Senate Committee on the Judiciary
S. PRT. 107–94 COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY UNITED STATES SENATE LEGISLATIVE AND EXECUTIVE CALENDAR ONE HUNDRED SEVENTH CONGRESS CONVENED JANUARY 3, 2001 FIRST SESSION ! ADJOURNED DECEMBER 20, 2001 CONVENED JANUARY 23, 2002 SECOND SESSION ! ADJOURNED NOVEMBER 20, 2002 PATRICK J. LEAHY, Chairman FINAL EDITION 85–736 CC U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 2003 VerDate Mar 21 2002 08:44 Apr 04, 2003 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7800 Sfmt 7800 C:\HEARINGS\CAL107.TXT SJUD4 PsN: CMORC congress.#06 SENATE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY ONE HUNDRED SEVENTH CONGRESS PATRICK J. LEAHY, VERMONT, Chairman EDWARD M. KENNEDY, MASSACHUSETTS ORRIN G. HATCH, UTAH JOSEPH R. BIDEN, JR., DELAWARE STROM THURMOND, SOUTH CAROLINA HERBERT KOHL, WISCONSIN CHARLES E. GRASSLEY, IOWA DIANNE FEINSTEIN, CALIFORNIA ARLEN SPECTER, PENNSYLVANIA RUSSELL D. FEINGOLD, WISCONSIN JON KYL, ARIZONA CHARLES E. SCHUMER, NEW YORK MIKE DEWINE, OHIO RICHARD J. DURBIN, ILLINOIS JEFF SESSIONS, ALABAMA MARIA CANTWELL, WASHINGTON SAM BROWNBACK, KANSAS JOHN EDWARDS, NORTH CAROLINA MITCH MCCONNELL, KENTUCKY BRUCE A. COHEN, Chief Counsel and Staff Director MAKAN DELRAHIM, Minority Chief Counsel January 25, 2001—The Senate agreed to making majority and minority party appointments to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary for the 107th Congress (CR S558, S559). On July 10, 2001, new Committee assignments were printed in the Congressional Record (CR S7417 and S7418) Committee Room SD–224, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510–6275 TELEPHONE EX- ROOM NO. OFFICES TENSION1 SD–224 Dirksen Full Committee ............................................................................................. 7703 SD–153 Dirksen Administrative Oversight and the Courts .................................................... 6542 SH–308 Hart Antitrust, Competition, and Business and Consumer Rights ....................
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