Page 1 INDEX Aboda, 81 N. 32 Abraham, 205 Abritus, 112 N. 94

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Page 1 INDEX Aboda, 81 N. 32 Abraham, 205 Abritus, 112 N. 94 INDEX Aboda, 81 n. 32 Amazons, 16, 58, 97 Abraham, 205 Amon, 267 Abritus, 112 n. 94 Ampelum, 250 Achaemenian, period and culture, Amphithea, 93 n. 55 8, 68, 84, 273, 274, 278 Anacharsis, 79, 92 Achilles, 233 n. 54 Anahita (Anaitis), 75, 76 n. 18, 84-87, Pontarches, 235 112 n. 94 and 95,119 n. 108, 120 Acilisene, 150 n. III, 125, 126, 134, 135 n. 16, Acmonia, 222, 223 150, 151, 275 n. 46 adelphoi, 185-188, 200 cult of in the Pontus, 79 n. 28, Adiabene, 209, 238 n. 59 114,139,146,274 Adonaios, 267 Anath, 81, 86 Adonis, 102 n. 77, 119 Anatolia (Anatolian), 22, 65, 83, 232 Aegean, 93, 104, 112, 157 deities of, 40, 62, 64, 76, 85 Aelea, 93 n. 55 n. 41, 106 n. 83, II 0, III Aelia Cassia, 250 n. 93, 112, 118,274 Aelius Apollinarius, 250 Andeda, 224 P. Aelius Arrianus Alexander, 250 androgyny, Aeneus, 36 n. 20 and cultic objects, 34, 59, 97, 161 Aeschylus, 218 and deities, 37, 38, 83, 109, 286 Mrica, 204 n. 6, 210 n. 15, 220 and Enareis, 38, 76-79, 161 Agathous son of Sacles, 146-148, 262, see also transvestite rites 265 angels, 222, 250 Agdistis, 37 n. 27 anguipede, Agni, 71 goddess in mythology, 41, 42, 52, Agoracritos, 155 60 n. 62, 83, 87-93, 121, 122, Agrippeans, 78 n. 22 128, 151, 286 Agrippia (former Phanagoria), 140 figures in art in South Russia, 59, Ahura-Mazda, 70 n. 7, 135 n. 16, 253 94-99, 108, 111-113, 153, 156, n. 25, 265 n. 24, 267, 272 n. 36, 157, 164, 166, 169, 172 275 n. 46 figures in art elsewhere, 99-107, Aides, 234 286 Aigai, see Vergina see also tendril-limbed figures Ailia, 8, 136 anodos, 34, 57, 108, 163 Ain Dara, 224 n. 35 Antaradus, 137 n. 20 Akhtanizov salt lake, 52, 61, 198 Anthesterios, 147, 148, 162 Akhtanizovskaya, 131 n. 4, 198 Antimachos son of Pasion, 189 Alans, 68, 76 n. 19 Antioch, 205 Alexander the Great, 72, 209 Antonia Tryphaena, 245 Alexandria, 154 n. 47, 226 Apatouria, festival of, 42, 43 Alexandropol'skiy, see tumulus Apaturum, 29-31, 44, 53, 57 n. 57, Alexandros son of Sogous, 187 n. 13 90, 129, 134, see also Aphrodite Alkimos, 55 Ourania the Mistress of Apaturum Allat, 86 Apelles, 158 n. 54 Ourania, 65 n. 76 Aphrodisias, 81, 82, 101, 102 n. 77, Altay, 118 107, 110, 130 n. 3, 189 n. 17 and Amastris, 186 n. 8, 274 18, 214, 215 Amathus, 37 Aphrodite, 27, 30, 32-51, 53, 55-59, 324 INDEX 66, 76-78, 80-83, 85, 86, 96 n. 62, apotheosis, see deification 99-119, 121, 122, 125, 127-132, Apsarus, 273 135, 138 n. 24, 139, 140, 142-147, Apulia, 212 n. 19 150-156, 158, 161, 164, 165, 168, Apulum, 250 169,171-173,198,260,270,274, Arabs, 238 n. 59 276, 286 Aramazd, 253 n. 25, 275 n. 46, Anaqyomene, 46, 158 see also Ahura-Mazda Androphonos, 34 Araxes, 89, 91, 93 Anosia, 34 Arcadia, 51 n. 48, 59 n. 62, 83 n. 35 Apatourias, 29 Archeanactids, 4 Apatouros, 29, 30, 32, 40, 42-44, archisynagogos, 190 52, 53, 57, 65, 99 n. 66, 125, archon, 4, 5, 48, 235, 236 145 n. 34, 149 Ardashir I, 86, 265 Eleutheria, 102 n. 77 Ardindianos son of Chrysippos, 186 Epilimenia, 39 n. 10 Epitragia, 46 Ares, 67, 68, 135, 260 Epirymbia, 34 Argimpasa, 27, 38 n. 27, 52, 59, 61 Euploia, 39 n.62, 65, 67, 68, 71, 75, 79, 80, Hagne, 82 83, 84, 86, 87, 97, 104, 107, 108, Milichia, 34 110, Ill, 113, 115-119, 121, 127, Mistress of Apaturum, 27, 43, 44, 128, 139, 140, 150, 151, 153, 156, 260 n. 14, 285, 286 157, 270, 277, 286, see also Nauarchis, 39, 135, J54, 159 Aphrodite Ourania Nikephoros, 48 n. 46 Argotas, 120 Ourania, 27-29, 32-39, 42-48, 52, Argotas, Queen Camasarye's 53, 59, 60 n. 62, 65, 67, 68, consort, 120 75, 77-80, 83 n. 36, 87, 92, Ariadne, 33 n. II 93, 108, 113, 116, 118, 121, Ariston son of Menestratos, 186 n. 10 122, 125, 127-132, 134 n. 14, Aristophanes, 106 137-139, 141, 142, 144-150, aristopyleitai, 8, 136 153, 155, 156, 158-161, 163, Aristotle, 78 n. 24, 218 165-167,169-173,177,198, Armaiti, 74 199, 260-263, 266, 283, 285, Armenia (Armenian), 84, 85, 89 n. 47, 286 98 n. 64, 150, 253 n. 25, 274, 275 Ourania Apatourou medeousa, 32, 33, n.46 43, 44, 46, 48, 92, 125, 129, Artaxerxes II, 84, 85, 151 132, 134, 148, 155, 173, 177, Artemis, 60-64, 66, 82, 83 n. 35, 86, 190, 196, 270 98, 101, 102, 107, 109, 110, Pandemos, 112 134-136, 139, 140 n. 28, 163 n. 62, Paphia, 39 n. 30 248 n. 16, 260 Pontia, 39 Agrotera, 61, 62 Pome, 41, 46 Daitis, 39 Tanaitis, 151 Eleuthera, 102 n. 77 See also Argimpasa Ephesia, 38 n. 27, 60, 61, 102, Aphroditos, 37, 106 110 Api, 43 n. 34, 67, 74, 75, 91, see also Leucophryene, 10 1, 214 Ge Tauropolos, 98 Apollo, 42, 53, 67, 101, 140, 163, see also Bendis, Parthenos 213, 244 n. 9, 248, 249, 260, 266 Arti, 76 n. 27, 272 Asandros, 5, 6, 39 Diqymaios, 48 n. 47 Asandros son of Thaumastos, 187 latros, 134 n. 14 n. 13 See also Goitosyros Ascalon, 36, 38, 77-83, 102 n. 77, Apollonia, 245 n. 12 107, 113, 122, 149, 227 .
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