St., Middletown, changes. Most of them were ac- UN Zoning son, yesterday. Reptwrt Fifth age creek and has placed many (Continued) 'Does he Intend to see me?" cepted by the board, homes along Snug Harbor Ave. Khrushchev said. (Continued) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brown, Execution The attorney said at the end ol in danger of being washed away problems of the Congo, the seat- old, ramshackle home and a fall- 44 Shore Haven • Trailer Park, Polio Case the reading that his companj The reporters said they did Hazlet, daughter, yesterday. in another severe storm. ing of Communist China in the not know about that. But they ing-apart barn." ' ASBURY PARK — The polio 'could live very happily with th UN, and the "menace to world Mr. and Mrs. John Casper, 13 ordinance as it now stands." The borough also is seeking would like to know whether "I don't think too highly of the Stay Is rate in 1960 is keeping pace with county help in cleaning two un- peac» created by the aggressive other property in the neighbor- Ridge Dr., Hazlet, son, yester- ' that of a year ago in Monmouth The firm has taken option 01 Khrushchev would make the day. derground drains that run to the actions of the United States of move. hood," he said. ' County. more than 100 acres of land on Mr. and Mrs. Francisco Gulli, bay under Atlantic and Valley America" — probably based on "Why should I?" he asked. At this point Mrs. D, Burkett, Granted Roland J. Hines, director of the the south side of Rt. 35, th the U2 case and the shooting 177 Third Ave., Long Branch, largest parcel being the 65-acre Sts. How long did he intend to re- Broad St., said from the floor: TOWSON, Md. (AP)-A stay of Monmouth County Chapter, Na- These two drains start at the down of the RB47, an American daughter, yesterday. execution has been granted a 23- tlonal Foundation, said last night Arthur J. Farley tract, near Laur- main in New York? "If he doesn't like our houses, Mr. and Mrs. George Simon, el Ave. abandoned railroad tracts and plane. "As long as the session lasts, then let him stay out of our year-old laborer convicted of the fifth case of the year had handle water coming off the state The Soviets also sponsored per- neighborhood. We don't want him 20 Willow Rd., New Shrewsbury, slaying the wife of a Baltimore been reported in Howeli Town- Other parcels include a lO-acr plus two weeks," he said, grin- daughter, yesterday. section of the Harry S. Eillc highway and Scenic Dr., a coun- haps the biggest and most dis- ning. That could amount to there." county tavernkeeper during a ship. ty road. puted issue of all—disarmament. Mr, Tannenbaum charged in Mr. and Mrs. Louis DiSioudi, holdup. ' The number was the same this tract; the Samuel Weinsteir months. The newsmen guessed 557 Westwood Ave., Long Branch, tract, 28 acres; the Stephen Men "I think Mr. Irwin was well All 87 items are merely sub- Khrushchev was joking. his testimony that "the whims Leonard B. Hall, Jr., formerly time in 1959. impressed with our problem Sects proposed for discussion. daughter, today. of Keansburg, N. J. was sched- osky tract, seven acres, and the He also indicated a belief that and vagaries of the Planning The newest patient, Frank Hen Montcsano tract, three-quarteri here," Mayor Guiney said. "I The 21-member steering com- Board determine what is to be Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hauter, uled to die in the Maryland Pen- derson, two-year old son of Mr. the American people are as 1 10 Bungalow PI., Oceanport, son, of an acre". hope the county can give us some mittee of the Assembly must 1 done or not done in Eatontown. itentiary gas chamber during the and Mrs. Thomas Henderson, 101 help as we cannot solve the prob- approve before they go on the friendly toward him now as they this morning. week of Oct. 3. $15 Million were last year, that the "restric- He introduced a 1957 report on Locust Dr., is reported in good Valuation of the plant has beei em ourselves." agenda for formal discussion. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pierre The petition, filed under Mary- condition in Monmouth Medical tions" on his movements are un- the construction of hospitals and Lomet, West Lincoln Ave., Oak land's post conviction procedure estimated at approximately $1! The mayor said that clean-up Some have been debated in other related medical facilities by Center. previous sessions of tho UN. necessary, and that the booing- hurst, son, this morning. act, is aimed at testjng the million. Mayor James H. Acker operations have been hampered has been engineered. the state Department of Institu- Mr. Hines said" the boy had :on has said that it would be But today, the admission of 14 Patterson Army Hospital validity of Hall's conviction and by lack of trucks. He said the tions and Agencies to show that sentence. No date has been set not received any Salk anti-polio 'eight times larger than the new new nations added an element of "You may tell the American in that year there had been a Fort Monmouth inoculations. borough has hired every availa- for hearing the petition. Bendix plant," which is a two- uncertainty as to how the voting people that I know they want shortage of nursing home beds. Specialist Fourth Class and ble man and with the aid of Hall was arrested about 24 million-dollar layout. some county equipment the job may go. They were 13 African re- to make me as welcome now as He said no nursing homes have Mrs. James R. Hunnings, Patten The mayor estimated that publics and the newly-created Re- they did before," he said. "My been constructed in this area hours after the body of Mrs. Anna 2-Car Crash could be completed. t., Long Branch, daughter, B. Gaff, 66, was found in the would employ 1,500 persons c "The lower half of the bor- public of Cyprus. views are not affected by these since then. Monday. more. restrictions nor by those who kitchen of the tavern. She had Injures Four ough was the hardest hit by the They could tip the balance No Buyers been stabbed six times and an Formal announcement was t storm as flood waters put much In a close vote on these issues. have been named to boo me." MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — Four have been made in July, but The Soviet leader arrived about Mrs. Margaret Graf, owner of eight-inch carving knife was of that area under as much as The 13 new African members the property where the proposed sticking in her back. persons were injured Monday would employ 1,500 person of the UN are Cameroon, Togo- 30 minutes before the night ses- Asbury Park night in a two-car crash on five to seven feet of water at institution would have been erect- Police said the cash register r more. the height of the storm. lese Republic, Malagasay Repub- sion started. He strolled arouad lower Main St., near Cross Ave. Formal announcement was ti the maze of the UN headquar- ed testified that this site had on the bar had been rifled and Besides debris, the borough has lic, Republic of Somalia, Repub- been on the market for several To Replace $700 was missing from a cigar AH the injured were taken to have been made in July, but lic of Congo (capital Leopold ters, accompanied only by his Riverview Hospital. was delayed to give company en the problem of carting away dis- years without finding any other box behind a counter. carded furniture damaged in the ville), Republic of Dahomey, Re- interpreter — and a few of his buyer. Hospital authorities said George gineers more time for soil test public of Niger, Republic of bodyguards discreetly in the Pavilion The death sentence was upheld storm. She has a contract to sell to last July by the Maryland Court Lawson, 29, of Hurley St., Key- ing. Upper Volta, Republic of Ivory background. ASBURY PARK — City Coun- port, driver of one car, is in The proposed ordinance, whlcl the nursing home, contingent on of Appeals, the state's highest Coast, Republic of Chad, Repub- Zoning Board approval. cil moved last night to make court. pood condition with a head in- now goes to the Township Com lic of Congo (capital Brazza- its third move in three years jury. mittee for its consideration, pe Rioting ville), Gabon Republic, and Cen- Mrs. Graf said she had moved at replacing major boardwalk llKATII NOTICE Mrs. Patrica Marvel, 23, of 2 mlts farming as well as Indus Plumbing from the Broad St. house when (Continued) tral African Republic. (Continued) pavilions. Kr,AUSS, JOSEPH STEPHEN 0[ Gaston St., Matawan, suffered a try along Rt. 35. it was earlier reported that the Given a spur last w eek by Hur- Friendship Rd.. Mohmouth Junction, broken kneecap; her son, Donald It stipulates a minimum traci Three fights at the United Na The list brings UN member- Zoning Board had granted per- r on Monday. September 19. lflRn. ship to 96, nearly twice the origl he felt they must be made more ricane Donna, the council voted Princeton Hospital. Father or Ed- Marvel, Jr., 3, fractured left leg, size, for industry, of 10 acres, tions fnvolvcd the Ukrainians specific. . Imissio n t-.o- build —the ••n •u rsi ng ward of PIsmo Beach, California, na] 51 members of 1945. Dr to demolish the Fifth Avenue Jamci w. ot MWtUetKish, rj. J., »nd his grandmother, Mrs. Mar-with highway frontage of 500 feet versus the police: a fourth in- "The charges are not sufficient " nc. This decision, mail wooden pavilion and replace it Mii-iiaei uf East BrunawtcK, Alra. An- garet Short, 64, also 2 Gaston minimum. It is believed* that one of tliony Santowasso or Monmouth Junc- volved the anti-Greek Albanians in their present form," stated Mr. months aqo, was later declared with a modern building. An ap- tion and Mrf. Tliomas Walker of Lin- St.. fractured left leg. It sets forth strict regulation and anti-Albanian Greeks. A fifth Khrushchev's purposes In com- Russell. "Also, to my knowledge, invalid since the proposal had plication will be made to the croCt. Funeral services from the Ja- Police said the cars, traveling ing to this session of the UN- qul Funeral Home, Jamesburg, N. J.. on noise, smoke and machinerj was between anti-Castro and pro- we were not instructed to pre- not first been submitted to the State Divsion of Local Govern- ftt 9:30 a. m. on Friday, September In opposite directions, collided on vibration resulting from any in- "".astro Cubans. he has never before attended pare and issue the charges to Planning Board as the ordinance ment for approval to borrow 23 ami at 10 a. m. at St. Cecilia's Lower Main St. Cause of the one—Is to try his salesmanship Church, Monmouth Junction, where a dustrial operation. About 100 Greek demonstrators Mr. Davis." reouires. $225,000 to finance construction. high mass of requiem will be of. accident is still under Investiga- "It Is far tighter than the Ben-protested the rule of Albania's on the new members, especial- Mr. Collichio claimed that in- She had operated a rooming rcreil. Interment to follow in St. tion, police said. ly the representatives of the The vote carried 4 to 1, with Peter's Cemetery, New Brunswick. dix ordinance," Mr. Carton com premier, Gen. Mehmet Shehu. structions were clearly given at house there until she moved, she Councilman Henry Vaccaro op- Friends may call at the funeral home mented. They were attacked by a score of African governments. In JameaburR. Wednesday and Thurs- the last meeting. "And if your stated. posed. The physician-councilman day, September 21 and 22. between No more than 50 per cent ol men who were identified by po- He was a man of many faces office wanted a bill of particu- Too Big said there was no real emergen- the hours of 2 and 4. and 7 and 10 Weather an industrial tract may be uti- lice as Albanians and by the in his first appearance irt the UN lars, why wasn't I informed?" Mrs. Roy V. Ribley, Broad St., cy to force replacement of the New Jersey — Mostly fair to- lized for buildings, under term "Ireeks as Albanian Communists. building. "It looks to me," said the spoke asainst the* nursing home pavilion at this time. day, tonight and Thursday ex of the code. Water towers an Greek demonstrators' tossed During the opening session ofjDemocratic councilman, "that on the grounds that a building cept for some cloudiness this Mayor Thomas E. Shebell re- GIVE YOUR smoke stacks may not extend t signs into the faces of the Alban- the Assembly, he made himself we're just whistling Dixie on this as larce as the 80-bed institution plied that new pavilions erected morning. Highs today and Thurs a height of more than 150 feet ians. Several were hurt. It took highly conspicuous. He shook thing. If we have no power, we [ would be out of keenine with the day in the 70s. Lows tonight In p [ e at Third and Fourth Avenues in DOLLARS An unidentified official of th( 120 foot and mounted patrolmen hands, posed for photographers, mighht as welll forgef t thh e wholehl , residentiaidi l neighborhoodh . She al- the last two years have beauti- the 50s. unidentified company indicated t( o separate the combatants. waved to other Communist dele- thing." I so aucstioned whether the gground fied the beachfront and have been A Chance to Grow MARINE the board that its water towei Later, a Ukranian took out a gations. ld id ffi constructed on a self-liquidating Cape May to Block Island: (for the new plant) probabl, small Russian flag from his poc Then he rose from his chair, Mr. Collichio said that it was;would provide sufficient recrea- Invest part of your income a "ridiculous farce of govern- tion space for the patients, basis. Ha said rentals anticipated Winds mostly north to northwest would not be higher than 135 fee ket and tried to set fire to it. walked across the width of the under long term leases will more while your earning power with velocities 10 to 15 knots to- The board recommended the ment" to put Mr. Davis' case! Mr. Nemeth said when the mat- "Hey, what are you trying to great hall, and warmly shook 'before the Board of Health for ter had first come up the than meet carrying charges. is at its peak! Phone or day, tonight and Thursday. Visi- ordinance to the Township Com do?" asked a cop. hands with Castro. The Soviet judgment." mittee by unanimous vote. board had attempted to get an The boardwalk was lifed in the bility five miles over north por- "I'm going to burn this flag," and Cuban delegations are far hurricane along a 2,000-foot sec- write: tion today and one to three miles Planned Defense expression of opinion from near N DENVER the man said. apart In the seating arrange- He referred to a letter from neichbors of the site. tion between Convention Hall and in fog over south portion this ments. 1 RED BANK — Mrs. Sara E "You're not going to burn any- the board read earlier in last "You didn't obicct to it then, the Casino. Part of it was driv- BUTLER morning improving to five miles thing," said the cop. When the Again, he personally went to en back against pavilions, in- later today. Visibility generally Worden of 60 East Front St. is night's session, advising council he said to Mrs. Ribley. HERRICK main resisted he was arrested. the rostrum to cast the Soviet that the board has voted unani- flicting heavy damage on older about five miles tonight and in Denver. Colo., visitinc hei ballot in the voting for president, She replied that she hadn't then brother-in-law and sister-in-law, In the Cuban ruckus, the anti mously to "authorize retention of seen plans for the building and structures. The boardwalk has & MARSHALL Thursday. Some cloudiness which put Ireland's Frederick H. been put back and is open for through Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Oetter. Castro forces consisted mainly legal counsel to defend Mr. Da- hadn't realized its size or ap- Established 1898 of about 200 women dressed in Boland in the chair. vis in the complaint of alleged public use. But City TIDES She made the trip to Colorad pearance. She has since seen Mpmlj^n: New Vnrk by jet airline, and plans to re black. They carried candles and Tnstead of a voice-vote, a bal- violations against him." nlans at a Planning Board meet Kendall H. Lee has said much Slack Exchange (Sandy Hook) chanted, slogans, including—"Fl lot box was placed beside the of it must be replaced. 30 Broad St. New Tore 4, N. T. Today — high 8:55 p. m., low turn home Oct. 12. Mr. Collichio sharply criticized intr, she stated, Del-ista Com-Munista!" speaker's dais. One by one, the tha board's action. "These peo-l Mr. Kaufmann moved denial LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE S:03 p. m. CAKE SALE Police swarmed between the representatives of the 82 dele- It pays to advertise in The Thursday — high 9:21 a. m pie are to sit in judgment on a of the petition, SH 7-5577 NAVESINK — The Women two groups. The women said gations filed up and dropped a man for whom they intend to ob- 'Very Different' Register.—Advertisement. and 9:34 p. m., low 3:22 a. m Democratic Club will hold a cak they had flown here from Miami, ballot. .and 3:44 p. m. sale Oct. 1 at Food Circus, Rl Fla., to participate In the dem- The result was a Soviet de- tain legal counsel. What sense- .., do th|g very ,an,e|y on (For Red Bank and Rumson 35. Mrs. Alice Tomaso is chai feat — 46 votes for BalanxJ to does that make? Ibas! s ?f Mr Tannonhaum's tes- onstration. v -.bridge add 2 hours; Sea Bright man. The group met last Wedne: "I fought in the mountains with 25 for Soviet-bncked Jirl No- He also questioned where the ,|mnny tIlat the structure he pro. Ambitious grandmother ^deduct 10 minutes: Long Branch day in the home of Mrs. Jol Castro," said one. "But now 1 «ok of O^hosiovnUln. and 8 money was comlnE from to payjnnso s wou|d be different ;;deduct 15 minutes; Highlands Grodeska. Mrs. Alice Tomas for the lawyer. C. Bernard Blum.. frnm ,he surrounding buildings," learns to drive am against him because we saw for Thor Thors of Iceland. borough manager, pointed out. | | Abridge, add 40 minutes.) was co-hostess. he is a Communist." Khrushchev returning to his l(v sai( that the board is not permitted| Mr. Abramoff snld his clients Mayor Robert • F. Wagner seat, grinned and gestured to pxwed $500 In extra expenses., | ,„ toward another delegation. W0(| d confcr dccIdc wnether praised the police for doing a fine Mr. Collichio asked, but did not t0 scpk ,0 have the dcclslon rc. job. Once the speaking began, receive, permission tn take the: vcrscci His view wus not shared by Khrushchev's face became Im matter up with the slate attor-| The mutter Is now closed as Khrushchev and other Communist passive. ncy general as nn official reprc far ns F.atonlown officials arc chiefs. tic played cat-and-mouse In sontatlve of the governing body. concerned. Any appeal ncntnst de- You may Khrushchev said he was unhap- the delegates' lounge later with •Interesting Test | nlnl of the petition would have to py about the police security. A Rroup of reporters, answer- President Tito of Yugoslavia com- Ho then said that he would do ho made In Superior Court. InR questions wllli question*. It on his own, "It should be nn At the same meeting tho Zon plained about noisy demonstra- Did hr> Intend to see*Prpsldent 1 tions at his consulate. Interesting experiment to set ins noard recommended arnnt- profit greatly Elsenhower when the President what the nttnrncv has tn snv nn Ing variances to Robert J. Wooley this, nnd whnt decision th* nnnrd nnd the Tidewater Oil Company of Health renders. to put In new storage tanks In Mr. Collichio ngrrril tn mrr-t a Broad St. gasoline station, and by our CHECK-UP of your securities with Mr. Ruwll to prrnni" the'to James W nnd Gladys Fran BLUEp)SS >r charge* ar-nln>t Mr. Dnlv.i In els to build A small addition to Careful investors review their securities regularly nntl more specific form, for prrspn-j their house nt M Corporation make prudent changes when such action is indicated. REDUCES RATES • '• tntlon to HIP Unnrd nt Health, j Row. Our wide experience in appraising investments may Thc Sept, 20 hearing was enn-; A request by Joseph Rassns to celled, build a small house on a one-acre prove very beneficial to you, Ducking our opinion is n FOR-MODTFIED COVERAGE 'nt In nn Industrial rone wnn wealth of informntion steadily being gutheicd by our I'VPiO M '"'•' "vpr "'"" Nov. '• '"''" WM Investment Research Department. Now 25% Lowe? than Comprehensive Coverage done nt Mr. Kusxas' request, so Mail us n list of securities you would like us to review, Hint he may attempt to present SEND THIS COUPON TODAY! evidence Hint « mibdlvlslon tins •toting number of shares held, We'll send you u fucttuil WASHINGTON (API Hero ire F.chn I tlmrtnhlr*, prepared been granted for his lot, analysis, including any suggestions we may have for im- III.UI: citoss • iu.ui: SHIELD, ni:i'i. KU4 -»y the National mrVittS MAII1KTTA proving your holdings. No obligation. 500 Broad Street Newark 2, Now Jorsey Snacp Admlnl'lrntlon, for Nrw Pleaso sond mo without obligation York City arm. l HAZI.I'.T — MIJS Dorothy Ann Found good school fast... dotnlls and application for tho All tlmn plvpn arc In Inn1|lfnmri..n. dniiiihtrr of Mr. and THOMSON & MSKINNON llmr. TIIP liiWrs HIKIW tlir dirrc-' M|tl- Kol.crt Cnniprnn of 1 l"ox Kor any kind ol InMruriiun low cost Modified contract. tiim from the I'Kv at which tho "''-. li"" <'«l« wrrk to ninrt her --driving muilc, dnnrlni:, In the 9 Memorial Parkway, I-fing Dniikii C.'A J-BIO nntpllltr nlmul.l Iw thf "l*' vrnr ill Mi.rlrlln CnlloKC lnngu»g(-<, ni'.iclnnlr or IMI^. 301 Mnin.Street, Alleiilium • KM 1-351)0 Namo.—- plrvatlnn nnd Ihr dirrdlnn It will Muilrlln. Ohln The Kryporl IIIRII lnr«« ecmr»r« yni'll find It 2 IIIIP.IIIHJI, Nrw Vuiti • IIAnmei .'-MHO «ciii'.« Ill" »kv, SCIIMIII (jriiilimic, wlm was elected f««l In th* Yrlluw I'mj.'". Ybllow Wiculim-I Jil I Ink I, Nnv Ymk • I'l.iM VHI'm ,, , , ' (a .!«' Nnllimnl llumir Snclrivy MtMltli lltv/ 1OH WOt* tKCHAHGt *>f a new church and related fa- 'Day of Remembrance.1 ' heavy-handed treatment. Councilman John W. VanBrunt, cilities at Harmony Rd. and chairman of the finance commit- "On the one hand, the Jewish The only thing that was feather- It's too bad that serious music Cherry Tree Farm Rd. light was the plot: Ne'er-do-well tee, said he could not estimate The campaign goal was ap- people looks forward to a new ivers of the nation aren't as how much borough revenue would year; on the other hand we re- Cyril Paxton acquired, in the ncky as the armchair adventur- proved, by the • 156-member usual luggage mixup, a satche be 'eliminated if the ordinance church at a dinner Monday night member the deeds of the past. ers. Every year these travel talk adopted following a public One theme seems to be the op- of stolen diamonds. As a conse- talk buffs have a weekly half- in the high school. quence he became equally beset hearing Oct. A. Any revenue lost posite of the other. In reality hour show handtailored to their by the move, he said, would be August Boesch, advance-visits they do not contradict one an- television taste—on ABC and in FEDERATED DRIVE — Representatives of 15 area welfare organizations, meeting at chairman, reported that 12 picked up in the real property Fort Monmouth, re-elected officers of its provisional committee and made plans for other; they are not opposite but mriably sponsored by the same tax starting in 1962. families already • ha,ve pledged apposite. :ereal manufacturer. An ordinance was introduced campaign to be conducted among military and civilian personnel of federal agencies $5,828 toward the goal. Pledges Partial Last year it was John Gun- "On the day of remembrance vacating public rights to the cu in county. Here, Maj. Gen. George L. Van Deusen tUSA-ret.), left, representing Men- cover a two-year period. ner's show. This year it's called William Feathers is, general the Jewish people remembers the, de sac at what formerly was the tal Health Association, re-elected president of committee, discusses program with events of the past year. We call Comeback Expedition," and the narrator is end of Obre. PI. The street has chairman of the drive, Col. John Craig. But the title seated, left to right, William A. Fluhr, Salvation Army Board, treasurer; Col. H. R. A volunteer staff of 32 persons, to mind the failings and foibles been extended through to Samara of the year that has left us. We nd the narrator are the only Dr. Kunitz, Fort Monmouth chief of staff; J. Fred Billett, Boy Scouts, secretary, and headed by Edward Jensen, will On Street fferences. Last night's opening visit homes of church members remember our sins; we recall In connection with the exten- standing, Kenneth K. Huhn, fort education officer, drive co-ordinator. In rear are mr many shortcomings. NEW YORK (AP)-Wall Stree how was a documentary film iion of Obre PI., an ordinance Sunday to solicit pledges for the picked up some of the pieces ibout an American,expedition to was adopted prohibiting heavy Judge Henry E. Ackerson, Legal Aid Society, and Mrs. Dorothy Snead, Long Branch new church. New Beginning :he Antarctic with a measured, yesterday alter Monday's finan- truck traffic from the road, with Public Health Association. Other groups participating are YMCA, Family and Milton Carroll and Edward 'But on the other hand, there cial hurricane. The stock markel :areful commentary by its lead the exception of delivery vehicles. Englehart are division leaders for r, Navy Capt. Finn Ronne. Children's Society, first aid squads, Girl Scouts, Fitltin and Rivervi'ew Hospitals, Rosh Hashana—the New Year was mixed, with tile statistics Mr. Walker announced that the the drive. John Linden, Martin md the new beginning. We look bit lower. It's a fine show for adults who public library on. Broad St. is Monmouth Medical Center, MCOSS, SPCA, and USO. Knudsen, Arthur DeLong, Eldon njoy this sort of thing—and par- open from 10 a. m. to noon every forward to a fresh start; vre Of 1,236 issues traded, losers Roemmele, Roger McKenzie and shunt aside the old. We file the outnumbered gainers by 532 to icularly for school children at Saturday. William Stoffel are area captains. *om it is especially directed in past year into the duty file .of 476. There were only four Paul I. Folkemer of Baltimore, highs for the year and 128 new :s early evening time spot. Legion Post, failure and look forward to the Md., was the main speaker at the loys and blessings that we hope lows. Pack Picnic dinner. Nine of the 15 most active Pat O'Brien, who will play the the New Year will, bring, with Auxiliary Miss Jeanne Pankenier, youth jod's help. stocks advanced, four were lower :enior half of the law firm of leader, Ernst Fahrenfeld, audit and two unchanged, General Tele- 'Harrigan and Son"—also the This Sunday "That is the glory of the New lame of his ABC series startin, chairman, Walter DeVoe, propos- phone & Electronics and Bethle- Installation al chairman, and Gerald Evans, Year. We can change, we can hem. 3ct. 14—says that his portrayal LITTLE SILVER — Cub Pack remember, we can profit from 126 held its first leaders' confer- RED BANK —' Installation of publicity chairman, also spoke, American Motors was the mos: )f a counselor-at-Iaw will stray the past, wo can mend our ways rom the beaten TV path. ence Thursday in Markham Placi officers of the American Legion and 'get us a new heart' and a active stock, up y4 at 20% oi School. 68,100 shares. Second was Stand- "We're getting away from al post and its Ladies' Auxiliary nobler soul, cleaner hands and Plans were completed for ! Budget For ard Oil (New Jersey), off Ya al :hat 'I object' courtroom stuff," k place Monday in the Legion purer lips. 40!4 on 61,400 shares. Third was rie explained. "We don't tak picnic to be held Sunday at Camp home, Riverside Ave. "May all of mankind be blessed Studebaker - Packard (when is :ases involving divorc._e am Housman. Supervisors of the PTA is Set with a New Year that will bring lomicide. And we've finishei games and refreshments are Ken- Installed were Stanley Conover, sued), up V4 at 10% on 59.30C post commander; William Conk- EAST KEANSBURG — The peace and justice for all men of shares. Next came Studebaker- sight shows to date—and I've al ton Garoff, Michael Sedlack and L. J. Toole. ' in, senior vice commander; Dan- Parent-Teacher Association held all nations and all faiths." Packard common, up % at 12%, eady lost two cases." iel Hughes, junior vice command- an executive board meeting in and Telautograph, up 1% at Jack Narz, who has specialize A program was developed for the Oct. 28 pack meeting based er; Ernest Copeland, chaplain; the school, Ocean Ave., Monday Unusual visitors to the mos in hosting audience participatio Peter Wynberg, adjutant; Ray- and discussed its budget and active list, Sheraton rose 2% an shows (and suddenly found him on the theme of the month, "Fire Begin Services Prevention." mond Boyd.'historian, and Pros- program for the year. General Electric 1%; Superior O lelf out of a job when the quiz pero DeBona, judge advocate. of California, which dropped 3! show scandal put most of them The lack of den mothers for The budget was submitted and Tonight At out of business) is now out of two dens (one and 9) were noted. Auxiliary officers installed were approved, and will be presented points Monday, rebounded 18 tc Mrs. James Braney, president; 873. International Business Ma- CBS new ".Video Village." Th( The boys will not meet until a to the membership at Monday's mother volunteers. Mrs. Louis Alatsas, first vice meeting. Bros, of Israel chines recouped V/2 of its 21j etwork says Narz quit the show president; Mrs. John Kastle, sec- point collapse. because he wanted to rejoin, hi; Serving on the pack committee Mrs. Edward Rosenbaum are Jerome M. Havel, chairman; ond vice president; Mrs. John LONG BRANCH — Cantor Has- ACF Inil 41% I l-T-E Ckl Brk 21 family in California. His reDlace- president, appointed Mrs, Philip kel Gewirtz of Brooklyn will All ii mi Kx L I Johns Man Herman Fritsche, cubmaster; Ar- E. Boskey, secretary; Mrs. John Air ment is Monty Hall, who filled i Dobbins as vice president to fil Reduc Jones & L 561 nold Jensen, secretary; Louis Hammond, treasurer; Mrs. Har- chant the liturgy during the High Atleg Cp ll'.i Joy Mlg 32 once as MC of "21" and later o tho vacany left by Mr. Collins Holy Day services at Congrega- AlIeK I.ud 35 Kaiser Al 34' Vanni, treasurer; P, J, Tomaino old Ely, historian; Mrs. Michae Byrd, a teacher in the school who Allied Ch 50Tt Kcnnccott 75 li "Keep Talking." Stavola, chaplain, and Mrs. Irv- tion Brothers of Israel. Allli•d Strs 48\, Koppers 37 'A and John Boyle, arrangements; has been transferred. Alii."I Chal '25% KreSRe, SS 29 Warren Vandervoort, awards; ing Rink, sergeant-at-arms. The Jewish High Holy Day sea- Alcn a 65 LchlEh C&N 10' SERVICE AWARD — Robert H. Sadler, center, of 7 Caro Mrs. John Cramer, chairman Lch Port C 28 Mrs. Jerome M. Havel, program, son begins with the observance Am Airlln 19'i I Leh Val Inil Ct., Red Bank, receives a 15-year service award from of the ways and means commit- Am Brk Sll 39 Vi I boh Vnl B.R 1 and Fred Schlesinger. of Rosh Hashana tomorrow and Am Can Bis LOP Glass 5 Grace Methodist tee, stated that hot dogs will be •»!»•>« 60 Elton B. Stephens, president of Ebsco Industries, Inc., Friday. Rosh Hashana comme- Am Cwin Lib McN&L Den mothers are Mrs. Anton New. distributed for children's lunches Am M&Fdy Life & My 9 Sperling and Mrs. Robert Stout, morates the Hebrew New Year, Am Motors 20-Kl Lukens Stl B3 Birmingham, Ala. Looking on is Alex McClendon, starting tomorrow. Am Smelt Mack Trk 60 Society Meets den three; Mrs. John Boyle and the beginning of the Jewish re- Am Sill .Martin Co 31 Sailer's Way, Rumson, regional director of Ebsco's office Paul F. Lefever, superintenden ligious calendar. Am Tel&Tel KU Merck 49 Mrs. Bernard Kellem, den five; Monmouth Am Tob 01 79 UNION BEACH — The Ladies' Mrs. P. J. Tomaino, den seven; in Red Bank. Mr. Sadler is director of mail promotion of Middletown Township Schools Rabbi Rafael G. Grossman will AIM Viscose 34 Ii Metro GM 36 Aid Society of Grace Methodlsl Mrs. Kenneth Essig, Washing- and several board members wil AMI[' Inc. 53','53> ,...iiii,i.i 4G=. , ilu i-uc A Church held its first fall mcctin Laurence Toole. den 11, and Tho- speak at the meeting to be held mons during Rosh Hashana at A;.;ico Sll fiS\ i Montcr Oil honor at a stork shower recent employees in the Red Bank regional office of Ebsco, Armour & Ci> :tl I Mont Wnnl last week in the educational build- mas Lloyd, Webelos. in the school Monday. Monmouth County's largest syna- Arms! CK iJu | Nut HRc ing. ly at the home of Mrs. Peter Aslil Oil lil'.i | Nut Dairy The next committee meeting covering the northeastern states and Europe. Attending were Mrs. Rosen gogue. l Mrs. Leo Mandl, chairman of Clark, Daniel St. Attending were iUclUaun 22 ,'h i Nat Distill will take place Oct. 20"at 8 p. m. baum; Mrs. Cornelius Britton, Atl Itetln 35 !j | Nut Gyps the bus trips held during the sum- Mrs. Willis Brown, Mrs. Law David Batalion, congregation Avco Corp 14Vi j Nat Sleel in the cafeteria of the school.- Clinton PI., New Shrewsbury, e principal and honorary vice presi- sexton, will assist Cantor Gewirtz EaliCOCk & W 30 NY Central mer, announced that each had rence Essig, Mrs. John Stillings Treated at Riverview dent; Mrs. Charles Bolin, vice Bald Lima 12Vi Nla M Pw been a success. Mrs. Mandl re- Mrs. Charles Sorbey, Mrs bow cut, put it through glas in the chanting of the liturgy. Bait & Oh 25Vi No Am Av door; Richard Cambeis, 3, of 1 president; Mrs. Dobbins; Mrs. Bayufc Clg 34Vi Nor Pac ported that 39 members and Charles Miller, Mrs. Carroll RED BANK — Among those Services for Rosh Hashana be- Bendix C1U Exhibit At Chanceville PI., Middletown, hea Thomas Johnson, recording sec- Nwat Airlln guests took the trip to the Great Smolinsky, Carol Clark, Claire reated in Riverview Hospital in gin tonight at 6 o'clock. Tomor- Beth Steel 41 Norwich Ph Allentown Fair in Allentown, Pa. cut in fall off fence. retary; Mrs. Lawrence Gardner, Boeing Air 29 Ohio Oil Smolinsky, Mrs. Robert Seguine, he past week were Donald Ma- citizenship; Mrs. Edmund En- row and Friday morning services Eorrten «K Oliver Cp The other trips were to Atlantic Antiques Fair Mrs. Frank Benson, Mrs. Donald SOTS Warn 34 % Outb Mar gee, 9, of 35 Irving PI., Red Toe Broken sign, procedure and by-laws; will begin at 7 o'clock. 1 City and Coney Island. Brunswick 60 Vi Owens III Ol 02 MONTCLAIR — The Hudson Welsh, Mrs. Andrew Jeski, Mrs. Bank, foot bruised, garage door Elsie Bernhard, 43 Mulbern Special youth services will be Buckeye PI 32 ',4 Pan A W Air 1R' Mrs. Walter Penrose, president, Mrs. Robert Evans, hospitality; Bucy Eric 14\ Param Plct 57 hop of Red Bank and Apple Peter Clark, Sr. fell on foot; James Labdon, 225 j La., New Shrewsbury, toe bro Mrs. Bruno Kozlowski, publica- held in the synagogue vestry at Btirld Co 1614 Penney, JC announced that the society has Brook Antiques, Middletown, are Seeley Ave., KeansburR, forehead ken. stubbed it against close* 10 ai m. tomorrow and Friday. Blllova Pa PwtLt donated a power lawn mower ions; Mrs. John Cramer, health Burl Inil Pa HH among the 22 New Jersey exhibi- Donna MacDonald, daughter ol cut, car trunk door fell on head;'door; Jacqueline Coons, 12, of 20 Mrs. Robert Fields, budget and Mrs, Rafael G. Grossman and Case. JI 101.4' I Phil for the church grounds. tors participating with a total 48 Cater Trac 25'* I Phil El Mr. and Mrs. Eugene' MacDon- Joseph Mosca, 5, of 111 Princeton Willow St., Port Monmouth, fin- (inance; Mrs. John Bohack,- pub- Mrs. Max Kaabe will direct the Oelanesp 23\ Refreshments' were served by antique dealers at the Montclair Clios * Oh . I PMIII Pet ald, North Lake Dr., celebrated Rd., Fair Haven, head cut, hit Bcr broken . while playing ball; icity, and Mr. Salvatore Maggio, services, Chrysler J Pit Klrel Mrs. Mandl and Mrs. Fred Ever- Antiques Fair this week at the 42 I Pull Si- E*O her second birthday last Wednes against wall. ; Paul Roache, 13, of 253 River- A holiday nursery will be main- Cities Svc son, Sr. safety. Cole Palm 43"1 I IMMLck Inil Woman's Club of Upper Mont- day with members of the family Timothy McWalters, 7, of 105 edge Rd., New Shrewsbury, step- tained by the Sisterhood in the Colum Gas 31». I Pullman Attending were Mrs. Clarence clair. * Coml Solv :o*1 ; Pure Oil Lakewood Ave., Keansburg, wrist pod on nail; Theodore Palumbo, congregational school auditorium. Con Edis is ; IICA McQueen, Sr., Miss Ada Carey, A dated New Jersey item of in- cut in fall on bottle; Elaine Best, 430 Shrewsbury Ave., New Shrews Cont Can 63 li Reading Co Mrs. Percy Bennett, Mrs. William Jane Krumel, daughter of Mr, Re-enlists Cont Mot Repub Sll terest Is a sampler which once and Mrs. Anton Krumel, Swart- Swartzel Dr., Middletown, finger bury, chin cut, hit with stone ———————e—— Corn Pi] 9 TUyn Met Thompson, Mrs. James Mulhol- hung In the Freehold Museum. cut, glass broke while washing it; Crown Zell S3 Hey Tob land, Mrs. Leo Micali, Mrs. Pen- zel Dr., had a party to mark thrown from lawn mower. Cruc Stl 4614 Rob Fulton Being shown by Katherine Wells Lorraine Morgan, 31 Ohio Ave., In Army Curtlis Wr 18 St Jos Lead rose, Mrs. Mandle and Mrs. Ev- of South Orange, it bears the in- her ninth birthday, Saturday. At- James Bulmer, 2, of 43 Dog- Eel * Hull 17»i St Keg Pap tending were Margaret Ann am East Keansburg, stepped on nail; wood Rd., Middletown, lip cut in Del LAW 204 sears Rocb erson, Sr. scription—in needlework—"Eliza- Gcraldine Howard, 20, of 43 Wil- KEYPORT — Specialist Fourth Pent Sup 6S Sinclair beth Daniels was born February Harrison MacDonald, Susan an fall downstairs; Nellie Mathews, Class Arthur L. Davis, 22, whose Doug Alrc 22 /S-51; top Specialist Washington entered Hudson Ave., Red Bank, chin cut; nail; Michael Stover, 4, of 61) Bal- Whltmore of 704 Morford Ave, Inl Nlrk Whlta Mnt 40 the Army In 1954 and was sta- celebration was held. Atlendinj In fall off porch with tricycle; |dwin Ave, East Kennshiirn, fore- has started his first year at Penn Int Paper qualitqy y ((48-5 0 lbs.) ^^ PROWN'S Int TV[*Tol 80% Woolwnrth from Stnten Island were Mr. an Jeffrey Owens, 16, of Pine St.. ] hend rut, hit it ncnlnst cabinet; Stntn CnlleRe at University Park, 37«i | Ynssl Sh*T di !/ tioned last at Fort Bliss, Tex. mediums 44!/j-46i/3; smalls 33-35 He Is a (•rndunte of Jnck Yntcs Mrs. Joseph Gulino and Mr. am New Shrewsbury, (inn';r cut cm Ave, Shrewsbury Township, Coro- Pa, He plans lo major In High School, Houston, Tex. Mrs. Joseph Ginmiapata. car door; Howard 1'arkcr, 100 hcncl cut, hit ii nyainst car door: cn"lnecrini!. IS NOW l.niirn Hull, 2, of 1 Hill St., llnzlet, Mr, Whltmorc was graduated LOCAL SECURITIES lins, mouth and tonsils burned, from Lone Branch High School READY TO Tho following bid and asked quotations, (rom the National Asso- nte caustic cnmpnnd; Ulchnrd In June, He was councilor for ciation or Securities Dealers, Inc., do not represent actual transac- Kclhcr. 21, nf 52 West Highland the Order or tho DeMolny of En- SERVE YOU tions, They aro a (tuldo to tho rnngo within which theso securities Ave, Atlantic Highlands, tonlown; treasurer of the Youth could havo been sold (Indicated by tho "bid") or bought (Indicated bruised, hit with wrench; Pat- Fellowship group of St. Luke's for ; by tho "asked") nt tho time of compilation. rice Vltncco, 2, of 128 Branch Methodist Church, Lone Branch, BANKS Ave, Rod Hank, cut under tiilit nnd served as (he church Dlv. Bid Aakod In fall; Mnry O'Nell, 18 months, representative to the United • Window Shades Asbury Pk.-Munnsqunn Nut'l 1.30 34 220 Nnve.ilnk Ave, Atluntic High- Christian Youth Movement con- Anbury 1'k., Ocean Grovo 2.50 44 Innd.i, noun bruised in fall from ferences. AlliMiluirsl Nat'l .50 52 bed, nnd Michelle Pnppns, fi, of Ilelmiir-Wnll Nut'l 2.00 58 DurlnK hl.i high school yours, • Blinds CiMitrnl Jersey Dunk .GO in yju 35 Church St., Kcyport, dec stliif!, Wlillmnn- received first prlzri for I'lirmers & Merchnnln l.OO 48 on arm. l\ls exhIWts In the slnlp sciencp • Storm Windows 1'lrM Nnl'l, Dradley Bench 1.25 4H fair at Rutgern University, nnd J'lral Nnl'l, Freehold (xx) 12'/$ H It ndds up! Moro nnd morn:at the nntlnnn! nclmce fnlr com- Kt'tiMburfj-Mlddlctown 12.00 375 pcnplr usf! The Ki'i'lstor nd.i cncli notltlnna held at tlio meellni! of • Storm Doors I.iuiK llriinch Trust 18.00 525 issuii lii't'imso results mine fns.'lhr> American liilucnllnn McrchnntB Trust .70 22 24 ter.—Advertisement. lion Inst year In Atlantic City, MutnWiin Hunk .30 II • Porch Enclosures Monmoulli County Nut'l .12 4 5) People* Nnt'l, Kcyport 3.011 70 New Jcrncy Trust 1.00 44 Sen llrlRht Nnl'l .75 4R at INDUSTRIAL KlrclronliK A^snclnlcs (XXXI 2!) KIDS AWAY? llmiwm VW-M « llnvilu ImlnMiv I ,',/H, Toll thorn to phono nnd rovorso tho 9 Broad Street 1.,'iinl K (.'uiii|iiinv . , , ?' l ch;irnos. Buttor tluin n lottor 'cnuso (Temporary Location) .l.'l Miiiimniilli I'nrli V 'WE'RE FOR JACK' — Mr*. Knllmrir.o Elkut Whiln, Red Bonk, ificotul dom ri.jM, you vi:,it in puri.on. Cosls littlu, 'A rnln. N. J. N:llllllll (,,\-. 'III 11 Open B A.M. to 6 P.M. N .1. r-;,itiiiiii r nt n kick- !,i,itiuM call to Clovclttiid from Atlantic 11 '• IIIIMH"! iiuil hi-vi',In) ill M 111 1 'Mill. ;il off dnncij for tlin Monmoulli Cilimni (or Knnnndy in Connor1! Hotnl, Hi'jlilnndj, Wed. & Frl. Nltoi 'til 9 '1 M.I 1 In It i T iiH City, lor ox.unplo -otily 8'j' nltor .n.i Saturday, With Mrs. While, Mt to ritjlil, nn> Mil, Rnymond Donnnlly, MiiJdlnlowri; G PM-10% t.ix not Includiid. •I'lut >-.lm-k illvlili'ii'l. (*%x) 2 pi-ii i-iil Jlv. 1'IJH, Mri, Julo C. Kfiy»or, Atlantic Ilirjlilnndi, And Mri, Riclmrd L, Dronrinn, Kurilon Town- («X) Ii 7 |i.-iirnt RiminiIV ll'.'i *" ilniiuilrd c»tia dlvlilcml. ihijj. , SH 1-7500 i •

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RED BANK—170 Broad Street FAIR HAVEN—576 River Road WEST LONG BRANCH—Rt. 36 and Broadway 11 Hid AVER DID SO MANY OWE SO MUCH TO SO FEW Days: 4UI will reprint without cliarce, that pnrt of an pdvprtl«emrnt In which the typographical error oc- cure, Advertisers will please notify the management immediately fit any error which may occur. can party became the possession of the This newspaper assumes no responsibilities for statements ol opinions in letters from its readers. managerial elements in Business who Subscription Prices In Advance One year '$15.00; Six months $3.00 are neither conservatives nor liberals Single copy at counter, 7 cents Single copy by in all, 9 centi but who want to win an election on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, I960 the incorrect assumption that those who help to elect a President can con- trol him after he is elected. They nomi- nated Alf Landon, Wendell Willkie, Port Authority Investigation SOKOLSKY Thomas E. Dewey and Dwight D. Eisenhower. They rejected Robert A. Taft. While an area of agreement is jetport on their land. As thick a to be found in the view of Sen. Wil-blanket as the PA could find has The rank and file of the Republican party is es- sentially conservative but not sufficiently so to leave liam E. Ozzard (R-Somerset) that "a been drawn over the entire activity. the party for membership in some other party. Al- general open attack" on the Port of And, according to Sen. Wayne though in the Willkie and Dewey elections too many New York Authority is unwarrant- Dumont, Jr. (R-Warren), "there has Republicans failed to vote, the conservatives never- ed at this time, it seems most rea- been an arrogant attitude by certain theless did not organize a party of their own. Such sonable and sensible that the Sen-Port Authority officials." a group did come out of the Southern Democrats but ate should investigate operations of There has been much feeling that it did not go far. The subject has often been discussed the two-state agency. but nothing substantial has ever come of it because the Port Authority has placed great it is difficult for Republican conservatives to agree on The Senate has a perfect right emphasis on facilities which would] a program. There are too many sects, cults, and groups to conduct such an investigation. reap profits—while refusing to take among them. The conservative economists, for in- After all, the states that created the part in the serious railroad problem. stance, will not associate with conservative crackpots. PA, as well as their legislatures, are This has always been a source of The first Republican conservative of political mag- the ones to conduct such a probe. great annoyance to us. It has al-Poor Man's Philosopher nitude to appear since the death of Robert A. Taft is We do not believe that Con- Senator Barry Goldwater, a man of most unusual ways been our feeling that the PA WILLIAM experience for a politician and whose mind has a gress, or more directly, Congressman is the logical one to improve rail- The Party That Wasn't philosophic cast. Even though Senator Goldwater's. Emanuel Cellar of New York, should road and other mass transportation S. WHITE ideas often run against the current tide, he is a practi- start a PA inquiry. By HAL BOYLE cal man in the sense that he recognizes that to accom- facilities. WASHINGTON — The candi-' plish anything politically, it is essential to be in the Port Authority Chairman S. Sloan Without doubt, the Port Author- BY FRANCIS STILLEY dates earnestly talk to the farm- Colt is correct in saying that his ity has some very good reasons for ers to the labor conventions, to|place at theVme when accomplishment" "is" possible" Fox VJrI weekYTttnsa you'vyuu vec beewtuni planninpiuwinn(g, thmve- partypw^vj. . the veterans assembled, to busi-;_. ... . r r agency "is a creature of the states wanting to stay away from train The three couples you enjoy the most said they'd omen's associations and all|YeI1'ng °" the outside may be lots of fun but it does of New Jersey and New York" and commutation responsibilities, but be delighted to come for dinner and some gabbing af- the rest. They try to appeal to; not affect anything politically. In a two party system every conceivable male group!countr y the practical politician makes his way within therefore subject to a legislative in- these reasons should be spelled out terward. on plain, measurable and usual-' . - .. _ ... . _ J.. The day before the long awaited gathering, your a party. In the Republican party, Senator Goldwater quiry on the part of the New Jersey satisfactorily for the people to un- blye pocketboobetter fokr yointerestu if th: e"I Demot wil-l is a very influential man with a following large enough • good wife trundles in $28.60 worth of Senate. He has promised full co-op- derstand, agree with or oppose. cratic ticket (or the Republican at the Convention to have been important. eration. It is true also that the Port Likewise, Morris County could be vittles and whatnot. ticket) gets in, you know." She's pretty nervous about it all, But the whole heart of the Many conservatives have been critical of Senator Authority, by the very nature of itsa very good location for a. jetport. because she wants to serve what she problem of this campaign, to a Goldwater for supporting Vice President Richard Nixon business, is a most public agency. But since many responsible persons deems her best dishes. But she has todegree it has never been be-] at the Republican Convention. Their argument is a It operates bridges, tunnels, airports, believe it should be elsewhere all reckon with the fact that one of the|to the'heart'rf the"one undSj "On-Political one- name'y that Goldwater might have cd piers and other port facilities of im- guests can't eat certain things and a' majority in this country, thei been nominated for the presidency. Dan Smoot, a facts on the current study should female sex. portance to all Americans. second has additional taboos. '"--' 'radio broadcaster who also issues a newsletter and be brought to light for full and The true king of this cam- who has a considerable following among conservatives Serious questions are being ask- proper debate. It all gets a little more complicated paiglinn ics Ihthoe i»r»animag« emal/ar maker> , thathat t , • a o **i BOYLE because each one of the guests prefers outer personality in each of theparticularly is annoyed with Senator Goldwater. ed as to why the PA refused to help Port Authority officials should candidates for President and vice Smoot says: keep commuter train service running a different type of cocktail before dinner. president under which lies a not have the opinion that the big tough, able politician. And the "If . . . Goldwater had fought the Republican and for proposing a jetport in subur- This requires another outlay of considerable pro- business they have been given to portions—with the expectation that a lot of leftover image-makers — all of them, blueprint for socialism by demanding roll-call votes on Democratic presidential candi- the floor, he would have gained such strength by the ban Morris County. handle is something private. It is stuff will sit on the shelf for many a moon afterward. date Kennedy, G.O.P. president- time his name was placed in nomination that he very The agency refused to disclose i not. It should be as public as can be. Finally, the good hostess gets all the details ial candidate Nixon, Democratic the names of 19 Morris County prop- vice presidential candidate John- probably would have won. At the very least, he could The people want to be told just worked out. sosonn ananad G.O.P. vice presidential I J i n, tJU.K. vice have made a most impressive showing for the conser- erty owners who allowed test bor- Then sIie sets t0 W01-k She scrubs and are concen- vative cause. As he handled it (far from winning great what is going on. They deserve to! - cleans tne.camlidate Lod?e _ house like it was springtime. She polishes the silver, (rating their ultimate appeals on for ings to be made for the proposed know. 116 the conservative cause, as is widely claim- She borrows platters and glassware from the neighbor -j iu will be queen fur in the Novembe election, jed) Goldwater convinced the nation that conservatives lady. She sets her hair. She cooks. the American woman voter. I have little strength, and no courage or leadership to If one single group Your Money's Worth: The guests are due at 5 p. m., though, of course, can use what they have." nobody is expected to show up until 6 or 6:30. Whysaid to hold the power of abso- lute decision, it is this group. The latter judgment would undoubtedly be cor- this should be apparently defies explanation. There are now 3,250,000 more eli- Mortgage Money is Easier to Get, and Cheaper re( Wh iIe the rank Anyhow. gible wome.„ n voters tha„n men * u and file of the Republican party an By SYLVIA PORTER Th••"e -Telephon —-»•—e Ring»•>s •_ I: voters. There is every prospect|, d probably of this nation is conservative, there is (0Oi that for the first time in n0 national conservative organization equivalent to The clock hands reach 3 p.m., while the fair dam-.historv ,he wonlPn will actual|y:. If you have been trying to buyable,' it has become less expen- ttlG AD A lllere is no cor^ervative program which or sell a house and have been We are not ,n a boom phase. , f , househo,d is jur,gling pans like mad On the cast more vot-s than the men. - " sive in a lengthening list of re-'We have been stalled —admit The dnvs of the little woman;a sufficient number of persons would accept; there are unsuccessful because of financing gions. Mortgage rates aren't • tedly on a high plateau, but still'hot cookstove. The telephone rings. difficulties, check and recheck moving down as fast as Wash-!stalled — for an uncomfortable "Oh, hello there," says the bright feminine voice: all your lending sources. Mort- ington authorities would like, butjnumber of months, and there is gage money is becoming steadily at the other end of the line. "I know this is just going out to the polling booth are^Z gone *** ^^ ^ the downward pressure on costs increasing worry that we may! conservatives, and easier to geits unmistakable. This is whyslide off this plateau on theto be awful for you. I'm so terribly sorry to be so late forever. (The kitchen range, too,there are too many who while they say that they are and it's likely shopping for credit and the best downside. has long departed — and some- conservatives can not define the term. The only con- letting you know, but the doctor has just left and little times the food on the table is as to become still bargain for you can pay off in We are not in at servative magazine of any stature in the country, easier in com- savings over the life of phase. Price [\Lespedeza has the mumps and I just don't see how wetruly fabricated as is the cottage ing months. in which it is set out in the form "National Review," has a small circulation. A con- your loan. ing to more and more fields and can come. I hope you haven't gone to a lot of MortgagM e mon- p jgoods, and under the surface, of something called "TV din- servative newsletter comes out of Washington entitled eriodicany sjnce the sprinB trouble. ..." ners" placed in front of that cy in a rising,^ 19(i0 ,.ve bpcn repor|in(, on slashing of prices is a lot more "Human Events." numDtr ol I this trend to you for the impli- substantial than the official stn- At 4:30 there is another jangle. omnipresent electronic machine S ations f far s ic "You'll never guess what has just happened," the of which the little woman is un- Senator Barry Goldwater's leadership could build bTc omi n' f ? '.' 8° beyond the 'j ' s suggest. In housing thej disnuted mistress.) cheaper and housing field. In plain words tlic ^'"j^^'j,.^1'"^'"*-' various form,s next lady begins. "Honestly, we never had the slight- ^Dealing "withThe palpable is-a seSment of Practical conservatives who are politically that ii 0 cst notictiom of A oriented and PORTER !reflection oT'tn^'s'iowdmvn^n'^hn in e tions "to extra^apnltances bath's «' "° » ° this—bu^^t Aun™ guess we'll just have to stay home with to coping with that vast laby- American trend than the Kennedy-Johnson ticket does the buyer or builder of a house/ CARMICHAEL tion since 195!) may, in fact, he her. I'm so sorry about your party because we wererinth of ladv-like hunches, in- although by 1962, if the movement of gold from the ire «n acceptable credit risk, stincts, intuitions, likes and dis- you will find lenders much more indicating a decline in real de-(so anxious to come. I do hope you haven't gone to alikes in which the woman voter United States continues, whoever is President will meet ivilling to meet your needs now; WC M t0U8h mOltEaKC l<5 THERE <50ciH A cTd"lonS " tot of trouble. lives. the same challenge and may be forced to make the than at any lime since the reci's-j Next Cal1 Comes In a word the woman general- lion of 1958. Assuming you, thej Thus, authorities have no same decisions. It used to be that the universities THIM& A<3 BEIM& ly, repeat generally, is reached Ught su b ect called Po seller of a house, own property | qualms about acting to spur lions- Next call, 5 p. m. politicall_.,.....,y not ,s„o much ub,y „av canf-n * f ) Ktical Economy which was Which warrants a new or bigger kn t 0kil 1 for but didnte standing nn this or that|dn exce"ent term for our major problem. It is impos- mortgage, you will find lenders *Z£%f£rSF& ec—' , "> ™ y™'™ ^ ^'^ ™ *'•• Dlntform as on the whole sum'S'ble to 0 1 Dintform as on the whole sunvsibl, e to separatseparate politicpolitics ffrom economics. There mc much more willing to help you Dr. Woodlicf Thomas, put it a J '" called me from the office and said an important inf close a deal than since recession a ny whoc are few days ago. "There has i-eased business matter has just come up and he's going to have ;sW.T^s.'Tovei!" a f f themselves conservatives and shriek 1958. 01 r strainls 8ainst mi a-uc'm^-x'nansioi/ ^ ?, to stayy iii town until all hours and he said for me tonnd b<-vond all statements ofr socialism but who favor many inflationary This also is a notice to you to tc vou liow much lu> n !nr| I purpose, everv can- measures which must lead to socialism. ihop for your mortgage money As UlM's over-all pattern of " • J"O(irctted this because he had! r r» " ( among nil the sources in your prosperity brought high interest, been looking forward rates and benefits to the lender, to the dinner but he just J^ neighborhood, find out where you 1 1 because his boss said he was the only lob for him. And these Images, ran get the hr.'st bargain on M today !* over-nil pattern of Rm Firsl—A Word From Our Sponsor" sluggishness is bringing lower man who could handle the deal and its an e-x-l-r-e-m- thou«h consciously prnir-trd, terms. It's nn mnro than com- must not he phony—nnd aren't. mon sense for you tu do this In interest rates nnd benefits to the-l-e y important thing to the company. Honey, I wish borrower. Senator Kennedy comes through « period when I he Irond Is In i I could come by myself, but you know I can't drive and like this: n lean, somewhat cas- your fnvnr. h wn savs ho Vd s ual younj! man, but not a callow Incidentally, you well may find moMK*"Kr",n«rkots i'n 't'ato" lOfiO nrc' »»y y •'»»» wishes ^i' "P »» KClS liOmC hcCiUIS0 ll0 says tlu' fo()(l Ht thatlcatU for nclinn. arlinn, nctlnn. l rn hls hark mn lv large one bocniiso It has more you• f,,|u,y rc,staunint |,c R0PS to always upsets his stomach "" " " " "" funds iivail.ihle to lend, Thero nre two sides to borrow- ;„,„, so ho jus. nibbles nrotnul nnd waits till ho ll^Z^\JXX^ T» ^ Inn morlgugf money: nvnllnhll- OLD CAR Mi'KT | home. Now, darling, 1 really hope you haven't gone to MIP fnnd curimisiv old fnshlnncd) Ity nnd cost. On the avallnbllity OCI'AN CITY, N, .1. (Al1) -'n lot of trouble. ..." |'ihrnsr-. In Hint the Rppubticnn* «ld<\ money fnr housing Is seep- Soni wrrc lined up In ! So«„_„.„ ..,.,„. .!„ !„ ...i.._ _.. , llr(% "«IU'k-ln'.thc-mud" - nnd Inn through Ihe nation s rnlln in- r.*Ar^",!;:f -™7?' r** f yo« «lo when you get home^on. \Z flnuncinl structure now. The rnir ing frcim fiiicl|:n models In mnuy,'l'om n lmrtl «">'s NVO|I< to 'llu' Pnlls »"Hyy vmini:—nnd hns Mnrtril up ncnin. The l-cd Hut ilir-ri were no KHill mndoli n ! I lllllln(>t| n Well, there known tn m1 m nt lhl« POinnninl """'''"' " ' ' -»P * rt "' frnl Reserve System him fru on tl v. In fait, iho mnjorlly " " ' ' '""»: « " vimhi-r UN un«(nto, ii whole IIIIMI'I liri"«>ii-(l in Inn wo'iU "ntnliirity, 'Illi' nf JlllOtlll'i' tlllll'." lurlilii'lil'. ; Illlll V I'll'l!!' il lulnl nl "fii'i'" i'\pi-iini-.. " ||.< ,|,,r, n,,| n||,u k < MM ,|, nl ll Alti-l1 you've cili'ii Hint .-.ainc li-ltnvci' food rrr.rrvr* for Imiiri in nvi-r hui lor Kdlll'-llv ll|-.|l-.ll| 111- M||||,i 111 mini. «lui ll -i-i \nl .llioul nine >l,iy.-i in a low. lluiiich, you won't hr MI lln'i '..I'llv ,inil llnil"iM,il|i|iiblv HI iirn, .Inllll ,1.I'i'i '•!ini}:''i il.iff ure On the >'i,IV^, RED BANK REGISTER Wed., Sept. 'It, 1960-7/' Tod»y»» Mirror DENNIS THE MENACE Call ta of 9,000 previously announced There tre Mine 1,400 railroad SORRY for October. tunnels In this country with a Announced The new call brought to 2,563, total length of about 300 miles. Stock Market In recent years railroads have WE TOOK WASHINGTON (AP) — The Ar. 930 the total number drafted or By SAM DAW SON earmarked for induction since the sought to eliminate tunnels by my has issued a draft call for "daylighting" — uncovering them 7,000 men in November. resumption of selective service in SO LONG. NEW YORK (AP) — The sharp drop in stock prices Monday j September 1950. by blasting and grading. is less interesting for what caused it than for what the break This compares with the quo itself could do. And what you think could happen depends largely on whether THANKS you belong to the group that regards the stock market as a mir- ror of business prospects or to those who see it as a barometer FOR WAITING! of psychological trends. The latter see it fortelling which way sentiment is headed— and which way it is likely to jump after a break below this year's See the best previous lows reacts on public and stock trader confidence. There's quite a difference in values in the two attitudes, even if both the year expect the immediate do affect each other. reaction to be among the chart $ The. first group sees the break keepers. These traders put great STORM as a result of a long series of store on any break setting off unpleasant (but not entirely so) selling waves. There are enough WINDOWS Business News reports brought chart followers to add to and 25,000.00 front and center by the drama- prolong such a wave. tization of international un- Beyond these are stockholders, & DOORS certainties as Red chiefs gathered either traders or investors, who Worth of China & Bric-A-Brac for the United Nations meeting. could still have paper profits on Good News stocks they bought at a lower at The non chartists say good price than today's who might wish news on either the business or to protect these remaining papei Must Still Be Sold international fronts could spark profits by selling now. a reversal of stock price trends. Or there are those who mighi 'I WONDER VWAT THBy CO WHEN W PROWN'Sj In the meantime they would ex- want to sell now, registering foi SETS FULL OP STEPS?* pect stock prices to back and fill tax purposes the losses from wha while establishing a new floor — they paid for their stpeks, am the PTA will be held Tuesday in AT 10% ABOVE COST 9 Broad Street] whether that be the one set then switch to other stocks a; the home of E. Ozzie Thorne, 79 Monday, Tuesday, or next week. they show up on the hargai Keyport Fulton St. (Temporary Location) lists. Those who look for psycho- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Natale, watch for logical repercussions from the Close Attention Because of limited space and the demand by our cus- First St., are vacationing in Vir- We Are Famout For Our break through previous lows for The longer range phychologica! ginia Beach and Maryland. opening specials reaction — and the one getting tomers for fine antique furniture, we are discontinuing the closest attention, and also thi Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Stultz and hardest to assess — is what th son Lee, Warren St., left today HALF SHE all china, bric-a-brac and glassware. INFERIORITY for a week's vacation in Bermu- SH 1-75001 stock break might do to publii da. COMPLEX? sentiment. Open 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. | The officers and board of the SEE DALE CARNEGIE All year the public has been Wed. & Fri. Nttes 'til 9 g following stock trends closely. Little Silver Women's Club were Page II With the spread of stock buying hostesses at an open house and liiSES Inc. reception Sunday in their new CARRIAGE HOUSE ANTIQUES ft———————wJ> among those who never owned •',••• .Sizes[Uy to 24y stocks before, interest has mount- club house. Attending from the t 2 ed. What investors do about thei Keyport Literary Club were Miss P. O. Shrewsbury, N. J. SHadyside 1-4212 Jessie Stevens, president; Mrs. holdings — far greater than thosi Monday thru Saturday in the hands of in and out traders C. Leon Garrison, Mrs. Samuel Sycamore Ave. — could be a big factor in thi Davis, and Mrs. Daniel Barnett. 11 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. at Shrewsbury Ave. RED BANK-M'/, Broad St. market. The executive board meeting of' And many who don't own stock still put high value on which way stock prices are tending as i Controlled sign of whether times will ge Sfockidpat t/tis Special Sa/e, Shop NOWtot birthdays, better or worse. This often affects their spend- ing decisions, and thus the sales of merchants and the purveyors of services. It also affects the Bathroom spending decisions and other plan ning by business executives, and thus the amount of new orders, the hiring or laying off of workers, the expansion of plants and other business activities. Comfort This is the psychological stake in the break through previous lows by stock prices. As recorded Colorful Dial Phone Play-Time Beauty Kit 4-Piem Pull Train Kitchen Appliances Tap-A-Peg Slate Kit by one measurement among Stove, sink, refrigerator several, the Dow-Jones industrial Dial away and hear it ring! Tiny brush, comb, mirror, Engine, freight car, box Pound pegs into one side— stock price index, prices are low- Looks like a real phone. vanity table, and pretend car, caboose of flexible -8"-to-10" high-plus chalk-up the other! Inside AT THE TURN er than any time since February Unbreakable poly- 1LML t cosmetics to MLM^ plastic. Plus £.£.* utensils. Plastic, holds pegs, ham- mgt 1959. The index closed Monday at cthylene plastic. ©O Doors open, close. mer, chalk, eraser. 00 586.76, compared with its historic pretty-up dolly. 00 road signs, too! 66' OF A SWITCH break of 685.47 on Jan. 5, 1960 But the index has snapped back from previous lows before—some- times right away, sometimes Flick a switch and a chilly bathroom is cozy. after quite a time. Set a dial — steam and odor are whisked out- side. That controlled bathroom comfort can ATHEISTS MEET WARSAW, Poland (AP) — A be yours economically with a modern eleulric congress of atheist organizations heating unit and ventilating unit held recently here included for the first time a delegation from lommunist China. The congress aims at promoting greater co operation among atheist organi- Don Duck Ring Toss Plastic Hand Puppets zations and a greater sharing of resqes Toss the rings and. score— NEW ELECTRIC propaganda material. New saucy-faced puppets HEATER Donald, stands by to catch! made of soft polyethylene. Plastic rings— ILtJ- Fun to operate, m mi A compact electric heating Look This Way masonite target. 00 fun to watch. OO unit warms up the bathroom fast on winter mornings. Heat spreads evenly over Printed Pattern the room. The snap action thermostat Rives precision temperature control.

MODERN ELECTRIC EXHAUST FAN Pound-A-Peg Play Set An exhaust fan gets rid of Educational Play Toys steam and odor quickly. Helps pre-schooler learn as Large, interlocking pieces There's no need for drafty he plays! Sturdy pound- —play-tested for ages 2-7. open windows. A moiBture- proof electric ventilating board has bright Choose from many m m { units stops moisture dam- pegs and mallet. fascinating sets. OO age to paint and plaster.

TIMER WALL SWITCH For precision comfort con- trol juat set the timer wall ^witch for any time from a minute to an hour. Tho timer switch tuniH the unit off Automatically. Dart-Shooting Rifle Polyethylene Trucks Felix-Cot Dart Set New Games of Chance Mellow-Tone Ukulele Aim, fire —in safety! New Cab-over-engine models- Shoot 'em—or throw 'cm! .As many as 6 can play! Strum a mellow, penetrat- Electric heating units nnd ventilating units rifle shoots safety-suction dump truck-, stake truck. Six safe, rubber-tipped "Wild West" wheel, Disney ing tune with this perfect- arc cnay to install in walls or ceilings. Because dims. Features M*tA Hefty tractor-type darts and a dart MLJLi Dingo wheel—others, jr # t pitcli ukc. Prc- JLiLt exhaust fans arc powerful, low-cost compact stand-up target. OO wheels. 14" long. 66' giin. Metal target; OO Plus accessories, OO ductwork is all that's needed. Some fans need cision designed. OO no ductwork 1 Unite aro recessed. They can't Interfere with decor. See how easy it \& to have controlled comfort in your bathroom, Send a postcard today for Meet this season's most wear- our free fact-filled booklet. Address it to I)IP style, the shlrtwnlsll Tab- "Bathroom Heating and Ventilating," buttoned rovers strike n ninnrti JCP&L-NJP&L, Madison Avenue at Punch note—easy, Rrnccful linos flatter Bowl Road, Morristown, Now Jentoy. 'our di'.urc from all angles, 1'rlntril I'nltcrn 9002: Half li!M lti/a, lfli/j, 18!,$, 22'/5, Ki- '\i.e Ifl4 requires four yards 3D- V/////A _ nch fabric. Handy Woodcraft Sot Color W Erato Cards Stack-A-Clown Set Giant'Pack of Games Big Plastic Pig Bank JCP&L Send !>0 ccnls (coins) for thlt Miike toy;, novelties, even Jtnty r»n!r«l I'owtr A l,l*hl iiillerit—iidil 10 tonts for Mich Wipe off'... rc-eohr these $1.98'Value! Gay fellows Pour boxes of flumes, % \ .59 'J'lie fun way to — in Mi'in fin InMiln'.'i imnlini: household unities with \2 plastic-routed pictures! whr< form ti.-tl.ituing Mtitif.! Viiliie--fri, nil i 1H ( :n|i>lri |litl'i M 11r>'11 , , , Xn: | SepLtt, i*Br BED BAftK REGISTER New Teachers Long Branch Has Total of 21

LONG BRANCH — A total o! 21 1,985 students in the school which teachers, employed in 13 depart- is scheduled on a double session ments, are new this year at Long basis. Branch High School, Herbert A. New to the English department Korey, princiual, said today. are Mrs. Rochelle Cassie, a The high school has a staff of graduate of the University of 102 faculty members. There are Haine, who taught previously atj Lakewood Junior High School; James G. Handford, who has re- ceived degrees from both Rut- Not Guilty jers University and Montana Uni- versity, and Mrs. Judith Zeiger, Plea Entered graduate of Wellesley College. FREEHOLD — A West Keans- Robert S. Grcenway, a gradu- burg woman pleaded not guilty ate of the University of Virginia, yesterday before County Judge and Charles H. Tyger, a graduate John C. Giordano to an accusa- of Indiana State Teachers College, tion of obtaining money under who last taught at Middletown false pretenses from the State Township High School, have been engaged to teach in the social SAYING Board of Child Welfare. studies area. Assistant Prosecutor John W. Columbia Degree Applegate said Mrs. Doris Schaef- Roger Dreyfuss, who holds de- fer of 4 Second St. obtained $1,- grees from the Institute St. Louis 056.98 from the Red Bank office de Gonzague, Ecole des Sciences of the state agency between Appliquees, and Columbia Uni- April 1, 1956, and April 11, 1960, versity, and who taught last at claiming she received no support the Laboratory High School in Li- for her five children from her beria; David N. Gaskill, a gradu- former husband. ate of California State College, Mrs. Schacffer was represented Pennsylvania, and Charles Le- by John C. Givens, Red Bank Fevre, who was awarded his de- attorney. ;ree by the College of Education Herschell Byers, 18, of 218 Cor-at Oswego, N. Y., teach classes lies Ave., Neptune, pleaded not in the industrial arts field. guilty to a charge of manslaught- Mrs. Margaret Aussicker, who er in the death of Donald Apple- CHRISTMAS holds a bachelor of science de- gate, 19, of 1420 Tenth Ave., Nep-gree from Douglass College and tune. who last taught at South Junior According to the prosecutor, High School in Bloomfield; Carol young Applegate died Aug. 15 as ^omstock, a graduate of Radford a result of head injuries sus- College of Virginia Polytechnical tained in a fight with Byers in Institute, and Mrs. Jean Kocher, Asbury Park Jan. 12. a Taylor University alumna, are Byers was represented by the new instructors in home eco- Harry Shure, Asbury Park. nomics. Two Neptune brothers pleaded Other Arrivals no defense to their parts in the Allaine Gifford, a graduate of armed robbery of Silver's Tav- the Panzer School of Health, ern, New Shrewsbury, June 6. Physical Education, and Recrea- Edward L. Brown, 19, of 148 tion at Montclair State College, Ridge Ave., has been charged and Mrs. Margaret Ryan, an with robbing Harry Silver, own- alumna of Trenton State College, er of the Shrewsbury Ave. tav- have been engaged to teach in the ern, of $150 and several bottles physical education department. of liquor. His brother William E Other recent arrivals at the Brown, 22, has been charged high school are Hubert Alexander, with aiding and abetting the rob- Abilene Christian College, Texas, bery, Mr. Applegate said. in chemistry; James C. Allen, Sentencing date will be Oct. 7 Rutgers University, who last for the two, who are represented taught at East Paterson High by Benjamin Edelstein of Asbury School, vocational technical draft- Park. ing and William M. Carson, Jr., Two Freehold Township broth- University of Virginia, who last ers, John Globis, 18, and Charles taught at James Monroe High Globis, 20, pleaded not guilty to a School Fredericksburg, Virginia, charge of receiving stolen prop- permanent substitute teacher. erty. Mr. Applegate said the two Also, George DcLorenzo, Mon- had received a gun stolen from mouth College in business educa- Cowboy City, Howell Township, tion; Nancy P. Engle, Mary July 17. Washington College of the Uni- versity of Virginia, in art; Mrs. John was represented by O. Lynn Preston, Ursinus College, Ernest Gatta, Asbury Park. Bert- precious gifts in foreign languages; Clark Roh- ram J. Gaynor, also Asbury erts, Simpson College, in mathe-, Park, represented Charles. Trial matics, and Richard A. Stone, date was set for Tuesday. who holds degrees from both Leon E. Smith, 28, of 219 Pearl Paterson State College and Co- st., Red Bank, pleaded not gu.lty Iumbja University and wn0 last| to charges of issuing worthless tailJ,nt at ,he Georgc G. whitel checks at Sodcn s Liquor Store, SchooIi Hillside, in guidance. Middletown, in July and totaling) Othcr stnff mcmbcrs new (0 ,hc $85.34. Smith was represented by;hi(,h sch00, include Mrs Nancy Charles Frankcl. Asbury Park. Dafgard, secretary to the princi- T.-ia! date was set for Monday. paI> arld R,,ssell Kerstetter, Edward A. Schork, 36, of 1135 school engineer. Florence Ave.; Union Beach, pleaded not guilty to a charge of neglect of his 10 minor chil- dren. He was represented by Rob- Smith Raps ert Friedlander, Asbury Park. Trial date was set for next Wed- Rival Faction nesday. UNION BEACH — Paul J.l George W. Bennett, a soldier Smith, local Democratic leader, j KING stationed at Fort Monmauth, declared yesterday that the' pleaded not guilty to a charge of Democratic Organization and its; carrying a concealed weapon in four members on the coutny ex- Long Branch July 21. He was rep- resented by Harry L. Giberson, ecutivc committee "are not liv-i KORN Asbury Park. Trial date was set ing up to their duties as sincere I for next Wednesday. Democrats." , Mr. Smith is a member of thiv Joseph T. O'Neill, 44, of Hart- ford, Conn., pleaded no defense rival Democratic faction here,! to a charge of stealing an auto- the Democratic Club. STAMPS mobile belonging to Jean Leland, His statement was a result of 44 Washington Ave., Rumson, in the organization's recent refusal: FREE! Red Bank July 14. to back Richard A. Shannon, Jr., O'Neill, who was represented as Democratic candidate for the by Samuel Epstein, Asbury Park, one-year unexpired Borough will be sentenced on Oct. 7. Council term. Organization coun- FREE—50—FREE Richard Sweets, 18. of Newark, ty committee members are sup- pleaded not guilty to charge of porting Councilman Bernard T. KING KORN STAMPS Marciniak for the candidate grand larceny of a motor vehicle of any in Union Beach April 17. Trial designation. With This Coupon date for Sweets, who was rep- At the county committee meet- And Your Purchase of STEAK resented by Florence Forgotson, ing, Mr. Smith broke a 4-4 tie, in I** t. 21, 1 1.1.1inn-—lin1 ml (—One itni'tnnI •iiifi'in ppp*r JIUIMAdultI Fntii>Iyrn , l[l\' RARITAN TOWNSHIP - A (*nu|)nn nrdrpinatilp In our Itnl Hank And Coupon pffortlvp Ihril Knl., SCiil. 21, 1D0O Certification was held up ShrpwMiury Mnrkrli only. Coupon Hrdcfiiialilr In nur Itrd nnnk nnd rally and social evening, spon- pending a Superior Court ruling, n.n.H. Shrmmoc,,.|c OrL'anizilinn hnH FREE—50—FREE FREE—50—FREE local Democratic candidates the n^d ^ Shfnn'on o epro "u KING KORN STAMPS committee members, them in the last primary election. party workers and friends. KING KORN STAMPS KING KORN STAMPS Wild tIIIm roupnn And your purcimsp nf He said the "disgruntled" four A buffet lunch will be served. With thlt niiiiion anil ynur i Ultli («tup«m prr .Vtlutl I'umllv, Unilt—Onf Coupon prr 69Adul°t Fnmlly, CAN'T REMEMBER l'ini|,,,n rllritlvp thru Nal., Kr|,|. Jl. HMD ('••ii|inn <>rrrrtlvf> thru Knt.. Kfftl. II. IfMO 1UIMH1 rllrrlliK Him Kal., Sr|i(. Jl, |MH The leader also dcclnrrd Hint Coupon llfiifpinahlp In our Itpd Itsnk and (' llirnintiU In intr ltfd flunk nn<' mpnn HrdrrntnMp lit nur Itnl hank nnd Shri'unlitiry .MafkrU ont.v. l MkH l NAMES? the Democratic Organization re- n.n.n. shrrnnbllry MnrkrU nnty. fuse* to support "the Democratic SEE DALE CARNEGIE candidates selected In the prl- Page I I I mnry, In n fair nnd square elec- tion." "FOR WONDERFUL VALUES AND SAYINGS — SHOP AT THESE LEADING MERCHANTS"

YOUR FRIENDLY AlAYFAIR SUPER MARKETS THIS COUPON IS REDEKMAB1.E J:OR MAYFAIR SUPER MARKETS SHREWSBURY CITIES SERVICE 50 KING KORN STAMPS PONT 50 Ncwmnn Spring* Itond 431 Brond SI,, Shrrwuhury AT ANY OAS STATION GIVING KING KOHN STAMPS RED BANK SAMMY'S ESSO SERVICE Thlt coupon redeemable hy adult* only with I coupon per family, All riiihtn reserved FbRSETTD Shrcwhhury Avi\ til llouto ,15 110 Weslwnotl Ave, Long Branch NEW SHREWSBURY In the Klnj| Korn Slump Compnny LULLABYE DIAPER SERVICE R l SATM SICI>T 21lh< IM0 PHONE, MONMOUTH COUNTY EAGLE 711 Mnln SI,, Avon £2"L'»JA^!!?JJL .° '"'i ,10 Second Ave, l.tmit IIranch THIS COUPON *S K|"|)KEMA"ILK"FOR"""" OLDEN PAINT FACTORY RED BANK TIRE COMPANY HI) N'cwninn .S|irlnfi« Uiind, Hcd llnnk 50 KING KORN STAMPS Ave, AT ANY SIOIli; (ilVIN(i KIN(i KORN STAMPS costs little" RED BANK TIRE COMPANY DAD ATLANTIC SERVICE STATION OIIU.H THAN 1001) MOItDS AND (iAS MAI IONS ALBANY 5V cur. Ililttitr & Onklniut Ave. Herbert & Mirnnliury Ave, Ited llnnk ThU coupon rcdi'cmnlilt! liv niiull* only with I coupon per liunlly, All rlRliln reicrvfd HOANOKt tit SUPERAMA CLEANERS MONMOUTH MOBILE SERVICE I M(ft lUdfcfl tllf tUtn\ AtfMtlf Pit 1 In the Kln« Korn Mump Compnny An ,, ,Shrr»«luiry Nrwiunn .SprliiRi Knml & NhrrwOiniry Ave, Knl llnnk ifll/lfM lO'l III f-,hn

"Simpl/ Wondtrfur—FRESH Kill*)— Giant Doily FRESH—V/i to 4 Ib. Avtrag. Size ROASTING Serve Your "Simply Vel Liquid CHICKENS Wonderful" Hams Detergent Large OTft With Golden-Sugary Size ^ I "Simply WoniUrful"—Cut Jrom Yeung Giant gJit T.nd.r Porktn—FRESH Sweet Potatoes Size OO PORK Fresher-By-Far" FRUITS and VEGETABLES BUTTS Large Size Giant "Simply Wondtrfur T«nd«r, Size 77* LAMB COMBINATIONS Pink Mttttd, Younj 29 Yellow Onions Globe, Zesrful ^D With Dinnerware "Simply Wonderful"-Tender-Pink M«st»d-Younfl REG. K>. Zippy Flavor 4c 53 Giant LEGS 0' LAMB Size Golden Ib. Jumbo $^.39 Serve Your Family A Healthful Mayf air Breakfast! SWEET POTATOES v,,™,M.d Size *• PASCAL .o 15c Ajax Cleanser DOLE or LINDEN HOUSE Regular *% for o 1 (t BARTLETT PEARS Size «• & I 46 oz. VaUncio, California Giant ORANGES Sunkllt Size 23* PINEAPPLE JUICE Florient Aerosoi 28 oz. Deodorant Pancake Mix box Vh ex. Betty 33 Roth Chopettes spray can 77' 'Giant OK Label Log Cabin Syrup 24oI-bo,. 49. BEEF, 10e Off box JA, PORK, White Rose Tea Bags Label of 48 Hf if > VEAL, Colgate FRESH FROZEN Jell-0 Desserts * z. pkg. f£ for ^^C DENTAL Sun Rich Drinks *"«»"< MORTON'S FRESH FROZIN Minute Spanish Rice r 4 MACARONI t CHEESE <" 33e CREAM HAM OR TURKfY, FRIIH FROZEN Contains SWIFTS SKINLESS Charcoal Briquets 20 89c DINNER-REDI SLICES 4M.plig. 2 <•' 69* COD OR PtRCH, FRESH FROZEN Sausage Links ^ Taylor Pork Roll *<« « «• ^ 39 RIVER VALLEY FILLETS Gardol Economy Size Haydu Knockwiirst Tube LUNCHEON MEAT Mayfa e Pie 39< MAYFAIR'S Imported Provolone S2 99 FINEST Ib. "J*f C Tulip Fair 56 Newman Springs Rd. 59 Longhorn Cheese All Purpos* SLICED ^-** RED BANK 69 KRAFT CHEESE Iliirry'n Itoinpcr Hnnin COOKIES 12 m. pkg. 3?e LOAF Shrewsbury Ave. at Rt. 35 Heclller (hocolllte Cookies ""'.iron. pk(?. 39C POUND in Atlantic Superama Nnhlico Twln-i'iirk LORNA DOONE 33c VELVEETA NEW SHREWSBURY H oz. pkfr. IlRcliman Vrlcen effective thru Saturdny, Sept. 21, iOfllt— Itlglit In limit. Pretzels n'i <"•• P^K. 23C

Money-Saving Favorites From Our Appetizer Department | Bakery Delights From Our Own In-Store Ovens | Cocoanut Custard Pie -• - »<« 59° Swift Hard Salami •- 99 Upside Down Cake '"'•- -- 59° KKOSHER STYLE PASTRAMI WHOLrE or rHAL F '"69 Danish ' Homo Mads, Tatty Home Madt, Tatty Vi Ib. ib. n^^ Chopped Herring pt So. of I8U1 Ave. Hwy. 71 (4N) 30 Linden PI. Red Bank of what I have done." na Menon is using the defense military subjects caused great RED BANK BELMAR SH 1-8800 Many people in India do keep ministry to build a personal ma- friction between the defense min- ' 21 BROAD ST. Tel. SHadyside 7-2020 Tel. MUtual 1-1200 notes on him because Krishna chine. ister and the army chief of staff, Menon is one of the nation's mos Grand Designs Gen. K. S. Thimayya, a popular ! RED BANK OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY powerful figures in his job as de "They accuse me of having and respected figure. SH 1-4800 grand designs, but I don't," he | says. "I just do things as they Menon professes not to be con- come up and need doing." cerned about criticism. The things Krishna Menon does, "They just don't know," he said and the way he does them, make dismissing the subject and sliding devoted friends and equally de- down into a leather armchair in voted enemies both in India and his office, feet propped up on a at the United Nations. His aloof, coffee table. He ran his bony fin- often haughty manner in public gers through his black and white irritates those who never see hair, thinning on top and flowing the cordiality he can use effec- into dramatic bangs at the back. tively in private. "They just don't know," he re- Waves "f newspaper attacks peated. But he didn't bother to; have beaten against Krishna Men- explain what people don't know on. One wave was generated last about him. year when he did not condemn j Chinese suppression of Tibet and then lagged on criticism of Chi- nese actions on the Indian bor- der. Whenever these attacks build up into parliamentary demands YES, that Krishna Menon be removed from the defense ministry, Nehru gets angry. We're back A recurring question in New Delhi conversations is, "What on does Nehru see In the man?" Hard Worker Broad Street One answer is that Krishna Menon is a hard worker. Never, married and without any home' The Red Bank Register life, he wears out assistants by long hours of work seven days a week. More important Is the personal relationship between Nehru and YES, Krishna Menon. Nehru Is basic-! ally a lonely intellectual. His' English education and tastes tend! to isolate him from other cabinet would like to extend ministers. Only Krishna Menon, PROWN'S shares his background, his Intel-1 lectual Rrasp of the world, even' his essentially Marxist approach' IS NOW to mnny subjects. Krishna Menon' Is one of the few persons In the READY TO Indian government with whom Nehru can tnlk ton on equal basis,' SERVE YOU Vcnunlil Krlshnn Menon wns HOLIDAY GREETINGS born May 3, 1897, in a middle! for clnsn family In Kcrnla. At 27 he went to Drllnln, and stayed more than two , acquiring n • Window .Shades brllllnnt record ns n scholar and hook editor and qualifying ns a lawyer. Ho also got an cnblttcr- • Blinds to our 0 ing taste of poverty and of ra- cial discrimination, Ho became actlvo In the llrltlsh Labor par- • Storm Windows ty. • • • I many Life Philosophy • Storm Doors There just is no more accurate way to cook! "Who can sny whnt nil the In-J flucncM are on himself?" he, Wlint iimkos n eako full? Tlic Mime, tiling tlmt causes uneven nfiy.i, "I don't have a philosophy | • Porch Enclosures about Ufa . . , all we can (to Isi roasting. Varying hetit In the oven. But tho electric rnngo try to make chnlcru that anllafy' has this problem licked. Hccnuso it's flnmeless, tho electric us at the time," at oven I« Insulated all around, top nnd Iwttom. Tho cooking In l.niulon Krltlmn Menon he-! hent never varies more tlmn G* up or down. In fact, electric Jewish Friends mine the Kpokmrnan for Indian* Independence at the heart (if (ho licnt Is no accurately controlled It imictlcnlly eliminates emplie, In this Impnrlnnr role lie 9 Broad Street baking fallmvu. Simply net (lie ittnl nnd you're miro of hefinne n close collnlmrftlor of (Temporary Location) Ju»t Ilifl right U'Miiieriituro to bring cnkci to their Hid homr-lrnnt lender, Nehru. flu/fieut lxt«t every time. After Inilinii liuleprnrienee In ' Opon 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. Duy wllh cmurnmo from your If* 17. KrMinn Menim Miiyi'd nn In ] Wed. & Frl. Nltet 'HI 9 ; London n* hi* cmmlry'« liltfli ' lotol Redtly kilowatt Dsultr JCJ'&L who dlifilurt ihli wnbfem. 'Hi'' U. N. inmlr him f.uninK lltn mtci inlimhlt' «|irpc|ir« (m (lif SH 1-7500 Jcriwy Oninil I'nwrr & Ltfthl Knntuitlr ilip|nilr lirlvvrrn Imlln One group of rats got a bat-GINGER BrGettermaw RED BANK REGISTER~; on Health: inced diet. The other got a diet Wed, Sept. 21, 1960-11 * j - * * ihort on cajcium/ British Customs When weaning time arrived, the • "The women are very •ttr»c> jones of the young rats in both Bring Gripes From Visitors tive with particularly shapely Mother Love Deep groups showed no calcium short- legs." age. But the calcium deprived A Danish visitor objected: : / mothers were far below normal. By The Associated Press and a famous mosquito are in thi LONDON (AP)—A lot of visi- Few people: seemed to crit- '.'The pairs of people in close Much of the calcium was gone tors are annoyed by the wayicize the country's roads—to the embrace in the parks of London Mother love, motion sickness news with the Focus or Health. from their own bones, stolen and surprise of British' motorists Just how deep is mother love' British customs men operate. is a very unpleasant and un- fed, via mother's milk, to their This finding emerged from a who are forever bewailing them worthy sight." mmmtSmSm Researchers have found it is s young, researchers said. as antiquated traffic traps. deep the mother biological!} questionnaire submitted by the A Dutchman commented: ,l CAN'T SELL British Travel and Holidays As- One young man from Califor- steals, when necessary, to feec Mai de Motion "Your beer is like tea water." her young. sociation to 650,000 overseas vis- nia wrote on his card: YOURSELF? Almost oo one Is Immune to itors this year; Only about Laboratory rats provided th motion sickness. In, fact some SEE DALE CARNEGIE answer for Drs. C. Willett Aslinf three per cent of these* ques- physiologists claim they can tionnaires were completed but Page II and Marjorie M. Nelson of thi make veteran pilots airsick, a University of California. the association decided the re- report in a drug company jour- plies gave an adequate samp- nal says. ling of tastes. Some people are more suscep- Plenty of tourists were tol- tible than others, however. erant about British cooking- Women get motion sick more even about British weather- than men. The obese more than but no one had a good word for To Families Of And the underweight. < And people customs men who made them can adapt to motion. Many who are sick on their first ocean wait in long, uncomfortable J. Kridel will be JL Thursday to "By the way, I forgot to show you rr\y report queues. voyage are immune on their In general there seemed to be observe religious holiday. Persons In Military second passage. card yesterday!". more likes about British than dislikes. There was praise for Apple a Day? British hospitality and tributes How often do Americans see or HST Won't for the British policeman. consult their doctors? Poor Plumbing The U.S. Public Health Service Service says the average person sees a Take Job American visitors complained physician five time a year. That George! most often about poor plumb- DAIf CARNEGIE COURSES IN ORDER THAT THE COUNTY CLERK HAS THE means each year 851,600,000 doc- INDEPENDENCE, Mo. (AP) — ing, lack of ice water, rarity of LATEST ADDRESS OF ALL PERSONS IN MILITARY tor calls in the United States. Former President Harry S. TrU' shower baths, bad restaurant Presented by LEADERSHIP & SALES (This in National Advice man put his political foot down service and the bewildering cur- SERVICE, WHO DESIRE TO VOTE AT THE GENERAL A New Role Columnist Week! Help send an yesterday, declaring in no 'un- rency system. TRAINING INSTITUTE OF N. J. ELECTION TO BE HELD NOV. 8+h, I960, PLEASE Aedes Aegypti once carried advice columnist to camp. Write certain terms that he does not death across the United States. to George, in care of this news- choose to run for the Senate. NO LECTURES • NO HOMEWORK FILL IN FORM ANDMAIL TO: It is the yellow fever mosquito. paper.) Neither did he recommend any- responses to informal questions. Yesterday, he issued a formal FREE—Explanatory meetings will show you how the unique Now the mosquito is under Confidential to WalterWinchell: one for the job, training methods ot the world famous DALE CARNEGIE scientific attack again — this It's all probably just idle' gossip. "I will not accept the nomin statement at the Truman Library COURSES will help you live the most rewarding and thrill' J. RUSSELL WOOLLEY time as the carrier of a ma- ation to i the Senate because I making his unavailability official. ing experiences of your adult life. In 14 action packed larial parasite, says Ronald A; Dear George: don't; think it is right for me to The formal President would not sessions (one night a week) you will learn skills and tech- COUNTY CLERK, Ward, entomologist at the Wal- My husband is fat and 46 andaccept it," Truman said. "I saysay who, if anyone, he prefers niques that will give you a buoyant, self assured confidence FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY ter Reed Army Institute of Re- still thinks of himself as a wolf. no, positively." of a field of candidates jostiing and will help you to: search. Don't you think a man looks Various Democratic party sour- for the nomination. The state • SPEAK EFFECTIVELY—This ability Is truly a shortcut PRINT ALL ENTRIES By treating mosquitoes with silly staring at giggly little hus- ces, he said, have been pressur- Democratic Committee meets to- to distinction. * f X-rays, Dr. Ward can kill the :ies all the time?—Mrs. T. ing him to seek the job left day in Jefferson City to select a • HUMAN ENGINEERING—That skill la Human Relations nominee. that gives you the priceless ability to motivate others. malarial parasite, and he can Dear Mrs. T.: vacant by the death last week of • MEMORY TRAINING—For things, places and people— make the mosquito less suscep- Sen. Thomas C. Hennings Jr. D- (FULL NAME OF SERVICEMAN OR WOMAN) I most certainly — Sheeshl a basic quality of leadership. tible to the malaria attack. But There goes another one in Mo., who had two years remain- Big Spring in Missouri's Big • OVERCOME WORRY—Break the worry habit, leaving at the same time X-rays seems shorts, Boysl — do, madam. ing of his term. Spring State Park is rated the your mind free for creative ideas, increased success, to increase the susceptibility of largest single spring in the

If you can pay You can have thit monthly: this much; $10 $240 $20 $480 $30 $720 $40 $960 Embroider this sampler for $50 $1,200 baby's room — a pretty decora- tion, a sweet reminder the proud $75 $1,800 parents will cherish. Give a gift that's truly per $100 $2,400 sonal—a sampler story of the Happy Event. Pattern 894: trans- fer 12x16 inches; color schemes. M6U RambUr tuiium Cross Country 4-Door Station Wagon, Send 35 cents (coins) for this SiMirl roojlvp travel Rack standard at no extra cost. pattern—add 10 cents for each pattern for lst-class mailing. Send tt*. OML national to the Red 3ank Register, Needle- craft Dept., P. O. Box 161, Old Chelsea Station, New York 11, Now'own Rambler—the world's most popular 6-cylinder N. Y. Print plainly pattern num ber, name, address and zone. JUST OFF THE PRESSI Send wagon—for less than you'd pay for most sedans! now for our exciting, new 1961 Needlecraft Catalog. Over 125 de- We Rambler dealers just set our 35th consecutive why nobody can match our low, low, low prices. signs to crochet, knit, sew, cm- monthly sales record. We're winding up the big- So hurry in while we still have a good choice of You can orr/i a Rambler Evsry family should havo a Chock-Loan Account at broldcr,* quilt, weave—fashions, gest year In our history, selling more compact smart station wagons. Prices of big used cars nrc home furnishings, toys, gifts, cars per dealer than any other dealer group. plummeting—waiting may cost you hundreds, of tor an little an Freehold'* First National. Everything Is handled by bnznr hits. Plus FREE—Instruc- So, our sales costs per enr nrc lowest. Rnmblcrs dolUirs. Buy today anil save. Get a quality-built tions for six smart veil caps. cost least of all U.S. cars (o start with, That's Rumblcr with proved lop rcsalo value. mail. Mall coupon today for Information. Or tale- Hurry, send 25 cents nowl NOTICr, phone HOpklns 2-3100 and you will have It In the' ritTKIIKUt rmiHT OK NKW JEItftKV UMNCKIIV IUVIMON MONMOUTII IIIUMV next mall. IIOCKKT NO. M OMI-Sft TO: CAHOIJ VOHNa CimiHTKNBKN (IV vlrtti* nt ah Order of thn Ru ifMor Court (if NPW .lerupy, Ohatirrry (Ivlnlon, rriHfle on thn |s(h dnV nl AiiJUftl, lDOO, in N civil Arllon wliupln First National Bank R 48 JI'MI'fl H, CltlUHTKNHKN \% \\\\\\M\t\ Monthly pivmtMt Ini RiUi (iiul vim Hri> thn dtfcnilnnt, yi,u «rr Am»ruin IMIuia Mlnnl Stilin hnn'iiy ri'ijuircit in IHIR^IT HIP (••>I>\ nit nnruilm Inrer'i \\i%. Freehold, Now Jersoy iht In! or I UP jtt»iiiili[f <'ii ft i ht'fnni IXIIKI (lil'wKiml |iM<»fll l* i Imy il" IIMIl fl/l V "f fll'tijlKT, 1MUII, ItV Hf I V Hthl'iilooniuymuil.36 miinlh U\ft ••• fmnwrr mi Atlfl I), l,KVh,'V> united with miimil inlying I nni Intnioateil In * check-lonn account. Without RON, Kfly,, t'lnintKO uUdtu^y v,\\u%t th»iiiv fftiiml t»m |i»ii) O|t. iti|MN m 4iM>riNih f4trrct, rnH.n niy. tlonal m)ui|im«nt, tfininruti. oblljjntlon, ninll ma eomplata Information Including tf»w Jt>t«ry, Hinl (n ilrfntilt Iliftrnf, tlun. Intum'i'*. itllt ino lotlt inch JiKlnmrnt mini) hi? rrn'fi)ltnl>k nii'I Jn»l, Vrtii Mli'ill (lie ' Komtilar Amntlcnn OUIUMI IMlgur QoUan,

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All John's Bargain Stores I JOHNS FREEHOLD RED BANK ASBURY PARK LONG BRANCH Open Till 9 P. M. THURS. and I BARGAIN STORES 32 W Jain St. 12 Broad St. 612 Cookman Ave. 191 Broadway FRI. NIGHTS (LIMITED QUANTITIES MONEY PROMPTLY REFUNDtDI Use Our Want Ads Home Delivery For RED BANK Pe 1, Independent Daily f 35* Week Quick Results ^ MONDAY THSOUOHFRlDAt-EST.mi J 7c PER COPY Section Two RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1960

OLD TIMERS1 DAY—Shuftle- t 7.000 Years of Living Shrewsbury To Seek >oa*rd and plenty of talk were the prder of the day at the Old Timers' Get Together at Old Timers Day New Garbage Bids Marine Park yesterday spon- sored by Ray Smith of the RED BANK — Almost 7,0001 Mrs. Batjer's husband, Louis, SHREWSBURY — Borough Old Union House and the Red years were represented by the who died in November 1951, was a folks in Marine Park yesterday. Leavenworth, Kans. her home- Council last night voted to have ank Community Chamber of well known dog trainer, special- specifications prepared for ad- This figure is a close estimate New Jersey Commerce. In the center of the total years represented by izing in beagles. Among his many vertising for bids on garbage champions were Meadowlark collection. > f the shuffleboard court be- the nearly 100 persons who at- tended Old timers Day in the Wiseman, Watchman and Ruff- Councirtvoman Mrs. Anne' M. ow is Mrs. •Amy^ Shinn, 147 News Briefs park. age. Jackson said she hopes to receive vlechanic St., Rod Bank, Ray Smith, of the Old Union bids for the work in time to Average Age 72 Associated Press ormer borough clerk, ready And old timers they were. The House, and the Community Cham- award contracts at the Nov. 1 ber of Commerce combined ef- meeting. The new contract would NEWARK - The League of o shoot. Senior citizens at average age was over 72. Those who showed up in spite of the brts to stage the Old Timers' be effective Feb. 1, 1961. Women Voters has arranged three 'ight relax and enjoy coffee, get-together. debates-between the Republican gray skies and cool weather had Three Pickups and Democratic U. S. Senate dogs' and reminiscences. more than 3,000 years of resi- And the day was complete with Mrs. Jackson said bids will be candidates in New Jersey, Sen. dency in the area. 1919 Link Nickelodian owned received for contracts of one, Clifford P. Case, R-N. J., and Mrs. Rachel H. Batjer, 99 Wal- by Reed VanGorder, Flemington. two and three years with three Democrat Thorn Lord will debate lace St., at 91 the oldest woman It cost a dime to play the nickel- pickups a week throughout the major issues at the following and oldest person who attended odian. - borough. places and dates: Collingswood the get-together, summed up the The shuffleboard contestants Delisa Garbage .Service, Long High School, Sept. 29; Teaneck feelings of most of the old timers. received prizes. The best men's Branch, holds the present con- Jewish Community Center, Oct. "Age doesn't count. Life is ns team made up* of Carl Clark, 70, tract for two years at a total 3, and Summit High School, you make it," she said. "Wine is of 80 Harding Rd., and Charles price of $28,800. DeLisa underbid Nov. 3. ripened with age, as are people." P. Shinn, 67, of 147 Mechanic St. Thomas Farrell Contracting Red Bank Reviewed The five women who competed Stories of Red Bank as it used also received prizes. They are Corp., Shrewsbury Ave., in 1958 TRENTON -wGov. Robert B. to win the contract. Mr. Farrell to be 50, 60, 70 and 80 years ago Mrs. Halah Harlow, 65, of' 96 Meyncr has wished the Jewish —were swapped by men and South Lake Dr., River Plaza; had been the borough's garbage people of New Jersey "pence, Mrs. Howard Shinn, 66, of 15 collector 17 years. women alike. friendship and well-being in the Belying their ages, many took Fierro Ave., Matawan; Mrs. Amy DeLisa's contract for two years year to come." The governor Shinn, 62, the former borough set a price of $13,200 for the part in the shuffleboard compe issued a statement yesterday to tition and showed remarkable clerk, of 147 Mechanic St.; Mrs. first year and $15,600 for the mark the Jewish religious holt- talent for the game. Carl Clark and Mrs. Howard Mor- second year. day of Rosh Hashana, which is Sharing the honors with Mrs. ris, 492 River Rd., Fair Haven, Council announced that the of- observed starting tonight. The Batjer for the oldest in attend- fice of Mrs. Ortrude ,C. Van statement said,/'The high holy ance was Dr. Armand Rous of 58 Vljet, borough clerk, is being days are traditionally a time of Winchester Dr., New Shrewsbury. moved to 766 Broad St., the home reflection, of resolve for right He signed in at 90. An Eye, of Mrs. Isabel R. Parker, who is action, of hope for a brighter Dr. Rous was supposed to die the borough tax collector, court future. Mingled with these 21 years ago after an operation To History clerk and violations bureau clerk thoughts and prayers of Jews for cancer in Rio de Janicro Mrs. VanVliet's office presently is the world over are those of all Brazil. After his doctor had pre HOLMDEL — A zoning ordi- in her home on Sycamore Ave. Americans and of men of good dieted the untimely end, Dr. nance provision which is rare $100 a Month will everywhere." Rous boarded a boat for the —if not unique—in New Jersey The new borough headquarters United States. received the approval of the will be rented from Mrs. Parker TRENTON — The State Racin Still Feels Fine Planning Board here last night. for $100 a month for two rooms Commission will decide in thi . "I got on that ship and I fel Drawn up by Middletown at- on the ground floor. The lease next few days whether to try fine and I've been going ever torney Lawrence A. Carton, can be terminated on 90 days get further details on a $100,00 since," he said yesterday. Jr., at the request of the board, - notice from the borough. guarantee for a trotting track i "They gave me six months to it gives the Planning Board and The Municipal Court was housed Secaucus. Thomas J. Brogan Borough Votes $6 0,000 BlueScout a year to live. Every one of them Township Committee the power In Mrs. Parker's house until May commission chairman, will ca is dead now." to control the architecture and 1959, when it was moved to the other three members and se Dr. Rous graduated from the styling of any new structure police headquarters. At that time if they want to know the spe University of Pennsylvania in built in the Holmdel village the borough rented court space cific amounts which 19 contribu Rocket Is 1895 and started in as a dentist "G" zone "in conformance with In Mrs. parker's house for $700 tors put into the fund. The Lin For Vital Storm Repairs in Rio de Janiero for throe years the historical character" of the a year. coin Racing Association put u He returned to Indiana for, 15 village. Total damage in the borough is Council approved the appoint the $100,000 to get a lease o KEANSBURG-Borough Coun- construction of beachfront fa- years and then went back to Rio cilities, drainage facilities and said to range close to $3 million. for 30 years. The village's history, and its ment of Mrs. Margaret Ham its site in Secaucus. If the rac- cil last night passed an emergen- Launched churches, date back to early mnnd, Thomas Ave., as a specia ing commission denies a license, cy resolution calling for an ap- roads. Mayor James J. Gravany Winner-Loser the association loses the $100,000 urged thai! people who want to Colonial times. school crossing officer. propriation of $60,000 to repair Mr. Blum said that the emer- CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. He opposes gambling all the Said Mr. Carton: the Charles Davenport, associatior the severe damage to borough- gency measure was necessary rebuild houses destroyed by the way. He doesn't even think he's Action was delayed on president, said he borrowed $71 storm apply to the Small Busi- (AP) The Air Force's "This zoning provision Is one appointment of Fred Zieglar, owned properties caused by Hur-to "ensure the safety and health lucky in gambling himself. 000 of the guarantee and dis- ricane Donna. of borough residents." ness Adminstration. new Blue Scout space "I'm firmly convinced," he which could be attacked in former Little Silver, police chief, court, but I think it will hold closed the names of the con Particular attention, according The money wil be appropriated The mayor said officials of the rocket blasted off today in said, "that if I bought a lottery as a special officer during the tributors, but not the amounts ticket and won, I'd find I'd lost up." widening of Rt. 35. to C, Bernard Blum, borough at a rate of no less than $12,000 SBA had advised that the more His lawyer said it would invadf applications received, the more an. effort to hurl a radia- the ticket." The ordinance amendment manager, will be given the re- per year in municipal budgets gives the board authority to Zieglar Appointment their privacy. for succeeding years. receptive the organization's tion-study package 16,600 How did Mrs. Batjer feel win Council will seejcv a determine Washington headquarters would ning a corsage as the oldest wom- hire architectural "experts" in Need State OK miles into space. The ex- reaching its decisions under ation from Borough Attorney.Mil- TRENTON — The American Aproval will have to be obtain- be. an to show up at.the affair?" ton Mausner whether or not Mr, 3 Witnesses periment could lead to a means "I feel guilty about getting terms of the code. Red Cross, Salvation Army, and ed from the state Division of 46 Apply The proposed new "G" zone Ziegiar shuulu be bonded by th the State Highway and Defense Local Guveijiiitcnl. nf detecting nuclear explosions these flowers," she said, "there borough. Mr. Zieglar will be Some 46 residents of the bor- high above the earth. was another lady here who was would permit certain types of Departments have drawn con- Not Guilty Mr. Blum estimated that road business, residences and farms employed by Michael J. Stavola, gratulations from Gov. Robert damage amounted to some $30,- ough already have applied to the 87 years old." Inc., Middletown, the contracto PBA for loans. The 40-foot four-stage rocket Jesse's Last Day within a distance of 1,000 feet B. Meyner for a "splendid ef- SHREWSBURY — Three mem- 000, including some of the new darted from this missile test cen- north, south, east and west of who is doing the widening'work fort" in last week's Hurricane repair work performed as part of In another move to help storm There are miles of memories for the State Highway Depart- bers of Jehovah's Witnesses yes- ter at 9:02 a. m. Eastern Day- for Mrs. Batjer. Among the inci- the Newman Springs Rd.-Holm- Donna, Meyncr said in a state- terday were found not guilty of the $172,000 road program. victims, the Red Cross has set light Time. Tucked in its nose ment. up disaster area headquarters in dents she recalled yesterday aft- del Rd. intersection. ment that 30,000 civil defense charges of failing to register to The manager said the borough was a 32.8 pound payload packed er lunch in the Old Union House Mayor James H. Ackerson Mr. Mausner will be instructed volunteers helped hold down the canvass in the borough. lost about 50,000 in landfill. the Borough Hall. Applications with tiny instruments to probe to prepare an ordinance vacating for Red Cross help are avail- was the day Jesse James, the urged adoption of the code by storm damage. He said high- Magistrate Whitney ,Crowell re- Personal property losses were radiation mysteries far out in legendary outlaw, was shot in the the Township Committee, say- a right-of-way from Samara Dr. way department workers stayed served decision on t^o similar estimated at over $1 milion. Mr. able. space. along Shadowbrook Rd. to the Council pased a resolution pe- back In his home. Mrs. Batjer ing he had heard rumors about on duty for many hours to help complaints against Ralph Mit- Blum said the borough dump is was jn St. Joseph's Convent in school on Obre PI. titioning Rep. James C. Auchin- A serpentine trail of smoke taverns which might come in- municipal departments clear chell, 65, of 10 St. Marys PI., Red "loaded" with wrecked furni- town,' on that day. to the village. streets and highways of fallen Bank. ture. closs to amend the tax laws to traced the Blue Scout's path as trees and debris. The governor Found innocent on the basis of permit property owners who suf-it sped across the sky. The sec Viking Ship lauded tho Red Cross and Sal- insufficient evidence were Caro- fered severe losses to report ond stage fired a minute after vation Army for feeding evacu- lyn Dean and Lucy White, both them over a five-year period in- launch. The third and fourth ees and volunteers at the shore of IM Leighton Ave., Red Bank, Boro Receives stead of one. stages were to fire in quick More Help Asked Possibility and for helping take 1,200 Mon and Russell Winn, 1 Prospect The mayor also mentioned the succession but the rocket was mouth and Ocean County resi- Ave., Atlantic Highlands. All four Recertification possibility of the proposed Ur- far from sight at this time. Council Says Ocean Too Big For dents to safety in schools and were represented by Hayden Cov- ban Renewal program helping to This was the first flight for Weakening churches. inston, Brooklyn. WASHINGTON-Red Bank yes- rebuild some of the damaged the Blue Scout, which the Air MANASQUAN-The possibility The four were arrested Aug. terday received recertilication of areas. Council will meet with Force hopes to develop as an Budget; Defeat Tax Board Move that a 40-foot section of ship hull TRENTON — A Manahawkii 20 by Patrolman Robert Hoffman its program for the elimination the Planning Board tomorrow all-purpose vehicle for launching beached here in Hurricane Don service station owner has filec after several residents complain- and prevention of slums and night to discuss the program scientific probes and satellites to SEA BRIGHT — Borough Coun- Otis R. Seaman, borough engi- na is more than 1,000 years old a $16,500 anti-trust suit agains ed about the Witnesses ringing blight. with federal officials. gain vital military data. cil last night voted to ask the the Sun Oil Co. Robert Brev doorbells. Magistrate Crowell Norman P. Mason, administra- The borough is currently In the was weakening today. ster of Bay Ave., Manahawkin state and county for financial g y ruled there was insufficient evi- tor of the Housing and Home Fi- h ji Spokesmen at the Smithsonian filed the suit in U. S. Distric help in this community's inces- process of having three jetties Institution, Washington, said dence that three of the defen- nance Agency, announced the Firemen, Police Withdraw reconstructed and two new ones Court yesterday. He charges thi dants had been the ones ringing move. Recertification means the sant battle against the ocean. descriptions they have received oil company, with an office ir built. indicate the relic may be the sur- doorbells. borough continues to be eligible With the damage from Hurri- Jersey City, with illegal price- for federal assistance under the Sea Bright is handling over viving member of an 19th Cen-fixing. Brcwster's suit says Sur Mitchell had been arrested on Requests for Pay Raises cane Donna still untabulated, the $49,000 to the county's $35,000 ot a similar charge July 9. Housing Act^of 1954. tury barge. Oil sought an injunction agains council decided to appeal the the cost of the $169,000 jetty And three researchers from him in 1956 under the fair tradi LONG BRANCH — Two ordi- Mrs. Charles L. McCarthy of formula which calls for the bor-work. Rutgers University, New Bruns- law. He said state Superior Couri nances, which would have put Westwood Ave. termed the ough to pay 40 per cent of all wick, after viewing the wreck- A verbal hattln was touched awarded him $500 damages anc the question of blanket $500 amount of the proposed bond Is Improvements in the ocean de- off last night when Frank H. age, said they doubted earlier $5,000 for legal expenses. He di raises for police and firemen on «ue "ridiculous" for the creation fenses. predictions of ancient Viking or Van Duzer, C39 Ocean Ave., told mands triple damages under th the Nov. 8 ballot, were defeated of six additional rooms. The stale traditionally accounts the council that the jetty at the Egyptian construction would hold anti-trust laws. on final reading by tho City Com- Commissioner Raymond N tor half the expense, and the true. They arc going to make foot of Atlantic Way in north missioners at yesterday's meet- Brown said he thinks the Board county portion Is 10 per cent. beach wasn't high enough. tests, however. \ NEWARK - The Newark inn. of Education was "lax In not Has No Keel However, tho county often pays Mayor Farrell suggested that School Board has declined once Unanimous negative votes were breaking down the cost so that as high as 33 per cent. Robert Maxwell, Middletown cast after John Schlhcll, repre- the people know just what the Mr. VanDuzer take his question again to reinstate Dr. Robert "With 1,100 residents," Mayor Township, an engineer and for- Lowcnsteln, a teacher dismissed senting tho city's 18 paid fire money is beinR spent for." to the state engineers who de- mer Naval architect, had sug- for refusing to tell a Congres- drivers, and Patrolman Joseph Mr. Dinkelsnlel also termed Thomas Farrell complained, "we signed the jetty and let bids on gested the pic* might pre-dato sional committee whether he Anastasln, reprcscntlnc the Long the amount excessive, but point Just can not afford to handle 40 tho work. tho Industrial revolution because had been » Communist. Lowen Branch Division, Patrolmen's ed out that $32,000 of tho total per cent of the cost of protect- "1 suppose you think you know It was from a ship which hnd stein had been dismissed twice Dpnevolnnt Association, request- Is designated for land acqulsi ing thrc.' and a half miles of more lhan tho engineers," tho tin keel. before, In 19S5 and 1957, and ed defeat of the measures they tlnn. ocean fr nt." mayor asked, And It had only a limited both dismissals were reversed had previously supported. Another ordlnnnce, Introduced The mayor said that tlic borough "I want an answer," said Mr. amount of metal, he said. by tho stnl6 Supremo Court When asked why the chnnco, vosterday, appronrlnlos $1,500 has had Its debt limit expanded VnnDuzi'r. Hut Smithsonian authorities He hod refused (o answer the representatives snld their for engineer's nnd legal fees In from nlnu to 13 millions of dol- "How lonn have you lived In Knld some Viking ships had keels questions of a House Un-Amorl groups did not feel this a "pro- connection with n 200-foot oxten lars In order to puy fur recent Sea llrli;IUV" Mayor Farrell ask- nnd none had metal sheathing can Activities Committee abou pitious time" to request tho sinn of the sea wall airing Ocean Improvements nnd additions ed. mich AS was found on tho hulk Communist affiliations beforo raises. Ave. along the Atlantic, "Three years," Mr, VtmDuzcr unshed ashore here. July, 1933, though ho denied be- 2 Question* On Hnllnl ing n member of'tho Commu Sen Wall Money 'Had Formula' replied, Despite their dim views, how- At least Iwn other questions Third Round Defeat ever, they urijed that AJbort nlst party since that date. In The Bureau of NnvlKtUlon has "We'vo simply veuchcU. the will nppcnr on the bnliot, One Council defeated on third read- Marnzati, noonton, who discov- II) latest refusal last July, (ho will ask whether the city's gov- agreed to spend 555.000 nf tin point whore tho formula IN un- ered. It, send samples o( the Supremo Court ordered Lowen- expended fund* designated for realistic and unfair for a town Injj un ordinance which would slcln questioned further. Dr. ernment should be chnni'.i'd to have let the voters decide In No- wood nnd mctnl to them for In- ; ^^ like Sea Bright," Mayor Furrell spection testlnR, lUlwnrit ] , Kcnnclly, supcrln I'nul Klernnn assured that thn said. vember whiMhiT tho borough Icmlcnl of nchooli, Interviews recommended by the Charier should havo an or a Mr, Mara/nil Indicated he Sludy firoui). work will not affect tho existing Council Instructed tho clerk, Lowcnatcln Sept. 2 nnd n lour- l)oii rdwnlk, tlirn.'-iiiiiii tux boutil. Wllllcl. hour hearing wilt held lull Thi> scM'nml will nik Hint $150,- Mr.i. Joan Axul.ion, to write to This hulk l.i now In thu hack- 000 be appropriated throunli Is- The mayor ami cnmmlsslont-rs (inv, KOIHMI H. Mtyner, Comer The proposed tux hoard ordi- Thursday nluhl. The hnnrd nance wan ri'lucliiiitly Introduced ynnl of Saivntnru Mununti, 03 siiiino..' of bondi for nn addition cmiiiii'iidi-d city employees for; Vllllm| comm|»s|,mur Salnvuloru vnlcd 5-1 lint nlghl not to re at II spcrlnl iiKTtlni; Aii|;. 30 aft- rhtircli St., n brother nf Albert. Innlnle the former llarrlniscr to West Hnd School. Ihelr efficient work In lie retentu |,mi|(.n,|K), u,(, n,inr,| „/ |.l(,,.. Tho Intlcr hnd It hnulcd to hit An ordinance plnrlnp. the tut- hurricane. Public Works Com er I'III A. LoniJ, .Shrewsbury 11llth .School Inmructor. Imldi'iH and oilier Male lr|;hlatlvi! Wuy, lulil council Unit many ri-sl- tirnther's properly nnd lia.i erect- STORM CASUALTY — Among tho homoloti in tho wako ter rt'tmeM t>n the November mlssUmer flrorito Woollcy nnknl olticluh ri'(|Ui!Sllil|! n ruvliilon nl . . ' i 1 _. I • I I .. ..,1 tL. ...rJal.._ drills wiinleil thri'u n.qnosnurs In- ed a tempornry slirltcr nrmind It. of tho Jorioy Shoro't brush with Hurricflno Donna lair linllot win unanimously adopted the public's piilli'iicn In nwitlilni! I he fonmihi, WI'.STKRI.Y, K. [.-Howard riiinpleiliii) of clean-up work, r.ny- .ileiul of one, wook wai "Otto," tho bnby iquirrol buiy foodlng in tho yesterday. The foiiiiiilii quivill'io cuiim up OUT-I iJMin.i:n Iliirlon, 7.1, for several years ptil; Oimmlfnloncr Kdiinr N. Dlnkel- nl! Il.onf ! llranrlh h miffereffd ihhe i I,nil iiiuhl Mr, l.oii|; npnku In I1OSTON (AIM - Two riihlwm Usher ui>ers I hand of MM. Rlota Grofdky, 717 South Edgomoro Dr., spiel (,unlirie,•(lI lilhits nfflrmnllvnffirtnnllvet worsuorst Iree dmnnndnmn(!ce In lt» I,,,.'•« « r.'Milt of « teleplmmi n-«|m-sl |iippo.Nliiiiii lo tin* proposed tax entered Hi.' office of n ItfixluiiyiNew York nnd New .lewv, In- Wo»t Allonhurit, Mn, Groffiky, who owni Iho v'.l.. will, n IDpolnl »l,|,<-,|,,n |.,;l»ry. I "' « '"'"'«-••'" tlniiinr.r- •"•Ilitinl.- lioaul, Ihe iiicniljerN of which lllll iveie In lie appointed by (|,D lohncro firm yeMerdny nml «)•<•'rlixllni! Ihe Weiiflcld, N. I,,! Employmonl Agency, Brood 5),, Rod Bonk, found "Olio" the •iiiesiim, lunlf ll.< nn.l mher' K^NLMIIS of ihe WrMwood Ave,| ' 1( Asnemhlymn,, Alfml N. niiimled fiimh In ihe sad', Hol>.; Lender, died yeilcrdny In WeM-! nimmhslMll.'M "inlil Ihev would men iif"1 tei|ileMei''"•l' relie-"-f' fiotil' 1'"•'"I"""!"'"'"""""""'" | mayor ami cmmell, *•!•( 1'iinllii". Hi, nn employee, np-Vrlv Hospital.' Until 'he retlieili on tho limb of n Irpo which foil inlo DOAI Lflku during Iho Mpptove pta( in;! Ihe i|U'pt*li'iii on dinln,'i|! piohl"ini Ihi'iiv Mnv 'Hie innyoi' cited tin' Inir.e He called the appointive >y«. |>e.i,ed Ihiee llnien with Ihe'nlioill el|:lil veitr.i iie.n, he wai itorm, Tho (oundlinq >r|iilrrpl, which only opnnnd ill oyei the billot in onl>-r In iilv.' r Kleiunii II ilelil ilale-. ei-m k In Ihe ien wall alnni! iinilh'lein n polenllnl "political fool- 1 U'limc ke\ i in Hie <,;,)>. After piililhli'-r of the Arli rind I'li^ij Irtlt wonk-nnd, it repoil^d protperiii'j from fi pi-opli' of I nni! Iliamh ,iu op in.-nl for corn (live woik Ihi'te lieiicli Hi mi exiiinple, ||.< lo. ball" and ashed council ID detent Hie Ihltil llinii ihii inliliem jinve In llailfnnl. Conn lie W,1N n| \iil nl din i i>tn. stunted Mi". Ant'l'-fii In \i*'\ n the lllllliutme tie Ililil 1 "I »»'l ll'-it. funiier llwlfoid nlileiinnn. lu'jarad milk loudin'ji via an uyudroppur, loin on the c-kpcinllliiie, mliih'ii'a Uti, •I lUeelllli;, CUItlplele d.llllilC" If |H>I I f101II I 'omit ll did ^o, Trf), Sept. 21,1960 _ BED BANK REGISTER Wesley Buck, William Fried- burfc Hotadd Rd., are cm a tfp new hymnal*. Plan* were made for the"balanced program of taender, Bernard Goldsmith, Mr. in the New England Stxtet. for the annual banquet Oct (. activity in the local area." Hartnett, Mr, Lander*. Mr, Le- Haslet GOP Merit , It included participation in a Dr. Sprung spoke on "The Leon W, Walling, lire member, i ' ' Mrs, James Neidinger, Beers Veterinarian and His Place in vins, Mr, Mumford, Mr. Price' Anthony lofaoti, son of Mrs, St., will entertain the dub at her local civic project and a pro- Set Political and Mr, Scarborough, and Malcolm/W. Peseux, dele- gram of public interest 36 well Modern Society." Mr, Liebenow gate, representatives of the fire James Infanti, Bethany Rd., left home tomorrow. Certificate To Sunday, for the University of as many' activities in connection spoke on his duties as secretary company, attended the New Jer- with the club's political interests. of the Board of Health. Register to Vote, sey State Firemen's convention Colorado, to begin his studies as Forum In a freshman, having graduated First Aid Course •, Mrs. Lube Others from Raritan Township Officers of the organization are Demo Leader Urges Friday and Saturday in Atlantic attending the biennial convention City. Five members of the Com- from Keyport High School in the To Start Mofaday ATLANTIC CITY—Mrs. Charles Robert Price, president; William class of 1960. were Mrs. George Weber, club Scarborough, vice president; MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — pany and their apparatus par- W. Lube of West Keansburg re- Holmdel Edward R. Saville, local Dem- RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Mrs. president; Mrs. Thomas Aumack Mrs. Francis Burke, secretary; ticipated in the parade Saturday. James Redmond, Woman's Club ceived merit certificate ocratic chairman, yesterday Robert Young, son of Mr. and last week in behalf of the Wom- and Mrs. Harry P. Seamen. HOLMDEL - The Civic As Arthur Judd, treasurer, Samuel Mrs. Walling and Mrs. Peseux Civil Defense chairman, has an- The two-day conclave concluded Robinson, sergeant at arms. urged all residents who are not and daughter, Miss Susan R. Mrs. Charles I. Young, Jr., nounced that a standard first aid en's Republican Club of Raritan sociation will sponsor a political registered to register before the Holmdel Rd., has returned to Township. with an address by Vice Presi- forum Oct. 11 in the elementary Peseux, accompanied the fire- course' has been started and is dent Richard M. Nixon. Richard Hagen, constitution final date, Sept. 29. men to Atlantic City. his studies at Lehigh University, school. and by-laws; James Halten, com- open to all residents. This top award was presented Special registration dates are Bethlehem, Pa., for his junior Instructions are given Mondays at the convention of the National Candidates of both parties on munity affairs; James Hartnett, as folows: year. Federation of Republican Women PAIR FINED recreation; Edward Kojola, pub- at 8 p. m. in the first aid build- the state, county and local levels Sept. 22, 28, and 29, from 7 to George Mandeville, son of by Mrs. Peter Gibson, national FAIR HAVEN — Magistrate have been invited. lic relations; Richard . Levins, Mr. and Mrs. George Mandeville, ing, Eighth St., West Keansburg. 9 p. m. and Sept. 24, from 10 Mrs. Joseph R. Peseux, ^of Kenneh Klinsky of the first aid president, and Mrs. Frederick John V. Crowell yesterday fined At a recent meeting of the as- special events; Amos Mumford, a. m. to 9 p. m. Sr., Holmdel Rd., has returned to Holmdel Rd., was hostess to Becker, chairman of the merit two drivers $15 each for care- entertainment; John Landers, Bucknell University for his sopho- squad is instructor. Persons in- sociation, Dr. Cecil Sprung, Regular registration hours are Crescent Club members at her terested in participating can re- certificate committee. less driving. Fined were Alma Middletown veterinarian, and township affairs, and George from 9 a. m. to noon, and 1 to more year. home last Thursday. The mem- M. Pitts, 23, of Ave. A, Atlantic Reck, membership. port Monday night. Upon com- This recognition for the 1959-60 Township Committeeman Edwin 5 p. m., daily, in Township Hall, bers made a donation to St. pletion of the standard course, activities of the officers and Highlands, and Clarence T. Kirch- Liebenow spoke. The board of directors are Lower Main St. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. Bahren- John's Methodist Church toward an advance course will follow. members of the club was made ner, 6 Clover Dr., Hazlet.




All lunch moats told In Food Fair's Delieateuen Dipartmont SWISS CHEESE art sliced fresh daily right in our store. You'll find th« largest DOMESTIC BY THE RINDLESS PIECE variety In town at Food Fair, Ib. >0RM0 STATE KFAtk~SHli>V *S 55 AdulU OnL - »HARp CHEESE Clip This Coupon for PASTEURIZED PROCESS 2 1b. 50 MERCHANTS MAYFAIR CHEESE SPREAD loaf GREEN STAMPS! MAYFAIR CHEESE SLICES ; SARA LEE FLUFFY ALL LUX LIQUID SURF SILVER RINSO CHICKEN DETERGENT DUST DETERGENT DETERGENT C BLUE B0N0M0 fresh 7'/ior."7QC gUnt ~J~)C 12 oi. C C 'P?,'34 giant / rC Froien pig. / 7 site / / can 32 S"34 pkg. OD With Froo Fflc» Cloth PEANUT WISK LOUIS SHERRY DIETETIC TAVERNERS FRUIT DROPS CONDENSED LIQUID DETERGENT GRAPE JELLY APRICOT PRESERVE ALL BRITTLE quart C 6 oi, 3 Ib. I oi. C 8OL ( box c«n 62 31' 35 bo« 65

W» R*s*ry* Tht Right To Limit Quanlitlts. Mr*. Kurt Sdnrarz; represent*! Atlantic City were, noted, and Robert Seber, Jr., budget and ictool t» MiM Jean K. Meyer, RED BANK REGISTER Sept. 21, Change In • ing the Brownie troop*, request- about half the committee pitas' finance; Mr«. Kurt Sehwarz, Back to School daughter of Mr. and Mr*., Otto ed that the association, as spon- to attend for one day. newt; Mrs. Delores Bradley, Meyer of 420- River Rd., Fair i. ". sors, provide a meeting place for Mrs., Joseph Bruce and Mrs. treasurer, and Mrs. John Mo Haven. Jean is a first-year stu- PTA Session the troops because it is doubtful George Murdock were appointed Cormick, secretary. Time for Some dent at the Northfield School of the fire house would be avail- as a telephone committee to call Girls at East Northfield, Mass. MORGANVILLE -The execu- RED BANK — It's back Donald Kerr of Rumson and able this year. members whenever the need to school for a number of young tive committee of the Parent should arise. GOP Federation Frank C. Lepore,' Jr., Little Sil- omeone Teacher Association met last Mr. Flakowski suggested that people in this area, with some ver, are among the 675 fresh- s Thursday at the school for the the goal for the year might be The meeting was conducted by Party Tuesday starting freshman years, and oth- man students at the College of first meeting of the year. film strips, record albums and Mrs. Alfred LaMura, president. ers returning for second and William and Mary in Williams celebrating? books. Also present were Mr. Edmund SEA GIRT — The Monmouth third years. burg, Va. who started their class- The program was approved, Falkowski, school education The fund-raising project was County Federation of Republican Miss Ann Iselin, daughter of es Monday. Mr. Kerr is the son Send your best in person by phone. It makes with a change of meeting date chairman; Mrs. Joseph LaMura, Women will hold its annual des- Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Iselin of of Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Kerr, !or the November meeting. The discussed with a Chinese auction Jr., Mrs. George Murdock and a tremendous hit. Costs little. A 3 min. station or square dance as likely choices. sert-card party Tuesday at Sea 9-15 Broad St., Shrewsbury, is I Jr of 2i Blossom Rd.. Rumson, meeting will be held Nov. 14, be- Mrs. Leo Hourihan, health and | Girt Inn at 1 p. m. This is the among the juniors returning to call to Pittsburgh from Atlantic City—for ex- cause of the national elections. The resignation of Mrs. Robert and Mr. Lepore's parents are safety committee; Mrs. Joseph junit's only fund-raising event of; Mount Holyoke College campus ample, only 75* after 6 PM. 10% tax not The association will hold open Jones as program chairman was Lanzaro, Jr., and Mrs. Borden the year. ?arly to serve on the wel- Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Lepore, accepted. house that night, and the children Datzwiksky, parent-family life ed- . Mrs. Edwin J. Davies of Ocean- coming committee for incoming Sr., 33 Queen's Dr., Little Sil- included. .''.,' will contribute drawings and The health and safety commit- ucation committee; Mrs. Joseph port, chairman, reports that more freshmen. stories of "What My Daddy tee requested permission to run a Lanzaro, Jr., and Mrs. Bohden than 2,500 tickets have been Mount Holyoke, located at Looks Like To Me." Dalzwiksky, parent-family life ed- South Hadley, Mass., opens for cake sale for funds to make first mailed out. No problem finding tenants The next meeting will be held, aid manuals available to the ucation committee; Mrs. Joseph Proceeds are used for the club's its 124th academic year tomor- as usual, on the first Monday, membership. The state conven- Bruce, historian; Mrs. Lawrence welfare- program which aids row, and classes start Friday. when you advertise The Register It Pays to Advertise in The Register Oct. 3, at 8 p. m. tion dates of Nov. 2, 3 and 4 in Youngman, membership; Mrs. county charities and institutions,! Also going to New England for way.—Advertisement.

In .' i , v;; v v v»/ •/ v / v v v / v v v v v v v V / VV V v fvv'v v i vvi FOR THE PLEASURE OF GOOD EATING! LEGS LAMB Roast plain, If you wish, glax* during final momtntt of roari- ng (pinaappU, currant or mlntapplt glaxt), Set oven at 300 Jegrttt F. and roait en rack In shallow pan, fat tldt im* REG. When using mtar thtrmomster, reait to Internal tampiraturs of 170 to 160 dtgrtu, according to prtfirtnc*. Add no water. STYLE Do not cover or baite.

OVEN-READY ib. LEG O' LAMB 55 Ib. HOW TO CARVE LEG OF LAMB RBR It Plac* platt«r to that l«g bon* is to lli« carvir'i right. 2 3 -A TREAT WITH ANY MEAT Cut 2 of 3 Iffipthwiio illcst from th« ild. Mareit 50 - - - OCEAN SPRAY carv.r. 1. Turn th. l.g 10 that It rtiti firmly an th. lurfac. |uit cut. Male* the first tliu down to th. Ug bon» and con- MERCHANTS GREEN STAMPS CRANBERRY SAUCE tlnu. to malt* thin ilitei parallel to thi first until iltch WITH PURCHASE OF PINT CAN bane at thi larg* ind U reached. GOLD SEAL GLASS WAX 1. Run thi knife parallel to tho lag bom to fr« thi llicai P.S.G. BRAND — TOP QUALITY all at ono tlmt. Adults Only. Ona Coupon Per Shopping Family 1 Name Ib. NEW FLAVOR FIND! CURED BONELESS PORK iAddrau. Shoulder Lamb Roast? 39' Eipim Sat., Sopt. 24 — No Subitifutei Rib Lamb Chops Ib. 79' KNEIP BRAND Corned KAMI LEAN & DELICIOUS Ib. Shoulder Lamb Chops ib. 69 ARMOURS STAR Stewing Lamb Ib. 29' PURE PORK SAUSAGE Ib. MERCHANTS GREEN STAMPS WITH PURCHASE OF 15-OZ. PKG. Personalized Seafood Dept. SNOWY BLEACH Savings In Our Sparkling Fresh Produce Dept. Adults Only. On* Coupon Per Shopping Family SELECTED Nam* WHITE EipifM Sat., 24 — No Subilitutai SHRIMP TOKAY GRAPES CALIFORNIA R.B.R. FLAMING RED Ib. 2 23 MERCHANTS GREEN STAMPS 79' CALIFORNIA VINE RIPENED LUSCIOUS WITH PURCHASE OF 32-OZ. BOTTLE WARWICK CASTILE SHAMPOO CLIP THIS COUPON RECEIVE 80 MERCHANTS GREEN STAMPS EXTRA Adults Only. On* Coupon Par Shopping Family LARGE •ach INnm. HONEYDEWS 45 I Address. Eipir.i Sat.. 24 — No Subilltulti CALIFORNIA SWEET R.B.R. MERCHANTS GREEN STAMPS BARRETT PEARS 2 35 WITH PURCHASE OF 5-LB. BAG R.B.R. STATE PARK GRASS SEED NEW CROP FANCY - SNO-WHITE 50 Adult* Only. On* Coupon Par Shopping family I Nam* MERCHANTS GREEN STAMPS largo htid WITH PURCHASE OF 16-OZ. BOnLE N Eipiroi Silurdiy, 5.pL 24, I960 CAULIFLOWER LUV BUBBLE BATH Adulti Only. Ona Coupon Por Shopulng Family Nam*

Turkey Slices 0«.T 2A;!:69C OPEN LATE: THURSDAY to 9 pm. FRIDAY to 10 pm • SAT. 8 am to 6 p E.plr.i 5.I., 24 - No Subilituf.i Morion Sail JX12C HANDY FREE PARKING — COMPLETELY AIR CONDITIONED b C CONTAINS 900 CALORIES Parkay Margarine Pi', ; 25 ANDY MIDDLETOWN SHOPPING CENTER lake MiX l.mor, rudt]. INSTANT ALBACAL Cat Food „I Lllll, •) I o Middletown CLEANER Flrtt Imtant « Big T Sponge 99< c MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER Food Conconfrofo ** °*- Sunshine Hydrox C30 For Weight Control jar Woodbury Soap EATONTOWN TRAFFIC CIRCLE Rt. 35, Eatontown Plain • Chocofato or Co//a« All Prkei Effective Sfipf, 21, 22, 23 and 24 dnTv •if, ^-WeKStpLTZl, I960 , BED BANK REGISTER Top : Witness STEVE ROPER By SAVSDERS and OVERC4RD Gsc/THIS IS TVSTS +\\ ITITS MOT KIK=,SlST£R, j WY/.-7HATS RIGHT JtJTHEWAyTOWhKJW c I HOPE YOU LIKE YOU* SNAZZIEST CAR TMAT) IMJJSTDELIVEWM; Will Appear EVER STOPPED HERE/J) / IT—TMJSTDELVEWMO A PLACE OCH; : LIV=' fM OF; wry DAILY FORTUNE FINDER STEAK/ I HAD THE COOK LY PICK OUT A SORT OF COUNTY ROAD 14/ AT 7.'30/ USUALLY To learn your "Fortune" for today from the stars, write in the letters I |JAVETOWA!TAU of the alphabet corresponding to the numerals on the line of the astro* SPECIAL ONE Column logical period in which you were born. You will find it fun. At Trial HOUR FOR THE I 2 3 4 5 mficitt may ruff the next spade. OCT.23 s But Mr. Sklar's wife said this . TO MV HOUSE.. So you win the first trick with } ANP> I'LL. SHOW OCT. 24- 16 15 18 20 1 11 20 3 8 1 11 7 S 19 the ace of spades and worry about NOV.2J 9 13 morning he has left for Penn- the possibility of losing two trump sylvania. NOV. 23 13 15 18 6 3 1 18 6 6 18 6 S 4 1 25 19 IT tricks. If you lead the king of , DEC. 22 Mr. Sklar later agreed to ap- clubs, West will take the ace of pear if someone was^ent to Red DEC. 23. 11 5 23 16 21 2 12 9 3 16 18 1 9 19 & ID clubs and lead his other spade— JAN. 21 Bank to escort him. ' Bionaz dis- if he has one. Then a third patched county Detective Peter spade conies through you, and @n ( \ 9-22-(1 Poltrack and Sgt. Joseph Hickey (D'lMO. Kln( features Syndicate. !nr of the state police. Burns and "•>• ':-'- charged with having conspired to West is sure to make a second To execute the Coup Without a cheat the county i .uu THE HANDS Name, you discard a loser'on a u o trump trick. ting bills for bread which the loser—in such a way as to cut What can you do about It? , - , {Commonwealtcommonwealth says never wawas Cut Communications East dealer communications between the op-|de]ivered t0 count institutions. North-South vulnerable You must cut communications Iponents. Simple, but very pret- BBurn s is a fformer superintend- NORTH between the opponents. Prevent jty. ent of the county home and 4k 8 5-2 West from getting to his part- DAILY QUESTION Domenick a '-— operator of V A Q 4 ner's hand. Partner opens with 1 NT (16 tpjthe Home Baki Co. SECRET AGENT X9 • Q643 You can't stop West from lead- 18 points) and the next player, A jury of eig,,. .. .en and lour By MEL GRAFF • 5 4 2 WEST ' EAST ing a spade, if he has one. What^passes. You hold: Spades-K Q men was seiected yesterday. * J3 A KQ1O976 you can do is prevent East from' 10 9 7 6 Hearls—9 8 3 Diamonds i 1 BRINa YOU FRI6IJPLY THE AWN YOU \ SOOO-'wewiLt- Y HOiOITl V J 7 6 2 V 9 8 3 winning a spade trick. —10 9 5 2 Clubs—None. What do CHURCH BUSINESS OFFICE 6HEETWSS,/lrJI3ASK SEEK IS INSIDE- ] AIOVEHIMW 1TO CAN T ... IF you HAVE szeti me • K J 8 7 •10 952 At the second trick, cash the you say? IN OUR HOSPITAL-/ OUH BOAT I kW HIM H MAM WHO FELL B50M WARD •f> A 10 9 • None 1 COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)—Busi- t WMEPWTELV// NOW ' ace of diamonds. Get to dummydummy Answer: Bid four spadesp . Your STEPS OFJHAT DIFFICULTIES WEN 1 SOUTH THE SKY .' with a heart and lead the queen '• hand should be good for fiveness managers of 158 Protestant • A 4 ! churches have voted to study the V K 10 5 of diamonds. East plays low, as spade tricks and perhaps one dia- • A hp must, and you discard youritiiond. With average luck, the feasibility of setting up a national • KQJ8763 losing spade on this trick. West jnotrump hand should provide four office with a full time staff to co- East South West North gets a diamond trick but is rob-jtriclM Enterpriicf, Inc. POGO THE TOODLES By 7 HE BAERS Bv WALT KELLY

COWIMHBW1# PUNNYANDNB EAOIWMe OX PBNrW,AMC3 W. f fHesg wg \s T wv&a&'s He we 6o IOOK I €TANP ON \ A GHAMCS-" \ SUf THANK OWN eoow &nc£ weuv SOT JttBUV YOU } Arownsea MtftfcP. ajsravs-psesav... POtlCV? 118CM9& WifH to Keep WHO CAN Tfe.U A UOX Of I JW NOT vou AOBIfiU. COMPANY. THAT?





*£? . »' Mr. and.Mrs. Winters BED BANK REGISTER Mark 30th Anniversary ' LITTLE SILVER — Mr. and Mrs. Jack Winters of Silverton Ave. marked their 30th anniver- Ice Cream sary Sunday. They entertained Kuests at a cocktail party at their Plant Party home, and later took them to din- ner in Shadowbrook. The dinner tables at Shadow- For Club brook were decorated in red and white> and tne centerpiece was

dessert card party the Red,wlth Dank Woman's Club held Mon-I Guests were Mrs- Ezra David" day at Breyer's Ice Cream plant]son. Mrs' Lllllan Gottlieb, Mr. here I and Mrs. Michael Schneiderman,

Marfn and Mr, Grandm J. Chap.;££ £ £?££ ggfc man> 'Mr. and Mrs. Philip Shapiro, Mr. Also attending were Mis. Fian- and Mrs. Waltor Wilson and Mr. cis Haskand, Mrs. Alice Yarwood, and Mrs. Philip Waldman. Mrs. Anna Harrison, Mrs. Kath- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yaffee, Mr. THE OCEANPORT FIRE Company auxiliary will hold a card party and fashion show erine Ailing, Mrs. Beth Tregas- and Mrs. Charles Siers, Mr. and by Franklin Simon of Monmouth Shopping Center, Eatontown, Monday night in Old kis, Mrs. John Donovan, Mrs. Mrs. Nathan Josell, Mr. and Mrs. THE MONMOUTHAIRES Barbershop Troubadors, left to right, Ed Hartcorn, Atlantic George R. Schneider, Mrs. Wil-Bernard Brenner and Mr. and Highlands; George Dundon, Belmar; Charles Ker, Allenwood, and Artie Mahn, Elbor- Orchard Country Club, Eatontown. Committee aides completing details for the liam Held, Mrs. Thomas Sonnich- Mrs. Samuel Feilshus were un- on, will be among the chorus and quartets of the Asbury Park Barbershop Society benefit are, left to right, Mrs, George Webb, ticket chairman; Mrs. Ivan Vorhees, sen, Mrs. Hilda Jukes, Mrs. John able to attend the festivities, but committee chairman, and Mrs. C. J. Caniepa, fashion chairman. H. Cook, Mrs. Fred Mellering, they gave Mr. and Mrs. Winters appearing Saturday at 8:15 p. m. in Memorial School, Grand Ave., Eatontown. The Mrs. Harold Hendrickson, Mrs. a gift of silverware. program is for the benefit of the St. James Episcopal Parent-Teacher Association Albert Wedgbury, Mrs. P. J. Mc- Guinness, Mrs. Lyman B. Lock- Church School. Four other quartets—Row boaters, Seasiders, Oceanics and Shaving Free USO Helping Circle New Doctor wood, Mrs. Joseph J. Serpico, Mugs and a kiddies' quartet, the Offsprings, also will be featured. Comedy mono- Mrs. Joseph J. Dauster, Mrs. 250 Attend logue artist Edward Adamec will present a skit. Tom Cameron will be master of Gertrude A. Combs. Suppers Start Sale Scheduled For Nursing Mrs. George H. Spires, Mrs. ceremonies. Arthur E. Slattcry. Mrs. Jane S. Woman's Club This Sunday COLT'S NECK — The Helping Association Gaffey, Mrs. George W. Roath, Circle of the Reformed Church! Mrs. Walter McDougal, Mrs. Ed- Party, Show First Aid Children's Psychiatric Center LONG BRANCH - The first;will hold a rummage and food| RUMSON — Dr. Mario F. Ga- win O. Lomerson, Mrs. Duncan In the fall and winter series of I sale next Friday and Saturday, Iassi of Red Bank is the new, J. Stuart, Mrs. Harry J. Braun, RUMSON — More than 250 free suppers for military per- Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, in the olddoctor working with the Public |Mrs- Arthur Nelson, Sr., Mrs. guests attended the annual card Auxiliary Is Department's Project for Year sonnel and their dependents will fire house. Health Nursing Association of George Buhler, Mrs. Edward D. party and fashion show which the take place Sunday at 5:30 p. m. Mrs. Charles Ellis and Mrs. L. Rumson, Sea Bright and Fair DeCamp, Mrs. Manuel Pouso, Woman's Club held Monday night Party Nov. 21 RED BANK — As their project William C. Merrick; drama de- In the USO, 133 Chelsea Ave. R. Mitchell are chairman for theHaven, according to an announce- Mrs. Noel J. Lartaud, Mrs. Ed-in the Presbyterian fellowship for the year, members of the eve- partment next Wednesday, Get- Games will follow. The suppers rummage. They stated that dona- ment made when the agency gar V. Denise, Mrs. John Diet- hall. ning department of the Red Bank ting to Know You Night, horns are sponsored by area community RED BANK — The auxiliary tions may be brought to the fire board met this week in the meier, Mrs. Louis Zweig, Mrs. The party was a benefit for the of the Red Bank First Aid Squad, Woman's Club will devote special of Mrs. N. F. Scatuorchio, and groups and organizations and are John Wolff, Jr., Mrs. Ashton house Friday morning before the nurses' office in the borough hall. Children's Psychiatric Center of meeting Monday in the squad's activities to raising funds for theAmerican home department, Oct. served by the USO Senior Host- opening, or left at either of the Sickles, Mrs. Robert A. Cherry, Monmouth County. Children's Psychiatric Center of ess Organization. He replaces Dr. Irwin Polk of building on Spring St., made 11, home of Mrs. D. J. Rowland. women's homes. Red Bank, who resigned to do Mrs. Howard DeVesty and Mrs. plans to hold a card party there Monmouth County. The first in the monthly "Dress- Payson W. Lyman. The highlight of the fashion The club's budget for the year Food wU1 be n sale that Sat ur graduate study in New York City. show was the fact that club mem- Nov. 21. up" dances will be held Thursday, . ° . . - The next card party will be Discussion and selection ol the j was approved. onl bers, who were models, wore Committee chairmen will be Sept. 29, from 8 to 11 p. m. inl^ , £ Chapmen are Mrs. on Oct. 10. Mrs. Combs and Mrs. project was held when the group Mrs. Harold R. Lartaud, vice the Asbury Park USO. The theme!C h.arles HaEerman and Mrs' Har" clothes they personally made for Mrs. Samuel Scalzo, Mrs. Jack had its opening meeting Monday. president, introduced the follow- I John Munch will be the chair the fall and winter season. |Loversidge and Mrs. Peter De- will be "Fall Frolic." USO Junior "old. men. Mrs. Heinz Ewald, welfare chair- j jng guests: Mrs. Harry Pettie, Hostesses are in charge of the! Steinbach's of Asbury Park pro- Fazio. man, is in charge. |Mrsi --_... Donald _Dean, Mrs. Theo- decorations. Music will be pro- noon to 10 p. m. Horse shoe vided accessories such as hats, Mrs. Robert Cadman, president, Mrs. Henry Labrecque, ways dore Dolack, Mrs. Frank Johnson, tournaments are held every Sun- bags, gloves and costume jewel- told of the success of an informal and means chairman, said the Mrs. Robert May and Miss vided by the Buzz and Jesse party the unit held in the build- Combo. day afternoon. Back From ry. club's annual card party and Lucy Wheeler. ing in August, and said proceeds fashion show will be held Oct. The Long Branch USO has re- The Asbury Park USO furnishes Helen Lee Jackson, Steinbach's will be used to purchase coffee Miss Wheeler, a Red Bank High sumed its military family pro- sleeping accommodations on millinery department director and 17 in Old Orchard Country Club, School senior, was the depart- Three-Month cups and^other equipment for the Eatontown. Mildred Spector will grams, which include a special week-ends. Dormitory facilities buyer, was the commentator. building's kitchen. ment's representative to the an- program activity of interest to | are available at 50 cents per Mrs. Howard Miller provided pi- show fall fashions with acces- nual Citizenship Institute which The president also appointed sories and jewelry from her shop. married personnel each Tuesdayj night, including shower. Dances Europe Tour ano music during the show. Mrs. DeFazio, Mrs. Herbert the New Jersey State Federation evening; pot luck suppers, an-!are held week-ends: combo Mrs. David Warner, a club Chameroy and Mrs. Charles Knoll Department meetings were an of Women's Club held last June niversary nights, game nights, j dances, Thursdays, and record SHREWSBURY — James Kear- member, modeled hats. The fol-to serve on the by-laws commit- nounced as follows: arts and at Douglass College. She told of birthday parties, pizza nights and j hops, Fridays and Saturdays. The ney, son of Mr. and Mrs. James lowing members modeled: Mrs. tee. This committee will meet at crafts, meeting and mosaic class, her experiences at the institute. special events. There are also club also features pool tables, Kearney, 1G Parker PI., returned John Eager, a set of Bermuda Mrs. Cadman's home Sept. 30. next Wednesday, home of Mrs. Mrs. Wallace Bnnett, music de- available here washer and dryer television, magazines, church di- Monday from a three-month tour shorts and an ovcrblouse; Mrs. partment chairman, presented the rectory, letter writing facilities of Europe. Hostesses for the next meeting, program which featured "Tho facilities, nursery, iron and iron- Clark Kemp, a black wood suit, Oct. 17, will be Mrs. George Ing board, sewing machine, study and small games. The club Is He spent the time with his un a woolen skirt and overblouse Bamboo Butlers," a group of open Thursday to Sunday nights. Schmidt and Mrs. Thomas To- Mrs. Coleman male singers. Group members in- rooms, table tennis, pool, televi- cle, Rev. Josepph F. Shpchan, and a plum colored wool dress; maino. Hostesses for the coffee sion, housing information, church USO is a member agency of the h clude William Nielson, Jean Nes- Fort Monmouth Federal Service Army chaplain stationed with the,Mrs. Boyd Moreland. a dark cot- hour that followed this meeting bit and John Gardella, Jr., Rum- directory, library and other fa- Fourth Logistical Command in ton dress and a red dress; Mrs. were Mrs. Chameroy and Mrs. cilities. i Campaign and the Shore Area Is President Of son; Cooper McCarthy, Little Sil- Verdun, France, who accompan- p. A. Hennessy, a purple basic Albert MacDonald. ver; Paul Knauff, Clifford The club is open daily from i United Fund. ied the Red Bank Catholic High!dress and a black suit dress; Others attending were Miss School senior on visits to Lourdes, Heaslip and Robert Teeters, New Dr. Mario F. Galassl Mrs. John Ryan, a black faille Barbara Brower, Mrs. Everett Community Club Kitty Kelly; Fatima, and numerous countries, afternoon costume, and Mrs. Sar- Brower. Mrs. John Green, Mrs. | Shrewsbury; Patrick McCall and The association nurses in Au including Spain and Switzerland. kis Kavookjian, a green cock- Frank Loversidge, Jr., Mrs. Leo SHREWSBURY - Mrs. Mabel James Doyle, Middletown; Bruce gust made 225 visits to homes in They also attended the Euchar- tail dress. O'Connor and Mrs. Earl Stout. Coleman was elected president of Montgomery, Shrewsbury, and the area the agency serves, and istic Congress. Members' daughters modeling the Shrewsbury Community Club Philip Roy, Fair Haven. Wants Another Chance, 21 children were cared for at Ordained in 1944, Father Shee- were Carol Ann Wolcott, who Monday in Christ Episcopal par- Hostesses for the coffee hour well-baby clinics in Rumson, Sea han served at Star of the Sea wore a set of culottes and an Newcomers Club ish house. that followed were Mrs. John Giv- Catholic Church, Long Branch; Bright and Fair Haven. overblonsn; Donnn BroRle. a Others elected were Harold ens, chairman, and Mrs. A. Har- Husband Tries Too Hard The association needs n sew St. James, Red Bank, and St. grape colored knitted cardigan Has Supper Party Smith, vice president; Mrs. Rob-rison Brennan, Mrs. Elliot W. Ga bncl s radevelt bef re vt>1 Sparkcs and Mrs. Charles A. Key- Dear Kitty: inE machine and a small tricvcle.! ( ' ? - " " „ .,.>and, „a .....charcoa. w-l ...... tweed. I LINCROKT — Members of ththejere t .If. Disljiuw, treasurer; Mrs. Dear Kitty: or e 5 1 KaKa n Ber da ler. 1 am 24 and was married four Anyone wishing to contribute thej-^^the!"™J ,''o"'j^'ran « ™£t of^alo?"'""l!^'^ I'« " .^''"^ ^ ""Si?"iNewcomer'™. s Club held its annual' Payson W. Lyman, recording sec- I have been going with a fellow items may contact the nurses' ^mo*J l° 'he rank of maJor shorts andla. jerkin: Karen FJhs, L . . retary; Mrs. Cecil C. Crawford, "The I960 election, Its Back- years when my wife and I sep- off and on for about six months. wo eargs a ook out suppeppr partpy ylast wcck ntfirofficep. y K°. aa sskirk rt t anandd iackpl jacket:; VirciniVirginiaa HenHen-- -.., _. .,._ ,!.!__ _, «._ __J »*__ Corresponding secretary, ami ground, Its politics and the Re- arated. I blame myself. I was We have never gotten serious nessy, a pair of slacks and a end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. sponsibilities It Places Upon an auto salesman and at times, Mrs. George Burt, nursing com- William Cooper on Majestic Ave. Mclvin Ford, Herbert Lindner although I care for him very mittee chairman, said that an prom dress; Margaret Hennessy, and Mrs. John H. Cook, mem- Women" is the theme for the for no reason at all, just didn't much. We both dated other per- a pair of Bermuda shorts and a This activity opened the fall next meeting, Oct. 3. go home after work. aluminum walker has been pur- Mrs. Patterson season. Monthly meetings start bers at large. sons during this time. chased. Money for this was sup- jumper; Judy Hayes, a white Serving on the nominating com- After we separated I realized sheath dress, and Linda Zerr, a in October. Today he phoned that he has plied by the Grace Porter Me- Also attending were Mr. and mittee were Mrs. Disbrow, Mrs. how much 1 loved my wife. I another girl in trouble and would Given Birthday green satin party dress. Lyman and Mrs. L. C. Vanln- wanted to come home. She said morial Fund, established for the Mrs. Edmond B. Butler, Mr. and probably be getting married association as a memorial to its Mrs. Robert R. Connell, Mr. andwegen. she wasn't ready but to keep on soon. I know he doesn't want founder. Mrs. Melvin Ford was hostess. SHERMAN'S loving her. Last winter she went Mrs. William D. Cooper, Mr. and to marry her but what makes Two new board members intro- Party by Son Bride-Elect Miss Abbie Strickland showed to court to complete the divorce. 1 Mrs. Walter F. Grampp, Mr. and me so mad is that I have always duced were Mrs. John S. Knott RED BANK — Harry E. Pat- Mrs. Donald F. Howard, Mr.and color slides taken this summer While it was pending, 1 came believed in winning a guy fairly, on her trip to Italy. home. I couldn't stand being nnd Mrs. Arthur Armitage, both terson of 53 Linden PI. was host Mrs. Richard Johnson, Mr. and and have always kept my of Fair Haven. Sunday at a barbecue birthday Is Feted Mrs. Arnold Peterson, Mr. and Also attending were Mrs. Her- away from her and our two emotions in check. I don't be- Mrs. John Purcell, Mr. and Mrs.bert Lindner, Mr. and Mrs. Phil- parly honoriniiuiiiig hi1115s mothermoincr., Mrsivirs. iM-rpRI AKFN — Mi« Rrvrrlv "' ' ru.^-i,, ..... »..u ...... little girls. 1Francis L Wallins Mr and MrS lip Coleman, Mrs. John Valen- Draperies lieve in trapping a guy. NowBirthdays Galore EuRcne Patterson, Sr., Also of 'cHn!nciof^ ^atontLn was - ' ' ' The lirst night home she he's in trouble with someone M Robert Dunla Mr and MrS tine and Mrs. Jacob Jeffrey. Linden PI. The patio of the Pat-^J "d°?st weok a?TsUrDdse! P' ' Slipcovers opened up her heart to me out else.. tcr-ion home was decorated with " *urprlse Roberv^-"->t Pisani™"ni , MrMr . annnrdi MrMrss . JaJ-a-j There will bo no regular meet- I In Bennett Family terson home was decorated withjbrida, showcr ivcn b her ma. of love. She said she was wel- w It hurts me to think that per Chinesurson eluim lanternst wa.s aecoraiea "t" ' cob Silvcrstein, Mr. and Mrs.ling of the club in October. The Bedspreads coming me home. But we have in1 haps if I had followed my heart BELFORD — Diane Bennett, GueS,s were Mr. and Mrs. Ku^J *T\^L*?lllZ Nathan S. Beekley, Jr, Mr. and. annual dinner will be held not done this since. We don't 'Iberton in her home on InterlakenjMrs Raymond F. Eisenhower and 'November with Mr. Lindner and Upholstering instead of my head I would be daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Palmerjgene Patterson, Jr., and children Ave. feel right unless we are man and Bennett, East Rd.. celebrated her Gene and Sue, Mr. and Mrs. 'Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Wein- Mr. Smith in charge. Window Shades wife. the one and not her. Was I right? Is it right that he should fifth birthday last Wednesday John Clark and children Bobby, Miss McClintock will become stein Table Pads I live at my own place. She have to be caught this way? He with members of the family. Gary and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs.the bride ol Warren 11. Hibbitts of TWO PARTIES has her own home. I have taken dosen't know 1 care for him ex-Present were Mr. and Mrs. Clif- Lawrence Farley and children!Wayside Sunday. KEYPORT — Members of the Shop-at-llomc Service two full time jobs, give her cept as a close friend.—Troubled ford Barker and Ronald Barker, Larry. Jeff, Steve, Gail and Pat-' Attending were Mrs. Elmer j DeborahHospital Bayshore Women's Club feted Phone SI! 1-8.145 money for child support and to Atlantic Highlands; Mr. and Mrs.rick, and Mrs. Nora Robbins, all Cook, Mrs. Harold Magathan and Mrs. Alice Mershon, a resident buy things for herself. 1 even Dear Troubled: From what Chaoter to Form Sherman's Edward Bennett and Mrs. Lillian of Fair Haven; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ella McCarthy, Eatontown: of Water Edge Nursing Home, Home Decorators take care of the kids so she can you say, you cared more about Smith, Wayne, and Palmer, Paul Paul Patterson and children MarviMrs. George Macho, Ocennport; RARITAN TOWNSHIP — A a belated birthday party, and go out on dates with other men. this boy than he you. If he had and Judith Bennett, this place. 468 Broad St. Shrewsbury and Edward, Everett; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Curtis, West Long;ncw chapter to serve Deborah \Mrs. Minnie DeVesty, a farewell Sll 1-2646 FREE Parking People tell me to go out and really be in love with you he The second birthday of JudithjMrs. Charles, Patterson and chil-1.Branch; Misses Ruth Schwenier,:Hospital a non-sectarian hospi-!party, last Thursday. Mrs. Mer- have myself a good time too. never would have dated an- u J Bennet"""""t was observe •"d' "yesterda—y dren Patricia, Charles, John and Pat Welsh and Ann Stryker. Red ta) that 'cares for operative hcart;show celebrated her 90th birth- 1 don't have any desire to. 1 other girl. So in that sense with the same group of guests at Cheryl, and Mr. and Mrs. Mi-iBank; Miss Irene Wagner, Ncp-1patient;;, cancer victims and indi-;day several weeks ago. Both you were right. I doubt he love only my wife. We have a party. Mrs. Bennett celebrated chad Griesi and sons, Michael tune; Mrs. Paul Voorhees, Way-lvjt)ua|s suf[<.rinfi from tuberculo- jMrs. DeVesly and Mrs. Mershow talked to our minister. 1 have was trapped. No man marries her birthday last Thursday and and Joseph, Red Bank; Mrs.jsidc; Mrs. Clarence Brocklcbank,lsis is jn tnc proceSs nf being!received gifts, and a large blue' faith through God, She says 1 a girl nowadays unless he Mr. Bennett celebrated his birth- Jacob Stryker, Shrewsbury, andportaupeck, and Mrs. formed for interested women liv-jnnd green birthday cake was push her too hard. What more wants to. day Saturday. Miss Judy Roemcr, Little Silver. I Lane, Formingdalc. ing in Raritan and Middletown served. can 1 do to save this marriage Put him out of your life It's Townships. for the four of us?—M. T. going to be hard but you can do A membership tea will be held Dear M. T.: If you want it, if you try. Monday at the home of Mrs. Nor- your wife back, stay away. man SchantJ! on HO Orchard Ave. Give her a chance to think Memo to F: Keep in mind East, llazlot, who Is organizing things over and make up her that we arc all separate in the unit. MPinbcrshlp Information own mind. If you could go to dividunls with certain rights no may be obtained from Mrs. another town, It would help. matter what our years, and as SchanU. Write her if you wish, send Individuals we command respect. her presents, the gayer and As you respect yourself, so others more frou-frou the better- will respect you. Be proud of things she wouldn't ordinarily your heritage ns n human being, buy. But dnn,'t sec her. hold your head high, look the TUFTMASTER lror your children's snkc world Blrnlght In the eye and do and your own, you hnlh should your bestl try to make n gn ol it. Keep CUSHIONS hammering nwny nt that in Send your problems to Kitly your loiters. j Kelly. Enclose n slnmpnl self- For y ing nt II sometimes happen* thnt nclilrrssed rnvclnpp, and nildross divorced cnuplrs fall In lnve her In enre of the Rod Dnnk Benches * Dens TOWN mill corvniY. nil over ngaln and remarry. Register. Window Seats Ml llir fn»hii]ii« ymi will Let's hope It turns nut this Helpful Icnfk'ls available. Write wny In your ease. 'for "Are You Sure It's Love?" TV Cushions IIIIII to miikr yniir full Headroards anil winlrr wnrilrnlin rv found & tquaroi I|H'IMIP mill roinpli'li'. Slop white, block & colon LEON'S ill llllllilllllW, if 111)1 lull,I)'. .50 . OFFERS YOU ALL ThtSE 3 each FINE SERVICES! • DRY CLEANING • RUG CLEANING IT WAS FAMILY WEEK-END for (ho Northern Monmouth County Council of Girl J. YANKO 12 Lindon PI., Rod Bank • LAUNDRY • PILLOW RENOVATION Scouti litit wook At thoir c/imp lilo, Nomoco, nonr Smithburg, And thn Nudd fnmlly K illt mini irlmulimi SH 7-1263 • FUR STORAGE • FUR REPAIRS of Erttontown wero Among thoio enjoying fAmily fun. Mr, Nudd, who li A m«mbor BroAd Street CAM, SI I Lim Hilt VKV.V. PICKUP RIM! MUVI.HY of tho UnAmi Archen Club of Leonardo, It jhown giving Inttrudlont to hli family, Rod Dnnk M-78 Wilt If: NTRKKT M'.tt HANK loft to right, Mri, Nudd, Barbara, Joyce, with hor bow and arrow, And 21, 1SWJ,// BED BANK REGISTER• Loaded ErrotGim ''. TV. Y. Yankees A 2-1 Win

NEW YORK (AP)-A bases- games, and reduced the magic The Yankees, now 8-10 against le Senators for the season and loaded error by catcher Earl number to six over Baltimore 5 at Yankee Stadium, missed a Battey in the 11th inning gave and . The Orioles broke New York a 2-1 decision over a tie for second by beating Bos- bance in the ninth, when Schaive By Hy Cunningham Washington last night and reton- , 4-3, while the White sox were eared McDougald's two-out, tained the Yankees' four-game idle. ro-on liner. Then they blew a ead over Baltimore in the Amer- i The Yankees, who blew a 1-0 hance in the tenth, when Kubek GOV. ROBERT B. MEYNER, WILLIAM P. pened with a double but was ican League rac---e lead in the ninth whey the Sen- PAZICKY AND WILLIAM SHERWOOD will be watch ators scored on a wild pitch, final- licked off when Bobby Richard- It was the Yankees' fifth m missed a bunt try. ing the grid talents of Rudy Guenthner of Belford. straight success, ninth in 11 ly put it away when Bill Skow- ron, back after missing a game The loss left the Senators in a Why? Because they are alumni of Lafayette College, because of injury, opened the mrth place tie with Cleveland. Easton, Pa., where Rudy is going to play an important lKh with his third hit, a single. ranhlngton U) New York (I) A8 R K AB R It role in this year's Lafayette football team. Sportsmen Slate After a sacrifice by Ken Hunt, era'les ill I 1 pinch-hitter Yogi Berra was •timelier 10 1 MarlKl'ons 2b.3r[ b 35 00 1 Rudy Guenthner, a graduate of Middletown •Jacobs 0 0 0 Mantle c[ 5 1 walked intentionally, and Gil Mc- a'clso si 1 0 0 Sko'ron lb 5 0 Field Day Oct. 2Dougald followed with a walk ireen c! 4 0 0 n-Pe'aeim o 1 0 Township High School, caught on to the American Il'w Ib,3b 5 1 1 Lopez If 0 0 that loaded the bases. .emon It 4 0 0 Plstml If 0 0 0 game of football like a duck takes to water. He WAYSIDE — The Monmouth 0 2 1-Johneon 1 0 0 Tony Kubek then grounded io lattey c t County Federation of Sports- lertoia 3b 3 0 Hunt It 0 0 0 came across the pond from Europe and when he third and Joe De-.Valo 0 0 0 Howard c 2 0 1 men's Clubs will conduct its an- t'oo'lek p 0 0 0 m-Berra c 0 0 •n first came out for football at Middletown, it was Maestri scooted across as Har- 0 0 nual field day at the Wayside Naragon 1 Boyer 3b 3 0 mon Killebrew's throw home ,ee. p 0 0 0 J-M'D'ld 2b 1 0 as new to him as this country. Arnie Truex, then Rod and Gun Club here Sunday, ,1'on rf,lb 3 0 1 Kubek IS 5 0 popped out of Battey's glove. | Oct. 2, starting at 1 p. m. iar'er 2b 3 0 0 staUord p 3 0 of the lions, was the best tutor a green foot- Don Lee, fourth Washington ort5olo 0 0 0 Coates p 0 0 Events included in the field Jobbek 0 0 0 Arroyo p 0 0 0 pitcher was the loser for an 8-6 til i i k'Cerv 0 0 0 ball lad would want when taking up an entirely day are skeet, trap, turkey and record. Half of his losses have rallck p 2 0 0 Grba p 0 0 0 new sport. And it was Arnie's tutoring that soon moskeet shoots, and,bow and ar- i'B&cquer 1 o 0J been to the Yankees. iado'tk! p 0 0 0 has this lad on his way to gridiron success. row events. i-Sch'e 2b 1 0 0 Trophies will be awarded in Eli Grba, pitching only the 11th for the Yanks, who also used 37 1 6 > 36 : 8 skeet and trapshooting for the a-Struck out (or Gardner In 8th: b. best score out of 25 birds. Two our pitchers, was the winner for ;ruck out for Krallck In 8th; c-ilngled a 5-4 record. jr Ver»alles In Slh; d-ra.n tor Mincher trophies will be awarded in the n 8th; e-walked for Bertola In !)th: TIGHT FINISH One of the tightest finishes in several years of Freehold Raceway moskeet shoot, one for the Mickey Mantle's 36th home run, •announced for Consolo In fllh; g-nted leadoff shot over the 407-foot ut for Dobbek In 9th; h*struck out for competition resulted yesterday when Frisky Brook No. 8, driven by Peter Virag, Car- youngsters up to 14 years of age, adowski In 9th: 1-tiied out for Plsoni and one for persons 15 years and sign in right-center in the fourth tt 9th; j-Jlneil out for Boyer In 9th; teret, earned the photo win over Mar Frisco, No. 4, driven by William Pagel, in the inning, was the early difference for Arroyo In 10th; 1-hlt IMn over. loubleplay for WoocleBhlck In 11th; sixth'race. The judges studied the photo for 10 minutes before declaring the Refreshments will be available as Yankee rookie Bill Stafford n-clrew Intentional walk for .Howard In out-dueled southpaw Jack Kra- lth: n-ran for Showron In 11th. seven-year-old brown gelding the winner. Frisky Brook paid $15.60 to win. Sweet at the clubhouse during the field Washington 000 000 001 00—l day. lick. low York 000 010 000 01—3 Direct, No. 6, Bart Wagner in the sulky, was third. But Stafford, after blanking the Nats on four hits for eight in- FRIDAY, SEPT. 23, 9 P.M. King Raps 2 Homers nings, got into trouble in the Frisky Brook Takes Freehold Massachusetts Ag Toronto Wins, 8-1 ninth when Killebrew opened with a single and Battey sent him ROCHESTER, N. Y. (AP) to second with a one-out single. WRESTLING The flrsftwo times up Jim King Race in a Near Triple Deadlock May Rejoin NBA When Stafford, who fanned ASBURY PARE CONV. IIAI clouted the ball out of the park eight, then walked pinch-hitter Amazing Rocca and BOSTON (AP)—Massachusetts, Those two homers, good for Elmo Valo, loading the bases, Perez vs. FREEHOLD — Frisky Brook, a rebel for three years, may refiv- e RBI, were all the Toronto Jim Coates relieved—and gave steady pacer, easily was the LADIES PAY loin the National Boxing Associ- Maple Leafs needed last night up the run on a wild pitch to Flrpo and Kelly shining light of yesterday's pro- ation—providing the middleweight to wallop the Rochester Red Bob Allison. gram at Freehold Raceway. picture can be cleared up—says Wings, 8-1, in the third game of When Allison walked, again MIDGETS! The seven-year-old brown geld- the chairman of the state boxing the final loading the bases, Luis Arroyo Other Star Bouts :ommission. ing won both ends of the first playoff. The victory gave the came on and retired pinch-hitters TICKETS & RESERVATIONS double heat event of the meeting "This will not be immediate,' Leafs a 2-1 lead in the best-of-7 Pete Whisenant, on a fly to left, (01 MAIN ST. TEL FB 4-42M at the local track, but it was his Herman Greenberg emphasized series. and Johnny Schaive, who fanned victory in the first dash, the last night, "because we must first sixth race, which excited the clear up the middleweight title crowd of 3,114. Piloted by Peter muddle." Virag of Carteret, Frisky Brook Paul Pender, Brookline, Mass., Thursday was involved in a whisker photo Is recognized as the World cham- finish with Mar Frisco. The pion in Massachusetts and Eur- Friday judges studied the picture for 10 ope. Gene Fullmer, West Jordan, Saturday minutes before declaring Frisky Utah, owns the NBA version of Only Brook the winner. The victory the title, recognized in 47 states. was worth $15 for a $2 win mu- Fullmer's next scheduled title tuel. Sweet Direct was third. bout is with old pro Sugar Ray In the repeat dash the order of Robinson, whose limited version finish was the same and just as 'Hey — that's not fair!' of the crown was lifted by Pen thrilling though not as close. In der in a split decision in Boston. the rerun,, Frisky Brook won by Massachusetts rejoining the a head over Mar Frisco, who NBA depends on Pender getting EARLY BIRD" SALE Guenthner, weighing in at a fast 175 pounds, is was one-half length ahead ol Who's Retiring? a shot at the NBA title, Green slated for the tough center linebacker post on theSweet Direct. The repeat vie berg said. tory was worlh $14. "Both bodies (NBA and Massa- Leopards' defensive squad. Coach Jim McConlogue The day's feature, the New Says '01c' Case chusetts boxing commission) of Lafayette says, "Guenthner is an exceptional defen-Jersey Bakers Pace, went Io agree to give Pender a shot at the sive player." Of course this statement backs up his old Stabilizer, who returned $4.20 NEW YORK (AP) — Anybod winner of the Robinson-Fullmer $3. and $2.80. who says that wi 1st nnce, 1 mill-, Trot, WW1, M 2:03 fight," Greenberg said. "This is coach Truex, who stated, "Guenthner is the best line- narnclwyyn (Altiier) 8.60 . victory over the Washington siuii member Eddie Urbec both backer position. 3rd Race. 1 mile Trot, jran. off 2:52 favor returning to the NBA. Tom- Armour Pick (MurphyThy) 5.80 4.BO 3.WSenators last night. The triumph Your Pre»Seas (Owenii) 4.20 first game action Saturday when Lafayette opens mi* z:n. the American League pennant. member, says he is in favor of ...I Rac» — 1 mile, Pace, Sew. ntf .,-n what the NBA is trying to do, but against Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The Penn game Beach Heart (Bialpyi 5fi0 3.40 Speculation over Stengel's re- HomenlrPlch Lanry 'Evann) .i.fio tirement was prompted by wants to make sure it is a har- Miss Audrey (Loar) 5.or monious group" before agreeing will mark the 55th game played by the Leopards andTim* 2:15.1 columnist Joe Williams' predic- the Red and Blue in a rivalry that began in 1882. sih Rnri\ 1 mile pacp, SUM, nlf 3:43.tion in the World Telegram and to rejoin. Erlnrlna Hanover (Murphy(Murphyl) .1,fif> 2?.Pfl M HI Lo's Request (Bally) 3.R0 Sun that Casey finally will pull Massachusetts bolted from the The series was resumed last season after a Velocity (Casey) 4 do Time 2:13.3. the curtain next month on hisNBA in 1957 in a dispute over the lapse of 12 years, with Lafayette losing, 26-0. 6th Rare, 1 mile, Pace. SI,800 T>lv., welterweight title in connection ofr 4:08. 50-year career as a player and Pennsylvania went on to cop the Ivy League FrlsKy Brook (Vlras> 15.00 .ICO 3,;omanager. with a Virgil Akins-Tony DeMarco Mar Frisco (Papel) 51)0 HBO bout. Sweet Direct (Warner) 4.(0 "How the heck does he know championship. Lafayette, with a 5-4 record, placed Time 2:12.4. plut tax 7th nnce, 1 mile. Pace, S500, oir 4:33.when I don't?" asked Stengel, third in its Middle Atlantic Conference. Stahlllzer rOwensl 4 :o 3.00 2 s "and if I did, I wouldn't tell and two Raster rial (Shlles) 3.11) 2.S0 recappabla Coach McConlogue recently made a statement Mils Brarten Volo (Altlzer) 5.0C anybody. Certainly not now. I'm CAMDEN, N. J. (AP) — Flor Time 2:10. sure my players are not conid-a will have a strong candidate tires regarding the "wild card" substitution rule that does «th Race. 1 mile. Pace. Sinn, orr 4:\i Klalne Rpencer tM'phy) 21 CO fint) n ?n cerned right now about me. Their not come from a coach very often. Tho question wasnine Din IMnttox) JJ.jj 2.6(26(1 pennant. And that's mine, too. running of the world's richest TIITIPaulaP 2:12Jalilon. (Fancher) main concern is winning race, The Garden State. The 6.70-15 or 7.50-14 Tuneless or Tube-Type, Blaekwall asked-"Will Lafayette's head football coach Jim f>1li Ttiee. 1 mile. Pace. St.BOO nil r year-old Fair Ruler colt was bred r»rPH,*r . i::n*. I,,** "I have a two-year contract," McConlogue be tempted to call the plays under the new '"" lmexpires in October. At the proper Tlmi ::l to play, not the coaches." Otli ' R.-iep", 1 milp. rarp, WA r>ff 5-M time. I will sit down with my t ••••••MMMMMMM2 O. (Kpnnpy) t) fio .100 n 20 players and then everybody will In high school football today, and in close Tlrpam IPPTTJ 4*0 Sandy K Hal (King) know whether or not I'll be back Tim* 2-.12.2. games, one will notice a coach sending in plays Mtpndanep 3,in. next year." Guaranteed Nationwide all afternoon. This makes the quarterback a A majority of the New York middleman in this department. Substitutes are A TOP SPORT NOW reporters who have travelled with always flying in and out with what plays to use COLUMBIA, S. C. (AP)-Bas- the Yankees believe Casey will| THANKS *BUY NOW...get our «pedal prices ketball, a major sport that Inter- retire. ...then youlyou'lll be all set whehenn snow in all sorts of tight situations. Maybe high school comes alongl . You'll save yourself ests millions throughout the na- lime, money and tho inconvenienco Wo guarantee our Winter Trends, bearing coaches should take heed to McConlogue's words, tion, had minor status years ago. SNAGS BIG TUNA ' the Firestone Qimlity Tread Medallion Una of beine caught in the desperate rush tho shop code murk, to he tree from de- "This game is for the boys to play, not the coach- For example, the 190!) edition WEDGEPORT. N. S. (AP) — that always occurs with the first fects in workmanship and materials. If of "Garnet and Black," the Uni-Robert McDowell of Jersey City, A LOT- snow, -«ig examination by us or any Kircstono dealer es." versity of South Carolina annual, N. J., boated a 660-pound tuna or atoro discloses a defect In the tread or Every Firestone Town & Country cord body, it will be repaired or an ad- listed the game as "Sissy Ball." off here yesterday after a 45- Winter Tread wo sell carries the justment mnde on tho cost of another Only three games were on theminute fight. The fish was larg- to all of famous Firestone Nationwide guar- winter Trend, prorated on tread wear and USC schedule that year, and allest caught in these famous tuna antee! Wherever you drive, quick bnsed on tho list price current at the time three were lost. grounds this season. service will always be available if ol adjustment. our wonderful needed, customers who Major League USE OUR GENUINE have waited LAYAWAY EVEREADYI to purchase

TODAY'S BASEBALL BUY Flashlight aluminum 1.o°«li«wh«r# By Tho Associated Prcsi NOW! Pair of cor QO AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE windows and Get today's price, but Floor Mats 1?.? Tuesday's Result* Tuesday's Results 3.cell 1I10 San I'rnnclscn 3, Chicago 2 Kull ni/ril, Fit nil curs, New York 2, Wellington I (It have tiros mounted rhromn-plaled. I'illsburRli 7-3, Philadelphia i-2 doors from Mark,flecked wil l colors. Innings, night) Hatterlr.t not (twl-nlgltl) later. All winter to pay. Inrluilrtl, TROPHY TIME —Winncn of tho U.S. Singloj 4enni» Baltimore 4, Doslan 3 (IIIRIII) tilloi, Darleno Hard of Monrobollo, Calif., and No«le St. Louis 3, Lo» Aiigvlcn 2 (night) Detroit 0, Cleveland I (night) Cincinnati I), Milwaukee 0 Fraior of Australia, carry fhoir loot off tho court «t Only Unmet Scheduled (nlghl) Foroti Hllli, N. Y. W I. Pel. (IB. W 1. Pet. O,B, New York «7 57 .HOI Plfmburgh 00 SS .621 PROWN'S SEE US s nnltlmoru HI 62 .SH I SI, Lault 83 SO .380 6 ^.FOR TIRES ChlcnKo S! B2 .572 V,', Milwaukee 83 6.1 .566 6H now located at FRANK PORTER'S * Vuf OUALITV Wnnhlngton ~ 72 7,1 .197 13', 3 Lou Angeles .77 68 .331 13 iVtMimntchnti' RED BANK TIRE CO. Cli'vclnml 72 73 .4117 .Snn I'rnnclsco ..74 73 .303 17 whero your dollar bu/s MILES mor« 79 .451121 * our PrilCES Dtlrolt 07 Clnclmintl 60 80 ,432 .LOW i , Hi! .1.11 9 Broad Street 600x18 Open Fri. 'till 0 pm mM IloMoii (1.1 2\\<, Cltlamti 55 «H .JR3 M Kmi'ii* ciiy :a I'hlliiili'lphln . S3 1)3 .303 37| DOWN ; phi* tux S II II K W S l» 1) It V p|u, ,,,„ I »« Aniti'U't nl .SI, I iiul*. II p.m. STORES WiitliliiKloii nl New York, 1, Open 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. SH 7-3404 nn«l O.M.,1! (Incliiniill nl MllniiuluT, I) p.m. "| A WEEK lloitim ut Iliilllincirc, H:0.1 p.m. Only

CAMDEN — Garden • State, At Freehold Park will open its second meeting FREEHOLD — A standout of the I960 season Saturday, Oct. among today's crop of fine young Unless Pirates Take Plunge 8. This session of 26 racing days, singers, Tommy Leonetti of Third-place Milwaukee tumbled cracked a 48-year-old Pirate rec- with Mondays dark, represents Cliffside Park, who might well Associated Press The World Series opens eight games back as Cincinnati ord. the final phase of New Jersey's have been a track star but for a whipped the Braves, 9-0, behind While Bill Virdon drove in "Golden Triangle" ot thorough- career-ending injury, will be hoiv ittsburgh's Forbes Field two iveeks from today—unless the the two-hit pitching of Jay Hook. three, runs with a homer, double bred racing and will round out ored by Freehold Raceway to- Any combination of Pirate vic- and single in the first game, Bob the 150 days of the sport allotted morow. Pirates plunge into the most com- plete stretch collapse in the Na-tories and Milwaukee defeats to- Skinner's single drove in the win- by the New Jersey State Racing New Jersey's only pari-mutuel taling two eliminates the Braves, ning run against loser Robin Commission. tional League since the tumble harness track has designated the by Brooklyn's dying Dodgers of who play six of their remaining Roberts (10-16), in the second The forthcoming Garden State fourth race as the "Tommy Leon- 1951. nine against the Bucs. inning. Skinner then lined a pair meet will be highlighted by nine etti Pace." Leonetti, who next After breaking a tie on Hal Sam Jones won his 17th with of RBI singles for a 2-2 tie in rich stakes renewals, the first of month opens a five-week engage Smith's eighth-inning home run a five-hitter as San Francisco de- the nightcap before Smith's 11th these being the opening day run- ment at the exclusive Jack Sil in the second game for a 7-1 andfeated Chicago's Cubs, 5-2, in thehomer, off Jim Owens, (4-13), ning of the $25,000 added Jersey verman's International night club 3-2 doubleheader sweep at Phila- other NL game. broke it up. Clem Lablne (3-1) Belle at a mile and one-six- in New York, will make a trophy delphia Tuesday night, the Bucs The won was the winner in relief of Har- teeth for three-year-old fillies. presentation to the driver of the are within five victories of their their fifth in a row in the Ameri vey Haddix. winning horse. Foremost among traditional irst flag in 33 years. can League and closed in on a The Cards matched Pitts- fixtures are the $100,000 added The handsome six-foot pride of With a 90-55 record and nine series date with the Pirates by burgh's four-game streak after Garden State, the world's richest O" BOY!—That spotlighted Atlantic Records started in show games to play, the Pirates can beating Washington, 2-1, in 11 in>blowing a 1-0 lead on Norm Lar- race, and its distaff companion basketball player, Oscar business at 16 after a broken clinch it with five victories no nings. Baltimore broke a second ker's two-run pinch single in the matter what the hot-running St. piece, The Gardenia. The Garden le cur tai f 1 a place tie with Chicago's idle ninth. A two-out, broken-bat sin- Robertson of Cincinnati, re- S . ' * P»«nW»8 career Louis Cardinals do. The second- White Sox with a 4-3 decision gle by Rookie Charley James State is open to juveniles of both s«: a htirrilfirhurdler.. I.pnnpftLeonettii andd hihis s bur sisters (he's the youngest of MOVIES FOR OLYMPIC CHAMP —The Olympic de- place Cards, who trail by six with over Boston, but stayed four then drove in two runs that beat sexes, while The Gardenia is cently a member of the U.S. 11 left, put away their 12th vic- restricted to junior misses. line children) joined Tony Pas- cathlon champion, Rafer Johnson, thumbs through a games behind New York. The Larry Sherry (14-9) after Ken( Olympic squad in Rome, tory in 15 games with a 3-2 ninth Yanks' magic number is :or's orchestra as the Tune Tim- script of a new movie in Hollywood after he had signed six, Boyer's single and two walks The Garden State, which flashes a smile as he waves a ;rs. After marriage and ilness inning decision over Los An with 10 to play. Detroit whipped loaded the bases. Reliever Llndy grossed $283,075 in 1959, will be a long-term contract. With him is George Sherman, Cleveland. 9-1, in the other AL three-year contract to play iissolved the group, Tommy sang geles. McDaniel (12-4) was the winner renewed on Saturday, Oct. 29 kvith Charlie Spivak's band be left, a director. game. in his 62d game. while The Gardenia, which ball with the Cincinnati Roy- fore trying his fortunes as a Right-hander Bob Friend won Ed Bailey and Roy McMillan grossed $134,215 last year, will be als. iingle. his 17th in the opener for the combined for five RBI behind run one week earlier. Each Is Salon, Mrs. Rosemarie Guyre; PaulWinderWins Leonetti's list of credits is long Pioneer Food Stores, Mrs. Ruth Pirates, giving up seven hits, Hook (11-7), who faced just 29 contested at the championship 10 Teams walking just one and striking out men while beating the Braves' distance of a mile and one six- and outstanding. The former sing- Atkinson; Woodland 2, MrsDas. h in Germany Frazier Takes ing star of the "Hit Parade" Gloria Williamson; Hopefuls six for a season total of 178 that Lew Burdette, 17-12. tenth. WUPPERTAL, Germany. Sept. as appeared on television with In Action Mrs. Norma Duke; Team 6, Mrs Another outstanding race on Letty Stewart, and Team 4, Mrs21 (AP)—Paul Winder of Pleas- 2 Blue Jay Races Garry Moore, Steve Allen, Jack RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Mrs. antville, N. J., was the winner the agenda is the mile and a 'aar, Jimmy Durante, Arthur Margie French. Don't miss seeing quarter Trenton Handicap to be ,ou Lozito, president of the of one of the men's two 100-meter FAIR HAVEN — Quentin Fra- Godfrey and Johnny Carson, R a r i t a n Women's Bowling Mrs. Kay Mahan howled high dashes in an Invitation Track Charlie McManus or renewed closing day, Saturday, zier was top sailor of River Rats, among others, has been featured League, has announced that 10 game of the night with a 168. Nov. 12. This $75,000 added affair Inc., at races held by the organic Meet here last night. Leo FIsk during their at leading night clubs such as teams are entered in league ac He was timed in 10.4 seconds, is open to 3-year-olds and up. zation Sunday on the Navesink Chez Paree (Chicago), Desert tlvity this year. Big Summer Tire Sale River. Betsy Rawls, winner of thi beating Germany's Bernd Cull- The other quintet of races to Inn (Las Vegas) Ciro's (Holly- The teams and their captains, USGA's women's national open of General Tires In two races in the Blue Jay mann, who did 10.5, and Walter be decided are the $15,000 added wood) 500 Club (Atlantic City) in the order of standing after the July 23, is the only golfer to winMahlendorf, 10.6. New Jersey Breeders Stakes Class, Frazier finished in the topand Blinstrub's (Boston) and al- the tournament four times. KRAFT SYSTEM RECAPPING . . . KE 1-2646 position both times. Bud Russell first week of activity, are Fisch- Martin Lauer, Germany's reo (Oct. 12); $25,000 added Ben- so toured with Fred Waring. er's Cities Service, Mrs. Julie ord hurdler, won the other race jamin Franklin Handicap (Oct trailed Fraiier over the line in the first race, and Bill Hitchcock The "Tommy Leonetti Pace" Colasurdo; Team 5, Mrs. Jerri Aqueduct racing was called of] in 10.5. McMANUS & FISK, Inc. 15); $25,000 added Quaker City is scheduled for a 3:15 post time. Ruger: Split Rock, Mrs. Doris when Hurriacne Donna struck th Handicap (Nov. 5); $20,000 added took the second spot in the sec- 1724 ASBURY AVENUE ASBURY PARK ond race, Daily first post at Freehold is Benzinger; Raritan Esso, Mrs. New York area. One of the horses Jordan Oliver Is In his ninth Princeton Handicap (Nov. 8) and scratched was Rains Over. Results: two o'clock. Daily double wnv lorence Austin; Tiara Beauty season as Yale football coach. $50,000 added Vineland Handicap dows close 15 minutes earlier. (Nov. 11). First race — 1. Quentin Frarier, 2. Bud Russell, 3. Fip Chinnock, There will be keen competition 4. Bill Hitchcock, 5. Bob Brock- in the jockey and training ranks mann, 6/ Jim Hinton, 7. Pa with the old standbys endeavor- Bowditch. Freehold ing to uphold their laurels and Second race — 1. Frazier, 2 new blood attempting to dethrone Hitchcock, 3. Brockmann, 4 Entries th ANNIVERSARY them. Bowditch, 5. Chinnock, 6. RusFrehold entries _ - sports.. FIRST RACE — 1 mile; 2:00 p. m. Among the well known and sell, 7. Hinton. Class r> Trot: Purse S650. capable riders who will don silks 7 Scotch Jean, F. Hartwick 5- 3 Maryland Wllmer, E. Brennan 4- AK£& are Bill Hartack, Walter Blum 1 J. G. Kent, F. Week- 4- ; 2 Portola, H. Kelly, 10- MO. N T'; G.' p /y\ E- R Y.. W -A; R-- D Joe Culmone, Howard Grant, Bowling 4 East Coast, T. Prlsco _ .„ 8- William HarmaU, John Sellers 5 Spencer Laisle, To bo ann. 5-: RED BANK BUSINESSMEN'S 6 Miss Yellow Brook, O. Manzlano .10 MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER Bobby Corle, Buck Thornburg s Glendalc Ensign, M. stelle 10 LEAGUE Also eligible: Mtllc Jean - R. Manzt John Choquette, Tommy Barrow, W L SECOND RACE — 1 mile: 2:30 p. m. Roy Gilbert and Charlie Burr. Alvlno's Texaco Service . 6 Class D Pace: Purflo S650. OPEN MON., WED., THURS., FRI. NIGHTS UNTIL 9:30 Arnone's Texaco Service . .._.._. „ 5 4 Claire Lite; B. Loar 7-! The apprentice ranks will have Stephen J. Gross, Inc. R 7 3f, W. Bach ..... — -..—_ 3 Old Vlllace Inn „ _4 1 Jarrcttown Joan, F. Jaeger 6 EATONTOWN CIRCLE—CALL LI 2-2150 such promising youngsters as Crate's Beverages -.._ 3 2 Aubrey York, D. Murphy 8-1 Grill! Construction Co. . _3 3 Patches, M. Stella 8. Luigi Gtno, Jimmy Verrone, Ed- Sal's Tavern ..„.. ,,„ 3 5 Spencer Rosecrofl, W. Blumhardt _ 8- die Scott, Felix Fatica and Jel Kfmmerli* Paints — . —.,!...3 ti Hobo Vic, G. Morrlncr * Marine Bar ...- ~_ "....3 8 Gloria Wlngay. J. Georgia — _.10 frey Kessler. Kill's Barher Shop . „ m.l.,3 Red Bank Roofing _ .7 Also eligible: Conn Direct -B. Valenz; Marx Bros 2 THIRD RACK — 1 mile; 2:50 p. m. The training ranks also will be John Daniel's Men's Shop , __...2 Class D Pace: Purso $650. well supplied with the master IieFatco's Harclwnre „ .._.2 5 Mighty Moody, V. Jaeger . 7-1 Pro&ressive Life ins. Co -..-.1 8 Pleasant Dream, R. Pierco _ 5-: Greater quality at greater savings 1 Sharp Turn, W. Dill 8- minds of conditioning. In this Nnt's Jewelers _ - _O 2 Nemma's Bov, W. Evans 10. category will be Jimmy Jones of 600 Series: Floyd Schlafone 236, 198,3 CoW Winters, W. Pasel 8- 177—Gil; Bill Corbett 217. 20S. 17&—604; 4 Honest Desire. J. Belote 6- Calumet; Eddie Kelly of Brook- Joe BarbiiPln 20.1. 222, Ift8—623. 0 Lady Yellow Brook, G. Manzlano - 8-: High Team Clamp — Klmmerto pain1t 7 Peter Hal, F. Sechrlst .V field Farm, plus Eddie Yowell, !).«o 16.11 Holy Fnmlly 2 1 Class C Pace: Purse $000. 15 MONTH GUARANTEE 1. AgoInU too. hozoni. (or It* Lakewood Golf Club. St. Catherlnp'«i 2 _ 1 1 King Volo. N. Bosley _ 9-2 7.60.15 23.63 15.11 11.65 VacHUd liim«. AdKnfcM-H p«>> Rayshnre K of C 2 1 5 Ranlom Song, A. Abbatlello .. . P-l rated on mantht wMd. Schmertz, who is association Bavshnro K of r 1 _ , 1 2 Patrol C. Kobnsh 8-1 president, carded 35-46—81 last Team -Thiw fimtiM — Holy 3 III Lo's Colleen. J. HarwIcH ~. 4-1 2. Agoi-jl.tltailnniolerlob.wot-- Famllv 1, 2,46f; Hl-rli Tlirpn flaniffi — « Ikey, D. Murphy 6-1 monlhip tor if. ai Utod. M- year to win the title. Stan Ra- Tom Grrnnan MX; High Tram Onmp- 7 Hasty Boy. A. Williams 5-1 AIR CUSHION Eoza of Point Pleasant finished St. Mtirv's 1. 928; lllsh damn — Joh R Highlawn Wallace, C. Wells 10-1 All CUSHION TUIfllSS IUC-WAIL TUIEUSS VmilEWtll jufhitentf prorated on tread weoe. Urick 227. NINTH RACE — 1 mile: 5:20 p. m.: second with an 84, and Hy Wei- Class D Pace: Purae J650. Uil pclu Salt Hk« Ult prln Sol* pilu 3. NollonxIdaHrvlctotallbrwKhM, 200 riiit.. Mike Mnrlln 212. Al Pen TUBELESS NYLONS 670x15 tola b«(oit wit. denfeld of Lakewood was third nrttl 211, .lock Ward 209, Jack Day 1 Great Jay, G. King . 3-' Ua M(. btltr* wit. 4. Sathfoclion guamnleed. Adjwl> back 205. TM Moon. 207. 3 Shndydale Sister, D. Johnson _. 9-2 Blackwall Iradl-la pin lTO.t-1. pl« tiod.l« pin trodo-dpli. m—a bated on current prk« be- with his 86 score. R Ivan Bohemia. H. Kelly 6-1 •Plus excise tax and trade-in tire fore trade-In wtien returned. 2 Hal Jay, w. Evans .. 4-1 1 Golfers representing many of ATLANTIC BAVSIIOIIE 4 Lone Elm Dale, To he ann. 10-1 6.7O-I3 —isxs— —rrit— 5J3S —rsii— TAVEItN 5 Beauty Byrd. J. Altlzer, Jr. _____ 8-1 7.tO-l»~ 1I6O _>.6O l4.ll the local associations which make fi nuke Mite, T. Mattox 8-1 U.«t up the state association also are Conner1* Hotel - fi 7 Major Guy, J, Romnno ... * _. _ 5-1 Riverside ...WARDS OWN FAMOUS BRAND - 7.40.U '" 36.60 ••.it . 29.60 ll.ll Herb's Placr ™ 5 TENTH RACE — 1 mile; 6:45 p. m -/:JO.U— 30.60 UII 21,60 16.11 expected to compete. Frank's Tavern _ s Clas D Pace: Purse $650. ~ 1.00.14- 34.60 " I6..I MM 1»J» Ocean View - 4 1 I.arly Wlntonln. A. Owens _ 3 Bob Riddle, Manasquan attor- Loorl's Bar _ - ~...3 1 Bravrll, J. Altlzer. Jr. _ 4 ney and NJSBA member, who 7 Nnhliln Mite, T. T.!n»ox 0 KMspwowt inn -..,.2 4 2 Genoa Roy, J. Romnno fi is champion of the Manasquan 3 Brown Mink. W. Long (I River Golf Club, is an entry in Paul's Tavern ....- 2 4 5 Flaxcy Dream, R. lnterdonato . S Vol's Tavern -.. ...- -.2 4 fi Arle Chief. P. Murphy 6 the tourney. Hnchstadt's - 2 1 8 Kathleen McEllen. R. Shlles „ 10 Atlantic ItisVi.aniiS Jlpcreatlon 1 & The matches will bo preceded 600 Series—John Gull. 2J.. 167. 233— 631. Jim Cleary—23B, 143. 232—611. by a Iunchoon. 200 Club—Jim Clenry 230, 232; John Guth 23., 233: Jack Hallernn '23,2. DillLegionnaires McCftbe 232, Oil Boyer 224, Tom Plltnlk *Wifc Appreciation' 217. Tom CamT>be\. 216. DaUon Carhart 21ft, Cleorge Marchettl 214. Herh Vaughn 212, Tom Mahler 208, Chris Axelson Niplit Held by Team 204, Jim Hull.Bun 203. a rover Rhlnn V02, Install Sunday JOP B.iloch 201, Frltzlp Gilbert 201, RAR1TAN TOWNSHIP - "Wife Nnnks HolIldflV Wll, Richie Merker 201, UNION BEACH — Final re- toO MONEY DOWN-YOUR TRAI?E^lSl TllRE IS THE DOWN PAYMENT! FREE.M0WMT.NG Appreciation" night was held by n,U 7-W.yium.s Mil. ports on activities and programs 1 the Norpate Manor soflball team TIIK IVV IXAWK conducted during the year were W I. given by officers nnd committee at thn Shore Point Inn, Rt. 35Tea, m Hnflel. Tram chairmen at the American Legion TOP QUALITY BATTERIES TOP QUALITY OIL TOP QUALITY MATS Team Members of the team treated Team post meeting last week in the the wives to a nlcht out and Team 1H Legion home on Front St. Tram Hi prwcnlcd them a Rift ns appreci- Tram Frank Downey, membership 1PICIAL COATINO Team tlSISTS CORROSION ation for "patience nnd under- Team chairman, reported that a mem- standing" during tho Softball Team bership drive is under way, and 2CK> —rrink T.e 214, 214; lrv neason. Ulnncharil 211, Orlf.e Wlnkfmlrr -'Ml, dues 'or the year nro being col- Participating were Mr. nnd Dirk Kakhnrl 204, I'nt I ntnann 2D* Clinrlln Allrn 200. Id Mrs. Vcrnnn W, Manning, Mr. Arranncmcnts for the Installa- nnd Mrs. Frank Knrlnvlch, Mr. MM itori' III;< iiK.vrio.N tion Sunday of new officers were linel Mrs. William J. Mueller, Mr. w made, liurky's Mo'ly * I'cnrtpr :i nnd Mrs, Rnlph Under, Mr. nndl.tnrrr>rt Ymilh ''etilrr ."t .. Peter Wulkcr, conimund.r, will Jvlrs. Chester R. Johnson, Mr. Keiinslnirr Nnt'l Hfink '• l,lnrr»ft Phnrrii«cy „.. 1 J'bu In charge of the nffalr, to be nnH Mrs. willlnm Knnsky. Mr. 1 Tin Interior «li"|> . I held In tho post home starling at NIIOS WATIR ONLY find MM. Jack Pnclnbnno nnd Afnm Klirnlliiro i Si 2 p. in. Waller listlovv of Nep- \ Mr. nnd Mrs, George Christopher. Llnrnitl Inn 0 rwici A VIAR Mni'rnft tw n tune, county commander, will In- RIVIRSIDE DELUXE FLOOR MATS slnll, REGULAR 3.69 1O-QT. CAN Office™ to bo Installed ore: -MONTH NATIONWIDE GUARANTRE ALL-SEASON MOTOR OIL MADE WITH MIRACLE "POLENE" INTEREST ON YOUR commundcr, John McGrogan; first vlco commander, Clarcnco .88* Glvos yoar round proloc- 2*99 Door-to-door (ront mot.Choico 4 OQ 1 llorner; second vlcu commnndor, tion. Roducos onglno woar. of Bluo, Groon, Rod or Black. Jnck Cnhlll; third vlco command- 'wllh trade 14'wllh Irnilo n. SAVINGS or, Merman Jctlerj chaplain, Wll- Door-lo-door roar mat, Samo O QO / lldin SclU; sorvlco officer, Mr*. 5 1-QT. CANS ALL-SEASON OIL colors as abovo. Fit all cars. * Patrick llncki'il: scriffinl al Wnrd? flnoM ox- r':M*t mus»....-»t -system i_—. Iiva3 introduc^'ii at a meeting of tht ISOSTATIt! TABLEWARE, HOS- cupancy and maintenance of all build- ; Raritan Township Board of Health, held IMTAI. LTENSII.S, HEI.ATKK ings and structures and their service the American League race, came had worked for St. Louis, Pitts- Tuesday night, but he was the Burford, 25, a pro since'1956,!°[J as passed I'llODL'C'TS equipment, including permits, license* tf ig at the MACARONI A SPAIillETII and penalties, that certain building up with Luis Arroyo, a little lefty;burgh and Cincinnati in the NL.Iguy who set up a 2-1, 11-inningj has scored 13 knockouts in win ...jtilinti of »e P.»rltan Towrshfp Board .MILK, KVAI'ORATEII code titled the "Standard Building Code reliever who had been prettyiBut they've won 38 of 58 since, j victory over Washington that left; or Health held in the Township Hall, -NOOM.KS of New Jersey." being particularly nint» 23 of 30 starts. He will be 319 Mlddlt* Road. Hazlet. on Thursday Parts A and B of the said Code em- much of a so-so guy in the Na-!and little Luis has figured'in ajthe Yanks just six victories shy vcnln " I960 at S:50 OKFICE COMPOSING (making his first main appearance''' K. September is. l MACIIINK bracing Administration, Definitions, tional League ithird of those victories, which,of a World Series date two weeks; 1 1 m IJIIC hearing structural. Fire and General Safety re- IHUSi; VK.IUIIC9, >YI!I<-II> I in Chicago Stadium. it., "-,;.?, iTJ Plr^ were given PEANUT BtTTER quirements as adopted by the Stat* jfrom today. [ n. r -J * J T • rw . . ian opportunity to be heard concern ••HINTING Department of Conservation and Eco- Burford stopped Louis Staton in imp satd ordinance. HICK nomic Development on the 23rd day of After the Yanks blew a 1-0 lead] D:iied: Sc p c l IJ e SOLI" December, 1993; Part C embracing on a wild pitch in the ninth in-j four rounds in his last bout' P A R ?. n l ^ SrAvn SXO1V FENCE Elevators, Motor Stairways and Con- SNOW 'FENCE TOSTS veyor Equipment; Part D embracing ning, Arroyo cut short the rally, March 16. Previously, he knocked! secretary, ruuian KUISAR Air Conditioning, Mechanlcsl Ventila- out Jesse Smith in two Jan. 27 I To.-n.nip Board oi "--•- SVHt'P tion and Refrtgprntion; ami Part F. Others on his victim list are Hcn-jScl"' "1 TEA Electrical Equipment and Wiring, ai wV^anron^rsh^ny.^dSBONUS BABY - Only 17 VARIOUS FKEDS aiiopted by the State Department of ry Hank, Rudy Ellis, Wilf Greaves j PUBLIC XI1TICK Specifications anil the form o[ bid. Conservation and Economic Develop- Johnny Schaive, on a ,! Mack Kuykendall, a high [and Pat Lowry. I contract and bond lor the proposed ment on the 16th day of November. with the bases loaded. He fin- Townaliip Committee or ! work arc on nie In the ofllce of the 195G: their component Manuals; and school star from Anadarko,! Director and may be secured by pros- the Rules for'the Construction of One ished with 1 2/3 innings of hitlest iff!'. and Two Family Dwellings, being par- !• r u f iu vi, *•„.,n , Ok a., nas loined the Chicago Pro ranks since 1055. He has won iiua accom- the Stato Department of Conservation broke the tie on a bases-loaded! Cubs with a bonus touch re- Hi„.s' -onl \'y defeats wer eknockout. to Dick, ! O,,n Brlittir>, locfllefollowind g,„ datelhe sTown thos,ehl pdesig „, - panied by either cash, or a certified and Economic Development on the 18th error for their fifth straight vic-;ported at $75,000. Mack is check drawn to the order of the Treas- day of June. 1058; and as required by Tiser, in 1959, and apain Feb. 24nate, d shall be given an opportunity to Chapter 21 of the New Jersey Laws of tory. a first baseman. be hoard. urer of the State of New Jersey, or a 1946. not less than three '3) copies That reduced New York's magic his last start. He holds victories Septnmber 23, 8 p. m. official rep- bid bond, any of which shall not be have been and now are filed in the over Ellis. Rory Calhoun, Charley resentatives of various Civic Associ- less than 10% of the amount of the office of the Clerk of the Township of number to six over the Baltimore! ations located in the Township, bid. and (4) delivered at the above Shrewsbury In the County of Mon- Orioles, who broke a second-place j \[\J AT A *l 1 * i , Joseph, Randy Sandy and Rudy September 26. 8 p. m. Members of place on or before the hour named as mouth, save and except such portions 1 n / C Sawyer, among others. the general public. no bid win be accepted after the hour as are hereinafter modified to set forth ie with idle Chicago by beating IV 1 /IJL r\UllClC» October 3, 8 p. m. The Superintend- specified. Bids not so submitted will be permit, license and other fees, penal- ent of Township Schools. Townotilp of- considered informal and will be re- ties, posting of Idemnity bonds, as the Boston, 4-3. Detroit whipped ficials and Municipal officials of towns jected. The Director reserves the right case may be. and the same are hereby levcland, 9-1, in the other game. FISHERMAN'S DOUBLE with similar problems. to reject any and all bids and to award adopted and Incorporated as fully T iiifli^T-^ Octoher 17, fi p. in. Owners of Trafl- contract ln part or whole if deemed to ns if set forth In length herein, and In Oie National League, Pitts-1Receive Awards LANCASTER, S. C, (AP) — Ed|era locntMl in Trailer Parka In Rar-the best Interests of the State to tlo from the date on which this ordinance : ilfl 1S P so. The successful bidder will be re- shall take effect, the provisions there- burgh moved within five victories KEYPORT — Presentation of Moore, Lancaster florist, scored j octIC"r 2i ' s P. m. Trailer Park quired to furnish surety bond In the after shall be controlling in the con- of staging the World Series open-t h e Kevnort Youth Athletic:an an.qier'5 double play. iowners operating m p.aritan Townnhip. full amount of the contract of struction of all build Ings and struc- Monre was ea pany authorized to do business In the tures, existing or proposed in the Town- er at Forbes Field by sweeping L tronhv and letters wrr' sting for bass in.iioam on any of me «bnv, ii»tc« «i.aii State of N'pw Jersey. ililp of Shrewsbury, In (he County of double-header from Philadel-i fU P, y, " 1C" S -,re,the Lansford Shoals of the Cat-!"•""}•,"" ,:thr°w>fi«>ntesfi«>ntestt oorr adultadultss hihi-- be occupied, ln whole or in part, for provision hereinafter cited: yesterday outran Christian Broth- lhe Stale on iS'ov. 8, 1960, or a qualified and registered any purpose other than aa follows: A. With resopct to the provisions Freehold tie with two-out in the n. A siriRle, detached house used as of Section B-llP.l. New Construction ers Academy of Lincroft, 16-46, eighth by Gene Woodling, Jim ler were the winners in the boys' voter who will he wilhin the State on Nov. 8, 1960, hut a residence by not more than and Alterations, the fees for such con- over a two-and-two tenths-mile group. family for strictly residential purposes struction and alteration shall be on the Gentile .and Brooks Robinson— : lircause of illness or physical disability or because of not excluding' the professional office o following basis: course here. Trackman's Merinsky also won the sack \tn resident owner or lesaee. 1. Construction or alteration with who was ducking away from a 4 b. Church or other place of worship, cost of $15.00. but less than J1(W,on. CBA salvaged something out of pitch when he blooped a hi.,.t, ,,,into _rac. e ,,fo r boys , . while Mar, y An. ,n tin: obscrvanrc of a religious holiday pursuant to lhe which use is to include a parish house, the fpe for permit shall be two ($2,00) lu|r a rectory or Sunday School and munlci' dollars. the meet when its frosh squad Selections lends of your religion, or will he a resident attendant pal buildings. right. Billy Hoeft (2-1) was tne!F.schler was victor for the girls.; 2. Construction or alteration with won over Brick's freshmen, 18- Pat an(1 harl e at school, colle;re or university, will he mialile to cast c. A small professional announcemtn cost of XI00.00. but l*»?is than Jl.noo.nn. J. G. Kent winner in relief ! ^ f ^"» dy ran nipn not over two lect square In area. thr* fee for permit shall he five r$5,00i 43. Brick's junior varsity took Dick Gernert, Lou Berberet and ahead ln the wheelbarrow race. d. Apartment houses, provided: ilollars. the CBA jayvees into camp, 24-36. Scotch Jean your halloi al lhe polling plai.e in your district on said (1) No apartment therein shall X Construction or alteration with Al Kaline hammered home runs contain ICPS than five him cost of $1,000.00 hut less than J5.OOO.on. Maryland Wilmer date, and you desire lo vole in the General Election to dreil (500) square feet the fee for permit shall be ten ($10,001 Dean 'Aycrs of Brick was the for the Tigers, who finished the living space. dollars. first man over the line in the var- If be held on .Nov. 8, 1900, kindly WHITE lo lhe under- (2) Off-street parking facilities 4. Construction or alteration with Ciaire Lite season series with a 1.V7 record shall he provided on the prem cost of more than $5.000,on. the fee for sity run, and with a 11:56 clock- over the Indians. Frank I.ary signed at once requesting that a civilian absentee ballot Ises, of at least one parking permit shall be fifteen (J15.00I dollars ing. The next three positions Aubrey York apacfl per apartment. for the first $.1,000.00. plus flvp (jfj.OOt Pleasant Dream (M-15) was the winner. Jim Per- be forwarded lo you. Sl'CH HEQl'F.ST MIST STATK (3) Garbage storage or inclnera dollars for each additional 31.000.00 of were also nabbed by Brick, with ry (17-9) was the loser. tor facilities shall be provided cost or fraction thereof. Mighty Moody YOL'K IIO.MK ADDHKSS, AND THK ADDRESS TO and maintained as well as oth 5. A fee of two ($2.00) dollars shall Don Reed, Ray Suczewski, Terry Nemma's Boy er sanitary and safety require he charged for each copy of the origin- Hanlon fininshing in that order. HIGH SCORING NURSE mentB as designated and re- al permit. WHICH SAID BALLOT SHOULD BK SENT, AND quired by thfl municipal and n. With rcsneet to the provisions of George Sheehan, CBA, was the Dream Nette COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — For state Health Cod en. Section H.119.2. Removal of Buildings, Pat Strong a student nurse, 20-ycar-old Paul- MI sr UK SK;M:D WITH VOI IS SIGNATURE, AND p. Accessory uses customary to the thp fep for a building nrrmit for such first over the line for the Lin- Homestretch King above, uses included. removal shall he at the rate of ten ci'oit crew when he finished in 4 ine McKitrick of Grant Hospital This amendment and supplemcn <$M.0fh dollars npr thousand dollar* or Linda Carol STATE THE REASON WHY YOU WILL NOT HE shall take effect Immediately upon fi any part thereof of the estimated rnM fiftn position. After Brick's Rich is quite deadly. In three years, nnl passage and publication as provid of moving together with other costs as Mardclla Hanover she has Scored 1,150 points as a ARLE TO VOTE AT YOUR'USUAL POLLING PLACE. ed by law, indicated therein. ivlurtaugli and James Sandrich 5 Harry Hill PfBMC NOTICE C. With respect to the provisions of crossed, Charles Dippel, CBA, forward for the Grant basketball No civilian absentee ballot will he furnished or The fnrcgoinK ordinance was Intro Section R-119.3. Demolition, the fee for Victor Desire team. She dropped in 61 points •luced and passed first reading at n a demolition permit for the demolition WOK the eighth spot. forwarded lo any applicant unless request' therefor is regular meeting of the Township Coin- of a. building or structure ft hall be at Wishican in a one game last season against miltrc nt Shrewsbury Township hcli" the rate uf two f?2.00» dollars for e^e'i other finishers of CBA team Henry Brewer the Mt. Carmel Hospital team of received not less than eight days prior to the election, September 20, 1960, ami will come up thousand cubic foot of volume of build- included Frank Ragan, 15th, Tor finnl cons Id r rat Ion and pussapr at Insr or structure. Council Hal Columbus. PARIMUTUEL HARNESS RACING and containing the foregoing information. a special meeting of said govern Ing D. With respect to Die provisions of Martin Crotty, I6th, and George Air Conditioned Grandstand • For lioily to HP held on October 4. l%0. Section B-1IM. Signs, the frr for «lCn.t Jarrcltown Sarah at R:00 p. in. at the Community Ha billboards and other display structures Hoffman, 17th. Dr. Keller Reserved Seals, call HOpkins 2-3800 Build tng. Shrewsbury Township. « for which permits are required tmrt»i BLUE CHIP WINNERS Dated September 2, 1960. which time and place all person* de- the provisions of this code> shall h» in the JV race, Doug McEl- HI Lo's Colleen • Children under 16 not admitted • sirinR to be heard thereon will be Riven BALTIMORE, Md. (AP) -The J. RUSSKLL WOOLLEY two i?2,00> dollars per square foot of hinncy, CBA, won in 12:35 over King Volo two highest-priced thoroughbreds Ladies' Day Thursdays full opportunity. surface. the same distance as the varsity. 8 ANNE C. SWITKK. K. With respect to the provisions of _Ranloin_ ?J^_ in history were winners of the Count*" Cl<-rk Township Clerk Rni*. ?-int r?ii!?« for the Con-trurtipn of Barry Chamberlain, Brick, was Where Rl. 9 meets Rl. 33 One and Two Famlh- Dwellinc*. Per- Sliadydale Sister" jPreakness. Nashua brought $1,- Hall of Rnords Sept. 21 S11.S mits. Fees, the fees for such con- second. Stephen Kerbs, CBA, was Great Jay Freehold, N. J. it rucl Ion shall he on the following 1251,200 in 1955 while Bally Ache Freehold, N. J. 3 OTIC K basis: third. Uebhauseir and Jerry Han- Ivan Bohemia !was sold for $1,250,000 a week A.V ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING 1. Cost of less than $500.00. the lon, Brick, finished in the fourth COME REUULAT1NG THE INSTAL- fee for permit shall be three (J3.(IO> Bravril before his 1960 Preakness victory. LATION. MAINTENANCE. REPAIR dollars. a;vJ fifth spots, respectively. Lady Wintonia Note: Request forms are available al Municipal Clerk's AND CONTROL OF PLUMBING 2. Cost of $500.00 (o $1,001.00, th» 1 AND THE CONNECTION THEREOF fee for permit shall be five ($5,001 Uihcr positions copped by the 10 Nubbin Mite Eddie Talbnom set a Wyom-j or County Clerk's Offices, as a public convenience. WITH OUTSIDE SKWEKS. CESS- dollars. n rn Bu l I< 1 1 Rank—3 Mon- POOLS Oil OTHER RECEPTACLES 3. Cost of $i.Ofii.on to js.oofinn ih» Christian Brothers were John c scorinc record when he scored ° , ?" ,, y* 'I, " ' N. V. Bui KEGl/LATING THE PRACTICE OK fee for permit shall be ten ($10.00) Kohms, eighth; Dennis Germano, -A • . . . . , ,„.„ inmith St. 12:1(1 I'.M PLUMBING AND THE ISSUANCE dollars. OK LICENSES TO PRACTICE i. Cost Of S5.OO1.O0 to $10,000.00. 12th, and Frank Cooper, 13th. Colman Praises 130 points during the 1950 season: Terminal 12:12 i\ M. PLUMBING AND PROVIDING PEN- the fee: for permit shall be thirty ($30.- ALTIES FOR VIOLATION THEl'.E 00) dollars. Joe McGuinnes, CBA, won the 3. Cost of Sin.nni.OO and over the or. fee for permit shall he thirty ($30.00> frosh end of the meet, touring RE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD dollars, plus five ($5.00) dollars for the 1.2 miles course in 8:10. Jack Sullivan OP HEALTH OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ench additional $.1,000.00 or a fraction PRINCETON (AP) SHREWSBURY. MONMOL'TII COUN- thereof. John Hilton and Tom McKnight, Senior TV. NEW JERSEY: F, With respect to thp provision! Of CBA, took the second and third tailback Jack Sullivan was prais- Section ]. A code regulating the in- Rule 12-1 i. Rules for the Construction stallation, maintenance, repair and con-of One and Two Family Dwellings. positions, respectively. After a ed today by Princeton football trol of the plumbing of buildings, and Permits. Fuel Oil Heating Systems, th' coach Dick Colmnn for his the connection thereof with outside fee for permit shall be eight ($8.00) Brick runner sewed up fourth, rpRiilHtine the practice nf plumbing am dollnm. Mickey Reichey, CBA, was fifth "great runnning" in the past few tln> issuance of licenses to practlc ARTICLE V phi in hint;, is hereby established pur PORTING OF INDEMNITY BONDS and Frank Closcey, CBA, waspractice sessions. suant to the provisions of Chapter -75 Tn connection with the provision* of Sullivan, a slender 5-foot-10 165- P. L. of 1948. A copy of said cod this ordinance ami the code herehy seventh. is annexed hereto and made a par established and adopted as a part Christian Brothers participated pounder from Old Orchard hereof without the Inclusion of the text hereof, thp following Indemnity bonds Beach. Maine, is the second thereof herein. shall be pasted In rpspect to each In the N. J. Catholic Track Con- Section 2. TIIP said code pstablishe specific section hereinafter cited: string tailback behind starter and adopted by thin ordinance in de- Section B-llD.Sa signs: Jino.00 ference first development meet scribed and commonly known as the fApnlirahle tn signs for com- "Plumbing Code of New Jersey )195,1>". mercial advertising only.") 1 Section ;i. Three copies of thr sail Pert Ion B-l 10.5b Wrecking: Saturday " **' ^ ^ "^ ^ ™ch »•' * * "Plumbing Code of N>w Jersey ilPSli" SI. 000.00 similarly marked, have been placed on Section B-119.Sc Moving: Wim>'« schools ^petl^p^^^^^ file In thr office of the Clerk of thl $1,000. no. CRA came out with six medals!dur| most of |agl season munlcipnltty upon the introduction of ARTICLE VI tliis ordinance and will remain on file PENALTIEES (or their first outing. George | Colman also named Russ Torn- In such office for the use and examln- Any person nr persons firm nr rnr- b iai Mtnn nf the public. poratlon violating any nt the provisions ' '. running in varsity compose, a 6-foot-l junior from Salis- Section 4. In connection with the pro-nf this ordinance or of the "Standard pctition, won a medal for a 15th jbury. Mass., as his second strinR visions of tlii'1 ordinance and the code Building Code of New Jersey" nr nf lace hereby established and adopted AS athe "Rules for the Construction nf One. P * j tackle behind starter Stan Bald part hereof, the following fees shall and Two Family Dwellings." marie A I wo medals were picked up: win. Tornrose WC-RIIS 220 pounds he churned and received: part hereof shnll, upon conviction there- mi Fnr the examination of of, pny such penalty nr penalties us in junior varsity, competition.! Tornrose has straightened out applicant for license ni master plumb "d forth in thP code sections A-107.3 with Douglas McElhinney gcttingjour difficulties at tackle consid- rr, ten dollars. and A-107.4. ihi For the ifl.iuiinc> of n license AFlTirLE VII a third place and Germano, a erably, Colmon said. nx master plumber, one hundred Hol- INSERTIONS moc lars, and fnr the annual renewal of a It Is hereby staled that wherever 13th place. ; - llc^'ii* a« master plumber, t*n dol- the name "StanHnrri Building Code of lars. New Jersey" appears In the te^t of Freshmen won three medals. Coach Itnteman Wnrrinl • ct Fnr Hie mini: nf flans fn. the rn.le. nr the name "Stsmiard BulM- proposed plumhinc work, two liollnrs 1"B Code nf New .lerney" or the name with McGuinness getting a fifth. id» For the issiinnrp of « prrmil "Rules for the Construction of Ori> Hilton, sixth, and McKnight, iWilh 1'JIKH Success trim look for « propospH plum h in c con M met In1 and Two Fnnillv Dwellings" appear* ninth. set tiio pace for the slim, or * Herat on, three rlnllnrs. provid Pd, in the text of the Rnlp<. it shall hit ! NEW BRUNSWICK (AP) - howpvrr, hn nildltionnl frr o( one rlnl understood that the Poi|r ami Rulf« lar per rtxturp In hereby eslabllshPi are thr RulMIng Tnde of the Township _ , ' Rutgers football coach John Bate• for encti fixture proponed In the ap nf Shrewsbury, nr ns thp ruse may re- Gil Hodges of the 10-17 Brnok- man is worried, pro v ec| plan for const run Ion nr alter quire. U inspflPil therein as though sitlon printed m lhe original. lyn Uodgeis is the only member Hie worry was provoked by 95 ie> Ktir Hir issttancp nf n permit (ni Wherever the wnrd "" or of that team still playing in the (he fine pass work tcday of Bob the rcpturemrvl nf A rlumbliiK fix "munlciiialltv" Is used In thp Corle or 10 hirr. three (1oll«r« in the Rules, it *tmii he hHrt to mpun major leagues. IShillilo, fourth string ' Rutgers id For pnch relrisiiection of plumb tlie Townsbl" "f HhrewMmry. lUK work rsu"etl by th* failure of til ARTICLE VIII — _ qunrterhack from Hotlipage, N.Y. I teens en tn comply with the provision 1NCONRIRTRNT OT1D1NANOKS Cambridge Stable s Shuettc is shillitn was successful in passes of the rnitf nr permtt Issued, onp dol RKPEALEll lar , Orillnnneefl nr parts thereof In fnrre the firM offspring of the grrnt ngainM the Rutgers first team Rprtlnti ft. Any lip rmm nr persons st lhe time thnt this nnllnnnce ilisll The smooth-vamp shoe- firm nr ror porn I Ion vlrtiatlnc nnv n tnke pfferl Mid Inronslntent herewith. Nashua to win a stakes race. The trouble was. he was Imitat- the prnvlnlnns of this nrdlnnnce nr oi are hprpbv rpppnlprl. ing I'rinretnn's single wing Inil- perfect partner for the HIP 'PlutnbinK Corle nf Nrw Jprne Airnr'i.K ix nlil[> Coni' Pago I I Adlcr-priced for extra n Ahill h* pnl'i m HIP trcM mlltee nf HtirewsNury Township h»M nn ;ball campaijin under Coach John- the tmmtr|n,i|i|v. •teptrmhrr I'lt. lfWa > nmi wilt i'nme tin ny ViiuKhl. 7. AM or'Unniwe* itnd purl for final t'nti*ld' rM|nn *»<1 piMMge At attraction! ln Black or Mi-<>« t|K'Mh«»it f.,,| ^ '1 regulitr meet lug nf Ml,| frn-rn|nit bnilv In be hfl'l rm Oelntife 4, IfWn si lnlnn* nf till* nrtll «:nn P. M . nt the Cnimmmlt" Mmi Deep Tone Brown. niillilliit, flhrpwsbury Tnunsliip, st renenlPd tn thp p^lrnl of ourh whlrh lime nnn tiiirh nnf in nny rnnnupr i»rpMhtir^ 1hP fn forrrriipnt nf th* rptmttntnn prnvhlnm Heel inn •• This iinllnnnrp nml the Nnrici: ay MI.K roiir pilnhllnlieil herein nhnll tnVr rt- On Tlnim.Uy, fte|iternlter .f. IMO It fcrl Ti flrfnlr.| HPIVII'H I'orp, """ *tiM Vun\ litomiMfil hv • ntim* fir.I tr, >>" I'll")' lux ".I hv renum ot Mylvet* nf M^nifti Ixr InliiiNMn't J r.MHlltu.i.*l ' rOireu N|II rv hrlrl n • aU« (itntirtcl rmriin* Kit me HAM l(fM ... by phone •d " «".| \* II (•(Hit inn lie »r-ni »t M(i- 'ill and fin il n ot'Tlnl inrrMtti til the ««i't iiifnl DAIUS IMO MENLO PARK SHOPPING CENTER l*o«tirv 21 !'"« nil)it> nt «tiir)i time ntwi f.t»f» ir too "Adlor" tn N.Y, and N.J. phono bookt (or other store* thruocf metropolitan area It niJtU itpt Mnra nnd more mm I fM. 'Mln H^itttr atla r«ch rriulu enmo fni- injlcr.—AdvrrtUcuicnt, .VCBt-TV WAK-1V RED BANK REGISTER , Wed, Sept 21, 1960-21 Crosby Wives TELEVISION WKCA-TV VOR-TV WNEW-TV .WNTA-TV By BOB THOMS ing her career. Unlike the others, (t) Jack Paar AP Movie-TV Writer she had also don>> —eeialty danc- WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON WEDNESDAY EVENING ing as well as cl ' ; work. 12:0ft-(2) Love of Life (:00- (5) Felix and Friends (7) Movie VIEWING TV Now that the Crosby brothers How do they like being wed to (4) Truth or (7) News (11) Movie have made it a clean sweep- a trio of traveling'troubadours? Consequences (11) Popeye 12:00— (9) Movie With HAL HUMPHREY four marriages to four Las Vegas "It's not so bad," Sandra said, (7) Restless Gun (13) Highway Patrol 12:15— (7) Evening Prayer showgirls—it's time for some re- 6:15— (7) Tommy Seven 12:45— (5) News doing one-night (9) Movie 1:00- (2) Movie (13) Day Watch 6:30- (4) Local News f j (4) Consult Dr. Brothers Webb's Popularity g to corral three of j thetheyy have a long runru , like Las (5) Our Gang they 12: SO- (2) Search for 1:10— (9) Almanac the wives for a panel d.scussion. Ve|gs we g0 al* ,. (11) Brave Stallion It wasn easy. They were busy 6 Tomorrow I; 15— (4) News; Sermonette It wasn easy They were busy "We see more Jof them than (4) It Could Be You (13) Summer Show with their own growing families, 6:40- (4) Weather 6 3:00- (2) News HOLLYWOOD — Jack Webb I he insisted. A CBS producer most wives," Pat added. "They (5) Cartoons 3:05— (2) Give Us This Day might be gone two months, but (7) Queen for A Day 6:45— (4) News should sue everybody in tele- called Talman to ask if he was Ciro's tomorrow night, plus a par- then they'll be home all the time 7:00- (2) News THURSDAY MORNING ty to welcome the latest mem- 12:45— (2) Guiding Light vision for stealing without a li-available." for three." 1:00- (2) News (4) Death Valley Days 6:15- (2) Previews cense. Just look at anv series on "I thought that was a pretty ber of the sorority. She is statue- What about relations with (5) Tombstone Territory sque Barbara Stuart, Flamingo, (4) Dr. Joyce Brothers 6:20- (2) Give Us This Day TV today, and you can trace it funny line," said Bill, "but I Grandpa Bing? (5) Cartoons (7) Ray Milland 6:25— (2) News' back to Webb's "Dragnet" which played it straight and said yes, class of '60, who wed Gary this "Excellent," assured Pat. "Be (9) Terrytoons m nth fore b w (7) About Faces 6:30— (2) Our Miss Brooks came to TV in 1951. I was available." ° - ' t i he got "sy »th a picture, 1:05— (2) Burns and Allen (11) News 6:55- (4) Sermonette Reading from left to right, our would all go to the house very 7:05- (2) Local News The latest shining example Is In one of the "Have Gun" panel we 1:25— (4) News 7:00- (2) News the new cop-adventure thing »nel consisted of: Sundan,.,,,,*,y, fornri a, Bpicnici™i, .» 7:10- (2) Weather shows he did this week, Talman Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, (5) ?!ews (4) Dave Garroway called "Dan Raven," which opens . Mrs. Philip Crosby, the former And their relations with each Sammy Davis, Jr.. Peter Lawford (11) News s so camouflaged with a wig Sandra Drummond, 22, Tropicana other? l:S0- (2) As The World Turns 7:26- (7) Morning Prayer on NBC-TV this Friday (23). Ra-and makeup that viewers may and Angie Dickinson star in (4) Dial 4 7:15- (2) News (7) Early Bird Cartoons •58 a slender brunette. I <.Just fine>.. Pat said. "Hard- 7:25—(11) Weather ven (SkipHomeier) Is a lieuten- not recognize him. But Talman OCEAN'S 11, filmed in Color and (5) Movie 7:50- (5) Call To Prayer ant of detectives working out of Mrs Dennis Crosby, the for- ]y fight at all." co-featured with TIME LOCK, 7:30— (2) Aquanauts doesn't care. He's acting again. mer Pat Sheehan, 28, Tropicana (7) RayMilland 8:00- (2) News the sheriff's office in West Holly- currently on view at Loew's (9) Books and Brent (4) Wagon Train Ding Dong School '57, a vivacious blonde. Drive-In Theater. (5) wood. For every new TV series pop- (11) Time Out For Sports (5) Not For Hire Little Rascals Mrs. Lindasay Crosby, the for- (7) Summer Night (7) Raven not only spouts phil- ping onto your TV screen this mer Barbara Frederickson, 23, Harvest Moon 2:00- (2) Full Circle 8:10- (2) News osophical gems on morality in season there were six which went Desert Inn, '58, a quiet honey- ' (4) Jan Murray (9) Movie 8:15- (2) Captain Kangaroo (11) Honeymooners the same monotone style of thesponsor-hungry. The amount of blonde. Committees (7) Day In Court 8:30- (5) Sandy Becker old Sgt. Friday, but he also.has money sunk into these unsold TV First question: Why do Crosby Party for CDA (9) Film Drama (IS) Highway Patrol People's Choice 8:00— (5) I Led Three Lives 9:00- (2) an assistant (Dan Barton as makes me wish I had boys go for Las Vegas girls? 2:30— (2) House Party (4) Hi Mom Burke) to Chuckle guardedly at 'it. "Coincidence," replied Pat. For PTA (4) Loretta Young (II) Air Power Next Monday (13) Mike Wallace (7) Beulah his little jokes. NBC is sitting on a stack of "Things just happen. I met Den- (7) Gale Storm (13) Physical Culture An interview which Raven has film worth hundreds of thous- nis, and I introduced his twin NEW MONMOUTH-Court Ful (9) Assignment Danger 8:2ft—(IS) Dialing the News gens Corona, Catholic Daughters Announced 8:30- (2) Wanted-Dcad or 9:25- (5) News with a jeweler (Howard McNear) ands of dollars—if they can get Philip to Sandra, who was work- 2:55— (5) News is right out of "Dragnet," as is 1 ing in the same show." of America, St. Mary's Catholic LEONARDO — The grade Alive 9:30- (2) it. The "Whispering Smith'. ser- 3:00— (2) Millionaire (5) Topper a later one with a kookie call ies starring Audie Murphy and . "Actually," Sandra added, sponsor a school Parent-Teacher Associa (4) Young Dr. Malone (4) Price is Right [Moon card party and fashion tion held its executive board (5) Award Theater (7) Of Life and Love girl. Then there is the nut whoGuy Mitchell was supposed to go was accidental. I was only in y (5),TV Reader's Digest always confesses to all crimes. Las Vegas for a year. None of meeting Monday in the school to (7) Nelson Family (13) Slapstick Theater this fall, but Madison Ave. didn't show Monday at 8 p. m, in the (7) Beat The Clock December Bride us stayed there very long." school auditorium. appoint committee chairmen and (11) San Francisco Beat 10:00- (2) Singer Bobby Darin is the fiuest see it. Meanwhile, NBC has (9) Guy Madison Dough Re Mi filmed 19 'of the half-hour epi- "Furthermore," Barbara re- Fashions will be from the Agg -prepare the year's programs. (13) Play of the Week O) star in this opener (next is Bud- (13) Day Watch 9:00 (2) Millionaire (5) Movie dy Hackett), and they even have sodes. markedrV'i"met LindsayTn Us nes ShoP- Highlands. Mrs. William Committees and chairmen are: 3:30- (2) Verdict Is Yours J Dibble will be the commentator. (7) Memory Lane Bobby talking a la "Dragnet." "Whispering Smith" has Audie ... _ niUUln ...111 UA tUn Anmmnntntnv budget and finance, Mrs. Wil (4) From These Roots (4) Happy Angeles, where I was appearing Mrs. William Wright is chair- (5) Movie Day Watch Bobby is suspected of murder, and Guy playing a couple of ear- man of the affair, assisted by iam Lamberson; grade mother, (5) Doorway To Destiny 10:30— (2) Video Village ly cops (Denver, 1870s) who first with Tony Martin's act." Mrs. F. J. Krlvas; health and (7) Who Do You Trust? (7) Hawaiian Eye but here is where the producers wilBul tb eth sustainee legend dieby sjoke harsd froanmd Mrs. Edward Kienzle, Mrs. John (9) Long John Nebel (4) Play Your Hunch have left the Webb technique for started dabbling in the modern Pfleger, Mrs. Martin Wecken- welfare, Mrs. Paul Phillips; his '(9) Movie News and Weather science of criminology. Bob Hope. The girls themselves torian, Mrs. Stephen Adeska (11) Trackdown 10:45- (9) a dash of "Peter Gunn" and a mann> Mrs John Poss> Mrs> Wil 4:00- (2) Brighter Day Almanac laughed over the circumstances " " vitz; hospitality, Mrs. John John 9:30— (2) I've Got a Secret 10:50- (9) pinch of "Johnny Staccato." Or Maybe Madison Ave. was dis- llam DibblDibblee , MrMrss. J JRuc.Ruck kan andd (4) Thin Man (4) Tate 10:55— (9) Cartoons of Gary's succumbing. When he' son; membership, Mrs. CJiarles (5) Douglas Fairbanks maybe I am confused with the enchanted by the fact that "Whis- played Las Vegas recently, the William Matton. (9) Harness Racing 11:00- (2) old Gene Autry movies, hecause pering Smith" is still a "wes- Mrs. R. C. O'Connor, grand re- Allen, Sr.; procedure and by- (7) American Bandstand chorines did a number* called laws, Roy.Eia; inside publicity, (11) Californians (4) Price Is Right every time the plot of "Raven" tern" with store clothes. gent, presided at a recent meet 4:15— (2) Secret Storm 10:00— (2) U.S. Steel Hour Summer Playhouse "We're Gunning for Gary," since Mrs. Anthony Plitnik; outside 4:30- (2) Edge of Night (7) comes to a point of crisis, Bobby he was the.sole remaining bache- ing of the court when plans were (4) This Is Your Life Herb Sheldon sings a song. Darryl Hlckman and Dick publicity, Mrs. R. G. Tatham; (4) Yancy Derringer (9) lor. Among the girls aiming a pis- discussed for a bus trip to the (7) Boxing 11:25- (5) News You remember those old Autry Davalos are waiting impatiently Immaculate Conception shrine in school education, Mrs. Harold (5) Mr. District Attorney tol was his present bride. Brown; sunshine, Mrs. Louis (II) Decoy 11:30- (2) Clear Horizon plots, don't you? A buddy would for their NBC series "The Blue The younger brothers now form Washington, D. C, Saturday, Oct. (11) Laurel and Hardy 10:30- (4) Johnny Midnight Concentration and tire Grey" to sell. The net- 11. Miss Rita Quail Is in charge Lemieux: frankfurters, Mrs. Wil (13) Woman's Club (4) come riding hard and fast up to a trio. What's to stop it from (9) Movie (5) Romper Room Autry and shout, "Hey! Your cab- work has changed the title to of arrangements for the trip. liam Vanderzee; library, Mrs, 4:55—(11) Spunky and Tadpole (11) Bold Venture •becoming a sextette? John Murphy. (7) I Married Joan is on fire!" "The Canfield Brothers," probab- "Us," said Pat. "No interest." A bulletin will again be issued 5:00— (2) LifeofRiley (13) Playback ly to disguise the Civil War theme The executive board formulated (4) Movie "Well, now," Autry would say, . "We've got homes and children for members of the court, under 10:35—(13) Movie "I'd better come a-runnin', but of it, but the hour-long series still to take care of," said Sandra. the direction of Mrs. William programs for the year. The meet- (5) Dateline Europe 10:45— (7) Sports ing for October will include first I've ' got to sing a little hasn't sold. . "And we couldn't find a time Matton and Mrs. Joseph Melosh. (9) Mischief Makers 11:00- (2) News MOVIE TIMETABLE song." when one of us wasn't pregnant, The next meeting will be "Know Your School," and will be (11) Bozo The Clown (4) News RED BANK Nanette Fabray Is en house for 1 Anyway, beween Jack Webb waiting word from NBC on her Barbara added. So far the four I Wednesday, Oct. 12, in the church °P Pare" *! Novem (13) To Be Announced (5) News • Carlton—Oceans 11 2:00; 7:00; ber, 'Health,u " a study on polio 5:25—(11) Clutch Cargo and Gene Autry, the producers new "Yes, Yes, Nannette" situ- Wives have totalled four Crosby hall ""' '"""" " " '""'" "" """ (7) News 9:30. of "Dan Raven" have managed children, one expeqted (by Pat), vaccination; Dec. 16, a play for 5:30- (2) Movie (11) News and Sports EATONTOWN ation comedy series. She Is sup- children, "Little Lulu's Christmas (5) Big Beat to come up with an original new posed to go into the schedule late «nd two by previous marriages. No problem finding tenants 11:05- (5) Movie Drive-In—Oceans 11 7:10; 11:-show. And if Webb and Autry Barbara was the only wife who,when you advertise The Register Party." It will be enacted by the (7) My Friend Flicka W'.Vt— (2) Weather 20; Tarnished Angels 9:40. in January, according to NBC's Playmakers Little People's Play- (9)"Movie don't sue them, the "77 Sunset latest estimate. expressed an interest in continu-'way .—Advertisement. (4) Weather HAZLET Strip" producers will. house of Kearny. (11) Three Stooges (7) Weather Loew's Drive-In—Cartoon 7:30; When an ABC representative January's topic is "Know You (13) Studio 99>/2 11:15— (2) Movie Oceans 11 7:35; 11:15; Time Board of Education;" February Bill Talman, ex-"Perry Mason" was asked if he didn't think it a RADIO is Founders' Night; March, Fa- Lock 9:55. D. A., finally got his Good House- bit tricks that the neetworks WABC 770 WNEW 1130 thers' Night; April, music and art ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS keeping seal of approval from coming "Surfslde 6" series had WCBS ' 880 WOR 710 appreciation; May, installation of Atlantic—The Lost World 7: CBS, hut it took considerable a private eye in Miami, just like WHTG 1410 WPAT 930 officers and Mothers' Night. 20; 9:20. nressure, Including a large assist NBC's "Michael Shayne," he said, WNBC 660 WQXR 1560 KEYPORT from Dick (Pa.ladin) Boone. Indignantly. "Of course not! The AFTERNOON Frankfurters which are usually 7I3S— WCBS In Person Interview! sold each Tuesday in the schoo! Strand—Oceans 11 6:55; 9: IS. guy in 'Surfside 6' operates out 11:00—WABC News: Dick Shepard WOR Capitol Close.Up Boone said he wanted Talman WCBS News T14S—WNBC Wayne Howell Show will go on sale early in October. COLLINGWOOD CIRCLE for roles in two of his "Have of a houseboat, so you see U's not WHTa Monmouth-Ocean WOR Carlton Fredricka Shore Drive-In—It Started In TiSS—WABC Neva; The regular meeting is sched Gun, Will Travel" epesodes, and the same at all!" * Mews Summary Fred Robblna Show uled for Monday, Oct. 3. Naples 7:20; 11:00; Hondo 9:- WNBC News: Ed Herllhy • 100—WCBS World Tonight 20. WOR News, John Scott WNBC News: Wayne Howe] tilts—WOR The Fitzgerald! WOR News, World Today LONG BRANCH WALTER RCADE THEATRES WCBS I.anny ROB> «:1*—WCBS Ed Joyce Baronet—Portrait in Black 2:- -& Orcheatra. St. James—Ben Hur 2:00; 8:00. WOR Neva WNBC News: Bob Haymes its first meeting of the seaso 111!—WCBS Ma Perkins* WOR News. Lea Smith Monday in the Oakshade fin WHTQ Report from lOtlS—WOR McCullouirh & £llot house, Matawan, and complete Beachfront 10:30—WNBC Now Gay EATONTOWN WOR Carlton Fredrleks Lombardo plans for the fashion show to b llIO—WCBS Young Dr. Malone WCBS N'ewa held shortly. WHTONwi; IO:IS—WABC News: Ed Jordan Relaxing Muele lllOO—WCBS News The meeting opened with th 1 &I4S—WCBS Second Mra. Burton WNBC News: Boo Haymes recitation of the rosary, led by NOW AT BOTH THEATRES! HIS—WABC News: Dick Shepard WOR News WNBC Emphasis 111IS—WABC Quincy How* Mrs. Rudolph Mikson. Rev. Ed- HOO WCBI News: Best Sailer WCBS'Starllnht Salute ward Blaska led the openin. ' WHTO Headlines. Music WOR McCulloutrh & Eliot WNBC News; Jim Love UlIO—WABC Th. World of prayer. WOR News, Lea Smith Tomorrow Mrs. James Halton conducted CAPER OF THE CENTURY! llll—WOR Galen Drake WCBS Musi* -Til Dawn IllO—WCBS Allen Gray 12:00—WABC nit-Jna the meeting, with Mrs. Theodon ' WHTO News: WNBC News: All Night In Martini, secretary, bringing thi Relaxing Musie N. T. group up to date on current busi FRANK SINATRA tlSS—WABC News: Dick Shepard ' WOR Long John WNBC Emphasis ness. DEAN MARTIN SlOO—WCBS News: MORNINO PROORAMS Mrs. John Gilligan, chairman Freeman £ Harea WHTO Headlines. Musio 7:00—WABC News, Al I.ohman of ways and means committee SAMMY DAVIS JR. WNBC News: Jim Love WCBS .lack Sterllnir announced that the fall luncheon WOR News: I.vie Van WHTG Mnnmouth.Ocean •US—WOR Arlrne Francis News Summary and fashion show will be held in PETER LAWFORD Hid—WHTONewi: Prlcea Shadowbrook, Shrewsbury, Sat- Relaxing Mntlo WOR News: 1U5—WABC News: Martin Block John Gambling* urday, Oct. 15, at 12:30 p. m 'WAGON TRAIN'—Television's highest-rated Western- ANGIE DICKINSON WNBC Emphasis WNBC News; BUI Cullen Fashions will come from th NOW SHOWING 4l00—WCBS News: Ulck N'oel TllO—WHTO News: Town Shoppe, Port Monmouth adventure series begins another cross-country trek this "TIIK •"*. SK THAT 1IOAHEI)" WHTO Closing Stock Wake up to Music It .ir miinlni'e /or Ihp Report: Music 7:45—WHTO Civil Service Newi and society members wir model. season on the NBC-TV Network with permanent stars funniest picture of the Year." WNBC News: Art Fnrr! SlOO—WABC News: Al I-ohman Mrs. Richard Hagen, chairman --.N. Y. World-Telegram WOR News. John Wlnjate WHTO Headlines: Ward Bond (right), as Wagonmaster Seth Adams, and 41II—WOR Raillo New Yorlc Wnke Up To Music of spiritual activities, announced '4110—WHTO News: WCBS News: Jack Sterling plans for a Day of Recollection Robert Horton, as Scout Flint'McCullough, planning on Relaxing Music Show during Lent, a major guest star as "passenger" for each episode. The 4lSS—WABC New.: Mnrtlr, UlnrV WOR News WHTQ Ft. Mnnmouth A WNBC News: mil Cullen The next meeting will be Mon- full-hour series, seen on three continents, premiered on Civil Service News CIS—WOR Dorothy and Dick day at 8 p. m, in the Oakshade k *Ma*i|| HOt tlCTMl WNBC Emnhmli SU?—WHTO News: NBC-TV in the Fall of 1957 and will again occupy its -.. ... TECHNICOLOR 1:00—WCBS News: Dirk Noel Relaxing Muslo fire house, and the guest speak WHTa Monmouth-Oeean S:SI—WABC News Krpnrta er's topic will be "The Aims ol established Wednesday nighttime period. RICHARD CONTE • CESAR ROMERO . PATRICE WYMORB News Summary; (100—WABC Rreakfast Club Dow-Jones WCBS News: the Society of Alcoholicj Anony WNBC News, Art Ford Arthur Godfre? mous." seen Saturdays. Opening the third ~ ADDED FEATURE AT EATONTOWN ONLY" WOR News, John Scott WHTO Headlines: Hal Humphrey; , Ills—WOR Radio N«w York Strictly for Women Refreshments were served by season, Randall brings in a Rock Hudson in "TARNISHED ANGELS" , ll*0—WHTO News: WNBC Newi: mil Cullen Mrs. John Freyer, assisted by Relaxing Muilo WOR News: GaUn Drake prisoner and finds himself caught ItlS—WABC News • HO—WHTO News: Mrs. Richard Van Wart, Mrs in the middle of a kangaroo • VfNINO. Relaxing Muslo Charles Cody, Mrs. John Arthur, court-martial of an ex-Union of- • tSI—WNBC Kmphaals Shows to dOS—-WCBS News tOlOO—WABC News: Mrs. Robert Burke, Mrs. Patrick ficer, accused of desertion by his WHTO Ileailllnen: Martin Block Lane and Mrs. Robert Hannon. Pinner Music WCBS Nrirs: former platoon. McQueen was WNBC Up To The Minute Martha Wright nnr> of the first to bri"'k frnt" plus—Award Winner WOR News, t.yle Van WHTO Headlines. Muslo Gold Is North Dakota's most Watch the tall, handsome, western-hero 1111: GOLDEN FISH" •IIS—WABC Howard foiell WNBC News: Art Turd WCBf ftpnrts. Itnh CnnVt WOR N'o» » Ttennrta Important mineral resource. It mold. WOR News: John Wlnjata lOill—WOR Martha Ili-ane Is found In the Black Hills and 10:00 - (Ch. J) - Steel Hour - IllO—WCBS News: Tiuslness 10U0—WHTO News, WABC John Daly Relaxing Muslo after more than 50 years of con- (Choice Viewing) — This series, „,„ _ fch 4) _ T _ WHTO Newi: WOR Interviews. tinuous working the mines still which has kept faith with viewers ^ h ; „ f h Pinner Muste Martha Deane , WOR Newi, WNBC Kmphasls 7i30—(Ch.2) — The Aquiniutf (ialirlol Healer lltsi—WHTO Mlil.lay (Kock Report — Lloyd Drldgfi better look to hia Uiiii'1.1 fin heir luineft « |>«ii J'KTER SELLERS I.ANA TURNER of underwater divers equally btnl DONT foR6ET "THE MOUSE ANTHONY OUINN on hrlnv adventure*.. Series Atari THAT ROARED" "Portrait In Black" Keith I.arion and Jeremy Slate, 'tli l« the irrlmm tine, the kind (jlrl« (;n for, Jeremy In the fun- loving type, who frequently lounrj T A H llilni!« up, To KM thins* tinilri EOO way («r l« It unilernrnV) Keith costs so little ... SHORE DRIVE-IN 'Sr SflT. ond r,UN.QGT.ti»,O"f!jO ". "piTKiinded" by » pretty d'ltl AF-TH .SCHOO means so much RT5, 33 & 34 • COLLINGWOOD CIRCLE In mnke « (lanK'tom dive. SHOWS NITELY FROM DUSK * CHILDREN CMURCMCROUP*•CLUBI• I/UIIMOIU , . .35/ ortcnNi.'OTiONn • POMILV- »:J0 - (Ch. 1) - ..itt •SCOUT MERIT UODCCB' or Allv* — New dny fir "IT STARTED IN NAPLES" Wall Strt.r Report, ovtr "1410 Radio" I »<>• tt»'44 'Itt Tit* Pi's the a 111 v 111 r • nf liounlv linnlrt II 0 M 11:5*1 A. M, mid following 4 and S P, M. iif,wic««la( Jn«.h fUmlnll, pluyrd l>v Steve plui—John Wayno in "HONDO" McQueen, Serin «n formerly I FOR SALE 22-WedL, Sept. 21. 1960 X>ULD YOU' UIC AN EXTRA fW or RED BANK REGISTER 5OAT BEPAIEB J — UPtrt rntirm 9401 s. week* psrt lime. Ma*. l»rc AcmeA rPEn bJ Caii COlfax 4- %T. C*U CO 4 6*03. TELETYPE PERFORATOR 3 AND 4 ROOM OUTFITS NEW UM KGBTB CUSSITO RATES 1883 after 6 p. Me Line TYPIST AKD VHX CLERK — JBvniln* IDty ABCAJN — Any feo&t rou mi) to work, eix to Un p.m. dally, and to work o!«rjt •Wft. AND USED . . . t 0»y« Consecutive 32c Line own. lam Hank r&tei, rlnuiclnc *r- )ne to three every third Saturday. APARTMENTS 30c Line rugementa completed ID one cell at Jend full resume U> "Kvenlng Work," Write HK, Box 6)1. Bel Bank 4 Days Consecutive any of our offices. THE MONMOUTH 148. Red Bank. 5 Days Consecutive 25c Line COUNTS NATIONAL BANK, BH X- Take Over and Pay Balance, Due Only! THREE ROOMS UNFURNISHED, 000. iV O M E N ~ Married, or married beautiful setting. River Plaza, all 30 Days Consecutive . 24c Line women with children, like to earn LINING MAKERS wanted on ladles utilities. J80 month. Call O3 1-1466. 90 Days Consecutive , 23c Line ;1O-J16 per evening after the children coats. Apply; Atlantic Clotiling Corp. Catherine BUt Red Bank, or phone OUTFIT #76432 AIR CONDITIONED — Modern three- THE BOAT CENTER tre put to bed? Work from 8 to 11 IH 7-1761. room furnished' apartment. Electric Yearly Contract Rates On Request UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT >.m. by appointment only. No delivery, 9' pc. hWe-a-beermanent position, five day -week, RtRht to classify, edit or reject any advertisement If reserved ""or interview write "Shoe", Box 511, PLUS vate bath and entrance. MS monthly by The Register. 75 White Street Red Bank IADIES — MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS led Bank, .tIMUes Included. CaU SH 1-SS30, BH 1- SHadysIde 3-3124 merry and bright! Represent nation- RENEWED REFRIGERATOR 1S78. Wo will not be responsible for errors, unless they are detected ally aHvertiaeH Avon Cos met tea. For before the second Insertion. V ANTED — Damaged or used iformation call SH 1-43*3 or write Balance Due $176 — Pay J2 Weekly TW0.RO0M FURNISHED APART- No cancellations will be accepted or changes roads In advertise- outboard motors a nil boats up to 16'. 25 Elizabeth Ave., Hulse Manor. BricX 11TUATIONS WANTED, Female MENT, bath. Call AT 1-56(6 after ments one hnnr After receipt at ornce. HI 7-5948. Town. N. J. p. m. 1 ELIABLE WOMATV wlsrfel to take OUTFIT #83976 DEADLINE 5:00 P. M. Day Before Publication i JERSEY SPEED SKIFF — 35 h.p. DAY WAITRESS wanted. Please apply care of children In her home. 157 UNFURNISHED-FOUR LARGE rooms, Evlnrude, varnished hull antl rnahog- in person. Cholly'a Diner, Highway Unple Ave. SH 7-2609. Will board. completely modern, private entrance. Lny deck, canvas cover, red foam rub- 16, Leonardo. 9 pc. modern bedroom • 9 If- sectional, that opens oveli' surrounding. (125 monthly heat CLASSIFIED jer cushions, chrome bow light. Fast TYPING DONE AT HOME Included. SH 7-2253. ft:DO A. M, Day Bel ore Publication wtth proof two dayi before joat for flitting or fishing. $900. RU 1 .1 OTHER'S HELPER — Days work, on IBM electric Call BH 1-S1SS...... to sleep 2. with tables and publication. 2056. must hafe own transportation. LI 2- Mra. Wynherg. KEANSBURG — Kitchen and hed-alt- ,917. 5 pc. dinette t llng room furnished, one person. All FISHERMAN'S CHOICE 2V "Hard- V1LL, HELP 1V1TH PARTIES, dinners, amps utilities supplied except linens. Call top." Two bunks, heafl, 110 h.p., EXPERIENCED Houseworker wanted or other occasions. Call PLUS after 6:30 p. m. KE 6-239L Call Classified—SH 1-0010 or OS 1-0525 for cleaning and Ironing one day SH 1-S881 gray, only 87 hours. 8' open deck. week. Own transportation preferred. PORT MONMOUTH — Furnished three Never damaged. 52,850. After 7 p.m., HIGH SCHOOL SOPHOMORE deilre 9x12 RUG AND CABINET NIGHTS, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Windsor 4-4970. ' References required. SH 7-0190. rooms, separate bath and entrance. 'baby-sitting. Evenings, all week. LI Balance Due $284 — Pay $3 Weekly ' KE 6-1480. J20 Wilson Ave, .8" SEA GULL SAILBOAT Including COOK — PlrBt floor maid, must be -23*2. Dial SH 1-1110 fond of children. Have good refer- tails. Needs reflnlshlng. Must sell due HOUSEWORK OR COOKING — Af- Calls on private telep&ones are toll-free to 03 1-0523 Uom me o illness. Call KE 6-3710-W. after 7 mceii. RU 1-1622 between 10 and 12 OUTFIT #84113 m. ternoons 2:30 until after dinner. SH COMMERCIAL RENTALS following stations: LOweU 6. COlfax 4, KEansbury 6. WHItney 6. >.m. weekdays, all day week ends. •1850 or SH 7-2920. • 9 pc. living room suite, Calls on private telephones are toll-free to SH 1-0010 from tfce ,IAII) — Permanent, five days week. 1 4 rooms of furniture — good FACTORY LOFT following stations: AT Ian tic Highlands 1, CAplta) 2 and 9. Liberty 2, Care of two small children, no cook- GERMAN WOMAN wishes day work. complete For rent REMEMBER DONNA?? ing. Must have own dally transporta- Good. plain cook and houseworker, usable erudition Highlands 3, OSborne 1, RUmaon 1, SEa Bright 2. and SHadysIde 1 IH 1-7773. ' 8 c 12.000 »q ft Call SH 7-UOO and 7. Did Donna get your boat? The next tion. RU 1-1900 before 9 a. m. - 27 after'6 p. m. tractor. SH 7-4479. NUIISES AIDS — 7 a. m. to 3 p. m truck necessary. Car will do. Minimum PAIR HEN AT .YOUR SERVICE 24 rugs, paintings, etc FRIEDMAN GAL- 590 month. Unfurnished. ID54 MERCURY HARDTOP, excellent. 3 p. m. to U p. m. Apply In person investment for starting atock, and HOURS A DAV. ALI, WORK GUAR- ER1ES. PR 4-3143. Evenings CA 2-7482 Call OS 1-0277 1054 SUNIiEAM TAL.BOT Knir-pei NEED SOMETHING ALTERED? Lei Can ton seen at Red Bank Airport between 7 a. m. nnd 3 p. m. Brookda'e equipment $750. Company will suppl" ANTEED. BAYSHORE SERVICE CO.. PIANOS — Hlchest prices paid. H. Ten BRANCH AVE. — Six room, three during day. SH 1-0571 after 6 p.m. Kor TCngH*li convertible. Good tram me do It for you. I'll also do youi Nursing Home, Hwy 35, Haslet. N. J you witlt protected customers. Writ HWY 36 and 9TH ST.. BELFORD. portatlon. J250. SH 7(4049. dressmaking If you are size 10-16 oi zer. 306 Main St.. Lakewood or FOx bedrooms, Good location, near school, to "BUSINESS," Box Sll, Red Ban* KB 6-2227. KE 6-5590. KE 6-3840. iron 3-2190. bus route. SH 1-5586. BUI CK — 1953 Elcctra 225. Four 1951 ENGLISH FOIW — 1150, ID! :i Ittle Klrl. HI 3-2-tSO. door, one owner. THINK FOAM THINK RANCH HOUSfi ln Mlddletown, near Call CA 21412 Kaiser, JUS. 194R PodKff $35, ra ROTOTILUNG, LANDSCAPING, split WANTED — Second hand set of En and heater In alt. OS 1-2716. rail fences, (awn mowing,, odd lobs. HELP WANTED-MAL£ FOAMART cyclopedias. Call Red Bank. LlvlnR room, kitchen and US1 DODOE four-door aeclun, auto Ganson Bros. 811 7-4201. SALESMAN REAL ESTATE — Be MORTGAGES EATONTOWN SH 7-1874 dining area. Three bedrooms, two matlc transmission, radio, heater. happy, make money. Join county's PIANOS — Save (200 or more off Hat baths. Attached two-csV garage, oil Very substantial. >175. OS 1-3552, CUSTOM LAWN SERVICE OLD FURNITURE - Antiques, china, fired hot water baseboard heat. Call MOBILE HOMES C. W. Curry fastest growing realty firm. Krone Al price on brand new 68 note Spinet glassware, art objects ar.d bric-a- WHItney 88551. FORD — 1957 Kalrlano 500. Victoria, Call collect Gibson 6-0264 soclatos Inc.. LI 2-2133. pianos. Ten year guarantee. Come see brac. Immediate cash for anything and 45X8 MOBILE HOME — Two hci CASH NOW and aave. We service what we sell. everything. Ruacll's. 25 East Front SU MONMOUTH BEACH — October until Ford-O-Matlc. radio and heater, row- PAINTING CONTRACTOR — Interim TRUCK-TIRE SALESMAN, experienced SH 1-1603. •r. steering, excellent condition. $1,095, rooms, gas hent. Cull Liberal d raw ngalnst commission First. Second, Third Mortgages Tenser's ' Muslo Store. 306 Main St.. June. Furnished. New home, modern SH 1-1011 after 6. KE 6-2707 and exterior work. New and old work Home Improvement Loans Lakewood. FO 3-2190. Open evenings kitchen, dining room, large living room Al Black. CO 4-6461. Extensive company benefits. Montgom and Sunday by appointment. with fireplace, two bedrooms, tile hath, 1958 CHRYSLER SARATOGA — Black pry Ward, Monmouth Shopping Center, NO APPLICATION PEE FIBERGLAS BOAT REPAIRS. For fr<> Eatontown. One Day Service - large family room, automatic gas heat. hardtop. Power steering, hrakes. ra- estimate* L'all Navpslnk Latnlnatim WINDOW SHADES PETS AND LIVESTOCK Garngc, pntlo, dock. S100 plus utilities. dio, snow tires, extra tire. Family WANTED-AUTOMOTIVE CA 2-5198 after 12 a. rrt. third car. 31650. Call SH 7-3P51, aftc: Ltd.. HI 3-1125. REFRIGERATOR MAN — Must be AMERICAN FUNDING WANTED — CHEVROLET, 1954. '55, experienced. Apply In person. Eaton- MINIATUHE SILVER FRENCH pooill. 5 p.m. • PAINTING AND DECORATING WAverly 6-4900 98c AKC registered, female, all shots, MIDDLETOWN — Two-bedroom cot- '56. Automatic transmission. Excel town TV, 50 Hwy. 35, Eatontown. tage In rural area. Immediate occu- 10(9 CHEVROLET — doort runnlm lent condition. Munt [mas Inspection GENERAL CONTRACTOR Our Personal Representative Will Mounted tree-bring rollers anil spayed. Nine months old, sweol SH 1-9401 THOMAS SLATE pancy. Lease at 58(11 monthly, unfurn- condition. Ter/ect for transportation Cnnh. Phone SH 1-8447. after 2:30. EL.ECTR.OLUX CORPORATION Call At Your Home MOBILE VENETIAN BLIND disposition, and bcautlfu). Sacrifice. $75. ished. SHREWSBURY — Two-bedroom J95. SH 7-5131. A-ONE BUILDERS & ROOFERS IN' MEN wanted. Sales and service. Me- We Say Yc« Whera Others Kail 156-558 Broadway CA 2-4379 SH 1-2322. C-ile COfl, rmveMpnt ln<""*'«" n-'—. 105s SUN ROOF VOLKSWAGEN — 25,- FREB ESTIMATES chanical background helpful. 508 Pros- BROWN BODY DONUT machine elec PONIES — Severn!, for sale. Also nlshod at 1120 month. Available Octo> 0OO milca. Radio. Ono owner. Priced BOATS & ACCESSORIES BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED pect Ave.. Little Silver Shopping Cen- trie. Call ponies available for parties. AT 1- •••- 1. U'cf-t-V-nietli \"-.'iu' .1^ »V. to Bell. Sll 7-1224. CO 4-5419 ter. SH 1-2070. INSTRUCTION CO 4-0676. 2051 Front St., Red Bank. BH 1-2240. 105IS CHEVROLET two-door, standnri 21' DODOE SPEED BOAT STORM DAMAGE? DELPH LIMOOE. bronze statues, love AN INVESTMENT IN HAPPINESS— transmission, alx-cyllnder. In good ICermath engine and monel shaft. Need TREES rlRhtcri or removed wit MALE HELP WANTED FORMER TEACHER will tutor firs seat, couch, aecrelary, four section Collie puppies, wormed and inocu- condition. SH 1-0318. K very reasonable, SH 1-1D23, stumps. Land cleared. Any size Job, year Latin. screen, occasional and dropleaf ta- ateil. Time payments It desired. AT WANTED TO RENT KE 6-2333. IMMEDIATE employment tn our re- Call SH 7-3330 bles, executive desk, follr-drnwer file, 1-2195. l!>5n SIMCA CUSTOM DELUXE—Four 16" GLASSPAR — 1950, with 50 h.p. ; cently opened factory branch. Job anil numerous odd pieces. RU 1-0109. ROOM — Furnished or unfurnished. *' ior, radio, heater. Like new, Mus Evlnrurie, 1958, $750. Irwln'i Yacht MASONRY, dry wells, cesspools an openings for MAINTENANCE. COL- ETHEL BASSLER — Tcnchc ADORABLE KITTENS $25 per month. In or near Kenns- YorhR. Marino Park. Red Bank. Call laterals; alno sidewalks, curbs, pat- LECTORS and MANAGER TRAINEES. Need loving home •ell. J1O00. SH 7-5228. ios. SH 1-1078. o[ piano. STORM WINDOWS wooden frames. burg. Wrlto "Ken.n«burg." Box 511. SH 1-0003. Past experience not necessary. We SH 1-11S8 size 30x55. Call AT 1-2212 after S SH 1-0573 Red Bank. 1 TREES — Cut up and hauled awa; train you. Permanent positions. JD* p. m. NEW CHRIS CRAET IS , 20'. 13' SCL cellent opportunity (or advancement. SAXOPHONE AND CLARINET LES MALE BOXER AKC reflstered 21 $5 DOWN SklCfs. Here {or lmmcdlato delivery. Reasonable rate. SONS, taught In your nvvu home SEMI AUTOMATIC WASHINO machine months old, SiS. Call CA 2-7757 IRWINS' YACHT WORKS SALARY $90-$125 Beginners and advanced students. Cat excellent condition. JIC Call CO * SH 1-8275 FURNISHED ROOMS $6 PER WEEK PAYS ALL Mnrlno Park, Red Bank SH 1-0003 SH 1-7465 after 4 p. m. Tor Information. 2203. PIGEON LOFTS — One Army PG-1I We ire hiring now. iENMOilE AUTOMATIC IHONErt wllli type. One CSSUAS. Wiriillng Drc>i>k SI"OLE ROOM private home, one REMEMBER II you can work, you 30' RICHARDSON — J50O0. Excellent condition. Must be seen to he nn- EMPLOYMENT Call SH 1-4019. Ask for chair. Almoat new S75. Cnll CA 2- Farm, Shrewsbury Ave. (next to V\V block from center oi town. Ref- can drive. Personnel Department 2732. uenlert, evenlnKS 5-8 p. m. or SH 1 erences. Cull Sll 1-4543. ireclatecl. May bo neen Rt Irwlna" HELP WANTED-FEMALE MERCHANDISE 1745. Also a limited number of thoro 1953 DODGE CORONET — V-8 sedan. Yacht Works. Marina Park. Red Bank. 21" STEWART WARNER TABLE bred racing pigeons. ' SINGLE ROOMS private entrance. Radio . and heater. Semi-automatic 15' DOAT WITH canvas top. 35 h.p. SALESWOMAN, wltli experience In IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR SALE . MODEL TV. PH. Inquire Service De- bath. Heart of downtown Red Bank. transmission. An ebony black beauty. Evlnrudc outboard motor. Front «teer- misses and women's coats. Mont- nartmont. EMi'itown TV. Hwy 35, Ea- Call Mr. Chntman, SH 7-O2CO daytimes. Call PR 5-4212 for Immediate credit Ing with remote controls. Many ex- gomery Ward, Monmouth Shopping Opportunity to grow witn new and tontown. LI 2-(M00. LARGE SUNNY ROOM — Suitable for approval, Center. Eatontown. trM, aacrlllce. LI 2-0687. expanding factory hranch. Must be be- Tl"'Cl «!.. WL0WERS REAL ESTATE FOR RENT one or two gentlemen. Home like at- tween 10-36 nn Pittsburgh Outside Paints LLOYD MANOR REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Red Hank, N. J. Salem Yellow, Colonial Red, French HOUSES FOR SALE I960 VALIANTS WAITRESSES — Full or part-time SALARY $92 SALT HAY FINEST QUALITY Gray, Jersey Cream. Pearl Gray. Apply In person. MermalU Diner, Fred U Wiliotf. Co Ivory, Bud Green, Everglade Cireen, APARTMENTS IIAKLBT, sevel room spui level, l»i SU IU934 HlRhwny 30. Leonardo. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for counter Milwaukee Cream, White antl Trlmer. LONO BRANCH. N. J. baths. U acre. Aaiums 4*1 per ceni sidesmen with Imckground knowltMlgi TYPEWRITERS, ADWNQ machine! Regular $7-35 gallon GI mortgngc. Close to schools, buses LADY.PIANIST — Prlve car preferred >f electronic components and sales nbll 376 West End Ave. (West of Weitwood) nntt trains. Two years old. Extras. BARRON & JARMON Light duties home, personal enrt*. All makes new or used, auaranteed J17.000. Call after 6 p.m. CO 4-5129. Mother-dauRhter, Unttrr singer). May ty. Excellent opportunity for advnnce LJOW U $2S. Serplco's, 101 Monmoutb CApltal 2-2KO .nent. Liberal company benefits includ SU Nest to theater. 811 7 0480 ONLY $5.98 71 S. Broadway Long Branch start nuialc scliool. Moderate salary. Ing profit shnrlng plan. CnllSH 1-881' New two and three bedroom Duplex NEW SHBEWSBURY—Cape Cod. Three Lovely home Unke, nci\v ncc«nv, Shown, nr apply 485 Broad St., Shrewsbury. UUYAK SCHULTZ — Burlace Grinder. apartments all with 1V4 tiled Oaths and bedrooms, dining room. Fenced In operas, trips, etc. C,(Kid, SI5 Sunacl LAWN AND GARDEN full basements! Bound proof treated I yard, 13.O00. Principal only. SH 1-7656. Ave., Ashiiry Pnrk. PR 4-MI0. Excellent condition, IH years old. ACCOUNTANT-SENIO1 R — Pcrmancni Call after 6 p. m. Sll 1-0122. FAIR HAVEN — JtlVER OAKS, huge position with O.I .A. firm. EXCCIIPIII SPECIALS TWO BEUROOMS J125 PER MONTH oaks shade charming Colonial by salary find opportunity for qualified CASH HKalSTEHs — New and mid. THREE BEDKOOMS «130 PER pond, holly and dogwood, other flower- applicant. Send complete resume I many models, reasonable. Wa aelL GARDEN WHEELBARROW J7.B5 MONTH 'Senior". "Mox Ml. Jlert IlnnV. rem. repaf Talco Cash Register Co. inR trees. Superb condition.*. Fine cor- CA 20114. Rubber wheel Regular |!>.95 Unexcelled ciiiidrcn'i Playground ner lot, river rights, close to school SfARlNB~~M"KCll'lANiCH WANTED '- GARDEN TRELLIS JUS nnrt Up Facilities. and park. Three bedrooms, two batha P;ui(ty lino!; liny Marina. I Wi IIKALTIFL'L 11REAKKRONT — Un upstnlrs, living room, fireplace, full low St.. lUchlaniis. N. J. Ill "-UM coin Rockrr, antique love scat am 1IAVINO TROUBLE WITH YOUR Ask about our co-operative dining room, den, powder room, mo- CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY a elinlr. Two piece provincial llvln. SEPTIC TANK Oil CESSPOOL ? ownership plan. dern kitchen with patio, screened porch, MEN - - Fur tnli resting per inn new room .tot. Italian Albngter Floor vase full cellar, two-car g&raxe, black top fivll service posHiiins HH I'xyohUiirtc Othi'r Items. SEPTIC TANK & CESSPOOL YOU OWE IT TO VOUIIBtULF TO driveway. Top value! Selling direct. A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS- SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! Aide*, (iu'xl startint; nul'ir)*. I* mini n COMMERCIAL CARPBTINO at cost VISIT THE MOST LUXURIOUS Owner transferred. Call BH 1-9408 for I.OHHI If .'eal-e.l. 1'i'ld v"P;itinnn. s! QARDEN APAHT.\(BNTS ON THE appointment. leave juxl hollilny«. "Pr-ti-tlmi. Him Contractor's surplus In original wrap CLEANERS AND K1IOHK Cm:.:. H «l Stn'i:tl tf court tv t'tiveras. inriKi, private. n»13. !>xl9. 10x13. 12x15, Minm.ETOWN—Three-ljedroom ranch. \i;uM* in hn.*pitrtl wnrit. App1 private entrance. venient, attractive neighborhood. 11000 Plumbing & Heating miw: I'rrsonnoi Office, iN. J. Stat Ont Treatment Laati A Year SE 2-054!) down for FHA mortgage. Or nnnume ADDINO MACHINES — Typewriter, J. TANNAHIL1. - Klnor waxing and KKPAUtS. 8KKV1CK and Malnte l[<)H|iltnl, Mnrlhorn, ALTENBURG 414 per cent OI loan. OS •old, rented, repaired. Serplco'i, 101 janatorial service, Commercial, res- nunco 21-hour tervlc*. le.ven day, FX-3 ROOT KILLER J3.8S RED BANK — Bprlngvlew Oardem. Monrnoulli St., lltd Hunk. BH 7MB3 idential. U»w rates KK fi-'J779. Martin J McGnlre Inc.. Sll 7-3767 ~~JIAKB~ VfTi•*H~"FT7TFlfE~IHlJCfllf" FX-I CI.OOOINO one of Monmouth County's finest ANRWKIt THIS AD PIANO HOUSE PREVENTATIVR »I.B: Garden Aptirtmenta. Five-room apart- Appllnnco Repairs SAl.AllY.COMMISRlON-BONUa FXi DRA.tNFIPE Ct.EANEll -|] 9S ments, Immediate And future occu- WILLIS CONOVER Furniture Rvpulr pancy. Four-room apartment. Nov. 1. APFLUNCK lUCl-AUi and installv t.nrpi» AAA-1 ralcl com puny will hln Rent A Piano WH 8B081 Kolmdel VlUagt AC UAUl6~*~TELEVISION~CO~ thrr>p mp'i to mi vacancies, due ti Spncloils rooms, tllei bath and complete tton. Reildenttitl and commercial wlr> Vi' IIMTI • II K~"lTeYlTliViip. delivery. W. Murrny. KtJfl-tO77 8EHV1CE VVIIII.B YOU WAIT. nl'AMKICATIONS RTEINWAY CONSOLE, Walnut |IO» Holm del, Atlinilo and Marlboro Twpt, Auctioneer 1. i-i nppefirancp, ATTRACTIVE — Three-room furnished 2. WUMnp ti iHtn MUlrtlnn fsllmaUng, KNADE. MASON-HAMLIN, SOHMKR. LUMBER COMPANY 13,800 • Threp-hertronm home, nice In- B. a. COATH—An i>«.ii-nU«l Ailcllnn TV REPAIRS nAIII.E-NELBON, EVERETT, 8TECK. apartments. Heat. Kent reasonable, l'ucl Oil—Heating .1, Hnvf 1i-nr, no overnight travel. OA 2-2048. cntlon, nerds repairs, fichool, bus AApprnlKnl Hprvlrp "diiywhorr." '>i* Homo Calls $2 1. lntcre- ted In Ji>h with future. Cookman Ave. A Main St., Anbury Tk Sycamore Avenue Little Silver nnd fihnpplMR. I^ow taxes, 11,500 down. Norwood Ave., Iipul. 1'hnne KKIIUKB v v K Co i ITATI BAT iN0^i.'a'ir» ifT Open dally 1111 0 • Bat. till t:30 DKAL — Three-rooin ntinrlmmt, fur- 1*3461. KE 6-9651 HENKF1TB (At The rU nlnhril or un[unitn)ie«i. Refrigerator, <-nll RE 2-OUH-H. Otiltl Oil Delivery Inr.. Rnrvlc* A 1 A'UitrwPinrnt n< >I«III *% nimlinert, PR 5-9301 Year round leHse_KK 1-1107. rii"KTTY""niJfcH (roHoNIAIi nn qulft Aulo and Truck Rental flair,, 3 llerlirrt HI., llnl Hank. Wnrk puiintnlreil M day* 2. All bis compnny hftirflts Includln SH 1-7800 trrn liiifl rtrrH \n hfnrt o! Hhrrwn- JOE'S RADIO & TV KITCHEN cahlnrts nnrl built In ovens L>KA1, — 3'j roftni lurnlsliiMl apart- bury; top netRliborhnod, 25* living room. AVIH—Ilent a now cur or truck. Low Homo Improvements 1. Nn *^nc\i SCHSOW Showroom aamtilra al a terrific snv in.-ill avallnlili- Oclnlicr 1 — May 31. Urp|)lniM>: full dining mom, In rue rain. Mapla Avf., l[«n llank. Ml 1. 8» Lponnrilvllle Ml. Drlfnrd 4. rnllmltcd pay rtieokn. Inns. Must ba seen to he appreciate ALl'MINl'M COMII1NATION 1'nvnlP IIMCII. t'nll Kllnger, 01. u>8290, corner c ui'honrtl; siunll study, bnnk- 03OH. Pit «»au. Dally 7 a.m.-10 p.m WOItKIN(i~MAN'8~contra7tor—Altlp (Cnm|i|>t*U'i Junction) I'tinfldenlinl Inlervlrwn n\ 5 \\*. Herge Crnwn Kitchen Center W1NPOWH nftt'r T run. LO li-fifKiH. shflvm: ilrli«IHful kitchen, formica PI., ltnl llnnk, or State Kmplnymenl r ntloiin, naditmni, painting, maionry. Highway n,i "" T-2»a All Sliel To OUnt MxtS I KKKTOlBNlTv Al AltTSrENTTfn«i)n»hle coiinicru, tirrnhrnm !)Pir, rlcrtrln two- Awnlngg — Canopies all llin»o mile John. IX) 0-I7H. Roollng, Siding nnd Insulation Hrrvlce, *» Knit VroM Rt., ll*vi\ hv l-"ree eiUninleii. Tie Ntuwfr (nr Vt'll! 'H Ivur mr^Si ?, T«»'<-. ANI> HOMKUHl-rr ri.imtleii. to h'-lp \i lltlm Kii|>ptl!t I'lrrtrlclly. t'nll rniinm, living with hrlrk Mrpplnrp, ilm* U 4 O IIUll.DKIIH lihiini-AiuuTrliiu nerviri-. HII |.<;IHI .'•rvii-t* "M'r III.IIIMI eilahtulieil ar Itloml wooil, thr«* yrtir, olil. 91S Jnrinl i«nd mil clrrlp. Thrre Mnrks elr* oomplet* building lervict and reinod- r.iillitn. N't exitericm-e needed. No run Kiirc hoi** innlutjnhy |1A. |cn KPPTnTKrVi!v"~»'i>(irV7iiViTi« now ilv mt-ninry nt'litiol. Nenr rntlrund nlntlnn, Ulna. CO 4107a or CO 4IU1 Tile—Ccrnmlc OilAllfied men uill lie Rive riiIOIiiAiTiK"rtKKiiVnKTiAfnir>.ii ciT |ikc«« <|lnlii|[ ri'om Rtilto |7A, len-flfci tilikt at wtnlvr rnlt-n. Nenr Un l ll«w filiopplng. Quick -fll" 117,600, OH Uwn and Gnrden Supplies Ilinroush Irnlnlng nnil rnpld mlvnnre ft., rxrrllrnt CDuittltnn, $AV Moulnn s wAlnut (llnliiff fi'Diu DPI IISV oil.I llv rnlrnil ntnl Irnln ulntliin. Menl fur 1-JfCH AM., Tvrk linpiovi m»'tiii~arM IIKiMUliKliiN(nMiV(|iprlaliy t'eram' Ittetit In our NKW t'l'l llrldRe llttANCM Mini) cost mri> 12. <'.'«. (llrl'i wlnlr fr.i nHmi chnUt 1V5 ID tV, Unro liarlii'lura nr lilllllirinxiiuplrll. AT 1-3IS0 worM uuarnm««u. Kurivfut. ont "" iiAlltU~IIA'viMON~i:o""'lNU ™ in «! innHica l.iietime linamy am) IIK1-*H'K. Mlierti) nilvnnce iiinimipiil I'om •!!• II. J.V nil 73(«J, for all l,atvn anil (lir-lm KumuKi e.irniniclmn l'n...r« ««n,, r^lllni, unit l.nnui pil'l wtrMv. i.ntf nat' i»i«• c** rifclloiml unfa with till' covi-m rUlANY7^rit« J, OH(1wAllail<)r. Hltirn l(<:ilf. IK J i,TNlttii, |TA, Irn-I'ipcp ninlinf(iiiiy tliiiinK rimn OCHAN 'IIMivk -««* lhrt»« rft'iti , rnnrh home, nn TlONN»* 1'ln ii" llrnnih nlllce at Cl, 4-71)31 IncludliiK pAcI, cnll ly. II.«l InraJMlill, I'll IMTWl^ ^_ ai-ro lot, 4'i \t>n tlnUy Oi:. I-A \Vpilnm\ny *tii Imlli. nil ullllllri. Mlork trtilil rail- rrllnr. N*w Inwn wltli innny ihruhi. rilAMSNU. WO UK trTr»i HHHVH'i-; i.i.iunl. Den rey'a riillulilh; * llefillni, M BfC riHitn set, Jn lootl rniiillilon. 140. VtUUy cvf-nlnK* 7H, rnnil. l(Kl. Wll T-aTTI. OB 1 •041(1. Anting |30,10O, Ntw Hhrewibury. 1.1 Duration*, irnl Ndtiitiott*. 30 yrara . AppuancM. .|iifr(» rlmrry flittlnic rnnm wnlnr Indiiilpl, |l:.1 nuinllily. DM I . "tioim«'<"• ••!• o' ""T Painting and Dccorntlng Vnciium Clcnncr Krp«lr I'hi.t't ritilxhll'K "ti'M* l"i'ile<1 tl'iwntnwn Call III! IIK7H hfsr lt)»ll I,(il», Vlv* room*, oil hot NBW wnikn, m»f'«iiiwiiiT">•• r»«iV«7 l:i,l II,iik ueeiln « mala «>.l«l«i,l In IKUfl. HlgbMt iimllty work. Kor • ••UmiiiM ('-•infilni livlnn riwun null*, (ltic*i- Kti\nU vM, mi fnuniry, call jloftuTt Ki<«nrancii. nit 1 Mot. • 1'iit :l n in In Hln H in Kmieil rninllllnri A«kln« )4\ i'MllKM iKJl'iMri'ANrr IIATli "|i'tiv"nlr .fMKi putt*. fO 4 Ml riiir ii. ('in>tii rin^iiiitit nut iiri'eMM II)N|tit null*-, ti'iflitc A P"ii (i |AHKlUNa UBGliA"NK~Ai;UMINIJM>l(oi»i;**rH ri.»|.in A i n l.n"l.' u.lere'l l« A >l'-s'er< nil iilllllllrr" Mil I |ilf>7 Inilil UI;.1I V, illihWft»ll»r, lhr* Id fllorm wiridowi, nidi rig, awning*, Nil |ir,,iti|,| In,Ii.. »,.,Ur, ,,. |,rH l.|,,rhl||, "I ll.'tliu.ll .IMIellly nl.'l nnttll lll,f;iilll MK1> AN'I'IUI'K MMIlMIANr 1 lW m, MiMitty rrcrpAliMti rtinm, full I INK I'.l mm > HI, tl"r.l' |'lNnh. ("M'^I'I .liillv' li'tj, i'fi f-MM or Nil I'OID "M 1 kipi'lriilua cull I'll (|i«HI ll MI f t-IU ikll nlfp, «.»..! . Ors. I [linn. Cm HII I l l M IIHI *lt " 4M Inr dei'iii mI |, > I" ft vt; Wf.|Hr«.|jtV «n.| ViMnV cvrri|(iK« ff> M(lNMUI'Tll'lit i« 'M' 1 •]•> ln'ilti H W l mill*. I'Huile Miitni'if. I.MI i|in lM'HT AURA Wnli'li Id'pnlr • ....I,. I ...I I'. ..., I •'<»« hi,In. I.I HI'Ml1 tN ASM MUk lll>; I'AI'I'I.J it Fl HIMKIIN IIKIUIIHIM Itl'ITK Illix i'»* !tiiMiit!i winiwr niilv f'A v n.i.'.i llltn|i wllln(l lt 1 I I-'IIKR W.M.II . • 11 V •. I M, MJIM Ii I I I" I • il -M l".«il|.ni \>Ut fin Mfh". Iti jii'/em •- I'nintiitif n in) i(l*|'Uv nl 'itit (tit-hll'm- •hinMi.'iM-. r. HM I Hflil|p« UP hi ».H.'".H'l'if M«rh\'>»'w!,rlit k (''MM. Ii I I.M'« Irrlllr ' |l|| | II,'! »i| I'lll Mil I J.I" JI VVIIxin «ll I.IMil |l-tl")ill CiMlM* IIMR MKI.IfM I|':1V|.:'|.|;HO "".'.I M,,HI',.''I|'I, Ihlf.lCr A flnn IhrRt III Pin l|t|.~»( |i'H I'HII nil I ill i .1 nil, l.fiNU III 1'ir i"»l. I'l mil IIMII- Chlnn unct (HUM KcpAlr j HI , iti-i HIMII -.'I (.. n i ! >«rn.» I,' II, « .11 .t«v« u|| r-'jwlf nr •!»• I'll .Siip|illi«i Wclilliiu _ I iilirlinllnji JE-W-1-rli hl'i- fi'l"' I AM •"" >ll'« «• nltrr fi PM I -.nn IM'O; i |'FJ nf: 1' N! ^ |.t* Imrtr^i 4(1,11 firfVfimiiiViia'iii'ii 'ji'uiin*!' ri'' MKI.I •; Mii.i.fn nn «i iilt'i'K , . «• | m i ,,.,,,: ,,,,,,,,* 1 1 1 1 mvi : i mil MI JAM*;'* DIIAMMA * null* f, lifn' )i"»t i,t r.tim' r «-\*:]tt |..-||yi.|imt !,nl (>>l .." \^i\"«\ . | ,H <,\t • S" "! Hill i>t\ (Moro ClflMlflnl Ads hiltH"!!, llilnil * (ll».<_fllic>!', HI | [l.i. I i. |,, ,.,.:..t |,, mmll l luril I'.iHUl. ,.> «<->t A-.-tlnt.l- l'"l" ifre«! It'll A l.luh'illhl I',,. H|| I.lfH 11Mt ,'Mi.iiiltur. Will rtt ),..,(. tnf .lf» hrtt* tlxl|M.r Mr.'..!.* .1,,, (It |tU!' tr«* On HIP Nt?*t 1'flgc) Ai|vi»Hl»*ln#ttl, mi.l lorhf. Call DIIII ' J". Oil t.iMIU. IPM I :H'.".1 fi,t tti't'iiiritmniil.' HOUSES FOB SALE HOUSES FOB MI* RED BANK REGISTER WtA, Sept,'.ktirl96O-» RED BAMK — tin room, ud tub. RUMSON automatic ell beat, two-car carat*. Corner lot. haw tuu, ell 7-0282. Firet time "ottered. Charming KACRIFICE _ One-year-old ranch. four-bedroom, two-bath home in Three bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, tile bath, full cellar. one of Rumson's finest residential Not a development. 200' beautifully areas. Fireplace in living room landscaped lot. SH 1-0655. dining room, modern kitchen heated sunporch, finished base- , ment with fireplace. Extras too HARRY A. KEARNEY include refrigerator, and washing machine. There are two patios , & CO. home surrounded by beautifu REALTORS OF-SEASON FOOD EVENT shrubs, flowering plants, and Three-bedroom ranch, living room, slide trees. Exclusive with this fireplace, den. VS-acre plot. Enclosed ^UTS^ORE office. Realistically priced at patio. 10% down, 5Vj9c interest. No $29,500. closing fee. J16.300. ( No down. GI. Two-bedroom Cape Cod. Excellent condition. $75 per GLAZEBROOK month includes all charges. AGENCY • Rt. 35 Middletown OS. 1-0600 Eves.:, OS. 1-0203 Super-Rigtit" WHOLE or EITHER HALF Spring Lamb! Avenue of Two Rivers, Rumson Daily: 9-6 Sat., Sun.: 10-6 Spry RU 1-1700 After 6 p.m. Rty 1-107' t With 3e With Sc RED BANK — NEW THREE bed LOTS AND ACREAGE offUb.l cffl.b.l room house. Oucn (or inspection. 7.9 LEONARDO — 100x150. Ready to be p.m. evenings. 35 Madison Ave. built on. Leonard Are. Favorable Jfc LEONARDO — This Is a wonderfu location. Ons block from beach. AT 1- 29» can IV opportunity for person with good 0555. LAMB credit rating. $2,000 down carries IS year mortgace on two comfortable ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — 50x100, In' homes, for S101 monthly. One house terraclal, 11,100. Terms. rented for 175 monthly. You can rent RU 1-1001 the other house for 51)0 monthly or Alcoa Wrap enjoy large living room, dining room, FIVE LOTS 25x100. nice location, dead- modern kitchen, three bedrooms, and end street, Belford off Campbell Aluminum Foil batll. for 527 monthly, plus low taxes. Ave., Jl.SOO. SH 1-2175 after 6. Owner to carry mortgage at 6C1 P. A. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Cleared Regular Heavy duty oehlhaus; Heal Estate, Hwy 36, Leon- home Bite corner approximately lOOx arrlo. next • Blue and White Bus 125, all utilities Interracial AT 1-2218. I2"x25 fl Terminal. AT 1-0488. 24-Hour phone 59 service. FOUR-ROOM DUPLEX — Vail Homes. BUSINESS PROPERTY $59.50 per month Includes utilities. More "Super-Right" Buys! Small down payment. LI 2-3686. TAVERN. LICENSE, elgbt-room apart- Scott ment. Atlantic Highlands. 179 First MONMOUTH BEACH — Seven-room Ave.. call AT 1-0259. Top Grode-READY-TO-COOK Qoitilni Spring Limb—Comblmtlon Chopt t Sttwlnc split level. Three bedrooms, 1% baths, attached garage, 100x125 land Paper Towels scaped plot. Dock privileges op Shrews bury River. A few short blocks from REAL ESTATE WANTED n.S.Gov't. White "Super Right" Lamb Shoulders 33,; nchool, churches find ocean bathing. TO BUS ON CONTRACT — HOUSL I50lheet0ft6 $16,000. Call CA2-3210. in Red Bank, oast of Maple Ave., >r colored roll *• Inspected Quality c FIVE ROOMS — Attached garage, eel tor family ol seven. Write full details ib. lar. large lot. stbrm windows. /o "Contract". Box 511. Red Bank. Rib Lamb Chops ^ 79 ncrccns. SH 1-557!). LIST YOUR HOME WITH WALKER & TURKEYS HOLMDEL DREAM HOUSE — All WALKER the office that offers com- r M brick veneer on five lovely acres. plete service. We take houses in trade, Five bedrooms, three baths, two wall wo finance, we appraise, and best of all Tide Round Roast °C 75S. size fireplaces, two double garages at- we sell. Walker & Walker. P.eal Estate. Sizes tached. Flagstone patio with brick bar- Insurance. Open 7 days, Shrewsbury For tlia family wash and dishes Sizes Bon<>> beque. Selling price 555.000. Appoint- office, SH 1-5212. Rarltan office. CO 4 C c ment only, Carlton H. Poling, Realtor. 5212. 16 to 22 lbs. Top Sirloin Roast " 85 CO I-IBIS. With 3c Urg»4Qc 4 to 12 lbs. l'UIIUO NOTICE off labal pig. "*' B n ARMSTRONG'S WEEKLY SPECIAL— An Ordinance entitled "AN ORDIN- Ib. Ib. Little Silver, brick and frime. Three ANCE RE INCREASE OP POLICE Top Round Steak "" 85 SALARIES" was presented for Intro 39 43 twin Jlza bedrooms, tils bath. 21' living duction and first reading on Septertv room with colonial fireplace, separate her 6th. 1860 by Mayor and Council loos Will With Turkey Riady to U11 B6nUn e ttinlng room, spacious kitchen, > base- Oeeu ment, oversize garage. Absentee own' of the Borough of Red Bank and on Jena Parker Cubed Steaks 85 September 19. i960 was finally adopted Spic&Span •pray Stuffing Mix K-25. Ib. er says sell at $16,900. >nd approved. Cranberry Sauce n lM> ELWOOD A. GEORGE A. GRAY, For cleaning paintad surfaces Mayor. Eye Round Roast " ' 95 Attest: With3e Ib. Armstrong Agency John Bryan, Clerk. off label pkg. BETTER BREAKFAST MONTH VAIUES! shortC f 555 Prospect Ave. Little Silver Sept. 21 12.88 Rib Steaks ' 671 SH 1-4500 NOTICE Starting the day with a §ood breakfast is a gopd habit] And there's no ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOK CON- better place to gave on breakfast favorites than at A&P! Come see! INCOME PROPERTY STRUCTION OF STORM WATER Super Suds Ground Beef **>**«»* 43* DRAINS IN AND BY THE BOR- First - floor apartmetit, ' four OUGH OP RED BANK, IN THE rooms and bath. Working fire- COUNTY OP MONMOUTH, NEW Detergent umm9mmi JERSEY, APPROPRIATING $20,000. With 5c offff With 12c off lib. place. Second-floor apartment, THEREFOR, AND AUTHORIZING PANCAKE Swiss Steak ,BB& five rooms and bath. Modern- THE ISSUANCE OF $10,000 BONDS box OR NOTES OF THE BOROUGH FOR large OQ0 FLOUR c ized, excellent condition. Taste- FINANCING SUCH APPROPRIA- pi,. AUNT JEMIMA 19 fully decorated. Lot 75x200. TION. pig."" Ground Round Steak 85 BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor Asking $20,500. and Council of the Borough of Red S¥fiUP Bank, In the County 6f Monmouth, New Jersey (not lens than two-thirds bottls Soup Beef ^^ 43,» WALKER & WALKER of all the members thereof affirma- All Detergent Cane and Maple Mk # C REALTORS tively concurring) aa follows: VERMONT MAID SECTION 1. The Improvement de- Controlled sudsing Shrewsbury aorlbed In Section 3 of this ordinance Jumbo Shrimp Highway 35 Is hereby authorized as a general Im- provement to be made or acquired by *'«• 77c SUGAR FROSTED tooz.^C SHadyside 1-5212 the Borough ef Red Bank, New Jersey. For the aald improvement or purpose pi,. " FLAKES CEREAL "ox ^ Jc Open 7 Days stated In said Section 3, there Is here* KELLOGGS Cap'n John'* Frown Seafood! by appropriated the sum of 920.000, MARLBORO — Beautiful custom bu! said sum being the Borough's share of five room home with porch. O the cost of in I'd Improvement and In- **- 4 10 landscftped acre. Full basement, pa cluding the sum of $1,000. as the Haddook Dinner t Z 89° tlally finished attic, plaster walls, liri down payment for said improvement VIENNA O 4o, til •«y pi place, many extras. Asking J19.5I or purpose required by law and now Call 110 2-:!56l for appointment. available therefor by virtue of pro- SAUSAGE Jk »» JTC vision in a budget or budgets of the BROADCAST Perch Fillet ^69° SHREWSBURY RIVERFRONT Borough previously adopted but exclu- 2' * Charming colonial located on qul' sive of and in addition to any amounts whi u p residential street In top nelghborhooi of money appropriated or to be ap- Evaporated Milk ^ " 3 1 43° Del Monte Pineapple Juice ^29° Haddock Fillet 2 .L Lawns slope down to deep navlgabl propriated by the County of Monmouth water. This home has 3Vi bedroom; pursuant to an agreement between 2 j two baths, largo living room wit the Borough and the County. Flounder Fillet fireplace, sunken dining room, mode Cream of Wheat lnrt£tl, P\; 39" Grape Jelly *<-""*• ^23" ;°;39° kitchen, two-car garage. Priced to si SECTION 2, For the financing of said l4 • * 10 < at J35.O00. Rolston Waterbury, P.ealti Improvement or purpose and to meat Fish Sticks H..n,. the part of said (20,000. appropriation Pillsbury Farina ;;.20° 33" Corn Muffins &££ ft!7« * pkj 10 West Front St., Red Bank. SH not provided for by application here* 3500. under of said down payment, negotl* C ATTRACTIVE RANCH in one of able bonds of the Borough, each to be Cream of Rice Cereal 40° Danish Cheese Horn J-^- -45 Breaded Shrimp pl; nicest locations. Living room known as "General Improvement paneled fireplace wall and built-in T' Bond," are hereby authorized to be 10 oi. dining room, kitchen with eating coui issued In the principal amount of $19,- AsP't OWN Maxwell Home ter. three bright bedrooms, tile bat 000. pursuant to the Local Bond Law, Instant Coffee I" Nestle's Instant Coffee F all nicely decorated. Full basement wl constituting sections 40:1-1 to 40:1-88 of paneling and built-in bar, patio wll the Revised Statutes of New Jersey. PURE VEGETABU barbecue, attached Esrsge, Just r. In anticipation nf thn Ixflimnra nf duced to 5ID.80O. Rolston Waterburs said Bonds and to temporarily finance SHCRTENfNG Frmsh rrii/ft & Vegetable*! Realtor. 16 West Front St., Red Bank said Improvement or purpose, negoti- SH 7-3500. able notes of the Borough In ft prin- Wonderful new recipe* on cipal i a mount not exceeding $19,000. KTTE1T MEALS BUILD ffl^G BETTER FAMILIES HAZLET — V/iTo 30 year GI mort are hereby authorized to be Issued the label! All-purpose gage. »M,5flO. Three large bedrooms pursuant to and within the limitations dexo is ideal for cakes, lJv baths, recreation room, overalie' prescribed by aald Law, The maximum pies, perfect fries. CRUSHED lot, Asking $18,000. ' F. A. Gchlhaul rate of Interest which any of aald ob- LETTUCE Real Estate. KE 6-5055. ' ligations shall bear In six per centum FOUR-ROOM modern home. Tile bath (6ft) per annum; DIMEADDIE basement, garage, gas heat. 50x10! SECTION 3. (A) The Improvement Iceberg lot Best location. Reasonable. Fran lereby authorized and the purpose for dexo tan« Dllk. 15 Frnnklln Ave.", Leonardo. A' the financing of which said obligations A&P Brand-Our*Finest Quality 1-2396-J. are to be Issued Is the construction of Flm, Orf«p I storm water drains In the Borough at With 10c Off Label fel SPLIT LEVEL — Three bedroom, the following locations; dining and living room, kitchen, Tei Commencing on the South side reatlon room, lVj uaths, 80x187 Ian< of Harding Road, at Its Intersec- •caped lot. Many extras. Assumo iV tion with Hudson Avenue: thence From loiithtrn Turn* OI mortgage. $16,300. OS 1-2387. across" Harding Road and thence GREEN GIANT PEAS 2 37c MIDDLETOWN—Three-bedroom rancl In and along Hudson Avenue to Elm Lot 74x200 on dead end street. Cor Place; thence In and along Elm Equl to IIM but—yat cotU yatj l«u venlent, attractive neighborhood. $100 Place to Spring 8treet; thence In Sweet Potatoes 17° down for FHA mortgage. Or assum and along Spring Street northerly U.S. No. I Orti-t 4H per cent GI loan. 03 1-033P. to the existing drainage system at Linden Place; and. In and along FIVE ROOMS plus kitchen and bat] Spring Btreet southerly to the exist- ORANGE JUICE 6 79c c Gas heat, electric cooking. Call afti ing drainage system at Harding 5 i>. m. OS 1-2132. Road, Silver Dust Yellow Onions 3 10 FIVE-ROOM DUPLEX In Alfred Va ocelher with all necessary manholPB. Co-op. Completely remodeled, oil heal catch basins and appurtenance n\\ Blue detergent |61.75 per month tncludn all utllltip: hown, on and In accordance with the Crisp, Ttndtr after small down payment. Call LI slans and specifications Inert*tar on 3712. 'He In the office of the Borough Clerk large 4CC giant Of Q COMET CLEANSER 2 25c and hereby approved. 1635 CASH THAT'S ALL. NO closln, . ) The estimated maximum amount pkg- " pis- ' F 12 oi. ch Pascal Celery costs. Even non-veterans can bu; if bonds or notes to bo issued by thrj Nabisco Cookies -iout Aitorfmtnt this redecorated four-bedroom hom« Borough of Red Bank for said purpose pkg. 35« Star Kist Tuna Fish iS"'- right from Veterans Administration. In- Is $19,000. eludes living room, very largo kitchen, (c) The estimated maximum amount Burry's Ace Assortment Dairy Favorite*! Basement mid oil heat. Older Mtab. if money to be raised from all sources Rinso Blue Xr-9- *" Contadina Tomato Paste 2 '„;'; 21° Ilshcd neighborhood, trees, close iy the Borough of Red Bank for snld rinoy Domettfo — NATURAL bus and shopping. Monthly paymen turpose Is $20,000., the excess thereof For laundry and diihas With 10c pkg. CEo sqc79« In Rumson. on» hlocU to river. Prett! SECTION A. The following mnttera lot. 20' Living room, full dining room are hereby determined, declared, re- Octagon Laundry Soap 10° Amsco Sponge Cloth ^"«•%•• .^29° modern kitchen, and bath, two bed cited nnd stated: Switzerland Swiss Slices k^ t::53° rooms on first floor, big finished bed (n) The said purpose described In room In attic, full cpllnr, new fur lection 3 of this ordinance ts not .. Rinso nace, enclosed porch. Very low taxes o current expentA and li a property or Muehster Slices „ 1MB per year. Asking $11,500. Ttusse Improvement which the Borough may Thii Wsok'i "TRY-A-PIE" Vilut.. .You save 16el M. norus Realtors. 600 River Rd lawfully acquire or make ai a general Whlf* losp qr«nuUi Fair Haven. SI! 7-4632. improvement, and no part of the coit :hereo( tins been or shall be specially Whipped Cream Cheese OCEAN TOWNSHIP — Oakliurst vicin- assessed on property specially benefit' B t ity, larito corner property. Thren d thereby, larce. one nmnll bed room nnd bntl (b) The period of usefulness of said Cottage Cheese ;;,'v ;;°; npfttnlrtt. Living room, dining rooi lurpose, within the limitations of sec- • nrt kitchen. On nff traffic ntreet. Clot Ions 40:1-34 to 40:1-36 of nairi Local DUTCH APPLE PIE to sclionin, niinpplni nntl rullroafl, Mnyj lond Law and according to the res, Dannon's Yogurt P;;;:;;^ ^23» In IminfiMatcly. write owner, Box onablt lire thereof, Is twenty i20> Allmtiurst for Inspection appoint cars, Surf Jane Psrker'i gct-acquainted opportunity men!. No nrnkorn. (ct The supplemental debt atatemmt cqulred hy laid Law has been duly Pramlum pack Dutch Apple, filled with plump, juicy applet Ba.|, Dog Week Values! IrAMnLlNrl Country-Stylo ranch. Chan nude and filed In the office of the throughout. 1RX27 living room, fire Horough Clerk and a complete exrcu nestled under a crumbly itreuMel topping. »lari\ dlnlnK rnnm. Kitchen with din. rd orlplnol thereof (inn hern filer! in Wlth7e giant 7a0 fnc area. VlnrMa mum. Three heil he nfflcn of the Plrrctor nf the Til- 49 Daily DOG FOOD I2«"89« off labal pkg. *° cans room*.' m baths. I.nundry rnom In Ion of I-ncnl fJnvcrnrnrnt of the lint Pirkir Twn-rnr attached garapiv Well land alo nf Now Jerney, and •uch state- Itnt Parktr — Thli Wiik SIVI 160 lib. imped acre plot. $34,000. .rnl nhowR that the groin drht (if DIP C crouch at defined In section 4u:M(i of c C C KlbbledBits . 2Vpkgi:. 89 AM Lnw Is Increaartl by thin onlin- Lawrence J. Schilling ncn . l>y $lD,00O. and that the in 14 Lestoil Crumb Square cT 39 Angel Food Cake 39 I4M Its ALTOR itiitffttlonii authorized hy thli nrdlnnncr 1« BprlnK Ktrept Red 8 vltl hf« within nil tieht limitation* prt>- All purpoia d,t,rg,nf Strongheart Dog Food 2 23« crlticrl by MMM I*nw. Illmlyilila 7-4121 M) Thn followlnR Items, us drfineil with 4c off with 7e off nd Authorised by iri'ilnn 4fi :l-ft.% of A&F* Money-Savers in Frozen Foods! Red Heart g™ 3 ""• Mo WATKttrnONT TlA.NCIt — New, lon«, il'l Law, are and shnil lie charged pint OOfl quart CDfl Inw rsnilillng, 20' living room. sept< i n purl of the mm ot said purpnnr JJ Exoililor Brand 7<,,.Pi,, Hot Ilioulti In 8 Mlnulu rate riming room, deluxe kitchen be financed hy the Initunncfl of until b»ttlt bottli^O Orleans Dog Food three heilruoms. two tile batha, den. C 2'/,;; 45« Low lanes. Priced at * low 124,200, i account of th« cnat nf IMUAIICQ nf Id olillRitlnns; ft ml (2i not i-xcf Buttered Beefsteaks 35 Morton Biscuits 2 49 Lolli-Pups JDog Candy KLWOOD A, it $1-(KHi, on account of enKlricir Zest Soap 2 Ii* 33« id Innjit'Ction cwtU nnd legal 10 'iufi; nnd (3i not fxce^rtlng |l,uoo •Buy 4 ragular calti. • • Fruit Punches ^l, 2 ,^ 35" Asparagus Spears Armstrong Agency i account of interrnt nti obligations to "49° Gaines Dog Meal mncn such mat during the period Gal I Fra« 855 Prospect Ave, Little Silver rmlttM hy ml-l Hfctlrin. Green Beans "LKft,*' 2 Z 39« Libby's Butter Beans AKCTION fl, Ths full faith and cred tandad C rag. CQQ '•JM« Dog Biscuits M3HS, SH H500 nf thn Morough »rn herrby pMrrrl L Ill* |iunctu»l imyrnent of Ihe [Tin- Togathtr • catti '*" 24 ipnl or and intcrm on tho mid oh- Italian Green Beans b :^'' 2 Z 43° Libby's Red Raspberries X: 31° Spratts Dog Biscuits iNTKnrueur, igHtlons authnrli'.rd hy (till ordinance, "37° pig. Wi Hlx-room ranch, all modern. aid flhliKfttlons SIINII h* direct, un nlled obltnndonii of lh* Fiornulh nnd ORCAT ATtANIIC & PACIfiC TEA COMPANY, INC. Purina Dog Chow ilb.ffOo ONLY IIMM ItortillKh aliRll tin obllRHifd tn Irvy Zett Soap pi,. • • • • valortin (axes upon ail tlia Inxnhlr Prieoi offoetivi through iprrly within Ihr- tlnrnuih fnr tht> Eipaclally for lha bath (INLY |lI,tffll lyniRiil nf rnilil (iblliRtiunH ami Inter' Saturday, Sept 24th In it thfTPnn with litnitmion of rnlft or With lo ofl Label — B««| ttiw for Hit* Imply two-liedrivom mMttrn nt b h £uper fi^arkets Super Markori and Solf- rnnch. K*i*Ht'nt ITIIH. MRt.TION t. Thli (irillnanrn ahull Uk* 2 . .r. .«° iovlilfi| hv HHld Uimt llnri-l |,nw. J031 Hwy 33 Mltltllelown, N. J. PTMMC NOTH.'K Tlie iininli'lpiil l>nn<) nr-Hnnnrp fuh 121 Monmouth Street, RED BANK OS 1-2727 licri>tvl(li Win Kilrri'liHi"! n( « Routo 35, EATONTOWN ng nf thn Mnyitr ami CnutH II nf Complc-to|iinr l)c|>nrlnn'iil In liila Slorp. "•u',th <,f l(r' II'" '• ' Tuc»tlny« mid Thurii(lny«j 'III 9 p. m, Highway 36, PORT MONMOUTH NI'AII ItlVMl HIXM»ir»M MAN'.'II- .Mimtii'tuth. New .lerMV, hfld I >: .1 'i.i I',' r 1" |f"l" HH'I «(|t |,o r Open Mon. nnd Thuri. 'ill D p, m. Fridays Until 10 p, m. I'rlilnyi Until 10 p. m. Tue«ilny«, Wnlneiddyi nnd Thundayi Until I p. m. I ... |.!n, ,. »,f| f... I •rrtH,dc r,| f^.| I'l M I"<"»*»M H t I f Mon.. Wed., Iliuri. 'Ill 8 p. m,| l-'rlday* 'III 10 p. m. Protpect Avt. & Church St., LITTLE SILVER RAY VAN HORN Highway 34, KEAN5BURG I'liliulur HrnmU «(llccr mid Ali> In 'Dili ,Sii|it

Between 1940 and 1960. the number of U. S- teen-agers in- creased about four million to 25,856,000. A much larger in- LUXURY PERCALE crease is expected by 1980, when the Census Bureau estimates the nation will have 41,071,000 youths PASTEL SHEETS between 12 and 20.

TAX NOTICE • Law than the price of muslin! Beal Estatfl Sale, Borough of Red • Over 180 threads per sq. inch! Bank For Non-payment of Ural • Lucious shades of blue, pink, Estate Taxrs and Water and maize, Rreen, lilac! tjewcr Charges 72" x 108' Public notice fi hereby given that the underilfned, tbe Collector ol Tales LONG TWIN of the Borough of Red Bank, County IF PERFKT 3.59 of Monmouth, New Jersey, will sell at public auction In the Municipal Build- nnma DISCOUNT FBIta ing, lied Baiik, N. J., on the 11th day o[ Octoher, I960, at 2:00 P. It., the 3.98 81" x 108" FULL LONG — •„. 2.59 following described lands. 59* Said land will be gold to make the 98e 42" x 381/,- MATCHING PltlOW CASES amount of municipal Hens chargeable • The finest hi-count silky cotton broadcloth against the same on the thirty-first You get 19 Triple-S Blue-Stamps too! day of December, 1959, exclusive, how- available! • aver, of the Uen tor taxes for the year of 1960 as computed in the following p Neat peter pan collar'accentuated by an list, together with Interest on said amount from the first day of July. attractive pleated front! I960, to the data of sale, and coats of ,Mle. The subscriber win sell In fee • High price fashion detailing such as to the person who bids the amount due, subject to redemption at the low* french cuffs! «st rate of Interest, but In no case ex- ceeding eight (S) per centum per an* • White, beige, powder blue and maize! num. The payment for the 'sale shall ! he made before the conclusion of the -* s ^s 32-38! You'll want one in every color! tale or thB property will be re.sold. cash or certified check only will be accepted In payment. , Any parcel of real property for which there shall be no other purchaser will be struck off and sold to the Borough b! Red RanV, New Jersey tor re- demption at 8 per centum per annum and the municipality shall have the lame remedies and rights as other purchasers, Including the right to bar or foreclose the right of redemption. 244,000 PURCHASE OF 50,000 RECORDS The sale will be made and conducted In accordance with the provisions of the Btatute of the State, of New Jersey entitled, "An Act concerning unpaid taxes and assessments and other mu- SELLING BELOW USUAL COST FOR 48,500! nicipal charges on real property, and providing for the collection thereof By the creation and enforcement of liens thereon (Chapter 5. of Title 51 of the Kevlsed Statutes)," and acts supple- mtn'.iry thereto end amendatory thaie- of. At any time befora. the tale, the un- dersigned will receive payment of the amount due on any property with the Interest and costs up to the time of trf^ti payment. The said lands, subject to sale. de> •crlbed In accordance with the tax i duplicate Including the name of the FAMOUS MAKER owner as shown on the last tax dupli- STEREO m cate and the aggregate of taxes, and m Other municipal charges which were a Hen thereof on the thirty-first day BATH TOWELS of December, 1059, exclusive, however, m of the Hen tor taxes and water and •ewer charges tor the year of 1960, HI-FI LP'S are as Hated below: Acct. ' Name location Amount UIGNM CLASSICAL 6 Frank Reid, Eat., blk. 9, M Lot 17. B. & L,., •#• W. Bi8tbo.ii $5 Front St. _ I 258.70 Bach Bran<«ibcrc 108 Andrew Iluscll, blk. in, lot Cticert) 7, B. & L., #25/27 E. IF PERFICT 2.98 Front St. -„ , Randolph Daniels, blk. 78, lot 3, H. 4 L., #117 niver Bt m.77 1492 Wllhelmlnt Williams, blk. 81, lot 10, 11. 4 L.. #139 River St *.. . 45.03 1(13 W. Johnson, Est.. hlk. 81, lot 0, ]{, 4 L, #111 niver St 98.62 DELUXE POKTABLE 1913 Berthl 4 E»ther W. Wll- nams, blk. CO. lot 32, II. 4 L., #11 LelBhton AVf 12t.t5 TELETONE STEREO STEREO HI-FI PHONO M15 Angelo B. 4 Oathi>rlna Bpagnuolo, hlk. 07, lot 3ft, WASHABLE COTTON PORTABLE PHONO II. 4 !„, Lclghlon Avr, ... 134.67 M»6 MH'le U'thlt.r, hlk. 71, lot COMPARABLE 33, H. A L., #60 Ulihton THROW RUGS VALUE Ave,. _. " ,. ii7.(i MTO Otis 4 Carolyn Dran, hlk. SI, lot ISA. II. 4 I... #121 . Lellhtoti Ave 36.(1 89.95 M9< Ronald W. Allen, hlk, 75, lot 30.30A, II. 4 h. Lf.ana.tri SI S03.ll FOR IT14 Carmine 4 Mary IHPIHro, • Dual ipiakeri of fen full 12 ft of blk, 99, tot 12, II. 4 L,, aeparatlonl #16 Looutl Av» J2.59 • 3 coaxial speaker* offer 8 speaker performancil • 4 speed automatlo changerl Plays U4! lUroM II. 4 Harih 1,. monaural recordi, tool MumlUjr. blk, »B, lot 8.1, tOMPARABlt VALUE 2.98 U. • Flip ov«r cBrtiltJg*. com II. 4 U, #30 Wtslslil. i taint 2 tapphlra noedloil • Separate volume and dual channel AVt JiSI Ion* controlil • Thick cotton hl-lo loop rugs! • Separate tons and volume SS34 Louis Acerra, blk. »7, lot • Automatic shut-off after last record . ill, n, 4 L, Newman • Non-skid foam rubber backing! controlil hat played! Dprlnii ltd 139.31 • Cats and wings covered tvt» Allliil (Jfni'hlo Corp., hlk. t Plush square patterns! • Completely washable vinyl covered ctttl . It, lut 4.1. II, 4 L. #1J In waitinble vfnyll Munion I'l .. I41KT • Choose 30" x 30" scatter modols, or 24" x 60* Trlplo-S MX) Aillmt Graphic Corp., li!k. Runnorsl COMPARABLE VALUE 39.95 You got 548 Triplo-S Blue Stamps tool . f 4, lot, Munion PI. , 33 tl Blue Stampi tool MOP Mar««rM l'l«lti>, blk. H. You got 35 Triplo-S Bluo Stampi tool lot 33, flllaplll Pi .15(1.37 1017 Hut mock Co., Central Av« M).!,l S0M On Mi UlPo«l», lil li XT. |, lilu. Al, II, * I,, UH John HI !")»» 1 witness lir mx htn'1 tlili inili .lay i,l (l*nt»Hin»r, IfKW STATE HIGHWAY 36, HEANSBURG, OPEN MON. THRUTHUR. 9 A.M. TO 9P.M., FRI.9 A.M.TO 10 P.M., SAT. & SUN. 9 AM,TO6 P.M. A. T. MA'1 IMINAI.I). r?oilnctur (if Trtics PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24Ui. .•. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. • 'M, 1(, 31, 3«. Met. » |IM:i