July/August 2009 • Volume 58 Number 7 MAGAZINE
C M Y K C M Y K 100 100 100 100 25 50 75 100 100 100 100 25 50 75 100 100 100 100 25 50 75 100 100 100100 100100 10025 10050 2575 50100 75100 100100 100100 100BLU GRN100 RED25 50100 75100 100100 100100 10050 10050 2550 50100 75100 100100 100100 10050,39,39100 2550 50100 75100 100100 100100 100 100 BLU300 GRN100 RED100 100100 100100 100 100 50330 50 50 100 100 100 100 50,39,39 50 100 100 100 100 300 100 100 100 100 330 GATF Digital Four-Color Control Bar (version 2.3) GATF Digital Four-Color Control Bar (version 2.3) Bar Association - CVR-RCL 0709 GTO 324582.indd, M.Pantoja, 07/17/09, 2:55PM, 2540 dpi, 200 lpi, STOCK= 80# house gloss book, RUN SIZE= 12x18, CUT= 11x17, PRESS QTY= 1,130, FINISHED QTY=1,130 • SIGNATURE 1 OF 2 PRSRT STD Riverside US POSTAGE County LAWYER PAID PERMIT #1054 Riverside County Bar Association RIVERSIDE, CA 4129 Main St., Ste. 100, Riverside, CA 92501 RCBA 951-682-1015 LRS 951-682-7520 www.riversidecountybar.com rcba@riversidecountybar.com July/August 2009 • Volume 58 Number 7 MAGAZINE In This Issue: Lawyering with Berettas Painting Your Products Green Tort Reform – Unintended Consequences How to Protect Against Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda BOARD OF DIRECTORS:James O. Heiting, Director-at-Large Michael G. Kerbs, Director-at-Large Elliott S. Luchs, Director-at-Large Christopher G. Jensen, President Harry J. Histen, RCBA President-Elect Michelle Ouellette, Vice President David G.
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