FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/PRIVACY ACTS SECTION COVER SHEET SUBJECT: ARYAN NATIONS FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/PRIVACY ACTS SECTION COVER SHEET ADDITIONAL SUBJECTS: ROBERT JAY MATHEWS, THE ORDER. THE SIT FNT BROTHERHOOD. BRTIDERS SrHWFT(;:iV NEO-NAZrS & THE WHITE AMEPTr AlV BASTION Crl^l*-. Uk T.bfU.* ••• - NATEO^LINE Hood » » i>/^pTi A vn fw>-- Thg FBI searched the Mount awSndL^w'J^ded^^ motel manager was TPX Asent in a motel shootout The maiu bebev^ S^by a S^JAlSm bullet ftred at the SJTfoHner member of an Idaho ^j« WP^«^ 5unA. the Aryan Nations Officials rtJ^^JD^yJ^ umdcntified gi^^ S^ originaUy wt looking for the Tha Washinoton Pwt . Tha Wasrynolon Tknas Oa% Nawt (Naw VortO The Naw York Tfenaa . Tha Writ SiraalJoumtf Tha CNngo TrfbiM . Tha Loa Anostas Tknaa Tba Chrtstiin Soaoca Monikv USATo^ fff' /^'^<-^ - „ BEST copy AVAILABLE '''^' Haa vZ iwoQj J .. — ).19{»Wv 4-26-e3) o Ci>.ta>. SuMpeetFMl Hunted BelievedDead in Skge COUPEVnXE, WMh., Dk.J <AF) . A body baUvvvd to b9 that or A a»: «f I for ifaootinft WOt HazIL wtniidWilli u rm3 Bunau of lavnnnfln ftuDd[ todaytoi b tb» ctiftmo or an ItUndbouM. Puge SouDd. wm» th» obfaci o' » »- e^. lt»Sd Abas • PJI. lAtiir^y «hn Qatm t&toDdod to tOumiMtA te •o«ke wt tbt faouM Aflri. Alte WUtAter. tbt barvAo'i ipodAl AteBt-b>^kArit for WAAhfa^[tao oimtA, oT Aid fat boUvvvd tfai cBly occupASt tbt bcwe vAt Robert T. MAtfavvs. 11. or iit»*l**** FaUb. Tbt buroAU lAAd taU Itamty ooiUd 00^ be ccBfLrmod by ab the Autopty . wbich wOl bt ooBductad by Ktal County ModlCAl EmnlMr't of* flOA. i Mr. MAtbrwv bAd bote w*«itoOA wbiD fat AACApAd tnn About SO I Nov. K buroAu Aftca turnwdtai A FartlAOd, flAOtAl. Ota.. ^ . Arthur Eaoa«I, a PodtrAl Aftm. was votfkdAdlB tte k&MiDttet tBddKt Be WAS AUKBA Anots who bad 9000 to te DotdtD Amet Mr. MAthawi; fOQouBAtA, Oanr Laa YArbrtaigh, who WAS AOOMd of ibOOdnf At thr«A AftBtS Oct OA pokeamAB lor tta bUTAAu n wodid ooDduct AB to«olry IM Jofafi Ue MAtbtwt, AlAO ot MoCAlte FADS, Hid bis brotfatr bAd ban ftD> fQhFAd tD tilt NAtiCDAl AHIa&oa, A white •u^vDAdsi fr«9. ADd ocbv nch or* The WeAhington ^oat The Wethington Ttonat Datty Newt (New Yorti) The New York Timat The WiS Seeei Jowrwl The Chicaoo Trtofw . The Lot An peltt T>mae The Chhetien Scianca Momor UaATod^ 0- /?>/g>>^K —* kM AO tl» . Links ofAnti-SemiticBandProvoke C»t*. Am* 6-StateParley FadenI y WAYNE KING armi iBvaMtgaton mftd. kal^plaat of a asm is feaavily araiad n«trt-wtot ---—--^ BOUSTXM. Die ^ Ite ra^iy the cyvarlaps ven also reportad tff " » ; froup*t aa naae loon members of a kmvOy loladlltMaa^ aadi groiBs m the AatMMamatkB tfCi-Semitic group ttet hM **«•* tfOBt, affhwuli diere vas oo Uacue oTB'Mi I'rtth. vtoch feaa war*' CB tiK Untad Sum ip* ttODorafOrptaato ' aoBiiored and taOtad to todomm to mbtpartolalvvcr radtt al- TBtFaoeraiaceotsaiaDseuadnciRntFaderalaci fBcagrou|ttaudiasmeiuiiuu&vn.ichgiwpasucfeMtheKBlQiaKtoB. * " tetetfai aacwortaacvort iiis toactooae todUtoiU mcts.iDdiidti«QDeaetaili0ga*-pQiDt, tortorttna qpe deufliat > nnthe gtramiftotramist '* ijattiu tor pmng kao itatm at an aattawldeaatkxiwlde lato Kope. tar cuwu i rratad ^Amn wan^or^lJT murdarti« Jaws, to SBaS pockets to the WMft Waal. UKte, Padaral totem mTFMX te Wmt aad the Sooth. AlttaoiMh the iinrm;tisatan my It to kwrttficB Cnct dadarad ^ttad more by idadogy aDd thaolGcy «*the ZOO** *a^ the tea by orgeotoattoD ar btorarchy. "Jaw-ooDtnUad madto/* aad warned af 'Maity grefights** bacwa« tear mi- bya toroamott offictols aad tha *1toavily- Ml armad White American Kcvolntiaoary Kb Army/* tovalvad to a auD battle to Waal^ Aryan Nattoos ; to an — ftasa arith OMnban oT the ,Mr learn is aa vtoch calls hadf^he SUem Ibe SOam Bracherhood, which bas Aryan Ma Itokstoat least and myste^ aim is terror* a doseo other groups ofg^aixatiflnaS Hke It around tte obuntry, a vtolCBt taka^vcr d the Gov- todudfa^ to the Anti- slrmynfi of the Ku Kha Ktea and the Laague and other sourom. is the AxTan Ibis ctotfi bore raaamblaDom to ODe American Haxis. subacrfbm to a 8tt> {ta3bmgraaptoIdahD.IttohBadedby aaoBChs ^o, to Artamas. lodi pramadst doctrine myii« that the Botlar, a »yaar^ J$ Iticterd Girm ' —•—' GovenuDcnt bas baeo taken over by —tsofaractotaovalthatbas BO-Nazi who is also bead of an an JifWB. who tt mys are dmcfnrlams t the b(b)e or an aatihSoitic d :s eaOad the Ctoirch of . Satan and most be exterminated to a . The WaridngtoB shootout Mstian« wldch atoo I racial and religious ArmageddoD. tod Faderal anonieys tram Alabama, „. at the Aryan Nattom oom- OaliteBla, Gotarado, Idaho. Onfon Although the Faderal Burmu of In- latBaydeaUke. wwflgit fau said alter the gun battle to _^ aad Waihjiigi ii t m maet to Seattle Mr. Butler said that bis graop bad a VaatongKon two weeks ago with the Si- mailii^ list of COM ] tom >i q<hftiiiuud ttet the oiynimticp toCittemaflr ^ toatj racist affiance calUi^ itself te f^S ( on FederiJ oflkiala* Qiderad all reUgiousi I off the island and baltad rtarstoBL Alp traffic to the aovd. Wtet toOowad wasa xiprtoeef the 5*JP™P'« ««liatii are ..^52! daah with Mr. KabI to the bills of Ar- Bamban of the Kb IQbk Klan. the raadeacapad wtto GJ milliQB, 1 American Nazi Party aitf aoncndical kamm It mootte batore. ^^'aoad to raim monrv tor a war a as^vur to dto doctrtoe of ftaae _ Altor siege, wito sporadic the UoitadStatoB 6o»anmwML the ofQoors tram ! ••»».- arSai } was aim tovidvad to rnim Aryan Kation ftotctjoos, Gordbn Kabl ih to ratoe mouy aad to «m kIDed to May Ifgl toTteteto Trie WbshinQton rraaqr. aooorfiqg to 71mm -^——^^ kpj Aitaaaas after a cache of emtaaivm and DsSy News (New Yorti) ^_«^^-^ ammuoftiOB was i^atted to a gmt- flTotoi *? flgto wttb Fedeni ageetts, bm not ba> The New Yorii Tlmm ft " Ave he dhoc Iwithssj anMcU&da sStflL n» The WsS Sbaet Jowto ^ Aryan Natfcms hm deeUi?jiii^ bgr baSisttos ^amms as the TYw CNcego TnbiAe Z rganiatittions the X>mvfr radto afBliatad wlto TheLosAngsiMrei _. talk stew boat theradst amaaoe whowas riddlad by a burst 6um an au- The Chrieton Science Monitof "—Mtic weapon b M e stepped tram his USATodsy ' '*"' to the drfwway of r ' ^*'^''* '""'• 1—UJ i^l.f.?^!?!? """^* knar the media. - toS^ytog i2.-n.m Mr Kahl, e tan proteamr with a itfe. of anti-Semitic and aoti^dack ac- ftmmine sought to the stay. rtdenl marvels to North '^ 9. -WOOu M - ^tie«C:p«.llani«mdrandtoT IM (Mb of Aorta ty «WM n- nawaaBta>-4<» «to«rt^« iaieegatcni»ligbttiMmM.lfaTl|- fnoMdm «to tana pmnUluy Mr.Yaitanmk«ati ttt MBtkOTBli HMdttthowr Mil ii p i l Md Bwcwd wttiiw Afyn itotfoM. tt Mr. «9. " Ike bta» ontd Ite iwtt i( &• tta ff < Vr iImIwi i __^ te. «hB Mr. TaftaroH^ «m r*' Cutf ptat tan iOem to 0vt^ >pl» by awTSBfai ladf by pb- vkm hi tad «md • «n ftr»<!^ flr». i brioH^ Md It mill i! ttt idteifp »««. iiiaii W b^ _wd <It iter* aad ttaft. to pcIhb. be *^' - -^. -n-.*^ • . riiBB -Til iiiiit ilTftiM nrw-T - btfitnacnBUMtiatcbuBilB^ Am« Cammed by UJ. ^ Itat MiaoD was arrvtad, ahhanib »pwaiot.«bicb<eacb>»ttatt>eUK Miattty af Ifce. acawd Md fc T«banHir>elaiaacniaayMw ifl -Hi'^rigii^ t^Ttwfil itiniMft iba taad eC tte Ann SStoMta^^ te SSr». 5e?S3eralaBtt«W«.*bltecBBaf». iicbaid Bodar. earftadateadaittiatfttertfleaBdn -B^J^^II^^^^,,^^,,,,^. g?^^ ^ „g,M ,^ Mh tta J^ oftheBlaaatotheduitoaotfilaial. Hiaiij oovaaaoi aod «bar.r«^ ss^s3i»jc -jasr^r^sssas'.. ssrsssis Padml oftteftw»aiuiimi»- T^ifn irtrl rrttnrrti ' ad tfaOK MBtortDf ttat or te mctel ttr- Aflvihe 4Mah7Mr "**"**' ^**^| ft 1 of HIT and are Midog otten. U^bA, Mr. Aider Md .«0 In inw WbMbcr j AttcSttew avir to ca«o4y to » wt oanfenooe at wUch ka »ld te vwr-QldGaiyLaaYaitamgbarSaad wm **pnDd of Matban; ka waa a »• Km. Mafao. who 'wa wgortfBy ian>,- ^ ^^^^ craflad talo tba Afyaa NatioDa OD Mr. Laat VadDeaday, ia faia a^ata^ Matte«i*sfacoiDiDeDdattotel»iorl MattDtepnaaaMardnattittftvaof amatad In ttenbbertaa and iDchidtM Mr. Matbivi. Mr, Ora.B« YaxtoraqsH aad 1 *nter asandad oBOa. U. IMtyMahP.;\r atf _^ ^ te ~^ ' ft tka vanWp awlot cf tka CoBfch of J ', a aaa a^iitt at te mgm^Bm^am Mr. Ta apfMoLa^ taana^ aBF3J.MM,An iZlZy^Si •^^''^^Siw tt —Wart, B> Pat Pmandrt "W^*^"/ •'mmtapaoaX a , ..^. ""'""- Iwr^* ^*^^"^Ml ml 0raaBi at as _^M_ Jt-LJt77L jLu ilii rt I iiifc III laid II ^rid M HasdHi Lifea. *^^v^^ M^ ta and r^^ . _. tta 009 aaity MM toM Mas . „ t^ Anaa Katton la aikiiii ^ ^^M il^liaadadly nibUd a ^J^Ytoto^ ">^^^^?^^^^^«^^^ graoada, in caih tfct hand- >adn^b6ada Ccairinifaal Ttaui|m ar> MP,Ma aad |tpmla«*'«a«mhavaawttaM] aoradearof MOO.MOia'Saattltaada vrtttandadaratianof *>ar^i|^8db9r ^w^^Ii ^f *>M|iy***t«Htfti Brimii BrWB tnck af SLC vmoB In ^ge Mwdftrtg| tbanadm aa i>t *" UMalu li^,,7n ^ ii malmfnT lB&_wtbari»afarBaoiadcar»y«a " «•,** ^gf . , bm ttt aavriMar aan. •^c cantadoaihiaM(aaIUtary«yteby Mr.YatbaeqagbwwchamidaBMv- imb te«a ta ttl ttabSMT^' araid(rai*a.arivioirpmB«siBthe <nloaHaii.toelBdiasafwdMaakaB— AmrtM^Z""""^f-««-i« Wdab ea«. and la batb CMae tba aFiid«al^— ~ ^ y/l ^Neo-Nazis' Inspire White Supremacists Tied to Navel mve of (>ime.'Rrrorim •n^ book «ht« . -«-»« V^^'^^S^^- the Na- toon Beo-Nax».neo-Nazi*. Inw theu« book, -Aoan Nrtiors"««*»-•' in »««-j--v- jnr «f?-^^'^ae,^^ -Mym ' aeveral proinmeBt Je*«. ,1^ -,irt»ite MAvncM 1 AKg Mmho—A anall » Bwrte ^^ mth «***" are fcoBy attack teael a«l Weit«i»J&«;j* iL^SiSriummber^^ SeSa of the in h» fajd Bible a.
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