
T.bfU.* ••• -


Hood » » i>/^pTi A vn fw>-- Thg FBI searched the Mount awSndL^w'J^ded^^ motel manager was TPX Asent in a motel shootout The maiu bebev^ S^by a S^JAlSm bullet ftred at the SJTfoHner member of an Idaho ^j« WP^«^ 5unA. the Aryan Nations Officials rtJ^^JD^yJ^ umdcntified gi^^ S^ originaUy wt looking for the

Tha Washinoton Pwt . Tha Wasrynolon Tknas Oa% Nawt (Naw VortO The Naw York Tfenaa . Tha Writ SiraalJoumtf Tha CNngo TrfbiM . Tha Loa Anostas Tknaa Tba Chrtstiin Soaoca Monikv USATo^ fff'

/^'^<-^ - „ BEST copy AVAILABLE '''^' Haa vZ iwoQj J .. —

).19{»Wv 4-26-e3) o


SuMpeetFMl Hunted BelievedDead in Skge


ftuDd[ todaytoi b tb» ctiftmo or an ItUndbouM.

Puge SouDd. wm» th» obfaci o' » »- e^. lt»Sd Abas • PJI. lAtiir^y «hn Qatm t&toDdod to tOumiMtA te •o«ke wt tbt faouM Aflri. Alte WUtAter. tbt barvAo'i ipodAl AteBt-b>^kArit for WAAhfa^[tao oimtA, oT Aid fat boUvvvd tfai cBly occupASt tbt bcwe vAt Robert T. MAtfavvs. 11. or iit»*l**** FaUb. Tbt buroAU lAAd taU Itamty ooiUd 00^ be ccBfLrmod by ab the Autopty . wbich wOl bt ooBductad by Ktal County ModlCAl EmnlMr't of* flOA.

i Mr. MAtbrwv bAd bote w*«itoOA wbiD fat AACApAd tnn About SO I Nov. K buroAu Aftca turnwdtai A FartlAOd, flAOtAl. Ota.. ^ . Arthur Eaoa«I, a PodtrAl Aftm. was votfkdAdlB tte k&MiDttet tBddKt Be WAS AUKBA Anots who bad 9000 to te DotdtD Amet Mr. MAthawi; fOQouBAtA, Oanr Laa YArbrtaigh, who WAS AOOMd of ibOOdnf At thr«A AftBtS Oct OA pokeamAB lor tta bUTAAu n wodid ooDduct AB to«olry IM

Jofafi Ue MAtbtwt, AlAO ot MoCAlte FADS, Hid bis brotfatr bAd ban ftD> fQhFAd tD tilt NAtiCDAl AHIa&oa, A white •u^vDAdsi fr«9. ADd ocbv nch or*

The WeAhington ^oat The Wethington Ttonat

Datty Newt (New Yorti) The New York Timat The WiS Seeei Jowrwl The Chicaoo Trtofw . The Lot An peltt T>mae The Chhetien Scianca Momor UaATod^

0- /?>/g>>^K —*

kM AO tl» . Links ofAnti-SemiticBandProvoke C»t*. Am* 6-StateParley

FadenI y WAYNE KING armi iBvaMtgaton mftd. kal^plaat of a asm is feaavily araiad n«trt-wtot ---—--^ BOUSTXM. Die ^ Ite ra^iy the cyvarlaps ven also reportad tff " » ; froup*t aa naae loon members of a kmvOy loladlltMaa^ aadi groiBs m the AatMMamatkB tfCi-Semitic group ttet hM **«•* tfOBt, affhwuli diere vas oo Uacue oTB'Mi I'rtth. vtoch feaa war*' CB tiK Untad Sum ip* ttODorafOrptaato ' aoBiiored and taOtad to todomm to mbtpartolalvvcr radtt al- TBtFaoeraiaceotsaiaDseuadnciRntFaderalaci fBcagrou|ttaudiasmeiuiiuu&vn.ichgiwpasucfeMtheKBlQiaKtoB. * " tetetfai aacwortaacvort iiis toactooae todUtoiU mcts.iDdiidti«QDeaetaili0ga*-pQiDt, tortorttna qpe deufliat > nnthe gtramiftotramist '* ijattiu tor pmng kao itatm at an aattawldeaatkxiwlde lato Kope. tar cuwu i rratad ^Amn wan^or^lJT murdarti« Jaws, to SBaS pockets to the WMft Waal. UKte, Padaral totem mTFMX te Wmt aad the Sooth. AlttaoiMh the iinrm;tisatan my It to kwrttficB Cnct dadarad ^ttad more by idadogy aDd thaolGcy «*the ZOO** *a^ the tea by orgeotoattoD ar btorarchy. "Jaw-ooDtnUad madto/* aad warned af 'Maity grefights** bacwa« tear mi- bya toroamott offictols aad tha *1toavily- Ml armad White American Kcvolntiaoary Kb Army/* tovalvad to a auD battle to Waal^ Aryan Nattoos ; to an — ftasa arith OMnban oT the ,Mr learn is aa vtoch calls hadf^he SUem Ibe SOam Bracherhood, which bas Aryan Ma Itokstoat least and myste^ aim is terror* a doseo other groups ofg^aixatiflnaS Hke It around tte obuntry, a vtolCBt taka^vcr d the Gov- todudfa^ to the Anti- slrmynfi of the Ku Kha Ktea and the Laague and other sourom. is the AxTan Ibis ctotfi bore raaamblaDom to ODe American Haxis. subacrfbm to a 8tt> {ta3bmgraaptoIdahD.IttohBadedby aaoBChs ^o, to Artamas. lodi pramadst doctrine myii« that the Botlar, a »yaar^ J$ Iticterd Girm ' —•—' GovenuDcnt bas baeo taken over by —tsofaractotaovalthatbas BO-Nazi who is also bead of an an JifWB. who tt mys are dmcfnrlams t the b(b)e or an aatihSoitic d :s eaOad the Ctoirch of . Satan and most be exterminated to a . The WaridngtoB shootout Mstian« wldch atoo I racial and religious ArmageddoD. tod Faderal anonieys tram Alabama, „. at the Aryan Nattom oom- OaliteBla, Gotarado, Idaho. Onfon Although the Faderal Burmu of In- latBaydeaUke. wwflgit fau said alter the gun battle to _^ aad Waihjiigi ii t m maet to Seattle Mr. Butler said that bis graop bad a VaatongKon two weeks ago with the Si- mailii^ list of COM ] tom >i q

racist affiance calUi^ itself te f^S

( on FederiJ oflkiala* Qiderad all reUgiousi I off the island and baltad rtarstoBL Alp traffic to the aovd. Wtet toOowad wasa xiprtoeef the 5*JP™P'« ««liatii are ..^52! daah with Mr. KabI to the bills of Ar- Bamban of the Kb IQbk Klan. the raadeacapad wtto GJ milliQB, 1 aitf aoncndical kamm It mootte batore. ^^'aoad to raim monrv tor a war a as^vur to dto doctrtoe of ftaae _ Altor siege, wito sporadic the UoitadStatoB 6o»anmwML the ofQoors tram

! ••»».- arSai

} was aim tovidvad to rnim Aryan Kation ftotctjoos, Gordbn Kabl ih to ratoe mouy aad to «m kIDed to May Ifgl toTteteto Trie WbshinQton rraaqr. aooorfiqg to 71mm -^——^^ kpj Aitaaaas after a cache of emtaaivm and DsSy News (New Yorti) ^_«^^-^ ammuoftiOB was i^atted to a gmt- flTotoi *? flgto wttb Fedeni ageetts, bm not ba> The New Yorii Tlmm ft " Ave he dhoc Iwithssj anMcU&da sStflL n» The WsS Sbaet Jowto ^ Aryan Natfcms hm deeUi?jiii^ bgr baSisttos ^amms as the TYw CNcego TnbiAe Z rganiatittions the X>mvfr radto afBliatad wlto TheLosAngsiMrei _. talk stew boat theradst amaaoe whowas riddlad by a burst 6um an au- The Chrieton Science Monitof "—Mtic weapon b M e stepped tram his USATodsy ' '*"' to the drfwway of r ' ^*'^''* '""'• 1—UJ i^l.f.?^!?!? """^* knar the media. - toS^ytog i2.-n.m Mr Kahl, e tan proteamr with a itfe. of anti-Semitic and aoti^dack ac- ftmmine sought to the stay. rtdenl marvels to North '^ 9. -WOOu M -

^tie«C:p«.llani«mdrandtoT IM (Mb of Aorta ty «WM n- nawaaBta>-4<» «to«rt^« iaieegatcni»ligbttiMmM.lfaTl|- fnoMdm «to tana pmnUluy Mr.Yaitanmk«ati ttt MBtkOTBli HMdttthowr Mil ii p i l Md Bwcwd wttiiw Afyn itotfoM. tt Mr. «9. " Ike bta» ontd Ite iwtt i( &• tta ff < Vr iImIwi i __^ te. «hB Mr. TaftaroH^ «m r*' Cutf ptat tan iOem to 0vt^ >pl» by awTSBfai ladf by pb- vkm hi tad «md • «n ftr»

btfitnacnBUMtiatcbuBilB^ Am« Cammed by UJ. ^ Itat MiaoD was arrvtad, ahhanib »pwaiot.«bicb»ttatt>eUK Miattty af Ifce. acawd Md fc T«banHir>elaiaacniaayMw ifl -Hi'^rigii^ t^Ttwfil itiniMft iba taad eC tte Ann SStoMta^^ te SSr». 5e?S3eralaBtt«W«.*bltecBBaf». iicbaid Bodar. earftadateadaittiatfttertfleaBdn -B^J^^II^^^^,,^^,,,,^. g?^^ ^ „g,M ,^ Mh tta J^ oftheBlaaatotheduitoaotfilaial. Hiaiij oovaaaoi aod «bar.r«^ ss^s3i»jc -jasr^r^sssas'.. ssrsssis Padml oftteftw»aiuiimi»- T^ifn irtrl rrttnrrti ' ad tfaOK MBtortDf ttat or te mctel ttr- Aflvihe 4Mah7Mr "**"**' ^**^| ft 1 of HIT and are Midog otten. U^bA, Mr. Aider Md .«0 In inw WbMbcr j AttcSttew avir to ca«o4y to » wt oanfenooe at wUch ka »ld te vwr-QldGaiyLaaYaitamgbarSaad wm **pnDd of Matban; ka waa a »• Km. Mafao. who 'wa wgortfBy ian>,- ^ ^^^^ craflad talo tba Afyaa NatioDa OD Mr. Laat VadDeaday, ia faia a^ata^ Matte«i*sfacoiDiDeDdattotel»iorl MattDtepnaaaMardnattittftvaof amatad In ttenbbertaa and iDchidtM Mr. Matbivi. Mr,

Ora.B« YaxtoraqsH aad 1

*nter asandad oBOa. U. IMtyMahP.;\r atf _^ ^ te ~^ ' ft tka vanWp awlot cf tka CoBfch of J ', a aaa

a^iitt at te mgm^Bm^am Mr. Ta apfMoLa^ taana^ aBF3J.MM,An iZlZy^Si •^^''^^Siw tt —Wart, B> Pat Pmandrt "W^*^"/ •'mmtapaoaX a , ..^. ""'""- Iwr^* ^*^^"^Ml ml 0raaBi at as _^M_ Jt-LJt77L jLu ilii rt I iiifc III laid II ^rid M HasdHi Lifea. *^^v^^ M^ ta and r^^ . _. tta 009 aaity MM toM Mas . „ t^ Anaa Katton la aikiiii ^ ^^M il^liaadadly nibUd a ^J^Ytoto^ ">^^^^?^^^^^«^^^

graoada, in caih tfct hand- >adn^b6ada Ccairinifaal Ttaui|m ar> MP,Ma aad |tpmla«*'«a«mhavaawttaM] aoradearof MOO.MOia'Saattltaada vrtttandadaratianof *>ar^i|^8db9r ^w^^Ii ^f *>M|iy***t«Htfti Brimii BrWB tnck af SLC vmoB In ^ge Mwdftrtg| tbanadm aa i>t *" UMalu li^,,7n ^ ii malmfnT lB&_wtbari»afarBaoiadcar»y«a " «•,** ^gf . . , bm ttt aavriMar aan. •^c cantadoaihiaM(aaIUtary«yteby Mr.YatbaeqagbwwchamidaBMv- imb te«a ta ttl ttabSMT^' araid(rai*a.arivioirpmB«siBthe

y/l ^Neo-Nazis' Inspire White Supremacists Tied to Navel mve of (>ime.'Rrrorim •n^ book «ht« . -«-»« V^^'^^S^^-

the Na- toon Beo-Nax».neo-Nazi*. Inw theu« book, -Aoan Nrtiors"««*»-•' in »««-j--v- jnr «f?-^^'^ae,^^ -Mym ' aeveral proinmeBt Je*«. ,1^ -,irt»ite MAvncM 1 AKg Mmho—A anall » Bwrte ^^ mth «***" are fcoBy attack teael a«l Weit«i»J&«;j* iL^SiSriummber^^ SeSa of the in

h» fajd Bible a. the ttojeniW^ Sm«n.iniiw«db, a fictional ac. -SiJent Brotherhood" the iwni^ counterfeiting and a Botkr. 65. a nerv«»tt. a i»»Naa takeover of the i^etf through «^rf tbeie unmenaong ?2L«L!r Set d^iobberiet. With .^ ,rtth a wrpriangly fond-raiaing methods. ««*«^ «anner-4» coiim«rti« TfttAfawe oflEL Secret Ser- ^^ has accumulated aod Ttedtr-aet ^-?2«ltiS5uof Afcohol. Mid. the group ,^ -QoAr SLSlSfitSS oS^SS; -or; than $rLllio« in $100 and ^ iww»«jr«-*^^ '^'^^^Jllt^'iZof biun tZObflh. ^id black* ire the children U5. i-tHu- At So«ofthec.*lu«tee.njcj.3^c«^ S&S'ii^S^ i««rt an«t*JW Ae gomnment. «mber. are ««I in the tiona and 2?S?SeSrf ^^ last large !SVS!.!!!S!S^ FBI reportedly behevea that Sutler aaid in an Biterview be a. ctok. of the «ooey r«-i« to »i^ ke «- bi.,-i-« •WSSrS the e«ie«»u. ^ *^ «-ent b«d d white «. "•?^|^,SX'Lrt. ol the ^-^^'IJSS^t^^ atten- a JtH^S^'nL^ puniriiti one to national ,^- jj^said. It is a hattJe. or foriaMs. k can only be done ^ 2? Accortinfly.BttUerh»»^)cntthc _ ^ff-^^ ditu iliuUBi btenture, and *• JS ^•«2?S»11i^ taking part in pubic debates •• o« •ember ol the "brothefbood- "StafiTSeiive eatatogue o< A^- Nations literature and par- m Nonana D. aovcmeBtj!iS:,t?L!?J!3iisfwoatmg torfaJ »/«™-y^ ^mbM /^^ |,.„ fa, ,rie range edition of Adolf Hitler-. . frSTnew ' 2S.^A^f2?!**i^5^* J!^^S^M** ™* f"*P* tified church here B&raaiote and "T" .T .---- «i^t,, •«««. *»«« K«««^-^ rp>o>Hrtler ttans- •«t««- rf t«« SmloSr«~e rt co«n.- catalogue pRvaaes) to t by killing, robbery Mty cast of Spokane. Wash., M lation.* the mugs and key diams .» ^' He dted a aifes south of the Canadian border, plastic cofiee red-aod-bhie Aryan Na- ^leciBratioa of war* against bbcks. This anaO Idaho town is the Rearing the Jews Md the federal govemneat hone base of the Xhurcfa of Jesus tkmsseaL gnedbyaboatUoftheneo-Nass Christ—Chriatian' and its proae- ktebtmeath. Iftiaing arm. an aualiary group ^ Law eoforoenait officers say the oBed 'Aryan Nitioiis.* -nw WMNngian Poai H ^ Aryan Na- Bwp. vHJoasly known as the The "dknrch- and the THa wtaNngion itawt tiens group are descendanu of bate •Whiu Aaerkan Baatian.- The 0,ly M«»s (New vort^) 0Her'>-Br«ierSchwei,en-6i-fn«y^thatflpur«hed*«igthe ^M-y^W "^^ISTL b« n. -nee Tt. ws. 9aaj. *un-- 1S?ra^ifcTS?-t T^aChicgoT**. WO1970 by RichaidC. Butler.. Cal. fictionalSJ^Cir^Nas fMttasy. . ,__ ifer°i« »«?yrtical «gne« who TV owreatoythurtf of violence !I*if^^!!?T . a The Scianc. Monnor ««A»fairi» ctoaeK with the BJBt af >g«me fcBo^ ^ '^'.-^y ©»«» S*^, «* US* Today a fictional pampUet. The Tvmt ''^ T,!S. h 1973. Butler moored the oper- ^fT^Trl!!?!^^iam Pierce of Arhngtan.Va. .to to a fenced aod aectaded 20- «*,^ /Z/^--2^-#Y^ 4? fY STi bSVthe edge of Coeur . S rAtene National Pore*, new the ^^^ bmks of a pure, ice-bhie hk* aur- ^ <^^>...- raimded by a dense stand of dark- ,i^ 9 p^oi extreme iome dbaerverm of the Butler's alory and Mathews was lit doubt ^f\ «»«^,„^^,^ connected to tBc month at a cottar » ^^^^^^^ «pc..tf*y teve e is stiD doaely uus wtboritiet. wbo movement. a aattle violent fectkm of his %\^^^ Waah. Afler ffm tow- ||-^ Butler toa not been charfed, ,^ ,00 agmta. in any cf the faor ever with complicity |^^^ 4^ ^ AloocpoinUBuileramlheW member iwcentcrteet. ^ Brotherhood a maiiAC kit of 6.000 people. M ^ Aryan h miy caae. a poup of i^ned. aiolen hsr two diMident W- tte was members befan a'Uoody Yarbrough's hrtxher. who kh te compound last Mations lomn which the Daw 1 tnil rf oimmal conduct, jj^ ^ af the is baaed on the •o««»«gf, aho reported^r member* aatfaaritieft re* FBI says H, inieo Caiadian uprwrng FW been arreated re- Merature account of a neo-Nas ^^^ ^^ also fiiied to let Butlers hate informant Ment Stephenaon said an ^,a||y, igU) the couBify^ he the bf with •^^'V^;?; STdescribed the novel as ifc one has been charfed board to ipreao tne puler buUetio faction. much of the money He bte- of the violent Berg's murder, Bkeaaage efectrofucally. FBI^^beheves, couuten«ed ^ hi the hat year, the ^j^^ ^^^ gi^^ ar hundred people m the Iwt- aeveral Brotherhood members have hidden and several more acceaa to Slent ,^,„ains ad Sutes and Canada pin least one at larte aacoeaafuDy carried out at ,g,pacted members remam ayatcm every day to lead arti- am* the robbery and two hicrative a dragnet acroas the Umted metaafes. bank ^^^^ Semitic. anli-Wack cars. troika* of armored States and Canada. »y Butler holds fefular Sunday Stephenaon told a map^atein draw a lew ^^..it^UafyThmJmnd church aervicea that the doai^ ^Seattle that ^some of camipanirnf Onv donn people. His church also runs jpabof ents leuivered tfroro a amall Xhristtan Academy^ where be- homes) state that in order to a handful of local children get their come an *Aryan Warrior,' apphcanto of • aatst complete a aeries . • Butler has also boated at least two aeasians of the ^National Aryan conpffing mch crediu ioehides CM Congress." an annual gathering of FBI aHoiler of federal JBdies. Kn Khix Kian. American Nas Party. awBts. wd other federal oftdak Poaae Comiutus and similar ex- wd enpioyea. m «d aa tke anr- _noup . aaembers from people der of Jewirfi peoole. Uack Ithe^nation. At Tke Seem Serwce. •hi«*w»e«- ooontctfefCRC* ea* aetteo a Mas uttforms. br%ht*bhie Aryan ^ij.*— Nations suiu or white Ktt Khtt Uan Wailanft« atatc that aBegedhr nabes gKher around the Nasi and tnl wmmtitf Bobert E. Mcrki. a Confederate flsj rertkcn(|it-viBcr«9- stiff-armed Naa erfeiii«iiwedbf*ecs- ao thoae who have attended. Ml aaly to fei cMh ta» riw to dwiipt tiK Federal Ke«rve J as a temporary base for such ** Syfliem. «ydi Anm >«« alies as Louis Beam jr.. former >de«7ibeaaaataolofjew». Grand Dragon of the Tens Ku Kha Ran. wd Robert Milea. a Ktan lead- to nake a atrooc er from hfichigaa. tkia fd alter Over the years. Butler directed group Gary Lee Yartronih. ao ( much of his proaelyti&Qg at priaon tatcr became Ricbard Butler's iamates. particularly in the West «bo bodyguard* at the Haydea Uhe Md deep South. He saysjttat *a dM0di. dtefedhr find at FBI number* of ex'convicta whom he ageouapproechiBgbiakoaae. contacted while they were in priaon aobaevieni aevcb of Yar- moved here after their releaae and A koaie wveahd a iKge became members of the *Aryan Na- t's


But tfttsiaAii of piiaonert led to the gm fBHDd i» Yar- an cvcatual apKt is tte • Mne via a 1iac>l(r •»• novcmeat. at Bvtler tcBa it. «b their viev. th M«ud that thia «w the foB uaed to reach the aaaaet of our people to kl Berg, the DcBver ladb host. through truth, kfic. and icaaona- Aflcr the Jhooih« « Yar* hieaeat would sever he alowed" )*• hone. «eaia tracked the Yarbrough and another en- hy our cnemiet.* Butler aaid. Robert Jay llatbewa» to a Aadaoa aunher of young aeo- motel in Portland. Ore. After a fire- Kaaa ipht avay from Aryan Na- there, Yarbroi«h was ar- tiflfM fight Sutler iaid. to Dunue a oiore •* *•- *.* .

rA»A4^. )-19(R»^*-2«<3l ( ' O

Tw lB ^ . U.S. Alleges Overthrow Plot nhpfc— a*.

White Supremacists Linked to Scheme to Take Over Government

The ahowdowp began early Pri- the ashes was tentatively identified ByLiunPirker day morning when aaore than fO from dental records as Mathews. FBI agents swept throogh the paa- Randolph George Duer. Kobert SEATTLE, Dec. ll^The mas- tures and woods of Whidbey liiand, E. Ilerfci; Ins wife. Sharon K. iFKmaahvat fast wwifend tfait a SOHnOe-kcig body north of Seat- Mcrhi, and a man rientified as johr "» a fiery gun btttie od a tfe, and surrounded three cabins on Doe* but aho known as Bartktt wooded, rural idand north of here a bluff overlooking Puget Sound. Duane UdeD and Ian Roy Steward has wetM what federal proaecD* The ageou doeed ahipping lanes were charged in U.S. District Court Ion ciD a adieine by a snwp of near the island until late Friday eve- in Seattle with harboring Mathews. Volte Mpremacists^to u'vci'tluw ning and halted air tnSc an the TVee members of the group are tbe fuvtjuiDent. manhunt progreaaed. FBI agents stai at kffge. the four ac* Robert MatbeWt. who died m the negotiated with the actrrisu and ar- During the arrest of iour Friday charges of tivists, FBI agenU aetaed a brief- 9S4kour aiege. aod four oCbera air* reted on hartnriog a fiigitive. caae bearing Doey's name that con- reated at the acene had been aaao- tauned a document dated Nov. 23. dated with a wbite-aupmasdtt But Mathews. 31. akme and heavily armed in one of the houaea. entitled "Declaration of War.' said group m tb^ Idaho panhandk knowD refuaed to come out FBI agents, Aaaistant US Attorney Gene Wil- m the 'Aryan Natjons' and had aome wearing camouflage, their son. pbns to ebminate "Jewish ioflu* faces blackened, waited in the The document declares Nrar* on cooe* and other auoority groups woods through the damp. coU night various elements of aodety and was ^fran American aociety. accordng whOe negotiations continued. signed by Mathews. D^ey and Rob- to documenu filed in federal court Saturday afternoon, the FBI fired ert MeHd in the name of the "Aryan teargas into the bouse and later at* Reaistance Movement.* accorchng The Federal Bureau of bveiti* tempted to enter it to arrest Ma- to court papers. ptaoa began JDveatigating the thews. Agents were met with gun* The informer said Mathews in* group aeveral mooths in coo- ago fire and retreated. As the second vited him to pin the group and told pertifjfl with a aeriet

white aupremadsta. An uoideotified house to aiuminate it. The building the informer, was "Turner's Dia- informer who infiltrated the group caught fire and <|uickiy burned to ries* by WiDiam Pierce, which was provided the FBI with idbnnation the ground with Mathews inside as published by the National ADiance. ioking it to three armed robberies exploding ammunition kept the no East Coast right-wing asaocsa- in Seattle and oartherD Cahfonua ageou at bay. tion. that netted more than $3 mfllion. A badly burned body taken from The book contains fictional "di-

ins waannQwr rotn

Ttis WasfMi(jiiifi Tinss CMy Nsws (Nsw Vorti) Tbs Nsw Yorti Tm Ths Wsl SfrsetJotfiwi The Chcsgo Tffetf)« _ The Los Angsiss Tsi Ths Christisr Scisnos ISonaor USATodsy


7 .niDOj n ^ V- r

writteD by « nsQ ftuned Turner, vbo deUBs a aoppoaed takeover of tlie Uoited States bf Wnite fiupfesnactttSu TlK dianes describe a grtop caOed Tbe Order tiiat aodertakes iU revolution by ftMbng itaelf tbroufh robberies. oouoterfe^iBg and other crimes. Tbe aeit itep. according to the book, it to tauDch terrorist atucks. iDChidiof bomb* iofs and tsiaaninatinns. against pitbbc oibciak, ^obbc offices, ener- gy facilities. cocDinuDicatiQDs eya- terns, aewspaper offices and tete- visior and radio autions. The book bos The Order's an emies as Jews, bbcks. ocher minor- icies. coaaervatives oDwiQiag to take di*astic steps and bberals. nid FBI spebal agent Nonnao Stephen- son. The revohition id the book begins in 1991 and ends successfuUy after eight years with the Bmrder of nany people, tbe destnictioii of the "tteral >ewish press.* the bombing of FBI headquarters, the obliten- tioo of Israel with nuckar weapons snd the death of the fictiODa} Tomer in a aubddal niadear attack on the Penugoo. Stephenson said. UH1U P«A antiMfttov Interoatiooal re- fUnited Press > lobert Natbaws died. Fflt searchts rabble whcrt wkiu supreaadst ported that the Aryan Natioos QHtrdi of Hayden Lake. Maho. ia^ populated mamlv and let them know what it is Aryan in a country that Pn soed a four-page, typed letter mulattoes. Macks and tte to become the bimted.* by Mexicans, it davned to have received Satur- pThe tetter aaki Mathews wor- Aaians.' day. Tbe graop aakl it cont ainftd S-yearHrfd son. Cbnt. (Mathews, after leaving Aryan Mathews* apparent description of ried bs own Natxns. formed the *White Amer with federal %rauU be a atraoger in his te years of cooRicU * bhieeyed ican Bastion UPI reported ] authorities and vowed to 'ptrm the a blood-haired,

SESTCOPlfAVAILASLE 8 ^ T . i >3601 11 o dyvidMO) PC. 146 tOCBESTER POST BULLET ROCHESTER, MR IN iM3;r* Clp**^ h FBI probes right-wing ll-lA-84 group'slarm loan plan- POSSE COMITATUS «- BMBth* tefbre Ua oSice Ike m ii tamapttaf • "•"^'^IE: ruln^iltUoo. lOOA-18002 Submttno Olica MINNNEAPOLIS , W

• ^* WtacoBiiB, the •^Ss^zL i.^aLl4ta« m% iB Minn— i "Iw Ij tkU j«tr. Ikejroop wm Ike m iavceticitiaB eeoUn on VtU tB Tartar- frwd or wire find. 2^c*««d tbe Mate's etapier tot

toob owd by JusbMi do our obtain teaaj at ADdif t^y viU allow aa to - ^ -^— ««W Ittlp fannm -^ w jot ve wfll be ablt to prove It** bcr finn re> NAPA taif« famcn loaA api^Uca- Tbt maftafer aaid »»a foosdEuroptafi kndcrt wbo .lijcfc HAPA iincialailDciala tmOj vlU Ckaaae* loaoa rogocatad by NAPA CUMtt V **- _ K wur«« v^Hsn^w ^ — . «^^' ^^ K^^i^ vai ^«aat poopkaaaaic an ailbar prtrau pmpvfli^ TaiWMP ««rrta« or —^^ Zi^ifr^ to a i»t iinaunat xrmutrwt pM^bh Euro* «MI» fdr^ " "Vi Ml * toacft Md mV%a t im»»i1 alkt la Kaa^ paaa caACMiaeaABMicaJ baaki ViU ean7 1% MaPa «^ Ml inaidaat^ ftieb __ M]S«aa flMaMV lakd. wtrng a gligl^ ^ooaii aaw 9 ^ ^ g^ addadadded tbattbi an NAPA hadaal a vICMaa, m a irtette - *«ban '^wbo applied for loaaa — -.^l fLt'^'TaJrLZ!?'!;! " »»i** » a iiBimtwa af tbt ^ota.- F^ fyfT* iC IffSpJf ***•m '•J^^tatfrtjaciad by^ Aaertcaa laad- nabaii^fc Mid. '*^*' ^ panoaa VBO n^ «»• ^. bacaBtebecaase of Ulaadaqoate eoQater- - ..., ^,,__ ,_ . . . paoplc. arc eiaaB. ^ r^^ Mate Tbej al - win qaalify for loaaa. -Tber (tbe Baropaaa laaders i*i»««*— vortad aa a broker lor a flaaaoa ^^ are aot aa strict ob aoiDe of tbe BBOMn. , lila Mmei^Macie lad., tbat » A aacraUrraacraUry at NAPA'S ba*d- credit criteria as wt are aver o# tfe fim baiac tamtintad maiUr$ bB Fort LapCoo, OdIo^ aaid bere.- aba aaid. by tibc PBL YarboroQib aaid. Bliott vonld ao( Parmen wbo applied for NAPA Bcatdca NAPA, tba PBI iamU- 'BI iavcidptta. baaa were aaat loaa papers two fatiflo abojBfoJm Hi Oaaoce, KAPa weeks afo, tbe auaafer said, aad coiapitakt. at letft aome of wbicb bt tba Poal-BalietiB itow tbat bar firm wlD fbrward tboae papen aZUtedly ma0am tba NAPA of tbe Moade eonpania to tbe Boropeaa leaden. Tbe oiaa* |loaaa.yarboromb«dnDad. Uaattcatad bf tbe PW afer aaid sbe didal kunr haw Ote a^ad or tba FU iavcitifa- ipiwcaaiac NAPA laaaaMUea- maqr NAPA memben we ItooafltmoawbatkarNA^Tttd bm laaa papen. She said bar firm la attan^idag to have aD tbe AaaOcamaaaiarlortbaflnD &££?25SSJ^*°*^"matoo. aa eaonraM. fiaallaad ^ Cbrlatfflas. aaW iba it aware ol tbaJW tmraa- . The maaafer said bar firm la At leaft tbrae of tbe fim ut tifatkm bat tbat bar eoopaaj baa llaeorporatadla a forelfB eavtry. bcatad la Maadc, bd Aa tbrae dooa aotU^ «ra«. firms fbot daeliaed to aame tte eoaatry. Maade art -a»odaUd"j -iTa do aot cbarfe aaj wp^tm A nport l^om tbe Ifuaek Better wttb tea Imlortbaaebmtof loaM.*tbe report froo tbe Better Buraaa, oaetlai tbe *' Maaiar aaid. *11qr vooM bave to ati«t ^' Boreaa la director of tte Brafirm, aaid tbe . _, Fan tbat «t bavt abaolatdr ao iDcataa u<- Daft^ Rraa, aaabtaaC VS. attor- aaarcaa ef te^ wbic* canat be taafcrsB aayiBladaaapoUa,jaidtteo«ldba provad bacaoaa wt do ban aoorcaa rsaaacia] ,c brokerate, aiaU ft 24 '•»/ooj l BEST copy WMLABLE s>

A rater of KOBOoMi i^ZSitlSitopS* lUO f« to

doubtt Mout looft- Mb railed Mriovs y^ ^^ ^ LwUhml tv • pn^va. •» Ike NAPA lout _,, ^e tkm Muade tauf^n Dr._ W0-) aMtkcr. ae- It's a total fcam." aoM "MMdator with ooe at Man- ter MakL a rccioBal •eoaooiiit ^rdiM to a rmrt from the S IWviralty olili«wot» SeBttter BaSm »«»«^/2I; ..lsssars*rN»ATspcJ&5Srv?s^^ JLKmVettuae tkey caa aan. jeoied that ler firm has tka to tfce ntet on moo- two cowpaniw mZ hiiher intmst ^^j^ Smvlu^llakiaaM. A paymaat of ^ to the fbiaBce eo» -It aoaadi Uk« another eoBuaoy wai abo "'a^»«"5 «Ji»-^^ lit PctmoD. vreai- SuW vhich were described and llllBg Snoni^Minn- WmoB it former ,„^ .oonej coal, baiA iif the a«ricolt«ral_ SSSk n^. - . .„a Sr^ittee rf tte ABftricaa b ^wtioo. people who Atatarf AWJdatloB. leans were i»qttfr«d topaJ»* P»- uken loan was aome of hb,w»- cent Ipteraot when the tSaoTaSd loans trted to obtain dosed. jiSJKe ^ _^, ^re- JStoSJ prSrams. ^aoUer NAPA dooimeot X»hia,h;:^;UppeDed.-he^ to^^^

SL^^tfiffiTSS^ ^A^tJ^rgt torai^, aaidr document. Patenoo Sffd accordiat to the rd pat my woold orpSSuooBbthatoraaW^•Vefoct *^*''JP "'tU^TolDhdowrj^ the soorce to tm ft iSSTrd want g^ "J? {Siast the borrower lor SSSy t^.^^^r^o&W^iMi S defense for the legitimaU." P«^!Sf.!Ss.oS'ST!»er «ae*sheco«ld pr^ SS.wjUwatloiindaMa«Jeooebom>»er«»^ ^ «,^. ac- document ^^^ « .»• eon- cortS to the NAPA by ^ m««ths Sutements «*i55SfLS ^SJt has said for six Vocal's ^-S^Sif^ mX IS- -oold be finali«d in'mid-Msy .n ^^^"^^jHSSS'ranT^rviewmcorrwA, Peterson eouateral ar« ^^ Jg'TSuJS said NAPA ^* ^ .n. — ikw^tS^d BO million iaaotices of -Anybody th^t^ tor teaar Borrowers Kiffi^SSro^ with* •»* *" 2L^?p5wio3woSd be fettinf notic« r*^ 52i when tbor ^^Jm "P fLfffJS»2?S31w alSol srtw? Mid be -v^lablej^-id ^^^^S^SiStS^«nt«MtK»u™^«» SI JSd _ pid to J ^^^ ^^ reports of Ed Monmaa. pr^dMt aetuaWy rtceivtoR Rochsfter. said2»J^.„?ftfrmm** *"y a? Bank In '•r^TrtMrNAPAthe NAfA pn»r«aroarsm. « many dreamsUnces loans aader has" •M arc ir iMlirif bocTOwan__

pie, _

Mofv JS^Jrt ol dIfficJuea.- mm said. -Wt have •«« tote ettiat•;«eS2S;nrcoeaa able deals like this we IV Middle Eastcca aaaoey and tavesm a Wrf Iraad in eoonec- tiao with these deals.

borrowen have been p»*J7'*"fetting ^ntet the finder's fee and

2Z \0 CKl9f%v 4»e-«3)

tetft. atr.i


Tihpj H i a>..

rai spokesman Allen Whftaker [tefl] and Island ers Saturday after the house that murder suspect

County. Wash . Sherrtf Dick Medina tafk with report- Robert J. Mathews was in caught fire and txjrr^d Manhunt ends in fiery death

flhiminatioo Qares from a ««-^->-helicop- the FBI as Kanddph G Duey, OCMJPCVIUJE:. Wask—1V te«> Rob- ter. art £. Merki and Sharon 9i a mas believed to be a neo-Nazi K. Merki. aought Id the wotrnding *t>i of an MATHEWS, BOLED if M the uem was found Sunday THE FIERY death ended aa hh to the rental home, refused to come out c&arred rubbke of an iiiand tense, two-week manhunt for imMe, wheo the fire started andcootiaued which was icnhad Mathews, wtv was wanted in the by PoAioe flares firina at afou. The houae then dunnc s B-nour sCandoff. Nov. M shootint of an FBI agent in •-«Mr»authori enmbd in a huge firebal]. Ibe FBI tte Mid. a motel in PofUand, Ore. aaid Mathews* ouRrfy of ammimi- Allen WhiUker, FBI special tioD may have ifntteo the blase acenttixharge for Washmfton "The flares caused the fire, but atote. said be believed tbeenly the individual faxide kefit firtee at TnS WSSMl0lDf) Post eccupant of the house, burned to lu theafenu and so they eoukl not ffet ins WssNngloh Tinas ^^*rt T. Mathews, doae anough to fee the firs !?^S*' J?» M/* (Nm» n. of Metaline PUk Bat the FBI aajd ni spokesman Jooeph Smith (My Nmm veik) Mathews had been tfaaked lo aao- Iba Nmt Yoffc TniM _ Ihii. white siaremacist irauis Id Washington, Ec., and Idaho Islandbome Saturd^ sMbt afte^ nree nopte were arreatad ThtClfciQoTrtMW 9. U 5yf . i Mathews was in prcninMOUled to aCher resBeooes oe Wfakbey Island The the Lm An0MM TknM expteioc and ftre, wMeii broke Friday en d^argas of Wboring Tht CtthiAim a KWAT taaa Atipfied Mathews. Aey were Identified^ Sciancc MonNor OSATadiy

D^ 1-2- /Q-gH

w li^"^' -'Sioaj o

U*\iien •n» MMwkrff *>^ttnai

StfioC Seattle.

pnHeclive Une ne»r ihelsUnd ts • ^ ' . meftsure

\^ -19(Wev 4-26-83) c

ACROSS T»ll|ilMI ft«. • THEj^


SEATTLE — Ne#-NAZl*s widow ayiTBI AMMi kcr DebMe MiSewS sys the FBI refected ber ofer to titik Rob- «t Mathews tfito ghlac up tD t WUdtey bluidiier- A body bebeved to be Matbews' wv iouad is the ctATTBd rubble of

ft bouse after FBI agents* 1 bccidentaUy kK M aire.

TnA WMfvnQton Tlnos Daly Na«tt (Nmv York) Tht Nnv York Trim _ Tha Wii Staet Jotfnai T>i» CNcaQO Trtbtfw . Th« Loa ArtQalat Tmim Tha ChrMvi Sciar>ce MonMor USATodiy JA

Dai. tl-ll-Bf ,

9(fWv 4-2683) mAOCU. Ami. Vto.:


The World A tUwd Mn in New York niled that a member of the Iriih Repubbcan Army. oaoTieted in his komeland of murdering a British aoldier, caxmot be cactndited be* cauae hii orime wai a poUUcal act The dedaioD by U& Diatr^ct Judge John E. Sphno meana that Joaeph Ktrick Tbomai Dc^fcerty, who «• MMd fram as Ulfter funaoD in 1961 ean remain in the United Sutea at ^it for the time being. Spriazo ipheld Doheny'i aawtion that the nme repreaenu a political act and ^Doi covered by the U^-Britith iitraditiao treaty.

The WmhgifltoH Poat ^w WmWrtfltor Ttfiias ^i ,« CMy Nawa (New Yorti) Tha M»w Yoffc Timsa

THb IMtf Siraat JotfTMl , j«i..,i

The CNcapo Trttun« , ,. Tba Lm Angaiat rvnaft*B/l^±.ELIL^ Tba ChhBttv^ Sc«nc« Monaor

llSATodiy .


A ^ T. >19(fWv 4-2e-M) C o

tdafioMsnHakiAfter Stiaot-Out With FBIAgents Guir That Killed Radio Host Found in Neo-Nazi'sHome

#Vom rfT)»rr Wirr SrrLt'. f .t I Anti-ScmlttcGrMy which ended last we^end in a DEN VEU— The sii1»t,),-rhiT>c gun The group't leader it Richard fiery shoot -out at an island used U' kill Jrv.irh rnj'c Ulk-show BuUcr. a e6-year-old engineer. hide-out outside SeatUe. officials host AKn?i P*.Tg here ?ast June was The group \$ known for its anti-Sc- said. Mathews held federal agenu found in an pi-ia on mitic and racist rhetoric at bay for more than X hours J^ !hf Jdaho ^ home of a neu- Nnri who mhained Yarbrough » believed to have before police flares started a fire in in federal cistcxty Saturrtav, pohce served as BuUer*s bodyguard and the house. A body presim>ed to be said. worked in the organization's print Mathews was found in the house B^rr. rx). vho tal»?fl himj^elf "the shop. His name appeared on a flyer afterward, authorities siid. ffu> you luve lo ^.tie/' hail received suggesUng that it was *niroe for Mathews and Yarbrough also are threats duri-.r; hi? ^rmt on radio war" with the enemies of the suspected of a series of armored car Klation KUA.Hf ofirn denounced Aryan Nations-blacks and Jews. robberies, including one in Ukiah, right- winprr "V" -'ilheair. according to the An ti- Defamation Calif., that netted $3.6 million. B.i)Jj5ti'".« \f*^-^ ccr'irmed thai League of B'nai B^rith. They were charged with s Seattle the .<5-c:i'i»vri:)g i»TTi Yarbrough armored car robbery last April that jciibmachine ^ told the Seattle (.:'-; netted gmi fo'jr^.J m ; T IS raid on the Times last year that the group was 1500.000. home of Ortrv L' •/ Ya'tirouph. near "looking for a separaUon of the Mathews was the founder of a jVj group San'Jr/^ij.:, .. ;va« u^^'d to kill races— most likely it will come by called the White American Bcrp. D nvrr V ',-. Ch:ef of De- force." Bastion, authorities said, describing tecuvefi Dor T.;u!r:x wid Friday. "I am prepared to do battle." it as a neo-Nazi group dedicated to The FB! h;ivj o^tainod a search Yarbrough was quoted as saying fomenting a white supremacist warrant in an in. eviration of an "The Lord will guide my bulleu -revolution" in the United Suies. assault Of) federal offjcers. and deflect the bullets that an fired at me." Scsr^'ttTsctipc;! BuUcr said Yarbrough has not Yarlrf vph. z funrer men\bcr of been a member of the organization the V hitr jfjprT.acst Aryan Ka- for some time. He refused to com- Uoiis. fired on Tin agents before ment further. the search aiid ccapcd, police said Mulnix said authorities invetti- in a ?tp:f--nt:n'. The sejrch alsD gaUng Berg's death had focused on uncovcrftf /.'-van fTation uniform!? far- right -wing groups like Aryan and a^'ouJi nflcs. prenadr**;. gjn Nations because of Berg and •'his Silenrrrs. rvp :*ivef and blar^tjjig personality and what he had to say capF.p.»»KC^id. about them." On his shows. Berg VarlT 'jpl; -A' r anenrd after a often derided and challervged ex- Fho'jf Nov. 74 . on: v/i!h FRI agcnljc tremist groups. Berg was shot to at a Portland. r>rr.. mclel. and wa.« death in the driveway of his town return*^ U> Bo»»e. Idn., where he 15 house last June IE. being held without bail on charges A mohth after Yarbrough fled his incruding assault in the Oct. 18 Sandpoint home, he and his former incident. He has pleaded not guilty. roommate, Robert T. Mathews, Mulnix said he was in "no hurry" were traced to a motel near Port- to file charges in Berg's death. "Mr. land During s shoot-out there, Varbrough isn't going anywhere." officials said. Yarbrough was cap- be added. tured and Mathews escaped. Ty>s WaaNngton Post _ At one lime, the 29*year*old A manhunt for Mathews ensued. Tbs Washington Tlmss Yarbrough reportedly was "captain of aecuriiy" for Aryan Nations, a Daiy Newt (NSW YortO neo-Nazi grtn^ based in Hayden Ths New Yorti Tlmss . Lake. Ida. The Wan Street Journal

the• i^ CNcago\^ nil ^§V Trtotfw¥IH#Mi^ ,1 .r Ths Los Angeles Tmes f^ / P .S The Christian Science MonHor USATodty BEST copy AVAILABLE ly^lU'^lJ

15 t. yl:J^ td.AS-^

Around M.C««.t the World

British M.P.»t Criticize Ruling on Extradition ^^CM » n» Mi* Y«* 7ta» F«derU Jodffe is Maatettu to cxtn. ajDeinber Jte o# the Provukaal Irish Mgbaon Amy oaorleud of tte

*This judce has grvcD the teal at ap^ to pwju munlcr. maimini jurf terror-

F for « EOgbmMtai, a district of Bir- a mmgh m . "Be should ndemaDd beh« thai ai« ch« the grw hjht to ter.

toow that to loot as the> iw the ex* ewe that their acts an political, the law will protect them.*' Joseph Patrick Ttemas Ddserry Who faces hfe in prisoD if cstradited to Bnuiii, had oooteDded that he could wthe returned here under the BriUsh- American extr»ditiaD treary becaitte it «mams ao wtide prohibitiQs ertimdj- ow if ao offense can he cottidervd ^w of a pobtica] charaaer.** Jadge John E. Sprizxo w^nc! of Federal Court said the facts is Mr. Do^ '51??" ^ ««*» of theSrtSpobtical?*t oftease eneptiOD~"*~*~ to "*its »wt classic fem." "

Maadfar hfe today for the norder of the road maaater or the pop nwarama pw© Ba. WW to iettast. Pn^SnTlSi theftm aoMier CO he fewrf guilty «r inurter OD duty to Norttati iiaUnd Mwas 2< yean Old at the time he ttot The Washtfi0fDrt Post . The Washtfxrtor Tenas CMy News (New York) The New Yorti Tsnes . The IWal Sraal ioiry^ tbs Chcago Trtwte _ The Los Angelas Timas The Chhstiar Scianca Monior USATodsy

n. M\"^' ^ v/ ^

0-19 (Rev 4-7e-a3)

in Killing Gun ri!:'jabs:;ti sm. BergkO^ A BiTte Ldte. Idiho. Oi Radio Ho«t %» id T«tni^ ii

: wt teidvct, FBI

Reported Found PaneM lliihinMd »a*.. a fliiii.eia bad

ByTJLB«d froB the I

the sivestigatiaB of Berg'a i Tint was becnae KNVER. Dec 14^1Ve fun gpe cf wpoB tbat d Mr. Berg nd peraoBahCy, becaose sf tbe mti for the gic^iluid-ityle akyioc Bed Berg. BuBtti fbed fron the § thiogi be bed to say sboat ri^tt* of » out^nkee taBt-«bo« boft ken • wcie wufywi Dflre lor n>in>nra wing extieuustSB which nj^ht have ft becc recovered et tbe bone oi e wig lae precae Tijmaie Mt Made him a tvget,* Mobiia aaal fi^t-viig cxtrcBust vho ie ogd- by the goB OB those test boOeta cx- ected to « Deo-Nas wbrte ei^nm- ctiy gstcbed ttgfca OP tbe bdteu poocy auea, bad a fiaiDboyint* cat fToup, Denver poboe mi to- Mttd aroued Berg's bod{y* iovotative naooer Folks aid tint before tUi fd p oe the air that iiin tUa dty'a best^nown tests ujuGiiued thit a Ibere M bees ao etUon «f vi- 10 •atomatk fietoi |B[ olent actinty If Aiyu Netiom' fenu iouDd ie &e citi euaet t Berg was Jewish, h 1979, a Ku Senc^pouiU IdafaQt hacoe wet the fun Aryao WafkwH> with Kka IQiD member burst mto bis that IdUed outspokes ndk) nh tent JB a tj^tly aeqged lortress ip studio to criticise his commeotary. ouDcer AtaD Berg with a tcrTcnt of ortbweat Idaho, Im been kixywD Berg aaid the IQaa member threat- buDeU on a dtsr street here last for aprcadiug as aodent uteaaage ot eoed bin at gunpoint. ncia! aod relignai bias witfa After Berg was gunned down late Tbe g«f was found after a fire- em,l , t igfat outside bis lownhouae igbt bet wecR FBI agenu and Gary Tbe poop here, Denver poboe rst ioiied Lee Yarbrough. 29, at Yarbrough*t pater baQeta boards, each of which ^ some 200 people in search of leads. bocae Id Sandpoint. Offkaals said is caDed aa 'Aryio Natiooi Uberty Tbe police csutiooed that ao ooe ^Yartrough bad been a member of a Net,' md wUch asyooe en read bad been charged with the Berg bate organiatjae called 'Aryan Na> deDODOstioos of Jews* blacha, earn- afaootittg. They aaid they bad w Booisu and the VS, u^ eut, g mum evidence ww^- t ii ^g Yartraigh or After tbe shootout with agesU at whacb Aryan Kstmi cab the Kathewi to the Berg weapon at the is booe Oct. 18, Yarbrough fled lOCr for "Zaoniat OecopatiaQa) time of the Ulimg. But the Denver poGce have aent UBder the bewfiag Your Tdow hivestigstan to question Yartrough Zoeniy,* the boDetiD boardi hat the mi other Aryan Nations aenibcrs wWitistj of kxal cfBoes of the bout the caae. Aati-DeiafDstioo League of B'nai Aiyao Nations is the poitical arm o rith and of the Ccwwattst Party of s wfaite-supremadst, VSA. antt*Settitic orgaotzatioo caOed ^Tbe Cbvch of Tbe hoard has a long Jem Christ Cbristisn.* tioB of llorris Deea» s The group actively ^ . Democratic Party leader m Ala- aing the saotto. ^One' uees has piofided creed, os

Tns WsshinQlon Poat Tbs Washington Tvnas OaSy Naws (New York)

Tha Naw York T)mas . Ths Wtf Sfraat Jotfnal

Ths Chicaoo Tftosis . ThsLos AngslasTtmas

Tba C^hstiar^ Scianca URATodsy


n [uk.iu t^:^^^^ ^ — .^SVDOj ^JS^-9''%-^^

NATIONAL AFFAIRS High-Tech Hatred Tkere are 00 sheets or kfttred has fooe ht^ kck Far vhh a computer can phf fatto the Afyn Natioo Liberty Net. diclraaie *Vrf* ktzD boanT offerioi the latest in Mo-Ntd

tboQ^U thanks to the Ka KIbDm. .> :ir^^3lt"^HSrffi< For example, voder the headiog KMOW Youm ENEMY there art lists ofGoBmraaitt Psuty offices, as vcB m ZOO CTkaim -.•?rfw-^ja65tfeafa^ >- Occupatxnal GowcnuoesO ^^BfonHMn^* And there aie editorial ofleriois. as vdL bi adiscttssioo of the caseof LcrogrUttlc;* Vietnam veteran serving a ffe icni ftv bombinf communist headquartcif in North Chrottna. the author toqyircs: *1Miy is kaD rijilkt for Leroy to shoot aad booab OoflMM- ists 12J0OO mia frcm hnttm Hn aoc as home?^ Aod among the enemies fist, aTsx- an named Bustd- Katoo

.oh WWkthe cBJAtheKka Tfsa avahcnsng of the vWit

the Jewish plot to' <

Che North Ckrolma

one cfievcnl soch bulletin boardL 1

ofthe **Jewish-oootroOed I MOkx, *«e have to take ov 1 l^tot



Page SO : December M, 1984"*'


mmmmtm^mwmm " ^ - ^ '*•» • ^ the 14*o la^ «tV . _ . . ^, -^ to I »' tte m. «r «e Anm.ib- . -fcta, iwd aw ISJuSiSZStSitSR Slte^^UrSnecr'AkB ST^nnnkiaDlkm^W; tlJl^TII

to vwdirfofHCHrftftelheAnM FW ageti faMd two ttl«. « y- ""wrt. • Kitiw Mta he loiDad -ii-^ —l . »- -b-.. » y«r h Wng _ gmv abont a afo, . .^.. _. utfir«ri «w»__ ikbaMdiBtfaezaMfte |iU vMnot bo^ ki tke Ada Cob- iKtedtaf Me «« %a- 2^Hrt torn rfHiydesUke, Idaho, ty Irfl fei Boiae « dKiea tf •?""2L ..i-. -•«—«*,

ly baited «iie. k faM to the Be b aeoMd anectn wtt J^^ fj'^^.Duty wd haStwf»rt.^^gewt^toa- An» Bncfaerinod aid tte Aiyan « OcL 18 ihoetoat «hh aa PH Stoedal Fflfoei. tw •hftMoprem- ^eot aear Ma Saodpoint. Idaho, tnooy bf '^.•^'r'TS:—daitiSed hank »ob- Suitewtt^ttW-^to teoe. Wbn arata aeaicfaed the them to aa ,.rtkip«t««k««hartaig.ettor- hoB*. they loiiod the IIAC.10 and *f^:*frf?^2^.fSSSand '^oaaftjy a haaaiade fcnr cnaabova. 100 atkfca of dr bi Seattle pactedBtfaennrdenctfiuardBaiid vmite, phatk cqbiaifa. band ^E*qf>\^, , ,31.. r - • ——^-; Magiatnte Rniip K- ijBea. » US. •called the Onrdi of fcared Bght-riaioB acopea. t« ai- «< Thegrav V*-2!!- l^ffil'iSFtahy. t5Lnat a aaan iQiriatQiriatia^aBditsactioo knon. booby trapa. polioe acan- lea hat yat iab-o^aatbe/^IWo-. «a aod 6.000 ««d. -««-_ r -'J^.-.J^SJSS^ • paianiliury orpmatian ,.^. .». __ - • ^ ^ ^^^ :;_ »^ rr ^ ^nuatit US. far the (faodi'a politkai aari Bcrg.SO.«h»«aaJe«irii.«a»a •** .^-,4, taSn* ciBiueBtr MO cuieo for in Denver. «ftfae'^ ^ ^ ttai wne of the dwv host far KOA ndb

tf tec rwp's 1«tenklMB.-Tartmgbtflld GordnUhl,«»UkdiB te tocfcy Mo«b» Ncvt. n Km »gm iboirt toei ctevd 1M3 Aoocoot wtt Mtkor* hnri flf Us kcftm t kev4 1^ •« » ^^^^ ^^^ 1500,000 lobbcry of a TwAmTjhtkmcfcBrd^ Trt3«i«rfed wttaritiet«h Arsiared Tnoiport he tr^dt April jJ*JjSr»ArlS»trf tfMoTjrwhailiewwtrmtel 18 ka Seyteiboppmf cater. _^ Law taiorcment *^«r»iiima Ctecfe «f Ike Wfcdte Seed, vas foBwiiv a rinotoot at a FortlaBd. itiitcdki the tate 1970a brRkhanl Ol«.«otd. ^ *7 echoS^!*1I!^^^!i^^annoretf-cv loncnet, ^:«r Bttffer nl accorditf to Bak- TartrtMb*a mnmate lfaer«» md naowd Ubah. S^XZIi^oftonbanafthe to eacape Iroto 10 FBI afenta aar- fcb*'! « aetted aaiiiwi. JewkhftitbadtfaetfadknccfraD vpoodiBf the aotd. icpottcdly CaM^ ttal J3.6

Han- . ^attr.' abootaf oae of ttea. Aithnr Tba waaftngion Pan BabB wd that violeat actrritiea aei, tvioe the kg. -nwWMNngkm-nmM kyttepoiv have BtenaiSed are- Hathewa. «ho badMt theAnm Daly nm» (N«» voik) ageatt tofatatagroapaaedae eaot BoeAa aad that FBI Natkaa TheNMrY«kTkiiM . died Dae Sm Md bcH k« a*fteMat affican White AiyaaBaatkia. The WM Sawt JowMi • • *»««««« «*""•"" — — adfked to ve caotkB a fie^ Tba CNcaoo Tffeww > Iriaad. abort 10 Hka WUdbey TtaLmAroataaTlMa obnooaded tlfce TtwChrMiai OSdak aaid M iateaae taac^ Ageota Wd USA Today •r tbc vw* «w laoealtr hooaeaoathetaa^efatipflfllea' Iby^eaUfcoBilheFad- Jaad and tAa lay penaaa kte tafcaad to loflavatigatioaaadthe aiiatody- Wbaa Mithewt i^LJAzBiL of AtoS^to bad yy oau H^>«^gg.^ 0- «.tte8tttarfWariia«taB.IMo Qpadal Waapoaa aad TactM V^ OW i*"™ ^^ HdlfeiBtoaa. ^^ laMaTtim ^ 1 ^ \.y

vWitbe • re-

*•* Bcfon tl« nil l***«^

only lor -f^^d^ hii death. It icdtoMnne thit nydiyo" this

know- !!!>'' he wrote. Iwilltetvc the Bltinate IK- ia, Itove »i«Je lutwe rf my See to eec-re the womea Mathews eaid he •« tt,.ihi»wi-i»oiildhetmf«'»

popuhted ered Aryin hi • eoortty Sly^ !««*««• ^"*«' btodcsadAaiaitt* active nenners Oae flf the norc

Beam, a ««P«" «*"""'**^^ pre«te>« 0*- ,«, a grand drtfon. or An- Natw» ta. V«^d<»r»' ndal aatrco on Ml of laiiaiow and

ty Wata-'^ay- -An* HatioB Ijhar »da «K with a hQi« ii«|ii«" the AryanNa- ) «al »

-< •• * - bsk oMMBoniau, civil "^ ^SvEwdSe ui iwera- Il£d wl^ has been akknaned G«»^ toe. far ZioMt OceiiP«»«» mothly *The 0O9 foblidies a Nation.- ttwatottt T^^Q"

«t AdoH WW as l^e Holy Book Kr.- The Negro: SeipwtJeMt SdDevT -d -Siary d the Ku KhBlQan'

2jO t

i (fWv 4-2e^) »A»kft».

Arrested radsts and the FBI

to did no nore eliminatiss -Jewish influence" and

between are bcpeficums >ZdrnrgvMted Uic ral from performing left. All tboM m ;;^LSdd^^ of Amrney Gener^ Smith^i remiooi, for J!K«^S!^^ which let us five th«iks-

Ttw Wtohingion f>ost Th» Wtahir«lon TImM 7/9 CMy NMt (Mw York) ThtNMYorti*



\i' ^ U »-19(VWv. 4.26-03)

Leader Claims Neo-Nazis Have Computer Network

DEKVER (UPD^Tbe letder of MeanwhOe. the former Aryn «'hite a suprenadit group wbow Nations member su^ected of kill* fonner member k a fuq>ect in tbe Ing Denver radio talk ahow host alaying of a Jewish talk-show bo«t said from his Jail ecu in aays neo-Kazi groups throughout Boise, Ida., that he has never the United Sutes and Canada are committed a violent crime. linked by a network ot home Police disclosed Friday that the computers. gun used to kill Berg wu found In Aryan Nations leader Richard Gary Lee Yarbrough's home near BuUer of Hayden Lake. Ida., said San^^Minulda. also that members of his groi^ can *Tve never harmed anybody." call iq) a computerized list contain- • Tarbrough said at the Ada County ing the names of Jews, alleged Jail, where he is being held without communists and ''race traitcn." bond on charges that incltide as- He told the Denver PM In an sault on £SL agenta. Tve never interview published Simday that been involved in a vtolent crime or the hsu are not hit UsU but are a crime with a handgun.*" only meant to t^ off members d Tarbrough said also that be has his groi9 to "enemies of the while never t>een in Denver and had not Aryan nee." heard of Berg untH he aaw a AfUer said that only member* ol televfsioQ news program on tbe his group or their doae confeder- Investigation into his death. atescangettheeodefdrthelisu Denver poUce said that an In- but that anyone can caD the coo- gram .4S*caliber submachiM gun P«Krs and get other right-wii« used to kffl Berg last June had been materials, messages and puhlica* found in 7arbrough*s tiona. home In Oc- tober. Tarbrough wu arrested on Td receive the secret lisU i«- Nov. 24 after an FBI shoot-out at guires a level-seven clearance, he Portland, Ore. said. Tbe UsU contain addresws ot Tarbrough denied that the certain Jewish and communist or* weapon found in his home ganizatiOQB. was tbe aame me used to kill Berg.

• •W TfWmTWnfpOn rOm , The Wto^ri^olon Tknss CMy Nsws (ftow York) The Nsw York Tlmsa . the WW Sfreet Jdtfi^

The CMcaQO Drfeiflw The tosAngelet Times Ml Pg The Christlsn Scjsnce ItoNtor USATod^ iDL-n-^ a2- \>}::i.t^^f<^AS ^ 9

v'» Im> —


Home computer network links neo-Nan groups Nao^W prwp* to the USA Mdtto^dajwtli^^ tiorjew»,«apectedconununJ«btad"i«cetfillon, floe

Tfce H^i w^n hit Mm. but only meM* to ttpcirBMh NtftonB ben to eaemtoi of toe white Aryan net," Aryw Tl^rdBuder of Hayden Lake, Idaho, «kl to toe Odon e( The Onvir htf. one total are oHd to tmanit 11^ at 9 tv Look Beam, ton Bv Ku XhB Uao. Buder aid. Aiyv Nadooi ptoad toe «o«!i^ _^ Gary Lie YhitroM^ became a Mped to the Jane riaytog of >wM radto toii *ov heat Atoa Beq oT Denver. Be taanl been chaned to Berts death, bat a fua aid to be the airder weapon «M found to hk Sutdpotot. Idaho, to Friday. Bert often derided white Mpremactot roups.

Tlw Wtthington Post _

CWy Nm» CNw York) ThA Nm York TImM . ThA VIM 9kwt Jounvl ThA ChiCAQO Trfbtfw . ThA LOA AngAlAA TiffiAA

TliA ChhAtJAn SciAnoA I USAToay I'A


2-5 ^ _J^ 0-19 (fWv 4-2e-e3) )

i»c AO tIS .



^vMte AN>.

Ex-Nazi will appeal ruling ATTORNEYS FOR • LKhualaB Kaiws had obtaned his dttevhip frauduIenUy, and revoked hit dU- Oihtp.

!f "SR*.^ piit « a Naxi , Sjg.gj^c..e.#01«ttryto So?idWn*"'^^ "°* *° THE FEDERAL gVTenaettt J«|«e flnt «.H^ -3?^ James Moru moved to rrvoke K^Ts'-cttiaaship M«es. Montgomery Ave., had teUed tojDdude'tbe fact that be Sd tnd date tnd nen a Naa oe hie l?*K-5**-S^ place 1957 naturalixa-^^ of birth. The noB papers. wvernment coaimds liucMka* KMiryM Becauae of that. Moru ruled that SJ'iSL'^ii»>Mi»**

The WaitinylDf) Poel « Tne WBVWi0nn ivnaa

Drily New» (New Ycr«() TheNewYortil

The Wrt S^eet Joumei j. The Ohieaoo Trlww SiCj^£Je. •!>» ngsli i Tim— Lo» A .

Tne mvieuen acwnoe Monror •a.....^.. USATodey


— 'woou ""•

o-i»(R*v. 4.2e-a3)

Smmu a».: Revolt Plans C*i».l»«. Tied to White Supremacists

HONTGOKERY. Ak. (Unt* Dees, whoae office was burglar- OocumenU frtsm a oaopiiler net- iaed and firebombed last year, aaid work opented by t wfatte suprem- It was spparent that c^t-wing adit group eoouin plant far a supremacist groups have begun a revolution aimed at orerthmwinf qrstem of tcrroham and violenoe the V& and Ctaadian ftyrern- ilgainstQppooenta. sienta, a pwlhHihed report mM :.Joe Gamer, identified by proae- l^aeeday. eutors as s klansman, was Indicted The Mont(oo>ery Joumal-Ad- last month on burglary and arson crtiser aaid information gtkihertd charges in the Dees ease. Proaecu- the anti*klan by group Klanwateh tors also claim that Gamer, who is indicates that the racift group Jailed under 1468,000 bond, is linked advocates revolutiont in the United to the Church of the iUryan Na- States and Ctaada by avaHina- tions. tions and terroriim. *The evidence is pretty plain TJSk new^oper aid Klanwateh that the Aryan Nations and other obtained the documenu from the klan-Nazi groups are working to- telephone-linked computer net* gether in a unified imderground work operated by the Church at the effort to damage property and Aryan Nations, an Idaho group apstssinate people who are eom- au^>ected of killings and robberies ddtted to tivil righu operations, is the Northwesu law enforcement and government officials. "^FBI officials aaid. agenu and others,** Dees said. The group is also known as the Church of Jesus Christ Christian. The documenu alao eomained veiled death threats against Mont- gomery civil rights attorney Morris Dees, the founder of Klanwateh. the newspaper said. Ilie con^uter network, called ''Aryan Nation Liberty Net,*" eon- tains roemages critidiing federal welfare and foreign aid programs and warns that "mongrelism*' and ""aodal eacperiments'* have under- mined U£. aociety. the Journal- Advertiser reported -nKTe shall fi^it! We shall not allow ourtelves to be enalsved as Ihoae in Russia. Arm younrivca! liberate Osnada!** one

Another listed enemies of the white AfMremadst are wanted for acting as infonnantt for federal law ^orcement officials. iiw vwrnQsin ^m . The enemies "Vhall auffcr the The Wkshir^pon Times cadieme penalty when lawftil fov- (Mr Msws (New Yerti) emmeht is reatored upon this eon- Ihs New Yofk Times ^ ttnenC the mesage read. \t0 TnM 3kwt Jounvf One of the enemies singled out is Dees, who filed suit against the klan on behalf of black marchers involved in a 1979 shoot-out with Tb* ChtMfm Scianc* MonMer robed klansmen in Decattar. Ala. USATodiy ''Accordii^g to the word of our God. Morris Dees has death aentences,' ^ jl/iJ!B5l u{rJI* 4ft o

NATIONAL AFFAIRS A Surprise Break InaMiirderCase TlK FBI r»id on Gary Lee Yifbrough's Idaho bome had only one etm: to capture Yarbroo^*s brocber» Sieve, an cK^ed ooDvict from Ariiooa. Steve wa»n*l there, gad Gary, a member of«cvcral oeo-Naa or- pmizatioDS, diided FBI agents after alks- But aow odty woandi&f two m a tboot-ottt. raid dbe FBI has Inroed that hs October lubma- ««CD*t a bust ifter aD. A .45ou love to hate,** was gunned down of June as he stepped from his car m front ha Denver home. Yaibrough. 29, was ar- charges of ftttcd ttt Orcyoo last mosth on Msauhing s federal oOoer and is being held without bail in Boise, Idaho. The former chkroTMcartty for a group caOed the Ary- M Nations denies killu&g Berg or even hav- M heard ofthe man before his murder. But he revealed to Rpofter^ that he did know ooe thing that might have made Berg a target of Yarbrough*s extremist group. ''I know that he was a Jew ,** aud Yarbrough. who is DOW a ntember of the White Ameri- can BtftioD—an Aryan Nations splinter group suspected of several bank and ar- mored-car robberies in the West. So far, DO new charges have been lied against Yarbrou^. Denver District Attor* ney Norman Early said prmature revda- by ne Denver Poet alerted Yar- brough and hts associates that they were suspects in the murder mvestigation. *^e had hoped to place an tnformer in his ccH,** he said. When Denver police invertiggton aiTivcd in Boise to quetfioo Yarbrough. he reftttad to talk to them at aL

Newsweek i.^ Page 36 December 31, 1984 .v.^- vJ' ,

o M9 (R»v 4-26^) Sm« AO U«. - ti«« A» LCS .


r«fcii« AM*. •

T«te«A«M •«. «

White Supremacist linked to Second Heist

trial to Seattle eii . PORTLAND, On. (B-A wUte tt^remadfft aceuMd of Ukinf part ebarges atemming from tbe iSOO.000 robbery of as armored |a « ScatUe «nnorwi car rabtery vehicle at a abop^nff mall April 23. Be vas ordered to auzid trial to tbe caoe nuraday and la betof beld Roffthcn CkltfORiftau *ffti« whid)

Supbeoaop tcattted that a aac- b ooitestifM but rdUOe in* ODd toformant tatd tbe FBI that tbe •mam placed Denver D. PtRBtn* O^gfUf boidup vaa btftn4H *to IV. ». at the aecne of tfee July Bto fuDdtof^ far "a white «9resD- robbery iD UUah. FBI «tst Nor* acy natloD orsaDtatioo.** naa D. Stcpbenaon unified Paraeaur and four otberi 1>ur«d^ at a pretrial baartof for cbar|ed to the robbery are i b«t of the Ary«D Natiooa. vbo Bkbard Butler, kader of the wbiU IS Id Seaakle, oo the OrcfOD aifrcskactft froifK

«^^ tar I all 1 1 i I rna ffawiQam romBmm* The WlMhinQ^on TimM CMy Newa (New Yorto

iha wnM 9aeel Jounal Yba CNcago Tffetfw _ The Loa Angaiaa Timaa The Chrtaivi

^T UBATodiy . o 0-19 (Rev 4-26-63)


FBI ArrtsU Srd Robbtry Suspect m SEASIDE, Ore.—A third suspect wanted m a $500,000 robbery hnked to the neo-Nao group Wbiit American Bastion was arrested by £B^ agents, offidab said. Denver Daw Parroenter II, 32, whose last known address was in Cheney* Wash,, was aw>rehended without incident, the FBI said. A warrant for Farmenter's arrest issued Dec. 5 «ud he and live others robbed an armored car of about $500,000 at a Seattle shopping center ApriS 13. The other five have been hnked to the Church of Jcaus Christ Christian Aryan Nations and the spinoff fHiite American Bastioo, the FBI said. Agenu de* cSned to aay whether Parmenter was an active member oi either group. Two at the su^ects in the annored

Tha Washington Post . JUL Tha Washington Timas

Daily H9w% {Htm York) Tha New Yoric Tvnts . The WaH Straat Journal The Chicaoo Trlbuna . Tha toa Angatas Timas The Chhsfian Scianca Monitor USA Today

/jgyy-gy 1« V'>'

Paoft IL . ^m DC. v 4-26*63) C (#

Tiny band of fascists emerging as threat

. ByPElWYSPAR ^nWner*! Duhis/' pobitsfaed by the Ytrfarougb said Saturday Mi the Ada tMudPrmlMTBaltaal Natlooal Alliance, a rigbt-wing County Jail in Boiae, Idaho. 'Tw never crime or a Ae Wbiia^AflMrknc Baatioo, a tiny awociitioB baaed in Washington, D.C. been involved in a violent iaid of tsadst taatics armed with Katfaevrs reportedly earned mooey oune with a handgun. ssacWne guns and a mtonary neo-Nazi from the National Alliance by ne latest violent episode for the bfacprint lor violent revolution, has disthbutii« its literature. white American Bastion began Dec. 7. ^lescribes burst from ohacnhty in a blase d 'TURNER'S DIARI£6'* vtm more than 100 FBI agents con- bend ai right-wing £a- verged on in Puget gisrfii II II I thf nstt weeti the plan by a SouDdwar Seattle. Tfce group, believed to have fewer ^^!^^i:Z^t'i:!^^^!^ •*« •TFaJ aeries « ™*"??' memhsn of the poup - induduig ttanUacmbcrt. has been linked to the a P"™™ y attadcs. disn^tion oT pubbc ^^Z^Sr^L^Z^r^ri%^^a w*j^ mamr Mathews-were hidiM. pngwxKsqrie muroer or imMua^ mad tte ««st«mAtk> aUihIm. * OFFICERS ARRESICD four of the *

0-19(R«v. 4-26-a3) 9 o

Neo-Nazi denies link to killing

ByCvotynl rakL was later arrested to a attdDanPopkey shooCKNit Nov, 24 and charted USA TODAY with assaulting a federal agnt Last week, Denver police oon- A neo-Nazi leader suspected irmed the pm found to his In ttie shoodng death of coQL-ty honne was the weapon that venial Denver radio talk sbow klDed Berg. He has not been host Alan Beit admitted Tues^ charved to the crime. day tbat someone gave him tte Latest deveiopntents to the gm IdentiSed as the murder aeo^tezi Gontroveny: weapon — tmt denied any ooo- "I know nothing about oecdon to the crime. Alan Berg, except that he** a THe statements by tanner Jew " Yhrtrougb toM repnt- Aryan Nations member Gary an Tuesday at the Ada County Yartrough came amid a lurry Ml to Bote. Idaho. of concern by authorities that Asked to specutote on who Usptwp blinked to criminal kmed Berg. Yhibrough said, ttcOvmcs by while supremactat -"God." Be refused to taft to mtffis acroK the USA. two Denver detectives tovesti- _FgI spokesnan I^ae Bon* gattog the Berg caae Tueaday nbd a federal Investisatkn and wouktol say who pve him af ttc Afyaa Nations — a net* of white, anti-Semitic lln SeaMe. Ore., Denver believing In separation Daw nrmenter Q ~ one of stz ai nie races - is gofa^ on *tn ttpey to the Apm Brtak's iwlous locations around the nbbery linked to the ffoup «-» floontryr tavohing a "p^mt was arrested, the FBI said Mmber of FBI aeld ofices.** Tteaday. Aryan Nations followers Aryan Nations leader have been linked to a number Richard Butler said to Coeur of crimes in the Northwest ^ tfAleoe, Idaho, he regards Yar- laduding a 150,000 Brink's ar- bnwgh and his roommate Rob- aured car robbery to Seattle. ert Mathews — killed to a fun The gun was confiscated battie with FBI agents Dec Bin when FBI agents stcurmed Ysr- Whidbey btond, Wuh. — *1d brougb's home to October to an be

^— — ^Kk^inv ma^haifipiiwiyiuiitill n rQSi

TnS WsshtfiQlon Tlntss DsNy News (NSW YovK) The Nsw York r«nss . TbsWtf SirMtJoumsl Tht Chicaoo Tribune . The Los Angiiss Tmts The Chrisflsn Scisf^l

30 i2-t

»(n«v 4-26^) r* O\j faZAtui


The Region 2 ^Revolutionaries' Held Without Bail KEWARK, I>«J1(AP) - Two

dbdins a woman who h^ *« S^ID cxnnfictkB wtth die twgM three Brlak*s annort^car nibbciy or- wmmn aao to Kanuet, N.Y.. were S^ ta& vttboui baU bere today after a beMto« to F«ler»l Court. jMce Fradcrk^ B. tJK«y Midtae would iaue • wrttun optokn Toes- 4«y x»vii« voaaoea ta- tais actkn. TiK

Svr »jraan old, and Ttamhy H. - M7, tooe trial to Potovary. .Mh New York OqrriBi. JaotgoPtytoKweefcto cxpio- K on weuou and W«^Ui^ ^ly^jl g|, ^>T^ a-Mf«p a ^ti alter they were aireetcd by

fiportodly nnloadtog eaptehfoa at a

Tbe SSSanU were feturaed to eiitcr ttie Metropolitan Correcttopal C ihey bad beco Id Man*******^ . wtere hotted while Jndfe Lacey held taar- r»- h^ to detcrmtoe whether their fatte would poae a Ttoh. SttS^hSS^i^i^ can that eaooftad the defendants to

Jhidfle Laoey uidecod Wtb ^Sad on both 8Bb)octa bf Friday.

The WoaNngton Foot The WaeNngton Tmoa CMy Newt (New Yorfc) The New York Ti The WW Siroet Journal The CNcaoo Trttunt _ ^ thoLoaAnoeieaTlmaa The CMetiar^ Scienoe Monaor USATodiy , -T-^mrii

o Imc AO LCS . Ami. ttr.:


T/re Nation

Two wones have b^ea charged with receiving $20,000 from a $18*2nillion Cahfomia anoored car robbery that the Fpi alleges was oommitted by white 8iq)remacifta, authorities said in Boise, Ida. Suz- anne Stewart, 27. and Jean Oraig. 50, both of Boise, v Te being held

without bail pending arraignment In federal court today. Stewart is the daughter of Sharon Meiici. who her husband. Robert E. Merki. ^^ charged last month with har- boring a fugitive member of a neo-Nazi group. FBI spokesman Don Wofford said.

The WMNngton Pds! . The WatNnolon Timas CMy News (New Yorfc) The New York Tlmas - The Wtf Sfraat Journal the CNcaoo Trfttfw l The toa Anosiss Times ^. | ?fcX The Chrislisn Sciancs Monitor USATodsy

4i\ (V10(R«v. 4.26-63) T o nm€ AD In*. .


T»ch. tcm.

News in Brief

ii^Ae State

~~^ of pirtici(Mit- }SFJ° !»?*** «preiMcwt groi9'« »6-iam>on armored car rabbery taNortbem CUifomia were or- oered held without bail in Kalinell

»d Harold Kenp. 22, did not fcaist wben police and FBlagenti. acting « t*. arreetedtEem at a down- town bar, Pioliee Chief ICartin Ste- £^ fc^A ttE. maglitrate denied baU fbr BamhiU and Kenp. who iKe a bearli« in Miwnila on ^ther they wlU be ratumed to ace parses in the &ink'f holdup »B»UWtb CD July 19. nie men tf^ W*e^ to be aaemben d the Aryan Natiooa. an teho-baaed ^rtilt* Mireniadat frtMV, Stefanic

TIM wnmfmtQmm rOm «

OiiyNmt(MwYorK) Th»NnvYofkTlmM . th» Wtf SfrMt JourraH TVw CNcaoo TrtMiM

Thi 1jO> AngglM Tim— ft.lgP^Z Tht CrvMvk 8ci«nc« MonHor USATodvy

33 1-1-15 o^ Ut- :d


«y DENNB McDOUGAL, Packwood has alao been an out- Timet Staff WriUr spoken critic of the fairness doc- trine, which forces radio and tele- SPRINGS-Sea ' PALM Rob- vision station owners to cover all en Packwood (R-Ore.), the ^ides of important piiUic iasues. Uifet or an alleged ana«i* *Tou're not going to get any kick nation plot lets than a week ago. from Congress (about the fairness made hia first public appearance doctrine)*** ssid Packwood during here Monday at the Bttrlmirlong debste before 200 Broadcasters Assn. winter confer- irdldcasters with doctrine propo- negt Charles D. Ferris, former Here to debate the 50-year-old chairman of the FMeral CcMnmuni- fairness dDctrinl; Packwood told cations Commissioa The Times, before the conference *The incumbents al#ays get that be had been advised by the coverage.** Packwood argued *1 Q^over the New Year's holiday tfoQ*t think we*re going to make that the white supremacist Aryan any changes.** Nations organization planned to Two years ago, Packwood tried Biurderhim. to pliase the fairness doctrine out of Padcwood aaid that he believed existence for s five-year period as that he had been targeted by the an cspcriment but couldn't get jroup^because of his pro-Israel and. encttigh votes on his own commit- anti -racist stands in Congress. tee^the Senate Commerce Com- my hunch is they (the FBI) mittee^to move his proposal to the may have infiltrated (the militant fUl^Senate. organisation), because they had Both Packwood and Ferris very specific ixtformation about agreed on one point that most where and when the assassination legislators fear television. attempt would take place,** Pack- niiowing their debste on the wood told The Times before tbi caning dsy of the California conference* ^^ Etapdcasters Assn.*s two-day win- According to the FBI, the tcrror- ter iionventjm, a mock vote clearly iit group is believed to hsve been Md predictably showed that Call- responsible fdr the assaaslnatioiT forhia broadcasters agreed totally last June of Denver talk-diow host with Packwood that the laimess -' outside his nonrtomini doctrine has outlived its usefulness. Feoift Gsst the only vote fdr the Packwood said that he was under rule In an informal poU. surveillance and high security Summing up the overriding fears most of last week but that the, of the majority of Packwood's Cspl- danger had apparmtly DOW passed. toirHill colleagues. Ferris UAd the About 30 to SO individuals compose broadcasters that thr feeUng in ihe Aryan Nations group* P)Kk- Washington is that broadcast- wogd estimated. ing—qp^ifically network tekvi- aion broadcasting—creates a & recent years, the organisation *Voad map of the national consdottsneas.** hu been headquartered in Idaho Thsi^ potential for massive national Where it reportedly has gone on Outdoor. maneuvers In nxudi the iBOuence continties to require a ThsWssNnolonTVnas ndness doctrine to ensure non- way tn trmy mtght and. two CMy News (New York) unbiased modkhs ago, was inVblved In a parasan and presentation of news and opinion, Ferris argued. lbs New York Times ^ sbosCout in Metaline FsUs, Waah., Qrawing a parallel to a leason he The Wtf Sfreet Joun^ in F^hich an Aryan Nations mem- learned his first year in law achool, killed by the FBL It was in Tbs CMcaoo Trfbtsw Syas Fiesris said: *lf you let me write the wake of that riiootout that the The Los Anosiss Times rt.^^p ^ ftAs, ni tdl you what any Judge : reportedly discovered the au- The Christnn wflldedde.** Ocisncs Monttor .a,,,^..,.^ nUc weapon that aOeged^ ' ftoadcasters should not yet have USATodsy . - 3^ Hke Packwood. had been ih^ fight to '^»rtte the teu*

tti'^outspokcn critic of i aoif racist organisations* 1-8-85 0^19 (»Wv 4.26-83) ^^ t^AOA*

Ami. Pit.:


T*WHkM* «. .

News in Brief The State

A rUlO^tfUa Ma linked U) an extreme white supremidft group •Dd beiAf heid in ooonectkio wtth a t3.6-milliOD Ukiah-aret armored car bokhv iaal July wai ioAetad in Spokane. Waah,, far aUeged pot- aaaiton ct a farged fovenuDent document and tntcntate trannpor* tatloo of a farged aecurity. The indictment of James Dye, 36. meant cancellation of a probable cauae bearinr on tlie armored car chart* aa. The govenment would have been forced to reveal mudi of Ita evidence at the hearing. IMcral authorltiea aay they bettere 12 people were involTed in the rob- bery aa well aa another amored ear holdup and bank robbery in the fieafflr

inp waaranflfvn rom , ina fviarwigfon ivnas Oafly Newt (New York) The New Yortc Timet _ Tha WMI Sfreet Jounat The CNoaoD Trtbuna Tha Lot Angetas Tmet P^^, pA The Chriatian Scianoa MonHor USA Today

Data 1-t-SS

J£^ —

0-19 (n^ 4-2e*83) o tMC AO IM. .

tax 'AO LtS . Ami. »tr.t A4^>^«.


PackwoodandFamily Are Guarded After Threat

VASHINGTON^ Itt. I CAP) -* Bob hoe Hvvtded tbe Hhoor^a^y I Piacfevood; hit wtte, Gaor* Pukwood, the new cfaainMC of the tknlbr Mr. Sehftte Ftesnee Goomitttae, nd Ms f|e;thfllraaB,BaU17; iKDlty TOOfltvBd iotnrive poiloe vo- tv.ttyta^M. toctkn lor the put wmk atar My ptticectiaD lor falmaalf aod Ui family hi I thiwteoBd by a BK>t

«[>, piaBDad Id Mr. PacfcWcxidm ' r, the Saualur s Mr. Packwood inade Ms fhat poblic S9pe«raDoe ahkoe CMatmas at a aaaat- iOK of the Ftnanoe Conunittae, vMdi he took over aa the Mth

Eicbt to 19 offioen or tfat Capital po-

Tba Washingilon Post ..__«...... The Wsahin^on Tknea .._^^_.«. CMy NMM (Nm YortO Iha Naw York TkuM A'JH

TtoWMSkwlJounal : ItwCNctofrTribuM Tht Lm AngtiM ThriM Tlw ChriMvi Sciano* MonNor USATediy om—t^L^S. ^S -Zk, ^ ZSL .mooj «^ •»o

(Mieait pag*. nmt el ntwvMpcr. etiy vtd stilt.) ROCKY MT. NEWS DENVER, »

SPOKANE. Wash. (AP) — A tecood member Submitting 0«ic«: DENVER of the while supremacist group The Order was arrested Thursday for the |3.6 million armored July, truck holdup in northern California in mdexmo authorities said. James Dye, 31. also known as Grant Ullrig. was arrested without incident by £BI agents at noon in the parking lot of a suburban conven- ience store near his home in the Spokane Valley, said Allen P. WhiUker. tpecial*ageot-in-diarge of the FBIs Seattle agency. Order, . The FBI sa>'s 12 members of The which it describes as a 'tight-wing ipUnter " robbed . group iffiliated with the Aryan Nation a Brink's armored car July 19 near ,Ukiah. Cal^f./about 100 miles north of San Francisco. Dye has not been mentioned in the holdup or other crimes blamed by officials on a network of neo-Nazis. His presence in Spokane had been known for "several months/* WhiUker Cold a Spokane news conference. At a court bearing following, U^ District Judge Justin L. Quackenbush ordered Dye held without bail pending a hearing Monday. The only other defendant identified so far is Denver Parmenter. 32. of Cheney. Wash., who was arrested in Seaside. Ore., Dec. 18 and was charged last Friday. He is being held without bail in Portland.

Meanwhile, a federal grand jury in Seattle returned a l€-count indictment Thursday against four people arrested in FBI raids on suspected neo-Nazi hideouts on Whidbey Island in Pugel Sound in Decemt>er. Randolph George Duey of Spokane; Robert E. and Shann K. Mcrki. 49 and 46 respectively, formerly df the Oroville area; and Ian Roy Stewart. 2f. hometown unknown, were charged with two Tounts of hartx>ring Robert J. Math* ews. 31. of MeUline Falls, ''at Whidbey Island ... and elsewhere** from Nov. 24 until ibeir arrest Dec. 7.

V-.^ :S"' V ' 1.1

i?'. I 'DOJ c 0*19 (R«v 426-83)

HffnONUNE m NAiS SUSPECTED NEO-NAZI: James Dye. 36. a aupected oeo^tezi accuKd of partkdpatii« in the 13.6 m^ Hofl robbery of a Brinks armored car in UUah. Califs last *ii4y. wtt arreited at his home to Spokane, Iteiu Tbura* .Aqt. Deover Daw I^rtmemer n, 32, of Cbeoey, Wuiin atoo Seattle, feder- * tfi custody, dbarsed with ttie bdst ADd in a al grand iury Indicted four peoj^ accused of haitartng Ktfim>claimed neo^azi Robert J. Mathews 00 Whidbey b* land unOta day bef(n be died in a lery expkoioii 00 Dec. 8 •h^tCTT agents Ired tares Into the house where he had hddontgents for 36 hours

The WMhington Poet _ The WnNnoton TlmM CMy Nm» (Nm York) Ths New York TIniM . ThoWilSfraatJoumil The CNcaon Trtourw _ Tho Lot Anoelat Tknot Tht Chrittivi S^otk:* Monitor USATodty

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In Hwf Havw In •»* WM. ;Tlit>uMMt •! mu FW portw^ N^ .K •» »pBrtm«it 1« ;


3.<\ •- i dr-ff Tfrwr

l9(Rev 4-26-a3) ;,

2 Brink's Workers Held in Vault Plot

the temer leader of the Xtt Kha KAIHEmiNE KSSIOT Aooofdiiv to aftidavttB by tbefflsb ty to Wf ^Jan is Laa Aagdes; RawWph G. %«Btf « n» Hi* Tttk DMi Stewart; his mother. ere KmocraoTlS urcierr Over tibe Duey; Ian Roy SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. SI -- Two and her husband, Rob* lest two maoths 17 people In sis sutes Sharon Merki« iopioyMS of Brtiik'f Iw:. tm fadag tove beeo charged with crimes ttiated ert Merki. ^ ^ FSerml cfausn titiA^ ^^^ P*^^''^ ^ sister, SasMPO C. to activittes of eucfa a frwp> Mr. Stewart's 'rob the umand car aovioe*! main _ *J^^w^' Acomlins to the F*bT afMavtts, the Stewart BsmHton , and to San Fiazkcteo to halp fbiaaoe arraMd tfato iwm InvestisatiQD began with the aneet woman, Jean Craig, were an aaO-Semltic «cpemist graip that aiid cterfad Hc^. of Gary Lee Yarborouib In a month In BdeeTldaho. over tte Faderal U I pkamag to take stolen In the iboocoiit with bureau egenu near Port- with receiving money Mrs. BamiltflB*s M»; bud. Ore. Robert J. Mathews* who Is Brink's robbery. One or tba two H Oiarta E with the leader of the Order, es- band. Lake, has been charted vtth aidina ia the believed vtao It alM) d^axf«d counterreltli^K. tl^l mffikm armed robbery ofaBriak't diarfod In cmecttan wfth „ list oC code _ Already tnck lait J«ly If sear Ukiah* Cattf* •n _ nombers ior members or the the Brinks robbery mAaOmymfi^ The Federal autbortttes eay titey be* Richard Barald Kemp, were found tai a car ttat Mr. Yartor- Banhiil and ttevc tte moDey was meam to be need Jamse ough and Mr. Mathews had been using, eneeted In KalineU. Mont.; ^xtfcaae. Wash., and the amdsvlt said. lUs Infomatkm the Dye, arrested In ?"»«^n«X.'ar'SffiiO: arrested In F3.I. papers said, eventually led last Denver Daw Parmenter 3d, an apartment shared by Mr. Portland- They were an appfshspded The men were arrested Wedaeedsy. July to Kiitf and Mr. Oetrout In San Lorenm. tUs month. Mr. Oetioai, 51 years old, who Is OB dls^ Attaney |us( south of Oakland. Amlstsnt IMted States leeve from hU as a Brink's Calff.t abUity Job Two Fi.I. eourcm. who are said to Peter Robineop said tte GoventtMBt tsffi Ttoffr, was arrested In Lffff%**^. Yartorongb 'f bsve taken part In the robbery In Intendsd to char«e Mr. la rural Modoc County, near the robbery. Calif .. Ukiah. said Mr. Ostrout met In ad- and Mr. Duey in the Brink's border. Be Is to be arraigned last month at Ort«Qo vance with Mr. Mathews and gave him At a news oonfetence hi Federal Oistxlct Court In Na- Prtdsy Informatkn about the rouu the trtack the headquarters of the the Aryan would take and the amcum ol money In tions, a white supremacist organU^ FJM.t1es tlon. at Bayden Lake, Idaho, that Richard Gins Butler, The odKT eospect, Rooald ABen group's leader, Mathews. Mr. Yarbocougb. the operatkos manecer at Mr. Mathews died la e »hour Siege said Mr, te. 45. Is Duey and Mr. Parmenter had basn Ian Frandsoo beandL Be was ar- by law^enforoement oCOoers at a house Mr. the Bkemben. Mr. Butkr, who also hsads ivtad In Bayward. about U miles on Wbldbey Island In Puget Sound. en anti-SemttIc g;roup, the ChBRh d noutheast oT here. A Federal tomps^ Wash., on Dec. 7. Charged with harbor* Jestti Ctotot Christian, said the tour tiate In San Frandsoo hdd him whb- tag Mr. Mathews to that case are sttisided Ms OPt bail pending anetgnmmt Monday. Frank Lee SINa, who the aotharttieB I

The Weshington Poet

The Weshington Tknes . Otfy News (New York) - The New York Tsnes /f/m The Wtfl Street Joumet The Chiceoo TrtoiM The Los Anoeles Times The Christian Science Montlor USAToday — ^-/'^S" to

± .rSMOOu >3^(Rty5-e<«1) a o

(Mkato ptgt, lam* e( MWIP9W. oKy v«t sMi.) HORIZON ROANOKE TIMES t WORLD NEWS IMcwil Cippkio h SKhmMmO Kriried neoHNazi sect ^eady for revolution-^

to murder, bombings, robbenes - \r/ar)s linked j


ASHINGTON — Federal lav enforcement offtcen are cradung down on a far*n(ht" wiBg ied in the West that thej view as iih lA^ creuiagly danserons as it attempts to

Hie (Toap has been linked to nine months of violent imes aeemingly patterned after a 1978 novel in which Ute nprcmaasts and tax protesUn overthrow the

Tke tl-:rearKM (roup, known as the Arran Nations the Charch ol JesQS Christ Christian, has been tied to e murder of a controversial Denver talk-show host, a oagogoe bofnbiac in Idaho, sbootoots with police in vera] statcf and two armored car rcbberies in Califor- t and Washington state. In addition, the Secret Service has sncovered a fall- ale printiic operation for coonterfeitinf $20 and $100 Gordon KbM RcrtMMTt Mathaws Us, with presses as far apart as Philadelphia and the Oociared a martyr 'Haro' died in siage idfic Northwest OCtidais said the frtmp has naed the fos bins» along with cash from robberies, to fund Its iivuieL ly considered violent except for scattered inddents to Ite federal Borean of AkohoL Tobacco and Fire* which gun-toting members occasionally threatened law- m is tevcstigatiu the sect's acquisitioo of heavy s^KXtt, Inclodiu sumadune gum and hand grenades* Bot according to court documents and law caforee* d the Internal ftevcnoe Service is etamfnlng the ac- ment officials, young militanU recently have come to ities of some heavQj armed sect mcsDben on tax eva- the fore in tlfeegrom. They appear to be beat on Imple- Acharfes. snenting the Ibe Amer Diuies.;* According to Jobi IL Walker Jr^ chief of caforce* The '^church*' and the Aryan Nations groiv are de- mt at the Dq>artmeiit of the Treasury, the Aryans are acendanu of hate groups that flourished dving the s violent as any group we*ve ever encountered.** ^^reat oenresstoo* FBI Special Xgent Norman & Stephenson told a In Ih^O, Butkr. a Califomia aeraaantical caginaer, Scral ntt^ateb Seattle that ttie groop"! md is the became a loQower of Dr. Wesley Swift, oae of the more iolent overthrow of the US. government Sj killing. active Depression-era white supremacists. bhcrr and coanterfeitii«.'* Be dtod a "dedaratioo of ' In IfTS, Butler moved the operation to a fenced and ir^ against Hacks, Jews and the federal government aedoded 20-acre site at Bayden Lake. Idaho, on the edge ped Ejy It it the neo-Naxis. of Cbeur d'Akne Nationd Forest near the banks of a Law cnforeemeat officers say tejnxip and Its af* pore, loe-btoe lake surrounded by • dense stand of dark- late mdts, variously known as the *lWte American green Dooglas fir. tstkn." *11ie Ordcr^ or *1Kntder Schwdgen" (Siknt The churdk% name reflects Butler's angry rejection otherteod), essentially Is acting out la iwal life the of the aasertioo that Jesus Christ was bom a Jew. The at fictional Naxibatan. "Aryan Nations*' reflects hb bdid that the *%hitc of a ^ , . _« name Ike cnrrcnt OQtbnrst of vlokoce tracks fairly doae* aatioar of the world. In North America and Western with ttie pM of a novd, *The T^Braer Diaries" by Europe, are the true Aryan descendanu of the origind tile sudccmadst William Fierce of Arlington, Va. Mbes of brad, de«Tibed In the BiUe as the Chosen Itatbook relates a SDCCcssfol revdstioo hy beavQy med American oeo^Nasls. In the book, the Nasis nv^ IS, a nervous, thin-fhced man with a sorprisf r several procnioest Jews, bomb the FBI headqnartcrt manner — his converution Is laoeci id^naDy attack brad with noclear weapons. t _ tkshr and -HeckT - aet about qreadii«l$ a^ /l|/lltetaiergiiy pattern of violence linked to theAij- vkws that Jews aSdbladts are the children of Satan asA ^^ ^mAnmga»m

-z- A^ e

militant, Robert Jay Mathews, SI, Botler said 1b t& ioterview Uut be vim his misiko ig farmhouse near Seattle on Dec. lea ^DT^diot the messafe.'* *. insldrrBoming attempting to arrert him nVe most win tbe hearts of the people^ he said. It shootout with federal officers weapons violation charges. The hone I hidUe, er a war. for mixids. It can Qiuy he done in the on assault and FBI SWAT team fired a mghttmie eft." caught fire when an flare that accidentally hit the frame boild* ne (Toop. is aMitioD to its , holds that the iUominaUon Mathews had stored e^^losivcs. lerm] govcmment's power to tax deprives dtiaeos of htt, in which AiTaochorcfa to form aiu ar basic rights, wo that overthrowiiic tike govern- . Mathews, who had left the Arjan Bastion, was te( ^ ^"^y fc**^fry^_gy< ^^y ^ dtiaens withhold tffiliated poop called the White Botler. I vflocot 01 nsoeraJ tucoiDe lazes* SnUV termed a "hero" of the aect by court affidavit, the U^^attonejVefl Atthood the sect claims it has ^ to 1,000 members F i a federal death, Matbews^tanritA d readers of iU Utentsre. Anstast iFBI Director WU- Dee in Sesttte said that before his ffl M. Baker sajs the FBI estimates the lurd core** to Jd a lew assodates to join what he calted The Ordfff a cadre of 100 to lh tl&at Is the name of a paramilitary nndergrcand Among the iroop*s aBlliates are members of the Ku f*The Tttrner Diaries." ... ,« ,J o KtaB, the ibiencan Nazi Party and some radical Some activities of Mathews and his followers ckei^ which re* i to the doctrioe of Po&e Comiutos^ ly paralleled events in the novel officials say, and court miaes DO law above the county level One Posse Comi- . papm indicate that Mathews recommended the book to Nation functions, battles with te adherent who attend^ Aryan ] hb associates. The book describes pitched Kahl. was kilted in May 1083 in a banker in Ar- Uw enforcement officers and the use of robberies and after a cache of explosives and ammonitioo was counterfeiting to fund a white siqnouicist organixation. itod in a fanfight with federal agents, but not before PierceTthe author of the novel, retoed to dteuss de- itet aadlilMa Aerifi. Tlie Aryan Natiou has his book and the question of whether it has served as a * ired him a martyr* guide for the extremist violence. ^ EaUL a tax protester with a history of anti-Semitic ( Since Mathews* death, Gary Lee Yartrough a dpae d anti-black aettvity, was a fu^Uve soQ£bt in the stey- aasocUte of Mathews and former bodyguard of Butler, p of two federal marshals in North Dakota. has been arrested on charges of assaoltiot federal crffi- killings began Fcdtfirf agents investigating those ccrs is coooectioo with an armored car holdttp last April eoveriiig^ links among heavily arined ri|riit*wing estre- In Seattle. ! overlaps also were rq^ortedlyj^soch poops A search of his Idaho home led anthorities to con- the Anti-Defamation Leagoe of B'nai Frith, whidi sider him a prime suq>ect in the murder of Alan Berg, a s m«iltored and talked to informers in groiqs soch as Jewish talk-show host who had poblidy belittled extre- eKs Kte Ktan. mist groups. Berg was gunned down outside his Denver Tte extremist network is loAse-knit and nationwide town boiae in June. The search turned ap a cache of scope, bat concentrated in smtOI pockets in the Middle weapons rancng from an Uxi submachine gun and load- est, the West and the Sooth, y to a mac^iO'' automatic pistol * fhe the investigaton^y it is nnited more by towbows Ahfaoa^ poo used to kill Berg. f than organizatioo or hierarchy, any role te the slaying. sokfy andthedogy ^ Vartroogh has denied { oe eoDstitoent gronps are being linked by a radinaen- Related searches of other homes of Aryan Nati4ps- 7 oompoter tinman besog set sp by txmis Beami, a ed defendants have turaed up fonr crosmws, booby xas Kn Klux Klan leader and coooipoter oonstdtant, trus, infrared night*Tision scopes. IM sticks of dyii*- sed inDsUas. mtteTthree-quartcrs of a pound of C4 ex^osivcs akng According to an Aryan Natkn newsletter. Beam is vith 4*ti*^<*^ wire, two .€S

. tdress^ of Jewish org^ ' -S-

aad for aJC*ia| -' u

fed«»i ^datiottdUadB. Jews. cwnnwmiOt aod

K^^ii^tSS^SArtm both tb. US .Bd CtnyiiM jgvenBPeBts. they »»» f«>ort» This •rtlcto was compiled from ^' Os^aw ofthe Robert C. Jeckson and Ronrtd o* ^M New Los Angeles Times. Wayne Kmo The Washington .York Tw^ and T.R. Raid of Post.


+3 4^ A —.

C Cm A» LtS .


Robbery trial »ftt Portland, Ore. (AP)— Feb. 6 tria] is set for Denver Daw Parmenter 2d, 36, linked by the FBI to the Ar>*an Nations,inPKite supremacist group accused In two West Coast armored car robberies last year that netted ^.1 million.

Tha W«rt*igiioft Port Tha Watfiinoton TImaa _ CMy Nawt (New York) J^f^ The New York Timaa The VM $trMt Journal

1haCWcaooTrfta>a :— TlialjoaArHialaaTlmaa — The CNiattan Saanca MorMf . UBAToday —

^ o-._-k24rM .^mm

^9f^»c^i'3^*3l o officers Jrwa, blacks axMl members of other a dioot-out with federal aaaault mlDoritles are afadn and the gov- ettempting to arrest him on weapons vkdatioo i^arfes. Law in War on snunent Is overthrown. and had left tte Ary- Tbe group. In •dditkm to Ms Mathews, wte nctem, hoMs that the federal gov- an church to fbrm an affiliated White Aryan Far-Right Sect sniment*s power to tax deprives poi9 called tte * recently termed a dtisens of Ihdr basic rfgfau. and BsstiOQ, was founder White SapremMi8ts.Tled that overthrow of the government *%ero'' of tte aect bj Bsy te achieved more caaily If Butler. Spree affidavit, tte to Wcdcn CHme citisens wtthhdd payment of fed- b a federal court In SeatUe eral income tana. VS. Attorney's office " the aact claims It has aaid ttet before his death, Mathews Bijr ROBERT L. JACKSON Although readers of * invited a few aaaodates tojoin wtet Kd RONALD J. OSTROW. IIP to 8XXX) members and Ttet is tte nmmSlaffWfUm lU literature, AssistantJBLD^^^* te caDed "Tte Order.** under- lor William M. Baker says the FBI name of a paramilitary Diy- WASRmGTON-Pedertl law estimates the nurd-core** to te a ground group In Turner's cnfamnietitcfricert are wtfixv an eadreoflOOlolSOperaons. riea,- written by acknowledged Ariington, tatenilTe crackdown on a far According to Wes McCune, caoec- racist William Pierce of ' ffBhi*wii« aact In the Wcat that uUve director of Group Research Msthews and kaa teen finked io nine months of be of Washington, a nonprofit Some activities of violent crima seemingly patterned organisation that monitors far- his followers closely paralleled aay, after a IfTS novel In which white right activities, the Aryans are evenu in tte novel officials ttet aupremadsts and tax protetten loosely albed with tte Ku Kluz and court papers indicate tte book to overthrow the (ovcnunent-ic i Kian but generaUy are not as Mattews recommended describes Tte 12-7Mr*old groi^, known] vtfble or as well -organised. his associates. Tte book enforce- «a the Aryan Nations or U»e Church aaid tte Aryan Natkms pitched tettJes with law I Baker * use of rob- of Jesus Christ Christian, has been ''derive members and taocepxtr ment officers and tte > fund a tied to the Durder of a eootrover- torn tte farmer Idate dispter of beries and counterfdting to aial Denver taft-riKyw hoau a syna- SberifTs Poase OomiUtus, a mili- white supresnadst organisation. fOfue bombiQg In Idaho, aboot* tant taz-revolt froiq>. Gordon Since Mattews' death, Gary Lee mMM with police U several aUtes Kahl. one of ttet group's leadera, Tarbrough, 29. a doae asaodate of and two annored car robbenea In w» kil!'^ in a 19B3 shoot-out with Mathews and former bodyguard of CUWcnIa andWaahtngton state. authors '^o m Arkanau, more than Butler, has been arrested cm charg- b ftdditkn, the Secret Service a year after te killed a U.S. marshal aa of assaulting federal officers in has tsQODvcred a fuU-acale printing and a deputy and wounded a pdice connection with an armored car opciratiOQ ior counterfeiting t20 holdiv last April to Seattle. tlOO bOIs. with preaaes as Ut SDd As a result, tte Aryans teve ai Phiiadeiphia and the Pa- A aearch of his Idate home led ivart i special attention and cx- tewn authorities to consider him a prime cmc Northwest Officials aaid the pressicHis of concern from Stanley su^ect in tte slaying of Alan Berg, groi^ has used the bogus bills, director of tte U.S. E. Morris, a Jewish talk-stew host wte had akng with cash frtn robberies, to Marshals Service, aome of whose nMdy belittled extremist groins. taodttsactlvititt. officers teve been shot or sssaulted Berg was gunned down outdde his Hie federal Bureau of Alo^iol as ttey attempted to aerve court Denver town house to June. Tte Itabaceo and Firearms Is Investi on extremist group mem- search turned up s cacte of weap- ptiQg tte sect's acquisition of ons ranging from an Uti auhma- heavy weapons. Inducting subma- gun and loaded croasbows to chine guns and hand grenades, and ChlM a 1Iac-l(r automatic pistd^tte tte btemal Revenue Serviee Is Morris said auch groups "auiiport weapon uaed to kill Berg. naminlr^ tte activities of aome issues ttet on tte surface teve a Tarteough hu denied any roie to teavily armed aect members on tax supeficial appeal to many Ameri- ttealaying. evasion charges. such ai objecting to taxes snd cam. Related aearches of other homes Accordii^ to lohn M. Walker Jr.. cpposing heavy fMeral and aute of Aryan Nations-linked defend- dbtef of enforcement at tte TVea- regulatkm.** ants teve turned tour croas- sury Department tte Aryans are ^ Paradcoically, te added, asem* tews. booby-traps. Infrared *)as violent as any group we've ever ten ""commit Illegal acU but wn«> Bl^t-vlsion scopes. 100 stidks of themadves In tte American flag.

. . aaaault tte police but view . ins ffesnn0nn f^vi . as religiotts and themselves ^ffW* ***- -»-• i^iiiM Vb^AA iffie ivim* Tte fii fceigi i i pattern of vlo- WHnngvn g God-fterii« . . . (and) lAIk of tenee inked to tte Aryan Nations flreedom but support virulent racial Dsiy News (New Yorfc) puBles suthorlties some becsuse andreUgiouBbtgotry." Tte New York timas . tte ffTDiv was founded In 1873 in Authorities note ttet younger, Tte WM Street Joumsl tte peaceful Idate eommuidty of more militant Aryan adherenu Bayden Lake by avowed radst Tte CMcspo Trtbuns teve come to tte fore In recent Richard Gimt Butler. It waa not Tte toe Anpslss Tknas rt^m^^^ montte, replacing tte leaderAlp of previously eooaldered violent ac- C-yeer-oid founder Butler* whoae TteCMsttsnSdsnosMonSor cept for scatured Inddenta In tlSATodsy which gun-totiz« "vkdence** had been confined to his racist sionaUy threatened lai oery, ^wecaes. McCUne of Groip Research be Bot according to court docu- ^5 says "church" members may te meou and law enforcepem effi. it-is feeling their oats" with tte ns- 46 dak, young militants teve recent- iko's political atmos^iere j ^- C^ te H ~17 c o

dTHunile. Ibree-quarlert of a pound of C-4 oplonveB along with detonating wire, two *4S-caliber aemi- automatic weapons (one equipped with a fUencer), a Mini- 14 Roger .223-caIiber eemi^auto- matk rifle, a bandoleer of buckihot ahc^Lgun thells and a hand grenade. According to the FBI's Baker, Aryan members or sympathisers also have been linked to an ar- nored car holiiup last July to ITkiah. Calif. It and the Seattle robbery were cooducted "to fund further criminal acts by members or oSshooU of the Aryan NatioDE," be said. Robert E. Herki and his wife. Sharon, are to be tried next month to Seattle

Baker said aeet members alao are nder suspicion to the April 29, IBM. tlre-bombiQg of a synagogue toBoiae.Ida. .

i f9 -i9(H^. *-2e-a3) AD I

C .0 A«»«. Oir.: Associate Arrested Ol».lto«.. D'Aubuisson fc»l^.

i«k. Suitcases in "Rxas Yields $5.9 MUlion . V.S. Search ofNine OH.Cvit.S the electoral pro- Tambaugh and the pibt. Cos tend to corrupt r«Mkc Alb. cess of oar country .... to boy Maestrafes of Boca Raton. Fb.. promote political chaos and Vas known as s poastUe contra- votes, other mbdeeds m order to mbtreat band exporter * He. Gutrob and doae imiriitr of Roberto and ridicule our suffering peopk.* A Oacar Rodriguez Fee were charged AobuiiMii. leader of B Sat- Reagan administration offidab . IT with transporting nndocumented wing, was couki acarcely conceal their glee at r's fMT ligbt politiai ctth and conspiracy and are being arrested St a le- news of Gttirob's arrest The ^ of thiw an held at tiie Corpus Christ! jail ieu bit week with bearing b Christian DemocraU are mopping t Tcsaa urfidd of $1 minion bond. A undercut- escflotaiomg mote than achedubd on Tuesday. up on thb. It's seriously ting D'Aubuisson ri^t now.* aaid $5.9 nuBiQn ki naO failb, VS, Cut- An investigstive team of £m. one. tomi Seraoe officsab said ]pester- customs and the Drug Enforcement Administration agents has been work on the case, Tum- B Salvador's ntliog Christian formed to baugh sakL Although there b no Dcmoaatic Party, locked ID a bitter apparent drug connection, drug atn^e with D'Aubuissan's Arena deals usually involve brge amounts ftrty Ofer next month's municipal of cash b smaO bOb. l^Uative deetkms, immedi- mi A possible drug ring bvohrement diarged that the money was mOf b "certainiy one of the things being would he nsed obtaomd iUcttly and Mivestigated; a Sute Department ' the electoral hy Aran ^ cxvnvt official said. Guirob b known as s cbse asso- ofBdab wd they ar- date and financial backer of D'Au- icated Piandsco Gusrob Beecte, buisson. and has allowed D'Aubuis- 6 as a buikiing be S5. and two other men on Fd>. aoo to use a fbor of private jet Sahrador as an Arena • tfa^ff ff"^° Sabrdiner owns b San Coim- office, according to SUte Depart- w^ raiding ft the Bdterg Goirob family tyairitripnearKiiigfvine,abcct35 ment offidab. The . has been strongly opposed to Sal- Bttbs aoitffawest of Corpus Cfaristi vadoran Presklent Jose Napoteon •ear the Gdr Coast Duaite aince 1979. when the first Gmroh. carrying two passports Duarte government eaproprbted ' from Salvador and one from Coa- B and natboalixed a brge bank, the ls Rica, ia a wealthy Sahradonn Banco Sahradoreno. that tl»e bmily conservative with dtjaenship in B Salvador and Cbata Rica who trsv* There abo are reporU that cb frequently to the United States. Guirob was instrumental m the tor- Be claimed that diplomatic im- matbo of the Ikoad Natbnal Front. protected htt nine sotcases jBODity by iU Spanish imtbb. a right- to DonaM FAN from a aarch, acoording that in- ist uBdvelb organiatbn G. Tmiibaugh, assbtam lyoal dudes Arena and two spbnter par- i^pminifffinger for eaforcencnt at Customs Servke's Houston of- ties. the Arena b seeking to the Manh fice. 1 thmk he was counting on fIfrtMWtt to c3Kpand its domination that.* Tmnbaagb aaid. Sahradoran l^jbbture. where Tha Washington Pool Adp But Gwob m not have dipb- of the and a coalitbn of conserva- natk hanurity and agents found Arena Ths WasNnQlon iknss ..^^_ have been brgdy suooeashd tK>f the sirftriifi containfd tives Daly News (New Yorti) Uoddag Duarte initbtivea. $S,«7S350 b Uixwrency, with to Tbs New York Timss counting on a brge pop- faiBs $100 denom- Dilarte b Ibe brgeat bong Ttis WiS Strasi Journal «___ vote to March to gam CQOtroL bntioos. Tumbaogfi said. He caDed nbr major newspaper advertise- ThsChlcsootrtouna it the brgest amency aebure in b the Christian Dem- IbsLos AngslasTimss Tensfabtory. ments Feb. 12. charged tfiat Guirob -We befieve they were beaded ocratic Party Tba Christian Scisncs Monlioc * bringtog to money Ito supply out of liie cooDtry Turabaugh was USATodsy for hb comrades who in- aaid. He aaid that the phne had left deport John Wayne Airport to Loa Angdes the amming of Feb. € on a iight ^ Z- \(p'^S pbo to IQagsviDe and Florida wd ffcar Cntf^^*^ Service olBdab m C^Bfonns had aramed the ^7 cffioe of tbe fight because the pine # *t. J A. . u» a:«l« .nvDoa ,

.-4- ^

19(n«v. 4*26^) CsM AD A4«. c SM«Aftto».^

Ami. ftto.!

ON. C«H- A


White Supremacist Pleads Guilty to Gun Qiarges

BOISE, Ida. (UFI}-White su- Bastion and a former security oCB- in the death. premacist Gary Lee Tarbrough. eer for the neo-Naa Aryan Nations Tarbrough was moved to Boise alkfedly a key member of a mili- Church of Bayden Lake. Ida. in December under t^ht security tant oeo-ffazi gang, pleaded fuOty Tarbrough, whose fuilty pleas after his arrest in Portlud. PMday to II counts of fll^^y came as a surprise, f^ces a mssi- An associate. Robert J. Mathews. pneifning fireanni and opIoi^Tes mum sentence of 61 yean tn feder- 31. or MetaUne FUls. Wash., a at his Dortliern Idaho borne al prison on the 11 oqunta.. fbunder of the White American Bastion, eluded authorities in Port- thai Taitrougb stm &ces in V^. . Aoaecutors say t^t his groiQ) is land but died in a burning house District Court beginning Wednes- Tti^onsible for various robberies, during a shoot-out od Wbidbey day on an additional charge of including armored car holdups in bland. Wash., in early December. shooting at JSSL agenu as they Cslifomis and Washingtoa Mathews, in a last manifesto approached his hcane tn Sanc^point In addition. Tarbrough is a sus- mailed to the Aryan Nations com- last October. He was arrested tn pect tn the 19B4 slaying in Denver pound at Lake, Ida^ November after a dioot-out with Hayden Just of a popular radio talk-ahow host, days before his death, called ftar the FBI near Portiazxl, Ore. a Alan Berg. Hie murder weapon race revolution to overthrow the Tarbrough, 29. is believed to bea was fbund in Tarbrou^'s home, federal government and drive mi- of the White American but he hu denied any involvement norities out of the United Statea.

Ths Wtashbi^luii ^ost ^ inv vvaMnQon Tinas OiSy NsM (New York) ThsNswYofkl ThsWWSirMlJtesM ThsCMcaooTHbisM the Los Ar^slss TknsT&LVES] IhsCrvWtfiScisncsl

^ 2^ O)'

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0-19 (fWv. 4.26-03) I«M AD A4m. . o t«M ADte«. _ imAS LtS. AMt. Dir.;


^P- Computer Network Links Rightist Groups •lU.

m%,t and Offers 'Enemy*List

and eevoftf oCteroMfDten of tte ^_.^. whether tfacr an BMnttoriog *>**^*»'* ymianfd hy tfafc >r WAYNE XING Sltaot Brotteriiood vaia "laiDei thf rTTtnrV^y oiemten** of tte Aryao Nsttas. Ifr. iAryan Natkna. Dal- BatleroaDedMr.Madk0ir8*'atero.'' I Itwawas set qpby Loois Beam, or HOUSttW, Frtk. 14 — All Idftbo* OB tte Aiyas Nstkns ;las. a member or tte Ku PmtPan. It teed oacviiazf flrfuttatta hftt Mtalw : 'Tteolder •cante reacted teWpteae fltkfl^ ^^"^O B CDi|]pQEBr*OSSeQ flBtVQVk to thniugh active ffor tte fold Idate aad North Carall- Hnk rtglttist groapt tnd to dlBMminftto and ksi spotenMD ben to Tens. ~ aad tolth belag rsplaoed Iv tte aa,wU^hasi a lii^ of thoM lite it aoyt "tev« bo> an tiiwd tbBir nee.- joa« tkn. Ttese diarn or Godteve Afiosssis; aa tjSfto mOn oaosouiets or saeecses* Ak list OTsOfthk horn the conpiiu Tte CO er link, which has vary- Ttey aia tte aimed party vhiefa is «r. tttod -Xnow Yoar Eiwny." to- levels of passwords to restrict ac- teii« ten oat or tte toabmty or vhtte tog tte adtfroMM and frirnTmri cees, deecrlbss ttadf as 'Vpr^Amer- or male yootte to te teaid." r^CtoaJ oOoio or tfao Atitl. icanK nr^aroitei aflti*cooBmiBBSt aet* la connnxan state* 1 Leuufr Anotter eD» a ol B*Mi B*ittb tad or true wte eerve tte meet or a Caltrania man ooDTlctad in work bdievan Christ," wte to- one and onty God — Jeaus, tte U3JL It alio M2 for kfm^a 17>yaar^ .** todadertemn aitf a2u titiat it is "for Aryan patriocs ODiy temed OD rt|^*ai0g actMtte. aad or •'raoo tratton'' aad ''to- iyteattstfa^or''kDOWB - Tte statamoot accoaes tte ''Sataa&c 2y)GffloB tot Occttpetiopal Gdvanuaent) tortorm- aodety ' or tte United States or "nir. tte Dscwock lists tte ^laffles or an dsrtiv Chrtstiaas Ute Goftfoa Kahl, en.** taformer agalnet tte Klan aad a irtiD yoQ teiDsd la WcbocftadneHar's P3X oa Aryan w>nnn>, an testlfled against oven beciAise te would not taw to yoor man wte a Kb Xhs tend to BoYta Lake, Idafao. a folda Babytaolan God nd pay your Pansman charged wtth bombtos MoeaMBt oOcUli have tM a ipttmar CallfoniU ndio fUttoo. tribute to ftnenre Isnel*** ^ Mop or the ofiniatioc to aewal Tte idarmer was fciUed Mr. Kahl. a taftttve ttenad vltfa laak and armorad-cer lobberteo, mer, aad tte net wwi eautts: anUof two Federal marshals, was an ^ on Podov] olAcen end blown to feces on a raceat oofspokfn OMmber or a taxan Aifc., to that toddsoL lir. HaU at- uifcsiwj lugeujar bbq joiDea mm ooe Isoded Aryan Nattoos ftmctioBS and computer. Imagine aB(y patriot to tte has becsmd as a *ten and martyr** teevfly annod tadhrlAials ^rtioted erartiyb^g aUe to call op aad 1

t vat^ OB the Uattad States Ite SDoBt Broctertiood ~ toat it tte Ctoyonanmt, aldcb

Ocmpe tlup IsvastlBaton bava abaa^y toimd kches of weapons, tacludiag ttffddte ead antomatic Tte taadsr or tte map, Bdbect 1. which was Idsatifsd n yoan cld, was killed to ports as tte ODs OBsd to ^Mr. Bsig, " * J OB Pedeial ofB* wte taunted rt|^a-wtos astieuMs oa vliha hfe radto Shaw* Tte aothovttto also fcund tttaratan dfftantng a *1potot aya- i toPyt asm** m achieve statmEgrkdu^PM* - -^ _ "T JtS^tod ay ^^Aopped bam a oral officials, btocte or Jaws. TtePMaral aottertttoa teira ate . Mr. Mathews was aomfht to he WssNnQlon Tbnes or tfacovsred tte Bames oT polhiir otB> tt Dsly News (New York) FJIX afnt to Seattle aad tte rohbery ctols and othsn viewed as enaaries Iqt of a BrtiOrs armorsd car to The New Yort( Times _ ISUSZ last inoBth, tor The WW Street Jouml F3X aoctfied lisot Gov of Alabama that te mgto te a The CMceoo Tribune _ tor reveage. Mr. Baitoy, whes Tte Ijos Angsls i Times Attoraey Gflonal, was rasponsl flNatofng tte satradtttoa of tte The ChrMsn Science #1^ J* B. ftniiei tor Ite botaWfy or Bititol USATodsy i^^di B^^soet CwBrca la avflDDa)S0Bafl&. te fb» FJIX ako ODOOwed ttrM* to tte Aryan Nattoas agatost

kMd ef the SoBdMCB P(>wty uw A\ i9 .-r-_' Mr. Mr. Dm tat AM w««n] t >8gc B-1 SC Bee; SC. CA (MMin* CliM»i>» >« S»t» >»>>w) DiU: 2/11/85 BdiUoa: Final

FBI works to Title: How solve alleged neo-Nazi crimes Cktnetar: lOOA-8049 » 192B-142 CUksifie^cB: Siibaiittu« Offie*: SC tievy FBI works to solve alleged nee-Nazi crin]es K various charges connected vtth the crimes, which include the tiA milUon robbery of a Brink's armored car near Ukiah last Jttty 19. ^ emerftng from official tfocunkeoti A pActure k The FBI got Its nnt break in the caae the day of ^ a ftrtag ol kov fte FBI te (otnf tbout solving the robbery vhen agents found a handgun that coanterlelttivg schemes and tiM I rtbberiea, had been left behind by one of the robbeiiJac- __»r ef a Denver talk show aosU all of which cording to an affidavit released by the US. jUs* .^ linked to a langof neo-Nazis. trict Court In Sacramento. Ftom there, that docu- 7lM FBI It by 00 means throuHk wtth the case ment and others reveal, the Investigatioo haflled -..^jul agents will not discuas the lavestisattoo. But to at least tvo informants who were tnvotved with ;«vh^ Is knovttlathlK the Ukiah holdup and wtth a broad network of <^- leait One peiyoB linked to the groap Is dead, at neo-Na^ who seek ultimately to overthrew the and at least three llpthen already aine la Jail p VS. government and to remove ^ wan OTT trUnrrd tl^ be the objects of hunts on ^ aatf laws from the country.

Mike Dooher, the FBI agent la San Kafhel In charge ctf the Ukiah robbery inveatigatloa, aald last week more arrests are expected, but he would not say how many and would not ooollm

the names of those being nought \ -*! Further, agent Doober said, arrests have baeit knade in the case nationwide He said aome of thi krrests were made with no apparent connectioo 40 the robbery Itself. Plans are to have all or near* ty aD of the suspects In custody before the ana^ pects are charged in the Ukiah heist ao^f can be trie^at the same time, aaidr

r»i/ooj S^ 30 . . v-^ t ^o

Vashu; nad laa ., Falls. Vash. - fPt iai ^rom the vflle, harborteg a ftogi- Bayden Lake beadqaartert or Aryaa XI, aD charied with —w,, ^-^ to tfct CPTt ( — Mathews. In addition, the Natioos. Matbews died Dec. f la a live ^StoTmmd tn tbe annored car wanted en n Itit Ore- fo&owiag a steoloot wUh FBI Uertk were tbe robbery wM ft Mae iled, fire Ser counterfeiting chnrve. . aemlaoUy agents and police oq Whidbey la- tttt toltb awl Wosoa tmm It at Seaside, Ore.. aaar Seattle. ^Tten, en Dec latlc, pistol was eveataally laad, Wash^ «f ne wTtte a Doaver Daw Parmenler n, tt, V. BaraUU, 18, ol Btfore be died. Mathews traced to Aadrev Wash., was arrested In his hometown newspaper la Cheaey, IftoooUi, Mo&U who )>ott^t U aader letter to Uklah robbery. the Informant Is ftr*^*''**^ vlth the ova aame at a:iCl9K)oli iportlas which he aald kb Jan. t. Jnmes Dye. tj. wassrw laown to The Order and, if fovadt And IDOds store April M. Spoknae oa n almllnr "Us head win be removed fhn his rested In . tenmill was aiTcsted la tke H&. 7. bat before Us arrests , body.* and Kemp the FBI aooae was Oa Jan^7. BarmhiU were aeroins to oe oCber members At diat time, ^ already tightening on the group. were arrested. al a group BanhUl belped fooad Sharon Mend's daugh- eaicaped Nov. U from On Jan. it, nfteOrdcr.* Mathews bad wns agents la Por- ter. Suzanne C Toraatsky, 27. Its from a a shootout with FBI Tbe Order vets aame Boise. Idaho, along with Ore^ la which he and an FBI nrrested In itttIe*kBOwa aovel. The Turoer .Itend, were charged ^ Mem were wounded. A member of Jean Craig, 50. They rtes.' wrtttea by a fbrmer Ore* money from the 21, of with receiving Uoivenlty pbysScs prota^ the ^ng. Gary Lee Yaitrough, . Statf ancsted by Ukinhholdiqi. Lotber Pierce, who qntt Sandpoint, Idaho, was J J, wmiam An Informant revealed that tSfe wltb agents after the shootout te aalversity &a 1965 to work driven straigkt had been sought since Ukiah robbers had ^^eorte Uacola RockwelL foaader Yarbrough after a trom the holdup to Reno, where thgy Nazi Party Oct It. when he escaped al tbe Americaa Bitt into sc^«ml cnrs and drove shootout at his home, where officers up Pierce Is leader of the NatioBal the money cache ef weapons and MTth to Boise to divide Alliance of Artinftoiu Va^ a aeo- Jbund a large Tomatrky and Included In the cadie with the help of .Nazi group. ezploslvea. said Oair li the was what crlmelab tedinidans la Piercers aovclTbe Order SabseqienUy, Tomntzky's has* group of was the .45m an infMmant were arrested Their revoltttioB is fiaaaced by already Richard had robbed a Seattle a man identified only ns ^ and counterfeiting. that Mathews * armed robberies Jdaeph Scutari In his escape from^, of t25.000 the previous winter . BamhiU and other members of bank others later Whidbey Island nfter thetiiootout. reaMif^ Order were origlnaDy and ttiat he and several 1^ holdi9 robbed Then, on Jnn. M, nfter ngents imbers of the Church of Jesus Involved in the Ukiah Seattle April It, bn>ke the code to the records found Christian Aryan NatSoos ta an armored car la In the cnr In Portland, two Brtnk'i; Idaho, which preach- taking $500,100. ;dett Uke, ^^ Northera Calif werjt Left bcbind at the aceae orihe Saards la omm . white su^iemacy and separatiofi car cortaln- tracked down nnd arrested: Charlcb accordiag to tbe oe«rt Portland shootout was a f:the rmcei, Ostront. 51, of Lookout. Moddb lag not oaly 130.000 la cash that E. oocumentL Ronald A. of to be from the UKIah rob* County, wd Kliw, 45, fiefore Barahm was traced down appeared weapons iachidiag a silcac> SaaLeandm. nod arrested along with Richard bery and but also a Ostrout and King were Indicted as they were play* cr-equipped machine gua; SvtM Kesip, n, Thursday by a federal grand jury In Moot. bar. book of names and phone aaokben lag poker ta a KalspeD, San Francisco on charges they FBI was aUe to tafUtrate ne the down en Whid- planned n robbery by Tbe Order of informatioo fmn Mathews was run Order and obtain main vault la Ftnn- Islnad. nnd since then, nrreats the Brinks San at least two Btembers of the gang bey with regnlailiy. clsco. n robbery that never oc* Involved in the Ukiah h

^ 31. . ^ R>350 (tev. &-e-81) o o

(Mk:«tt paO«. MM or

New Haven Raster p. A-12 (Moixtt CIpping h New Haven, CT 2/10/85 Edtton


Chncton or Cltta«c«fon: SubrrMIno Offico:


Defense says actiyistsitar '4. itnt a New Haven apartment bt but otherwise said the poverwsent ly JMtph T •r»dy three SKnths in earty* I9t4. She o^ygerates coonectioos hetiween Sidi olgiected to the goverament*! daiffi various domestic rtvohitioBMries. NEW YORK ~ 1>M0 blocks that Ihe dwelling was a **aafe **b*s not ilkfa) to be a scvdu- from the moooUthk federal court- house** bt black radical lerroristL tiooary,** she added with f slight koiae in k3wcr hU&bsiuiu n efe- **Ftm of aH I dool autoouti- Yvette rented the %Mor ot&ked fU w«y 10 the fMtrtb caDy accept that Whatever the relationship Street offtce apartment, and if it is true, there floor of a Duaoe the groups, such rnlifih oouU be 16 diirertnt rtatom (fcr bttOdiflf. Ihrougb t door, a simpk are no strsngen to the law fln of **Resi»- Muiing it),** Hotmes said. WKk<<»-white ^gn tmd Flood, Holmes Jk Tipogaph. One Ihe atuxney said the aovcrih teaUwOCceL* of tiie partners, Susan Tipograph, aaeat is targeting people who Ihe fiinushifip wese waple but represents Susan Lisa r **have a loc« history or politica] attactivc A itoeptknkt cfaatlod andTlmochy Bhmk, two activism going bade to the cnily the pbooe about a &rewdl par* terrorists arrested in New « days of the csva righu move* far a diest about to be tovri* last November while jDegsdly 9 asent** ^leaking spec»flfa|ty Jtt icsked. PnhSaadimsta and Hack tiaasporti0g about TOO of Cdtrane Chinurenia, d» aaidi ftwottftioMry ha&dbiOi hi«|ed the eipiosivca with g trailer in *He*s a very intrnirm, weV«Iu- NewHavoL cased biack map. Ihni makai him JidithLk Hohftct 1 mtui rift* iloreovtr> in IWtJ the qCoet aid cmrM % luiuisi hiarilyn lean uue of . Tike everyone else invohrod.. viBiof^ coat 10 a doeet hsMd uf 'With the case. Holmes wasniaiting gwing a lO^year «c In n a aameplate. her door boft a head* tir a grand jurfs dedson on a Hh VhgtVkiinia federal Sue clipped from a Nevf Yon, lv*' Ifffff^ing indictment ^^linst her l9r • ioid:^WoodyHQlmeL*'.a*. 'dieni and the ochcA Hdmep s^ 10 vidt.ltoo- nph» her anomev, in' New Hofancs ii a snaB laomaa^'her culsted Oat the iovcrnment ia /.InNewM AfterIflcr anaetiivmaetii« with Aort hair aftd awnar fM over* lookii« fcr charges imdecthe fcd> «y.. Iho- powered by larK round flanet. ^eW Kacfceteerina Influmond and nraph. Buck disappmsdLdtsappearvd, andai has Ae at behind htf dealcopeoed a Corrupt Orgaatzations atatnte M» among the nation*i a«nied Aigitives bag oT peanut MAKTi and, mO- bned on aB^pd intern lo kidnap ever oflered the ba| acnM Ihe prison guards in fiteing btack mdi* In addition, Silvis Barsldini — Se. cab Dooakl Wxms and Sekou 'npograph*s fcrmer legal aide and A picture of V.L Lenin hung by a meinber of the mdcal May 19 Ae wmdow. She referred to him as Holmes said that, while the gov- Olggnizatioo —^ was oonvided an *^ *lQne of my lawyer heroes.** ernment haib the case ns pre- ndKteoiQi chuies m IMI tar Holmes represents Yvette Kd-^ eapdve strike against domestic driviat pa««y an ki m ai- ley. one of the defendants the at- tarorism,'* the real aim is *^pQltti- lempied Deoember IMO m refers cBJIy« to criminahv dissent m thb lobboy Sjvney repeatedly 10 as *nhe . CM is Dn^onr. - nckncWledgad that NewVbrkE«ht^Hobnesttidshe . oountry.*" She •ad ia the prison bmkiwi ofc tad "te idcn** why a woman, nl- the New Kbrfc Eight are .leyohi. vkted cop-UUer JouM leged 10 be Kcllqr, Mod an alias 10 tionssies asd 'tett-imperiahsts/* Hd ai New Jcnqr. %^ ^ Mmm A» LIS Ami. »lr.t

ilvadorildi indicted Crt^ l«». niggling C»4.

Rmaosco dnroU Beche, tte wealthy young Salvador- «n mdicted m Carpus Tf«tat«« Chriati, l^Ezas, on eaosfor- 9cy duuxes last wtA far tij^ to anainJe over 15.9 most of the scandal to help their ffa«ging political nuuioo in cash out Guatemala, El Salvador and Panama. When Guirola indied for his passport Dn LeciQno s^jrs, be piosiiijted (loannents idcntifi^ing himaelf as a ipeaal as- sistant to d*Aubuisson, who was than pnaideat of the i<0ii«ly last Jane. A for the attoraey fBocral, Dt Masmilliano aaid he had *^ evidence that this type of sport was issued.** But be also said the office «M investigBtzng tibe charge. ^ Thsfeis jyerfiatkwtilMtthe sum of cash seized iri^ BvacQcne btxn trafBcking in narcotics or guns* and that It wa faeo« laundered iQr being smug^ out of the US. Then is abo mecolation that aocne of the maoey mty kam been destmed fcr ARENAS political cazz^talgD te the March 31 Sections for the natknal asaembfy and na- niripalitiw. Guirola has been involved in funffing oHra- tin the past But the amount of moonr seized ftf exceeds the needs, of tike current canqsaign. It has thus caused the Christian Democrata to adiisper ominoasly about atten^its to buy or even directly to destaUize the of The VVlMfa njlrio Post ^ Nq»ledn Dnarte. US federal invest«Btors hi Tlie WmNoo^oo Tlmse 7^U8,'meanirhile, have aaid that there hi no tvidenoe Otfly News (Nsw YortO that indicates what the money was meant to )» need for ThsNswYorfcTlnws . ^ it iMdied El Salvador The WW daaet Jourai Whife the CS^ristian Itenocrats have tried to make tfie TbeCNcsooTrtxra . IVwtosAnoBlMTIfnM ^ Tlw a«Mv> Scim» Monaor t^LlSL

USATodsy ^


JS- ih^- S5 iMill

Uk. . AROUND THE NATION OH. C«i«. A Bm€. MfM. »

TwtaNlf „„„_,„


The former propaganda min- Jter Of a wfajte-supremadst cuh ««coc Thaddcia Kindcrk, hanged himself in the Boise. Ida- ho, jail, leaving a note saying he feared what might happen to him after testifying against his former comrades.

TIM WMhington Post A^l

Tbs WasNnflton Tifnss .. - Otfy News (Mw York) ^ The Nsw York Times ^ The Wsi StTMt Jotfnal -1 Ihe CNcsgo Trt)ur>o The Los Ar^ot^es Tvnes The CIvMivi Science Monitor

USA Today .

pv jA— PSiOOJ


5^ 4m«. »«».:

'AfyanWanhr'GuUty In Idaho A»$auHCaMe

iSmnl^TMBbm of t m^>ui RMD VDD hav% bMD VsMm to t nrtit

Mr. YMbreu«h. • ^T^f-SiS?* Anru WM ftmtf ri^ «rtii», ,ld*to,te»Fw-

TtejBa fN«

Itet to fir«d to WB

Th« WteNnglon Post . Tbt Wnhinglon IViM CMy NMt (Mw Yorti) Tb«Nw(Yorti*nmi!S

ThsCNMOoTrtbtfw _

Th» CWrt^ Scitnc* MoNlor _ USATodiy


55 0-1«(FWv-4-26-M) ^ f^


ON. C«if . ft


News in Brief

The Nation A Mml )uy in Bote, Ida.. bcfiB dellbenUsc unult eharfet agiinit a Mipecud neo-KiH who taaUfM that bt flr«d eBl7 ww^ar *0U at thmJB ac«nu bt te- Hcrad wt *totnidcn" od Irit rapetjr. Car7 Lat Taitrmgb mM WoDty wobad tba aftnta to McMiftr tbcMthraa. boi tht armu iMtifSad that kc aimed at tbam. Tartcoi«b ia thMht » *»• Bcmber of the Oracr, a violent eOhooc el the Aryia Nayona. Aflcr tbc taddeot. officen feuad a CKbe of flreanirf to Taitrpu^ • hoDe. iDdudiai the gun UMd to UU .r- Jffwiab radio talk abow boat Alas BarilsDcnTcrlaat.jraar.

OaayNMM(NvwY«tir ThaNw»Yortt"nmw _

n» CNeago Trfc«*»

•n» CN1««» Sctanca Morttor USATod^r — S^ 1 — p

o-ie(n«v 4-2e«3) C I.M AO LtS .

m. MfM

A neo-Nazi neighbQrh

jCpedil for USA TODAY

I HAYDEN LAKE, \nBh — L i^olcane,lM!L,MtkiQ. flbe «blte«iprcn«d«, Tk>> Todty. Butter k lo lv)e « l«buttal to the Atloo^ ive- ^loveri vbo nuke tlis ^onatatDoai part report after denMoutUv area Uair «qimU time numlBy, *;ieadqvMUlen are ft r Ad. -Otter thao a tew Htvmoted] CBttk 1 ttiak die ooomiBdty and ippredaia tfacome tbeir amy todcuca UrwoBocnaof »ew«e coeoftutSoe to fte local pod flidr part knttreo ^iftniff (TCH^^ of OBR^ ad cy, Ibe arbaft^ugTBla rittlag murder, robbery and Bvactke aad tte Dobennaos are a areat cottoera to tbli Ttay live; drID and ^ aays acBQic iBce Oa ibe JtodDCSh aniPlltrator — jodna ^- . Tbvera operator Kea tuded, J&acre conipound < Weaver baa to a* aaoNazb aurrouoded by f-foot-blati Id have fun oubide, aad Waited vire a&d patroOed by Ciys (bey ffbt wttb tte CDir- ms ate come to tbe to^«a GaiyLeeYkrbroagb^-os \ * jpf? cMate asent Kdno trial tUs week In Bote. Ida- tevam aild 'people are bav* tor ri»ootii« al£B[ arsti .M li« a toi«b tiroe aeOkv tbeir *— lived here and oace ftouaer boGauK of ite Aiy- Ricbard Buder. fte att NattooB CburA. avowed racH louader of SiysCotaoel KaooL a 71- JUyan NatloQs Churcb. fear^oU Bayda Lake aa- BuOeifl^belMTSbard- ^, live: *ney*re tlvlaf tbls ma a bad aame. 1 Tbe tS-year-old leader •eyd 10 reacbfli tte toal battle ft> p ad bora fteir i irw fvaeranpDri rwi ^ : aave Ite vbtte race baa be^ Tna Waihington Tlniaa . fktiL F^ to O^eae pails bave OMy NMt (New YortQ I Bttcb coolad vttb bkn. Be : baa vKhdrawn more ^ cm* Ihe Mhv Yort Timaa ^ tloa of acoeai to bb ooaa- The Wia S»Mt Journal ~ ^nce aa kilttra- etad The CNcago Trtouna « n mem Itm w lele- Tba Loa Angelaa Tlmaa Jvlaed last veek fty a The CrvMen Scianoa Monaor uaATodey 3*^ "^1

l-Z£-fff 3;\^ Cmc ad hdm. 0^19 (fWv 4-2e-S3)

Idaho supremacist convicted of assault trias a fUQ ai vamiotMiots. Spectel tor USA TODAY or asBBult for voapco at Yarbroug^^ three £BL<«c&^ A teme was \aed to kUi cootro* Wabo- White Rh Yarbrou^ oc trial for Ir BOISE erslal Jewish radio Ulk fremadst Gary Lee Yar- fc« three ibots at FBI agefils tn tftow hoit Alan Bers in Deih Irougb ^ i fonner member to October 00 his prropcrty testified ver. Ylurbroutb has ocK been the Aryan, KatiOD Qiurdi SandpoiDt, Idaho, ^ only charfed in the murder. -» vas CDovicted Thunday Thursday that be Ired

The VWMNr^lon Poet _ The WttNnoion TVnet CMy Newt (Nm Yorti) The Mew Yoft Tlmas . The WH Seaet JoiVTuf Th« CNcago Tribtfw The Loe Angeiee Tln»» The Chrivttar Sci«>c« Monaor U8ATodtoy JS^A









T.bfU.* ••• -


Hood » » i>/^pTi A vn fw>-- Thg FBI searched the Mount awSndL^w'J^ded^^ motel manager was TPX Asent in a motel shootout The maiu bebev^ S^by a S^JAlSm bullet ftred at the SJTfoHner member of an Idaho ^j« WP^«^ 5unA. the Aryan Nations Officials rtJ^^JD^yJ^ umdcntified gi^^ S^ originaUy wt looking for the

Tha Washinoton Pwt . Tha Wasrynolon Tknas Oa% Nawt (Naw VortO The Naw York Tfenaa . Tha Writ SiraalJoumtf Tha CNngo TrfbiM . Tha Loa Anostas Tknaa Tba Chrtstiin Soaoca Monikv USATo^ fff'

/^'^<-^ - „ BEST copy AVAILABLE '''^' Haa vZ iwoQj J .. —

).19{»Wv 4-26-e3) o


SuMpeetFMl Hunted BelievedDead in Skge


ftuDd[ todaytoi b tb» ctiftmo or an ItUndbouM.

Puge SouDd. wm» th» obfaci o' » »- e^. lt»Sd Abas • PJI. lAtiir^y «hn Qatm t&toDdod to tOumiMtA te •o«ke wt tbt faouM Aflri. Alte WUtAter. tbt barvAo'i ipodAl AteBt-b>^kArit for WAAhfa^[tao oimtA, oT Aid fat boUvvvd tfai cBly occupASt tbt bcwe vAt Robert T. MAtfavvs. 11. or iit»*l**** FaUb. Tbt buroAU lAAd taU Itamty ooiUd 00^ be ccBfLrmod by ab the Autopty . wbich wOl bt ooBductad by Ktal County ModlCAl EmnlMr't of* flOA.

i Mr. MAtbrwv bAd bote w*«itoOA wbiD fat AACApAd tnn About SO I Nov. K buroAu Aftca turnwdtai A FartlAOd, flAOtAl. Ota.. ^ . Arthur Eaoa«I, a PodtrAl Aftm. was votfkdAdlB tte k&MiDttet tBddKt Be WAS AUKBA Anots who bad 9000 to te DotdtD Amet Mr. MAthawi; fOQouBAtA, Oanr Laa YArbrtaigh, who WAS AOOMd of ibOOdnf At thr«A AftBtS Oct OA pokeamAB lor tta bUTAAu n wodid ooDduct AB to«olry IM

Jofafi Ue MAtbtwt, AlAO ot MoCAlte FADS, Hid bis brotfatr bAd ban ftD> fQhFAd tD tilt NAtiCDAl AHIa&oa, A white •u^vDAdsi fr«9. ADd ocbv nch or*

The WeAhington ^oat The Wethington Ttonat

Datty Newt (New Yorti) The New York Timat The WiS Seeei Jowrwl The Chicaoo Trtofw . The Lot An peltt T>mae The Chhetien Scianca Momor UaATod^

0- /?>/g>>^K —*

kM AO tl» . Links ofAnti-SemiticBandProvoke C»t*. Am* 6-StateParley

FadenI y WAYNE KING armi iBvaMtgaton mftd. kal^plaat of a asm is feaavily araiad n«trt-wtot ---—--^ BOUSTXM. Die ^ Ite ra^iy the cyvarlaps ven also reportad tff " » ; froup*t aa naae loon members of a kmvOy loladlltMaa^ aadi groiBs m the AatMMamatkB tfCi-Semitic group ttet hM **«•* tfOBt, affhwuli diere vas oo Uacue oTB'Mi I'rtth. vtoch feaa war*' CB tiK Untad Sum ip* ttODorafOrptaato ' aoBiiored and taOtad to todomm to mbtpartolalvvcr radtt al- TBtFaoeraiaceotsaiaDseuadnciRntFaderalaci fBcagrou|ttaudiasmeiuiiuu&vn.ichgiwpasucfeMtheKBlQiaKtoB. * " tetetfai aacwortaacvort iiis toactooae todUtoiU mcts.iDdiidti«QDeaetaili0ga*-pQiDt, tortorttna qpe deufliat > nnthe gtramiftotramist '* ijattiu tor pmng kao itatm at an aattawldeaatkxiwlde lato Kope. tar cuwu i rratad ^Amn wan^or^lJT murdarti« Jaws, to SBaS pockets to the WMft Waal. UKte, Padaral totem mTFMX te Wmt aad the Sooth. AlttaoiMh the iinrm;tisatan my It to kwrttficB Cnct dadarad ^ttad more by idadogy aDd thaolGcy «*the ZOO** *a^ the tea by orgeotoattoD ar btorarchy. "Jaw-ooDtnUad madto/* aad warned af 'Maity grefights** bacwa« tear mi- bya toroamott offictols aad tha *1toavily- Ml armad White American Kcvolntiaoary Kb Army/* tovalvad to a auD battle to Waal^ Aryan Nattoos ; to an — ftasa arith OMnban oT the ,Mr learn is aa vtoch calls hadf^he SUem Ibe SOam Bracherhood, which bas Aryan Ma Itokstoat least and myste^ aim is terror* a doseo other groups ofg^aixatiflnaS Hke It around tte obuntry, a vtolCBt taka^vcr d the Gov- todudfa^ to the Anti- slrmynfi of the Ku Kha Ktea and the Laague and other sourom. is the AxTan Ibis ctotfi bore raaamblaDom to ODe American Haxis. subacrfbm to a 8tt> {ta3bmgraaptoIdahD.IttohBadedby aaoBChs ^o, to Artamas. lodi pramadst doctrine myii« that the Botlar, a »yaar^ J$ Iticterd Girm ' —•—' GovenuDcnt bas baeo taken over by —tsofaractotaovalthatbas BO-Nazi who is also bead of an an JifWB. who tt mys are dmcfnrlams t the b(b)e or an aatihSoitic d :s eaOad the Ctoirch of . Satan and most be exterminated to a . The WaridngtoB shootout Mstian« wldch atoo I racial and religious ArmageddoD. tod Faderal anonieys tram Alabama, „. at the Aryan Nattom oom- OaliteBla, Gotarado, Idaho. Onfon Although the Faderal Burmu of In- latBaydeaUke. wwflgit fau said alter the gun battle to _^ aad Waihjiigi ii t m maet to Seattle Mr. Butler said that bis graop bad a VaatongKon two weeks ago with the Si- mailii^ list of COM ] tom >i q

racist affiance calUi^ itself te f^S

( on FederiJ oflkiala* Qiderad all reUgiousi I off the island and baltad rtarstoBL Alp traffic to the aovd. Wtet toOowad wasa xiprtoeef the 5*JP™P'« ««liatii are ..^52! daah with Mr. KabI to the bills of Ar- Bamban of the Kb IQbk Klan. the raadeacapad wtto GJ milliQB, 1 American Nazi Party aitf aoncndical kamm It mootte batore. ^^'aoad to raim monrv tor a war a as^vur to dto doctrtoe of ftaae _ Altor siege, wito sporadic the UoitadStatoB 6o»anmwML the ofQoors tram

! ••»».- arSai

} was aim tovidvad to rnim Aryan Kation ftotctjoos, Gordbn Kabl ih to ratoe mouy aad to «m kIDed to May Ifgl toTteteto Trie WbshinQton rraaqr. aooorfiqg to 71mm -^——^^ kpj Aitaaaas after a cache of emtaaivm and DsSy News (New Yorti) ^_«^^-^ ammuoftiOB was i^atted to a gmt- flTotoi *? flgto wttb Fedeni ageetts, bm not ba> The New Yorii Tlmm ft " Ave he dhoc Iwithssj anMcU&da sStflL n» The WsS Sbaet Jowto ^ Aryan Natfcms hm deeUi?jiii^ bgr baSisttos ^amms as the TYw CNcego TnbiAe Z rganiatittions the X>mvfr radto afBliatad wlto TheLosAngsiMrei _. talk stew boat theradst amaaoe whowas riddlad by a burst 6um an au- The Chrieton Science Monitof "—Mtic weapon b M e stepped tram his USATodsy ' '*"' to the drfwway of r ' ^*'^''* '""'• 1—UJ i^l.f.?^!?!? """^* knar the media. - toS^ytog i2.-n.m Mr Kahl, e tan proteamr with a itfe. of anti-Semitic and aoti^dack ac- ftmmine sought to the stay. rtdenl marvels to North '^ 9. -WOOu M -

^tie«C:p«.llani«mdrandtoT IM (Mb of Aorta ty «WM n- nawaaBta>-4<» «to«rt^« iaieegatcni»ligbttiMmM.lfaTl|- fnoMdm «to tana pmnUluy Mr.Yaitanmk«ati ttt MBtkOTBli HMdttthowr Mil ii p i l Md Bwcwd wttiiw Afyn itotfoM. tt Mr. «9. " Ike bta» ontd Ite iwtt i( &• tta ff < Vr iImIwi i __^ te. «hB Mr. TaftaroH^ «m r*' Cutf ptat tan iOem to 0vt^ >pl» by awTSBfai ladf by pb- vkm hi tad «md • «n ftr»

btfitnacnBUMtiatcbuBilB^ Am« Cammed by UJ. ^ Itat MiaoD was arrvtad, ahhanib »pwaiot.«bicb»ttatt>eUK Miattty af Ifce. acawd Md fc T«banHir>elaiaacniaayMw ifl -Hi'^rigii^ t^Ttwfil itiniMft iba taad eC tte Ann SStoMta^^ te SSr». 5e?S3eralaBtt«W«.*bltecBBaf». iicbaid Bodar. earftadateadaittiatfttertfleaBdn -B^J^^II^^^^,,^^,,,,^. g?^^ ^ „g,M ,^ Mh tta J^ oftheBlaaatotheduitoaotfilaial. Hiaiij oovaaaoi aod «bar.r«^ ss^s3i»jc -jasr^r^sssas'.. ssrsssis Padml oftteftw»aiuiimi»- T^ifn irtrl rrttnrrti ' ad tfaOK MBtortDf ttat or te mctel ttr- Aflvihe 4Mah7Mr "**"**' ^**^| ft 1 of HIT and are Midog otten. U^bA, Mr. Aider Md .«0 In inw WbMbcr j AttcSttew avir to ca«o4y to » wt oanfenooe at wUch ka »ld te vwr-QldGaiyLaaYaitamgbarSaad wm **pnDd of Matban; ka waa a »• Km. Mafao. who 'wa wgortfBy ian>,- ^ ^^^^ craflad talo tba Afyaa NatioDa OD Mr. Laat VadDeaday, ia faia a^ata^ Matte«i*sfacoiDiDeDdattotel»iorl MattDtepnaaaMardnattittftvaof amatad In ttenbbertaa and iDchidtM Mr. Matbivi. Mr,

Ora.B« YaxtoraqsH aad 1

*nter asandad oBOa. U. IMtyMahP.;\r atf _^ ^ te ~^ ' ft tka vanWp awlot cf tka CoBfch of J ', a aaa

a^iitt at te mgm^Bm^am Mr. Ta apfMoLa^ taana^ aBF3J.MM,An iZlZy^Si •^^''^^Siw tt —Wart, B> Pat Pmandrt "W^*^"/ •'mmtapaoaX a , ..^. ""'""- Iwr^* ^*^^"^Ml ml 0raaBi at as _^M_ Jt-LJt77L jLu ilii rt I iiifc III laid II ^rid M HasdHi Lifea. *^^v^^ M^ ta and r^^ . _. tta 009 aaity MM toM Mas . „ t^ Anaa Katton la aikiiii ^ ^^M il^liaadadly nibUd a ^J^Ytoto^ ">^^^^?^^^^^«^^^

graoada, in caih tfct hand- >adn^b6ada Ccairinifaal Ttaui|m ar> MP,Ma aad |tpmla«*'«a«mhavaawttaM] aoradearof MOO.MOia'Saattltaada vrtttandadaratianof *>ar^i|^8db9r ^w^^Ii ^f *>M|iy***t«Htfti Brimii BrWB tnck af SLC vmoB In ^ge Mwdftrtg| tbanadm aa i>t *" UMalu li^,,7n ^ ii malmfnT lB&_wtbari»afarBaoiadcar»y«a " «•,** ^gf . . , bm ttt aavriMar aan. •^c cantadoaihiaM(aaIUtary«yteby Mr.YatbaeqagbwwchamidaBMv- imb te«a ta ttl ttabSMT^' araid(rai*a.arivioirpmB«siBthe

y/l ^Neo-Nazis' Inspire White Supremacists Tied to Navel mve of (>ime.'Rrrorim •n^ book «ht« . -«-»« V^^'^^S^^-

the Na- toon Beo-Nax».neo-Nazi*. Inw theu« book, -Aoan Nrtiors"««*»-•' in »««-j--v- jnr «f?-^^'^ae,^^ -Mym ' aeveral proinmeBt Je*«. ,1^ -,irt»ite MAvncM 1 AKg Mmho—A anall » Bwrte ^^ mth «***" are fcoBy attack teael a«l Weit«i»J&«;j* iL^SiSriummber^^ SeSa of the in

h» fajd Bible a. the ttojeniW^ Sm«n.iniiw«db, a fictional ac. -SiJent Brotherhood" the iwni^ counterfeiting and a Botkr. 65. a nerv«»tt. a i»»Naa takeover of the i^etf through «^rf tbeie unmenaong ?2L«L!r Set d^iobberiet. With .^ ,rtth a wrpriangly fond-raiaing methods. ««*«^ «anner-4» coiim«rti« TfttAfawe oflEL Secret Ser- ^^ has accumulated aod Ttedtr-aet ^-?2«ltiS5uof Afcohol. Mid. the group ,^ -QoAr SLSlSfitSS oS^SS; -or; than $rLllio« in $100 and ^ iww»«jr«-*^^ '^'^^^Jllt^'iZof biun tZObflh. ^id black* ire the children U5. i-tHu- At So«ofthec.*lu«tee.njcj.3^c«^ S&S'ii^S^ i««rt an«t*JW Ae gomnment. «mber. are ««I in the tiona and 2?S?SeSrf ^^ last large !SVS!.!!!S!S^ FBI reportedly behevea that Sutler aaid in an Biterview be a. ctok. of the «ooey r«-i« to »i^ ke «- bi.,-i-« •WSSrS the e«ie«»u. ^ *^ «-ent b«d d white «. "•?^|^,SX'Lrt. ol the ^-^^'IJSS^t^^ atten- a JtH^S^'nL^ puniriiti one to national ,^- jj^said. It is a hattJe. or foriaMs. k can only be done ^ 2? Accortinfly.BttUerh»»^)cntthc _ ^ff-^^ ditu iliuUBi btenture, and *• JS ^•«2?S»11i^ taking part in pubic debates •• o« •ember ol the "brothefbood- "StafiTSeiive eatatogue o< A^- Nations literature and par- m Nonana D. aovcmeBtj!iS:,t?L!?J!3iisfwoatmg torfaJ »/«™-y^ ^mbM /^^ |,.„ fa, ,rie range edition of Adolf Hitler-. . frSTnew ' 2S.^A^f2?!**i^5^* J!^^S^M** ™* f"*P* tified church here B&raaiote and "T" .T .---- «i^t,, •«««. *»«« K«««^-^ rp>o>Hrtler ttans- •«t««- rf t«« SmloSr«~e rt co«n.- catalogue pRvaaes) to t by killing, robbery Mty cast of Spokane. Wash., M lation.* the mugs and key diams .» ^' He dted a aifes south of the Canadian border, plastic cofiee red-aod-bhie Aryan Na- ^leciBratioa of war* against bbcks. This anaO Idaho town is the Rearing the Jews Md the federal govemneat hone base of the Xhurcfa of Jesus tkmsseaL gnedbyaboatUoftheneo-Nass Christ—Chriatian' and its proae- ktebtmeath. Iftiaing arm. an aualiary group ^ Law eoforoenait officers say the oBed 'Aryan Nitioiis.* -nw WMNngian Poai H ^ Aryan Na- Bwp. vHJoasly known as the The "dknrch- and the THa wtaNngion itawt tiens group are descendanu of bate •Whiu Aaerkan Baatian.- The 0,ly M«»s (New vort^) 0Her'>-Br«ierSchwei,en-6i-fn«y^thatflpur«hed*«igthe ^M-y^W "^^ISTL b« n. -nee Tt. ws. 9aaj. *un-- 1S?ra^ifcTS?-t T^aChicgoT**. WO1970 by RichaidC. Butler.. Cal. fictionalSJ^Cir^Nas fMttasy. . ,__ ifer°i« »«?yrtical «gne« who TV owreatoythurtf of violence !I*if^^!!?T . a The Scianc. Monnor ««A»fairi» ctoaeK with the BJBt af >g«me fcBo^ ^ '^'.-^y ©»«» S*^, «* US* Today a fictional pampUet. The Tvmt ''^ T,!S. h 1973. Butler moored the oper- ^fT^Trl!!?!^^iam Pierce of Arhngtan.Va. .to to a fenced aod aectaded 20- «*,^ /Z/^--2^-#Y^ 4? fY STi bSVthe edge of Coeur . S rAtene National Pore*, new the ^^^ bmks of a pure, ice-bhie hk* aur- ^ <^^>...- raimded by a dense stand of dark- ,i^ 9 p^oi extreme iome dbaerverm of the Butler's alory and Mathews was lit doubt ^f\ «»«^,„^^,^ connected to tBc month at a cottar » ^^^^^^^ «pc..tf*y teve e is stiD doaely uus wtboritiet. wbo movement. a aattle violent fectkm of his %\^^^ Waah. Afler ffm tow- ||-^ Butler toa not been charfed, ,^ ,00 agmta. in any cf the faor ever with complicity |^^^ 4^ ^ AloocpoinUBuileramlheW member iwcentcrteet. ^ Brotherhood a maiiAC kit of 6.000 people. M ^ Aryan h miy caae. a poup of i^ned. aiolen hsr two diMident W- tte was members befan a'Uoody Yarbrough's hrtxher. who kh te compound last Mations lomn which the Daw 1 tnil rf oimmal conduct, jj^ ^ Denver af the is baaed on the •o««»«gf, aho reported^r member* aatfaaritieft re* FBI says H, inieo Caiadian uprwrng FW been arreated re- Merature account of a neo-Nas ^^^ ^^ also fiiied to let Butlers hate informant Ment Stephenaon said an ^,a||y, igU) the couBify^ he the bf with •^^'V^;?; STdescribed the novel as ifc one has been charfed board to ipreao tne puler buUetio faction. much of the money He bte- of the violent Berg's murder, Bkeaaage efectrofucally. FBI^^beheves, couuten«ed ^ hi the hat year, the ^j^^ ^^^ gi^^ ar hundred people m the Iwt- aeveral Brotherhood members have hidden and several more acceaa to Slent ,^,„ains ad Sutes and Canada pin least one at larte aacoeaafuDy carried out at ,g,pacted members remam ayatcm every day to lead arti- am* the robbery and two hicrative a dragnet acroas the Umted metaafes. bank ^^^^ Semitic. anli-Wack cars. troika* of armored States and Canada. »y Butler holds fefular Sunday Stephenaon told a map^atein draw a lew ^^..it^UafyThmJmnd church aervicea that the doai^ ^Seattle that ^some of camipanirnf Onv donn people. His church also runs jpabof ents leuivered tfroro a amall Xhristtan Academy^ where be- homes) state that in order to a handful of local children get their come an *Aryan Warrior,' apphcanto of • aatst complete a aeries . • Butler has also boated at least two aeasians of the ^National Aryan conpffing mch crediu ioehides CM Congress." an annual gathering of FBI aHoiler of federal JBdies. Kn Khix Kian. American Nas Party. awBts. wd other federal oftdak Poaae Comiutus and similar ex- wd enpioyea. m «d aa tke anr- _noup . aaembers from people der of Jewirfi peoole. Uack Ithe^nation. At Tke Seem Serwce. •hi«*w»e«- ooontctfefCRC* ea* aetteo a Mas uttforms. br%ht*bhie Aryan ^ij.*— Nations suiu or white Ktt Khtt Uan Wailanft« atatc that aBegedhr nabes gKher around the Nasi and tnl wmmtitf Bobert E. Mcrki. a Confederate flsj rertkcn(|it-viBcr«9- stiff-armed Naa erfeiii«iiwedbf*ecs- ao thoae who have attended. Ml aaly to fei cMh ta» riw to dwiipt tiK Federal Ke«rve J as a temporary base for such ** Syfliem. «ydi Anm >«« alies as Louis Beam jr.. former >de«7ibeaaaataolofjew». Grand Dragon of the Tens Ku Kha Ran. wd Robert Milea. a Ktan lead- to nake a atrooc er from hfichigaa. tkia fd alter Over the years. Butler directed group Gary Lee Yartronih. ao ( much of his proaelyti&Qg at priaon tatcr became Ricbard Butler's iamates. particularly in the West «bo bodyguard* at the Haydea Uhe Md deep South. He saysjttat *a dM0di. dtefedhr find at FBI number* of ex'convicta whom he ageouapproechiBgbiakoaae. contacted while they were in priaon aobaevieni aevcb of Yar- moved here after their releaae and A koaie wveahd a iKge became members of the *Aryan Na- t's


But tfttsiaAii of piiaonert led to the gm fBHDd i» Yar- an cvcatual apKt is tte • Mne via a 1iac>l(r •»• novcmeat. at Bvtler tcBa it. «b their viev. th M«ud that thia «w the foB uaed to reach the aaaaet of our people to kl Berg, the DcBver ladb host. through truth, kfic. and icaaona- Aflcr the Jhooih« « Yar* hieaeat would sever he alowed" )*• hone. «eaia tracked the Yarbrough and another en- hy our cnemiet.* Butler aaid. Robert Jay llatbewa» to a Aadaoa aunher of young aeo- motel in Portland. Ore. After a fire- Kaaa ipht avay from Aryan Na- there, Yarbroi«h was ar- tiflfM fight Sutler iaid. to Dunue a oiore •* *•- *.* .

rA»A4^. )-19(R»^*-2«<3l ( ' O

Tw lB ^ . U.S. Alleges Overthrow Plot nhpfc— a*.

White Supremacists Linked to Scheme to Take Over Government

The ahowdowp began early Pri- the ashes was tentatively identified ByLiunPirker day morning when aaore than fO from dental records as Mathews. FBI agents swept throogh the paa- Randolph George Duer. Kobert SEATTLE, Dec. ll^The mas- tures and woods of Whidbey liiand, E. Ilerfci; Ins wife. Sharon K. iFKmaahvat fast wwifend tfait a SOHnOe-kcig body north of Seat- Mcrhi, and a man rientified as johr "» a fiery gun btttie od a tfe, and surrounded three cabins on Doe* but aho known as Bartktt wooded, rural idand north of here a bluff overlooking Puget Sound. Duane UdeD and Ian Roy Steward has wetM what federal proaecD* The ageou doeed ahipping lanes were charged in U.S. District Court Ion ciD a adieine by a snwp of near the island until late Friday eve- in Seattle with harboring Mathews. Volte Mpremacists^to u'vci'tluw ning and halted air tnSc an the TVee members of the group are tbe fuvtjuiDent. manhunt progreaaed. FBI agents stai at kffge. the four ac* Robert MatbeWt. who died m the negotiated with the actrrisu and ar- During the arrest of iour Friday charges of tivists, FBI agenU aetaed a brief- 9S4kour aiege. aod four oCbera air* reted on hartnriog a fiigitive. caae bearing Doey's name that con- reated at the acene had been aaao- tauned a document dated Nov. 23. dated with a wbite-aupmasdtt But Mathews. 31. akme and heavily armed in one of the houaea. entitled "Declaration of War.' said group m tb^ Idaho panhandk knowD refuaed to come out FBI agents, Aaaistant US Attorney Gene Wil- m the 'Aryan Natjons' and had aome wearing camouflage, their son. pbns to ebminate "Jewish ioflu* faces blackened, waited in the The document declares Nrar* on cooe* and other auoority groups woods through the damp. coU night various elements of aodety and was ^fran American aociety. accordng whOe negotiations continued. signed by Mathews. D^ey and Rob- to documenu filed in federal court Saturday afternoon, the FBI fired ert MeHd in the name of the "Aryan teargas into the bouse and later at* Reaistance Movement.* accorchng The Federal Bureau of bveiti* tempted to enter it to arrest Ma- to court papers. ptaoa began JDveatigating the thews. Agents were met with gun* The informer said Mathews in* group aeveral mooths in coo- ago fire and retreated. As the second vited him to pin the group and told pertifjfl with a aeriet

white aupremadsta. An uoideotified house to aiuminate it. The building the informer, was "Turner's Dia- informer who infiltrated the group caught fire and <|uickiy burned to ries* by WiDiam Pierce, which was provided the FBI with idbnnation the ground with Mathews inside as published by the National ADiance. ioking it to three armed robberies exploding ammunition kept the no East Coast right-wing asaocsa- in Seattle and oartherD Cahfonua ageou at bay. tion. that netted more than $3 mfllion. A badly burned body taken from The book contains fictional "di-

ins waannQwr rotn

Ttis WasfMi(jiiifi Tinss CMy Nsws (Nsw Vorti) Tbs Nsw Yorti Tm Ths Wsl SfrsetJotfiwi The Chcsgo Tffetf)« _ The Los Angsiss Tsi Ths Christisr Scisnos ISonaor USATodsy


7 .niDOj n ^ V- r

writteD by « nsQ ftuned Turner, vbo deUBs a aoppoaed takeover of tlie Uoited States bf Wnite fiupfesnactttSu TlK dianes describe a grtop caOed Tbe Order tiiat aodertakes iU revolution by ftMbng itaelf tbroufh robberies. oouoterfe^iBg and other crimes. Tbe aeit itep. according to the book, it to tauDch terrorist atucks. iDChidiof bomb* iofs and tsiaaninatinns. against pitbbc oibciak, ^obbc offices, ener- gy facilities. cocDinuDicatiQDs eya- terns, aewspaper offices and tete- visior and radio autions. The book bos The Order's an emies as Jews, bbcks. ocher minor- icies. coaaervatives oDwiQiag to take di*astic steps and bberals. nid FBI spebal agent Nonnao Stephen- son. The revohition id the book begins in 1991 and ends successfuUy after eight years with the Bmrder of nany people, tbe destnictioii of the "tteral >ewish press.* the bombing of FBI headquarters, the obliten- tioo of Israel with nuckar weapons snd the death of the fictiODa} Tomer in a aubddal niadear attack on the Penugoo. Stephenson said. UH1U P«A antiMfttov Interoatiooal re- fUnited Press > lobert Natbaws died. Fflt searchts rabble whcrt wkiu supreaadst ported that the Aryan Natioos QHtrdi of Hayden Lake. Maho. ia^ populated mamlv and let them know what it is Aryan in a country that Pn soed a four-page, typed letter mulattoes. Macks and tte to become the bimted.* by Mexicans, it davned to have received Satur- pThe tetter aaki Mathews wor- Aaians.' day. Tbe graop aakl it cont ainftd S-yearHrfd son. Cbnt. (Mathews, after leaving Aryan Mathews* apparent description of ried bs own Natxns. formed the *White Amer with federal %rauU be a atraoger in his te years of cooRicU * bhieeyed ican Bastion UPI reported ] authorities and vowed to 'ptrm the a blood-haired,

SESTCOPlfAVAILASLE 8 ^ T . i >3601 11 o dyvidMO) PC. 146 tOCBESTER POST BULLET ROCHESTER, MR IN iM3;r* Clp**^ h FBI probes right-wing ll-lA-84 group'slarm loan plan- POSSE COMITATUS «- BMBth* tefbre Ua oSice Ike m ii tamapttaf • "•"^'^IE: ruln^iltUoo. lOOA-18002 Submttno Olica MINNNEAPOLIS , W

• ^* WtacoBiiB, the •^Ss^zL i.^aLl4ta« m% iB Minn— i "Iw Ij tkU j«tr. Ikejroop wm Ike m iavceticitiaB eeoUn on VtU tB Tartar- frwd or wire find. 2^c*««d tbe Mate's etapier tot

toob owd by JusbMi do our obtain teaaj at ADdif t^y viU allow aa to - ^ -^— ««W Ittlp fannm -^ w jot ve wfll be ablt to prove It** bcr finn re> NAPA taif« famcn loaA api^Uca- Tbt maftafer aaid »»a foosdEuroptafi kndcrt wbo .lijcfc HAPA iincialailDciala tmOj vlU Ckaaae* loaoa rogocatad by NAPA CUMtt V **- _ K wur«« v^Hsn^w ^ — . «^^' ^^ K^^i^ vai ^«aat poopkaaaaic an ailbar prtrau pmpvfli^ TaiWMP ««rrta« or —^^ Zi^ifr^ to a i»t iinaunat xrmutrwt pM^bh Euro* «MI» fdr^ " "Vi Ml * toacft Md mV%a t im»»i1 alkt la Kaa^ paaa caACMiaeaABMicaJ baaki ViU ean7 1% MaPa «^ Ml inaidaat^ ftieb __ M]S«aa flMaMV lakd. wtrng a gligl^ ^ooaii aaw 9 ^ ^ g^ addadadded tbattbi an NAPA hadaal a vICMaa, m a irtette - *«ban '^wbo applied for loaaa — -.^l fLt'^'TaJrLZ!?'!;! " »»i** » a iiBimtwa af tbt ^ota.- F^ fyfT* iC IffSpJf ***•m '•J^^tatfrtjaciad by^ Aaertcaa laad- nabaii^fc Mid. '*^*' ^ panoaa VBO n^ «»• ^. bacaBtebecaase of Ulaadaqoate eoQater- - ..., ^,,__ ,_ . . . paoplc. arc eiaaB. ^ r^^ Mate Tbej al - win qaalify for loaaa. -Tber (tbe Baropaaa laaders i*i»««*— vortad aa a broker lor a flaaaoa ^^ are aot aa strict ob aoiDe of tbe BBOMn. , lila Mmei^Macie lad., tbat » A aacraUrraacraUry at NAPA'S ba*d- credit criteria as wt are aver o# tfe fim baiac tamtintad maiUr$ bB Fort LapCoo, OdIo^ aaid bere.- aba aaid. by tibc PBL YarboroQib aaid. Bliott vonld ao( Parmen wbo applied for NAPA Bcatdca NAPA, tba PBI iamU- 'BI iavcidptta. baaa were aaat loaa papers two fatiflo abojBfoJm Hi Oaaoce, KAPa weeks afo, tbe auaafer said, aad coiapitakt. at letft aome of wbicb bt tba Poal-BalietiB itow tbat bar firm wlD fbrward tboae papen aZUtedly ma0am tba NAPA of tbe Moade eonpania to tbe Boropeaa leaden. Tbe oiaa* |loaaa.yarboromb«dnDad. Uaattcatad bf tbe PW afer aaid sbe didal kunr haw Ote a^ad or tba FU iavcitifa- ipiwcaaiac NAPA laaaaMUea- maqr NAPA memben we ItooafltmoawbatkarNA^Tttd bm laaa papen. She said bar firm la attan^idag to have aD tbe AaaOcamaaaiarlortbaflnD &££?25SSJ^*°*^"matoo. aa eaonraM. fiaallaad ^ Cbrlatfflas. aaW iba it aware ol tbaJW tmraa- . The maaafer said bar firm la At leaft tbrae of tbe fim ut tifatkm bat tbat bar eoopaaj baa llaeorporatadla a forelfB eavtry. bcatad la Maadc, bd Aa tbrae dooa aotU^ «ra«. firms fbot daeliaed to aame tte eoaatry. Maade art -a»odaUd"j -iTa do aot cbarfe aaj wp^tm A nport l^om tbe Ifuaek Better wttb tea Imlortbaaebmtof loaM.*tbe report froo tbe Better Buraaa, oaetlai tbe *' Maaiar aaid. *11qr vooM bave to ati«t ^' Boreaa la director of tte Brafirm, aaid tbe . _, Fan tbat «t bavt abaolatdr ao iDcataa u<- Daft^ Rraa, aaabtaaC VS. attor- aaarcaa ef te^ wbic* canat be taafcrsB aayiBladaaapoUa,jaidtteo«ldba provad bacaoaa wt do ban aoorcaa rsaaacia] ,c brokerate, aiaU ft 24 '•»/ooj l BEST copy WMLABLE s>

A rater of KOBOoMi i^ZSitlSitopS* lUO f« to

doubtt Mout looft- Mb railed Mriovs y^ ^^ ^ LwUhml tv • pn^va. •» Ike NAPA lout _,, ^e tkm Muade tauf^n Dr._ W0-) aMtkcr. ae- It's a total fcam." aoM "MMdator with ooe at Man- ter MakL a rccioBal •eoaooiiit ^rdiM to a rmrt from the S IWviralty olili«wot» SeBttter BaSm »«»«^/2I; ..lsssars*rN»ATspcJ&5Srv?s^^ JLKmVettuae tkey caa aan. jeoied that ler firm has tka to tfce ntet on moo- two cowpaniw mZ hiiher intmst ^^j^ Smvlu^llakiaaM. A paymaat of ^ to the fbiaBce eo» -It aoaadi Uk« another eoBuaoy wai abo "'a^»«"5 «Ji»-^^ lit PctmoD. vreai- SuW vhich were described and llllBg Snoni^Minn- WmoB it former ,„^ .oonej coal, baiA iif the a«ricolt«ral_ SSSk n^. - . .„a Sr^ittee rf tte ABftricaa b ^wtioo. people who Atatarf AWJdatloB. leans were i»qttfr«d topaJ»* P»- uken loan was aome of hb,w»- cent Ipteraot when the tSaoTaSd loans trted to obtain dosed. jiSJKe ^ _^, ^re- JStoSJ prSrams. ^aoUer NAPA dooimeot X»hia,h;:^;UppeDed.-he^ to^^^

SL^^tfiffiTSS^ ^A^tJ^rgt torai^, aaidr document. Patenoo Sffd accordiat to the rd pat my woold orpSSuooBbthatoraaW^•Vefoct *^*''JP "'tU^TolDhdowrj^ the soorce to tm ft iSSTrd want g^ "J? {Siast the borrower lor SSSy t^.^^^r^o&W^iMi S defense for the legitimaU." P«^!Sf.!Ss.oS'ST!»er «ae*sheco«ld pr^ SS.wjUwatloiindaMa«Jeooebom>»er«»^ ^ «,^. ac- document ^^^ « .»• eon- cortS to the NAPA by ^ m««ths Sutements «*i55SfLS ^SJt has said for six Vocal's ^-S^Sif^ mX IS- -oold be finali«d in'mid-Msy .n ^^^"^^jHSSS'ranT^rviewmcorrwA, Peterson eouateral ar« ^^ Jg'TSuJS said NAPA ^* ^ .n. — ikw^tS^d BO million iaaotices of -Anybody th^t^ tor teaar Borrowers Kiffi^SSro^ with* •»* *" 2L^?p5wio3woSd be fettinf notic« r*^ 52i when tbor ^^Jm "P fLfffJS»2?S31w alSol srtw? Mid be -v^lablej^-id ^^^^S^SiStS^«nt«MtK»u™^«» SI JSd _ pid to J ^^^ ^^ reports of Ed Monmaa. pr^dMt aetuaWy rtceivtoR Rochsfter. said2»J^.„?ftfrmm** *"y a? Bank In '•r^TrtMrNAPAthe NAfA pn»r«aroarsm. « many dreamsUnces loans aader has" •M arc ir iMlirif bocTOwan__

pie, _

Mofv JS^Jrt ol dIfficJuea.- mm said. -Wt have •«« tote ettiat•;«eS2S;nrcoeaa able deals like this we IV Middle Eastcca aaaoey and tavesm a Wrf Iraad in eoonec- tiao with these deals.

borrowen have been p»*J7'*"fetting ^ntet the finder's fee and

2Z \0 CKl9f%v 4»e-«3)

tetft. atr.i


Tihpj H i a>..

rai spokesman Allen Whftaker [tefl] and Island ers Saturday after the house that murder suspect

County. Wash . Sherrtf Dick Medina tafk with report- Robert J. Mathews was in caught fire and txjrr^d Manhunt ends in fiery death

flhiminatioo Qares from a ««-^->-helicop- the FBI as Kanddph G Duey, OCMJPCVIUJE:. Wask—1V te«> Rob- ter. art £. Merki and Sharon 9i a mas believed to be a neo-Nazi K. Merki. aought Id the wotrnding *t>i of an MATHEWS, BOLED if M the uem was found Sunday THE FIERY death ended aa hh to the rental home, refused to come out c&arred rubbke of an iiiand tense, two-week manhunt for imMe, wheo the fire started andcootiaued which was icnhad Mathews, wtv was wanted in the by PoAioe flares firina at afou. The houae then dunnc s B-nour sCandoff. Nov. M shootint of an FBI agent in •-«Mr»authori enmbd in a huge firebal]. Ibe FBI tte Mid. a motel in PofUand, Ore. aaid Mathews* ouRrfy of ammimi- Allen WhiUker, FBI special tioD may have ifntteo the blase acenttixharge for Washmfton "The flares caused the fire, but atote. said be believed tbeenly the individual faxide kefit firtee at TnS WSSMl0lDf) Post eccupant of the house, burned to lu theafenu and so they eoukl not ffet ins WssNngloh Tinas ^^*rt T. Mathews, doae anough to fee the firs !?^S*' J?» M/* (Nm» n. of Metaline PUk Bat the FBI aajd ni spokesman Jooeph Smith (My Nmm veik) Mathews had been tfaaked lo aao- Iba Nmt Yoffc TniM _ Ihii. white siaremacist irauis Id Washington, Ec., and Idaho Islandbome Saturd^ sMbt afte^ nree nopte were arreatad ThtClfciQoTrtMW 9. U 5yf . i Mathews was in prcninMOUled to aCher resBeooes oe Wfakbey Island The the Lm An0MM TknM expteioc and ftre, wMeii broke Friday en d^argas of Wboring Tht CtthiAim a KWAT taaa Atipfied Mathews. Aey were Identified^ Sciancc MonNor OSATadiy

D^ 1-2- /Q-gH

w li^"^' -'Sioaj o

U*\iien •n» MMwkrff *>^ttnai

StfioC Seattle.

pnHeclive Une ne»r ihelsUnd ts • ^ ' . meftsure

\^ -19(Wev 4-26-83) c

ACROSS T»ll|ilMI ft«. • THEj^


SEATTLE — Ne#-NAZl*s widow ayiTBI AMMi kcr DebMe MiSewS sys the FBI refected ber ofer to titik Rob- «t Mathews tfito ghlac up tD t WUdtey bluidiier- A body bebeved to be Matbews' wv iouad is the ctATTBd rubble of

ft bouse after FBI agents* 1 bccidentaUy kK M aire.

TnA WMfvnQton Tlnos Daly Na«tt (Nmv York) Tht Nnv York Trim _ Tha Wii Staet Jotfnai T>i» CNcaQO Trtbtfw . Th« Loa ArtQalat Tmim Tha ChrMvi Sciar>ce MonMor USATodiy JA

Dai. tl-ll-Bf ,

9(fWv 4-2683) mAOCU. Ami. Vto.:


The World A tUwd Mn in New York niled that a member of the Iriih Repubbcan Army. oaoTieted in his komeland of murdering a British aoldier, caxmot be cactndited be* cauae hii orime wai a poUUcal act The dedaioD by U& Diatr^ct Judge John E. Sphno meana that Joaeph Ktrick Tbomai Dc^fcerty, who «• MMd fram as Ulfter funaoD in 1961 ean remain in the United Sutea at ^it for the time being. Spriazo ipheld Doheny'i aawtion that the nme repreaenu a political act and ^Doi covered by the U^-Britith iitraditiao treaty.

The WmhgifltoH Poat ^w WmWrtfltor Ttfiias ^i ,« CMy Nawa (New Yorti) Tha M»w Yoffc Timsa

THb IMtf Siraat JotfTMl , j«i..,i

The CNcapo Trttun« , ,. Tba Lm Angaiat rvnaft*B/l^±.ELIL^ Tba ChhBttv^ Sc«nc« Monaor

llSATodiy .


A ^ T. >19(fWv 4-2e-M) C o

tdafioMsnHakiAfter Stiaot-Out With FBIAgents Guir That Killed Radio Host Found in Neo-Nazi'sHome

#Vom rfT)»rr Wirr SrrLt'. f .t I Anti-ScmlttcGrMy which ended last we^end in a DEN VEU— The sii1»t,),-rhiT>c gun The group't leader it Richard fiery shoot -out at an island used U' kill Jrv.irh rnj'c Ulk-show BuUcr. a e6-year-old engineer. hide-out outside SeatUe. officials host AKn?i P*.Tg here ?ast June was The group \$ known for its anti-Sc- said. Mathews held federal agenu found in an pi-ia on mitic and racist rhetoric at bay for more than X hours J^ !hf Jdaho ^ home of a neu- Nnri who mhained Yarbrough » believed to have before police flares started a fire in in federal cistcxty Saturrtav, pohce served as BuUer*s bodyguard and the house. A body presim>ed to be said. worked in the organization's print Mathews was found in the house B^rr. rx). vho tal»?fl himj^elf "the shop. His name appeared on a flyer afterward, authorities siid. ffu> you luve lo ^.tie/' hail received suggesUng that it was *niroe for Mathews and Yarbrough also are threats duri-.r; hi? ^rmt on radio war" with the enemies of the suspected of a series of armored car Klation KUA.Hf ofirn denounced Aryan Nations-blacks and Jews. robberies, including one in Ukiah, right- winprr "V" -'ilheair. according to the An ti- Defamation Calif., that netted $3.6 million. B.i)Jj5ti'".« \f*^-^ ccr'irmed thai League of B'nai B^rith. They were charged with s Seattle the .<5-c:i'i»vri:)g i»TTi Yarbrough armored car robbery last April that jciibmachine ^ told the Seattle (.:'-; netted gmi fo'jr^.J m ; T IS raid on the Times last year that the group was 1500.000. home of Ortrv L' •/ Ya'tirouph. near "looking for a separaUon of the Mathews was the founder of a jVj group San'Jr/^ij.:, .. ;va« u^^'d to kill races— most likely it will come by called the White American Bcrp. D nvrr V ',-. Ch:ef of De- force." Bastion, authorities said, describing tecuvefi Dor T.;u!r:x wid Friday. "I am prepared to do battle." it as a neo-Nazi group dedicated to The FB! h;ivj o^tainod a search Yarbrough was quoted as saying fomenting a white supremacist warrant in an in. eviration of an "The Lord will guide my bulleu -revolution" in the United Suies. assault Of) federal offjcers. and deflect the bullets that an fired at me." Scsr^'ttTsctipc;! BuUcr said Yarbrough has not Yarlrf vph. z funrer men\bcr of been a member of the organization the V hitr jfjprT.acst Aryan Ka- for some time. He refused to com- Uoiis. fired on Tin agents before ment further. the search aiid ccapcd, police said Mulnix said authorities invetti- in a ?tp:f--nt:n'. The sejrch alsD gaUng Berg's death had focused on uncovcrftf /.'-van fTation uniform!? far- right -wing groups like Aryan and a^'ouJi nflcs. prenadr**;. gjn Nations because of Berg and •'his Silenrrrs. rvp :*ivef and blar^tjjig personality and what he had to say capF.p.»»KC^id. about them." On his shows. Berg VarlT 'jpl; -A' r anenrd after a often derided and challervged ex- Fho'jf Nov. 74 . on: v/i!h FRI agcnljc tremist groups. Berg was shot to at a Portland. r>rr.. mclel. and wa.« death in the driveway of his town return*^ U> Bo»»e. Idn., where he 15 house last June IE. being held without bail on charges A mohth after Yarbrough fled his incruding assault in the Oct. 18 Sandpoint home, he and his former incident. He has pleaded not guilty. roommate, Robert T. Mathews, Mulnix said he was in "no hurry" were traced to a motel near Port- to file charges in Berg's death. "Mr. land During s shoot-out there, Varbrough isn't going anywhere." officials said. Yarbrough was cap- be added. tured and Mathews escaped. Ty>s WaaNngton Post _ At one lime, the 29*year*old A manhunt for Mathews ensued. Tbs Washington Tlmss Yarbrough reportedly was "captain of aecuriiy" for Aryan Nations, a Daiy Newt (NSW YortO neo-Nazi grtn^ based in Hayden Ths New Yorti Tlmss . Lake. Ida. The Wan Street Journal

the• i^ CNcago\^ nil ^§V Trtotfw¥IH#Mi^ ,1 .r Ths Los Angeles Tmes f^ / P .S The Christian Science MonHor USATodty BEST copy AVAILABLE ly^lU'^lJ

15 t. yl:J^ td.AS-^

Around M.C««.t the World

British M.P.»t Criticize Ruling on Extradition ^^CM » n» Mi* Y«* 7ta» F«derU Jodffe is Maatettu to cxtn. ajDeinber Jte o# the Provukaal Irish Mgbaon Amy oaorleud of tte

*This judce has grvcD the teal at ap^ to pwju munlcr. maimini jurf terror-

F for « EOgbmMtai, a district of Bir- a mmgh m . "Be should ndemaDd beh« thai ai« ch« the grw hjht to ter.

toow that to loot as the> iw the ex* ewe that their acts an political, the law will protect them.*' Joseph Patrick Ttemas Ddserry Who faces hfe in prisoD if cstradited to Bnuiii, had oooteDded that he could wthe returned here under the BriUsh- American extr»ditiaD treary becaitte it «mams ao wtide prohibitiQs ertimdj- ow if ao offense can he cottidervd ^w of a pobtica] charaaer.** Jadge John E. Sprizxo w^nc! of Federal Court said the facts is Mr. Do^ '51??" ^ ««*» of theSrtSpobtical?*t oftease eneptiOD~"*~*~ to "*its »wt classic fem." "

Maadfar hfe today for the norder of the road maaater or the pop nwarama pw© Ba. WW to iettast. Pn^SnTlSi theftm aoMier CO he fewrf guilty «r inurter OD duty to Norttati iiaUnd Mwas 2< yean Old at the time he ttot The Washtfi0fDrt Post . The Washtfxrtor Tenas CMy News (New York) The New Yorti Tsnes . The IWal Sraal ioiry^ tbs Chcago Trtwte _ The Los Angelas Timas The Chhstiar Scianca Monior USATodsy

n. M\"^' ^ v/ ^

0-19 (Rev 4-7e-a3)

in Killing Gun ri!:'jabs:;ti sm. BergkO^ A BiTte Ldte. Idiho. Oi Radio Ho«t %» id T«tni^ ii

: wt teidvct, FBI

Reported Found PaneM lliihinMd »a*.. a fliiii.eia bad

ByTJLB«d froB the I

the sivestigatiaB of Berg'a i Tint was becnae KNVER. Dec 14^1Ve fun gpe cf wpoB tbat d Mr. Berg nd peraoBahCy, becaose sf tbe mti for the gic^iluid-ityle akyioc Bed Berg. BuBtti fbed fron the § thiogi be bed to say sboat ri^tt* of » out^nkee taBt-«bo« boft ken • wcie wufywi Dflre lor n>in>nra wing extieuustSB which nj^ht have ft becc recovered et tbe bone oi e wig lae precae Tijmaie Mt Made him a tvget,* Mobiia aaal fi^t-viig cxtrcBust vho ie ogd- by the goB OB those test boOeta cx- ected to « Deo-Nas wbrte ei^nm- ctiy gstcbed ttgfca OP tbe bdteu poocy auea, bad a fiaiDboyint* cat fToup, Denver poboe mi to- Mttd aroued Berg's bod{y* iovotative naooer Folks aid tint before tUi fd p oe the air that iiin tUa dty'a best^nown tests ujuGiiued thit a Ibere M bees ao etUon «f vi- 10 •atomatk fietoi |B[ olent actinty If Aiyu Netiom' fenu iouDd ie &e citi euaet t Berg was Jewish, h 1979, a Ku Senc^pouiU IdafaQt hacoe wet the fun Aryao WafkwH> with Kka IQiD member burst mto bis that IdUed outspokes ndk) nh tent JB a tj^tly aeqged lortress ip studio to criticise his commeotary. ouDcer AtaD Berg with a tcrTcnt of ortbweat Idaho, Im been kixywD Berg aaid the IQaa member threat- buDeU on a dtsr street here last for aprcadiug as aodent uteaaage ot eoed bin at gunpoint. ncia! aod relignai bias witfa After Berg was gunned down late Tbe g«f was found after a fire- em,l , t igfat outside bis lownhouae igbt bet wecR FBI agenu and Gary Tbe poop here, Denver poboe rst ioiied Lee Yarbrough. 29, at Yarbrough*t pater baQeta boards, each of which ^ some 200 people in search of leads. bocae Id Sandpoint. Offkaals said is caDed aa 'Aryio Natiooi Uberty Tbe police csutiooed that ao ooe ^Yartrough bad been a member of a Net,' md wUch asyooe en read bad been charged with the Berg bate organiatjae called 'Aryan Na> deDODOstioos of Jews* blacha, earn- afaootittg. They aaid they bad w Booisu and the VS, u^ eut, g mum evidence ww^- t ii ^g Yartraigh or After tbe shootout with agesU at whacb Aryan Kstmi cab the Kathewi to the Berg weapon at the is booe Oct. 18, Yarbrough fled lOCr for "Zaoniat OecopatiaQa) time of the Ulimg. But the Denver poGce have aent UBder the bewfiag Your Tdow hivestigstan to question Yartrough Zoeniy,* the boDetiD boardi hat the mi other Aryan Nations aenibcrs wWitistj of kxal cfBoes of the bout the caae. Aati-DeiafDstioo League of B'nai Aiyao Nations is the poitical arm o rith and of the Ccwwattst Party of s wfaite-supremadst, VSA. antt*Settitic orgaotzatioo caOed ^Tbe Cbvch of Tbe hoard has a long Jem Christ Cbristisn.* tioB of llorris Deea» s The group actively ^ . Democratic Party leader m Ala- aing the saotto. ^One' uees has piofided creed, os

Tns WsshinQlon Poat Tbs Washington Tvnas OaSy Naws (New York)

Tha Naw York T)mas . Ths Wtf Sfraat Jotfnal

Ths Chicaoo Tftosis . ThsLos AngslasTtmas

Tba C^hstiar^ Scianca URATodsy


n [uk.iu t^:^^^^ ^ — .^SVDOj ^JS^-9''%-^^

NATIONAL AFFAIRS High-Tech Hatred Tkere are 00 sheets or kfttred has fooe ht^ kck Far vhh a computer can phf fatto the Afyn Natioo Liberty Net. diclraaie *Vrf* ktzD boanT offerioi the latest in Mo-Ntd

tboQ^U thanks to the Ka KIbDm. .> :ir^^3lt"^HSrffi< For example, voder the headiog KMOW Youm ENEMY there art lists ofGoBmraaitt Psuty offices, as vcB m ZOO CTkaim -.•?rfw-^ja65tfeafa^ >- Occupatxnal GowcnuoesO ^^BfonHMn^* And there aie editorial ofleriois. as vdL bi adiscttssioo of the caseof LcrogrUttlc;* Vietnam veteran serving a ffe icni ftv bombinf communist headquartcif in North Chrottna. the author toqyircs: *1Miy is kaD rijilkt for Leroy to shoot aad booab OoflMM- ists 12J0OO mia frcm hnttm Hn aoc as home?^ Aod among the enemies fist, aTsx- an named Bustd- Katoo

.oh WWkthe cBJAtheKka Tfsa avahcnsng of the vWit

the Jewish plot to' <

Che North Ckrolma

one cfievcnl soch bulletin boardL 1

ofthe **Jewish-oootroOed I MOkx, *«e have to take ov 1 l^tot



Page SO : December M, 1984"*'


mmmmtm^mwmm " ^ - ^ '*•» • ^ the 14*o la^ «tV . _ . . ^, -^ to I »' tte m. «r «e Anm.ib- . -fcta, iwd aw ISJuSiSZStSitSR Slte^^UrSnecr'AkB ST^nnnkiaDlkm^W; tlJl^TII

to vwdirfofHCHrftftelheAnM FW ageti faMd two ttl«. « y- ""wrt. • Kitiw Mta he loiDad -ii-^ —l . »- -b-.. » y«r h Wng _ gmv abont a afo, . .^.. _. utfir«ri «w»__ ikbaMdiBtfaezaMfte |iU vMnot bo^ ki tke Ada Cob- iKtedtaf Me «« %a- 2^Hrt torn rfHiydesUke, Idaho, ty Irfl fei Boiae « dKiea tf •?""2L ..i-. -•«—«*,

ly baited «iie. k faM to the Be b aeoMd anectn wtt J^^ fj'^^.Duty wd haStwf»rt.^^gewt^toa- An» Bncfaerinod aid tte Aiyan « OcL 18 ihoetoat «hh aa PH Stoedal Fflfoei. tw •hftMoprem- ^eot aear Ma Saodpoint. Idaho, tnooy bf '^.•^'r'TS:—daitiSed hank »ob- Suitewtt^ttW-^to teoe. Wbn arata aeaicfaed the them to aa ,.rtkip«t««k««hartaig.ettor- hoB*. they loiiod the IIAC.10 and *f^:*frf?^2^.fSSSand '^oaaftjy a haaaiade fcnr cnaabova. 100 atkfca of dr bi Seattle pactedBtfaennrdenctfiuardBaiid vmite, phatk cqbiaifa. band ^E*qf>\^, , ,31.. r - • ——^-; Magiatnte Rniip K- ijBea. » US. •called the Onrdi of fcared Bght-riaioB acopea. t« ai- «< Thegrav V*-2!!- l^ffil'iSFtahy. t5Lnat a aaan iQiriatQiriatia^aBditsactioo knon. booby trapa. polioe acan- lea hat yat iab-o^aatbe/^IWo-. «a aod 6.000 ««d. -««-_ r -'J^.-.J^SJSS^ • paianiliury orpmatian ,.^. .». __ - • ^ ^ ^^^ :;_ »^ rr ^ ^nuatit US. far the (faodi'a politkai aari Bcrg.SO.«h»«aaJe«irii.«a»a •** .^-,4, taSn* ciBiueBtr MO cuieo for in Denver. «ftfae'^ ^ ^ ttai wne of the dwv host far KOA ndb

tf tec rwp's 1«tenklMB.-Tartmgbtflld GordnUhl,«»UkdiB te tocfcy Mo«b» Ncvt. n Km »gm iboirt toei ctevd 1M3 Aoocoot wtt Mtkor* hnri flf Us kcftm t kev4 1^ •« » ^^^^ ^^^ 1500,000 lobbcry of a TwAmTjhtkmcfcBrd^ Trt3«i«rfed wttaritiet«h Arsiared Tnoiport he tr^dt April jJ*JjSr»ArlS»trf tfMoTjrwhailiewwtrmtel 18 ka Seyteiboppmf cater. _^ Law taiorcment *^«r»iiima Ctecfe «f Ike Wfcdte Seed, vas foBwiiv a rinotoot at a FortlaBd. itiitcdki the tate 1970a brRkhanl Ol«.«otd. ^ *7 echoS^!*1I!^^^!i^^annoretf-cv loncnet, ^:«r Bttffer nl accorditf to Bak- TartrtMb*a mnmate lfaer«» md naowd Ubah. S^XZIi^oftonbanafthe to eacape Iroto 10 FBI afenta aar- fcb*'! « aetted aaiiiwi. JewkhftitbadtfaetfadknccfraD vpoodiBf the aotd. icpottcdly CaM^ ttal J3.6

Han- . ^attr.' abootaf oae of ttea. Aithnr Tba waaftngion Pan BabB wd that violeat actrritiea aei, tvioe the kg. -nwWMNngkm-nmM kyttepoiv have BtenaiSed are- Hathewa. «ho badMt theAnm Daly nm» (N«» voik) ageatt tofatatagroapaaedae eaot BoeAa aad that FBI Natkaa TheNMrY«kTkiiM . died Dae Sm Md bcH k« a*fteMat affican White AiyaaBaatkia. The WM Sawt JowMi • • *»««««« «*""•"" — — adfked to ve caotkB a fie^ Tba CNcaoo Tffeww > Iriaad. abort 10 Hka WUdbey TtaLmAroataaTlMa obnooaded tlfce TtwChrMiai OSdak aaid M iateaae taac^ Ageota Wd USA Today •r tbc vw* «w laoealtr hooaeaoathetaa^efatipflfllea' Iby^eaUfcoBilheFad- Jaad and tAa lay penaaa kte tafcaad to loflavatigatioaaadthe aiiatody- Wbaa Mithewt i^LJAzBiL of AtoS^to bad yy oau H^>«^gg.^ 0- «.tte8tttarfWariia«taB.IMo Qpadal Waapoaa aad TactM V^ OW i*"™ ^^ HdlfeiBtoaa. ^^ laMaTtim ^ 1 ^ \.y

vWitbe • re-

*•* Bcfon tl« nil l***«^

only lor -f^^d^ hii death. It icdtoMnne thit nydiyo" this

know- !!!>'' he wrote. Iwilltetvc the Bltinate IK- ia, Itove »i«Je lutwe rf my See to eec-re the womea Mathews eaid he •« tt,.ihi»wi-i»oiildhetmf«'»

popuhted ered Aryin hi • eoortty Sly^ !««*««• ^"*«' btodcsadAaiaitt* active nenners Oae flf the norc

Beam, a ««P«" «*"""'**^^ pre«te>« 0*- ,«, a grand drtfon. or An- Natw» ta. V«^d<»r»' ndal aatrco on Ml of laiiaiow and

ty Wata-'^ay- -An* HatioB Ijhar »da «K with a hQi« ii«|ii«" the AryanNa- ) «al »

-< •• * - bsk oMMBoniau, civil "^ ^SvEwdSe ui iwera- Il£d wl^ has been akknaned G«»^ toe. far ZioMt OceiiP«»«» mothly *The 0O9 foblidies a Nation.- ttwatottt T^^Q"

«t AdoH WW as l^e Holy Book Kr.- The Negro: SeipwtJeMt SdDevT -d -Siary d the Ku KhBlQan'

2jO t

i (fWv 4-2e^) »A»kft».

Arrested radsts and the FBI

to did no nore eliminatiss -Jewish influence" and

between are bcpeficums >ZdrnrgvMted Uic ral from performing left. All tboM m ;;^LSdd^^ of Amrney Gener^ Smith^i remiooi, for J!K«^S!^^ which let us five th«iks-

Ttw Wtohingion f>ost Th» Wtahir«lon TImM 7/9 CMy NMt (Mw York) ThtNMYorti*



\i' ^ U »-19(VWv. 4.26-03)

Leader Claims Neo-Nazis Have Computer Network

DEKVER (UPD^Tbe letder of MeanwhOe. the former Aryn «'hite a suprenadit group wbow Nations member su^ected of kill* fonner member k a fuq>ect in tbe Ing Denver radio talk ahow host alaying of a Jewish talk-show bo«t Alan Berg said from his Jail ecu in aays neo-Kazi groups throughout Boise, Ida., that he has never the United Sutes and Canada are committed a violent crime. linked by a network ot home Police disclosed Friday that the computers. gun used to kill Berg wu found In Aryan Nations leader Richard Gary Lee Yarbrough's home near BuUer of Hayden Lake. Ida., said San^^Minulda. also that members of his groi^ can *Tve never harmed anybody." call iq) a computerized list contain- • Tarbrough said at the Ada County ing the names of Jews, alleged Jail, where he is being held without communists and ''race traitcn." bond on charges that incltide as- He told the Denver PM In an sault on £SL agenta. Tve never interview published Simday that been involved in a vtolent crime or the hsu are not hit UsU but are a crime with a handgun.*" only meant to t^ off members d Tarbrough said also that be has his groi9 to "enemies of the while never t>een in Denver and had not Aryan nee." heard of Berg untH he aaw a AfUer said that only member* ol televfsioQ news program on tbe his group or their doae confeder- Investigation into his death. atescangettheeodefdrthelisu Denver poUce said that an In- but that anyone can caD the coo- gram .4S*caliber submachiM gun P«Krs and get other right-wii« used to kffl Berg last June had been materials, messages and puhlica* found in 7arbrough*s tiona. home In Oc- tober. Tarbrough wu arrested on Td receive the secret lisU i«- Nov. 24 after an FBI shoot-out at guires a level-seven clearance, he Portland, Ore. said. Tbe UsU contain addresws ot Tarbrough denied that the certain Jewish and communist or* weapon found in his home ganizatiOQB. was tbe aame me used to kill Berg.

• •W TfWmTWnfpOn rOm , The Wto^ri^olon Tknss CMy Nsws (ftow York) The Nsw York Tlmsa . the WW Sfreet Jdtfi^

The CMcaQO Drfeiflw The tosAngelet Times Ml Pg The Christlsn Scjsnce ItoNtor USATod^ iDL-n-^ a2- \>}::i.t^^f<^AS ^ 9

v'» Im> —


Home computer network links neo-Nan groups Nao^W prwp* to the USA Mdtto^dajwtli^^ tiorjew»,«apectedconununJ«btad"i«cetfillon, floe

Tfce H^i w^n hit Mm. but only meM* to ttpcirBMh NtftonB ben to eaemtoi of toe white Aryan net," Aryw Tl^rdBuder of Hayden Lake, Idaho, «kl to toe Odon e( The Onvir htf. one total are oHd to tmanit 11^ at 9 tv Look Beam, ton Bv Ku XhB Uao. Buder aid. Aiyv Nadooi ptoad toe «o«!i^ _^ Gary Lie YhitroM^ became a Mped to the Jane riaytog of >wM radto toii *ov heat Atoa Beq oT Denver. Be taanl been chaned to Berts death, bat a fua aid to be the airder weapon «M found to hk Sutdpotot. Idaho, to Friday. Bert often derided white Mpremactot roups.

Tlw Wtthington Post _

CWy Nm» CNw York) ThA Nm York TImM . ThA VIM 9kwt Jounvl ThA ChiCAQO Trfbtfw . ThA LOA AngAlAA TiffiAA

TliA ChhAtJAn SciAnoA I USAToay I'A


2-5 ^ _J^ 0-19 (fWv 4-2e-e3) )

i»c AO tIS .



^vMte AN>.

Ex-Nazi will appeal ruling ATTORNEYS FOR • LKhualaB Kaiws had obtaned his dttevhip frauduIenUy, and revoked hit dU- Oihtp.

!f "SR*.^ piit « a Naxi , Sjg.gj^c..e.#01«ttryto So?idWn*"'^^ "°* *° THE FEDERAL gVTenaettt J«|«e flnt «.H^ -3?^ James Moru moved to rrvoke K^Ts'-cttiaaship M«es. Montgomery Ave., had teUed tojDdude'tbe fact that be Sd tnd date tnd nen a Naa oe hie l?*K-5**-S^ place 1957 naturalixa-^^ of birth. The noB papers. wvernment coaimds liucMka* KMiryM Becauae of that. Moru ruled that SJ'iSL'^ii»>Mi»**

The WaitinylDf) Poel « Tne WBVWi0nn ivnaa

Drily New» (New Ycr«() TheNewYortil

The Wrt S^eet Joumei j. The Ohieaoo Trlww SiCj^£Je. •!>» ngsli i Tim— Lo» A .

Tne mvieuen acwnoe Monror •a.....^.. USATodey


— 'woou ""•

o-i»(R*v. 4.2e-a3)

Smmu a».: Revolt Plans C*i».l»«. Tied to White Supremacists

HONTGOKERY. Ak. (Unt* Dees, whoae office was burglar- OocumenU frtsm a oaopiiler net- iaed and firebombed last year, aaid work opented by t wfatte suprem- It was spparent that c^t-wing adit group eoouin plant far a supremacist groups have begun a revolution aimed at orerthmwinf qrstem of tcrroham and violenoe the V& and Ctaadian ftyrern- ilgainstQppooenta. sienta, a pwlhHihed report mM :.Joe Gamer, identified by proae- l^aeeday. eutors as s klansman, was Indicted The Mont(oo>ery Joumal-Ad- last month on burglary and arson crtiser aaid information gtkihertd charges in the Dees ease. Proaecu- the anti*klan by group Klanwateh tors also claim that Gamer, who is indicates that the racift group Jailed under 1468,000 bond, is linked advocates revolutiont in the United to the Church of the iUryan Na- States and Ctaada by avaHina- tions. tions and terroriim. *The evidence is pretty plain TJSk new^oper aid Klanwateh that the Aryan Nations and other obtained the documenu from the klan-Nazi groups are working to- telephone-linked computer net* gether in a unified imderground work operated by the Church at the effort to damage property and Aryan Nations, an Idaho group apstssinate people who are eom- au^>ected of killings and robberies ddtted to tivil righu operations, is the Northwesu law enforcement and government officials. "^FBI officials aaid. agenu and others,** Dees said. The group is also known as the Church of Jesus Christ Christian. The documenu alao eomained veiled death threats against Mont- gomery civil rights attorney Morris Dees, the founder of Klanwateh. the newspaper said. Ilie con^uter network, called ''Aryan Nation Liberty Net,*" eon- tains roemages critidiing federal welfare and foreign aid programs and warns that "mongrelism*' and ""aodal eacperiments'* have under- mined U£. aociety. the Journal- Advertiser reported -nKTe shall fi^it! We shall not allow ourtelves to be enalsved as Ihoae in Russia. Arm younrivca! liberate Osnada!** one

Another listed enemies of the white AfMremadst are wanted for acting as infonnantt for federal law ^orcement officials. iiw vwrnQsin ^m . The enemies "Vhall auffcr the The Wkshir^pon Times cadieme penalty when lawftil fov- (Mr Msws (New Yerti) emmeht is reatored upon this eon- Ihs New Yofk Times ^ ttnenC the mesage read. \t0 TnM 3kwt Jounvf One of the enemies singled out is Dees, who filed suit against the klan on behalf of black marchers involved in a 1979 shoot-out with Tb* ChtMfm Scianc* MonMer robed klansmen in Decattar. Ala. USATodiy ''Accordii^g to the word of our God. Morris Dees has death aentences,' ^ jl/iJ!B5l u{rJI* 4ft o

NATIONAL AFFAIRS A Surprise Break InaMiirderCase TlK FBI r»id on Gary Lee Yifbrough's Idaho bome had only one etm: to capture Yarbroo^*s brocber» Sieve, an cK^ed ooDvict from Ariiooa. Steve wa»n*l there, gad Gary, a member of«cvcral oeo-Naa or- pmizatioDS, diided FBI agents after alks- But aow odty woandi&f two m a tboot-ottt. raid dbe FBI has Inroed that hs October lubma- ««CD*t a bust ifter aD. A .45ou love to hate,** was gunned down of June as he stepped from his car m front ha Denver home. Yaibrough. 29, was ar- charges of ftttcd ttt Orcyoo last mosth on Msauhing s federal oOoer and is being held without bail in Boise, Idaho. The former chkroTMcartty for a group caOed the Ary- M Nations denies killu&g Berg or even hav- M heard ofthe man before his murder. But he revealed to Rpofter^ that he did know ooe thing that might have made Berg a target of Yarbrough*s extremist group. ''I know that he was a Jew ,** aud Yarbrough. who is DOW a ntember of the White Ameri- can BtftioD—an Aryan Nations splinter group suspected of several bank and ar- mored-car robberies in the West. So far, DO new charges have been lied against Yarbrou^. Denver District Attor* ney Norman Early said prmature revda- by ne Denver Poet alerted Yar- brough and hts associates that they were suspects in the murder mvestigation. *^e had hoped to place an tnformer in his ccH,** he said. When Denver police invertiggton aiTivcd in Boise to quetfioo Yarbrough. he reftttad to talk to them at aL

Newsweek i.^ Page 36 December 31, 1984 .v.^- vJ' ,

o M9 (R»v 4-26^) Sm« AO U«. - ti«« A» LCS .


r«fcii« AM*. •

T«te«A«M •«. «

White Supremacist linked to Second Heist

trial to Seattle eii . PORTLAND, On. (B-A wUte tt^remadfft aceuMd of Ukinf part ebarges atemming from tbe iSOO.000 robbery of as armored |a « ScatUe «nnorwi car rabtery vehicle at a abop^nff mall April 23. Be vas ordered to auzid trial to tbe caoe nuraday and la betof beld Roffthcn CkltfORiftau *ffti« whid)

Supbeoaop tcattted that a aac- b ooitestifM but rdUOe in* ODd toformant tatd tbe FBI that tbe •mam placed Denver D. PtRBtn* O^gfUf boidup vaa btftn4H *to IV. ». at the aecne of tfee July Bto fuDdtof^ far "a white «9resD- robbery iD UUah. FBI «tst Nor* acy natloD orsaDtatioo.** naa D. Stcpbenaon unified Paraeaur and four otberi 1>ur«d^ at a pretrial baartof for cbar|ed to the robbery are i b«t of the Ary«D Natiooa. vbo Bkbard Butler, kader of the wbiU IS Id Seaakle, oo the OrcfOD aifrcskactft froifK

«^^ tar I all 1 1 i I rna ffawiQam romBmm* The WlMhinQ^on TimM CMy Newa (New Yorto

iha wnM 9aeel Jounal Yba CNcago Tffetfw _ The Loa Angaiaa Timaa The Chrtaivi

^T UBATodiy . o 0-19 (Rev 4-26-63)


FBI ArrtsU Srd Robbtry Suspect m SEASIDE, Ore.—A third suspect wanted m a $500,000 robbery hnked to the neo-Nao group Wbiit American Bastion was arrested by £B^ agents, offidab said. Denver Daw Parroenter II, 32, whose last known address was in Cheney* Wash,, was aw>rehended without incident, the FBI said. A warrant for Farmenter's arrest issued Dec. 5 «ud he and live others robbed an armored car of about $500,000 at a Seattle shopping center ApriS 13. The other five have been hnked to the Church of Jcaus Christ Christian Aryan Nations and the spinoff fHiite American Bastioo, the FBI said. Agenu de* cSned to aay whether Parmenter was an active member oi either group. Two at the su^ects in the annored

Tha Washington Post . JUL Tha Washington Timas

Daily H9w% {Htm York) Tha New Yoric Tvnts . The WaH Straat Journal The Chicaoo Trlbuna . Tha toa Angatas Timas The Chhsfian Scianca Monitor USA Today

/jgyy-gy 1« V'>'

Paoft IL . ^m DC. v 4-26*63) C (#

Tiny band of fascists emerging as threat

. ByPElWYSPAR ^nWner*! Duhis/' pobitsfaed by the Ytrfarougb said Saturday Mi the Ada tMudPrmlMTBaltaal Natlooal Alliance, a rigbt-wing County Jail in Boiae, Idaho. 'Tw never crime or a Ae Wbiia^AflMrknc Baatioo, a tiny awociitioB baaed in Washington, D.C. been involved in a violent iaid of tsadst taatics armed with Katfaevrs reportedly earned mooey oune with a handgun. ssacWne guns and a mtonary neo-Nazi from the National Alliance by ne latest violent episode for the bfacprint lor violent revolution, has disthbutii« its literature. white American Bastion began Dec. 7. ^lescribes burst from ohacnhty in a blase d 'TURNER'S DIARI£6'* vtm more than 100 FBI agents con- bend ai right-wing £a- verged on Whidbey Island in Puget gisrfii II II I thf nstt weeti the plan by a SouDdwar Seattle. Tfce group, believed to have fewer ^^!^^i:Z^t'i:!^^^!^ •*« •TFaJ aeries « ™*"??' memhsn of the poup - induduig ttanUacmbcrt. has been linked to the a P"™™ y attadcs. disn^tion oT pubbc ^^Z^Sr^L^Z^r^ri%^^a w*j^ mamr Mathews-were hidiM. pngwxKsqrie muroer or imMua^ mad tte ««st«mAtk> aUihIm. * OFFICERS ARRESICD four of the *

0-19(R«v. 4-26-a3) 9 o

Neo-Nazi denies link to killing

ByCvotynl rakL was later arrested to a attdDanPopkey shooCKNit Nov, 24 and charted USA TODAY with assaulting a federal agnt Last week, Denver police oon- A neo-Nazi leader suspected irmed the pm found to his In ttie shoodng death of coQL-ty honne was the weapon that venial Denver radio talk sbow klDed Berg. He has not been host Alan Beit admitted Tues^ charved to the crime. day tbat someone gave him tte Latest deveiopntents to the gm IdentiSed as the murder aeo^tezi Gontroveny: weapon — tmt denied any ooo- "I know nothing about oecdon to the crime. Alan Berg, except that he** a THe statements by tanner Jew " Yhrtrougb toM repnt- Aryan Nations member Gary an Tuesday at the Ada County Yartrough came amid a lurry Ml to Bote. Idaho. of concern by authorities that Asked to specutote on who Usptwp blinked to criminal kmed Berg. Yhibrough said, ttcOvmcs by while supremactat -"God." Be refused to taft to mtffis acroK the USA. two Denver detectives tovesti- _FgI spokesnan I^ae Bon* gattog the Berg caae Tueaday nbd a federal Investisatkn and wouktol say who pve him af ttc Afyaa Nations — a net* of white, anti-Semitic lln SeaMe. Ore., Denver believing In separation Daw nrmenter Q ~ one of stz ai nie races - is gofa^ on *tn ttpey to the Apm Brtak's iwlous locations around the nbbery linked to the ffoup «-» floontryr tavohing a "p^mt was arrested, the FBI said Mmber of FBI aeld ofices.** Tteaday. Aryan Nations followers Aryan Nations leader have been linked to a number Richard Butler said to Coeur of crimes in the Northwest ^ tfAleoe, Idaho, he regards Yar- laduding a 150,000 Brink's ar- bnwgh and his roommate Rob- aured car robbery to Seattle. ert Mathews — killed to a fun The gun was confiscated battie with FBI agents Dec Bin when FBI agents stcurmed Ysr- Whidbey btond, Wuh. — *1d brougb's home to October to an be

^— — ^Kk^inv ma^haifipiiwiyiuiitill n rQSi

TnS WsshtfiQlon Tlntss DsNy News (NSW YovK) The Nsw York r«nss . TbsWtf SirMtJoumsl Tht Chicaoo Tribune . The Los Angiiss Tmts The Chrisflsn Scisf^l

30 i2-t

»(n«v 4-26^) r* O\j faZAtui


The Region 2 ^Revolutionaries' Held Without Bail KEWARK, I>«J1(AP) - Two

dbdins a woman who h^ *« S^ID cxnnfictkB wtth die twgM three Brlak*s annort^car nibbciy or- wmmn aao to Kanuet, N.Y.. were S^ ta& vttboui baU bere today after a beMto« to F«ler»l Court. jMce Fradcrk^ B. tJK«y Midtae would iaue • wrttun optokn Toes- 4«y x»vii« voaaoea ta- tais actkn. TiK

Svr »jraan old, and Ttamhy H. - M7, tooe trial to Potovary. .Mh New York OqrriBi. JaotgoPtytoKweefcto cxpio- K on weuou and W«^Ui^ ^ly^jl g|, ^>T^ a-Mf«p a ^ti alter they were aireetcd by

fiportodly nnloadtog eaptehfoa at a

Tbe SSSanU were feturaed to eiitcr ttie Metropolitan Correcttopal C ihey bad beco Id Man*******^ . wtere hotted while Jndfe Lacey held taar- r»- h^ to detcrmtoe whether their fatte would poae a Ttoh. SttS^hSS^i^i^ can that eaooftad the defendants to

Jhidfle Laoey uidecod Wtb ^Sad on both 8Bb)octa bf Friday.

The WoaNngton Foot The WaeNngton Tmoa CMy Newt (New Yorfc) The New York Ti The WW Siroet Journal The CNcaoo Trttunt _ ^ thoLoaAnoeieaTlmaa The CMetiar^ Scienoe Monaor USATodiy , -T-^mrii

o Imc AO LCS . Ami. ttr.:


T/re Nation

Two wones have b^ea charged with receiving $20,000 from a $18*2nillion Cahfomia anoored car robbery that the Fpi alleges was oommitted by white 8iq)remacifta, authorities said in Boise, Ida. Suz- anne Stewart, 27. and Jean Oraig. 50, both of Boise, v Te being held

without bail pending arraignment In federal court today. Stewart is the daughter of Sharon Meiici. who her husband. Robert E. Merki. ^^ charged last month with har- boring a fugitive member of a neo-Nazi group. FBI spokesman Don Wofford said.

The WMNngton Pds! . The WatNnolon Timas CMy News (New Yorfc) The New York Tlmas - The Wtf Sfraat Journal the CNcaoo Trfttfw l The toa Anosiss Times ^. | ?fcX The Chrislisn Sciancs Monitor USATodsy

4i\ (V10(R«v. 4.26-63) T o nm€ AD In*. .


T»ch. tcm.

News in Brief

ii^Ae State

~~^ of pirtici(Mit- }SFJ° !»?*** «preiMcwt groi9'« »6-iam>on armored car rabbery taNortbem CUifomia were or- oered held without bail in Kalinell

»d Harold Kenp. 22, did not fcaist wben police and FBlagenti. acting « t*. arreetedtEem at a down- town bar, Pioliee Chief ICartin Ste- £^ fc^A ttE. maglitrate denied baU fbr BamhiU and Kenp. who iKe a bearli« in Miwnila on ^ther they wlU be ratumed to ace parses in the &ink'f holdup »B»UWtb CD July 19. nie men tf^ W*e^ to be aaemben d the Aryan Natiooa. an teho-baaed ^rtilt* Mireniadat frtMV, Stefanic

TIM wnmfmtQmm rOm «

OiiyNmt(MwYorK) Th»NnvYofkTlmM . th» Wtf SfrMt JourraH TVw CNcaoo TrtMiM

Thi 1jO> AngglM Tim— ft.lgP^Z Tht CrvMvk 8ci«nc« MonHor USATodvy

33 1-1-15 o^ Ut- :d


«y DENNB McDOUGAL, Packwood has alao been an out- Timet Staff WriUr spoken critic of the fairness doc- trine, which forces radio and tele- SPRINGS-Sea ' PALM Rob- vision station owners to cover all en Packwood (R-Ore.), the ^ides of important piiUic iasues. Uifet or an alleged ana«i* *Tou're not going to get any kick nation plot lets than a week ago. from Congress (about the fairness made hia first public appearance doctrine)*** ssid Packwood during here Monday at the California Bttrlmirlong debste before 200 Broadcasters Assn. winter confer- irdldcasters with doctrine propo- negt Charles D. Ferris, former Here to debate the 50-year-old chairman of the FMeral CcMnmuni- fairness dDctrinl; Packwood told cations Commissioa The Times, before the conference *The incumbents al#ays get that be had been advised by the coverage.** Packwood argued *1 Q^over the New Year's holiday tfoQ*t think we*re going to make that the white supremacist Aryan any changes.** Nations organization planned to Two years ago, Packwood tried Biurderhim. to pliase the fairness doctrine out of Padcwood aaid that he believed existence for s five-year period as that he had been targeted by the an cspcriment but couldn't get jroup^because of his pro-Israel and. encttigh votes on his own commit- anti -racist stands in Congress. tee^the Senate Commerce Com- my hunch is they (the FBI) mittee^to move his proposal to the may have infiltrated (the militant fUl^Senate. organisation), because they had Both Packwood and Ferris very specific ixtformation about agreed on one point that most where and when the assassination legislators fear television. attempt would take place,** Pack- niiowing their debste on the wood told The Times before tbi caning dsy of the California conference* ^^ Etapdcasters Assn.*s two-day win- According to the FBI, the tcrror- ter iionventjm, a mock vote clearly iit group is believed to hsve been Md predictably showed that Call- responsible fdr the assaaslnatioiT forhia broadcasters agreed totally last June of Denver talk-diow host with Packwood that the laimess -' outside his nonrtomini doctrine has outlived its usefulness. Feoift Gsst the only vote fdr the Packwood said that he was under rule In an informal poU. surveillance and high security Summing up the overriding fears most of last week but that the, of the majority of Packwood's Cspl- danger had apparmtly DOW passed. toirHill colleagues. Ferris UAd the About 30 to SO individuals compose broadcasters that thr feeUng in ihe Aryan Nations group* P)Kk- Washington is that broadcast- wogd estimated. ing—qp^ifically network tekvi- aion broadcasting—creates a & recent years, the organisation *Voad map of the national consdottsneas.** hu been headquartered in Idaho Thsi^ potential for massive national Where it reportedly has gone on Outdoor. maneuvers In nxudi the iBOuence continties to require a ThsWssNnolonTVnas ndness doctrine to ensure non- way tn trmy mtght and. two CMy News (New York) unbiased modkhs ago, was inVblved In a parasan and presentation of news and opinion, Ferris argued. lbs New York Times ^ sbosCout in Metaline FsUs, Waah., Qrawing a parallel to a leason he The Wtf Sfreet Joun^ in F^hich an Aryan Nations mem- learned his first year in law achool, killed by the FBL It was in Tbs CMcaoo Trfbtsw Syas Fiesris said: *lf you let me write the wake of that riiootout that the The Los Anosiss Times rt.^^p ^ ftAs, ni tdl you what any Judge : reportedly discovered the au- The Christnn wflldedde.** Ocisncs Monttor .a,,,^..,.^ nUc weapon that aOeged^ ' ftoadcasters should not yet have USATodsy . - 3^ Hke Packwood. had been ih^ fight to '^»rtte the teu*

tti'^outspokcn critic of i aoif racist organisations* 1-8-85 0^19 (»Wv 4.26-83) ^^ t^AOA*

Ami. Pit.:


T*WHkM* «. .

News in Brief The State

A rUlO^tfUa Ma linked U) an extreme white supremidft group •Dd beiAf heid in ooonectkio wtth a t3.6-milliOD Ukiah-aret armored car bokhv iaal July wai ioAetad in Spokane. Waah,, far aUeged pot- aaaiton ct a farged fovenuDent document and tntcntate trannpor* tatloo of a farged aecurity. The indictment of James Dye, 36. meant cancellation of a probable cauae bearinr on tlie armored car chart* aa. The govenment would have been forced to reveal mudi of Ita evidence at the hearing. IMcral authorltiea aay they bettere 12 people were involTed in the rob- bery aa well aa another amored ear holdup and bank robbery in the fieafflr

inp waaranflfvn rom , ina fviarwigfon ivnas Oafly Newt (New York) The New Yortc Timet _ Tha WMI Sfreet Jounat The CNoaoD Trtbuna Tha Lot Angetas Tmet P^^, pA The Chriatian Scianoa MonHor USA Today

Data 1-t-SS

J£^ —

0-19 (n^ 4-2e*83) o tMC AO IM. .

tax 'AO LtS . Ami. »tr.t A4^>^«.


PackwoodandFamily Are Guarded After Threat

VASHINGTON^ Itt. I CAP) -* Bob hoe Hvvtded tbe Hhoor^a^y I Piacfevood; hit wtte, Gaor* Pukwood, the new cfaainMC of the tknlbr Mr. Sehftte Ftesnee Goomitttae, nd Ms f|e;thfllraaB,BaU17; iKDlty TOOfltvBd iotnrive poiloe vo- tv.ttyta^M. toctkn lor the put wmk atar My ptticectiaD lor falmaalf aod Ui family hi I thiwteoBd by a BK>t

«[>, piaBDad Id Mr. PacfcWcxidm ' r, the Saualur s Mr. Packwood inade Ms fhat poblic S9pe«raDoe ahkoe CMatmas at a aaaat- iOK of the Ftnanoe Conunittae, vMdi he took over aa the Mth

Eicbt to 19 offioen or tfat Capital po-

Tba Washingilon Post ..__«...... The Wsahin^on Tknea .._^^_.«. CMy NMM (Nm YortO Iha Naw York TkuM A'JH

TtoWMSkwlJounal : ItwCNctofrTribuM Tht Lm AngtiM ThriM Tlw ChriMvi Sciano* MonNor USATediy om—t^L^S. ^S -Zk, ^ ZSL .mooj «^ •»o

(Mieait pag*. nmt el ntwvMpcr. etiy vtd stilt.) ROCKY MT. NEWS DENVER, COLORADO »

SPOKANE. Wash. (AP) — A tecood member Submitting 0«ic«: DENVER of the while supremacist group The Order was arrested Thursday for the |3.6 million armored July, truck holdup in northern California in mdexmo authorities said. James Dye, 31. also known as Grant Ullrig. was arrested without incident by £BI agents at noon in the parking lot of a suburban conven- ience store near his home in the Spokane Valley, said Allen P. WhiUker. tpecial*ageot-in-diarge of the FBIs Seattle agency. Order, . The FBI sa>'s 12 members of The which it describes as a 'tight-wing ipUnter " robbed . group iffiliated with the Aryan Nation a Brink's armored car July 19 near ,Ukiah. Cal^f./about 100 miles north of San Francisco. Dye has not been mentioned in the holdup or other crimes blamed by officials on a network of neo-Nazis. His presence in Spokane had been known for "several months/* WhiUker Cold a Spokane news conference. At a court bearing following, U^ District Judge Justin L. Quackenbush ordered Dye held without bail pending a hearing Monday. The only other defendant identified so far is Denver Parmenter. 32. of Cheney. Wash., who was arrested in Seaside. Ore., Dec. 18 and was charged last Friday. He is being held without bail in Portland.

Meanwhile, a federal grand jury in Seattle returned a l€-count indictment Thursday against four people arrested in FBI raids on suspected neo-Nazi hideouts on Whidbey Island in Pugel Sound in Decemt>er. Randolph George Duey of Spokane; Robert E. and Shann K. Mcrki. 49 and 46 respectively, formerly df the Oroville area; and Ian Roy Stewart. 2f. hometown unknown, were charged with two Tounts of hartx>ring Robert J. Math* ews. 31. of MeUline Falls, ''at Whidbey Island ... and elsewhere** from Nov. 24 until ibeir arrest Dec. 7.

V-.^ :S"' V ' 1.1

i?'. I 'DOJ c 0*19 (R«v 426-83)

HffnONUNE m NAiS SUSPECTED NEO-NAZI: James Dye. 36. a aupected oeo^tezi accuKd of partkdpatii« in the 13.6 m^ Hofl robbery of a Brinks armored car in UUah. Califs last *ii4y. wtt arreited at his home to Spokane, Iteiu Tbura* .Aqt. Deover Daw I^rtmemer n, 32, of Cbeoey, Wuiin atoo Seattle, feder- * tfi custody, dbarsed with ttie bdst ADd in a al grand iury Indicted four peoj^ accused of haitartng Ktfim>claimed neo^azi Robert J. Mathews 00 Whidbey b* land unOta day bef(n be died in a lery expkoioii 00 Dec. 8 •h^tCTT agents Ired tares Into the house where he had hddontgents for 36 hours

The WMhington Poet _ The WnNnoton TlmM CMy Nm» (Nm York) Ths New York TIniM . ThoWilSfraatJoumil The CNcaon Trtourw _ Tho Lot Anoelat Tknot Tht Chrittivi S^otk:* Monitor USATodty

Dele h^ ei

PfeQB S! nMXX) -.x. -2- o



.-.•"'* *..,'- . J». .. f\^.^ ^ -^.•/•;V

"*'? - uaoiM nan phk vmh^ *9

• . rt**

In Hwf Havw In •»* WM. ;Tlit>uMMt •! mu FW portw^ N^ .K •» »pBrtm«it 1« ;


3.<\ •- i dr-ff Tfrwr

l9(Rev 4-26-a3) ;,

2 Brink's Workers Held in Vault Plot

the temer leader of the Xtt Kha KAIHEmiNE KSSIOT Aooofdiiv to aftidavttB by tbefflsb ty to Wf ^Jan is Laa Aagdes; RawWph G. %«Btf « n» Hi* Tttk DMi Stewart; his mother. ere KmocraoTlS urcierr Over tibe Duey; Ian Roy SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. SI -- Two and her husband, Rob* lest two maoths 17 people In sis sutes Sharon Merki« iopioyMS of Brtiik'f Iw:. tm fadag tove beeo charged with crimes ttiated ert Merki. ^ ^ FSerml cfausn titiA^ ^^^ P*^^''^ ^ sister, SasMPO C. to activittes of eucfa a frwp> Mr. Stewart's 'rob the umand car aovioe*! main _ *J^^w^' Acomlins to the F*bT afMavtts, the Stewart BsmHton , and to San Fiazkcteo to halp fbiaaoe arraMd tfato iwm InvestisatiQD began with the aneet woman, Jean Craig, were an aaO-Semltic «cpemist graip that aiid cterfad Hc^. of Gary Lee Yarborouib In a month In BdeeTldaho. over tte Faderal U I pkamag to take stolen In the iboocoiit with bureau egenu near Port- with receiving money Mrs. BamiltflB*s M»; bud. Ore. Robert J. Mathews* who Is Brink's robbery. One or tba two H Oiarta E with the leader of the Order, es- band. Lake, has been charted vtth aidina ia the believed vtao It alM) d^axf«d counterreltli^K. tl^l mffikm armed robbery ofaBriak't diarfod In cmecttan wfth „ list oC code _ Already tnck lait J«ly If sear Ukiah* Cattf* •n _ nombers ior members or the the Brinks robbery mAaOmymfi^ The Federal autbortttes eay titey be* Richard Barald Kemp, were found tai a car ttat Mr. Yartor- Banhiil and ttevc tte moDey was meam to be need Jamse ough and Mr. Mathews had been using, eneeted In KalineU. Mont.; ^xtfcaae. Wash., and the amdsvlt said. lUs Infomatkm the Dye, arrested In ?"»«^n«X.'ar'SffiiO: arrested In F3.I. papers said, eventually led last Denver Daw Parmenter 3d, an apartment shared by Mr. Portland- They were an appfshspded The men were arrested Wedaeedsy. July to Kiitf and Mr. Oetrout In San Lorenm. tUs month. Mr. Oetioai, 51 years old, who Is OB dls^ Attaney |us( south of Oakland. Amlstsnt IMted States leeve from hU as a Brink's Calff.t abUity Job Two Fi.I. eourcm. who are said to Peter Robineop said tte GoventtMBt tsffi Ttoffr, was arrested In Lffff%**^. Yartorongb 'f bsve taken part In the robbery In Intendsd to char«e Mr. la rural Modoc County, near the robbery. Calif .. Ukiah. said Mr. Ostrout met In ad- and Mr. Duey in the Brink's border. Be Is to be arraigned last month at Ort«Qo vance with Mr. Mathews and gave him At a news oonfetence hi Federal Oistxlct Court In Na- Prtdsy Informatkn about the rouu the trtack the headquarters of the the Aryan would take and the amcum ol money In tions, a white supremacist organU^ FJM.t1es tlon. at Bayden Lake, Idaho, that Richard Gins Butler, The odKT eospect, Rooald ABen group's leader, Mathews. Mr. Yarbocougb. the operatkos manecer at Mr. Mathews died la e »hour Siege said Mr, te. 45. Is Duey and Mr. Parmenter had basn Ian Frandsoo beandL Be was ar- by law^enforoement oCOoers at a house Mr. the Bkemben. Mr. Butkr, who also hsads ivtad In Bayward. about U miles on Wbldbey Island In Puget Sound. en anti-SemttIc g;roup, the ChBRh d noutheast oT here. A Federal tomps^ Wash., on Dec. 7. Charged with harbor* Jestti Ctotot Christian, said the tour tiate In San Frandsoo hdd him whb- tag Mr. Mathews to that case are sttisided Ms OPt bail pending anetgnmmt Monday. Frank Lee SINa, who the aotharttieB I

The Weshington Poet

The Weshington Tknes . Otfy News (New York) - The New York Tsnes /f/m The Wtfl Street Joumet The Chiceoo TrtoiM The Los Anoeles Times The Christian Science Montlor USAToday — ^-/'^S" to

± .rSMOOu >3^(Rty5-e<«1) a o

(Mkato ptgt, lam* e( MWIP9W. oKy v«t sMi.) HORIZON ROANOKE TIMES t WORLD NEWS IMcwil Cippkio h SKhmMmO Kriried neoHNazi sect ^eady for revolution-^

to murder, bombings, robbenes - \r/ar)s linked j


ASHINGTON — Federal lav enforcement offtcen are cradung down on a far*n(ht" wiBg ied in the West that thej view as iih lA^ creuiagly danserons as it attempts to

Hie (Toap has been linked to nine months of violent imes aeemingly patterned after a 1978 novel in which Ute nprcmaasts and tax protesUn overthrow the

Tke tl-:rearKM (roup, known as the Arran Nations the Charch ol JesQS Christ Christian, has been tied to e murder of a controversial Denver talk-show host, a oagogoe bofnbiac in Idaho, sbootoots with police in vera] statcf and two armored car rcbberies in Califor- t and Washington state. In addition, the Secret Service has sncovered a fall- ale printiic operation for coonterfeitinf $20 and $100 Gordon KbM RcrtMMTt Mathaws Us, with presses as far apart as Philadelphia and the Oociared a martyr 'Haro' died in siage idfic Northwest OCtidais said the frtmp has naed the fos bins» along with cash from robberies, to fund Its iivuieL ly considered violent except for scattered inddents to Ite federal Borean of AkohoL Tobacco and Fire* which gun-toting members occasionally threatened law- m is tevcstigatiu the sect's acquisitioo of heavy s^KXtt, Inclodiu sumadune gum and hand grenades* Bot according to court documents and law caforee* d the Internal ftevcnoe Service is etamfnlng the ac- ment officials, young militanU recently have come to ities of some heavQj armed sect mcsDben on tax eva- the fore in tlfeegrom. They appear to be beat on Imple- Acharfes. snenting the Ibe Amer Diuies.;* According to Jobi IL Walker Jr^ chief of caforce* The '^church*' and the Aryan Nations groiv are de- mt at the Dq>artmeiit of the Treasury, the Aryans are acendanu of hate groups that flourished dving the s violent as any group we*ve ever encountered.** ^^reat oenresstoo* FBI Special Xgent Norman & Stephenson told a In Ih^O, Butkr. a Califomia aeraaantical caginaer, Scral ntt^ateb Seattle that ttie groop"! md is the became a loQower of Dr. Wesley Swift, oae of the more iolent overthrow of the US. government Sj killing. active Depression-era white supremacists. bhcrr and coanterfeitii«.'* Be dtod a "dedaratioo of ' In IfTS, Butler moved the operation to a fenced and ir^ against Hacks, Jews and the federal government aedoded 20-acre site at Bayden Lake. Idaho, on the edge ped Ejy It it the neo-Naxis. of Cbeur d'Akne Nationd Forest near the banks of a Law cnforeemeat officers say tejnxip and Its af* pore, loe-btoe lake surrounded by • dense stand of dark- late mdts, variously known as the *lWte American green Dooglas fir. tstkn." *11ie Ordcr^ or *1Kntder Schwdgen" (Siknt The churdk% name reflects Butler's angry rejection otherteod), essentially Is acting out la iwal life the of the aasertioo that Jesus Christ was bom a Jew. The at fictional Naxibatan. "Aryan Nations*' reflects hb bdid that the *%hitc of a ^ , . _« name Ike cnrrcnt OQtbnrst of vlokoce tracks fairly doae* aatioar of the world. In North America and Western with ttie pM of a novd, *The T^Braer Diaries" by Europe, are the true Aryan descendanu of the origind tile sudccmadst William Fierce of Arlington, Va. Mbes of brad, de«Tibed In the BiUe as the Chosen Itatbook relates a SDCCcssfol revdstioo hy beavQy med American oeo^Nasls. In the book, the Nasis nv^ IS, a nervous, thin-fhced man with a sorprisf r several procnioest Jews, bomb the FBI headqnartcrt manner — his converution Is laoeci id^naDy attack brad with noclear weapons. t _ tkshr and -HeckT - aet about qreadii«l$ a^ /l|/lltetaiergiiy pattern of violence linked to theAij- vkws that Jews aSdbladts are the children of Satan asA ^^ ^mAnmga»m

-z- A^ e

militant, Robert Jay Mathews, SI, Botler said 1b t& ioterview Uut be vim his misiko ig farmhouse near Seattle on Dec. lea ^DT^diot the messafe.'* *. insldrrBoming attempting to arrert him nVe most win tbe hearts of the people^ he said. It shootout with federal officers weapons violation charges. The hone I hidUe, er a war. for mixids. It can Qiuy he done in the on assault and FBI SWAT team fired a mghttmie eft." caught fire when an flare that accidentally hit the frame boild* ne (Toop. is aMitioD to its racism, holds that the iUominaUon Mathews had stored e^^losivcs. lerm] govcmment's power to tax deprives dtiaeos of htt, in which AiTaochorcfa to form aiu ar basic rights, wo that overthrowiiic tike govern- . Mathews, who had left the Arjan Bastion, was te( ^ ^"^y fc**^fry^_gy< ^^y ^ dtiaens withhold tffiliated poop called the White Botler. I vflocot 01 nsoeraJ tucoiDe lazes* SnUV termed a "hero" of the aect by court affidavit, the U^^attonejVefl Atthood the sect claims it has ^ to 1,000 members F i a federal death, Matbews^tanritA d readers of iU Utentsre. Anstast iFBI Director WU- Dee in Sesttte said that before his ffl M. Baker sajs the FBI estimates the lurd core** to Jd a lew assodates to join what he calted The Ordfff a cadre of 100 to lh tl&at Is the name of a paramilitary nndergrcand Among the iroop*s aBlliates are members of the Ku f*The Tttrner Diaries." ... ,« ,J o KtaB, the ibiencan Nazi Party and some radical Some activities of Mathews and his followers ckei^ which re* i to the doctrioe of Po&e Comiutos^ ly paralleled events in the novel officials say, and court miaes DO law above the county level One Posse Comi- . papm indicate that Mathews recommended the book to Nation functions, battles with te adherent who attend^ Aryan ] hb associates. The book describes pitched Kahl. was kilted in May 1083 in a banker in Ar- Uw enforcement officers and the use of robberies and after a cache of explosives and ammonitioo was counterfeiting to fund a white siqnouicist organixation. itod in a fanfight with federal agents, but not before PierceTthe author of the novel, retoed to dteuss de- itet aadlilMa Aerifi. Tlie Aryan Natiou has his book and the question of whether it has served as a * ired him a martyr* guide for the extremist violence. ^ EaUL a tax protester with a history of anti-Semitic ( Since Mathews* death, Gary Lee Yartrough a dpae d anti-black aettvity, was a fu^Uve soQ£bt in the stey- aasocUte of Mathews and former bodyguard of Butler, p of two federal marshals in North Dakota. has been arrested on charges of assaoltiot federal crffi- killings began Fcdtfirf agents investigating those ccrs is coooectioo with an armored car holdttp last April eoveriiig^ links among heavily arined ri|riit*wing estre- In Seattle. ! overlaps also were rq^ortedlyj^soch poops A search of his Idaho home led anthorities to con- the Anti-Defamation Leagoe of B'nai Frith, whidi sider him a prime suq>ect in the murder of Alan Berg, a s m«iltored and talked to informers in groiqs soch as Jewish talk-show host who had poblidy belittled extre- eKs Kte Ktan. mist groups. Berg was gunned down outside his Denver Tte extremist network is loAse-knit and nationwide town boiae in June. The search turned ap a cache of scope, bat concentrated in smtOI pockets in the Middle weapons rancng from an Uxi submachine gun and load- est, the West and the Sooth, y to a mac^iO'' automatic pistol * fhe the investigaton^y it is nnited more by towbows Ahfaoa^ poo used to kill Berg. f than organizatioo or hierarchy, any role te the slaying. sokfy andthedogy ^ Vartroogh has denied { oe eoDstitoent gronps are being linked by a radinaen- Related searches of other homes of Aryan Nati4ps- 7 oompoter tinman besog set sp by txmis Beami, a ed defendants have turaed up fonr crosmws, booby xas Kn Klux Klan leader and coooipoter oonstdtant, trus, infrared night*Tision scopes. IM sticks of dyii*- sed inDsUas. mtteTthree-quartcrs of a pound of C4 ex^osivcs akng According to an Aryan Natkn newsletter. Beam is vith 4*ti*^<*^ wire, two .€S

. tdress^ of Jewish org^ ' -S-

aad for aJC*ia| -' u

fed«»i ^datiottdUadB. Jews. cwnnwmiOt aod

K^^ii^tSS^SArtm both tb. US .Bd CtnyiiM jgvenBPeBts. they »»» f«>ort» This •rtlcto was compiled from ^' Os^aw ofthe Robert C. Jeckson and Ronrtd o* ^M New Los Angeles Times. Wayne Kmo The Washington .York Tw^ and T.R. Raid of Post.


+3 4^ A —.

C Cm A» LtS .


Robbery trial »ftt Portland, Ore. (AP)— Feb. 6 tria] is set for Denver Daw Parmenter 2d, 36, linked by the FBI to the Ar>*an Nations,inPKite supremacist group accused In two West Coast armored car robberies last year that netted ^.1 million.

Tha W«rt*igiioft Port Tha Watfiinoton TImaa _ CMy Nawt (New York) J^f^ The New York Timaa The VM $trMt Journal

1haCWcaooTrfta>a :— TlialjoaArHialaaTlmaa — The CNiattan Saanca MorMf . UBAToday —

^ o-._-k24rM .^mm

^9f^»c^i'3^*3l o officers Jrwa, blacks axMl members of other a dioot-out with federal aaaault mlDoritles are afadn and the gov- ettempting to arrest him on weapons vkdatioo i^arfes. Law in War on snunent Is overthrown. and had left tte Ary- Tbe group. In •dditkm to Ms Mathews, wte nctem, hoMs that the federal gov- an church to fbrm an affiliated White Aryan Far-Right Sect sniment*s power to tax deprives poi9 called tte * recently termed a dtisens of Ihdr basic rfgfau. and BsstiOQ, was founder White SapremMi8ts.Tled that overthrow of the government *%ero'' of tte aect bj Bsy te achieved more caaily If Butler. Spree affidavit, tte to Wcdcn CHme citisens wtthhdd payment of fed- b a federal court In SeatUe eral income tana. VS. Attorney's office " the aact claims It has aaid ttet before his death, Mathews Bijr ROBERT L. JACKSON Although readers of * invited a few aaaodates tojoin wtet Kd RONALD J. OSTROW. IIP to 8XXX) members and Ttet is tte nmmSlaffWfUm lU literature, AssistantJBLD^^^* te caDed "Tte Order.** under- lor William M. Baker says the FBI name of a paramilitary Diy- WASRmGTON-Pedertl law estimates the nurd-core** to te a ground group In Turner's cnfamnietitcfricert are wtfixv an eadreoflOOlolSOperaons. riea,- written by acknowledged Ariington, tatenilTe crackdown on a far According to Wes McCune, caoec- racist William Pierce of ' ffBhi*wii« aact In the Wcat that uUve director of Group Research Msthews and kaa teen finked io nine months of be of Washington, a nonprofit Some activities of violent crima seemingly patterned organisation that monitors far- his followers closely paralleled aay, after a IfTS novel In which white right activities, the Aryans are evenu in tte novel officials ttet aupremadsts and tax protetten loosely albed with tte Ku Kluz and court papers indicate tte book to overthrow the (ovcnunent-ic i Kian but generaUy are not as Mattews recommended describes Tte 12-7Mr*old groi^, known] vtfble or as well -organised. his associates. Tte book enforce- «a the Aryan Nations or U»e Church aaid tte Aryan Natkms pitched tettJes with law I Baker * use of rob- of Jesus Christ Christian, has been ''derive members and taocepxtr ment officers and tte > fund a tied to the Durder of a eootrover- torn tte farmer Idate dispter of beries and counterfdting to aial Denver taft-riKyw hoau a syna- SberifTs Poase OomiUtus, a mili- white supresnadst organisation. fOfue bombiQg In Idaho, aboot* tant taz-revolt froiq>. Gordon Since Mattews' death, Gary Lee mMM with police U several aUtes Kahl. one of ttet group's leadera, Tarbrough, 29. a doae asaodate of and two annored car robbenea In w» kil!'^ in a 19B3 shoot-out with Mathews and former bodyguard of CUWcnIa andWaahtngton state. authors '^o m Arkanau, more than Butler, has been arrested cm charg- b ftdditkn, the Secret Service a year after te killed a U.S. marshal aa of assaulting federal officers in has tsQODvcred a fuU-acale printing and a deputy and wounded a pdice connection with an armored car opciratiOQ ior counterfeiting t20 holdiv last April to Seattle. tlOO bOIs. with preaaes as Ut SDd As a result, tte Aryans teve ai Phiiadeiphia and the Pa- A aearch of his Idate home led ivart i special attention and cx- tewn authorities to consider him a prime cmc Northwest Officials aaid the pressicHis of concern from Stanley su^ect in tte slaying of Alan Berg, groi^ has used the bogus bills, director of tte U.S. E. Morris, a Jewish talk-stew host wte had akng with cash frtn robberies, to Marshals Service, aome of whose nMdy belittled extremist groins. taodttsactlvititt. officers teve been shot or sssaulted Berg was gunned down outdde his Hie federal Bureau of Alo^iol as ttey attempted to aerve court Denver town house to June. Tte Itabaceo and Firearms Is Investi on extremist group mem- search turned up s cacte of weap- ptiQg tte sect's acquisition of ons ranging from an Uti auhma- heavy weapons. Inducting subma- gun and loaded croasbows to chine guns and hand grenades, and ChlM a 1Iac-l(r automatic pistd^tte tte btemal Revenue Serviee Is Morris said auch groups "auiiport weapon uaed to kill Berg. naminlr^ tte activities of aome issues ttet on tte surface teve a Tarteough hu denied any roie to teavily armed aect members on tax supeficial appeal to many Ameri- ttealaying. evasion charges. such ai objecting to taxes snd cam. Related aearches of other homes Accordii^ to lohn M. Walker Jr.. cpposing heavy fMeral and aute of Aryan Nations-linked defend- dbtef of enforcement at tte TVea- regulatkm.** ants teve turned tour croas- sury Department tte Aryans are ^ Paradcoically, te added, asem* tews. booby-traps. Infrared *)as violent as any group we've ever ten ""commit Illegal acU but wn«> Bl^t-vlsion scopes. 100 stidks of themadves In tte American flag.

. . aaaault tte police but view . ins ffesnn0nn f^vi . as religiotts and themselves ^ffW* ***- -»-• i^iiiM Vb^AA iffie ivim* Tte fii fceigi i i pattern of vlo- WHnngvn g God-fterii« . . . (and) lAIk of tenee inked to tte Aryan Nations flreedom but support virulent racial Dsiy News (New Yorfc) puBles suthorlties some becsuse andreUgiouBbtgotry." Tte New York timas . tte ffTDiv was founded In 1873 in Authorities note ttet younger, Tte WM Street Joumsl tte peaceful Idate eommuidty of more militant Aryan adherenu Bayden Lake by avowed radst Tte CMcspo Trtbuns teve come to tte fore In recent Richard Gimt Butler. It waa not Tte toe Anpslss Tknas rt^m^^^ montte, replacing tte leaderAlp of previously eooaldered violent ac- C-yeer-oid founder Butler* whoae TteCMsttsnSdsnosMonSor cept for scatured Inddenta In tlSATodsy which gun-totiz« "vkdence** had been confined to his racist sionaUy threatened lai oery, ^wecaes. McCUne of Groip Research be Bot according to court docu- ^5 says "church" members may te meou and law enforcepem effi. it-is feeling their oats" with tte ns- 46 dak, young militants teve recent- iko's political atmos^iere j ^- C^ te H ~17 c o

dTHunile. Ibree-quarlert of a pound of C-4 oplonveB along with detonating wire, two *4S-caliber aemi- automatic weapons (one equipped with a fUencer), a Mini- 14 Roger .223-caIiber eemi^auto- matk rifle, a bandoleer of buckihot ahc^Lgun thells and a hand grenade. According to the FBI's Baker, Aryan members or sympathisers also have been linked to an ar- nored car holiiup last July to ITkiah. Calif. It and the Seattle robbery were cooducted "to fund further criminal acts by members or oSshooU of the Aryan NatioDE," be said. Robert E. Herki and his wife. Sharon, are to be tried next month to Seattle

Baker said aeet members alao are nder suspicion to the April 29, IBM. tlre-bombiQg of a synagogue toBoiae.Ida. .

i f9 -i9(H^. *-2e-a3) AD I

C .0 A«»«. Oir.: Associate Arrested Ol».lto«.. D'Aubuisson fc»l^.

i«k. Suitcases in "Rxas Yields $5.9 MUlion . V.S. Search ofNine OH.Cvit.S the electoral pro- Tambaugh and the pibt. Cos tend to corrupt r«Mkc Alb. cess of oar country .... to boy Maestrafes of Boca Raton. Fb.. promote political chaos and Vas known as s poastUe contra- votes, other mbdeeds m order to mbtreat band exporter * He. Gutrob and doae imiriitr of Roberto and ridicule our suffering peopk.* A Oacar Rodriguez Fee were charged AobuiiMii. leader of B Sat- Reagan administration offidab . IT with transporting nndocumented wing, was couki acarcely conceal their glee at r's fMT ligbt politiai ctth and conspiracy and are being arrested St a le- news of Gttirob's arrest The ^ of thiw an held at tiie Corpus Christ! jail ieu bit week with bearing b Christian DemocraU are mopping t Tcsaa urfidd of $1 minion bond. A undercut- escflotaiomg mote than achedubd on Tuesday. up on thb. It's seriously ting D'Aubuisson ri^t now.* aaid $5.9 nuBiQn ki naO failb, VS, Cut- An investigstive team of £m. one. tomi Seraoe officsab said ]pester- customs and the Drug Enforcement Administration agents has been work on the case, Tum- B Salvador's ntliog Christian formed to baugh sakL Although there b no Dcmoaatic Party, locked ID a bitter apparent drug connection, drug atn^e with D'Aubuissan's Arena deals usually involve brge amounts ftrty Ofer next month's municipal of cash b smaO bOb. l^Uative deetkms, immedi- mi A possible drug ring bvohrement diarged that the money was mOf b "certainiy one of the things being would he nsed obtaomd iUcttly and Mivestigated; a Sute Department ' the electoral hy Aran ^ cxvnvt official said. Guirob b known as s cbse asso- ofBdab wd they ar- date and financial backer of D'Au- icated Piandsco Gusrob Beecte, buisson. and has allowed D'Aubuis- 6 as a buikiing be S5. and two other men on Fd>. aoo to use a fbor of private jet Sahrador as an Arena • tfa^ff ff"^° Sabrdiner owns b San Coim- office, according to SUte Depart- w^ raiding ft the Bdterg Goirob family tyairitripnearKiiigfvine,abcct35 ment offidab. The . has been strongly opposed to Sal- Bttbs aoitffawest of Corpus Cfaristi vadoran Presklent Jose Napoteon •ear the Gdr Coast Duaite aince 1979. when the first Gmroh. carrying two passports Duarte government eaproprbted ' from Salvador and one from Coa- B and natboalixed a brge bank, the ls Rica, ia a wealthy Sahradonn Banco Sahradoreno. that tl»e bmily conservative with dtjaenship in B Salvador and Cbata Rica who trsv* There abo are reporU that cb frequently to the United States. Guirob was instrumental m the tor- Be claimed that diplomatic im- matbo of the Ikoad Natbnal Front. protected htt nine sotcases jBODity by iU Spanish imtbb. a right- to DonaM FAN from a aarch, acoording that in- ist uBdvelb organiatbn G. Tmiibaugh, assbtam lyoal dudes Arena and two spbnter par- i^pminifffinger for eaforcencnt at Customs Servke's Houston of- ties. the Arena b seeking to the Manh fice. 1 thmk he was counting on fIfrtMWtt to c3Kpand its domination that.* Tmnbaagb aaid. Sahradoran l^jbbture. where Tha Washington Pool Adp But Gwob m not have dipb- of the and a coalitbn of conserva- natk hanurity and agents found Arena Ths WasNnQlon iknss ..^^_ have been brgdy suooeashd tK>f the sirftriifi containfd tives Daly News (New Yorti) Uoddag Duarte initbtivea. $S,«7S350 b Uixwrency, with to Tbs New York Timss counting on a brge pop- faiBs $100 denom- Dilarte b Ibe brgeat bong Ttis WiS Strasi Journal «___ vote to March to gam CQOtroL bntioos. Tumbaogfi said. He caDed nbr major newspaper advertise- ThsChlcsootrtouna it the brgest amency aebure in b the Christian Dem- IbsLos AngslasTimss Tensfabtory. ments Feb. 12. charged tfiat Guirob -We befieve they were beaded ocratic Party Tba Christian Scisncs Monlioc * bringtog to money Ito supply out of liie cooDtry Turabaugh was USATodsy for hb comrades who in- aaid. He aaid that the phne had left deport John Wayne Airport to Loa Angdes the amming of Feb. € on a iight ^ Z- \(p'^S pbo to IQagsviDe and Florida wd ffcar Cntf^^*^ Service olBdab m C^Bfonns had aramed the Texas ^7 cffioe of tbe fight because the pine # *t. J A. . u» a:«l« .nvDoa ,

.-4- ^

19(n«v. 4*26^) CsM AD A4«. c SM«Aftto».^

Ami. ftto.!

ON. C«H- A


White Supremacist Pleads Guilty to Gun Qiarges

BOISE, Ida. (UFI}-White su- Bastion and a former security oCB- in the death. premacist Gary Lee Tarbrough. eer for the neo-Naa Aryan Nations Tarbrough was moved to Boise alkfedly a key member of a mili- Church of Bayden Lake. Ida. in December under t^ht security tant oeo-ffazi gang, pleaded fuOty Tarbrough, whose fuilty pleas after his arrest in Portlud. PMday to II counts of fll^^y came as a surprise, f^ces a mssi- An associate. Robert J. Mathews. pneifning fireanni and opIoi^Tes mum sentence of 61 yean tn feder- 31. or MetaUne FUls. Wash., a at his Dortliern Idaho borne al prison on the 11 oqunta.. fbunder of the White American Bastion, eluded authorities in Port- thai Taitrougb stm &ces in V^. . Aoaecutors say t^t his groiQ) is land but died in a burning house District Court beginning Wednes- Tti^onsible for various robberies, during a shoot-out od Wbidbey day on an additional charge of including armored car holdups in bland. Wash., in early December. shooting at JSSL agenu as they Cslifomis and Washingtoa Mathews, in a last manifesto approached his hcane tn Sanc^point In addition. Tarbrough is a sus- mailed to the Aryan Nations com- last October. He was arrested tn pect tn the 19B4 slaying in Denver pound at Lake, Ida^ November after a dioot-out with Hayden Just of a popular radio talk-ahow host, days before his death, called ftar the FBI near Portiazxl, Ore. a Alan Berg. Hie murder weapon race revolution to overthrow the Tarbrough, 29. is believed to bea was fbund in Tarbrou^'s home, federal government and drive mi- of the White American but he hu denied any involvement norities out of the United Statea.

Ths Wtashbi^luii ^ost ^ inv vvaMnQon Tinas OiSy NsM (New York) ThsNswYofkl ThsWWSirMlJtesM ThsCMcaooTHbisM the Los Ar^slss TknsT&LVES] IhsCrvWtfiScisncsl

^ 2^ O)'

./ . \

0-19 (fWv. 4.26-03) I«M AD A4m. . o t«M ADte«. _ imAS LtS. AMt. Dir.;


^P- Computer Network Links Rightist Groups •lU.

m%,t and Offers 'Enemy*List

and eevoftf oCteroMfDten of tte ^_.^. whether tfacr an BMnttoriog *>**^*»'* ymianfd hy tfafc >r WAYNE XING Sltaot Brotteriiood vaia "laiDei thf rTTtnrV^y oiemten** of tte Aryao Nsttas. Ifr. iAryan Natkna. Dal- BatleroaDedMr.Madk0ir8*'atero.'' I Itwawas set qpby Loois Beam, or HOUSttW, Frtk. 14 — All Idftbo* OB tte Aiyas Nstkns ;las. a member or tte Ku PmtPan. It teed oacviiazf flrfuttatta hftt Mtalw : 'Tteolder •cante reacted teWpteae fltkfl^ ^^"^O B CDi|]pQEBr*OSSeQ flBtVQVk to thniugh active ffor tte fold Idate aad North Carall- Hnk rtglttist groapt tnd to dlBMminftto and ksi spotenMD ben to Tens. ~ aad tolth belag rsplaoed Iv tte aa,wU^hasi a lii^ of thoM lite it aoyt "tev« bo> an tiiwd tbBir nee.- joa« tkn. Ttese diarn or Godteve Afiosssis; aa tjSfto mOn oaosouiets or saeecses* Ak list OTsOfthk horn the conpiiu Tte CO er link, which has vary- Ttey aia tte aimed party vhiefa is «r. tttod -Xnow Yoar Eiwny." to- levels of passwords to restrict ac- teii« ten oat or tte toabmty or vhtte tog tte adtfroMM and frirnTmri cees, deecrlbss ttadf as 'Vpr^Amer- or male yootte to te teaid." r^CtoaJ oOoio or tfao Atitl. icanK nr^aroitei aflti*cooBmiBBSt aet* la connnxan state* 1 Leuufr Anotter eD» a ol B*Mi B*ittb tad or true wte eerve tte meet or a Caltrania man ooDTlctad in work bdievan Christ," wte to- one and onty God — Jeaus, tte U3JL It alio M2 for kfm^a 17>yaar^ .** todadertemn aitf a2u titiat it is "for Aryan patriocs ODiy temed OD rt|^*ai0g actMtte. aad or •'raoo tratton'' aad ''to- iyteattstfa^or''kDOWB - Tte statamoot accoaes tte ''Sataa&c 2y)GffloB tot Occttpetiopal Gdvanuaent) tortorm- aodety ' or tte United States or "nir. tte Dscwock lists tte ^laffles or an dsrtiv Chrtstiaas Ute Goftfoa Kahl, en.** taformer agalnet tte Klan aad a irtiD yoQ teiDsd la WcbocftadneHar's P3X oa Aryan w>nnn>, an testlfled against oven beciAise te would not taw to yoor man wte a Kb Xhs tend to BoYta Lake, Idafao. a folda Babytaolan God nd pay your Pansman charged wtth bombtos MoeaMBt oOcUli have tM a ipttmar CallfoniU ndio fUttoo. tribute to ftnenre Isnel*** ^ Mop or the ofiniatioc to aewal Tte idarmer was fciUed Mr. Kahl. a taftttve ttenad vltfa laak and armorad-cer lobberteo, mer, aad tte net wwi eautts: anUof two Federal marshals, was an ^ on Podov] olAcen end blown to feces on a raceat oofspokfn OMmber or a taxan Aifc., to that toddsoL lir. HaU at- uifcsiwj lugeujar bbq joiDea mm ooe Isoded Aryan Nattoos ftmctioBS and computer. Imagine aB(y patriot to tte has becsmd as a *ten and martyr** teevfly annod tadhrlAials ^rtioted erartiyb^g aUe to call op aad 1

t vat^ OB the Uattad States Ite SDoBt Broctertiood ~ toat it tte Ctoyonanmt, aldcb

Ocmpe tlup IsvastlBaton bava abaa^y toimd kches of weapons, tacludiag ttffddte ead antomatic Tte taadsr or tte map, Bdbect 1. which was Idsatifsd n yoan cld, was killed to ports as tte ODs OBsd to ^Mr. Bsig, " * J OB Pedeial ofB* wte taunted rt|^a-wtos astieuMs oa vliha hfe radto Shaw* Tte aothovttto also fcund tttaratan dfftantng a *1potot aya- i toPyt asm** m achieve statmEgrkdu^PM* - -^ _ "T JtS^tod ay ^^Aopped bam a oral officials, btocte or Jaws. TtePMaral aottertttoa teira ate . Mr. Mathews was aomfht to he WssNnQlon Tbnes or tfacovsred tte Bames oT polhiir otB> tt Dsly News (New York) FJIX afnt to Seattle aad tte rohbery ctols and othsn viewed as enaaries Iqt of a BrtiOrs armorsd car to The New Yort( Times _ ISUSZ last inoBth, tor The WW Street Jouml F3X aoctfied lisot Gov of Alabama that te mgto te a The CMceoo Tribune _ tor reveage. Mr. Baitoy, whes Tte Ijos Angsls i Times Attoraey Gflonal, was rasponsl flNatofng tte satradtttoa of tte The ChrMsn Science #1^ J* B. ftniiei tor Ite botaWfy or Bititol USATodsy i^^di B^^soet CwBrca la avflDDa)S0Bafl&. te fb» FJIX ako ODOOwed ttrM* to tte Aryan Nattoas agatost

kMd ef the SoBdMCB P(>wty uw A\ i9 .-r-_' Mr. Mr. Dm tat AM w««n] t >8gc B-1 SC Bee; SC. CA (MMin* CliM»i>» >« S»t» >»>>w) DiU: 2/11/85 BdiUoa: Final

FBI works to Title: How solve alleged neo-Nazi crimes Cktnetar: lOOA-8049 » 192B-142 CUksifie^cB: Siibaiittu« Offie*: SC tievy FBI works to solve alleged nee-Nazi crin]es K various charges connected vtth the crimes, which include the tiA milUon robbery of a Brink's armored car near Ukiah last Jttty 19. ^ emerftng from official tfocunkeoti A pActure k The FBI got Its nnt break in the caae the day of ^ a ftrtag ol kov fte FBI te (otnf tbout solving the robbery vhen agents found a handgun that coanterlelttivg schemes and tiM I rtbberiea, had been left behind by one of the robbeiiJac- __»r ef a Denver talk show aosU all of which cording to an affidavit released by the US. jUs* .^ linked to a langof neo-Nazis. trict Court In Sacramento. Ftom there, that docu- 7lM FBI It by 00 means throuHk wtth the case ment and others reveal, the Investigatioo haflled -..^jul agents will not discuas the lavestisattoo. But to at least tvo informants who were tnvotved with ;«vh^ Is knovttlathlK the Ukiah holdup and wtth a broad network of <^- leait One peiyoB linked to the groap Is dead, at neo-Na^ who seek ultimately to overthrew the and at least three llpthen already aine la Jail p VS. government and to remove ^ wan OTT trUnrrd tl^ be the objects of hunts on ^ aatf laws from the country.

Mike Dooher, the FBI agent la San Kafhel In charge ctf the Ukiah robbery inveatigatloa, aald last week more arrests are expected, but he would not say how many and would not ooollm

the names of those being nought \ -*! Further, agent Doober said, arrests have baeit knade in the case nationwide He said aome of thi krrests were made with no apparent connectioo 40 the robbery Itself. Plans are to have all or near* ty aD of the suspects In custody before the ana^ pects are charged in the Ukiah heist ao^f can be trie^at the same time, aaidr

r»i/ooj S^ 30 . . v-^ t ^o

Vashu; nad laa ., Falls. Vash. - fPt iai ^rom the vflle, harborteg a ftogi- Bayden Lake beadqaartert or Aryaa XI, aD charied with —w,, ^-^ to tfct CPTt ( — Mathews. In addition, the Natioos. Matbews died Dec. f la a live ^StoTmmd tn tbe annored car wanted en n Itit Ore- fo&owiag a steoloot wUh FBI Uertk were tbe robbery wM ft Mae iled, fire Ser counterfeiting chnrve. . aemlaoUy agents and police oq Whidbey la- tttt toltb awl Wosoa tmm It at Seaside, Ore.. aaar Seattle. ^Tten, en Dec latlc, pistol was eveataally laad, Wash^ «f ne wTtte a Doaver Daw Parmenler n, tt, V. BaraUU, 18, ol Btfore be died. Mathews traced to Aadrev Wash., was arrested In his hometown newspaper la Cheaey, IftoooUi, Mo&U who )>ott^t U aader letter to Uklah robbery. the Informant Is ftr*^*''**^ vlth the ova aame at a:iCl9K)oli iportlas which he aald kb Jan. t. Jnmes Dye. tj. wassrw laown to The Order and, if fovadt And IDOds store April M. Spoknae oa n almllnr "Us head win be removed fhn his rested In . tenmill was aiTcsted la tke H&. 7. bat before Us arrests , body.* and Kemp the FBI aooae was Oa Jan^7. BarmhiU were aeroins to oe oCber members At diat time, ^ already tightening on the group. were arrested. al a group BanhUl belped fooad Sharon Mend's daugh- eaicaped Nov. U from On Jan. it, nfteOrdcr.* Mathews bad wns agents la Por- ter. Suzanne C Toraatsky, 27. Its from a a shootout with FBI Tbe Order vets aame Boise. Idaho, along with Ore^ la which he and an FBI nrrested In itttIe*kBOwa aovel. The Turoer .Itend, were charged ^ Mem were wounded. A member of Jean Craig, 50. They rtes.' wrtttea by a fbrmer Ore* money from the 21, of with receiving Uoivenlty pbysScs prota^ the ^ng. Gary Lee Yaitrough, . Statf ancsted by Ukinhholdiqi. Lotber Pierce, who qntt Sandpoint, Idaho, was J J, wmiam An Informant revealed that tSfe wltb agents after the shootout te aalversity &a 1965 to work driven straigkt had been sought since Ukiah robbers had ^^eorte Uacola RockwelL foaader Yarbrough after a trom the holdup to Reno, where thgy Nazi Party Oct It. when he escaped al tbe Americaa Bitt into sc^«ml cnrs and drove shootout at his home, where officers up Pierce Is leader of the NatioBal the money cache ef weapons and MTth to Boise to divide Alliance of Artinftoiu Va^ a aeo- Jbund a large Tomatrky and Included In the cadie with the help of .Nazi group. ezploslvea. said Oair li the was what crlmelab tedinidans la Piercers aovclTbe Order SabseqienUy, Tomntzky's has* group of was the .45m an infMmant were arrested Their revoltttioB is fiaaaced by already Richard had robbed a Seattle a man identified only ns ^ and counterfeiting. that Mathews * armed robberies Jdaeph Scutari In his escape from^, of t25.000 the previous winter . BamhiU and other members of bank others later Whidbey Island nfter thetiiootout. reaMif^ Order were origlnaDy and ttiat he and several 1^ holdi9 robbed Then, on Jnn. M, nfter ngents imbers of the Church of Jesus Involved in the Ukiah Seattle April It, bn>ke the code to the records found Christian Aryan NatSoos ta an armored car la In the cnr In Portland, two Brtnk'i; Idaho, which preach- taking $500,100. ;dett Uke, ^^ Northera Calif werjt Left bcbind at the aceae orihe Saards la omm . white su^iemacy and separatiofi car cortaln- tracked down nnd arrested: Charlcb accordiag to tbe oe«rt Portland shootout was a f:the rmcei, Ostront. 51, of Lookout. Moddb lag not oaly 130.000 la cash that E. oocumentL Ronald A. of to be from the UKIah rob* County, wd Kliw, 45, fiefore Barahm was traced down appeared weapons iachidiag a silcac> SaaLeandm. nod arrested along with Richard bery and but also a Ostrout and King were Indicted as they were play* cr-equipped machine gua; SvtM Kesip, n, Thursday by a federal grand jury In Moot. bar. book of names and phone aaokben lag poker ta a KalspeD, San Francisco on charges they FBI was aUe to tafUtrate ne the down en Whid- planned n robbery by Tbe Order of informatioo fmn Mathews was run Order and obtain main vault la Ftnn- Islnad. nnd since then, nrreats the Brinks San at least two Btembers of the gang bey with regnlailiy. clsco. n robbery that never oc* Involved in the Ukiah h

^ 31. . ^ R>350 (tev. &-e-81) o o

(Mk:«tt paO«. MM or

New Haven Raster p. A-12 (Moixtt CIpping h New Haven, CT 2/10/85 Edtton


Chncton or Cltta«c«fon: SubrrMIno Offico:


Defense says actiyistsitar '4. itnt a New Haven apartment bt but otherwise said the poverwsent ly JMtph T •r»dy three SKnths in earty* I9t4. She o^ygerates coonectioos hetiween Sidi olgiected to the goverament*! daiffi various domestic rtvohitioBMries. NEW YORK ~ 1>M0 blocks that Ihe dwelling was a **aafe **b*s not ilkfa) to be a scvdu- from the moooUthk federal court- house** bt black radical lerroristL tiooary,** she added with f slight koiae in k3wcr hU&bsiuiu n efe- **Ftm of aH I dool autoouti- Yvette rented the %Mor ot&ked fU w«y 10 the fMtrtb caDy accept that Whatever the relationship Street offtce apartment, and if it is true, there floor of a Duaoe the groups, such rnlifih oouU be 16 diirertnt rtatom (fcr bttOdiflf. Ihrougb t door, a simpk are no strsngen to the law fln of **Resi»- Muiing it),** Hotmes said. WKk<<»-white ^gn tmd Flood, Holmes Jk Tipogaph. One Ihe atuxney said the aovcrih teaUwOCceL* of tiie partners, Susan Tipograph, aaeat is targeting people who Ihe fiinushifip wese waple but represents Susan Lisa r **have a loc« history or politica] attactivc A itoeptknkt cfaatlod andTlmochy Bhmk, two activism going bade to the cnily the pbooe about a &rewdl par* terrorists arrested in New « days of the csva righu move* far a diest about to be tovri* last November while jDegsdly 9 asent** ^leaking spec»flfa|ty Jtt icsked. PnhSaadimsta and Hack tiaasporti0g about TOO of Cdtrane Chinurenia, d» aaidi ftwottftioMry ha&dbiOi hi«|ed the eipiosivca with g trailer in *He*s a very intrnirm, weV«Iu- NewHavoL cased biack map. Ihni makai him JidithLk Hohftct 1 mtui rift* iloreovtr> in IWtJ the qCoet aid cmrM % luiuisi hiarilyn lean uue of . Tike everyone else invohrod.. viBiof^ coat 10 a doeet hsMd uf 'With the case. Holmes wasniaiting gwing a lO^year «c In n a aameplate. her door boft a head* tir a grand jurfs dedson on a Hh VhgtVkiinia federal Sue clipped from a Nevf Yon, lv*' Ifffff^ing indictment ^^linst her l9r • ioid:^WoodyHQlmeL*'.a*. 'dieni and the ochcA Hdmep s^ 10 vidt.ltoo- nph» her anomev, in' New Hofancs ii a snaB laomaa^'her culsted Oat the iovcrnment ia /.InNewM AfterIflcr anaetiivmaetii« with Aort hair aftd awnar fM over* lookii« fcr charges imdecthe fcd> «y.. Iho- powered by larK round flanet. ^eW Kacfceteerina Influmond and nraph. Buck disappmsdLdtsappearvd, andai has Ae at behind htf dealcopeoed a Corrupt Orgaatzations atatnte M» among the nation*i a«nied Aigitives bag oT peanut MAKTi and, mO- bned on aB^pd intern lo kidnap ever oflered the ba| acnM Ihe prison guards in fiteing btack mdi* In addition, Silvis Barsldini — Se. cab Dooakl Wxms and Sekou 'npograph*s fcrmer legal aide and A picture of V.L Lenin hung by a meinber of the mdcal May 19 Ae wmdow. She referred to him as Holmes said that, while the gov- Olggnizatioo —^ was oonvided an *^ *lQne of my lawyer heroes.** ernment haib the case ns pre- ndKteoiQi chuies m IMI tar Holmes represents Yvette Kd-^ eapdve strike against domestic driviat pa««y an ki m ai- ley. one of the defendants the at- tarorism,'* the real aim is *^pQltti- lempied Deoember IMO m refers cBJIy« to criminahv dissent m thb lobboy Sjvney repeatedly 10 as *nhe . CM is Dn^onr. - nckncWledgad that NewVbrkE«ht^Hobnesttidshe . oountry.*" She •ad ia the prison bmkiwi ofc tad "te idcn** why a woman, nl- the New Kbrfc Eight are .leyohi. vkted cop-UUer JouM leged 10 be Kcllqr, Mod an alias 10 tionssies asd 'tett-imperiahsts/* Hd ai New Jcnqr. %^ ^ Mmm A» LIS Ami. »lr.t

ilvadorildi indicted Crt^ l«». niggling C»4.

Rmaosco dnroU Beche, tte wealthy young Salvador- «n mdicted m Carpus Tf«tat«« Chriati, l^Ezas, on eaosfor- 9cy duuxes last wtA far tij^ to anainJe over 15.9 most of the scandal to help their ffa«ging political nuuioo in cash out Guatemala, El Salvador and Panama. When Guirola indied for his passport Dn LeciQno s^jrs, be piosiiijted (loannents idcntifi^ing himaelf as a ipeaal as- sistant to d*Aubuisson, who was than pnaideat of the i<0ii«ly last Jane. A for the attoraey fBocral, Dt Masmilliano aaid he had *^ evidence that this type of sport was issued.** But be also said the office «M investigBtzng tibe charge. ^ Thsfeis jyerfiatkwtilMtthe sum of cash seized iri^ BvacQcne btxn trafBcking in narcotics or guns* and that It wa faeo« laundered iQr being smug^ out of the US. Then is abo mecolation that aocne of the maoey mty kam been destmed fcr ARENAS political cazz^talgD te the March 31 Sections for the natknal asaembfy and na- niripalitiw. Guirola has been involved in funffing oHra- tin the past But the amount of moonr seized ftf exceeds the needs, of tike current canqsaign. It has thus caused the Christian Democrata to adiisper ominoasly about atten^its to buy or even directly to destaUize the of The VVlMfa njlrio Post ^ Nq»ledn Dnarte. US federal invest«Btors hi Tlie WmNoo^oo Tlmse 7^U8,'meanirhile, have aaid that there hi no tvidenoe Otfly News (Nsw YortO that indicates what the money was meant to )» need for ThsNswYorfcTlnws . ^ it iMdied El Salvador The WW daaet Jourai Whife the CS^ristian Itenocrats have tried to make tfie TbeCNcsooTrtxra . IVwtosAnoBlMTIfnM ^ Tlw a«Mv> Scim» Monaor t^LlSL

USATodsy ^


JS- ih^- S5 iMill

Uk. . AROUND THE NATION OH. C«i«. A Bm€. MfM. »

TwtaNlf „„„_,„


The former propaganda min- Jter Of a wfajte-supremadst cuh ««coc Thaddcia Kindcrk, hanged himself in the Boise. Ida- ho, jail, leaving a note saying he feared what might happen to him after testifying against his former comrades.

TIM WMhington Post A^l

Tbs WasNnflton Tifnss .. - Otfy News (Mw York) ^ The Nsw York Times ^ The Wsi StTMt Jotfnal -1 Ihe CNcsgo Trt)ur>o The Los Ar^ot^es Tvnes The CIvMivi Science Monitor

USA Today .

pv jA— PSiOOJ


5^ 4m«. »«».:

'AfyanWanhr'GuUty In Idaho A»$auHCaMe

iSmnl^TMBbm of t m^>ui RMD VDD hav% bMD VsMm to t nrtit

Mr. YMbreu«h. • ^T^f-SiS?* Anru WM ftmtf ri^ «rtii», ,ld*to,te»Fw-

TtejBa fN«

Itet to fir«d to WB

Th« WteNnglon Post . Tbt Wnhinglon IViM CMy NMt (Mw Yorti) Tb«Nw(Yorti*nmi!S

ThsCNMOoTrtbtfw _

Th» CWrt^ Scitnc* MoNlor _ USATodiy


55 0-1«(FWv-4-26-M) ^ f^


ON. C«if . ft


News in Brief

The Nation A Mml )uy in Bote, Ida.. bcfiB dellbenUsc unult eharfet agiinit a Mipecud neo-KiH who taaUfM that bt flr«d eBl7 ww^ar *0U at thmJB ac«nu bt te- Hcrad wt *totnidcn" od Irit rapetjr. Car7 Lat Taitrmgb mM WoDty wobad tba aftnta to McMiftr tbcMthraa. boi tht armu iMtifSad that kc aimed at tbam. Tartcoi«b ia thMht » *»• Bcmber of the Oracr, a violent eOhooc el the Aryia Nayona. Aflcr tbc taddeot. officen feuad a CKbe of flreanirf to Taitrpu^ • hoDe. iDdudiai the gun UMd to UU .r- Jffwiab radio talk abow boat Alas BarilsDcnTcrlaat.jraar.

OaayNMM(NvwY«tir ThaNw»Yortt"nmw _

n» CNeago Trfc«*»

•n» CN1««» Sctanca Morttor USATod^r — S^ 1 — p

o-ie(n«v 4-2e«3) C I.M AO LtS .

m. MfM

A neo-Nazi neighbQrh

jCpedil for USA TODAY

I HAYDEN LAKE, \nBh — L i^olcane,lM!L,MtkiQ. flbe «blte«iprcn«d«, Tk>> Todty. Butter k lo lv)e « l«buttal to the Atloo^ ive- ^loveri vbo nuke tlis ^onatatDoai part report after denMoutUv area Uair «qimU time numlBy, *;ieadqvMUlen are ft r Ad. -Otter thao a tew Htvmoted] CBttk 1 ttiak die ooomiBdty and ippredaia tfacome tbeir amy todcuca UrwoBocnaof »ew«e coeoftutSoe to fte local pod flidr part knttreo ^iftniff (TCH^^ of OBR^ ad cy, Ibe arbaft^ugTBla rittlag murder, robbery and Bvactke aad tte Dobennaos are a areat cottoera to tbli Ttay live; drID and ^ aays acBQic iBce Oa ibe JtodDCSh aniPlltrator — jodna ^- . Tbvera operator Kea tuded, J&acre conipound < Weaver baa to a* aaoNazb aurrouoded by f-foot-blati Id have fun oubide, aad Waited vire a&d patroOed by Ciys (bey ffbt wttb tte CDir- ms ate come to tbe to^«a GaiyLeeYkrbroagb^-os \ * jpf? cMate asent Kdno trial tUs week In Bote. Ida- tevam aild 'people are bav* tor ri»ootii« al£B[ arsti .M li« a toi«b tiroe aeOkv tbeir *— lived here and oace ftouaer boGauK of ite Aiy- Ricbard Buder. fte att NattooB CburA. avowed racH louader of SiysCotaoel KaooL a 71- JUyan NatloQs Churcb. fear^oU Bayda Lake aa- BuOeifl^belMTSbard- ^, live: *ney*re tlvlaf tbls ma a bad aame. 1 Tbe tS-year-old leader •eyd 10 reacbfli tte toal battle ft> p ad bora fteir i irw fvaeranpDri rwi ^ : aave Ite vbtte race baa be^ Tna Waihington Tlniaa . fktiL F^ to O^eae pails bave OMy NMt (New YortQ I Bttcb coolad vttb bkn. Be : baa vKhdrawn more ^ cm* Ihe Mhv Yort Timaa ^ tloa of acoeai to bb ooaa- The Wia S»Mt Journal ~ ^nce aa kilttra- etad The CNcago Trtouna « n mem Itm w lele- Tba Loa Angelaa Tlmaa Jvlaed last veek fty a The CrvMen Scianoa Monaor uaATodey 3*^ "^1

l-Z£-fff 3;\^ Cmc ad hdm. 0^19 (fWv 4-2e-S3)

Idaho supremacist convicted of assault trias a fUQ ai vamiotMiots. Spectel tor USA TODAY or asBBult for voapco at Yarbroug^^ three £BL<«c&^ A teme was \aed to kUi cootro* Wabo- White Rh Yarbrou^ oc trial for Ir BOISE erslal Jewish radio Ulk fremadst Gary Lee Yar- fc« three ibots at FBI agefils tn tftow hoit Alan Bers in Deih Irougb ^ i fonner member to October 00 his prropcrty testified ver. Ylurbroutb has ocK been the Aryan, KatiOD Qiurdi SandpoiDt, Idaho, ^ only charfed in the murder. -» vas CDovicted Thunday Thursday that be Ired

The VWMNr^lon Poet _ The WttNnoion TVnet CMy Newt (Nm Yorti) The Mew Yoft Tlmas . The WH Seaet JoiVTuf Th« CNcago Tribtfw The Loe Angeiee Tln»» The Chrivttar Sci«>c« Monaor U8ATodtoy JS^A

S% „ i «IL i>Jto pwv:*5.»^i) .0 CO

or cty and alBla.) Miami Herald T. !•/ ptotfncapp^>> Miami, FL 2/21/85 Contractor accused

nto: of helping fugitives

in neo-Nazi group MM 192B-96 BJbnmnQomem: Miazri

I aupremadst froups oe his Denver 9r MARY JO T1ERNEY radio show, was found In a saartb Aad NANCY LAUCHUN of Yarbroutb*s home, aaotborities aaid. FORT SALERNO - Fedenl Proaecutors and FBI atents aaid acenu ud iberlfrs AepaUes Yarbrougb and other members of nkM t modest duplex la tUs the order art key au4»ecuin4he sidrt Trewire Cout ftohi&t vU* Bert UUint- kte ctriy Wednesday and arnfted The group has been tnvohrad In a Baa tbey nid was a mesaeacer two ahootKwU with federal agentt Idr a violent neo>Na2i croup linked la Oregon and Washington. Anoth* to the mordcr o( a Denver radio cr gang founder. Robert Jm talk ahow boat Md a .Prtak*a Mathews, ww kiDed in a Dec B sbooc*out with 100 agenu on "He Bves across the street from Washington fS' X, Scutari, a lO-ywr-cId Whidbey Island In us. but we never noticed anything tandint contractor, was dkarged state. strange about him.** aaid one with beint an accesaory »fter the FBI crffidals aaid ractntly the woman who did not want to be ttct 10 a $3.6 milBoo ftriak'a v^te-suprraudst order also has identified. nVe didnn know he arnored truck robbery la Ukiah« been linked to the bombing of a was involved In anything uatf] we /CaU. la Ja)y ltS4. synagogue, counterfeiting and aaw all the cars this moimlnt!**^ Scatarfs brother. Udbard, b bank robberies acrou the country. The arrest also shocked ofndals aoe of three fogftlvea aoaght ia the The money goes toward re- and employees at Major Conatruc- fobbery. wtkb federal astboritki cruitment of new members and tlon in Stuart, where Rrank Scuu- asid. aaM was carried oot to tlnaace the training.** Robinson ri Is a cmrorate officer In charge activfties or The Order, a amp of of buOding pr^tacta. ilaht-wlni cactremisu who hate Used false nameg ; Jews and Ua^a. The groop la Partner stonnad cftiaiated to have between 30 and According to aa FBI iRMavlt 40aaembera. tOed Wedneaday In Fort Flaroe. 'tkmd God, you aay Rra«k*a. Rkhard Scutari used false names to Federal autborittea aald F^ank *becn arrested?^ aald one atunnad helped found the small ctfflces In Fort Fierce. Scutari* who ftnt partner. *l'm glad fm aitttng hwae la Fort and Vero Beadk. Ttkpbonaa groim. ilao had a Stuart down, or rd falTdown. I thought ^rialt- answering aiacUnes In those Sakmo that he occarionally and he was In Melbourne todw work* .were allegedly Bsa4 by offices tag on a project we*re buikU&g up Firaak Scataxl. fedcnl aathod- group membe^ to etchange asaa* aot aambgr tlea charge, was a U The partner* who wonU not actwQcfc of AhaavtIy armed atioad of faicr* the sroup, but aet up a identify himself. aaM Scutari had Ttaaaara ageatt and deputlea. auay fcated oRlcca aloog^ al helped found die bufidtag firm aMO* buDet-proof vests, arraai* Coast to raodve and idiy wearing about two vears ago. There was Scutari at Us home at antes froa the fitftlvaa. ad FtSk aever any tndlcatioo of anytUag was ha«^p(n| them aO fa SE Grouper>va^ nk UH •^•^ Ike thb* he aald. Tm Just iltting aald PiCsr The FK then aearchad hia tooch with eadi other." aja. here with an tacredntous look aa attoraey where Robinson aald aome Mobinaon, assistant U^ borne, wy Ihoe*** were found. in San Ftandaoo* weapons He described Scutari as *% very laembcr. Gary Yar- Ndghbors watched la iisbdicf One tut ake man. easygoing. He gets ahmg is currently trial In agenu made the arrest and "hrouth* on as well with everyone, and everyone Boise, Idaho, aocuaed of shootfnt mid3y hustled Scutari into ooe of Ikes him. He was very good ta the at federal afentt last October as 10 government vehkka that aar- oonstructioo business, and we felt they drove near Ma hois romnted hia cream atucco-aad* very confident having Mm fa ne automatk pbtol used la last brick home. chane of our bunding sitaa. TVs June's murder of Akn Berg, a Jaw Moat refused to talk about their " ^ whole tUng Is amazing.** who frequent^ denouncfid white nfaunp neighbor with n F^ed Scutari, of Stuart, father of hack

S\ ' Z ' • » 'CO

^ two brocbers, «M he kad waed of the amtt when ^*^Mich- ton eilkd him. *tlo oae is Bore locked Uum w* - « ke MM. niy wife la ob JKy^** of • »«vo«« bmUowa fifbt BOW." jf^ SeuUri, KptratMl tram 2? •^r_^^ Y°^i "». looked be.WMrtd ne^ lf»>" before UB fbr his bood betriat ii F^rt nerec cbortly ifter his tncst

Smuua tfeliyed the bootf bMr- iBg tiQti) today M ScQUrl could be representtt! by tn attorney. Bot RobinaoD atid be wlli aik that SoBtari be bekS withoot bond. •XXir feeling Is anyone wbo hu been anlftlng The Order, we want to make aure tbeyre armtad.-^^ Robiaaoo aaM.

rrt^HEN aiowLCY / Miami Hw»w ' FBI afeats teke OMtneter TnMk J. ScaUri U federal

fi£SrCOPlfilVAILABU m\fi ai9(VI»v. 4-2e-«3) o


VS. protected Nans, author claims

ByAtteKotm uBSLiea tOpaPaTl OCKlITnBDg MidGnforyKtt Id ooofressioQal teveiCipton. USAT^AY The papen tadude a Hit of 100 Nazi atmlnab and ooQabora- A feraer Juittce Deptrt- ton who attetMM a South lUv- Mot hwyjcr MoDday reJotted ar.NJ^eoovestioQlBllM. fovernmeot documents he Loftus did BOt offer povenh nys ttiow State Departmest (tf- aaent dpcumeoti MMwiog that Ictats kacmlQfty brought Nazi Nazis had bees bdped tDfto the var otmioab h) the USA. USA but daiiiked the oocvcfr' Johfa Loftus, whote 1N2 ' ttOQ records proved they vere book vai the basts fbr last ,iRiateBd here. He eitimates lieetaMTs TV movte Kofok 'Soterocr Nazi coDaborators Thi BOarus Ffle, «id at his jar war oimiittb «tiU ttve here. home to RocUand, Ma&, that BeaocufedtbeFBIoThlodc- VS. oOdah overlooked Naxi IV coi^cffioQal probes — • otSEMs ta return for lafonDa* fioo on Soviets. The fiale De- denied by partment dediaed oommeat charfe theQI^ Loftus aaroed rvySSslau Loftui; OD (he Jxabct De- .KiurilorSouthRiveraaat partmafit team that huDied Na- ventioQ oriantzer. KauAaaid ds duritv the Gkrter admi&ii* fte coQveottoQ was aoti

The IMMNnQflDft Peal . The WMhirvton TiMe CMy Nm» (Nm Vofk) ytm Htm yftUkVnm . Tb% WW Slreat Jounwl Th» CNcago Trihunt . The Lot AngsiM Tfcw— The CMtttan Scitno* Mwaor U8ATo*y yA

\A >r9-8S V9 s —

O-lOfAvv. 4-26-ft3} c o Neo-Nazis weakened, FBI says P»ilic AH*. . a^.M*-* ISA TODAY

Eifhteen arrests ilDce No> member havt wttkeatd tbe USA's ''most violent'' rl^t- vtag revolutk>oary poua^Bl Avist&nt Dirtdor BlU nSer said Sunday* ^- Of tte two doses tnfTnbfn of the neo^Naa' group toown as THe Order - linked to West Coast anncmd car heists and the slaying of Denver radio penooality Alan Berg — ODly ivt remain tree> Baker said. '^e think weVe weakened the organization, certainly,** Baker said. On Friday In Bote, Idaho, a key group ntember, Gaiy Lee Ykrtrough, 29, pleaded guilty Id illegally poBsgring flrearms and ezplofiives. He still faces trial 00 a charge c^ shooting at FBI agents oo Oct 18. The FBTs Inteosivt tnvesti- ^doD" for the remaining gang members — including suspect- ed gang leader Bruce Carroll Pierce — fbcuses on Itehing^ loo state, Idaho, Ornoo, Moo- tana and Northern QOilomta, SUeraakL Tbe ftigitives are beUeved to be heavily armed ~ with large amounts qT ammunitkxL pe* aadea and dynamite.'^ ^ *niis is deroooi^ibly tte tocA vtoletKfrprDoCirii^'Wing group operatihg In thectwottry lodayrteaakL Tbe FBI also is tookbv for possible Bnks to other White su- vftmhdA poupSi such as the fiTxha Ban to the Sooth. Baker nld. n^e*re ready io gSry the boat

b Baydes Lake, Idaho, tte lbs WteNnokm Tlmw Natloas aeo-NazI Aryan CMy Ntws (Naw Yorit) Qsurch plans to coodud a bk^ Tht Nvw Yort TlriM „ Sorial service for slain white supremacist Robert J. Math- Tho WWI S»aat Jouv^ eio OQ April 20 ^ tbe i6th an- Tht Chicaoo Trtbtfia « niversary of Adolf BtUer* Th* Los AnQSlM TlniM birth. Mathews died la a sboot- The Dristiwt Sc^jc^lb out with tbe FBI near Seattle. Tbe Order Is "an oftboot or

tbe Aryas Natfoas. which claims 10 have fi.000 |ymp8tbl^ (tbe USA. Baker said. (Ow tiV- D^IS6(R»V.6.#^1) '^ CO

(kKScato paos* nvns of w«Mpcr.oayvid«Mi4 Denver Post p. 1-A

fiorfU Caippir^ m ap«t ••fcwr) Denver, CO is: 2/17/85 Ednon:

Vast dragnet TWe:

Chndar or

submMngOfsoe: Denver neo-Nazi

P/lMMKbm tocwy tor San Francioco. W^tti ^DCt Svff Wn The Order, a braathOd of menlo', Bobert Bruce ICirrpD Fierce has be- PiJrte's aUin M;Kbews. Is a neo-Nazi dan at that eic^t members of the trying to bring tnto reality ki^y held up an armored car'fn depicted in a or a Ko^Naa aDctiooal revohitioo randsco. basting tSi mUhriD IfTS book caDod *TurMr*s DU- cla^ that pobce behrve carried out spraying tJie truck with mh- rles.** according to the FBI. ^ .Uie mcassiTUtkxt of radio talk I fire. portrays a while sopre- tfkow boH Alaa Pierce Is the 4 The book Bcrf, 1 Feb. 7, Plerte was indid- madsl takeover of the United nA>ject of a federal dragnet rarely ad fbr planning a holdiq) at the {latcs through *%ombings and as- aecp itfjce the days of John DiB- main Brink*s vauK in San Francis- Sssinations against puhbc officials co. and pubbc offkeea, energy fadU- ^Fedew and state teumec fear And there are threats that the vi- ties« communications systems, Pierce ce has not ended. offices, and televttop tf we^oQS, mflboQs in auh« and a Keith D. Gilbert, leader of a fteo- * statlODS.** KcordiBC tV ptOoKftf p»*4g ^ iW«th to the Kui group in Idaho, says that May hgenls who are piimdnt him. an FBI compiatnt 1 1 vm be a day ^ great deslnc- to the book The locatioQ and dates of pofll- Part of the acheme tlOB** in commemoratioo of the Ue rKketacrim; trfab tavohli« was to ve eooBtcrfeltiqg to fw dRh annhenaiy of the death of wUle fi- TIeroe*s wo-Naal tomndes ar« the American avre&cy Addph Hitler. GQbcrt, an MOOd*. rrvoliitioa. TMner. the beli« kept matl. la port to fr«> BaadK a cto of aeveral Order menri»ra« told

in a siddde 1 vol Itoce from knowlqg whcze book*ihero, dies TlM Denver Post that te was not Ike; SR. nltf oat tasistaBt UJ.«- rai llKrty** to say what te ar his

; There is overwheJmtaig 1 aemhers intend to do on that date> Dem«r police, are eqoaBy that Fierce, Mathews and thein eitcd. Thcfr caiTeAt theory of the to Ife wl th^ RBBstofFBlHeiti? Berg homicide i thai Pteice and CObert also said that his aaaod- three other aeo4ifads hf*^*^Htf to •^Flcrct pleaded ftfty to alci are kecpii« IWs of FBI a dan caSed 1W IMer wci^ai eoviLcrfetting charges Is WasUng- agents who are tovestiptiM tte loA to IKL But he never tfiowed ^> Order. Are they hH Ksts? "I ttedt or the foor. Pkrce and that is probabty a reasonable no* kNuI Davtd Lane are • to April, the FBI hu aumptka,** CObert aald. police Pieroe« at OB ether charges. Denver chaiged, lCaBiewa» ud CObert apent five yean to Ian ttet they hold five other bdeve the answer le«st coBfeOfirates hdst- Qoefltta prison to CaUforMa tor to who actaaQy pmed down Bcfg. ISOI^IOi tntn an ilmored tnMfc ad P

D.ft|A cgical to asBBite that mydillr. Jiis ptaaet are lapldiy t^toK^Bg to pirvkwdy m^ Aawti^toadoae.** Ptoroe was reported to IMI wMk te SMtite, • iSm n*i bees OB WtodbeyUad abouti time or the sboothK. hotuiiiaia*waiat

toat the ..«. gl Ik Mrthn Mate Mathew^ death actaaOy ^ 8c hcM trW WedDCiday en rvcnmeal'a ttlMjf to aroaacato •( SecaiBe aoaae of tte cvneaee esa- .---- Ike tM icmaiidai dories Hatbairs MelJbe aecfta« Mathews aad other wo- Mfe kMruK froa a tent IB tar Naito to tte armorad csr heMto KtasUfeafNclnAaifHit' lis teiiK. iAproacbed fcim al and the Beig rtxMtiBg eoarislad of after B«s «ii Jaly II. a momh atalemfBto Mathews aOModiy •Mr IWr ISMOO pdcies lotte »0- ade to the gaveiumeBt tomm- ttat TiK Order ato^Bd a ti^« las over to WB- Saa Ftaa- j^Ubnn Jipied Itoo aimored car heist in Wttt Mathews dead, thoae atote- aad Mbn IrABlof BasJiiwct eato can be chaHrwged as haar« robbenr. aa la- Shorlly after that ay and their admisAOity to court withiB tte peo^ teBWit: placed to qiiestioaahle. proaecaiflrB to tte tafonnatta to the «ft^ amniatiaB called tbe Na- ^ffP^ g|vii« caaeaay. -» FBI. Ceae VOstoi, aa aariataat US. tkoaLAttnoe. , ledKiJjr* vnttam Itecc (apparaiUy sot A««rtla| to CM attoraey to Seattle, aald the daatt Mathews »^«W i^tcd to Brace Pierce) was the editor. »i^ could hurt the armored car caaea If Mathews who mfaor •( "Turner's Diaries.** lis htF^ *ll «u MatheWt alalemcBto "were the he aald. «Mdi became fke 'Vbte" of had the Mg aMBth.** may thng we had.** tanpltcated Minseir lathe iCattews* poop. accortliBg to Ibe Mathews Ihere*s a lot more evldeacc. J heists and a baak fBL two annor3car tag eyewttaeas ideatifiatfiea aad robbery to Deoeniber UBS. hIT^ pot Mnaeir aad Pierce dxwlinK scene. Tkree wcdcs after tbeir lives at the Bcis la tte Berg case, the key cwi- SwevSF.Mathews- death in late vevc taorcd. tte annored car deace to the MAC 11 and whBtevcr tavecUgatioB nucfa keistsbesuL AccordiBS to aa FBI IM made the testimony Irem bformaals caa be cwnptotnt, Mathews, neroe. Par- norediffieulL admitted. So tor. ao OBsJu^tga Boder. TaitroKgh. and Duey aad chsrgedtathatcaae. «veral otben drew thdr giffli dnr- ftH the robbery al a Seattle naO Ob Now. K •«wfi««2!* Yartroogh la a ron- aad held > a tftD rcadiBS. "Gel Mathews and pfflbattk aa- •leryeaaie.'* taal Orcn "total- A Yartroj^hM;«e» eou later food that a car foed to wtich escaped with a la the tSO0.aOO robben had tnrri and Mathews hand. BTcbaaed by Brace Pierce buiki wound to the houaes • UdeoiiU - vcre for tM three days before, accord- SaW prtortty tor Ibe CWf as hw to Men] documeAs. BOW Jhe act t^htcaed. Federal Oa JaS It; UM. Dcovcr talk STfedenl TIetoder ghow hoA Alas Bert Aove lis AKomeBls Aowed that In Voftawatea caovcttlble Irto the fCBtodtteae houses to Wmtny homes were Mvcway of his townbouK le cast told. Waili. Five other ana cf Exad^ how nuuqr people itatod to the MouBt Hood DcBvcr. eaittemtod there vaJtiBf for Mn Is >- Orcfoa. Pkrc* had bB^ sal* houses to SahBoa. Ida- arayed with boDete aceato caraerad Mathew* fired tnm a MAC 11 FBI at his wS^ Uaad UdeoA tar. aad FBI police aeoa besaa noaded by tow enoen lor Laae after aa to- Ssaa^h£o|ten.llathm^ fcrmastToM them Laae anay have kfetfy And a atodtoc fto H twdr*"** a weapoos After aceato llreda flare toto fhehouscft' tottei made to the Betf ose HtO FBI before the Aoeteal, to a BMBto fot toto a tfttotout wtth aSrOy lypewrilUa aate, Yvtroogb at his Saadpobil, Idate. foar-page am aol fDiBg home OB Oct It A search of Yy- lUthTM wratori prem the a^arrytK toto lidii«. rather I wO brouj^'tlB&tf revealed wjMltiB case. Inside the case WIS the MAC FBI aadtot them kaow Dotog Naaedtokffll tte to become the hntod. 25 t^MW V« •: # ge B-3, "THE KAHSAS CITY TIMES**, TAHSAS CITY, WO. 9Wk)unt Clppt^ In 3/9/B5 sain FBI arrests man suspected IIORTOW TM, JACKIE LEE of taking loot to neo-Nazis

ikrti^ttld « FWtey «ftk«d Mr. bood peodint hu "*»^ gPllINGri£LD. Mo. — FBI Hortoe held wtCboOl 19 2B-86 rMBBoval to WithfrBrtotoBoi^ bts kftder rf the righl-vtoft vfe a^ ttroe d^Sdren, Mr. Dovbb- aact, Bofaert Mathews at Metaltoe ptfliaki. ruu. WmL.. dtod to a shoof^out with U^ Macsstrate Janwtf Fintf'inrf to the FBI at Whklbey Island. Wash.

r»i Da.f BEST COPY AVAILABli XFJLT ^t the end ofa longdrivrway. It manned by armed men. swBs- A handful of new canreuiists disturbs the peace. i cpnteheainrcd.whiteandblBe rfp^*fa»g their loyahica. Ob special pcrAed on a cui^t 1^ with Cordoo Kabl. tbe tioos. *This is a small cadre of indtvidoak oocasiont rifiemen are They where BBticB*! motf fiocorioQS tax evader, is a dedicated to violence [and] engaged in para- lower catwalk rfKvve the idd the Con- ooDOtlc bimLcr oTa brmbooe balTbaned mflitary activities.** Tbe right-wing revoh is the US. Bag Bies aknnide aMl the ia tke acrabby htOf oTBortbeastcn Arkas- aaodeled after a crusade io the fantasy novel federate fiag. the Bonnie BhK church of- aaa. It mine of IMX tad the Nank Da- .** written by Ameri- Nazi swastika. In the tiny pihd tota&nnerhadbeenoatherBarittcefcderal can aeo-Kazi William Pierce, a former ioe. stacks ofhate Elcratme are iiifT^^w tried to arrat him for probatioa physics professor. In the book an army besidesoovcnirtiechsps.beh bockks iriobtioin four nootht before. Kahl, ti, a of whiie^n^remacist snperpatriots over- and coffee mugs; one prominent pnm- member of the paramifitary aftthai froop throws a tyramica! American government pUct.tstled*n:heAryanWarriorrpor widi a poldeB TdMe Qmhatitt, had eKap«d after ktUtng and—«fter a murder spree against Jews and ^ idealized soldier armed two oftccn and wounding three Bkorc This other nan*Aryans, followed by the nuckar aword and two bolts of hi^tniag, his black- n tine Bort Aaa 40 kw-cnfcrcciDeal oftoen destroctioo of Israd—ushers in a *'Ckris- l^t^ffj (x3t f*"***y«*>f into sstamaKm Soviet hammer Acirded the hideoot Sheriff Gcoe Mat- tkn** paradise. It is a scenario that writer dragon embossed with the thews boDed throo^ tbe doorway and Murray Kemptoo describes as *^ few Mike and sidk and the Jewish Star ofDavid. roOing timbefed ridge, is Ae Kahl stepped out frop behind a frfrifefator Kammen fed their rifles and in tve Nearby. OB a ptftor Richard G. Rider ef MdsbaChimBtheride.AsMatthewv&ta)* years the worid is free.** church where his oomradft Nations preadies his ffoapd of Isr wonded, crawled away, However surreal, the scenario has Oe Aryan lahed dK bnaker with aotoixiatic-wcapaBS c^Cured the attention of fiedcral in- wUtcChristiansttpremacy.lewishvfflainy "nVho^Deo- Md HftotcuB tsz, igjiitiiiji ah 'aflEUBtnutioo vcatiptive agenciea. Though minus- andgovenmcnt treachery. talka afaowt ^om tarhriMidr FTi4rrrrt*^^*^^****'^"«t*»**^ cule and without the netwoih ofqrm* laraSon of Independence made UDsnd farafanoct twoboonbitted tbeiky puthizersthat thefiringeleft enjoyedin peopk,*it*sBOt talking aboutanatioB [or] the Sovi^ Bec a suniDer storm. KahTt remains were the late 1960i and early *70a, the ex- fcAiia. Africa, India ent baaed Uestiied by dental pbtea. treme right has evolved into a sophis- Union.** he says. *That*s a docum ticated terrorist operation with oeOs. OB a Christian people. We have TheaBommtoTDec. 7. 19S4. aD shippcnf a^e houses, communication blinds watched like fri^tened sheep as do- oaPo^ Soa&d*s Admiralty Inlet was halt- and &be ID'S. Indeed, the FBI has gooden sniveling about the under- ed, an bw-levd air traffic in tbe area divert- made a top priority of the Silent privileged gleefully grabbed our chil- ed. Dosacu of federal agents, their &oes Brotherhood, a breakaway &ction of dren by the nape of the neck and bhcitBed axkd bodies clothed in camouflate tkt Aryan Nations white-cuprcmacy rubbed their &oes in fihh to create fioifuest moved in on three smaQ homes oo group. aiMl has arrested 1 1 ofits mem- aquafity.** Wkidbey Ishnd, a 4S-fflile stretch in the bers and associates in tbe last several TheundergirdiiigofButkr'stcadk- aoond aorth ofSeattle. Trapped inside were months alooe. Brotherhood dtsc^ile hif is Identity theology, a movement licmben ofa peo-Nari fomiDapoop dut Gary Lee Yarbrough was convicted founded in 1946 by Ku Rhu Kkn doctrines frpufffrfi mirtwm ts many names—TbeOrder, last week in Boise. Idaho, ofassaulting organizer Wesley Swift. lu The White American Bastion, the Silent FBI agents. The FBI has found the argue that Jesus Christ was an Aryan, Bktitherhood—«a true bebeverv Brocber- group's footprints in more than a dot- not a Jew. that the lost tribes ofIsrael other Ary- hood members were nspects in violent en statea. ''As &r as numbers go, they were the An^Saxon and ^y^m^Hl^^i^yttj^Kant MTMtTmnrerf-earfob- arc fiurfy insignificant, but there's an races, that the United Sutes is fccrics^-ooe in Califomia that netted S3.6 enough of them that they have a eer- therefore the Promiaed Land, and aflboo aaid ibt 19U murder of Dcsver tain capacity to spread their vooa,** that Jews should be destroyed as the mSo-talk-sbow boat Alan Berf. Oneby Of»e mys ReveH •They are probably even children of Satan. *ldcntity recog- fheysarrcDdaed—OLoeptror Robcn Math- ax)re violent than left-wing terrorists nizes that now we're Israel We don*t ews. 31» tbe |?CPiip*ft founder. After 35 hours and possibly a greater threat to the have to phy pansy with Jews over ofnefociatiott aikd inlermittent eichanfes kw-eoforcement community.** bere,** e^ains Ro^. Swift, who died ofavtomatk-weapoos fire, the afenu Ufht- 20G: Violenoe has always been a in 197Q, prophesied in the cari^rfSOU «d the boose with fiares. In tbe ensuint gun tool of right-wing extremists. Tradi- that soon **therewiDnotbeaJewjnthe b«Rie» a ire bcobe out, igniting ammunition tioaaDy. victims were individnsh Mark United States-«Bd by that I asean a aks* Mathews was burned to death. A aMn swinging from the cottonwoods, lews lew that win be able to walk ortalk.** revealed an arsenal of stores. The new B^ahs Identity attracts a stranfe I of the homes k the rubble of£rd)ombed and a sntx of apostles and variatiatts , opkcives and ammunition radical ri|^t.howevcr.hastargetedteUS. amny __jt^ed Nov. 25, 1W4. entitled MMmmesu whid k ca&s the ZOG. or OB its theaae. IK^niam Fottcr Gale, a «Dedaratic» of War.** It caDcd for the a* Zionist Occupational Govcnmcst The Somker eosones ufno se^vao UBoer ecvtioo offederal agents, congressmen and Kkn m dk "ak made a mistake thinking Gen. Douglas MacArthur inthePhil- that eva resided in men who came home kyines^prrarhfs from his Ministry of Slooocladed.'Xetthebattleb^gia.'* dmk or in Kegroes a^ walked em the Christ Ghurd b Mariposa, Oslif. In vrong side of the street,** saw Kiaaaan one taped sermon he said, ^TSaaan The battk already has. The eitreme ri^ Thomas Kobb. publisher of The Torch r^rmteachiug violence! God said evfl is coeaing you*re it that way. It's about hsa grown a new revolutionary ann^ It cm* newslencr. Today we see the gonna do time . braces white saprcmadsts and snrvivalists; out ofthe feovcmmcnt To go out and shoot a aoeEiebody is tdling you to get violent," trkger-happy tax rcsisten and neo*Na2is Negro is foolish. It*s not the Negro in die ^utcy. You better start making doiaiurfc, whobeSeve **Mcin KampT is the last book nOey who*s rtspondUe for what's wrong nama. addresses, phone numbers, car^i- of ^ Bible. Thou^ few in number, they with this country. It*s the tnttors in Newsweek «t schooled the arts of war. heavily Washington.** armed and iflcspired by a cockeyed, rrvisioo- la the forefront of the new aainia- Page 23 Aryan NatiaBS ist Chrrtfian theology kxtown as Identity. tries of hale is the March 4, 1985 These are not a bunch of kooks sitting 0t)up. On Rimrock Road, amidst the around comtcmplatittg how they can show Snowy fidds ofKootenai CbuntyJaM (*^ aoBK muscle*** says Budi KcvdI. assistam outside Hayden Lake. Idaho, a ncntly ^^^^ Q^director in charge ofcrimittal investiga- kctcredsignprodatiu the entrytothe u ^ /ngni» Kii-wai^ «w»*o]jm»«'— • fto^wevex, lau n^i-wxu^ , ocikvt BnzDbcn on every wo p m Jew**w rim••w« r iec, very inteOij^ utheWeathcrUnderground.theSym- tfmk&i:** Yet GakdepkircsButkr'sm iris escalate. "There are young, .jKlibcratiaBArmyaAdtheBfaicklJ)- wppnmAL^ On the other hand, Kjbq^K Knt white Aryan people who are starting tiMp^ realizing that it is Army—have proved capable of bm found Botkr acK Nazi enoQ^ Gilbert, oome forth mstsn^ivdy. cntioo trouble and attracting attention oot who icrved tve years iB Sm QmtiB lor a CheeacterminatiooortheaAiteracethatisthe causing Butler, Tom ofaO proportion to theirsixc or real poweria pioi to expbde 1^400 pooDck ofdynimite goal of our adversaries,** mys dnriii|a^eedibyMBrtiBL«EthcrKiQ|'r.to Stozgcr, a former Cahforaia KKK grand Ooa- lUrtad his Rotored Church oT dragon and a Democratic nominee for SSAKK rrAUt viia COOaCH aAlHE«HMto tfh^ Fui B'ritlu fATWcSAiUNO agrees. He says violence has ^^^ft,IO«N McOOilMlCK md lcratChrvtiaPoaFaIh.MfthaKeprnch. greas in 19ta GMoM. VINCCKT OOrrOLA Aftawk be more te « ^at Hiskr vtf the ftacsnatkn of the baDy oabled the estreme right to the butt of the ElAJNESKAKNONii Wi H ipw prophet El9ikb. that niesiKamprbeloDfs than just ""the pimpk on ... philosophy ^theBibUcalcaaoBa&dthatMay ] of conservative aaovcment no and thtnk- thisycar—Che40th«iinivcnaiyofthe has ever gained power by writing ^>.«>.^,,>^ of Hitler's death- httaboutit** , br viD hcsiD **lhe tcrrUe day of To enhance its fighting capability ^ tii^t is recmtting in the natioo's jails. The apocalypdc Yiskm a central to George Stool, a Texas Aryan Natiom and is ex- Identity theokfy. thoni^ in a variety Klan leader, says the prison n^work more than oTaocnarios^ Suiiftimcs it*s revoiu- lensive; in one teias prison ak»e, Naticns mail- tioB apintt aa evil U^ t^ivenuDcnt; 900 mmatcs are on the Aryan supporter Docmy other times it*s the communist men- iag list. Aryan Nations in a Teaas ace snrpE^ ^ Ctob 14eiico or down Harvey, who is sernng 34 years filed a free- ftoBi Chsdula. in any itiaae,:Ac troops maximum-security priKm, has that he was est aakiai themsdvca tcady. The dom-of-religioo lawsuit alleging Identity doc- Christian-Patriots Defense League, denied the right to practice an Identi- bd by John KarrdL a aootbera IDi* trine or to have voiu from imagineT* says Gil- Boismilliooaire, holds an annua! sum- ty minister. **Ckn you a on death row in Ohio mer testival at its 232-acre *^o-Ark bert, •^e've'goi guy let him have a copy of Sarvival Bne** m hCssoori Last and they woo*i even year's meeting attracted 600 peopk to *MeinlCampi . sutes aigue for hot essioQS on tayrebeOioa, fnt aid and Authorities in many the radical right In Wisconsin the survival educatian and stills nccesr porsust of SKist prominent aary far a streak that, HaneO saya. Posse Cocnitatus*s two impersooatxng public wis be **vone than Vietnam.** Ckd. Doo E. leaders werejailed for headquarters RichanliOB, a XCissouri Hi|^vay Fatrol ofidah. As a resuh. Posse of Tiger- apedabst i& ri|}kt-wing ffoiqia. mys HaiieQ there—*'Oonstitutiao Township evolved from a vigilante is recTDitini sckcmbeTS whoovn airplaiies in too DeDs**—has ghost town. order to buQd his own air fieet . stronghold into something ofa people and The Aryan Nations* twcHlay summer *nVhenever we stood up to Posse bear. 9 times out cooircas, accordinf to a aoorce at the B*nai brought the forces oflaw to Wisconsin At- Vritb's Anti-Dcfamatioo League (ADLX of lOthey bwAed off,- said incfuded dcmcutratioitt of fuerrilU skiUs torney Geikeral Broosoo La FoUette. Poase Kaxtsas &rmers was such asbuildina bcffrvf rna^lf tf^^^'^tKH^ 4*^ recruitment antoog police presenceat vices, planting ez^odvca on bridges and hamperedt^avery visible General Rob- raiboad tiicks and igniting gasoline in city bxm sales. Kansas Attorney the group acwcr systems. Gordon (Jack) Mohr, the 69- ert Ste^Aan says he confronted and anti- fcar-oid far^pdier geDeral in KarrcO*s auh- wbhcly to reveal -how despicaWe American their messageof tta who gave the kttons m sabotage, says Kansan and anti- haUwas.**Headds,*Vistoryhasshownthat that the iDstnxlioii is for aelf-^lcfcnse coty. hate and violence doo*t The ADU howevti. is skeptical 'Ifthcy'te those lAo pread runningaooaraeoBastaleofwaragainst the sarviveweOinthesimlight.*' Donald Min- VS. fovtnmenu** says David Lehrer. ardCtev: But Posse leader rekasedafterllmooths ADL regional coimsel m Los Angeles. 'te niecheske, recently kaWiscoainprisoei,insiststhePoaseisstia cot shcnld be riwfkgd arhen the paopk being tai^goout anddowhat they*vebeea ioorishing—only vndergroond. And hau have pfoved ea- talkmg stem.** The ADL gpes tether^ pottps gone vDderground the past IrooicaUy, chargingthat at a ipeeting last year at Stooe troDsdy dangerous to weakness* not lioqnfain.f?a ,atraditiooalKJanptheripg aoy threat now stems from Reagan revohttion has drawn rice, aone ri^-wing leaden decided to strength. The sympathizers imo the new adopt violent, irvoMiaQanr tactics. The many for-iidit FBTs Xevdl would say ott|y that *N»e are coeiicrvatrvtmainstfeamand.JBtt radical- awareofsuch a mttti^g.*' end *fi(h£dtotfiefcfkwing.fttrther leavingthem moreahen- Tlm|W This is the start of another iaed dkediehards— witch bust,** argues Robett Miles, a former atedanddespcrauthaaevcr.Thehardcore by them- KKK grand dimgon and now pastor of the pretty much wind np out there Vincent Ryan, inanaging edi- Moontaia Church ia Ooboctah, Mich. selves,** says Spotlight, an infiuentia] pt^bca- Miles, who served six years in federal priaOB tor ofThe His for a plot to blow ap sdkool buses dkortly lioB of the extrcsne right. P^^*& been ahoosi in half, to bcfort cooit-ordered basing was to begin in csrcalatioa has cm without*^ Carterloposhanmad.** Pontiac ICi<±^ ooooedes tfwse is *1alot of IMiXXA the ti^-wing menace may DunicatioB, a fee ofdiacuasioQ,** but fto Bat while prove no threat to the govemmeBt of dte onfttrtTBcy on cartl^* he *TWy t)UtedStatea(or even, says dieADL*sIrwin '^ gc'venuncat of Ldte, a Burror image of ks cvcnr SmA. **1D die Hayden |daho*0 it canikot be measured b^ aaaahen past couple of ^ 'Themiial fta oppcaiciua do ^ Over the decades dk Cri^ W».

• p. . MIL.


.Stories that mode waetenrf mw$ RAndaD E I^er. a routed member of a violent white •ippcmadst orjantatiau vas arrested Fttday by FBI •rats ta SWaae. Waab. -*^

Tha WashinQton Poat _

Ttia W^aNnfllon umaa CMy Nm» (Naw Yortt) Tha Navr York Tknaa . ThaWtf SaaatJoumH Tha Chteaoo Trtbi«a _ ThaLoaAngalaaTlMa Tha Crvistiwi S^snqf Montor USA Today ^g^ a-S-.B'S ^ a ?r^•J' . \y

BOISE. i<»»^-»*«:*ifSi^^ Idaho Sutaroan zr^onm Fridiy mw to^minton believed Walter Eari Wi^.C^ was kilted last J^j!^^^ Or- kc coukl DOC iMf) >ea«ts about The at der Wayne lilaxxU. an f .B.l afcnt that .Coeur d'AJw. Idaho. «Bnrmed It. W€*ft- ^i*Wtarancel^l^ was beina treated as a homiade fcut was a Sit the 5irt*u would not »ay ft >^nin| try neo-Nazis.

The WathlnQftan Tenea Otfy Nawt (New Vi The New York Timesr!i0D^i TKe Wia Skaet Jotetwi The CNoeoo Trtef>e ^ The Loe Angelee Tbeae Tba Chhatiw) Scienoe USATodiV


0-19 (n*v. 4-26-63) Mjm€APiJl%. 20 Held in 7 States in Sweep of Nazis *i:'r—

Arming for 'War' on U.S. •IL -^ Ky WAYNE UNG The last Jhk Id wfakh a doaeo DCS wtth atK BOUSTON. Mtfti a — PMml tomstk weapon took S3.i mDlioe hwi Mcott knwttfRUot « wiMd mo- as armored car at UUah. Calif. Ite Nui croim ttet itok more tbu $4 mtt* Jaderal aotfaorittaa have arrastad aev- IfcoB ID fiMttx % **wmr" aytintt tte araJmemben oT the Order aad are Uatod Sutas te>w ftirvud iwn than aaektog ocfaere. Aooorthiu; to ao affidavit filed hk ood- ^^ve ncovcrvd ttttte of the ectioD wttE s reoueat lor s search war- nut, the aathMttiae beUeve mach oT thestotcpmopey may bave been put Id Jhef iJt rrirtnt tey Cgorw Id the aafMSepoaSt boBces or aacretad od a greup aflar imsu aod tottctnMnta Id fariD at kne. Wash., pm chased by a JUftbu^ CftlifaniU. Idaho, MooLftoa, aao the aftkUiTtt callt the ''haflker" H0» Mcxioo. OrtvoD and.Waifai)QCtaiL far the Order. SoEnhen dT the gnxip, kaoAvB m oe • The af&dsvtt, prepared by James Of^, or tte SikPt Brotfaertpod. hare Davis of the Spokane o(5ce of the bavK ^'^'^ ao anoad ntibcrtaa .€ F3.I., was based od iDtematka from teaks aad ansorad cars. oouDfterfcH* ftwiafbrmen, tnrlttrttia two wtio are lag, armed attacii cp Facteral offlrtab aaid to have partkrtpatsd ta the Ukiah aaf the kOUM oT Alan Bar^ koA or a luuuBjy. Dasvcr uftnovr. FMetal invaatifaton aay at laaat The Infcs mcn aak) a mao who has Ibar meo^en of the Order took part Id been Ideotif&ed but DOt yet Indictad was iWfeta] dwCiDC of Mr. Ben oitbde gives the code oame 'llartics'* and KDcsm borne last Jwe ll asstgoed to parori out mopey stotep Id robberies to buy arms, vahkies, ear- J ta a Gnad Ivy vtval gear and real hideouts. fiiAs aiT also beiz^ sooght brt waui the tafbrmen had the Order and armed rii^isi grave the affidavit said aad tbe told iDvtttigatots the map^would act aaek m the Kb Kha CUd i • "^ partictoate directly Id robberies or Americaa Nazis, asd nnicb of the Infor- other Okfal acts but rattier would rs- matka Is beida cooveyed to a FaderaS maifi fa) me backgrouDd as *'bazkker/' paadto> feaSaatUa. holding and CQCcaalix^ the prooaeds of The Jury is lookitti Into the poasfbU* 'the Order's' llkgal acttvttks." Ity or a broadly tiaaad rightist extreD- According tp the affldavn, i ii^ ttwca>em dedicatad to anoad as- of the Orfler Btec a idookd arter the liaalt OD the CoveruoMott which the ai- Ukiab rvbbery and Mr. Mathews,' the tffy>^p»y w^MWrf^^ has basD takn over leader, authnrlxad payment or IC.IOO 10 each acdve partiqpant to the robbery AzDODt thoae caOad before the }«ry, aad SIO^ each to sappcrt-peraoniel. accmdiog to a source doae to the ki- *The balaaoe was to be held for fntore qotry. was lUcbard Cina Botiar. m of the Orderr the affidavtt aayt. yaan old, head or the A/yaD Nattaoa, a hife oa&tiajd'grtut) based Id BaydoD n MnBflfi

The source said Mr . Butter had beep One taformer aald more thBD SI mU- asfcad about his retattaaatdp wtth aooie BoD dollars was ddWcrad to the *lMk- Order mecDbcn who wttt to or had ar^ *nD be aeottad oB his torn wtil besB to the Aryaa Hatfoos aad hava heeD charged with robberies. Several Ad Aselstaat Uottad Sutas Attoney af the mm, tododlQg Robert Mathews. ta Seattle said oDly about Sm^oeotakao SI, the fcimder of the Order. w«a 4a* acr&ad as "henm** hy Mr. BMler. BHom robberiea had

''Ihey spcot a lot od can and 1 trtea,-* aald. «Ve're to the Mathews was and be pro^ The Washin0tor^ Poet Mr. fclDad Dae i aa n aasofaddl^ltaOiV*'* blaod to Pi^et Soimd whee a honea The Wsshin0toA Tvaaa where he was hidiog was set afire by ^^.mcasage as the Aryan NatioBB* a Daly News CMaw Yi fiare dropped hfxan a heUcoptsr of tha nCtbcrty Netwuet,'* a cooputoetosd Federal BOTau of^lgveatleato^ Be .buDecto board, armooDoed that a sae* Ths New Yorti Tlrnas.ISSkiJ-^lP morial ** hadfiredasunmarfitnegunatFadsna to Robert Mathews. ft aadum Ths WsS Sbnaat Joumsi Qghter aad talk hero.** woidd te aoc qp. aCfioers who sorrouDded the bouaa. ICr. The ChicaQD Trfetfte Butler was also reportad to have *.«. "Cta h,** the message says, ^tfeK ta. Ths Los Angelas Tlmae J aakad to tuTD 9ver Bs meaiberafaipUst, aototlGD wfD teckaSe the wortls, "aot which be has said has as maoy as f.000 the first DOT the last. ^ The Detwort was Ths ChrUer^ Science Monitor sat 19 by Louis Ttaam, a Ka Dux USATodey Federal agents *'«w^fart^tj their nanareap afTllistad with the Aryan aearch for fl mfflioD said to teve b*Tf* Natku. takea from bajaks and amocad oaia l» mefl^bess of the Order to fi*****^ tftatr the >3>gy W TO AL .

>550(fWv ^e-ei)


The Seattle Times B-1 Seattle, WA (Ma^ Cftppng m om 3/3/85 Edtton: of dinti whlOB tavc Probe of n tinted to Ckt «Mto^ mipreoMcM group. Audionrioi tty THo Orte^ «tf [TWt neo-Nazis M ^ by Roteft J. Mithrvt. BRINK ROB; ct ftl 4manf t&trt. to bo • notkm) undoTfTound orpuUatlon ttrinf spans U.S. fMrrttU toctici to nnanct vortouo whitoH^^iOTOcyiniupOi^Aptoto lOOA-33198 Ctesinccbon TkHM SubmMtng Offc« Seattle TbeprnbebepA qoMy on the EtfCCdMlMC! ktdtjono with iDODcy frotn tnned robberies; rocniH. -^ To due. ^ «iriM5in»te eOeflBd "enemies and, llDsUy, tbc hsve S^T^' BienllU movemeat baelf and form an piaoned te toi tht pumA ol ^mv. AkDg^ way. Ibe Order ate the Nortfi S^iniutin of Jein and other mtoorMes and kNazIi STOUP JUBOC tte or the "Ajyaa nee." of JewMi talk '. Last D«*inber oo Whidbe* «"* JStS" Alan Beri, and o nipg of anaod ™ itxoenfli k wnics XDcn ooa ov vas dated Novn. iSC •«* »Mtiged^rl2p«iflw, - tehidinc Mathews, who descrited tbeoueives as So ter. pobirie hair« bon U ripmntatim of die Ai>an Resstaace KovcBMOt. arreitod in eigtit xatoi ca a by The DeiiverPwt variety e( chargea Wonmias oito . .IB the (toclaiattai. obtained memben^prwnlse tomall lor oevgml fttaWvm, mpo rf kit week, the resistance tt^ii'tftf Journalists, banken. aonen. ' idflDtittei resialB Mcm. Pt Judces, who fot to their ' lue lot vaak. the FBI ^^MemStS^^^

itet M iti tiMtfeig tte memben oT Coopeas. or M Miho OMB as The dedarmtian addresses oT betrayal in Vietnam, subeervience • BMTdci aad to am i^nc them allowing the Soviet Unioo to fain tki« tovv^^dOD or nt 16 lawk, and Tte jnf tettem tl Anui Mooa OBTd ^"nSttSenvcomes. we wfll not ask whetfaer the tiAi Ol whether you 8W«| to tte WAhcr Eul Woit. 43, 9QU swint to by your mSkr the firon bli RaStWi rimpr»wtel y« dadarstiao says or cancreasmen. Mir. «« • IB addition to threateni^ lawmaken, k lays that t of Wtyae Mtoto of 'ISS. My •'aaent oT the Zianisi OcooatiaD Gwenunt KcDora sttrfbutod to > llalb Mneriea** wfll be "canCuerad to be our «Noy. IM tovMtlflitQr aid !T^«e wto t»to tt **«,*SSJ ffJiL2l2?S My bftvt he is tatcBtianny. wflttbOy and activ«iy we ooaader to could oat The•HE tae our moctal sMBiy.** _. 'fttiionwfflh»«tedHkedoB.tbepg«f»ld.-... ThelaiseaciietavwcjpttoBd «Mi theae things said; let the batdebcita.^^ The Older aptMBtly sanad Ihi .^j-^***^ peoaecaton »«P««^ •£• ^NLS* Jtae with the arnit of S>vM^«tf *Aumi steo of pnpailM a rackeiecslni todkiii iwii iSo^i£ iZtiStVnS :SSSSJSlSS&^ 4ei(iik.lCajtfeNs. who later plead- JKays ider to a oteiB^IJ^flSPflK "P *; I "f «d floiky to caaterMt-mcM ^^^ * ^m.^f^hJ^'fSJSV,£^M£ rgea.repo(tadlyaitadaalwiili J& ease of The^dcr. the titmcl the crtataal ^^^Hto odMiMe fcr Mv- ^Ctetpciae would be political levoiutiaB. protocttoB and a fit « Mote tten a telf dcoen aumctad neo-Nads are aeotenos • thiae yeair probadsii ketoa aoi^ by Metal audnrWes for vocttc - »fartinez apparvotly ar«id to fflU lVeOf£-. an extreoiist aptiotcr Boop oT the pttrvfde informatiao about a Nonh- idrit»baaed Aiyaa NatiODS Church, to believed by west-based neo-Naxi soup with guihorfties to have between S and S members. aeektaa thoae plans to oterthi oo Ai gpven- • OflSdals emnhastse that tfwy are ««..._^., who teve commitied dimes, not the Aryan Nations Authorities ^ _ «fl bm csnflnB or ^•""^'"^/>ww»4. ttaelf deny tr the PhUadeWM aam played a pivotal role to the oaity «aces or die OMo. W»»t ^ it known to that If Maf^ thiei did inlUtiate tht Order, bto As appears on copy. iMIBl£ ^•. OOj ai$( M •V rv

Thrae waab before tte UUah robbery, a of The Orter teve bast baked to tte annt tar a Nebraska inaurence ooopaoy was tytag lut unmer o( DcDver ndk> talk to COBW to Mathews' Eastera WasUncton hone te tenoMlity Alas Ben. who was kiUed by BMkcfaiDe-fJD MetaUne PaQs. Pnd OreOle County. Ite lawnaoe home last Jooe 11. Betf was & oudde kte Pamanter n. vtem ai^iM ladan. aoent mat with Mathews, Denver Daw •atntcD la hk Lae Yaitroufh and they are inaat amdous to Bruce CamO Pierce. Gary : tbemaD authorttitt »y Kandolph Geor|e Du^. and sold a 190.000 policy to tt Bnicc CaiToU Pierce. «bo k beUevwl to have each of tte five men. Mathews. wtebAtfht two lor over the rete of Ibe Order after Mathews' himsetf. paid tar at least taur of tte polides to cash. Duey llBtod tte wives of Mathews and Yaitrauah as . T%o wMks aftt. » Sib F)«Bdaco fladetal mad hto takefldailes. while Mathews Uatad *imtom tadtdad Pierce and two fonner Brink's cnploy- In Piene*' and "Jote Ireland" as his beoefidaiiaa. fp't** Meal $30 mUUan 6tn the main t*wi t to and fttat heist was Mathews told tte insurence man that Pierce Jt'i vault Id San Francisco. Ibe pianoed Ireland were officials of an ornniatian knows as tte quad off after Mathews* death, autbortties say. *TiatiooaI AOiance." which k a white-aupreoadat lad to Atom tt» way. t^ investiptian has 0oup beadquartered to Wasfatoftan. D.C^ according atre«s ta^Sving people who Boampertebmi wch totteFBL teoctadly Wo^to sympathetic or^niatiaDS. Tlu'ee federal afencies — tte FBI. tte Bureau of wtfieBtt IDi?iaait Saattle federal courtpapm Akotal. Totecco. and Firearms and tte Saoct relocate fntow M»w ttet Mathews had intended to Service — teve been tovolved to tte ( KjctfawMt^ the Southeast or S«ithwett and Mtahlish a aew *!» haae.- lani oarWn where tte foverament totands to ^ ,^,«^ .««. a. have eamressed satisfactKm with oe suaects, a)tbou|h Seattle saesM a Authorities Mout proeecute tte of arrestt but a» are less optimistic Udy choloe. TteU^. attoney's offloe here dacltaes the telk ol .'$ dmnaa of recovcrtBt to confirm It, but deftese attorneys tar neo-Nazi robberies in .„ ^ oOiaB taken la two anDoredcar suspects to custody here teve said ttet they teve VaUiinfton and Calilbnla last year. been told by Seattle federal proaecutocs ttet a uoacccuDted_^„.^ A lane amount of money remains lacketeerl&t Indictiitent is comtaf. clQoeto fcr and p(&»biy always will be. saM a source Racketeertag charges also could te brou^ to San has ^^*^CSoritie» believe much of the tnoney Frandaco. where U people Unkad to Tte Order teve been accuaed of partidpatiQi to tost Jtstft |U have Saudk wanants indicate that tfaoae airesied mOUon lobbey of a Brters armored track. consuracr freely on autoonobfles and penooal Stat oeoQle, scene of whom also teve been charfad appU- L todudiat vtdao equtpoem and major to tte SiA Francisco case, teve bees charied by tte sbanrtnnwd as soon i tui "Mfilwu^i" that were U.S. attontw's office to Seattle with partidpatinf to their tnil. MOCOOBts thou^ tte FBI was on last April's 000,000 robbery of a CootineDtal Armored Other inoney apparentN was i5«t to hw»rtJd« Traovort truck at Northfate. purchase Ufe-inwnnce aad hk tte baw hm aao to -r.

For eanvle. thrw vehides uaad by nbbos in tte Caw., fU BilUan heist of an armored truck to Utaah. Sa Ji*r were nurdtased by three men wte Sw^'m ads'isis s eovckipe»^^i:r^^js^mmotnom HJDOO kk cub mtfed fci ft «Ute

TJ. 21 -3- it


ki irtiich I •MdtoTkit

13 22. » , iT

TtracUng tht Mo-Nttte

ideology Crimes laid to web of suspects with white-supremacisl Lm Yvtrough. 2B.ofS«tdpoM.ldaho: aJ«taBOya.*S.ol^p. Ifichaai Sianiay Nonla. . aQ«ymmmd Nov. 24. 1W4. 25. or Norttiport Ala.. In Portland. Chargad wWi aa- UtareJan, aauMna a fadaral offioar m 10. 1965. Cbaraad wHh baing 8«)dpoM k) Odobar. Alao a «> aooaaaory K Vw l;i^for IbgNiva 1863 oounlartalt- * ( on a UkwS[iob.lnouatodyln8p»^ tia 93.6 mHfen UUHi Job tnd , mo thmg$ in Oraoon. Alao «llhh«borineBobartJ. c&gad with t)alSoo.OOO rob- awa. a^rfla aupramactall Off Annend baiy a Conlinantal QAndiwr V. BarnNI. wtwdMinaahoeloiilwllh^ Tranaport mc. Iniok « Noftt^ o»norida.«T;rt^J»- nri^anlK on WMdboy Hlvtd 9Bla Mai In 8a«ma on ««(• SS, 7.1986.lnKiiagi.^ laai Oac 9. MSttwM alae w» 1984. and w« ba ehargad «Wi intiaUKlihand ttta t3.6 mMon rabbary of a Soottia lob ««jnS: a.Bluai BrM't «inorad tuck m UMaU, V"25rMen- oTSaattta CKy tM^ Job. In cualody m 925.000 fobbanr Cam., on July 19. itM. pre ~ Mnnia Aldan Oftoa. on '^•cutora aaid. In oualody In HaroW Kainp. f Mvjji^ssassiA??^or a coranamai at- , rr-u Richard Tranaport mc. tuek on Oanvar Daw Parmanlar I *" «d Jan. 7jl995. *» KaH- 16.1064.NorTfaiBln II. 32. or ChanM.i( ^Hl ioal Montwia. Chargad In In •d Dm. It. ^m. In SJ'mSSnlJW-* Job. in cua- Ore. Charead wNh ttia J lody h Momana. W00.000 SaMla Job and wNh «ta S3.e mMon tMah tab. In 23 n .^,.— "A.. , '^l o

Frank JonM, 26, OoMng stolon proporty, ofNorthport Alft.. ar. UUihloot At • htffway raatoonaarvwrajan.rMlvd nMr #iw «lwi. »«»In kliho. 10. 1996. Charoad wWi baing CTL Eric T<»n«b*y. ». of an aocaaao ry aftr Iha fact tor 1^1 BoiM, orrwiod ttioro ttia 93.6 mWonUklah Job and ^^ «lon. 20. ^M^^Chvgod adlh harboring Malhawa. In »m)^ mptnlnp counttrloK monoy cuatody h Alabama. n OMon. FkNtMnd of 8u- tamoHamMon. oon^^ Shoron Morki. RolOMOd Ironi n^^j 33. moot roconvy or 1^" WMdbay Mand. JaR m Eugana on Fab. 16. 1995. ha th«r» on 0»a 7. 1984. ITZL Thomas Alan MarRnaz. ^hfytf wWh hafbgrinp Item- IJ2I 29^Phladaiphia. ar- Mfi, flrMnnt vtolilkN'ii^ snd rMlod thora Juno 20, f500.000 SmM* Job. aim wW IMM^iorood wHh potaing to chirtod in t3.6 mMon ooMCilof Ml oMi. Throo yoors UUahjob. mouttodyin probotfon. RoportocMy lurnod VfOrmom ana onwroa rooorai Wlli'koa I Pvoloclion Pfogram. BobftE.MofM.SO. WhOfoatKKiti unknown. fTKM racwitty of Whk^ a Dvy MRGt rrasipa fT^k Frank Scutari. 40. of Pod Salamo. Fla., m- I uM r tft^fi onm Doe. 7. 1984. FugWv*^ ^" •nxn oounwTMDnQ cnaroM n raatad Rtara Fab. 90. Or»9on. Chirgtd wNh firMrmt 1995. Chargad wtth baing m aoeaaaory aftor vIoUttioftt and harborino Mtth- ttia tact tor iha IRdah ha6t it Mvt. in cuMody In SMttlt. Ha ttw brotttar of Richard Scutari. ««io ia :|«A Sharon ICMortd. 47. among ttta dozan ofiargad in 1221 "toat raconHy of Whtd- twUUah Job. m cuatody on ^^ bav iaiand. arraalad 9360.000 bond In Ftorida. r 9wr* on bte^Tjim. FugMva UAh Gragory Lana Plaroa. 9S> of MiMOuia. Mont, Oraoon. Chsrgod wtth firMnra 49 ' vioiaUona and harborino Maih- brothar o( Bruoa CarroN in cuatody In OadHia. Piaroa, aDagad iaadar of Rta f. % nao-Naxi group known ai "Tha Ian Roy Slawart 20. Ordar/* maatod Fab. 22. 1996. (stapaonofMarkto) m\ Boloni N*M.« ODOut 90 fnaoa ^ moat f^aoanfly of whi^ iouth or Atouquarquo. wana. anaaMa VMfa on ChifBOd with QlvinB ft

. 7. 1994. Chargad wKh Kalfnanti to ftarai., faiaa kSantfficatton and with mrfiarboring Malhawa. In cuatody fno fact m\ ttM Brink's robbofy. «Charfaa E Oalrout 81. =Q QfLookoui CaW.. m- Known warrants outatarKl* raaiad thara Jan; 90, David Lana, 4S» flormarly of to rob main Brink's vauR m San Danwar, for oounlarfaK obarp* rrancvoo vw miui wxng «no ki PhUadalphls, also wanlsdl abatthe »i 99.6 iiAon ubah Quamoniig n oofMtacDon wim Job. In cuatody m CaMomia. Juna 19. 1984. murdar of Jaw> Ml tak-ahow hoat Alan Baig « RonaldA.nM.4B.e( H&jfw§fi^ CiMf»» Bruoa Carroa Plaroa, 30. a ttbora Jin. iMi IMS. Konlucfcy nailva who iaaar Iv Chsrootf wRh oonipMnQ to rob ai eaatocn waanngion, aialnVMc'a vauR In San Ran- chargad wRh Rta Ultiah and daoo. la euatodv fei Caflomia. Saaraa robbariaa. aa ««R aa ITTL Suzanna HamRton. 97. 9ta plannad. but not puRad oft. ^l^^'-CS*^*^ *'**'* robbary of Rw mafe\ Brink's SSI U'adauohtar) wauR in San Frandaoo. tttaraJan. 1971996.1 F»ank SRva of Loa Angaiaa. \ wRh racafving atolan proparty. chajMd wKh parHoipaRng m \ ^toflMahlootbi cuatodyVi Richard Scutari of Florida. broRtar of Frank Scutari. CZL Jaan Grata. 90. of Bolaa.' £?!fe!?'' awa whan ha was on Q 1896. OM^'tSf.ll

ins 24 C-19 (FWv. 426-83) O Kw AD A4m. tm*€ AD *m^. . Sjm ADLS5. Ami. Di*.:

Cfi*. 1-^^ .

'Dragons of Cod': A little less of the fire-breathing, please

By Jon Anderson op *'a frightening, new networt of racial extremist groups with so* phisticated mass oommunicatioo niCMf oT God,** at iiM and computer systems to better p.m. Wednesday oo reach their ternfying goals." WMA(K3i. 5. it an cx> Backing this assertioo i» an£U •D puAoo of previous re^ ipokesmao who notes an apsurge ports by tncbor/teporter Carol in street gang activity in wappon Marin oo "Whites of the Far of . Art Jones, Right*' and bristles with such identified as a represeoutive of words as "thoddng,** America First, adds that '^i^tening'* and 'terrifyiag." *is one of the hottest areas in the Luckily, the itetoric seems to out* country for movements of the weigh the current threat. Right.** Marin and co^iyroduoers Doug A problem here is putting such LoQghini and Doc Moeeley do an assertioQs in perspective. For ex* aMe job of rouipding up footage ol ample, it im right to be coooemed recent cringes linked to right-wing about the racist mouthings of Gary Ww^Hia^ng hate tzkovements, i^ Kellas, leader of a Chicago gang. murder of Denver talk show boat But the alarm is muted since Kd- Alan Berg They also visit an Ar las is in prison, the resuh of a drug Kansas boot camp nm by a deal that wetit awry. paramilitary fuasi-Ckristian or Keeping a news media spotlight nization called f» the Covenant, 00 hate pxxjps iM an effective way Sword azKl Arm of te Lord and, in 10 keep Oeir venomous activxties another sequence, show a peraou iD check. That's the vahie of pn>> in a Ku Rux Ran hat worldng a grams wch as this one. Tliey may video display terminal. err a bit toward drama, bin as Fnm that, they argue ^^, tf^t Marin notes: *To be Ibrewaiued is bigots and zealou now are aetting 10 be forearmed/'

ne TvaBranoBn nost . The WashinQten r«iW9 DiSy News (Nm VortO The New Yort Tvnes . The Wtf Skeet JotfTHH „ The Chicaoo Trfttf>e Sst^ ?jf>\n The Los Anoslet r«iies The Christisn Scisncs MoNtor USA Today


% Pegs mJL ^OOJ — .

, —J^— twmi Uk o tts (' o

&i«. i»».

ert. c««. A

T»WpA*M •>• -

ACROSS THE USA 1^ U6A TOOArt MCnONAL e NEW JERSEY MEWARK — Eadlealt bee March 4 trtat: An todksnent i^instSusao Un RoKnbert aTud Timothy K Bhink, 27, vm oot be «tani9Bed, ttys t flKSenl Judr Ite ieU-pro* ckimed ndkab tece ctertes of poaaeslDS ve&poQS, cq>ky iivs and Ueotlficitkm cvtSs fron afcoda Mich M tbeFH.

Tht WMhinolon Pott .

CMy Nm» (Nm Yor^ ThtNMYortTImM . Thi VM SkvatJounK TI«CNoig»Tftam -

USAToCtoy •^s


rv|^ PMtt - mm >a«a; .

V^ V.^ tM AP Lift Ami. »!'•:

Cf*». !•»«.

Witness Against Neo*Nazis Hangs Himsetf in Idaho Jail

lOlSE, Idafao. Fib. S (AP) — A for- of the Aryn H^tiam, a ao-Naa-Nazi group,grooD« haacedaaand aunaanliUaatf nId a teU odi SatiDAy . one day afiar ladfy* & bcTon a craad Jury la a caw iDVotv- w the tmv. au&orttM mM. Enfeoe T. Kterfc, S, vte was «i- pactid 10 1ttf)' to cthrr rrtrntnal raaa «pdoft maoten oT te vUta aa- kawtbyatonbadibtaiitaoftly after wb« IMtad Stataa Maxihal

Mr. Skinner said Mr. tifiad Id Seattle befdre a grand lory Id a ease iDvotvios the Aryan Natknt. On Ihe trip back« Mr. Ktnerk ^

He aaid Mr. Ktoct left a aa^

Mr. KInert was Id ooRody la I tta with tht Nov. U labhery of te Pa- dfic Baaeh branch eT Crayi r4S Be wai arrw^idHgf. anBar tPci|>

a traffic vloiatkai, boc managafl tDaa> Be was raamand Ite. U in dtt oft

TYte WHNn0toa 1 llwVMHNnotan' DrtyNMWlNMVorti) DMNMYafklkM* ^Am

ThaChiMto USATo^

IB r^^v- IB ^ ) I

.. -J \ Alrtel 11/28/84

rirector, FBI

SAC, Houston

^A^YANJiATIOKS, J^ UMSUB4sJ - .VICTIMS^. P CIVIL RicSrrs matter 00: HOUSTON \ "Re Bureau telcal to 'on 11/21/84. ^•7c per referenced telcal Houston Is requested to respond to DOJ letter. Note DOJ Attorney Harmon Is the attorney assigned to all of th^ Aryan Nation cases.

Enc. {2)iLi A


Federal Dureciuo^Tnvestigation Uashington, D.C, 20535 Dear /

Per our discussion of toaays claLOr I am enclosing the Houston Post article regarding the arrest of suspects involved in various^ airborne bank heists.

Could you please atteupt to ascertain whether any of the arrestees have any connection to either the KKK, the Aryan hations, ^^ HBHfef Thanks. m Sincerely, l»ia. Bradford Reynolds Assistant Attorney General Civil RiyJits Division

By: iiark B. Uariaon Attorney Crliamal Section

IV i-

'feo 4 Houstonians linked to airborne bank heists

mfiPiSEWKIRK mB police officers used s helicopter nst B«p«rter to rob a Lees^lUe. La , bank near Fort Polk The airborne assault Tbrrt during btnk robbrrles tn aetted about tlC3.0CX) TlrxAS. LouisUru and Nevada in m which beavUy armed men used On Sept. 7, two oten flying a amall aircraft in airborne acsaulu are plane landed at Overton. Kev., Dear Las Vegas, robbed the deftnltely related, a federal oTfi- clal aald Tburaday. bank ol tU4.680. then fled in the plane. The latest arrest warrant iaaued Id the lavestifatJon brinp to at FBI agenU were able to get a break laast four the number of Houston is the case through pre- aoiptioo left area men linked to the robberies. drugs at the acene. An FBI spokesman aald James Two other Houston ares men Klchard UtUe. «, U beinc aoufht have been arrested is the Nevada Id connection with a July V rot>- bank robbery, and a third is being i^^ bery at a bank in Valley Vieu. aought on warrants Charles Ray ear Dallas, by Bve men with Holden. JB. aurreodered to police automatic weapons and Dying a Is Hemphill Oct. 10 after being helicopter. Tbe men escaped with named in an indictment tn Las Ve- as undisclosed amount of cash. el. ftusseU Earl Ausston. 3S, of FBI special agent Bill Janaen in nroe w^as arrested in Las Vegas BEST COPY AV/ULABI Las Vegas said evidence indicates and was arraigned Oct. S. Ball was that the three robberltf *'are all art at tSOO.OOO ffir.^ coonecied.** lb addition to Utile, a warrant %\ On Feb U. five men armed with has been issued for Marvin Rod- automatic weapons and disguised fers. tt. of Houston. -- / I'l/ j

>:;V:Ci*fiJIF]a£f^f:tB.- Memorandum c /i?% i;b-/i-Wt,W

1 Subject Unsubs; Members of^Aryan Nation, M^ / Vf SEP 1 5 1383 FEDERAL GOVZPJaffiHj /

_^v?- KIGIJTO ;^ From ^ Dirootor " ' ^-^'C /^>f ^. Bradford Reynolds c^ / Federal Bureau of Investigation Assistant Attorney General M Civil Rights Division

These allegations indicate possible violations of 18 U.S.C. 241 and 42 U.S.C, 3631. Accordingly, please conduct the followina limited investigation: 1. Interview the alleged victim. .» 2. Interview any identified subjects. / 3. Obtain copies of any pertinent official reports./ f\/ ^7 4. Identify and interview any eyewitnesses whose account/I I of the incidents are not made available in official reports"—"^

*"'*^*^ SEP *- ^ ;

>•*''. Troiile k-^.

^i-^-^-. :;§:•-. ,r-r i^.^.-*^ WO woeks «90; Frank Sf^fcwic.^.^ an avowed neo-Nazi convtoted of * brutaf 1962 murders oT two blacks^

a white maintenance man he i enly identified as "a Jewish profe^ SOT/' stood calmly m a CtoyelafidV courtroom as he was sentwoed t^ In the electric chair, •^ven tteughf court ma^ pronour^m^9>^ ^} sand times, the hlfher court pi or"

great Aryan warrior god prpnour ^ me kmocent;*JBplsak exctakned.^ hereby set }he example for ourigyiL Aryan Nation. Many more win wnSfJf "^ ter me." He then threw up his armf- ^1 «»rif*>nwW\^Rorft1 Nazi salute. "Hen, Hitler: 1"^ L%1 Spisak's neighbors In Cleveland^^^ County by itf^rjSSwT* near East Side had long disnrUssa^O^^ ^ arMjtIsalrooAtotat M mlrkori0es:Of^tt)«GO,OO(^ as a fiarmless oddball who livedo !^^- biJi i»^ ttw ooimty'a 1 In a shabby, one-room apartment 4|^J celebrated American holidays t^/^i"''^ irtAM«<}ril^ 17are black '"^ furiing a swastika banner from I dow and blaring Hitler'sT4urer rfMwnpmc ^>eeches Into the street betow. :flbAit«e^n^^ ^rd inonths In 1982« fiowever^ tfi^ r ^M^ed nvacMnlst was a seffn srs arc #9saB3ln who. armed yrith a ^t ^&f1^»rijt| ^ di^ p&foH concealed tnatde a h(rfloii _ ^.^oime^c^ooQMiKwvv

!i i>i»bl09rapl\yot AdoRMtler.ci racist "search and tfestro/'f :^ ^ ^ Jsforitt on the atreeia of Cleyelan

^ has teUMshad r: - illoiSlLto^ttw rested last $apterrdt>er'kfteriM»iL ^ w^ cofT^ained he was firirtg his pMcS] ^aydenLM^in ;^-:^l4b|^arB4iaar9fldt^ from Ns wlnd6w;jS^)isa;^feadlt)(^^ a^reJB*A«pl»akla .**a»t*Bn8l5^^*^^ r^j^ ^14aMl^{^iW>e|1^^ 4^essed to the nnuriW spnM.'Hf ^ I lu»B^i«MtofX9|Ar«^ leatmed that »^ otgect was U^V marylblacksandJiriindolpM ^ fMld^ caught Pfl^>H>i^^

ai%'»«t $plsak jirasjp™

^^ |Mia6^ll^c«rj ' iM^rotf In the remoter Idahoi.'niecarwvlaji^ ^t paramtRtaiy groM^ ^-^Troublc


. ^ . . «*


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'S?.t^>l^i n^ i^^Qrmrica. Otie attdht6« ims^^^^^

magnum ofKuni^^

' fcrtaiTOriatlicSvByVi^^l^ dbc^d^ ^ ^iM^a^ ^t

arrest Kahl for violatirvg probatldri income tax case. Kahl, a member the racist paramilitary group Po^li#| Comitatus, was kllied in a sh iKftih Arkansas poUce fn June anrf fs viewed as a martyr by Aryan members, wtiose feeders seem to cUtttvate a triQger-bappy Image;

. nn^e have arms,** says Butler WBjfl- •^^^*mr%d we are ready to use them.' V^eanwhile, the Idaho neo^Qid^ fti^e resorted to psychological M^ faiv to drive out Kootenai County^ tew mlnortty residents. High on " itet haabeen Connie Fort. «. tt>e

r ofAiir^e c^dren by her ivvo ex* rmuaiiAllW lawack snejnDvi lalCqmir d'Alme» atchm.^f20i vLos Angeles IfijieTS^i^ |d^ backcounlqf seiliiQji^^'^ iiavealor her fam1%^pr1(bciij^ "^^ tre^Httned atreel imd&M^ '

'' 0oafiie rOn wlwilMuns n^ was iimeet nei tfowfi'by a etiTiJ ^aaa aemaena Irtsdteiayitf^v^ ,

_-^'3S3i-i fe^ ?-?^-^

l^^Wi»l*»B or o*ttii«^ of ttn„ te^

-,^^Jp^^>f^rtg?« head <

•Thel ^®S«t^ »P«»tty nervous,"?® ^^. ... Atd nrfind a tettwl, ^^VWMl^ox or (hat theyli fcw Awl yoo 1*^ f»« what ni do jf t^^ay I TJwoninjr*oy'»haa«r/ - ^ ^gosSgb^gvQg the htefiaat JaKgjthGilB^^ •ho*St

x^^^uw - ,vaHa»iifiii,jF^_ tnSanQuentlnpiT ,^ „^ w»tch#^^ie _ u'tofrgTaelTin »t me »o I iithn^ ,^Tjj^^ f>[f i*flh«««ro-riddonltt«oboy.-.r#r thatldaftoiraff^f rj^.. 3F^'j>ii:v:?--t:^S^3^ raw looo bat «t nightj'adiitojpi^: "UudjJJl^^e. wsc^vered in . rtftfon le Idaho Sf L.A,^artment (i l'«ti)niy^ CoufJ^ProiKwah;^ tooonfieeaitoli^ 5S» ^•''^*"8wh^l»wiii«jpe«k|»ia ttorrtfleamo.- 'tildh»faatati».'4? VUtteivbyJCabp;

5B TT^"^^'*""'**^'^''*****^* ;>i:»3 ml



•^;'fMo.j».^f..v.-'^-^r!2?^ J^



r:>^.j ^-:~t • #

6-122 (Rev. 12-15-82)

TRANSMIT VIA: >.>i / CLASSIFICATION: DATE: r'»pf'»-^Vv->T' 7-^^ 19 33

FROW: Director, FBI TO: SAC, Butte '^C / tiLliliLRS OiT^^HY/iK KATIOH, 67C sr-i>

Fwe Bureau telcal to Butte on 9/2 3/83 Enclosed are two copies of a self-explanatory Departmental letter dated 9/15/83 •

Complete the requested Investigation in accordance with the provisions of Section 177 , 2'* Manual of Investigative Operations and Guidelines, and surep within workdays of the receipt of this communication.

Advise B all persons interviewed §3 appropriate officials at the outset that this investigation is t>eing conducted at the specific request of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Remarks: Butte ehould Consider CNSU3S •ARMED AKD DftilGEROOS* and /extrei^e caution should be nBmCL during any ccmtact i#ith tbea* Do not cofidiict investigation requested in lead number 2 of attached request* l^ntac local authorities and obtain results o£ local investigation * ^ilamit FD-610 within


supplemental submission . revision

(include alpha)

(P • pending. P* - pending inactive, C • closed. RUC • referred upon completion)



e: Bureau Airtel to Butte, 9/23/83.

5. H Title changed, show previous Title:

€. TYPE OF CASE: (check one)



7. AGENCY TYPE: (check one)

A- D City-County Jail F. D Sheriff's Office B. [^ Rederal Agency G.D State Police Hwy Patrol O. D- Police Department H. D Other

D. u Prison/Penitentiary I. B Not pertinent E. D Private Security

3. NAME: IP AGENCY . (20) STATE: (use 2-char. abbrev.)

(omit if "Not pertinent" checked above):


(check rt appttcable) A. O LHM enclosed C. D Report enck)sed E. O No further action being taken B, D LHM being submitted D. IS Report being submitted F. G FD-376 (enclosure to LHM)

10. Further action: A.X) investigation instituted B. D investigation continuing C. C investigation completed

. Copy of above submitted to: (check as many as applicable) A. D USA ___ B. O Secret Service C. D BATF

D (15) (other - specify) ^ /??^(on<] - ^^ 'i Bureau t^^^W^j ^—^S^ - '*" 2 Butte ——^_ mmmmim»,m^^ OCT n bo3 \ ^ tnc^ £nck>sures ^ IV U V .. . . 8 .


File 177A-21

Victim .

Male Female

Male , Female

Male , Female

Male , Female J7C.

, Male . Female

Male . Female

* If "Other** please specify: .(16)

Male , Feraale 13. VICTIMS (number): A.. . Amor. Indian

. Female B. . Asian Male

.Male . Female a. . Black

. Female 0. . Hispanic .Male

E.. .White .Male . Female Other .Male .Female

If "Other" please specify: .(15)

14, Other descriptive data re victims: . not applicable

. handicapped tf applicable (number): A, . under 1

. institutionalized 6. . over 62 D.

1 5. Matter type (use best description, check more than one if applicable):

(i.e., shooting; beating) D brutality type. (15) O nonlwutality Q death of victim slashed wrist) D suicide method (15) (i.e., hanging, D known extremist group type (15)(i.e..Klan. Nazi. JDL) Klan, Nazi. JDL) D suspected ext. group type (15)(l.e.. G. D cross burning H. D migrant victim (15) (i.e.. arson, shooting) I. D violence to property type /(i.e. peonage, enticement, servitude, other slavery) J. D iSS matter type K, CKother explain . (26) 9/28/83 ' 1 6. Synopsis of Complaint - Date of Initial complaint.

On 9/28/83, Butte Division in receipt of communication from FBI Head- quarters dated 9/23/83 in which they enclosed a communication from William Bradford Reynolds, Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division, dated 9/15/83 requesting certain investigation as a result of an article that appeared in the 8/29/83 issue of the "People" magazine. This article inferred that Victim and his son may have been intimidated on account of their religion in the exercise of their housing rights, a possible violation of Title 18, USC, Section 241 and Title 42, USC, Section 3631.


• (if positive explain in body of report/LHM) 1 7. Indices: (check one) D negative K positive


% .

.««, AIRTEL'' ui=i£CtpR. FBI V, DATE: JlO/20/83


;idi submission . sirpplementat submission . revision

No: 177A-21 (include alpha)

./S,3,U.^,P i^O, P* • pending inactive. C • closed. RUC • relerred upon completion) ~ . Titie: DNSgg^^ (^ Meiribe " s o _ Ary^an Nation^ f ^7C DISCRIMINATION IN HOUSING

BT FD-610 to Bureau, 10/4/83.



E. D CRA64.E , E. D CRA64-PF H. D DIH K. D tSS C.t CfiA64.PA F. D CREL \: D ECOA L. D PRIV. ACT - CRIM.

AGENCY TYPE: (Check one)

AvC City-County Jail F. D Sheriff's Office B, b Federal Apency -G/D State Police - Hwy Patrol C, D Police Department H. D Other

D^ G Prison/Penitentiary I. D Not pertinent E. Tj Private Securtty

AGENCYAGEr NAME: . (20) STATE: (use 2*char. abbrev.)

jbmit it "Not pertinen!" checked above):


(check H applicabte) A. D LHM enclosed C. E Report enclosed E. D No lurther action being taken B. D LHM being submitled D. D Report being submitted F. D FD-376 (enclosure to IHM)

Further action: A. D mvestipation instituted B. G investigation continuing C.XX investigation completed rr/ ^ ^11^ Copy ot above submitted to: Icheck as many as applicable) K 6 USA Boise> Idaho 6. D Secret Service C. D BATF D 05) (other • apecify)

Bureau tM^^. ^icT a r' f


12. SUBJECTS (numbw): A Amw. Indto Female B Asian Female C Btack Female D Htspsnk; Female

E^ White , Female F. X Other .Mate Female

If "Other pleaae»peclfy:„Sfi1 1 TTnknnvn(15)

13. VICTIMS (number): A. Amer. Indian . Female

B. . Female

C. Btack .Mate . Femaie 0. Hispanic .M^ .Female E., iWhttft .Male .Female F.. Other .Female

tt ''Other piease apecHy: .05)

1 4, Other descriptive data re victims: . rwt applicable

tf applicable (numt>er): A.. .ur>def 16 . handicappcKf B.. 62 D.. Instmitionalized

1 5. Matt^ type (use best description, check more than one If applicable):

A. D brutality type (15) (i.e,. shooting; beating) 8. O nonbrulaDty C. D death of victim

E. D known extremist group type (15)(i.e..Klan. Nazi.«tDU - F. D suspected ext group type (15)(i.e.. Klan. Nazi.JDD G. O cro9S burning H. G migrant victim

I. D violence to property type (15) (l.e.. arson, shooting} (i.e.. J. O tSS matter type . peonage, enticement servitude, other slavery) K.O other explain. (25)

*16. 5yr>opsis of Complsint' Date of initia) complaint.

*17. Indces: (check one) D negative D positive (H positive explain in body of reporVU^)


* uA o«««nHMm prHH»»i Offio»T tsa>-e>ft-«M


-2- :



iged" .^ -.^^—-_^-- TitlT^ a^^Unsubs^lemDers ot Aryan Nation, Co.epg::iKAJ.g«€ , Idaho; llllllllimilllllllimilim^ Discrimination in^^^using, 00: Butte" REFERENCE

Bureau i airtel to Butte, dated 9/23/83. - C - ADMINISTRATIVE:

Where appropriate, Privacy Act^^'t^V (3) data was furnished to persons interviewed. Express promises of confi- dentiality, both limited and unlimited, have been noted where granted. J ACCOMPLISHMENTS CLAIMED K3NOHE ACQUIT- CASE HAS been: CONVIC. SrvVRs'lON '"UC-I FINES RECOVERIES TALS


- A - COVER PAGE ^ FD-204 (Rev. 3-3-59)


B Copy »0: Report of; A7CHice: BUTTE Date: 10/20/83

Fitid Offict File ii BT #177A-21 Bureau File #:

Title: UNKNOWN SUBJECTS; Members of Aryan Nation^ Coeur d'Alene, Idaho? ^7C DISCRIMINATION IN HOUSING

i-^i^B , T" *'-^" investigated _ --*-asion and synopsized in this report are being provided for additional background information to aetermine the prosecutive merits of this case.

> P _


Investigation in this case was instituted upon a request from the Department of Justice indicating that an article in "People" magazine set fortt^aliegat- if^no n f possible discrimination in l^ousin^^||||||||mHHHp||B|| jn- vestigation was instituted and is se^fortl^e^^^^

Thi« document containi neither rccomnnendattons nor condution* of thr FBI. It it the property of the FBI nod U loaned to your agency; it «nd it* content*

t^ are not to be di*tr)buted out tide your agency. >*-

U.S.GP0:197»-0-»75-641 ^•7C

following investigation was conducted by SA

At Coeur d'Alene^ Idaho

On October 4, 1983/ ^ Kootenai County Sheriff's Office^ Records Section^ advisee that a review of the files for suits fi in Kootenai any discrimination ^ County

On October 6, 1983 JHHUfBHIHP Records Section, Coeur d*Alene City Police Department, advised that a review of her records for any discrimination complaints f iled in Coeur d*Alene revealed


£1 Page(8) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion.

Deleted under exemption(s) C? ^ ^ *' ^^^ ^^ segregable ^ J material available for release to you. /

LIj Infonnation pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request.

Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that ' agency(ies) for review and direct response to you.

Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as

* to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency(ies).

Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s):

n For your information: ^ The following number is to be used for referencefregarding these pages:



)<\ FBl/DOJ BT #177A-21 /7C

The following Butte files were reviewed and a synopsis of information in these files is provided herewith. This synopsis xs provided in an effort to provide additional background infoir- ^^^'"^".P''^^,^''^''^ ^"•t^e Aryan Nations Church, me Butte files are captioned as listed below: i>% Butte File 9A-1192, captioned ^, . . "Church of Jesus Christ Christian, aka Aryan Nations, Extortion".

- Referenced case pertains to individuals receiving printed literaj:ure throughout the United States. This printed literature TT^-f^ J "" °^ ^^^® literature directed to" races other than the White Aryans. Copies of the literature being circulated Aryan by the Nations Church at this time were forwarded to the tor Bureau dissemination to the Department of Justice. This hate literature was shown to Department of Justice, Civil Division. Rights On February 24, 1981, the Bureau came back to the Division and Butte indicated that they had discussed this matter with the Department of Justice and it was the opinion of the Justice Department of that this was not a violation of the Federal Extortion ?««^^^°'' ''^^ rendered by the Department onX« ^^K®^* '^^i^ of Justice February 18, 1981 They also stated that the circulation hate of the literature by the Aryan Nations Church did not constitute or deserve further investigation by the FBI. They recommended ^^^ additional communications !r ^^,-^ were received pertainino Nations Church, that they : -. immediately with^?^.h Jk^""??? be discGssed the Attorney General's Office in the State of Idaho.

This file also contains an All Office Memo which was disseminated throughout the United States setting forth background the of the Aryan Nations Church. Information in this *^^^ ^'^ October w^^'-mf^^o®*^, 18, 1980, an article was published by The Spokesman Review", a newspaper published in Washington, Spokane pertaining to the Church of Jesus Christ Christian The article was written by Christopher Bogan and indicated that Richard Girnt Butler, a white male, was born February and.arrived 23 1918 in Hayden Lake, Idaho, in 1973, from Lancaster, California. Butler is currently the reverend of the Jesus Christ Church of Christian. The church is located on 20 acres in Hayden Lake, which Butler originally purchased as the church site. Currently, the church has an educational set up for school the education of children, a print-shop, and Butler's residence, all located within the 20 acre parcel.

B°9an indicated that the Aryan Nations is considered to^ bew theV. action arm of the church. Most of the printed material % IIJ^ -iL. UiXHtMi.1Slt.t^

BT #177A-21 ^O being sent throughout the United States advocating the beliefs of the church, comes out of the Aryan Nations group. The article states that the men, while attending services, wear uniforms which strongly resemble those of Nazi Germany. The men even stand in a salute during prayer, which resembles that of the old Nazi regime. The church' ±>elAeves that they are the chosen children of Israel, the pure-blooded descendants of a white Aryan master r^e. The church railages a membership locally of approximately 300 and a mailing list of approximately 8,000. 4-750 (Rev. 4-17-85) XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET

^ Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion.

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Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request

Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only.

Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you,

Pages contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency(ies).

Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s):

For your infomiation:

[^ The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages- 7^

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \ DELETED PAGE(S) K YYYYYY % ^^ DUPLICATION FEE \



\ (

/• Alrtel 4/26/84



i 4le Kurctu t«lcals to ASAC Butte dated 4/20/53,


Add CriM /-?

Ins p.



Alrtel to SAC. Butte R£:

- 2 -

n^ 4-750 (Rev. 4-17-85) ^jj^ (ft xxxxxx % 3 xxxxxx xxxxxx FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET

jss^3 Page(6) withheld entirely at this location in the file. — One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion,

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For your information:

^& The following number is to be used for reference'msB^^j^Mm.o,rerarding these


Ka rsi/DOJ 6^ Dtte Notice of File Closing DEC29 1983 a CIVIL RIGHTS MATTER TEDET^AL. GOVEP^.gNT

To Director /t//>^Win- Bradfdrd ReynoldsReyn Federal Bureau of Investigation .^Assistant Attorney General Civil Rights Division

Reference Is made to your ineinoranduni dated //MS^S3

forwarding a memoranduiri from your r/ji/nS^

field office captioned as ton the attached closing form. This

matter hfeis been closed as of the date on the attached form.

/77 (/>/'/ "^


' ^^ «7C- VCH) ^^0 2 9 1983 Date: NOTICE TO CLOSE FILE DecQg-uber 29', 1&83 Fi le Number:

175-22-7 Tri/.IJ.


Remarks/Special Information:

Insufficient evidence; victim* doct; not wish to pursue.


Files Unit Division

SIGNATURE: DIVISION: Hcvard L. Feinstein Civil Rights Division DOJ FORM OBD-25 12-31-74


^L.-^^ initial submission — . X supplemental submission revision

• 2. File No: l22Ar21_ (include alpha) .

3. Status: _C_ . (P pending. P* • - pending inactive. C closed, RUC ^ referred upon completion)

• 4. Title: JJNSUBS ; Members of'"•^ryan Wy -h-ion j Coeur , d'Alen< I

DISCRIMINATION IN HOUSIlifs''^' fr^^ 00: Butte C&f

Re: Bureau Airtel to Butte dated 4/26/84.

5. H Trtle changed, show previous Title:

6. TYPE OF CASE: (check one)


7. AGENCY TYPE: (check one)

A. D City-County Jail F. D Sheriff's Office B. D Federal Agency G/D State Police - Hwy Patrol C. CD Police Department H. D Other b. Prison/Penitentiary D I. D Not pertinent E. C Private Security

8. AGENCY NAME:, . (20) STATE: .(use 2-char. abbrev.) (omit if "Not pertinent" checked above):


(check if appticabte) A. D LHM enctosed C. Report D enctosed D No further action being taken B. D LHM being submitted D. Report being D submitted G FD-376 (enclosure to LHM) .n c!?"^°^*®2^"'-^^^*^ P^^ instructions of SS 10. Further action: A- G investigation instituted B. D investigation continuing C. K investigation completed - 1 67C I Copy of above submitted ^111 . to: (check as many as applicable) .I'Lti B. O Secret Service C. D BATF

D . .(15Uo]^her. specity)

-^ 2- - Bureau (Encs 1 - Butte -a

. r. \-» '- ICRD, I CRU ATTK: 070 {&\(/^J DATE; ^-Jl-7-4S-/v^ INZIl (ATTACHMENT A) F'SI/OOJ .

r ) P.O. Btef nr I77fl-?i

12. SUBJECTS (number): A. - Amer. Indian B. .Asian .Male C. .Black .Male D. .Hispanic .Male E. .White .Male F.. .Other .Male

If -Other" please specify: .05)

13. VJCTIMS (number): A.. . Amer. Indian .Female B.. .Male .Female C Black .Male 0.. .Hlspanto .Male E.- .White .Male .Female F.. .Other .Female

If "Other please specify: _ (16)

14. Other descriptive data re victims: . not appficable

If appficable (number): A. .under 16 htfidicapped 8. . over 62 a. institutionalized

1 5. Matter type (use best description, check more than one If applicable)

A. D brutality type. . (16) (l.e.. shooting; B. D nonbrutaftty beating) C. D death of vtotim D. DsuteWe method. (16) (l.e.. hanging, slashed wrist) E. D known extremist group type . (16)(l.e.. Man. Nazi. JDL) F. D suspected ext. gfoup type (I.e.. . (16) Wan. Nazi. Q. D cross burning JOL) H. D migrant vk^tim I. D vtolence to property type (16) (i.e.. arson, shooting) J. D ISS nwtter type . (I.e.. peonage, enticement, servitude, other K.D other explain. slavery) — (26)

•17. Indies: (check one) negative D D positive (if positive explain in body of reporVLHM) fUmartcWAdmlnlstritlve

OaMinmciM Prfntlnf Offl«»: 1M9—Sft-«S4

\tb 4-750 (Rev. 4-17-85) • ^^ xxxxxx fc xxxxxx xxxxxx


Page(B) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion.

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im Documents originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that

' -agency(ies) for review and direct response to you.

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< to the releasabiUty of this information following our consultation with the other agency(ies).

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following number is to be used for reference regarding ^ The these pages: »


FBI/OOJ X'^ STO ??.7

DO x^ri nj T)M LD MP H-t^i.;;; Hito 63 J:^ b'cBEiU • ...s. W

9. ?AC6?ZZ MOV ?3

^ Srl^TTLE (.Z^l'?'>'^) (P)


5UTTF routine:

dE»\J?'° PO'JTIwf




1'"SIBS, A!

AFO; 00 J; 00; BUTTE.




5L Page(8) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. —

IS Deleted under exemption(s) j[p / ^f C? '-J^ ^jy, ^^ segregable material available for release to you. '

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