DOI: 10.1590/1413-81232018247.23442017 2637

Indigenous homicide in : geospatial mapping tem a s l i v r es f ee themes and secondary data analysis (2010 to 2014)

Homicídios indígenas no Brasil: mapeamento e análise de dados secundários (2010 a 2014)

Clóvis Wanzinack ( 1 Marcos Claudio Signorelli ( 2 Silvia Shimakura ( 3 Pedro Paulo Gomes Pereira ( 4 Mauricio Polidoro ( 5 Lilian Blanck de Oliveira ( 6 Clóvis Reis ( 6

Abstract This study aimed to describe a panora- Resumo Objetivou-se descrever um panorama ma of Indigenous homicide in Brazil, analysing dos homicídios indígenas no Brasil, analisando the main characteristics and territorial distribu- suas características e distribuição territorial entre tion between 2010 and 2014. Demographic study 2010 e 2014. Estudo demográfico com dados da of Indigenous population data obtained from the população indígena (Instituto Brasileiro de Geo- Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics grafia e Estatística) e homicídios indígenas (Mi- and Indigenous homicide data (2010-2014) from nistério da Saúde). Os dados foram analisados ​​ the Ministry of Health. Data were analysed using utilizando estatística descritiva, estabelecendo ca- descriptive statistics, victims’ characteristics, type racterísticas das vítimas, tipos de homicídio e dis- of homicides and geographical distribution, which tribuição geográfica, que foram então plotados em were then plotted on maps using ArcGIS. Find- mapas usando ArcGIS. Os resultados revelaram: 1 Curso de Administração ings revealed: 1) a national estimated average of 1) uma média nacional de homicídios indígenas Pública, Universidade Federal do Paraná. R. Indigenous homicide rate of 22.5 per 100,000 In- de 22,5 por 100.000 habitantes indígenas por ano; Jaguariaíva 512/06, digenous inhabitants per year; 2) a map showing 2) um mapa de ocorrência dos homicídios e as ta- Balneário Caiobá. 83260- where homicides were registered and the mean xas médias para regiões e estados brasileiros, com 000 Matinhos PR Brasil. [email protected] homicide rates for Brazilian regions and states, as maiores taxas em Roraima e Mato Grosso do 2 Câmara de Saúde Coletiva, with highest rates in Roraima and Mato Grosso Sul; 3) o principal método de homicídio foi obje- Universidade Federal do do Sul; 3) the main homicide method were sharp to cortante ou penetrante; 4) a taxa de homicídio Paraná. Matinhos PR Brasil. or penetrating objects; 4) Indigenous male homi- de homens indígenas foi 2,4 vezes mais alta que 3 Setor de Ciências Exatas, cide rate was 2.4 times higher than female, but de mulheres, mas a taxa relativa às indígenas foi Universidade Federal do Indigenous female rate was more than double mais que o dobro das não indígenas; 5) elevadas Paraná. Curitiba PR Brasil. 4 Escola Paulista de that of non-Indigenous; 5) high homicide rates of taxas de homicídios de crianças indígenas (meno- Medicina, Universidade Indigenous children (under 1-year-old) in areas res de 1 ano) em áreas dos estados de Roraima e Federal de São Paulo. São of the states of Roraima and Amazonas. We ad- Amazonas. Recomenda-se cuidadosa ​​considera- Paulo SP Brasil. 5 Instituto Federal de vise careful consideration of Indigenous cultural ção dos aspectos culturais indígenas para evitar Educação, Ciência e beliefs to avoid errors of judgement, reflecting how julgamentos, argumentando-se sobre como essa Tecnologia do Rio Grande Indigenous populations are at risk of homicide in população enfrenta risco de homicídios em algu- do Sul. Porto Alegre RS Brasil. some areas. mas áreas. 6 Centro de Ciências da Key words Indigenous population, Homicide, Palavras-chave População indígena, Homicídio, Educação, Universidade Health of Indigenous peoples, Brazil, violence Saúde de povos indígenas, Brasil, Violência Regional de Blumenau. Blumenau SC Brasil. 2638

Introduction many limitations related to SIM data, particular- Wanzinack C et al. Wanzinack ly related to Indigenous people, as some groups WHO estimated that there were 475,000 deaths live in isolated areas, it is still the most recognized in 2012 as result of homicide worldwide. Sixty national database for mortality records. percent of these were males aged 15-44 years, Considering this challenging scenario, a making homicide the third leading cause of country with vast territorial area and many In- death for males in this age group. Brazil reported digenous nations, this study aimed to describe a 47,136 homicides in 2012, representing almost panorama of Indigenous homicides in Brazil, as 10% of all homicides on the planet1. an indicator of the many forms of violence faced The highest estimated rates of homicide in by this population group and bringing visibili- the world are in the Americas, with an annual ty to this issue. Our objective was to provide a rate of 28.5 deaths per 100,000 people. The prob- snapshot of this problem, revealing the extent of lem is more severe particularly in Latin America, reported Indigenous homicides between 2010 with countries like Honduras, El Salvador, Co- and 2014, its territorial distribution around the lombia, Guatemala, Trinidad & Tobago and Mex- country, as well as victim characteristics and the ico, together with Brazil, being the most violent types of homicides, comparing these data with for homicides in the world. The 2012 Brazilian non-Indigenous population. homicide rate for the general population was 24.3 per 100,000 inhabitants1. Most of these Latin American countries have a traditional American Methodology Indigenous population in common, with a wide diversity of Indigenous nations, cultural back- We conducted a demographic study, using offi- grounds and languages. However national homi- cial National Indigenous homicide data for the cide data specific to these population groups in period between 2010 and 2014. We collected data each of these countries are scarce. from two Brazilian open databases: 1) Brazilian Indigenous genocide is extensively report- Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto ed among histories of colonization around the Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE)8; and world2 and in Brazil3. All the colonization pro- 2) Mortality Information System (SIM) from cesses were characterized by dispossession and DATASUS9. Mortality data were collected ac- exploitation of traditional populations and this cording to place of occurrence and 2014 was the issue is still ongoing in many places in Brazil, as last year with consolidated data about homicide denounced in recent local studies4. It leads Indig- when data were collected. enous populations to many social disadvantages, Data from IBGE consisted of the Indigenous suffering violence of many kinds. However few population identified in the 2010 population studies currently focus on homicides among In- census (self-declaration as Indigenous in the cat- digenous people5. In Brazil, few recent publica- egory ‘colour or race’), conducted in all 5565 Bra- tions6 make this problem visible, but no national zilian municipalities, as well as the estimates of study has been conducted to reveal its extent, spa- population for the years between 2011 and 2014. tial distribution and main victim characteristics. This study did not include data about those who Homicides are the most outrageous act of live in Indigenous territories but self-declared as violence, as they deprive the victims of their life other ‘colours or races’ for IBGE. It is also im- and is an indicator of society’s inability to de- portant to mention that the IBGE estimates of velop and maintain non-lethal mechanisms for Indigenous population do not show an yearly conflict resolution7. Homicide is just the “tip of increase between 2010-2014, but rather the es- the (violence) iceberg”, but it is one of the most timates show two drops, one between 2010 and rigorous measures of violence in Brazil, consider- 2011, and another between 2011 and 2012. Based ing it is mandatory to report all cases. The cases on these data, we calculated the mean popula- are reported to the Mortality Information System tion for the period (2010-2014) for Indigenous (Sistema de Informação de Mortalidade - SIM). (per state, Brazilian region and Brazil) and for These data are recorded and available for free ac- non-Indigenous (Brazil) population. IBGE of- cess through the Health Informatics Department ficial criteria to consider as Indigenous is based of the Brazilian Public Health System (Departa- on self-identification. It is worth to mention that mento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde data about Indigenous population can be con- - DATASUS), a broad database platform from the troversial, depending on the consulted database, Brazilian Ministry of Health. Despite there being even in official databases, such as IBGE. 2639 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 24(7):2637-2648, 2019

Data on Indigenous and non-Indigenous data, analysing mapped information and man- mortality (2010-2014) were obtained from SIM/ aging geographic information in databases. The DATASUS, considering as homicides all deaths cartographic bases used in this study were pro- included on the Tenth International Classification vided by the National Spatial Data Infrastructure of Diseases (ICD-10) as arising from “assault” (INDE), responsible for gathering metadata pro- (X85 to Y09) and “legal intervention” (Y35 to duced by the direct and indirect public admin- Y36), as adopted in other studies7. These included istration of the federal government. All carto- assaults using firearms (X93-X95), assaults with graphic databases had their projections adjusted edged weapons (X99) and other acts of violence to SIRGAS2000. In the GeoCatalog environment resulting in death inflicted by another person, by of the ArcGIS software, a database was created any means. It also included legal interventions that gathered the tabular information of Indig- (Y35), for example, trauma inflicted by the police enous homicides containing a column of type or other representatives of the law, military, and “double” compatible with the column of connec- those which happen during arrest or imprison- tion in cartographic of Brazilian municipalities. ment, or attempts to do so, and other legal actions. After the bases were established, the digital pro- Data were also collected from all 5565 Brazilian cessing of the information was carried out. The municipalities. All data collection was between cartographic representation of maps is based on August and September/2016 and reviewed on proportional circles since these better represent February/2017, looking for any update of data. the quantitative phenomena and they are one of Not every Brazilian municipality has an In- the most used methods in the construction of digenous population. From all 5565 Brazilian maps with point implantation10. municipalities, 4027 have an Indigenous pop- Finally, a selection was established with the ulation8. Between 2010 and 2014, from these 20 municipalities with the highest number of 4027 municipalities, only 272 reported Indige- Indigenous homicides (absolute numbers) re- nous homicides, which corresponds to 6.75% ported for given period. Absolute numbers were of municipalities with Indigenous population. It eligible for this analysis instead of rates, because suggests that the problem may be currently un- some municipalities with very small number of der-reported and geographically circumscribed. Indigenous population reported Indigenous ho- This should be borne in mind when interpreting micides, what could lead to an inconsistent data our results. analysis. Data from these 20 municipalities were Data on Indigenous and non-Indigenous analysed according to sex and age group. These population and homicide were tabulated in Mic- data combined with the map revealed a cartog- rosoft Excel and analysed using descriptive statis- raphy of the most dangerous municipalities for tics methods. Initially, we calculated the annual Indigenous people in Brazil. mean of homicides for Indigenous and non-In- This study is based on analyses of secondary digenous population (2010-2014) per 100,000 data from public access databases, so was exempt inhabitants. Results included reported data on from approval by an Ethics committee. homicides and the Brazilian Indigenous popula- tion and were compared to those on the non-In- digenous Brazilian population, considering vic- Results tims’ characteristics and types of homicides. For the second analysis, we focused on the 272 mu- The average Indigenous homicide rate between nicipalities that registered Indigenous homicides 2010 and 2014 in Brazil was 22.5 homicides per between 2010 and 2014. We calculated the mean 100,000 Indigenous inhabitants per year (Table homicide rate for 100,000 Indigenous inhabi- 1). This appears to be lower than the homicide tants per year for municipalities, states, Brazilian rates of non-Indigenous population in Brazil for regions and for the country, expressing the annu- the same period (which is 28.3 per 100,000 in- al average for this five-year period. We also ana- habitants per year). However, Table 1 summariz- lysed the geographical distribution of homicides es some notable characteristics of all the Brazil- (by Brazilian regions, states and municipalities) ian Indigenous homicides, compared with all the and by victims’ characteristics. Brazilian non-Indigenous homicides, between Absolute numbers of Indigenous homicides 2010 and 2014. Therefore, this table includes data were plotted on a map, using the program Arc- from homicides reported during this five-year GIS, a Geographic Information System (GIS) period, including means and rates expressing an- used for creating maps, compiling geographic nual average. 2640

Table 1. Characteristics of all reported Indigenous and non-Indigenous homicides in Brazil between 2010 and Wanzinack C et al. Wanzinack 2014. Indigenous Non-Indigenous Mean Brazilian Population (IBGE, 2010-2014) 743,593 197,841,967 Total Homicides between 2010 and 2014 838 279,900 Mean homicide rate 2010-2014 (per 100,000 inhabitants per year) 22.5 28.3 Mean female homicide rate 2010-2014 (per 100,000 females per year) 9.3 3.8 Sex of Victims (%) Male 77.7 91.6 Female 21.2 8.3 Ignored 1.1 0.1 Age of victims (%) < 1 year old 18.2 0.1 1 to 14 years old 3.7 1.6 15 to 19 years old 11.4 16.2 20 to 29 years old 23.3 37.4 30 to 59 years old 35.3 38.9 > 60 years old 5.4 3.8 Ignored 2.6 2.0 Marital status of victims Single 43.4 70.5 (%) Married 12.3 11.0 Widowed 1.3 1.0 Divorced 0.6 2.5 Other 8.6 4.0 Ignored 33.8 11.0 Years of school of victims None 14.7 3.4 (%) 1-3 years 13.2 17.3 4-7 years 20.6 33.4 8-11 years 7.7 16.1 >12 years 1.2 2.2 Ignored 42.5 27.6 Types of homicide (%) Firearms 28.8 70.2 Sharp or penetrating object 31.0 15.6 Blunt object 6.7 5.3 Hanging, strangulation and suffocation 4.2 1.4 Use of body force 3.5 1.1 Other maltreatment syndromes 1.8 0.3 Other specified means 1.4 0.3 Drowning and submersion 0.8 0.1 Neglect and abandonment 0.6 0.0 Non-specified means 19.9 3.4 Source: IBGE8 and SIM/DATASUS9, compiled by the authors.

Table 1 highlights some significant aspects Data on marital status and years of schooling of about Indigenous homicides in Brazil. Indige- Indigenous victims were commonly missing. The nous women reported a higher rate of homicide proportion of missing data is much greater than than non-Indigenous women. The female rate in the non-Indigenous population, demonstrat- was 9.3/100,000 for Indigenous and 3.8/100,000 ing gaps in collecting these data. Nevertheless, it for non-Indigenous women. It estimates that In- seems that Indigenous victims have fewer years of digenous female homicide rate was more than study when compared to the rest of the Brazilian the double compared to non-Indigenous. population. The Indigenous group also seems to Table 1 also provides evidence of high levels of have a smaller percentage of single victims com- homicide of Indigenous children under one year pared to non-Indigenous, suggesting different old compared to the non-Indigenous children. patterns of homicides. We observed another dif- 2641 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 24(7):2637-2648, 2019

ference in the causes of homicides; while non-In- tween 2010 and 2014 are plotted on Figure 1. It digenous population are more often victims of shows the distribution of Indigenous homicides gunfire, Indigenous people face more deaths by among Brazilian municipalities, particular- sharp or penetrating objects, with gun fire in a ly bringing into evidence the states of Roraima slightly smaller proportion. Lack of data about (RR) in North and (MS) in the cause of Indigenous homicides also limits our Midwest. The map suggests that 20 municipali- analysis, since almost 1 in 5 Indigenous homi- ties reported more than half of all the estimated cides does not specify the means in the Brazilian Indigenous homicides of the country between official database. This is much higher compared 2010 and 2014. These were: Alto Alegre/RR, Am- to data obtained from non-Indigenous popula- ajari/RR, Amambaí/MS, Barcelos/AM, Boa Vista/ tion, which is around 3%. RR, Caarapó/MS, Caracaí/RR, Coronel Sapucaia/ When plotted onto a map, Indigenous homi- MS, Dourados/MS, Eirunepé/AM, Iracema/RR, cides appear with high incidence in two specif- Mucajaí/RR, Paranhos/MS, Santa Isabel do Rio ic Brazilian regions: North and Midwest. North Negro/AM, São Gabriel da Cachoeira/AM, São has the largest Indigenous population in the João das Missões/MG, Tabatinga/AM, Tacuru/ country, but Midwest is not the second largest, MS, Porto Seguro/BA and Salvador/BA. Detailed which is Northeast. Maps detailing the number data about the Indigenous homicides in these of Indigenous reported homicide incidence be- municipalities will be discussed ahead.

Figure 1. Map of reported Indigenous homicides in Brazil (2010-2014) Source: SIM/DATASUS9, compiled by the authors. (RN=Rio Grande do Norte) 2642

Table 2 summarizes the reported Indigenous regions, has the lowest homicide rate (11.5 per Wanzinack C et al. Wanzinack homicide rates (annual average between 2010 100,000 per year). and 2014) per region and state. Midwest presents Reported Indigenous homicides per year in the most concerning scenario with a reported In- absolute numbers per Brazilian region are also digenous homicide rate of 67.8 per 100,000 In- available in Table 2. The results suggest that the digenous inhabitants per year. This is higher than North of the country faced an increase of 543% non-Indigenous Brazilian rates (national aver- of Indigenous homicides between 2010 and 2013, age) for the period, which was 28.3 per 100,000 with a small drop of 28% in 2014, compared to inhabitants per year, indicating that Indigenous 2013. Even considering this small drop, as a re- from this region face more homicides than the sult North reported an increase of approximately non-Indigenous Brazilian population. The North 4 times between 2010 and 2014. South of Brazil of Brazil, with the highest Indigenous population also reported an increase of Indigenous homi- concentration of the country, also has a high ho- cides of approximately 2.5 times between 2010 micide rate (30.0 per 100,000 Indigenous inhabi- and 2014. Despite other Brazilian regions facing tants per year). Northeast, with the second largest a relatively constant pattern of Indigenous homi- Indigenous population among the five Brazilian cide incidence for the same period, these data re-

Table 2. Indigenous homicides rates per Brazilian region and state (annual average, between 2010 and 2014) Mean Mean Mean Mean Indigenous homicides/year Indigenous indigenous homicide indigenous homicide homicides Region population rate State population rate (2010- 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 (2010- (2010- (2010- (2010- 2014) 2014) 014) 2014) 2014) Midwest 49 48 40 41 44 65,499 67.8 DF 0 8,426 0.0 GO 12 10,507 22.8 MS 198 31,259 126.7 MT 12 15,108 15.9 Southeast 10 9 23 6 12 143,992 8.3 MG 28 53,222 10.5 RJ 13 17,379 15.0 ES 4 10,232 7.8 SP 15 63,159 4.7 South 7 12 11 7 18 68,389 16.1 SC 9 13,208 13.6 RS 22 35,598 12.4 PR 24 19,783 24.3 Northeast 25 26 25 22 23 210,538 11.5 AL 7 8,702 16.1 BA 36 60,876 11.8 CE 6 15,267 7.9 PE 22 51,857 8.5 PB 6 30,230 4.0 MA 36 33,254 21.6 PI 1 2,989 6.7 RN 3 2,919 20.5 SE 4 4,644 17.2 North 21 43 101 124 91 254,975 30.0 AM 135 130,536 20.7 AC 5 24,584 4.1 AP 2 3,482 11.5 RR 182 26,527 137.2 TO 6 4,826 24.9 RO 13 5,403 48.1 PA 37 59,616 12.4 Brazil 112 138 200 200 188 743,593 22.5 838 Source: IBGE8 and SIM/DATASUS9, compiled by the authors. 2643 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 24(7):2637-2648, 2019

veal the extension and escalation of the problem digenous males and females, followed by adults across different areas of the country. between 20 and 29 years old also for both sexes. When we focus at the state level, the high- The first aspect to be considered for the anal- est reported rates were respectively: Roraima ysis of these results is that there is a huge diver- (137.2 homicides per 100,000 Indigenous per sity of Indigenous people in Brazil. According to year), Mato Grosso do Sul (126.7 per 100,000/ data from the census from the Brazilian Institute year) and Rondônia (48.1 per 100,000/year). The for Geography and Statistics8, there are around lowest reported rates were in the Federal District, 305 ethnic groups within the country, speaking where no Indigenous homicides were registered, 274 different languages and 57.5% of them live followed by Paraíba (4.0 per 100,000/year) and in officially demarcated Indigenous lands. This is Acre (4.1 per 100,000/year). Three states (Mato a challenging issue for this study, because based Grosso do Sul, Roraima and Amazonas) concen- on these specificities, we highlight that although trated 61% of Indigenous homicides, while they this article reports Indigenous homicide data comprise only 25% of the Indigenous population grouped in a set, we do not consider Brazilian of the country. Indigenous people as a homogeneous group. Ad- Male homicides were 2.4 times more fre- ditionally, despite comparing data on homicide quent than female homicides amongst Indige- with the non-Indigenous population, we do not nous people. Most of the 272 municipalities that aim to extrapolate issues from Western culture to reported Indigenous homicides registered more Indigenous communities, which are much more men´s homicides than women’s. However, 10 cit- complex. Our goal with this demographic study ies demonstrated a 1:1 proportion between male is to bring visibility to this problem so that it can and female homicides, while 23 cities reported raise questions for further future studies. more women´s homicides rather than men’s. In The overall reported Indigenous homicide these cities, the rate of female versus male homi- rate was lower than that of non-Indigenous peo- cides was registered at a ratio of 1:0, 2:1 or max- ple, but some aspects need to be considered. A imum 2:0. critical issue raised by this study is the underre- After establishing the maps with the highest porting, as many data from the Indigenous popu- reported areas for Indigenous homicide, we ana- lation were missing in this official database. Con- lysed detailed data of the 20 municipalities with sidering this underreporting during the report of the highest homicide numbers among the group Indigenous homicides, it is similarly possible that of municipalities. Table 3 summarizes the main many Indigenous homicides could be document- characteristics of Indigenous victims from these ed as non-Indigenous homicides. This represents 20 cities with highest Indigenous homicide num- a potential under-estimation of the scale of this bers in Brazil. issue. The indigeneity is also a complex issue, The results also suggest high levels of reported because not all Indigenous people self-identify homicide of Indigenous children (under 1-year- as part of this ethnic group in the census. This old) in areas of the states of Roraima and Am- also could be evidenced in the Brazilian census, azonas. This was particularly notable in places comparing the escalating number of Indigenous such as (respectively): Caracaí/RR (62 child ho- population between 1990, 2000 and 2010. The micides), Alto Alegre/RR (31), Barcelos/AM (30), number of Indigenous people significantly in- Amajari/RR (7), Santa Isabel do Rio Negro/AM creased, but not due to an increase in Indigenous (5), Mucajaí/RR (4) and Iracema/RR (4). birth rates, but due to an increase in Indigenous identification. This raises other questions for future studies: why does Indigenous data about Discussion homicide contain this high percentage of miss- ing information? Does this reflect a general lack This study found that the highest rates of Indig- of attention to this population group, which has enous homicide are in the Midwest and North been historically decimated and that this is ex- Brazil, particularly in the states of Roraima and pressed even in ignoring their indigeneity in their Mato Grosso do Sul, and that Indigenous male death registration? homicide rates were up to 2.4 times higher than The data about homicide against Indigenous female homicide rates. However, Indigenous fe- women are challenging, because it is almost twice male homicide rate was more than the double of non-Indigenous. Brazil is already the fifth compared to non-Indigenous. The victims were highest rate of female homicide in the world11. It mainly adults aged 30 to 59 years old for both In- means Brazilian Indigenous women are probably 2644 Wanzinack C et al. Wanzinack 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 7,4 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 11,1 Ignored 0,0 0,0 0,0 9,1 9,1 8,3 0,0 6,2 0,0 7,4 6,9 6,1 4,2 1,6 7,6 > 60 14,3 14,3 12,5 11,1 13,3 9,1 3,0 1,6 71,4 42,9 71,4 37,5 37,5 11,1 22,2 45,4 58,3 23,1 33,3 50,0 52,6 37,0 41,4 14,6 41,8 30 to 59 30 to 0,0 9,1 7,7 0,0 0,0 28,6 42,9 37,5 25,0 11,1 11,1 18,2 16,7 26,7 18,7 10,5 25,9 31,0 12,5 19,0 20 to 29 20 to 0,0 0,0 9,1 0,0 2,1 0,0 14,3 12,5 12,5 11,1 11,1 18,2 16,7 15,4 13,3 18,7 21,0 14,8 10,3 22,8 % Age ofAge victims% old) (years 15 to 19 15 to 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 6,7 6,2 0,0 0,0 2,1 0,0 8,7 12,5 12,5 23,1 10,5 10,3 1 to 14 1 to 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 9,1 0,0 6,7 0,0 5,3 7,4 0,0 0,0 < 1 55,6 44,4 63,6 30,8 90,9 64,6 96,9 9,1 14,3 42,9 14,3 25,0 50,0 22,2 11,1 27,3 25,0 38,5 20,0 25,0 21,1 11,1 31,0 48,5 29,2 43,8 24,1 emale F omicide* ale 85,7 57,1 85,7 75,0 50,0 77,8 88,9 90,9 72,7 75,0 61,5 80,0 75,0 78,9 88,9 69,0 51,5 70,8 51,6 75,9 % H M 17,6 18,5 31,8 30,0 61,8 16,7 43,9 66,0 20,2 73,2 13,1 63,2 80,3 78,9 335,8 190,1 166,0 127,2 231,3 omicide 2612,2 H Rate (100,000) Rate 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 11 11 12 13 15 16 19 27 29 33 48 64 79 omicides H (2010-2014) 536 490 otal 7936 7563 4404 5329 2588 5014 1157 3637 1566 4370 8550 7225 8367 7544 6830 T 10749 14855 29017 282 552 738 260 3829 4085 2162 2565 1261 5237 2417 1773 7195 2211 4469 3625 3913 3629 3418 emale 14341 F (2010) ale 254 605 828 230 Indgenous population Indgenous 4107 3478 2242 2764 1327 5512 2597 1864 7660 2159 4081 3600 4454 3915 3412 M 14676 tate S MG BA MS BA MS AM RR RR AM MS RR AM MS AM RR MS AM RR RR MS , compiled by the authors. For this table, we adopted only population data from the IBGE census of 2010, since the IBGE does not provide estimation of population for municipalities. estimation of not provide the IBGE does municipalities. for since population of the IBGE census 2010, data from population only adopted we this table, For the authors. by compiled , 9 unicipality M op 20 municipalities op and SIM/DATASUS 8 T São João das Missões São João Salvador Paranhos Porto Seguro Porto Coronel Sapucaia Coronel Santa Isabel do Rio Negro Rio do Santa Isabel Mucajaí Amajari Eirunepé Tacuru Iracema Tabatinga Caarapó São Gabriel da Cachoeira Boa Vista Barcelos Alto Alegre Alto Caracaraí Dourados . Selection of 3 . able with 20 municipalities highest of 2010 and 2014. between number homicides Indigenous reported Order 20º 19º 18º 17º 16º 15º 14º 13º 12º 11º 10º 9º 8º 7º 6º 5º 4º 3º 2º 1º T Source: IBGE Source: * Caracaraí/RR reported ignored data related to sex. to * Caracaraí/RR data related ignored reported 2645 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 24(7):2637-2648, 2019

amongst the most vulnerable groups of women complex correlation between suicide and homi- in the world for female homicide. When adult cide in traditional ethnological systems, that can- non-Indigenous women are killed, their partner not be transposed from Western culture20. is often who is responsible12,13. In 2013, WHO and Indigenous populations in these areas of others estimated that globally as many as 38% of Mato Grosso do Sul face problems of land dis- female homicides were committed by male part- putes, issues related to the demarcation of Indig- ners while the corresponding figure for men was enous lands. The courts find it difficult to make 6%12,13. Of the statistics on these female homi- decisions regarding land tenure due to the time cide victims, 20% were lacking data on perpetra- of their occupation by non-Indigenous, often in tor-victim relationship13. Unfortunately, the data- properties with certification of more than two base used in our study did not contain data on the generations of the same family. At the same time, perpetrator. Considering international studies vestiges of Indigenous lands in archaeological which have been documenting Intimate Partner and anthropological findings indicate that, in the Violence (IPV) among Indigenous women14,15, we same space, there were Indigenous groups living raise this question for future studies: were these there for centuries24. Brazilian Indigenous women also victims of IPV? The massacre against Indigenous people Violence against Indigenous women from in this region has been denounced for years. the American continent15,16 and worldwide17 has Landowners have threatened to kill Indigenous been documented. However, the hegemonic gen- leaders, sent gunmen to kill parents in front of der rules that non-Indigenous women face in children and young people belonging to these general society are not the same for Indigenous peoples4. The appeal of the natives can be sum- women. Brazilian Indigenous women belong marized in the following letter: to heterogeneous communities, with particular “We ask the Government and the Federal Jus- roles and traditions. From anthropological stud- tice not to decree the eviction/expulsion order, ies18 on gender issues in Indigenous populations, but to decree our collective death and to bury us gender is presented as a concept that no longer all here. We ask, once and for all, to decree our ex- fits the Western dichotomies, revealing social re- tinction/total decimation, in addition to sending lations built on “other” modes of thought and several tractors to dig a large hole to throw and conceptualizations. They may even involve fluid bury our bodies.” (Letter from the Guarani-Kaio- and mutable conformations of gender that make wá community of Pyelito Kue/Mbarakay, from up certain groups. That is, the concept of gender /MS for the Government and Justice of in Western society cannot simply be translated Brazil, 2012, p.977)4. into Indigenous people without further reflec- The letter was related to conflicts with land- tion on their own social constructions19. owners of vast farms and the neglect of Feder- Analysing the maps of Indigenous homicide, al Government for demarcation of Indigenous we highlight its potentially high incidence in the lands. Agrarian conflicts are not exclusive of this state of Mato Grosso do Sul, more specifically the region and appear in other areas of the country, south of the state, with a possible epicentre in the also victimizing Indigenous populations. In the municipality of Dourados. This area was also the state of Maranhão, in the Northeast of the coun- focus of recent studies revealing high rates of In- try, it was noticeable during the professionaliza- digenous suicides20,21. Among ‘Guarani Kaiowá’ tion of violence of the 1990s, with an organized and ‘Nhandeva’ groups from Mato Grosso do Sul market of gun shooters. Large properties land- that live in this area, between 2000 and 2007, the owners contributed to tables of escalating price mortality rate due to suicide was 118.4/100,000. bands for homicides, respectively, of small farm- This value is about six times higher than that ob- ers, trade unionists, priests, farmers and politi- served in the state, and more than 12 times the cians25. national rate22. This article does not focus on Authors26 explain that the European mod- Indigenous suicide, however the coincidence of el of sovereignty, confronted with Indigenous high rates of both homicides and suicides in the resistance, has led to the social exclusion of tra- same areas flags attention for public health and ditional Indigenous peoples. Brazilian State and public policies agendas. Since 1996, some cases society have limited Indigenous sovereignty by reported as suicide among Indigenous from this imposing a colonial legal order over many Indig- state are thought in fact to be homicides23. It is enous groups, weakening traditional leaderships also important to consider the different Indig- and denying the very existence of the colonised enous conceptions of death and dying, and the as a political body. The Guarani and Kaiowa peo- 2646

ple in Mato Grosso do Sul configure an extreme be the criteria of IBGE to determine a person as Wanzinack C et al. Wanzinack case of poverty, exploitation and human rights Indigenous, which is self-identification. For cen- violations, leading to a humanitarian crisis. Se- turies, the Indigenous population was stigma- vere land dispossession is followed by high levels tized in Brazil. So for many people to recognize of child mortality and malnutrition, alcoholism, themselves as Indigenous implies shame due to insufficient access to water or sanitation, low life prejudice imposed by colonisers over traditional expectancy, high suicide rates, and the normal- people. This produces an underestimation of In- ized assassination of Indigenous leaders by hired digenous population numbers, and consequently killers26. of homicides against them. Underestimation of While in some specific areas the dispute for Indigenous ethnicity may also be present at the land allied to social inequities can be a significant moment of death registration. In other words, cause of Indigenous homicides, in other areas, the problem highlighted in this research with of- a high number of homicide of children was ob- ficial data could be even more severe. served. This was reported particularly in some Overcoming the issue of homicide and vi- areas from the North of the country, particularly olence against Indigenous people is a complex in the states of Roraima and Amazonas. task and requires the formulation of long-term However, our study highlights the majority of policies in the areas of health, safety, education, homicides were against young Indigenous males. environment and economics, including those The high mortality rates from homicide among aimed at raising income levels and reducing in- young Indigenous males found in this study was equalities31. But first it requires that the scale and also noticed in other studies with non-Indige- detail of the problem be visible to government nous men in Brazil. Some studies27,28 relate the and to the body politic. Another issue is the res- high mortality rates among males to the higher olution of agrarian conflicts associated with lack probability of exposure to violence7. Howev- of demarcation of Indigenous lands. And beyond er, data from general population, again, cannot demarcation, these lands also need surveillance be simply transposed to Indigenous. Instead of from public security, preventing invasions by the individualistic ideology of Western society, farmers, forest extractors and miners, since pres- Indigenous societies operate with a notion of ervation of natural resources are traditionally es- relational person, inasmuch as kinship groups sential for these people. formed by bonds of substance – like blood, se- men, milk, etc. – that are responsible for consti- tuting it as a member of their own body29. Final considerations It is important to mention that the results of this study only highlight the tip of the iceberg, This study revealed the reported Brazilian In- as we previously mentioned. Besides the physical digenous homicide between 2010 and 2014 and injuries and homicides, it is also persistent other its geographical distribution. The national aver- forms of violence against traditional Indigenous age of Indigenous homicide rate appeared to be people, including the cultural damages caused smaller when compared to non-Indigenous pop- by colonization. We also highlight the blatant ulation, but was probably under-estimated. Even absence of careful recording of Indigenous ho- so, the rates raise some concerning trends even micide in official databases. This means that the now. real scale of this problem and its causes are hid- Official homicide data suggested concern in den from view. Authors have been adopting the the Midwest and North of Brazil, particularly in term Indigenous cultural genocide to describe the states of Roraima (North) and Mato Grosso this other form of contemporary violence30. All do Sul (Midwest). The pattern of homicides be- these other expressions of violence imposed by tween these two areas is not the same, even be- Western society towards traditional populations cause ethnicities and cultural aspects are different. are difficult to measure, but can be as dangerous Some of these areas coincide with areas with high as homicides, because they contribute to break reports of suicides revealed by other studies that the affective, cultural and community bonds. could be related to land conflicts and oppression This study had many limitations. One of from non-Indigenous people. Data should also be these was the limits of data from SIM and un- cautiously analysed, because some of the munici- derreporting of homicides, which tends to be palities that reported high numbers of homicide more common in remote areas of the country, also have the biggest Indigenous population, thus like some Indigenous areas. Other limitation can the importance to examine the rates. 2647 Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 24(7):2637-2648, 2019

This study also exposed differences between the double of non-Indigenous, demonstrating homicide patterns in Indigenous when com- the vulnerability of these women. pared to non-Indigenous population. The most Data of this study should be carefully anal- challenging was the generalized lack of detailed ysed, considering all the limitations, but they information regarding Indigenous homicide, reflect how high rates of Indigenous homicides like marital status, years of study of the victims were reported in some parts of Brazil, as well as and methods of homicides. The lack of informa- some groups inside the Indigenous nations that tion was not observed in the same proportion in reported more homicides. Western assumptions non-Indigenous people. This lack could reflect are not valid for traditional populations and an ongoing underestimation of such deaths, these people cannot be considered as a homo- which were historically perpetrated by coloniz- geneous group. Some of their particularities and ers. Some convergences with non-Indigenous cultural aspects should be sensibly better under- Brazilian population were observed, as male ho- stood with support of future studies that con- micide rates were higher than female. However, tribute to understanding, avoiding judgemental Indigenous female homicide rate was more than positions and perpetuation of violence.


C Wanzinack conceived the study. C Wanzinack, S Shimakura and MC Signorelli designed the methodology. CW collected, tabulated and ana- lyzed the data, assisted by S Shimakura and MC Signorelli. PPG Pereira and LB Oliveira contrib- uted with theoretical background and discussion. M Polidoro contributed with geospatial map- ping. C Reis supervised the study and revised the methodology. All authors contributed to writing, reviewed and approved the final version of the text. 2648

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