What is national socialism


National Socialism is the opposite of international finance capitalism, i.e. the opposite of globalization. Under National Socialism, engineers would not lose their jobs to outsourcing, and great industrial cities would not be disintegrating and turning back to farmland. There would be no such thing as Goldman Sachs, or the Federal Reserve, or big box stores full of merchandise from China. If China This site in a nutshell: here. were National Socialist too, the See also “The 14 words” and Chinese economy would not depend “New tablets of stone”. on exports. Instead of a globalized

economy, there would be independent national economies. The Fair Race’s Darkest Countries would generate capital internally instead of depending Hour is a compilation of on foreign investment. International trade would still exist (you texts by seventeen authors could still drive a Honda if that’s what you want), but it would be a that changed my world- fraction of what it is now. The financial system would be simple view. A softcover edition of and straightforward; there would be no such thing as the book is available: here. “derivatives”. The economy would be based on industry and education, not on finance, insurance, real estate, casinos, and prisons.

There would be no dumbing-down policy in the schools or anywhere else.

There would be no TSA pat-downs. No such thing happened in the Reich, nor could it happen. An obscenity like that would be inconceivable. When you go through security at an American airport, the Zionists literally have you by the balls. Under National Socialism, the Zionists would not be running things, with all that that implies for both foreign and domestic policy. Instead of dying, the oceans would be flourishing. On land, desertification would be reversed. The “cancer industry” would not exist. The environmental and psychological causes of cancer

would be addressed, and cancer would be rare. There would be no A translation of the work of need to argue about how to pay for health care, because most Karlheinz Deschner on the people would normally stay healthy without “health care” as we criminal history of know it today. Christianity is available: Students would not have to go into debt to get an education. here. Under National Socialism, cities would not be full of drunks and Thomas Goodrich’s homeless people. There would be no such thing as Hellstorm is the most multiculturalism, political correctness, or affirmative action. important book of the 21st Schools would not teach kids to listen to hip-hop. First world century. countries would not turn themselves into third world countries. Just the opposite: National Socialism represents the gentrification of the world.

I did not know most of this until recently.

Like most people, I grew up believing that National Socialism was a Very Bad Thing. I thought it was all about war and exterminating people. If that were true, then of course it would be a Very Bad Thing. But in fact that is not what National Socialism is about.

When I was in the 9th grade, my world history teacher gave me an extra credit assignment. She asked me to read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer, and write a report on it. That was a pretty stiff assignment for a 9th grader. I read the book all Its subject-matter: the way through and wrote a report, but the report was not very the Holocaust good. She gave me an A, but in my own mind I knew I did not deserve an A. Some of what I wrote was cribbed from perpetrated by the Encyclopedia Britannica. My teacher expected a little too much Allied forces on the from her star student. At that age I was not quite ready to read a Germans, civilians included book of that length and density, hold it all in my mind at once, and (here). write a paper about it. I guess that’s where this page is coming from. Fifty years later, I am still working on that assignment. Anyway I believed everything in the book. And why not? It never occurred to me that my teacher might be misinformed, or that mainstream historians such as William Shirer might be lying. I accepted what they told me.

Since then I have discovered that what happened in Germany in the Hitler era was very different from what they tell us. On this Here: an SS page I am going to present some of the facts that my world history pamphlet explaining teacher should have taught me. This is what every high school National Socialism. student should know about National Socialism. How we are light-years The question “what is National Socialism” can be approached in away from the secular, Neo- two ways: (1) what was Hitler’s original idea? and (2) what Christian ethics of the Alt- happened in the Third Reich? Right can be surmised in “Darwin’s PUBLISHED IN: ADOLF HITLER MATERIALISM / CAPITALISM NATIONAL SOCIALISM THIRD REICH ON DECEMBER 26, 2014 AT 9:21 PM COMMENTS (18) exterminationism”.

Ancient book burning

Excerpts from Roger Pearse’s review of Joseph Hoffmann’s Porphyry’s Against the Christians: The Literary Remains:

The sixteen-book work by the Neoplatonist Porphyry Against the Christians is lost. Constantine ordered that all copies should be destroyed; a century later Theodosius tacitly acknowledged that this had not occurred by issuing a similar edict.

Presently Siege is only Constantine burning Arian available as a PDF. books “1945 was the year of the Porphyry adopted an “idiot-boy” total inversion of Aryan literalism as his tool to debunk. values into Christian Anything that could be made to values.” —Joseph Walsh sound discreditable, anything that did not fit with the tenor of “With the death of Adolf contemporary prejudice, any Hitler in the close of the statement that could be made to 2nd World War in 1945 sound contradictory, could be Western civilization, as it presented as a reason to deride had existed and is still the Christians. However, such a perceived DIED once and for approach is unimpressive to all. The only thing that was anyone except a believer. Such people could have their faith in left now was a gene pool.” anti-Christianism bolstered, and be encouraged to sneer and have —James Mason gibes ready to throw. But the unconvinced reader would see easily that such statements can be made about anything, however “The fall of Stalingrad is the worthy. finish of Europe. There was a cataclysm. The core of it Instead, the essential argument is an appeal to the irrational herd- all was Stalingrad. There instinct of mankind and its need to conform. Many of Porphyry’s you can say it was finished arguments consist simply of assertion that something is shameful and well finished, the white or embarrassing, rather than rational discussion. This can only civilisation.” —L.F. Céline work if the flavour of the times is such that the subject is unfashionable. To look for a modern analogy, modern readers will be aware that “anti-” has not acquired the power it has in our society by rational argument. Instead it relies on repeated assertion and intimidation, to create a climate in which only certain ideas can be said. In the ancient world, likewise, certain ideas went without saying. The Christian ethos was not part of this; and indeed, as a novelty, was embarrassing. The idea that the poor might be important was disgusting. Porphyry simply harps on the subconscious need to the reader to conform to what he knows society expects, rather than reasoning objectively what is right.

But once the times changed, the approach worked in reverse. It was Porphyry’s ideas that went against the tenor of the times.

PUBLISHED IN: ADVERSUS CHRISTIANOS (BOOK) CHRISTIAN QUESTION (CQ) CONSTANTINE DESTRUCTION To unplug yourself from the OF GRECO-ROMAN WORLD FREE SPEECH / FREE PRESS PORPHYRY OF TYRE TRANSVALUATION OF ALL VALUES ON DECEMBER 25, 2014 AT 12:01 AM COMMENTS (9) Matrix you really need to undemonize Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, National Socialism and the Third Reich. Click here to hit ten articles on vital info about Christmas gift the Second World War that the controlled media If, historically, the One Ring (greed) was the primary weakness for concealed from you. Western man, Christianity is also a major culprit. It is race-blind and compels us to navigate our passages favoring universalism. Based on theism, the belief in a personal, Hebraic god, it is hostile to “pagan” (Christian Newspeak for folkish) bonds for the supposed benefit of the “soul.” Our parents’ religion commands us to love our enemy (even Jews) and worship human weakness (including low-IQ negroes). Catholic and Protestant moral Gens alba conservanda est grammar goes at the very heart in today’s untamed equality: what (“The white race must be Nietzsche called slave morality. preserved”)

As Manu Rodríguez, a Nietzschean from Spain, said yesterday (my translation), “Christianity is the art of making wolves and bears into kids and lambs. It is the art of weakening, neutralizing and undermining the morale of the population, making even defense impossible.” Earlier this year another visitor of this blog sent me an email containing this paragraph:

Because of your blog I have ordered tons of books that you have read and thus gain the same insights that you do. I have Hellstorm on my shelf now; I have not read it yet. I am about to commence reading Porphyry’s Against the Christians. I can’t wait. The Bible is a book that has plagued me all my life. It is nice to finally read one of the original refutations of this Jewish nonsense.

A year ago I reposted excerpts of a chapter about the Gospels’ Worldly gain at the expense nativity fictions that I typed directly from a book authored by a of the Volk is the main secular scholar on the Bible. Porphyry (234-305 C.E.) was the cause of the ongoing forgotten pioneer in this field of research. destruction of the white race. The reason white nationalists are uninterested in secular studies of the New Testament is the same they are so reluctant to assess See “Revaluation of the data about the subject that the dollar will crash. The double- values”: a helix of the US was precisely a structure intertweaving capitalism paraphrase from with Christianity. But American white nationalists want to save Francis Parker’s Yockey’s their race without destroying the One Ring wielded by the Kwa* The Enemy of Europe. and without dismissing their parents’ religion. They ignore that the nation of their founding fathers was hard-wired to become Fortunately, the collapse of New Zion (click on the picture of Mammon on the sidebar). the dollar that is coming will mark the beginning of Since this month we will celebrate Christmas with our families, I the end of America’s must say that an intellectual among those who blame Mammon economic and cultural also blames the other big factor. This is a translated quotation hegemony over Europe. from “Rasse und Gestalt: unsere Identität,” a September 2013

speech by Tom Sunic:

The Christian teaching of equality and its contemporary offsprings, liberalism and Marxism is the main cause of so-called anti-racism and self-hatred as well as today’s mongrelized multicultural society. It’s futile to inspirit race consciousness or folk consciousness and to oppose mass immigration of non- Europeans, without first fighting and eliminating the legacy of Christianity.

I would go further and claim that the word “Christian” was 4th century Newspeak of the time. Translated back to Greco-Roman Oldspeak, we could say that Christian is a codeword for artificial Jew. What most significant can be that in this darkest hour of the West, on June 13 of this year in fact, Pope Francis said: “Inside “The sign of the times is every Christian is a Jew.” degeneracy. This term— Jorge Mario Bergoglio, whose mother language is Spanish, is the degeneracy—sums up all first one in history who has adopted the name of St Francis that is happening to the (Francisco I) when nominated Pope. In my compilation of several West.” authors, The Fair Race, you’ll find much support of Sunic’s quote: a deranged Christian sense of compassion à la St Francis did CONTACT: transmute into secular, runaway liberalism. cesartort (at) yahoo Elsewhere I have mentioned the image that Kenneth Clark chose

to depict St Francis in the 1969 TV series Civilisation: Hesdin’s The Fool. I added that in Erasmus’ most famous book, The Praise of Folly, women, “admittedly stupid and foolish creatures,” are Folly’s pride. Erasmus took a surprisingly modern, “liberal” position about the role of women in society. Since Folly praises ignorance and lunacy, Erasmus reasoned, women must be instrumental for the Christian cause. In his book Folly is only interested in following the steps of Jesus, the exemplar of charitable simplicity against the budding intellectualism of the 16th century. The fact that Erasmus took St Paul’s (a Jew) “praise of folly” against the best minds St Paul encountered in Athens (whites) speaks for itself and needs no further comment.

I must iterate I find it most significant that the current Pope is the first one to use the name of Francis: the feminine, Christian paradigm of charitable simplicity par excellence. Last month, Pope Francis addressed the European Parliament saying that no “RACISM”: longer fertile Europe should accept immigrants. On the origin of the word “racist” Yes: I’ve put the Pope and all of his Cardinals in my black list for black The word “racism” sorcery… from the Nietzschean viewpoint But here I can only say that the saint of Assisi was one of the most venerated religious figures in history and my idol when, at sixteen, I was struggling with my internalized father. Unlike the current Pope, the medieval Church somehow knew that when the purest gospel reached mainstream Christianity it would be the end of civilization. See, for example, Umberto Eco’s depiction of the Fraticelli in The Name of the Rose, Two texts by Wm. Pierce: which chapter on Jorge de Burgos’ scary sermon about the coming of the Antichrist I reread a couple of days ago. 1. Best article on the Jewish Online you can also see the final pages of The Antichrist. If question Nietzsche were alive, wouldn’t he say that the suicidal folie en masse that in the 20th and 21st centuries affects westerners is but 2. The West’s darkest the culmination of the psyop started by St Paul? hour


(*) Kwa means Amerikwa: a negative word used to describe the degenerate, racially destructive, Jewified, niggrified, pussified, and depressing place that America has become.

For the context of Sunic’s point of view see also “The Christian problem encompasses the Jewish problem”: perhaps the entry I’ve updated the most in this blog. See how using non-white labor in the Ancient World Like Sunic I believe that reading literature in traditional, printed or capitalism in the books is important to understand the darkest hour. My favorite Modern World is the main historical novels are precisely Julian (1964), which depicts 4th factor for white decline: century Christianity after the death of Constantine and The Name of the Rose (1980), a complete immersion into the zeitgeist of Who We Are Christendom a thousand years later. If you prefer non-fiction, (abridged) remember the above-cited words about Porphyry’s Against the Christians (“It is nice to finally read one of the original refutations of this Jewish nonsense”). For a couple of articles on Christmas gifts of Nietzsche’s The Antichrist would probably be a Richard Wagner and LOTR little rude, even though the philosopher tells the plain truth about click on pics below: how the authors behind the gospels inverted our Aryan values. But Julian and The Name of the Rose may appear innocuous enough as gifts for our family, at least at the time of delivering the presents.


Obama on Ferguson

Obama spoke for nearly ten minutes yesterday on TV: the same night the The Jewish Problem rioting, looting, arson and gunfire by blacks would take place in Ferguson, (Jewish authors): Missouri, United States. The following quote of Jared Taylor on Obama’s Larry Auster’s speech hits the nail: unpublished chapter

Excerpts of Esau’s Tears The president did not have one word of criticism for Michael Brown. Not once did he say it’s a bad idea to get high on marijuana and commit strong-arm The Jewish Problem robbery. Not once did he say it’s a bad idea (non-Jewish authors): to punch a policeman. Not once did he say it’s a bad idea to try to grab an officer’s gun. Not once did he say it’s a bad idea to head Definition of anti- towards a policeman who has already fired a few shots at you. Semitism People who do those things—whatever their race—have an excellent chance of being shot, and that’s exactly as it should be. The Culture of Critique’s Preface

Read the full article: here. See also the articles on , Counter-Currents and The


Main cause of white decline

Zionist Occupied Government? Pffft! Zionist Occupied Culture? Closer. Zionist Occupied Soul? Bingo! The Inner Jew. History of Jewry:

—Sebastian Ronin The saga of the European Jews

Jew vs. White: More than In my recent visit to the UK, actually in my way to Arthur Kemp’s town, I 3,000 years of conflict read a most insightful chapter about “The Mercantile System” in The Story of Mankind (1921) by Hendrik van Loon. Italics means my orange text-

marks over my old copy’s yellowed pages while traveling in the UK train:

The mercantile system. How the newly founded national or dynastic states of Europe tried to make themselves rich and what was meant by the mercantile system

We have seen how, during the sixteenth and the seventeenth centuries, the states of our modern world began to take shape. Their origins were different in almost every case. Some had been the result of the deliberate effort of a single king. Others had happened by chance. Still others had been the result of favourable natural geographic boundaries. But once they had been founded, they had all of them tried to strengthen their internal administration and to exert the greatest possible influence upon foreign affairs. All this of course had cost a great deal of money. The mediaeval state with its lack of centralized power did not depend upon a rich treasury. The king got his revenues from the “Racism” is just an crown domains and his civil service paid for itself. The modern expression of evolution. centralised state was a more complicated affair. The old knights All species go through disappeared and hired government officials or bureaucrats took racial separation on their their place. Army, navy, and internal administration demanded path to speciation. No millions. The question then became where was this money to be exceptions. found? In humans racist is just a Gold and silver had been a rare commodity in the middle ages. person who loves his The average man, as I have told you, never saw a gold piece as race, for example the long as he lived. Only the inhabitants of the large cities were nymphs on this sidebar. familiar with silver coin. The discovery of America and the But in today’s mad West exploitation of the Peruvian mines changed all this. The centre of the term “racist” de facto trade was transferred from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic seaboard. The old “commercial cities” of Italy lost their financial means someone who importance. New “commercial nations” took their place and gold loves the white race to the and silver were no longer a curiosity. Through Spain and Portugal point of wanting to and Holland and England, precious metals began to find their way preserve it. to Europe The sixteenth century had its own writers on the subject

of political economy and they evolved a theory of national wealth which seemed to them entirely sound and of the greatest possible benefit to their respective countries. They reasoned that both gold and silver were actual wealth. Therefore they believed that the country with the largest supply of actual cash in the vaults of its treasury and its banks was at the same time the richest country. And since money meant armies, it followed that the richest country was also the most powerful and could rule the rest of the world.

We call this system the “mercantile system,” and it was accepted with the same unquestioning faith with which the early Christians believed in Miracles and many of the present-day American businessmen believe in the Tariff. In practice, the Mercantile system worked out as follows: To get the largest surplus of Women from our precious metals a country must have a favourable balance of viewpoint: export trade. If you can export more to your neighbour than he

exports to your own country, he will owe you money and will be The eternal feminine obliged to send you some of his gold. Hence you gain and he loses. As a result of this creed, the economic program of almost every On racial IQ studies: seventeenth century state was as follows: The new enemies of 1.- Try to get possession of as many precious metals as science you can. The roots of civilisation 2.- Encourage foreign trade in preference to domestic trade.

3.- Encourage those industries which change raw materials into exportable finished products.

4.- Encourage a large population [My interpolated note: This is especially important since it means that such western System was hard-wired to become New Zion], for you will need workmen for your factories and an agricultural community does not raise enough workmen.

5.- Let the State watch this process and interfere whenever it is necessary to do so.

Instead of regarding International Trade as something akin to a force of nature which would always obey certain natural laws

regardless of man’s interference, the people of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries tried to regulate their commerce by the help Who am I?: of official decrees and royal laws and financial help on the part of the government. See an excerpted translation from the In the sixteenth century Charles V adopted this Mercantile German Metapedia article System (which was then something entirely new) and introduced about me. it into his many possessions. Elizabeth of England flattered him by her imitation. The Bourbons, especially King Louis XIV, were fanatical adherents of this doctrine and Colbert, his great minister of finance, became the prophet of Mercantilism to whom HUMAN SKIN COLORS: all Europe looked for guidance.

The entire foreign policy of Cromwell was a practical application of the Mercantile System. [Interpolated note: which means that Whites were wielding the “One Ring” of corruption first and the Jews wrought by Cromwell were a secondary infection] It was invariably directed

against the rich rival Republic of Holland. For the Dutch shippers, ARCHIVES as the common carriers of the merchandise of Europe, had certain Select Month leanings towards free-trade and therefore had to be destroyed at all cost.

It will be easily understood how such a system must affect the colonies. A colony under the Mercantile System became merely a reservoir of gold and silver and spices, which was to be tapped for the benefit of the home country. The Asiatic, American and African supply of precious metals and the raw materials of these tropical countries became a monopoly of the state which happened to own that particular colony. No outsider was ever allowed within the precincts and no native was permitted to trade with a merchant whose ship flew a foreign flag. Undoubtedly the Mercantile System encouraged the development of young CATEGORIES industries in certain countries where there never had been any manufacturing before. It built roads and dug canals and made for 14 words better means of transportation. It demanded greater skill among 2001: A Space Odyssey the workmen and gave the merchant a better social position, while (movie) it weakened the power of the landed aristocracy. Abortion

On the other hand, it caused very great misery. It Abraham (patriarch) made the natives in the colonies the victims of a Abraham Lincoln most shameless exploitation. It exposed the citizens of the home country to an even more Achilles terrible fate. It helped in a great measure to turn every land into an armed camp and divided the Adam Smith world into little bits of territory, each working for Adolf Hitler its own direct benefit, while striving at all times to destroy the power of its neighbours and get hold of their treasures. It laid so Adversus Christianos much stress upon the importance of owning wealth that “being (book) rich” came to be regarded as the sole virtue of the average Africa citizen. Economic systems come and go like the fashions in surgery and in the clothes of women, and during the nineteenth Against the Fall of century the Mercantile System was discarded in favour of a system Night (novel) of free and open competition. At least, so I have been told. Agamemnon

(Pages 256-259 of my 1945, Pocket Books edition.) Alaric


Albert Speer

Albrecht Dürer

Alcibiades Praise for The West’s Darkest Hour Alcman Some of the warmest acknowledgments Aldous Huxley we have received here and elsewhere:

At The Daily Stormer Black Swan said: Alexander Alekhine

Fantastic website, especially the excerpts from Hellstrom. Keep up Alexander the Great the great work, your website is an invaluable resource for us and I Alexandr Solzhenitsyn link to it whenever and wherever I can. Alexandria

Alexis de Tocqueville

Alfred Rosenberg

Alice Miller

Alt-Right / white nationalism

American civil war


Amerinds Guest commented on “Parting word”: Ammianus Marcellinus Really enjoyed your tract on the psychological culture of the Mexican Indian Civilization. Really thought provoking stuff. An Eye for an Eye (book)

Ancient Greece

Balrung commented: Ancient Rome

I’m very sorry to see you go. You are a voice in the wilderness, and Anders Breivik were very helpful in my racial awakening. Reading your blog hasn’t been just food for thought; it has also been a force for Andrew Anglin concrete action for me personally and those in my sphere of Andrew Hamilton influence. Never have I heard someone speak with such passion and intensity as you. And never has it been needed so much rather Andrew Joyce than the “compromise” we get from too many who claim to be Angela Merkel friends of the Aryan! Anti-German exterminationism

Richard commented: Anti-white exterminationism Dear Chechar: Thanks for your great work. You have inspired me and my comrades, leaving a deep impact in our minds. On our Antichrist (book) blog we will translate your The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour. Antiochus IV Greetings from Germany. Epiphanes


An email from Patrick: Apollo

Dear César: The high quality of your site and writings made me Apollonius of Rhodes come out of my shell to express my appreciation, even admiration. Arcadia We do seem to be in very close agreement on all key points. You may be even more of an absolutist and perfectionist than myself. Arcadius

Archeology Archimedes Snake commented on Day of Wrath: Architecture A hearty thanks to you, César! Your writings have been crucial to my moral development these last few years (particularly the Argentina Himmler-esque pieces and your polemics against modern music). Arianism


A visitor from Belgium: Aristophanes

Dear César: Hereby I’d just like to let you know how much I Aristotle appreciate the insights on your blog. I felt that I needed to send you this mail to remind you that your message inspires more Art people than you’d think. Most people—while greatly appreciative Artemis of your blog—will merely read it, but not comment. Therefore I’d imagine you’d sometimes feel like talking to a wall, which isn’t the Arthur C. Clarke case. Arthur de Gobineau

Arthur Kemp

Chrisjankyj commented on “The Red Giant”: Arthur Schopenhauer

This post and comments are so true, it’s a pity it falls on mostly Artificial Intelligence deaf ears. This blog is amazing. I’ve spent almost three weeks (movie) straight reading this. My book reading has fallen by the way-side… Aryan beauty I don’t have much else to add to this post. It moved me enough to comment. I feel exactly and have expressed to others the above Aryan problem / points, only to feel the backlash. Christianity is the poison of all Deranged altruism races along with the other Abrahamic or Adamic religions. Asia


Cattle commented on “The One Ring”: Atheism and secularism Dear Chechar: I just want to tell you that I think your blog is by far the most decent and esthetic white nationalist blog I have come Athena across. Like you, I am looking forward to the Day of the Rope. Athens


Mister Deutsch said: Audios

You have dealt with the homosexual issue very eloquently. By far, Augustus you are the best thinker in modern WN to date that I have read (I include a lot of scholars in that category with the possible Australia exception of Tom Sunic). Keep up the good work. Austria


A comment by Vikingbitch: Axiology

The West’s Darkest Hour has taught me that I must hate in order Aztec people to survive as a white person. ¿Me Ayudarás? (book)

Barack Obama

A comment by Kurwenal: Bartolomé de las Casas

I have just finished reading both chapters of Hojas Susurrantes. Baruch Spinoza Congratulations! The book is well-written, very touching and Battle of Poitiers controversial (in a positive sense): “El Retorno de Quetzalcóatl”: Spine-chilling… I had nightmares last night. But also fascinating! Battle of Thermopylae Especially everything related to psychohistory and the evolution of consciousness. Bayreuth Festival Beauty

Beethoven A comment by Ivan Shatov: Ben Klassen First of all, fabulous blog. Absolutely fantastic. Thank you so much for your time and effort. When I first came across your initial blog Ben-Hur I balked at the “” and white nationalism. Your post Benito Mussolini on Pride and Prejudice notwithstanding I removed you from my links. But, I was fortunate to finally awaken. Benjamin Disraeli

Benjamin Franklin

Elviswinehouse commented on “New leaves”: Beowulf Berlin This condensation of the main points in March of the Titans has been extremely helpful to my understanding of Western history. Bernal Díaz del Castillo The same can be said of what you have done with Hellstorm. I thank you very much. Bernardino de Sahagún

In these modern times many folks—for various reasons—will not Bible even begin to read an entire book (god forbid!). But the way you Bill Clinton have ‘parcelled up’ Hellstorm and March of the Titans makes excellent reading and makes an excellent educational tool for the Biography vast majority to get informed. It is a good idea to do this, and as Blacks useful propaganda, it is extremely effective. Just what we need! Again, many, many thanks my friend. Bob Whitaker

Book of Revelation

Mary commented on "The ascent of the soul": Brazil Brenton Tarrant A truly beautiful post, thank you. It captures the best of what you are :) Brigade (novel)


On The Daily Stormer Erik commented: Buddhism

I really owe you for that blog you write. It is the best resource I Caligula have ever found for our White Race. Camp of the Saints (novel) It really is a shinning tower of wisdom amidst the depraved junk of this Judeo-Western culture. I turn to it time and again, and I Canada especially loved the information exposing Christianity, and the Cannibalism article on Lycanthropy. I read that particular one over and over as it lays out in chilling detail the ghastly future which awaits us and Carl Gustav Jung our women. Carl Sagan I can’t thank you enough. Carl Schmitt

Carlo Collodi

IFA on “Civilisation's 'Man—the measure of all things'”: Carolyn Yeager

Bravo on your insightful essay. Your sense of aesthetics is acute. I Carthaginians think you’re one of those rare birds: a Son of the West. You go beyond the insipid race-realism of culturally-violating white Cassius Dio nationalists and espouse a return to European cultural values and Catholic Church concepts. Catholic religious The majority of WNs are very lowbrow and, unbeknownst to orders themselves, agents of the Jewish and modernistic culture of decay. Don’t expect anything out of the overwhelming majority of white Cato nationalists. They are degenerate down to the marrow. Celsus


Freedom Cobra said: Charlemagne

Your insights into psychiatry hit close to home. A rather important Charles Darwin woman in my life has suffered immeasurably at the hands of the Charles Dickens “mental health” industry. I’ve witnessed the drugging you mentioned in a previous post. Institutionalized horrors like these Charles Martel should fill nationalists with more dread than anything an external Charles V foe can do. So to cut my rambling short, thank you again! Chess

Child abuse Michael Wikander commented on “On music”: Childhood’s End I have been reading your articles with a lot of joy. I recognize (novel) many elements in your life, and it is heartening to meet someone China who wrestles with these, especially Alice Miller and abuse. I loved your review of her Hitler nonsense! I agree totally that your Christian art musical tastes define who you are!… Christian question Best regards, or better: Sieg Heil! (CQ)

Christian views on Hell Christianity Hammerheart said: Christopher Columbus OK I have read “Dies Irae” and “A postscript to Dies Irae”, and about 20 pages of material on either side… I have a “This…is… Cicero *it*!” moment. Thank god I found this material. Also, re: [Alice] Miller, your material basically theoretically predicts the City of God (book) Rotherham horror and, in hindsight, is prescient. OMG Chechar Civil war you is da bomb, homey. This is stupendous; this PDF monstronsity I will be reading and re-reading for a month. Oh Civilisation (TV series) thank god, I was beginning to question my sanity. Claudius


Color of crime

Committee for Skeptical Inquiry Extermination • IV Commodus Or: Communism / Dying in a Louis XVI-style bedroom Bolshevism Conservatism

Conspiracy theories

Constans Note of August 6, 2018: Constantine

I have relocated this text here. Constantine II


PUBLISHED IN: ¿ME AYUDARÁS? (BOOK) WELFARE OF ANIMALS ON OCTOBER 30, 2014 AT 1:59 PM Constantius II COMMENTS (32) Corneliu Zelea Codreanu


Crusades On commenter Armor Currency crash

Hadding Scott has just replied to Armor, a monocausalist on VNN Daniel (biblical figure) forum: Dante Alighieri It doesn’t seem to occur to you to ask what ideas might have been in White people’s heads that allowed a tiny minority like Darkening Age (book) the Jews to exert so much influence. Somewhere along the way David (king of Israel) there were White people who for some reason were nodding yes to what the Jews wanted, or else they supported a political David Duke system that allowed this to happen. David Friedrich Armor, who has a French passport, responded with the fallacy: Strauss “White people didn’t allow the Jews to take power”. Incredible David Irving that this guy ignores that Frenchmen and other Europeans empowered the Jews after Napoleon. (Armor is right however that David Lane if Jews suddenly disappeared whites could regain control of their Day of Wrath (book) lands much easier than with them still existing.) Daybreak Publishing PUBLISHED IN: MONOCAUSALISM ON OCTOBER 28, 2014 AT 4:39 PM COMMENTS OFF Death in Venice (movie)



Affordable gift for your friends Degenerate art

A catechism of racial thought, compiled from Demeter many of the world’s foremost thinkers on race and western politics—and some unknown Democracy internet commentators—edited and Democritus commentated upon by C. T. Demography Acknowledgment is due to the following authors and commenters: Arthur Kemp, Hajo Denmark Liaucius, Kevin MacDonald, Michael O’Meara, Jason Richwine, Der Ring des Manu Rodríguez, Roger Devlin, Evropa Soberana (blogsite), Nibelungen (opera) Vance Stubbs, Tomislav Sunic, Jared Taylor, Joseph Walsh and the late William Pierce (the list is not complete). Destruction of Greco- Roman world Just released and available from Amazon Books. Diocletian Postscript of February 16, 2015: Dionysus

The above is a cheap softcover edition. There’s now a more Dominique Venner expensive updated edition in hardcover. Don Quixote (book) PUBLISHED IN: ARTHUR KEMP EVROPA SOBERANA (WEBZINE) FAIR RACE’S DARKEST HOUR (BOOK) JARED TAYLOR KEVIN MACDONALD MANU RODRÍGUEZ (BLOGGER) MICHAEL O'MEARA ROGER DEVLIN TOM SUNIC Donald Trump WILLIAM PIERCE ON OCTOBER 25, 2014 AT 1:16 PM COMMENTS (5) Dorians


Dwight D. Eisenhower Horrific war, calamitous peace Dylann Roof

by Nelson Rosit Eastern Orthodox Church

“WWII represented the triumph of Evil. Seventy years afterward Economy the fruits are evident and undeniable. We are all paying for it now.” Edmund Burke

—A commenter of The Occidental Observer Edward Gibbon Edward I of England

Egalitarianism Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944—1947 by Thomas Goodrich Egypt Sheridan, CO: Aberdeen Books, 2010 Eleusis Reviewed by Rosit in 2014 on TOO Elizabeth I

Emperor Julian Introduction Energy / peak oil

I was flattered when asked to review Thomas Goodrich’s book England Hellstorm. Though first published in 2010 it has recently come out in paperback and Kindle editions and deserves wider notice. Enlightenment That said, I knew this would not be an easy book to read and Enoch Powell review. Erasmus Hellstorm chronicles the atrocities and deprivations visited upon Germany from 1944 to 1947. Though much of the story will be Esau's Tears (book) familiar to serious students of World War II, the author appears to Eschatology have also included some new primary-source material. The bibliography shows that Goodrich has accessed most of the older Essay on the Inequality major works in this field, making Hellstorm a well-researched of Human Races compendium. So, if you have not read Bacque, Sajar, Keeling, et (book) al. you will find them quoted and footnoted here. Ethnic cleansing

In addition to hundreds of footnotes the book contains two maps, always a plus, sixteen pages of photographs, and a useful bibliography and index. If fault can be found, it would be that Euripides Goodrich seems to have completed his research by 2000 so none Europe of the more recent historiography has been included. Also, there are places in the narrative where the events described are not European Union assigned a date and location making the chronology a bit unclear. Eusebius These are minor criticisms, however, because it is not simply as a Evil piece of historiography that Hellstorm finds its power, but as a gut wrenching, heart rending story of human suffering and the malice Evropa Soberana that produced that misery. (webzine)


Synopsis Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book) Prologue: Right from the start Goodrich grabs the reader by the lapels and shakes him. He starts by describing the fate of the East Fascism Prussian village of Nemmerdorf. In October 1944 it became the Feminism first town in Germany proper to be overrun by the Red Army. Soviet troops went into a blood frenzy of rape, torture, and Feminized western murder. males

The author makes it clear that by 1944 the war aims of the Allies Film was not just the defeat of the German armed forces, nor even the Final solution destruction of the National Socialist regime, but rather, “nothing less than the utter extinction of the German nation” (p. 6). Why First World War the genocidal intent? France Goodrich suggests that, in large part, this genocide was the Francis Galton culmination of an eleven-year propaganda campaign against Germany lead mainly by American Jews. International Jewry had Francis Parker Yockey declared war on Germany in 1933 by instituting economic sanctions as well as the above-mentioned propaganda offensive. Francisco Franco The author quotes from Theodore N. Kaufman’s book Germany Franco Zeffirelli Must Perish! “Germany must perish forever! In fact—not in fancy… by preventing the people of Germany from ever Frankfurt School reproducing their kind” (p. 7). He also cites Ben Hecht’s A Guide Franklin D. Roosevelt for the Bedeviled in which Germany and Germans are compared to a cancer which must be destroyed. Franks

On September 15, 1944 President Franklin Roosevelt converted Franz Boas such hate-filled rants into official policy by endorsing the Frederick the Great Morgenthau Plan. Named for Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau and developed by his chief lieutenant Harry Dexter Free speech / Free White (both Jews), this plan envisioned reducing the postwar press population of Germany by two-thirds mainly through the French Revolution starvation of 50 million men, women, and children. Winston Churchill also signed on to the Morgenthau Plan. Friedrich Nietzsche

To the east, Ilya Ehrenburg, “perhaps the most influential Jewish Friedrich Schiller writer anywhere in the world,” was advocating German genocide Fritigern via articles in Pravda, Isvestja, and Red Star as well as in millions of leaflets distributed at the front. “The Germans are not human From Jesus to Hitler beings… Kill, Red Army men, kill! No fascist is innocent, be he (book) alive, be he as yet unborn” (p. 10). G.W.F. Hegel Chapter 1 covers the terror Galerius bombings conducted by American and especially British Galileo Galilee air forces. This campaign begun in July 1943 with attacks on the Game of Thrones port city of Hamburg that left, Gaul “750,000 homeless [and] an estimated 60,000 to 100,000 Genetics dead, mostly women and Genghis Khan children” (p. 14). Called by various names—area bombing, Genrikh Yagoda carpet bombing, saturation bombing, and unrestricted Genuine spirituality bombing—the indiscriminate Geography destruction of urban areas could more accurately be described as terror bombing. George Lincoln Rockwell The leading architect of terror bombing was Chief of British George Orwell Bomber Command Arthur “Bomber” Harris. Postwar assessments by military and political leaders as well as historians have led most George Washington to agree that, in contrast to strategic bombing of military targets and production and transportation facilities, bombing of Germanic People residential areas and cultural monuments was ineffective. While Germany causing massive devastation, it failed to break civilian morale. Giorgio de Chirico Chapter 2 deals with the issue of POWs on the Eastern Front. Much has been written about the poor treatment received by Giselher Wirsing captured Soviet (but not Western) soldiers. But Goodrich makes God the point that Stalin, “refused to sign the Geneva Convention on prisons of war or the Hague Treaty on land warfare” (p. 49). With Goethe no assurance of humane treatment for their own troops Germans Gone with the Wind gave little quarter. Unfortunately, massacres of prisoners on both (movie) sides began early. For instance, on July 1, 1941 160 captured Germans were shot or bayonetted in Broniki, Ukraine. Gore Vidal

Chapter 3 continues to chronicle events on the Eastern Front as Goths the Soviets advance into Germany. Rape, murder, looting, and Gratian destruction accompany the Red Army. “Kill them all, men, old men, children, and the women, after you have amused yourself Greg Johnson with them!” urged Ilya Ehrenberg (p. 81). One German boy recalled that in his town, “everyone wearing anything military—a Guillaume Faye military coat, for example… [was] shoved against a wall and shot” Gulag Archipelago (p. 86). Also in this chapter Goodrich recounts the disaster that (book) befell the refugees trying to flee west by sea. On the night of January 30, 1945 the Wilhelm Gustloff was steaming west on the Gustave Doré Baltic Sea, grossly overloaded with 8,000 women, children, and Hadrian wound soldiers. Goodrich skillful describes the scene. Hamlet (1948 film) That black stormy night, as she struggled through high winds and heavy, ice-filled waves, the Gustloff’s ventilation and Hannibal plumbing systems failed utterly. Strained beyond its limits, the Hans F. K. Günther tightly-sealed ship filled with a hot, nauseating stench of urine, excrement, and vomit. The groans and screams of severely Harold Covington wounded soldiers and the wails of separated families added to Harry S. Truman the ghastly horror. But the worst was yet to come. At approximately 9 P.M., three heavy jolts rocked the passengers Hate on the Gustloff. (p. 89) Heinrich Himmler The ship had been torpedoed by a Soviet sub. Goodrich gives a Hellstorm (book) figure of roughly 7,000 men women and children lost. Helmut Stellrecht Chapter 4 gives an account of the Yalta Conference of February 1945. For seven days the leaders of the Big Three—Britain, the US, Henry VIII and the USSR—met in Crimean Black Sea resort. This conference Heracles confirmed the decision made by Roosevelt and Churchill at Casablanca in 1943 to accept nothing less than unconditional Hermann (Arminius) surrender from Germany thus insuring that the Germans would fight to the bitter end. Goodrich notes that the US President “was Hermann Göring a staunch supporter and admirer of [Stalin] and defended him at Hermann Samuel every turn” (p. 98). It was FDR who gave the Soviet dictator the Reimarus moniker “Uncle Joe.” Hernán Cortés Most of this chapter is devoted to describing the holocaust of Dresden. The city, which had been spared up to this time, was Herod the Great obliterated in mid February 1945 by Allied air attacks. The author Herodotus gives six compelling reasons why Dresden should have been spared the destruction visited upon Hamburg and other German Hesiod cities. But spared it was not. Hieronymus Bosch

On February 13 and 14 the magnificent Baroque city was bombed Hippocrates to rubble. Then thousands of incendiary bombs were dropped igniting the debris to create huge fire storms. “[T]he International History Red Cross estimated that 275,000 had died… other estimates that History of the decline place the death toll at 300,000 to 400,000 may well be closer to and fall of the Roman the mark” (p. 123). After the horror of Dresden a few Allied Empire (book) political and military leaders raised protests, but “the air terror continued unabated” (p. 125). Hitler Youth

Chapter 5 returns to the plight of those fleeing the Soviet advance. Hitler's table talk (book) After 150 pages of death and destruction the reader may think he has become inured to descriptions of violence. Then Goodrich Hojas Susurrantes recounts the shocking story of Neustettin. After the Red Army (book) overran the city in February 1945 2,500 girls of the Reich Labor Holocaust Service were killed, many after the most gruesome torture imaginable. Holodomor

Chapter 6 deals with the conduct of Allied soldiers in the West. Homer Their behavior was not nearly as bad as the Soviets, but the GIs did “‘their share of looting and raping’ a US sergeant admitted” (p. Homosexuality 169). Even more serious than looting and rape were the “large Honorius (emperor) number of captured or surrendered Germans [who] were simply slaughtered on the spot” (p. 170). Fortunately, these were the Horace exceptions rather than the rule and Goodrich concedes that “the Human sacrifice average GI and Tommy comported himself amazingly well” (p. 170). Huns

Chapter 7 describes the Battle of Berlin, the desperate, heroic, Hunter (novel) ugly, and hopeless defense of the German capital. Hypatia of Alexandria

Chapter 8 covers a number of topics: the concentrations camps in Ibycus the West, the fate of German POWs and civilians in the East, and the treatment of foreigners who supported or collaborated with Iceland the Germans. Iliad (epic book)

When the concentration camps in western Germany were Immanuel Kant captured Allied soldiers were greeted by the sight of thousands of emaciated bodies, living and dead. With the breakdown in Immigration laws production and distribution of food, fuel, clothing, and medicine, Impeachment of Man “thousands of camp inmates swiftly succumbed in the final weeks (book) of the war to typhus, dysentery, tuberculosis, starvation, and neglect” (p. 230). The Allied forces blamed the camp guards for India these conditions and shot most of them on the spot. At this point Individualism of the war, however, many of the guards were ordinary German soldiers assigned to the camps to keep some semblance of order Indo-European until Allied troops arrived. heritage

The surrender of German forces in the spring of 1945 did not Industrial Revolution bring peace nor stop the killing. In Czechoslovakia German Infanticide civilians and POWs were subjected to savage reprisals. Almost all Germans, many from families who had been there for centuries, Inquisition were expelled from their homes. Over 200,000 were killed, many tortured to death. Similar scenes, on a lesser scale, were played Intelligence quotient (IQ) out in Rumania, Hungary, and Yugoslavia. In France, 100,000 French citizens who had collaborated with the Germans were Ireland murdered. Isaac Newton At the end of the war over five million Soviet citizens—POWs, Isabella I of Castile Cossacks, foreign workers, veterans of Vlasov’s German/Russian army—fell into the hands of the western Allies. To appease Stalin, Isaiah (prophet) Operation Keelhaul was implemented to forcibly return these millions to the USSR to face execution or years of slave labor. Islam Operation Keelhaul became Operation Prevarication as the War Islamization of Europe Department solemnly proclaimed, “The United States Government has taken a firm stand against any forced Israel repatriation and will continue to maintain this position… There is Italy no intention that any refugee be returned home against his will” (p. 251). James Mason

Meanwhile General Eisenhower was circumventing the Geneva James Watson Convention by designating captured German soldiers as DEFs, Jane Austen Disarmed Enemy Forces rather than POWs who would be accorded certain protections under international law. As a result, Japan the surrendering Germans were imprisoned in huge open-air enclosures without shelter, and with little food, water, or medical Jared Taylor care. Hundreds of thousands died of exposure, starvation, Jean-Jacques dehydration, and disease. Probably close to one million German Rousseau prisoners died in American and French camps. “And thus, in ‘peace,’ did ten times the number Landsers die than were killed on Jefferson Davis the whole Western Front during the whole of the war” (p. 260). Jeffrey Masson

“These Nazis are getting a dose of their own medicine’ a prison Jeremy Bentham commandant reported proudly” (p. 255). At the same time the International Red Cross reported that ninety-nine percent of Jerusalem American POWs held by Germany survived the war and returned Jesus home safely. Jewish hate groups Chapter 9 begins with the German unconditional surrender on May Jewish question (JQ) 8, 1945. One phase of the war was Jewish–Roman wars over. Incredibly, “the worst yet lay ahead… The war against Germany Jez Turner continued unabated” (p. 279). Goodrich points out that the Johannes Gutenberg Morgenthau Plan was never Johannes Kepler officially repudiated and what might be called the Modified John Calvin Morgenthau was implemented. John F. Kennedy “‘Most children under ten and people over sixty cannot survive John Locke the coming winter,’ one American admitted in October 1945” (p. John Milton 289). A few US elected officials protested the treatment of John Modrow Germans, but the great humanitarian Eleanor Roosevelt declared after a fact-finding tour that conditions in Germany were John of Patmos “tolerable” (p. 292). John Stuart Mill

Chapter 10 surveys the de-Nazification process instituted after the John the Evangelist war. This process involved imprisonment, interrogation, and punishment. Interrogation was often accompanied by beatings, John Tyndall rapes, and even more extreme torture. Few failed to confess to José María Morelos whatever they had been accused of while often implicating others as well. “One man opposed to the vengeance-minded program was José Vasconcelos George Patton. ‘Evidently the virus started by Morgenthau and [Bernard] Baruch of Semitic revenge against all Germans is still Joseph Goebbels working,’ wrote the general in private” (p. 299). Joseph Stalin

Twice in the book Goodrich mentions that in immediate postwar Josephus Germany the Salvation Army was, “one of the few relief organizations that dared face and fight the incredible suffering, Joshua regardless of the Allied political pressure.” (p. 318). Although the Jovian Salvation Army was hardy able to “make a dent” in the desperate conditions these efforts might be something to keep in mind when Judaism you hear the bell ringers around Christmas time. Julian (novel)

Chapter 11 covers the expulsions of over twelve million Germans Julius Caesar from Prussia, Pomerania, and Silesia. After the war the USSR would claim a bit of East Prussia, the rest of the territory was Julius Firmicus awarded to Poland. The Germans, whose ancestors had lived in Maternus these lands for many centuries, were forced to flee west. Without Justice adequate food, clothing, or shelter, exhausted and hungry, these hapless refugees were robbed, beaten, raped, and murdered by Justinian I Russian soldiers, Polish militia men, and gangs of Gypsies and Juvenal Jews. It was, “the greatest death march in history, [and] it was preordained that millions would never survive the trek” (p. 334). Karl Marx

About two million eastern German expellees, mostly women and Karl Popper children, died. Another one million ethnic Germans expelled from Karlheinz Deschner Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia also died. Four million more Germans were sent east and disappeared Kenneth Clark into the gulags. Unbelievably, it appears that, “far more Germans died during the first two years of ‘peace’ than died during the Kevin MacDonald previous six years of war” (p. 344). Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Epilogue: The author suggests that the one thing that saved Germany from total postwar destruction was the beginning of the Cold War. By the late 1940s “Great Britain and the United States were more intent on erecting a bulwark against Soviet expansion Lactantius than in flailing a fallen enemy even further” (p. 354). Latin America

Goodrich ends the book by saluting the German people’s will to Lawrence Auster live manifest in their postwar economic miracle. Yet he also notes that the propaganda campaign against Germany has continued—a Leon Trotsky psychological and political necessity for the victors to justify their Leonardo da Vinci wartime and postwar policies. Leonidas

Libanius Conclusions Liberalism Hellstorm is revisionist history in the most basic definition of the term “revision”—to look at again. Seven decades after the end of Library of Alexandria World War II the standard narrative still reads like a morality play Literature —the forces of good fought and triumphed over the forces of evil. Whenever history is written in such simplistic terms the reader London should know that much of the story is missing. Building on earlier efforts, Hellstorm provides some of the missing pieces of the Lord of the Rings (novel / film) story. Lothrop Stoddard This reviewer can remember when James Bacque’s Other Losses came out in 1989. It caused a minor stir. It contained evidence Louis XIV of France that perhaps one million Germans died in captivity in the West. It was released by a major Canadian publisher. It was reviewed by Louis-Ferdinand Céline several mainstream publications. And, in that pre-internet age, it was available on the shelves of chain bookstores. Luke the Evangelist

Yet Other Losses shows how difficult it is for any single book, no Lycurgus matter how significant, to change public perceptions of World War Maccabees II formed by decades of incessant propaganda. Jews were the real victims of the war, and whatever losses the Germans may have Madison Grant suffered were their own fault. Mainstream media The need for a more balanced view of the war and the need to Manosphere interpret National Socialist Germany within a historical perspective is why Hellstorm is an important book. More such Manu Rodríguez books need to be written. The suffering of the German people (blogger) needs to be acknowledged. People of European extraction everywhere should see that the children burned alive or crushed March of the Titans (book) under rubble were our children. The women beaten and raped were our women. The young soldiers summarily executed were Marcus Aurelius our boys. Marcus Eli Ravage After seventy years, the denials and hypocrisy of the war and Mark the Evangelist postwar years need to be recognized. For example, today America is fighting a War on Terror, yet terror—the killing of the innocent Mark Twain for military and political ends—was a major tactic of the Allies during World War II. Mark Weber Marriage In 1984 Jewish author and media personality Studs Terkel published a best-selling oral history entitled The Good War. There Martin Bormann was absolutely nothing good about World War II. It was a tragedy for our peoples and civilization. Martin Luther

William Faulkner wrote, “The past is never dead. It’s not even Marxism past.” Thus it is with World War II. The war is still being fought. It Materialism / is a psychological war that heaps shame and guilt on Germany, capitalism and ironically, on her opponents as well to the extent they shared Germany’s race and culture. The war ought to be seen as an Maternus Cynegius internecine conflict, the result of a failure of statesmanship by Matt Koehl both Anglo-American and German leaders. As Patrick Buchanan wrote, it was The Unnecessary War. Matthew the Evangelist

An optimist might see the tide beginning to turn. In the past Matthias Grünewald several years a number of mainstream books have been published Maxfield Parrish seeking to present a more impartial view of the wartime and postwar suffering. Maya civilization

This is much more than just an issue of nuanced historiography. Mein Kampf (book) The narrative of World War II continues to be used as a Men propaganda weapon to demoralize the West. The effort to historicize World War II should continue. Hellstorm is part of that Metaphysics of race / effort. sex

______Mexico Michael O'Meara For the footnotes see the original article on The Occidental Observer, linked at the hatnote. Michelangelo



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Zweites Buch

The greatest of the “conservative” thinkers, Joseph de Maistre, pointed out long ago that the French Revolution led the revolutionaries rather than was led by them. For he believed that certain Providential forces rule our lives. These forces he saw in Christian terms, but others, like Heidegger, for instance, saw them in terms of Being, over which humans have no control.

In either case, the force of Providence or Being or Destiny has a power that has often made itself felt in our history. For this reason, I have little doubt that Europeans will eventually throw of the Judeo-liberal system programming their destruction. I’m less confident about we Americans, given the greater weakness of our collective identity and destiny. But nevertheless even we might be saved from ourselves by this force—as long as we do what is still in our power to do.

—Michael O’Meara


The Occidental Observer (scholarly site about the Jewish Question).

Nazi Propaganda Guide Page (not exactly a National Socialist friendly site but very informative of primary NS sources).

The legacy of Wm. Pierce

David Irving’s Website

Jake F.’s NS Archive


La hora más oscura

From Guillaume Faye's "Mars & Hephaestus":

The twenty-first century will be a century of iron and storms. It will not resemble those harmonious futures predicted up to the 1970s. It will not be the global village prophesied by Marshall MacLuhan in 1966, or Bill Gates’ planetary network, or Francis Fukuyama’s end of history: a liberal global civilization directed by a universal state.

The Third Age of European Civilization commences, in a tragic acceleration of the historical process, with the Treaty of Versailles and end of the civil war of 1914-18: the catastrophic twentieth century. Four generations were enough to undo the labor of more than forty. Europe fell victim to its own tragic Prometheanism, its own opening to the world and universalism, oblivious of all ethnic solidarity.

The Fourth Age of European civilization begins today. It will be the Age of rebirth or perdition. The twenty-first century will be for this civilization, the fateful century, the century of life or death.

Let us cultivate the pessimistic optimism of Nietzsche. “There is no more order to conserve; it is necessary to create a new one.” Will the beginning of the twenty-first century be difcult? Are all the indicators in the red? So much the better. They predicted the end of history after the collapse of the USSR? We wish to speed its return: thunderous, bellicose, and archaic. Islam resumes its wars of conquest. China and India wish to become superpowers. And so forth. The twenty-first century will be placed under the double sign of Mars, the god of war, and of Hephaestus, the god who forges swords, the master of technology and the chthonic fires. This century will be that of the metamorphic rebirth of Europe, like the Phoenix, or of its disappearance as a historical civilization and its transformation into a cosmopolitan and sterile Luna Park.

The beginning of twenty- first century will be the despairing midnight of the world of which Hölderlin spoke. But it is always darkest before the dawn. Let us prepare our children for war. Let us educate our youth, be it only a minority, as a new aristocracy.

Today we need more than morality. We need hypermorality, the Nietzschean ethics of difcult times. When one defends one’s people, i.e., one’s own children, one defends the essential. Then one follows the rule of Agamemnon and Leonidas but also of Charles Martel: what prevails is the law of the sword, whose bronze or steel reflects the glare of the sun.

T A G S:

4 words

For Spanish-speakers: an autobiography of the editor of this site in two volumes is available: here and here.

He who has not read Day of Wrath has not looked at the admin of this site in the eyes. A hard copy is available: here. For an introduction see: here.

______㶦 ______

“Hate is not some useless organ like the appendix. It’s there for a reason.

Why does Christianity do all it can to talk us out of necessary and functional drives?

Well, the answer is that it’s a bit of software meant to disable our enemy recognition module. Christianity preaches blind love, and that love is murdering the West”. – Alex Linder

“Why were you so ungrateful to our gods as to desert them for the Jews?” —Emperor Julian to the Christians

Regarding the sticky post see esp. post #37. For the context of the Christian problem see: here.


When you forbid your enemy to hate, you’ve disarmed him.

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