~GAZINE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY A union of the AmeTican HOTticultuTal Societ~ and the American HOTticultural Counczl 1600 BLADENSBURG ROAD, NORTHEAST. WASHINGTON 2, D. C.

For United Horticulture *** to accumulate, increase, and disseminate horticultural inforrY?ation

B. Y. MORRISON, Editor Directo?-s Terms ExpiTing 1960 JAMES R. HARLOW, Managing Editor DONOVAN S. CORRELL Texas Editorial Committee CARL ,,yo fENNINGER Pennsylvania W. H. HOOGE, Chairman W. H. HOOGE Pennsylvania JOHN L. CREECH A. J. IRVING fREDERIC P. LEE New York WILLIAM C. STEERE CONRAD B. LINK New York CURTIS MAY Terms Expiring 1961 FREDERICK G MEYER STUART M. ARMSTRONG \,yI LBUR H. YOUNGMAN Maryland JOH N L. CREECH Maryland Officers WILLIAM H. fREDERICK, JR. Delawm-e PRESIDENT fRANCIS PATTESON-KNIGHT RICHARD P. WHITE Virginia Washington, D. C. Massachusetts FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT Terms Expiring 1962 DONALD WYMAN Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts FREDERIC P. LEE Mm-yland SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT HENRY T. SKINNER District of Columbia STUART M. ARMSTRONG Silver Spring, Maryland GEORGE H. SPALDING Califomia RICHARD P. WHITE SECRETARY-TREASURER Dist,-ict of Columbia OLIVE E. WEATHERELL ANNE WERTSNER WOOD Washington, D. C. Pennsylvania

The AmeTicol7 HorlirllllliTal Magazine is the official publication of the American Hortic.ultural Society and is issued four times a year during the quarters commencing with January. AprIl, J~d y and October. It is devoted to the dissemination of knowledge in the science and art of groWIng ornamental , fru its, vegetables, and related subjects. Original papers increasing the historical, varietal, and cultural knowledges of materials of economic and aesthetic importance are welcomed and will be published as early as possible. The Chairman of the Editorial Committee should be consulted for manuscript specifications. Reprints, saddle-stapled, will be furnished in accordance with the following schedule of prices, plus postage, and should be ordered at the time the gal,ley proof is retuofl'led by the author: One hundred copies-2 pp $6.60; 4 pp $12.10; R pp $25.30; 12 pp $36.30; 'Covers $12.10.

Entered as second class matter in the post office at Baltimore. Tvfaryland, in accordance with (Il e Act of August 24. 19 12. Additional entry for Washington, D.C., was authorized July IS, 1955, in accordance wilh the pro­ visions of Senion 132. 122 . Postal Manll::tl. A subscription to The American Horticu,ltu.ral Magazine is included as a benefit of membership in the AIlHTira n H orticu ltural Sooiety. lndiviuua l Membership dues heing $6.00 a year. OCTOBER. 1960


T h e Gotelli Arboretum of Dwarf a nd Slow Growing Conifers 'VVILLIAM T. GOTELLI ______185

A dventures with H ardy, H erbaceous Hibiscus. C. S. KENNE DY ______199

A New Plant H ardiness Map For the United States and Southern Canada. H ENRY T. SKINNER ______204

Some Moraeas for Southwest Gardens. L. T. P EERY ______206

Snapdragons for G ardens, Greenhouses, and R esear ch. 'i!\T. J. HANEY ______213

The Yellowgroove Bamboo. 'i'V. H . HODGE ______216

A Book or Two ______.. ______. ______224

The Gardeners' Pocketbook. Two Unusual Hoyas. \iV. H . HODGE ______230 Nymphaea 'Bob Trickett.' GEORGE H . PRI NG ______. ______233 lVIy Experience \iV ith Gloriosa. lVIAUD R. J ACOBS ______. ______233 Kaemp£eria, Again. B. Y. MORRISON ______234 On the Distribution of L OTopeta lu,'m ch inense. JOHN L. CREECH ______236 Allegh en y P ach ysandra as a Groundcover. D. G. H UTTLESTON ______236 H ab?"anthus TObustt~s. B. Y. MORRISON ______238 Two Zephyranthes New H ere. B. Y. MORRISON ______. ____ 238

I ncl ex to Vol u me 3 9 ______24 1


Lo-ropetalul11 chinense . .. it highly desirable 1900 plant introduction from Europe, although very rarely seen in nurseries or private plantings . . a Chinese native . bLlt are the ten specimens in J apan forgotten introductions' . . . See Page 236

COjJ)1 1"ight 1960 b'), The Americal1 Horticultllral Soc iely} Inc. G. HAMPFLER An "infra-red" view of the Gotelli Arboretmn A lively contmst in co lor is shown betw een the new gwwth anel olel foliage elw"ing May anel Jwu

1I The Gotelli Arboretum of Dwarf and Slow Growing Conifers

\ IVILLIAi\.f T. G OTELLl '"

Gardening h as been my h obby since densis Cole's Pros trate, and the Pyg my 194 1. As I read about co nifers, gradu­ Deodar Cedar, CedTus deoclam P ygmaea, ally my interes ts turned to growing the grow not more than a few inches, some­ dwarf and slow growing kinds. Search­ times n o t more than one-quarter inch ing for these little conifers has led m e to per year. In the acre and a h alf I de­ the four corners of the globe. I have vote to these plan ts, space is an impor­ done business with over two hundred tant fac tor. 1 have, however, brought and fifty nurseries and met a hos t of peo­ together nea rl y six hundred kinds, all ple, many of whom I cherish as friends. hardy in m y garden. I have been well repaid, I feel, for these Dwarf and slow-growing conifers may efforts, especially so when a rare little arise na turally in several ways. Mos t of gem is found. the d'war f kinds of Norway Spruce, some In my arboretum I concentra te only in of the pines and junipers originate from growing those kinds tha t are n a turally a "witches broom," a kind of na tural slow growing and the true dwarfs, in monstrosity commonly found on isolated preference to artificially produced branches of conifers. In trees with dwarfs, such as bonsai. The term "dwarf" wi tches broom, the affected branch de­ is relative, and as used more broadly re­ velops abnormally and appears twisted, fe rs also to kinds that are not truly contorted and o therwise gro tesque with dwarf. Gotelli's 'Weeping Blue Spruce, very dense gr owth. Cuttings taken from Picea pwngens Gotelli's W eeping, 'Weep­ this abnormal growth u sually produce a ing J apanese Red Pine; Pinus clensiflon! dvvarE plant. \!\'eeping forms in spruces Pendula, and the Dwarf Hinoki Cypress, and some other co nifers arise as hud Chamaecyparis ob tusa N ana Gracilis, sports on isolated branches of the mother attain after some years a height or spread plant. True dwarfs sometimes arise as beyond that expected of true dwarfs, and seedlings, such as the Pygmy D eodar these kinds usually produce more growth Cedar, CedTus deodara Pygmaea, Dwarf p er year than the true dwarfs. The true Douglas Fit', Pseudotmga menziesi Com­ dwarf conifers, su ch as the Spreading p acta, and the Spreading Omor ika H emlock, Tsuga canadensis Minuta, Spruce, Picea omoTilw Expansa; others Cole's Prostrate H emlock, T suga cana- also are known to arise as seedlings. Pm pa ga tion: Dwarf conifers to be per­ petuated are bes t propagated by cu ttings • At his home at 66 Crest Drive, South Orange, N . J" Mr. Gotelli has assembled perhaps the most remarkable or by grafting. R eproduction from cut­ collection of dwarf and slow growing conifers in the U nited States. The site of the garden as it stands on tings is by far the bes t m ethod, since the the cres t of a ri dge, \vithin sight of the M a nh a~ta n sky­ plant will always maintain its true char­ Hn e, is a point favoring the gro'w th of his conifers, as M r. Gotelli points out. Not only is h e an indefatigable acter as a dwarf. Grafting should be dis­ coll ector, but the skill used in growing these plants is such as to bring every pl ant in LO its full beauty as a coUl-aged, since the stronger understock garden ornament a nd as a cho ice specimen . Mr. Go­ will frequently force more vigorou s telli demonstrates beyond a ll reasonable doubt the sing ular effecti veness of dwa rf coni fers in a landscape growth from the dwarf scion to nullify p lanting. T he matter of obtain ing d wad and slow growing the desired dwarf ch aracter. conifers in this counlry is th e major deterrent at this C u l t~ br e : lime of these plants becoming popular. Mr. Gotelli is The dwarf and slow growing unabl e to recommend any parti cular nursery in this conifers have been easy to grow, a r eason country that specia lizes in dwarf co nifers; as a matter of fact, mos t nurseri es have nonc to sell and some perhaps for my co ntinued interest in stock a few kinds. To bu y named va ri eti es without 8-eei ng them fi rst is sometimes very dangerous, for you these plants. Generally speaking, all never kn ow exactl y what to ex pect. T he names are fre­ kinds I h ave grown respond equally to qucntly incorrect which brings this aspect often into a Slate of confusion. the same cuI tural trea tmen [s. I have r1 85] Tsuga canadensis 'Russi' This specimen of th e H uss Twiggy H em lock is abOtlt five fee t h igh and well over fifty years old . It is a very slow grower, bu t not trill), dwarf, with Sh Ml twiggy b1"a17 Chlets and very crowded leaves.

provided p erfectly drained soil, which is especially spider mites. The dwarf a must in growing conifers. The so il in spruces with their closely packed needles my garden is slightly acid, a condition seem mos t susceptible to mite infes tation . to the liking of these plants. I find also I have found that sulfur dust very effec­ that some of these gems revel in a stony, tively controls mite and none of the steril e soil. I mulch many of my plants o ther commercial prepar ations is any with "blue stone" chips produced from better. Fortuna tely, I have no other se­ the n ative rock of my area, perhaps an r iou s insect problem in my co nifers. unusual technique, bu t, nevertheless, It has been gratifying to see hm-\' quick­ very effective for the well-being of small l y and surely plants respond to ordinary specimens. The stone mulch offers in­ a ttention-watering, spraying, weeding. sulation and a place for moisture con­ Pro bably the mos t important point to densati on d uring the warm months, thus remember about culture is that co nife rs cooling the soil sur face. W hen the soil rarely succeed in tworly drain ed soil. does not become excessively hot, the Other than these basic considera ti ons, roots of conifers are more tolerant of se­ there are no "secrets of su ccess." It is a ve re d ro ught. Practi cally all conife rs bit surprising, nonetheless, to find so few prefer sunlight, although the hemlock dwarf co nife rs in gardens, since these will thrive in h alf shade, particularly on splendid plants demand even less care north slopes. Transplanting is bes t ac­ than many well-known trees and shru bs, co.mplished in early autumn throu gh late and, of course, they require practically wlIl ter well befo re spring growth begins. no pruning. In the ordinary " home Nu tnlion : My plants are grown in landscape" with fl a ttened h ouses and good top so il, which in my experience confined living space, the dwarf conifers produces completely sa tisfactory results, are recommended above many of the hence I do ve ry little fertilizing. I have outsize d shrubs co mmonly planted . The seen instances where a greatl y enriched slowness of growth perhaps discourages soil has so encouraged rank vegetative nurserymen from stocking these plants, growth in dwarf conifers the plan ts de­ but I am confident as the supply in­ velop quite out of character. creases, a tremendous demand will ap­ Pests: Insect !J ests are sometimes quite pear for these inter es ting and beau tiful a problem, espec iall y in dry, hot wea ther, minia ture trees.

[ 186 1 Tsuga canadensis 'Cole's Prostrate' Cole's Prosl1"ate H emlock is one of the real gems among the dwa?J conife1"S. Old specimens gmw to a height of about ten inches, unless train ed as an upn·ght specimen, and will attain a spread of abou.t fow· feet. The original plant found by Mr. Cole, of the C ·ray and Cole Nursery, Ward Hill, Massachttsetts, ?"ea.ched a very old age bef07"e it died, but it did not exceed the dimensions of the plant i1lustmted.

Sequoia sempervirens 'Adpressa' Th e young shoots are conspicuously creamy­ white, a cha1"Gct e?· which bTings praise for- the Shortleaf Redwood, in contmst with th e dark green leaves on the olde?· bmnches. The plant i1lustrated, Tesembling the 'A lb a-spica' V(I?"­ iety, is quite pros/ulte but in time may develop into a broad fOHn, yet retain its flatn ess. It is availa.ble in Eumpean nurseTies.

[187] Picea abies 'ilfaxwelli,' illustrated above, is the laTgest of many specimens of the Maxwell Spnl.ce gTOwn in the Gotelli ATbol'etum. It meaStLTes auollt three feet high and eight wide, and it Is avoui fifty yean old. This is a distinct anel true dwaTf conifel', veTY easi'ly Tecognized once the authentic plan t is seen-the leaves should be p1"Ovided with long and fine hair-like points. It was originated in the Maxwell Nu.TseTies, Geneva, New YOl'!?, abou.t ninety years ago and is availa/;Ie [Tom many nw'seTies today.

Pic-ea pungens 'Prostrata,' the P1"Ostmte Blue Spnlce, fOl'egrovnd, is an old plant, tJ ossibly seventy-five years old. It has good blue glauco'us leaves. Plants aloe not available in the 17unel'ies. [189]

Picea abies 'Gregoryana'

The GTegoTY Spruce forms a compact plant with a gTOwth rate of about an inch each year. The plant shown is about thirty inches high and fow- feet wide, at an age of about twenty-five yean. It was intTOduced in England about 1860 and is still much grown in Eumpe. Plants are not Teadily available in this countj"y.

Pinus densiflora 'Pendula,' the Weeping Japanese R ed Pine, is slow gmwing, 01 vaTious habits, but not a tTue dwaTf. Bmnches aTe usually pendulous OJ' Pq'ost?'ale a,nci effective dmoping over a wall. Specimen il1ustmted is about two feel high with a spj'ead of five feet, and twenty-five yeaTS aIel. It is of 1apanese oTigin and not readily available in this countTy . 190 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE

Pinus mugo var. mughus, the Swiss Mountain Pine, is a naturally dwal'f growing pine of the Swiss Alps. It is very adaptable to espalieTing as is illttstmted on th e wall of the Gotelli house.

Juniperus squamata 'Prostrata,' the Singleseed JunipeT, is one of the most useful of all the pl'ostmte junipen. It fOTms a dense cTeeping mat hardly mOTe than fiftee l1 inches high, admirably adapting it faT use in Ta ck gaTdens 01' on flat sw'fa ces. It is ava ila b le from many nttrseTies. Pseudotsuga menziesi 'Compacta,' ill ustrated s/Jecimen abQt,t two feet tail and a little wider, being twenty-fi ve yeaTS old. Th e DWa?f Dou.glas Fir is an exceedingly slow gmweT-about a half inch a year. ~ . .

[191 ] Cedrus deodara 'Pygmaea'

The Pygmy Deodar Cedar, one of the truly dw(t1f conifeTS in the Gotelli collec­ tion, is a seedling nwtation found in a little nursery in Califomia and planted in 1943. It has now attained a height of one foot and a spread of fifteen inches, growing less than one-fourth of an inch each year. This has not been propagated for the market.

Picea abies 'Repens,' the Creeping Norway Spnlce is available f?"Om many nurseries, and it is a paTticularly fine fm'm of the Norway Spnlce. Plants spread laterally, veTY flat on the g?"Ound initially, and later develop a hind of headclTess or turks cap ove?' the fint layer of bnmches. The larges t specimen in the Gotelli Al'bm'etum is h01-dly twenty-five inches high and has a spread of eight feet. Ve1'Y old specimens may spread fifteen feet. In the bachgwu17d is shown Picea abies 'Pendv la ,' the Weeping Nm'way Spmce.

[192] [193]

Sequoia sempervirens 'Nana Pendula,' t ',e DwmI W eeping R edwood, origin.ated i71 an Irish gaHLen. The specimen shown is a Jout (iftr'en )'ean old and has a sjJread of about thiTt), inches, the bmn.ches being ver\, jJ enduloLis with no indica tion that a lead­ e1' will develop. Industrial fumes of th e m etTopolitan areas eas), dall1a ge this variet), . It is available fr01l1 most English mtrsen·es.

The Gotelli's TtVe eping Blue Spntce is a slow·gro wing co nifer mther than a tnle dwarf. Th e sjJecimen shown he1'e is a veT)' 1'a 1'e form, now four or fi ve feet high and as wide at the base, with pendulous bmnches which have develo1Jed a witches broom at the top.

Picea pungens 'Gotelli's Weeping' THE r\:\'jERICA 1 HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE


Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nanlt Gracilis'

The DwaTf Hinohi C)lpTeSS is a vel'y fine conife?-, although not truly dwaTf, since old specimens attain a height of abottt six feet, The habit, which is inv[ITiably dense, and the blackish gl-een foliage Tecommend this as one of the most distinctive of slow-gmwing conifers, Plants aTe available fTOm many nw-sel'ies, OCTOBER 1960, VOLUME 39, NUMBER 4 195


Cedrus atlantica 'Glauca Pendula' Although 110t a dwa.?"j, the m,ost biwJTe and unusual conifer in the Gotelli Arboretum is this eighteen )}eaT old specimen of the Weeping Atlas Cedar, The t?'u.nk is supported by a pipe eight fe et high and the branches are twined horizon tally from this point. The hm'izanlal gmwth is now abottt twelve feet long and has bTCmches drooping all the way to the gTOtmd, f?'Om a distance giving an illusion of a blue cz/,Ytain or wateTfall. l'em'ly growth has been about a foot. It is occasionally offered by a few 17tlrse?'ies on the Tl'est Coast. 196 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE

Cedrus deodara 'Aurea Pendula,' the Golden Weeping D eodmc CedaT, exists in at least two fonns, 1wilhe1c being tndy dwaTf. The 1Jla11l illwtmted is a slow gTOw ing pmstl·a.te tOTm about a. toot high with a fi ve toot sp1 c eLtd. The tips at th e bTanches aTe golden yellow and are ve1·y beautiful w hen well gTown . OCTOBER 1960, VOLUIVIE 39, NUMBER 4 197

\\01 . H . HODGE

Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Juniperoides Compacta,' the P)lgmy H inoki Cypress, is a minute form of the Hinohi Cypress. It is proba.b ly one of the dwarfest of all conifen. A plant four inches high and abou.t four inches wide may be over tw enty-five yean old. The largest specimen in the Gotelli ArbOTetum is almost ten incll es high. Seve1·a l othe1" little " bun" type Dwarf H inol?i C)ltJ1"ess exist in w ltiva tion but none are genemlly available in n unenes.

Specimen conifen mulclt ed with blue stone chips, a method found to be very effective in maintaining lower sw-jace temperatures of th e soil dw·ing th e hot summer months. Plants thTOUghout the gaTden aTe named with laminated plastic lab els in aluminum holden.

A view to show the extensive use of blue slOne chijJS as a mulch around all the dwaTf conifen in th e Gotelli ATboretll?n. [198] Adventures with Hardy, Herbaceous Hibiscus


H ybridizing, an adventure? Yes , sure­ discovered that the coverings of our seeds ly adventure is the word for it but the varied considerably in thickness, tough­ devious processes of nature are by no ness and imperviousness to moisture. means so sure. That is where the adven­ This means that we ca nnot accurately turous gamble comes in. ' !\Then the pol­ gauge the effectiveness of a given strength len and ovules of two plants are mated of colchicine solution. What will kill almost anything ca n happen. The new one seed and prevent its germination plant if you are fortunate - perhaps may not affect another seed in any man­ never in existence before-with its beau­ ner. W e had to chance it and work on tiful bloom, its exquisite appeal, its en­ averages, using three different strength trancing form, and marvelous blending solutions and soaking 5, 10, and 20 days. of colors, offers many reasons for us to Before this we h ad tried several other continue with this life of ours, and it also methods-viz., Brushing solution on supplies means for increasing and dis­ growing tips; dipping the tip of the plant seminating its interest and enjoyment. four to six inches; injecting wi th hypo­ As for Hibiscus, have you not often dermic needle and cutting off the upper wondered why our northern hardy hibis­ one-fifth of a green seed capsule (almost cus does not possess the fin e form and mature) and filling it with the solution. scintillating colors of its tropical sort? In most of these tes ts (thousands of The answer to this question may lie them) we found that a solution suffi­ with the hybridizer and that is where we ciently strong to affect the reproductive hope to begin. vVriting as an amateur, cell layer was too strong for the other I am convinced that our northern hibis­ cells and the seed capsule failed to ma­ cus has most of the potentials possessed ture. This is partially true of mature by the tropicals. The search for these seeds but not to such a great extent. So hidden traits, and the same could be said in recent years seeds have been soaked in for any flower, will probably bring to the the colchicine solu tion. The experi­ searcher more unalloyed happiness than menter will meet many disappointments he could find elsewhere. but the one in a thousand which comes We began with the seed of some of the through can be truly wonderful. better plants tha t had been growing in The second item mentioned, a sport, our garden since 1952, trying· particular­ was a pure gift from nature. A plant ly for a yellow. No luck-not for years, with a bell-shaped scarlet bloom mutated that is. Then-suddenly-last summer, and produced a creamy white crescent on there it was : a white with a one-inch each scarlet petal. A really beautiful nov­ lemon yellow band around the onter elty. By root division we have been able edge of each petal. Now how did that to multiply it and these plants have prov­ come about? In all probability three fac­ en quite stable. The bloom, however, tors determined its origin: I) Colchi­ was small and the plant rangy and up to cine, 2) A sport or mutation, 3) A Hy­ six feet tall. These deficiencies had to brid be overcome. Colchicine was used in an effort to This brought us to item three-cross­ disrupt the normal cell division and cre­ ing. This we did with a score or more of ate a pattern different from the normal our choicest plants. The seeds from these separation of the chromosomes in the we planted, one lot with no treatment; reproductive cells and in the hope of the other after immersion in colchicine matching genes, too, in a different pat­ solution. From the latter (one of the tern. We began sc ientificall y but na ture better than twenty-five thousand grow­ scored one against us-very simply. W e ing in our garden at that time) came our [199] 200 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE

yellow band specimen. From it we hope a flat salad plate with the exceptions that to develop a complete yellow in time. the petals of the ou ter one-half to three­ In the same group of plants a rose pur­ fourths inch were turned up almost ver­ ple bloom made its appearance. This tical and took a triangular form rather should prove the progenitor of a family than oval. This gave the flower a ten­ of purples and crosses could give us some sided outline, unique and attractive. An­ beautiful blends. The new blooms with other outstanding type assumed the form blendings, however, are very unstable of a shallow bowl with a rolled edge curv­ and quite frequently the second year's ing in on a white petal accented with a blooming may vary considerably from touch of scarlet on a deckled edge and the first. This may be an improvement spiraling in to the center. We feel fur­ or it may be a deterioration. In contra­ ther refinements are definitely possible distinction to this we had las t year (1959) and will be realized. a silver lavender bloom which was quite Doubles? Yes - one true double in uniform in each of its several bloomings. 1959 and five twins which, while seem­ This procedure should repeat in 1960. ing to double, were really two blooms We have used, in addition to colchi­ grown together. The true double devel­ cine, digitalin and gibberellic acid with open a ten-celled seed pod but did not unsatisfactory results. The latter partic­ mature it. 1960 may be the year of re­ ularly is not adaptable to the Hibiscus, alization for this seed. for the plant is already rank and high As for the leaf shape, we have bettter enough. Indeed some of our hybrids have than twenty-five distinct forms and these reached a height of nine feet with blooms again vary as to thickness, texture, size eight to nine inches in diameter. They and shades of green. Some are larger are really quite an inspiration, particu­ than a good-sized hand, others not one­ larly cerise against a clear blue sky. They eighth that. Judging from appearance, are too large, however, for the average many were tetraploid or polyploid. garden. Shapes take the pattern of ash, poplar, While some of our blooms reach elev­ maple or oak leaves, H alberd (two, five en inches in diameter and could be

ward from the ce nter, others as irregular in bloom and plant proportions. T hey splotches-generally a t the edge of the :ange in height from thirty to forty petals; still others follow a pattern. Vi­ m ches, but the blooms vary trom three sion a warm vibrant pink with a white to eight inches or more in diameter. Ten spot in the center of each petal in a to twenty eight-inch blooms out in a giv­ bloom of excellen t form. en day on a dwarf plant with a spread It takes about four years to stabilize a of four feet is indeed quite a picture. bloom of this type of blends, during T he minia tures have an attraction which time it may change color pattern for man y and, of course, the smaller completely. The other color patterns blooms come in much greater numbers. generall y "fix " themselves in two years, T his is due in part to their branching three a t most. T wo of our mos t intri­ h abit, which in many insta nces spaces guing breaks of 1957-1 958 had by 1959 the la teral branches as close together as rounded this cycle of change. T o illus­ one a nd a half inches on th e main stalk, trate, one of these had an interesting projecting outward a t right an O' les a nd . f 0 crimso n des ign resembling a lip at the curvm g grace ully u pward. T he net re- ce nter of the ou ter edge of each pure sult of this branching habit is a greater white petal. Na turall y we named it "I've concentration of bloom on a give n plant Been Kissed," ye t in one short year the and with less stalk in both main and ev idence was erased and now, while we branches, more of the plan t's energy can h ave a beautiful uniform blending of be used in producti on of bloom. peach pink, it lacks the intriguing char­ Normal blooming period in Ohio is acter it once had . As with most plan ts . August to frost. ' '''e have a n umber of soil co nditions, water supply and tem­ plants, however, th at came into bloom perature influence the color, its pattern in m id-July and a few which will b loom and to an extent the form of the fl ower. the first week in July. "Ve expec t within N eedless to say, these conditions are par­ a few years to h ave Hibiscus blooming in ticularly effective in their ac tion on a June. Our efforts to sec ure a bloom new hybrid in its early formative stage. which will remain open all nigh t so far Color ton es range through all sh ades h ave resulted in disappointment. We of pinks and red; some of these are very have lengthened the number of hours vibrant and seem almost ready to burst which a bloom will remain open and into fl ame. In recent years a tendency h ave a few which will remain open a toward orange is manifes t. Three or four portion of the nigh t and one in particu­ years more should produce a tru e or­ lar which had blooms remaining o p ~ n ange. R ed s range through the fo ll owing: into the third day, but to some extent cerise, crimson, scarlet, carmine, r uby, that was due to cool weather and must cardinal, rose and cherry. Some of the be discoun ted . crimsons approach so deep a shade as to One who as pires to the role of ama­ easil y be mistaken, at a distan ce, for teur hybridizer should take into consid­ black. T he pink range coveTS the fo llow­ era tion at least four main items and the ing: ca meo, coral, cosmos, rose, peach, exten t to which they determine the re­ shell, lilac and vermilion. Some blooms sults. These items involve: 1) The stock give eviden ce now of iridescence but con­ with which you will work, 2) Time ele­ siderable line breeding will be necessary ment, 3) T he available ground, 4) T he before this trait is brought to a point labor involved. where it is worthy of presentation. 1. The plant with which you work Previously in this paper reference h as sh ould preferably be one 'w hich h as been made to the nine-foot Giants. For not been developed to any grea t a back border on the edge of shrubbery extent. It is difficult to exceed the they would be particularly effec tive, but record of the profess ionals and one for the average city garden they are p os­ may develop wh at seems to him like sibly too large, considering the sp ace n ew plants for many years, only to avail able. Stalks are strong, very large, find that others h ave been over the no drooping, and frequen tly resemble same ground before him and h ave two to fo ur stalks grown together the market with superior plan ts. In <:on trast to the giants are the m ini­ 2. The time element is a variable '~ tu res which offer very pleasan t con trasts item depending on the plant with 202 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE

which he chooses to work, whether needs at least nine square feet of it is an annual or perennial, its rate space. In the nursery row we plant of growing to maturity, and the six inches apart in rows three feet type of experiments which he plans between. ' 1\1' e can carry twenty-five to conduct. Another item which thousand plants on three acres of probably should be left to the more ground. Some of these are pulled experienced breeder is that of line or plowed out at the end of the breeding before crossing. For second year. Others will be kept Hibiscus moscheutos the time table four or five years. Of course the figures somewhat as follows : Field first quality stock will be kept until grown from seed to first bloom (you it proves or disproves itself. Then will get a few blooms the first year transferred to a permanent location under very favorable conditions), and increased by cuttings and root two years. Greenhouse seeding and division. This of course means ad­ transplanting before buds form ditional space as our stock builds (even here there will be many up. plan ts not blooming until the sec­ 4. The item of labor speaks for itself. ond year), one year. Add to this The plowing, planting, fertilizing, stabilizing proving, three years. and watering are substantial but For blends, add a fourth year-four greater than any of these come the years. Total time: Four to six weeds, in the second year particu­ years. larly, when the cultivator and hoe With chemicals, such as colchi­ will not reach many of them in the cine, the time increases since the clump and it becomes a hand pull­ first generation produces largely ing process. the type of the dominant parent Smaller plants than hibiscus, of course, traits, deformed by chemicals. take less space and a great deal of prog­ Then to blooming of second gen­ ress can be made with certain plants on eration, four years; stabilizing, four the back end of a liberal-sized city lot. years; better results in a third gen­ As to the ratio of success, mine has eration, two years; total time, ~ight been (during the past two years) about to ten years. one choice bloom in four hundred of This may be exceeded in time as this first quality. Vou will wish to keep following experience will illustrate: others but time and space forbid. Even (Colchicine treated) To end of second of these you will eliminate fifty per cent year's growth a height of six inches had because they fail to show vitality, have been attained. To first bloom it took four a poor stalk, change character or freeze years. The blooms were abominable. out . .H aving come this far two obstacles Only three blooms developed seed. From remaIn: this seed four germinated. What will 1) Will it be popular with the public? come of these is a question. We still 2) Can the nurseryman propagate it have five years to go for a marketable profitably? plant. More likely it will prove to be Time has the answer to the first. For seven years, which would make a total the second, your own observation and of eleven y~ars . But we will see it trials tell you whether or not the nur­ through just to discover what is the final seryman will want it. development on a colchicine soaked Ask yourself these questions: Does the plant. There is more than an even number of stalks increase rapidly season chance we will never get a marketable to season? Can you take many cuttings plant. Vet it could be an entirely differ­ in the spring and have them grow? Do ent type of hibiscus. the seeds germinate well? 3. The available ground. Almost any If the answers are all yes- you have it. kind is satisfactory for hibiscus. One of my most wonderful blooms is a O~e word of caution: your plants poor multiplier. I doubt if it ever gets wlll need ample water but if water by a nurseryman. Yet its true picture in stands on them in the winter they colors would sell it by the thousands. will be killed as it freezes. For The future, so far as our work with other plants judge your soil type hibiscus is concerned, is laid out as fol­ carefully. A ma ture hibiscus plant lows: The yellow band must be bred to OCTOBER 1960, VOLUME 39, NUMBER 4 203

a complete yellow. That m eans line The foregoing operations will also breeding but at the same time we will give us new blendings and configurations start a series of crosses in which our and by using only our very top stock we peach pink and near orange shades will shall arrive at improved and refined be crossed to deepen the yellow. This forms and scintillating color combina­ on the theory that these la tter carry a tions. recessive trait of yellow in the genes. The There are hundreds of plants await­ rose with the purple overlay will be in­ ing the h and tha t will bring them to the bred for a pure purple and crossed with maximum of their development. The a very deep crimson (almost black) to number far exceeds the time and re­ deepen the purple. This same deep sources available for the present num­ crimson will be crossed also with the sil­ ber of professional h ybridizers to realize ver lavender for some deeper shades. We the full development of the existing po­ may line breed it for a black. But if we tential. Therefore, the amateur h ybrid­ get it we won't know what to do with it. izer can perform a very no teworthy serv­ The giants will be line bred for larger ice by h astening the accomplishment of flowers but mainly to satisfy our curiosity this very desirable goal. For him, are the as to their ultimate potentialities in size following rewards: and hardiness. 1. The supreme h appiness of work­ '''Te have a white (pentagon outline) ing in his garden and of sleeping sound­ angul ar cup of a wonderful substan ce ly and peacefully a t nigh t. and form which vve will cross with some 2. Punctuated at times by the sudden of our lighter sh ades with a more frail realization that he has produced in that petal. garden an improved fl ower, vegetable, The miniatures we shall further re­ or fruit. duce in plant and bloom size. Perh aps 3. A gamble at a jackpot of remuner­ twenty-four inch es ought to be the mini­ mum height and three inch es the bloom ation when h e sells his new creation. diameter. In doing this we will a ttempt 4. A ervice to humanity rendered in to hold the same number of branches developing his new production-a better and quantity of bloom in a plant four to one than previously existed. five feet in width. 5. The certainty that what he h as de­ In doing this we will work only with veloped will benefit his £e llowmcm for those plants of high vitality and excel­ years after his own passing. lent reproductive powers. ,,,Th at more could any man ask?

NIr. Kennedy, 4338 BTight Road, Dublin, Ohio, TepoTts on his 1960 devel­ opm,ents: Pw -ple-Dete?-iomted, bt.t now have thTee new plants LavendeT-Stabilized, blooming well Yellow Band-Colo r dispened, but still evident NliniatuTe-VeTY fine and consistent Doubles-10, 11, 12, and 16 petals. Only one flower matuTed a true double seed pod with 12 compartments. Ed. A New Plant Hardiness Map For the United States and Southern Canada


The N ew Plant HaTdiness Nlap which adaptability of cultivated plants have has been sponsored by the American followed two general patterns-the des­ Horticultural Society came off the press ignation of geographic growth areas or in late May, which was a little too late the rating of individual plants according for mention of it in the July magazine. to their apparent tolerance of specific Due to final appearance as a government climatic situations. Among the best ex­ rather than a Society publication, single amples of the first type are the several copies are available free of charge from studies of the 1936 U. S. Department of the Office of Information, U. S. Depart­ Agriculture Atlas of AnuTican Agricul­ ment of Agriculture, Washington 25, tUTe, which includes a delineation of D. c., while quantity requests can be twenty-eight growth regions, each region filled by the Superintendent of Docu­ representing an area of comparative cli­ ments, U. S. Government Printing Office, matic and vegetational homogeneity. 'Washington 25 , D. c. , at a charge of 15 Other kinds of maps have been based cents each. separately upon rainfall, temperature, This new un copyrighted nineteen by etc. twenty-eight inch color map shows ten In the other kind of classification, in­ minimum temperature plant hardiness dividual plants have been rated accord­ zones for the United States and southern ing to their hardiness or temperature Canada (exclusive of Alaska and Ha­ tolerance either comparatively as in the waii) in an up-to-date and more detailed "A" to "E" British rating system for rho­ pattern than in any previous studies of dodendron where "A" represents maxi­ its particular kind. mum hardiness and "E" comparative The coldest zone shown on the map is tenderness (in the British Isles) or by in parts of Canada where winter temper­ the more specific system of the American atUl-es average lower than fifty deoTees Rhododendron Society, where H-I de­ Fahrenheit below zero, while the ' ,\~rm­ notes hardiness to twenty-five degrees est zone of thirty to forty degrees cuts below zero, down to H-7 representing a across the southern tip of Florida. the plant which withstands no freezing. southern tip of Texas, parts of southern Ratings of this kind are helpful to any­ California and the San Francisco Bay one who knows his own local, climatic area. Each differen tly colored primary situation but may mean little to a per­ zone of ten degree temperature chanO'e son prescribing for another area-wi th­ is divided into five degree sub zones ~f out a climatic map of some kind. And lighter and darker color shades for still the question arises at this point whether greater detail of interpretation, while the direct reference to a temperature the single sheet reverse carries use and map might not entail less confusion. descriptive information, examples of six Origin of the present study dates from persistent plants typical of each zone and March 1953 when, upon recommenda­ zone classifications for a hundred and tion of the American Association of twenty-five or so woody or persistent Nurserymen, the former American Hor­ pla!lts, as :well as a simplified black and ticultural Council appointed a Commis­ whIte versIOn of the color map for small­ sion to investigate the several plant scale reproduction in books, nursery hardiness maps of then-current horticul­ catalogs, etc. tural circulation with a view to the pos­ Previo~s approaches to the charting sible selection of one of them for adop­ or assessmg the geographic or climatic tion by the Council as a standard. Mem­ bership of this Commission comprised

IJ • ~irector , U . S. National Arboretum, Washington 25, R. Milton Carleton, T. W. Neill, Rich­ ard P. White, Maunsell Van Rensselaer, [204] """0 .. 1... .n( 11"''';( OF " v lRle( ",,,IU" I,. III IHIIIIUIII T ( ""(R"lUII( ~ ' Oil (aCH lOll ( .no • • !lO"F ~ ~ ~ - )O"TO · :O" lO"( , -to·TO - IO" mJ lOll( . - 10· TO ,,.o· lOll( , ,. -B " lOll( • 10· TO ". m lOlll' to· TO ". -CJ SO· 10 ". - The Zones of Plant Hardiness

From an oda/Jted versioll (bla ch and while) jor small scale rejJroductioll

and the present writer as chairman. On completed in about [our years. Many report that none of the available sixteen horticulturists provided information on or more maps met requirements in all problem areas of which the Canadian respects, the same Commission was dele­ Northwest, as analyzed by Dr. Neill, was gated the task of producing a new one among the largest and most intricate. within the framework of these require­ Difficulties of pu blica tion by the ments. American H orticultural Council were From preliminary analysis o[ the more recently resolved by the fortunate broad problems of plant adaptabili ty circumstance that the assistance of the and hardiness on a geographic, nation­ U. S. National Arboretum entitled it to wide basis it was determined that aver­ consideration for printing and distribu­ age or mean (the terms are essentially tion through the U. S. Department of the same in 'Weather Bureau parlance) Agriculture. winter temperature still, in spite of its The detail of this map is necessarily limitations, provided the most effective geared to its coverage on a continent­ and usable key to the plant adaptability wide basis, so that although several state­ problem. Minimum winter tempera­ wide hardiness studies were referred to tures have served as a basis for the ex­ in its preparation, and keyed as closely cellent Rehder and Wyman maps of the as possible to it, the need for the greater Arnold Arboretum and this new version detail of many more smaller area studies differs from the widely used Arnold map remains as great as ever, and it is hoped only in the incorporation of greater de­ that these will be undertaken by indi­ tail, in minor modification of the zone viduals or by the state experiment sta­ intervals and in use of additional more tions. recently available weather data, horti­ Comments or suggestions from the culturally reprocessed and scrutinized. users of this map will always be appre­ Using facilities of the U: S. National ciated in that no production of th-is kind Arboretum and with assistance of the can ever be as infallible as its compilers. U. S. Weather Bureau and the Canadian would wish. They hope, nonetheless, Meteorological Division, the map was that it will serve a useful purpose. [2051 CLAUDE HOPE

Moraea papilionacea This very dwarf cormous Moraea, although not included in Dr. Peery's notes, is wmothy of trial in a hot, sheltered bank of the rock gaTden. Flowers are red or lilac with yellow on the claws.

[206] Some Moraeas for Southwest Gardens

L. T. PEERyl

The genus NloTQ,ea contains some of not revised later than 1941, mentions the most beautiful as well as some of the the fact that the spelling Moraea has most drought-resistant flowers for South­ been "conserved." Since that time Mo­ western gardens, yet since the article in raea, though not the first published this Magazine, by Sarah V. Coombs in spelling of the genus, h as been the only the April 1948 issue I have been able to acceptable one. Mrs. Coombs' statement find only six notes on the genus, and as to the originally published name hav­ only one of these, in the j otmwl of the ing been Morea is quite correct. This Royal Horticultural Society for 1950 is ordinarily would mean that we should of any length . Four of these notes 'were return to that spelling, but the process in English magazines, and one each in of "conservation" prevents changes due Sunset and in the jou?7lal of the Cali­ to lo ng standing errors which have pre­ fornia Horticultuml Society. Most of va il ed over the world for many years, them were notes on or descriptions of and thus cut down the number of the a single species. It appears to me a genus changes in botanic names that is so dis­ containing so many plants as attractive concerting, especially to the nurseryman in the open in the Southwest and in cool and horticulturist. "Vould that the In­ greenhouses in other parts of the coun­ ternational Botanic Congresses, who try as this one deserves to be brough t alone are privileged to do so, would ex­ more often to the attention of gardeners. ercise their discretion more freely. Un­ This will be a much more informal fortunately the names of plant species presentation than that by Mrs. Coombs, are not covered by the rule. and I will be concerned mainly with a Mixups of this kind always serve to few members of the genus that I have remind me of some words on this sub­ grown myself. ject by the late Lord Aberconway in ac­ But first let me put one matter cepting re-election as President of the straight, the spelling of the name of the R oyal Horticultural Society. He re­ genus. Mrs. Coombs uses the spelling marked that just before the last war a Morea in her article and also in her book had been discovered in a Berlin book "South African Plants For Amer­ library which would h ave necessitated ican Gardens." My personal copy of the changing of the names of several Hortus II, printed in 1946 and I believe hundred plants in wide and common cultivation, "But fortunately the R,AF. 'Dr. Peery writes: Born 1899 at Port!and. O regon. took care of the matter." A jest, but R etired physician. Practiced in Berkeley, California. one that some of us think had a real Retired early as a result of coronary heart disease while in the army, in 1943. Stuck it out in an army hospital point. in this country until after the end of the wa r, then re­ tired. Gave up my practice in 1948 as the nervous In the case of the Morea-Moraea mix­ strain brought on too many angi na attacks, and moved up, to me the funniest part of the whole close to H ayward in a locality selected for the so il rather than its bea uty. Have a bit over a half acre of thing is the fact that after Linne 4Yolo' silt 10am here. Most of the soil around is an adobe clay, which T knew I would not be able to fight. changed Miller's original and quite cor­ Place is Bat as a noor, but so il has soaked up to three rect spelling of the genus, apparently inches of rain in 24 hours without run-off. Since anyone who retires after an active li fe wi lhout developing some under the idea that the ge nus h ad been sort of hobby is soon a dead duck, I became interested in plants, and particu1arly in growing sa me from seed. named for his wife, rather than for the A secondary interest h as always been in what the Dutch English botanist R. More, in later ar­ refer to as "minor bulbs," I grow something over a hundred Hats of these each year. About h alf the size ticks, Miller, ""ho originally published of a nursery fiat , but either four or six inches deep. Most of them do well under such conditions. Have not the name, changes his own spelling to published much. The notes in The Gardeners' Pocket· Moraea, evidently being convinced that book, and a few in the Journa.l of the California H ort. Society, a nd the Gesne"iad Joumal would pretty well the famous Linne was a more practical cover the lot. Also do a lot of reading on gardening as well as on many other subjects, latinist than himself. I understand that 2Some Nl orfas, th e National Horticultural Magazine) some, though certainly not all, of the Volume 27, No.2, April 1948. Copies available from the Society's H eadquarters, $1, postpaid. South African botanists adopted a some- [207] 208 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL i'vIAGAZINE


Moraea iridioides OCTOBER 1960, VOLUfllE 39, NUMBER 4 209

what intransigent attitude in the mat­ know that when I inspect the other ter and continued to use the spelling plants I will find them also in bud. A Morea for some years, but I think Mo­ couple of days later they are all in raea is the accepted spelling for the flower. genus now, even there. The flowers are about four inches in One other point in regard to botany. diameter. The three outer petals are I do not know just what the present broader than the three inner ones, and standing is of the name Dietes as ap­ have a large yellow spot near the base of plied to the few members of the genus e~ch, with a few small yellow markings which have rhizomes rather than corms. stIll closer to the base. The somewhat Here, I intend to fo llow Mrs. Coombs narrower inner petals are without yellow and ignore i t. I know I have good back­ markings, bu t toward their bases show ing for doing so as late as 1956. How small dashes of dark brown. The styles, H 01'tus III will list them remai ns to be ~hich resemble those of a Japanese Iris seen, but whatever the final decision of 111 form, are very distinctly tinged with the botanists may be, I'm afraid they violet. The flowers usually stay open will all remain Moraea to me. It is as about four days here, then fade all at though all rhizomatous Iris were placed once, and until the next flush bloom in a new genus, leaving only the bulbous you will not find a flower on any of your ones in the genus Iris. plants. There are minor and major I will first take up this rhizomatous flushes of bloom, the latter sho'wing three part of the genus, referred to by the not­ to four times the number of flowers on too-recent Bailey's Cyc/ojJedia of Horti­ each plant. These major and minor culluTe as the subgenus Dietes, a posi­ flushes of bloom do not seem to follow tion which makes more sense to me than each other in any regular order. a complete split into two genera. To give an example of the drought The writer has not grown JVlomerz resistance of the plant, the row of bicoloT to date, so lacks personal experi­ seedlings in my orchard has had no ence with it. It looks well worth grow­ artificial water for six or eight years, and ing. The flowers are yellow with a very last year we had only a bit over nine dark brown blotch at the base of the inches of rain here, about half of our outer segments. The habit of the plant usual supply. But these drought-stricken is similar to the next, though little less plants show no sign of wilting, and tall. flower with the others. Of course, there jllfomea iTidioides is the one which has are limits to all things made, and I must at times been suspected of blooming in admit that the bloom flushes of those in accord with phases of the moon. If so, full sun have been mostly of the minor the moon over this part of California type. Those in the shade have bloomed must go through some very peculiar an­ Quite freely. The leaves are much like tics. The blooming of the species, how­ those of an iris, upright and pointed, but ever, does follow a very peculiar pattern. somewhat narrower. The flo wer stems I have had plants growing in the quite are perennial, so if one simply MUST heavy shade of overhanging trees, and cut a few it is well to leave at least two others growing in full sun. In each case nodes at the base of the stem, or vou some of the plants are deeply watered will have to wait some years while 'the during our dry period at about weekly plant forms new ones. intervals, while others are gro'wing in a The above is a description of M. iTidi­ row in my orchard and have not been oides var. johnsoni. I have seen plant­ artificially watered since they were about ings of the type species, and it is con­ three years old from seed. siderably inferior. In fact I'm inclined One end of this row is under consid­ to agree with Mr. J. N. Giridlian of the erable shade from a pear tree with low Oakhurst Gardens, who, in offering it hanging branches. The other end of the for sale as a rarity intimated that it was row is in full sun. Yet, when warned of mere botanic interest as compared by the appearance of narrow, elongated with the variety. white buds on a chance seedling near This same Mr. Giridlian, sometime the door of my workshop, where it gets during the thirties made crosses between water and full afternoon sun, reflected M. iridioides johnsoni and M. bicolor. back on it by a white stucco wall, I From these crosses he introduced several 210 THE AMERICA HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE named varieties of 'wh ich I grow 'Orange Australia and New Zealand. Drop' and 'Lemon Drop.' The flowers Of the cormous Moraeas I have grown on these Oakhurst hybnds are rounder a small proportion of the much more and of smoother nicer shape than the numerous species. one just described, though somewhat Moraea polystachya is perhaps my smaller. The leaf structure is much like favorite among them, though by no M . i1'idioides johnso17i, but the cross means the most spectacular in bloom. seems to have lost the complete unanim­ I have seen it stated that this is the most ity of flowering periods possessed by lVI. commonly grown species in this country. iridioides. Flo'wers still come in flushes, By holding the corms dormant at 40 bu t there will be occasional flowers in degrees they can be brough t into bloom bloom during the 'silent periods.' at almost any period of the year. By the ExtendinO" from the end of the row less laborious method of spotting corms b d' of M. iridioides in my orchar IS a row at places where the amount of sun and some twenty feet long of unna~ed se~d­ water differs, in most winters I am lings of this Oakhurst Hybnd stram. seldom without a few dancing' violet They seem little more discouraged t~an butterflies at the top of stems some two the M, iTidio/des by the prolonged penod and a half to three feet tall. The corms in dry soil, but do not bloom as freely as break their dormancy at irregular inter­ the latter. In fact I have seen only a few vals from October through January or blooms this year on those plants at the even later, and make a shifting spot of end of the row and in full sun. Those color in the border when few other which receive partial shade from a crab things are in bloom. Of course my sys­ apple tree have bloomed fairly we!l, tem will not work during the winter that though much less freely than those m we have one of our occasional 'freeze­ the border where they are watered. ups'. In fact I suspect that it is going to Between these two groups in the row break down this winter, but for the in my orch ard there are two or three feet opposite reason. Too many of them are devoted to what Mrs. Coombs described showing above ground as I write. But it as NI , in'dioidesvar. ca temtlata. I am going works quite well with our usual winter to follm,v Rortus II and call it M. here. The stems are slender, with small caLenula, as in effect the two plants and inconspicuous leaves. The flowers are not very similar, though Rorttls III are violet, about one and a half inches may lap my wrist for doing so. This is long, and here too the outer petals have a much less interesting plant to me than an orange-yellow eye in their center. those just described, at least in the site The stems have a number of wiry that I have it. It has not flowered this branches, and while the individual year, bu t does not appear to be other­ flower does not last long there is quite wise suffering from the prolonged dry a long succession of bloom from each spell. Our last rain was in March, and corm. I write this in mid-September. This is M oraea t?"istis I grew from Sou th a low growing variety with fan-like African seed some years ago, and lacking fol iage and a prostrate habi t of growth. kno'w ledge of its requirements, I planted I have seen the suggestion made that it in a bed close to a sprinkler, so it got this plant is best grown in h anging full Summer water. Despite this handi­ baskets, and from the way mine grows in cap it stayed with me for four or five the open ground, I suspect that the sug­ years before the last of the corms rotted gestion is a good one. The flowers are away. This is a rather inconspicuous somewhat similar to those of M. iridi­ little plant, with stems about one foot oides johnsoni but considerably smaller. high. The flowers were of a peculiar jVIoraea robinsoniana, the other well brownish mauve for me, but must vary known member of the rhizomatous considerably, as I have not seen them group, I have never attempted to grow. described as the same color by any two It is the largest of the Moraeas, but has authors. There is a yellow spot, and the repu tation of being difficult, and rather vague violet markings around it also quite tender to frost. Its native at the base of each outer segment. When ho:ne is a long way from that of the given the conditions it likes in 'well others, which are from South Africa, as drained and very sandy loam, it should it is mitive to a small island between be as tough as well as a quite odd and OCTOBER 1960, VOLUME 39, NUMBER 4 211


Moraea glauco pis

attractive little plant. The flowers, how­ after a short rest of a month or so. As ever, do not last very long. New seed­ it is I always seem to forget about them, lings may flower for me in 1960, and and they do not enjoy the constant will be better placed. watering during the Summer months. Maraea mmasa has almost opposite It is such an attractive thing that I have requirements. Its native habitat is along tried it a number of times. The flowers streams, and it likes plenty of water and are over two inches across, pure yellow, a very short resting period in Summer. with a yellow oval surrounded by dark Unfortunately that is a rather difficult blue at the base of each outer segment. matter for me. Its blooming period is It grows three to four feet high, and has in May and June, and I can flower corms a number of branches, and the effect of the first year without trouble. After that a plant in bloom is, at a little distance, it becomes somewhat of a problem child. very similar to that of a lily of the Were I more energetic I could dig the Martagon type, in full bloom. On closer corms, and replant them in the border inspection though the flowers will be 212 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE found to have the 'Japanese Iris' form who specializes in alpines describes of most of the genus. Momea tripetala, with grassy and de­ The last three of the genus that I cumbent foliage, as growing three to have grown are sometimes all lumped four inches high and producing during together under the term Peacock Iris, most of the spring small mauve flowers or Peacock JvIoraea. The flowers of all of typical Moraea form, with faint of them are very variable in color in the markings of white and yellow. Each wild, and they hybridize readily, both flower lasts only one day, and the species in the wild and under cultivation. The has the peculiar habit of blooming every term 'Peacock Iris' really is applied to other day. As a result a patch is well in Momea glaucopis, but M. gigandra and flower one day, and not a flower on it M. villosa equally well deserve the the next, with a unanimity reminiscent name. All of these I have grown only of lVIomea iridioides. Native to mountain from corms, and corms from separate screes, it wants full sun and very sharp sources are seldom identical, owing drainage. My own soil being a rather probably to the before mentioned vari­ heavy silty loam, which drains well, but a bili ty. not sharply, I have lacked the ambition A group of corms from Holland grown to construct a raised bed and try it ou t. last Spring included a very superior I am going to close this rather form of M. gigandm, the individual rambling discussion by mentioning a flowers of which I consider among the flower, which, while not a moraea is most beautiful flowers I have ever seen, a member of the Iridaceae belongs to an well rounded, wide petaled, a fine soft entirely different genus. That is Diplan­ lilac blue, with dark blue flakes in the hena momea. This comes from Australia cen ter of the petals, and other symmetric and Tasmania, rather than from South blue markings. Africa, and botanists put it closer to lVIomea villosa was almost as good, Sisyrinchium than to Iris and IvIoraea, violet with a blue basal flak e with a but to the casual eye of the non-botanist darker rim around it. the flower looks like a small whitish Moraea. Hence I suppose the specific Moraea glaucopis in the form I had it name. It h as a short rhizome, uprig'ht at that time was somewhat smaller, with foliage, and perennial flower stems like narrower petals, giving a somewhat more the rhizomatous Moraeas. These latter star-like effect. At the base of the outer tend to droop if not staked. I have had petals was a very conspicuous dark blue best luck with this one growing it on spot. While it would be my own third choice among the three, it was still a the edge of a table outdoors in cans. Like M. can ten ulata I think it might very beautiful and worth-while flower. do well in hanging baskets. After some Mr. T. T. Barnard in his article on years growth in a so-called 'gallon' can this group in the Journal of the RO'Yal the flower stems will droop as much as Horticultural Society for 1950 o'ives his " b three and a half to four feet. It too is expenences wIth the three over a num- a "toughy" as far as drought resistance ber of years, and emphasizes the great is concerned. J have not seen nor grown variability of the species in the wild, as the somewhat larger but otherwise very well as the ease of cross fertilization. similar D . latifolia. This group, at least all the members of As in a lot of other genera, the nam­ it that I have seen, cannot be too highly ing of the species seems to be in a state recommended for cool house cultivation. of some confusion. lVI omea glaucopis The resemblance to the beautiful spots is often referred to as a sub-species of on a peacock's tail justifies the common M. villosa, and I think that M. gigandra name. All of them grow some twelve to has also been so described at times. eighteen inches tall, and the flowers of Perhaps by the time we land the first all of them are upfacing. expedition on Ivlars the botanists will A fe~ C?f the Moraeas are true alpines. have all agreed on the names of species Ray 'Vllhams ·of Watsonville, California, -but somehow I rather doubt it. Snapdragons for Gardens, Greenhouses, and Research


The fa miliar snapdragon that bea uti­ culation, pollination, fertility, and an­ fi es our gardens and homes has also con­ nual habit, than the snapdragon. The tributed to our understanding of the same advantages are available to amateu r fundamentals of genetics and plant phys i­ md profeSSional breeders today. To emas­ ology. The details known in these areas culate and isolate, it is necessary only to have value and add interest to the cul­ remove the coroll a and attached anthers ture of snapdragons on either the ama­ from the unopened fl ower bud. To pol­ teur or professional level. lina te, the anthers of the male plant may Antir-rhinurn majus of our gardens be brought into contact with the stig­ represents one of approximately one hun­ ma tic surface of the mature pistil. The dred and eighty genera in the SCROPHUL­ large number of fl owers per plant make ARJACEAE, and one of the eleven species many different crosses practi cable, and listed in Bailey's H OJ·tus II, or twenty as many a fi ve hundred seeds are pro­ distinguished in Engler and Prantl. duced by a single p ollination. Las t, but Out of this wide range of genetic ma­ perhaps most important, the anllual terial this species was selec ted for culti­ habit and fairly small size make the cul­ vation before the time when historical ture of numerous progeny relatively easy records were preserved fo r our use. De­ and inexpensive. scription of different types indicative of One of the first investigators to choose prior cultivation, or at leas t selec tion, the snapdragon as a research subject was has persisted since 1578. Additional vari­ Professor E. Ba ur. H e and his colleagues ant types, usually propagated by cutting, have described and determined the in­ added to the utility of the crop until the heritance of over two hundred na tural snapdragon rust, endemic on the west and induced mutant types. In any highly coas t of the United States, in 1913 burst organi zed system, such as a living organ­ out of that environment to invade, first ism, most random changes will be detri­ the Eastern U nited States, and later mental. For this reason few of the vari­ Europe. This challeng-e was met in two a tio ns described by this group appear ways. Propaga ti on shifted from cuttings other than accidentally by new mutati on that carried the disease, to seed tha t did in modern improved snapdragon strains. not. And this stimulated the production Commercial growers, interes ted in eco­ of true breeding lines that produced a nomically valuable variation, h ave iso­ uniform type. Secondly, Mains, Ems­ lated several habit types in true breeding weller and White found and utilized form. Size, being one factor in commer­ genetic immunity conditioned by a single cial determination of quality, h as been dominant factor to produce immune emphasized. The Majus, Maximum, and races. R ecently in California new rust Colossal strains represent successive steps strains have appeared that are ca pable in this direc tion. But since sn apdragons of infecting plants resistant to the old are importan t bedding plant subjects, races. equally importa nt progress has been When, at the turn of the century, made in obtaining true lines in each Gregor Mendel's original ideas on the color of h alf dwarf and dwarf strains. mech anism of inheritance became avail­ The extreme dwarf is the Magic Carpet able to scientists, suitable test plants strain which creeps widely in the hori­ were sought for experimental use. None zontal plane but seldom exceeds six seemed better adapted by ease of emas- inches in height. At the same time that significant prog­ 1. Dr. W . J. Haney is an Associa te Professor in the Department of Horticultu re at Michigan State University. ress was being made in outdoor snap­ East Lansi ng. Michigan . His major field of research has been the genetics of __ everal floricultural crops, with a dragons, new I ines of differen t character­ special emphas is on th e I\ napdragon. From these studies istics were isola ted for greenhouse use. he has developed several comm ercia l Fl varieties for greenhouse forc in g. This was and still is an American de vel- [21 3] 214 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE opment. First, a few clones that would Understanding of this mechanism can flower early in the spring were isolated, aid a grower to attain the size that is for then, gradually, true breeding lines were him optimum. Final size is a function isolated from these. Evidently different of the size the vegetative plant attained genetic variations were involved in some before flower buds were differentiated. of the first early blooming isolates be­ Young plants kept vegetative by short cause even better adaptation to winter day length and cool temperatures rosette, bloom came out of segregations of crosses produce basal branches, and stems of between lines. large diameter. Such plants will produce long stems and spikes when conditions Necessarily there is a physiologic mech­ become favorable for flowering. anism between the factor that determines a trait and its expression. It is perhaps In 1947, Robert Kalinas and Frank in this area that we are less informed Frisch at Sykora's Greenhouse, Batavia, and can expect most progress in the near Illinois, made a useful demonstration future. 'l\Te know that the ancestral forms of this principle. '''Tith the regular crop of our snapdragons were semi-perennial m the fall a short section of bench was planted to the hybrid of two late flower­ plants, adapted to a Mediterranean cli­ mate of favorable springs and hot sum­ ing greenhouse snapdragons. These mers. Stimuli to bloom were the longer plants continued to rosette while the days and warmer temperatures of spring. earlier hybrids bloomed in midwinter. The same stimuli affect even the most Then, when the longer days and warmth modern winter blooming snapdragons. of spring triggered the flowering mechan­ The genetic modification has been a is~, the late hybrid produced stems and lowering of the threshold so that short spIkes ten feet tall that bloomed with the December days and temperatures over second crop from the genetically earlier hybrids. fifty d~grees are s.ufficient to trigger the flowenng mechanIsm. It is still true that While most breeders were still intent any strain will bloom earlier and at on earlier snapdragons F. W. Snyder of smaller size under long day-warm tem­ Rockwood, Pennsylvania, perceived util­ peratures, however, than under short day­ ity in an opposite course that has since cool temperatures. yielded a new race of summer snapdrag­ The early variation is strongly domi­ ons adapted to the long' days and high nant. ~ybrids usually bloom as early as temperatures encountered in summer the ear~Ier parent and frequently earlier under glass. The Rockwood snapdragons than eIther. Numerous factors appear and the summer hybrids bred from them to be ~oncerned and no one has yet made have higher than ordinary thresholds for genetIC sense of the blooming sequence flower induction. This trait is quite re­ of segregating populations. cessive, but like the variations toward Associated with this are a series of fac­ earliness, has never been genetically tors determining spike length through elucidated. effects on apical dominance. For show Genetic variation in season or vigor or sale, l.ong spikes are required. Ances­ yield fairly continuous variation in segre­ trally.wIld snapdragons were liable to gating populations which makes identifi­ browslllg by goats and other animals. cation and classification of individual Consequently, no survival advantage ac­ factors or genes difficult. In contrast to cr';led to plants producing fewer, longer this, color inheritance is qualitative, with sp~kes. Season also affected optimum clearly distinguishable classes and the spIke !ength for survival. Consequently, genetic effect has been identified in the the wIld type, and the genetically domi­ pigment molecules of the flowers. In ad­ nant type today, produce short spikes dition the interactions of the various on each ?f many branches and especially factors have been iden tified so that it short. ~pIkes un.der minimum daylength condItIOns. ThIS genetic trait is recur­ is possible to specify segregation to iden­ rently demonstrated whenever an un­ tify the genotypes of the parents. The wary florist uses garden snapdragon seed same proportions hold for any part of for out of season bloom under glass. Mag­ this total segregation. Back-crosses to the nificently vigorous plants are crowned recessive parent yield 1: 1 ratios reducing with insignificant spikes of two to six dominance effects to equality but epi­ flowers each. static interactions will be expressed. OCTOBER 1960, VOLUME 39, NUMBER 4 21!)

Vigor has extreme importance for com­ sna pdragons induced premature abscis­ mercial growers whose profit margin may sion of corollas. Since the early inbred well be less than the vigor differences be­ lines of greenhouse snapdragons were tween varieties. Experience with inbred originated, attention has been paill to lines has often shown a decline of vigor genetic variation in this characteristic. with successive generations of self polli­ Certain lines were called shatte! ;: ·,.I. nation. It is now a commonplace experi­ Study of this variation by exp C:":r~ ' "I ence that greater vigor may be had in cut stems or flowers to apple emall..l LJ OI·, first generation hybrids than their inbred or known concentrations of ethylene g;l, parents for many crops. In 1928 when the has shown that a series of recessive fa c­ first F 1 snapdragon, Christmas Cheer, "vas tors determine tolerance of these condi­ marketed by Windmiller Florist of tions. Sufficien t exposure will cause ab­ Columbus, Ohio, important news was scission of any flowers except certain ster­ made for professional growers. Since ile doubles so the shatterproof designa­ that time more than a hunch-ed F 1 snap­ tion should be modera ted to tolerance. dragons have been marketed and more The comparatively low ethylene toler­ than ninety per cent of the florist trade ance of Spartan vVhite has won commer­ has turned to hybrids. Excellent hybrids cial acceptance particularly in areas have been in traduced for garden use where smog affects plants in bud and also. bloom. Measurements of vigor are complicated Although ethylene tolerance is des ir­ by the equally dominant inheritance of able for man's uses of snapdragon , it is earliness. Size comparisons of mature not advantageous to the reproduction or spikes are not valid unless they were pro­ the plant. Ethylene tolerant snapdragons duced in equal lengths of time and in retain their flowers after pollination (lnd similar environments. fertilization. Flowers are more lia bJ e to Double flowered mutations have ap­ Botrytis infection than green tissue and peared in snapdragon as in many other conduct the infection into the developing crops. C. H. Lothrop of Lexington, seed pod and spike. Retention is. how­ Massachusetts, has cultivated a series of ever, a necessary first step to improve­ cu tting-propagated sterile clones since ment of keeping quality. the 1920's. Fertile doubles have been vVith all the above listed and much originated in Colorado, Pennsylvania, additional variation available, snap­ and by the VV. Atlee Burpee Company. dragons presen t a challenge to all who One of the virtues of the double strains are in teres ted. If any desirable factors 1, 1.S been the better' attachment of corolla can be combined into a type having new although there is variation within the or addi tional u tiIi ty then progress of dou ble for this characteris tic. a permanent nature will have been made. The tendency to shed florets prema­ And our snapdragons still retain the ad­ turely has long troubled growers and mirable characteristics that caused them users of snapdragons. C. W. Fischer to be chosen by early plant breeder~ and demonstrated that volatiles produced by geneticists. C. HAMPFLER

Single mature wlm of Phyllostachys aureosulcata showing foliage and characteristic lighter yellow panel.

[216J The Yellowgroove Bamboo

,\V. H. H OIlG E *

T hose temperate bamboos which lllOOl charac teristics are known. Both its com­ closely approach the size (height and m on n ame, "yellowgroove," and its spe­ diameter of stem) of strictI y tropical 5pe­ cific n ame, "aw'eosulcata," refer to a cies belong to the Oriental genus PII)}!­ characteristic thou gh sometimes obscure, lostachys. These are n a ti ve to , narrow, yellowish, or green-and-yellow where since time immemorial their stem5 striped panel to be seen running the (culms) have been important so urces of length of the internodes of the otherwise such economic products as paper, build­ green culms. This colored panel is espe­ ing material, h andicrafts and food. O f cially noticeable in spring on the n ew the hundred or more species of this genus culms after the shea ths (which cover the known, about one-third have been intro­ developing culms) h ave fallen; but it duced into North American horticulture. may tend to fade out as the culms be­ Most of these do bes t in the southeas tern, come older, after two or three years. The Gulf and Pacifi c coast states, but a few internodes of younger culms also reveal (including Phyllostachys aurea, P . aw-eo­ a roughnes (scabrosity) like the feel of sulcata, and P. mtda) are considerably an ullshaven beard when fingers are h ardier than their confreres and will passed lightly upward over the stem. A grow satisfactorily on the Atl antic coast third characteristic is the occasional oc­ as far north as Philadelphia or perhaps currence of sinuate or zig-zag sections in even New York City. a portion of the culms. Such secti ons are Of these h ardier species perhaps the limi ted to the lowermos t nodes of any most satisfactory is the Yellowgroove culm. Although Phyllostachys atLTeosu l­ Bamboo, Phyllostachys aUTeosu lca ta, in­ ra ta appears to be the only one of the troduced into the United States (as P. 1. hardier species of the genus to produce No. 5571 3) from T ang-si, Chekiang Prov­ such so-called "crooks terns," it should be ince, China, in 1907 by Frank N . Meyer, pointed out that this characteristi c is distinguished plant explorer of the U nit­ also known from other less h ardy species ed States Department of Agri culture. of th e genus and is es necially common in Since it was rather 'widely distributed to f' orms of the Giant Timber Bamboo. collaborators for tes ting in the mid­ Phyllos tachys bamZmsoides. twenties (under the inco rrect name Phyl­ The Yellowgroove Bamboo is especially lostachys nevin i) it is well es tablished in noteworthy because of its proven cold a number of loca tions in this country tolerance, though it may well be that and may be easier to obtai n than some P. rmda , a species little known in culture, of the other species which h ave never may be even superior in this character­ been widely distributed . isti c. P. aUTeosulca ta is usu ally said to Because they rarely produce the fl ow · withstand a tempera ture of zero without ers n eeded for exact iden tification, most se rious damage, but there is a fine acre­ bamboos are generally difficult for all but sized grove of this species near Marshall­ the botanical specialist to identify. In ton (Ches ter County), Pennsylvania, esti­ over fifty years of culture in the United mated to be a quarter- century old, which States, Phyllos tachys C1tt'l'eosu lcata has yet still fl ourishes after h aving apparently to be reported in fl ower. This bamboo experienced temDeratu res as low as fif­ is one of the very few that can be easil y teen degrees below ze ro, Fahrenheit. recognized, however, even by the average During such cold snaps, the aerial por­ gardener once several of its vegetative tions (s tems and foliage) may well have been killed back to the ground, but the ' Dr. H odge's interest in the hardy bamboos b ega n a decade ago while he was as ociated with a bam boo underground portions certainly were un­ program of the U. S. Depa rtment of Agricu lture. In­ (crest in these plan LS as ornamenta ls has continued in touched. H eavy we t snow can occasion­ his present pOSition at Longwood Gardens. Kennett ally ca use serious damage to established Sq uare, Pa., wh ere he hc:\ds th e Depa rtment of Educa­ tion a nd Research. groves by breaking culms and causing [217] 218 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE


Y oung shoots of the Y ellowgroove Balnuoo ((s tile)' appear in ea'rly May showing irri bl'icated culm shea ths with c/w'/'{I cte'l'istic w hite stTipes. OCTOBER 1960, VOLUJ\lE 39, NUMBER '1 219

w. H . HODGE

Culm bases of Yellowgroove Bamboo showing occasional tt crookstem" condition of this species. 220 THE AMERICA 1 HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE injuries which cause the death of the spring a month before new shoots first culms and the leaves on these stems. appear above the ground. In southeast­ Plants of this species, like others in Lhe ern Pennsylvania new shoots of the Yel­ genus, actively spread from year to year lowgroove Bamboo usually appear during to form eventually thickets or small the first week in May, which means that groves which, in time and under favor­ transplanting of this species in this gen· able conditions of gTowth, may come to eral area would be best in March and occupy an area of an acre or more. Thus, April. There has been good success in an unrestrained planting of this so-caUe<] moving plants with good balls of earth, "running" bamboo will need ample however, during their active May room in which to spread. The possibility growth. of such growth must be anticipated hy The Yellowgroove Bamboo thrives best the person interested in planting a bam­ on good, well-drained soil. The old boo of this type. On the spaciousness of grove of the species at Marshallton, farm or estate such growth is very desir­ Pennsylvania, mentioned above, regular­ able and should be encouraged, for a ly produces some culms up to one and a mature, well-tended bamboo grove can half inches in diameter and thirty feet be a beautiful and unusual horticultural tall, or as large as has been recorded for feature. Such groves are especially at­ this species farther south. Bamboos in tractive when established along streams general need abundant moisture, espe­ or on the borders of ponds or lakes, pro­ cially in the first season of establishment. vided the soil or site is well-drained. On the other hand, they are not swamp Generally speaking a species like P. plants and do not thrive where they con­ aUTeosulcata is not recommended for stantly have wet feet. One might say smaller suburban properties where it that the bamboo species typified by the may become invasive, particularly if its YelIowgroove are woodland grasses and spreading proclivities are not appreci­ so do their best in partial shade and pro­ ated. If the growth potential of this spe­ tection from strong winds. In this re­ cies is understood, however, and certain spect their habitat demand may be COI11- precautions are taken with respect to pared to that of azaleas and rhododen­ selection of a planting site, the Yellow­ drons and it is in such sites that you groove Bamboo can he considered for usually see them best featured in the small suburban lots. The secret is to gardens of Japan. keep the plant contained within the li m­ The growth habits of bamboo differ its previously determiped. In order to from most other familiar garden plants. produce full-sized cuI illS in gTove form, Instead of rather continual activity dur­ an area at least twenty-five feet across ing- most of the growing season, bamboos must b~ allocated for ultimate growth. reduce most of their aerial growth to a A plantm?; area surrounded by wide con­ brief few weeks in the spring. During crete walks or b01.1 nded completely by this short growing season all new culms regularly mown lawns will usually serve of that year make their appearance. The as suita?le barriers. The simple action rest of the year the plant is developing of keemng a lawn cut will effectively new ramifications to its extensively creep­ limit the spreading of a grove abutting ing underground rhizome system. The on such a lawn area. first few years the culms produced from Most running bamboos produce seed recently set rhizomes or transplanted only at rare or infrequent intervals after clumns 'will be rather diminutive and of which the plants may die. These species small diameter. Only after five or six are invariably propagated by one- to two­ years will mature maximum-sized stems foot long sections of the thickened un­ be produced and then only provided derground stems or rhizomes. These are the plants have had abundant space and usually lifted and planted during the fertile soil in which to run. Thus, older dormant season. Clumps of rhizomes to­ cu]ms in the grove (with smaller diame­ gether with their aerial shoots (which ter) are easilv distinguished from the should be cut back to two or three feet younger ones (with large diameter) . high) may also he dug intact with soil The young shoots or "bamboo from .the . margins of established groves. sProuts," which appear in the spring, are Plantmg IS most successful if done ill the cloaked with imbricated sheaths (culm OCTOBER 1%0, VOl.Ui\/E 311, NU;\>IBER 4 221


Portion of an established grove of the Yellow groove Bamboo at Marshall­ ton, Pennsylvania. Culms moe too close and should be thinned. 222 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZ1NE


Effect of seveTe snow damage (MaTCh 1) 1957) on a gTOve of YellowgToove P, r:ynboo at Marshallton) Pennsylvania. H eavy wet snow completely bent down g1'ove Tesu lting in damage to pmctically all matuTe culms. OCTOBER 1960, VOLUME 39, NUMBER 4 223 sheaths) which carry morphological de­ corn. Once done the shoot can be pre­ tails of use to the bamboo taxonomist. pared for cooking. The tender central For example, the culm sheaths of the core is generally cut into fine slices Yellowgroove Bamboo are light green which are usually parboiled and then with many slender whitish stripes which sauteed, scalloped or used in mixed are characteristic only o[ this species. dishes of one kind or another to add un­ Once they appear above ground, the lIsual texture and flavor. young culms shoot up to their full stat­ Besides being edible, culms of the Yel­ ure, often increasing as much as a foot lowgroove Bamboo may be 'Used by the or more a day. The full diameter of the home gardener for other utilitarian pur­ new stem will have been reached soon poses. Mature culms produce uniform­ after the shoot has broken ground. Fe",," sized poles or plant stakes which are al­ other plants grow so rapidly. During the ways useful in various ways in the gar­ sprinotime period of active growth bam­ den. For maximum strength only culms boo ~hoots look superficially like giant which have reached three or more years asparagus stems. Like asparagus. they in age should be cut (at soil level and are at first tender and fragile. Later, preferably with a hacksaw). Through after full size has been attained, they such annual utilization, a bamboo clump form their grasslike foliage on short lat­ becomes less crowded and far more at­ eral branches. Barring acciden ts, each tractive. As a matter of course bamboo culm will live for many years. Though clumps or groves should be judiciously Lhe leaves are evergreen, like most other thinned annually. This is basic proce­ broadleaved evergreens (e.g., holly), all dure in the Orient where bamboo groves leaves are replaced each year inconspicu­ are appreciated not only for utilitarian ously in the spring with the old leaves purposes but also for their beauty as gar­ dropping off gradually as new ones a p­ den subjects. Such pruning not only fa­ pear. The mulch formed by this annual vors the well-being of the plant but also leaf-fall is valuable to the good gro'wth makes it possible for the owner to estab­ of bamboo groves and should not be re­ lish informal garden paths within the moved. grove. Only by entering' such a grove At the moment that the young bam­ can one appreciate the words of David boo shoots are just pushing from beneath Fairchild, famed plant explorer and the ground into the light, they are at a lover of bamboo, who once said: stage when they may be dug and harvest­ ed as edible bamboo sprouts. Those of "The charm of a bamboo grove lies in the Yellowgroove Bamboo are not par­ the friendly mystery of its shade with ticularly large, but are among those espe­ the green sunlight flickering through the cially recommended for use in home­ thin plumes of leaves onto the soft mat made Chinese dishes for they are mild of yellow dead leaves below. You wan­ and without the bitter taste often found der through such a grove, feeling that in certain closely related species. The you have never seen anything like it be­ culm sheaths which completely cover the fore, and the quiet, fairy-like charm of it young shoots must be removed and can remains with you long after you have be taken off as one might husk an ear of gone away." A Book or Two

New Illustrated Encyclopedia of Hollywood By The Sea, Florida. 1959. 220 pages. Illustrated. $7.50. (Library). Gardening, Unabridged Desert Plants describes the fascination of the T. H. Everett, Editor; with contributions cacti and succulent plants as they are found in from twenty horticulturists and authorities in their native habitats, in America, in Africa, OI the United State and Canada. The Greystone as found under forest or other growing condi­ Press, 100 Sixth Avenue, New York 13, New tions throughout the world. Travelers will find York. 1960. 6 volumes, about 3,000 pages. the chapter on the "Famous Succulent Gardens Illu trated. $!i1.00. Special AHS Members' of the "Vorld" of interest. Even if their own Price $43.35. garden interests do not include these plants, Assisted by a corps of persons, distinguished when traveling a visit to such places as the in their several lines, Mr. Everett, of the Staff Hunti.ngton Gard.ens in California, the Royal of the New York Botanical Garden, has prepared Botal11c Gardens Jl1 Kew, the Jarden Exotique, an encyclopedia which is immediately distin­ Worcester, South Africa or others in Italy, Sic­ g'uished by the emphasis that is laid on garden­ ily or Spain should be included on the itinerary. ing, and has succeeded amazingly well. Not only A second portion of the book is devoted to the is the text written with clarity and direction care and culture of this group of plants. The toward the gardeners, whether amateur, profes­ authors have had much experience with the sional or even beginners, but the texts are sup­ g'~' owing and selling of these kinds of plants and plemented by a great wealth of photographic gIve very practical information as to their cul­ material that is not only instructive toward ture. The section on the "Selection of Cacti and identification but instructive in the current 'how Succulents" gives a brief description of each to-do-it' sense. genus, and the important species of horticultural The illustra tions are printed in half tone on interest. the ordinary pages, and while they do not al­ C. B. L. ways have all the clarity and brilliance that they might have had on glossier paper, show Decorative Trees and Shrubs perfectly well all that is needed. This paper, however, keeps the books from excessive weio-ht. Hans Schwarzenbach. (Text by Hans Zaugg There are many additional sheets of illus~ra­ and Hans Coaz, translated from Unsere Gm'­ tions in color, most of them well above the ordi­ ten pflanzen by Herbert L. Edlin). The Vik­ nary standards, though in some cases there ing Press, Incorporated. 625 Madison Ave­ nue, New York 22, New York. 1960. No pagi­ seems to ha~e been the usual printing difficul­ nation. 60 colored plates. $20.00. (Library). tIes, chIefly Jl1 the red pigments. This is essentially a picture book, and the The first volume outlines clearly the scope pictures with the notes on their reproduction and .Jl1tent of the work and is to be applauded are more ~han interesting. The drawings were for It, and congratulated on the success. The last volume contains the "clinical" material, ar­ made In IJl1e, and the color added by a litho­ graphIC process. The drawings themselves, are ranged first as a notation, plant by plant of what troubles may be expected, an alarming decorative and so arranged on the pages; they lIst, but followed by discussions of the troubles are accurate in detail, and charmino- rather and their presumptive cures or treatments. than factual, in colorations, but they" are not all done at the same scale so that the reader The Special Garden Club and Library Edition, must look to the very brief notes on the facing ~ach volume measuring about eight by eleven pages for any data. These notes are so very Jl1ches and almost two inches thick, is bound in scanty that no one will turn to this book for hardwearing library buckram, lettered in gold cultural information, but only to seek for a and boxed. The six volumes contain over 3000 reminder of what may be the one striking tree illustrations, 600 in full color, and have ~ver or shrub he may want for his small garden 16,000 subjects and bold-face subdivisions. space. This last is a point emphasized . . For the gardener who is alarmed by the tech­ In spite of this, there are a few inclusions, mcal appearances of encyclopedias that are such as the common tulip tree, Liriodendron, sc hemed from the taxonomic point of vi ew, this or the sweet gum. Liquidambar, that are any­ set wIll be more than welcomed. thJl1g but small, and are notoriously greedy so that a small garden might be ravaged by the Desert Plants- Cacti and Succulents voracious root system. Many of the choices in the wild and in cultivation would certainly not be those of the reviewer o nor of any garden friends with whom he might liver and Margaret Leese. W. H. and~. consult. This might happen in any group se- ~c;>llingridge , ~imited, L.ondon, England; dls- lected by anyone, but the group as a whole nbuted by Tlansatlantlc Arts, Incorporated, has a very European flavor in our opinion.

(Rooks a~ailable fo,"- loan to the Membership are designated: (Library). Those not so desiunated ale '; private collectzons and are not available for loan. Books available for sale to the Memb"'ership are . eS1i6aJed with the special redllced price and are subject to the usual change of price without "O/lpCf. p I e7S must be sent through the American Horticultural Society accompanied by the Pro er ayme~t. Please allow two to three weeks for delivery. Those not desirmated for sale to t~.e Me;~lbershtp at red.uced prices can be purchased through the Society, how~ver, at the reta'il p Ices ",men. In these Instances the full profit is received by the Society to be used for increased services and benefits of the Membership.) [224] OCTOBER 1960, VOLUME 39, NUMBER 4 225

How to Grow House Plants Palms and Cycads i\{illicent E. Selsam. William Morrow and Their Culture in Southern Califor­ Company, 425 Fourth Avenue. New York 16, nia as Observed Chiefly in the New York. 1960. 96 pages. Illustrated (by Huntington Botanical Gardens Kathleen Elgin) . . '2.50. (Libra ry). William H ertrich. Henry E. Huntington The brief but lucid expla nalion of plant Library and Art Gallery, San Marino, Cali­ phys iology in the first chapter is ev idence of fornia. 1960 (Second Printing). 142 pages. the author' understanding of plants and their Illustrated. $5 .00. (Library). requirements. The book is elementary in con­ tent and the experienced house plant grower Interest in growing both palms and cycads may consider it too much a primer. The author has expanded with astonishing rapidity in re­ has made it a completely practical manual by cent years, which very likely accounts at least suggesting the use of only very simple tools and in part for this second printing of Ml'. Her­ equipment and has uggested plants for all types I.r ich's book. Chiefly, however, the demand for of home conditions. She has sk illfully avoided the new edi tion has arisen from the excellence lhe ll se of many technical and sc ientific terms of Mr. Henrich's presentation of his subject­ in the text but has included at the end a most the culture of palms and cycads. The author helpful list of poss ible house plan ts with bO lh does not go beyond his own fir sthand experi­ lheir common a nd scientific names and concise ence with these plants, but his familiarity with statements of their cul tural requirements. Tech­ them goes back to the very beginnings of the niques and pla nt forms are cl early illustrated Huntington Gardens over half a century ago. This fact lends authority to what he says, for with well-execu ted drawings. few men indeed have lived in dail y association T he book can be most helpful to the indi­ with the same palm and cycads over so great I' idual who wishes to grow one or a few house a span of years. Although most of these plants plants under average home conditions as well live a long time, centuries even, some of the as to the person who wishes to pu rsue house palms pl anted by ML Hertrich as diminutive plants as a hobby. juveniles have long since reached mighty pro­ VIOLET K. THOMAS portions in maturity. . have passed it and are now declining, seemingly, from old age. In this co nnection, Mr. Hertrich himself has wondered a t times if the curse of smog might not have been a contributing factor to the decline. The smog had not yet been invented when the palms Budget Landscaping were still yo ung and vigorous. Carlton B. Lees. Holt, Rinehart and "Win ­ T he location of the Huntington Gardens (of ston, Incorporated (Formerly Henry Holt which Ml'. Hertrich first was Head Gardener, and Compan y), 383 Madison Avenue, New then Supel"intendent, then CUTator, and now at Yo rk 17, New York. 1960. 152 pages. Illus­ 82, Curator Emeritus) is at San Marino in the eastern part of Los Angeles, sou th of Pasadena trated. $3.95. (Library). a nd nearly thirty miles from the moderating This is not a large or fat book, and i t is not inAuence of the immediate Pacific littoral. Out­ filled with glowing pictures of modern gardell' breaks of cold occur more frequently and with of the kind that require holding' in several di­ greater severity in San Marino than in the areas rections to make su re which side is " up." In­ near the ocean. Hence the winter temperature stead it strikes this reviewer as a modest and are often critical for many kinds of palms. Singularl y attractive discussion of exactly what Those now cultivated have been proved toler­ its title suggests-a down-to-earth analysis of ant of the winter cl imate, or more accu rately, the landscape problems of an average home­ lolerant enough to withstand it. Man y others owner, so presented that he will readily recog­ were grown at one time or another before nize them; will come to understand them, and finally being killed by freezes of varying sever­ no doubt will be led to resolve many of them ity, and these were eliminated as garden sub­ for himself. jects thereafter. The tenderer cycads are re­ The ti tIe stems from a class of the same name moved indoors in winter, but not so the palms. given for several years at Kingwood Cen ter, "We have in this account a 'record extending Mansfield , Ohio, before the a uthor became Di­ over several decades of those palms hardy rector of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Soci­ enough to endure the cool winters and the oc­ ety. Such subject headings as: T he Front Yard, casional hard freezes a t San Marino, plus a fur­ T he Back Yard, T he Dooryard Revived, Logic ther record of those other palms tried and in a Small Lot, Split-Level Problem, A 1900 found not adaptable to the climate. The au thor H Oll se Brought Down to Earth and Up to Date, stresses in his subtitle that he is dealing with Out of the 'Woods, a nd Overcoming the Bull­ culture in southern California, which of course dozer, doubtlessly echo the Kingwood problems, signifi cantly includes the consideration of win­ and they are certain to echo the similar ones ter temperatures in that region. In this respect of suburban gardeners the country over. Other the value of the book is certainly not confined subjecrs are reviewed before the reader is led to southern Californians with their special by non- frightening stages to analyze and to " Mediterranean climate." Though not exactly plan his garden on paper. a yardstick, it should be of good use to every­ Helpful to the last, the book includes a refer­ one working o utdoors with palms anywhere in ence listing for those who would go further in the continental United States, for, as thousands terms of more elaborate planning or in selecti'on who have spent a frozen vacation in Miami can of a wider range of plants. testify, Florida is not in the tropics despite all H. T. S. the ga udy li terature. Some of the tenderer 226 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE

palms are 10SL at times to cold attack.s west o[ Trees and Shrubs- 'Where to Buy Miami and also so uth of It, and stdl others Them cannot be grown anywhere on the mainland. Every last one of us who tries to grow many Prepared by Franz Eitel; Guest Editor, H enry tropicals ou tside of the tropics is concerned to Teuscher. Brooklyn Botank Garden. Brook­ greater or lesser extent with the possibility of lyn 25, New York. 64 pages, 1960, being a damage from cold. The threat IS not so acute special handbook of Volume 16, No. I. Illus­ in Sou them Florida as in parts of so u thern tra ted. $1.00. California, but, because the threat is there, the Everyone who knows the handbooks printed gardener should have practical knowledge of from the Garden will welcome this one, and the cold tolerances of palms. He can get them everyone who has had experience in hunting from !VIr. H ertrich's book. It provides, if not for plant so urces, will welcome any additional precise meteorological observations, more than mere clues to the hardiness of many kinds of listings. The scheme used is not unlike that of other palms. The gardener in Orlando, N~w Orleans, Brownsville, or Santa Barbara-all different clI­ similar publications, but the organization is maLes but all subject to outbreaks of cold-can more like that of a selective bibliography, with relate his conditions to those obtaining at the groupings of the m aterials in sections, dwarf Huntington Gardens and draw a sensible con­ conifers, evergreen trees, dwarf shrubs, flow er­ cl usion about the cold tolerance of each palm ing trees and shrubs, trees and shrubs for foliage discussed in the H ertrich book. and fruit, list of nurseries. T he nomenclature applied to the palms in As there was no intent of making the lists this work is not quite up to the minute in every complete, no one can argue about that and al· case, but manifestly it was carefully applied though there is no statement about the area to when first set down, in 195 1, and is still essen­ be served , and zo ne notations are included, the tially correct and reliable. The descriptions of areas that need help most will not find much. the palms grown, and any comments, are made There a re a few entries, which alas, do not with care and intelligent restraint. The re­ include an y sou rce, whether this was for lack straint is commendable in dealing with a plant of material in the nurseries listed or n ot, one family in which not all the genera and species can only guess. The reviewer, who has several are ye t thoroughly understood botanically. hobbies, looked for his sources and did not find Evidently the author is a modest man and them. There are a few entries that may be open not given to making assertions that might seem to some discussion, but that would be true in a mite wide of the mark. His matter i lucid any publication, from any source, by any hand! and the many photographic illustrations good. Personally, the reviewer, who is an opinion­ T hough the palms included are only the hardier ated old hand, regrets that he has to look kinds, such palms are grown in the tropics as through all the separate sections to find all of well as in subtropical temperate zo nes, and one genus, but that is a minor gripe for a good llence it wo uld be unfortunate if the implica­ contribution . Lion that the work is for sou thern Cali fornia B. Y. M .. Pass Christian alone were to be believed. T hough not big or pretentious it is a fi rst-rate book in its field , and an admirable one. DENT SMITH The Iris N. Leslie Cave, St. Martin's Press, Incorpo­ rated, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, New York. 1959. (Revised Edition) . 249 pages. Illustrated. $7.50. (Library). A well written complete book on the genus Iris. It considers not only the tall bearded types Treasures of the Garden that are well known but also the other rhizo­ Translated and adapted from Belles Flew·s matous kinds and the bulbous types. The au­ de nos Jardins by Anthony J. Huxley. Han­ thor writes of these many kinds giving informa­ over House, Dou bleday and Company, In­ tion on their culture and use as garden plants. corporated, 575 Madison Avenue, New York H e gives a suggested list of varieties to grow 22, New York." 1959 . 96 pages. Illustrated. in Great Britain. Several chapters consider the $4.95. (Library). less widely grown and less well known species " Printed in Italy. and their varieties. Pests and their control, the showing of iris and indoor use of the flow ers Mr. Huxley, in his introduction, says of this are a part of the book. work. "It does not instruct; it a ims to please." The breeder of iris will find much of interest This is accomplished through a philosophical as several chapters are devoted to the h ybridiza­ approach to the science of horticulture and some tion and selection of seedlings. A list of the interesting plant histories combined with superb chromosome number of certain varieties is in­ photography both in color and black-and-white. cluded as well as the family trees of 4 present While so mewhat modified in translation, the text day varieties showing the parentage for 3 or 4 is indicative of the poetic feeling of the French generations. for the phenomena of nature. A table of the species is most helpful in giv­ Many of the close-up photographs, particularly ing a quick summary of their relationship and those of fl owers in cross-section, are highly in­ cultural requirements. Three maps show the structive in spite of the author'S purpose to the approximate distribution of the species in Eu­ co ntrary. rope, Asia and North America. V IOLET K. THOMAS CONRAD B. LINK OCTOBER 1960, VOLUl'vIE 39, NUMBER 4 227

Diseases and Pests of Ornamental Floral Decorations for your Church Plants Fern Bowers Hunt. Chilton Company, Book Pascal P. Pirone, Bernard O. Dodge, and Division, 56th and Chestnut Streets, Phila­ Harold VV. Rickett. The Ronald Press Com­ delphia 39, Pennsylvania. 1960. 223 page. pany, 15 East 26th Street, New York 10, New Illustrated. $6.95. (Library). York. 1960 (Third Edition). 775 pages. The title of this volume is slightly mislead­ Illustrated. $10.00. (Library). ing. The book contains 20 pictures of flower Dr. Pirone, of the New York Botanical Gar­ arrangements on altars in various churches. den, with the assistance of Dr. Rickett, has as­ The photographs, however, are taken from quite sumed c?ief responsibility for the many revi­ a distance (I believe to include some of the sIOns which bnng up to date this third edition architecture of the altar and church) which of one of our most valuable standard refer­ pictures the arrangements in most cases so dis­ ences to pest and disease problems of garden tant as to render them less valuable had the plants, both herbaceous and woody. photographs been taken closer to the subject Four introductory chapters which provide a matter of the book. A few of these are in wealth of understandable information on the color. In addition there are about six arrange­ nature of diseases and pests and means of their ments in black and white described as appro­ control, leave Part II, or most of the book for priate for church decoration. discussion of these problems in relation to' the The vast and interesting subject of church affected plants alphabetically listed by name. architecture is briefly touched upon in 15 pages; The treatment is semi-popular and the easy four of these pages have photographs. explanation combined with common as well as The various periods in flower arrangement scientific names make it of maximum help to are very briefly discussed, but not documented. both gardeners and specialists in such matters. Elements and principles of design are cov­ While one may wonder how rhododendrons ered but not always related to the type of de­ can continue to exist when they seem to be signs recommended for church arrangements. attacked by fourteen major diseases, seventeen Types of plant materials, with an eye toward pests, and twenty-five or more minor ailments arrangements, are discussed and listed (common the discussion of these troubles provides an ex~ names) and includes all types of materials not ample of the detailed coverage per genus. necessarily materials most suitable for arrange­ . The plant-finding system is simple and the ments for the altar 01- other parts of the place 1l1dlVIdual pests and diseases are effectively of worship. Containers and accessories are o-iv- cross-indexed. H. T. S. en a little space. No photographs. " A scattering of related and unrelated subjects are discussed, such as Christmas decorations for home and church, arrangements for church and other social affairs, a few corsages for weddino-s, one wedding bouquet, suggestions for teachi~g children church decorations, special feast days of the church. An Appendix lists materials needed for The "~York Shop. Also a list of Symbolisms of Plant Materials and Symbolism of Objects and other The Illustrated Reference on Cacti Attributes in Church Decorations - Examples: and Other Succulents, Volume Two "Darkness-the devil; Ear-'l\iord of Christ; Heart-Guides the mind for good." Edgar Lamb. Blandford Press, Limited, 16 There is a color connotation for Christian West Central Street, London, W.C. I, Eng­ Churches, Christmas Customs of Other Lands land; distributed by Pitman Publishing Cor­ (in. very.brief paragraphs), a list of plant ma­ poration, 2 West 45th Street, New York 36, tenals with common names only, a Liturgical New York. 1959. 580 pages. Illustrated. Church Calendar, and a Flower Church Calen­ $12.50. (Library). dar make up the last three pages of the book . . This volume is a supplement to the first one VICTORIA K. ANGEL 111 1955 covering other species and genera not yet stl!idied at that time. Mr. Lamb has done a wonderful job with his concise notes on each plant and his unusually good photography. He has 111cluded a black and white photograph for nearly every description plus several good color Useful Trees and Shrubs plates. Florence Bell Robinson. The Garrard Press, O~e paragraph in the preface (Vol. 1) covers Publishers, 510 North Hickory Street, Cham­ the mtent of tke book very well: "The infor­ paign, Illinois. 1960. 500, more or less, 4 x 6 mation in this book is intended to be non­ inch cards. $6.00. (Library). technical, readily understood by the average collect.or who enjoys the hobby for pleasure, Here is a book that is not a book! Instead yet Wishes to know a little more on the sub­ it is a box full of cards, for ready reference, j.ect." Mr. Lamb's information would also be prepared by Miss Florence B. Robinson, Prof. helpful to the professional grower since he has Emerita of the University of Illinois, in the studied and kept notes on these types of plants Department of Landscape Architecture. for over 25 years. The first four white cards, represent title page It would be advisable to get both volumes and preface. The preface is carefully written as there are many references made to plants in and states exactly what is included and what the first vollime. PAUL '~T. SHAW methods were used. Reference bibliography. 228 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE

-1 he cards tha t follow are on co lored slOck: gardener, the lay reader, and the technologist ca nary for deciduous shrubs, white for decidu­ who wishes to review subjects with which he is ous tree, green for conifers, salmon for broad more or less familiar. The 47 chapters deal leaved evergreens, and cherry for vines. The with soils, fertilizers, plant physiOlogy, and re­ whole se t is devised for students, and particu· lated topics. larly for those in the mid·central states. Hardi­ The authors state that they have endeav0red ness is defined for the area considered, and to develop the text in logical sequence, from longevity, as well. Space is left for the student the simple to the complex. The book is writ­ ten at such a level as to interest a large number owner to enter drawings. Some of the species included seemed astonish­ of gardeners and other readers who want a ing, but when the full card was read, the neces· better understanding of nature around them. It is diffi~ult to discuss topics such as "proper­ sa ry provisos were all there. ties of mll1eral soil colloids," "organiC contents This is a colossal piece oC work, and for per­ of the soil," and "acidity and alkalinity of the so ns who like to use card , is an enormous job soil" without technical terms and a somewhat done in advance. Since the reverse of each card is blank, the owner ca n add his or her own technical development of the essential informa­ tion. The presentation is well made, however, ideas pro and con. and should be intelligible to many l·eaders. Several errors appear. For example, the au­ thors write, "Imported European peat moss usually is neutral in reaction, whereas Ameri­ can, and especially Canadian, peat mosses usual­ Palms of the W orZd ly are more or less acid." As a matter of fact, the Northern European peat mosses available James c. McCurrach. Harper and Brothers, in the United States, like the Canadian, are 49 East 33rd Street, New York 16, New usually more strongly acidic than those pro­ York. 1960. 290 pages. Illustrated. $17.50. duced in this country. (Library) . In the discussion of soil groups one wonders This is a book that is somewhat difficult to why such important groups as Prairie, or Brun· classify without appearing to be unreasonably zem, and the Gray Brown Podzolic great groups critical. To say that it is a picture book is to are not mentioned. tell only part of the story and the pictures for A number of chapters, such as "The Story of the most part are superb; to say that it is a com­ Iron," "The Story of Carbon," and "The Story pilation of available data sounds condescend­ of Potass ium" are excellent. ing, and that is wrong. M. S. ANDERSON The author is convinced that palms are the most beautiful plants in the world, and he set himself the task of assembling the then avail­ able data on their names, habitats, culture as far as available, including some data on seed The Care and Cultivation of germination, and their pictures. He states with commendable frankness that some things in­ Indoor Plants cluded are open to l'evision when the taxono­ Violet Stevenson. Philosophical Library, IS mists have fin.ished their labors. The only thing East Fortieth Street, New York 16, New that IS not lI1cluded is a discussion of what York. 1958. 159 pages. Illustrated. $4.75. constitutes their claims to beauty, a field in (Library) . which any advocate trembles for fear he will come short of what he hopes to offer as con· This book on house plants is different. The vincing. author writes in an informal manner about Many of the genera, which are listed in al· different kinds and their use in the home as phabetical order, are not discussed or illus­ decorative items. She writes interestingly about trated, but included for the record. Many her plants, their care and experiences with genera that are of most dubious future value them. She tells of other persons and how they to any place in continental United States are grow house plants under their conditions in there, too: Some of the suggestions are open England. It is a pleasant book to read but not to doubt 111 reference to possible introductions one to turn to for specific information on the of value, but no one would cavil over that as culture or care of a specific kind. again and again unlikely thinO's have succeeded. C. B. L. As a provisional study, the °book is priceless; what may follow remains to be seen. B. Y. M. Grow Cacti. A Practical Handbook C (yril) Marsden. Saint Martin's Press, In­ The Soil and Its Fertility corporated, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, New York. 1958 (Second Edition, Enlarged) . H . Teuscher and R. Adler, with the collabo­ 178 pages. Illustrated. $4.50. (Library). ration of Jerome P. Seaton. Reinhold Pub­ This is the second edition of a practical type lishing Corporation, 430 Park Avenue, New of handbook on the growing of Cacti. The York 22, New York. 1960. 446 pages. $12.00. author begins with a simple understandable dis· (Library) . cussion of the family Cactaceae, the features of This book deals with widely diverse subject cacti and their geographical} distribution. Fol­ matter. It is apparently intended for the home lowing this, the culture of the plant is consid- OCTOBER 1960, VOLUME 39, NUMBER 4 229 ered beginning with where they may be grown, fore the discovery of America! The onglO and as indoors, outdoors, or in a greenhouse. Prop­ introduction of these to western horticulture is agation, soils and fertilizers and pest control fully discussed in the introduction and in the are considered in order. A separate chapter is botanical and historical notes which accompany ~nclude~ on the grafting of cacti. This is an each plate. ll1terestmg practIce and helpful information is The life-s ize, exqUisitely reproduced original g·ive.n on the techni9.ues to use and a chart sug­ paintings in both volumes are in full facsimile gestmg graft comb1l1atlOns of diffel-ent genera C010l', having been reproduced in 8 color litho­ and the type of graft to use. While the book offset on specially hand-made paper of the fin es t was written for conditions in England they are wood-free cartridge. Mr. K. G. Lohse, Frank­ adaptable to those found in the United States. furt am Main, Germany, who is responsible for C. B.L. making the engravings for both volumes and overseeing their printing', developed a process in producing the printing for the last volume, o[ adding an application of lacquer in the flOished product-giving an added depth to the brilliance of color and a gorgeous life- like sheen to the T he Camellia foliage and petal textures. The format, size, binding, etc., of both volumes are the same. Beryl Leslie Urquhart, EditoL The Leslie Volume 1 has an introductory text of 36 pages; Urquhart Press, Limited, Plaw Hatch Hall, Sharpthorne, East Grinstead, Sussex, England . Volume 2, 24. The botanical and historical lext for each plate consumes the right hand page Volume II. 1960. 78 (Unnumbered) pages. of a sheet while the color plate itself has the 16 plates. $16.50. next right hand page; both left hand pages being Volume II of The Camellia represents Editor blank; the whole plate and descriptions taking Urquhart's third Inajor "Flower Book" contribu­ four pages. Each volume measures a generous 18 tion to the revival of the art of botanical illus­ by 13 inches and is bound in decorative boards trations in the classical fashion of the days of with linen covers. Redoute. It is the second installment in the The Rhododendron, Volume I, was relea ed in proposed series of camellia monographs to be 1958 and was produced from the original paint­ released at regular intervals; the first of the ings executed in life size by Carlos Von Riefel of proposed series on the rhododendron appeared Vienna, one of the leading botanica l painters of in 1958. lhe world, who was commissioned for the work. The Camellia, Volume I, was released in 1956. Most of the specimens illustrated were painted It contained twenty life-size color plates: 18 of in H. ?v1. Queen Elizabeth's famous woodland Camellia japonica clones, 1 of Camellia X wi 1- gardens in 'Windsor Great Park under the per­ liamsi 'J. C. Williams,' and I of Camellia sinensis. sonal supervision of the Chief Ranger, Sir Eric Three of the plates were produced from the or­ Sa"ill, who gave Baron Ridel a room in one of iginal paintings of Raymond Booth and seven­ the administrative buildings for lise as a studio. teen from those of Paul Jones. (Reviewed in the The text includes botanical and ecological com­ April 1958 issue of this IVlagazine.) mentaries on each on the plates; an historical The Camellia, Volume II, just released, con­ survey of the introduction of rhodendrons into tinues with Plate XXI and contains sixteen cultivation from Sit- Joseph Hooker's Himalayan pIa tes: 6 plates of Camellia reticulata (forma expedition in 1849-1850, the discoveries of the reticulata and clones: Robert Fortune, Liuye­ French m.issionary-collectors in the late 19th cen­ hyinhung, Tzepao, Tayinhung, and Shihtzetou) ; tury and the collections of Wilson, Forrest and 1 of Camellia X w·illial11si 'Donation'; and 9 of Kingdon--Ward to the work of other botanical Camellia japonica (clones: Lanarth, Polar Bear, explorers of the present generation. Included Mrs. D. W. Davis, Dian Haruman, Guest of Hon­ also is a hitherto unpublished article by the or, Saudade de Martins B,anco, Lady Vansittart, late Frank Kingdon-Ward on the search for new Mathotiana Alba, and Adelina Patti) . The origi­ speCies, written for this book shortly before his nal paintings of Camellia ?-e ticuiata 'Robert For­ death in April, 1958. This volume measures tune' and Camellia japonica 'Saudade de Mar­ sixteen by twelve inches, has -eighteen color tins Branco' were executed by Raymond Booth plates reproduced in 8-color litho-offset and while the remaining fourteen wet-e done by bound in linen. Paul Jones, both outstanding botanical artists Additional volumes are planned for both the and commissioned for the camellia monographs. camellias and the rhododendrons. T11e volume is of particular importance as it fea­ The three volumes are priced at $16.50 each, tures the first fine artist's paintings of the postpaid. Unbound plates from each volume " Reticulatas," which apparently were (the same number as is in the bound copies) being grown by gardeners in China before the are available for $12.00 a set, postpaid. Norman conquest of Britain and 500 years be- JOH N MARSHALL C. HAMPFLER

Hoya laeur/osa with single flower cluster (below) and a flowej

[230] The Gardeners' Pocketbook

Two Unusual Hoyas H oya imbTicala Decaisne of the East Indies and southeastern Asia, is a recellt The species of H oya are tropical (1959) plant introduction of the U. S. climbing relatives of the common milk­ Department of Agriculture (P.I. 257019) weeds in the family ASCLEPIADACEAE. [rom the Philippines where it was origi­ Perhaps a hundred or more are native nally described from mountain forests to the Old VVorId tropics ranging from on the island of "Calawan" (? Palawan). southeastern Asia to Australia. Of these Apparently this is the first time that this only a few are cultivated, the best known strange Hoya has been cultivated in this being the common VlTax-plant, Hoya caT­ country. It is grovvn in some gardens in nosa, an old favorite of the window gar­ the Old 'Norld tropics for I have seen it den. Two species, little known in horti­ at the Botanic Garden at Bogor, Indo­ culture, have recently been introduced nesia (plants originally having been col­ into the conservatory collection at Long­ lected in Amboina) and at Bangkok, wood Gardens. They should be of inter­ , where living specimens o[ est to the plant connoisseur. One of this species, collected in the wild. are these, Ho)'a la. cunosa, is a ttractive both regularly offered for sale along with in leaf and flower; the other, H O)la im­ other native plants in the outdoor Hower bTicata, is mainly "a curiosity plant," markets n ear the ce nter of the city. interesting because of the unusual form As stated above, Hoya imbTicala i~ of its paired leaves. strictly a plant curiosity of interest more Hoya lacunosa, a native of Indonesia, [or the botanical garden than for the appears to have first rece ived consel-va­ indiviuual collector. The flowers of this tory culture at Kew over a ce ntury ago species are tiny and of no horticultural when it served as the basis of an illus­ interes t. On the other hand the mature tration (t. 4826) in emlis's Botanica l leaves are quite unusual being appressed Magazine under the common name "Fur­ tightly to the substrate looking for all rowed Hoya." The Longwood plants the world like the opened shells of some originated from cuttings collected by the large green marine bivalve. The leaves writer in 1958 at the Botanic Garden, are more or less fl at and se parate in Singapore. In habit and foli age this yo uth but the pairs graduallv become woody climber is much prettier than the closely imbricate assuming- their co nvex familiar Wax-Plant which, however, has form at maturity. This form is appar· perhaps more striking flowers. Those of ently associated with the formatioJl of Hoya lactl nosa are none-the-Iess attrac­ adventitious holding and feeding roots tive, the umbels baving greenish-yellow at the nodes beneath the leaves. The petals 'whose inner surfaces sport a co­ latter serve as protective shields for these rona of velvety hairs. 'When first open roots against dessication or injury and the flowers are delica tely fragrant. A also permit the accumulation of detritus nice characteristic of this species is that which acts as soil. One might say that it flowers rather continuously, at least these leaves are evolving towards Lh e kind of modification represen ted by the under our moist, warm conservatory con­ curious leaf pouches of the well-known ditions. As in the common 'Vax-Plant, Dischidia Hrffiesiano (a close relative in flower clusters are produced successive­ the same family) whose leaf pairs have ly at intervals from the tips of the olu become completely ['11 sed. inflorescence stalks or spurs, so care Hoy(/, imbj'ieata is easily propagated. should be taken not to cut off or injure Tt thrives best under warm humid con­ these structures. T he cui lUre of this spe­ ditions anc! at Longwood it is being'suc­ cies is similar to that of H OWl em·nosa. cessfully grown on an artificial pole, Like most hoyas, the species is best pro­ filled with sphagnum and osmunda fibre, pagated by cuttings or layers. Our speci­ which ca n be kept reasonably moist.­ mens thrive trained on two-foot-Iong ' N. H. HODGE, L ongwood GaTdens, Kel1- " totems" made of lree-fern tr1.1l1k . lI ell Square, Pennsylvania. [23 1] 232 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE


Ho'Va imlnicata growing on an aytificial pole and showing ctlyiotls older leaf-pairs. OCTOBER 1960, VOLUME 39, NUMBER 4 233

Nymphaea 'Bob Trickett' 10"" towards the base, outermost row This attractive hybrid tropical water­ abou t 5 Y2 inches long and 1'l4 inches lily was produced at the Missouri Bo· wide, hooded at the apex; peduncle Cop­ tanical Garden in 1948 and resulted per Brown; stamens 230-235, Light Cad­ from a cross made oy the writer of Nym­ mium Yellow tipped with pale Campa­ phaea stellata var. coentlea X N. 'Mrs. nula Blue; carpels 30-35, Cadmium Yel­ Edwards Whitaker.' A day blooming low. Leaves suborbicular, up to 1'1 hybrid, it is an improved 'Mrs. Whit­ inches long, and 13 inches wide, margins aker' with flowers much more strongly undulated, light green above, red with supported than in the parent. The pale green veins beneath; lobes overlapping, blue flowers are also more cup shaped with age becoming vertical, young leaves and carry more p etals and stamens. 'Bob sparsely spotted red; petioles Copper Trickett' may also be distinguished by Brown.-GEoRGE H. PRI NG, 1l;Iissow·i Bo­ its green buds, circular leaves, which are tanical Ga1'Cl e17, SI. L ouis, Missouri. green above and red with green venation below. The hybrid has excellent gro'wth response and is a good propagator. The plant honors Mr. Bob Trickett of Lon­ don, England. A more detailed description {ollows:­ My Experience With Gloriosa flowers 10-14 inches across; bud ovoid, Central Kentucky has such a long green; peduncle green; sepals four, growing season that when I moved there about 5Y2 inches long and l Y2 inches it seemed worth while to try gloriosa in wide, ovate, hooded at the apex, green the garden. A I understand the litera­ on the ou tside, p ale Campanula Blue ture then available the tubers should within, flushed with pink; petals 35-40, live over winter outdoors. I planted a Campanula Blue merging into pale yel- half dozen tubers of G. rothschildiana

Nymphaea 'Bob Trickett' 234 THE A1VIERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE with that in mind. They did send up Kaempferia, Again growth each spring for several years but 'When the opportunity arose to buy never attained a height of more than three more species of this member of a few inches and never bloomed. ' !\Then the Ginger Family, curiosity determined they finally disappeared I wrote gloriosa the purch ase. Since all are presumably off as not worth bothering with. tropical, the curious roots, like strange Years later I saw the vine blooming rhizomes, were all potted and started beautifully in Florida and in southern under glass but with no heat. Georgia, and decided to try it again. Leaves first appeared on Kaempferia Not in my own garden because I do not gilberli and the plants had the appear­ stay home enough to care for a n yt hi~1 g ance of a small H osta Thomas Hogg, that requires winter protection. LuckIly with deep green blades edged 'w ith I have a n eighbor who does stay home white, several to each growing point. In and who can grow almost anything. She time the flowers appeared from the cen­ agreed to try gloriosa in a container that ter of the leaf group, and on a very could be kept outdoors during the grow­ small scale resembled those of K. 1'Otun­ ing season and in her dirt floored cellar da, with the upper segments pure white during the winter. I ordered one tuber and the lower deep purple marked with of G. TOthschildwna for her. It was half a darker purple. As growth has con­ gone with dry rot when it arrived. Its tinued, new leaf groups have developed, replacement came too late to make more so presumably, the rootstock or rhizome than token growth before being taken is spreading underground, but it is too indoors. The next spring I ordered a soon to know if each growing point will second tuber and a packet of mixed flower this season, in this climate. gloriosa seed. She plan ted the second As growth appeared from the roots of tuber in the same container as the first. K. elegans and K. 1:lU. lchTa they first ap­ Both made a few inches of growth that peared rather similar, but K. pulchrn summer. I planted the few seeds of the is the more robust of the two Wilh largo packet in a shallow tin can kept on a er leaves and slightl y larger flowers. The kitchen window sill with an eastern ex­ leaves in both speci-=s are slightly two posure. Germination was surprisingly ranked, clasping bases, broader than ,e;ood and by fall I had a half dozen long, but not quite rounded, green on healthy seedling plants, I turned the the under surfaces, but marked above can over to my neighbor who kept it with moire-like patterns in bronze and with her house plants over winter. Even­ cluJ] silver. The markings in K. 1:ntlchra tually she established both tubers and are wave like, contrasting with the seedlings in a wooden box that she could bronze those in K. elerz;ans are broken take to the cellar over winter. During into ti~y dots. The f1ow'ers are flat. four­ the growing season she kept it under the lobed, about like those of an African south edge of her grape arbor-a struc­ violet except for the pa ttern of four, ture with the advalUtag'es of a lath house with a small white eye, and a pale pink­ plus the bonus of an annual crop of ish violet color. Several appear from grapes. Five years after the first tuber each blooming point, and those of K. was plan ted there were two flowers bu t elegans are borne on a stalk that barely there was no way of telling by that time overtops the leaf bases. Each fl ower lasts whether they were from the first tuber but one day. or the second. Last year, the sixth, there As soon as all the data have been col­ were twenty-five flowers and two of the lected, the pla'lts will be transferred to enchanting gloriosa seedpods. The seed­ an open bed that is regularly watered to lings varied somewhat in color and form, see if the spread of root stocks will be but bloomed about as freely as tubers. better than would be possible in a pot, If lhe experience proved anything it is and whether or not the flowering- season that the impatient might well think will extend for the summer. Then, as twice before planting gloriosa, Also that cold approaches, it is jJlannetl to lift and the gardener does not necessarily lose dry the roots [or storag'= such as i5 given much by starting with seed instead of caladiums in most of this reg·ion. The tubers.-MAUD R. JACOBS , South C({?Toll­ species grown before, and leLft in pots lon, K e 11t~tchy. over winter in the (ro~t free, but not well OCTOBER ]960, VOLUME 39, NUMBER 4 235

heated greenhouse, were so slow to ap­ there too, or if not used as ground pear that it was first suspected they h ad covers. died of "chill," but they have now ap­ The nOL e in Bailey's Standard Cyclo­ peared and seem to h ave multiplied pedia under K. gilbeTti quoting R easoner though not with enough vigor to pro­ Brothers, indicates the appearance of a vide flowers. different type of fl owering, with the If this method of growth and storage flowers "borne on ornamental crimson is successful, all the species grown will h eads rising from the ground on sepa­ make for a colorful ground cover in rate stalks, and resembling in outline areas where one might want a more small pineapple frs. These heads retain their beauty all summer." One can only tropical show than one could get from wonder if the present K. gilbe?-ti is cor­ any of the ground covers commonly rec tl y n amed and it appears to be in all used here. other matters, or if the plant the note Although these last roots came from describes might not have been a Cur­ Florida no one there m ade any comment cuma instead. This last is another fam­ to the former note in the magazine. so ily that needs study and reporting-­ one cannot guess if they are a rarity B. y. lVf. , Pass Clnistian, iVlississippi. 236 THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL MAGAZINE

On the Distribution of Loropetalum stricted, few Japanese have ever se.en the chinense trees. In Japan, L01"Opetalum clunense, called "Tokiwa mansaku," formerly was Loropetalum chinense is an ornamen­ used as a source of charcoal, a fact which tal shrub, related to witch-hazel, sOl~e­ might explain the disappearance of the times growing into a small tree with species from J apan.. . small elliptical, evergreen leaves and As a cultivated plant m the United fringed, white flowers t~at normally ap­ States, Loropetalum can be grown along pear in March and Ap~- ll. Although cul­ the Pacific Coast, through the Gulf re­ tivated in Europe smce about 1~80 , gion, and as far north along the Atlan­ Lompetalttm has achieved only mm.or tic Coast as Philadelphia and Long Is­ importance in the United. States despite land. It loses its evergreen habits, how­ the fact that its introductIOn dates back ever, in the vicinity of Washington and to about the beginning of the century. Baltimore. Usually, it makes a broad, Only a few nurseries h ave recognized the compact plant reaching head high and value of this species. A brief note rec­ can be expected to bloom in both fall ommending' Lompet(t.lum for t~e South and spring. In northern Florida, it is appeared in The N atwnal H ortlcttltuml reported to flow er all sumrner. The Magazine (October 1958) and prompted planting site may be either full sun ?r this additional comment. partial shade, preferably a sa ~dy , aCId In the wild, this shrub occurs in all soil. Judging from reports receIved over the Chinese provinces from Shantung to a period of twenty years, we believe that Yunnan. One introduction, P. 1. 22982, LOTopetalwm has a useful place in south­ came from Kiangsu, where it was col­ ern gardens both as an evergreen and lected by Frank N . Meyer in 1908. He for the fragrant witchhazel-like blos­ noted that it was rarely cultivated and soms. Because of the precocious aspect that wild specimens transplanted poor­ of flo'wering, Lompetalum chinense ly. The Chinese name is "Chuck mei." might be tried for forcing in spring I was surprised to find that Lompet­ flower shoWS.-JOHN L. CREECH, U. S. alum chinense is said by the Japanese to Department of Ag?·icultuTe). A/S.riwltuml occur wild in the Ise Grand Shrine For­ Semice) Gmps R esearch DIVISW17 ) Belts­ est, Honshu Island, Japan. When I ville) Maryland. visited this forest in 1956, there re­ mained a O'ro up of ten specimens of LOTop e t(!ltt~ growing as multiple­ trunked trees, ranging from 4-10 meters in height. Since this species is not found Allegheny Pachysandra as a elsewhere in Japan, there is some ques­ Groundcover tion whether the existence of this plant 'With the wide popularity enjoyed by may be an instance of a forgotten intro­ Japanese pachysandra as a groundcover, duction from China. As is well known, the native Pachysandra pmcumbens) tra vel by the Ta panese to the main!and found in the southeastern United States, up until the 17th Century was conSIder­ deserves some consideration. In con­ able, and some Chinese plants, such as trast to its more widely-known relative, the peony, were introduced into J apan it is only semi-evergreen and the leaves at this time. It should be noted, how­ are non-glossy and interestingly tex­ ever, that the J apanese have introduced tured. The small white-to-pinkish flower­ but few Chinese plants. For example, spikes are borne concurrently ~ith daffo­ one rarely sees Ilex corn uta or the fabu­ dils and early enough to add mterest to lous lacebark pine (Pinus bungeana) a shady location when interest is needed. widely grown for centuries around Chi­ The illustration prepared from a picture nese temples visited by Japanese travel­ taken in early April at Longwood Gar­ ers. It would be unusual for a plant rare­ dens and showing flowers and last year's ly cultivated by the Ch.inese themselves leaves, proves that at this latitude the to be among the few chosen for in tro­ plant is almost completely evergreen. duction into Japan. Lompe talum is not Culture is the same as for Japanese cultivated by the Japanese today and pachysandra.-D. G. HUTrLESTON. Long­ since collecting in the Ise Forest is re- wood Gardens) Kennett Square) Pa. OCTOBER 1960, VOLUl\lE 39, NUMBER 4 237



Habranthus robustus cler. The two bulbs are still in the origi­ nal pot, and while the impulse to plant Although this plant was introduced them outside is almost irresistible, they by the old Office of Foreign Plants, un­ will continue one more year inside, and der that era, it has not been much spread then, one will go. out and the other in this country save through the enthu­ stay in, just [or luck.-B. Y. M., Pass siastic efforts of amateurs, many of them Christian, NIississi1)jJi. in Florida. This is unfortunate as it is an easy plant to grow and increase at home by seed that is abu ndantly pro­ duced. In southern Mississippi, its normal Two Zephyranthes New Here flowering is in June, though some years Thanks to the kindness of Alex Korsa­ a few flowers may appear earlier and koff, who knows the editor's interest in often there will be straggling bloom Zephyr an thes, a small gift of single much later. If the bulbs are planted bulbs of several species arrived this where there is abundant moisture, but spring, a fine addition to the earlier no stagnation, and in semi-shade, ~he sendings. rather succulent leaves are more persIst­ Two have fl owered. Z. hifolia potted, ent than when planted in drier or sun­ with bonemeal added to make certain nier posi tions, and the flower scapes 'will that some lime was available, flowered be longer. In addition, plants in situa­ without foliage and sent up a stalk tions that are relatively dry, are likely about seven inches high with a flower to produce all their bloom in on e fine of medium size as zephyranthes go, that mass, whereas in the preferred locations did not open fully, to its greatest width the blooming season is more prolonged. until it was well along in age! The color The sea pes are usually about ten is a fine orange scarlet and the appear­ inches tall, the flovvers borne singly, fun­ ance is alrnost pure orange if one has the nel-shaped, with white throats and lav­ bloom in the light so that it appears ender pink tinted margins, a color that translucent. It did not set seed. Leaves lightens with age. have since appeared and in this case are Every bloom is immediately followed actually two. An unnamed species nndcr by the rounded seed capsule, filled ,."ith the label, "Clint M-618," bloomed a lit­ myriads of black papery seeds, and these tle later in the spring, sending up a if sown almost at once will germinate stalk about ten inches tall with a slight­ with equal speed and make pea-sized ly smaller flower about the shape of that bulbs by autumn. Depending on care, of the clone Ajax. The color is a fine the time to flowering may be two years pale yellow (paler than Ridgway's Sul­ or more. phur Yellow) tinted from the edges with Here it is much more floriferous than pale pink (Deep Rose Pink). In this the other commonly available species, case seed was set, and has been sown. M. bmchyandrus which either does not The style is very short and was well be­ like our soil or climate, or we have not low the level of the anthers, bu t no at­ found the proper place or treatment. It tempt was made to pollinate the flower. rarely flowers more than once, bu t the 1£ either or both of these will multiply flowers, although not opening as widely, and find the growing conditions here to are darker in color, deep rose with an their liking, although lime supplies may almost purple throat. It seeds but less be difficult to furnish in borders where freely. The seedlings that have come, so most pIa n ts demand acid soils, they will far, are no more rapid than those of be a most welcome addition to the grow­ mbustus in making growth, possibly a ing collection. little slower. I t is fine to know that Professor Flory This season, thanks to IVIr. Korsakoff, of Blandy Experimental Farm, Boyce, bulbs of H. taube1'ti, were represented Virginia, and his colleagues are making in the blooming', coming at the same studies of this genus and in time will time as those of Tobustus, and resem­ probably lead us to further sources and bling that species , except that there is certainly wider knowledge of the re­ less white in the throat and the rose quirements.-B. Y. M., Pass ChTistian, color is a little less touched with laven- Mississippi. VOLUME THIRTY-NINE



THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, INC., 1960 Index To Volume 39 lliustmtion references are set in italics

A Book reviews, 44, II I, 174, 224 Back: A book or [11'0,44, III , 17·1, Brachyrrhinus, 75 il1u,c,lIIa "ost1'ata, Jan. 224 Brett, George P., 2 OjJuntia camanchica, At)}'. Brightwell, W. T., 24- A new plant h ardiness zone St)'1'aX obassia, Ju ly map for the United States Buddleia salvifolia, 76 Burch, Derek, 8 T yjJha lati/olia, Oct. and southern Canada, Coville, Frederick Vernon, 204 Byblis gigantea, 55 , 57, Fronl Cover, Jan. 15, 24 Ace,' palmatum, 11 7 Crabbe, B. C. , 24 Adina jJilulifera, 59 Adventures with h ar<.ly , herb- C Crandon, Charles R., 3 aceous hibiscus, 199 Caesalpina nuga, 59 Crataego-mespilus, 171 Agave virginica, 54 Ca labash, b lack, 39 Crataegus asnieresi, 171 , 172 Alexander, J. H., 17,24 common, 35 dardari, 171 , 172 Allegheny pachysandra as a Mex ica n, 36 1110nogyna, 171 groundcover, 236 trees, The, 34 Creech, John L. : . \ lien, Paul R., 11 Camellia granthamialla, 58, 59, iHagnolia wilsoni, 116 .\Ioe, native false, 54 59, 60, ii Jan . On Ihe distribution of . \Ipine daphne, 95 .\ nother rare gift from Loropetalum chinense, 236 A mygdalo-peTSica, 17 China, 58 Crescentia acuminata, 35 Anigozanthos Izumi lis, 58 ja/Jonica, 60 a/ata, 36, 37, 38 Antin'hinum majus,2l3 reticulata Captain Rawes, 76 ctljete, 35, 35, 36 ,\ pple, adventitious shoot, Camp, W. R., 24 Cltncif/ora, 35 168, 170 Carleton, R. Milton, 204 curcurbitina, 40 chimeral leaf, 1].1 Caryota, taco 1 fascictllata, 35 fruit, 135 Cedar, Golden W eep in g latifolia, 40 shoot, 133 Deodar, 196 trifolia, 36 cytochimeras, 132 Pygmy Deodar, J 85, 192 Cultivated Philippine Mus­ embryonic fruit, 136 Weeping Atlas, 195 saendas, 98 fruit sport, 164, 165, Cedrus atlantica CIa lIca Curran, Hugh, JOO 165, 166 Pendula, 195 Aquilegia scopulorum, 93 deodara Aurea I'cndula, 196 Cypress, Dwarf Hinoki, J 85, 19-1 P ygmy Hinoki, 197 A"alia jJennocki, leaf deoda"a Pygmaca, 185, 192 variegation, 157, 157 Cephalotus, 54 C),tisus adami, 171 Archbold, Mrs. Anne, 4 Chamaecyparis obtusa pW'pw'eus, 171 A"ecast"um romanzofjiwlIl11J, 9 JUlliperoides Compacta, 197 A renga pinnata, 5, 6 Nana Gracilis, 185, 19-1 D Azalea Constance, 119 Chapman Field, 2 DajJhne acutiloba, 97 Early Wonder, II7 Chimeras, anatomy, 124 alpina, 95, 97 Formosa, 181 cytology, 124 arbuscula, 94 George Lindley Taber, 181 plant, 123 aumntiaca, 94 L. J. Bobbink, 117, 118 Cislus purpureus, 76 blagayana, 94 Mrs. A. M. Mueller, II7 Citrus, variegation in leaves, burkwoodi, 95 President Claeys, 181 137, 137, 139 caucasica, 95 Southern Charm, 181 Clarke, J. H., 24- cneo"um, 93, 95 Azaleas, Glenn Dale h ybrid, 181 Clement, L D., 10 val'. alba, 93 in Bermuda, a technique for Clethra arbo"ea, 76 var. cash 111iTiana, 93 growing, 179, 180 Cocos nucifera, 7 vaL eximia, 93 indica, 181 Coe, Frederick W.: var. pygmaea, 93 Rutherford h ybrid, I I 7 Magnolia coco, 122 val'. v(t?'iegata, 93 Pumice rock, 11 7 var. verloti, 93, 95 B Coleus thyrsoideus, 120, 121, collin a, 94 Bailey, J. S., 24 121 val'. neolJolita na, 94 Bailey, Liberty Hyde, 2 tomentosa, 1 genkwa, 95 , 96 Balkan daphne, 94 Conifers, cultivation of, 185 laureola, 97 Bamboo, giant timber, 217 dwarf and slow growing, Leila Haines, 95 yelIowgroove, 216 arboretum of, 185 mantensiana, 95 Barbour, Thomas, 2 nutrition for, 186 mezereum, 94, 97 Barnard, T. T., 212 pests of, 186 odom, 92, 94 Batchelor, Jackson M., 17, 2·[ propagation of, 185 val'. gmelini, 94 Baur, E., 213 variegation in, 160 oleoides, 94, 97 Belfaria racemosa, 53 Coombs, Sarah V., 207 petraea, 94, 95 Birdsey. Monroe R ., 6 Cotyledon, 74 val'. grandif/om, 90{ Bizza'Tia orange, 171 Cover ill ustrations: retusa, 94, 95, 97 Blackberry, Cory Thornless, 14', Front: ?'Upestris, 94 thornless sport, 144, 1·/5 B),blis gigantea, Jail. sericea, 94 Blueberry, breding, 14 EcheveTia lozani, Apr. Somerset, 95 cf Vaccinium LO?'opetalum chinense, Oct. striata, 93, 95 Blackspot and powdery mildew SpathicaTpa sagitti- tangutica, 94, 97 of roses, 108 folia, July X thauma, 95 [24 I] Daphnes, 92 lJilusa, 7(j, i9 Goll , F. L., 2 ~ .\lp ine, 95 potosina, 76, 8-1 Gm-don ia, 58, 60 .Ba lkan, 94 pulllinata, 76, 87 Cotell i Arboretum of dwarf and Rose, 93 /Jlnnila, 76 slow growing conifers, T he, Winter, 94 p urpusurtlll1, 76, 88 185 Darrow, George M., 24 Tubromargil7a /a, 76 general views, f ac. J 85 , Darrow, George M.: nmyo'l1i, 76 J96, ]98 Blueberry breeding, 14 var. macaueal1(l . 8i labels for p lants in, J9Y Introduction to na tu re of scaph)Ilta, 76 Cotelli, William T.: p lant SpOrlS, 123 secunda, 76 . ["he Gotelli Arboretum of David ian, H . H.: Sa n Miguel, 79 dwarf and slow growing Rhododendron species (or the setosa, 76, 89 co nifers, IR5

small home or rock gar- Set·Oli ver, 75 J 75, 78 Graft-chimeras, 171 den, 60 si mu lans, 76 Graft-h ybrids, 171 Davis, Arthur Vining, 8 sjJectabitis, ' 76 Gran tham, Alexander, 59 Dean, R alp h, 58, 60 sprucei, 76 GrajJtoIJe /alul1I , 74 Deli zo, Teodoro, 100 slricti(lora, 74, 83 subalpina, 76 Dermen, H aig: Ii Nature of p lant spOrlS, 123 subrigida, 76, 83 Di/Jlwyhena moraea, 212 s u.bsessi lis, 76 Haber/ia, 117 Di/Jloca:rpon rosea, 108 teretitolia, 74 I-l abranthus bracllyalldms, 238 D'ischidia "atf! esiana, 23 1 /.ott/censis, 76 robu.stus, 238 Dodson, J. W ., 75 /u rgida, 76 lau berti, 238 D'racaena deremensis va r. Victor, 76, 86, 86 H aney, W . .J. : wa'rnecki, variega ted violescens, 76, 82 Sn apdragons [or ga nlcns, leaf, J 58, 159 weingarti, 76 greenhouses, a nd re- Drosophyllulll Illsila ll icum, whitei, 76 search, 213 55, 56, 57 Echeverias, collections, i3, Hardiness m ap, plant, 204 Dllr.ileya caespitosa, 74 85, 9/ H arris, Sr., Mrs. Arthur, 42 Ec heverria, D . Atanasio, 7-[ H arriso n, Gale, 17, 24 E Eggert, E. P., 24 H a wkes, iI,] rs. For bes, 8 Ech eve,-ia, 73 E lliott, A. C., 17, 2,/ H ellelJOrus a/rorubells, 43 a!finis, 76 Enallagma curct/rbi/illa , 'JO !nelid u.a, 42 agavoides, 76 lalifolia, 39, 40, 40 lillid llS, 42 alpina, 76 Euonyl71us jajJonica va l' . nign', 42, 43 amoena, 76 l71ediop ictus, 146, J 47 var. Qllitolius, 43 (wgustala, 76 \'ariega tion in leaves, orientalis, 41 , 42, 43 atros(bnguinea, 76 146, J.f6, 147 vesicQ ri us, 42 biluTeala, 79 vi?-id is, 42, 43 carnicolor, 76 F H emeroca llts, 149 chi/wahuell sis, 76 H eml ock, Cole's P ros tra te, 185, Fairchild, David, 2. ~23 lSi clevelandi, 76 Fairch ild Tropica l Garden, coccinea, 73 , 74, 76, 90 J86 D edication, 3 Huss T wi ggy, craigiana) 76 j Fairchild R ambler, /2 Spreading, 85 crenuiala, 76 L ibrary, 8, 9 H enneberry, T. .J. a nd J oh n derenbeTgi, 76, 89 C. Palmer : Montgomery Libra ry a lld Derosa, 75, 76 i'vluseum .Building, 9 .Bl ackspot and powdery mi l­ Doris Taylor, 76 dew of roses, 108 Nell Mon tgomery Garden elegans, 73, 76, 77, 77, 81 H erklots, C. A. C. : H ouse, 8, 9 !'ammea, 76 Palm collection, 4 O rnamen tal sp ecies of MI I ­ fu,lgens, 76 cuna, 50 U n tima te aims, J J gibbif/O?"a, 74, 76, 79 H eulte, Frederic W.: 'Wa ter vistas, J 3 gilva, 76 Camellia granthamiana, an ­ Fetterbush, 53 glatlca, 76 , 88 Ficus benghalensis, 3 other rare gift from glatlco-metallica, 76 China, 58 Fir, Dwarf Dou glas, 18:,. 191 grandi/olia, 76, 86, 86 Hibiscus, adve n tures wirh hardy, Fischer, C. W., 215 grusoni) 76 h erbaceous, 199 Fischer, H . E., 24 haageana, 76 rnoscheu /os, 202 Flory, W alter S. , 238 ha'l"1115i, 75, 75, 83 H odge, W . H ., JO Forbes, Mrs., 85 hoveyi, 76 H odge, W. H .: I m bricata, 75 , 76, 80 Frisch, Frank, 214 Byblis gigantea, 55 kewensis, 76 Freema n, Olive r ill., 1:'5. 24 M eriania nobilis, 178 liircheriana, 76 New Guinea Trumpet-Creep ­ leucotricha, 76 G er, 184 lozani, Front COlleT, Apr" Gall etta, Gene, 24 T h e ye ll owgroove bamboo, 76 Galletta, S. A., 17 216 mac/l,lata , 75 Garces 0 , Carlos, 178 T wo unusual H oyas, 23 0 lI1icrocalyx, 76 Gardeners' Pocketbook, The, H ordeI' , E. J.: lIl ult.abilis, 76 50, 11 6, 177, 230 Notes on two heath p lants, 53 I1"/n lticQu.!is, 76 Garl and fl ower, 93 So uthern viburnums, 182 nor.iulosa, 76 Gilbert, F. A., 24 Hosla Thomas Hogg, 234 Huda, 76, 83 C iricllian, J. N ., 209 H O)la carnosa, 23 1 jHlllida, 76 Gloriosa ,·othschildialla. 233 , imbrica/a, 23 1, 232 /Jall1leri, 76 234 laCtl110Sa, 230, 231 /Jeacocli i, 76 My experiences with, 233 Two un usual, 23 0 [242J H Ulltington, H. C., 16, 2-1 M ,l[usslle l1d a A licia, 103, 10-1, 106 Hut tI eston, D. C.: j\ [abesa, Calix to, 100 allisoph)IlLlI , 107 ,\llegh eny pachysandra as :v[ac Dougal, Thomas, 74 ,\ uro rae, 99, 100, 101 , 101 , a groundcover, 236 Ma gn.o /ia cam /Jbe lli, 76 102, 103, 106, 107 SjJlItiJicarjJlI sagittitolia, 183 coco, 122, 122 erylhrotJ hylla, 99, 102, 103, Two u ncom m on African mem ­ grandi(fora, 122 10J, lOG bers of the mint family, stellata, 122 {la va, 99, 105, 107 120 vh-giniana} 53 Jrondosa, 99, 107 I wi/sol/i , ]]6, 116 va l'. glab'ra , 107 var. nl.fi II crva, 107 Ilex co m 1110, 23(; lvla lcolm, L., 10 J. lulco/a, 99, 107 cren.ata, 182 54 Manfreda virginica, Luz, 98, 99, 102, 103, 10-/ "o/lInda, 59 ~[ ap , plant hardiness, 204. 205 106, ]07 Introduction, natu re of Maracas, 34, 40 plant sports, 123 1I111crop hylla, 99 i\J atthews, Robert, 60 lI1 u/tibraclcata, 107 j\ lcCli ntock, Elizabeth: phili/JjJica, 99, 100, 103. J Notes on Eric Walther. 76 105, 106, 107 Jacobs, i\ l aud R.: j\ lc E lwee, E. W., 10 ,\ f utatio n, p lant, ]23 My experience with glori- H c Laren , John, 76 M y experie nce with gloriosa, osa, 233 ,\·1e ader, E. Ivl., 24 233 Our native false aloe, 54 j\ lenninger, Edwin A.: Two experiences with tree The calabash trees, 34 N peony propagation, 181 M eriania nobilis, 177 , 177, )Jature of p lant sports, 123 Jun iper, 1I7 178 ~e ill , J. W., 204 Sing leseed , 190, 191 Merrill, E. D., 2, 100, 107 ~e l\ Mo ntgomery Garden Jlllli/J erIlS, culOl'less sport M ((s /;i/us germanica, 17 1 House, 8, 9 of, 159, 160 Meyer, Fra nk N., 2 17 ;"Je w Cuinea trumpet-creeper, exjJwl sa var. nana, 160, Hi l ilfico nia theaezons, 178 Jar. 123 , 184 sabina, 160 ~ , r i l d e w on roses, powder). 1(18 X ico liall{/ If/ba cum, 149 squamala. 160 Montgomery, Library a nd ~otes on two heath plants, 53 Pro trata, 190, 19/ m useum building, 9 ,\'ylll /Jlwea Bob Trickett, 233, palmetum, 3 233 K Robert H ., 2 :V l rs. Edwards Whitaker, 233 Ka elll/J/elio. again, 234 i\ loore, H a rold E ., G slella/a var. coenliea. 233 eiega ns, 234, 235 ~ I oore , J. N., 24 gilberli. 234, 235, 235 ill 0 ra ea b ico 101-, 209 o jJU/chra , 234. 2J5 conLe nlL/ata, 210, 2 12 O live daphne, 94 rotunda, 234 cal.enula, 210 O/iveranti1us, 75 Ka linas, Robert, 2 14 212 gigandra, O lmstead , Frederick Law. 2 Ken nedy, C. S.: g/aucopis, 211 , 2 12 On t he distribution of L oro- Adven lllres with h ardy, iridioides, 208, 209, 210, herbaceous h ibiscus, 19!J /Je ta/ulII chinense. 236 212 Op'untia cama nci1ica, Back Kiem, Stanley, 8 var. johnsoni, 209, 2 1(J Cover, A tH. /{ ige/ia , 34 var. 210 catenula, Ornamental species oE i\l u- Kn igh t, R. J, 24 212 /atito/ia, ctma, 50 Knowlton, J ohn: Lemon Drop, 210 O ' Ro urke, F. L., 20. 24 A technique for growing O range Drop, 210 Ol ophora jJaradoxa, 36 azaleas in Bermuda, 17,) /Japilionacea, 206 Our native fa lse aloe. 5-1 Korsakoff, A lex, 238 polystachya, 210 ra mosa, 2 11 L robinsoniana, 210 p Laburnu17 adallli, 171, 172 tripeta/a, 212 Pacl, yphyl.WJ1, 74 anag)"'oides, J 71 t"istis, 2J 0 Pa chysandra, Allegheny, 236 , Latallia loddigesi, 9 viliosa, 212 237 Law, C. P., 60 Moraeas, some for sOllLhwe,1 .I a panese, 236 Lawrence, E lizabeth, 58 gardens, 206 /JJ'(}clll lliJ ell s, 236. 2]7 Lawrence, C. H . M., 8 j\-[ orrison, B. Y. , 181 Pa lm , cocon u t, 7 Leaf variegation, 137 j\'lorrison, B. Y.: Subar, .5 Ledin, R. Bruce, 10 Habmnthes robuSI/ls. 238 Pa lmer. To h n G. and T. J Lee, Frederic P., 181 KaempEeria, again. 234 H enneberry: Lenten roses in t he sO ll t h - Leucojum ve,'num and L. Blackspot and powdery mil­ west, 41 aestivum Gravetye G iant, 58 d ew of roses, 108 f.l'ucojul1l aestivum, 58 Tu/bagi1ia violacea, 54 Pandallus veil ci1i, 158 Ven1tlll1 ) 58 Two zephyranthes new here, variegated leaf of. 158 and L. aestivum 238 Parmen liem, 34 Cravetye Gian t. 'i8 i'"forrow, E. B., 24 alta, 36 Lcwcsias. 11 7 Mucuna albe,-tisi, 53 Peach, chi mera l twigs, 725, 127, U/iwl/ longiflorum, 149 bennetti, 50, 51, 53 129, 130 f.oro/Jela/lnn rl,inense, on the bi,-dwoodiana, 51 cy tochim eras in. 126 distribu tion of, Fronl Cover, novaguineensis, 53 embryonic fru il. lJI O CI., 236 /HU riens, 51 fruit, 132, 16 1 Lothrop, C. H ., 21 5 rostrata, 51, Back COl Ie r, Jail . leaf sports a nd \" a riega tion, Love, Cordon, 17, 2-1 S/O(ln ei, 51, 52 15 1, 151, 152, 15 -1 , 155 , 156 LycojJcrsiCUIn, 171 i\ l ucunas, ornamental species -nectarine Eru it. 121. 762 J_yonia lucida, fi3 o f. 17 Peer, Ralph, 60 [2-13] Peery, L. T.: Moupinense, 6'7 trichoslolnUI11 Some Moraeas for southwest Neriiflorum, 70 var. led-aides, 62 gardens, 206 Saluenense, 70 lsangpoense, 63 Peony, tree, Reine Elizabeth, Taliense, 71 unif!orum, 71 181 Thomsoni, 71 valentinianul1l, 67 Two experiences with propa· Trichocladum, 71 virgatum, 72 gation, 181 Triflorum, 71 williamsianum, 69, 71 PeTSea borbonia, 53 Uniflorum, 71 Rhododendron species for the Phillips, William Lyman, 2 Virgatum, 71 small home or rock garden. GO Phlox subulata, 95 RhododendTon, species: Rhus vernix, 53 Phyllostachys a urea, 217 anthopogon, 62 Robbins, William J, 2 {/llreosulcata, 216, 217, 2J8, apeTantllm, 70 Rose daphne, 93 219, 220, 221, 222, 223 all"itllm, 62 Rose, J N., 74 bambusoides, 217 baileyi, 67 Rose, Sa yre B .. 24 nuda, 217 b1'achyantlwm, 66 Rosen, H. R ., 109 nevini, 217 ca lostrotum, 70 Roses, blackspot, 108 Picea abies Gregoryana, 189 val'. calciphilu11l, 70 powdery mildew, 108 Maxwelli, 188 campylogynum, 63 Ruehle, George D., 10 Pendula, 192 var. charopoeum, 63 Rutherford h ybrid azaleas, J J 7 Repens, 192 var. 11lyrtilloides, 63, 65 o1'Ywrika Expansa, 185 camtschaticum, 63 s tJlmgens Gotelli's '-Veeping, cetJhalanthum, 61 185, 193 val'. crebTeflon.un, 62 Sansevieria t"itasciata Prostrata, 188 charnae·thomsoni, 70 var. lauTenti, 158, 158 Pine, Swiss Mountain, 190 chameunum, 70 Sapp, M. A., 33 Weeping Japanese Red, 185, charitotJes, 66 Scammell, H. B. , 24 189 chr)'seum, 66 Schneider, C. W., 24 Pinus bungeana, 236 ciliatum, 67 Scinda psus aurens, taco 1 densiflora Pendula, 185, 189 dasypetalu11l , 66 Scott, D. H ., 24 mugo var. mughus, 190 did)lmum, 70 Sealy, J . Robert, 59 Plant hardiness map, 204, 205 [ern/gineum, 61 , 63 Sedum dend,'oideulll, 75 Poinsettia, variegated leaf, {lavidllln, 67 morganianLl1n, 76 124, 138, 139, 140 forresti praeallul1l, 83 variegations in, 137 var. ,'e pens, 70 Sempervivums, 117 Portuguese Sundew, 55 glauco/Jhyllllln, 63 Sequoia sempervirens Pring, George H.: var. tubi[orme, 63 Adpressa, 187 N)lmphaea Bob Trickett, 233 hanceanum Albo,spica, 187 Privet, variegation in leaves, var. nanum, 71 Nana Pendula, ]93 142, 143, 144 hippo1Jhaeoides, 66 Sharpe, R . H ., 24 !)ropagation of dwarf conifers, hirsutl1m, 61 , 63 Skinner, H enry T.: 185 hytJ enalllhll/l1, 62 A new plant hardiness map leaf variegation, 137 im/Jeditum, taco 61 , 66 for the United States and fruit sports, 137 impemtor, 69, 71 southern Canada, 204 sports, 167 intricatum, 67 Smiley, Nixon: tree peony, 181 keiskei, 71 The Fairchild Tropical Pseudotsuga menziesi Compacta, keleticum, 70 Garden, 1 185, 191 'wtschyi, 63 Snapdragon Chrislmas Cheer, Pumice rock, 117 lapponictlm, 66 215 Pycnostachys dawei, 120, 120, 121 laudandum, 62 Spartan White, 21 5 P)'ro·cydonia, 171 lepidoslylu11l , 71 "Strains" lepidotum, 67 Colossal, 213 ]V[ agic Carpet, 213 Q leucaspis, 62, 65 lineaTitolium Majus, 213 QlI e1'cus chapman;, 53 val'. macrosetJallllll , 181 Maximum, 213 cine1'ea, 53 lowndesi, 67 Snapdragons for gardens, green· geminata, 53 ludlowi, 71 houses, and research, 213 lIlegera/um, 62 Snyder, F. W., 214 Solan um lycopersicu In, 17 J R lIlicroleucul17 , 66 1110upin ense, 67, 68 nigrum, 171 Ramondia, II7 nitens.. 70 Some Moraeas for sO llthwes t Read, Roben, 8 /)emakoense.. 71 gardens, 206 R edwood, Dwarf "Veeping, 193 /)I'i Iii ulaef!oru m, 62 Southern Viburnums, 182 Shortleaf, 187 1)ronul11 , 71 Spalding, George, 55 Reimer, F. C., 141 1),'oslrallll11 .. 70 St)athicarpa sagiltitolia.. 183 , Reiter, Jr., Victor, 73 tJl/milum., 72 183, F?'o nt CoveT, July Rhododend1'on, Series: Ta.ce l nOS Uln ~ 72 Sphaerotheca, pan nasa, 108 Anthopogon, 61 radicans, 70 Sports, fruit, 137 Boothi, 62 ?'ussa t7lm, 6G Nature of plant, 123 Campylogynum, 63 sa luen ense, 70 Propagation of, 167 Caml chaticum, 63 sC/1'ge ntianU111 , 61 Spruce, Creeping Norway, 192 Ferwgineum, 63 scabrum, 180, 181 Cotelli's Weeping Blue, 185, Glallcophyllum, 63 scin ti llans, 67 193 Lapponicum, 66 sj)iciterum, 70 Gregory, 189 Lepidotum, 67 stictophyllum, 67 i\faxwell, 188 l\I adden i, 67 tet)hropeplum, 62, 64 Norway, 185 Proslrate Blue, 188 Berkeley, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19,20, Rubel, 14, 16, 18, 24 Spreading Omorika, 185 24 Russell, 15, 18, 24-, 26, 28 Weeping Norway, 192 berry mite resistant, 31 Scammell, 16 Stapleton, Mrs. R . G.: Black Giant, 20 Shaw Late, 19 Rutherford hybrid azaleas, 11 7 Bluecrop, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, simlilatuln, 21 Stei ner, Mona Lisa: 22, 23, 24 Sooy, 18, 24, 27 Cultiva ted Philippine Mu - Blueray, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, species, 53 saendas, 98 24,25 Stanley, 16, 18 Strybing, Mrs. H elen, 76 Brook, 15, 18 , 24, 26, 27, tern ca nker resistant, 31 Styrax obassia, Back Cov!'r, } uly 28 lenellul1l, 21, 22, 23 Suli t, Mamerto, 100 Burlington, 16, 20, 23, 24 Tifblue, 20, 24 T Cabot, 16, 18, 24, 27, 31 1Iliginosuln, 22 caesariense, 21 unnamed species , 18, 19, 23 Tarflower, 53 Callaway, 20, 24 vacillans, 21, 22 Technique for growing azaleas Catawba, 16 "Vareham, 16 in Bermuda, A, 179 Chatsworth, 18 Weymouth, 16, 18, 24, 30 Tecomanthe dendrophila, 184 Coastal, 20, 24 Wolcott, 16, 17, 18, 24 venusla, fac. 123, 184 . Van Houten, Clarence: T ernst?'oema sylvatica, 76 Collins, 16, 19, 23, 24 Concord, 16, 24 Daphne , 92 Ti bouchina lepidota, 178 conslablaei, 20, 21, 22 Va n R ensselaer, j'vlaunsell, 204 selllidecandra, 177 co?)'mbosllm, 18, 20, 21, 25, Variega tion, leaf, 137 Tobacco, variegation in leaves, pla nt, 123 14-8 , 148, 150 27 Coville, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, Viburnum a.ce rifoliUII?, 182 Tomlinso n, P. B., 8 24 angustifolium, 182 Trickett, Bob, 233 densiflorum, 182 T suga canadensis Croatan, 16, 17, 18, 24 darmwi, 21, 22, 23 joponicllm, 182 Cole's Prostrate, 185, 187 Dixi, 14, 16, 24 nlldum, 53, 182 Hussi, 186 dry scars, 30 odoralissimum, 182 MintHa, 185 Earliblue, 14,15, 16, 17, 18, 19, ovaltlm, 182 Tlicheria, 58 20, 22 , 23 , 24 , 29, 30 Tlljicltllwn, 182 TlIlbaghia ce1Jocea, 54 elliotli, 21 se l?lilom entosum, 182 fragrans, 54 Carden Blue, 20, 24 sll slJe l1 slll?? , 182 violacea, 54 Greenfield, 16, 24 lin liS, 182 Two experiences with tree Grover, 18 peony propagation, 181 Herbert, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, uncomon African members W of the mint family, 120 24 Walpole, f . . \ ., 75 hirsutwn, 21 unusu al Hoyas, 230 Walther, Eric: Zephyranthes new here, 238 Homebell, 20, 24 Echeveria., 73 Typha latifolia, Back Cover, hybridizing, 29 ' ·Va lther, Eric, notes on, 76 Ivanhoe, 16 Oct. Waterlilies, 233, 233 J ersey, 16, 18, 24· White, E li zabeth C., 16, 24 June, 16, 18 White, Richard P., iii J an., 20-j. U Katharine, 16, 18, 24, 27 -Whillen, Leslie, 24 Uhl, Charles, 74 lamarchi, 18, 20, 21, 22, "Wiggin LOn , Brooks E. : Ulmus, 36 25, 26, 28 Lentell roses in the sou lh- Umali, Dioscoro, 102, 106 membral1oceum, 22, 23, 25, east, 41 32 Williams. Ray, 212 l\.J enditoo, 20, 24- Wil on, Ernest H .. 116 v Murphy, 16, 17, 18, 24 Winter daphne, 94- Vaccinium myrsinites, 21, 22, 23 " rooclward, Otis, 24 alto-montanum, 21 , 22 myrtillis, 22, 23 amoenum, 21 myrlilloides, 21, 22 y Angola, 16, 17, 18, 24 non-dropping, 30 YeUowgroo\ e bamboo, T he, 216 angustifolium, 21, 22 ovatum, 22, 23, 25, 33 arkansanum, 21 pallid ll ln, 21, 22, 25 ashei, 20, 21, 23, 25 , 33 Pem berton, 16, 24 Z Ashworth, 19, 23 Pioneer, ] 6, 18, 24, 27 Zephymnlhes Ajax, 238 Atlantic, 16, 24 rabbiteye, 20 bifolia, 238 atrococcum, 21, 22, 23, 32 R ancocas, 16, 24 "Clint 1\1 -618", 238 {llistrale, 18, 20, 21, 25, 27, 32 Redskin, )() Two, new here, 238

[245] Typha latifolia Wood carvzng} white pine} five by fifteen inches} by CUTtis May